#only one week away ohmygod i'm not ready
uncannyadamparrish · 2 years
trying to manifest pynch getting back together, blue and henry appearances, matthew independence, bryde dying, adam getting treated like a main character, hennessey getting an ounce of happiness, declan and jordan living their peaceful practically married life, gansey appearing for longer than an epilogue cameo, AND ronan finally getting a life he wants... all in just 352 pages dear lord
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hoodharlow · 2 months
Know You Get Sick of the Games 'Cause I Do Too
AN: part 2 🤭 everyone get ready to fight Jack
Requested? No
Warnings: Jack being a dumby, intense kissing, sad Miriam 🥺, and a messy teammate
Word Count: 3.7k words
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Miriam twisted her curls into and held them in place with a claw clip. Practice dragged on for what felt like an eternity. She packed up the last of her things and texted her siblings she was on her way. She had a game in a few days in Jersey and the team was staying in New York for the week. She was going to stay with her team in the hotels but they allowed her to stay at her sister's place as long as she wasn't late for any training. 
Beto, her bodyguard for when she traveled to away games, held the door of their rented Range Rover. He closed the door and went to the driver's seat. 
“Can I put on my music?” Miriam asked.
“My rental, my music.” He said playing one of Metro Boomin’s instrumental versions of his albums. 
The drive from Jersey to New York wasn't that long. They arrived to her sister's place and she rushed to change. 
She picked out a pair of black trousers with a burgundy Vivienne Westwood cropped cardigan. She paired the look with her Versace platform boots and her vintage Vivienne Westwood pearl necklace with the gold embellished orb. Her phone pinged as she quickly did her makeup. Then it started to ring. 
Miriam groaned and grabbed her phone. Without looking at who was calling her, she screamed and put it on speaker, going back to her makeup. 
“Jesus,” Jack on the other end yelped. 
Miriam scrambled to pick up her phone. “Ohmygod, I'm so sorry, I thought you were one of my siblings. They were spamming my phone because I lied about where I am.” She said.
“Wait, where are you?” He asked with concern.
“At my sister's place but I told them I was on my way to our go-to Thai place.” Miriam explained as she shoved all her necessities in her heart shaped bag. 
“Oh, you're not free right now? Today is my day off.” He said, casually. 
He was also in New York for work. After his birthday he left for Boston. He was cast in an action thriller movie and they were filming in Boston. Miriam didn't understand the plot he explained to her in one of their three hour long facetime calls, but she found it admirable that he was venturing out into acting. 
“No, but I'm free later if you want to get dinner.” She said, locking her sister's penthouse. 
“Sounds good. Want me to pick you up?” Jack asked. 
“Nah, just text me the place and I'll meet you there.” Miriam said. 
“Okay, I'll see you later.” 
Miriam hung up and smiled to herself. It was her first time having real alone time with Jack. He and Miriam have been talking on the phone and texting non-stop since his birthday. Even though she told herself not to catch any feelings, she caught feelings. She couldn't help it. Jack was kind, ambitious, intelligent, compassionate and embarrassingly funny. How could she not develop feelings for him? But a part of her knew better than to act on them. He's never hinted at feeling the same as her and she wasn't going to risk their new friendship for something like her own feelings. 
As she walked out of her sister's place, paparazzi surrounded her. Beto shielded her as best he could while they got in the car. Ever since she started playing for and Racing Louisville, Miriam found herself more and more in the media. Now there was always some new article of her questioning her talent or some random picture someone took over while she was making a Target run. When she's in some major city like LA or New York City, there's a trail of paparazzi. Just yesterday JustJared posted about her adjusting her leggings when she was coming out of practice. 
It was a huge adjustment for Miriam. Growing up her parents kept her and her siblings out of the media. Since she wasn't modeling or acting once she was a teen like her siblings, she was able to stay out of the limelight and have a ‘normal’ life until college. Though the paparazzi only followed her around for a bit because she was hooking up with Shawn Mendes in 2018 and he would visit the Bay Area a lot while he was working on his album. When things ended between them, the paparazzi retreated after realizing that Miriam had a pretty boring schedule and she was actually taking school seriously unlike several nepo babies that wanted the ‘college experience’ at USC. 
While she waited for traffic to clear up, Miriam texted her siblings that she was on her way and they responded that they ate without her. She frowned and texted her dad that they left her to starve. Her dad left her on read but then she got several messages from her siblings calling her a snitch for tattling on them. 
“Beto we're not going. Can you believe the twins ate without me?” She asked him. 
He rounded the corner and opened the door for her. “Yes I can,” he said, guiding her back to the building. “It took you an hour and a half to get ready.” 
“You try making an outfit with a limited closet. I couldn't even steal from Kat because half of them don't fit. Have you seen her patas? They're huge.” She explained as they rode the elevator. 
Beto looked at her amused and remained quiet the rest of the ride to Kat's penthouse. 
Miriam thought about texting Jack, but she didn't want him to think that he was a second option. So she ordered delivery from a cafe a few blocks down. 
When her food came, she ate in her sister's closet, looking for an outfit. Could she just wear what she already had on? Yes but if she had known she was going on a date with Jack she would've packed accordingly. Was it a date? She thought to herself. Panic surged through her body. She placed her sandwich on its plate and looked for her phone. Jack had texted her earlier the address of the restaurant. It was pretty low key but still had a business casual dress code. 
Miriam paced around the closet. She always overdressed. But this time she didn't want to over dress and give Jack the wrong idea. Or for him to think it was something more when it wasn't. They were just two friends grabbing dinner and nothing more. 
Jack looked around to see if the coast was clear as they walked out of the restaurant. He and Miriam went to a hole in the wall Italian restaurant for dinner. Jack motioned Miriam to come out since there were no paps. Miriam linked her elbow with his as they walked the busy street. 
She instantly regretted not staying in the black trousers she wore earlier. She held on to Jack tighter, praying that his hotel was close by. They didn't want to end their evening just yet. It was still pretty early so they were going back to the hotel to watch some movies. 
“Cold?” He asked her. 
“A bit, but I'll survive.” She reassured him. 
They past a shop and it immediately caught Miriam’s attention. She steered her and Jack back. 
She gasped, “I haven't had Magnolia's in forever. They have the best banana pudding and I hate banana flavor anything. Their chocolate icebox cake is to die for.” 
She pulled her arm away from his and practically ran inside the bakery. Jack followed after her. He found her bending over the glass display looking at the rows of desserts. He silently groaned seeing her skirt ride up. And he was most definitely not thinking of pushing her skirt up to her hips and fucking her from behind. 
Miriam had made it abundantly clear that she only wants to be friends. Jack wasn't going to risk the good friendship they have to fulfill his needs. No matter what. He was going to be respectful of what she wanted. 
“Hold on,” Miriam told the cashier, bringing Jack back to reality. 
She took several things out of her bag. Jack figured she was looking for her wallet, so he got his out.
“Here,” he told the cashier, handing them his card. 
“Wait, no.” Miriam tried to argue as he shoved everything back in her bag. 
“It's fine.” He took her hand and led her to the back corner. 
“You paid for dinner and it was pretty expensive.” She pointed out. 
“Are you implying that I'm broke?” He asked in an amused tone.
“No, it's that…” she couldn't find the words to explain herself. 
“You're easy to mess with.” He laughed.
“Did you just call me easy?” She gasped dramatically. “At least buy me dinner first.” 
“I already did.” He smirked, not breaking eye contact. 
Before Miriam could reply one of the workers called her name. She walked over and thanked them when they handed her her order. She also dropped a few hundred dollar bills in the tip jar. She nodded at Jack to follow her out to a table outside. 
“You're about to have a mouth-gasm.” She said, pulling out a tub of banana pudding. 
“Respectfully, I'm from Kentucky. Banana pudding and icebox cakes are delicacies over there. I doubt they compare to what we have back home.” He said.
“Whatever, hater.” Miriam rolled her eyes. She took a spoonful of banana pudding and ate it. She moaned and did a little dance. “You're missing out.” 
Jack rolled his eyes in response. 
With that they continued walking to the hotel. The doorman opened the door for them and greeted them. Jack guided Miriam through the back hall, away from the small convenience shop and restaurant-bar where they could be seen and filmed. 
Miriam continued eating her pudding as they rode the elevator to Jack's floor.  She didn't finish it so she put it back in its paper bag. She felt Jack eyeing her when they walked down the hall to his suite. 
“What?” She asked. 
“You have pudding on your face.” He tapped the corner of his mouth. 
“Shit.” She mumbled, wiping the opposite side that Jack pointed to. 
“Here, I got it.”
He took a step closer and cradled her face. He swiped her cheek with his thumb and without breaking eye contact he licked it.
“Not bad,” he commented on the pudding. “Nothing beats–”
Miriam cut him off. She pulled his down to her level and claimed his lips. It took Jack a second to process what was happening, but he kissed her back with full force. He grabbed her hips and backed her into the door of his hotel room. He wedged one of his legs in between hers and let her slowly rub herself against his dark cargo pants. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as his hands rested on her ass. They slowly devoured each other, bodies melting into each other.  
The door opened abruptly. Miriam nearly fell back, but Jack caught her. He spun her and pulled her to his side. They were face to face with Urban. 
“Oh it's y'all, I thought it was room service.” He told them as they entered the room. 
“Nope just us.” Miriam smiled innocently. She held up her paper bag. “Is it okay if I put this in the fridge?” 
“Go ahead. The kitchenette is down the hall.” Urban answered for Jack.
“Thanks.” She nodded, making her way over. 
Urban to Jack with a knowing smirk. 
“Don't.” Jack warned him in a hush tone. 
“Hey, I'm not the one dry humping my idol's daughter in the middle of a hotel hallway.” Urban whispered back. 
“It wasn't like that.” He argued. “Now shut up Miriam's coming.” 
“I bet she is.” His best friend mumbled.
“Can I use your restroom?” She asked them. 
“My room has an ensuite bathroom. It's down the hall.” Jack told her. 
“Cool, thanks.” She nodded.
Urban walked to the small living room. One of the couches there was a CVS bag. He dug through it and pulled out a box of condoms. 
“You're going to need these more than I will.” He said, not being able to keep a straight face.
“You're a fucking ass. We won't need any.” Jack said defensively. 
“You better not hit it raw.” Urban put his hands on his hips. “You can get her pregnant and ruin her career. The US women's team is having trials for the next few months for their world cup.”
Jack sighed. “We won't need any because we're not having sex.” 
Urban placed the box on the table behind the couch where he was watching some action rom-com. “I'll leave them here just in case. Just let me know so I can have my soundproof headphones on deck.”
Jack flipped him off and went to his room. Miriam was leaning against the desk typing furiously, so he went to sit on the edge of the bed. She sensed his presence and put her phone down on the desk. 
“Sorry, my friend Shawn is in town and he wanted to know if I could record some back up vocals for him tomorrow.” she said, walking to him. 
“So…” He trailed off.
“I was looking at the movie list and they have Ready or Not showing in one of the channels if you want to watch that.” Miriam suggested. 
She was not going to bring up the kiss. She was embarrassed that his best friend almost caught them and it would be best if she avoided it unless Jack brought it up. Then she would be more than happy to admit that the kiss caused her soack through her panties.  
“Yeah, that's fine. Help yourself to anything in the mini fridge.” Jack nodded to the mini fridge as he kicked off his shoes. 
Miriam nodded, but she didn’t take anything. She sat on the other side of the bed and took off her white calf-length MiuMiu boots. She sat a bit closer to Jack but not too close. He passed her the remote and she put in the channel for the movie. 
The opening credits were barely beginning, so they hadn't missed much. As the movie progressed Jack and Miriam moved closer and closer to each other. They whispered among themselves their reactions to the movies. Miriam loved a gory movie but Ready or Not had real effects and it wasn't GCI like other movies. So when the families started exploding one by one she hugged Jack's arm and hid her face. She draped her legs over his lap. Jack held onto her knee as he flinched. The final credits rolled and they were still huddled together. 
“Man, that was fucking insane.” Jack chuckled.
“I love that movie. It's such a fun movie. Plus Adam Brody is a plus. He really solidified my type in men.” Miriam said. 
“Yeah, what's your type?” He asked out of curiosity. 
“I like them funny.” She shrugged, maintaining eye contact with him as she sat on her knees. 
“What else?” He leaned a bit closer. 
“Having brown curly hair is a plus.” She added.
Jack hummed in response. He held her cheek and brought her closer to him, closing the space between them. Unlike the kiss in the hallway. This one was slow and carnal. Miriam climbed Jack's lap and deepened their kiss. He gripped her hips and guided them on his crotch. His hands wandered down to her ass and he pushed her skirt up to her waist, getting a better grasp on her ass.
Miriam pulled back and took off her top, staying in a simple t-shirt bra from Aerie. She kissed Jack a few times then unfastened it from the front. She let it fall off her shoulders. She leaned forward to kiss Jack once more but he put his hand in between them.
“This is a mistake.” He said. 
Miriam's stomach dropped. “Oh.”
She scrambled off his lap and began grabbing her things. She haphazardly put on her bra and rushed out of his room, pushing past Urban as she rushed out of the suite. 
“Wait, Miriam.” Jack called after her. 
“Don't.” She said, wiping tears off her cheeks.
She pressed the elevator button, praying that it opened before Jack got to her. Jack tried to reach for her arm but she pushed his hand away. 
“Don't fucking touch me.” She sneered. 
He took a step back with his hands up in surrender. The elevator opened and she slid inside. As it closed she lifted her middle finger at him. 
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@'justjared: Canadian pop star Shawn Mendes and Racing Louisville FC's brand new soccer player, the daughter of actress Isabela Miller and retired soccer player, Miriam Dominguez-Miller were spotted out and bought in New Jersey leaving Ciao Ristorante. The pair have been formerly linked in 2018 and were spotted galavanting all over the globe. They haven't been seen together since early 2019. The 24 year old soccer player has been formerly linked to NBA player Kaleob Young and singer Kehlani. Click in the 🔗 for more.
When Miriam said her friend Shawn wanted her to do backup vocals, she was apparently talking about Shawn Mendes. Jack was not one to lurk, but after seeing the paparazzi pictures of Miriam and Shawn, he got curious and read any article about them that he could find. He mainly found some paparazzi pictures from 2018 and articles of wondering who Miriam was before some gossip pages wrote about how she was the forgotten child of Mateo and Isabela. 
“Dude, you gotta let it go. You did it to yourself.” Urban said, taking Jack's phone. “Now pay attention to the game.” 
They were at the Red Bull Arena watching Racing Louisville play against NJ/NY Gotham FC. Miriam didn't start but in the second half she was swapped in. She was on the field for five minutes and already had grass stains all over her uniform. Jack averted his eyes away from her ass and tried not to think about how two nights before he was squeezing over his dick. 
He felt like shit. He didn't mean to say that it was a mistake but his mouth was faster than his brain. What he really meant was that he didn't want to have sex with Urban in the other room. Not because Urban would blab or anything, but he wanted Miriam all to himself. He wanted to be the only one to hear how she would come undone when he ate her out or how she would sound saying his name after three rounds. Jack cursed feeling his pants tighten around his crotch. He shifted in his seat and tried to pay attention to the game. 
Racing Louisville won 1-0. Miriam had scored, surprising no one. What did get the crowd going was that she did the Dominating-Dominguez. A special move named after her dad that very few players could do. Messi tried once for shits and giggles but cramped up. 
Jack tried looking for Miriam because she wouldn't answer his calls and left on-read. But fans kept approaching him for pictures. Security came and cleared up the area so Jack could leave. He saw Miriam on her phone with her siblings as he and Urban walked through the private hallway. He was about to approach her when Shawn Mendes swooped in. 
“That didn't take long.” Larissa said from behind Jack. 
“Hey,” he gave her a side hug, “I didn't see you in the field.” 
“I rolled my ankle during conditioning.” She said.
“I'm sorry to hear that.” Jack said. 
“Yeah, but that was yesterday's news. The real breaking news is Miriam and Shawn getting back together.” She said leaning against the wall. 
“Back together?” He asked curiously. 
“Yeah, they dated for almost a year. But Shawn dumped her ass for the whole PR thing with my girl Camila Cabello. Miriam was so devastated. I genuinely thought she was going to quit school and soccer but she went to Princeton for some summer program and came back good as new. Apparently they've been talking so I'm glad they're trying again. They make a cute couple, no?” Larissa asked. 
“I guess.” He shrugged. 
He watched as Shawn gave Miriam a bear hug then gave her siblings side hugs. Miriam then bid her siblings goodbye and approached Larissa. 
“Hey.” She smiled at them. 
Urban was closest to her so she hugged him first. She hesitated on how to greet Jack, but she decided to just go for the hug. He gave her a once over and walked away, nodding at Urban to follow him.
“Good game.” Urban said, giving Miriam a soft smile. 
“Bye, Urban.” She returned the smile. 
Urban jogged after Jack. Miriam couldn't hear what they bickered about, but she did hear that loud smack Urban gave Jack in the back of his neck. 
“That was weird.” Larissa commented.
“I wouldn't know, you've known them longer.” Miriam shrugged. 
“So tell me about Shawn.” She nudged Miriam's shoulder as they walked toward their sprinter van. 
“What's there to talk about? I met up with him at the studio and recorded two demos. We went to lunch with his team and got papped.” Miriam shrugged. 
“I thought you guys were getting back together.” She said.
Miriam made a face. “Oh god no. Plus what we had back then was nothing mote than friends with benefits, remember? He's a good collaborator. If I wanted to get into music, I'd hit him up.” 
“Must be nice to have mommy and daddy pay for my things so I can make as many career choices as I want.” Larissa said sarcastically. 
“I mean yeah, but who said I was? I'm just saying if. I have no actual plans. I'm committed to soccer.” Miriam frowned. 
“I know I'm just playing.” She laughed, pushing Miriam's shoulder. 
Miriam rolled her eyes and sat behind her. She pulled out her journal and her headphones. Teddy, Shawn's producer and songwriter, passed her some beats for her to use when they finished the studio session. She always encouraged Miriam to try out singing, but Miriam always said no. 
She had a lot riding on her shoulders. She wanted to continue her dad's legacy. He's not pressuring her to do so, but she was the only one out of her siblings that wanted to play. The twins followed their mom's footsteps going into acting and modeling. She didn't want to throw off any balance by just pursuing music. 
Miriam looked down at the new entry in her journal. ‘Platonik’ was scribbled at the top in her loopy writing.  She crossed it off and shoved her journal deep in her backpack. 
Soccer was her main focus. Nothing and no one was going to get in her way. Not even some Kentucky born rapper that she wished she hadn't caught feelings for. 
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nessituran · 2 months
location: urban harvest
featuring: @deanharlan
In preparation for the impromptu sleepover she was planning later that night for her and her two best friends, Nesli thought she'd stop by Urban Harvest on her way back home. Which home for her these days, consisted of a cute cottage-style room she'd booked at Twelve Oaks Bed and Breakfast just a few miles south of the quaint grocer market. Being that her arrival home was unplanned and indefinite, to say the least, she was constantly making trips into town to gather comfort necessities she couldn't seem to find anywhere else. Even on the road.
She already managed to stock her shopping basket with two bottles of wine, her favorite halal snacks, a new bottle of shampoo and was going through a hoard of magazines when a girlish shriek practically lit the atmosphere and startled her out of her skin.
A young girl, who looked to be no more than thirteen started jumping up and down excitedly along with her two best friends as they chanted 'Ohmygod, ohmygod, ohmygod' from the end of the aisle. The sight of them together, happy, young and innocent reminded Nesli of simpler times. Of her, Georgie, and Michelle walking to Bell's Grocery every summer and sneaking popsicles from the coolers. The gripping memory was enough to distract her from their persistent fangirling which only grew louder as the object of their praise drew closer. At first, Nesli had no idea what had spurred their dramatic outburst. Until it all became more crystal clear after she spotted a familiar head of blond hair and blue jeans. The same kind that had always belonged to one special man, who had a habit of bringing to life the butterflies in her stomach. Only this time, the butterflies felt more like bees. Stinging at her heart with each passing second her eyes lingered on his back in shock.
It was one thing to see him in her dreams late at night, or in her breakfast earlier that morning but it was a whole other to see him there in the flesh. When the last time she checked (which she'd admittedly done only an hour ago) there was no new signs of his whereabouts.
What was he doing here? Curious as she was of the answer, hearing the young girls call him by his name before bartering for his autograph, only reminded her she wasn't ready to find out. When it came to her fight or flight response - she chose flight once again. In an effort to get away before he could recognize her himself, Nesli turned on her heel. Albeit, too quickly, and ended up tripping over her own shoelace. The only thing that prevented her from kissing the floor was another shopper's cart which steadied her fall and she'd grabbed onto as they loudly questioned whether or not she was okay.
"I'm fine, really. Thank you." Cursing her clumsiness and their nosiness, Nesli didn't even have to look back to check whether or not Dean had clued in and noticed her. She could already feel the heat of his smoldering stare burning holes into her shoulderblades. While she could still run, she decided against it at this point. It only felt more wrong when he was able to watch her do it. Thus, she waited until the girls got what they wanted before she approached him red-faced and looking guilty than ever, like a kid who'd just gotten caught with their hands in a cookie jar. "Hi." Although a short word, it felt heavy when spoken out loud. "What--- You're here. In Georgia. Aren't you supposed to be in Seattle doing that interview?" Just because she left him without saying goodbye two weeks ago, didn't mean she didn't kept tabs on him or she didn't still have access to their shared calendar.
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beefybuckrrito · 3 years
Right Here
Being friends with Bucky is great, but it breaks your heart to see him not get the love you know you can give him. If only you could..
Word count: 1.3k
Warnings: lil bit of angst but mostly fluff
Author's note: Hello everyone!! This is my first fic ever and I am super excited and so so soooo nervous to share it. I have been a long time fic consumer and getting back onto Tumblr and seeing all of these amazing writers inspired me. Please be gentle with me I am sensitive 😂 I hope you enjoy it!!
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Y/N: Good luck tonight! I hope it goes well :)
You tightly smiled at your phone before hitting the lock screen button. Bucky had a date tonight, and as his friend you wanted to wish him well even though there was a little pit sitting in the bottom of your stomach. Of course you wanted him to be happy, make a life for himself now that he was free from the fear his mind would be taken away from him again. He was becoming more relaxed, more confident in himself, more like he was long before Hydra. At least that's what he said it felt like.
You were happy to see him open up and look for love, although deep down in your chest it ached that you couldn't tell him how much you could give him if he wanted it.
- - -
You had recently moved into your new apartment and had taken to bringing your morning coffee with you to the park before heading to work. One day you had enjoyed the peace of the early morning a bit too much and found yourself almost running late. Scrambling your bag and book together with headphones in you didn't hear a runner coming up on your bench and whirled right into a solid, sweaty chest.
"Ohmygod I am so-" You stopped dead in your tracks, looking up into the most beautiful blue eyes you had ever seen. After a moment you shook yourself from staring up at the man. "I am so sorry. I'll just be on my way."
"Hey, it's no problem at all." The brunette man chuckled softly and looked down, trying to avoid lingering eye contact with the adorable stranger in front of him. "See you around!" He gave you a small smile before nodding and continuing on his run.
For weeks you found yourself offering a small wave to the tall man passing by as you headed to work, until you both stopped to introduce yourselves and you have been inseparable ever since.
- - -
Your heartbeat picked up hearing your phone buzz from the over side of the couch you tossed it to after typing out your message.
Buckaroo: Thanks! Just about to head out :)
You curled up on the couch with your glass and a pizza before you. Normally Saturday nights were for you and Bucky to catch up on your weeks and veg out watching something on Netflix, but he met someone at the coffee shop he and Steve frequented and tonight was their first date.
It was fine. Well, it wasn't, but if that is what Bucky wanted then that is what you also wanted for him.
You awoke to a soft knock on your apartment door. You must have dozed off after half of a pizza and multiple drinks in your belly. You checked your phone for the time and saw a few texts and a missed call from Bucky. Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes you rushed to the door.
"Hey Buck, I'm sorry I fell asleep. Come in." You stepped back to let him silently enter your apartment. Still shaking the grogginess from your head you hadn't had the chance to take in your friend's appearance. He was dressed in a dark blue button up, one that made his eyes pop, tucked into black jeans. He was dressed sharply, but he looked tired. He looked defeated. You ushered him over to the couch and sat on the opposite end "What happened?"
He slowly shook his head, his tongue running over his lower lip and his hand pushing his hair back out of his face. "I thought this would get easier." He softly laughed, glancing at the half empty glass on your coffee table.
"I have more, let me get you some." You stood and softly squeezed his shoulder as you passed him on your way into the kitchen. "It will get easier. The ladies just aren't ready for Sergeant James Barnes to be back in the game yet." You offer a small smile as you pull a glass from the cupboard and fill it along with topping off yours.
Bucky emitted a small laugh and rolled his eyes at you. He took the glass you extended to him, immediately taking a long sip. "I just want some connection, you know? Someone to be interested in who I am now instead of what I was." He blinked a few times trying to keep the watering of his eyes from overflowing.
"You know I care about you, Buck." You softly pat his knee. "I'm sorry it's been hard getting back into dating. You deserve someone who will see you for who you are, care for you, give you what you need." Just like I would. 
"You're so good to me, y/n. I'm sorry I missed movie night for nothing." He peered at you over the rim of his glass as he took another long sip. Your hand still remained on his knee, little comforting circles with your thumb, he liked it.
"Hey, it wasn't for nothing. You put yourself out there and that's what matters. I'm sorry this one didn't work out, but you'll find that person. She's definitely out there." You give him a bright smile and gesture to the pizza half still sitting on the coffee table. "And, you're here now, there's cold pizza, I still have Netflix up. I'd say we can still make movie night."
A small smile managed to crack at his lips as he leaned back into the couch, scooting a bit closer to you, his shoulders losing some of their tension. "You're right, well, sort of anyway."
"Is that so?" You arched a brow and looked over at the most handsome man you've ever seen. You realize your hand was still on his knee, but he hasn't moved away from the contact, so you leave it there in a small act of boldness.
"We'll you're definitely right about movie night," he briefly glances at the TV then back to you "but I don't know about 'her' being out there." He fidgeted with the glass in hands while looking down.
"Oh, Bu-" you were cut off much like the first time you ever saw him, by those bright blue eyes. There was no longer sadness in them, but maybe nervousness? Hesitation? Your heart rate picked up.
"If I'm right, and god do I hope I am, 'she' is right here." He chewed his bottom lip and he looked up at you through his lashes. "You're there for me almost as much as Steve was, you know everything about me and still care for me." He placed his hand atop the one you still had resting on his knee, it was his turn to draw circles on your skin. "None of these dates have worked out because I don't feel the way I do when I'm with you, y/n."
Your heart pounded in your chest as he spoke. Was this really happening? Could he really feel the same way you have since you met years ago? You could feel your face growing hot. You needed to come up with some words before he mistook your silence for rejection.
"It's.. it's okay if you don't feel the same way. Maybe I just read into things too mu-" it was his turn to be cut off as you lurched forward, closing the short distance between you and cupping his face in your hands. His eyes fluttered shut for a moment as you skimmed your thumbs over his cheekbones. He opened them as he felt your soft breath on his face, leaning in as you moved closer. 
You pressed your foreheads together first, then the tips of your noses, then your lips in the softest kiss you have ever given. "I'm right here, Buck. I've been here and I always will be."
Part 2
Tagging some friends just because: @sweetdreamsbuck @igotnoname4thisblog @posinhay @insane-perfectionist02 @andthrowmethekey @inlovewithsebstan and @mellowswriting for being the one to inspire me to come back to Tumblr with her amazing writing!!
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tlcwrites · 3 years
Two Hearts Make a Whole
Prompt: “Kiss me again, like you mean it.” Photo prompt below.
Summary: NYC Pride is for celebration, and occasionally, long-overdue revelations.
Word Count: 2,001
Tags/Content warnings: Marvel. Stucky. If you have a problem with it, there's the door. SFW. Slight TFATWS spoilers so read at your own risk. Platonic Reader. Two idiots in love. Technically canon-divergent because I'm still in my everyone-is-alive-and-in-this-timeline happy place that I will never ever leave fuck you very much Russo brothers but not AU. Found family. All the feels. Complete and total LGBTQ+ support. Lots of bad language words because #me. Un-beta'd.
Author’s Note: Okay so yes this is technically 4 weeks late for @autumnleaves1991-blog's Writer Wednesday weekly challenge. BUT, it was incredibly important to me to finish this one before Pride month is over. Made it by the skin of my teeth.
Happy Pride, y’all. If you’re out, you’re amazing. If you’re closeted, you’re amazing. However you identify is valid and important. Trans folx are LGBTQ+. Bisexuals are LGBTQ+. Ace folx are LGBTQ+. Anyone who identifies or thinks they may be as queer is LGBTQ+. All are welcome in the family. You have the right to choose your pronouns and we have the responsibility to use them. Live whatever your truth looks like to you and love each other. Love is love is love is love. If your family doesn’t accept you for you, I’m your mom now and I’ve got mom hugs available on demand. Homophobes and TERFS can fuck off and roll in poison ivy. Always punch Nazis. Pride shouldn't be limited to the month of June. And don’t you dare forget that Black and Brown trans women were the ones who rioted at Stonewall, and we owe everything to their bravery. Don’t forget that much of popular ‘gay’ culture was appropriated from Black women. And for more facts about Pride that you should absolutely know, Rawiyah Tariq (@ mammyisdead on Instagram) has a phenomenally good overview.
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“Oh my god.” You gasp loudly. "Oh my GOD. Is that-"
“What?!” Instantly in First Avenger Protective Mode™️, Steve surveys the crowd, wishing he had an actual shield instead of the screen printed one on his shirt. “What is it?”
You gasp again, smacking Sam’s arm repeatedly. “OHMYGOD IT IS HOLY FUCK.”
“First; ow.” Now-Cap rubs his bicep. “Second; clue in the class before Steve has an aneurysm, please.”
Vibrating with excitement doesn’t begin to describe your current state. “HER ROYAL HIGHNESS MISS LEMON MERINGUE IS STANDING RIGHT FUCKING THERE.”
With the finesse of a shampoo commercial, Bucky's dark locks fly as he whips around. “What?!”
“RIGHT THERE RIGHT THERE RIGHT THERE.” You abandon a relieved Sam and latch on to Bucky’s vibranium arm. “Oh my GOD I love her so fucking much.”
“She was robbed, absolutely fucking robbed,” he agrees, craning his neck to get a better view. “Divine Tension’s lip sync was shameful.”
Sam glances at Steve, who is slowly coming out of protector mode. “What the ever-loving hell are they talking about?”
“RuPaul’s Drag Race.” Nat flicks more confetti at both Cap-the-former and Cap-the-current. “They watch it every week.”
“Really, Steven, for a guy with enhanced super senses, you miss a lot.” Tony hefts a bedazzled Morgan higher on his back. The toddler, accompanied by Scott playing air-piano on the ground, sings along with the ABBA song being blasted at full volume through the street. Tony continues as if this is an everyday occurrence. “Why do you think both of your People disappear every Friday evening?”
Ears pink, Steve mumbles something.
“What?!” The only other one with hearing enhanced enough to hear a murmur over the cacophony of several thousand people belting out the chorus of ‘Dancing Queen’ at the top of their lungs, Bucky turns to stare at his friend. “You thought we were datin’?”
Steve’s blush extends down his neck.
You and Bucky stare at each other for a moment before you both collapse on each other, exploding into stomach clenching, thigh slapping laughter.
“I’m gonna guess that’s a ‘no’?” Clint confirms with Nat.
“Oh, a big ‘no’.” She watches affectionately as you and Bucky calm down enough to look at each other, breathe for a second, and both promptly dissolve into hysterics once more. “Like, the biggest ‘no’.”
Sam crossed his arms across his chest, his stoic stance so reminiscent of Steve it’s amusing (as well as a beautiful disparity to the sequined crop top he’s sporting. Oof, those abs.). “How do I not know about this?”
“Because you’re not a former super spy?” The usually-Black-but-today-Rainbow Widow tosses the last of her confetti at Tony, who spins a jubilant Morgan into it. “Or because you and that leggy barista from the lobby coffee shop are too busy playing hide-the-“
“-Baby Shark!” Morgan suddenly shrieks, flailing towards a guy on roller blades wearing a fin and tail (and not much else).
“Yeah,” Nat finishes with a smirk, “Hide-the-Baby Shark.”
Sam flips her a gesture that makes Clint laugh and Bruce sigh.
You and Bucky have finally managed to pull yourselves together. “Oh my god, Steven Grant,” you gasp, wiping tears from your eyes. “That’s the funniest fucking shit I’ve ever fucking heard.”
Steve glares at Tony. “One. Time. It was one. Time.”
Bucky slings his flesh arm around Steve’s shoulders. “Oh, punk. You may have perfect vision now, but sometimes you’re still as blind as you were before.”
Visiortn himself nods sagely. “Humans can be quite unperceptive when it comes to matters of the heart.” Vision casts a fond smile at Wanda, who is using her powers to make Pietro’s tinsel wig fly on and off. “Sometimes you have to look harder to see what’s right in front of your nose.”
A confused frown on that handsome face, Captain Clueless looks at Bucky. “Why do I feel like everyone else knows something that I don’t?”
His bestie sighs deeply. “Because, Stevie, almost everyone else on this planet knows that my tastes tend towards tall, blonde, blue-eyed knuckleheads who have zero sense of self-preservation.”
“And an ass you could bounce a quarter off of,” Scott helpfully supplies.
“And that,” Bucky agrees.
Steve frowns.
You press your palms to your eyes in vexation. “You, Steve. He’s talking about you.” (Seriously, how has this idiot survived for over a century while being so dumb?)
Whatever he was expecting, it was certainly not that. “He-“ The Man With A Plan gapes as he turns to his oldest friend. “You-“
“Me,” Bucky says gently.
Even though you’re slightly surprised that Bucky is going to do this in such a public forum, you can’t help but be so proud of your friend. It has taken a long time for Bucky to believe he deserves to be happy. There are days he still sinks into that dark place, where his inner demons whisper that he should have fought harder against his Hydra captors, and that his past actions were still somehow his fault. Those are the days no amount of baking or Modern Marvels will bring him out of his funk. You, Steve, Sam, and Nat have all held those strong shoulders as they shook with sobs, overwhelmed by the shame and horror at what his hands had done without his consent.
But he’s here. He’s free. And he’s smiling nervously at his best friend.
“I-” Steve is short-circuiting. “Me?!”
“Stevie.” With the kind of tender patience that can only be born of a lifetime of keeping (or attempting to keep) an idiot such as one Steven Grant Rogers from flinging himself headlong into every fight he comes across, Bucky moves his flesh hand to the back of Steve’s neck. His face is full of such soft affection that you almost want to look away for fear of intruding on this suddenly intimate moment. “What do you think ‘til the end of the line’ means, you idiot? You’ve been it for me since I was thirteen-years-old.”
Blue eyes are locked with blue eyes as Steve processes this revelation. “I-” He shakes his head as if to declutter his thoughts. “This whole time?”
“Since the first time I saw that asshole knock you down, and your scrawny ass climbed right back up.” A wry chuckle escapes as Bucky reminices. “You were ninety pounds soaking wet, and you stood there, against a guy who was three times your size, and never waivered for a second. It was magnificent.”
“I don’t like bullies,” is Steve’s quiet response.
Bucky’s grin is adoring. “I know, sweetheart.” He gently strokes the back of Steve’s neck with his thumb. “You’ve always had a heart way bigger than your brain.”
Steve is still back on the first part of Bucky’s admission. “If you’ve felt- if you-” He’s practically pleading. “Why didn’t you say anything then?”
Bucky shrugs, attempting and failing nonchalance. “It was a different time, you know?” He’s uncharacteristically unsure of himself, the subtle waiver in his voice revealing the anxiety born of a lifetime of being forced to hide his truth. “I mean, you remember how it was; you didn’t talk about, no one talked about- about being- about people like...” He swallows thickly.  “And I was so scared you didn’t, that you weren’t-” His voice breaks.
Even though you’ve all been emotionally invested in this love story for years, the entire team respectfully pretends not to listen as the former Winter Soldier quietly admits his deepest secret to his closest friend. It’s enraging as Bucky confesses yet another way he's been a victim of his circumstances, and denied his right to live freely without derision. Once more, you’re awed by his resilience.
“-it was a risk I couldn’t take,” Bucky finally gets out, that stubborn fire back in his eyes. “I couldn’t lose you, Steve. I couldn’t chance it. I could live with just being your friend and only your friend so long it meant you were in my life.”
Stunned silence meets the end of his confession. Steve’s face is impassive, those cerulean eyes uncharacteristically inscrutable.
You can all tell Bucky is heading steadily towards dread and heartbreak the longer Steve takes to respond. You and Sam exchange a look, both ready to intervene if Steve demonstrates any of the abhorrent attitudes that were so prevalent in the society of his youth. It would be completely out of character for him, but...
Finally, Steve speaks. “You’re telling me,” he says, his words slow and deliberate, “that you made me wait ninety-three years to tell me you’ve felt the same way about me as I have about you since the day you picked me up out of that alley?!”
The whole found family breaths a collective sigh of relief as Steve pulls Bucky even closer, broad chest to broad chest.
“Okay, to be fair, you were an ice cube for most of that time and I wasn’t exactly available for a relationship.” Bucky’s grin stands in contradiction to his mullish defense. “But yeah, that’s the gist of it.” There’s the Bucky you all know and love, biting his lip with those perfect white teeth. “Now, punk, I’d really like to kiss you now, but first I need you to say you want me to.”
“You-” Steve’s throat works as he attempts- and fails- to rein in his emotions. “You jerk.”
And then the Star Spangled Man seizes the president of the Sometimes-Former-Assassins Club by his ridiculously perfect face and crashes their mouths together.
At any Pride event, seeing two men kissing is, obviously, to be expected. But seeing The First Avenger and The White Wolf attempting to swallow each other’s tongues is not at all routine. As people realize what is happening, the crowd is whipped into a frenzy the likes of which is usually reserved for the aftermath of sporting events and elections that defeat fascists.
Watching the two men embrace, Scott sniffles loudly. “I’m gonna cry, I’m so happy.”
He’s certainly not the only one. Wanda has a watery smile as she wraps her arms around Vision and Pietro; Pepper, Tony, and Bruce are watching with fond parental energy; you and Sam sandwich Peter between the two of you, grins practically splitting your faces. Even Nat’s eyes look suspiciously shiny and she and Clint sling their arms around each other with platonic affection. And that’s not counting the several thousand people who are cheering for love being love being love being love.
When they finally break their embrace, the Centennial twins are startled to see they’ve collected quite an audience.
“Uh, so…” Suddenly bashful, Steve glances back to his- partner? Boyfriend? Soulmate? Is there a word that can accurately describe two people who have found each other time and again in a world that seems hell-bent on keeping them apart?- his ears practically maroon with embarrassment. For a guy with one of the most-recognized faces in the world, Steve is still incredibly and endearingly uncomfortable with attention. “Buck?”
Bucky seems just as stunned as Steve.
Thankfully, the masses demonstrate the usual support that’s the hallmark of Pride. “LOVE IS LOVE!” someone screams in the crowd. It’s quickly echoed, and chants fill the park.
The attention momentarily off them, the former Winter Soldier and his giant himbo of a soulmate look back at each other. You pretend not to watch through the happiest tears as they embrace again, bringing their foreheads together. The relief they share is palpable, as they’re finally able to show the world- and each other- the love they’ve each hidden for so long.
Bucky’s voice is so soft you have to strain to hear it. “You have no idea how much m’in love with you, Stevie.”
“Pretty sure I do,” Steve answers, bringing a hand up to carefully wipe the tears from Bucky’s face. “‘cause it’s as much as I love you, Buck.”
Bucky's answering grin can only be described as saucy. “Then kiss me again, like you mean it.”
And Steve, for once in his long life, does exactly as ordered.
A/N: “The Sometimes-Former-Assassins Club” is from Starry_Emerald173’s BRILLIANT The Avengers Wrangler over on AO3. If you haven’t read it yet, drop what you’re doing and do so immediately. Make sure you're not drinking any liquids, or your keyboard/phone may be in peril.
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eleanorbloom · 3 years
When You're Ready Ch. 25
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Pairing: Bryce Lahela x f! MC (Eleanor Bloom) x Ethan Ramsey.
Word Count: 6.3k
Warnings: Mentions of panic attacks, innuendos and Spanish dirty talk (with proper translations 😂) oh and lots of fluff   Rated: T
Taglist: @utterlyinevitable @binny1985 @shanzay44 @choicesficwriterscreations @starrystarrytrouble @lahellacute @lucy-268 @cinnamonspongecake @romewritingshop @freckles-spangledvampire @mercury84choices @curiousconch @thegreentwin @openheartfanfics
Chapter 25. 24 Hours
It's a little soon
But I wanna come home to you
It had been forty days since she last put a foot in Edenbrook. Forty-six since the incident.
Memories of that day floored her mind as she was standing in front of Edenbrook Hospital looking for the strength, the bravery to come in.
The trauma about that place wasn't as big as it was in the first days when she couldn't even conceive being alone in a hospital room, worried that something could happen and she would be trapped there alone again; but was still there, leading her to catastrophic thoughts from time to time.
What if something happens again?
Eleanor couldn’t stop that question from popping up in her mind over and over again, but she’d reassure herself, over and over again, that anythingcould happen anywhere. It could've perfectly happened at the airport, on her way to Ohio, on her way back to Massachusetts. On her way to the hospital, even.
So after a long, deep breath and ignoring her mind trying to trick her for the umpteenth time, she headed toward the entrance.
The hospital inside was with its usual hustle. People in and out at every moment; nurses, doctors, and other professionals deep in their work, some of them recognizing her and stopping to greet her, some others just giving her curious glances when she'd walk by their side.
Despite feeling overwhelmed by the amount of prying eyes and people inquiring about her state, she felt content with being back at Edenbrook. She’d been missing the familiarity of that place.
Banerji was as welcoming as she thought and happy to see her back at the hospital, though he didn't hesitate to tell her she could take more time if she needed. Eleanor thanked him for being so understanding during her time away but assured him that she was ready and therapy would help her in case things take a turn for the worse.
After chatting with Banerji about the hospital and life in general, Eleanor sauntered towards the Diagnostic Office, hoping she’d find Ethan to inform him personally about coming back to work the next day.
When she reached the glass walls, she found Ethan alone, deep in concentration reading something from his computer.
Her heart felt weird at the sight of him. The man she used to be in love with. It seemed almost impossible to think her heart belonged to him two months ago.
“Hello,” she said softly, standing at the entry.
His blue eyes widened by the sudden appearance, but quickly softened into a warm look when he recognized her, “Eleanor, what a surprise,” he said, standing and walking towards her, “How are you?”
“I’m doing better,” she shrugged, and both stared silently, awkwardly, unsure what to do next. But after everything had happened, there was no need to pretend anything, nor accentuate fondness when there wasn’t such or conceal coldness to not expose her feelings.
She wanted to believe they were already past that point, even if they only had two, almost three (normal) days to deal with the aftermaths of the end of them, and forty days apart seemed a good amount of time to do some healing.
So, she simply went for it and gave him a friendly greeting hug. They hadn’t seen each other in a while, so she greeted him just as she greeted her friends, just as Naveen greeted her that morning. Ethan was also her friend, despite everything, and maybe this was a way to show him she’d buried the hatchet after everything had happened between them.
Briefly stunned by the gesture, Ethan returned the embrace patting her gently in the back, "Are you visiting?" He asked while both were taking a seat at the circular table.
“Not really, I came to inform Naveen, and now to you, that I’ll come back to work tomorrow.”
“That’s good to hear. The Team hasn’t been the same without you.”
There was a tint of sadness in his voice and eyes when he said those words. There was more to it than the explicit meaning. It wasn’t just the Team, it was him he hadn't been the same without her, but that information didn’t mean anything to her. Maybe in another time, or another life, that would make her change her mind, would make her quiver and see hope in the hidden messages.
But not now.
At this point in her life, she was completely over him, and head over heels for Bryce Lahela and nothing could change that.
“And I’ve been missing using my brain for more than follow plots in my series,” she teased, trying to conceal the fact that she still could read him like a book, “I suppose I have a lot of journals to catch up with, too.”
Ethan chuckled, seeming a lot lighter than a few seconds ago, “Oh, yes you certainly have to.”
After catching up for an hour with Ethan about the team’s work, Eleanor headed to the cafeteria to have lunch with Bryce and some of her friends.
Late in the afternoon, after cleaning up last night's party and unpacking her suitcase, Eleanor took the T to Bryce's apartment.
There was still one person she needed to talk to.
When Eleanor stood outside the apartment door, loud music was heard inside, and a really passionate voice reciting a rap song with perfect speed and lyrics. Chuckling, she waited until the song was over to knock the door.
“Are you practicing for America’s Got Talent? 'Cause girl, you’re killin' it” she asked when Keiki opened the door, wearing Bryce’s red Stanford hoodie and a messy bun tied over her head.
“Ella!” she sighed before engulfing Eleanor in her arms, “Ohmygod, hi! What a surprise!”
"Hey, Keiks…" Eleanor replied, fighting back the tears. She didn't expect such a warm welcome from her at all, much less another spontaneous hug from her, but she returned it enthusiastically, "Oh, I missed you, kiddo, how are you?"
“I’m doing fine,” she assured, inviting her to come in, “I’m finishing my homework before studying for my history test tomorrow.”
“Woah. Bryce told me you had a test today too.”
As both approached the living room, Keiki grabbed a mix of notebooks, papers with concepts and diagrams, and some flashcards scattered all over the couch and piled them in the coffee table to let Eleanor take a seat beside her, “Yeah, Chemistry. Next week I’ll have my last two exams and I’ll be up to date with my curriculum.”
“Keiki, that’s amazing!” Eleanor congratulated, sitting on the couch, “And really impressive. Doing two months of exams in three weeks it’s a lot, I hope you get to learn well, though.”
“Oh, yeah. I honestly thought I wouldn’t make it, but I’ve got mostly As, so it was totally worth it the hard work.”
“It clearly paid off, you must be so proud! And Bryce too!”
"Yeah, he is, though it annoys me sometimes that he's so… nosy, like, he sits beside me to know what I'm studying, and he starts questioning me, and argh, you know how he is."
“Aww, but he’s trying to help you!”
“I know, it’s just…” she sighed, looking a bit conflicted, “My mom never sat beside me to study with me. Never. Only to ask me if I was doing good at school, etc, but she never actually cared about my… learning process, so I guess the whole thing it’s kind of new for me. I know I said I wanted him to show he cares about me, but sometimes it’s like.... too much…”
Eleanor nodded, encouraging her to keep talking. She knew how contradictory her confession was, even Keiki seemed to see it that way, but it was understandable. It wasn't easy to adjust to a new life where she had attention and genuine care, and that amount of worry, considering how independent Keiki was for being a fifteen-year-old, was certainly too much for her.
But she was happy for what that implied. Keiki was openly recognizing Bryce cared about her and was trying to give her as much time as he could, and that was progress compared to what she had felt a month ago.
She also felt happy Keiki still trusted her to share those things with her.
When Bryce arrived home, he was beside himself with happiness for having the two most important people in his life together again, joking with each other as Eleanor was finishing making dinner, and Keiki was setting the table.
He knew Keiki was over with whatever conflict she had with Eleanor, but seeing it materializing was different.
However, Bryce and Eleanor took things slow. She just stayed for dinner and before Keiki went to bed, she returned home to prep for her first day back at work. And the following weeks she didn’t spend more than two nights a week with Bryce to not alter the dynamics Bryce and Keiki were establishing since she started school.
Apart from the whole ‘over-worried Bryce about her studies’ thing, and the typical fights every adult has with a teenager, things ran smoothly between the Lahela siblings.
Both were doing their best to make it work.
Keiki had found a good group of friends at school with whom she used to spend her free time, and who had her back when some classmates tried to bully her when they found out about her family name. The first time it happened, she didn’t let them get under her skin and called them out and stood up for herself instantly, because there was nothing, and no one, who could ruin her peace now that she finally had a place to call home and people to call friends. She was done with the bullying.
One day, though, that attitude turned into suspension because she punched a boy who crossed the line with her, but Bryce, instead of scolding her, congratulated her by inviting her dining out for being so badass.
No one dared to talk about her after that day.
The first day back at work wasn’t easy for Eleanor. Nor the following days. From time to time certain things would trigger her trauma, making her remember painful details about that day, and consequently, cause panic attacks that would force her to lock herself in supply closets until the irrational fear was over. Luckily for her, some of those times happened when Bryce wasn’t in the OR, so he would sit on the floor with her to try to ease her mind or at least distract her until she was feeling good enough to come back to work.
Sometimes it happened out of nowhere, but most of the time it happened when she was walking outside the DT's patient room, or when she saw Danny attending his therapy sessions.
It overwhelmed her to see how weak he still was compared to her and even compared to Rafael, but Danny reassured her that he was doing fine, that he knew recovery would take him some time, but he was thankful for being alive and having another chance.
Sienna was happy with this second chance too.
Therapy helped her a lot, though. It helped her to unload the baggage she'd been carrying for so many years, and to not let her most recent trauma do more harm than it already had done. She was fighting hard to have her life back but to also be able to let all those fears in the past and give Bryce everything he deserved in their relationship.
She wanted to give him everything she once promised.
Between work, therapy, and trying to find ways to save Edenbrook, weeks happened in a blur, and before knowing it, the first days of snow arrived, and with that, the gift of a night of celebration with her friends, the Hopeful Hearts Gala.
“Why the smug smile on your face?” Eleanor asked, her arms locked around Bryce's neck as their bodies swayed to the beat of the music.
“Are you kidding? I’m the luckiest person here, dancing with the most beautiful woman in the whole world,” he said, grasping the fabric of her astonishingly beautiful red gown before lifting a hand to swirl her in one swift motion.
“Aw, mi amor. I have to disagree with you,” she said, placing both hands over his chest, feeling his warmth through the silky fabric of his blue floral button-up shirt, “I am the luckiest for calling the most handsome and loving man in the world my boyfriend, beat that.”
Bryce grinned before biting his lower lip “Okay, that’s really hard to beat, lots of people would kill to have your position.”
“Oh, I know, but you’re worth the fight, though I’d prefer not to fight at all, you know?”
“You don’t have to. I’m yours forever,” he whispered, and not missing a beat, Bryce leaned to brush his lips in her ear and added in a sultry voice, “and I’m counting the seconds until I take this dress off you and I make you mine.”
Eleanor lolled her head to the opposite side reflexively, feeling as a shiver was electrifying her entire body.
More than intoxicated with his innuendo, she turned to him and gave him a suggestive smile, “A couple more rounds with donors, and I’ll be all yours. Well, I am already yours, but I’ll allow you to use your prerogatives on me.”
“Wow, I didn’t know you could do fancy dirty talk too.”
“It comes with the dress,” she purred before drawing her face an inch away from his lips, her eyes still fixated on his, “Once you get rid of it... te hablaré sucio como tanto te gusta.” (I’ll talk dirty to you just as you like it.)
“Oh, please stop it,” he growled, pressing her body against his, his now dark eyes gazing hungrily at her cherry lips.
“Cállame,” she challenged, arching a brow and parting her lips invitingly. (Shut me up)
Bryce didn’t hesitate a second and captured her lips on his, kissing her with eagerness for a brief two seconds. The place didn’t allow for more, but it was enough to leave her cheeks flushed and her eyes ignited with desire.
“Stop it or I’ll drag you outta here and we won’t get to talk with more donors for the entire night. I mean it.”
“Alright, seré una chica buena,” she said with her best angel face before taking his hand and leading him to a group of philanthropists standing by the drinks table. (I’ll be a good girl).
Suddenly, she felt his hand pinching her waist with deliberate force, “You’re gonna pay for this, Andrea,” he mumbled discreetly in her ear as both were walking between attendees and colleagues with perfect smiles on their faces.
“Oh, I’m sure,” she said sweetly, before extending her hand to a posh couple debiting with a glass of champagne in their hands, “That’s precisely the point.”
When Eleanor opened her eyes the next morning, Bryce was already looking at her, his bare arms loosely tangled over her body.
“Good morning,” she said sleepily, tilting her head to kiss him.
“Morning gorgeous, how did you sleep?”
“Amazing, but…” A yawn interrupted her words, making her stretch between his arms, “I wouldn’t mind staying with you for another three hours.”
“Mmmmh, me neither,” he said softly, smiling pensively before embracing her.
After a minute of silence, Eleanor narrowed her eyes, stranged by how oddly quiet he was that morning. Bryce normally was noisy and chatty rather than pensive, much more considering the amazing and well-spent night they just had.
“Is something the matter? You’re kinda quiet this morning.”
“It’s nothing.”
“Love…” she stared at him, serious, waiting for his answer.
Bryce looked at her silently for a second, stroking her hair before answering, “I was thinking… Ok, I know this might be too much but I…”
Yeah, something was definitely happening because Bryce didn’t use to babble.
“I watched you sleeping for a while, you know? And I couldn't help but think how beautiful it would be to wake up like this every morning.”
She felt her chest swelling with a very well-known warmth at his words and the yearning smile he gave her.
“Oh, I see” she sighed, grinning nervously at him.
“And go to sleep every night with you by my side…” he continued, his hand now resting over her face, his thumb caressing her cheek, “And go to work together and… just live with you, babe.”
And her stomach fluttered with the images that started forming in her mind with every idea he was disclosing, and her whole body felt like melting, melting with that familiar warmth Bryce used to cause on her. With wonder.
As she wasn’t able to say a word, Bryce's smile faltered instantly, “Oh, babe, I’m sorry, it was just an idea, I didn't mean t-”
She shook her head, “It’s not that, I’d love to live with you.”
“Yeah, that would be… god, perfect.”
“Then why don't we do it? I spoke to my landlord the other day because I wanna move to a bigger apartment with Keiki, and he let me terminate my lease early if I move between Christmas and New Year… ”
“Bryce… ”
She didn't know what to say. She loved the idea but a part of her was terrified about it. It terrified her she could screw it up again with Keiki. Or with Bryce.
But she knew she had to be braver than that. She’d been working on that in therapy and this was her first test.
“This could be our chance...” he persuaded, careful not to sound too insistent.
“Love, it’s not that simple.”
“Babe, if you don't want to do this just tell me, I won’t get mad because you don't feel ready.” His tone was earnest and there was no doubt he meant it.
“Listen, it’s not that I don’t want to, I do, but there are a lot of things we should consider before making that decision. The most important of all, Keiki. Have you even asked her what she thinks about this?”
He shook his head.
“Then you should start there. It took you a long way to get along with her, and making a decision like this without asking her could really damage her trust in you.”
"Mmm, you're right. Not because everything is okay now, it means she'll be okay with you moving in."
“Exactly. But even if she agrees, don’t you think it’s kind of… weird that we move together considering Edenbrook is closing and probably we’ll have to finish our residencies somewhere else, probably in different cities?”
Bryce furrowed his lips, thinking, “Not really? I plan to stay in the area, mostly for Keiki. I wouldn't like to force her to start over again in a new place and school. Salomon Kenmore and Mass Gen have great surgical programs so I’ll send my applications there as my first options. And… well, you told me the other day you were planning to apply to Mass Gen and BWH because those were your second and third options if you hadn't got admitted to Edenbrook. ”
“It's true. But what if I'm not accepted? If I end up, I don't know, in New York, or Cleveland?”
"Who cares? I mean, of course, it would be sad if we had to go to different cities, but is it really a reason to not take the chance now? We'd still have full five or six months ahead of us. Whether we end up here or not, we could enjoy this time while we can, and if in the end we both stay in Boston, much better."
Bryce was right. It didn't make sense worrying about something that wouldn't happen in several months when they had the chance now to live together for at least five months. All this, in the hypothetical case Keiki would agree to Eleanor moving with them.
“You’re right. It’s better five, six months than nothing.”
“Exactly, it’s making the most of our time together.”
Eleanor bit her lip, her eyes sparkling with excitement as new ideas started popping in her mind, unleashing all kind feelings and plans, "Awww, that would be so amazing! Having breakfast together before going to work, making groceries list, planning menus for the week…"
“And fighting who does the dishes or cleans the bathroom,” Bryce added, with the same excited tone Eleanor was using.
“Oh, and I’d yell at you every morning because you’re taking too much time in the shower.”
“And I would yell at you that you could join me instead of complaining.”
“But you can’t do that! Your sister’s here!”
“But it’s just a shower!”
“We both know it’s not just a shower, Bryce Lahela.”
“Damn, that’s true, but if we move to a bigger apartment with an ensuite bathroom,” Bryce gave her a mischievous smile, pressing her tightly against his warm body, “She wouldn’t even notice.”
Eleanor rolled her eyes, suppressing the smirk forming on her lips at his insinuation, “You’re impossible.”
Ignoring her feigned glare, he continued, “And we’d have dinner the three of us every night, and we’d brush our teeth together before going to sleep, and then you’d snuggle up to me every time you have cold feet…”
“My love...”
The sole idea was enough for her to say yes, but she knew, she knew she had to think about it seriously, even if Keiki agreed. Moving together carried a lot of responsibilities, with their relationship and also with Keiki, so she couldn't make the decision lightly.
“I’ll talk to Keiki about this,” he assured as he saw the mix of hope and concern in her eyes.
“And I’ll think about it and… probably start my applications to secure a spot here in Boston.”
They sealed the agreement with a soft, lingering kiss before getting up to start the day.
The proposal kept ringing in her head for several days. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted to move in with him, but she knew there were a lot of obstacles to make that come true.
Keiki was one, but also the uncertain future about where she’d be next year. But even without the idea of moving in with Bryce, it was about time she did something about her residency.
She started looking for places besides her two first options. New York and Baltimore had good programs too so those could go in third and fourth place considering closeness with Boston. Cleveland was another, but mostly because it was in Ohio.
Once she had a secure list of hospitals, she decided to discuss her options with Ethan and see if he could write a recommendation letter to incorporate in her application.
However, part of her was worried he would question her choices, probably the fact that her first two options were unmovable partly because she wanted to stay close to Bryce and Keiki.
With the whole hospital working for the free clinic, it was hard to find free time, so as soon as she saw Ethan was taking a break to have lunch, she followed him to his office and explained the situation.
“Your list of preferences is fine in my opinion,” Ethan said after both discussed the programs she had chosen, “but I don't understand why you're so adamant with Mass Gen and Brigham in the first places. They are great, but John Hopkins has a better Diagnostics Department.”
“I know, but I'm trying to prioritize options that let me stay in the city. Good options. Mass Gen is second nationwide.”
Ethan nodded, his gaze pensive. He was fighting hard the urge to ask further, but he did it anyway, “Are you doing this for Lahela? Because I assume he’s planning to stay in the area for his sister.”
Eleanor was expecting the question, but that didn't make her feel any less startled. She knew that 80% of her decision was professional, that she chose those places because they were her options two years ago, and still were one of the best options in the rankings, but for a moment, his words made her feel like she was actually making it just for Bryce.
Was that inherently wrong? Probably so, but she knew herself enough to tell she'd never make a professional decision onlythinking about someone else.
“I’m not, but what if I was?” she asked, trying to placate her defiant tone.
“I just want to make sure you're making the choice that's best for you.”
Eleanor begged internally he wasn’t going to come with his paternalistic attitude as always.
“And this is, Ethan. As I said, I came up with my first two options because those were the places I would've gone if I hadn't been accepted here. But yes, I also have personal reasons for wanting to stay here. Bryce and I are considering moving in together, so it would be ideal if we stayed in the same city.”
Ethan looked baffled for a brief second. At the next, he was the same stoic Ethan she knew.
“If you're sure that's the best for you, I support your decision.”
But she could tell it was hard for him to say those words.
“You really mean that?”
He sighed.
"Look, if I have to be honest, I don't agree with you at all. Personally, I would never let anyone or anything interfere in my career, so my choices would be different from what you made…"
“But that's you…”
“Exactly, that's me, so it doesn't matter what I think. What matters is what you want, and if you're telling me this is important to you, that these are the best options to you, I have to respect that.”
Eleanor was agape. That was something Eleanor would've never seen it coming in a million years.
Ethan chuckled, amused by her reaction, “I know I spent a lot of time questioning your decisions, both professional and personal, but that time is over. As a colleague and friend, I can tell you're doing what's best for you, so I cannot do anything but support you.”
Yeah, it seemed the time apart, and all the time they had been spending since her returning had done something to mend their relationship. Three months ago Ethan wouldn’t have hesitated for a second to question and criticize her decisions and would’ve mocked her for taking Bryce into consideration, but instead, and for the first time, she was surprised in a goodway by Ethan.
"Thank you, Ethan, it makes me really happy knowing you're on my side."
“You’re welcome, Eleanor.”
Eleanor left his office, happy and more sure than ever about her decision.
When she was expecting the worst, ready to set boundaries and fight for her decision- even if she knew she didn't owe him any explanations about her decisions-, Ethan was surprising her with empathy and support.
They'd come a long way and finally, they were finding the balance.
A couple days later, the morning of her birthday, Eleanor was clocking out after a long shift. The idea of going home and having a nap before getting ready for her lunch date with Bryce was the only thing on her mind.
However, as soon as she got out of the hospital, the figure of a familiar teenager approaching made her stop in her tracks.
Eleanor almost didn't recognize her as her face was hidden under a light-blue parka and a white scarf tied around her neck. It was freezing outside.
“Keiks? Hey! What are you doing here? Bryce isn’t working today.”
“I know, I came to see you actually. Happy birthday!”
"Oh my god, Keikiii! You're too sweet! Thank you!" she squealed as Keiki was crushing her with a warm hug. "Aw, you might not want to hear this but you're almost as much of a good hugger as your brother."
Keiki blushed, “As long as you don't tell him, it's okay.”
“It'll be our little secret.”
“Great, now come with me, I have a surprise for you,” she said in a confidential tone before taking her hand and leading her to the parking lot.
“A surprise?”
“Yes, but it’ll take us a while to get there, so you have to be patient.”
After a short walk, they found Bryce waiting for them in the car. As soon as Eleanor sat shotgun, Bryce wrapped her in his arms instantly, peppering her with kisses over her lips and cheeks and down her jaw, “There's my birthday girl! Happy birthday again, beautiful.”
“Mmmh, you’re in the sweetest Goldie mode today, uh? I love it.”
“Hope this day is as good as you dreamed.”
“Well, with Keiki's surprise visit and the surprise that's coming, I'm sure it will be!”
Bryce stared at her silently for a moment, his gaze charged with hope and something hidden she couldn't quite decipher, but it made her more excited about the surprise.
Suddenly, the door of the back seat opened, “Are you two done? I’m freezing out here.”
“No, but you can cover your eyes if you can’t stand watching some innocent kisses,” Bryce teased, kissing Eleanor once again.
“I’ve seen more than enough between you two too many times.”
“It’s not like you’d get a disease if you watch us, you know?”
“Bryce!” Eleanor giggled, “Leave her alone! We are done, Keiks. Get in here! I cannot wait to see my surprise.”
After a ten minutes ride by the snowy streets of Boston, Keiki tied her white scarf around Eleanor’s head, covering her eyes as Bryce started slowing down the speed, “Okay, we’re closer to your surprise.”
“Oh man, I’m getting nervous now.”
“Don’t be, it’s safe and I’m sure you’ll like it,” Keiki assured softly, a tone she rarely used, as she helped her get out of the car.
As they began walking, Eleanor hooked her arm around Keiki's so she could lead her to their destination. Keiki didn't let her go any second, guiding her through the entry of a -she guessed- building, helping her to get into and out of the elevator, and then leading her through a hallway until a door closed behind them. Seconds later, Keiki untied the scarf.
After trying to adjust her eyes to the bright light, Eleanor found herself and Keiki alone in an empty room. It was an empty apartment, actually. White immaculate walls, big windows, a new, shiny kitchen, and a spacious living room.
“Keiki, wha...?”
The teenager bit her lower lip as she started to shorten the distance between Eleanor and her, “Bryce talked to me the other day about the idea of you moving in with us. I must confess at first I didn’t like the idea, thinking I’d feel the same I felt… well, you know when.”
Eleanor nodded silently.
“But then I thought… There’s nothing wrong with you, or with me, or with Bryce. We only had problems communicating, and thanks to you and the way you’ve cared about Bryce and me, we could solve those problems and now we’re both trying to make this work.”
“I’m glad you can see it that way now.”
“I know we never talked about it after what happened, but… I wanna apologize for being so unfair with you, for kind of blaming you when it wasn't your fault, and…”
Eleanor could sense Keiki it wasn't easy for her to speak so earnestly, but it was clear she meant every word and every feeling.
She breathed in deeply.
“And at the same time, I wanna thank you for always taking care of me. For always taking me into consideration and trying to do what's best for me, since the first day we met. You… You've become like a sister to me, Ella, the sister I didn't know I wanted, so thank you for being there for me.”
“Oh, Keiki, please, you’re gonna make me cry.”
“Sorry not sorry,” she teased, her cheeks profusely blushed.
Her heart was so warm, she thought it would melt any second. And she was so happy, she thought she could fly any instant.
“Keiks… I had no idea you feel that way about me,” Eleanor hugged her, “Thank you for telling me.”
"Everything is true. I know I'm not the kind of person who says these things, but I really mean it. And I'd be so happy if you move in with us. And of course, my brother would be happy too. The happiest, actually."
Eleanor grinned broadly, her eyes glistening with joy. “You're like a sister to me too”, she confessed, throwing her arms around her again.
As if he knew it was the right time to get in, Bryce opened the door, and poked his head inside, “Can I come in now?”
“Yeah, weirdo, come in,” Keiki allowed, as Eleanor freed her from her embrace.
After drying her tears of joy with the back of her hand, Eleanor turned to Bryce, who was looking at her, expectantly.
“So, what do you think? I hope you don't mind spending the morning of your birthday looking for the perfect apartment to move in.”
Eleanor looked at Bryce, his eyes charged with hope and possibility. It was a possibility what she couldn't read early that morning. But she could now because her head and her heart were full of possibilities too, full of plans and a beautiful, bright future together with Bryce and Keiki.
And when she turned to Keiki, her smile was welcoming and her eyes sparkling with the same possibility. For once in her life, she wasn't hiding any of her emotions.
She thought about the things that had been holding her back. Right there, there was none.
Her heart wanted this. And she hadn’t realized how much she wanted it until that moment.
She was ready.
Ready to fully commit and take this new step with Bryce.
Ready to take this new responsibility with Keiki and try to give her the love and care she'd been lacking her whole life.
Ready to be part of this pretty little family.
Feeling an outburst of joy, Eleanor ran and clung to Bryce to smooch him sweetly, “I love it! I love it, I love it! And I love you!”
Bryce encircled his arms around her to lift her from the floor, his gaze devastatingly tender, “And I adore you, baby,” he whispered.
She rested her forehead against his, feeling the warmth of his breath before kissing him one last time. This was a moment she was sure she’d remember her whole life.
“Fun fact number one about domestic Eleanor,” Bryce said once Eleanor’s feet were back on the floor, “She’s actually a koala.”
Keiki, who was looking at the windows resisting the urge to laugh at the clingy scene, turned to her brother, “Oh, just as you’re a Goldie?" she retorted, mischievously.
“Exactly, Keiks! Exactly!” Eleanor said, chortling at the remark.
Grinning, Bryce approached his sister and rested an arm around her shoulders, pulling her to his side “Keiki needs a pet name.”
“Oh, no, no, no no, you leave me out of this,” the girl said, trying to get rid of her brother’s grip, to no avail.
“I agree with Bryce. You cannot be the only one in this family without a pet name.”
Keiki’s eyes widened at the mention of the word family. Forgetting completely the annoyed act, she smirked fondly at her and then to Bryce, realizing what she had in front of her.
Her family.
“Keiki is totally a cat,” Bryce stated seconds later, “She likes to be left alone, and only likes love when she asks for it, but not when you give it to her, and she hates me, just as cats hate dogs.”
“Oh my god yes! You'll be Kitty, then!”
“No, no way you’re gonna call me Kitty, anything but that,” she refused, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Grumpy Cat then.”
Eleanor cackled, and even Keiki couldn’t help the laugh.
“Love, Grumpy Cat? She’s not that grumpy.”
“If Bryce’s around, I am. So, as you'll only call me that way when we’re at home, it will totally suit me. Anything is better than Kitty at this point.”
"Grumpy Cat, Koala, and Goldie, quite the zoo, uh? Does this apartment allow animals?" Bryce asked.
“Bryce, don’t start with your dad jokes already!” Keiki scoffed, finally freed from Bryce’s arms, and sauntered towards one of the bedrooms, leaving Eleanor and Bryce alone in the empty living room.
Sharing a hopeful smile, Bryce took a few steps towards her and rested his hands over her hips, “Did you like the surprise? I hope this isn’t forcing you to make a decision.”
Eleanor encircled her arms around his neck, thoughtful.
“No, no, love, it was perfect. I’m actually… still a bit incredulous about what Keiki said and… well, that she agreed.”
“There's no way she wouldn't feel that way about you, babe. You've been so supportive and just… good and caring with her.”
“She's a good kiddo too, a girl that has been through a lot and didn't deserve any of what she had to live.”
“Lucky for her, her brother's girlfriend has the biggest, warmest heart this planet has ever seen, so she'll get all the love she deserves.”
Eleanor gave him a sweet peck on the lips before looking softly at him, eyes conveying nothing but adoration.
“Just as you will.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yes, my love. Every morning and every night of every day.”
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. With the mess book 3 has been, this kind of fluff has been really therapeutic to write. Even the bit with Ethan helped me to recalibrate, because he's been insufferable in this book. Luckily, here I could portray him more as he actually is.
A big hug to everyone of you, and thanks again for reading ❤️
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trynnabemultifandom · 5 years
Happy Birthday| Chris Evans x Reader
~~This is just a lil something because it's Chris' big day today. some of these ideas came from my ordeal of planning a party a few weeks ago~~
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it was the day before Chris' birthday and I was stressing out. I was planning a surprise party for him for his birthday. it's not like I had to do this but I'm making up for not being there with him last year. I had found a catering company, a dj, and I had also called Chris's family and friends to tell them about the party. Just when I thought I had everything finished, I remembered I had left out the one most important thing out, alcohol. There was only one person to call. I picked up the phone and called Scarlett. if I'm being honest, I was nervous when it took her a while to pick up "Hey Scar, I need you to do me a huge favour" "what d'ya need (Y/N)?" "I need you to go to the store and pick up some vodka, wine and beer for tonight. of course I'll pay you when you drop them down" "yeah sure that's no bother. I'll also help you out with decorating when I get to your house" "thanks Scar"
Time skip to when Scar is at your house
I was in the middle of organising how I was going to decorate the house, there was a knock on the door "Scar is that you?" can never be too careful "yeah it's me" I ran to the door to answer it "you're a life saver" I sighed "anything for my friend. so how's the planning going?" "yeah it's going good. please stop me from color coordinating everything" Scar laughed "you take a break. go have some food, I'll finish this" "thank you. you want some food?" she thought for a moment "no thanks, I'm good. have you got a plan for getting Chris to the house tomorrow?" I nodded "yeah I do with the help of Lisa. No doubt he'll want to go straight to Lisa's when he arrives, but she rang to tell him to come here because she had to go somewhere" she smirks "you thought of everything didn't you?"
I chuckle "couldn't of done it without the help of my friends. plus I'm making up for not being here last year" her smirk grew bigger and I knew what she was going to say next "I'm sure you'll make up for it all right" she winked. I rolled my eyes "Scar we're just friends" truth is, I liked Chris but knew he saw me as a friend so I kept how I felt to myself, not wanting to ruin our Friendship "(Y/N), I see the way you looked at him on set when he was filming his scenes" I just rolled my eyes again "not my fault he's good at what he does and I want to take pointers" she nodded and left it at that
Next Day
I woke up early in order to get my house ready for the party later. I was so excited to see Chris again, I haven't see him since the premiere of Infinity War which was almost a year ago. I was pulled from my thoughts by a knock on the door. I opened the door to see the excited face of Lisa "come on in Lisa" she carried in tryas of food "I ran into the caterers and took these off them" "thank you so much Lisa" she putthe trays down and hugged me "I should be thanking you. Chris is very lucky to have you as a friend and for you to go all out and plan this for him" I hugged her back "I wanted to do something special for him not only because he's my friend but because I wasn't here last year for him" she giggles and I pull away giving her a confused look "he was devistated when you weren't here last year. if I'm being honest, I think he has feelings for you (Y/N)"
I hope that's true "no I doubt it. we're just friends and we've been like since we were 6. he probably sees me as a sister or something" I brushed off what Lisa said and went back to getting stuff set up "hey Lisa, would you mind giving me a hand setting the food out?" "no not at all (Y/N). Scarlett's coming today isn't she?" I nod "yeah they're all coming over in about 20 minutes actually" while Lisa was sorting out the food and hanging the last of the decorations and banners up, I went to get into my dress
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I wanted something nice but I didn't want it too dressy or to make it look like I was trying too hard either, my hair was curled at the ends and I had a little bit of makeup on. when I came down the stairs, everybody was here, well except for Chris because he wasn't meant to get here until 6 and it was quarter to at the moment. as soon as I walked into the kitchen, I was bombarded with hugs from them all and tons of compliments. Scarlett and Lisa came over to me and both said how gorgeous I looked. "you look so gorgeous (Y/N)" I smiled "thanks Lisa" I was going to leave to get a drink when I was stopped by Scarlett who whispered "I'm sure Chris would like it too" I rolled my eyes "I'm going to get a drink"
just as I was going to leave, somebody grabbed my arm. I was going to scream in protest but when I turned around, I was relieved to see that it was only Elizabeth Olsen "Elizabeth, ohmygod I was about to scream at you" she hugged me "you look gorgeous (Y/N) and no drinking until the birthday boy gets here" she winked and I laughed "I need something if Scarlett keeps making them comments" Elizabeth rolled her eyes "what has she been saying to you know?" "you know, the usual about Chris, and also that I wore this dress to impress him" "I see where she's coming from but I'll try get her to stop, especially for today" I smiled and hugged her "Thank you Elizabeth" she hugged back "no problem"
"(Y/N), he's coming" shouted Sebastian who was looking out the window "places everyone" I yell. taking a deep breath as I hear a knock on the door, I walk over and open in to see a happy looking Chris "hi Chris" I say as I hug him "hey (Y/N), it's so good to see you" Chris says and returns the hug "so what's the plan today?" he says pulling away from the hug and looked at my dress. I couldn't stop the hint of a blush forming on my cheeks "I'm glad you asked because," I turned to where everyone hid
"SURPRISE" they all jumped out and yelled. I quickly turned to see Chris' reaction, it was honestly the most cutest thing I have ever seen "Happy Birthday Chris" he turned to me and engulfed me in a hug "did you do all this?" he asked. I nod "yes but I couldn't have done it without the help of everybody here" I pulled away and kissed his cheek "thank you so much (Y/N)" I smiled "this is to make up for not being here last year with you" our conversation got interrupted by Lisa "sorry to break up what looks like a good conversation, but I just wanna talk to my boy on his birthday" I nod to say it's ok and go over to the bar where Sebastian is
"(Y/N), hey" Seb gets up with a wide smile and hugs me "enjoying the party?" I hug him back. he pulls away "yeah it's amazing. free food, free booze" I laugh and lightly hit his arm "and seeing your friend on his birthday, don't forget that" he chuckled "yeah that too" we shared more laughs and had more drinks together. during our time together, I could feel eyes on me. I look around the room to see none other than Chris glaring at Sebastian. I smirked and pretended not to notice him, wait why is he glaring at Seb for? does he like me? nah probably not
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Sebastian leaned into me "I really like your dress by the way" I blush "thank you. just something I threw on" he wrapped his arm around me "well either way, it looks gorgeous on you" I giggle and hold onto his arm. I think that was the breaking point for Chris because he came marching over to the two of us "hi Seb, I gotta borrow (Y/N) for a chat" Sebastian smirked "yeah no bother" and with that, Chris had grabbed my arm and dragged me to the closest empty room
"what was that about?" I ask him and he scoffs "don't act so innocent doll" I blush at the pet name "I don't know what you mean" "should I talk about how you flirted with Sebastian and didn't try to hide it?" I bit my lip and let a little 'oh' escape "yeah oh. you don't get to flirt with other guys and not get away with it" I gave him a confused look "but we're not even toget-" before I could finish my sentence I was cut off by Chris' lips on mine. i gasp a little in surprise but didn't pull away, instead I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck to pull him in more
when he pulled away, I could feel myself start to blush "how about we change the face the we aren't together?" my eyes widen "Y-you mean-" he nodded "yes I do. (Y/N), do you want to be my girlfriend?" I nod and hug him "yes I do. I never though you would ask. I liked you for so long and your mom and even Scar said I should ask you out but I never though you liked me in that way i always tjought-" again, he cut me off with a kiss. when I pulled away, we both chuckled "shall we go back out to your party Mr. Evans?" he smirked and nodded "we shall Ms. (L/N)" I honestly couldn't have asked for a better night than this. spending it with all my friends and my now boyfriend. that was by far one of the best days ever
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donewithjeon · 7 years
I've just finished reading Inner Universe and Good Intentions. I'm crying. And amazed by your talent. That's it, I now declare my feelings completely devoted to your writing. Do as you please, for I will be more than honored to be broken by your enchanting and beautiful words. Thanks Michelle♥ love you tons♥ - anon with feels all over the place🌌
(in case tumblr might have eaten this ask) I’ve just finished reading Inner Universe and Good Intentions. I’m crying. And amazed by your talent. That’s it, I now declare my feelings completely devoted to your writing. Do as you please, for I will be more than honored to be broken by your enchanting and beautiful words. Thanks Michelle♥ love you tons♥ - anon with feels all over the place🌌
Ohnononono I’m reading gravity and seems like I’ve fallen for Jimin’s enlightened-by-the-sunset smile… Why am I doing to myself? - anon with feels all over the place🌌
I’m biting my nail polish off my nails right now… I swear, if Jungkook doesn’t make his annual appearance soon, I’m drinking the acetone bottle - anon with feels all over the place🌌
OH JESUS HE APPEARED I’M BREATHING AGAIN DON’T WORRY I WON’T DRINK THE ACETONE - anon with feels even more all over the place🌌
“This was a goodbye.” I’m literally crying and I haven’t cried over a story ever since I read the last pages from The Book Thief; but now turns out that I’ve cried twice in the span of 2 hours and all because of your insane choice of words in these fics. Seriously. Wow. I have never loved to suffer more than I do now - anon with feels all over the place🌌
…ohmYGOD I am NOW getting the snowflakes reference!!!!!! 눈꽃이 떨어져요~❄❄😭 gosh you deserve a smarter anon - anon with feels all over the place🌌
. . I’ve never -and believe me, I mean when I say this- never felt a knot in my throat for an ending. Major props for awakening this new feeling of contemplation and gratefulness over something. It was amazing, utterly wonderful, and magical. Thank you so much for moving my heart and soul like this. Thank you. - the anon with feels all over the place🌌
I’m sorry for spamming your inbox, but I wanted to sincerely thank you. And you don’t need to reply this… I just want to let you know that I needed to stop feeling numb. And your words truly encouraged me. (½)
The situation/character you’ve given to Jungkook really spoke to me. I’ve always been told that O always do well and I’ll do great in whatever I choose to do, but turns out it’s my second year of college and I’m still running towards nothing, or so I feel. I don’t know…your fic seemed to spark a little hope in me, you know? So thank you❤ your uncertain yet hopeful “feels all over” the place anon🌌
So I’m back for what it seems my dosis of quality fics aka your masterlist♡ I decided to read Reflections and then BAAAAMMMM APRIL 12TH( TДT) ndlanflqnfka that’s my birth date akdnakfkanf I’m so ready to have my feelings destroyed - the feels all over the place anon🌌
Wow… The gif truly made me think he was burning the letters instead of replying. Reflection is really something else… I love it♡ - the feels all over the place anon🌌
Oh my darling feels all over the place anon. ;__; I’m sorry this took a while for me to get to, but I swear my heart swelled each time I got a new ask from you. I finally have some time since it’s the weekend, so LET’S DO THIS. I’m going to try to answer everything that you touched on to the best of my ability. (ง°ل͜°)ง
Let’s start off with Inner Universe and Good Intentions. My two Namjoon fics. :’) Omg please, it’s me who should be honored by your devotion. I’m so glad you enjoyed those two, and I hope that I mended you along with breaking you. ): I wouldn’t want to just hurt someone without placing a band-aid and a smooch on top of everything once it’s all said and done. I love you too, and I really appreciate the love you’re giving me. ♥
Moving on to Gravity! First off, I just want to say that I absolutely love it when people live comment while reading my stories. Reactions make my heart flutter~ It makes me happy to hear that you fell for Jimin. :> He’s such a sweetheart who deserves all the love. But oh my, good thing I wrote the story so that Jungkook shows up at the annual meeting. I would like it if my readers kept breathing haha. Let’s try to stay away from drinking acetone though. D: May I interest you in a nice refreshing cup of orange juice or banana milk instead?
I actually haven’t read The Book Thief yet, but it’s been on my reading list for the longest time. I can’t believe Gravity really made you cry though! I feel like I just won some kind of prestigious award by being able to evoke those rare emotions and tears from you. “I have never loved to suffer more than I do now” though. Ahaha, that is such a fitting reaction to have after reading my stories. It has been a privilege to have the literary power to make you suffer. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ Please take this hug and feel better~
Yes! 눈꽃이 떨어져요~ And then in the last chorus, it changes to 벚꽃이 피나봐요. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ Don’t worry about it! You’re honestly the first person to bring that up after reading the story, so I would say you’re pretty sharp! :D The funny thing is, I actually came up with this fic idea a week or so before Bangtan came out with Spring Day. Imagine my surprise when I watched the MV and listened to the song for the first time. ʘ‿ʘ It was such a weird coincidence and way too perfect timing, but I just went with it~
Oh dear. You seriously got me all choked up on this part of your message. ;__; Don’t ever feel sorry for spamming my inbox, because I welcome any and all comments you may have about my stories! Even if you just want to talk about life or puppies or something, I’m always open to listen. (~˘▾˘)~ I might take a bit of time to get to messages if they’re a bit longer, but that’s only because I like to really sit down and take my time so I can give you my best response.
You are so very welcome, but I also want to thank you so much for even receiving my stories in this manner and feeling this type of connection with the messages that I’m trying to convey through my writing. Just hearing that it made you feel better about yourself and your situation in life makes me extremely happy, and it’s honestly one of the biggest reasons why I even post my fics for people to read in the first place. I’ve been told that Gravity is a really relatable fic, so I can see how it can touch your mind in that way. Please hold onto that hope, because that’s where you can draw your strength and courage from! Don’t feel too much pressure to do everything at once. You still have time to figure out your life, so just take it one stride at a time and try to explore your options until you aren’t uncertain anymore. You said that you’re attending college, so I would say that you’re already ahead of the game in comparison to those who are lost and aren’t even trying to find their way. Even if you feel like you are running towards nothing, it could be because the future is too distant for you to see in your position right now. I bet you’re doing great, even if you feel unsure. As long as you’re putting in the effort to take those steps forward, you’re already lapping everyone who is standing still in the same place! But yes, please stay hopeful and most importantly, stay healthy so that you can keep moving forward. ♥
I apologize for that wall of text haha. But now that I got that off my chest, last but not least, Reflection! What a crazy coincidence once again! Happy (very) belated birthday! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Woohoo! I chose that gif for the story’s banner for that reason. I’m glad I was able to trick you hehe. :> Thank you so much again for reading my stories and for sending me all of these lovely messages. I want you to know that I truly do appreciate every word you wrote to me, and I hope that you’ve having a fantastic day! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
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