#online job for students
bitegore · 9 days
what is my fucking intro to creative writing professor's FUCKING PROBLEM
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nenelonomh · 21 days
hey! I love pour blog and I have a question..idk if you could answer it but anyway. I wonder if you know about any website that offers remote jobs that could be done by uni students with no experience in work... I rlly need it to help my family... Thank you anyway and I wish you the best!!
hey gorgeous,,
thank you for the compliments, and i apologise for the time it took me to answer your ask. as for your question, i've done a little bit of research.
virtual assistant positions. as a virtual assistant, you can handle various admin tasks such as email management, scheduling appointments and social media management. often, this role offers the flexibility of working remotely and setting your own hours.
online tutoring. depending on your skill set, you could benefit by offering your services as an online tutor. you can choose the level of students you work with and the amount you charge. additionally, this can double as study revision,, by reinforcing your knowledge in certain subjects. see this post on the feyman technique for more info.
graphic designer. if you have design ski;;s, explore remote graphic design opportunities. you can create visual content for websites, social media, marketing materials, and more.
if none of these fit your skillsets, have a look on freelance sites such as fiverr and upwork. these sites can give you an idea of online services you may be able to provide, and give you an easy way to connect with customers.
i hope this post was what you were looking for, and i wish you the best of luck! i'm proud of you for looking out for your family and i am inspired by your determination!
❤️ nene
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lotkwm · 28 days
Explore the lucrative realm of online data entry jobs with our comprehensive guide. Join RemoteJobs for FREE now!
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pikslasrce · 3 months
im going to do it for real this time (drop out and get a job)
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p-taryn-dactyl · 11 days
genuine question: does anyone know of any good online/remote jobs a college student can do? with my class schedule in august an in person job would be a big struggle but if i’m able to work online that would be a lifesaver!
it would help if these jobs are entry level with little to no experience required as all the jobs i’ve had in the past are basically just babysitting for family and volunteering at my church😭
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girderednerve · 3 months
really dwelling on how good it is that the EPA has banned asbestos, despite the many imperfections of the ban (long timelines to take effect, only bans chrysotile, vulnerable to the outcome of the presidential election). roughly forty thousand americans die annually of asbestos-related disease, most of it associated with exposure from decades ago; this change will save lives, especially in automotive shops and chlorine plants.
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grplindia · 26 days
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melonnade · 1 month
absolutely disgusting the way that the violence on my campus this morning is being talked about on the news. reading articles rn and they keep talking about violence on both sides & fighting breaking out ‘between’ the two groups. call it what it fucking was. it’s not two sides being violent, it’s one being attacked by the other. rhetoric matters.
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havenothingtodowithme · 3 months
I forgor to tell it here, but I finally got a job! I'm an english teacher for kids now!
I have zero qualifications to be teaching english but I'm glad my years of tumblr brainrot got me a job after all lol
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vounoura · 4 months
nah but seriously dropping out as much as it upset(s) me to have to do was probably the smartest decision I ever made
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monicagomez321 · 5 months
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lotkwm · 28 days
Explore online jobs for stay-at-home parents including its benefits, how to discover it and how it changes current working dynamics!
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parttimejobsusa · 5 months
Part Time Jobs USA - JOB LINK
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I need man/women to Part time work from home jobs. We offer 1st- $20-$40 /hr no experience.
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Apply Now : Click Here
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opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
#the problem with a mood profile that is mostly way down with peaks of way up is that when u return to a state of: the bullshit is easy.#i dont need to sleep. i could run around in circles. i could read a million papers. what kind of loser cant manage their life?#u r like: God fucking dammit i fucked up so much stuff. y tf didnt i do yhis at the time???? its so baffling like i went from fuck just let#me sleep forever to agitated and full of evil energy to like: ok im normal im gonna do the extraction ive been putting off for months#y couldnt i have been like this last week when i should have gathered a list of my failing students to the prof to make them withdrawal?#like y tf didnt i do that?????? i mean. its kind of a suspect way to run a class tbh bc u r artificially inflating ur score#but i could have saved like 6 ppl from an F. but i mean if u r struggling its sort of on u to reach out for help.#ugh. ive not been very good at my job this semester. but to b fair my brain has been trying very hard to kill me#genuinely i had to fill out a safety sheet in therapy and then go to a ta meeting where they were like: how r yall doing#? how do u feel abt the semester? and im just like aaaaaaaAAAaaaa 🙃#next semester i think im TAing for an online course. and im hoping its not bc i was so terrible they had to distance me from students lol#i mean. thats probably just me being paranoid but idk well see monday when i ask when the prof wants to meet before next semester#ay. its been a rougher semester than id hoped.#unrelated
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web3030 · 6 months
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earnwithrhea · 7 months
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