#ontario hockey association
if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
“To what degree did the Ontario Hockey Association [OHA] control hockey within its area? The OHA did have absolute control of amateur hockey but its claims to control all hockey lie on less certain grounds. During the period 1919 to 1937, in any given year, there were never more than 186 affiliates. In fact, these represented but a small proportion of the teams playing hockey within the OHA's area of jurisdiction. By the late 1920s it is estimated that there were over 4,000 teams playing hockey within the OHA district. Obviously, with respect to affiliates, the OHA was a small organization. In fact, the influence of the OHA reached into all corners of the district and into all levels of hockey. This influence was exerted both directly and indirectly, through affiliation and control of the prestigious provincial championships, which in turn led to national and international competition, and paradoxically, access to professional hockey.
The most important method of influencing hockey played outside the OHA was through affiliation. Such was the prestige of the OHA within the world of hockey that by the mid 1920s it was deemed advantageous to seek affiliation. This was the case with the TAHA on its formation in 1921 and thus 500 teams were brought within the jurisdiction of the OHA. The Hamilton Amateur Hockey Association followed suit when it was formed in 1927. Thus, by 1931, all ice hockey in Toronto and Hamilton was played under the aegis of the OHA. Outside the two major urban centres [of Toronto/Hamilton and the Border Cities] the myriad of town and district leagues were closely allied to the OHA. For example the St. Thomas Town League, 1928; the St. Catherines and District Leagues, 1926 - 1932; and the Peterboro City League, 1932 - 1937, all affiliated with the OHA. Even the leagues that lay outside the OHA often accepted OHA rules and regulations. Thus, the influence of the OHA reached into all corners of the district and all levels of hockey.
However, it is important not to overemphasize the extent of the OHA's control. There were always teams and leagues that lay outside their jurisdiction. The industrial leagues that developed in Toronto, Hamilton, and Brantford in the 1920s. while gaining affiliation in 1929, maintained a sturdy independence throughout. Perhaps more extensive and more independent were the rural leagues which catered to 37.6% of the population. While these leagues must have supplied some of the players to adjacent urban leagues, they tended to maintain their independence. The extent of these leagues is difficult to determine. At the same time, it is evident that rural leagues sprang up throughout Ontario. For example, in 1926, the Brant County United Farmers Organization Hockey League, Group 2, was comprised of Lynden, St. Georges and Glenmarra. More illustrative of their nature and instability was the South Waterloo Rural Hockey League which between 1929 and 1939 attracted twelve teams, only one of which was a continuous member. The heart of the rural leagues lay in the counties to the west of Toronto. In 1932, dissatisfied with the lack of interest demonstrated by the OHA they banded together to form the Ontario Rural Hockey Association (ORHA). By 1936 the ORHA controlled nineteen leagues. However, even in this instance, if any of the players aspired to higher levels of play they had to join an OHA team. Thus, the influence of the OHA was felt even within the independent organizations.
While hockey was played in every city, town and village, amateur hockey was available only in specific areas. The OHA district contained 286 cities, towns and villages. During the period 1919 to 1937 only 141 (48%) of these were represented in OHA competition. In fact, the base becomes even smaller if one considers those areas having representation for longer than ten years. Only 70 (24%) cities, towns and villages were long term members of the OHA. Thus, OHA hockey was not available, on an ongoing basis, to the majority of Ontarians.
OHA ice hockey was rooted in the small towns and villages of Ontario. Towns ranging in size from 1,000 t o 11,000 lay at the heart of the OHA. Both the rural areas, comprising 38% of the population and the cities, with 45%. were underrepresented. Perceptions of Toronto domination were certainly not reflected in the number of teams. Even though Toronto's population, 631,607 in 1931, overshadowed the other 21 cities (604,265) and nearly doubled that of the 105 towns (339,232) Toronto only boasted 29 teams in 18 years. The focus of the OHA is illustrated more graphically by examining a typical year, 1930. In 1930, the OHA contained 186 teams. Of these, 21 were located in Toronto, 43  in 19 cities; and 122 in 84 towns and villages. If the teams had been distributed equally according to population, the cities should have had over 140 teams. The OHA was basically a small town organization.
The larger cities and towns were the permanent strongholds of the OHA. In fact, the heart of the OHA lay in the towns which contained 58% of the permanent teams. It was amongst the smaller towns and villages that the greatest instability was found. Places like Flesherton, Homby, Madoc, Mamora, Monkton, Pictou and Wallaceburg joined the OHA for one or two seasons before succumbing, usually due to financial considerations. In fact, the teams with a degree of permanency reveal certain distinct patterns. Very simply, presence and permanency weakened as physical distance from Toronto increased. There were few teams in any of the counties east of Kingston. Additionally Northumberland, Hastings, Prince Edward, Lennox and Addington counties provided few teams. To the west, Essex, Kent and Elgin counties did not have permanent representation in the OHA. The franchises became more stable as the focus moved towards Toronto. In summary, amateur ice hockey, the avenue to district, provincial and national championships, was not available to all Ontarians; in fact, it was characterized by particular patterns of development focusing heavily on the towns of Ontario.”
 - Alan Metcalfe, “THE ANATOMY OF POWER IN AMATEUR SPORT IN ONTARIO, 1918 -1936,” Sports History Review. Volume 22, issue 2 (Jan. 1991): 49-51, 53-56.
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stereax · 2 months
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Story here.
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rabbitcruiser · 17 days
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The New York Rangers were founded on May 15, 1926.
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sunkissed-zegras · 4 months
✮ 𝐢𝐧 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐫𝐢𝐩, 𝐨𝐧 𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐩 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 | jack hughes
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♡ ─ word count | 3.8k
♡ ─ summary | when you and jack had parted ways, somehow you both knew you'd meet again somehow.
♡ ─ warnings | second chance romance!! slight angst (nothing too crazy), fluffy as fuck!!! jack being a cutie patootie, bsf x luke hughes cus why not???? mention of drinking/bars but that should be it.
♡ ─ taglist | | @dancerbailey3 @valluvsu @daisysnhl @dasiysthings @iminlovewithtz11 @literatureluster @lvrzegras @lxvleyzoe @bowen-power @ru-kru @jackhughesily @hearts-for-luke
♡ ─ ev's notes | okay, so this started off as sweeter than fiction fic but slowly turned into an invisible string fic, but its okay. they both slay and lowkey work well together!!
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No matter how hard you tried to forget Jack, you never could.
The moment you both laid eyes on each other, each of you knew it was game over for everyone else. Everyone else was merely everybody else, and the other was just the one. From the first hello to the last goodbye, there was a connection neither of you could fathom.
Jack was more than just your first love or your first everything, he soon became the key to solving all your problems and the keeper of all your secrets. He was the funniest and kindest person you knew, no matter how long you'd been together. That never changed, even after you two parted ways.
It's been almost three years since you seperated but you can still how he made you feel, and all his favorite things: how he liked his coffee, what side of the bed he slept, his favorite soda and how to cheer him up. However, if someone had asked you where he was now, you couldn't tell them.
Well, not necessarily. You knew he plays some NHL team and he was doing what he's always loved, that's all you knew for sure. Some things never change, you guess.
Sometimes, you would wonder if he ever thought of you. Were you just a passing thought or a lasting memory? Did he remember everything or did he forget it? Those questions kept you up at night. But, at the end of the day, you realized that you were happy for him because he was out there, pursuing his dreams. Even if you weren't in those stands, wearing his jersey cheering him on, like he'd always promised.
"A hockey game?" You repeated, staring at your best friend Brie. She shook her head, a big smile on her face.
"My friend got tickets a few months ago but he got covid, so he gave them to me. And I knew you were a fan of hockey, so why not?" Brie explained as she leaned back into the couch.
"Not really-"
"Well you grew uo in Ontario so that makes you a hockey fan by association. You're going, end of discussion." Brie sighed exasperatedly, feigning annoyance as a smile enveloped your face. You had no choice now, you had to go.
You couldn't help but chuckle at Brie's determination. She always had a way of roping you into things, and this time was no exception. Despite your initial reluctance, the prospect of attending a hockey game stirred a sense of excitement within you.
A few days later, you found yourself growing curious about the experience. Memories of watching hockey matches with your family in Ontario flooded back, reminding you of the excitement that accompanied each game. One memory stuck out to you, you couldn't remember much but you do remember the warm feeling of his jacket and how your heart was beating- No, no. Focus on the now, Y/N. You reminded yourself as you forced yourself out of your head.
You navigate your way through the big arena and you both finally found your seats, settling in as the game was beginning. Settling into your seat, you let yourself soak in the atmosphere, the sights and sounds of the arena becoming a backdrop to your thoughts and emotions.
The players take to the ice and the game begins, you find yourself swept up in the thrill of the moment. The cheers of the crowd fill the air, each goal and save met with loud applause and excitement. You missed this.
"Y/N, look! That's the one I was telling you about, the one who followed me. Isn't he cute?" Brie spoke with a warm blush on her face, pointing out a number 43. You nodded, watching him glide.
He looked slightly familiar but you couldn't place it. "Wait... Is that why we're here, Brie?"
"What? No. What do you mean? What?" Brie's blush spread to her entire face as she let out a giggle, a telltale sign of her lying. You shook your head with a laugh, of course there was an ulterior motive to coming here.
She let out a sigh and then continued, "Okay fine. He invited me to the game, with free tickets. You wouldn't say no either, alright?"
"Yeah, free tickets are free tickets." You shrugged with another laugh. "Is he cute?"
"You'll see, he told me to come to the bar after the game."
"And I have to come?" You sighed, leading back into the uncomfortable seat of the stands.
"Don't sound too excited, Y/N." She teased as you rolled your eyes playfully. "He has a cute brother and I heard the captain is hot, so... you won't be third wheeling entirely."
"Okay, fine. But what if they aren't cute?"
"This is hockey, babe, there is a very low chance of that happening." Brie said with a big grin as you laughed. That was true, they all happened to be very cute.
With each passing minute, the anticipation grew, fueled by the idea of meeting Brie's acquaintance and his friends. Despite your initial hesitation, there was an undeniable curiosity about what the night held in store.
As the final buzzer sounded and the game drew to a close with another win for the Devils, you found yourself caught between anxious anticipation and excitement. The promise of a post-game gathering lingered in the air, pulling you into its orbit with a magnetic force you couldn't resist.
Brie quickly took you out of your trance, grabbing your hand to rush to the bar. As you entered the busy bar, the atmosphere was electric, pulsating with the excitement of post-game celebration. The air was thick with the scent of beer and sweat as you nervously walked beside Brie to find her friend.
She pulled your sleeve and pointed to a curly-head in the distance before whispering, "That's him."
"Whoa, he's tall."
"I know." She whispered back dreamily as she stared before walking towards him, a confident smile on her face whilst you followed her.
He turned around and your eyes widened. He was familiar, you knew exactly who he was. Luke Hughes, Jack's little brother. Instant regret hit you as you hoped and prayed he wouldn't remember you.
Thankfully, he looked right at Brie with a huge grin. "Oh, hey. Glad you could make it."
He leaned in for a hug and your eyebrows rose, they were already on hugging terms? As they pulled apart, his gaze moved to you and his features changed into a knowing one. You plastered on the best smile you could and silently prayed he didn't remember you.
But that wasn't Luke's voice, you turned your head to the side to see him. "Jack?"
As the name escaped his lips, your heart skipped a beat, the world around you seeming to slow to a crawl. Time seemed to stand still as you locked eyes with him, the familiarity of his gaze stirring a whirlwind of emotions within you. His blue eyes boring into yours, your heart racing.
In that moment, the weight of the past crashed over you like a tidal wave, memories flooding back with clarity. The sound of his smooth voice, the warmth of his sweet gaze—it was as if no time had passed at all, as if you were transported back to a time when the world was simpler, when your love felt like an unbreakable bond.
For a moment, the world fell away, leaving only the two of you locked in a silent exchange that spoke volumes to only the two of you. Memories of your shared past flooded back, the laughter, the tears, the love that had once bound you together, all laid bare in the space between you.
Jack's expression softened, a flicker of recognition dancing in his eyes as he took in your features. It was as if time itself had stood still, freezing this moment in eternity, the echoes of your past reverberating through the air like a haunting melody.
"Jack, buddy, you're about to spill the drinks." Luke's voice drew both of you out of your trance and back into the present moment and out of your head.
"Yeah, um, sorry. Here." Jack nodded to his brother and handed him the beer as you stared back at him, a troubled expression plastered on your face.
As Jack handed the beer to Luke, the brief interlude allowed a moment of reflection from the intensity of the small exchange. The tension lingered between you, a reminder of the emotions simmering under the surface.
You struggled to find the words to break the silence, the weight of your past weighing heavy on your heart. Each passing moment seemed to stretch into eternity, the air thick with anticipation and uncertainty.
Finally, Jack turned back to you, his gaze searching, as if looking for answers to questions left unasked. The troubled expression on your face mirrored the emotions swirling in you, a storm of conflicting feelings that threatened to engulf you both.
"I... It's been a while," Jack began, his voice hesitant, the words hanging in the air between you like a delicate thread.
"Yeah, it has," you replied softly, your voice barely above a whisper. The memories of your shared past lingered like a ghost, haunting the space between you with their silent presence.
Luke looked a Brie with a knowing look, taking her hand warmly and glancing between you and Jack. "I think me and Brie are gonna get some drinks, we'll be right back."
Before anyone could reject, Luke pulled away your best friend to the bar and she turned around with a sympathetic smile and a shrug. You cursed the younger Hughes as you sighed. Now you have to face Jack alone, without the comfort of your best friend.
You and Jack once again found each other's gaze, staring into each other's eyes with warmth and recognition. His eyes were still as blue as you left them but he looked more mature, facial hair growing on his chin and his hair a little longer but you thought it suited him. But he still has the boyish charm to him, the thing that made you fall for him in the first place. His mouth curved up into a small smile as he watched you observe him.
"How've you been?" His voice echoed and that was another that hadn't changed. You had forgotten his voice on the course of the couple years of separation, you forgot how sweet and smooth it was.
"I've been..." You trailed off, not knowing what to exactly. "I've been good. You?" You settled for a simple answer, not knowing exactly where you stood yet.
"Can't complain." He responded with a shrug, take a sip of his beer. Silence once again filled the space between you as you gazed at each other.
In the absence of words, your gaze held a conversation of its own. The warmth and recognition in Jack's eyes mirrored the emotions swirling within you. For a moment, it was like you were seeing him for the first time again—his features bathed in the soft glow of recognition, his smile warm in the rest of world's darkness. The years had etched lines of experience onto his face, sculpting the contours of his features into something familiar yet different.
And yet, beneath the surface, there remained a sense of familiarity—a connection that defied the time itself and the hurts of the past. It was a reminder of the depth of your shared history, the moments that had shaped you into the people you had become.
You couldn't help but wonder what thoughts raced through his mind, what memories stirred beneath the surface. Did he too feel the weight of the past, the pull of unfinished stories waiting to be told?
"You grew your hair out." He stated softly as he examined your new look. "It looks good."
"Looks like you did, too." You smiled softly and he let out a warm laugh, and it was infectious. The memories, rushed back into your mind at the happy sound and your stomach did a flip. Another thing that hadn't changed, the sweet sound of his laugh.
"Yeah, that's what hockey does to a guy." He explained, his eyes glowing beneath the warm light of bar.
You chuckled, a mixture of emotions swirling within you. "Guess it comes with the territory. You always did love the game."
Jack's gaze softened, a flicker of sentimentality in his eyes. "Yeah, some things just never change, I guess. Hockey's been a constant in my life and I don't think I'll ever stop."
The shared memories of watching games together, the thrill of victories, and the hurt of defeats lingered in the air, connecting you both in a shared history that time hadn't erased.
"I remember how you used to explain the rules to me, as if I was clueless," you teased, a playful glint in your eye.
Jack laughed, the sound a symphony of familiarity. "Hey, but you caught on quick. Besides, it was a good excuse to spend time together."
The mention of spending time together cast a gentle shadow over the present moment, a reminder of the shared past that had once been the foundation of your connection. The complexities of life had woven a tapestry of experiences, leading you both on separate journeys, yet the threads of your history remained intertwined.
"But hey, the hair suits you," you replied, your voice soft with sincerity. Despite the years that had passed, there was a sense of ease in the way you spoke to each other, as if no time had elapsed at all.
Before he could respond, you were suddenly pushed from the back and flew right into the arms. You were shocked and turned around to see a drunk man stumbling. Suddenly, Jack's arm twisted around your shoulder, a protective stance.
"Shit, sorry." He slurred before walking away into the crowd.
The sudden proximity between you sent a jolt of awareness coursing through your veins, the closeness igniting a spark of familiarity that lingered in the air like electricity.
As the chaos of the moment subsided, the realization of how close you two had been struck you with a sudden clarity, leaving your cheeks warm and your heart racing. You both stared into each other's eyes before Jack spoke softly. "Let's go somewhere quieter, yeah?"
With a nod of agreement, you instinctively reached for his hand, fingers intertwining in a silent pact as he led you through the crowd and out into the cool night air. The sounds of the bar faded into the distance, replaced by the soft murmur of the night.
He let go your hand, the cool night air hit the warm area that his hand once was. He gazed out into the night as you looked to the side of his face, a warm feeling filling your body in spite of it being cold outside.
"So, you play on the same team as Luke?" You spoke, breaking the silence between you two.
His lips curved into a smile as he nodded, "Yeah, isn't that funny? We always talked about playing together again but it's cool that we can actually do that now."
You couldn't help but marvel at the twist of fate that brought them together again. The bond between Jack and Luke was woven with shared memories and childhood dreams, all coming true.
"It's amazing how things come full circle," you remarked, a small smile playing on your lips.
"Yeah and Quinn's finally got the captaincy, it's perfect." Jack continued. He looked happy and content with the way things were turning out with his career and his family, it made you happy seeing him happy. "What about you? Anything exciting?" He turned his attention to you, his blue eyes gazing into yours.
You smiled. "Not as much as you, definitely. But I'm about to graduate and get an apartment, all by myself up in New York. Found the perfect one yesterday and I'm driving up there to see it."
"Just like you always wanted, huh?" Jack's smile grew at that. He was comforted knowing that you hadn't changed too much and you were still same old you, despite how many years that had passed.
"Yeah, it's right in the middle of the city, with windows everywhere so I can watch the city move."
Like you had always wanted, Jack thought in his mind with a big smile. "So we are both chasing our dreams, then?"
"Yeah, something like that." You laughed and he joined along. The warmth of his laughter filled your lungs and you felt like you were out of breath just by laughing along with him. It was perfect. The laughter had died down and you both still were locked in gaze.
For a moment, it was as if the world had faded away, leaving only the two of you suspended in the quiet intimacy of the night. The warmth of Jack's presence enveloped you like a comforting embrace, grounding you in the present moment amidst the chaos of the world.
His smile slowly dropped as he kept looking into your eyes. "Why'd we ever break up?"
The bluntness of the question had taken you aback. And you started thinking back to why you broke up. As you searched for an answer, the weight of the past pressed down upon you, a heavy burden that threatened to consume you whole. The reasons for your breakup lingered on the edges of your consciousness, fragments of half-forgotten truths waiting to be unearthed.
You were moving away to college and he was getting into the NHL, the only logical way to go about this about was to break up. Long distance wouldn't have worked and plus, you were both growing up and getting into new worlds, you didn't want him worrying about you while he was out there, pursuing his dreams.
But deep down, you knew that the choices you had made had led you to where you were now, standing face to face with the echoes of your past and the possibilities of the future. The memory of your break-up was clear in your mind, with all the anger and resentment both of you had in that one moment. But something you had said suddenly stuck out to you, "If we are meant to be, we will."
And we did. You thought to yourself as you stared into Jack's eyes. "We were both growing up and moving away, and I-I guess... I didn't wanna burden you."
Jack's expression softened. "Burden me?"
Silence filled the air once again but this time, you felt embarrassed. How could that have led to the break-up? It seems so small but it felt so big before, like it was the end of the world.
"Yeah," you admitted, your gaze dropping for a moment before meeting Jack's eyes again. "I was worried about holding you back, about becoming a distraction when you had this incredible opportunity in front of you. I thought breaking up was the right thing to do, to give you the freedom to chase your dreams without any restraints."
Jack's expression softened, his eyes reflecting understanding. "Y/N, you could never be a burden to me," he replied softly, his voice filled with sincerity. "We were in it together, remember?"
"I'm sorry, Jack," you whispered, the weight of your words hanging heavy in the air. "I... I wish things had been different."
He immediately shook his head and slowly took your hand. "Don't apologize. If things had been different you don't know how that would've worked out, but right now, everything that led us here is perfect." He said sternly as you nodded slowly.
With a nod of agreement, you allowed his words to seep into the depths of your heart, a gentle reminder that the journey you had embarked upon together with twists and turns but ultimately, it had led you to this moment and that was enough.
"I believe that too," you whispered, your voice tinged with hope and conviction. "Every step we took, every choice we made, brought us here, to this moment."
Jack's gaze softened, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that mirrored your own. "We found each other again for a reason, don't you think?"
You nodded softly as you gazed back at him, warmth filling your whole body. Before you could answer, you felt a buzz in your pocket and sighed. You were ripped away from this perfect moment and back to reality. You took your phone out and saw the caller ID: "Brie <3"
You answered it, "Hey, Brie."
"Hey, so where are you? I just remembered I have a 9am lecture tomorrow."
You sighed before shaking your head. Brie and her bad memory, "I'm, uh, outside."
"Great, I'll meet you at the car. We have a lot to debrief tonight."
"Oh yeah, a whole lot." You laughed as you stared back at Jack's face with a warm smile. "'Kay, love you."
"Love you."
She hung up and you were met with Jack's gaze, pulled back into the moment. Again, there was silence before you spoke up. "Well, I gotta go."
"I figured." Jack spoke as a smile curved his mouth.
"I'll... see you, then?" Your voice came out in a quiet whisper as he nodded.
You turned around and started walking before you stopped. You couldn't leave without anything, right? It wouldn't be right. You turned around swiftly with a warm smile. "Umm... when can I see you?"
Jack's eyes lit up at your question, a flicker of excitement dancing in their depths. For a moment, he seemed taken aback by your sudden boldness, but a smile quickly spread across his face, warming the space between you.
Jack's eyes lit up at your question, a genuine smile playing on his lips. "How about tomorrow? We could grab coffee or something, catch up properly."
Your heart skipped a beat at his suggestion, the prospect of spending more time with him filling you with a sense of anticipation and joy. The thought of reconnecting with Jack, of rediscovering the depths of your bond, ignited a spark of hope within your soul.
"That sounds perfect," you replied, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
As you exchanged details and finalized the plans, the air buzzed with anticipation. The promise of tomorrow held the potential for new beginnings, a chance to explore the rekindled connection between you and Jack.
As you parted ways, each step carrying you closer to the promise of tomorrow, you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for the chance to rewrite the narrative of your story, to carve out a future filled with forgiveness and the prospect unfulfilled promises you once made, coming true.
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thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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blysse-and-blunder · 3 months
in lieu of a reading week
11pm, tuesday, feb 20, 2024
hello beloveds. just wrote two increasingly passionate paragraphs about what social media and my use of it over the years has done to benefit my life, and got so genuinely moved that i had to come talk to you about it.
reading really wild mix of reading material of late. surprisingly high amount of YA, because people keep recommending me things and i keep going 'sure, let's try it!' so i'll use that as an organizing principle and save discussing some of the others for a future post. in order of completion:
firekeeper's daughter, angeline boulley, read by isabella lablanc. finished in a rush, very engaged in the last three-four hours. i was never prepared for the next thing this plot threw at me, though in retrospect saw how it all made sense. i didn't know a thing about it going in, which i think actually enriched the experience a lot, but for a novel set in michigan's UP and sugar island, it resonated with a lot of things i associate with ontario after living here for five+ years. the hockey, the ojibwe /anishinaabe names and cultural connections, the murdered and missing indigenous women. but it also mixes in elements reminiscent of, like, braiding sweetgrass (and tangentially mexican gothic) and various fan fiction tropes i recognized in their shape if not their execution. highly recommend the audiobook-- they cast the audiobook's narrator very carefully, and she does a superb job juggling the mix of scientific jargon, teen narrator unreliable/dramatic narrator (loving), and Anishinaabemowin.
castle in the clouds, kerstin gier, translated by romy fursland. maybe 33% through. it's giving grand budapest hotel and somehow also the princess diaries? it's also reminding me somehow of, like, the kind of novel i wanted to write as a second or third grader, which means eva ibbotson, and a particular flavor of plucky, intelligent heroine. i was hooked by the first page+ but have yet to see a ton more of the same high action and suspense, and have let this one slip a little further onto the back burner. it's cute escapism at the moment, though that may change.
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fourth wing, by rebecca yarros, read by rebecca soler (and apparently also teddy hamilton, although i haven't gotten to him yet?) about 25% through. trying desperately to give us a gritty, hardcore, new and dangerous and fun take on dragons and their human riders, while also trying to be idk divergent? the hunger games? there's a love triangle, the protagonist has naturally ombre hair, the premise of the novel is brutal training where young adults are all dying in improbable droves due to how cutthroat and brutal it is. a testament to the narrator that i am, despite myself, having a great time. there are a few too many supporting characters who want our main girl straight up dead for me to really find the threats believable, but i'm intrigued by the prospect of alternate versions of this world's history than what she has learned and a potential for discovering how their kingdom has? manipulated them? could be asking too much.
fairest, gail carson levine. finished in a long saturday morning spent reading in bed. i was such an intense and dedicated fan of the original ella enchanted novel that i couldn't read most of levine's other books (exceptions for her short stories made grudgingly) because they weren't sequels and weren't the same and wouldn't be as good. in fairness, reading this now as a much-older-than-the-intended audience, perhaps i was too harsh-- but i think little-me was right to be a little suspicious. it's a snow white retelling, and again i think largely successful in building a more detailed plot in which the elements of the retold fairy tale are embedded, but where the focus in ella was on language and obedience and free will, here we're trying to articulate things about beauty and body image, and it's harder to say that it really succeeds? i like that we gave the Wicked Queen more nuance, positive and negative qualities, moments of sympathy, a name and a precarious political position. i was not nearly as charmed by the romance (fine, fine, it's not ella and char but it couldn't be, it's fine). i still love the use of unfamiliar / fairy-tale languages and how levine puts them on the page in such fun spellings. probably aimed at the youngest audience, of the four titles here, but treats its reader as almost more intelligent than fourth wing, possibly? YA from ~twenty years ago was a different world.
listening graded like twenty quizzes today with just a mess of random panic at the disco bumping in my headphones. it's a hell of a feeling, etc. i'm halfway through this particular round of grading, and they're doing so well, so it's mainly a quick check to make sure they got the basics right and i can jam while doing so.
watching spent a very pleasant ~2 hours yesterday watching as much as we could of the film amadeus with @hematiterings, @pep-squad-lizzie, and @dimir-charmer. love a film that isn't afraid to lean into all its sensory indulgences, and to be a little heavy-handed with its symbolism (the chocolate is about repression!) and to, just generally, spend money on costumes, locations, hiring lots of extras, and so many wigs. there's a live event performance of this film with orchestra + choir being advertised all over our subway right now, so it does very much feel like we're being followed by this guy:
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...but what's sticking in my head right now is the costumes.
playing 41+ hours into hollow knight. i have opened half of my stag stations! i have the dream nail, surprisingly early i think! i have saved bretta! i have somehow missed the mantis lords, i think, but have made it to the city, the resting grounds, and have now been throwing myself fruitlessly against the crystal guardian and a soul warrior in alternation. i am...not good at combat. current plan is to grind to get quick focus, and i'm close! also, @spoonierbard stepped in and gave me a much needed morale boost by winning me the final mask shard necessary to get increased lives, which has helped tremendously, and the grubs rewarded me with the grub song charm which has helped tremendously.
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making many potential projects, none executed (or even really attempted). soon, hopefully. fallow section for now. does music count? music counts, right? i joined a second choir! enticed by the chance to perform mozart's requiem in full with an orchestra, and finally fulfill the broken promise of 2020. that's my hobby right now. oh i also just cleaned out a ton of storage in my phone + icloud, which felt generative in its own way. besides backing things up better than i have in a while.
working on submitted the travel money application i've been thinking and dithering about since...this time last year? no real expectation of getting it, but it did actually help me consider some next steps in the diss, so that's nice. now prepping to take my class on two fun on-campus field trips next week, one to the manuscript library and one to the medieval collection in our little hidden art museum! i need to write some notes up for the TAs and docents to use, and finish organizing my list of desired manuscripts, like, yesterday. midterm grades posted today, a little late but hopefully not too bad, still well before the drop date. the aforementioned quizzes (i have like 28 more to grade, but they're reasonably painless). plus i was going to work on my fucking dissertation this week, and prep to teach the next few lectures in advance so i'm not scrambling monday nights, plus send a bunch of emails, design a CFP poster, put in some RAship hours so i can speak intelligently in my meeting tomorrow, and....prep for the guest lecture i'm giving on the 28th! it's a reskin of the conference paper i gave this summer, freshly edited, but i need to expand the intro bits to include a useful overview, since these students aren't a conference of celticists.
weirdly at peace with how my work-life balance is balancing right now, though. it's the extra sleep and the increased sunshine, and the little cat who is being so so whiny right now. i must conclude these lines and feed Herself.
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rattkachuk · 26 days
30 or 33 with mceichel? <3 <3 <3
30 ‘this is my husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/partner etc.’ + 33 ‘I love you.’
ao3 link
Summers in lake country in Ontario were Connor’s favourite. Warm and sweet and everything he associated with home, everything that Edmonton wasn’t.
Edmonton was for work. It was for drive and digging his heels in and finding a way to win. For himself, for his team, for passion, ultimately. But there was a different passion to be found here, too. A longing, more-so, for slow things. For a simple life that didn’t expect so much of him. He could see glimpses of it, and even though he loved what he was doing out west, and the people he was doing it with, he still had to hold on tight to the moments that kept him grounded in a life outside of hockey.
That didn’t mean distancing himself from the sport for the off season completely, though. As the years had passed, slowly the media loosened its relentless grasp on the ideal of Connor McDavid. Of course, not completely, he had accepted at the age of 16 that his name would always be topic of contention within hockey circles. There were other top draft picks since then, though, other guys who approached numbers he’d managed, and that softened things a little. With that, there was an ease in interacting with people, it didn’t feel so monumental every time he stepped foot in public.
Where he would have preferred to run away to places that didn’t give a shit about hockey before, now it felt good to be here in the same place he spent summers as a boy. He volunteered some time for a couple weeks in July for some hockey camps, and it became one of his favourite parts of the summer.
“Mr. McDavid, check out my stick handling!” One of the kids' voices yell out to him, bringing him into the present and back to the group of kids he’s in charge of. It’s nearing the end of the day, so the kids are mostly doing whatever they want before they go home.
He skates over to the young boy leisurely, watches some impressive hand work from the kid and thinks to himself that hockey kids these days really are on some other level, “Nice job, Miles.”
There's some excitement from one cluster of kids near the boards that gets Connor’s attention. He looks to see what’s up and follows their gaze to the small set of bleachers set up on one side of the rink.
He can’t keep the smile off his face once he makes eye contact with Jack. He offers a little wave, mouths a hello and nods at him to make his way round to the player benches.
“Just a sec,” Connor says to the kids and the other adult nearby.
Most of the kids take it upon themselves to abandon what they’re doing to follow Connor anyways, like ducklings to a mother duck.
“Who’s that?” one of the girls asks point blank at Connor’s hip.
“Uh, that. This is my…he’s my boyfriend,” Connor says, and Jack is well within earshot now, words a little tripped up a little in his mouth as a blush finds the high points of his cheeks, “Jack.”
The kids giggle and one of the boys makes a joking motion to throw up at the mention of relationships, but his excitement at meeting another NHL player keeps him around.
The kids were all ecstatic once they realized who the newcomer was. They’d all gotten to know Connor this week so he was old news, Jack was exciting and new and he couldn’t blame them. He felt the same way.
“How’s it going, you guys?” Jack leans on the boards and grins at Connor as the kids start bombarding him with questions.
Another kid comes from another of the little groups out on the ice and leans on the boards in front of Jack, dangling his arms over as he looks up at the other hockey player. He’s wearing a Vegas jersey.
“Excuse me,” he squeaks, “Are you Jack Eichel?”
Jack bends down so he’s level with the kid, “I am.”
“Woah,” The boy’s eyes widen, looking up at Jack like he might not even be real.
Jack indulges them all, asks about how many goals each of the kids have scored, and offers to sign the boy’s jersey while taking in the jumble of questions from all the kids. He’s calm and patient, and every so often flashes an amused smile Connor’s way.
Connor’s heart flutters in his chest. Usually in times past, he’d opt to meet Jack outside. It was easier and didn’t get as much attention. This time, he had texted and asked if he’d wanna come earlier and come inside. In the last year they had decided to come out, and it was still new knowing they didn’t have to worry about pretending anymore.
He finds he likes this, likes knowing that everyone knows this is his boyfriend Jack, and not just hockey player Jack. He even catches a few smiles from the other coaches that show him it was a good call.
It materialises as another glimpse into the future that Connor has been building in his head. Jack is key to it all, the central heartbeat that made Connor's imagination for things to come seem real.
A couple of the girls pull Connor’s attention away from the small swarm of kids (and adults alike, now) in Jack’s vicinity.
“McDavid,” the one addresses him with ease, “Are you and your boyfriend going to get married?”
The question catches Connor off guard, a startled laugh on his lips, “I–um. I don’t know, maybe.”
“Well. I think if you do,” one of the others says confidently, “You should invite us.”
“Yah! I’ve even been a flower girl before.”
Their conversation takes a detour after that into how many weddings they’ve been to and they quickly forget Connor’s even there, but he’s left with the kids' random input rattling around in his head as he watches Jack fondly.
After all the kids are off the ice and they are making their way into the parking lot, a pretty orange sunset setting into the clouds above their heads, Connor shifts his skate bag over one shoulder and holds Jack’s hand with his other. He swings their arms a little bit between them, and that makes Jack laugh.
“You’re in a good mood.”
“I am,” Connor hums, “I like you being here. I like sharing things with you.”
Jack sighs happily, “Yah. I like it, too.”
They get to the car and Jack takes Connor’s bag to toss it in the trunk of the car, and before he can slide in the front seat Connor catches his wrist, pulling him close.
“Some of the kids asked if I was gonna marry you,” Connor says.
“Oh,” Jack’s eyebrows shoot up, hands resting on Connor’s hips, “What did you say?”
“Maybe?” Jack scoffs and makes a move to pull away from Connor, a smile on his face, “I can’t believe I’m a maybe.”
Connor laughs and holds tighter, doesn’t let him go so easy, “Jack, you’re not. It’s all the other details that are maybes. You’re a ‘for sure’.”
Jack relaxes in his grip and leans back into Connor, still a quip of amusement in his tone, “See, that’s reassuring. Thank you.”
“I mean it,” Connor reiterates, “ I didn’t think much of a life outside of playing hockey for a long time. Now, everything I see making sense in the future, you’re there. Whatever we do, wherever we are, I just wanna be with you for all of it.”
“God you’re sappy, McDavid,” Jack breathes with a shake to his head, hands cupping either side of Connor’s face, “-and I love you for it.”
Connor smiles and catches Jack’s lips with his own in a soft kiss, the evening wind ruffling past them in the warm glow of the evening sunlight.
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mangoposts · 5 months
Cutesy little storytime because I’m dying to tell someone 🤭🤭
So I’m from Ontario, Canada, and here we have this thing called the OHL which is a step down from the NHL (National Hockey League, if you’re unaware) so anyways you can play in the OHL when you’re like over 16 but under 25 I’m pretty sure.
So I was friends with this one boy all throughout elementary and middle school, super good hockey player, super talented and everything. Well around like 8th grade he stopped talking to all of his hometown friends, which we were all pissed, but we found out that it was because he was drafted by the junior Pittsburg penguins, which is fucking insane!!! Anyways fast forward, when hockey season ends he comes back to our home town, he gets this gf whatever. He goes back to Pittsburg for a bit during the summer and his girlfriend is fed up with him always being busy so they break up. Another friend of mine who was still friends with this guy sends a snap of me to him… he adds me on snap and insta, lowkey flirting???? But told me he didn’t want a relationship. That was like months ago, so now he’s being scouted for the OHL because he’s old enough to play in it, so he sent me the interview that he did with the OHL association and said “you think I’m getting it?” And I respond “of course, couldn’t be more proud of you” and his response was a snap of hun with the cheesiest grin on his face saying “knew I still loved you”
Bruh ………………………………. That’s your man Fr
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desertpups · 4 months
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'Only the first step': Pride Tape's impact felt in and outside of hockey
This article was written as part of the Professional Hockey Writers Association and To Hockey, With Love Mentorship Program. See the bottom of the article for more on the program.
A week before puck drop on the NHL's highly anticipated 2023-24 season - featuring the debut of Connor Bedard against Sidney Crosby - the NHL shared a memo with teams: Players were barred from using Pride Tape on their sticks, on top of the ban already in place on specialty jerseys.
"That was the No. 1 story," said Kris Wells, the co-founder of Pride Tape, which promotes equality and inclusion in sports.
Pride Tape has been involved with the NHL ever since former Oilers defenseman Andrew Ference brought it to the fore after participating in Edmonton's Pride parade years ago. However, after 11 years of solid support between the NHL, Pride Tape, and Ference, things went awry in 2022-23 when multiple players chose not to partake in warmups wearing special jerseys on designated Pride nights.
With the ban in place, fans were left wondering: How would players respond?
To a man, they mostly didn't, accepting the ban. Except Travis Dermott.
Eleven days into the new season, the Arizona Coyotes D-man used a few pieces of Pride Tape near the knob of his stick, sending the league into crisis mode. Three days later, the NHL reversed its Pride Tape ban.
For Wells, what was most important about the entire fiasco was the conversation it sparked.
"We often say that wrapping your stick in Pride Tape is only the first step, right?" Wells explained. "The more important step is hopefully the conversation that it engenders."
Impact on community organizations
The events indeed sparked positive conversations at community organizations like the Steel City Inclusive Softball Association (SCISA) and Queer Hockey Hamilton in Hamilton, Ontario.
SCISA is an organization that creates fun and active environments through slow-pitch softball. For adults 18 and older, the organization prides itself on welcoming all gender identities, sexual orientations, and body types.
SCISA commissioner Jeff Lindstrom decided to focus on softball because it's a sport that can accommodate any skill set.
"One thing I found to be unique about the game of softball is that it's uniquely accommodating for people of all skill sets and experience," Lindstrom said.
And even though SCISA isn't directly involved with Pride Tape, Lindstrom emphasizes the importance of Pride Tape to him and his organization.
"Any of the visual supports of solidarity that make it onto TV screens - onto the big field in front of spectators - really have a lot of power," Lindstrom said. "That's where most eyes are when it comes to mainstream media, when it comes to mainstream sporting events, when it comes to ticketed events."
SCISA started in the summer of 2021 and has seen growth ever since its inaugural season.
Jenelle Lewis, co-founder of Queer Hockey Hamilton, echoes Lindstrom's point about visibility.
"It's very important to show the support for that community when they haven't been so welcomed within the hockey community," Lewis said.
Queer Hockey Hamilton is an organization that's creating an open and welcoming space, as Lewis puts it, "for people to come without fear of the changeroom, without fear of slurs being used on the ice."
Queer Hockey Hamilton is in its first season of play and hosted its first exhibition game in the fall of 2023.
Many members of Queer Hockey Hamilton use Pride Tape. In fact, so do a lot of SCISA members.
"There's lots of other rainbow accessories that people will use," Lindstrom said. "Just being comfortable having that on your equipment and being visible matters."
The future of Pride Tape
After a whirlwind 2023, many have wondered what Pride Tape's future is.
Will it continue with the status quo and provide NHL teams with Pride Tape? Will it expand to other sports?
"If there are athletes out there or teams or leagues that want to get involved, we're more than happy to partner with them," Wells said.
For an organization that's made so many strides since its debut eight years ago, it's in no rush to expand to other sports. In fact, Wells points out a common misconception: Pride Tape isn't about profit.
"Pride Tape is actually not a business at all," Wells pointed out. "Some people believe we were this massive company, but we're just a small grassroots collective, right? Nobody gets paid."
Queer Hockey Hamilton's Lewis can't wait for what comes next. "I would like to see it used during a game," she said.
Like Toronto Metropolitan University's women's hockey team did during its Pride game.
"That's great!" Lewis said cheerfully upon learning the TMU news. "That visibility there is even more important, in my opinion."
For Pride Tape, the impact has been enormous - globally with the NHL and in communities like Hamilton, thanks to Queer Hockey Hamilton and SCISA. The effect has been felt in and outside of sport.
"Pride Tape is now on people's garden tools. It's on their walkers and their canes," Wells marveled. "It's on their water bottles. It's used in physiotherapy clinics. It's on golf clubs and racquetball and dodgeball, and you name it. It's really expanded because, again, it is such a simple yet powerful way to signal you're an ally, right? That you believe in LGBTQ inclusion and human rights."
This article was written by Michael Pagani, who's part of the Professional Hockey Writers Association and To Hockey, With Love Mentorship Program. The program pairs aspiring writers with established members of the association across North America to create opportunities for marginalized people who aren't traditionally published on larger platforms covering hockey. To Hockey, With Love is a weekly newsletter covering a range of topics in hockey, from the scandals of the week to critical analysis of the sport.
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cutestkilla · 1 year
15 Questions | 15 People
Rules: Answer these 15 Questions, then Tag 15 People 
Thanks for tagging me @theearlgreymage @johnwgrey @aristocratic-otter @artsyunderstudy @shrekgogurt @raenestee @you-remind-me-of-the-babe and @yellobb! Man, I love learning all these things about you all!
Are you named after anyone? Nope. All I know about my naming is that my dad wanted to call me Brooke but my mom kiboshed it for the association with “babbling”.
When was the last time you cried? I was going to say last week when I had to tell my kiddos that their auntie had to put her sweet 14yo dog down. (RIP Rufus, you were a good boy and we all miss you. ☹ ) BUT then Raen mentioned crying at the premiere episode of The Last of Us and I think maybe I did too!
Do you have kids? I do indeed, a pair of boyos, 4 and 7.
Do you use sarcasm a lot? Oh god, so much. Cue me having to explain to my kids why I keep saying "great" when the thing I'm talking about most certainly is NOT great.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?  I truly don’t know how to answer this… Probably just their general vibe and whether I vibe with it?
What’s your eye color? Blue.
Scary movies or happy ending? Happy ending, but man I love a scary movie too. But if I’m just by myself picking whatever I want I would go happy ending.
Any special talents? Define special… Um, I am able to touch the tip of my nose with my tongue. I’m a really good Googler. I can type at 72 WPM. I’m super fucking good at Excel. (Somehow, I turned this into a job application to be someone’s secretary...)
Where were you born?  Northern Ontario, Canada.
What are your hobbies? Apart from fandom stuff, which is currently my biggest hobby right now, maybe home improvement/DIY and gardening. I’m pretty good at plumbing and electrical, though I used to do that stuff a lot more before having kids. For several years I ran a fashion line with a couple friends, which I’m classifying as a hobby because we never made any real money at it, but it was fun and now I have a closet full of clothes I helped design. I also take ballet lessons once a week and play in a few sports leagues in the summers.
 Do you have any pets?  Nope, none. I used to have hamsters and fish growing up. My entire family have become dog people, so I have lots of pets in my extended family (5 – now 4 – dogs, and 4 cats).
 What sports do you play/have you played? The only sport I still play with any regularity is beach volleyball, but up until a few years ago I played fastpitch (softball) which I started playing as a tween. Going all the way back, I’ve played basketball, court volleyball, badminton, field hockey and I’ve run track as well.
 How tall are you? 5'4"
 Favorite subject at school? I think the answer would have to be music for this, because I went to a performing arts high school and took music with a specialization in vocal all the way through. For the general subjects, probably Physics and Math? But I also really liked English and History.  My favourite subject in university was Astrophysics (specifically cosmology), which was one of the things I majored in.
 Dream job? I think my dream would be to live in a society where we don’t need to have “dream jobs” and just having a fair and equitable balance of doing the things we need to do to survive and the things we love to do is the goal. In this dream we all work together to achieve this goal and nobody has to feel like they've failed somehow if they aren't doing what they love to earn a living... That said, I’m really fortunate in my career to have a great work-life balance and to work with great people, so I think I am sort of living the dream in a way. My ACTUAL dream when I was younger was to be a successful musician, a performing vocalist or even a songwriter. I did try a bit, in my early twenties, but in the end took the practical path. Then for a while I dreamed of being a scientific journalist. Most recently, I considered a career switch into AI/ML and got myself certified in machine learning but in the end, I decided not to give up the sweet gig I have.
Tags for: @technetiumai @larkral @hushed-chorus @ivelovedhimthroughworse @creepyspice @bookish-bogwitch @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @captain-aralias @moodandmist @fatalfangirl @palimpsessed @ileadacharmedlife @skee3000 @facewithoutheart @onepintobean (Sorry to harass you if you've already done this!)
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insomniac-jay · 6 months
Heavy Metalikka Lore Dump
She's Canadian and from Ontario
Roxy is absolutely SHREDDED. I mean she is ripped. Gotta be when she's carrying a guitar capable of leveling entire cities and decapitating people with a good swing around
Played hockey a lot as a kid, which makes Lisa side eye her at first
Her hatred of cops and fear of prison is tied to her past
Has a bunch of tattoos all over her body: arms, legs, thighs, back
Knows how to box. Do not get punched by her
Fear of guns (part of the reason why she didn't join the Central City Rogues was because most of them had guns). She tends to associate them with cops
Her former band was called Black Friday
Has the highest alcohol tolerance ever. Takes either a strong drink or a lot of shots to get her drunk
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @jasontoddssuper @honeysgalaxy
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“George McLean, centre, of West Toronto Victorias, Junior O.H.A. team.” 
- from the Toronto Star. January 16, 1912. Page 14.
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mulchmarner · 1 year
"The site of one of the most fabled 'incidents' in Stanley Cup play has nothing to mark its passing, and perhaps no one is alive who witnessed what really happened on that cold winter's night in the early 1904 when the Toronoto Marlboroughs, champions of the Ontario Hockey Association, came to Ottawa to challenge the Silver Seven for the Stanley Cup.
The Cattle Castle is in decay. It sits— windows broken, paint flaking—, between the football field and the canal, a curious, slightly Moorish barn of a building that some people remember was once known as the Manufacturer's Building, but few recall as the glorious Lady Aberdeen Pavilion. State of the art in the 1890s, it is a sorry state in the 1990s, with debate raging between those who would spend nearly $10 million to refurbish it and those who would pay a wrecker to knock it down. At the end of the twentieth century it is used only by pigeons who nest along the rafters. Yet, when the century opened, these same rafters shook with the roars of a city so taken with hockey and skating it was said to have affected the very manner in which people in Ottawa walked."
Ottawa and the Stanley Cup by Roy MacGregor
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murdoch-histories · 2 years
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Ed Archibald was an athlete in Pole Vault. Born in 1884 in Ontario, there was not much information about his early life. In 1905, he achieved his first major record at the University of Toronto, vaulting 3.10m and a world record of 3.78m He also competed in shot put and gymnastics, hammer throw, and javelin.
in 1908, Archibald went to the London Olympics and was the flag bearer in the Parade of Nations. During these Olympics, he got Canada’s first and even to this day only medal in pole vault with a jump of 3.58m!
In World War I, he served as director of Recreation Sports and Social Work in the Canadian Army. Between the wars, he worked as sports journalist and was the president of the Ottawa and District Hockey Association. In World War II, he was a member of Canadian YMCA War services staff.  
In 1979, he was inducted into the Canadian Olympic Hall of Fame.
Fun fact: Archibald’s medals went on sale on eBay.
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thingsmk1120sayz · 1 year
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Starting off Black History Month with a tribute to Willie O'Ree
William O’Ree was raised in a large family in Fredericton, New Brunswick. He was the youngest of 13 children
O’Ree started playing hockey at age three and organized hockey at age five. He instantly had a passion for the game. O’Ree played regularly on the backyard rink of the family home and skated to school when weather permitted.
At age 19 O’Ree moved to Québec and played the 1954–55 season with the Quebec Frontenacs of the Quebec Junior Hockey League, where he had 27 goals and 17 assists for 44 points in 43 games
During the 1955–56 season, while O’Ree was playing for the Kitchener Canucks of the Ontario Hockey Association, O’Ree lost about 95 percent of the vision in his right eye after he was hit by a puck that also broke his nose and cheekbone. He was advised by a doctor to stop playing hockey, but he was back on the ice within two months. However, O’Ree could not tell anyone about the injury. According to NHL bylaws, he would not be eligible to play, as the league forbade players blind in one eye from competing, and O’Ree was determined to make the NHL. To compensate for his blindness while playing left wing, O’Ree had to turn his head far over his right shoulder.
O’Ree returned to playing hockey in Québec after one year in Ontario and was eighth in team scoring with the Quebec Aces in the 1956–57 season (22 goals and 12 assists for 34 points). O’Ree would go on to play two more seasons with the Aces in 1957–58 and 1958–59. For the 1957–58 season, the Aces formed a working relationship with the NHL’s Boston Bruins. The relationship meant that Aces players could be called up to the Bruins at any time. O’Ree was, and he made history on January 18, 1958, when he became the first Black hockey player to play a game in the National Hockey League.
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hockeywebcomics · 20 days
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There she goes... there she goes again...
Who would say "friends" when they can say "associate linemates" anyway?
Ferda Boys is a webcomic series about hockey. It follows the lives of junior hockey players in countryside Ontario.
Ferda Boys also has its very own soundtrack, a music composed by @gunwallace, to whom I’m forever grateful. You can check it in my Soundcloud account.
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digitaltariq · 1 month
Sports activities integrity physique sees Porter case as warning
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Canada’s sports activities integrity watchdog is pushing for stronger insurance policies to forestall aggressive manipulation and match-fixing in any respect ranges of competitors. The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport issued its first draft of a brand new program to forestall competitors manipulation on Wednesday, the identical day that the NBA banned former Toronto Raptors backup centre Jontay Porter for his function in betting irregularities round his on-court efficiency. Jeremy Luke, the CEO of the game integrity physique, mentioned he hopes Porter’s case is a wake-up name to Canadians.“Individuals are changing into extra conscious of this threat, or a minimum of conscious of this threat now,” mentioned Luke on Thursday. “It’s actually vital that we put in place mechanisms to forestall, or a minimum of to mitigate, the chance as a lot as we presumably can.”The NBA discovered that Porter violated its guidelines by disclosing confidential info to sports activities bettors, limiting his personal participation in a number of video games for betting functions, and betting on league video games. Luke mentioned that Porter’s robust punishment wasn’t stunning. Story continues under commercial “I assumed (the NBA) wanted to take important motion on this explicit case, however I wasn’t additionally stunned with the state of affairs itself,” mentioned Luke. “The legalization of single occasion sport betting and the proliferation of promoting actually will increase the chance for competitors manipulation.” Associated Movies 2:25 NBA points lifetime ban to former Toronto Raptors participant Earlier Video Subsequent Video The CCES held symposiums on the risks of competitors manipulation and match-fixing in 2019 and 2023, issuing white papers after each that known as for stronger federal insurance policies round sports activities betting. The 2019 report was issued earlier than Canada legalized sports activities betting and the 2023 file constructed on these authentic findings. The e-mail you want for the day's high information tales from Canada and all over the world. The Canadian Program to Stop Competitors Manipulation draft issued this week was co-authored by CCES and the Canadian Olympic Committee, with a working group that included nationwide sports activities organizations for badminton, basketball, cross-country snowboarding, curling, hockey, racquetball, soccer, speedskating and squash, in addition to Sports activities Canada and AthletesCAN. Story continues under commercial The proposed nationwide coverage consists of complete instructional programming focused at athletes, coaches, and different individuals. If adopted, it will empower CCES to manage the coverage on behalf of any sport organizations that signal on.“That’s just like the way in which that anti-doping works in Canada, the place you could have one group (CCES) that’s unbiased from sport that administers the coverage on behalf of sport,” mentioned Luke. “That method you may have faith that the group has the mandatory authority and may transfer ahead with the disciplinary proceedings that is perhaps vital,.” In line with NBA investigators, amongst different infractions, Porter feigned sickness to tug himself out of a Raptors sport in Toronto to have an effect on bets positioned on his efficiency.The Alcohol and Gaming Fee of Ontario, which oversees sports activities betting within the province, mentioned that an Ontario Provincial Police bureau embedded inside that company was investigating the Porter case. An AGCO spokesman cited Part 209 of the Prison Code of Canada, which prohibits “dishonest whereas taking part in a sport or betting with intent to defraud somebody.” Trending Now Gasoline costs surge in some elements of Canada. What’s inflicting ache on the pumps? Girl who wheeled a corpse into financial institution to co-sign a mortgage arrested The CCES and different consultants on competitors manipulation say that Part 209 isn't strong sufficient.The CCES’s white papers and draft coverage name on Canada to signal The Council of Europe Conference on the Manipulation of Sports activities Competitions, higher often called the Macolin Conference after the Swiss metropolis the place it was written. That multilateral treaty goals to forestall, detect, and punish match-fixing in sport and is open to all international locations — Australia, for instance, is a non-European signatory — and requires all members of the conference to have clearly articulated legal guidelines about competitors manipulation. Story continues under commercial “Having legislation enforcement concerned in these conditions is kind of useful from the angle of sharing of data, from the angle of doubtless organized crime being concerned in this kind of exercise,” mentioned Luke. “Given the amount of cash that's being wagered on sport, which might appeal to that kind of state of affairs, and given the intense questions of safety that would end result from that, ensuring that we've legal guidelines that may cope with this and ensuring that we've a framework in place the place betting operators and regulators can report issues, and the police can take motion or legislation enforcement can take motion successfully on it, I feel is vital.”— With information from Allison Jones in Toronto.This report by The Canadian Press was first revealed April 18, 2024. © 2024 The Canadian Press Read the full article
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