aesfocus · 2 years
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I have several for this Shep!
+Vera sews a quilt, one block for each world she visits, larger blocks for worlds they land on.  The colors are chaotic and not very themed, she try's to use fabric that reminds her of the emotions she felt on each world.   
+She does most of the sewing of the blocks in the mess where she can be accessible to the crew.
+She hand sews the top during the events of ME1 and then finishes it during some down time before they’re sent to investigate ‘geth’.
+The first quilt was in the Mako and barely survives the Normandy+Mako falling to Alchera. She’s frankly shocked to find it under the front seat of the Mako. Vera fixes the quilt up by highlighting the burns and tears with bright thread rather than hiding the damage.
+The second quilt is less chaotic and heavily themed. She does the basting/quilting during her stint on Earth, but that quilt is completely lost to her due to leaving so quickly. RIP. 
+The first quilt is still on the Normandy however, shoved in a box down by where you find the Hamster. It makes her laugh to find it.
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clitoris-maximus · 3 months
If you are taking drawing requests do you mind doing a Rarepair/Crackship of Omega Supreme and Devastor
don’t have to though
this one is interesting. never considered it honestly but super cute!
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some big boys :3
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starscoffeecreamer · 9 days
Cow Omega Supreme... Omooga Supreme, if you will. The Constructicons have to form Devastator if they want to have any chance of sparking him. Omooga's sparklings are each the size of Skyfire.
the Combiners and omega supreme being in the au was not something I thought of and I thank you for telling me this
Omooga is somebot everyone thinks is a bull. They don't expect him to be a cow, at least not until he gets Sparked by Devastator. They have a special spot where they frag because they're both big enough where if they didn't frag in there they would be so loud it would sound like they were right next to everyone. All of his Sparklings are big, chunky, and Skyfire-sized, but he and the Constructicons don't mind. Only they have to become Devastator if they want to hold any because they're much bigger than them even as newsparks
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For the Ship in 5mins may I request: BeeBite, Omega Supreme x Devasator, TFA Blitzwing x Optimus?
Putting me to work kekek
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For u🩷
I wouldn’t trust Blitzwing to drive….
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fern-bee · 1 year
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Round two of the transformers rarepair poll is now officially up and running! Be sure to vote in all of the polls, because every little vote counts!
All rounds are gonna be 24 hours, then after some prep time the next one will be underway! This is round two of four, including the final round. We’ve also got a few rematch polls in this round which will be specially highlighted down below.
Though some of these characters may only exist in one continuity, remember you’re voting for all possible versions of one ship (unless it is specifically stated to be continuity specific) so vote away! And as always if ya have any questions, pop em into my inbox!
Okay, without further ado, here are round two’s contenders…
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Doop vs. Swinlock ♡ Wavewave vs Starwave
Ophide vs. Shockjack ♡ Arcaileron vs. Ironkup
Tigairachnia vs. Omegastator ♡ Blitzbee vs. Rodimags
Soundblaster vs. Soundrod ♡ Tarastrike vs. Burgeratu
Windstream vs. Megop (Prime Wars)
Thundermagnus vs. Elitarcee ♡ Galvop vs. Chromalita
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ezrisdax-archive · 2 years
send me a fandom and I'll tell you my rare pairs and tell you why you should ship them
Mass Effect
Kaidan/Ashley - mostly I blame @omegastation for this one but I liked the idea of them cause in game if you bring them along on the citadel sidequests they have a lot of flirty lines like Ash teasing Kaidan he knows nothing about women and if you're a femshep then you interrupt Ash's call with her sister where she's saying Kaidan's cute and she should date him. and then you get the tragedy of them in ME3 going to the memorial wall and remembering each other after the bomb mission. like I just feel it's a fun potential ship but also carries a lot of potential angst and I love them a lot for it.
Kaidan/Thane - I'm gonna blame @rannochs for this one cause we were joking about it and Kaidan and Thane talking already while they're at the hospital in ME3 and how the two of them would get along and then that became an 'oh no we can ship this' but I would need the AU where Thane lives and also it'd be cool to imagine Thane getting to the councilors before you and talking Kaidan down that time?
Tali/Sam - both rambling science nerds who love technology maaaaybe a little too much. I think they'd just gel a lot and it's a shame we never got a talk between them or at least if there was I never got one that wasn't Sam pushing Tali to talk to Liara after that one mission in ME3. They only talk a little at the Citadel party but again I need more because I think they'd be cute girlfriends.
James/Ann - So like in the Leviathan DLC when you take Ann back to her dad's lab and James is there it's just really sweet how much he seems to care about Ann? Like he asks if she's okay and then holds her while the Leviathan takes over her mind and asks again if she's okay and begs Shep to stop the process when it hurts, it's really cute! James deserves some love.
Ashley/Liara - With how much Ash distrusts Liara in ME1 to going to how much faith they have in each other in ME3 I really like the dynamic. I think also after ME3 the two would end up leaning on each other in a grief kind of way and I have this idea of Ash ending up helping Liara reset up the Shadow Broker network because bad things don't end just cause the galaxy didn't and the two of them know that and want to help. They both went through a lot of growth over the games and came to appreciate the other so it's about the respect to me.
Mass Effect Andromeda
Sid/Vederia - so I don't know how this idea came to me at all but one day I just thought, oh Sid/Vederia would be cute. Like first of all you know Sid would brag to Vetra now she has a pathfinder girlfriend too (cause in my head it's always Vetryder time) and Vederia and Sid going off on a mission together to help find a new path would be really cute. Like they're both young and Vederia's now in a position of power and Sid is stepping out from her sister's shadow so I like to think there's some common ground there.
Dragon Age
Morrigan/Leliana - Leliana literally spends the game complimenting Morrigan on her...assets and enjoys teasing her I'm sorry but that's all it took for me! plus I like the differences between them and that Leliana would round out Morrigan a little by helping her understand the world around her and Morrigan would bring Leliana back to earth and ground her a little in reality, they both want to be soft and sharp in different ways and want love, what's more compelling than that?
Alistair/Zevran - I am not immune to Zev being flirty with Alistair either, I'm the type of person that does like the side ships better than the PC ship usually and I can't help it. I think they work the same and Morrigna/Leliana in helping each other see another side of the world the other has been missing for a while
Cassandra/Varric - okay listen, she reads his romance books! Their banter slowly softens over time! I'm not immune to this okay! god the height difference is also hilarious to me.
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nonuel · 9 months
hey! do you know if I can find liara dialogues from me1 like the proyects you have made? i don´t have enough saves to test them myself :(
hi anon,
the only thing i am aware of is this post by thirteenthchime on LJ that (incompletely) covers the en route to ilos scene for all the ME1 LIs. @omegastation's mass effect resource hub has transcripts, but none of the listed ones are liara-centric and the ME1 transcript only covers the prologue, unfortunately. there is a transcript that covers the elevator banters though.
otherwise, fluffninjallama on youtube has both an mshiara and fshiara playlist of her entire romance that you can use instead. these types of playlists tend to be very paragon heavy, so if you're wanting renegade lines you're going to be out of luck.
i could theoretically knock out the bulk of a ME1 liara transcript very easily - she doesn't have a lot of dialogue and the amount of variances in her dialogue is minimal compared to the VSes as well. the most annoying bits would be the more niche things like recruiting her after benezia's death or as the last step before endgame. not sure how helpful anyone would find it since a lot of engagement with liara's character seems to be more in ME2/ME3, but i'll put it on my to-do list.
if you're just needing to refresh your memory over a specific scene, let me know and i may be able to help sooner. otherwise i'm putting this in her tag and throwing it to her fandom to see if they know of any resources i don't
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felassan · 3 years
A BioWare Community Manager made an announcement on the Mass Effect modding community Discord about a resource for MELE modders. having spoken to some modders, BioWare have put together a helpful document and some other files for modding toolset devs to refer to when building modding tools [source].
This project contains files to assist the Mass Effect: Legendary Edition modding community. Contained within are SQL scripts for creating plot databases and various data format descriptions in the form of header files.
Plot databases
Inside the PlotDatabases folder you will find scripts for re-creating the plot database for each title.
Data Formats
Inside the DataFormats folder you will find header files that describe the layout of data formats useful for modding. Note that structures are laid out in the order in which data is serialized and they are not meant to indicate how the data is organized in memory. [github link]
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skyllianhamster · 5 years
#asari #original characters #fanart #WHO IS THIS #WHY #HOW #wanna know more 
@omegastation unnamed OC, still in development unfortunately. Part of a ‘side business’ of prestigious organization with roots in Bekenstein, meaning only the richest (or governments) can afford their services. Their assassins do clean kills from close range, with precision, proper identification, and disposal (if required) because they get also requests like “bring me back their head plate / fringe / heart” etc. and they get a higher payout if field dressed properly. Targets are often high-ranking officials and dangerous individuals so they fetch high rates. They maintain the highest overall success rate for single target elimination in the galaxy, with only two sets of repeat-failures, which are 4 attempts on a turian official on Palaven and 6 attempts on Aria T’Loak. She’s one of the most expensive targets on the list now.
This particular assassin was paid for by Asari High Command after rumors of the collusion of Liara T’Soni with affiliates of Cerberus and the subsequent disappearance of the Shadow Broker. She ran into Aethyta on Illium around post-Arrival and things got very ugly. Fate still unknown.
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mistresstrevelyan · 5 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
Plz. look at my darling friends!
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vallaslins · 6 years
anyone got some good femshep face codes for me1 or me2? me1 character creator is tricky to work with and so many shepards end up looking funky once imported into me3
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-DISCLAIMER- This is EXTREMELY early WIP. The reason why I am sharing this is so that I can get feedback on what to change/fix before I dive deeper into this whole rewrite madness idea of mine. Hope you enjoy ! Any and all feedback is welcome and much appreciated.
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edgepunk · 5 years
I associate you with Ashley, Shiro and Dva :)
ohh I’m so predictable huh but Ashley?? :o I’m curious, may I ask why?
send me 3 characters you associate with me
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camalyng · 6 years
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and the one thing I grab is · this · is all that's left
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fern-bee · 1 year
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Sorry for the delay, folks!
Round one was finished in a… not so neat little bow, so let’s see which lucky couples are going to round two!
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We had a couple landslide wins there, such as Windstream vs. Ramcharge, when our two lovely ladies Windstream won with 76% of the vote!
Almost as impressive as Rodimags vs. Sentop, when our two ship-shape pals Rodimags took home the win with 77% of the vote!
And our runner up for the biggest win margin is Doop vs. Rattnox, where our captain and his second Doop aced the win with 81% of the vote
And as for the biggest win margin, we have Brawncharger vs. Ophide, where our two red ‘n ready old men Ophide utterly swept the floor with a whopping 86% of the vote!
ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
Beleive or not, some of these matches came incredibly down to the wire!
In Bonzaron vs. Burgeratu, our two consumable comrades Burgeratu managed to cinch the win with 54% of the vote!
Even closer than that was Springeraid vs. Ironkup, and believe it or not, you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but you can get Ironkup through the finish-line with 52% of the vote!
Of a similar percentage was Nyxskold vs. Tarastrike, when our bug boys Tarastrike got in at the last moment with 52% of the vote!
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If you’ve been following this first round, you’ve probably seen it. Both Galvop vs Thundermagnus AND Elitarcee vs. Chromalita are perfectly tied with 50% each! And so, due to a technically, all four ships will be making it to the next round to go against each other in a special Tie-Breaker Match! So be sure to watch out and place your votes!
And speaking of votes…
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Doop vs. Swinlock ♡ Wavewave vs. Starwave
Ophide vs. Shockjack ♡ Arcaileron vs. Ironkup
Tigairachnia vs. Omegastator ♡ Blitzbee vs. Rodimags
Soundblaster vs. Soundrod ♡ Tarastrike vs. Burgeratu
Thundermagnus vs. Elitarcee ♡ Galvop vs. Chromalita
Windstream vs. Megop (Prime Wars)
The polls will be going live tomorrow around noon! In the meantime, if you have any appropriate victory speeches, rage rants, or questions/observations about the votes, leave me an ask in my inbox or make your own post with the tag #Transformers Rarepair Poll. I’ll see ya then, auto-buddies!
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ezrisdax-archive · 3 years
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Nobody died.
I could shoot someone if it'd make you feel better.
Nah, I'm good.
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