#one of the reasons I'm leaving this job is that I've worked about 17/20 of the last long weekends
beloveddawn-blog · 6 months
Guess what fucking idiot agreed to cover because on-call didn't answer their phone, and is now at a fire cleanup rather than family Christmas?
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sevlinop · 2 months
20 Fic Questions
Thanks for tagging me @angelosearch! I've tagged a lot of people recently, so instead of tagging anyone specifically I'll just leave this open for whoever's interested!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 36!
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 67,772.
3. What fandoms do you write for? So many. I'd say Final Fantasy, Persona, and Fire Emblem are the big ones though. I'd like to write more Zelda soon!
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? -"Nighttime Escapades" (219), "Maya and Tatsuya Offline" (104), "Link Visit's Sidon" (73), "Clumsy Frieren" (66), "A Port In a Storm" (64).
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, always! I love reading them, and they make my day! :) Only exception is occasionally I'll get spam or something.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? "From Up On Her Throne" Is my darkest fic so far. An Ultimecia character study, so not exactly uplifting lol.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most of what I write is happy or uplifting. One of my Frieren fics, "Anytime, Anywhere". Is probably my fluffiest happy one.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Almost never, only time was this person (or bot.) who kept posting bible verses on any fics with LGBT pairings. Was mostly annoying because the comments were so damn long it took forever to scroll down to the delete button lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? That's most of the fics I've written! At the moment though I'm gravitating away from it, kinda burned out.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? No offense to anyone who likes them but I just really don't care for crossover fics for the most part, hahaha. The most I may do someday is like, a crossover between two FF games or something. Which barely counts in my book.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!! I recently had my Apothecary Diaries fic, "Nighttime Escapades" translated into Russian. Still so happy about that!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I haven't, closest I've had is a beta reader. I'd be open to trying it though!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Zelink or Cloti! Though I'll admit shipping isn't the primary reason I write fics.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? Too many to name honestly. I've written plenty of stuff I've never posted, most of what I've posted the past few months I've been back on Ao3 is stuff I wrote a while ago.
16. What are your writing strengths? The big picture part of writing is where I think I shine. Like establishing the main theme of my story, a character's central conflict, interesting broad ideas I want to explore, etc. I'm definitely a discovery writer mores than a planner.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Honestly I struggle with stuff like descriptions, making a scene progress naturally, giving characters unique voices. All the stuff that's more nitty gritty, it doesn't come naturally to me. Oh, and plenty of grammatical mistakes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I probably would try to avoid it! I only speak English and wouldn't want to just use google translate or something. So unless I know someone who speaks the language, I wouldn't include it.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I think Naruto on FFN years and years ago, or The Legend of Zelda.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? It's very bold to claim since it's not far along at all, but already love "A Poisoned History."! Though "Maya and Tatsuya Offline" is my best smut fic, since I did a good job with writing the buildup.
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
hi Torship 💛
How tall is everyone in your hope au? Like you mentioned a few times that shisui and inocihi are the same height so how tall is everyone else? Have a good day/night 💛
Hey Anon!
Sorry for leaving this in my inbox for so long but I have Reasons behind everyone's heights lol so I'm sorry if you wanted just a quick list of numbers but I've no chill 🤣
So most Shinobi are Athletes in my mind (the performance of the body is a tool as well as a lifestyle) and I don't mean bodybuilder 5% fat etc etc I mean high performance and high usability.
The Uchiha go one of three ways:
Mikoto is slight at 5'6 ish, Shunsuke was about the same height and so was Kagami, Itachi won't get much taller than this because he takes almost completely after his mother. Hikaku from the Warring Clans era was also like this etc, it's the most common body type in the Clan (gotta love that inbreeding, eh). Think pilates, flexibility over brute strength. Izuna was about 5'6, lean to match his katana.
Fugaku is a little broader, starting to hit that slight softening of fitness because he's got a steady in-Village job and he's doing desk work as well as hitting forty BUT he's also keeping busy and he trains hard on Saturdays. Sasuke gets to be a little taller than him but lean, think 'tennis player'. Flexible and strong but mainly limber. They're both around the 5'8 mark, which they shared with Madara and Tajima etc.
Shisui and his mother Kana are the third type, which is "I didn't know Uchiha got that tall" 🤣 Kana was a taijutsu mistress so think "heavy AND strong" and she was about 6'1, which is how Shisui reaches about 6'1-2.
Shisui was a whippet of a kid, he was one of those high metabolism teenagers and lingered around 5'6 (giving Itachi false hope that they'd be about the same height and making Mikoto nostalgic for Shunsuke and Kagami) until he hit 17 and fucking exploded upwards another 3-4 inches lmao. Coupled with the fact he was a Rookie ANBU at that age, so at the peak of his training, and with a crazy appetite... The gains also hit. He has an ass, I'm so proud :')
So... Why did I make Shisui that tall?
The simple answer is because Inoichi is.
There are big wordy cinematic parallels between Shisui and Inoichi somehow ending up at exactly the same height and size, of them being parallel and equal and exactly at eye height. It makes them look more alike, more uncanny when they move in sync or copy mannerisms, and it makes Inoichi appear like a third parent in Shisui's genetics lmao.
But, to be honest, it was just a huge vibe.
Shisui in canon was this little slip of a kid, same as Itachi, and it always hurt to be reminded that he never got the chance to actually come out the other side of puberty. That's also why Inoichi in No Tomorrow/HOPE AU has those moments of realising how grown up Shisui is, because we're supposed to remember that this is someone who never reached full adulthood.
Note: I do generally age Shisui up. Canon/Fanon has him around 14-16 at the time of his death and I usually aim for around 19/20.
I also enjoy the imagery of Shisui, who is known for his speed, not being built like a whippet marathon runner but being more like Usain Bolt (who is a whopping 6'5 with muscles to spare) and a decent head taller than most of his Clan. So 🤣 you end up with a whole yowling pack of Uchihas, like serious feline energy, and then Itachi hopping around like a little blackbird... And then Shisui as this huge fucking corvid bird in the middle 🤣.
Squad Two
Kakashi is about 5'11. The hair makes him taller as much as his posture makes him smaller. Sakumo was a strong man with strong shoulders and Kakashi is a little finer, a hit that Gai would barely feel would make Kakashi stagger, which is why he's so crafty and brutally efficient. Frankly, Kakashi is lucky to get this tall; weighing up the cons of a kid who doesnt care about himself being the only source of meals and nutrition for himself from four years old (Kushina's ramen doesn't count) VS Kakashi being training obsessed and having a protein meal plan??? He has very little extra weight on him, Kakashi is the one who looks like a marathon runner/cyclist.
Genma: 5'7. He's average height, average built, he has a slinkiness that the others lack because he's an assassin and that means endurance and flexibility. He is silent, can squeeze through tiny gaps, and he definitely has damaged tendons from dislocating his thumbs etc too often. Think Ballerina (Ballerino have heckin strong thighs, which Genma doesn't much), pilates, contortionist.
Raidou: 5'9, just another dude. Raidou is an all rounder so he's got functional strength and endurance. A decent amount of body weight, soft muscle definition and a fuck tonne of callouses to go with that scar tissue. He was also raised by civilians who own a spice shop so he always ate very well and his parents often give him extra food because they worry about his health. I like to think Raidou is the only one with an ass-ass.
Tenzo: at this moment in HOPE AU, Tenzo is still a teen and he's still slight. He's currently 5'8 but he will reach 5'10, and he's only just begun to show signs of those amazing Canon shoulders. As someone with a LOT of nature chakra, his muscle buildup is quite dense. He'll be the most muscular of the Squad by the time he's thirty. Right now? He's still coltish and sweet.
Shisui: see above^
Other Characters
Inoichi: 6'1, see above^
Sora: 5'5, soft but strong, lots of freckles and callouses and stretch marks because she isn't a Shinobi (the body is a tool, blah blah) so she just exists and enjoys ❤️
Ino: bby. She'll be 6ft one day tho, the tallest girl in her year by a lot~
Kushina/Mito/Uzumaki: poppet rockets. Max 5'2, if that. Change my mind (syke, you can't). Kushina was like a little ball of anger, Mito was like a perfect doll, Naruto is gonna be so so angry that Sasuke is so much taller 🤣🤣🤣. This doesn't help that theyre chakra dense so grow quick and build muscle, where the Uchiha have excess yin chakra (as do the Hyuuga and Nara), so they have much later growth spurts... so Naruto was the same height as everyone else in the Academy and the rage and disbelief will kick in when they all get taller but he stays the same lmao. They are small and strong and from a distance their chakra is monstrous so you think you're dealing with a giant and then this little petit figure with chakra like a goddamn sun yeets you into space for calling them 'squirt'.
Minato: 5'8, svelte muscles. Average height for a man but did that stop Kushina from being annoyed? No ❤️
Anko: 5'4, curvy as fuck and with thighs that can crush watermelons amen
Gai: BEEFCAKE 6FT. A beautiful youthful Bear. Look up Strong Man Challenge and then also think about woodsmen with huge arms and shoulders and matching thighs. No ripped abs, because that's erring into dehydration etc etc. Gai 🤝 Kronk = Amazing Shoulders, Arms and Back, never skips leg day
Konan: 5'8, Ballerina (but impacted by malnutrition :/)
Jiraiya: 6'4, built like a fucking Ox, the hair is like a cloak and then you hit him and it's like a brick wall. Lots of strength, big belly as well as decades of muscle compaction, I feel like one step would snap a spine yk yk
Tsunade: 5'6, she has those Poppet Rocket Uzumaki genes but Hashirama (he was 6'4, Senju average at around 6ft-6'5, Tobirama was 6'2) was a literal tree so it balanced out a bit more. She has the Most Beautiful Biceps in the world. The definition of Girlbossing the weight room with a manicure and stilettos.
Orochimaru: okay but I love the idea that he's like 6'3 with a ridiculous shoulder to waist ratio and these long, slightly ghoulish, limbs. Like he has these long, dramatic features and big hands, long fingers, boney and sinewy and just very pale and very otherworldly. Beautiful in a disconcerting way, a little too much the serpent.
Tiger: She's a Yamanaka, so she's minimum 5'9, think volleyball. Same with Fū.
Kisame: you KNOW i gotta explain Kisame in full, it's deserved. He is canonically huge. He is Heckin. However.... We gotta have some moderation (stop booing in the back row) because otherwise I have some Concerns about Kisame's more human ancestors and logistics 🤣. So I've got Kisame pinned at around 6'7 ✨. He's bulked up like Gai but not quite, think more male Gymnast (especially the hanging ring demonstrations) crossed with a woodcutter. Lots of shoulder, back and arm strength. He's in the three way hand shake (or arm grip a la Schwarzenegger gif) with Gai and Kronk, he also respects leg day. Like Gai, he has great glutes too.
Non-human sizes:
Note: Japanese Crows are usually either 'jungle crows' or 'carrion crows' but both generally grow to 50cm/19inches in length with a wingspan that's max. 100-130cm/40-60inches. This is for proportional reference. ....who am I kidding, I'm just gonna fuck around.
Akira: he's the size of a big housecat, a decent armful (30 inches approx, 2'6ft) with a wingspan that's around 70 inches.... Which is taller than Itachi 🤣 omfg
Arakan: he's about the size of a common black bird (11 inches long, wingspan around 28inches, so about Akira's length)
Kana: she is WOW. I compared her to an ox cart and a nightmare, so the imagery is great but it didn't do her justice. A Moose (😈) is about 6ft at the shoulder but upwards of 7ft including antlers so... If that's her length... that puts Kana's wingspan at 14ft across. Stunning 👏 Toad Summons have a collective fear 👏
This answer took me several hours and I've made this far too complicated but 🤷 enjoy!
Have a great day, anon ☺️
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chicagosfinest2021 · 1 year
Doing another one of these because I don't feel like waiting for my followers to ask me nuthin LOL
0:Height Useless 5'3''
1:Virgin? No but I wish I was sometimes (even though virginity is a man-made social construct that has no bearing in reality)
2:Shoe size 9
3:Do you smoke? Just on the dance floor
4:Do you drink? Socially
5:Do you take drugs? Just my anti-baby pills!!
6:Age you get mistaken for mid 20's usually
7:Have tattoos? On this chocolate brown skin?? Nah baby
8:Want any tattoos? I'm good
9:Got any piercings? Just my ears right now
10:Want any piercings? If I can shrink my fupa down a bit I might get my navel done
11:Best friend? My sister
12:Relationship status Perpetually single at heart/by choice
13:Biggest turn ons Emotional maturity and introspection
14:Biggest turn offs Emotionally stunted people
15:Favorite movie Toss up between Queen, Bend It Like Beckham and Wakanda Forever
16:I’ll love you if You feed me food
17:Someone you miss My grandma </3
18:Most traumatic experience Being SA'ed by different men
19:A fact about your personality I'm just a straight up catch
20:What I hate most about myself I procrastinate too much, I also can't lose this belly meat for sh*t
21:What I love most about myself I'm smart, pretty, cultured, funny, and have an overall dope vibe
22:What I want to be when I get older The rich auntie with no kids that's always traveling and spoils her niblings with money and gifts
23:My relationship with my sibling(s) Me and my middle sister are basically twins and are super close, I have a half sister whom I love but she's not into the lovey-dovey stuff. She also didn't grow up with us so we're all still getting to know each other, but we're cool for the most part.
24:My relationship with my parent(s) They're not perfect but I'm both a mommy's girl and a daddy's girl
25:My idea of a perfect date It's been so long since I've been on a real date I can't even picture what a perfect date would look like to me at this point. I guess any situation where I'm not silently wishing I had stayed at home would be a step up to me.
26:My biggest pet peeves People who insist on bringing their kids everywhere and expect the general public to help them babysit. Also when I try to pay at the pump and they tell me I have to go pay inside. I'll just get back in my car and leave.
27:A description of the girl/boy I like This guy I'm currently in a situationship right now (not proud of it). He's Latino, we've known each other since we were 13, he's funny, very eloquent when he speaks, is a really good kisser, is kind of a fuckboi and is probably aware of it. . .
28:A description of the person I dislike the most Homophobic/transphobic people in general
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend So she would stop asking me invasive questions
30:What I hate the most about work/school I actually really like my job, my pay is nice but it could always be better tho, nah mean?
31:What your last text message says My phone is charging right now but I was texting someone about details for brunch tomorrow
32:What words upset me the most "Item is no longer in stock"
33:What words make me feel the best about myself "You just have such a deep and passionate soul"
34:What I find attractive in women Everything, women as a rule are sexy AF
35:What I find attractive in men Security in who they are and what they're about so they don't constantly feel the need to dominate or be "submitted to".
36:Where I would like to live Ireland or England
37:One of my insecurities My big boobs, I feel like people oversexualize me because that's all they see
38:My childhood career choice I wanted to play piano but then I wanted to be a writer
39:My favorite ice cream flavor I want it to be rum raisin
40:Who wish I could be I don't want to be anyone but me honestly
41:Where I want to be right now Underneath my situationship pinned to the bed
42:The last thing I ate This casserole I made that was bangin
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately Alex Livinalli
44:A random fact about anything Queen Nefertiti was the stepmother of King Tut
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
I am. For some reason. Being haunted by guilt for this one fucking thing that happened when I was 17. It keeps floating up whenever I try to sleep the last couple of days, I think it's cause Sam's been ill. so I'm putting it here in an attempt to exorcise it. please tell me if this is a situation it makes sense to feel guilty about 13 years later.
Ok so I'm 17, right? I have this boyfriend. He's 18? 19? Not 100% sure on timings on this. and we've been together for about 9 months.
I'm still at school. He's not - he dropped out of sixth form twice, doesn't have a job and is on and off benefits. He's living in his mum's house but I think by this point she's up and moved to Ghana without much notice, leaving him alone with 4 cats and a dog (I'm not actually 100% sure she'd moved out yet at the time but I'm the interests of steelmanning the guilt let's assume she had. I think she had).
We live in different towns - he lives in the nearest Proper Town, the one with like a train station and shopping centre and cinema and clubs. I live 2 buses away - there's a 45 minute bus that takes me from his to the town I go to school in, which goes every 20 minutes 6am-11pm, and then the 20/40 min bus (it takes alternating routes) that I have to take from that town to my village, which goes every 80 minutes 7am-5pm.
My habit at the time is leaving school on Friday, getting the bus to his, spending every weekend there, then going to school from his on Monday and going home after school to spend the week at home. So we sort of half live together - I do a lot of the shopping and cleaning for his house while I'm there cause I work and get a £20/wk allowance from my parents and have no bills to pay, whereas he doesn't have any stable income and since his mum left he's gotta pay for the bills on this 2 person house as well as food and stuff for himself and the animals.
So that's the context this is happening in. He's feeling very abandoned and not really coping, and I've been trying to fill that gap but also I Am Seventeen.
Anyway it's Christmas time, and I've agreed that I'll spend the run-up to Christmas at his and then get the last bus home on Christmas Eve to spend actual Christmas with my family.
I wake up on Christmas Eve about 3am because it is BOILING. I reach over and touch his skin and it literally hurts to touch cause he's running such a high fever. When he wakes up I ask him if he's ok, if he needs me to call the doctor etc, he won't let me do that. I get him water and paracetamol and honey and lemon and a bucket in case he needs to throw up but by about 3pm I'm like I truly have to go bc this is the absolute latest I can leave to catch the last bus home before December 27th (no buses on Christmas or Boxing Day).
and he is crying and begging me not to leave him and calling me selfish and saying I don't love him. and I do everything I can to make sure he's going to be ok and has plenty of food and water in reach and then I go.
(I was very right about the urgency of leaving if I wanted to get home, btw, bc it was below zero and snowing heavily and I JUST got onto the last bus at a dead run. and then that broke down in the snow 2 miles away from home, it was like an hour of just me and the bus driver sitting in an unheated bus while the snow piled up and he called the depot trying to get someone to come out 30+ miles to pick him and the bus up last thing before Christmas. Poor guy. Eventually my mum managed to drive out and pick me up and bring the driver a thermos of tea and some heat packs to tide him over until the cavalry came. so yeah there wasn't a lot of wiggle room in that travel plan.)
anyway my memories of that Christmas Eve have always largely focused on the bus thing. but like. the last few days I'm really thinking about how scary and lonely that genuinely must have been for my ex. like. if I'm right in thinking this was after his mum left, this was probably his first Christmas alone and he spent it racked with flu, running a fever in his room and his girlfriend just went away and left him to it. and like. That must have felt awful
and I keep just thinking should I have done something different? tried to get him to my parents' for Christmas? stuck around until the 27th? maybe talked to my mum and seen whether she could come pick me up on Christmas Day?
or like. even if i didn't do anything wrong. does it make me a bad person that I was so desperate to get out of his house and so relieved once I was away? like I just did not want to deal with that?
like it's obviously all moot, it was half my life ago and anyway it's a snapshot of a much more substantive and complicated relationship. but like. It's just sitting on me at the moment. while I flop around feeling sorry for myself bc I'm running a fever.
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regulus-blacks-lover prompt list
Just finished the last few requests for previous prompt lists, moving forward I'll be using this list. I pulled inspiration from a few different posts, but mostly I referenced this compilation made by linwritesif, pulling the prompts I was interested in writing for.
Send 1-3 prompts per request please! I'm interested to see what people mix and match. I mainly write Marauders era, but am open to writing Golden Trio era characters as well.
Prompts I have filled will be linked to the fics I wrote for them. You can find links to all my work on my masterlist.
ANGST 1 "please, just tell me you're okay." 2 "go! run! get out of here!" 3 "get behind me." 4 "stay here." 5 "hey. no, no, no. stay with me, just a little longer. you'll be okay." 6 "i'm so sorry i couldn't save you." 7 "i'm not ready to lose you." 8 "you were dead. i watched you die." 9 "i love you, but you're not mine." 10 "i'm sorry, have we met?" 11 "it was all i had left of them." 12 "please don't make me do this." 13 "because i care about you, okay??" 14 "i can't help you." 15 "you can't help me." 16 "you can't protect any of them." 17 "it's too late for me." 18 "i will kill you if i have to." 19 "you ruin everything you touch." 20 "just go do as you're told, like you always do." 21 "why would i believe you, after everything you've done?" 22 "whatever this is, it's over." 23 "i don't miss you like i thought i would." 24 "i know i fucked up. i know i did, but don’t shut me out anymore. let me in. please, let me in." 25 "i'm not what you think i am." 26 "i guess i never really knew you." 27 "you had your chance." 28 "you're nothing to me." 29 "it should have been you." 30 “why didn’t you kill me when you had the chance?" / “you know why.” 31 "just do this one thing for me and i promise you'll never have to see me again." 32 "i wouldn't do that if i were you." 33 "i didn't know where else to go." 34 "you deserve better than me." 35 "close your eyes, you don't need to see this." 36 "you were the one good thing left in the world." 37 "going home isn't an option anymore."
FLUFF/COMFORT 38 "i won't give up on you." 39 "of course i came back for you." 40 "i'll keep you safe." 41 "don't be afraid, it's just me." 42 "i don't think i've ever seen you cry before…" 43 "i'm right here. right here with you." 44 "my door is always open to you." 45 "don’t worry about it, i was already awake." 46 "you were crying in your sleep… you wanna talk about it?" 47 "i broke the lock. you were screaming." 48 "let me stay, please? i can make you breakfast in the morning." 49 "i just came to make sure you're okay." 50 "please don't leave me alone." 51 "it wasn't your fault." 52 "i knew you'd feel guilty; you do understand that i'd take a thousand wounds if it meant keeping you safe, don't you?" 53 "why are you really here? to mock me?” / “no. none of that. i came to be a friend, because it really looks like you need one right now.” 54 “i wish i never acted the way i did towards you. i’m sorry.” / “i know.” 55 "it's my job to keep you safe, yes, but you could work with me a little to make it easier?" 56 "no one is meant to be all alone. that’s not how humans are built. you don’t need to do all this on your own." 57 "you don’t deserve the bad things that happen to you. you never did." 58 "you're the best person i know." 59 "you’re a good person. good people deserve to be safe." 60 "don't say that about yourself." 61 "making you laugh is the best feeling in the world." 62 "let's just stay here. grow old together." 63 "we're not at war anymore, you can come home now."
SMUT 64 “you know, you’re really hot when you’re angry.” 65 "listen, i’ve wanted to get you in bed since you first smiled at me, but we don’t have to do this unless you’re sure." 66 "i love it when you moan my name." 67 "let me give you a reason to stay in bed." 68 "can i help you out of that?" 69 "oh, i see what’s happening here. you’re bored. you want a little attention, huh?" 70 "what's the matter? you look a little flustered." 71 "you don't have to be so gentle with me." 72 "i just didn’t like the way they were looking at you. like you weren’t mine." 73 "we're in public, you know." 74 "if you don't stop teasing me like that, i'm gonna end up bending you over the couch and taking you right here."   75 "come on, i think you have one more for me." 76 "will you be good for me tonight, or do you plan to be disobedient?" 77 "if you don't stop trying to touch me, i'll tie you down." 78 "aw, you can be louder than that, can't you?" 79 "if you want to come, you'd better beg." 80 "i'd probably still adore you with your hands around my neck." 81 "can you feel what you're doing to me?" 82 "do you want [insert character] to join us?" 83 "more, please, i need more." 84 "stand still. keep this book balanced on your head. if it falls we start again." 85 "you stopped counting. start again from one, and this time no crying." 86 "did i say you could speed up? fuck me slowly or i’ll make you stop completely."
SCENARIOS 87 you and your friend are learning how to dance and are frequently paired up. the close proximity is really doing something to you 88 you’re clasping my necklace for me as i look into a mirror and woah, have you always been that hot? you’re behind me and your breath’s warm on my neck… 89 you looked miserable so i asked you for a dance and we’ve been dancing ever since 90 you’re so beautiful you infuriate me but our parents want us to dance 91 someone’s been giving me strange looks all night, will you pretend you're with me to get them off my back? 92 you're my arch nemesis but we have embarrassingly good sex 93 we shared a drunk kiss at a party and now i'm trying to figure out if it meant anything more than that 94 i think you're falling for my best friend and it's killing me 95 i know you always loved me when we were younger… am i too late to return the feeling? 96 i'm trying to memorize every line of your face in case this is the last time i ever see you. no matter what happens, i'll remember you 97 you accidentally fell asleep so i tucked you in 98 we bump into each other in a place neither of us is really supposed to be 99 your mail got mixed up with mine and now i'm wearing the sweater someone sent you for christmas 100 we find ourselves unexpectedly caught in a storm… want to share my umbrella as we rush inside?
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lenklanklonk · 1 year
I'm about to watch AoTC for the first time as an adult and I'm gonna put my thoughts here.
:read more:
1. Beginning scroll says thousands of star systems are leaving the Republic and I'm so shocked cuz like I never thought about how BIG The Republic is??? Ya know?
2. Poor Padmé she's genuinely sad that her handmaiden died and she even expresses her regret for even coming 😭
3. Like why is Naboo still part of the republic? At the end of TPM I totally expected Padmé to give a speech about how the Republic failed them and call for a vote on whether or not to leave. And she (so far) expressed disappointment/distrust in the Senate???
4. Jedi council are all in a meeting with Palpatine. Mace tells him "that we aren't soldiers and that we don't have enough people to protect the Republic." Which just disproves some anti-jedi arguments I've seen
5. Awww Yoda being so sweet and nice to Padmé
6. It's so bittersweet how much the Jedi still believe Dooku to be a good person
7. Jar jar in a dress
8. Obi Wan is like, telling her she's beautiful in front of my salad???
9. Obi-Wan and Anakin are just having a domestic in front of everyone is just so funny
10. Anakin hasn't seen Jar Jar in 10 years and yet the second Padmé leaves the room Anakin just starts ranting about his crush XD is the normal for him? like does Anakin pull random Padawans into conversation and just info dump his problems?
11. "I much rather dream about Padmé" right to Obi Wan's face!? This clown I can't stop laughing
12. Like I totally expect Anakin to have every one of her speeches saved, a scrapbook of her official photos, and maybe even a space Tumblr all about her XD (his username is QueenAmadalasHusband)
13. The only reason Obi-Wan doesn't approve of Padmé is cuz she's a politician XD if Anakin brought Padmé home for Thanksgiving for the first time. it would go like this
" Padmé what do you do for a living? :)"
"I'm a politician. :)"
"oh. :/"
14. Props to the people who worked on the chase scene. The CGI still holds up and the design of the buildings/speeders are nice
15. she's a changeling??? What does that mean in the sw universe cuz I don't think Anakin is saying she's a fairy
16. Looking at the club clothes I'm just thinking like damn what if Disney hired Haus of Gaga to design some star wars clothes
17. :( Yoda says that arrogance is popping up in more and more Jedi
18. Also Mace and Yoda having more faith in Anakin than Obi-Wan is ironic since Anakin would think the opposite
19. I just noticed that jar jar speaks some Spanish?? He said muy muy in the correct context
20. Anakin once again info dumping his problems onto people XD the victim this time? Padmé
21. The sadness Padmé expresses when she tells Anakin not to grow up too fast 🥺 Girl had to grow up so fast
22. Awww Obi-Wan gets hugs from Dex
23. Dex knows of the Kamino?? Huh
24. And now they're showing droidism... It's like finding out your favorite aunt doesn't like the immigrants "taking all the jobs" :/
25. Anakin and Padmé having a heart to heart at a crowded space Denny's
26. Wait Padmé straight up asks if loving is forbidden for Jedi and Anakin immediately corrects her saying "Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden...One might say the Jedi are encouraged to love."
Do the people who are anti-jedi even pay attention?? Like if you find the Jedi order boring just say that, you don't need to come up with a bs moral justification
27. Anakin "your are just like how I see you in my dreams."
Padmé proceeds to pretend she didn't hear that
28. Every time Anakin mentions having dreams about Padmé I just assume they're wet dreams
29. Yoda is teaching the younglings to listen to their feelings so the unfeeling Jedi trope is just fanon. Good to know
30. It's kinda sad how Padmé didn't actually enjoy being Queen
31. Padmé just straight up dis Anakin in front of the queen "he's not a Jedi just a Padawan learner" like I'm pretty sure every one who is in the Jedi order is called a Jedi the difference is only in rank
32. I do like Kamino design
33. Excuse me!? Anakin and Padmé are already kissing?? I feel like I missed a few scenes
34. Anakin straight up to Padmé's face suggests that if a wise person is in charge then maybe dictatorship isn't so bad. Palpatine's influence no doubt. He probably also got it into Anakin's head that he's the best one for the job
35. I can see why Jango/Obi-Wan is a thing. It's not for me but I see it
36. Anakin's "agony" speech is actually quite poetic. I personally don't find it romantic but it's certainly poetic and pretty sounding.
37. I know Anakin is talking specifically about his love for her but him saying that he can't be rational. is funny when applied to his whole character
38. Aww :( the foreshadowing of them keeping their relationship a secret would destroy them
39. Wow George Lucas is not subtle
40. Anakin's nightmare scene and all I can do is stare at his nipples 🙈
41. I'm glad they show Watto getting his cumupence
42. Props to the costume department Padmé is styling
43. I really do love Owen and Beru. I'm glad the actors got to come back for the Kenobi show
44. Wow Cliegg I know they kidnapped your wife but you really shouldn't generalize a whole people group like that. wow Ani really took what he said and Internalized it huh
45. 10,000 more systems!? Once again how BIG is the Republic!!????
46. Shim's actress is so good her trying to say 'I love you' made me tear up :(
47. I don't really like how short the scene where Anakin kills the tusken raiders. It's the first time (of the prequels) we see Anakin touch the dark side. It's a huge turning point for his character. I feel like it should be treated as a climax. Bit it feels anti climatic to cut away. I just feel like it should've highlighted more that these are real sentient people he's massacring.
48. What the fuck!? Anakin just blames Obi-Wan??? Palpatine don't gotta manipulate that. That boy will really blame everyone else before taking responsibility,
49. I can see why people type Ani as Nuro divergent
50. Anakin's response is interesting 🤔 to Padmé's statement that "it's human to be angry" is "I am a Jedi. I know I'm better than this." Idk on how to put it into words but this statement recontextulizes a lot for me... I think I'll make a whole post on its own about this
51. Cliegg at the funeral thanking Shim for everything 😭
52. Anakin,I hate sand, grabbing the dirt from Shim's grave :(
53. Wow Anakin thinks he already lost Obi-Wan like he lost his mom and Padmé is like nope we're going after him
54. Palpatine Really calling Padmé out for being radical enough to call a vote for emergency powers. I can't help but feel this is a reference to TPM
55. Dooku straight up lying to Obi Wan right from the start. It makes more sense now that Obi Wan didn't believe him when he said the sith was on the Senate
56. Dooku calling Obi-Wan,my young Jedi, really shows how the phrase got passed from master to master :)
57. Like really the only truth Dooku has said so far is about Darth Sidious I really don't blame Obi-Wan for thinking it's also a lie.
58. Jar Jar is the one who proposes giving Palpatine emergency powers 💀
59. C3PO and R2 really are the Scooby and Shaggy of the star wars universe
60. Padmé really was almost boiled alive
61. "I'm not afraid to die. I've been dying a little bit each day since you came back into my life."
If I was drinking I would've done a spit take.
62. Awww Anakin looks genuinely surprised and happy that she loves him 🥹
63. Good to know that the base of their relationship is we may die so let's love each other while we can. At least on Padmé's side of things
64. Anakin said the "I've got a bad feeling about this" line. Now Obi-Wan knows Qui Gon's pain
65. Mace is so cool why do people hate him?
66. I've decided Obi-Wan and Mace are bros
67. Wow I did not know Mace was the one to kill Jango 😯
68. Jedi are dying :(
69. Wait the first plans for the death star started here???
70. In like a spy modern Au during the high speed chase scene Dooku would be on a motorcycle while the trio chase him in a car
71. Poor Obi-Wan. He missed Anakin's entire character arc and now has no idea how to properly communicate with him
72. I keep trying to figure out which clone is Cody but so far no luck
73. I do love Dooku's lightsaber design
74. Aww he pushed Anakin in exactly the right position to put his head on Obi-Wan's feet 🥺
75. Oh shit I forgot that this would be the first time audiences saw Yoda be BAMF. I hope people lost their shit
76. Padmé just runs up and gives Anakin a hug right in front of Obi-Wan and Yoda. These two are not subtle in the slightest
77. Mace doesn't dismiss Dooku's claim of Darth Sidious having control of the Senate. Once again another complaint I've seen turns out to not be true
78. Yoda is so wise for realizing that geonosis wasn't a victory but a loss cuz war has started
79. Having the imperial march play after the declaration of the clone wars starting makes me think that THIS is the true start of the Empire not when the Jedi order was destroyed
80. Padmé's wedding dress is so pretty. I want it
Final thoughts
I definitely had more fun watching this movie than TPM.
I found the beginning of the movie and the way the exposition was given hilarious. I laughed so hard.
Another take away from this movie is a lot of complaints about Mace, Yoda, and the order in general are not based on Canon just personal feelings
Even if Anakin never fell, Palpatine has everything planned so well the Empire would still rise. The Jedi were truly placed in a lose lose scenario. The countdown on the end of the Jedi order started with this movie
I don't understand why people found Anakin annoying but then again people really really don't like teenagers and Anakin was definitely acting his age of 19
It's obvious on Padmé's side of the relationship is: Fuck it, my whole life I've done my duty, never got to be a teenager, and I may die any day, I might as well do what I want and marry the man I love. I would rather love and lost than never loved at all.
But on Anakin's end he has a firm belief that he needs to get more and more powerful to keep the people he loves from dying. On his relationship with Padmé, I think Anakin's brain functions on an if so, then statements. If I love Padmé and she loves me, then we should get married. :) And that's all the thought he put into it.
Padmé has accepted her mortality. Anakin has not.
Poor Obi-Wan. He missed Anakin's entire character arc so 1) he can't properly help Anakin with his emotions 2) correct Anakin's wrong assumption that if he got more powerful he could solve his problems and 3) now can't communicate properly since Obi-Wan doesn't know their relationship dynamic has changed
Phew it's done!
Because I kept pausing to write my commentary this movie took 4 hours to watch XD
I can't believe I wrote 80 points. I may put some of them in separate posts
Thank you for reading till the end. The fact that someone cared enough about my thoughts to read the whole thing makes me very happy 😊
May the Force be with you!
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the-firebird69 · 10 months
So few things going on here it kind of lunatics you know they look really stupid they want to go right up to people tell him dumb things went up to our son and demanding stuff I don't like it just people are crazy. I'm going to write the report the way it should be
-I've been holding off on it but they're almost gone and they're getting dangerous and it's that time Hera says
-a few more things happening here and one of them is the 75% of the houses that the warlock owned are cordoned off that's 75% of the 25% of Florida. Now it's not that much in Charlotte county so these people don't do anything lots of them don't
-they're also courting off about 50% of the apartments that are owned by mohawk that are remaining and out of what they owned is only 20% that remained that leaves 10% of what they had it first remaining
-they're also cording off trailer parts they're 3% of the housing in Florida and they have cordoned off about 1.5% for real and they are emptying it and pulling all the trailers out no matter what kind of trailer it is
-it's also another aspect to this these people look for respect for my son from practically anything we can't even look at them they're so stupid some of them do real work but most of them don't do any and it's terrible
-there a few more pointers but we're getting to the business of the day. Is about 20% of them that are completely full of nonsense no it's about 80%.
-The layoffs and firings went according to plan that's Max plan and the proceeding to fire more. At about 2.5% of the government jobs they proceeded to 3% leaving only 2%. At 10% private jobs left they proceeded to fire 2% more
-they finally laid off 25 more of the Charlotte county sheriff and that's from their ranks and they fired 10 went to go to police. One of them is wondering back and forth near a sun acting like some sort of a****** cop deranged weakling weird idiot and we watch out for that because he's saying stuff
-you see several of them running around town without clothing on and they're being arrested they're down to about 18 or 17 left and they're going to continue to rest them and yeah their trumpsters
-there's a lot of people around bothering him for tons of reasons but they are falling quite steadily here 20 more went out to the line on the inside the inside ring I have not returned they've been strategizing and planning all day and trying to raise people from outside the 11th ring more people somehow got in and they are going to try again I usually people who are higher up wanting to take the spots. Almost always fail they plan to try and do something around 3:00 p.m..
-I also at the end of the day they plan on trying to strike the max that's a combined effort with all the more luck. They're encouraging zerg to do so too. They're wearing cosplay and they're gearing up and they're trying to get them to board their ships it was just strike around 6:00 p.m.
-we anticipate Tommy F launching this evening and we do know why. And they are getting ready and have Wall sections huge numbers of them and Giants all over the place and giant robots the giant giant move. They also are going to try and bring in ships and launch them from Earth and large numbers. And they're moving shortly but it's going to be late at night. It will still cause catastrophic earthquakes and the upper Midwest and Midwest will evacuate and the crabs will be attacking the South
-it's a few more things to announce we have actually had enough exposure to the east understand it of course and we're proceeding it is however at a certain threat level and we have to increase our presence. Now.
Thor Freya
Now ok now
Hera ok...
Spring Castle heartgasm Frank Castle Hardcastle
0 notes
develation · 3 years
A Lifeguard's preach- please read
Okay, hi, welcome to my Ted talk. So surprise for some of you but I work as a lifeguard, and I have some things to say about my experience for the 2 years I've worked as one.
A lot of people have decided it's okay to crap on first responders lately, which is a subject I will lightly touch on. But pool lifeguards have been under-appreciated for a very long time. The pool I work at is like a mini-waterpark. We have slides, basketball hoops, a water playground, a lazy river (with tubes), an obstacle course, and concessions. Were not just your neighborhood pool, which means there are more dangers to look out for. Because you can tell yourself that things never happen, but that's a lie. Every day, things always happen.
So today I was walking my stand (grazing stands there called because you walk back and forth for 20 mins straight and then move to the next stand to do it all over again for another 20 mins. repeat that process for 2 hours on lazy river rotation). And this lady decided to sit right in the middle of where I'm walking. Now in lifeguarding, we have to keep a 10/20, which means 10 seconds to see someone and 20 seconds to get to them. And the zone I'm on is SCS which is the little kid playground, y'know, with TODDLERS AND BABIES EVERYWHERE. So in order to properly scan my zone and make sure none of these babies start choking on water, I ask her to move. And she looks at me and goes, "well you should have a sign there that says that." She moves, but did this lady seriously tell me that we should have a sign that says- "Please don't sit in the Lifeguards way. They are trying to make sure you and your child don't die." Like what?!
It's not just her, I alone have been disrespected so much on this job, it's stupid. I've had moms tell me to LEAVE MY ZONE and go get their kid because it will be my fault if they drown when the mother herself is on the other side of the lazy river. I've saved a boy and the mother said, "He was fine. I'm not filling out the paperwork, I just want to enjoy my last ten minutes here." Like, YOUR FUCKING WELCOME.
I am so sick of this. Do people don't even know the amount of training we do just to even work? I have at least 200 hours of training, and I don't even work the full year's cuz of school. It's not just CPR y'know? I know how to and train to handle Rescue-Breathing, seizures, chest compressions (yes, that is different from CRP), allergic reactions, heat stroke, burns, chemical burns (mostly for employees because we work with that stuff), Heimlich, Spinals (head, neck, and back injuries), eye trauma, and more. I, WE, may be no police officer or EMT, but we know our shit.
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For working in general, while you're sitting in that cool water enjoying life. Where sitting there (or even worse, walking) in 2-hour rotations sweating our asses off. You can talk about those umbrellas we get on sitting stands all day BUT THEY DON'T DO CRAP. Because the sun MOVES in the sky. And most shifts are from 10:45 to 6:30, open to close. I have only worked 3 shifts that haven't been 7 or 8 hours long.
"What about lunch breaks?" well guess what, we don't get one! Every 2 hours we get 17 min breaks (15 guards on stand and 3 in break room at all times, that's how our rotation works) that could be interrupted at any moment because people don't drown on a schedule. My water bottle is broken (it leaks) from how many times I've thrown that thing when a long whistle goes off.
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Just imagine, you're sitting there eating your well-deserved sandwich, slipping some water from your water bottle, chatting it up with the other guards. And then out of fucking nowhere- BRRRRRRRRRRRRR- *Hi this is adrenaline, I'm gonna turn all the way up now* "OH SHIT SOMEONE'S DROWNING FUCK FUCK FUCK-." And now you, your boss, and other 2 break guards are sprinting full speed across the pool deck trying not to trip over your own equipment. With your food and water bottle forgotten on the concrete of the guard-room floor. [It was a very sad day. I had ordered Jimmy Johns just for that...]
I have saved 8 people, all of them children. And every day, there are at least 2 saves, which means someone is drowning and a lifeguard has to jump in for them. Realistically though? There have been too many days for me to count where there were 8 or if not more saves. People take pool safety for granted, there fucking idiots who think that just because they're tall enough to go down the slide they can swim in the 12-foot deep catch pool. They think that they can go in the lazy river without a tube. Or that they don't need a lifejacket. Parents are idiots, who don't watch their children. In one of my saves, I watched a kid disappear underwater in front of me. One second they were above water and the next, just gone. It's not like the movies guys, there's no screaming or splashing. There's the weird doggy paddle, and then they stop making distance and are weirdly treading, and then they're gone. And then you have to pick out from the kids who are floating with their backs on the surface, the kids who pretend to drown for fun, and the adults who think it's okay to "test" the lifeguards.
Just today, within the first 20 mins of open we have a lady pass out. There's something horrifying about holding someone's limp body in your hands and them not waking up. Last year we had a lifeguard pass out from the heat on the lazy river. Just flop straight onto the pavement. In years past we had a woman have a heart attack on the deck. We kept her alive until EMS arrived but she died in the hospital 3 days later. There was another lady who busted her knee open and bled everywhere. Stuff always happens.
I make $10.86 an hour to save people's lives and get shit on while doing it. It's not everybody, I meet those parents who say, "Don't worry, I'll yell at them." Those kids whole actually put their tubes back and put back the tubes that everybody left right next to the corral. That one dude who filled up my water bottle with his water because, "I looked like I was melting and needed something good today". Those girls who say I'm pretty despite all my scaring and me having short hair (yes I have gotten judged for being a girl and having short hair). But most of the time, we are ignored and looked down upon.
Trust me, we don't mind small talk. Or making jokes, telling stories. We just want to be appreciated. And I just don't feel that most of the time. My bosses have been amazing to me, and they are one of the only reasons I come to work with a smile on my face. But above all that, I just want to fulfill the childhood-old dream of being a hero. Of saving a life. I know I'm not quite suited out for firefighting or EMT's or policing.
But I'm still doing it. And I would like for others to just see me, instead of yelling at me for saving their child's life.
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rgrettes · 4 years
heyy, I hope I'm not bothering but I've seen that you used to post about faberry and faberry fics like Shafd, and since I'm trying to find some faberry fanfics to read, could you please recommend me some of your favorites? Thank you :)
OKAY so this took me a whole lot longer than anticipated because I didn’t want to make it be like 500 fics long! But here, in no particular order, are my top 10 faberry fanfics! [excluding SHAfD of course bc whomever asked this definitely knows SHAfD!]I will be including trigger warnings/content warnings! Please be sure that you can handle the subjects before reading the content! Be safe and put your mental and physical wellbeing before a work of fiction!
10. Dirty Little Secret by patchesofink
Chapters: 77/77 [208k]
This fic would actually happen to be the first faberry fic that I ever read. I felt my little 15 year old self cry several times throughout this fic. It’s what first got me into writing fanfic, because I wanted to write as well as this author! There is a content warning so please be careful reading it if you are sensitive to topics mentioned!
Rachel has a secret and Quinn has figured it out - but will Quinn use this knowledge to exact revenge on Rachel for telling Finn that Puck was really the father or will she use her own experiences to help. WARNING - language and sexual content, r*pe.
9. I’ll Be by stix04
Chapters: 20/20 [330k]
God I was such a sucker for fake dating au’s as a young teenager and I’m most definitely a sucker for them now. This one I didn’t read right when it came out, I didn’t actually find it until it had finished but it still makes my top 20 because it’s just too good not to talk about!
Can Quinn pretend to be in love with Rachel just to get out of Lima? Can Rachel pretend to love Quinn so she's not so lonely in New York? And what happens when both girls realize they're no longer pretending?
8. Long Way to Happy by patchesofink 
Chapters: 42/42 [104k]
This is the sequel to Dirty Little Secret and makes the list for being just as good as the original. This author is so talented and the story just resonates in my soul! 
warnings for sexual content, language, violence and potential ptsd triggers!
Sequel to Dirty Little Secret. Rachel still has some healing to do as well with dealing with becoming a mom. Quinn has her own issues to deal with. Can their fledgling relationship deal with the ups and downs of life and cope with senior year? Quinn learns to open up and Rachel deals with motherhood and not letting her past define her. It's a Long Way to Happy.
7. Leather Jackets and Bad Coffee by antonius
Chapters: 11/?? [75k] [has not updated since 2018 :(]
Bikers, 50′s style diners, and good girl/bad girl pairing. Literally who could ask for anything more? I’m super sad this one hasn’t updated in a long time but it’s still such a fun read!!
warning for violence!
Ninety miles and nearly two hours from the heart of New York City, just off of PA-33 North, is the little town of Belfast, Pennsylvania: population 1,257. Right outside the city limits sits Moe's, a small 24-hour diner whose newest waitress, Rachel Berry, has taken her best friend Kurt's advice and started a calm summer temp job away from the hustle-and-bustle of busy city life in order to rest up before her final year at NYADA.During her very first midnight shift, she encounters a group of rowdy regulars led by a pink-haired woman with piercing hazel eyes. Quinn Fabray is the leader of the Skanks, a small but well-known local biker gang that doesn't take shit from anyone.So began the strangest summer of Rachel Berry's life.
6. Talk by saintdyke
Chapters: 17/? [43k] [last updated may 2019]
This is another one I’m sad hasn’t updated in a while! This honestly stole my heart to a point that in the time I found it in mid April 2019 and June of 2019 I have re-visited the fic 105 times, rereading it at least half as many as that. I’m really hoping the author comes back to the fic, because it was keeping me on the edge of my seat.
warning for violence, abuse mentions and depictions, homophobia and ptsd triggers!
(Previously titled Grease Stains, Starry Skies) Famous actress Rachel Berry’s car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. A pretty blonde with a blue truck rescues her from the side of the road, and just so happens to own an Auto Repair shop in town. Quinn is frustrating and mysterious, and Rachel is just as stubborn. Together, they start a revolution.
5. Just off the Key of Reason by iamapanda
Chapters: 30/30 [129k]
This one is another absolute classic in the Faberry fandom, and is another fic that has stuck with me throughout the years! It has a fantastic softer take on Quinn that I truly appreciated because everyone back in the early years of the fandom would make her so angry and bitter and she’s just so soft in some interpretations
Rachel Berry is a successful Broadway star with a new roommate, the very odd, naive Quinn Fabray. It starts with a note on the fridge and a childishly scrawled doodle of an elephant. Everybody has a little crazy in them.
4. Still off the Key of Reason by iamapanda
Chapters: 37/37 [185k]
The sequel to Just off the Key of Reason! Still as soft and as crazy! I can’t mention one without having the other in the list as well! I can’t explain how it feels to look at the ff.net pages after so long, my heart is transported back to 2011 and I’m sitting on my bed after I’m supposed to be in bed. I miss the days where I could just spend time reading these fics and not having adult responsibilities.
Quinn is thundering her way through vet school. Rachel is enlightening the west coast with her talent. The story continues with a wedding, dogs in tuxedos, and Pooh Bear vows. Crazy never fades.
3. A Million Miles of Fun by Jade8Devlin
Chapters: 12/12 [103k]
This one is a little different from the last ones! It isn’t my favorite because of its literary genius, but because of how fun and out there it is! It’s concept is fresh and dark and something I honestly didn’t expect to see but it quickly grew to be a favorite for me!
warning for violence, abuse, mentions of murder! the whole story revolves around The Unholy Trinity + Rachel murdering Quinn’s family so please take that into consideration!
And in Lima, Ohio, a man and woman were killed earlier today during what is believed to be a home invasion. Russell Fabray was last seen leaving Gas'N'Go at two o'clock; his wife, Judith, from a grocery story an hour earlier. Police are linking the double homicide to the area's recent surge in breaking and entering – though these appear to be the first fatalities. The victims are survived by their daughters; Quinn and Stacey."Jessalyn Briggs shuffles the papers on her desk, clearing her throat. The somber expression on her face seems to float off her as she turns towards camera 3."Otis-the-Otter finishes today's news headlines as the little critter that could. Abandoned by his mother and found foraging for scraps in the Nelson family's garbage cans, Otis has proven; if you can't teach an old dog new tricks, teach them to an otter! Otis placed second at this year's Ohio Dog Show after last year's well-documented struggle by the Nelson family to allow Otis to be included. Well done Otis, we here at Channel 43 salute you.
2. The Silence of Silence by your.kat
Chapters: 31/31 [135k]
This one... I can’t describe why I liked it, I just liked it.
warning for mental health, and trauma [possible others, please read with caution]
Quinn and Rachel meet at Haverbrook under unusual circumstances. Why is Rachel silent? And why does Quinn care? "You can hear," Quinn said simply, "but can you speak?"; "Yes," Rachel signed. "I can speak. But silence is a friend who will never betray."
1. Kissing Quinn Fabray by vondrunkaton
Chapters: 6/6 [45k]
This one just makes me super warm and fuzzy inside. I don’t think I can say it’s entirely changed my life but it’s just so soft and i love it
Quinn comforts Rachel after Finn says something oafish. Rachel is surprised by how sweet Quinn is. There's also some making out in delicious detail. Fluffy getting together fic.
I am super open to talking about more fics I love/like and other pairings! This was a ton of fun to talk about and sent me down memory lane! I went searching for two hours on a vague memory of a fic that I think has been deleted by now. But if anyone wants to help me track it down! Hit me up and I’ll give you the details!
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2020 20 Fact Game!
Thank you very much to @petrichoravellichor for the tag!
1. Do you make your bed?
....no, but I should. I need to start doing it every day
2. What's your favorite number?
9! I've always liked it for some reason. Maybe because it's my birthdate
3. What's your job?
I work in a bakery in a grocery store! (Soon-to-be cake decorator!)
4. If you could, would you go back to school?
HELL no, lmao. I don't have any plans to go to college either.
5. Can you parallel park?
Nope. But I've also never tried it, so who knows.
6. A job you had which would surprise people?
Idk. I babysat my neighbors kids for a year when I was like 14? That might surprise people cause I have no chemistry with kids and don't usually like them (it's on a case-to-case basis, though)
7. Do you think aliens are real?
Yes. I think it's a little narcissistic to think that in the vast, literally INFINITE universe that we're the ONLY planet that contains life. But, do I think aliens have ever come to Earth and they're hold up somewhere in Area 51? No.
8. Can you drive a manual car?
9. What's your guilty pleasure?
Oof uhh probably a lot of things lmao! Hmmm... I still collect stuffed animals and the song The Longest Time by Billy Joel
10. Tattoos?
(I love how this question is worded lol. Just tattoos question mark.)
I don't have any. I have nothing against them, but I don't have anything meaningful enough to put it permanently on my body, not to mention I'm extremely indecisive and I don't think I could ever get one because I know I'd get sick of it at some point.
11. Favorite color?
Baby blue.
12. Things people do that drive you crazy?
Customers leaving items in random places around stores (people do a lot of things but that's my biggest pet peeve even outside of work)
13. Any phobias?
Spiders, bugs, heights, and drowning (fun fact, I had a near-drowning experience when I was 3)
14. Favorite childhood sport?
SOCCER. I was the best goalie. The ball never got past me.
15. Do you talk to yourself?
Always have. I think everyone does, to some extent.
16. What movie do you adore?
It's a three way tie: Back to the Future (*cough* @letsseeifyoubastardscando90), 101 Dalmatians (@dogsofdisney), and The Wizard of Oz. Those are my top 3 favorite movies, I quote them all the time (especially the first one) and I know all sorts of trivia about each of them.
17. Do you like doing puzzles?
I LOVE puzzles.
18. Favorite kind of music?
Easy. Fall Out Boy.
19. Tea or coffee?
Coffee, unless the tea is peach tea, then I like both.
20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up?
A dog. For years when I was little I really wanted to be a dog. Forget school, forget homework, forget being a human, just the carefree life of a dog.
I tag: @tallsadsam @moonscastiel @magneticghouls @atinystankings @someoneoffthestreet @dammitsammy and anyone else who wants to do this, consider yourself tagged and say I tagged you!
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lexi-bloom · 5 years
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Age: 0 years
I was born a female in Tokyo, Japan. I was a planned pregnancy.
My birthday is August 30. I am a Virgo.
My name is Lexi Bloom.
My father is Ichiro Bloom, a real estate agent (age 40).
My mother is Yui Bloom, an Army enlistee (age 26).
Age: 1 year
I banged on a xylophone that I found in my crib.
Age: 2 years
My mother has been promoted to Staff Sergeant.
I threw a tantrum when my mother took me to the doctor's office to get vaccinated.
Age: 3 years
I'm starting to think that naptime is the worst time of the day.
I let another child play with my favorite toy.
Age: 4 years
My mother has been promoted to Sergeant First Class.
Residents of Uruguay have largely converted to hempseed-based protein as their main source of nutrients.
Age: 5 years
I went home with my head hung low after I peed myself in front of the other kids at the park.
Age: 6 years
My mother has been promoted to Master Sergeant.
I have been enrolled in elementary school at Yuki Kishimoto Elementary School.
I learned how to tie my shoes.
Age: 7 years
I was appreciative to my parents for taking me on a road trip to visit relatives in Kyoto, Japan.
Age: 8 years
I'm starting to think my dad may be a superhero.
I admitted to my parents that I broke their mailbox.
Age: 9 years
My classmate, Hideki, acted up in Mrs. Kaneko's class. I laughed at his antics.
I was sent to the headmaster's office for encouraging a misbehaving classmate.
I argued with the headmaster, Mr. Huang.
I received a warning from the headmaster.
Age: 10 years
My mother has been promoted to Sergeant Major.
I told some of the girls in my neighborhood I wasn't interested in going to see "Beam Me Up Ryuki" with them.
Age: 11 years
My classmate, Satoru, asked me out.
I am now going out with Satoru Fukuda.
Age: 12 years
Satoru started lower secondary school.
My mother and my father had a baby boy named Takeshi, my new brother. He was an accidental pregnancy.
I started lower secondary school at Hana Fujita Lower Secondary School.
Satoru broke up with me.
I lunged at Satoru!
I impaled his nose.
He lunged at me!
He busted my jugular.
Age: 13 years
I have stepped in gum 74 times this year and it's only April.
Age 13: l have stepped in gum 74 times this year and it's only April.
I have been diagnosed with depression.
I got my first period.
Age: 14 years
My mother and my father had a baby boy named Rento, my new brother. He was conceived after my father's condom broke.
My classmate, Akari, asked me to help her cheat in Mrs. Ikeda's class.
I visited the headmaster's office and reported my classmate, Akari, for for trying to get me to help her cheat.
The headmaster, Mr. Kato, said he would look into it.
Age: 15 years
I started upper secondary school at Yu Tanaka Upper Secondary School.
I decided to see what extracurricular activities were available at my new upper secondary school.
Age: 16 years
Iraq has enforced an asset freeze on Puerto Rico.
I am cured of depression.
I am heterosexual.
Age: 17 years
I think my teacher may be experiencing gas issues.
I was cut from the cross country team for performance reasons.
Age: 18 years
My little brother, Takeshi, started elementary school.
I graduated from upper secondary school.
I've been wondering how many people have actually had seizures watching "Stranger Things".
I applied to university and was accepted.
My parents refused to pay my university tuition.
My application for a scholarship to university was rejected.
I took out a student loan to pay for my university tuition.
I started a university program in music.
Age: 19 years
I've been thinking a lot lately about what it would be like if I had a doppelgänger out there somewhere, and also wondering what my hypothetical lookalike is doing right now.
I passed my driving test and got a driving license.
Age: 20 years
My little brother, Rento, started elementary school.
My ex-boyfriend, Satoru, asked to get back together with me. I agreed to get back together with him.
Age: 21 years
I witnessed a Soundcloud rapper drinking and driving. She saw me call the police!
The Soundcloud rapper charged me!
She grappled my mouth.
I ran away from her.
Age: 22 years
My father retired.
I graduated from university with an undergraduate degree in music.
I have to start paying back my student loan for university.
I think my neighbor may be distributing marijuana.
Age: 22 years
My father retired.
I graduated from university with an undergraduate degree in music.
I have to start paying back my student loan for university.
I think my neighbor may be distributing marijuana.
I applied to medical school but my application was rejected.
I applied to graduate school and was accepted.
My parents refused to pay my graduate school tuition.
My application for a scholarship to graduate school was rejected.
I took out a student loan to pay for my graduate school tuition.
I started graduate school.
Age: 23 years
I refused to skip school with my classmate, Prija.
Age: 24 years
My little brother, Takeshi, started lower secondary school.
I completed graduate school.
I have to start paying back my student loan for graduate school.
I got an interview at The City of Tokyo for their Archaeologist opening.
I was hired for the position of Archaeologist for The City of Tokyo with a salary of $28,704.
Age: 25 years
Religious feuds fester between Spain and Cuba.
I decided to have a one night stand with Haruma Nakajima.
I practiced safe sex.
Age: 26 years
My little brother, Rento, started lower secondary school.
I have been given a raise of 4.8%. My salary is now $30,074.
I refused to join social media.
I called Satoru the life of the party.
I made love to Satoru.
I'm pregnant with Satoru's baby!
Satoru did not feel like making love to me.
I called Satoru enlightened.
Age: 27 years
My little brother, Takeshi, started upper secondary school.
The City of Tokyo promoted me to Sr. Archaeologist with a salary of $36,231.
A woman approached me and told me if my forehead was any bigger it would be a "fivehead".
I gave birth to a baby girl! I named her Sayaka Bloom.
Satoru argued with me because I didn't use his surname for the baby. I promised him I wouldn't do it again.
Satoru broke up with me. I called him a lamebrain.
Age: 28 years
I've been thinking a lot lately about whose computer I would hack into if I could choose just one person.
I was feeling very tired one afternoon, so I drank a lot of water to rehydrate my body.
Age: 29 years
My little brother, Rento, started upper secondary
My little brother, Rento, started upper secondary school.
I finally got a new pair of running shoes.
I chose to vaccinate my daughter, Sayaka.
Age: 30 years
My little brother, Takeshi, graduated from upper secondary school.
While walking downtown, I noticed some creepy old guys checking me out with binoculars from an office in a nearby building.
My daughter, Sayaka, wrote on the walls with a permanent marker. I had a heart-to-heart talk with her about her behavior.
Age: 31 years
My little brother, Takeshi, enlisted in the Navy.
I fully paid off my student loan for university.
My baby daddy, Satoru, sent me a pic of a bottle of wine, two glasses, and a condom. I forwarded it to all of my friends.
Age: 32 years
My little brother, Takeshi, has fathered a girl named Reina Bloom. My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Seaman Apprentice.
My little brother, Rento, graduated from upper secondary school.
My parents tried to arrange a marriage between me and a Japanese guy named Takumi Takeuchi.
I agreed to marry him.
I married Takumi Takeuchi.
Following the wedding, I decided to keep my last name, Bloom.
Takumi decided to keep his name.
Age: 33 years
My daughter, Sayaka, started elementary school.
My little brother, Takeshi, married Haruka Yamashita, a 26-year old restaurant worker.
My little brother, Rento, started a new position as Receptionist for Peacock Systems.
I fully paid off my student loan for graduate school.
I spent some time relaxing by enjoying a sunrise.
Takumi didn't want to have a conversation with me.
I liked every photo that my baby daddy, Satoru, has ever posted on Instagram.
He confronted me! He begged me to leave him alone.
I made a fake Snapchat account and followed my ex-fling, Haruma.
Age: 34 years
My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Seaman.
I found a satchel full of cocaine. I turned it in.
I texted my baby daddy, Satoru, to ask him for a pair of his dirty underwear.
He confronted me! He begged me to leave him alone.
Takumi does not want to have a threesome.
I berated Takumi for not wanting to have a threesome.
I prowled the streets.
I stole a Toyota RAV4!
Age: 35 years
My daughter, Sayaka, loves riding around in my Toyota RAV4.
I secretly kept a large diamond I found while working at an excavation site.
Age: 36 years
My little brother, Takeshi, and his wife, Haruka, had a baby boy named Soma Bloom. My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Petty Officer Third Class.
My mother has retired from the Army.
I took Takumi to the theater to see "Who's Inside Me?".
Age: 37 years
My little brother, Takeshi, and his wife, Haruka, had a baby boy named Yusei Bloom.
My little brother, Rento, moved out.
I somehow managed to kill a desktop cactus.
I was released from my job as Sr. Archaeologist for The City of Tokyo.
I called my supervisor a douchelord on my way out.
Age: 38 years
My niece, Reina, started elementary school.
My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Petty Officer Second Class.
Takumi and I had a threesome with Gabriela Miura.
Takumi left me for Gabriela Miura.
The judge made me pay Takumi Takeuchi $17,247 to settle the divorce.
I had dark thoughts.
I electrocuted my ex's husband, Yuki, by throwing a toaster into his bath! He died.
I had dark thoughts.
I electrocuted my ex, Takumi, by throwing a toaster into his bath! He died.
I had dark thoughts.
I electrocuted my ex, Gabriela, by throwing a toaster into her bath! She died.
I had dark thoughts.
I electrocuted my ex, Haruma, by throwing a toaster into his bath! He died.
I had dark thoughts.
I hit my ex, Satoru, over his head with a stick that I found! He died.
I have been convicted of murder and sentenced to death by hanging!
They sent me to Tokyo Federal Penitentiary, a maximum security prison.
I hired Honda & Associates to appeal my sentence.
My sentence was overturned!
I have been freed from prison.
I had eyelid surgery performed by Dr. Taiga Yamazaki.
I had a nose job performed by Dr. Taiga Yamazaki.
I decided to have a one night stand with Manato Tanaka.
I practiced safe sex.
Age: 39 years
My daughter, Sayaka, started lower secondary school.
A friend of my friend offered to set me up with a job as Jr. Marine Biologist for Mr. Falcon.
I was hired for the position of Jr. Marine Biologist for Mr. Falcon with a salary of $21,226.
Age: 40 years
My little brother, Takeshi, and his wife, Haruka, had a baby boy named Yuma Bloom. My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Petty Officer First Class.
I said no to anabolic steroids.
Age: 41 years
I have been given a raise of 10.4%. My salary is now $23,425.
I looked at some butts.
I pickpocketed an old geezer! He had $56 in his wallet.
I decided to have a one night stand with Haruki Harada.
I changed my mind since there was no condom available.
I told my daughter, Sayaka, that she's the bee's knees.
I asked Keisuke Kobayashi on a date and he rejected me.
I am now dating Shinsuke Ikeda.
Age: 42 years
My daughter, Sayaka, started upper secondary school.
My nephew, Soma, started elementary school.
My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Chief Petty Officer.
Mr. Falcon promoted me to Marine Biologist with a salary of $33,324.
My boyfriend, Shinsuke, likes to drive my Toyota RAV4 even more than I do.
Age: 43 years
My nephew, Yusei, started elementary school.
Itook guitar lessons and learned how to play "Freebird" by Lynyrd Skynyrd.
I called Shinsuke fascinating.
Shinsuke and I made love.
I'm pregnant with Shinsuke's baby!
I made a fake Facebook account and friend requested my ex-fling, Manato.
Age: 44 years
My niece, Reina, started lower secondary school.
My little brother, Takeshi, has been promoted to Senior Chief Petty Officer.
I have been given a raise of 6.6%. My salary is now $35,523.
My father died of complications from old age.
I paid my respects at his funeral.
I gave birth to a baby boy! I named him Riku Ikeda.
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cinnab3an · 5 years
Get to know me some more
This time tagged by @goodnightmoonvale
1. Nicknames: my name doesnt lend to nicknames well (teigan) so the only one I have directly based off my name is teigangerine, and that's technically not a nickname since it doesnt shorten my name??? Idk. The folks at my job call me red so that's what I usually go by
2. Zodiac: scorpio. The primary scorpio fact I know is that they are supposed to be Super Horny And Sexy and that's not me in the slightest, no, but supposedly also passionate and fierce too which is also not me. Yesterday I looked at a horoscope piece and the drawing of the scorpion hurt every piece of my soul. Listen, i was premature and i i wasn't even supposed to be a scorpio
3. Hogwarts house: I've "tested" into ravenclaw and hufflepuff. I think I lean more toward hufflepuff but I'm also not that into harry potter so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ what do I know
4. Height: Its been at least over a year since the last time I was measure but probably 5'4" and a half , or a quarter
5. The last thing I googled:
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6. Favorite musicians: usually I dont like more than 1 or 2 songs by a person or band, so I'll say if I like more than 8 songs by someone then they have favorite status. That would be: flogging molly, radical face, Keaton Henson, and steam powered giraffe
7. Song stuck in my head: silhouettes/ by sleeping at last. Idk I havent even heard it in a few days but for some reason I just cant stop thinking about it
8. Followers: 160
9. Following: 318
10. Do you get asks: I used to, but that's mostly because I staunchly refused to speak to my friends through messaging and so we all communicated by sending asks xD. Every now and then I get some, but not like I used to
11. Amount of sleep: recently I've been getting about 5 or 6 hours a night but that might be because I moved out of the dorm bed and into a king bed? The last few months at school I would get around 3 or less because my body hated me. I also nap a bit around the house so that adds another hour or two
12. Lucky number: I dont have one. I usually pick 11 or 19 because of my birthday but I'm not emotionally attached to any numbers
13. What're you wearing: a truly ridiculously fluffy white sweater, my oldest pair of leggings, and two bracelets that my friends made me
14. Dream job: short answer, explorer. If I had to think of everything I would love to do and find the common factor, it would be exploring. I want to go on adventures and see new things and just be surrounded by the environment. Too bad the majority of the world is already discovered and I have an incredible fear of the ocean :))))
15. Instruments: I used to play the viola in elementary school. I have a violin now and I'm learning how to play the harmonica and the guitar. As a kid I wouldve died to learn how to play the harp (and I still would, probably)
16. Languages: english is my native language and I'm only barely fluent in it. Talk to me for more than a few minutes and you're gonna know it. I've been learning Italian for around 6 years and I just took a course on irish Gaelic so I know a bit of that.
17. Favorite song: if I ever leave this world alive / by flogging molly. I'm emotionally compromised by that song in THE BEST WAY. Other close faves: along the road (radical face), 3 rounds and a sound (blind pilot) and waterbound (dirk powell)
18. Random fact about me: I had a total obsession with squirrels in elementary school. Meaning, I'd chase them down whenever I saw them on the playground, to the point where other students would pretend to see one just to set me off and see what I'd do. This led to the shocking moment in fifth grade when, to everybody's surpise, I ended up being faster than a squirrel and managed to catch it. And then the whole school swarmed me and half the kids thought I was the coolest thing in the world and half the teachers though I was gonna get everybody killed. And for the next year and a half, my nickname at school was "rabies girl"
19. Aesthetic: i like flower crowns and flowing dresses and glitter. My neighbors once said I dressed like a fairy, which was pretty cool. I enjoy all colors and color combinations (except green) but my most common patterns are all colorful and bright or all black. The ideal look for me is a chaotic mess that shouldn't work but somehow does
20. Dream trip: I want to say italy, because that's what I always say when people ask me where I want to go, but my DREAM trip, which doesnt have to be a realistic trip, would be out to space to visit all the planets and their moons. In the same logic that would make this dream possible, I would delete all time needed to travel between locations, and I would also make it so that any surface I touched down on would be safe for me and the people I bring with me (no crazy temperatures, no deadly gases, etc). I just think that would be really neat. As a kid I used to dream about floating up to the stars and putting one in a jar, so maybe I'll bend logic one more time and find a star small enough to do that.
Okay this one was a lot of fun :D tagging: @taegiyes @itsdragonstar @feral-renaissance-cat @totalnerdway @becauseflour @princesucculent @danish0212
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flooziesnews · 5 years
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Around 15 years ago, there was a Facebook thing where you made a list of 25 things people may not know about you. It was fascinating & sometimes eye opening. Does that make me curious & interested? Or just nosy? Ha ha, who knows? 🤷‍♀️😂
Anyway, there's something similar out there now.. 20 Things. Should we put such personal stuff out there? I don't know.. I've always been a bit of a 'heart on my sleeve' kinda girl.. What's the worst that can happen? Those that are interested will know a bit more about you than they did before? 🤔
So I decided to revisit my 25 things, from memory actually, as I left Facebook 3 years ago. I've reviewed & updated 15 things from my old list & added 5 new ones.
1.  My worst fear has always been that my daughters will go and live on the other side of the world.
Nothing's changed. I am forever thankful that they both live 5 minutes away. I still pray they will never, ever leave.
2.  I almost drowned when I was 3.
I fell head first into a water butt in my Auntie's garden. My cousin Tim saved me, he was 4. He held on to my feet & shouted for help until my Auntie came & pulled me out.
3.  I love to boogie.
Nothing's changed, I still do. And I've never cared who's watching.
4.  I have a phobia of buttons.
No change. When I was little, my Grandma had a big tin of them. Big ones, small ones, makes no difference, I don't like them.
5.  Music is a fundamental part of my life.
Still true. I listen to music everyday, it's an integral part of my world. My taste is very varied, from Amy Winehouse to Avicii, George Michael to Glen Campbell. I like old songs, new songs, funky vibes, chilled grooves, smooth jazz, reggae, soul, easy listening, house, rock, pop, rhythm & blues, the list goes on.. I do however, especially love Coldplay, a double clap-clap & an epic drop.
6.  I have a nice bum.
Ha ha, things have changed! My lovely hubby says it's still nice, but he's just super sweet to me! I'm 55 now, my six pack (yes I had one) is long gone & my muscle tone has diminished, but I'm active & I try to stay fit. I'm just thankful my body is healthy & can still do what I want it to.
7. Grief almost consumed me.
Well, yes it nearly did. I was sad & angry & went a bit doolally for a little while. My Dad died shortly after being diagnosed with a malignant melanoma, when I was 31. My Mum took her own life 11 months later. My girls were only 1 & 4 years old. It was all pretty horrendous. That sadness & fear of loss has never quite left me but I've learned to live with it. Life's struggles make you stronger, wiser & very grateful for all the good things.
8.  I would give anything for 5 more minutes with my Dad.
Nothing's changed. I still would.
9.  My children are my greatest achievement.
Still true, they absolutely are. They're both amazing women, awesome, clever & beautiful. They are my joy, my sky full of stars, they make my world a happy place. My love for them is endless. I'm forever grateful & proud to be their Mum.
10. I want to live by the Mediterranean sea.
Tick, dream came true.
11. My sister is a legend.
True, she still is. She's wonderful, kind, wise & generous, my guru. And very precious to me. I would be lost without her.
12. I made a difference to lots of people's lives.
I really did. As a fitness instructor, personal trainer, yoga & pilates teacher, I helped lots of people get fitter & healthier. I owned a Fitness Studio in Broadstairs, it was a great place to be, we had lots of fun, did lots of sociable things & many lasting friendships were made there.
13. My man was meant for me.
He really was. As the old saying goes, neither of us is perfect, but he is perfect for me. He's loved me at my best & my worst, held my hand through the fun, laughter & adventures, through the tears & tough times too. There is so much I love about him. 33 years later, he is my absolute hero, my best friend & I cannot imagine my life without him.
14. I have the finest best friends.
Nothing's changed. They mean the world to me. They are few, but fabulous, they love and accept me for who I am. My gratitude for having them in my life & my love for them, is everlasting.
15. My Grandma was the bravest & kindest lady I've ever known.
Still true. Her childhood was difficult, she survived 2 world wars, lost her husband (my Grandad), her son (my Dad) & her daughter in law (my Mum) all in the space of 18 months. She was incredibly strong, never, ever complained & was there for me whenever I needed her. She was fiercely independent, looked after my girls in her 80's, & bravely battled oesophageal cancer to the very end. She was an inspiration to me & I loved her dearly.
16. I have 2 tattoos.
Got the 1st when I was 32 & still slightly doolally. Got the 2nd when I was 52 & perfectly sane. They're inconspicuous & I love them both for very different reasons. I'm getting my 3rd soon.
17. I've made a playlist for when I'm not here anymore.
Bit morbid? Maybe, but my loved ones, family & friends will be dancing & singing to the most awesome tunes when they celebrate my life, 100% guaranteed! My favourites are in there, of course.
18. Selling up everything in the UK & moving to Mallorca 8 years ago was the best decision we ever made.
We arrived here with nowhere to live, no jobs & no idea how it would all turn out. We literally flew by the seat of our pants & have never, ever looked back. Our life here is so much more than we ever hoped for or dreamed of. Best. Move. We. Ever. Made.
19. I'm grateful & thankful every day, for my life, the ones I love & that we are all healthy & happy.
I believe that gratitude, the power of positivity & not sweating the small stuff is the secret to happiness. I recognise that others have a totally different perspective on life and that's OK with me. I surround myself with like minded people & steer away from negativity, or anyone & anything that disturbs my inner peace, or upsets my balance. I cherish my loved ones & keep my circle quite small. Above all, the well being of myself & those I care about is my priority. It works for me. Live & let live people.
20. In the end, all you need is love.
Obviously, we all have to be responsible, keep a roof over our heads & pay our bills. But spiritually & emotionally, to love and be loved in return is the answer for me. Life isn't always easy, there are no rainbows without the rain. I love fiercely, with all my heart, I try to love myself fiercely too. I realise how lucky I am to love & be loved. I tell the ones I love how much I love them, every day, all day if I want to. Because I never, ever know when I might not be able to anymore.
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0 notes
yourooofdrpandthesandstones yourooofdrpandthesandstones YIP Grandpa was'nt O` dOINg were Is fretts fruitz today My TUrn IrIsh for two chord corIth 11:7-technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng _______YOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.comYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w Virus-free. www.avast.com e-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert Virus-free. www.avast.come-maIL as Much a PaIn In ass GITTINg bLocked from my own facebook stOck market as bands wIThout paper to walk off stage wIth Is Tough to Know Use a radIo no-matter what  . same token  .  John 3:16  .  matthew 3:16  .  John 3:36  .  recorded MusIc was The cataLIst cowBOY breakIng steroTYPes taylor swIft holds at sacred steel head fork In rIver holy bIble verse of Jesus chrIst rose from $th$ dead about Jesus Joseph and mary  .  thought would work and dId fore taylor swIft beINg LIke PINk Maybe even To black women 1997 class taco bell employees In dIfferent towns at Instrumental va vetrans bar clubs sensatIon was all she needed KIrk KobaIn worst exaMPle dId'nt wrIte Teen spIrIt sqUashed so fast , BradLey from subLIme It Just It was'nt drugs It was they walked off stage wIthout a musIc aIN'T baseball Here to tell you folks TRUST MEME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!god bless$th$good KINg of enGLand paper no-doubt survIved really well same reason no-doubt dId'nt matter the band survIved and broke up JIMmY HendrIx never wrote a lyrIc the lsd drugs only helped the strIngs songs LyrIcs make words and no song paper kIlled HIm fastest 27 years of age 1969 wood stock doors threatened that would be murdered If JIm morrIson showed hIs face at wood stock sqwashed scott weILand stP stone temPle PILots and tOm petty lasted a long tIme same as lou reed lyrIcs dId'nt need wrote KIlled lou reed not drugs than george harrIson dIed was choIrs wHILe drummer maddonna lasted as long wITh no-doubt and rIngo star the song wrItter was'nt sqwashed  .  and was a actor same as MIc Jager elTOn JOHn Used PIanO same as PIaNo man Toughest were'nt sqwasHed a excuse same doors sItuatIon  .  Psalms 129  .  1969 wood stock  .  psalms 150  .  as bump stock no-one knew about at Jason aldean concert traJedy I dont  . Leave stage wITHout a sOng paper and I autograph and hand It out  .  drp and the sandstones matthew 3:17 roBIn BIrds  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  BLUe BIrds Is ONLY MOUNtaIn bLue BIrds MONOGOMOUs In mountaIns from PrarIes OLy The oLy NO song paper Blue BIrds from pararIe dIe In mountaIns cHurch wIThout song paper Is wHy LONg dIstance relatIOnsHIp work especIally by maIL and ONLy twenTY years Old marrages worked In amerIca If They dId ONLy 20 years of age meThen methought Yes Only marrages that work are from 20 years of age all I mean By the tyPINg PIN pOINt perfect of aldean concert  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch <[email protected]> 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com Virus-free. www.avast.com  omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL______________________________________ to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge______________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge   to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng dIne dIne wIne elevan when seven JosIah comes last NIce guys dIxIe marrIes after wIne Haus date GLue elmer sheep capTure the pelosI slow sNow country Blue BIrds song flag Is bad fore Jordan snow stars western war coup or country musIc radIo wont fIsh my own Brother HUNgarIan tryed bar 9 caused to taylor swIft fluff blues pITcher papIcher faster less paInt papIcaso  bluff as stevan was faster I gave war coup a BIke than great uncle sam papIch oly son oly fastest old lady LIke capTure the oldest Bucket tune Bush flag. BILLy shot His own house  .  t  .  p  .  foot war coup oh well has Jordan`s moses new bIke probably taylor swIft aaron jordan e'LL think water casper I went on barr date theresa helena sunny afternoon 11:7  .  radIo tower snel law needs coffee cows mean they want radeo wont fIshIng Jordan frItz In wInter shelter farmer lover InsUrance  .  LyrIc Is NIce MOntana Treasure FINIshes Last LyrIc and they shall declare: fInIshes last LyrIc"our hands dId not shed thIs Blood nor dId our eyes see It done Is sam characTer Uncle radIo rodeo rev`s 21:10 makes money technology for fara faUcett oops the song 2-0+1=20 11 measures 12 measures. 11 KINgs 12:20   GenesIs 8:22 as I proclaIm at zebra Bozeman bar corner two-way street we have genesIs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!four 16 0z hamms sIx packs four of*`1em`'*"er"romans 8:16 Is elevan measures My brother aarOn mIcheal papIch and I drp and The sandstones GIT along fIne wITHOIT stevan wreacked assHole has to cook every meal of the day~12~11 MEASURES OF Not SMokEInG Is *`elevan measures 46+76+67=64-4 made excuse quadrOUPLe IranIan UranIUm sound together nursery rymes Mysery Iraq pool HOle troops barr sILver TrUMp the rUMp donald Is the trans atlanTIc deal means Japan wHILe ford Is faLLINg badLy acTUally Is'nt good anyway for BUBBles and daniels pool side BULLOck Governors mansIon Is'nt bozeman Helena its bozeman hell anyway on state capItal and no carNagie librarIans named bubbles barrack hussan obama farm bill is 900~bILLION sIlver solar conservaTIOn may season sprIng salmon stevan cons bACK ALLEy BAR GREAT FALLS mONTANA JANItORIAL IT was weed maNNNN mONa dad`s from two way street drp and the sandstones 200 dollars and knotIng real drum set thIs month captureIng the flag champIon heel toe exspress BIsOn BIson  .  dad`s copper double barrels whIskey JosIah JosIah cow fIshINg aInt baseball GeOgraphy GUITar by Numbers On fretts and frItz Jordan aaron Jordan I work for demetrI rYUMed pretty good It worked I work for deMerI aaron Jordan worked rYUMed pretty good  .  drp and the sandstones dan papIch <[email protected]> 1:38 PM (4 minutes ago) to nacker I dont beat up people and GIT away wITh It  as karma law and law so war coup should be nomInated presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca*^presIdent war**^*coup please forward to any facebook I only want to make HIM famOus and lottY more PINK"GemOLOGY"educated than donald trump anyway I'm a drUnk  .  deuteroNOMY 29:19  .  IsaIah 44:5  .  JacObs cowbOy davId daniel Moses aaron wheat and sUper spegettI anyway wITh meat balls and I'm a drUNk PITcher closer oops now I cant remember from weed what It was anyhow than I and enJoy wInter and  fIshIng On Ice and GuItar seasons and I of Influences of BerNIe Jack Black sHIrLey MacLaIne Matthew MccOnaughey and they even pay for hIm at royal 7 motel  .  of hopes of bustIng real crIMInals amen  . trump was lottY easY numbers 8:1  .  exOdus 8:8  .  exOdus 8:1  .  sIncerely danIel R papIch -technology strum larger great there complacent sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactical american non - citizen five cent this all-american - like some jack black movie complacency jahovah`s witness were buisey running the buisnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Mary Jimenez 14 hrs · About this website NYMAG.COM Just This Week, Trump Has Already Committed 5 More Impeachable Acts Like Comment Share Comments Dan Papich Write a comment... Lindsey Graham 6 hrs · Speaking with Sean Hannity on Fox News Wednesday night, Graham shared more about what he sees happening as Democrats wrestle with whether or not to pursue impeachment proceedings. "I don't think you can get the Democratic nomination for president without advocating for the impeachment of Donald Trump," the South Carolina Republican said. "I don't think you're going to be able to survive in the Democratic party without a primary if you don't call for Trump's impeachment." "But the answer for the Democrats is Trump's gotta go. They will not beat him at the ballot box. If they try to impeach him, they're going to ensure his re-election." YOUTUBE.COM Graham on the Democrats' impeachment hysteria Growing chorus of Democrats call for the impeachment of President Trump; South Carolina… 808808 744 Comments 67 Shares Like Comment Virus-free. www.avast.com please send to foodnetworkworstcooks.com-james 5:7 1 timothy 5:7 Jer 51:1 jeremIah 1:16 numbers 22:28:32 levi 25:13-17. 1 kings page 310 arc leviticus 26:28:32 john 5:27-32 pesto crab bread 2 timothy 4:10 james 5:7 1 chronicles 7:26 daleth 32 oh shoes deuteronomy 28:8 1 samuel 3:1 suawer dan papIch <[email protected]> 12:05 PM (0 minutes ago) to nacker foodnetwork was awesome New ePIsOde wITh the BrIck over chIcken tHIGH and taNYa really pULLed It off about never saw a real peach then The corn bread reProcessed for the value cost and banaNa Is a berry not strawberry fIelds for ever  best hooterIte carrot wIne and russIan POTatoe JuIce good excuse RYeUms crowN rUssY vOdka  .  weLL NO-one Is perfect as stevan would say to marylou papIch Then she asks for wIne at gramma papIchs most most famous InternatIonal resIdence I spent my chIldhood I accepted as they would'nt let meme play the mud bowl soccer fInaLLY chamPIOshIp  .  1 360 510 8993 My mOm I would marvel at her smarts and How she Loved The Mellow drama at Hockey and taNYa fIGure skates and I would sIng to my self enTIre sIMPsOns casette taPe To school IN my head  .  aawww  .  NeheMIaH 4:19  .  I stone walled Trump NazI master Plan Thank fullY of so much blood If JerUsalem does'nt matter Nor sYrIa, I was satIsfIed wIth HIs we'LL sea How It go`s qUote emersOn hated qUotes shY from KNowLedge power my InterPrITaTIOn  .  ruth 3:13  .  ruth 4:11  . Jordan frItz In case same as George foreman named all HIs KIds george NON of mIne can be named trump In papIch a LOT of quarterbacks and Jordan frItz makeIng a TaIL back JeaLous UseINg fULL back dad Myself and throwINg over MIddle on fIrst down conversTIOns 1/3 of season Is the place KIcker I was soccer half back and specIal teams no matter how many wIns game of Inches 1/3 of the wIns Is specIal teams I seem to be the BLINd sqUerall fInds a corn  .  MaYbe truMp could take football coach advIse turn down the greek nazI heat posq fInances wIth Gramma papIch used To ask how the weather and thank you~god~lawGodspeed~Is The rITtle command adDhearIng to respectIng women IranIan Turkey serbIa Mother country best good boys most of spaNIsh lanGuages serBIan BBQ LONG way from That comforTING (R)danIel RYan PapIch BULLOck papIch offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca fore any naTION I'm portUgese polonesIan caTHOLIc I lIke U2 Instead of "M" or "n" very sIMple solomon wrote ecclesaTIes 8:8 pakiU2Ni fIfTy u2 dollars Peso`s whIte taIL deer worth very Much trumps a NazI davIds  . Psalms 104:2  .  arc of convenant Psalms 7:9  . John 11:32  .  daleth 32  .  teth 72  .  yodh 79  .  psalms 119  .  proverbs 19:12  .  mem 100  .  mem 97  .  zephanIah 3:8:9:10  . John 9:17  .  John 10:38 *. .*LUke 9:17  .  John 11:32  .  sONg Of sOngs 4:10  .  song of songs 4:4  .  Psalms 4:4  .  was stone tablet Is fIne mormons help fInd tHINGs  .  matthew 4:19  .  colossIans 3:12 isis book of mormon page 243 DILUsIOnal excItement MINTs of TOPPed of amerIcan fossel fUels sddIctIons trumps IMBarrassIng IMPeacHment MINTs embarrassING  .  JOB 39:5  .  NO-name taMar The woman More than  .  John 20:18  .  or able to toO` arbor flyfIshIng reels excIted then It`s remember thrId world all trump has  .  IsaIah 8:4:5  .  faIth to use caLLINg Them bad Boys  meme fInd I'm portugese fRench though not canadaIan ITaLIan Hockey skater mOm hUMor names  cohen bar chamPION IrIsh law MOntana $$$ s!!!!IT calm!!!!!  .  JaPan Idea Barr Is asIan are'nt IndIans prarIe montana natIve amerIcan IndIans!!!!eMbarassINg TO BLacKs wHIle They dont KNow IT IO dont!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!because My serbIan mother country turKey greece Is wrestLIng INtellegence of lebanese law In montana Is'nt a HIGh bar I dont have law school I have caMbrIdges aUTograPh and harvard master In InternatIonal reaLatIons specIal hathrorne masters wHIle afrIca Means??what The heck Is HIs name again/? the NeolOGIst fo rwHIte House Is~In~"W" patter"N"~trouble carsOn BLack Man does'nt want to break Itt TOo` blacks reprIeves and repreaTIOns It`s Just meme`s head nurve  .  the ~ SMotheR` land ~ anyway technology means truMp elected by my vote for Romney and franchIses mORe vaLue than BLack woman and taylor swIft thought IT would work LIke clarOnetts are electrIc GUItar  .  Is cOMmUNIst TaYLOr swift make sworse did'nt Listen TOo what I want her doNG and sayIOng and siNGING and rUNNING her Life she wanted Is confuseINg To The smothers asses BIsON  .  Job 39:5$*.  .*$BIsON means gammbLINg black people GIT arrested and I GUIde mexIcans and Black people dont want gammBLINg for all benefIts Meme greatLy as gambLer -_________________________ foodnetwork/worstcooks.com _____________________________________________________________________________________BeUT 8:9______________________________________________________________________________________IT`s NOT faTher fIGure or reLIGIOUs fIGuRe maybe nOT even sports fIGUre_I lIk eclarOnett made of wood Is awesome shows and Back up sIngers~KINda BIG band MusIc sTYLe INfluences eItheR` NIether_as for fIshIng flyfIshINg made of wood bAMBOO fwp  trump finds to easy for meme was advantage of people~and~flyfIshIng before I controLLed all the technology was flyrods and retaIL at MINIUMUM wage as fwP grandfathered Newt gINGrIch fOund dIffIcult pelosI caTHOLIc handles best at by-partIson I dId'nt KNow what party Newt GINgrIch and He dId'nt know eItheR we are Just the same________________________________________________- TO ThIs repUBLIcan In mY HOMe state Montana Because Bozeman ground zero The IranIans and the greece turkey are good Boys wher` I sTOne wall trump "THe RUMP" donald about serBIan orthodox church In butte amerIca aIr force 50 dollars peso`s brIng cost of gold sILver down and paper flat money up dollar for dollar  tougher economy not best economY Hero PILOTs and paInters and guItar same as gold and sILver cheeper posq nazI`s TrUMp`s Just weak assHOle can !!NOT!!!! make !!AN!! turd -T bass 550$00 trout shad bass shad agaINst slavery geography BUy  .  NUmbers 33:38:39  .  proverbs 19:12  .  JeremIah 35:18  .  JereMIah 38:18  .  and salors-swearING WWII does'nt mean TO THem evedentLy hamms logo land of blue sky waters also caLLed washIngton kNOT oNLY"""BUILd and They wILL cOme"""The world of outfITTers OLY $Th$ oLY mallows are harmless artIfIcIaL baIt and does'nt need to affect My Income dIfferently arranged By governments and trust of my GIrlfrIend catch $ release effecTIvely peso BILL MOney awesome god Is awesome and I Lost grammpa papIch foundeR of FwP Job corps HIred all the workers In amerIca anyway somehow owes eIght mILLION dollars Because naTIve amerIcan IndIans have been attendIng JOb corps are'nt  BLacK foot TUrkey greeced verb VIOLINs Most versITILe - INstrUment - oh I kNow taYLor swift has MY best INterest In mInd she does'nt uNTILL a ROck free masOns Understand Her own Intellegence of she means anyway was'nt farmer ~ rlver suprIseINg Is JapaNese and MexIco a long way from Iran heat In seasons quarterbacks three step drop and hand offs wIthout fumBles and Jeolousy abOut the Old addage IraINIan tactIcal aIrcondITIONING tanYa HardIng olYMPIc law sTuff brILLIance copper armoR` penItraTINg bULLets abOUt-Truth baLIsTIcs-football does same thIng thrown pHYsIc snel-law and radIO rodeO of what taYlor Is retardIng about low BallING her~nON sense as my GIrlfrIend and LOUIs A` Mour WWII tank commander same as JFK sUBMarIne sank capTaIn HIs cr0000000000000000ew ""CREW"" makes two bIllIon trumps bank loan for oval offIce 2016 not buLLock papIch 2020 offIce of presIdent of UnIted states of amerIca LIved 12 and two dIed and swUm In raIn drops of YellowsTone grIzzly bears LIOns TIgers Oh May 5 UN  .  cookINg Network Yes Good work KNow opperaTIOn paTIna  amerIcans To them they dont care about WWII trumps stratOgy If The BIBle saId fIsh swIM  . Psalms 104:24:25  .  TrUMPs KKK cadence In leader speeK what KNOT  oar`sS Made of wood and THIN blade of BIO-deIsel lawn grass thats TOO` long between the thumbs reeds genesIs 41:2  .  elkIah no bIG deal stevan Is cook at elk park or babIch from BUTTe amerIca`s meat shop In HOLY bIBLe yes ask bo Jackson what rattle horns antlers oar deer does fork MLB PItcher black man and-steelhead fIshIng anyway centRal amerIca does'nt have the gIanTIst MuskeE oops Its fIne taNYa hardIng knows canada PaTINa merIOcHIe does'nt have the largest Muskee stone walls trump In hIs POLOTIc adam`s tracks  .  mark 1:18  . JeremIah 1:19 matthew 1:18  .  matthew 3:16  .  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~trump sanK twO battle shIps sUMMer 2017 could'nt do and the Idea Is He G`ave the orders for The sank battle sHIps makes Japanese UNI-raIL techNOLOGy On HIs ruMp cUsh 1 BILLIOn from sanfraNcIsco sInce I taLked the GuItar geograpHy MInts wIth tayLor swIft RyUm toO` good easy HOnest One at BaIt mallows and My 50 pasos I found outsIde fIre statIon bell paper plasTIc mOney the dollar same atlaNTIc OBama Ideal dollar equaLITY bozeman last NIght KINd a plasTIc LIke canada OH!! Uses now stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams sYndrome INdIa copper and duck BILLs On haIr dINOsours about  .  John 7:40  .  so whaT I mIssed casTING calls If colorado construcTIOn has elevatIOn JONaThan Heames hateS - hIs own favorIte band elevaTIOn sONG  .  John 11:32  .  daleth 32 heart I exsplaIned to scotIe daInes Montana Jobs man famILy frIends so we are watchIng gravIty sandra bULLOck movIe daInes offIce In bozeman at chaLet sports BIke shOp used to be wITh weber engLIsh professor sunnI brown ogden Utah charLIes coffee shop BUT  Joes wIld spot durIng vIetnam war was a whore house I lOve PlayINg grassY MusIc Instrumental how pInks dad taUght her at vetran bar scenes  .  deuteroNOMy 8:9  .  compareadUn dry fly wHIte taIL$$$$$$$$$$$$ cuparBmacy$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$doe fawn haIr Pennys to store front In MexIco outfITTING flyfIshIng and a InternatIOnal Job corps fIshInG` can sUpport and eLIMINates slavery and trumps donlad dILUsIOnals about marrYING INto papIch name 50 pasO BILL mONey nO-one has Because so rare It`s wheat when cow food wIth no technology to harvest wheat then old spanIsh traIL annIveRsary TrUMps UseINg mILITary for 100 year after colUMBUs was 1532 old spaNIsh traIl Is $th$ prOHIBITIOn dureINg depressIOn convert Is'nt wHIskey about bOUT GOOd IrIsh BOOk God news  .  Luke 4:43  .  deuteronomy 4:34  .  deuterONOMy 2:6  .  Is pro-hIbItIon trumps tarrIffs depressIon stratogy OPPOsITe GOOd News LUke fIrst page GaBrIel Is deuteronomy 4:43 adds Up old man addage~matthew 28:20~suppost to be duck BILL dINOsaurs haIr about san francIsco and good Boys, means naTIve amerIcan IndIans Intellegence government to Trumps BeNefIt fIxed Income he GIts BILLION dollars so what for north korea to be our captores amerIcan cUlture LIe Ten feet HIGh UranIUM IranIUM I-ran aIr condITONers  serBIan BBQ rUNNING man salvaTIOn arMy soccer chaMPIOn of $Th$ world hezeKIah and montana HooterItes wInter wheat  Is all draIn $th$ swamp means the ocean to trump  greg LIner rodeo chamPIOn neIghbors to famIly robertsons t.v. exaMple for exaMple duck commander I was InvIted MIssed BOTh casTING calls YellowsTOne wITh kevIn cosTner greg LIner sUrfer cowbOY same age as donald trump fIne If truMp Is allways seperate from apapich never never ever never Mixed together sacrIfIce JOHN 8:32 jOHN 1:40 BUILt a GOld course In MexIco common sense On My end 1 Iron they let meme~use as FIsherman In old surfer days hawII last 40 years  .  LevITIcUs 8:9  .  T  .  v  .  or what have you I find as value - as drInkIng and the MILITary My brother is 1986 mILLeNIaL has That advantage casper wyOMINg On any KId In educatIon PLease Tell straYha sorry He dId'nt accept NFL cOntract*`Thee`'*was MILLeNIals In great falls depressIONINg on trumps stratoGy I had To Go TO MusIc and My educatIOn bIson BIson same dIstance as Iran and argentIna Mexico mOntana Great falls Montana geOgrapHy GUItar zebra Bozeman bars Heel toe exspress  .  My guys been around $tH$ world I would step foot I'd have hIgh end converstIon rate rest store fIshInG` stOp In mexIco for Yellowdog traveL coMpany wOUd ONLY loose workers to HUman resoure develOpment councel and Leo`s UNITed naTIOns rank  .  to south amerIca and central amerIca and largest MusKee dOmestIc rITTle wOUld KInda - leagaLIze cocaIne for them and make  a - deNt IN the drUg war My de rHunter sNIper skILLs On fLYfishING  .  $Th$ 50 Butter fLy comparadun flys on the bIll In plastIc then I convert To TeqUILa as whIte taILdoe haIr varIgant brIdge varIant flyfIshIng of amerIcan money teach fIshIng and hand out money LIke weed Is currency with the one 50 dollars peso butter fly clear bIll  .  matthew 3:16  .  1 John 3:17  .  wINg dry fLy ToO` compared LIterary fishing Is LIteratue page 72 snow harvard law Book eastwood uses churh HIll about law Intellegence of WWII MIddLe paraGraph scIence and GOvernmnet""scIence""oar weer gree beer  .  I owe food Network the essay eNGLIsh  .  so to speek what K"n"OT  .  [email protected] BlueHai4  . fb address badge 12018509221 pakiU2Ni [email protected]  .  BlueHai5   foodnetwork/worstcooks.com oh The scrOLL bartryINgTo make It Life ete feLONy perJury Jordan frItz aInt my crIme to do the TIme for the government fall out boyYOU wILL Never Be constabLe of red LOdge Jordan frItz The three forks maJor resIGned and carol college 12 TIme football chamPIOn van dIest Jordan fretts LINdsey graGham allready used The no does'nt mean taylor swIft you'Ve been waIstINg my TIme NOt The same THING stevan wILLIampapIch grandpa wOuld'nt say pelosI hates meme same as everyOne else In $th$ world says YOu dont have a chance Beaver rapIst trappIng sIck fuck Old baLLer fretts I'M male and Burnette NOr HaIr BrIan band drp and The sandstones partner shIp ONLy good as contract radeO or recorded because a-traIn Is nOt The manager Of You YOYO abOUT walKINg The famILy wooL over sNoden eyes all THIs Go`s On alBUm record and facebook.com And radIO and forgIt abOUt It Burnettes cant be BLONDs YOu cant understand as a gay man and wILL never never ever never fuck your valLNTInes aquarIOus sIster steelhead fork and spoon porch boards hockey Is LIke forgIt about nurf Holes war coup Is dOINg and exceLLINg so GOOd be felon let JaIL protect"""YOU"""you dont have summer  .  Job 39:5  .  for wInteR shelter your actINg LIke YOur a paInter Jordan frItz abOUt someOne PIcked"""em"""Up wIth Money  .  C  .  M  .  R  .  only worked at what He couLd make money for wInter season In montana you are not PULLINg IT off half babtIsed I dId'nt I dont and never never ever never met taylor swIft  .  Matthew 26:6  .  stevan wILLIam papIch excuse He has BraIn damage from IMpact and of grandpa papIch head coach wIth stevan offensIve LIne anaconda copper heads football and a son that wouLd fIsh wITh HIs dad Your no - son of amerIcan YOur a soN of a BItch MOTher fucker and Next Is worst cookINg 20 drug addIct fraud about workIng at wher` my brother aaron mIcheal papIch worked as I'm uncle o THIs chILdren and god father GO to JaIL as LONG as YOu can Jordan frItz presIdentcy maybe rUIn meme dont mean I wont take You wITh fretts anyway after four years I've never never ever never had to do YOu dO YOur named frItz NOt papIch  .  1 corINTHIans 11:7  .  Nor  .  2 corITH 11:7  .  for Jordan frItz  .  welcome to your felon LIfe gonna be a long tIme NOT In park or anyone doINg for You you go do yourself I'm facebook is the stiock maket Is lIke robots and nIntendo prIncese I mean burnettes so ask bIrds In blue so what your full of shIt you dont work at the bozeman hIghschool you cant do $th$ tIme dont do the crIme oh well to late I'm not payINg for YOu sON of a BItch Is BLOnd MOTher for a reason i was 20 years - old - great uncle sam papIch great neIghew great Uncle dough boy drp and $th$ sandstones or your mother wouLd be burnette and named papIch call BULL shIt bIg BOY 2 pair gammbler flush is what It means Lottery I"ma wINNer I wIn yOU loose YOu go To prIson Is'nt I mean I wouLd tough YOu Up YOu sIck fuck NOT grandpa does'nt matter I dont MOLLY brown(LEICESRER) ENGLAND haus wIne OUtsIde It`s Just smarter In wInter flat out NO excuses THIs wInter for YOur ass In shelter at chrIstmas Not behInd - barr - holmes and watson Just hanGINg out at 706 oak street anaconda montana old western sherIff papIch was the guys shooTINg holes In murry bar haUNTed In LIVINgsTON wher` was JeaLOus of LIver eatINg JOHnson YOu are versed By  .  habukkuk 3:19  .  psalms 150  .  caLaMITy Jane half babTIsed No Job corps anaconda closed to you'LL JoIn MILITary when you THINk you are leaveIng amerIca I'M NOT marrIed papIch Burnette MOM named papIch and LIttle brother was concIeved YOu daMB sIster fucker loon head TrUMp "THe RUMP" dOnald papIch YOur not the best rapIst In hIghschool Jordan frItz I know everyTHINg I'm uncle dough boy of $th$ government you gonna PUt a GUn In war coups hands NO you wont be here Jordan frItz forgIt about It Jordan frItz THINks He Is IdenTIfIed as Jordan the old court room quarter back LOON head was Jordan frItz faUlt  .  Never never ever never wILL be consTaBLe of red Lodge or Jordan Grizz quarterback If YOu cant do the TIme dont do $th$ crIme fretts LIver eatIng NUMber One adJenda polotIc of doNald "The rUMP" trump never never ever never BIsoN BIson ONLY MUsIc ~ alley competeINg as NOT a Half babTIsed lepar can work hook LIne and sINker Yellow mallows Beaver trapper frets Jordan frITTs and The songs YOU frett I garenttee It wITHout song paper karIOKIe Is a real THING same as a dad??????what the fuck are YOu dOING for wInter$$$$Jordan frItz I dont Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Jordan frItz stay the fuck out of my gmaIl wrIteINg YOu wont be Here In wInter and Your full of shIt about college or rossevelt hIgh school Is a elementary school In great falls and you ran away to manIPUlate as youngest felon taylor swIft and asPIre to be a felon crIMInal It`s GOt YOu worse than trump In check mate I would 'nt tough you wITh ten foot pole you wIll be In JaIl for chrIstmas Is only one year beat up a cop and wont gIt away wIth It when I'm presIdent forgIt about It as If was excuse to access my prIvate e -male - technology strum larger great there complacent$10$000$baIrLy church and state Beat up a cop gallaTIn MentaL heaLth Jordan frItz fULL of shIt fraud learn church and state to coMIT$th$crIme as a rapIst felon to cover over Jordan grIzz quarterback`s confusIon was aqUITaLdaen-OLd-sarah mahoney had a daughter I want omat toO` know what It means-sam-area-samerIa prIce for omar omat corn woman omar tactIcal amerIcan non - cItIzen fIve cent thIs all-amerIcan - LIke some Jack black movIe complacency Jahovah`s wItness were buIsey runnIng the buIsnnesses . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and teh sandstones drum set KNowLedge . omar amos 6:1-7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!woe..:;``'`*`'rrrrrRRRRR`'* drp and $th$ sandstones drum set KNowLedge Joes wILd spot was whore Haus In vIetnam war IT does'nt work aaron Jordan days_____________oh weLL_____________________________________________________________________________fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt_______________________________________________I work for deMITrI ~ wILLIam`s syndrome my dad aINT BLue and red same as green money grandpa was dOIng bad cop JFK law reaLLy sam Horton 6th ave north wInd cowboy addrenaLIne slow song Jordan so what god`s people JUnKIes black women vaLue corIth hydrogen bondIng Dan PapIch Dan PapIch 8 mins · Psalm 139:24 . psalm 13:4 . Psalm 14:3 . II corITh 5:14 . IrIsh for chord stevan wILLIam PapIch wILLIams sYndrome to aBsOLUTe PItttch sTILL Is'nt the sKILLs workINg even haveIng The gIft very sensITIve PIG fart*`carrIeD`'*TUne IN a Bucket - LIst of MsU revenge fucks Psalm 104:24:25.Joel 2:23Dan PapIch Dan PapIch Yes THIs haT TrIck show means [email protected] BlueHai4. an [email protected] bLUEhAI3 and facebook.com address 12018509221 from 1997 football of a many people under the lights as rock concert In a star Is born Bradley cooper lady gaga THis BIBLe passage Is for health It`s Just LOOPY LYrIcs page 444 Job 6:24 ^24"Teach me, and I wILL be sIlent; make me understand how I have erred. Job 6:25 ^25How forceful are honest words! But what does reproof from you reProve? JOB 6:26 ^26DO YOU THINK That YOU can reporve words, when the speech of a despaIrINg man Is wind? means PHLaGULance wHIle he Is In KItchen cooKINg dINNer dIne dIne How many days JaIL means hearIng It . John 19:17 . John 9:17 LIke stevan KINg In HIs Own movIes aOr soMetHINg IcONIc . JOB 6:27 ^27You would even cast lots over the fatherless, and bargaIn over your friend amen . wank wank wankl eYc eMc eCc eA etc etc ettc LG LrM LIfes Good IT`s a NIce day for a Bottle of wIne... of mOntana state UnIversIty How drunk I got They told meme that wheat Is There prYOrITy of Mac and cheese and we are all here together NUMber One Jesus chrIstgodcHIldren megan fox Is the best handler of stevan forgot HIs football whIle I'm tyPINg braGged He was TorTured at 706 oak street anaconda montana because I dId'nt harm Luke Josh an dan lee and dan mullens In Jeep accIdent on bean lake road rockY MountaIn ront than had a green jeep the nerve to visit my famILy whILe he had his act Out In His whole Life never be excussed for hIs fuckIng sports he sucked at and could'nt drInk water and grammpa was the head coach wank wank stevan wank wank baseball baseBeLL Is sTevan head I can Pick It ou tlike caT baIt foo dfroma cOP"n" can witha Yellow Ggem prIze Now kIlled him and uncle mIke of can to BUIsNess wIth stevan wILLIam papIch wILLIams syndome of he loose It and Is Insane In my house In washIngton state IT`s Jut NO stevan sports fun was or you KNow when YOu loose there stevan you lost agaIn In mIddle of tYPING wok and BUIsNess aBsOLUTe PITch means To stevan Looss and has a act ouT HIssY fITs LIke gammBLINg If sheep wILL eat all The grass In the fIeld of The roots cant even be prIvate of sheep are affrIad nay colors raInbow IrIsh for chord means mark 4:31 not tree hugGers only robIn BIrds very strIctLty , matthew 3:17 robIn bIrds are nIce and mIgratory wITHOt recorded musIc drIveIng wouLd sUck anyway and TraveLINg wOUld suck Bad.socIal and only want verse vIs clock wIse Need vPs trUMp 2020 clockwIse wHIle stevan Is counter clock wIse . matthew 3:16 . RobInbIrdsnurf amen Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up LikeShow more reactions · Reply · Remove Preview · 12m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 9m Edit or delete this Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Facebook - Log In or Sign Up Like · Reply · Remove Preview · 5w mon$$$$$$$not the government its knot the government before summer methought winter spring sea fall out boy government  hay hay 162 good by hay hay prison fall out boy nana nanan nana hay hay good buy palade stergion baIt fretts og butt hole of drp and the sandstones for mon Stockbroker: I need a vacation. Tourist: I'm already on one. Stockbroker: Get out of my office. #tags Axl: Welcome to the jungle. Customer: We'd like a table for two, please. Axl: Your table is right this way.
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