jroycethethird · 2 months
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meet royce; billionaire, playboy, sometimes responsible coven advisor
FULL NAME: J. Royce Van Doren III NICKNAME(S): known as Royce by the general public, Tripp by family and very close confidants AGE/DATE OF BIRTH: 36, 11/04/1987 GENDER: Cisman PRONOUNS: He/Him OCCUPATION: Owner of Art In Motion, Investor, Billionaire Playboy, Coven Advisor SPECIES: Witch ABILITIES: Telepathy, Electrokinesis, Duplication, Omnilingual
TRIGGERS: Divorce, Death, light mentions of Memory Loss
On a faraway coast, at a luxurious resort, sat a tall and effortlessly handsome man. Wealth and opulence shown from head to toe, a sly fox like grin curling at his lips. Everyone around him buzzed about their lives – some on glamorous vacations such as him, others trying to live their normal rhythmic lives among the new and varied faces week by week. Their minds were loud and delicious, full of the secrets they would never breathe out loud, private as they come. Private that is, except to him. It was that uncanny ability to hear, to know the true nature of someone before their mouths opened through the bold whispers of their mind, that allowed Royce to excel in whatever enterprise he set out to master. Whether here on this shiny coast where the water was more pure than anywhere on this miserable planet, or back home in the sheltered supernatural community he vied to be away from as often as possible, Royce had sworn he would use his every advantage to climb that limitless ladder of success deep into the clouds, so that absolutely no one had the audacity to look down on him. After all, he was born to be something great - He just needed to find that once in a lifetime sliver of something to get him there. 
J. Royce Van Doren III was the only child born to the illustrious J. Royce Van Doren II (better known as ‘JR’) and his second wife, Milicent Van Doren. JR didn’t shy from jumping from spouse to spouse, having a long list of parameters a woman needed to meet in order for things to ‘stick’. For his first wife ‘irreconcilable differences’ meant he just didn’t like her personality much, but for Milicent it was a little more out of their hands. Dying during childbirth was hardly a fault of her own, though JR’s parents did mumble how the “weak womb breeds weaker children”. Royce being the only child out of that marriage was soothed if only by the fact he was born a boy – the Van Dorens’ antiquated beliefs that wealth and family prestige should only be passed down from male heir to male heir having remained prominent since they struck it big in the Railroad and Oil during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. For new money now turned old, certain traditions just wouldn’t die even with the generations that passed. JR’s next and (for now) current wife, Blythe Van Doren came so shortly after that Royce would consider her his mother, having raised him in that charming mansion, Verdant Vale Hall, in Celestial Hills alongside the two younger sisters she so graciously ‘gifted’ him several years later. It was okay to have daughters second or third, as there was a brilliant young boy already to shoulder the massive weight of family responsibility. 
Royce was always meant to be something grand, that’s what JR would say. For that reason alone, he was offered the finest that could be offered to a young man. JR sent his son off to the best boarding school in Vermont, opting out of the public education Lunar Cove offered, made sure his son had the best tutors and advantages so he could graduate with high honors and get into first-rate higher education facilities. Whip smart, charismatic, and armed with an attractive spot in Oxford University’s Men’s Boat Club, Royce received that desired high quality education and enjoyed a few years across the pond away from his father’s watchful eye, evading his colleagues (more like spies) who were under pressure to make sure the first choices of his early adulthood would align right with JR’s well laid out plans. Again, a Van Doren boy held the brunt of expectation in his family, and in Royce’s case he was expected to follow a carefully curated plan. Do well at school, come back with a lucrative degree, and he would be given access to a seemingly limitless inheritance which would allow him a leg up in whatever career he wanted. Nepotism at its finest. He’d nearly blown it all when he came back from Oxford, a college graduate with an Economics and Management degree and a woman on his arm. A human woman. 
While away, Royce undoubtedly worked hard to gain some level of prestige at school, followed every expectation and the carefully laid out plan from his family to the tee. But they never really dictated what he should do in his social life. Sharing living spaces with a few fellow witches trying to make it big (secretly) in a human world, Royce did his best to stick largely to his community where he could find it, to keep his head low and not attract much attention beyond academics and in a rowing shell. But there were just one too many pretty faces at Oxford. In small and inconsequential ways he would take advantage of his natural born gifts to allure and attract the right people – a small spark of his electrokinesis here and there with a well timed, “Looks like there are some sparks between us,” worked miracles on humans who didn’t know that tiny spark was manipulated by him, or the leg up on dates when he could read their mind and surprise them with that worthwhile gift or fancy restaurant they’d been thinking about for days. Tacky to some, but Royce always thought you had to use what you had to get through relationships and life. Sometimes it was as simple as a wager — “If I can guess the exact number on your mind,” then he got whatever he wanted. People thought he was so clever, so lucky, never mind that he could always read what was on their mind. Make your own luck, that’s what his father always told him, and that matched with his other charms somehow got Royce in and out of trouble quicker than one could blink.
In the case of this woman, it was a whole lot more than tricks and self made luck that got him anywhere. Intrigued by her sharp wit and silent grace, he found himself stumbling head over heels for a woman who didn’t belong in his world. One who didn’t fall for any of his silly little tricks and lines, who made Royce work for it. And Royce had never really had to work for anything in his life. It made him want her more – an unattainable something that was always out of reach. She forced him to be honest and vulnerable, more so than he’d been with anyone in his life, and when the veneer and gilded pompous rich boy armor fell away, she got to see parts of Royce he didn’t know he had. Sweet and soft parts, a kind and warm heart hidden beneath the crooked smiles and sarcasm that hid any sort of genuine anything. She found his sensitive side, found the part of him that loved and cared so much for the people in his life he was willing to do whatever he needed to make them happy and be whatever they wanted him to be. Found out he wasn’t as wily or cowardly as he portrayed, that he was deeply intuitive and could be foolishly brave when the moment called for it. He began to even see himself as more than just another vehicle for success in his family – Royce began to see himself as a regular person, began to accept the flaws and unique qualities in himself. He came back from the UK a changed man, a more humble and warm person. And his family hated it. They hated her – a human girl who had no inkling of the supernatural world prior to meeting and developing a relationship with the prodigal son. It took a lot of explaining on his part, but luckily she trusted him enough to let him prove whatever strangeness there was to his ‘all American family and community’ to her once they were safely inside of Lunar Cove and didn’t freak out (at least too much) at the reality of their world. Much like his other ‘strange, irregular’ habits, she took to him being a witch with grace and an open mindedness which could rival any. And he loved her all the more for it.
Now with access to that seemingly endless wealth afforded to him by birth alone, Royce would commit what would be considered the second biggest crime since coming home with a human for a wife. When JR asked Royce what his next big step would be, he shocked his father, and the rest of the living Van Dorens, with news that he would use a portion of his inheritance to purchase the local art museum. His wife, having been an accomplished painter, would need a place to display her works, and Royce decided this would be his exciting first enterprise. To his family, it was like burning money. Sure there was a level of pretentious prestige that could come with owning an art gallery – only the upper crust could afford the overpriced derivative nonsense that came in and out of Art In Motion at times – but it was hardly what they wanted from J. Royce Van Doren III. Not for his first business, anyway. What happened to the plan to merge magic and modern technology to create a never before seen magical tech conglomerate? What happened to actual innovative thought and theory, guiding another Van Doren into the future and cementing their position of wealth and status? No, instead he wanted to own an art gallery to display his wife and other emerging artist’s work, fusing magic and masterpieces into a fully immersive and interactive experience. He hired the best of the best – those with animation as an inherent ability, others with technological manipulation, fae and their illusion magic, whatever ability could be used to create intricate scenarios for guests, and then whoever had the eye and knack for fine art – in order to reinvent the posh art gallery into something more magical. His opening exhibit was “Enter The Mundane”, a magical twist on a human woman’s art portfolio. It was met with mixed reactions, the archaic high brow society not exactly open to it, but ushered in an exciting refreshing look at the art world which attracted a young audience to a gallery opened by the bourgeoisie. It made his family recoil, which Royce found deliciously worth the mixed reception.
For the most part life seemed to continue in a charming haze. The young married Van Dorens enjoyed a surprise success from their interactive art exhibits, and word of futuristic design and technological innovation being used at the small art gallery in Lunar Cove had begun to make its way to other circles. Never one to stay in his boring hometown much, Royce liked to travel, for business and pleasure. The only downside was his wife couldn’t always come along. Not without that pesky issue of memory loss when a human crossed the border. At first she wasn’t quite pleased with being stuck behind, but at least Royce provided an ivory tower as her domestic prison. Verdant Vale Hall wasn’t his yet, but a fancy townhome in Celestial Hills was all his and it made for a nice place to call home. And she did have all the time in the world to create and collaborate with actual magical people for the next fantastical exhibit they could put on, so she kept relatively busy. On the occasion, she would venture with her husband on trips to Vermont, New York City, Massachusetts and wherever his fancy money and Old American Rich Name would take them, but not too far so their soon after return and the influx of magical memories were not too jarring for her. But the trips became fewer in between when they revolved more around business than pleasure.
As fun as the art gallery was, Royce couldn’t be content with dipping his toes into just one pool — he needed more, he needed the prestige that came with more. That’s when the investments happened, when he began gaining more off the backs of others’ successes. The stock game could be tricky, they could be all consuming, and becoming a key player could make someone irritably ugly. Royce could be a fiend, an absolute shark, where money and business were concerned. He’d come back from trips to the big city either elated beyond belief with another notch of success to boast on his fine braided (and designer, naturally) leather belt, or in utter despair and a mercurial mood, weighed down by a business plan gone sour or a poor investment with shoddy return. This was an unattractive Royce, a bitter one whose ambitions and desires seemed unattainable despite all the resources at his disposal. This was the Royce bred by his family to desire power above all else. It always took a lot for him to come back from this, back to the secret dreamer who just wanted to create a cool and expressive place to share art in this small supernatural world. When he could get back to that, back to the shared goals between him and his spouse, only then did things truly seem to go well. Every business decision became a smart one, investing in things that could keep their fortune stable while using funds to grow the gallery and its faculties. Soon he began giving back, back to the community that, for better or worse, raised him and he even offered his limitless resources to the coven he belonged to. Not in some bid to gain any power within — this was charity, a pure gesture at its finest. At least, as pure a gesture as an arrogant rich man could make. It was a decade of wholesome good works and great success and growth. 
Then things took a turn for the worst.
Life in Lunar Cove was generally idyllic, made perfect and safe for this secret supernatural community. There really wasn’t much to complain about, or fear, especially for Royce. But it was always when life was at its finest that things seemed to go so incredibly wrong. When the deaths started occurring, and the Council was being picked off one by one, nobody really knew what to think of it. It had been so long since peace was struck in Lunar Cove, where the horrors of their world existed so primarily beyond their borders, that it was hard to grasp it when such atrocities happened within town. Royce could remember so clearly his family’s reaction to the news; the death of their own witch leaders. “A tragic, awful thing,” Blythe would say delicately behind a perfumed handkerchief. “Whatever are we to do now?” JR’s eyes were gleaming with something awfully frightening to Royce, shaken to his core whenever he caught his father’s gaze. It wasn’t until the men were alone to their whiskey, a drink to the great lives lost, that he voiced the thought that lay heavy between them. “You have to step up. You have to put in your name to lead them.”
The Trials were a memory which Royce tried to leave behind, but still laid out fresh. Many young, ambitious witches stepped up to the plate. Most of them wanted it, wanted the coveted title of Supreme more than anything in the world. Royce had practically everything in the world, and this was one of the few things he had no desire to possess. He already had so much responsibility— the last thing he wanted was to be keeper of the Lunar Cove coven. When the ancestors didn’t pick him, his was a face of pure relief, unlike the shameful visages of those that failed alongside him. The only thing that caught him off guard about the whole thing was who was chosen at the end of it. The Reeds were an interesting family all together, and Poppy Reed was barely his junior. He supposed he knew her and her family in the casual way that neighbors involved in a witch coven would — by name and whatever bits of reputation was hushed around. She seemed an odd choice, as his father so angrily declared time and time again at family supper. The implication that his own family seemed so against the ancestors’ choice only made him all the more supportive. So when he was asked to step in as advisor, despite clearly not wanting anything to do with coven leadership, Royce accepted the post with such a sort of blasé indifference, one that hid a deep desire to see what could be done under this new brazen leadership. The beginning of this new chapter was only dampened by one other thing: his human wife, in the midst of all this chaos.
This sort of danger didn’t bode well for the supernatural, but it could be worse for a human woman. One who, at the core of it, had barely anything to do with this world. Before Royce accepted the position of Coven Advisor, his wife wanted to leave town. To go back to England where her family was. “It could be safe there. You don’t know if it’s really all that better staying here.” It was safer there — for her, anyway. It was hardly the place for Royce. The supernatural world was growing smaller and smaller, centering in on Lunar Cove. And he had accepted a position that would keep him there for the long run. This bred a whole new kind of difficulty, long and tumultuous fights that didn’t end well for either party. And the more wounded he was, the further Royce pulled away. He focused more on work, more on the coven, more on his home being threatened. He drew farther and farther away, he almost missed it when she stopped wearing her wedding band. If it wasn’t for that one final fight, the night before a charge for a one way ticket showed up on their shared bank account, then he might have missed her leaving all together. But it happened, and he lived with the whiplash of her swift departure even to this day. It just wasn’t working, and how could it? A human with no ties to this special haven and a witch who signed his soul to it — despite how beautiful the last decade was, they just couldn’t swing it. When she placed his dead mother’s ring in his hand and turned away, Royce felt the sting of unshed tears. But he wouldn’t show it. They made a clean break, a prenup having protected their individual interests. All he still had of her were paintings owned by the gallery which she hadn’t had an interest in keeping anyway, and the memories she promptly lost. Back home in England, she’d remember him as the American cad she lost a decade to. In Lunar Cove, Royce decided to become just that.
In the time since then, Royce has left the art gallery mostly in the hands of employees, filled with almost too much shame and hurt to spend much time inside of it. He’s traveled a lot, whenever he can, for business and most certainly for pleasure. So his first marriage failed, big whoop — his dad married thrice. He’d recover and he acted like he'd done just that. Charming and unapologetically cocky, he migrated from bed to bed as often as he did from country to country, leaving a trail of either heartbreak or vehement anger in his wake. If it weren’t for a duty to his coven, and to the family that expected him to rise to greatness and maintain their status quo, perhaps Royce would have disappeared to a distant coast and lost himself in the ecstasy of foreign lands and secretive thoughts. But he comes back as often as he must, to take his place as an advisor and to flaunt an obscene amount of wealth and an even more ridiculous playboy persona around the small town he scorns and yet cherishes as his one true home. As the threat grows bigger, and seemingly more closer to home, Royce finds himself coming to an enigmatic cross roads — whether to rise to the potential his one great love had seen in him and prepare to stand up and fight when the time calls for it, or to turn tail and run away at the first sign of trouble on Lunar Cove’s horizon. Admittedly he’s teetered towards the latter, and that may just be what his fellow townspeople expect from him, but Royce is learning quickly that he can defy all expectations. And maybe proving them all wrong is exactly what he wants to do. 
has spent a good majority of his life outside of lunar cove and travels often, usually for “work” but mostly for pleasure
uses his telepathy in every business meeting for an upper edge, and sometimes in his personal life. outside of business, he doesn’t hide the fact he uses this uncanny ability for an edge
was on crew his whole academic career as one of the bow pair/1st seat, and owns a boat which he takes out and spends most of his time on when the weather is right. like all rich white men, he loves a good afternoon playing golf and will be seen around the tennis courts, mostly flirting with the gorgeous country club eligibles
despite owning an art gallery, he can’t draw for shit so don’t expect artistic ability here. he just has an eye for aesthetics and beauty and there’s history there but he ignores that
has never been to echo acres or shadow lake the entire time he’s lived in lunar cove — what do you mean there’s more outside celestial hills, sunny harbor and downtown?
his family owns a mansion ostentatiously named verdant vale hall where his father, stepmother and two half sisters live. royce will inherit it when old dad kicks the bucket, and in the mean time owns his own lovely townhome. that being said, he goes to verdant vale hall often — partially because a garage full of his personally curated and restored vintage european cars is there but also because he promised his step mother to always be there for breakfast and sunday family dinner. he just has to deal with JR too.
re:car garage, royce has a ridiculous number of fancy little european cars he speeds around town in, in every color imaginable, and yes he switches out and often coordinates his ride to his outfits. that aside, he is most seen in his beloved dark green 1964 shelby cobra 289, blue 1970 porsche 911e coupe, or his black 1954 mercedes-benz 300sl. basically if you see a douche speeding around town in a vintage european car it’s probably him.
royce has been divorced for 1.5-2 years now (iffy on the dates currently) but he jumped back into the scene pretty shortly afterwards. that being said, he’s mostly physically available and emotionally detached, so while he may have some recurring favorite bedfellows, he’s incredibly noncommittal
is a proud plant daddy
has a pilot’s license, likes to fly small planes for fun and when he needs to get out of his head and away from people and their heads. also knows he looks hot in a pilot’s leather jacket
the family has a crest featuring a stag, two crossing Laurel branches, and a motto that reads “ex virdi crescunt” (probably butchered but pip doesn’t know latin), and each family member has the crest on some form of jewelry typically worn. for royce his is inlaid onto an emerald green stone set into a gold signet ring he always wears on his right pinky finger, the motto engraved on the inner side of the band. it translates to “from the green we grow” a nod to the van doren reverent belief in the natural order of magic which courses through their blood line
deathly allergic to bees, has an epipen on him always (gansey voice: safe as life)
the only van doren with dark hair and dark eyes; his father, step mother, and half sisters are all blondes with gray-blue eyes. royce inherited his dark locks and chocolate colored eyes from his deceased mother, millicent.
I’m sure I’ll add more soon
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic FAMILY: J. Royce Van Doren II “JR” (father), Blythe Van Doren (stepmother), Cecile Van Doren (half sister), Kathryn Van Doren (half sister), Millicent Van Doren † (biological mother, deceased) HOMETOWN: Lunar Cove, Rhode Island FACE CLAIM: Jonathan Bailey HEIGHT: 5’11” EYE COLOR: Brown HAIR: Brunette DISTINGUISHABLE FEATURES: glasses (yes, they’re prescription), gray streaks at his temples, scar on left brow STYLE: decadent, resplendent, outrageously expensive designer three piece suits, always has on a fancy watch and other ridiculously overpriced stylish accessories, a signet ring on his pinkie featuring the family crest, carries an umbrella or a cane with an ostentatious handle sometimes for added flair, fancy modern glasses, dress shoes and a code of casual elegance at all times unless he’s on a yacht or at the club, in which case it’s polos, chinos/shorts, and loafers all day every day ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: scorpio PINTEREST: (x)
Gallery workers/collaborators
Gallery hopefuls
Country club friends
tbh he needs one very close friend who calls him Tripp and like gets him
hmu we’ll figure it out
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briarreed · 1 year
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Pinterest. Playlist.
CHARACTER INSPO: Caroline Forbes (the vampire diaries), Blair Waldorf (gossip girl), Catherine (hulu's the great), Sansa Stark (GOT), Paige Matthews (Charmed)
FULL NAME:  Briar-Rose Andromeda Reed (Chamberlain)
NICKNAMES: Briar, B, Rosie/Rose
AGE: 32
BIRTHDATE: September 3rd, 1991 at 10 am
ZODIAC: Virgo sun, Cancer moon, Libra rising 
SPECIES: Vampire -Turned Mary 23rd,2024; formerly a witch
SIRE: Julian Chandler
ABILITIES: Teleportation, Electrokinesis, Familiar manifestation, Audible inudation  
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Lunar Cove, Rhode Island
OCCUPATION: Burlesque dancer
ENNEAGRAM: 1w2 the helper
TEMPERAMENT:  Melancholic 
+ Intelligent, adaptable, talented, resilient, creative & loyal
- People-pleaser, insecure, impatient, avoidant, possessive & jealous
TRIGGERS: toxic parental relationship, anxiety/panic, abandonment, compulsive behavior, gaslighting
The youngest of the Reed/Chamberlain siblings, Briar's early memories feel like distant dreams due to being moved away from Boston as a toddler.
Family was paramount to Briar, her childhood colored by admiration for her mother and siblings, striving to make them proud.
Malleable and eager to please, Briar was shaped into a facade of perfection by her mother, uncertain of her true identity beneath.
Briar, an eager to please golden girl, maintained an image of intelligence, talent, and charm to secure her place.
Mistaking praise for love, Briar's relationship with her mother was fraught with uncertainty and a lack of true connection.
Despite her planned path to greatness, Briar's world shifted when it no longer felt possible for her to safely leave Lunar Cove.
Adaptability became Briar's strength as she adjusted her Ivy League dreams to online schooling and community college. Tho she never stopped regretting missing out on Yale.
Briar excelled at manifesting ideas into reality, completing her undergrad and pursuing her doctorate while working for the historical society.
She continued to play her part, even accepting a marriage proposal from a man she had love for but had never been sure if she wanted the same things as him or even to marry him.
However, when her step father, Miles died and her sister, Poppy unexpectedly took over as Supreme everything changed.
Poppy Reed's emergence and the loss of her stepfather compelled Briar to shed expectations and pursue what she truly wanted for the first time in her life.
She no longer felt like she could work at the historical society and ended her engagement, and tho she felt guilt over how she left things, Briar knew if she was ever going to discover herself, she had to do it on her own, not second-guessing her choices.
She took to the stage, finding love and passion in the theater where she could be herself without the continued expectations of her mother.
However, even the stage would be taken from her. During the Mid-Summer night's dream, in July of 2023, it resulted in chaos and death. Briar watched her sister die, took the life of the man who ended her sisters and watched in horror as the Coven choice to bring her back resulted in paying the price with a life. Only it was one Briar had not expected, her mothers.
The trauma weighed heavily on Briar, for the first time in her life she did not have her mother dictating what she should do, making her second guess her choices. And in the loss she found hope in a budding romance with Julian Chandler.
The flirtation was innocent, her feelings developing authentically over six months before the pair made it official in January of 2024.
Hope and the growing assurance of self laid the path for Briar's life to become more beautiful than she had ever dared hope for; she felt seen, loved and found solace in her career, friends and more.
However, as things go the universe takes back what is taken, even if you are not the one to do the taking. And as Coven rules go using dark magic would come with a price for the whole Coven.
Briar had hoped they'd have time and yet she did not know it would be her life that ended the fateful full moon night.
However, Briar ever prepared had been taking the blood of her boyfriend since her father blew through town. A precaution she felt needed, a fail safe for if the end should come she would have a plan V.
She is left now reeling with the aftereffects of her death. Grief stricken that it had not happened on her terms, left with a loss of her innate magic and with once again learning how to be; at least she know she will not be alone as she becomes more and more of who she has always been.
Briar is a notoriously talented pianist and figure skater. If she could have ever left Lunar Cove, part of her believes she could have made something of it.
Briar is very impatient and has an undeniable "I'll do it myself" mentality about most things. 
Endlessly talented Briar has an affinity for calligraphy and collects fountain pens.
Briar's familiar was a fluffy white cat named Posie.
She was gifted a white kitten after her death by Julian Chandler. She is fondly called Posie the second.
Briar collects maps from all over the world, imagining all the places she would have visited by now if she had been able.
She hates being alone and seldom spends a day alone. 
Her career changed naturally, from consulting on historical accuracy for a show to stage management, understudy, and eventually taking the stage with a natural affinity she couldn't deny. 
She know performs at Burlesque as the Pendelum burned down when her mother died and she's not sure she could ever face it again.
Briar wears a forget me knot pendant made for her by her boyfriend every day.
2018 - Linden left Briar is 26
2019 - Poppy's return when Briar is 27 
2021 - Fiance proposes a plan for a wedding in the Summer of 2023
Feb 2022 - Linden returns. 
March 2022 - Miles & the current supreme die, supreme trials and Poppy becomes supreme. 
2022 - Discovers she has a half-sister and learns about Silas and the truth
June 2022- Ends her engagement and begins working at The Pendulum.
2023 - Begins to secretly look into who Silas is looking for her own answers
July 2023 - Begins working at Cabaret
Jan 2024 - No empathy chaos ends with the official start of her relationship.
May 2024 - Becomes a vampire.
Alyssa Reed - mother -deceased
Silas Chamberlain - father
Miles Hale - stepfather- deceased 
Poppy Reed - older sister
Linden Reed - older brother 
Jasmine St.Claire - older half-sister
Noelita Lopez - pseudo sister figure
Youngest of the Reed/Chamberlain/St.Claire siblings. She is a massive people pleaser, a social chameleon who means well but can come off as vain, apathetic, or selfish to those who don't know her. Reluctant lifer who, when her life fell apart over a few months, gave up her job with the historical society, ended her engagement and found a new sort of distraction and talent in the stage at The Pendulum. Loved the stage so much that after she lost her mother in the Mid Summer Dream chaos she went to work at Cabaret. Her life took another turn when she died and became a vampire.
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clerkmillie · 1 year
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Amelia "Millie" Lewis
She/her/hers died at 24. currently 104. Vampire. Town Clerk. Resident of Lunar Cove 10 years. Member of the vampire clan.
She does nothing worthy of remark She figured it out.
Backstory: (triggers: death, mentions of blood, painful death)
Being immortal can sometimes be a very strange thing.
Our story starts a hundred and four years ago. A baby left in an orphanage, parents lost to the War to End All Wars and Influenza. Adopted, still small, to a couple that took good care of her. But with one strange thing about them. Although little Amelia grew, her parents did not. Eventually, when she was old enough to keep a secret, they told her why.
She was a human daughter to a pair of lonely vampires, ones who just wanted to fit in.
 it was abnormal, of course, for vampires to behave that way, but they were an odd couple. They didn’t follow vampiric customs so much, just wanted to mind their business and live normally.
Being Immortal can be fun, for a while.
They moved often, so as to fend off questions about the changing gap between parent and child, but they were happy. Amelia had a lovely childhood, even if she missed out on the ability to tease her parents for their gray hairs, seeing as they never grew any. Life was good, life was safe. Hell, in the course of her lifetime, Blood banks had become common, and intercepting blood in transit transit was easier (and kinder) than having to hunt. Fangs retracted, always.
She grew older and her parents became her “siblings”, She matched their height, and they became her “friends”. She matched their age and she made a life altering choice, although it had been one she’d seen coming for a long time. At the age of 23, when she was old enough to ask and be humored, her mother-sister-friend became her sire, and the trio were bound forever in yet another way.
Being Immortal can assure a lot, but never full safety.
Fifty years ago, on the move, they took a wrong turn in their car and got jumped by a local werewolf. It wasn’t even a fight, just some bites and grazes from a young werewolf who was a bit too trigger happy and protective of his home when he smelled them. They apologized to each other, went their separate ways, and the vampires arrived home in under an hour.
But remember… bites.
The next week was hell, hunger and hallucinations abounding in their household. Amelia hadn’t been bitten, but while she was trying to help the others… her sire being hurt this badly left her hurting too. “Who hasn’t been bitten before? Live long enough, omegas will bite you sometimes.” They hadn’t seemed too worried, sent Amelia to her own room. but considering they’d had the misfortune of being bitten by a beta… when she woke the next day, the bond pain hurt so badly, she couldn’t even move to be in the same room with her family as they passed. Couldn’t move from her curled up ball for days. That wasn’t normal.
Being immortal can be very, very lonely.
It was lonely. So lonely. She kept moving, kept trying to fit in, but she didn’t have any constants, any friends in her life. She went forty years, moving every five, without even catching sight of another immortal being. Days felt like minutes, months felt like hours, humans aged so fast. It was lonely. So lonely. She started changing her name slightly, just to test things out. Ames to Amy to Mildew and back. She changed her hair. She made mortal friends in one place, kept to herself the next. Just drifting, just filling time until- well, maybe until forever. She went fifty years without even locking eyes with someone who had her lifespan. And that was devastating.
But being Immortal doesn’t have to be. Not in Lunar Cove.
There was a place with people like her. Immortals, inhumans. A little town. She could go there, she could fit in, it was possible. So she made her way there, introducing herself as Millie, this time. As soon as she showed up, she registered with the vampire council and started working odd jobs. Bookkeeping, data entry, handling tasks. She liked it.  All she and her family had ever wanted, as long as she could remember, was to fit in. And here, she did. Vampire and all. She’d never have to leave this safe, secluded town.
She’d lived there for eight years, befriending locals and becoming a staple in the community, when she was hired by Meena Raja-Moore. She’d never worked as a door to door poll-gatherer before, but by this point she knew just about everyone. Asking about their thoughts about the election campaign wasn’t hard. They opened the door for her. And she was good at making graphs and charts by this point, so that part of the job wasn’t hard either. She was proud to be on the election team of someone making a good difference, and prouder when they won.
And then she got promoted to clerk, a job she’s honored to hold. She takes work seriously, takes her community seriously, and takes her duty seriously. She takes good records, she’s dutiful and quiet in meetings. Maybe to a point where people forget about her sometimes, but she knows her job is vital. And nothing proved that more than when she, with her records, connected the dots. Theodore Moore was alive. She had to tell Meena, of course. She had to tell the council! So she did, as soon as she was sure. As soon as she’d triple checked everything.
And now everyone knows she did it, she figured it out. That’s quite a spotlight. And honestly, she never considered herself one for standing in spotlights…
Being Immortal is many things, but it never seems to get boring.
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skyecarrington · 5 months
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Pinterest. Playlist (TBA).
CHARACTER INSPO: Dean Moriarty (on the road), Han Solo (star wars), Romeo ( romeo & juliette), Achilles (greek mythology) & Jack Dawson (titanic)
midnight escape, sleepless cities, a forgotten leather jacket, a collection of postcards with an address that was once home, burning incense, a string of broken hearts and love letters sealed with a family seal, stolen bravado and a trunk full of a life long lost.
FULL NAME: Aurelio Skye Carrington NICKNAMES: Lio, Skye, Carebear AGE: 31 BIRTHDATE: July 23rd, 1992 ZODIAC: Leo sun, Aries moon, Libra rising SPECIES: Heartthrob Omega Wolf ABILITIES: Making you swoon, mixing a dope ass drink, bringing the party and general wolfie boy shit. POSITION: Pack Member PLACE OF BIRTH: NYC, New York CURRENT RESIDENCE: Lunar Cove, Rhode Island NEIGHBORHOOD: Sunny Harbor OCCUPATION: Owner of Bad Moon Brewing MBTI: ESFP-T ENNEAGRAM: 7w8 the oppurtunist TEMPERAMENT: Sanguine
+ adventurous, loyal, free-spirited, resilient, charismatic, adaptable, compassionate
- rebellious, impulsive, avoidant, noncommittal, self-destructive, entitled, escapist
TRIGGERS: wilderness schools for kids, bad parenting, child neglect, death, violence, blood
Skye's mother was a self-hating witch who married and had a child with a human in the vain hope the child would also be human.
When Skye showed he had abilties she did everything she could to discourage the use of his magic. Including sending him to Wilderness schools where he used the abilities he had to escape and help others at risk escape.
Eventually, his mother conceded under the guise he would not use his powers. To her face, he promised but in reality, Skye loved being a witch and would use his magic for any reason without thinking so long as his mother couldn't see.
He grew up quite lonely relying on his found relationships to fill the void left by his mother's cold nature and his father's frequent absences.
Growing up the closest parental figure he had with any consistency was his nanny, Francesca who he fondly referred to as Frankie. The older he became the more rebellious he was. As a teen he met Dilan and Leyla Selvi when they were robbing one of his family's vacation homes.
He helped them get the best stuff and would often join up with them whenever he could. Graduated high school miraculously, and got into state school.
During his time at college, he met Elif and in a twist of his fate during one of her transformations, Elif attacked Skye. He was so sure he was gone for, a dead man walking. Having survived he had known to a degree what would come next.
He did not expect to lose control and cause the death of Francesca in the turn. Distraught he turned to his mother for help.
She cleaned up the mess but it would be the last thing she'd ever do for Skye- she faked his death, signed his trusts into a ghost charity, and let it be clear he was for all intents dead to her.
Joined up officially with Dilan, Leyla & Arlo traveling all over the globe.
Settled in Lunar Cove, joined a pack to find belonging
Lives each day as if it were his last, making up for lost time tldr Poor little dead(sorta) rich boy who is incredibly charming is born a witch to a self-hating witch mom. During college a fling attacks him and he nearly dies. She a wolf my guy. Will take more than that to keep Skye Carrington down but now he is a wolf and his once a month transformation isn't something he can hide. Not when there is a body count (one but it was bad enough trust him). Mom fakes his death and he goes on the run with his found family eventually ending up in Lunar Cove where he takes ownership of a bar. Takes his life one day at a time. Never takes anything seriously so he can't get hurt. Here for a good time not a long time incarnate.
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C H A R A C T E R ★ I N T R O 
Full Name : Valerie Rosario Ximenes  Sexuality : Pansexual  Gender : Cis female Pronouns : She/Her/Hers Date of Birth : April 22, 1988 Zodiac Sign : Taurus  Occupation : Sou Chef 
P E R S O N A L I T Y 
-Valerie is a very nurturing person. She misses her family a lot and specifically her sisters. She has been through a lot in her life and regrets a lot of her mistakes. If she can help someone avoid the ones that she made she is going to try and do that. 
-She can be a know it all at times a bit judgy even when she thinks she is in the right and someone else is making a mistake. It is coming from a good place, a place of not wanting to watch someone make a decision they will regret, especially when that person is someone she cares about. But she struggles to keep her thoughts to herself, especially in regards to things she is invested in. 
-Valerie can be very fickle, she has a hard time opening up to people she is not close with and even when she is close to them being vulnerable is very hard for her. She is one of those people who will tell you one thing but often has a difficult time taking her own advice. She is terrified of being hurt again, or rejection. She feels so many decisions in her life were the wrong ones and part of her does not trust her own instincts when it comes to herself. 
-Valerie loves to cook and bake, when she is not at work she is usually baking or cooking a new recipe. She loves anyone who will try her food and give her feedback on it. Valerie enjoys watching people enjoying what she makes. It is a relaxing and almost meditative experience for her to make a dish. 
-Valerie is a goof ball, she is always looking to make a joke and tries not to be too serious at all times. She is very serious at work and in the kitchen. Working in food service as long as she has she has been trained in good customer service which has spilled over into her personality. She loves to laugh and to make others laugh as well. 
W A N T E D  ★ C O N N E C T I O N S 
Friendships: Valerie is very loyal and attached to her friends. She loved to keep them close to her, however she is one of those people who will mother her friends. She is the friend who gets mad at you if you don’t text them back to let them know you got home safe. 
Taste Tester: This could be someone she works with or anyone in general, but Valerie loves cooking and loves trying new recipes. This is also someone she could feel comfortable sharing her dreams with. She would like to someday own her own restaurant, however at the moment she doesn’t have the confidence in herself that she would be able to do so. 
Pack: She is a werewolf, so having other werewolves who made her feel more comfortable with what she is and showed her the ways of the wolf. Since she got to Lunar Cove she was pretty new to the whole “being a wolf” thing, so someone who she might have depended on to show her the way could be something fun to play out. 
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