#orv jd
cannot-be-cyn · 1 year
when it comes to kdj, yjh really does have zero hesitation whether to kill him or follow him…
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solarkindred · 1 year
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Inspired by @pillow-boi ‘s mermaid au fishies. Brain said ‘yes, gay fish people who are extremely religious’
Kdj is a pariah to merfolk society <3 and yjh? Yjh is a prince-poacher who nearly drowned from an enemy attack above Kdj’s house.
Kdj is ‘cursed’ and was basically orphaned by his stupid human father and dead mermaid mother(rip Sookyung)
Yes I gave him clawed fins stfu, they work like seal/walrus fins
I might write something, idk but right now all I can think about is gay mermaids and poachers
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7clubs · 8 months
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when the apocalypse is over i promise i'll watch you play 2010s games on the nintendo ds
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pillow-boi · 1 year
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Today I give you another sad JD
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page551 · 1 year
the saddest thing abt webtoon not featuring yjh smirking after kdj compliments his cooking during the peaceland feast is not ship related at all tbh. it's yjh erasure. that smirk, as small as it might be, builds character. yjh, this seemingly cold psycho with anger issues finally has some time to relax a little, cooking together with lsh and his life and death companion who had the audacity to doubt his cooking skills ate his words. so ofc he smirks a little. it sent a message "bitch pls im the protagonist for a reason" but no webtoon had to not draw that. how am i supposed to defend yjh against anime dudebros now 😔😔
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susorvfan · 5 months
Joongdok Happy new year kiss.
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mhaynoot · 1 year
kdj and his sword being the unbroken faith has so much meaning and symbolism and says a lot about him
kdj is a selfish, self-loathing and exhuasted man who lived day to day in a world that has long since been ruined and even simply surviving was an arduous task. everyday, he slaved away at a corporation that was corrupted with nepotism and workplace harrassment. he was easily deemed lesser and disposible by a capitslist society who doesn't care that not everyone is equal because it wasn't profitable and that their souls are broken more and more by this money centric life. friendless, loveless and having practically no family, his only reason for living the last 13 years of his life was a free webnovel.
and yet despite all of this, kdj is so wondrously idealistic. he was, after all, a dreamer.
when the scenarios began, his world didnt change much. it was still a scummy capitalist system that only cared about lives as long as it was profitable and thereby worth something. now it was just faster in disposing of those it deemed useless or invalids. never caring for the intrinsic value a story or human life held. no, not much changed when the scenarios began. but what did change was that he found people and found a way to finally communicate with them.
kdj, the only reader of the story and knowing fully well how bad and difficult and downright awful things will be, still said he wanted to see the end of the scenarios. kdj still said, i will reach there with no sacrifices. i will reach there with all my companions.
kdj picked up his blade with the unwavering faith, and pointed it at enemies, at constellations, at the star stream, at companions and at yoo joonghyuk.
he swung his sword against them all, and it said, "i will reach the end of the scenarios with my companions."
he used his unbroken faith against yjh and as their swords clashed, his said, "i will reach the end of the scenarios with you."
because despite having little love for himself, kdj had this indomitable will and faith in his companions. an almost religious, unbelievable, and unwavering amount of faith. the blade in hands sings, "i believe in you."
unbroken faith in kaizenix arc analysis
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yayee-prsp · 1 year
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The new Taiwan orv sword and shield art…….
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lost7101 · 2 years
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I kept balding over wanting to make a draw compilation for my fanmade lovekid for joongdok and torn over a pixiv submission (”there’s only 7 pieces ): i need more for a compilation”) or a twitter moments thing (”im too lazy to scroll through my whole account”) and only now realized i can just. use tumblr. so here u go..... hope ppl over here like her gjfdhfg
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kimdokjas · 1 year
Hi, do you know any fics of joongdok that retains Dokja's sass? Preferably an au because novel angst hurts. Tyy in advance.
OH BOY DO I *pulls up my [redacted number] pages of ao3 bookmarks* this is gonna be long so i'll put it under the cut!
okay so, some of these are a bit heavier on the humor than others, but in general i feel like these fics do a great job of retaining kdj's snarky personality!
Joongdok AU Fic Recs
the pros & cons of caramel by sunwarmed
“What’s in this,” Yoo Joonghyuk demands. “Peruvian dark roast.” Yoo Joonghyuk looks as if he’s about to commit a crime, so Dokja takes pity on him and continues, “And sugar, ice, whipped cream, cookie crumbles, caramel, hazelnut syrup, chocolate, and a little bit of almond milk. Really, I put a ton of work into making this, and you’re not even thanking me.” Yoo Joonghyuk’s eye twitches — once, twice, three times — before he takes the cup and squeezes it so hard Dokja’s a little afraid the drink will fly everywhere. [or: 5 times kim dokja makes yoo joonghyuk (the wrong) coffee & one time yoo joonghyuk returns the favor.]
loving out of tune by almostprimary
After a truly tragic series of events, Kim Dokja gains a new neighbor who also happens to be the only person in the world he would, without hesitation, push in front of a moving vehicle.
you're home by ksalientian
Yoo Joonghyuk is sick. This is not, strictly speaking, a problem, except for how Joonghyuk has never been sick in all the years Dokja knows him other than when he's been actively dying, which he is probably not at the moment, but how is Dokja supposed to know that, he's never taken care of a sick person, Dokja barely even takes care of himself when he's healthy because Joonghyuk is the one doing that most of the time, and now Joonghyuk is sick— Okay, Dokja thinks, staring at the thermometer that reads 39.2°C in cheerful green, this may be a problem.
new activity by oronine
In a strange turn of events, Kim Dokja meets one pro gamer on Google Documents and begins a correspondence.
pretty strangers by HeavenlyDusk
A stranger at a party drags Yoo Joonghyuk around town. Somehow, in the span of one night, he falls in love.
Moving Out of the Closet by Sinnatious
Yoo Joonghyuk meets his neighbour Kim Dokja, who at first glance seems to be living in what he thought was the building's janitor's closet.
two hands of the same clock by furihatachlookie
The hour hand falls upon the fifth hour, and Yoo Joonghyuk dies before the clock can chime in answer. In which a crown prince and a commoner, unaware of one another's existence in this seemingly unbreakable time loop, inevitably cross paths.
"can u tattoo 'i love u' in flowers?" by crispy_scoliosis
In which Kim Dokja, a florist, reunites with his estranged childhood friend, Yoo Joonghyuk.
a new reality with you by fruitastic
Yoo Joonghyuk is a beta tester for the unreleased game “Ways of Survival'' and gets way too attached to a simple NPC, Kim Dokja. When the final battle looms over his head, will he be able to say goodbye? ...Hmm…Maybe Mia was right about touching grass…
to begin again. by frostfall
(In which Kim Dokja goes on a blind date. It's just his luck that he runs into his ex.)
salsa doesn't count as tomatoes by aphrodisiac
Yoo Joonghyuk has a roommate. (And a crush.)
couples discount by anemotions (realdefonge)
When junior manager, Yoo Joonghyuk wins the grand prize of their company’s raffle–a five-day trip for two to Hawaii, all expenses paid–the senior manager, Kim Dokja, who’s had no luck with raffles, asks the junior manager to bring him along as a travel buddy. Yoo Joonghyuk eventually agrees and they go to Hawaii. But things only escalate from there because apparently, there’s a 50% dinner buffet discount for couples in the hotel, and Kim Dokja would to absolutely anything to avail it.
gimme choco (or gimme love) by beewithouthoney
Every Valentine's day, Yoo Jonghyuk's desk is buried in a heaping pile of chocolates. And every year, Kim Dokja gets one from the pile.
on the art of unplanned serenadingby sunwarmed
“Then prove it,” says Yoo Joonghyuk, voice low, and Dokja is struck with a few realisations at once. One — he isn’t a good cook at all. He relies on microwave meals for the vast majority of his diet. Two — when it’s revealed that he’s not a good cook, he’ll almost certainly never hear the end of it. Three — Yoo Joonghyuk has a really nice voice. Goddamnit. [or: kim dokja keeps accidentally asking yoo joonghyuk out on dates. he swears it's only because he likes annoying the hell out of him. probably.]
When I said I hate isekai tropes, I wasn’t sarcastically praying for it to happen to me. by Waltzfor-Zizi(azro_zee)
Kim Dokja wants it on the record that he absolutely loathes those cringey royalty isekai stories and even more so the cliché archetype of cold and murderous but devastatingly handsome black-haired dukes with a troubled past. He really should learn by now that the universe has a hobby to throw him into the lion’s den and make him swallow his own words. After all, he and the God up there do not share the same taste of humor.
there are more but this is getting a bit long orz
i hope these are similar to what you're looking for! if you want any more recs feel free to let me know <3
EDIT: if you're looking for even more recs (and also some of my absolute faves) there's now a Part 2 here!
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ikanmeletup · 1 year
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I still love this art a lot……….. I wanna draw well………
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neptunespaladin · 2 years
YJH, holding KDJ in the air by the neck: Why are you going around telling people we we're French kissing!??
KDJ: Me? I haven't said anything!
YJH: Hmmmm, then we need to be more careful. Someone caught us.
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nasykuching · 2 years
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Me whenever i see Punisher fanart
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metanarrates · 19 days
honestly the ORV tag often being a toxic wasteland of roving dudeslashified joongdok is often a blessing in disguise to me. i never trek out there and risk seeing other forms of bad takes. instead i am exclusively fed good art and analysis of the novel from the pure curation of my similarly large brained mutuals
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ravs6709 · 2 months
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He will always try to save yjh, no matter what, no matter the cost to himself.
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mhaynoot · 11 months
if you have any post canon joongdok fics you love or want to share please give them to me like i’m so desperate for them you have no idea i don’t care if i’ve already read the fic ten times, i’ll read it ten more times as my god (hsy) given kin assignment (kdj) dictates me to
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