#operational strategy
imrovementcompany · 4 months
The Pillars of Corporate Success: Key Responsibilities of Top Executives
Understanding the Dynamics of Corporate Leadership In the complex world of corporate governance, the CEO, CFO, COO, and CHRO each play a vital role in the success of a company. These high-level executives bring unique skill sets to the table, and their responsibilities are crucial in shaping a company’s culture, growth, and stability. Understanding these roles can help us appreciate how they…
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arkiwii · 5 months
"SUPER EASY STRATEGY but you need Mountain and you don't have him" yeah or i can use a 2 block operator and silence's drone. who fucking needs self regen. coward.
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blackpilljesus · 9 months
Pls elaborate how Y works like rabies I need to know
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The `/ chromosome is a parasitic-like virus. It cant be "caught" per se but it operates similarly to rabies. It manifests itself as a host and seeks to reproduce itself to cause more terror. The end goal of the `/ chromosome is reproduction & destruction; this post will focus on the reproduction aspect. Once a part of it gets into another body the process begins all over again. Similar to how rabies gets into a new host to make it's way to the brain to spread.
I mention rabies particularly bc some symptoms rabies exudes makes it spread easily and difficult to combat. For example, fear of water (to reject being washed away), foaming at the mouth, nocturnal animals out in the day and appearing friendly to humans (when they otherwise wouldnt be), animals that are typically reserve attacking others, etc. The `/ chromosome takes a mutated form of human -well woman- & wants to reproduce itself through women. Anything that threatens its chances of reproduction is ruthlessly cut off.
Note the obsession moids have with wanting sons (and used to name sons after themselves) & how sons are typically born in cases of tragedies like rape? Y chromosome mutation. A big part of ♂️inflation occured as most women were raped multiple times & had no autonomy or way of fighting back so from these conditions more moids were born because I dont believe the gender ratio was ever meant to be 50/50 -consider that despite all the femicides, having to live in a maIe centric world, and son preferences, the overall gender ratio is roughly 50/50 give or take a few points.
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I saw this the other day, pregnancy is not the happy go lucky romanticised bs that women are indoctrinated into; their bodies are taken captive to reproduce on a biological level. The y chromosome is fighting to be reproduced and will take whatever it can -born or unborn- to do so. The womans genes are trying to fight back. I believe a big reason why sons are born from tragedy more often is because the womans body has already undergone stress so theres not enough energy to fight back the `/ chromosome invasion. Remember the sperm determines sex.
Genetics arent perfect however there's sometimes often outliers for example an xx is born despite the Ys effort. My 2 theories is either a mutation on the y chromosome part (causing it to be weaker) or the mothers body was strong enough to fight off the y chromosome. Now I'm no biologist or geneticist all of this is just rough speculation.
Also recommend reading trust your perception blog about the y chromosome.
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soup-for-ghosts · 4 months
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notes app doodle rica + roland doodles I said I would draw here
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americankimchi · 3 months
decided to rewatch tcw and i remembered just how hard it is for me to watch without constantly going "why the hell are they doing that" every other scene 😭😭
like they're doing that because this is a KID'S SHOW. logic is taking a backseat for the sake of the narrative. use the force to suspend ur disbelief baby because you won't make it otherwise!!!
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oltammefru · 10 months
One thing that IS3 does so incredibly well is how well it translates the feeling of fighting against the highly-adaptable, continually evolving, endless threat of the Seaborn into gameplay mechanics.
The emphasis on corrosion damage and the ability of the Retching Broodmothers to infinitely spawn enemies both do really great job of encapsulating the war of attrition of fighting the Seaborn. Sure, you survived the first wave, but will you survive the next? In a world where your enemies are endless and continually multiplying, and there is no such thing as a true victory, only survival until the next fight, all you can do is fight until you are worn-down and broken. One activation of corrosion isn't necessarily much on its own, but after a few more, the difference is night and day.
A great way IS3 translates the ever-evolving threat of the Seaborn into gameplay is with the per floor scaling difficulty. Fighting an Ocean Stonecutter on floor 2 is drastically different than fighting one on floor 5. The former is generally not incredibly scary but the latter can be terrifying and often requires you to adapt to their adaptation. If you try to use the exact same tools to deal with the same enemy on floor 2 as you would on floor 5 or 6 you're going to have a bad time, and it's great, both because it keeps gameplay interesting, and how it flavorful it is as a mechanic.
I've already talked about before about how great the design of the Ocean Stonecutters (the hermit crab-like guys) are, but I'll say it again. They're so cool and one of my favorite enemy designs in the game. A thing I'll add here is that they are also much more interesting they are to fight than most enemies because their pause while entering enemy range effect is itself exploitable; by baiting them with an expendable unit, allowing them to just idle out of range of any important unit. Love the crabs.
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exoticalmonde · 5 months
IS2 also known as Phantom & Crimson Solitaire but the Part where I learn about some of the Lore via Operator Records
This all started because I am a stupid idiot simp and have no self-control, okay?
The other day I was trying to mind my business when I was wondering who out of my Bandorio (husBandorio) squad I want to E2. It was almost an unfair match between Shalem and Mr. Nothing (whose position in the band is already shaky with Lessing and Hoderer coming eventually).
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I thought to myself 'The best way to really know who I want is to see how useful they are in batte-' WRONG, I wanted to know if I vibe with them on a personal level. Which meant that I had to sit down and read their Operator Records.
And proceeded to yap about Shalem on TWTR since harlot gloves and an iridescent shine on his tail + it being cutely wrapped around his leg is the go-to if you want to impress me.
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Also because I like the look of sheer exhausted, barely clinging to sanity look he gives me when I zoom in on his person.
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Continue below if you want to see me cry about Shalem, the Troupe and then about the Crimson Solitaire and what it was throwing at me the last two days.
So being said, I started admiring... everything that is happening in his E2. Prior to actually reading anything I knew that Shalem has something to do with Phantom, at least something enough that he has to go and save him from IS2. I've dabbled with it before just a tiny little, never reached an ending and I still haven't as I write this.
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Items of background as of yet unverified, which is really funny because I think the same goes for Phantom. Maybe I should look him up while I'm here to read side-by-side comparison.
Take note, it says Shalem works in logistics.
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Both Victorian, born within a month and a bit of each other, so that's interesting. What's that? Phantom is taller?? Than shalem?? The twink black cat is taller than the black snake?
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Oh, he's doomed. Who do I like that ISN'T infected with Oripathy??? It feels like they're all sick... But now that I look at my list, Chongyue, Ebenhol-
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Okay... that leaves SilverAsh, Vigil, Lee, Tequila, Lessing they're all fine.
My head is too full of Czerny and Hoederer being Infected on a very advanced level, so it feels like my world is ending every time I start reading the Medical Analysis.
-Shalem Trust 50-
Considering Rhodes Island's operators come from all corners, races, temperaments, histories and myriad diversities of the land, there are indeed plenty who are weak with communication yet possess a kind heart, and thus HR's operators haven't had serious concern, vis-a-vis the state of Shalem's life. 
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Me *handshake* Shalem Disliking mixing friend groups so we just avoid it at all cost
He's been waiting forever, waiting for his chapter's end, but he doesn't anticipate that in ten or so months, when Rhodes Island life has long since become routine, that a shadow of the past will sorrowfully arrive.
Congratulations, everybody, another sad boy has reconsidered subearthing themselves because he found a place to call home and a bed he can sleep in with both eyes closed.
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-Phantom Trust 50-
When Phantom first set foot on Rhodes Island, he terrified the logistics personnel who were on duty at the time. He suddenly appeared behind one individual, standing there without a word until the person turned around to discover his presence.
IF SHALEM WORKS IN LOGISTICS WAS THIS ACTUALLY TALKING ABOUT HIM???? I can't believe Shalem was stalked by Phantom for absolutely no reason and then Closure got pissed that this arrogant feline just boarded the ship without telling anybody, or anybody noticing even, until it was too late.
Talk about being a professional assassin.
Accompanying Phantom on his arrival to Rhodes Island was a person as mysterious and alluring as the night itself, someone known as 'Ms. Christine.' Through her demeanor, it was clear that she was a refined and haughty woman. No one knows whether she will remain or leave, and she is not always seen with Phantom, instead happy enough to wander around as if quietly patrolling her turf.
To this, I have only one responce
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*Throws 15, 000 of those at Phantom* I HAVE THE LADY'S PERMISSION!!
-Shalem Trust 100-
After a field mission ended, Shalem noticed a phantasm behind him. He was the most brilliant of those young stars in the troupe, its leader's favorite, a crimson blood diamond, and he stared at him, naturally not seeking to reminisce. 
Oh my god I was right.
An acquainted operator informed him someone called Phantom had joined as an Operator in the past few days. Who was Phantom? Shalem knew in his heart as clear as night.
Joined like it's nobody's business.
After which Shalem just decided his anxiety is too much to handle and didn't go out of his room for a small eternity.
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When he received a mission on his terminal to seek the missing Operator Phantom, Shalem believed someone to be pranking him, but after verifying high and low, he realized Phantom truly had departed Rhodes Island, and no one was more familiar with the mission objective's search area than Shalem. It was his and Phantom's home, and the beginning of their nightmares. The past had already found Shalem, and he could not choose to stay uninvolved again. He accepted the mission to search for Phantom.
Oh no, he's being sent to whatever hellhole the Troupe is situated at. That must actually be one hell of a notice to get on his terminal. Go look for the person you have been trying to avoid, with whom you were potentially raised to play an endless play because he disappeared.
How did Phantom even end up there??? I have more questions than I have answers now.
-Phantom Trust 100-
After receiving his permission, Rhodes Island conducted a series of tests aimed at targeting this ability, basically confirming that Phantom's ability to alter the shadows is related to sound. By using his throat to vocalize certain sounds, he is able to interfere with and severely damage the psyche of a living being. The more intense the emotion in the tone, the deeper the effect is, producing psychological damage that is difficult to repair or reverse.
Sweet Mouthpiece... What the actual hell?
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-Shalem Trust 150-
After the flood receded, some sumptuously graceful guests entered the village. Yes, they handed people money to seek local aid; yes, they carefully selected, adopted many children who were without claim, now their parents had vanished or been lost.
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I have a bad feeling about thi-
Numbering one of them was the young Shalem.
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I hate this with all my life, actually.
'You are children of the arts. Now, you may rest well.' So the old butler promised, and so Shalem believed. Soon after, his life became a play. Modest and gentle was the label the troupe gave to Shalem, and ever since then, it has become his 'true personality.'
'Modest' and 'Gentle'? Explain this, then
We shan't dwell on the daily physical training and rehearsal of lines. Understudies as excellent as Phantom would be led upon stage, given verbal motivation and material reward in front of them all.
Yeah, so they did know each other and everybody hated Phantom because he was good at what he was doing. Actually terrible by definition.
The children who entered the troupe together one by one disappeared, and those left were completely changed in temperament, not a speck of the innocence of their years left visible. As they grew in years, Shalem had convinced himself to accept one fact: We were only brought into this troupe to offer our lives to the arts. If we are unable to perform... Then we have no right to live within the troupe. Whether voluntary or not, so long as you joined the troupe, the script you were given would be written long in advance. To run until your life's end.
God, Shalem... My darling...
Survival drives all to the brink, and they who ought to have worked together past these difficulties began to slaughter each other. In the end, no one escapes. Only a few uneaten slices of meat remain, scooped away by fowlbeasts, flapping their wings across the endless waters.
Is this... hinting at... cannibalism...? Again?
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-Phantom Trust 150-
We can infer from our investigations that a wave of Oripathy that ripped through parts of Victoria a few years ago destroyed this troupe, and changed the trajectory of Phantom's life. He may have had a wonderful voice in the past, but as he is now, he could not be further from the stage.
I feel like I need a little more context about this. Shalem's town was flooded, but the Troupe exploded because of a wave of Oripathy? Where did it come from? Did I miss it somewhere? Obviously, this information is outdated because we know the Troupe exists in a much more bloody cult-like fashion now, but WHY? What is their point?
I can also tell you about the impressions I now have about him, but it may not be of any use to you, because there's a good chance you won't listen. But if you insist? Very well. I don't have much to say, but there is one suggestion. —Stay away from him. He's still caught in a nightmare, not fully awake yet.'
—A conversation with Schwarz
This Schwarz?
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Ma'amn you need to explain why you think all of that, I'm getting a little sweaty about how much people know and what they think about Phantom, because I kinda still do like him.
-Shalem trust 200-
He should have delivered that dagger to their heart, felt the spasm of their limbs, watched the light in their eyes little by little melt away. But the boy of the abyss did not do so. The weapon meant to murder instead cut the rope, and was handed to another to become a tool protective of life. And so did a meticulous production end. A play rendered a complete shambles by this boy of the abyss. A stage offered to him to prove his talent, so wasted and defiled by a conscience. Sinner, sinner! This coward, this lamentable coward. A hunter letting go its prey, presuming to still return to the castle, to report to its king. And yet he! He follows the prey's steps, disappears with it into the barrens' ends?! Let him be far from civilization, far from art, to go to that wild brink. He is fit only to be exiled.
HE ESCAPED BY TURNING ON THE TROUPE IN A MOMENT OF CONSCIOUS GUILT AND REBUTTAL!! My sweetest, tormented darling yeah, you get to stay in my husband team forever.
-Phantom Trust 200-
[Classified Log] We found the site of the incident that befell the troupe at the time.
All the residences, facilities, and public spaces have been preserved as is, including the troupe's tents stationed in the park, just like in the records - the only thing that's missing are the residents.
Gosh, the description is like they got wiped away by Nuclear power. What in the world kind of Oripathy wave was that???
The best way to describe it is as if a piece of cake was sealed within a plastic bag, then thrown into a fervent crowd at an Iberian festival.
Someone gave their all fishussy to write this line.
What we managed to recover is pretty similar to whatever would be left in that bag afterwards. As for the portion of the data that was sent out, the path was too vague and could not be tracked.
Data sent out? Am I understanding this correct, the show was being streamed?
In order to verify the content, we played a portion of the video footage that could be considered somewhat intact. While doing so, three of the investigators present experienced degrees of psychological disturbance, so we were forced to temporarily seal off the remaining files.
What the absolute hell, so we never got to really see/hear what was happening? Was Phantom... the one to do this? Was he singing and it destroyed everything?
[Video File - Encrypted] [Encrypter - Kal'tsit] [Danger Level - 3] '■■■stage, death■■■■behind■■■loop, song■■, ■■■■end, all■begin.'
I need to ask Dr. Pinkie as soon as they wake up about this. I didn't read a lot of stuff about the game while I was playing it, only laughing at items I got.
-Shalem E2 Promotion-
When a person begins learning to perform, or takes up the profession of an actor, they bear for the rest of their life a curse: Are you doing what you would, or carrying out an endless performance?
This is not going anywhere nice.
Do you enact your true personality? Or is your false personality itself the true you? Oh, I imagine you likely can't make heads or tails anymore. Let me show you a way forth. Whether you're the bottomless boy of the abyss taking the stage, or the nobody Shalem aboard Rhodes Island. Listen to this suggestion from your old butler. Everything is a sham. You are not your own self. You were born a performance. Don't be led astray by your self. You are a role, and the role is all that you are. The role's choices are your choices. Now take the stage, performer. The time to offer yourself to art has come.
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-Phantom E2 Promotion-
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bobbile-blog · 4 months
Haven't seen anyone talking about this but at the beginning of the month they kinda shadowdropped a pretty big progression boost for new players with IS3 memory mapping. Because you get four T4 chips and two chip catalysts from each mission reward, and you can access both the IS2 and IS3 monthly squads, you now theoretically have access to enough resources to promote an operator of every class without having to clear the second set of chip stages. It lets you fast-track a few ops, makes those second chip stages much easier, and you only have to make it to the start of floor 3 so you don't even have to fight a boss to get them. Good stuff all around!
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hypaalicious · 11 months
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viktortittiforov · 4 months
not gonna rb it and start beef i don't have time for that but i just saw a 10k+ notes post compiling tweets/posts about how autism has always been around because [person they know/knew] did some weird shit and "does that seem neurotypical to you" and like. i need you to stop that shit mate of course autism has always been around but not every weird thing people do like e.g. collect elephant statues or have an entire room in their house that's just blue or go on forever about an extremely specific thing is "proof" that person's autistic. this isn't anything against autism, god forbid, but as a neuroqueer person myself classifying every weird behavior as neurodivergence is dangerous. the whole essentialist split between "neurotypical" and "neurodivergent" (which is nowadays sometimes actually synonymous with an apparently essentialist split between "normal" and "weird") is dangerous. let people be weird without imposing a diagnosis on them. you don't have to be a specific type of person to do weird shit. weirdness is not contingent upon your fucking brain physiology or whatever other apparent essence. we all do weird shit at least some of the time and we should do more of it. labelling that as always necessarily a symptom of this or that is not going to encourage more people to be their weirdest selves.
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kimberlyannharts · 6 months
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oh wow really that is so interesting to hear wow love how "fumbling Adam" is consistent across the comics AND show
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craig960114 · 1 month
why my brother sqaig will help me take over the world
In the imaginative world where Craig reigns supreme, his brother Sqaig emerges as a formidable ally in their quest for global domination. While Craig possesses cunning and adaptability, Sqaig brings his own unique strengths to the table, making them an unstoppable duo poised to reshape the world in their image.
Firstly, Sqaig complements Craig's abilities with his own brand of charisma and charm. While Craig may excel in clandestine operations and behind-the-scenes manipulation, Sqaig shines in the spotlight, captivating audiences with his magnetic personality and infectious enthusiasm. Together, they form a dynamic duo capable of rallying followers from all walks of life to their cause.
Secondly, Sqaig's ingenuity and creativity add a new dimension to their plans for world domination. While Craig may rely on tried-and-true tactics, Sqaig isn't afraid to think outside the box and innovate. Whether it's devising bold new strategies or leveraging emerging technologies, Sqaig's inventive spirit ensures that they stay one step ahead of their adversaries.
Furthermore, Sqaig's unwavering loyalty to his brother Craig strengthens their bond and solidifies their alliance. In a world where trust is a rare commodity, Sqaig's steadfast commitment to Craig serves as a powerful foundation for their partnership. Together, they weather the storms of opposition and adversity, emerging stronger and more determined than ever to achieve their shared goals.
In conclusion, the union of Craig and Sqaig represents a formidable force in the world of global politics and power struggles. With their complementary strengths, unwavering loyalty, and shared ambition, they stand poised to conquer all obstacles in their path and usher in a new era of dominance and influence. Beware the rise of Craig and Sqaig, for their reign may soon be upon us.
#In the imaginative world where Craig reigns supreme#his brother Sqaig emerges as a formidable ally in their quest for global domination. While Craig possesses cunning and adaptability#Sqaig brings his own unique strengths to the table#making them an unstoppable duo poised to reshape the world in their image.#Firstly#Sqaig complements Craig's abilities with his own brand of charisma and charm. While Craig may excel in clandestine operations and behind-th#Sqaig shines in the spotlight#captivating audiences with his magnetic personality and infectious enthusiasm. Together#they form a dynamic duo capable of rallying followers from all walks of life to their cause.#Secondly#Sqaig's ingenuity and creativity add a new dimension to their plans for world domination. While Craig may rely on tried-and-true tactics#Sqaig isn't afraid to think outside the box and innovate. Whether it's devising bold new strategies or leveraging emerging technologies#Sqaig's inventive spirit ensures that they stay one step ahead of their adversaries.#Furthermore#Sqaig's unwavering loyalty to his brother Craig strengthens their bond and solidifies their alliance. In a world where trust is a rare comm#Sqaig's steadfast commitment to Craig serves as a powerful foundation for their partnership. Together#they weather the storms of opposition and adversity#emerging stronger and more determined than ever to achieve their shared goals.#In conclusion#the union of Craig and Sqaig represents a formidable force in the world of global politics and power struggles. With their complementary st#unwavering loyalty#and shared ambition#they stand poised to conquer all obstacles in their path and usher in a new era of dominance and influence. Beware the rise of Craig and Sq#for their reign may soon be upon us.
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(one of) my dream games is a super ultrarealistic city-building game and it's (ideally, though unrealistically) set in america or at least in major american cities.
and i mean extremely ultrarealistic. cities: skylines is like dumb as fuck arcade shit compared to what i want. it may as well be townscaper.
i want it to be detailed enough that it's used by actually irl city planners to simulate their building projects. i wanna be taking soil samples and hydrogeological surveys and flood risk assessments. and i want the regulations and zoning to be really complex and detailed.
and again, i want this to be set around real-life locations. there should be an option for "present day" mode where you start working with the city as it exists today or "historical" mode for some previous period in the city's history or "free play" more where it's just the blank slate terrain and no development.
and of course you gotta manage natural resources and tax revenue and population growth and population happiness and all that.
if you wanna make it ideal-ideal then there should also be a complex political/government angle too.
and ideal-ideal-ideal there should also be an army/military dimension as well. and actually you should be able to play as city, county, state, or federal governments. all simultaneously (although obviously these different governments should also be able to govern themselves automatically so you're not having to micromanage).
#basically some combination of simcity/cities: skylines and victoria and crusader kings and command: modern air/naval operations#and democracy and honestly you should even be able to open up a business or something or even be a part of a construction crew#so include all those business/management sim games too#and it should be all of those games in one simultaneously#sims too#you should be able to just play as an ordinary dude in a city you build#i want to build my irl city and play as me#and i should be able to do that and rise up the ranks until i'm president#and i should be able to nuke other countries or call in the national guard#and there should be like a civil war/natural disaster/zombie apocalypse scenario#so add in zombie games too#i should be able to build a city and then fight zombies in it like dayz#so i guess my ideal game is all games in one lmao#sorry this got way out of hand#i was originally just going to stick with the city-building stuff but more ideas kept coming to me as i wrote it out#but i will say realistically one game i've always wanted to see was some kind of crusader kings/rome:total war fusion#a game where you play as an individual king/politician and rule your city/kingdom (hyperrealistically)#and very grand strategy oriented#but also with the option to fight battles tactically on the ground like the total war series#or even as an individual soldier#there was this one game i played when i was younger that i was kinda like that and i always thought it was ahead of its time#you could fight these battles in a tactical mode or you could play as an individual hero fighting in the thick of things
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pollen · 8 months
throwing this out there again that i'm more than happy to take a look at resumes (with personal info redacted) or to do a pass on any papers or assignments you might have for proofing and editing or hop in as a consultant for any reason <33 all for free. i promise i'm nice and have lots of experience with it and genuinely love doing it
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oltammefru · 4 months
Did I ever mention here I did IS3 Relicless SW15 wolfgirls only. I did IS3 Relicless SW15 wolfgirls only.
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defensenow · 10 days
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