#everyone else are either mermaids or humans with relatively the same abilities
solarkindred · 1 year
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Inspired by @pillow-boi ‘s mermaid au fishies. Brain said ‘yes, gay fish people who are extremely religious’
Kdj is a pariah to merfolk society <3 and yjh? Yjh is a prince-poacher who nearly drowned from an enemy attack above Kdj’s house.
Kdj is ‘cursed’ and was basically orphaned by his stupid human father and dead mermaid mother(rip Sookyung)
Yes I gave him clawed fins stfu, they work like seal/walrus fins
I might write something, idk but right now all I can think about is gay mermaids and poachers
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buckybarnesbingo · 3 years
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3 Prompt Summaries
fantasy creature,  ice cream,  jail - suggested by @liquidlightz
@rebelmeg - so, this is what bucky gets for taking his pet dragon out for ice cream.  jail.  it's really inconsiderate, actually, he didn't even get to finish his ice cream cone.
@wolfnprey - No one said anything about mermaids having a sweet tooth. No one said they get possessive either. After watching Bucky's exploration of the human world end with him cramming a gallon of cotton candy ice cream down his throat, the last thing Steve expected was to wind up paying a bond to get said merman out of jail all because Bucky did not take kindly to the ice cream server offering Steve free samples.
@caiti-creative-corner - Bucky just wanted to pick up some ice cream for his partner.  Now, thanks to a mistaken identity, he's got to get out of jail before sunrise. Or the cops were in for one very big surprise.
@polizwrites - When he ordered a unicorn sundae from the brand new (and extremely sparkly) ice cream parlor down the street, the last thing Bucky actually expected was to have an actual-factual unicorn show up as well.  To be fair, it seemed as surprised as he was, and more than a bit of chaos ensued.  It nearly stabbed the Animal Control officer before Bucky was able to calm it (no, him - DEFINITELY a him) down and now he sat with the magnificent creature  in the largest enclosure at the shelter, wondering what in the hell to do next.
@somesortofitalianroast - Bucky wasn’t really sure why there was a unicorn in the ice cream parlor on the boardwalk. He was even less sure how he ended up arrested for the trafficking in supernatural creatures. All he wanted was a banana split and to sit on a bench and watch the ocean.
@lbibliophile-mcu - Bucky glares at the - unfortunately familiar - wall of the holding cell. It's not his fault that the anti-collision auto-correct on his teleportation periodically deposits him on the wrong side of a security door. But the guards who found him this time are new, so it always takes a little while for the higher-ups to convince them that 'no, he wasn't breaking and entering', 'yes, it was an accident' and 'yes, magic is a thing that happens - specifically to one James "Bucky" Barnes'. Of course, he could just teleport out of this cell. But they know who he is and have started the paperwork, and it is really a whole less hassle all round if he just sits tight for another hour or so and waits for this whole mess to get sorted out. However bored he is. Except... he can't leave, but that doesn't mean he can't bring something in... A few seconds  later, the cameras show him lounging back on the bench, taking a large bite out of a triple-serve ice cream.
@liquidlightz - merge this fumbling magician Bucky with Poliz' one and you get a unicorn appearing in the holding cell :unicorn:  so much more paperwork !
@huntress79 - If Bucky had to choose one thing that the serum, no matter what version, made better, he probably would have named the ability to eat almost obscene amounts of ice cream without any side effects. In the first few months after showing up at the tower, he and Natasha spent many a night tasting almost every ice cream flavor available in the greater New York area. But then, a certain God of Mischief chose Bucky as his latest "victim", taking him from the line at the ice cream parlor two blocks down from the Tower directly on a trip to a realm filled with dragons, and faes, and whatnot else (sure, Bucky had read the Tolkien books, but come on, Smaug had nothing on that magnificent, golden-red giant they encountered on their first day). And of course, Loki had to make it even worse, and go and try to steal some of the dragon's hoard. Everyone knows that it only ends bad! Well, it did, at least for Bucky - who ended up in a dark, smelly cell in the king's underground jail, while Loki was nowhere to be found. Was it too much to ask to get the largest bubble waffle filled with pistachio, vanilla and lemon sorbet without getting interrupted or kidnapped? Jeez...
More under the cut!
Chicken, Tall, Pearl - suggested by @ariasfandom
@rebelmeg - bucky loved going to his grandma's farmhouse as a kid.  it was full of adventures and things to see and animals to play with.  well.  all except for pearl.  pearl was mean.  and pearl, the biggest, tallest, crankiest chicken that bucky had ever seen, seemed to harbor a real and visceral hatred for bucky himself.
@wolfnprey - It was Sam's insistence that led Bucky to visit Clint on his family farm. It was Sam's dare that got Bucky pecked by a bunch of overprotective hens when he tried to help collect eggs. Again, Sam's fault that Bucky wound up stuck in a tall ass tree because the asshole scared Clint's dog and somehow the dog wound up in the tree.  So when Bucky wound up finding a lizard that Clint's daughter called Pearl cuddling up to his face in the morning, he knew it was Sam's fucking fault then, too.
@liquidlightz - Bucky loved to trade pearls with his new found friend.  He'd search the ocean floor and gather a few to bring to Steve, who in turn would bring him what he called chicken.  It tasted so different from fish and Bucky was hooked.  The taller the chicken the more pearls Bucky would give Steve.  In his world these had value, but Steve was planning to give them right back one day, he was just designing the perfect necklace to make out of them for Bucky.  In the meanwhile, he could do with eating veg and potatoes so he could give Bucky all his chicken.
@huntress79 - Like in so many other things, the animals of Wakanda were just as unique as the country itself. The rhinos were scary at first, but once you knew the trick, you could turn them into giant balls of fluff in no time. The goats, though just as stubborn as those Bucky remembered from childhood summers spend with relatives in Indiana, were the biggest source of entertainment in the village, hands down. But truth be told, the biggest surprise were the chicken. Sure enough, they could work up a cacophony of sounds in a heartbeat like any other chicken on this planet, but for some reason, Wakandan chicken were way taller, with legs as long as some supermodel, and the shells of their eggs almost resembled pearls, so sparkly.
@somesortofitalianroast​ - a chicken on a tall dresser with mother of pearl drawer knobs....
@ribbonsflyingoutthewindow​ - There's a whole comedic fic in there somewhere.
@bookdragon13​ Bucky trying to wrangle up a chicken on Clint’s farm and it ends up on the dresser somehow? Somehow I can also see Bucky buying a tall chicken statue made out of pearl kinda like the dog statue Joey bought in Friends
paintball, drive-in, cherry chapstick - suggested by @wolfnprey
@rebelmeg - bucky's first date with the love of his life was... perfect.  it was everything a first date should be.  they played paintball like kids, no-holds-barred and laughing like hyenas.  then the drive-in movie, a double feature while they ate popcorn and blushed while they held hands.  and the kiss at the end of the night... bucky could still taste the cherry chapstick on his lips, and he couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face.
@liquidlightz - Bucky loved and hated paintball in equal measure.  He loved getting to run wild and show off his skills, not just shooting, but agility and camouflage. The darn helmet these venues required you to wear played havoc with his hair though, and the cold wind and dust from crawling around made his lips dry and there was no way he was showing up to his date later this evening with chapped lips.  Steve was taking him to a modern drive-in, reminiscent of the old days, and that was just going to end  in hours of making out, at least.  He paused out of sight behind a tree and pulled out his plum-flavoured chapstick from one of his many pockets, which may have also been housing a comb, mini conditioning spray, and whatnots.  Re-applying every 20mins should hopefully do the trick.  Putting it away again, he checked the charges left in his rifle.
@huntress79 - Tony Stark was, despite his repeated protests, a lot like his father Howard, at least to Bucky. It was most obvious with the things he invented, but apparently, the same brain was also good with coming up with new, crazy ideas for team bonding events. Like taking a whole lot of individuals trained on various weapons to a paintball area. After some discussion, Bucky, Wanda, Clint and Scott ended up on Steve's team, while Nat, Rhodey, Peter and Maria Hill made up Tony's team. And holy moly, everyone, except for Peter, treated it like an actual mission. Within moments after splitting up, Steve was dispersing tactics, Clint was checking the wind, and Scott was trying to get the ants in the floor to cooperate. Wanda was watching the whole shindig with a fond smile, while reapplying her cherry-flavored chapstick. And Bucky? His mind was already on his evening plans - a nice date with Sam, consisting of dinner at a small seafood restaurant near Battery Park, a movie at the summer drive-in and tied off with (hopefully) some adult action in either of their apartments at the Tower. He only hoped he would survive these crazy "war games" first.
@somesortofitalianroast - Bucky wasn’t really sure why they were playing paintball. Well, “play” paintball. With him, Clint, Nat, and Tony all with exceptional marksmanship skills, it made no sense. It made even less sense for them to have the paintball “game” at an abandoned drive-in movie theatre, which just so happened to be located on a lot that included several acres of woods and lake with a dock. Until Steve mentioned that he had a tube of cherry chapstick and Bucky could taste it. But only if he won.
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jeejee-the-snek-boi · 4 years
The Urban Kraken
Tw: mild/moderate horror depending on tastes, drowning, facial distortion/shapeshifting/camouflage
Statement of Logan Sanders, regarding his time as a marine biologist working in Birmingham. Original statement given January 13th, 2012. Audio recording by Janus Dee, Head Archivist of the Thomas Headscape Institute, London.
Statement begins.
I'd recently moved to Birmingham to help out at the National Sea Life Centre. It wasn't particularly an interesting job, or even one appropriate for my level of qualification as a marine biologist, but we'd had reports of some kind of squid spotted in the local canals. There'd been otters and even dolphins who had managed to find their way into canals and rivers that would be outside of their normal habitat, so whilst a squid sounded unusual, to boot, I was naturally curious as to how it had got there. My colleague at the time- a rather very annoying yet charming man called Roman who worked in the gift shop- had warned me not to investigate. I found it… odd, to say the least. He couldn't have known much about marine biology- or, at least, I assumed he didn't, given the fact he was unable to distinguish between a shark plushie or a dolphin one, although perhaps he merely needed glasses.
I, of course, didn't heed his warnings- I had no need to, at the time, of course, although he did seem rather familiar. 
It took me a few days to realise that we had the same face, only… he wore it more expressively than I did, and he didn't seem to wear glasses either. I merely assumed it was a coincidence, or some long lost relative, so I didn't give it any thought.
I was working behind the scenes mainly, although I did occasionally try my hand at being a tour guide. I happen to have a special interest in marine life- hence my profession- so I found joy in teaching people about the animals we housed there. The children particularly liked the sharks, which wasn't a surprise to me, although it wasn't uncommon for people to label my commentary as unnecessary and boring- I tried not to let it get to me, of course, although occasionally it did.
On one such day, I found myself going for coffee on my break, where I ran into Roman. I didn't particularly mind his company, although I still found him a little odd. I knew everything about his dreams and ambitions- and he had a lot- but very little about him personally. He would talk for hours about his dreams to make it as an actor, and I gained a fair few insights of his insecurities too- the man seemed riddled with them. 
And, whilst I'll admit, none of that is particularly unusual, he'd ask everyone about their families or their kids- he made it a point to learn as much as he could about people and to include those facts in his daily interactions, but we never learned anything about him. Most people where I worked had written him off as shallow and selfish, superficial even, but I suspected differently.
 Anyway, Roman and I talked for a number of months, and I still hadn't learned a single thing about his life. I still didn't know why his face was so familiar to me until I found myself people- watching at the gift shop one day, and I noticed that, alone, his features seemed to… shift. I couldn't pinpoint what colours his eyes were, and his skin had taken on an almost… iridescent quality, if that's even the right word for it, as though he had chromatophores. It reminded me of a cuttlefish, or other cephalopod. 
I'd put it down to some form of shiny make-up, or perhaps a face mask that he'd forgotten to remove in the morning properly, and it wasn't until a few weeks later and more people watching that I finally noticed what detail I had been missing- his features seemed to shift and change to match those of each customer.
I was alarmed, of course, because there was no logical explanation as to why a human would possess such qualities.
Which… for some strange reason, drew my attention back to the so-called squid in the canals myth that had been circulating for a while now. 
There had been some… rumours circulating, asides from the existence of the squid. There'd been a few scattered suicides and cases of drunken misadventure down at the canals, a few dead bodies, all drowned. Some were intoxicated, and almost all were alone- although the time of death wasn't always at night as you might expect for a spate of murders. So, naturally, people started to link the deaths with the squid. 
I was curious, and wanted to see the squid for myself, so I spent several days observing the canal. I sat on the benches with my notebook and camera, although apart from the odd family of mallards, or a troublesome Canada goose, there was nothing in the water. I eventually concluded that there wasn't anything in the water, but now I was invested in the mystery.
The deaths were relatively spread apart, although almost all of them had been within the city centre. I observed for longer anyways, deciding instead to people watch- if there was a murderer, the murderer most likely frequented the area, although as more deaths occurred, I found myself struggling to find a connection to any particular person's commute and the times or locations of the murders.
I remembered Roman's odd ability to camouflage, although I knew his commute took him to the other side of the city.
That was… until I saw him down by the canal. He seemed to be talking to the water, so I kept myself hidden behind one of the bridges. He left, and, as far as I'm aware, didn't kill anyone. 
I took to following him after work, watching him frequently do the same thing again and again. It was… odd, but he wasn't the murderer. Although, I was beginning to suspect that, if Roman wasn't human, and was some form of… I wouldn't go as far as to call him an aquatic mammal- but sea creature, perhaps, then perhaps he was communicating with the squid. 
So the next time I visited, I brought my scuba suit. I must have looked a prat walking through the streets in scuba gear in the middle of an urban area, but I was intent on getting to the bottom of this mystery. 
It took several days before I had the courage to jump into the murky water- the amount of waste products thrown into the canals ranged from the odd box to shopping trolleys to knives- and there were a lot of knives in Birmingham- anyway, I wasn't planning to jump in just yet, until I saw a thick tentacle pull Roman into the canal.
I panicked, and dived in. I'd had experience working with squids- it was stupid of me to dive in without chain mail, given how sharp the beak of a squid can be- but I was only thinking about saving my colleague from the canal. I knew how to make the squid let go, and I intended to do that.
I couldn't see very well, but I could make out their shapes, and Roman didn't seem to be having any trouble breathing at all. The squid was half person, like a mermaid- although perhaps a little demented, but they were hugging Roman.
As soon as the squid person- for comedic purposes, I'd named them squidward- noticed my presence, I attempted to swim away, although they grabbed me before I could do so.
I was sure I was going to die, so I squeezed my eyes shut- only to find myself being pulled to the squid person's chest in a hug. It was… strange, to say the least, and awkward. But soon, the squid person let go of me and allowed me to swim away. Roman joined me, although he seemed reluctant to look me in the eye. 
I confronted Roman, who explained to me that the squid person was his brother, Remus- or, more accurately, his sort of twin. The two had once been one being, but both had very different desires- Roman wanted to live on land, whilst Remus was content in the water- so they had simply… split, into two.
I asked about the deaths, and Roman explained that Remus didn't understand that humans couldn't breathe in the water. He was lonely, and whenever he saw somebody else lonely, he wanted to hug them. They usually drowned, and Roman didn't have the heart to tell him that they had died.
I… went back, in my scuba suit, and kept Remus company with Roman for the best part of six months- and the deaths diminished greatly. Of course, we couldn't keep it up forever, so we had to find a way to help Remus to understand that humans couldn't breathe. We didn't find a way, so I came up with a solution. 
Roman had quite a bit of money saved up, and the two of us had become… close, to say the least, if the evenings spent in his apartment were anything to go by, so we brought ourselves a patch of land up in the Yorkshire Dales, and dug up one of the fields entirely. We made a pool, a deep pool, and I borrowed one of the moving tanks from the aquarium and we transported Remus up to his new home. 
He loves it there, content to splash about, and free to hug Roman and I without fear of drowning anyone. And Roman and I managed to hold down our jobs back in Birmingham thanks to rail travel, even if the long commute was taxing, at times, and eventually decided to get married.
I decided to submit my story to the archives to keep a document of the existence of such creatures, and to put word out that they are not harmful and are not to be killed.
My initial reaction would be to discredit this statement as a rather elaborate prank, but nonetheless I had my colleague Virgil do some digging, and he found that Logan Sanders had a doctorate in marine biology from Oxford University. He did work, and still does work, at the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham city centre, and was willing to talk to us again. Virgil requested pictures, which Logan was happy to provide us with, so I had Patton check to see if the photographs are real. Again, the photographs checked out, and Logan and Roman allowed us to visit. After said visit, I can confirm that the squid man, and indeed Roman's cuttlefish-like camouflage, are more than just urban myths.
Recording ends.
@needscaffeine @patton-birdie @sanderssideburns
Anyone can ask to be tagged! Tagging you guys because
1. Mutual
2. I sent an anon ask and you said I could tag you!
3. Bae
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krsye1992-blog · 6 years
Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?
Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of the pictures you have ever taken?
Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of anyone but yourself?
Would you rather be famous when you are alive and forgotten when you die or unknown when you are alive but famous after you die?
Would you rather go to jail for 4 years for something you didn’t do or get away with something horrible you did but always live in fear of being caught?
Would you rather accidentally be responsible for the death of a child or accidentally be responsible for the deaths of three adults?
Would you rather your shirts be always two sizes too big or one size too small?
Would you rather live in the wilderness far from civilization or live on the streets of a city as a homeless person?
Would you rather the general public think you are a horrible person but your family be very proud of you or your family think you are a horrible person but the general public be very proud of you?
Would you rather live your entire life in a virtual reality where all your wishes are granted or in the real world?
Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?
Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of the pictures you have ever taken?
Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of anyone but yourself?
Would you rather be famous when you are alive and forgotten when you die or unknown when you are alive but famous after you die?
Would you rather go to jail for 4 years for something you didn’t do or get away with something horrible you did but always live in fear of being caught?
Would you rather accidentally be responsible for the death of a child or accidentally be responsible for the deaths of three adults?
Would you rather your shirts be always two sizes too big or one size too small?
Would you rather live in the wilderness far from civilization or live on the streets of a city as a homeless person?
Would you rather the general public think you are a horrible person but your family be very proud of you or your family think you are a horrible person but the general public be very proud of you?
Would you rather live your entire life in a virtual reality where all your wishes are granted or in the real world?
Would you rather be alone for the rest of your life or always be surrounded by annoying people?
Would you rather never use social media sites / apps again or never watch another movie or TV show?
Would you rather have an easy job working for someone else or work for yourself but work incredibly hard?
Would you rather be the first person to explore a planet or be the inventor of a drug that cures a deadly disease?
Would you rather have a horrible short term memory or a horrible long term memory?
Would you rather be completely invisible for one day or be able to fly for one day?
Would you rather be locked in a room that is constantly dark for a week or a room that is constantly bright for a week?
Would you rather be poor but help people or become incredibly rich by hurting people?
Would you rather live without the internet or live without AC and heating?
Would you rather have a horrible job, but be able to retire comfortably in 10 years or have your dream job, but have to work until the day you die?
Would you rather find your true love or a suitcase with five million dollars inside?
Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere or be able to read minds?
Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or die in 50 years with many regrets?
Would you rather be feared by all or loved by all?
Would you rather know when you are going to die or how you are going to die? (You can’t change the time or method of your death.)
Would you rather be transported permanently 500 years into the future or 500 years into the past?
Would you rather never be able to use a touchscreen or never be able to use a keyboard and mouse?
Would you rather be able to control fire or water?
Would you rather have everything you eat be too salty or not salty enough no matter how much salt you add?
Would you rather have hands that kept growing as you got older or feet that kept growing as you got older?
Would you rather have unlimited sushi for life or unlimited tacos for life? (both are amazingly delicious and can be any type of sushi / taco you want)
Would you rather be unable to use search engines or unable to use social media?
Would you rather give up bathing for a month or give up the internet for a month?
Would you rather donate your body to science or donate your organs to people who need them?
Would you rather go back to age 5 with everything you know now or know now everything your future self will learn?
Would you rather relive the same day for 365 days or lose a year of your life?
Would you rather have a golden voice or a silver tongue?
Would you rather be able to control animals (but not humans) with your mind or control electronics with your mind?
Would you rather suddenly be elected a senator or suddenly become a CEO of a major company. (You won’t have any more knowledge about how to do either job than you do right now.)
Would you rather sell all of your possessions or sell one of your organs?
Would you rather lose all of your memories from birth to now or lose your ability to make new long term memories?
Would you rather be infamous in history books or be forgotten after your death?
Would you rather never have to work again or never have to sleep again (you won’t feel tired or suffer negative health effects)?
Would you rather be beautiful / handsome but stupid or intelligent but ugly?
Would you rather get one free round trip international plane ticket every year or be able to fly domestic anytime for free?
Would you rather be balding but fit or overweight with a full head of hair?
Would you rather be able to be free from junk mail or free from email spam for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be fluent in all languages and never be able to travel or be able to travel anywhere for a year but never be able to learn a word of a different language?
Would you rather have an unlimited international first class ticket or never have to pay for food at restaurants?
Would you rather see what was behind every closed door or be able to guess the combination of every safe on the first try?
Would you rather live in virtual reality where you are all powerful or live in the real world and be able to go anywhere but not be able to interact with anyone or anything?
Would you rather never be able to eat meat or never be able to eat vegetables?
Would you rather give up watching TV / movies for a year or give up playing games for a year?
Would you rather always be able to see 5 minutes into the future or always be able to see 100 years into the future?
Would you rather super sensitive taste or super sensitive hearing?
Would you rather be a practicing doctor or a medical researcher?
Would you rather be married to a 10 with a bad personality or a 6 with an amazing personality?
Would you rather never be able to drink sodas like coke again or only be able to drink sodas and nothing else?
Would you rather have amazingly fast typing / texting speed or be able to read ridiculously fast?
Would you rather know the history of every object you touched or be able to talk to animals?
Would you rather be a reverse centaur or a reverse mermaid/merman?
Would you rather have constantly dry eyes or a constant runny nose?
Would you rather be a famous director or a famous actor?
Would you rather not be able to open any closed doors (locked or unlocked) or not be able to close any open doors?
Would you rather give up all drinks except for water or give up eating anything that was cooked in an oven?
Would you rather be constantly tired no matter how much you sleep or constantly hungry no matter what you eat? Assuming that there are no health problems besides the feeling of hunger and sleepiness.
Would you rather have to read aloud every word you read or sing everything you say out loud?
Would you rather have whatever you are thinking appear above your head for everyone to see or have absolutely everything you do live streamed for anyone to see?
Would you rather be put in a maximum security federal prison with the hardest of the hardened criminals for one year or be put in a relatively relaxed prison where wall street types are held for ten years?
Would you rather have a clown only you can see that follows you everywhere and just stands silently in a corner watching you without doing or saying anything or have a real life stalker who dresses like the Easter bunny that everyone can see?
Would you rather kill one innocent person or five people who committed minor crimes?
Would you rather have a completely automated home or a self-driving car?
Would you rather work very hard at a rewarding job or hardly have to work at a job that isn’t rewarding?
Would you rather be held in high regard by your parents or your friends?
Would you rather be an amazing painter or a brilliant mathematician?
Would you rather be reincarnated as a fly or just cease to exist after you die?
Would you rather be able to go to any theme park in the world for free for the rest of your life or eat for free at any drive through restaurant for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be only able to watch the few movies with a rotten tomatoes score of 95-100% or only be able to watch the majority of movies with a rotten tomatoes score of 94% and lower?
Would you rather never lose your phone again or never lose your keys again?
Would you rather have one real get out of jail free card or a key that opens any door?
Would you rather have a criminal justice system that actually works and is fair or an administrative government that is free of corruption?
Would you rather have real political power but be relatively poor or be ridiculously rich and have no political power?
Would you rather have the power to gently nudge anyone’s decisions or have complete puppet master control of five people?
Would you rather have everyone laugh at your jokes but not find anyone else’s jokes funny or have no one laugh at your jokes but you still find other people’s jokes funny?
Would you rather be the absolute best at something that no one takes seriously or be well above average but not anywhere near the best at something well respected?
Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?
Would you rather live under a sky with no stars at night or live under a sky with no clouds during the day?
Would you rather humans go to the moon again or go to mars?
Would you rather never get angry or never be envious?
Would you rather have free Wi-Fi wherever you go or be able to drink unlimited free coffee at any coffee shop?
Would you rather be compelled to high five everyone you meet or be compelled to give wedgies to anyone in a green shirt?
Would you rather live in a house with see-through walls in a city or in the same see-though house but in the middle of a forest far from civilization?
Would you rather take amazing selfies but all of your other pictures are horrible or take breathtaking photographs of anything but yourself?
Would you rather use a push lawn mower with a bar that is far too high or far too low?
Would you rather be able to dodge anything no matter how fast it’s moving or be able ask any three questions and have them answered accurately?
Would you rather live on the beach or in a cabin in the woods?
Would you rather lose your left hand or right foot?
Would you rather face your fears or forget that you have them?
Would you rather be forced to dance every time you heard music or be forced to sing along to any song you heard?
Would you rather have skin that changes color based on your emotions or tattoos appear all over your body depicting what you did yesterday?
Would you rather live in a utopia as a normal person or in a dystopia but you are the supreme ruler?
Would you rather snitch on your best friend for a crime they committed or go to jail for the crime they committed?
Would you rather have everything on your phone right now (browsing history, photos, etc.) made public to anyone who Google’s you name or never use a cell phone again?
Would you rather eat a box of dry spaghetti noodles or a cup of uncooked rice?
Would you rather wake up as a new random person every year and have full control of them for the whole year or once a week spend a day inside a stranger without having any control of them?
Would you rather be born again in a totally different life or born again with all the knowledge you have now?
Would you rather be forced to kill a kitten or kill a puppy?
Would you rather be lost in a bad part of town or lost in the forest?
Would you rather never get a paper cut again or never get something stuck in your eye again?
Would you rather randomly time travel +/- 20 years every time you fart or teleport to a different place on earth (on land, not water) every time you sneeze?
Would you rather the aliens that make first contact be robotic or organic?
Would you rather be famous but ridiculed or be just a normal person?
Would you rather be an amazing virtuoso at any instrument but only if you play naked or be able to speak any language but only if close your eyes and dance while you are doing it?
Would you rather have a flying carpet or a car that can drive underwater?
Would you rather be an amazing artist but not be able to see any of the art you created or be an amazing musician but not be able to hear any of the music you create?
Would you rather there be a perpetual water balloon war going on in your city / town or a perpetual food fight?
Would you rather find five dollars on the ground or find all of your missing socks?
Would you rather never have another embarrassing fall in public or never feel the need to pass gas in public again?
Would you rather be able to talk to land animals, animals that fly, or animals that live under the water?
Would you rather lose your best friend or all of your friends except for your best friend?
Would you rather it be impossible for you to be woken up for 11 straight hours every day but you wake up feeling amazing or you can be woken up normally but never feel totally rested?
Would you rather wake up every morning with a new hundred-dollar bill in your pocket but not know where it came from or wake up every morning with a new fifty-dollar bill in your pocket and know where it comes from?
Would you rather everything you dream each night come true when you wake up or everything a randomly chosen person dreams each night come true when they wake up?
Would you rather get 5 dollars for every song you sang in public or 50 dollars for every stranger you kiss?
Would you rather have a boomerang that would find and kill any one person of your choosing, anywhere in the world, but can only be used once or a boomerang that always returns to you with one dollar?
Would you rather have every cat or dog that gets lost end up at your house or everyone’s clothes that they forget in the dryer get teleported to your house?
Would you rather never be stuck in traffic again or never get another cold?
Would you rather have to fart loudly once, every time you have a serious conversation or have to burp after every kiss?
Would you rather know how above or below average you are at everything or know how above or below average people are at one skill / talent just by looking at them?
Would you rather know the uncomfortable truth of the world or believe a comforting lie?
Would you rather blink at twice the normal rate or not be able to blink for 5 minutes but then have to close your eyes for 10 seconds every 5 minutes?
Would you rather have a cute well behaved child that stays at an age of your choosing for their entire life or a child that develops from a baby to 18 years old in 2 years and then ages normally?
Would you rather it never stops snowing (the snow never piles up) or never stops raining (the rain never causes floods)?
Would you rather have a bottomless box of Legos or a bottomless gas tank?
Would you rather all conspiracy theories be true or live in a world where no leaders really know what they are doing?
Would you rather all plants scream when you cut them / pick their fruit or animals beg for their lives before they are killed?
Would you rather wake up each morning to find that a random animal appendage has replaced your non dominant arm or permanently replace your bottom half with an animal bottom of your choice?
Would you rather every shirt you ever wear to be kind of itchy or only be able to use 1 ply toilet paper?
Would you rather not be able to see any colors or have mild but constant tinnitus (ringing in the ears)?
Would you rather go bald or be forever cursed to have terrible haircuts?
Would you rather never be able to leave your own country or never be able to fly in an airplane?
Would you rather fight for a cause you believe in but doubt will succeed or fight for a cause that you only partially believe in but have a high chance of your cause succeeding?
Would you rather have no fingers or no elbows?
Would you rather have edible spaghetti hair that regrows every night or sweat maple syrup?
Would you rather have everything in your house perfectly organized by a professional or have a professional event company throw the best party you’ve ever been to, in your honor?
Would you rather have one nipple or two belly buttons?
Would you rather be forced to eat only spicy food or only incredibly bland food?
Would you rather never have a toilet clog on you again or never have the power go out again?
Would you rather have all traffic lights you approach be green or never have to stand in line again?
Would you rather have all of your clothes fit perfectly or have the most comfortable pillow, blankets, and sheets in existence?
Would you rather wake up in the middle of an unknown desert or wake up in a row boat on an unknown body of water?
Would you rather be famous for inventing a deadly new weapon or invent something that helps the world but someone else gets all the credit for inventing it?
Would you rather 5% of the population have telepathy or 5% of the population have telekinesis? You are not part of the 5% that has telepathy or telekinesis.
Would you rather earbuds and headphones never sit right on / in your ears or have all music either slightly too quiet or slightly too loud?
Would you rather always have a great body for your entire life but have slightly below average intelligence or have a mediocre body for your entire life but be slightly above average in intelligence?
Would you rather become twice as strong when both of your fingers are stuck in your ears or crawl twice as fast as you can run?
Would you rather be in debt for $100,000 or never be able to make more than $3,500 a month?
Would you rather be the best in the world at climbing trees or the best in the world at jumping rope?
Would you rather live in a giant desert or a giant dessert?
Would you rather have everything you draw become real but be terrible at drawing or be able to fly but only as fast as you can walk?
Would you rather have a map that shows you the location of anything you want to find and can be used again and again but has a margin of error of up to a mile or a device that allows you to find the location of anything you want with incredible accuracy but can only be used three times?
Would you rather never run out of battery power for whatever phone and tablet you own or always have free Wi-Fi wherever you go?
Would you rather live until you are 200 but look like you are 200 the whole time even though you are healthy or look like you are 25 all the way until you die at age 65?
Would you rather 20 butterflies instantly appear from nowhere every time you cough or 100 butterflies die somewhere in the world every time you cough?
Would you rather live a comfortable and peaceful life in the woods in a small cabin or a life full of conflict in a mansion in a city?
Would you rather have unlimited amounts of any material you want to build a house but you have to build the house yourself or have a famed architect design and build you a modest house?
Would you rather have all animals feel compelled to obey you if you come within 10 feet of them or be given the opportunity to genetically design a pet that will be loyal only to you with the combined DNA of three animals?
Would you rather be covered in fur or covered in scales?
Would you rather your only mode of transportation be a donkey or a giraffe?
Would you rather live in a cave or live in a tree house?
Would you rather never sweat again or never feel cold again?
Would you rather never have to clean a bathroom again or never have to do dishes again?
Would you rather eat an egg with a half formed chicken inside or eat five cooked cockroaches?
Would you rather wear a wedding dress / tuxedo every single day or wear a bathing suit every single day?
Would you rather be an unimportant character in the last movie you saw or an unimportant character in the last book you read?
Would you rather move to a new city or town every week or never be able to leave the city or town you were born in?
Would you rather be a bowling champion or a curling champion?
Would you rather have the police hunting you for a murder you didn’t commit or a psychopathic clown hunting you?
Would you rather be so afraid of heights that you can’t go to the second floor of a building or be so afraid of the sun that you can only leave the house on rainy days?
Would you rather live in a haunted house where the ghosts ignore you and do their own thing or be a ghost in a house living out a pleasant and uneventful week from your life again and again?
Would you rather be an average person in the present or a king 2500 years ago?
Would you rather be fantastic at riding horses or amazing at driving dirt bikes?
Would you rather write a novel that will be widely considered the most important book in the past 200 years but you and the book will only be appreciated after your death or be the most famous erotica writer of your generation?
Would you rather spend the rest of your life with a sailboat as your home or an RV as your home?
Would you rather get really tipsy from just one sip of alcohol and ridiculously drunk from just one alcoholic drink or never get drunk no matter how much alcohol you drank?
Would you rather be completely insane and know that you are insane or completely insane and believe you are sane?
Would you rather vomit uncontrollably for one-minute every time you hear the happy birthday song or get a headache that lasts for the rest of the day every time you see a bird (including in pictures or a video)?
Would you rather be hired for a well-paying job that you lied to get and have no idea how to do or be about to give the most important presentation of your life but you can’t remember any of the material you prepared?
Would you rather walk around work or school for the whole day without realizing there is a giant brown stain on the back of your pants or realize the deadline for that important paper / project was yesterday and you are nowhere near done?
Would you rather eat a sandwich made from 4 ingredients in your fridge chosen at random or eat a sandwich made by a group of your friends from 4 ingredients in your fridge?
Would you rather have someone impersonating you and doing really amazing things that you get the credit for or find money hidden in weird places all around your house every day but with no explanation where the money comes from or how it keeps getting there?
Would you rather have plants grow at 10 times their normal rate when you are near or for people and animals to stop aging when you are near them?
Would you rather have chapped lips that never heal or a terrible dandruff that can’t be treated?
Would you rather have out of control body hair or out of control body odor?
Would you rather know all the mysteries of the universe or know every outcome of every choice you make?
Would you rather have someone secretly give you LSD on a random day and time once every 6 months or have everyone in the world all take LSD at the same time once every 5 years?
Would you rather be the life of the party and the funniest person your friends know but suffer from depression or be happy and content but people think you are boring and unfunny?
Would you rather never be able to wear pants or never be able to wear shorts?
Would you rather be unable to have kids or only be able to conceive quintuplets?
Would you rather only wear one color each day or have to wear seven colors each day?
Would you rather eat rice with every meal or eat bread with every meal?
Would you rather have no eyebrows or only one eyebrow?
Would you rather all electrical devices mysteriously stop working (possibly forever) or the governments of the world are only run by people going through puberty?
Would you rather everyone be required to wear identical silver jump suits or any time two people meet and are wearing an identical article of clothing they must fight to the death?
Would you rather have all dogs try to attack you when they see you or all birds try to attack you when they see you?
Would you rather be unable to move your body every time it rains or not be able to stop moving while the sun is out?
Would you rather die if you didn’t slap a new person on the butt every 12 hours or die if you didn’t kill someone every year?
Would you rather spend two years with your soul mate only to have them die and you never love again or spend your life with someone nice you settled for?
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RtS 60, 61, Conclusion
This is it!  The end.  Thanks for taking this journey with me everyone!  I really enjoyed it and learned a lot about this giant, dense, and incredible book.  I kept a doc of the full analysis and it’s 39 pages.  That’s more than I’ve ever written on any one subject.  I mean, I’ve written some academic papers in my day, but this was so much more fun and never felt like work, even when I did some side research for it (that was always eye opening too).
Anyway, I hope these were helpful or enjoyable to others.  I think I’m going back and starting from the top to see how everyone has changed from day one.
Thanks for taking the journey with me!
Chapter 60
“The person I wanted more than anyone else, that I’d searched for, loved for, God, so long.” How can anyone say Cassie wants anyone else? It seems pretty clear to me.
 I'm glad both versions of Pritkin are present here, so he is aware and remembers. We get the best of both parts of him.  Oh, the poor incubus part of his soul.  In my mind it looks like the shriveled souls in “A Little Mermaid.” Now we know what the runes he drew are for, how sad. To keep him from feeding as fully, slow him down.
 Finally, FINALLY we get penis in vagina sex between these two! It was everything I ever dreamed and more.  I’m so glad Cassie was there to help him through the process. She's an ideal partner for him, half goddess, she has tons of power available and is hard to hurt.  She cares about him not his father or mother, or what he can do for her.  She wants him for him.  No one is a better match for him.  They even have some of the same hang-ups, matching neuroses, if you will.  I think they will help each other heal.  This scene, right here, will help Pritkin go a long way to healing his wounds caused by his wife, I think.
 And they finally get to complete the demon sex cycle they started in HtM. I think the connection will be over after this. Until they reopen it. And they damn well better!
 Can this power heal Cassie? Will they get abilities from each other? I want Cassie to get his healing and him to hear ghosts, even temporarily.  God, that would be so funny!  Billy Joe would annoy the ever-loving shit out of him and that would be about the best think ever.
  And Cassie-Pritkin babies??????  I want them!  Just not quite yet.  I know there’s a theory going ‘round about this (more about that in chapter 61) but seeing as demons and fey are rather unfertile, and I’d imagine gods are probably not very fertile either, you’d think that these two would have a relatively tough time conceiving a child?  Hopefully? (My theory is the longer lived you are, the less fertile your species is to offset overpopulation.)
 They lost, and now they can win, just like Roger said. Cassie uses the power she and Pritkin created to open the Badlands.  The ghosts and Apollo come out to attack Ares. Caedmon calls his staff and uses it to attack Ares and Apollo. He'd been fighting them in the Badlands still? Three beams of elemental energy hit Ares, all the fey royalty did survive and are battling the gods.
Nimue and Caedmon’s weapons are destroyed. We know Caedmon lives (he shows up in the Dory books) but I’m not sure about Nimue.  Aeslinn dies sometime between now and present day. It could be here.  Fey timelines run so strange that it’s hard to say.  Arthur used Excalibur to push Ares power back at him, that does it.  Ares is dead.
 Chapter 61
Back to Dantes, present day, undetermined amount of time has passed from Cassie’s POV.  
 Cassie wakes up to a little girl crawling into bed with her. The girl said that Cassie needed her. Popular theory around Tumblr is that this is Cassie and Pritkin's daughter. I dunno. She is curly haired, but color of hair or eyes aren't mentioned.  Cassie thinks she's 2 or 3. I have trouble buying this theory because of both Cassie’s and Pritkin’s parenting and abandonment issues.  Neither of them had good parents and I can’t seeing either of them letting anyone else raise their child unless they are both dead.  Cassie leaving her daughter in the past with the court is essentially doing the Agnes route and I just can’t see that.  I guess we’ll find out.  It would be an interesting solution to a big problem.
 We finally find out what “upstairs” means.  Cassie has been putting off dealing with her disappeared court this whole time because she had enough on her plate and she trusted Tami to have dealt with it. And boy did Tami ever.  Tami took over Consul's suite, or Cassie's old suite. It's changed. There’s a star pattern on the floor, Cassie finally has her reward from the star card. It was just as hard as the card said. Hopefully the reward will be just as great.
 The gods are following Cassie around. Wonder which one Consul has as a statue, there are 3 Cassie could recognize. Solarium, I'd guess Apollo. Mural in the master, I bet it's of the Consul, or snakes, or both.
 “You aren’t a vamp possession, to be locked away in a safe until they call. You’re an independent agent and you have a job to do. And everybody is just going to have to learn to accept that.” Yep! Go Tami! Everyone needs to remember that. Circle too, just change it to circle possession and there you go.
 Cassie finally goes to visit Pritkin.  We find out where Pritkin's body has been. On earth with Caleb then with Rian. She's trustworthy enough to protect him I guess.  She couldn’t deal with seeing his soulless body until now.  Rian, Billy, Hilde, and Abigail are in his room when she arrives.  Hilde says someone ratted Cassie out to Jonas because he came around asking what was up with Pritkin and where Cassie and the acolytes went. I wonder who that was?  I kinda think Cassie did it to herself at Tony's but who knows. I like Hilde, I think she's going to be an interesting addition to the court.
 The Pythias took Pritkin's memories but said that he would get them back once he woke up in this time.  
 Rian: “We were warned it might take a while to get his voice back,” warned by who? Probably Adra, that means he's been by to see Pritkin too. Probably since the curse was lifted. Could he be the one who told Mircea?
 “He smiled. And I swear, it was the evilest thing I’ve ever seen.” Hahaha hahaha haha, he remembers everything!! No running now Cassie! Oh, I cannot wait!! He must have been listening to them talk before he had the strength or mental ability to make himself move and talk.
 Poor sick Billy. Does he not know that he picked up Rosier? Maybe he thinks it didn't work?
He doesn't say anything to Cassie so maybe he thinks he tried and failed to catch his spirit.  Either way leave it to him and Rosier to ruin this scene.  Pritkin is probably cursing his father mentally.  I would be. I was in fact!
Rian telling Rosier off, my hero, I can just hear her mocking him in a little voice.  Too bad we can’t get a novella of this.  I would read the shit out of that.  That would be great fan fic fodder.  
 Never caught that, Rian calls him Casanova then Carlos back to back. I don’t think she’s ever called him Casanova before.  Is that a hint? She’s taking him out to lunch. Is she talking about human food or "lunch" maybe she's helping Rosier get some power back here?  How is she picking up Casanova at all?  She has trouble enough walking and sitting in her own body.  She certainly can’t drive yet.
 And the threat delivered. You motherfucker. Rian calls Mircea “Lord Mircea” here.  Is that another hint?  Is it her? I think it’s either her or Cassie. Maybe both? I don’t know if Mircea has had time to get to Vegas to talk to Rian.  But I don’t know how much time has passed from when Cassie left him and when she returned from Wales this last time.  I really don’t think he knew before this book or he’d have used the knowledge sooner.  I think he found out over the course of this book.  Plus, KC said it’s on the page here.  Ugh, I hate that I’m not smart enough to figure this out for sure.  I just really wanted to be the person to figure this out dammit!!!!!!!
 Now we wait.
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