scifidancer · 7 months
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STARGATE SG - 1 / "The Nox"
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bigfan1811 · 8 months
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His name is opher and he is so cool and i am so happy
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opher · 2 years
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・・ ✩ a day in marsei (jennie)
‹ capa por opher ⌕ feita em 2021.
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ophericons · 2 years
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⠀⠀⌕ icons kazuha ☆ 120px — salvou? dê like ou reblog c:
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layla-carstairs · 8 months
one of these days I’m going to reread tlh just to figure out the timeline and you can hold me to that
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theearnestonion · 7 months
It’s so wild how the day will be looking up and hen your mom goes and says a thing that makes it worse again
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gildedbearediting · 2 months
International Read to Me Day
It’s March 19th which means that it’s International Read to Me Day. A day that I certainly enjoy now. A few years back, I wouldn’t have been able to say such a thing. I would’ve laughed and said that I’d rather read the story, the book, whatever the material was myself. I would’ve been hard-pressed for knowing a narrator, voice actor, and the likes that I passionately gravitated towards. With…
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stroudtimes · 2 years
Shadow Health Secretary visits Stroud - and pledges support for Maternity Hospital
Shadow Health Secretary visits Stroud – and pledges support for Maternity Hospital
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millenari · 6 months
naming in Cats is a difficult matter so funny because so many names are indicative of the nature of the cat themself. Grizabella is an excellent example: 'griz' meaning 'grizzled' and 'bella' which traditionally means 'beautiful/beauty', aka 'grizzled beauty'. Bustopher is half 'bust' which the meaning of is obvious given his everything and the 'opher' is most likely derived from Christopher, which adds a dignified, traditional vibe to the name that matches his personality.
You also have names like Pouncival, half Percival which is a name that I think most people would associate with a young man, and then 'pounce' added in there to compliment his mischievous and active personality. Mistoffelees is derived from Mephistopheles, a demon from German folklore, though Misto's name has quirkier spelling to give him the otherworldly yet less threatening vibe of his demonic counterpart (which also suits his horn-like curled ears and sometimes cryptid-y vibes in some productions). There's also Bombalurina-- 'Bomb/Bomba' is perhaps derived from 'bombacious' or a similar term to probably describe her general l‌asciviousness and s‌ensuality, and then 'balurina' at the end is an alternate spelling of 'ballerina' to indicate her grace and maybe her performative nature.
And then you have names like Munkustrap. Which... Just kind of exist.
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honey171 · 3 months
3 😽
KQKAKAKAKAKAKA obrigada por mandar mais uma kinga!! 🥺🥺🫶🫶
3) ai é muito difícil escolher 1 capista fav apenas! então aqui vai uma listinha de capistas que eu admiro 💖💖
@ilov2win @liazchu @hwangallery @psoull @port-starxly @veilyixing @hwangsanie @mcflymax @pinklime-art @kodalindissima @trancyzp @mixyl @chanyouchan @xmaeve @loeynely @cottage-coreport @gatiiiinhos @youreiludida @xuggistuff @fox-ye @port-sever @xnerbby @arthinkzo @maluyoongi @portifoliooppaxwang @siotport @moonwos @flarke @opher @cheillittlemess @binglio @sungsetport @mercuryport
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angellen · 4 months
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Hey angels, como estão? Espero que estejam bem! Hoje, em meios aos meus devaneios diários quando eu estava sem nada pra fazer da vida (o que não é novidade), me peguei pensando: hum, acho que vou fazer um desafio pra mim treinar!
Só que enquanto eu organizava as ideias, eu realmente gostei do desafio e como eu nunca havia postado nenhum (mas sempre tive a vontade), decidi compartilhar com vocês. Inspirado em outros desafios de capas aqui do Tumblr como os da @yoonswan e @opher que fizeram alguns maravilhosos, o Eleven Vibes tem o objetivo de incentivá-los com a produção de novos designs para aprimorar e sair um pouco da zona de conforto.
Certinho, introdução concluída, agora vamos ver como funcionará o desafio? Let’s go!
O desafio consistirá na produção de 11 capas. Cada etapa terá um estilo e uma temática específica, em que vocês poderão fazê-las da maneira que acharem melhor!
Entenderemos melhor na prática, mas antes de ir para ela, dêem uma olhadinha nas informações abaixo, okay?
01. Use a tag #elevenvibes ou #11vibes quando postarem as capas do desafio.
02. Me marquem na publicação pra mim surtar de amores com a capa de vocês.
03. Não há necessidade de seguir a ordem descrita e tampouco fazer todos os dias (nem eu vou seguir isso, gente :D)
04. Vocês podem fazer o que quiserem com as capinhas de vocês (mas se for do g-idle ou do bts, eu tô aceitando que doem pra mim, viu?)
05. Caso não consiga mesmo fazer o que foi proposto, vocês podem estar adaptando para a maneira de vocês ou me chamem se precisarem de ajuda!
06. Dêem like ou reblog pra chegar em outros capistas e fazer a vida dessa pobre camponesa feliz <3
07. E lembrem-se, o intuito do desafio é para que ajudem vocês, que saiam da zona de conforto mas principalmente, que se divirtam, então nada de se cobrar ou se sobrecarregar, okay?
Dita as observações, vamos ver como será o desafio!
Estilo: Clean | Tema: Sobrenatural
Começando com a queridinha de muitos e pesadelos de todos (autocrítica), nessa etapa, vocês farão uma capa no estilo clean com a temática sobrenatural!
Ah mas Lina, sobrenatural não combina melhor com dark?
Quantas capinhas no estilo dark vocês já viram com a temática sobrenatural? E quantas no clean? Isso aí, então vamos inovar galerinha, sair da zona de conforto, chorar um pouco, não faz mal, sabe? Soltem a imaginação!
Estilo: Romântica | Tema: Filmes
Essa tá fácil! Aqui vocês irão produzir uma capa no estilo romântica que seja inspirada em algum filme. Isso, qualquer filme de sua preferência para fazer essa capa, gostaram? Sou boazinha, poxa!
Estilo: Fluffy | Tema: Ballet
Produzam uma capa no estilo fluffy com a temática de ballet. Podem abordar da maneira que vocês preferirem, sem restrições!
Estilo: Divertida | Tema: Desenho animado
Imaginem uma capa no estilo divertida levando como temática um desenho animado, como pica-pau, my little pony, winx club, scooby doo e dentre outros! É isso que irão fazer, vamos voltar à infância e produzir uma capa inspirada em desenhos animados (ou até mesmo contendo os personagens, não se limitem!)
Estilo: Colagem | Tema: Colegial
Para aqueles que gostam de capa no estilo colagem, essa tá fácil, né? Aqui vocês irão produzir uma capa de colagem que tenha o tema colegial. Não tem muito o que explicar, vamo trabalhar!
Estilo: Vintage | Tema: Literatura clássica
Opa! Ouvi um não? Ou será um sim? Isso não é tão complicado quanto parece. Façam uma capa no estilo vintage inspirado em obras da literatura clássica. Vamos voltar no tempo e nos inspirar em clássicos como os de Shakespeare, por que não? Já imaginaram uma linda capa inspirada em Romeu e Julieta? Quero ver, hein!
Estilo: Dark | Tema: Piratas
Outra queridinha de muitos e pesadelos de todos, dessa vez o estilo dark veio acompanhado da temática de piratas!
Piratas do Caribe, Lina?
Talvez hein, gosto da ideia. Explorem o conceito mais sombrio em uma capa com elementos piratas, talvez um tesouro amaldiçoado ou uma ilha misteriosa, que tal?
Estilo: Sexy | Tema: Magia
E vocês podem se perguntar: como eu vou fazer uma capa sexy no tema de magia? Pois bem, eu também estou me perguntando desde que escrevi isso, mas acredito que os bruxos cairiam bem, né? Por que não? Existem diversas maneiras de explorar a magia numa capa mais sensual, vamos botar a cabeça para trabalhar! (incluindo a minha, sos desespero)
Estilo: Angst | Tema: Amor proibido
Essa também não tá difícil, vai! O estilo angst numa temática de amor proibido combina. Expressem a dor do romance proibido em elementos tristes na produção dessa capa, como correntes e vidros quebrados. Usem a imaginação!
Estilo: Manipulada | Tema: Cisnes
E em nossa reta final, chegamos com uma das mais conhecidas, a manipulação! Aqui vocês farão uma capa manipulada com a temática de cisnes. Tem várias maneiras de se inspirar nesse contexto, sejam em clássicos como o lago dos cisnes, colocando uma dualidade do cisne branco com o negro, usem da sua imaginação!
Estilo: Vetor | Tema: Música
Não tão conhecido, mas igualmente lindo, acredito que muitas pessoas não tenham afinidade com capas vetorizadas, que são capas desenhadas de certo modo, mas calmem! Não é um bicho de sete cabeças. Nessa temática, vocês podem fazer a capa vetor de várias formas, seja inspirado em uma música ou com elementos musicais como notas, um guitarrista, cantor, deixem a imaginação fluir! Acredito em vocês, se necessário, pesquisem por watch me edits no YouTube para que possa auxiliá-los.
E então, gostaram do desafio? Mesmo que alguns tópicos possam parecer difíceis, tentem produzir, eu confio no potencial de cada um! Espero que possam ajudá-los de algum modo e enfim, mãos a obra, pessoal!
— Atenciosamente de @angellen 💗
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opher · 2 years
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・・ ✩ i just met a girl a girl named Blue Jeans.
‹ capa por opher ⌕ feita em 2021.
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dearlybelovedemilyko · 11 months
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ah yes, christ-opher. his soot power was to turn coffee into wine
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verosvault · 5 months
Fantasy High Junior Year Trailer Screenshots & Theories (pt. 2)
Elm Valley Mall Fight?
What better of a "revisit" than going back to the mall where the arcade fight was first held at!!! "Elm Valley Mall"???
(I might be reposting some of the same photos for educational purposes to put together clues!! 😂💀)
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Is Gorgug on...a golden...Dragon?? 👁️👄👁️
Also...Oo! Smol Boggy in the back!
Another golden-cape looking thing next to Gorgug! 🤔 Are they statues? Why are they gold? Why are they riding them?
Gorgug's goggles on his head also look to be of a golden color? Idk... I'm lost 💀
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Idk what the Red small Spiky things are! They look dangerous though! I also don't recognize some of these NPCs either....🥴🥴
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I'm not crazy to think that that's an escalator on the left? Like... it's the mall...right??
Also...this shot of Fabian looks dope! 😆
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This is Arthur Aguefort.... Right???....Right????
Wha- What's he doin' at the Elm Valley Mall with the bad kids?! 🥴
Also... what's he got in his hands there??? 🥴🥴🥴
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Also...LOL AT THE "YARRBUCKS COFFEE"! 😂✋ That sounds like a Brennan Lee Mulligan original right there!
I can't tell what it says behind Siobhan though. 🥴🥴 "Philos(-opher's) Sc(-)"??? I CAN'T READ THE REST! 😭✋ Siobhan move your head please 😭✋
On the left of Siobhan's finger, the store there says "Field"? Idk... I'm assuming it's the Elm Valley Mall but idk! 🥴
I originally thought the Elm Valley Mall would look a lil' purple cause the arcade fight but...then again... that's an arcade and it was like...also pulsating with energy???
Idk why the mall is SO BLUE!!!
IS it under water?!
Is it frozen?!
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loeynely · 7 months
Por onde uma pessoa que quer começar a editar hoje começaria? Pode dar algumas dicas ou indicar posts que já tenha falado disso? Desculpa incomodar, você é uma grande inspiração pra mim. <3
Oi, dengo! Sua ask não é incomodo nenhum 🫶🏻 fico muito feliz que você goste do meu trabalho como capista!
Sendo bem sincera eu não tenho muitas dicas pra quem quer começar a editar, mas acredito que vá te ajudar muito assitir alguns watch me edits e alguns tutoriais do app que você vai utilizar pra fazer a capa! caso você queira fazer uma pergunta mais específica eu estou disponível pra ajudar viu? é só me mandar uma mp aqui no tumblr :))) e sobre posts com dicas eu tenho alguns pra indicar 💌
1. masterlist de tutoriais e desafios para capistas - por @opher (esse aqui é um post cheio de links de dicas, tutoriais, watch me edits e desafios para treino de capa!)
2. mini-tutorial de como eu faço minhas capas - por @fairyeoll
3. como aperfeiçoar sua capa clean - por @mixyl
4. explorando novos estilos - por @mixyl
5. aperfeiçoando o estilo 2 - por @mixyl
6. dica sobre paleta de cores - por @lycottre (esse post aqui foi feito por mim então não se surpreendenda se não tiverem as melhores dicas kkkk)
espero ter ajudado! desculpas pela demora pra responder 😔
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fraudulent-cheese · 1 month
So i watched episodes 3 to 8 of Pahkitew Island
Again, watched these with my buddy @rockin-it-rusty! And, holy shit these episodes have got me genuinly wondering why Pahkitew's so hated.
I'll go over the negatives first; the challenges are kinda eh. The Truth or Scare one is great, and the cave one is interesting due to it's hints at the Fake Island reveal (as heavy handed as they were), but most of these were just pretty out there to me? They mostly felt like an excuse to put the characters in situations mostly. Just have Topher make a narration joke, give Max and Scarlett an interaction, have Sky and Dave dance around eachother all due to a thing the challenge made them do. I don't mind the first two much, but the last one gets super repetitive man. Glad they mixed it up a bit by making Shawn try to wingman Dave though, i like their friendship! im a bigger dashawn shipper now oops
Amy... Ok im very mixed on her. On one hand, she serves her role as the mean twin relatively well. But on the other, that's all she really is! Her one trait is being mean and hating her sister, and that's all she really does! Granted she has a thing? Where she gets sayings (?) wrong, or just gets words wrong (she says parfait is german. it's french. i would know) which! could hint at something! (maybe less smart than her sister?) but they don't do shit with her outside of her swimming back to the island in episode 5. god i wanna rewrite this season so badly now to give her a bigger role. idk shoutouts to Twinning with a Twist for redeeming her while still giving her some edge ig.
Rodney. i uh
I haven't thought about him since his elimination honestly. I just doooooon't care about him it's crazy. Most forgettable guy in the entire series.
Sammy! Ok back to the siblings rambles! I wish the show leaned into her scheming more. Girl in five episodes pulled identity theft and did nothing else. Why. Her relationship with Jasmine is adorable, and i wish she got Jasmine to call her by her actual name, and a personality too! It's really a shame man :(
Sidenote, but like her team fucking hated her for some reason??? Like what. I know it's because of that one scene, but really?
Ella!! My sweet girl Ella!!! She didn't do anything wrong man she just likes singing leave her alone!!! Chris really fucking hates her and it's pretty entertaining at least, but i'd say his beef with Topher's funnier. She has a nice singing voice, and i love how passionate she is about fairytales and stuff. You could do so much with the Prince thing and the show... didn't. Like what even was that. Conflict that wasn't one that lasts an episode. what
Gotta say though, her elimination was fucking ass, Max 100% should've been kicked instead of her.
Topher. Ah the opher. He's a special case, even in the context of Pahkitew Island itself! Because the dude's not here for the game. He's here to meet his idol, Chris Mclean (he really knows how to pick em, huh). I like the progression he's got, from wanting his approval to straight up wanting to host the game instead of him. I'll admit, my opinion's a little skewed since i am mutuals with the Topher guy on Tumblr, but i like him regardless!
His relationship with Chris is easily one of the more interesting parts of the season, mostly because a 30-something year old dude having beef with a teenage fan is hilarious, and you could definitely spin it in a sad way from Topher's perspective.
It also helps that he's genuinely funny! His few interactions with the other campers are also pretty fun, he dgaf about them it's great.
Im kind of mixed on Dave, i'll be real. On one hand, im glad they ditched the whole "he doesn't like anyone on this Island" trait three episodes in because that would've gotten. SO ANNOYING. SO FAST. (hell i'd argue it was already annoying), and him being a hopeless romantic could be a fun trait, if done right. It also helps that he's really pathetic and i find that funny. His friendship with Shawn's fun too!
But on the other hand... Yeah, even before the finale the Skave plotline's really boringgg. They just dance around eachother for half the season for like! No reason! Please just have a conversation, even if it takes other people to sit them down to have it! I know why they didn't because the finale needed them to not actually talk about it but at least have Sky tell him she'll explain later or have him not be a coward and ask her about it himself!!! ack!!
Also the thing with him and Ella went literally nowhere. I have 0 feelings about it because it's just there for some reason. Idk they just really wanted to shoehorn in romance for every girl this season huh.
Scarlett's a really underutilized character pre-Island reveal. The bulk of her interactions with the other campers are with Max, who has a ton of screentime for some reason (which i don't personally really mind but i'll explain later) which honestly sucks because she's a fun character! I want to compare her to Twilight Sparkle at the very start of MLP. She's smart, she knows it, she can communicate with her teammates just fine and just chooses not to usually. I like her alot! Im just... really disapointed that she's so in the background usually; if anyone's a wasted character in tdpi, outside of the Twins i'd say it's her.
Her legit wanting to kill Max is great though. That's how i'd react to him irl. Don't get the Max saying she had a crush on him three episodes in, or the quip Chris made during the team switching tho.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, MAX! I swear, i was convinced i'd find this guy annoying pre-watch but uh... I like this guy! No really, i do! He's like Mal, only the narrative doesn't take him seriously in the slightest and it's hilarious to watch! Im like Sugar in that one clip, i am laughing at this buffoon's intelligence, and his stupid catchphrase, and his "evil" plans, and his general delivery! Max is funny!
Even when the Scarlett "minion" thing kicked in i still found him funny! Don't get me wrong, i wish he'd gotten out earlier (ESPECIALLY when he was supposed to get kicked in the episode Ella got eliminated into) or just gotten less screentime in general, but in the season proper, yeah he's a funny guy! Big gimmick, but i like him! Please don't add nuance to him, i don't care
Jasmine... certaintly exists! I'd call her the Season's rock, the one character that's emotionally intelligent on the show. She's fun in general, and also the only one noticing things going wrong with the robotic island. As said before, her relationship with Sammy is great to see, and i wished we'd see more of her and Sky's friendship and uh. For there to be more between her and Shawn? Because the only things i've retained is that they blushed at eachother once and then trust issues party because he hit her once during a challenge and that completely broke her trust in him - which, could be an interesting aspect of her character to explore since if that's all it took for her to pull a 180 on Shawn, the girl must have a complicated relationship with trust. That's an interesting flaw! It also shows up with her rapport in Sky in the later episodes of this batch, and. GOD. I wish it was developped man!
The issue? Yeah it's dragged on so longggg man! It's frustating to watch frankly because i really wish they'd resolve this conflict quicker since it's like. The same thing every episode :( to my knowledge it's solved in episode 9, but it did NOT need to be dragged out for 4 episodes.
Unrelated to her charater, but her height difference with the other campers is kind of ridiculous. In some shots the characters look so small compared to her it's crazyyy
Ok, now. Sugar. I'll be honest? She's great! She's just a menace and doing her own thing and it's fun to watch! She's also interesting in terms of backstory since she's canonically a pageant queen; her relationship with Ella is greatly impacted by this, since she heavily suspects her of lying to her face when it's just. Ella being Ella. Similar thing to her opinion on Topher; she doesn't like him for his sucking up to Chris, the host (something that Rusty probably agrees with). I fucking wish she was more popular because then people would look into her more, but alas. She's a female, plus sized character in Pahkitew Island, so considering the Fandom's biases, it was never going to happen. U_U
OK TIME FOR ZOMBIE BOY. So, Shawn. He's definitely more present in these episodes than he was before, and, again, i think he's fun! He's a weird little guy. He's got interesting skills (his camouflage, legit parkour, general athleticism) and his personality's interesting as well compared to the other guys. The zombie thing is fine, actually, because they do different things with it over the course of these episodes. Not much to say about him, he's a solid character to me and i wish he had more interactions with the cast outside of Dave and his pining for Jasmine. Who he's talked to like, five times at this point? Again, they probably should've talked stuff out faster than this for me to actually enjoy it. Oh well.
And finally, Sky. She's an interesting case for me? She's fine, mostly. She's the Normal Person™️ of the cast to me, and that means she really struggles to grab me. It's made worse by her main plot being a basic romance plot where the gimmick is that she's a reasonable human being and Dave isn't. And neither are able to have a normal fucking conversation about it either. The mixed signals thing could've been interesting, but this is Fresh TV writters, so of course it didn't end up that way. I assume the episodes without Dave are the ones where her personality shines more? Because so far she's just been really reserved and calm. And said she'd "focus on the competition only" And then. Doesn't. Really. God i wish this season treated it's female characters better :(
Im mixed on alot of the character decisions
god i wished these people talked more
the screentime is not well split among the cast
the romance plots and pacing of the Island plot are the weakest parts of this season
the challenges are fine
Why does Chef have 5 lines total.
Pahkitew Island does NOT deserve the overly negative rep it gets in this Fandom, at least based on the first 8 episodes.
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