#omega the dope show
ninimis · 2 years
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My (very short) thoughts about s3 ep14 of tbb:
Omega proceeds to be an mvp. She's standing on business.
Echo proceeds to do all the work. AND HE GOT A HAND!!!
Hunter, Wrecker and Crosshair were just... there. With Rampart. Trying not to die. I mean fair, but come one. While you were roaming the forest Echo managed to get Emmery(?) on his side and found out about the other children. He's constantly working overtime.
They really emphasized Emmerie redemption.
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necroclubinc · 7 months
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Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals (1998)
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connecting-the-stars · 2 months
As a freshly new Bad Batch enjoyer, I’ve just finished running through season 1 holding onto Omega like she is my little sister and staring at crosshair menacingly.
S1 final was so epic! Like the sea monster and the escape from the collapsing city! The atmosphere was just so awesome and really makes me want to write. The tension of constant danger but having character moments and conflicts shine and clash. Omega without a hesitation jumping to save crosshair from drowning and the others working to rescue them. Crosshair always setting himself to the outskirts of the group as they plan and work together, his hesitation before following the group. He is not a happy camper.
Moments that I loved (Last two episodes):
Tech noticing the reflective point on the wall. That frame of the mark encapsulating Tech and Wrecker. He recognized it from past missions and the tactics they’ve learned. Wonder what was going through his head when he first saw that? Like precaution that crosshair could aim for them at any point? Or theorizing that crosshair would use it to shot the soldiers if they turned to target them?
Crosshair killing all four soldiers of his party was crazy cool! Like damn! And turning back to them without a beat and taking his helmet off! Like he’s peeling back that resentment if only for a chance to have his brothers join him again. Don’t get me wrong he’s still pissed, but it’s vulnerable in of itself to even ask, to have that chance to get hurt by the people who you believed had abandoned you.
Omega and her attack droids plan would’ve worked great for a diversion and escape attempt if, you know, Crosshair had ultimately sided with his troopers to murder his brothers. But she’s a ball of determination and improvised plans that work Sometimes!
The brothers fighting TOGETHER! AHHH! My Face peeled into a bigass smile. Their theme coming back in full strength! Crosshair helping hunter! Tech and wrecker’s confusion before jumping into the fight again.
Omega-Hunter Hug! That’s her Dad/brother! “You are my dad! You’re my dad! Boogy woogie woogie!!”
Hunter and crosshair stand off! Stop fighting like for once! Just stopppp! (I know I have a longer ride for this, and its Great :’D )
Little droid guy was very fun! AZI is a real one!
Everyone having to get paired up in the lab tubes lol. Bruh they really are going back to the very beginning- very cool. Echo and Tech looks so small compared to wrecker who hardly fits in the tube by himself. Crosshair and Hunter - definitely thought they’d start a fist fight in that tube thing, like one of them shoves the other and it escalates how sibling fights go from 1 to 1,000 in two seconds. And one of them would crack their elbow into the glass tube and cause a piece to crack ominously and they just freeze. And Omega, Tiny is in fact Tiny. That tube is almost as big as her “room” lol
Omega gonna give me and hunter a panic attack with her reckless selflessness. Like dude the droid is very dope and very helpful, but you are in a graveyard of a city and the damn sea monster is very much alive and well!
Crosshair aiming his gun at hunter when hes about to jump after her, very tense moment. And He Saves “the kid!” YYAAY. Hunter shielding her away from crosshair anyway- a bit dramatic lol. Wrecker not putting his guard down till Cross gives up his weapon… damn- Family Bonding, am I right : D
(Side note: Tech is one of my favorites… sure hope nothing bad happens to him. = D )
Anyway, Im just really enthralled by this show and I love space stories. Especially ones that tick practically every trope I adore. Found family (in a way.) SPACE! Badass good guys. Morally gray characters that find their way back to a healthier and happier life… eventually.
Season 2 time!! WOO!
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tredawakandan · 8 months
5 Of My Favorite Krakoa Era X-Men Moments
(Storm won't be included since I already always talk about her from time to time😅💯. Just search Storm or Ororo Munroe on my page 👌🏿)
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1. Charles and Magneto vs Nimrod and Omega Sentinel.. Been loving the Orchis involvement and how Charles and Magneto ultimately started Krakoa with one of their first missions being to stop Nimrod and the organization. Ultimately they failed and this was the first meeting of theirs during this era. Cool deaths and dope rage moments 👍🏿
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2. Magneto Dying for Arrako .. Definitely was the dopest part of the event . Although i disliked how Uranos ran threw the Arrako mutants(in general i have a problem with the lack of development from the writers regarding the Arrako Mutants) Magneto death was very impactful since as we know him and storm have refused resurrections.. He survived being punctured and managed to raise hell for his remaining time. Salute To Erik💯
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3. One of the benefits of resurrections for mutants are the natural buff they get. Having been shown to get stronger after they die is a dope concept and great way to write in unexplainable instances where characters seem stronger then they would be normally 😅. Also loved seeing writers become more intimate on how mutants can use their powers. Mentioned before but Manifold/Eden reveal is still my favorite. I feel in the future just how we got the Omega Mutants list at the beginning of this era we need either a redone copy(with prominent Arrako mutants listed as well) or A near Omega pending list that would include Synch ,Eden,Polaris, Cable(Although he technically is Omega) etc
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4. The reunion of Synch and Old woman Laura was dope. Having spent centuries together and Laura sacrificing herself for him ,it was assumed to be a tragic heartbreak. But seeing her having survived and come back is definitely a moment I felt genuine happiness for Synch👌🏿
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5. Although I didn't read New Mutants I enjoyed the issue with John and James reunion. Warpath has been a favorite mutant of mines since The Gifted show(was dope & you should definitely check it out) . Also love seeing him in comics. With his wife variety of abilities he should be on a X-Men team or at least another comic regarding mutants. Also loved John Proudstar new costume.
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omegaremix · 4 months
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Omega Radio for February 11, 2017; #132.
Kool A.D. f. Loren Hell & Amaze 88 “Youth Speaks”
Unified Highway f. The Grouch & Zion I “Same Thing Coming”
Ho99o9 “Day Of Vengeance”
Elucid “House Keys”
Benny B. Blonco “You Can Make A Change”
Chynna Rogers “Flatline”
Range, The “Five Four”
Kaiydo “Jumpin’”
Drew Howard “You’re Not My Mans”
Benny B. Blonco “Globetrotters”
Goon Des Garcons “Back On The RD”
Time “World War Me”
Ephalent “Letter To A Hostage”
Elucid “Slumped”
Benny B. Bionco “Pray”
Show Me The Body “Aspirin”
SZA f. Kendrick Lamar “Babylon”
Bobby Raps & Corbin “Frozen Tundra”
Linafornia “Hi Shrimp”
Shabazz Palaces “The Mystery Of Lonnie The Don”
Elucid “Cap Weave”
Token “Self-Taught”
SpaceGhostPurrp “Movin’ Weight”
Linafornia “Brownies”
Denzel Curry “Ultimate”
Miss Red “No Guns”
Techno Animal “Dead Man’s Curse”
Lampgod “Papermate”
LNDN DRGS “Dope Sick”
Noname Gypsy “Yesterday”
Deluxe street sounds and beats.
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secondgenerationnerd · 5 months
Pretty dope! Can you tell me about Connor Queen from NYJ?
Of course! So for any of my newer followers, Connor is on my YJL team, which takes place in the Young Justice TV show verse.
He is the son of Oliver Queen and Dinah Lance, so while he’s Connor Queen in papers, legally his name is Connor Jackson Lance-Queen.
Connor was born severe hearing loss in both ears, so he wears hearing aids. When he was little he would take them out and close his eyes so his parents couldn’t scold him.
He does have his mother’s powers and his father’s aim. A lot of his generations heroes mix their meta abilities with practical weaponry. For Connor, he yells “EARS” at his team before using a canary cry if they’re too close.
He grew up with Lucy Quinzel (Harley and Ivy’s daughter) and Calliope “Cals” Raymond (Ronnie Raymond “Firestorm” and Caitlin Snow “Killer Frost”’s daughter). They are an unholy trio who are way way smarter than they should be and it scares most the adults in their lives 😂
Lucy and Connor will psychologically destroy someone by reading them for filth, while Cals will hitting them with studies and case files.
When YJL accidentally ended up in the Omega Squad Verse, weapons were pulled and Connor used his canary cry. It dropped Mar’i and Jon to their knees, but Sin Lance, that universe’s Dinah and Ollie’s daughter, managed to dart around the cry zone and throat punch him before having him against the wall
Once everything was cleared up, they do hang out more and refer to each other as siblings. Considering he is Pan and she’s Acearo, they joke that, just like their dad, they’re an all or nothing pair 😂
Was he raised in high society with all the manners and proprietary his birth required? Yes. Has he walked into Queen Manor with frogs in his pants, used a gremlin voice, and is a complete ADHD chaotic whirlwind? Also yes
He has a major crush on Omega squad Verse Tiffany Fox, our beautiful autistic, lizard-and-Newt loving inventor. They end up together and honestly both teams couldn’t be happier for either of them
Connor was given a drum set as a kid. Dinah has never forgiven ollie for it 😂
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itsanidiom · 4 months
Final thoughts on Pit Babe (as an Omegaverse fan)...
Honestly...at the end of the day...I'm a bit disappointed.
Not with the drama itself, mind you. It's a decent BL drama for what it is.
For me personally, Pit Babe will rank somewhere between My Dear Gangster Oppa (Another Evil Mafia Bonsai Daddy) and KinnPorsche (Why is there so much product placement in my Mafia drama?). If you cut out the super powers and just make it about human trafficking (which wouldn't actually change the plot too too much) it fits perfectly in that arena.
The overall disappointment came from the fact that it wasn't Omegaverse...It wasn't even A/B/O. I would say it's X-men with Mpreg that (unnecessarily) uses (some) A/B/O verbiage.
I kept waiting for it to prove itself as a fit for the Omegaverse trope, but it never did. No heats. No mating cycles. No biting. NO OMEGAS!!! (lol)
Yeah, we get some "pheromones" and "scent compatibility" but Babe only ever mentioned them, so maybe it's just part of his personal super power and not a general thing all Alphas have. Also, Babe only mentions Charlie DOESN'T have the smell which is good because he thinks it stinks. So even the Alpha scent feature of the Omegaverse trope isn't handled how I, personally, am used to or would like to see.
All in all, since it didn't hit the Omegaverse mark for me, I ended up only about as invested as I would with any other drama, and there are a lot of other supernatural and soul mate themed dramas out right now (The Sign, La Pluie, Ghost Host Ghost House, etc.) that I feel have had better execution. The super power theme in this one just didn't excite me enough to drive me to give it top marks with all the other faults.
The car racing was dope! But again, I personally enjoyed Love In The Air more with it's racing and mechanic themes. Also because Love In The Air is street racing and not...whatever competitive sport this was...it allows for more of the vagueness around the rules of the sport that this drama should have better explained because they were meant to be competing in some sort of Nascar/F1 style races. So it didn't win there either apart from some of the visually awesome race scenes. The best one was still the drifting in episode one. Street racing, once again, better than trying to make an official competition make sense.
So yeah, those are my thoughts. I'm just left feeling a little disappointed. Totally down to read people's thoughts if you have any counter arguments though!
P.S. Side dish was the best dish tbh. AlanJeff own my heart. Once Charlie fake died and Alan and Jeff's relationship started, that kept me on board ngl. Also if the show just made Jeff an Omega, it would have redeemed so much for me, honestly. But no...AlanJeff are just a normal (very adorable) couple.
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unohanabbygirl · 10 months
Back at it again with a giant ask about a FMN and HIPS crossover. Thank you so much for giving me the time of day. Onwards! I’m obsessed with idea of artwork and the way it exists in your reincarnated universe. Is it a slap in the blacks/Osferth’s face that Aemond surrounds himself with depictions of Luke’s assault? It’s so fucked up for Aemond to try to convince Rhaenyra and everyone that he is changing, wants to be better and is good enough to meet Osferth, but then spends hours upon hours surrounded by expressions of the horrific crime that happened? Would you say that the blacks can see right through him and know that while he’s not proud of the assault, he takes narcissistic pleasure in being remembered by history? “Please let Osferth know I called” Aemond says while staring at a romanticized depiction of the assault he committed. Can you imagine Heleana taking the children to visit Aemond at work and they walk down a hallway to his office with all those paintings leading the way? Or if Maelor and the twins learned about him in school and THEN remembered and felt sick knowing he was their uncle but Alicent/Helaena encourages them to give him a chance? Imagine r*pe apologist Alicent trying to keep the truth from them but like the internet exists?? It would be interesting in that scenario that the more Alicent pushes the narrative that Aemond was the victim or Luke was a liar as a way to rally the targtowers, she just ends up isolating herself and Aemond even more? It would be INSANE for Alicent to drag all of them to church including Helaena’s kids only to have the priests start on about how evil Aemond was and the sin he committed against the Mother. So much of FMN is these two groups coming together so it’s fascinated to see the same people again so polarized. Also it would be SO dope to have Daeron and Luke meet first because Daeron wouldn’t recognize him? He remembers Like as children vaguely but had no idea he was this amazing as a teen.
You mentioned that Daella was an omega…since it’s modern times and medicine is so much better can we please have great granny Daella alive and well and she’s one of Luke’s mentors? They don’t even know their connection!
I also have to ask that since it’s an abo verse in the FMN universe, does Luke still go through the trauma you’ve written as his back story? The repeated abuse, Owen’s presence, and his case? I would imagine that with scents—to put it crudely—teachers and government officials in charge of his foster care would be able to smell if he was being abused? Since he’s an omega does he actually end up in a much better situation when placed in foster care bc I would think that special treatment is given to omegas? Honestly I feel like the trauma he’s gone through in FMN plus HIPS is a little TOO angsty. Especially with this last chapter of FMN showing the way repeated assaults have just utterly destroyed his sense of self worth and remembering would just prove to himself that HE’S the problem. To know that this didn’t just happen to him in modern times but also in a previous life seems too much to bear.
In a different line of thought, I know some of us may tend to skip over this when reading because we want the drama, but wealth and class are a huge presence in FMN. Could you expand on what it’s like for the targtowers not to have access to that? I can’t remember if they are using Viserys’ money or if Alicent is also well off. It’s easy to share the wealth when all is forgiven, but in this scenario I don’t see Vizzy giving any money over to them solely because of what Aemond did to Luke. Also…what’s Rhaenys like in this? I remember from the original post of the HIPS drabble that she brings Luke back to KL thinking he is one of Corlys side pieces which kicks off the whole reunion. What’s it like for her to be in the presence of a Luke who doesn’t remember who in the past she unwittingly forced from his sanctuary? I feel like the whole family would be terrified of spending too much time with him because they DON’T want him to remember. Of course some of these questions may be difficult to answer since both stories are unfinished. We don’t yet know a lot of the behavior of the blacks bc unlike in canon, Luke returns to them with Osferth.
Of course! I love this crossover so much and I’d be more than happy if you kept the questions coming so long as you have them ☺️
As for your first question; Aemond knows his obsession with such artwork is more than a bad look for him in this journey to prove he’s a changed man and earn Rhaenyra’s trust in order to actually be allowed contact with Osferth. Because of this he’d more than likely keep his interest a secret for as long as possible despite filling his life with horrid depictions of his worst crime. However, I imagine it would all come out in the open after Egg takes a school trip to the museum Aemond works at and spots him in a trance with a very explicit piece of Luke’s assault. It’s enough to make Egg’s stomach churn as his classmates also express their discomfort with the piece.
Of course the first thing Egg does is text his mom before snapping a picture as evidence since he’s no different from the rest of the blacks in completely being against Aemond having contact with Osferth. And this little infatuation is more than a enough evidence to prove that he doesn’t deserve it. After all, how would Osferth fell knowing his father tries to constantly relive the worst act committed against his muna?
This ends with a “family” meeting consisting of both fractions in order to discuss this new development leading Aemond to have no choice but to reveal his new place of work (though he keeps his true reasons for taking up the curator job rather than his original plan to become an archivist to himself)
The meeting is an absolute mess because both sides have their arguments. With the blacks its “why should we believe he’s a different man when he clearly gets some sort of sick satisfaction from surrounding himself with glorified art of what he did to my son/brother. Do you think Osferth would be happy to know this?” and for the greens its “But you all know Aemond has always expressed interest in uncovering and learning as much as he can in regards to history. Is he supposed to find a new passion just because those artworks happen to he there? There isn’t a single museum in the country that don’t have similar paintings available for viewing.”
The meeting ends without coming to a valid middle ground and on continues the internal fighting among them all. And though both Alicent and Helaena know their argument was bs seeing as Aemond could easily find a position that doesn’t involve surrounding himself with such violent art, they can’t help but be on his side. For Alicent it’s because she truly sees no wrong in her sons actions because “it was Luke’s sinful nature that seduced my son.” While for Hel it’s simply because she feels its her duty to remain at her mother and brothers side. This in turn leads down the path of Maelor and the twins learning what their uncle is remembered for.
This is one thing the greens (except Daeron) have never actually taken into consideration. Hel’s kids aren’t going to remain naïve children forever. They’re growing by the day and the kiddy lenses they view the world through are slipping off with time. I feel that its when the twins reach their 6th grade year that they learn the total extent of Aemond’s actions during a history lesson. They want to learn more which leads them to researching more at a friends house after school. Long story short it leaves them feeling sick with a sense of betrayal towards their family. Their eldest uncle may be less than kind to others but he’s always been good to them. It causes them to look back at their immediate families actions and it makes a lot of sense. Daeron’s constant malice towards Aemond and Alicent, their grandmother’s outdated faith to the old ways of the seven (which I feel would be similar to the old Testament) as well as her constant attempts to shield them from learning about history, I.e. keeping them from viewing any history channels and putting child block on certain sites. Their mother has always seemed uncomfortable with Alicent’s approach at making sure they’re blind to the truth and now they know why.
I don’t think either of the twins would be the type to approach Alicent head on but the shift in energy towards both her and Aemond would make their new knowledge obvious. This in turn leads to an immediate trip to Sunday service the next day to quote “wash away the lies” but it all gets thrown back in her face when the septon begins preaching of “respecting the holy omega” and “all who’ve done wrongs towards embodiment of the mother in any way shall burn”
Its safe to say the trip back home is VERY silent.
Daeron meeting Luke first would be a good choice because he practically has no idea what a young Luke looks like since all memories of his nephew are from when Luke was grown. He’d likely have no idea that Luke Rivers is actually Lucerys and thus form a genuine friendship with this rebellious and carefree omega who’s so different from his high society Peers Alicent encourages him to befriend. I’d even say Luke treats him like a little brother despite being a year younger. For the first time in his life Daeron feels like he’s in good hands, which makes sense once the truth comes out.
I love the idea of great-granny Daella! Maybe she works at a foster center and feels a strong connection with this amazing young man before taking him under her wing. Telling him stories of her youth and giving advice on how to navigate the world while still being true to himself. I feel she’d 100% think of adopting Luke herself after some years go by without this sweet boy finding a forever family but her higher ups tell her it wouldn’t be permitted. I can imagine her going on about Luke to her daughter and granddaughter all the time and it makes Nyra cry because all she can imagine is her own lost son. Maybe it would come to the point where she brings them to meet Luke during one of the centers field day for the younger kids where the older teens help out and bam! Family reunion. Though I think such a revelation would give granny a bit of an anxiety attack 😭
Since Luke has already been through sexual trauma in his past I would completely change his current storyline. As you said, its all way too angsty and feels like putting Luke through abuse for the sake of it which i’m not a fan of. To know he’s been assaulted in both lives would likely send Luke down a path of contemplating hurting himself in a surge of hopelessness. It’s way too cruel for comfort. While this Luke has been in crappy foster homes and even been groped without his permission once or twice, he’s certainly never experienced r*pe or a forced sex act of any kind. Nor has he shot up the heavier drugs such as milk of the poppy.
However the question of if public officials could smell if a child was being hurt in that way is an interesting one because there are so many possibilities that along come with it. People can in fact smell the scent of abusers on children in the system along with their fear which make the chances of creeps trying anything incredibly low but sometimes a r*pist throw caution out of the window during extended holiday breaks in the school year since there’s enough time for the “smell” to wash off naturally along with long forced shower. Scent blockers have the ability to conceal this quite easily but there are many limits such as age and reason. If a child hasn’t presented yet for example.
Getting your hands on these isn’t an easy task; you have to have an actual reason for why you need the blockers, multiple doctor’s visits and received many sign offs as proof to whatever pharmacist that your prescription is valid. Think of it like getting a Percocet prescription. There are so many current barriers in place that even when prescribed by your doctor for a valid reason pharmacist will still turn you away.
Even with these measures put in place there’s always someone things illegally so the possibility of predators abusing this drugs to cover their crimes remains.
If Owen does exist in this au i’d rather have him be the way older boyfriend who sometimes snorts coke and is a bit of a weirdo but overall is harmless loser who works at the local 7/11
What makes this s Luke different is that he’s experienced a much better life due to his status since there are a multitude of precautions in place to make sure such a vulnerable percentage of the population remains safe. All omega homes and government programs keep them together with older omegas to act as a guiding hand. I can also imagine something akin to an omega protection act. Luke’s omega status has saved him from so much trauma in this life, a complete 180 from the past and will overall serve to help give him faith for both his and Osferth’s safety once his memories return.
The question of class and wealth is one I always love answering because there’s so many way’s which their money and connections affect their lives. In the original story Alicent’s money is her own BUT it was Nyra, Daemon and Viserys that got her out of the mud so she could build herself up. Since their relationship is so strained in this AU Alicent would find herself marrying into high class through lies of her true connections to the Lannister’s (not to mention she’s a Tully despite technically being a bastard. But unsurprisingly she doesn’t allow herself to acknowledge it.) Alicent would definitely go about the path of seducing a way older man whose the head of a great house (maybe Baratheon?) and slipping her way into his will before its light’s out. It hurts her mentally in way since she’s basically repeating the past step for step. Yet she’s so used to her past life of absolute luxury that remaining a working class citizen is beneath her in her mind. Because of this Aegon/Hel and Aemond/Daeron would have different fathers which is it’s own can of worms.
Now that I think about it, giving her last two children brown hair and eye’s is a fun idea to play around with. While Aegon and Helaena have traditional Lannister looks from their father it would be a huge hit to Aemond’s self esteem to have “basic” coloring. Not to mention that it would basically make the resemblance between him and Osferth that much more striking…gonna think about this some more. But back to my point—
Alicent still finding a way to slither her way into wealth is a hit to the Rhaenyra big time. It just goes to show that she’ll never truly escape Alicent’s nasty ways. The upperclass are in such a tight-nit circles therefore they’re all forced to interact and play nice to keep up a good image for both their peers and the public. I can imagine that once some years pass and everyone comes together that gala’s, banquet’s, and all that jazz are so tense. Especially when its the kids who are forced to interact at nice events that are full of pressure to lay on the nice-nice act thick.
As for Rhaenys, her hope to make up her mistakes to Luke is even stronger in this crossover because if it hadn’t been for her, Luke and Osferth would’ve remained happy and carefree in their peaceful lives. Luke wouldn’t have been forced to deal with the judgment of the entire realm on his back and Osferth would never be exposed to such nastiness that comes with royalty and nobility. All the boy has ever known is pure love so the switch to being looked at as dirt beneath people’s shoes is so much to handle. And though Rhaenys never intended for her actions to destroy their little slice of heaven its still an action that changed their lives drastically. Rhaenys would definitely find herself trapped in a constant battle between wanting Luke to remember so she can express her regret and attempt to make it up, and wanting him to remain oblivious so he doesn’t have to deal with trauma from his past.
But in all of this it’s truly Osferth who lost the most from Luke being separated from the rest. While he has a solid incredibly loving family, who he truly needs is his mother. For so long they were all one another had. True soulmates in every way. It’s heartbreaking because he’s the one who has to deal with the history lessons in school, the disgusting art and public opinions when it comes to his mom who never wanted more than to live in peace.
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edwardashley · 2 years
@serenity-the-firefly thank you for tagging me!!
last songs: I saw the band Proper. (yes the period is there) live and they’re so good. like. imagine all that classic alt-rock-punk sadboy shit but it’s about being a black, autistic, queer man? dope shit. I recommend starting with “A$AP Rocky Type Beat” or “Red State Blues”. And I also saw Los Campesinos the same night, who is one of my fave bands of all time!!!!!!!!!
last shows: see above, but I’m still fuckin buzzing from FOUR HOURS OF ALL ELITE WRESTLING LIVE!! Like I saw Jon Moxley, CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Chris Jericho, Daniel Garcia, Claudio Castagnioli, Matt Hardy, Hikaru Shida, Emi Sakura, Lucha Bros, Pac, Kenny Omega, House of Black, Ricky Starks, Powerhouse Hobbs, The Acclaimed, Gunn Club, Serena Deeb, Dante Martin, Ruby Soho and also saw ringside/runouts from Sting, William Regal, The Young Bucks, Wheeler Yuta, Darby Allin, Hangman Page, 2point0, Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, Danhausen, Hook.... INSANE NIGHT FR FR
currently watching: nothing actively? I’m watching GLOW with Lucy and promised Faye I’d finish better Call Saul. Really we’re just waiting or Masters of the Air lol
currently reading: Deathless by Catherynne Valente. It’s fun so far, feels very whimsical and has some lovely turns of phrase, although I’m not sure if the style can be sustained for 300 pages? We shall see. It’s also a bit hard to be hyper invested when there’s a distance from the characters due to the style.
I’m going to tag @grimark @wifeofbath @starsreside @cajunroe @stolperzunge @screamingay and anyone else who wants! But no pressure.
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gothprentiss · 2 years
33-40, 75?
this is long so in the interest of everyone’s scrolling,
33: nightwish - the carpenter (live) (now not to be horny on main but the first time i heard the way floor sings “they tell me to lie on the grass” i did have to pause the song just to recover myself.)
34: epica - abyss of time (omega alive) (first epica song i’ve ever been impressed by lyrically. it actually just has nice prosody and gives a better structure to their usual brand of successwin esotericism)
35: kamelot - seal of woven years
36: nightwish - i want my tears back (live @ wembley)
37: epica - fools of damnation (did they know what they did when they kept giving simone lines like “fool, kneel for me again”…. did they know….)
38: kamelot - poetry for the poisoned ii (so long) (fucking love this song. it’s vampirickal lovers… it’s perfect. it’s the perfect roy khan and simone simons duet. “i am bound like a beast unto its prey / we are one of a kind you and i” and the progression from “show me how it feels to be alive” to “show me all the splendors of the night” is dope.)
39: leonard cohen - you want it darker (lyrically just a perfect song i think. maybe “a million candles burning for the (help/love) that never came / you want it darker / we kill the flame” or “i struggled with some demons / they were middle class and tame.” there are a lot of extremely boring songs out there which overpersonalize theodicy but leonard cohen never misses!!)
40: epica - kingdom of heaven pt 3 the antediluvian universe (omega alive)
75: kamelot - the mourning after
apple music
33: kate bush - eat the music
34: nightwish - come cover me (live)
35: vava - CX330 (飘荡在黑暗银河系 / 我拥抱我自己 (wandering the dark galaxy, i embrace myself))
36: kamelot - poetry for the poisoned pt ii (so long) (ICONIC MOMENTS IN LISTENING HISTORY)
37: kate bush - them heavy people (“i love the whirling of the dervishes / i love the beauty of rare innocence”)
38: veil of secrets - entirety
39: nick cave & the bad seeds - anthrocene (PERFECT song lyrically. “the animals pull the night around their shoulders / flowers fall to their naked knees” “i hear you’ve been out there looking for something to love / sit down beside me and i’ll name it for you” “behold the animals and the birds, and the sky entire / i hear you’ve been out there looking for something to set on fire” “i hear you’ve been out there looking for something to love / close your eyes, little world, and brace yourself”)
40: kate bush - the wedding list
75: nick cave & the bad seeds - john finn’s wife (the most validly horny a song has ever been. “i slipped my hands between the thighs of john finn’s wife / they seemed to yawn awake, her thighs. // it was a warm and very ferocious night / and the moon, full of blood and light / and my eyes grew small and my eyes grew tight / as i plotted in the ear of john finn’s wife” go off KING)
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ninimis · 2 years
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Weekly comics reviews?
Nightwing #98 - I guess the marriage isn't happening after all? Otherwise this was Tom Taylor, the terminally online Twitter user who writes for the shared on social media cropped images crowd, fully indulging himself.
World's Finest #9 - Thought David would be responsible for his world blowing up. What he did would definitely leave you with hardcore survivor's guilt, but given all of his outbursts of rage, I had imagined something much worse. Despite Waid being seen as the Silver Age fanboy, he writes Joker in the same post-Moore mold as everyone else.
Stargirl: The Lost Children #1 - Never read a Stargirl book before, still haven't read Johns first JSA run, but I enjoyed this. None of the Hypertime bullshit or Johns trying to assert his will over the rest of the DCU, just a simple and straightforward character-first book. Hope that stays the case for the rest of the issues.
Batman: One Bad Day: Mr. Freeze #1 - Second one of these I've enjoyed. Probably the best execution of walking the line between keeping as much of the sympathetic Heart of Ice characterization as possible, while still showing that Freeze is enough of a bastard to justify him being an ongoing villain.
Immortal X-Men #8 - Four Sinisters all exploring different solutions to how to beat A.I. Diamond Sinister as the one we know and hate who is focused on mutants, Club Sinister (Dr. Stasis) who is focused on humanity, Spade Sinister (Orbis Stellaris?) who is focused on aliens, and Heart Sinister (Mother Righteous?) who is focused on magic. Guessing Sins of Sinister is going to be about the four of them fighting, with the other three catching wind of our Sinister's Moira clones and robbing him of that power in the end.
And since that's all for this week I'll throw in some from last week too:
Dark Crisis #6 - Total disappointment on the whole this may be, but Williamson writes a kickass Jon and that scene with Jon and Clark was dope. I wish he was writing Jon's solo instead of Taylor. Unfortunately everything else sucks, Jace shows up and deus ex machina's Pariah away, Yara barely contributed aside from a brief moment with Pariah, and the Titans have been absolutely useless this entire event.
I Am Batman #15 - Best of the issue of the series this far, weird how it's an event tie-in.
Superman: Son of Kal-El #17 - Almost done. I guess the scene where Jon came out to Clark was sweet, but all I can think about is the one where he and Clark discuss what they accomplished while Clark was gone. This whole goddamn series was kicked off with Jon asking Clark why Clark didn't do more, and resolving that he was going to step up and be the Man of Today. Here we are almost a year later and Clark liberated an entire planet while Jon did a single city. Christ, how do you not see Jon as a failure and slactivist in that light? His old man has accomplished more than he has!
The New Golden Age #1 - Am I supposed to hate the Time Masters? Because I do, they're both stupid and incompetent. I kind of love that everyone is screaming at Johns to stop touching Watchmen and The Killing Joke, to quit rifling through Moore's trash, and he just keeps doubling down on it! More everyone begs him to quit the more determined he is to shove his ideas in everyone's faces. Least Helena Wayne entering the picture is cool, I liked her portion of the book.
WildC.A.T.S #1 - Standard Rosenberg book, I found it enjoyable but it clearly is relying on you coming to these characters with some degree of familiarity which I don't have. I know who Grifter is at least because I reread the Urban Legends setup issues, but everyone else I don't have a clue about.
A.X.E. Judgement Day Omega - Best Marvel event since Hickman, but I am sad the hipster Machine is only pretending to be bad. Irrational it may be, but my dislike for it's "le quirky" dialogue is all too genuine. Guess this is it for the Eternals huh? Marvel and Gillen were really relying on the movie being a hit to let him have a long run, and since it flopped their push is over. Too bad because Gillen really made me like them.
Fantastic Four #1 - This was good! Man is it nice to have a readable FF book again, even if I am irritated that it's doing the dumb "mystery box" cliffhanger that ASM is doing.
Sabretooth & the Exiles #1 - Sooooo good! Up there with X-Men Red and Immortal X-Men for best book in the lineup, they need to give LaValle more Marvel books ASAP, this guy clearly is going to be a star one day.
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quietgamelover · 2 years
Alrighty next Megazords on the chopping block:
Lightspeed Rescue
(For the life of me I cannot remember these megazords so I’m doing a lot of research as I go)
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Lightspeed Megazord 7/10
Honestly this design is freaking solid. The crane being the arms that can extend is cool, the helmet and the chest lights just look really nice with the chunky torso. I’m also a sucker for when the megazord has to form in real time with actual physics and shit to contend with rather than the zords combining in the void of blue. It’s just such a good design and this has always been the megazord I think of when I think of this season.
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Solar Megazord 4/10
I have some issues with this guy but first I wanna praise some stuff I like. The solar panel design is kinda weird but I actually enjoy it, and the fact that this megazord is mostly silver contrasts with the Lightspeed megazord really well since it has a lot of gold accents. As for the bad…this helmet like hurts. The visor looks almost identical to the In Space helmets but like what did they do to it? 😅 the overall outline feels weird also, like it just doesnt feel like it has enough oomph.
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Lifeforce Megazord 9/10
This design SLAPS. It takes a lot of what I like about the first two megazords and drops the stuff I dont like. Also I really enjoy the fact that they dropped all the colors and made it mostly black/silver/gold. Also you can’t really see it in the pic but the sword looks dope also. The helmet is a cool shape, the shoulder pauldrons add some needed bulk to the upper torso and it just works 😌.
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Supertrain Megazord 2/10
This thing feels so off balance 😅 the top feels so heavy compared to the waist which is like totally bare for some reason?? The legs look wonky as hell and also the low quality photo (it was the only one I could find that showed the entire thing cause I HAD to show the weird waist situation) doesnt show the helmet well but I really dont like the shape of it. The visor and the horns feel like they’re just slapped together? Idk a better way to explain it, it just screams “wrong” when i look at it.
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Omega Megazord 2/10
The OMEGA megazord. The name even gets me and I just breezed over the last one that was called the SUPERTRAIN. This megazord makes me laugh when I see it cause WHAT IS THIS. They wanted a rounder shape I guess? But to do that they just shaved off the corners of the megazord instead of just…making it round? Like we have megazords that do a rounder shape much better. The way the shapes and colors all mash together REALLY give me “this is a toy” vibes and literally EVERY megazord is a toy.
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skyecarrington · 5 months
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Pinterest. Playlist (TBA).
CHARACTER INSPO: Dean Moriarty (on the road), Han Solo (star wars), Romeo ( romeo & juliette), Achilles (greek mythology) & Jack Dawson (titanic)
midnight escape, sleepless cities, a forgotten leather jacket, a collection of postcards with an address that was once home, burning incense, a string of broken hearts and love letters sealed with a family seal, stolen bravado and a trunk full of a life long lost.
FULL NAME: Aurelio Skye Carrington NICKNAMES: Lio, Skye, Carebear AGE: 31 BIRTHDATE: July 23rd, 1992 ZODIAC: Leo sun, Aries moon, Libra rising SPECIES: Heartthrob Omega Wolf ABILITIES: Making you swoon, mixing a dope ass drink, bringing the party and general wolfie boy shit. POSITION: Pack Member PLACE OF BIRTH: NYC, New York CURRENT RESIDENCE: Lunar Cove, Rhode Island NEIGHBORHOOD: Sunny Harbor OCCUPATION: Owner of Bad Moon Brewing MBTI: ESFP-T ENNEAGRAM: 7w8 the oppurtunist TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine
+ adventurous, loyal, free-spirited, resilient, charismatic, adaptable, compassionate
- rebellious, impulsive, avoidant, noncommittal, self-destructive, entitled, escapist
TRIGGERS: wilderness schools for kids, bad parenting, child neglect, death, violence, blood
Skye's mother was a self-hating witch who married and had a child with a human in the vain hope the child would also be human.
When Skye showed he had abilties she did everything she could to discourage the use of his magic. Including sending him to Wilderness schools where he used the abilities he had to escape and help others at risk escape.
Eventually, his mother conceded under the guise he would not use his powers. To her face, he promised but in reality, Skye loved being a witch and would use his magic for any reason without thinking so long as his mother couldn't see.
He grew up quite lonely relying on his found relationships to fill the void left by his mother's cold nature and his father's frequent absences.
Growing up the closest parental figure he had with any consistency was his nanny, Francesca who he fondly referred to as Frankie. The older he became the more rebellious he was. As a teen he met Dilan and Leyla Selvi when they were robbing one of his family's vacation homes.
He helped them get the best stuff and would often join up with them whenever he could. Graduated high school miraculously, and got into state school.
During his time at college, he met Elif and in a twist of his fate during one of her transformations, Elif attacked Skye. He was so sure he was gone for, a dead man walking. Having survived he had known to a degree what would come next.
He did not expect to lose control and cause the death of Francesca in the turn. Distraught he turned to his mother for help.
She cleaned up the mess but it would be the last thing she'd ever do for Skye- she faked his death, signed his trusts into a ghost charity, and let it be clear he was for all intents dead to her.
Joined up officially with Dilan, Leyla & Arlo traveling all over the globe.
Settled in Lunar Cove, joined a pack to find belonging
Lives each day as if it were his last, making up for lost time tldr Poor little dead(sorta) rich boy who is incredibly charming is born a witch to a self-hating witch mom. During college a fling attacks him and he nearly dies. She a wolf my guy. Will take more than that to keep Skye Carrington down but now he is a wolf and his once a month transformation isn't something he can hide. Not when there is a body count (one but it was bad enough trust him). Mom fakes his death and he goes on the run with his found family eventually ending up in Lunar Cove where he takes ownership of a bar. Takes his life one day at a time. Never takes anything seriously so he can't get hurt. Here for a good time not a long time incarnate.
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taekookfests · 1 year
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inbloom fest - fic reveals season 2
you're the train (i'm tied to the track) by greyspace [link] 36.1k Words | Completed | Teen and Up
There are two sides to every story.
But when it comes to Kim Taehyung, every story is a never-ending tale.
(Or, Taehyung’s facets shine brightly and Jeongguk falls in love with every single one of them.)
I Can Be Your Hero, Baby by laykive (littleheichou) [link] 28.7k Words | Completed | Mature
Jungkook makes a promise to Taehyung when they’re still in elementary school, but, for the record, when he'd made that promise he hadn't expected Taehyung to be putting himself in danger.
Roses on the floor by ryuks [link] 27.7k Words | Completed | Explicit
High fashion model Taehyung despises the industry that made him a household name. During an event he rather not be at, He happens to meet Upcoming photographer, Jeon Jeongguk. A friend of Jimin’s and a friend Taehyung wants to make.
He might not believe in love at first sight, but given how good Jeongguk fills out a suit, Taehyung definitely believes in lust at first sight.
It Must Have Been Love by Carle [link] 25.6k Words | Completed | Mature
Jungkook and Taehyung were soulmates; bond unbreakable and hearts intertwined. That was until Jungkook chose his dream over their love.
Or the one where Jungkook leaves Taehyung behind to become an idol, but karma is a bitch, you know?
Hither by Khrismierra (AmayaInMyTummy) [link] 20.7k Words | Completed | Teen and Up
"I think, yeah," Jeongguk mumbles, throwing back a wider smile towards Taehyung which the older immediately mirrors. "You ready, hyung?"
"Maybe," Taehyung replies, coy smile present in his face. "Let's start, shall we?" "Anything you want to see specifically, hyung?"
"Honestly?" "Honestly." "Just you, Guk," Taehyung says. "Just you."
Albeit awkwardly, Jeongguk takes that information smiling and lets himself giggle in excitement with the thought of finally shooting outdoors. He's with Taehyung and so, he would be alright. He would do alright, just like Taehyung has always told him whenever he asks how he did after every shoot.
all i want is to fly (with you) by wolfsbanez [link] 20.4k Words | Completed | Teen and Up
Taehyung mistakes comfort for happiness and Jeongguk comes into his life to prove him wrong.
(Or, Taehyung has a strict routine he follows every single day until a new bartender called Jeongguk shows up and manages to turn his life around.)
Bed For Two by orphan_account [link] 18.7k Words | Completed | Explicit
one innocent cuddle, that's all it took.
(or the one in where two neighbors are more afraid of telling each other about their preferences more than anything.)
Aliens! Aliens? or, “Close Encounters of the Nerd Kind” by bambambams (phanjessmagoria) [link] 17.3k Words | Completed | Explicit
Jungkook knows the truth is out there. It's just too bad his best friend Jimin is only humoring him.
Meeting Taehyung (and Yoongi, another unfortunate skeptic) at an alien convention is a lucky turn of events, a twist of fate that ends with a road trip to one of the most famous sites of extraterrestrial activity and, maybe if they're lucky, some probing.
(Which all participants are totally and completely up for.)
chaotic chances by AWriterIAm [link] 17.2k Words | Completed | Mature
His morning starts a little something like this -
unknown [08:03] Are you fuckin namjoon??
Jungkook stares at it. And stares at it some more until the words make a little bit more sense because who the fuck is this texting him at ass o’clock asking about his tall, dimply omega?
jungkook [08:08] maybe
jungkook [08:08] who got something to say about it ?
Jungkook then tosses on a black shirt underneath a black hoodie and black sweats with a pair of specs. Unbothered that his hair is still wet, he throws a cap over top and is ready to head for the door.
He’s on time, which is dope. What isn’t dope is the notification that illuminates his screen.
unknown [08:10] Me
unknown [08:10] His alpha
Sea Salt Remedy by againstthewind [link] 17.1k Words | Completed | Explicit
Jeongguk couldn’t have known that there were shapeshifters inhabiting the sea.
Otherwise he wouldn’t have bawled into its waters and unwittingly summoned a selkie.
Cognition by ohsehunseoul [link] 15.8k Words | Completed | Mature
Jeon Jeongguk's job as a psychiatrist is his life. Day in and day out, he prescribes medications most people can't pronounce and listens to the problems his patients face. It wasn't the career path he wanted to go down, but he loved it nevertheless. One night, a stranger knocks on his door, calling himself Kim Taehyung. He asks for one night of freedom from his abusive household and Jeongguk obliges. The troubled newcomer is somehow breaking down the walls the doctor build around himself, all while trying to heal his own wounds.
The Roses (I Laid on Your Grave) by rosefaerie [link] 15.5k Words | Completed | Mature
This is a story of love. This is a story of life. It is a light reading. But, no one said it would be a happy one.
This is a story of how Jungkook and Taehyung got their tattoos. It is a story of how two boys loved each other until the sun dies. It is a story of how a boy ended up laying a rose on his lover’s grave.
Spring Sonata No. 3 by TwentyThreeThirteen [link] 15.2k Words | Completed | Teen and Up
It hit him like the first sun ray in the morning, a brand new day.
After hearing the first note played on his saxophone that evening of the Spring Festival, he knows it has hit him hard.
Jeon Jeongguk -drummer of the ascending local band "Smoke and Mirrors"- has a crush on the world famous saxophone star, Kim Taehyung who shares his passion for music and -not-so-subtly- has been trying to hit on him since they first met. Now they meet again after enrolling in a piano class.
fate and everything in between by cheeks [link] 11.9k Words | Completed | Teen and Up
Playing a prank on your soulmates who have been trying to play matchmaker is probably not the best of ideas. Or –
two pieces of the same puzzle by namidahime [link] 11.9k Words | Completed | Explicit
Taehyung spends most of his life trying to fit himself into societies expectations of how an alpha is supposed to be.
At least till Jeongguk decides to turn his world upside down.
or: an au with alpha Taehyung and omega Jeongguk but Taehyung is more submissive and Jeongguk is more dominant.
March 31st by Carle [link] 11.3k Words | Completed | Mature
It’s when you wake up in the future and find yourself craving it so bad only the present won’t let you have it, so you wake up in the past and fix everything.
Or the one where Taehyung goes back in time on a specific day in an attempt to fix a mistake.
don't bother knocking by problembehaftet [link] 10k Words | Completed | Explicit
Taehyung can't sleep without hugging something, but when he's especially anxious his pillows aren’t quite enough. On those occasions Taehyung bribes his very cute neighbour Jeongguk to let him sleep in his bed and use him as a body pillow.
And Jeongguk is totally fine with that. The only problem is that he's pretty sure Taehyung thinks he's straight and he has no idea how to tell him that he's most definitely not. He's gay, so very gay and all the platonic cuddling and non-dates are slowly killing him on the inside.
the crimson rays are ruby bright by cryptonomica [link] 7.5k Words | Completed | General Audiences
In which Jeongguk accidentally cuts his red string of fate while sewing, and Taehyung has to figure out why his red string is now stitched into a toy tiger.
Aerial Infatuation by guksboots [link] 6.2k Words | Completed | Mature
Jeongguk and Taehyung are rivals at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Or are they?
i'm not that lonely to love you by meanho [link] 5.1k Words | Completed | General Audiences
They say actions speak louder than words; Taehyung's counting on it.
Do it Deeper, do it More by Sharleena (Restricted) [link] 5.1k Words | Completed | Explicit
"Is this a joke?" he asks. Jimin shrugs and puts the mug down. "Does it seem like a joke to you?" "No, but I'm kinda hoping it is." "It's not a joke." This is just slightly—how to say it? Fucked up. "Hyung," Jungkook begins saying. "Did you just offer me a flier that allows me to have a free session with a prostate masseur?"
PROMPT: Jungkook going for a sensual prostate massage - excuse him he hasn't gotten laid in months - and there he meets Taehyung, his hot masseur.
Love and Parenthood by eddiemarey [link] 4.8k Words | Completed | Mature
Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung's pregnancy and parenthood adventures.
That, and how they realized their friends are geniuses.
Make up room by TheNameIsAlec [link] 1.9k Words | Completed | General Audiences
Jungkook is a makeup artist who just started to work with idol Taehyung.
japanese denim by shejustwantstowrite [link] 1.2k Words | Completed | Teen and Up
But Taehyung wants Jungkook to stay for a little while longer.
(A long, long while would work, too.)
(a huge thanks to Jane for helping me compile all these fics!)
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