#orville asks
geeky-politics-46 · 2 months
Are you still open to Orville requests?
I am! If you have any Orville requests please send them. Especially if they have to do with our dear captain, although I will of course write for others too, my Seth McFarlane crush is going hard at the moment.
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shark-myths · 3 months
I've honestly been feeling the exact same way as you about the SMFS vid!
I feel like FOB's vids generally follow one of two threads: The most over-the-top, silliest self-roast possible, so they just have an excuse to be as ridiculous as they can (ie Uma Thurman, Irresistible, Wilson (Expensive Mistakes)), or a study in loneliness, and finding community again after you've been made to feel like you don't belong (ie Sugar We're Goin' Down, The Youngblood Chronicles, Young and Menace, What A Catch, Donnie).
SMFS manages to walk the fine line between the two pretty well, I think, and the more I think about it, the more endeared I am by it!
yes!! And I think over the last 20 years, Pete has become so used to being a spectacle, he’s started to just—put true things in plain sight under that thin gauze of silliness, knowing he’ll be dismissed and there’s no risk of being understood. the SMFS video feels like one of those thin-gauze moments.
and working with Jimmy, who came under media scrutiny for his emo look last year, amid rumors about his sexuality—receiving the pw treatment, in a way—while showing us something so soft and open, the see-through identity of the invisible man… well. this has ended me!
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skyward-floored · 6 months
I know I've asked about First before, but how does he relate to Sky, exactly?
Well, in lu we don’t totally know yet, though I do have some guesses. More on that in a minute though.
First is Sky’s predecessor, according to the manga (which is questionably canon, but isn’t everything in zelda?) at the back of the Hyrule Historia. He’s a good man, but is wrongfully imprisoned for several years before being freed, and is then chosen by Hylia to use the Master Sword to help defeat the demon armies currently trying to take over the land. Hylia rides a crimson loftwing, and it ends up choosing Link as it’s rider as well later on.
Link fights the demons, and ends up in a battle with a leader (its probably Demise, but it’s a bit unclear), and First is grievously injured. First ends up using the Master Sword to send his people up into the sky (this eventually becomes Skyloft) but is unable to join them because of how badly he’s injured, and finally succumbs to his wounds.
I’m mostly cutting out the bits with Hylia, but she does come here and says her whole plan of being a mortal so they can meet again in another life... which I have some lore issues with but you know. Questionably-canon manga. The story then goes to many years later with little sksw Link, who meets the same crimson loftwing First once rode, evident by the marks on its beak, and becomes its new rider.
So. The biggest connection between them, aside from the reincarnation thing (which I’m ignoring because Jojo said for lu, it’s not exactly reincarnation between the Links), seems to be the crimson loftwing. Who, in the manga anyways, is the exact same bird, ridden by both First and Sky.
Lu doesn’t seem to be going that exact direction though. Here’s my thoughts.
Remember the crimson loftwing? In the manga, it’s the same one between First and Sky, but in lu that isn’t the case. We see Sky cuddling with a baby Crimson in these doodles, so my guess is that the Crimson Sky has is actually a descendant of First’s.
My biggest proof for this? Well look at them next to each other.
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Notice something similar between them? Aside from the color and all that?
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The same beak markings, only fainter on Sky’s bird (which adds again to my theory of the birds being descended from each other theory).
It might just be a neat reference, but we all know how much thought Jojo puts into everything in this comic. And First, though he hasn’t been entirely confirmed to be in lu, has been hinted at more then once. (I actually have a post around somewhere that points out all the hints to him and how it’s likely he will be in lu).
But yeah, I think I got a little off track from your original question, sorry XD Hopefully this explained things!
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freelanceplatypus · 9 days
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I got to see my favorite little cowboy!
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jekyllnahyena · 1 year
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have shiny, Orville Peck-style Ghost showing off
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lord-shitbox · 1 year
[pls dont repost w.o asking!]
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my bf is gonna laugh so hard at me when he finds out this is what im up to
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wuntrum · 1 year
introduced my parents to Orville Peck (we were talking about Willy Nelson's birthday concert) and they are absolutely transfixed by him + his music. Less than 24 hours after hearing they're first song of his we bought 3 tickets to an upcoming concert. They're not very impulsive people especially about big purchases. Litterally the power this man holds, modern day siren
THATS SO REAL...literally he just has that power over people. i hope you all have a good time at the concert!! he's even better live imo 🤠
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dispotatorulzz · 11 days
Ref for one of my oldest ocs ! Have had this one for about seven years nice to finally have a ref for them
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And what's under the sheet . Mostly just for reference sake they don't really ever take off the sheet
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Can't wait to get my other ones done to ! My fav guy is a centaur so he'll definitely not be next . I'll probably get Nex done next want him in time for artfight
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ride-a-dromedary · 2 years
Isaac really said that he did the surgery so people would like him even though he didn't offer until he heard Claire was going to give up her post on the ship... Boy we see you
Isaac is not slick in the SLIGHTEST and lemme tell you exactly why.
He only perked up and inserted himself into the conversation after Kelly says "[She'd] be saying goodbye to the Orville", and Claire states "We're talking about Topa's life. I think it's a fair trade. So I won't be a Union Officer. I'll be okay."
Which is otherwise an incredibly noble thing of Claire to be saying and offering to do, first and foremost, but it interests me in how it's framed in this case for one specific reason.
In Episode 2, Isaac clearly states to Admiral Christie that "[Claire's] career as a Union medical officer is also a crucial part of her identity. She is highly empathetic and takes great satisfaction in helping others." Isaac knows Claire like the back of his hand, so to speak. He knows everything about her down to the minute detail - he is a literal bank of information (remember how he dumped it all to "get to know her" organically? That means he actually got to know her - all of his information is genuine from the source and observation rather than a file). He knows that being a Union officer is a *very important* thing to her, and that her giving that up:
 A. Is a result of her being an extremely empathetic person (sometimes beyond reason), and 
B. Would affect her self identity as an individual (and would most likely affect Ty and Marcus as well in the long run), change her standing with Fleet members (not all members would look upon her actions favourably regardless of it being the right thing to do - there is a possibility for being outcasted, and who knows what that’s like?), and thus change her and eliminate the accomplishments she is so proud of (and Isaac, whose identity was also turned on its head, very obviously does not want the same to happen to her). 
And if he can step in and prevent her inevitable upset or protect her from getting into any trouble, regardless of noble intentions, he damn well is going to do it. It's only logical.
He also says "Excuse me, Doctor" directly towards Claire. Not "Excuse me, Captain." Not, "Excuse me, Commander." as would have been appropriate, but "Excuse me, Doctor."
Claire. He did it for Claire.
We see you from outer space, Isaac.
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amurder-ofcrows · 24 days
the fact i didn’t find out orville peck released new music a few days ago until now is a goddamn shame i love that man
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sketchyelvenasss · 6 months
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Well they worked on you last time didn’t they?
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madeline-kahn · 1 year
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Orville Peck & Bria Salmena 2022 Concert Wardrobe (Instagram)
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eleanorfenyxwrites · 2 months
WIP curiosity question: I would like to know more about JC's no good very bad day!
Okay so! 'JC's no good very bad day' is a SangCheng fic that's kind of part of the Orville Peck Cinematic Universe! The next summer after the main installments, Nie Huaisang goes back to Montana, and this time he decides to bring Jiang Cheng with him to try to cheer him up even though NHS doesn't quite know what's been upsetting JC lately. (The answer is that JC is feeling left behind and abandoned by the people he loves most [including NHS] and feels very much like he's stuck in a rut running the family company on his own, so a bonding trip with NHS sounds like a nice way to spend the summer.) Of course it's not that easy and they've got some shit to figure out between them considering JC is ace and NHS very much is not and that causes some major communication bobbles, but of course they'll get there in the end 😌 Here's a snippet!
They don’t have dinner nearly as often as Huaisang would like to during the spring, but it really can’t be helped. He always puts his head down and actually works in the spring, getting new textiles and designs ready and ensuring everything in his atelier will run smoothly while he visits Montana for the summer, as he has every year since Mingjue left. Jiang Cheng is infinitely patient with him in this respect, waiting for Huaisang to have a free evening to get together and putting aside anything he might have planned for himself at the drop of a hat if Huaisang texts him.
He’s really just…so good. Their routine is dependable in a way so many things in Huaisang’s life aren’t, which makes it all the more surprising the day Jiang Cheng breaks routine and texts him a simple request: Drinks tonight?, and the address of a bar that serves nice cocktails that he knows Huaisang likes. 
Huaisang dithers over answering for long enough that a second message comes through, another curt one: If you can’t, it’s fine. 
His thumbs hover over the keyboard for another long moment, his mind crowded with a river of apologies he should definitely make; he’s meant to work late tonight on a photo shoot that’s already been pushed back once, and Jiang Cheng is always so good about forgiving him when work gets in the way of hanging out…
He hardly ever asks to see him when he knows Huaisang is so busy, so it must be important, but he’d already said it’s fine if Huaisang misses—
Ahhhh A-Cheng I can’t tonight I’m so sorry 😭😭😭 can I have a rain check???
Huaisang sends it before he can overthink it, bottom lip caught under his teeth as he watches the read receipt light up, and the typing bubble bloop up right after —
Yeah, of course. Whenever you’re free.
Huaisang exhales a sigh of relief and sends back so many heart emojis they bump down to the next line as well, and he can just picture Jiang Cheng rolling his eyes (affectionately!) as he goes back to whatever it is he was already doing. Huaisang smiles to himself and gets back to work, reassured. Jiang Cheng really is just so good; the best, actually, and it’s ridiculous that he doesn’t even believe it.
Jiang Cheng goes alone to Huaisang’s favorite bar this side of town and scrolls through his own brother’s engagement announcement on fucking Instagram of all places, and drinks until it stops stinging that the post, made at 11:37 that morning, is the first he’s heard of it.
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ghostrally · 1 year
orville-peck-lookin sexy dork
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apologize to orville peck right now
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ordinaryschmuck · 5 months
Have you seen Seth's work on The Orville?
I've only seen two seasons. And from what I've seen, the man can nail a charming leading man in live-action if he wants to.
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wuntrum · 11 months
I have a handful of orville peck songs on my regular playlist and normally when they come up its just like cool love this song but sometimes i get hit with a weird longing and heartache. his songs are wild man
literallyyyy, sometimes the yearning just comes through...
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