prettywitchiusaka · 8 months
I just discovered that Clea comes from the Greek word "kleos", which translated means; "to praise", "glory", or "acclaim". Given to a baby to match their bright future.
I want so desperately to find a way for Stephen to learn and use this as flattery for his lady love, but all I can think of so far is the idea of Dormammu suggesting it to Orini, since she is meant to be his successor to the throne of the Dark Dimension.
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greatghuleh · 1 year
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I need Alex Ross to know that he’s killing me with every new cover. omg
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alex-leweird · 1 year
Some doodles I did for a Twitter thread about a theory of faltine's genetics
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I would love to post the link but it's in Spanish, anyway if you want to read it:
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When feel better I will make a post about it in English
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mister-faltine · 2 years
This Orini armor is my favorite.
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Doctor Strange (1974) #69.
Writer - Roger Stern.
Artist - Paul Smith.
P.S: The reason this is my favorite Orini armor is because of the colors. I love his armor being silver, it's prettier than his gold armor for me.
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jaydonsjam · 2 years
Doctor Strange XX
Doctor Strange #6-9
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Doctor Strange #6-9 - writer: Steve Englehart | penciler: Gene Colan | inker(s): Klaus Janson (#6), John Romita (#7), Tom Palmer (#8), Frank Monte (#9)
THE RETURN OF UMAR AND DORMAMMU! I finally got the reveal that Clea’s mother is Umar (so I was wrong) and father is Orini.
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This 2nd volume of Dr. Strange continues to be fantastic. I loved the reveal with Clea and it explained why she refused to return home. I absolutely cheered when Umar flipped on Dormammu once he came out of the Earth. Honestly I think Dormammu and Umar are neck-and-neck when it comes to my top two Strange enemies. I have been itching for a Strange battle with Dormammu since Avengers vs Defenders (cause they didn’t even fight, Dormammu took out Strange immediately) and while this fight wasn’t as good as their previous battles, this was still awesome. I liked the twist that Dormammu had captured Mother Nature which was causing weird weather to happen on Earth. Clea continues to rise the ranks as one of my favorite characters and I love that she really showed her powers in this arc even helping to save the day. I like that she’s got so many layers (more than most female characters in the 70’s books I’m reading) and I thought it was realistic that she couldn’t face her father after she left to go with Stephen all that time ago. I found the relationship between Clea and her father to be so interesting especially since he genuinely seems to hate her now. This arc felt so important to Clea and I think that’s why I liked it so much. I will say that I didn’t get the “junkie” storyline and it kinda fell flat by the end of issue 9. That’s probably my only criticism for this whole arc. Gene fucking Colan is a force. He’s not only my favorite artist from this era but he’s becoming one of my all-time artists the more I see his work.
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Yeah this was all around a great arc and I can’t wait to see what Steve Englehart has planned next. Tomb of Dracula up next!
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gemsofgreece · 7 months
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Grammeni Oxiá is a village in Mountainous Nafpaktia, surrounded by forests. Its name means “a beech like a painting”. 
Photo by @stef_greece on Instagram.
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vialae · 30 days
Does anyone want a slightly cringe wip I abandoned the other one and just wanted to write abt the chosen three arguing pre tadpole
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milomeri · 11 months
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Pera Orinis Village
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armchairnotions · 1 year
Jasmin Ivankovic - Medication [Music Video]
Head kiss 🙂
View On WordPress
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sonjatwogreyhounds · 1 year
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Beauty and Performance Review
Mumbai dell'Attimo Fuggente
Sire: Sapporo dell' Attimo Fuggente
Dam: Romgrey English Spring
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prettywitchiusaka · 1 year
Lines From Stephen x Clea Fanfics I May Never Write (Out of Context) Post 128:
Orini: Have you no shame!? He’s a human, and you are of the Faltine! 
Clea: I don’t care.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
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Lute: “Wait- your new name Vesper isn’t in DEFIANCE of your Morningstar hell family, but a MIRROR of it???”
Vesper Bill: (cocking the gun full of heavenly bullets that their uncle Pentious made for them)
Vesper Bill: “Always was.”
Vesper Bill: (shoots Lute’s halo off her head instead of killing her) (like mother like child)
XD this is so dumb i love
behold my version of the chaggie spear baby's full character profile!
NAME: (redacted)bil(redacted)s Morningstar -> Vesper Bill, one word, not ‘Vesper’ or ‘Bill, always ‘Vesper Bill’.
NATURE: Weapon-born demonic Exorcist angel. Mortal. Slow aging.
OCCUPATION: Overlord, supplier for Rosie’s Emporium and Carmilla Carmine’s weapons business, Exorcist slayer and rehabilitator, cowboy grim reaper cosplayer, garden weeder.     
TERRITORY: Hell’s first community garden.
THEIR “THING”: Soul savings accounts and debt forgiveness programs. Killing murderous Exorcists.   - Entrust your soul to them so you can’t be tempted / pressured into selling it to anyone else. They’ll give it back if you ask, but you do have to ask first, and they’re usually good at figuring out some other way of getting what you want.  - Checks in with other overlords to see which sinners owe stuff and pays the debt / kills / scares off the overlord if they can. Then gives an accidentally terrifying visit to the former indebted sinner so they can say their favorite line of: “I’m Vesper Bill, and yours is due…. Never. It’s been paid off. Congrats.” (hands over a flyer about their moms' Hazbin Hotel)   - Their less favorite line is when they only say the first part of the above, right before killing an Exorcist. All resulting bodies are sold to Rosie, the weapons to Carmilla, and the funds go towards the community garden.
RELATIONS: Their moms run a struggling hotel business, all the live-guests of which are their uncles/aunts/grandpa.
ENEMIES: Most of heaven and a good part of hell. Their full birth name. Flower pollen. Mint.
STRUGGLES: - “It’s not a phase, moms.” (about their goth cowboy theme) – (tips hat at a lady) (walks into car bc they weren’t watching where they were going) – (coughing and sneezing and voice often sounds rough and terrifying bc they have allergies but won’t stop weeding in the garden) - Having tiny stubby demon horns that won’t grow bigger (covers with hat) (hat was a gift and orinially came from Earth) – keeping their demon tail under control (hides it under their coat).
LOVES: - Their moms, the princess of hell and her former Exorcist angel girlfriend. - The hazbin hotel family crew. - Gardening. - Cowboy stuff. - Being annoying to heaven. - Women who could vaporize them physically or emotionally with a smile or a knife either way.
PROUDEST MOMENT: Successfully infiltrating heaven, tricking Lute with a pretend hatred of their moms, wrecking shit, getting a weapon’s upgrade from their uncle, and leading a handful of now former Exorcists back down to hell with them on the way out.
POWERS: - Angelic resilience. - Demonic strength. - Summoning or banishing anyone who’s soul they have in trust, from or to the place of their choice (within the Pride Ring) (mostly used as taxi service). - Skilled at cutting weeds and brush with a scythe. - Good dancer. - Responsible gun owner and operator. - Kids love them.    
Trivia: Got into their cowboy phase after a brief one-time visit to Earth where they played guardian angel for an actual cowgirl for a day. Thinks about her a lot. Ready to go be a nuisance to Heaven again if she ends up there and wants company- is also trying to grow her favorite flowers down here in Hell, just in case. (also puts on red cheek spots makeup everyday, bc they are Charlie's kid too and PROUD of it)
and that's it, that's my take on the chaggie spear baby idea thing, all grown up!
it's ridiculous. i had so much FUN with it
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perahn · 2 months
So I got tagged by @mystery-moose to put names of current WIPs so that people could pick one to learn more about, and by @bettydice to post out of context snippets of current WIPs.
I don't think these really play together.
So I will say something about the three things currently jangling in my head, and if anyone wants more details or a direct snippet, please ask!
Tentative title: something about a butterfly. After playing Stray Gods I ended up thinking a particular side-character (who I really did not expect to like) deserved a happy ending and am working on writing a fluffy piece of just that.
BG3 fic one (both the BG3 fic bits live in the same word doc for now). Orin takes Varash, my githzerai Tav. Party has to get her back before Orin gets too Oriny. Hurt/comfort.
NG3 fic two. Post-game. Varash and Halsin working out their commune and family, complicated by a visit to Limbo and a WHOLE PILE of gith headcanons.
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mister-faltine · 4 months
Characters from the Dark Dimension that I would love to see in the MCU.
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Warning: The images in this post belong to their respective creators, such as Steve Ditko, Ed McGuinness, Luigi Zagaria, among others. Sorry if the images are in poor quality, some comics weren't on the best sites. English is not my main language, sorry if there are errors in the text.
Another Warning: The characters on this list will not be characters like Umar, Olnar, Orini, Dormammu, Clea, etc. I want to focus on lesser-known characters, and currently, Clea is getting a lot of attention and Umar appears more than before. Olnar and Orini are already talked about in certain parts of Fandom and I want to focus on others here.
5 - Kronik.
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Okay, let's start with this character, because Kronik only appeared in ONE comic and I'm not even kidding. Kronik appeared in "Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme #78" and he is some kind of Dormammu's personal telepath. Why does Dormammu need a guy like that? I don't know, but the character only served to inform Clea about a new crisis in the Dark Dimension, because some inhabitants were turning into monsters and killing everyone around them. So, Kronik wanted to team up with Clea to defeat this threat, but I believe that this story has not been continued to this day, and if it has, then it is in the darkest corners in the comics, because I never found it.
Now, why would I want to see this character in the MCU? Because I believe it has the potential to be a much better adaptation than the original. Like, his name is "Kronik", which is synonymous with "Chronos, the Personification of Time" in Greek mythology. So why not expand this idea into the MCU? Since the Dark Dimension was established to be "Beyond Time", he could have some important role and still be one of the oldest beings in the Dark Dimension. Perhaps because he was old and wise, Dormammu gave him a place in his royalty and he would talk about the past and FUTURE battles that the Lord of Chaos would face.
4 - G'uranthic Guardian.
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G'uranthic is a character that some people may know exists, but even so, he is mega unknown. For those who don't know, G'uranthic is a being that was created long before Dormammu took the throne and he was created by one of the ancient rulers of the Dark Dimension (G'uran The Great). He is represented as a mystical construct that has immense power, because he was created to obey and protect not only the current ruler of the Dark Dimension, but also keep his palace safe from any threats.
I would really love to see this monster in the movies, because not only would it be one of the most powerful beings in the Dark Dimension, but it would also make a lot of people find the history of the Dark Dimension very rich, even if just a little. Seriously, the Dark Dimension has so much potential and has an interesting story behind it, but it's a shame that Marvel almost never focuses on it.
3 - These 4 Henchmen.
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Yes, those guys. For those who don't know (or don't remember), these 4 henchmen were sent by Dormammu to kill Stephen in "Strange Tales #126". In other words, they were the first 4 henchmen from the Dark Dimension to be revealed in the comics, if you don't count the G'uranthic Guardian and Orini. I'm going to talk about each one separately and let you know that they don't have names, at least not that I know of. I'll talk about each one in order, starting from left to right of the image.
1 - The Golden Golem: This was the first henchman who faced Stephen in the Dark Dimension and his ability is to consume spells. In short, the more spells the opponent throws at him, the bigger and stronger he becomes. I'll admit, I think it would be cool to have this guy in a Doctor Strange movie, because I think it makes sense for Dormammu to have troops that consume spells from his enemies, since the Lord of Chaos is up against several Sorcerers Supreme normally. And of course, I like the look of it, because it's simple and beautiful at the same time.
2 - Dark Knights: These guys attacked Stephen through a portal and were trying to capture him for Dormammu. However, Stephen realized that spells don't work on them and had to use the "Amulet Of Agamotto" to defeat them. Anyway, one idea I thought of for these characters is if they have a power similar to Noob Saibot's power in Mortal Kombat, because Noob (Bi-Han) can create shadows (Saibot) to attack his opponents. It would be easier to combine all these knights into just 1.
3 - Fake Tiboro: Yeah, this guy looks like Tiboro to me because of the helmet, but whatever. This guy is just a distraction for Stephen, because the next henchman wanted to surprise Stephen. However, I can imagine this guy being just an evil spirit who hangs out with the henchman and could have a more menacing look in the movies. Speaking of that other henchman...
4 - The Bubble Guy: Yes, this guy's power is to release bubbles and he almost managed to crush Stephen with them. However, Stephen being smart, managed to create a hole inside the bubble and released a spell to trap the enemy inside another bubble. As much as I can't invent many things for this henchman, I will admit that his helmet reminds me of the hat that the Pope (or Priest, I don't know) wears in churches. In short, I think this guy could be some kind of leader in Dormammu's cults, because Dormammu wants to control everyone not only by force, but by religion as well. I don't know, it would be interesting and it would also explain why certain inhabitants of the Dark Dimension are loyal to Dormammu.
Anyway, these are the ideas I have for these henchmen.
2 - Asti The All-Seeing.
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Now, let's talk about one of the most interesting characters in the Dark Dimension and one of the most wasted to date. Asti is one of Dormammu's servants, he appears to have many duties, he is sent to fight, lure, capture and keep an eye on the Dark Lord's adversaries. This character even worked for The Maker for a while, but that doesn't matter. His powers seem to be based more on summons, such as summoning creatures, tentacles, etc. He appears to be powerful and even faced Wiccan himself once, despite losing.
Asti even has potential, because I think he could be one of the few servants that Dormammu trusts in the MCU and could still be considered a friend, honestly. He could be sent to keep an eye on many things, even Dormammu's own family. I believe that Asti could have a similar personality to Starscream in "Transformers: Prime", but the difference is that he is loyal to his master and perhaps he will be loyal to Clea, if she is Dormammu's apprentice in the MCU. It would make sense for Dormammu to have "Eyes and Ears" in places he can't be or doesn't have control over.
1 - Jack The Ripper.
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Yes, Jack is a being from the Dark Dimension in the Marvel Universe, but with some differences. Long story short, Dormammu sent a parasite to England because he couldn't invade Earth at that time, thanks to the Ancient One. Then, when the parasite arrived in London, it possessed a man called "Tom Malverne" and used his body to cause the deaths of several people. However, according to certain Thor comics, it is said that the parasite is from a race called "Zaniac", but I can't say if this is true, because I don't read many Thor comics. Jack has the ability to create knives through his body and cause immense savagery in the host he is possessing.
I know that Jack is a person who existed in real life and maybe Marvel would never have the courage to put him in the movies, but man, how I wanted to see him in a Doctor Strange movie or series. He could be one of Dormammu's most lethal assassins/agents and still be very intimidating with his comic book look. Listen, if the Ancient One got a series in the MCU, I believe Jack could appear as the Main Villain. Like, it was said that the Ancient One was the last in a long line of Sorcerers Supreme, but we still don't know what happened and what forced her to use the power of the Dark Dimension. However, Jack could be the perfect explanation for this, because he could have arrived on Earth to destroy the Sanctum in London and then go on to destroy the other Sanctums for Dormammu. BUT, the Sorcerers were there to prevent this, but Jack managed to kill them and the Ancient One was forced to use the power of the Dark Dimension to banish/destroy Jack and live long enough until Stephen arrived in Kamar-Taj.
Anyway, that's the list, and once again, I'm sorry if there are errors in the text because of my English. This post was supposed to be released a long time ago, but I ended up being too lazy to finish it. I hope you liked the post and tell me what you thought later.
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cinnamuff · 1 year
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Can I interest you in some....alien fruits and vegetables? :]
Some of the fruits, vegetables, and dishes you can find on planets Azmorfa, Yoello, and Osmos! I’m gonna rewrite the info below the cut just in case it’s hard to see!
For planet Yoello, there’s Amo, Gayan, Qur, Qopa, Rolavu, and Ical!
Diverse and used in many dishes
You can also eat it raw...if you want
Inspired by green onions and leeks!
Leafy greens! (Or leafy reds?)
Used in soups, salads, and wraps
Tastes like a cabbage
Watery vegetable!
Often sliced and eaten as is
Sometimes pickled
These were inspired by cucumbers!
Intense sweet flavour!
Great for juices and drinks
These were inspired by strawberries and dragonfruit! It tastes similar to a strawberry!
Very diverse!
Can be boiled, mashed, and made into breads, even!
Inspired by potatoes!
Inspired by chickpeas and green beans, takes most of its inspiration from chickpeas, though!
The plant is harvested and the pea sized Ical can be found inside the pea pods
For planet Azmorfa, there’s Sayamis, Bobol, and Hamana!
A root veggie that grows in funky shapes
Bobol balls is Bobol that has been mashed, dipped in batter, and fried!
Inspired by sweet potatoes and ube yam!
Eaten as is, used in desserts, juices and drinks, and frozen treats!
Inspired by mangoes!
And for planet Osmos, there’s Orinis! They have a sweet and sour taste to them.
I had so much fun thinking of these and designing them too, can’t wait to do more for other planets, and think of even more dishes. >]
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faeriedewdrops · 10 months
names beginning with the letter "o" !
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[Image ID: A line of blue ocean waves dividing the text. End ID]
oxiar (ox-ee-are)
omiria (oh-meer-ee-uh)
orotid (or-oh-tid)
orinis (or-in-iss; like bliss)
orie (or-ee)
ostis (aw-stiss; like bliss)
orcen (or-sen; like den)
oralide (or-ah-lied)
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[Image ID: A line of blue ocean waves dividing the text. End ID]
requested by: anon !
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