#ooops.... bad boy
athenepromachos · 1 year
Augustasm time 💋♥️🥵🍆🍆
(All credit @babycavill for an Augustastic vid)
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omgeto · 9 months
Hey pretty 💗any thoughts on roommate geto ??? It’s been plaguing my mind ljke imagine getting to kno him cuz ur in the same dorm and go to same uni and ur like freinds but he’s always got sexy undertones and one they u get drunk together and end up making out idkkkk ahhh
I feel like it would be such a cute series lmao, ngl I think I’ve been reading too many college au fics lmao
roommate!geto who just so happens to waiting to have a shower everytime you seem to be finishing yours. secretly hoping that towel falls ever so slightly, so that he could see more of your flesh.
"oh i didn't know you were in the shower," he says coyly, his lustful eyes roaming your water covered body, staring at anything but your face. he always manages to slightly brush past you, as he steps into the bathroom, the small contact alone sending blood rushing straight to his dick. and whilst he's in the shower, aggressively pumping his dick to the image of you, picturing you in their with him as he drowns in your pussy the shower head spraying water over the both of you.
but unbeknownst to him, you're listening at the door, smiling at hearing him moan and groan out your name as he gets off to you.
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
rose is a goddess, and the doctor is her priest, and jack is her miracle. and they will never escape this so long as they all shall live <3
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ncthandrake · 6 months
love how my reaction to getting the end of attack on titan spoiled was pretty much just “….oops lol”
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rocketturtle4 · 3 months
City of Stars is starting to drive me a little crazy…anyone else??
Okay so I have no idea how many people are watching this show but this weeks ep (#6) cemented for me that this show is intentionally playing with us, the BL audience, and our expectations of BL.
We have been presented and consistently shown mature, down to earth characters who express their emotions, communicate, help each other, mess with each other, and basically act like rational adults.
And yet this week for a full 2 minutes, I fully believed Krom had taken one look at the strange man in Fueangs bedroom and run straight back home with his mother’s caution echoing inside his head.
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But he didn’t and Feaung explained and later we even got Krom being UP FRONT about his insecurities!!
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I felt a bit like a new faen being put through trust exercises by my too good to be a true lover.
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This was the most extreme example but it’s done it in a ton of other ways too, just in this ep we had things including
Ooops sent the wrong clip, will the friends explode and ruin the relationship
Will Feaung be mad that the friends know
Oh the parents know, now what??
Unequal understanding of the date! Now what?
You know how many of these caused explosions? NONE
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Last week we had “Feungs big secret” as a driving force for concern but the show turned that on it’s head too!
And it did it by making fun of everyone being able to sing
This show is picking up the BL tropes, the BL mold and showing it to us like: THIS? This is what you’ve been dealing with in the past? And don’t get me wrong, I have a spreadsheet that just hit 165 BLs to very much prove I like the model.
But this show
This show is taking a trope and making it real,
or making fun of it,
or both.
Have I lost you?
That guitar scene at the end was a great example, Thai BL boys seem to take guitars wherever they go and pull them out at the drop of a hat. This show:
Made fun of that trope by making Fueang bad at singing
Added depth to that trope by making it a result of childhood trauma
Threw in some communication
And voila a guitar scene that was an emotional HIGH, regardless of your opinion on singing.
This show is saying TRUST ME, we aren’t going to steer you off a cliff,
(even as it laughingly might grab you by the shoulders and push-pull you at the edge just to see you panic for a moment lol)
I am having a very good time with it, I have no idea how we’re going to pan out, and given the reoccurring fakeouts I am now highly suspicious of it’s intro scene in ep 1. But I am seriously starting to trust this show. I feel like I can take my hands of the rails throw them in the air and enjoy the ride
Anyone coming?
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(Don't get me wrong, the tropes are stil everywhere)
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writergeekrhw · 1 year
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(A Writing Spew)
I'm trying to archive some of my old Twitter writing spews on Tumblr. You know, because of things. So here's a rather big one. HOW TO KILL A CHARACTER.
Okay, you’re a writer. You’ve got a mess of characters. You want to move your audience. So, it’s time to take out the old writer’s ax and chop chop chop! But how do you do it with maximum impact without your audience turning against you forever?
Pull up a chair and Uncle Robert will explain it to you!
(Warning, there may be spoilers ahead for stuff that if you haven't seen it by now it's your own damn fault.)
Luckily, there are a lot of reliable tricks to kill that character. Any of them can work for both #TVWriting and #Novels. Some of them can backfire. Here are some proven approaches…
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Death #1: The Intro Death!
Want to set the stakes for your world? Introduce a character or characters and fool the audience into thinking they will be a big part of the story. Then… CHOP! OMG THEY’RE DEAD! SHIT JUST GOT REAL! AKA the Hello-Die.
The Hello-Die pretty much always works because the audience hasn’t had time to really get invested, but they’re invested enough to feel the sudden shock.
Examples: Psycho. Buffy (S1E1). GOT Teaser. #DS9 pilot. Hill Street Blues (averted).
The Hello-Die is often used by shows to shake up your expectations in what has usually been a fairly safe genre. And yes, I did this in #Andromeda. You think this is a nice safe Fantasy/SpaceOpera/CopShow/FamilyDrama? NOPE! Hello-Die! Watch out for exploding Helmsbugs.
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Death #2: The Mentor Death
Your character learns cool stuff from the smart old person. Then the smart old person dies! OMG! “But I had so much more to learn!” “True, but don’t you see? This was the real lesson.” AKA The Obi-wan.
The Mentor Death is pretty safe too. We all know the old people we learn from are going to kick it soon, right? But that’s okay, because WE GOT THIS! Circle of Life, ya’ll!
Examples: Star Wars. Star Wars again. Star Wars that other time too. Harry Potter.
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Death #3: The Hero’s First Kill.
Your hero lives in a violent world, but they’re a good person. They don’t want to be a killer. Alas, the world needs them to kill. And you want to portray how that impacts your hero. And so that minor villain must die!
The HFK can be tricky. For best results, the victim should need killin’. Because you want the audience to still like your hero. Plus it’s your hero’s first kill, so you need to overcome their reluctance. Or maybe it’s an accident? (OR IS IT?)
Either way, now your hero is transformed and all it took was offing a minor character. WARNING: Often involves hero puke!
An excellent example of the HFK is the Stable Boy in GoT. Arya asked him to let her go. He wouldn’t. She insisted. He said the Queen would pay her handsomely for her. She lashes out with Needle and… OOOPS! Or was it an oops? Well now he’s dead & Arya’s on her way.
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Death #4: The Villain’s First Kill
The opposite of the HFK. The villain is bad, but he hasn’t killed… yet. Then he takes his first victim (usually someone either plucky or gross) and he just can’t help himself! Afterward, unlike the hero, the villain feels good.
He’s got a taste for this now. It’s going to happen again. Cue dramatic (or ironic) music!
The VFK can also sometimes be the Intro Death. Maybe it’s not the villain’s 1st kill, but it’s the first we see. Either way, the VFK is relatively safe, though there's a risk that if the victim is too likable, the audience won’t just hate the villain, they’ll hate the author.
Which is why the VFK is often someone gross or “disposable” or even theoretically somewhat deserving. In American Psycho, the first kill is a homeless man, the second is a Wall Street asshole.
Another VFK example: In the Bone Collector, the first death is a man no one cares about, and he dies off-screen, but the next is a plucky woman who dies horribly onscreen. The story eases you into it.
Still, the VFK is fairly safe. It needs to be just bad enough to shock, but no so awful that you completely lose the audience. You can get awful later once you've built up good will.
Now come some of the tougher deaths to pull off, starting with...
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Death #5: The Season One/Book One Death
An important character dies relatively early in your tale. This is usually done because you want to drive home the stakes even more. Also the death launches/twists the story. AKA The Boromir AKA The Ned AKA The Sean Bean.
The Sean Bean is tricky because you’ve spent a fair amount of time getting the audience invested. You may have even tricked them into thinking the Sean Bean is a major hero. The more invested they are in TSB, the higher the risk you might lose your audience.
To minimize audience hate, make sure they understand it’s kind of Sean Bean’s fault. Or a noble sacrifice. Or if the character is minor enough (Hi Tasha Yar) it's a way to show the random awfulness of the universe. The important part is your real heroes will learn from this.
There will be crying and anger and thirst for revenge (or Data will struggle to understand death and we’ll all love him for it.)
The Purpose of the Ceremony - YouTube
Now part of why the Sean Bean works is its earliness. The later in a story a character is killed, the more their death needs to have meaning. You can kill Tasha randomly in Season One but you would never do that in Season Six.
In Season Six, if a regular dies, it better not be random or the audience will feel angry and… Oh. Yeah. Her. I wasn’t on staff then. IT’S NOT MY FAULT!
Anyway, the later you get, the more meaning a death needs to have, ideally.
Now we’re getting into the Big Earned Deaths. So let’s talk about them.
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Death #6: The Big Bad Death
This is pretty easy, honestly. The easiest. The audience has been waiting for this bastard to die for years! They will cheer. Even if you’ve run this asshole through the Face/Heel Revolving Door a few times (Hi Gul Dukat), by now, they’re past redemption.
The Big Bad needs killing. KILLING THEM IS KINDA THE POINT. Go for it. Make it as horrific and painful as you’d like. Make them fall a LOOOOOOONG way before they hit something. Make them bounce a bit. The audience will love you for it.
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Death #7: The Sacrificial Hero Death
Solid option. You might want to foreshadow the heck out of this. Maybe even near-death your hero a few times. But still, the audience usually gets this one. After all, messiahs die. It is known.
There will be tears, but we all know sometimes the only way to save the world is to die. If the good done by the hero’s death outweighs the sadness the audience feels, this can even be uplifting. Bittersweet chocolate is the best, right?
The SHD is a perfect way to kill a beloved character late in a novel or show. They died for our sins! If not for them, we’d be toast. Very satisfying when done correctly. I mean, there are entire religions based on this. Do it right and it packs an immortal punch.
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Death #8: The Shakespearean Tragedy
Your hero isn’t really a hero. They might’ve started that way and/or had good intentions, but they’ve slippery-sloped themselves into full blown villainy… and they know it.
They’ve had their moment of tragic awareness. They realize theirs is a tale told by an idiot. Time to go out in the blaze of glory/late heel-face-turn sacrifice/by their own hand. My kingdom for a horse! Lay on Macduff! Good night sweet prince!
The classic ST is incredibly satisfying for the audience. They’ve enjoyed watching a good person descend into villainy, living vicariously through his/her badassery. They felt bad when the badassery turned to madness. SO MUCH METH!
Now the villain realizes how wrong it all was, and how flawed they are, they deliver a final moral lesson, then CHOP! And... cue Baby Blue, maybe some passing prince gives speech... then... curtain.
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Death #9: The Final Wrong
Remember how bad that bad guy is? Gee, when’s the last time they were really, really bad? Time for them to shockingly kill a beloved character right before the final confrontation with the hero! I know you traveled a long way to help, but die Scatman Crothers!
Now there’s no going back. Now the villain can’t be redeemed. They must die. Cue the final chapter/episode/season/third act.
This one is risky as hell and maybe don't kill one of your few/only female POC protagonists this way but hey, you be you.
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Death #10: The Sidekick Sacrifice.
Your hero can’t just win clean, right? That’s boring. There has to be a cost. And sometimes that cost is Robin’s life. Often this is a minor heroic sacrifice in its own right, but by someone other than the hero.
The sidekick takes the bullet, goes into the warp core, etc. Can be combined with the Final Wrong. Either way, "I have been... and always shall be... your friend." Cue tears.
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Death #11: The War is Hell
A variation on the Sidekick Sacrifice. Beloved character dies randomly in a final great battle because War is Hell.
Sometimes the WiH is just A Bad Break. The bullet came from nowhere. WTF?!? Sometimes this happens in the Fog of War. No one saw it. The hero finds the body afterwards and feels the cost of victory. It’s high, man. So very high.
And yes, I used this one in #TheGoblinCrown. War is Hell even in YA fantasy novels.
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Death #13: I Couldn’t Save Her
The riskiest variation on the late character death. The kid your hero has been protecting all along dies. The hero tries to save her/him but fails. Generally, only done in the Darkest Timelines. Or at the start of Alien 3. Fuck Alien 3.
The ICSH tells your audience this is not a hero’s story. This is a brutal examination of the inherent unfairness of life. Surprise!
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WARNING: Beloved Characrer Deaths often do not go over well. Use with caution.
The Final Wrong, the Sidekick Sacrifice, the War is Hell, and the I Couldn’t Save Her/Him are all somewhat risky. Sometimes you kill the very character that the audience most cares about. You know, like Glen. Or Lexa. OMG Lexa!? You can lose big chunks of your audience this way.
Still all four can be effective ways of turning on the feels late in a story. If you use them, make sure they either feel super well-earned or that they fit your theme so well that the audience will accept it.
But be careful. The biggest danger here is when the audience doesn’t realize you’re going to go this bleak and then you do and they feel betrayed. Can be a deal-breaker.
The more innocent the victim, the more horribly they die, and the more pointless the death, the bigger the risk you run of turning off your audience completely. And if it's an underrepresented character that a percentage of your audience deeply identifies with? Oh boy. Run.
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Death #14: The Glorious Last Stand
This character was a prick all along, really. No one liked them. But when the chips were down, when our backs were against the wall, the they pulled the pin in their grenade and blew up a crapton of Aliens. Hurray!
The GLS can be supercool. The GLSer wasn’t the hero or the villain. Somewhere in the middle really. But we admire the way they went out. Their death redeemed them. If done right, audience will cheer for their bravery, finally loving them just as they die.
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Death #15: The Everybody Dies
Rare. Tricky. Deeply powerful when done right. The time for characters like these is done. Their world is over. Their final great sacrifice, or noble last stand, or tragic Bolivian gunfight was inevitable. But oh how brightly they burned in the end.
Look at how badass they were. Look how bravely they faced death. And remember what it meant! Perhaps we would not be alive today if not for their transformative deaths. We will never forget them. Also their death may spur us all on to victory/change/redemption.
Or maybe the Western is just over. We're gonna miss you, Butch and Sundance! Cue montage!
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Death #16 (but not really): Apotheosis
Your character dies technically, but really they become one with the Prophets, God of Light, Force. AKA The Sisko. You can only really pull this off in genre or stuff that pretends not to be genre but really is. Modern variation: Uploaded into the A.I.
Apotheosis can work extremely well if done right. Star Wars does it a lot and it works pretty much every time. You get the OOMF of killing a major character, but you reassure the audience that "They will always be with us."
If handled poorly, it can feel like a huge cheat, but when done well, can be a very satisfying way to kill off your awesome main character at the end of a long series without totally pissing off your audience. Like I said... The Sisko.
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There are lots more ways to kill characters, of course. Including the bad ways to kill.
The It Was Supposed to be a Cliffhanger &Then We Got Cancelled and Now They’re All Dead I Guess.
The That Actor Was a Prick So We Offed His Character and Didn’t Care How We Did It.
The Oh, I Realized I Didn’t Need That Character So Gave Them a Perfunctory Death.
But I think I’ve covered the major and better ways to handle offing a character.
So yeah. Sometimes characters need killing. Just remember, you need to make their deaths satisfying in terms of plot, character, and/or theme or you risk losing your audience.
There are no small deaths. Every character is some off-screen mother’s child. Make it count. Make it matter. Make it worth the pages/screen time.
But think about your favorite movies/books/tv show. I bet they all had memorable deaths. I bet you cried. ADMIT IT, YOU CRIED! Look, I cried when Mike died in The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I CRY EVERY TIME I READ IT.
(Mike = War is Hell/Sidekick Sacrifice/Fog of War)
Character Death is one of the most powerful tools in a writer's arsenal. Like all powerful tools, it should be used sparingly, thoughtfully, and for maximum impact. Give them the deaths they deserve!
And with that, I officially pronounce this spew dead. But don't feel bad. This spew will always be with us.
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mogoce-nocoj · 3 months
since I wrote down most of it already anyway —
gig report, Köln 24.03.24
HOMETOWN GIG!!! was very excited and kind of anxious, so happy they were playing here
Sector 5's frontman got a tiara, the band has really been accepted by the fandom now <3
the crowd loved them and also started chanting for JC Stewart
Bojan took the tiara with the veil and was like “oh this must be for Kris right? Because Kris is a princess!” and then put it on Krisʼs head
everyone booed when Bojan had to take the fairy wings off again
he went to look for the fairy wings for Metulji and then also gave Jan a headband with butterflies on it or sth? And then said “let's make a serious song unserious!”
cracked up during Metulji again because people at the front started doing the macarena (sadly it didn't get as bad as Leipzig, I was kinda hoping for that)
Bojan also didn't take off the fairy wings for Everybody's Waiting so we got it with fairy Bojan which looked very funny
they were supposed to play Bluza but people started yelling for Schlager/Behind Those Eyes (which kinda makes sense for Cologne because the melody is very reminiscent of an old Schlager song that's very well known here) and Bojan went “wait. should we play Schlager?” and the guys were just like “yeah, whatever” so they changed the setlist and played Schlager and Bojan said that they've never seen such a reaction before
Bojan also said they kinda forgot that Schlager is an established thing and genre here lol
I said “thankfully Bojan isn't next to me during umazane misli this time!” to my friend, only to turn to my right side and see the sector 5 guys pushing their way through the crowd right next to me 🫠
joined Jan in doing the macarena during UM so I literally missed everything that Bojan was doing and didn't listen at all to the people who were singing, ooops
Bojan went on stage again, people started pointing to the sector 5 singer, Bojan exclaimed “ARE YOU THE SECTOR 5 SINGER???” and gave him the microphone so that he could sing umazane misli too (<3)
Kris was very stoic throughout the gig, boy was not smiling at all, I think he was pretty tired but idk
Jan came out, talked to us, went back into the bus to leave some stuff, came out again, and then said “oh I want to talk to the sector 5 guys again” and a few minutes later I saw them enthusiastically playing flunkyball down the road (drinking game)
they changed tourbuses which was really funny because we came back from getting food and suddenly there were two tourbuses next to each other and we were really confused (the new one is taking them to Slovenia after the Italy gigs, no idea what they're gonna do for the UK leg)
met so many nice people again, thanks to everyone who talked to me <3 <3 <3
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forestdeath1 · 1 month
do u think sirius was abused by his family
Certainly, Sirius was abused by his family, but I'm not writing about physical abuse, mostly psychological.
Regarding corporal/spell punishments, they definitely existed because that was the era. However, I don’t think they used the Cruciatus or other unforgivable curses Stupid boy, AVADA KEDAVRA!!!! ... ... ... Ooops. The Cruciatus Curse is so bad narratively that it's hard to find an equivalent in our world without needing a trigger warning for this post.
But the idea that corporal/spell punishments weren’t present seems very naive to me. Firstly, even in the books, we know that Pringle was allowed to physically punish children. For example, Molly Weasley told Harry that Pringle caned Arthur for being out late, and he still had the marks. Moreover, the WW is behind the Muggle world in some ways, but even in the Muggle world in the UK, corporal punishment was allowed in schools in the 70s. The UK outlawed this practice in 1987 for state schools and in 1998 for private schools.
Some say the Blacks held themselves too high for corporal/spell punishment. I don’t think that has anything to do with it, because physical punishments were once seen simply as a necessary part of upbringing. For instance, today some parents might take away their children’s phones, and most consider this a "normal punishment". Physical punishment used to be seen as a "normal punishment" in the same way. Aristocrats often used physical punishment to maintain discipline and strengthen family hierarchies, these punishments were seen as necessary for raising children.
Children have always been a means to an end rather than an end in themselves until recently. Discipline was considered a key quality to be cultivated. Now, if a child expresses themselves, it’s good, but in the past, if a child expressed themselves in a way that wasn’t expected, it was very, very bad.
So yes, they were all punished, and the Wizarding World is quite a harsh place. I mean, Neville was thrown out of a window and it surprised no one.
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lfghughes · 1 year
Key To My Heart
a/n: i somehow ended up writing a lot more than expected ooops
warning: cursing
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Long distance relationships were not easy, that was something you came to find out very quickly. It’s not that you and Kirby had any kind of fights about it or that there were any kind of trust issues. You just hated the fact that when you wanted to go home to your boyfriend after a long day he wasn’t there. There was no doubt that he felt the same way. It didn’t help that on top of that he had a busy schedule so there were certain periods of times where you barely talked or would have to wait until very late at night to talk.
The reason right now that you were living apart was he clearly had his team he played for but you were still going to school and you didn’t want to switch to online since you only had so little time left in school. So you both had decided that for right now this is what worked. This was your last semester though and neither of you really had the talk of what comes next.
You didn’t want to assume you were just going to move there and you decided to see if it was something he would bring up so you wouldn’t feel like you were pressuring him in any way to make a serious move. It was your spring break though and you wanted to surprise him at one of his games.
How you managed to keep it a secret, you had no clue. You were so excited about it and you had almost spoiled the surprise yourself a few times just while on the phone with him. To get there and surprise him would require a lot of planning and reaching out to his friends and teammates and they were all very eager to help. This involved a little white lie too. So he wouldn’t think something bad happened to you because you were having to travel and not talk a whole lot you had told him you’d be taking some before spring break exams.
At the arena, the boys and some of the staff had managed to secure you a pretty good spot to where he would be able to see you but just in case you made a sign for him that you had spent a lot of hours decorating. As soon as he skated out for his warm ups he had taken a total of two laps and when his eyes scanned the crowd before him, his eyes fell on you for a second before it turned to someone else and then right back to you.
“You’re fucking kidding me.” You could see him mouth the exact words but the smile on his lips said he was more than excited to see you. He skated on over and waved at you. He then pointed towards the tunnel he headed out from to where you knew the locker rooms and all the staff would be. You understood what he was saying so you found a staff member and quickly let them know the situation and after confirming that it was okay for you to go back there you went to meet Kirby.
There were no words as he walked over straight to you, lifting you up in his arms in a tight hug. “Are you kidding me?? How did you get here?? Your exams?? What?? Did the guys know about this? Is this why they were being suspicious all day?” There were so many questions and you couldn’t help but laugh at all of them. “Surprise! It’s spring break so I figured I’d come over for the week.” A look of realization came on his face as he held his hand up like he was trying to pause the conversation.
“I have to go grab something from the locker room, give me a second.” He quickly headed back around, leaving you confused as to what he was getting. When he came back he had a little black box and no not the kind that had a diamond ring in it so you knew he wasn’t about to randomly propose in the back of the arena. “I know school is ending soon for you and you don’t have to say yes because I get it’s asking for a lot for you to move out here for me but here’s the key to my place.”
You were surprised that he had gone and made a key for you and even though you still had a month before school ended you were already excited about this future. “It’s a yes, for sure a yes. I mean as long as you’re okay with coming home to me every night.” You told him and he smiled at you and thought of that. “I’m more than okay with that.”
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athenepromachos · 1 year
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August looking his most Augustness 🥵
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blackstarchanx3new · 9 months
FSR Rambles 12 times Vaati got his ass kicked
Insanity, Vaati being pathetic.
What's new?
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Ooop. Zelda showing off how she'll kill you within 2 seconds of being in HER castle.
Link's letter was smth addressed earlier: He warned her with a letter he was going to pull the sword.
Which implies a certain amount of impersonal-ness to the action. He didn't want her talking him out of it lmfao. He was already struggling with defying Vio's persistence so it makes sense he didn't want Zelda to try and logic his ass either.
Her outfit being the sneaky armor in botw, presumably so she could sneak attack, whoever ended up attacking her.
I thought it'd also be a fun throwback to Sheik and spoiler:
Zelda's gender identity is pretty open. Link referred to her with "They" pronouns earlier in the comic but I didn't feel it was very relevant to bring up at the time lmfao. Zelda's all sorts of gender in this comic to say the least.
The reason why Vaati knows she's around is smth I'll get into later when it's more relevant.
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"Damn would you have preferred Gannon???" - Vaati probably.
Zelda isn't playing around she wants to know where her blonde twink is at.
Vaati is a bitch about it of course.
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Oh she mad.
She real mad.
"It's not?"
"ITS A BOMB 💣!!!!"
Vaatis stupid as hell expression before she goes boom is hilarious to me.
Smth people seem to be CONFUSED about fsr is Vaati's not so subtle Zelda simping.
Vaati is a Zelda simp, that's really all there is too it. The extent of that simping is smth I've joked about a lot.
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So he got his ass handed to him.
Shadow himself noted vaati must be weak as hell earlier so. Guess he was right.
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Smth of note: vaati is struggling to keep his form in the "wind mage" form. As his body keeps trying to revert to the "wind demon" design
Those titles are used interchangeably in the manga but I call his Hylian disguise his "wind mage" form and the demon form his "wind demon" form personally.
Zelda casually drops the fact she was trying to murder Vaati with that blast. She isn't playing around. Makes sense this asshole held her prisoner for who knows how long before and did something to her best friend.
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Haha vaatis pathetic and also in pain.
His suffering is all the direct cause of his own actions so...hard to feel TOO bad for him rn.
Zelda certainly doesn't.
Link’s shitty state outright made her a more cold hearted person it seems.
Not that'd I'd blame her for that lmfao.
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Vaati struggling to get back to being handsome lmfao.
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Vaati, my bro, when are you going to do a single thing for yourself????
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Okay but the implication Dark Link let Vaati get his ass kicked and only jumped in to help when Vaati called for help is very funny.
Dark links comedically large sword is just interesting. It's not a four sword replica like Shadow’s.
Zelda is in shock at the weird Link coming out of nowhere.
Darks immediate reaction of being flustered at seeing Zelda is so funny to me.
And fun note: This is the first time Dark's actually for reals appeared in the physical world and not just in the "Headspace".
Subtly creepy he isn't just a mental problem but a physical danger as well.
His attack was very calculated, as he didn't hurt Zelda and just slammed his sword in front of her...
...Haven't we seen smth...SIMILAR TO THIS?
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Huh well, look at that...
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Sweaty weirdo Dark Link enters the chat.
No it was not just for the memes he's actually just like that lmfao.
So from what we know about Dark so far there's some things to note:
Our buddy boy can see the memories of others and "live" through their experiences.
Yall see what it is getting at right?
Shadow link, Vio, and Vaati's emotions and memories are influencing Darks inability to harm Zelda here.
And perhaps he formed feeling a certain kind of way about her.
He associates her with positive feelings lmfao.
Their influence aside, he still chooses not to hurt her on his own.
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Vaati’s reaction is priceless.
Zelda seems to grant Dark some mercy, assumably because he outright denied Vaati here lol.
For his sparing of Zelda he gets squished like a dog toy. Poor Dark Link.
Vaati leaves with his dumbass lackey.
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When you casualy blow a hole in your castle lmfao.
She's overwhelmed.
She need break.
She need hug.
She need...Link.
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Guys, he has self-awareness...fuck.
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Vaati, that was just unnecessarily mean to your lackey.
Also Dark Link appearance wise:
His hair color has changed. It's purple toned now when it was grey blue toned earlier....
Okay I'll stop being coy it's because he's mimicking Vio's appearance.
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Oh. Well, that's a face, alright...
Is he ANGRY? Is he HAPPY?
Did he make that face because he knows it'd freak Vaati out?
Vaati’s abusive bullshit doesn't seem to damper his mood at least as he's smiling in the 3rd panel.
Dark link and Shadow link are very different people, ESPECIALY when it comes to how they cope with Vaati's abuse.
It left a mark on Shadow where as as of right now at least, Dark acts MOSTLY unbothered by it.
Let's face it rn his idea of normal relationships are Shadow and vio lmfaoooooooo-
The dudes who both almost murdered each other.
His "I want kisses too" line will never not get a laugh out of me.
It's so indicative of how he actually feels.
He wants kisses.
He drops that Shadow is the demon king and for a second you gotta wonder if Vaati was like
"...Why is Gannon smooching Vio?????"
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Dark Link also wants to dance. Both are things he saw Vio and Shadow do, mind you...
Vaati has no idea wtf is going on lmfao.
Dark has eclipsed him as the true villain of this comic-
I say in jest.
Dark casually recaps stuff we already kinda know.
While trying to dance with Vaati pff.
Funny enough, taking the lead in said dance, which reflects how he's the one doing all the work rn.
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So, Dark link is interpreting peoples feelings, not 100% understanding them. 🤔
He has to actually think about Blue's emotional state hah and even seems surprised.
It's funny to think that even Green picked up on blue being jealous, and basically everyone did, but Dark had to think about it...
Kinda shows he doesn't really understand people much. Like TRUELY.
Or he's just not as interested in blue vs Vio and Shadow.
Dark stutters again like he did when he was face to face with Zelda.
Vaatis so mean mocking his stutter and continues to berate him.
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Well that was an outburst.
And I finally get to talk in detail about Dark Link’s "mechanics" for a lack of a better term will expand on the next page.
Design/art wise:
Dark's teeth are all sharp here when normally, despite being a demon his teeth are flat/human looking teeth.
The background is a more red version of the head-space Vio and Green have been dragged to when Dark talks to them/at them.
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Immediately he's back to being himself.
Weirdly happy, which settles in the true horror of the previous outbirst:
He didn't mean, a single word of what he just said.
He said that, PURELY to hurt Vaati because it's something that Vaati already feels about himself. He wasn't actually MAD at Vaati and snapping in response to Vaati's abuse. He was just reflecting Vaati's anger right back at him.
So smth about Dark:
He often reflects DIRECTLY how others behave.
Instances of such:
The madder Vaati got in this talk, the "angrier" Dark Link got right back at him.
He shouted at Dark to "Do something" and he responded angrily back that he didn't want to hurt Zelda.
He shouted and berated Dark Link causing Dark to shout that nobody loves Vaati.
Dark Link's nature is to be calm, quiet, pretty "Happy" and kinda hopelessly romantic lmao. He wants to have his idea of "Fun" with people.
He MIMICS people.
Dark has no identity of his own (At least he doesn't seem to realize he does) so often he just bounces off people. He only takes joy in hurting others atm.
Not even in an outright malicious way. At least not the kind of malicious that's "haha I broke the hero because I hate him". This is just what his idea of "Fun" is. What his idea of normal interactions are. This is just what he's suposed to be doing rn.
He isn't acting much outside of his direct reason for creation. What he even deems as fun is indicative of his creation as well.
Engaging with their range of emotions and characters and memories he deems interesting is FUN to him.
If his dialogue from page 121 is anything to go off of, bro really doesn't give a shit about his job. He just wants to have fun:
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He finds it amusing Shadow can ALSO manipulate people's feelings, outright kind of complimenting him for it.
And then gets hopelessly distracted and starts talking about what he'd "Rather do" right now.
Which involves hugging Vio and reading oop.
He didn't get SUPER involved/invested in Shadow's memories until Vio and Shadow were doing more "interesting" things, at least in Dark's opinion of what is "interesting."
Dark wants to engage in relationships lmfao. But he's stuck engaging with memories living though them vicariously and hurting people he supposedly "Likes".
He wants to dance with someone and kiss them and in general have "happy" moments with someone. But is stuck being a curse that's only purpose is to break the hero apart and reflect negativity.
It's kinda sad.
But he clearly hasn't reflected on his own life/situation outside of Vaati's feelings towards him.
Also: Dark has no desire to kill any of the Link or Link himself...keep this in mind.
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Again: He reflects Vaati's mood of annoyance with that face in the second panel. Which kills me. You just know Vaati's making the same face off screen lmfao.
Symbolism symbolism
Dark plucks the violet but leaves the silent princess alone outside of petting it. Call back to how he left Zelda alone.
He says more stuff we kinda already know, but recapping is good. Actually, we spent like 100 pages in flashbacks, hah.
It also shows what Dark learned/his takeaway from watching their interactions.
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Haha oh Dark why are you ripping petals out?
There's smth to be said about him ripping the petals out as the game "She loves me, she loves me not" is a vibe that's being invoked here.
With the odd amount of petals (Being 5) it'd land on "She loves me" by the way.
A relatively innocent game turned into something sinister as he rips petals out in accordance with how many heroes there are.
Dark's behavior continues to be ODD, as he claims Shadow's predicament is "Sad". Which is true.
But...does his expression REALLY scream that he's ACTUALLY sad about it to you?
His chest eyeball just stares blankly forward, his body language implies he's just kinda pretending or acting sad.
Which makes sense, Dark hasn't been shown to clearly understand sorrow properly as even when he cried he was still smiling.
He compares Vio and Shadow's struggles with their identities directly as they're both struggling with who they're SUPOSED to be compared to who they are.
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Again: he's ripping a petal out as he talks about each member of the Link squad.
Notes notes notes my favorite:
For whatever reason Vio is not in his present day look here. He's how he looked 7 years ago.
You could make a lot of different assumptions as to why:
Is this how Dark sees Vio? Vio visually represented to be stuck in the past. Vio just feeling more childishly scared in the face of what's happening.
Dark's comforting Vio here in a similar manor to how Shadow did though.
Also super weird: Dark actually in a round about way compliments Vio here.
"He's so blinded by his self hatred he can't see just how much everyone adores him because of his calm cool nature..."
Dark can feel how others feel about Vio and repeated those opinions.
This is smth to note because so far the only things he's really repeated out loud have been negative things people feel about THEMSELVES.
Outside of when he complimented Shadow.
But this shows he can actually recognize positive feelings people have towards others and repeat those too...
And outright stating: He "likes" Vio.
Because of his strong reaction to Zelda, we can assume that he likes people depending on how others feel about them. Because the team likes Vio: So does Dark Link.
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Another petal falls while he dips into Green's problems. Who's the only other one we've seen him play around with so far outside of Vio and Shadow And not even really with Shadow...
Weirdly enough Green feels empty inside because he's diet link lmfao.
I told yall I'd give him a personality.
Harbors guilt for lazing around when everyone else was doing stuff. Ouch.
He felt the need to promise Link he'd keep shit okay but he doesn't even know if he CAN.
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Blue and his ptsd.
Dark continues to hug people while utterly obliterating them as people lmao.
Blue can't express his emotions arounv Vio which is a theme we'll see as we go into the comic more.
Vio looking back at Blue tho is, a thing.
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To be fair to Dark's assesment of Red: red hasn't done anything in the comic yet.
Him chucking the flower the second it's not pretty anymore and, eating the petal is just funny in a morbid way.
Creepy thing: He ate the petal that "Symbolized" Red. The sweet optimistic character. Kinda just shows Dark consumes everything around him in a pit of despair lmfao. Also it's hilarious that he ate smth that he shouldn't have.
Vaati's disgusted reaction to said petal eating is very funny and Dark's monologue about HIMSELF is very telling I feel.
He thinks he's a hero, because he's saving someone. Removed from context that Vaati is a villain and the fac to "Save" Vaati he needed to hurt the REAL hero of Hyrule...
His actions are preventative at the moment: he's making so Link can't reform and the pieces can't seal Vaati back into the sword.
Dark's actions all make sense to Dark Link. XD
Nobody is cheering him, so he just blatantly says "YAY DARK LINK!!!" Which is honestly the funniest lines Dark has said purely because it shows his childish outlook on this entire situation.
He's just the hero saving Vaati.
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Dark's clearly annoyed to some degree nothing he does is bringing Vaati any amount of satisfaction.
He did what he was supposed to do. The sword is drawn. Vaati is free.
Dark even mocks Vaati's impatience and his need to control someone else to do his work for him. Hitting Vaati right where it hurts with Vaati's insecurity about being a pawn.
Instantly also going for the throat with "Master Elzo and Link would be disgusted with you"
Obviously: He's talking about Minish Cap Link NOT "our" Link.
This use of their names offends Vaati to no end.
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The fight scene is fun, enough said. XD
Okay fine: Ramble thoughts.
Dark manages to mauver his way into not getting properly hit.
Dark's fascination with strangling people is not missed as he does it to Vaati here.
As he repeats things he knows will hurt Vaati's feelings.
Vaati is being unreasonable and stupid in Dark's eyes so him bringing up Vaati's insecurities to make a point is just his attempt to get Vaati to listen to him.
Despite his actions seeming to go against it: He IS on Vaati's side and IS trying to "save" Vaati.
He isn't even saying/acting out of spite, he's just kinda lowkey annoyed and exasperated at Vaati at best. XD
We hit the image count so I'll pick up later.
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yorshie · 3 months
ding dong, hello there yorsh! i saw that you were doing music asks? eye emojis @ that. if it's not too much, i'd like to request these bad boys: 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17 (possibly with a turtle? eye emojis), 28 sparkle emojissss<3
Keisha! It is never too much! Hehehehehe let’s answer some music!!!
(edit: ooops sorry keisha! I started answering this then had to dip and forgot! Sorry!)
2 a song you like with numbers in the title
Love potion no. 9 by the clovers
5 a song that needs to be played loud
hm... gonna dip into my angry girl music phase but Hazy Shades of Winter by The Bangles.
6 a song that makes you want to dance
honeypie by JAWNY (another Mikey song hehehehe)
8 a song about drugs or alcohol
(deep inhale) ooooohhhh no, Um. hehe. no judgement? Chemical X by UNNDREAM and TIMMS
9 a song that makes you happy
I'm gonna go with evacuate the dancefloor by Cascada ( need to remember to add it to my Leo playlist)
12 a song from your preteen years
Oh wow I'm about to age myself... when I finally was allowed to pick my own music (I listened to a lot of my parent's songs growing up) One of the first CDs I got was a Shinedown album and I listened to "Begin Again" Over and Over and Over
13 one of your favorite 80s songs
Listen REO Speedwagon is MY FAVORITE BAND EVER and I HAVE to go with their song 'Keep Pushin'' because the guitar solo in it shaped my whole existence for YEARS and if you haven't heard it I am BEGGING you to go listen please please pretty please-
17 a song you could sing a duet with on karaoke
Keisha, I would sing any song you wanted to on Karaoke. If we have to choose one however, may I please request My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas
28 a song by an artist with a voice you love
ooo! 'No Good' by KALEO, I like that band... there's another song of there's I'm thinking of but I can't remember it right now but they're a pretty good band.
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certified-boyliker · 1 year
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01. Beautiful
cw: bullying, references to eds
wc: 1.1k
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September 1st. 1989
You walked around the halls in your school and looked at the other third years. It was your 3rd year. You’ve grown up with these people on this floor, but they were different than when you knew them when you were in elementary or even junior year.
Would it even be considered a high school at this point? It was that bad, that you weren’t even sure it could be called that anymore. As you walked around, you heard the popular kids calling the unpopular kids who just wanted to blend into the background different names. 
The lunch bell rang and you took to the cafeteria, and began daydreaming about going to college after high school.
You ran into someone, and almost groaned at them, but instead you said, “Are you okay?”
“Get away, nerd!” He shoved you away, and you just sighed.
“Just like everyone else…”
You grabbed your lunch and continued daydreaming, but you were interrupted by a clatter nearby. You looked up and saw Karasu Tabito standing above a kid, laughing at them.
“Ooops! Sorry, man!”
He laughed as he shoved him back down. 
You sighed and as he walked by, you muttered, “Karasu Tabito, the biggest jackass on the football team-”
“The hell was that, bitch?”
You turned away. “Nothing.”
“Better have been…”
You made your way to the lunch table that was the designated “losers table”. You set your lunch down, and felt someone tap you on the shoulder. You quickly turned around and saw Hiori Yo, your best friend standing behind you.
“Hey, Hiori.”
“Hey…” He moved on the other side of you. “We’re still watching movies tonight, right?”
“Yep. You’ve got the popcorn, right?”
“Mhm. I rented Ready Player One.”
“Ah, a classic in the Hiori Yo library-”
You were cut off when someone came up behind you two, and slap the lunch tray out of Hiori’s hands. 
“Take that, you dumbass!”
You were no stranger to the obnoxious laughter of Otoya Eita. You crossed your arms and glared at him. The smartest guy on the football team… which wasn’t saying much.
“Hey! Pick that up! Now!”
He turned to you and chuckled haughtily. “Are you actually talking to me?”
“Yeah, I am.” You got up in his face. “What the hell gives you the right to pick on Hiori. You’re not gonna accomplish anything, all you’re going to be able to do is work in a convenience store.”
Otoya was a bit stunned by that, and everyone in the cafeteria looked at you, almost impressed with you.
“You have a pimple.”
He poked your face, and with that, eveyone laughed at you. Once again, putting him in power over you.
You sighed. This was never going to change. Everyone would stay miserable, trapped in this cycle of keeping the bullies in power.
“It’s them!”
You and Hiori turned to see who had entered the cafeteria, though, you had an idea of who they were. And you were right. 
“Isagi Yoichi, Bachira Meguru, and Chirgiri Hyoma…” You sighed. 
Bachira Meguru was head cheerleader, and his mom was rich. Chigiri Hyoma ran the yearbook, and was noted to be a pretty boy (has had a lot of boyfriends). And Isagi Yoichi was the almighty…
“Such a bitch.” You couldn’t help but sigh when your eyes landed on Isagi. 
The group that was untouchable. You couldn’t bother them or attack them, or else, you would be attacking basically royalty.
“I’d want to date them…” You heard someone say. Everyone wants to date them.
“If I sat at their table, I’d get noticed…” Another girl muttered. You would certainly be noticed.
“I’d like them to be nicer…” You heard Hiori admit. 
“Yeah, that’d be beautiful…”
You swear you heard someone mutter something disturbing, but when you turned around to see who said it, no one was behind you.
It was time to get to class, when you were hiding out in one of the bathrooms to avoid the wrath of Otoya… after you insulted him again. You exited and saw Isagi, Chigiri, and Bachira hanging out in front of one of the water fountains. Isagi sighed and smacked the back of Chigiri’s head. 
“Losing weight like that nowadays is so lame.”
“Oh… shut up, Isagi…” Chigiri bent over the trashcan nearby and vomited.
“Maybe you should talk to a doctor?”
“Yeah, maybe.”
You were about to walk past them, but noticed a teacher, Anri Teieri approaching them. You muttered “Shit, she’s gonna see me.”
“Ah, Isagi, Bachira, and-”
Chigiri vomited again, and Anri sighed. 
“And Chigiri.” She looked up at the clock. “You three young gentlemen are late for class, you know.”
“Well… Chigiri wasn’t feeling well, so we’re helping him.”
“You still need a hall pass, you three. Week’s detention-”
“Um, Teieri-san… we have a hall pass for the yearbook committee.”
Anri looked at the hall passes she was handed and nodded. “Alright then… hurry up, you four.”
After she was out of an earshot, Isagi turned to you. “This… this a damn good forgery, you know. Who are you?”
“(L/N). (F/N). I want something.”
You took in a deep breath. “I want to sit at your table. At lunch. Just one time. If people think you guys are cool with me then they’ll finally leave me alone.”
Isagi, Bachira, and Chigiri began chuckling between themselves.
“Before you answer: I can make so many other types of forgeries. Permission slips, report cards, absent notes, you name it.”
“What about prescriptions…?” Chigiri asked.
“Shut up, Chigiri.”
“Sorry, Isagi.”
Isagi approached you and brushed your shoulder. “You know, for a nobody, you’ve got a good frame.”
“And a symmetrical face.” Bachira chimed in. He reached forward and ran his pointer finger down the center of your face. “If I cut your skull in half, I’d have to matching pieces. That’s very cool.”
“Your hair could use a bit more care.” Chigiri said, looking at his fingernails.
“Yes… yeah, we could work with this.” Isagi said, giving you a smile. “You know what, nobody?”
“You’re not going to eat at our table.”
“You’re going to be hanging out with us. Got it?” “Yep!”
People were shoved against walls, harassed, and bothered. People were accused of doing things they didn’t do. They were all helpless, broken, no shine of light… 
“Who’s that with Isagi?!”
People looked up, and at the end of the hall was Isagi, Bachira, Chigiri, and… who? As they passed them by, people muttered about who it was, and they passed by one boy. Hiori. He looked at the new person, and unknowingly spoke.
People began saying the name, now being able to know how to address the new person hanging out.
“Well now… aren’t they just attractive…?” 
A boy’s gaze lingered on the new person, and he walked away.
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rocketturtle4 · 10 months
The Eclipse Ep 12 - Lets Finish up this thing
@wen-kexing-apologist @plantsarepeopletoo @thegalwhorants @grapejuicegay Once more into the breach
Oh started with the Principal and Chadok, and Lying??
Also I just realised Thua never talked about riling up the protestors so they may have done that on their own, he was a late game mastermind not from the beginning.
Akk & Ayan, Is this the past or the present?
Akk and Thua are getting investigated, quencies incoming
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Oh god I have a bad feeling about my upcoming emotions:
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this is going to hurt
also the line after this isn't translated I will need to figure out what it is especially since they both shake their heads after
Eclipse: Roll credits
and he couldn't do it ahhhh poor boy, it's not on you
Back to the teachers
OOOOOH Loop Hole
"Suppalo Must Adjust" DAMN RIGHT
what on earth does that hug mean, how close were they?
To the cliff
aww he gave him the diary
Back to the school
apologising to the protestors, good,
Aww Akk and Thua are still friends, good,
Oh Parents
They gonna come out? or is this just about Akk
oh by himself? aw he gonna cry again isn't he
how many significant people do you have in your life? aww they all called, He's still worried about disappointing them RELATABLE AS EVER
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I feel like every person needs someone to say this to them
ooop there it is and MORE CRYING
And now I have parent envy, also this was beautiful.
It's so scary everytime isn't it
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Seriously where do I get an Ayan???
aww sweet boy you didn't ruin the film
Teasing each other is cute but you should just say what you want
awww cuddles
tasteful fade to black is making me lol because only friends is coming
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Competitive till the end I see (this would totally be me lol)
All the friends appeared! (including the teacher??)
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And we're watcing the film as part of the final resolution lol thought so
and he get's to see himself be sad
"You were so sincere" "How could I delete it" Wat is Legit
More coming out for the win!
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arbitrary guitar playing and singing
More Akk & Aye sweetness its so GOOD
"Without you, I have no idea how I'd get through all that" Me either sweet boy I'm glad Ayan was there for you, I was so afraid you'd leave him in a fit of self-destruction
Aww Khan and Thua sweetness too
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Your honour I love them
back to school, YOU GOT THIS
Ayan is still not wearing his blazer lol
AWW they were greeted by the protestors
Damn, Mes is suffering too they really want to hammer home that this wasn't good for anyone
"School is worthwhile when it's students recognise their own worth" I'm going to have to put that up on the wall of my classroom if I ever have one (I'm teacher trained)
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this is so important for the reshaping of his identity and sense of self, I'm glad they did this
Namo was made a prefect...good for him I guess
Wat is president...yay? Not sure how I feel about that, did he want it?
Oh the teacher's learnt something lol, Teachers should always learn from their students
Oh they let the uncle go
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My love Language is here
My sweet boy said he loved Ayan
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Okay thank you all so much, now you get to scream at me, please come scream I think this is AMAZING
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goofyjelly · 6 months
Watching Spock charades ✨ and I have THOUGHTS
okay the all caps made it sound bad 😭 Im not gonna dunk on it, okay
I am LIVING for the fact that they literally went :
"yea we changed Spock into a teenage boy. Yea, on the night he's supposed to undergo this huge marriage ritual. Yea his in laws hate him. We stay silly ☺️"
Everyone's already talked about the bacon thing, obviously- like idk why that's there. That's my only , like , "complaint" so far; I am living for every other moment so far tho fjskfjsk.
SPOCK PUT ON THE BEANIE!!! He did the thing!!! The Spock thing!!!
Also i just have to assume the "fake ears" they give him are just... The props they normally use fjlsjfksnf
I absolutely LOVE that Uhura and Erica are immediately on board with Chapel's plan, this is friendship goals
Bestie, I'm sorry but your crush is EXTREMELY obvious even the aliens know
I fucking love this episode, man. Its got me laughing.
Now that was sweet 🥺 And Logical™ of course... To divert shields.
TPrings mother is such a bitch, usually I stand for woman's wrongs but she is SLANDERING Spock and Amanda.
Amanda has been slandered her WHOLE TIME ON VULCAN!!!
"You're a disappointment" SHUT THE FUCK UP- DONT BRING HIS FATHER UP-
Thank You, Ethan Peck 👏👏👏
Pike has a father complex; he just wants to be everyone's dad and it's so funny to me.
The way TPring is like eyeing Chapel and Spock- she fucking knows what's up. Like the way Spock is acting so suspicious already makes it seem like something's wrong but it looks like they're legit having an affair when they literally aren't.
Because of course. The human mating ritual. It is essential for every human marriage of course. They've gotta play charades. Thank you Captain Christopher Pike for your QUICK THINKING AND INGENUITY
STAND UP FOR YOUR MOTHER GOD DAMN IT! This ENTIRE EPISODE Amanda has let herself and Spock be just stepped on by T'Pring's family and it's NOT FAIR!!
I feel bad for T'Pring tho- like I get that Human Spock was struggling with telling T'Pring about the accident but SHE DESERVED TO KNOW!!! And now she's also humiliated and has to deal with her family and everything because of what Spock FAILED TO TELL HER!!!
If they just talked it out she would've been able to help somehow! She's responsible and capable, and at least then they would've been in the same boat (in a way).
Ig Spock was struggling to "give her bad news" earlier when her day was already going to shit and tbh, Fair. But still. Yk. They did her DIRTY
I feel for Chapel tho. Literally Me™
Okay okay more serious: I really like how her character is tackled so far. Like, she-
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lurkingteapot · 9 months
Only Friends เพื่อนต้องห้าม Ep 4
Nearly two weeks late and I'm finally, finally getting around to catching up with my favourite mess.
Live watch notes!
Oh wow, we're starting out right away on the heavy stuff, huh
oh god Khaotung's acting, He's so good.
there's that word again, "burden"
thank fuck Mew cottoned on to this being a goodbye
I somehow fully expected Ray to just drop the phone into the tub
he's sitting in the EMPTY tub??? was this just for mess prevention? oh Ray, oh baby.
No, love, no, your mum did not die because of you.
HELL YEAH CHEUAM'S A LESBIAN (sorry, I'm just so excited to hear a girl actually SAY it) (but also Ray being a hit with the wlw tracks)
ooh wait wait, these shirts-- is this the make-out night?
also Ray I get you probably don't mean it like that, but you're sorta … guilt-tripping Mew here.
love the way this kinda tells us audience members a) the backstory of Ray taking that call b) that Mew's rejected Ray before c) that Ray was so desperately seeking connection that he came off weirdly manipulative about it
GOD Khaotungggg
this is shot very prettily but also what the fuck, Boston, is EVERYTHING blackmail material to you
adfsadfa LOVE Mew calling Ray out on the shirt
"not your type" huh. HUH.
Ray really is hung up on him, huh.
Proud of Mew for setting that boundary.
Sand is not buying it.
Oh Sand, oh Sand.
Ooop put your foot in it
Nick, what are you lying to Sand about that?
oof "he's not normal, his reputation is bad"
oh man the employees all wai'ing the boss's son … urgh god I hate rich people, sorry Top I'm sure you're not actually that bad but URGH (also yes I'm aware of the double standard I've got going here, the way just-as-rich-kid Ray is my little meow meow)
wait, is this the photo booth where Top and Boston made out?
is this just a common architecture feature in spensive hotels, or is this the same hotel they shot Chaan's apartment in LoA with?
ooooh that plane is Boston's, isn't it
Ray and Sand may be doomed by the narrative but I love every second I get out of them anyway.
I love Sand so muchhhh
First is really good at that searching eye contact thing
ถ้ามึงอยากเป็นเพื่อนกับกูอยู่นะ คิดถึงความรู้สึกกูบ้าง BOUNDARIES we love to see them
the way they put the asshole angle on Boston here, I love it
oooh you made Boston mad just now
hookups so you can sleep, hookups to let off steam
oh man, Nick, oh man, this is not okay behaviour and you KNOW it
"I can't" -> the way it's put in Thai is กูไม่สดวก which is basically 都合が悪い but feels like 困る. Gotta ask teacher about that one.
is this why physical pictures are all you deal with, or are you just … talking out your ass because you know Nick is dtf either way for a bit yet
Mark Pakin, the actor you are
this is not news but I'd like to reiterate that I love how we have Rich Boys and Poor Boys are a theme here
asdfadfasdf "stay away from Boston" Nick, Top's been TRYING
but oh man Top is an arrogant ass. like. scary slick.
Ohhhh wow Nick, wow, wow wow. at least you're self-aware? ish?
Oh fuck of course he ran over Sand
Go go go Sand
oooof there's history here, I see. I still think it's about someone Sand liked before.
I really hope Sand's bike is fine
Nickkkkk how about you don't lie to Sand? but urgh you're also getting him in trouble which. ooof I can see this making things really complicated for him and Ray going forward.
Sand is like "oh bruv NO"
Mew is so unimpressed. I'm impressed with Ray for owning up to it though, and for apologising – it's so easy to fall into the "I'm an awful person and they'll hate me anyway" spiral.
okay so at least Sand and Ray can bond over hating Top
Mew, please get mad about Top being a controlling ass like that
You've got nothing to hide, right, Top? Right?
sooo was that Not Mew in the car with Ray, then? Photoshop?
oh we're going here, huh
oh wait, was that him again just now?
that's a really good line to draw, Mew, and also you've got an excellent point about addiction here
oh man oh man oh man I'm really liking Mew more and more this ep and Top is doing nothing to endear himself to me.
oh man, someone's gonna drink that water and it's going to be a Situation™
Top, you asshole, if you could not question every single one boundary Mew sets, that'd be ace
so the thing is. Top. Why would you think Mew would believe that? you talk big.
!! this is a song from the playlist!!
fuck, Sand is so gone on him alreadyyyy, I really thought he had more distance than that, but nope nope nope
I continue to be so impressed with this show. The preview is nerve wracking, but I'm going to be strong and only watch that when I've got another 5k or so of work words done. One more ep, and then I'll have a day to wade into the tag! EXCITED.
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