#ok i love ingo no matter what
betasuppe · 1 year
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I love Warden flavored Ingo humina humina♡
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A brief thought on the parallels of the Subway Bosses, The Tao Trio, and Warden Ingo's place
@waywardstation just made an amazing post on her thoughts of Warden Ingo's parallels to Kyurem. Nothing in the game directly connects the two, just like nothing in the game connects the Subway Bosses to the Dragons in Generation V. But the connections are still there regardless, because Game Freak made sure to fill Unova with so much symbolism.
These are the basic thoughts that connect each Man to their Dragon.
Subway Boss Ingo - Ideals; Aspire to greatness, never give up in your journey
Subway Boss Emmet - Truth; You are who you are, there is no need for a mask
Warden Ingo - Void; What is there when you lose who you are? No drive for greatness, nothing to mask. Ideals, Truths, nothing matters except the ground beneath your feet.
In each game that they appear, Ingo and Emmet are relatively flat characters. In Gen 5, they have enough personality to stick in your mind, and nothing past. And in PLA, Ingo's whole personality is "I lost my memory and am depressed, but have hope". Instead, we end up looking at word choice, and in the Subway Bosses cases, other media.
Subway Boss Ingo, across most media, embodies Ideals. He has his eyes to the future, always pushing himself and others to continue onwards. He frames battling and training as a journey ("What can I see after winning, winning, and winning? Where is my destination?"; "Your talent has brought you to the destination called Victory!"; "There is no terminal called End in your life!"), most often when he is victorious. He seeks to create his Ideal self, and wants to push others to do the same.
This comes up in Pokemon Masters EX as well, where the "no terminal" line returns (in an appropriately spooky tone), he also spends time in the Day With Ingo story event talking about how he seeks to better himself and "break through the mold of [his] past self". This event is also the first time he mentions the phrase "greater heights", which appears another 6 times in various snippets in Masters. And finally, we have a triple whammy of travel metaphors for growth in his level up lines.
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For Subway Boss Emmet, his connection to Truth is admittedly a bit more tenuous. He doesn't have any tendency for truth-seeking or investigations (outside of the famous behavior in the manga where he likes to eavesdrop on drama, which gossip isn't exactly truthful), but what he has is a strong showing of being truthful, even if he ends up being blunt or disrespectful.
As a consequence of his writing in Japanese giving him a very casual way of speaking, the English translation has him speak in shorter clips, just the bare essentials. The naked truths of his thoughts. He doesn't seek the Truth, or give a Universal Truth; Emmet is True to himself and to those around him. (As a side note, I love when people give power to other usages of the word True through Reshiram. I did it in my fic with a turn of phrase, but I've seen it done beautifully in other works too).
In Pokemon Special, Emmet doesn't hide the truth of why they asked White to train on the Battle Subway ("We're studying you as an example of a Trainer who gets overwhelmed and loses every battle!" "That's not nice, Emmet."), not because he is intending to be rude (Ok, a little bit), but because that *is* what they are using her for. In the games, he speaks of how Pokemon battles can be decided on luck ("I won against you. But I think I just got lucky."), because the Truth of the matter is, you can be highly trained and just have a bad day or get hit by a critical hit. But, most importantly, he believes that battles must be serious for them to be fun. Because what fun is there in putting up a fake fight, when you could just be True to yourself?
Now, to speak on the connection of Warden Ingo to Kyurem, we must first understand what Kyurem is to Zekrom and Reshiram. On a surface level, it is a Husk, a leftover revenant that can be reassembled into a simulacrum of the Original being. But looking into the actual symbolism of them all is where you find threads of connection to the Warden.
Reshiram, the Dragon of Yin, is representative of a more static element, receptive of change but passive in how it does so. It is a recursive existence that reaches out and pulls back towards itself - Everyone has an individual Truth, but that is still able to be changed by The Truth. However, one does not go out and change The Truth, only altering the perception of it while it passively exists. You cannot change what is already there, only create something new. In comparison, Emmet is never really shown to focus on the future, but rather on the present. He knows of the Truth in his life, and while it can be changed by present actions, he knows that he cannot go back to change it, so there is no need to try, or to hide it.
Zekrom, the Dragon of Yang, is active, ever expanding, and pushes up against those around it in it's search for Ideals. Ideals cause you to seek out a goal, to leave your home, your comfort zone, and push away from the past. To represent Ideals is to be in constant flux; Settling into a form makes you into a Truth, as an Ideal is a goal, something attainable, yet unreachable. We've gone over Ingo's future-forward gaze, constantly thinking about what is to come. Life is a journey, and every step you take in life is a step to self-improvement.
Kyurem is a Husk, a Shell. According to Bulbapedia, it is representative of Wuji ("Without a roof"), the absense of Yin and Yang, or "The Ultimate Nothingness". For this reason, I personally also attribute to it Mu, a concept of non-existence and negative space, specifically the lack of something normally there (modern Japanese actually uses "mu-" as a prefix the same way English has the suffix "-less"). Interestingly, the Japanese transliteration of Wuji is "Mukyoku" (lit. Non-polar, another translation of Wuji), connecting the two concepts neatly. In short, Kyurem represents Nothing and Everything.
Kyurem was supposedly the Original Dragon, the deity of Unova that represented Truths and Ideals in unison, a embodiment of Yin and Yang's harmony. In a sense, the Original Dragon was an embodiment of Everything, Unova's spirit of unity. Then, with the war between the Twin Princes (another pair also frequently compared to Ingo and Emmet, in case you think I forgot my boys), it was split into 2, but secretly 3, parts. This third secret part became Kyurem, a being lacking in its original qualities, leaving Nothing but the Husk.
Now, finally, we can get to everyone's favorite uncle, Warden Ingo. His connection to Kyurem is probably the least intentional of them all (which is saying something, because I'm honestly convinced that the Subway Bosses' own connections aren't intentional, but rather just a result of how Unova games were written with Truth vs. Ideal being ingrained heavily), but there still is one. As Wayward says in her fateful post, "Warden Ingo is an empty husk of who he once was ever since he was separated from his life, and from Emmet." Ingo as the Subway Boss may not have embodies the Everything that the Original Dragon has, but pairing with Emmet so closely still meant that Truth and Ideals mixed so cleanly that it might as well have been Everything.
However, the most important connection for Warden Ingo are the concepts of Wuji and Mu. To be "the Ultimate Nothingness" or "Non-Polar" means to be devoid of Everything, yet still have the capability to be far more than Nothing. The singular concept of Mu may mean that Warden Ingo is missing who he is and was, but that is not who we grow know in the game; We connect with a man who is slowly piecing together his sense of self, remembering facets of his past and growing happier with who he can be. Thus, the Mu transitions into Wuji, a void that isn't Empty so much as lacking.
The importance of distinction is that Mu is by nature Empty, while Wuji is Empty and Everything, limitless and confined. Similarly, Ingo is devoid of what made him him (His drive for self-improvement is impaired, even while he pushes the player to climb to greater heights), but becomes something new in the meta-narrative of the story. His actual, plot-related story ends when you quell Electrode and he becomes a challengeable NPC at the Training Grounds, but he becomes something of a kindred spirit in the greater plot of the game. He's like you, a Faller who has lost themselves, and also like you, an avid battler who pushes the system to it's limits (especially in the Path of Solitude).
In short, the connection between Kyurem and Warden Ingo isn't anything in the text, as Kyurem has no explicit in-game theming attached to it like Zekrom and Reshiram, and Warden Ingo doesn't have strong philosophical points that seeps out of the words he says to you. But when you look at the meta-theming for Kyurem, and subsequently Warden Ingo's meta-narrative, the connections become clearer.
Does some of this make no sense? Of course! A lot of this is extrapolating what was said in Wayward's post, and what came from my head as I thought of it. A lot of the connections of the twins to the Dragons has been discussed since 2010, but for all intents and purposes, Warden Ingo is a different character from Subway Boss Ingo. Narratively, he is the same person, hence why his appearance is a tragedy in Legends Arceus, one which we never get to solve. But on a meta level, he functions so differently, and lives so differently, that the themes he inhabits do not match up to the Subway Boss in any way. To end this on a sad note, Warden Ingo is exactly like Kyurem - Broken. He has lost what made him whole, and we've been shown that just reinserting Ideals isn't enough. Hopefully, if Game Freak decides to touch upon the Warden once more, we can find a way to reinsert his Truths as well.
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coramatus · 1 year
Why was my first thought about him seeing furry 4 legged animals HORSES and not cats or dogs? I just remembered that New York has a big mounted police force compared to other places and immediately assumed that's what Emmet saw first without a second thought.XD
Speaking of, what does Emmet think of Earth animals? Does he get any pets? What about when he finds out that having animals fight is generally frowned upon?
Oh, our universe’s animals are fascinating to Emmet. He’s like an Earth biologist landing on a planet full of alien life he has hundreds of years of research to catch up on. The degree of speciation is endlessly fascinating for him. To call something a bee means a thousand different options. Bird Pokémon are already widely varied, but birds here explode into so many different branches it’s dizzying to think about. He’s also quite annoyed he missed the age of the megafauna because holy crap he wants to meet a ground sloth so bad!
For more personal experiences, Emmet finds cats quite pleasant. He respects their space and cats love him for it. By the time Akari and Ingo come to get him, he’s fostering a mama cat and her kittens that he got to witness being born in the grossest way possible. Emmet has a bit of a problem with dogs, or rather dogs have a problem with him. Dogs can smell the Pokémon on him and the badly trained ones go ballistic, barking their fool heads off at him. They also don’t respect his space and that’s not ok. Horses are source of fascination for him but he’s been warned to stay away from the working ones, particularly the police horses. Fortunately, Jamal promises to take Emmet upstate to visit a farm where he can pet the horses and even ride them. And then there’s the rats. Hoo boy does he have a strained relationship with the subway rats.
Emmet actually totally agrees that animal-fighting is wrong because Pokémon have a degree of intelligence our animals don’t. In ideal situations, Pokémon can consent to whether they want to battle or not and that choice is typically respected by their trainers. Animals here aren’t given such a choice and even if they were, they’re so instinct-driven that it sometimes doesn’t even matter. The fact that the end result of these fights is often a violent and bloody death makes it even more sickening to him.
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Omfg, you're so right I totally forgot about the Klinklangs!! Which, lmao, you can also get in chargestone cave and it evolves at level 38. This is so funny for them if these are like, their first five pokemon, and they got four of them at the same cave, and litwick you can get pretty much right next door to it if I'm remembering it correctly. I don't know why, but this is so funny to me. Maybe they got their klinks because their starters were just way too squishy, so they needed something that could tank a few hits and of course they were going to pick steel types for that because they love them.
God, grinding litwick, tynamo, and joltik from level 5... they are very hard workers and had to have been good at strategy to make it work the whole way through. They're definitely more dedicated than a lot of trainers, who just want whatever is strongest. I know that like a blitzle probably would have worked out better in terms of power levels, but when has that ever stopped them from just using their faves? Their team comps are terrible as adults, but they clearly are just ones that they like best, screw getting ones solely to make their teams more comprehensive.
And yes!! They were definitely already sharing pokemon, probably pretty much from the start. As you said, they're a team, and more than anything else their absolute specialty is multi battles. (I like to imagine that Tate and Liza really look up to them lol)
Which... makes me have a lot of feelings suddenly about that fight in Ounce of Prevention?? If Ingo, despite not having any memories of it, was subconsciously training his pokemon to work well in multi battles. You know how in the game, when you fight him he actually says Emmet's lines, not his own? What if he was also training them sometimes the way Emmet would his own? And that's why they worked so easily with him, because they already knew his signals. They share pokemon so much that Ingo just automatically started preparing them to work like they would if Emmet needed them for a double battle
"You know how in the game, when you fight him he actually says Emmet's lines, not his own?"
ok kind of addressing the last thing first but you have no idea how fast i ran to check this in my pla copy when bulbapedia didn't have the training grounds quotes and oh my fucking god he does... "Follow the rules and drive safely! We're headed for victory! All aboard!" it's not 1:1 but those are so obviously emmet's lines. SPECIFICALLY his multis lines! i'm going to cry how am i possibly supposed to handle this! ingo!!!!
...i actually was about to type the rest of this post but i decided to actually finish the battle against him, just for the hell of it and to see what he said afterwards, and guys. fucking. "Sometimes I find myself saying things without knowing where the words come from... yet those words seem to fill me with power. But returning to the matter at hand: I hope you'll challenge me again sometime." INGO I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE THIS
anyway ahem. normal again. what were we saying. oh right, starters. yeah, klink are still not really on the level of the other pokemon you'd generally be facing in the 30s-40s, being a first evolution, but they're at least sort of defensive (as much as anything can be with that bst, lol) and they have the steel type's nigh-comprehensive type resistance going for them. so yeah those two probably uhhh Carry for a while i'm betting
yeah it's like. they're like these, once-in-a-generation strategy-minded trainers, and they use that power to do whatever they want and use their favorites forever. and honestly good for them. and YEAH THEIR SPECIALTY IS MULTIS... ok tate and liza looking up to them is adorable.
and yeah in ounce of prevention,,, for ingo it was just like he was given some pokemon to train, mostly free rein, and no actual memories to guide him, so he was just like. well, This Is How You Train Pokemon. to respond to all these cues, in a wide variety of strategies, in multiple different battle formats (...battle whats, now?) you teach them to... recognize these signals that you rarely, if ever, use... because it just feels like The Thing To Do... it feels important, for some reason...
...god i'm sorry i'm still not over the fact that ingo says emmet's actual lines and then proceeds to muse that those words seem to fill me with power. how am i POSSIBLY supposed to deal with this. lies down on the floor
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lackuraphi · 10 months
Angel wings au)Chapter 2:Acceptance
The basement was a children's playground.
I used a translator
This is the Fan fiction
It’s different from the original
Pokemon doesn’t appear(Except for one)
All Trainers have angel wings
This AU includes discrimination
Content Warning:confinement
I am black angel. I have black wings. And angels hate me. I don't know why everyone hates me. It's just that my wings are black..
But there are angels who don't hate me. They really like me! I like those angels, too!
I hope other angels like me, too. —————————————
Ingo went to Emmet when he came back from school. Sometimes Elesa went to Emmet with him. And Emmet always greeted them with a smile.
"I'm here, Emmet!" "I came to play today, too. Emmet!" "I'm Emmet. Ingo! Elesa! Welcome!"
They played in the basement as a playground, and sometimes on busy days with homework, they gathered together to open books on the floor and study together.
Today was the day Ingo and Elesa were busy with homework. So while Ingo and Elesa were doing their homework, Emmet practiced writing next to them.
"Hey! I made some sentences!" "Really? Shall we take a look?" "I want to see it too!"
I am Emmet. I like Train. I like Ingo. I like Elesa too.
"BRAVO! Your writing has improved a lot since the first time!" "Wow! I can read your handwriting!" "Really? Did I do well?" "Sure! You did a great job Emmet!" "Emmet also practiced so much, so we have to hurry up and finish our homework!" "Of course we should, Elesa!" "Ingo! Elesa! Cheer up!"
That evening, as Ingo's parents got closer to leaving work, Ingo and Elesa said a short goodbye to Emmet and hurried back up with their school bags.
"Ingo! We're here!" "Father. Mother. Welcome!" "Your friend is visiting today. Hi, Elesa?" "Hello!" "Do you want to eat with Elessa for dinner later?" "Yes! Of course! Thank you so much! My parents were so busy today that I couldn't have dinner at home!" "Really? Then you've come at the right time. Today's dinner menu is a big hamburger steak!" "And chocolate ice cream for dessert!" "What a SUPER BRAVO menu!" "Whoo hoo hoo~ I'll call you when I'm ready, so play in Ingo's room!" "Ok~!"
Ingo's parents also served meals to their guest, Elesa. And his parents put some of the dinner on a plate, put it on a tray with juice and dessert, and headed for the basement.
"Excuse me, ma'am. What are you doing?" "Oh, there's food left, so I'm taking it out!" "Then why are you going to the basement?" "Elesa, don't interfere in other people's personal affairs." "I see…"
Ingo's mother opened the door of the basement.
"Hmm? Is this..?"
And she found it in the basement, a toy train that Emmet had received from Ingo, which he had not yet hidden.
'Ingo? Where's your favorite toy train?' 'Uh, that's…I lost it!' 'When and where did you lose it?' 'Well… I'm sorry! I don't remember!' 'If you don't remember, I can't find it for you?' 'It's okay! I have many toy trains!' 'But it's the toy you loved..Are you sure you're okay?' 'Of course! Mother!'
Going down to the basement, Ingo's mother placed dinner and dessert on the floor and picked up the toy train on the floor.
'Is this Ingo's favorite toy train…? But why is it in the basement…? ……No way..!'
That night, sending Elessa back to her house, Ingo's parents called Ingo with a serious face.
"Ingo. We need to talk to you for a moment." "Sorry Ingo, but this is a serious matter."
Ingo's mother showed Ingo a toy train. It was found in the basement at dinner.
"This…" "The toy train you said you lost was in the basement." "………." "Ingo. Why was this found in the basement?" "That's why…" "Did you secretly go down to the basement?" "….!"
Seeing Ingo's surprised look, Ingo's parents were sure, Ingo broke his rule and went down to the basement. Ingo's parents raised their voices even more.
"We've certainly told you many times not to go down to the basement…Why did you go down to the basement?" "……" "Ingo. Answer us. Why did you go down to the basement?"
Ingo answered in tears
"Why can't I go down..I went down because..I was curious.. Mother, father..I'm sorry… really..I'm sorry…" "Don't ever go down to the basement again!" "I'm sorry..I'm sorry…" "We have to lock the basement door now!" "…locking the basement?!" "To prevent you from going to the basement." "Stop! Don't do that! In the basement…!"
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At that time, when the door opened from the basement, Emmet stretched out his arms in front of the crying Ingo and stopped the parents who were scolding him.
"I am Emmet! Ingo did nothing wrong! Don't scold Ingo!" "…Emmet..!"
Emmet opened the basement door on his own and went out.
"Emmet? But we didn't name you.." "Ingo gave me a name! So I am Emmet!" "…Ingo, did you name this kid?" "………yes" "…………….."
The parents looked at Ingo and Emmet for a long time in silence.
"Father? Mother?" "Huh..?"
And they hugged Ingo and Emmet.
"We've been thinking wrong all this time..Honey…" "That's right..Even the black wings are our precious son and Ingo's precious twin brother…" "What…? Emmet is my twin brother..?" "Ingo is my twin brother???" "I don't know where to start.."
Twin brothers were born in Anville Town. The twins have equally gray hair, unique side hair, and silver-gray shining eyes. The difference was that one was always blunt and the other was always smiling. The parents were delighted at the birth of the twin brothers, thinking they were blessed by God. Until they see the black wings on the back of the smiling baby… Parents couldn't hurt their newborn baby. So the parents hid the black-winged baby in the basement. And they have hidden the existence of the black angel they gave birth to. The people of Anville Town have also hidden the existence of a black angel. Even another son has hidden the existence of a black angel. The existence of such an unnamed black angel was forgotten in the basement.
But it's different now.
The parents also accepted the Black Angel as their family. Even though he has black wings, he is the precious son of his parents and Ingo's precious twin brother.
"Mom! Dad! and…Ingo!"
The unnamed young black angel whose existence has been forgotten is now part of a family named 'Emmet'.
But the world is not yet ready to accept Emmet with black wings.
"Mom, why do you bandage my wings? It's verrrrry tight that it's frustrating and uncomfortable!" "It's because unlike us, other angels don't like you with black wings yet…" "……" "Instead, you can remove the bandage at home except when a visitor comes!" "Yay!"
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timelord-emmet · 11 months
Meanwhile In Hisui:
Ingo looks over the Coronet Highlands silently watching as pokémon fly and roam in the distance , small gust of cold wind blowing through his ragged coat , tired eyes simply scan the horizon not really looking as truly the man is in deep thought , lately the pass few weeks he has been getting flashes in his dreams and on occasion waking days when attending his duties.
It’s a curious yet frustrating thing as they started to appear randomly or at least a few days after the sky child known as Akari a Rift Faller like him , quelled Lord Kleavor of course at first he didn’t connect the dots as his curiosity over the news mostly outweighed the possible coincidence as it seemed unlikely at the time, but then she quelled Lady Lilligant and another wave of flashes , memories hit him then a few days after he once again got news of such endeavours , still he had doubts it was connected.
Then he met her face to face if only for a brief moment , the girl looked 13-14 at best , ashy grey eyes with speckles of gold , colbalt midnight blue hair that was messy yet in a long plat braid with a wide happy open grin she greeted him with nearly literal sunshine and rainbows plus stars, her personality was so warm, joyful and friendly he smiled when he greeted her and she happily did so back, her aura radiates such innocence and joy, kinda reminds him of someone he once knew.
Akari admits she has no memories ethier and has gone off mostly instinct , doing what felt natural , befriending pokémon and researching them , exploring and such , finding it weird like himself why people are afraid of such loving creatures, though admits was just as stunned as he was when first attack aggressively by a Alpha, they started bonding after she Quelled Lord Arcanines frenzy and hung out together especially as once more he got more flashes of memories, they were mainly small memories but he loved getting them returned especially as with each Quelling he got closer and closer to figuring out the puzzle of who the man in white is who smiles.
The shout makes him blink back into reality as he glances behind him seeing the joyful survey member run up to him or well skipping be the proper word, once again that radiant smile on her face .
-What you doooooin?- he drags out the (o)grinning - Are you brooding? silly old man!-
Ingo huffs greeting “Akari......I’m not old”
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The girl just giggles at him standing beside him bouncing a bit .
-Suuuuuuure your not!, now what’s what? got you allll misty!-
Ingo rolls his eyes looking ahead again
“Just pondering on some intresting thoughts towards unknown tracks “
-Ooooh? like what? Is it the memory things again?-
The Warden huffs a little amused at her wording but gives a small nod .
“With each new cart linking within my engine i’m become more curiousor and curiousor which each one , including more and more worried that i’ve forgotten something important” he informs the girl sighing as he fiddled with his goatee, trying to straighten out the scruffy thing .
Akari hums leaning back and forth on her heels and looking up to the sky one hand reach to her chin but not touching .
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Guess i understand, I sense i use to know something important too! but i don’t remember -
The survey member informs him but quickly grabs his coat tugging for his full attention making him turn to her
But that’s Ok! Cause we have each other !- she declares sparkles practically beaming around her
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Like this she resembles a happy Glameow or Delcatty with the expression she gives him and her beanie resembling the ears.
Ingo blinks a few times at the sweet sweet girl he has adopted as his precious niece and can’t help but give a small smile.
That we do” he agrees feeling his own small stars of happiness appear
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Together we will remember and find answers we desire, no matter how far down the tracks it will take us”
That makes the girl give a cheer of agreement and the Warden chuckle glad he isn’t alone in this journey.
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emmetrain · 1 year
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OOC; Incoming ramble about "Eternal Sunshine of SpotIess Minds but-- Clementine's wonderful, a little crazy and endearing energy matches with how I see Emmet and I have to talk about it OK?
Emmet's silly/happy personality is heartfelt but he is also aware of how he is just a messed-up person, even before he had to go through the hell of losing Ingo and trying to find him back--when everyone gave up and people told him that he would not be coming. Emmet has gone through A LOT. That period defined him and wounded him--the trust he had in life and normalcy had shattered. You know the feeling when you see a fucked up event/news and you think it would never happen to you and you scoff, but then IT HAPPENS? TO YOU?? How it messes up a person doubly so because it was almost like a warning sign--a mocking turn of fate that showed you what could have happened and you did not listen? Emmet feels that way.
He never thought he would lose his brother and he did. (Yes, he found him, but how could his world ever go back to normal? It is a hostile place for him now. There is no sense of safety-- and IT SHOWS. The way it works on this blog is, Ingo's missing verse "searching for the truth" and Ingo's return verse "welcome home" both defines Emmet. This event shattered this man and even after the pieces were glued back together, he is not the same.
Ever since the day his twin went missing, Emmet's "all-about-safety" days and principles took a hit. This is why he keeps ending up in dangerous situations. Or never listens. A self-fulfilling prophecy --I am not safe, the world is not safe, what I do will never ensure safety. And in a way, it becomes the norm for him?? The impulsiveness, the danger, the stupid situations he ends up in because HE NEVER LISTENS ANYMORE?
Emmet is highly self-aware. He is a guy who takes extensive journals. He goes to bed every night thinking what he did and what he could do better. He is aware he is not who he used to be anymore, a stranger in his own mind. But---despite it all, he is happy. Because Ingo returned. Because he knows hope is there if you fight for it, if you get help. So his silly/happy persona is not fake. It is born out of so much anguish, but he is sincere in how he likes being Emmet, no matter how shattered that name has become, and how he likes living and being a Subway Boss and all that stuff.
So, the sadness and happiness, the pain but also the joy that Clementine represents in that movie? How she is both so endearing and so so frustrating, not entirely good but never a completely bad person: the humanity she shows in the movie resonates with my Emmet portrayal so much ;;;
One of the interesting things about Emmet is: this man wears all white-- it is hard to miss him. He demands attention just by the color he wears. But he is also a man of short sentences. Scripted words. To the point. Afraid of demanding more than the minimum attention. Almost wanting to blend into the background--if it was white. But it isn't. Life goes on, interesting people and places keeps touching Emmet's life and bringing him along--he never had a chance to blend into nothingness as he hoped. He is the bright white spot in the wonderful, crazy painting the life is?? You cannot miss him. He is empty, he is joyful, he is a bright spot in people's life, but nothing you say to him sticks to that empty spot-- and you like him anyway.
OK, I just love this guy so much and I consume every portrayal of him--rp, fanart, fanfic because he is just---SO MUCH POTENTIAL.
This post can be summed as "I love Emmet", thanks :D
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darkmatter-nebula · 2 years
Here comes the next chapter of my "Ghostboy in Hisui" AU. Let's go!
Chapter 1: The Ghostchild And The Warden
Adaman and Allister arrived at their destination. It was a little village. "This" Adaman began, "is Jubilife Village! We will meet Irida and Ingo at the Headquarters of the Survey Corps." Allister had no idea what he was talking about. "Survey Corps?" The little boy asked. "The Survey Corps are researchers. They are studying Pokemon. Do you know what a Pokemon is, Allister?" "Yes. Unfortunately, my Pokemon aren't with me..."
Adaman noticed the sadness in the child's voice. "You can tell us everything at the HQ, is that ok?" He asked the boy softly. Allister gave him a nod. "Hey Adaman", someone suddenly said "who is the child?" It was a young and pretty woman. "Hello Irida. This is Allister. He fell from the sky!" Adaman answered her. The woman, Irida, turned to the little boy. "Greetings, little guy. My name is Irida. Nice to meet you." She smiled. "It's nice to meet you too, Ms. Irida." For Irida and Adaman Allister's shyness was absolutely endearing.
Irida chuckled a bit. "You don't have to be so formal, Allister. Just call me Irida." She told him gently. The three of them stepped into the HQ. Allister immediately spotted Ingo. But he looked like he had seen some terrible things. Allister felt sorry for the man. Adaman spoke up now. "There you are, Ingo! I want you to meet someone! This", he pointed at the little boy, "is Allister. He fell from the sky, just like you!"
Ingo was facing Allister now. "I don't know why, but you seem familiar." The silver haired man said. "Where do you come from?" Ingo continued. "I'm from Galar." Allister answered quietly. "My big sister and I were on our way home, as I noticed something weird. Some kind of Time and Space distortion. Suddenly, I was in a strange void. A blindling light was there. It had the form of a Pokemon." Allister paused for a moment. "Apparently, it was Arceus! He said that I have to do something. He then gave me this." Allister showed a strange purple device. It looked just like the device Akari had. Only the color was different. Arceus had turned his phone into a arceus phone. To Allister's delight, the Rotom was still inside. At least he had a ghost type Pokemon he could talk to.
Back in the present day, Bea was worried sick about her brother! She had already told every fellow gym leader what had happend. To say everyone was shocked would be a understatement. Especially Raihan was concerned about Allister. He loved the ghostboy like a brother. "Why him?" Raihan asked with a tearfilled voice. "I don't know, Rai. But I will get to the bottom of this!" Bea was determined to bring her precious brother back, no matter what it may cost!
To be continued
So, this chapter is done, fellas!
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lostonehero · 2 years
here’s the snippet!
Her name is Abigail, but she prefers being called Abby.
Around her is a void. She cannot see or hear or feel anything.
She knows three things:
1. She is dead. Bled out beside her beloved Flareon Sunny and the corpse of Airbus the Hydregion.
2. Her husband is dead as well. She remembers seeing the hole in his chest with her fading vision, as he weakly pleaded with her to stay alive.
3. All of the poachers are dead, too. Her sons wil survive as long as they make it to Drayden.
Drayden. She feels a bitter pang. Stupid Drayden. Air traffic control was a good idea, Drayden.
But he’s annoyingly responsible. He’ll take care of Emmet and Ingo.
She shouldn’t be able to think. She’s dead.
YOU ARE, a voice booms directly into her brain, like a psychic type but a hundred times worse.
Abby clutches at her head (she has a head?) She’s usually good with loud noises but this is definitely not a noise and it’s in her head and oh dragons.
Abby is not good with psychic types talking to her. They cause a very specific kind of overstimulation that noises just don’t do to her.
She kind of wants to curl up into a ball and die again. There is too much. Her husband is dead and Airbus is dead and her skarmory Jet is badly hurt and poor Sunny is missing her ears and leg and she doesn’t know what happened to Dean the audino. And Darkrai. Darkrai is hurt too.
And now there’s something trying to talk to her dead brain.
“STOP,” she shouts, at herself, at the voice, at everything. She wants to stop.
But she doesn’t.
“YOU DO NOT WANT TO CEASE,” the voice says, this time not in her head.
“No,” she says, shaken. “No. I didn’t want to die.” I want to see my sons and my Pokémon and my husband again.
“YOU ARE IN LUCK,” the voice says, and red lights up around her. Blue eyes stare into her.
She does not recognize this Pokémon. She shoves down the part of her that sees it has wings and gleefully notes that she could have an aerial battle, and then shuts down the grief that sparks.
Abby can see herself now. She’s in her usual airline uniform, torn and bloodied.
“I WILL OFFER YOU A DEAL,” the Pokémon (legendary, that’s a legendary) says.
Abby shoves down more grief. Repress for now. Her sons still live.
Abby, despite being far more interested in aeronautics and Pokémon battling than history, myths and legends, knows a bit about what this is.
The legendary is offering a deal. Those do not come without a price.
“What do you want in return?” she asks.
She presses the legendary for more details, but it weasels away from her questions. She has no idea what this deal entails other than the broadest of specifics.
She’ll see her children and Pokémon again.
Abby has never been know for her logical, well-thought-out decisions.
“I accept,” she says.
“Wait-“ and then-
Ahh I love it
Well uh here
Abby gasps as she grips her head it was cold, and quiet. Her body felt stiff and sore like every movement made soft cracks and pop noises. She looks around it was dark, and she could see which was new, her back was heavy but that didn't matter, she was in a mausoleum, Unova didn't have those not after the desert buried them.
She didn't recognize the language either, but she scowled at it. Reminded her of Kalos she wasn't fond of the pompous region. She moved slowly towards the light of the exit. She breathes out slowly squinting her eyes at the bright light. She doesn't even take the time to look over her body for the new changes, she doesn't think she has seen a night sky so full of stars like this. Maybe she'll be ok, and maybe her boys are looking up at the sky as well and they can share this moment.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Ok hear me out for one of your fanfic ideas, we all know and agree that Kamado is a Bitch Baby. Well what if one day MC/Reader is sick, but Kamado still sends them out to do Galaxy work. Well during their time out they had to call Lady Sneasler out for some reason. Well Sneasler sees that her kit is not looking or feeling to good, so as any good mother does she takes(kidnaps) them to her den. When they are at the Den MC tries to leave because they have work to do. Mama sneasler does not like this and stops it. After many attempts to escape she has to resort to laying on you along with her babies until Ingo gets their to help. When Ingo arrives he sees a sick MC under sneasler and of course he is gonna be worried and try and help but sneasler will not let MC leave because her kit is sick so she wont let them leave. So Ingo sets out to get some supplies. He runs into Laventon and rei who have been loooking for MC who has been gone for awhile, he gets them to help. They gather what they need and head back to help MC who is still being smother by Mama Sneasler and her kits. AFter they get the medicine in you and Mama sneasler kicks out the galaxy members Ingo and Mama Sneasler look after to you. I know this is a long ask I just love your work so much, I look forward to reading your work everyday because it gets me through my day.
Once again, Sneasler viewing reader as her weird kit has me in a choke hold. (Also thank you so much I’m so❣️💖💗)
You hadn’t been feeling well the last few days, and everyday it seemed to get worse and worse. No matter how much you spoke of how light headed you are, or that you couldn’t speak, or coughs interrupting your words, Kamado saw no issue still sending you out on missions.
No matter how much Laventon or Cyllene fight back or heavily hinted at that you should rest, he never allowed you to.
Laventon would give you herbal medicine or anything Pesselle would give him for your symptoms, but all your running around did little to help.
You couldn’t remember why you were in the highlands, you faintly recall the mission being for a Pokémon, but that narrows it down none. You sniffle, you couldn’t breath up here, the mountains and thin air aren’t made for someone with a stuffy nose.
Sighing you sat down to catch your breath. You couldn’t take much more of this, you cough harshly before deciding you should head back to camp.
You call for Lady Sneasler to help you down.
She arrives to you doubles over upchucking you lunch. The noble lets out a cry, rushing over to your side and purring loudly, trying to sooth you.
“I’m…I’m okay, let’s just get to camp, okay?”
Sneasler lets you hop in her basket and takes off. That’s all you recall, you fell asleep after some time.
You woke up in a den surrounded by sneasel kits, looking around you see Sneasler walking around with food and nesting material. You groan quietly and shakily stand, you have so much work to do and the commander will have your ass if you don’t do it.
You were almost to the entrance before you are grabbed by the back of your shirt.
“Hey! Put me down.”
You try to struggle but you’re too weak to even put up a fight. Sneasler places you back in the nest of her nest in the back of the den, before returning to her other things.
Huffing, you stand back up, steading yourself, you didn’t make it few feet with the noble around, who places you right back down.
“Sneasler please, he’s gonna yell at me if I don’t work.”
She pays you no mind. Hissing when you try to get back up for the third time.
The noble Pokémon moves all her kits to the nest area, and lays you in the center of it, laying on top of you to keep you from leaving.
Struggling gets you no where, the large Pokémon on top of you just purrs away, the soft rumbling of her purrs relaxes you, it’s so soothing, and with how tired you already are falling asleep was easy.
Even in the morning you couldn’t bring yourself to get up.
You felt worse, the flu you had coming back full force, so it’s best to just lay her. Sneasler’s kits are all surrounding you, occasionally purring or licking you. Lady Sneasler comes back to you with oran berries, hoping it will heal you while giving your nutrients, the juices acting as a drink.
But you could only manage a few small bites before your stomach had enough, anymore would spell disaster. The large Pokémon kept nudging you to eat more, the more you refuses the more concerned she got.
Eventually as the sun was starting to set, and you had only at those two small bites all day, she went to find her warden.
Ingo was already in alert for you. The commander told the clans you were missing and to be on the look at for you. Your group returned without you and the professor was quick to ask for me people to go back to look for you.
The warden knew you’d never worry your family like this, it was strange. Until Lady Sneasler ran to him, she never runs so he was stressed.
“My lady, what’s wrong? Did you find the hero? Are they okay? Are the kits safe?” Ingo yells as the noble picks him on and places him in her basket, running back to where she came from.
Judging by how long it was taking he knew she was going for her den. Once he was let out he stiffens at the sight of you.
It would’ve been cute, you asleep, surrounded by baby sneasels, if you didn’t look like you were in pain.
“Hero!” Ingo instantly recoils when Sneasler hisses at him.
He sees you stir but when your eyes flutter open the warden instantly knows you’re not all there, you look so dazed. Placing the back of his hand on your forehead and cringes, you’re burning up.
“I’ll go inform the others, but first.” Ingo reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a small travel sized container.
He crouches down next to you, being mindful of the kits.
“Hero?” He softly sighs when you hum. “I’ll help you sit up, I have some water for you.”
Worry flashes in his silver eyes, you’re greedily drinking the water he offers, how long has it been since you’ve had a drink? Knowing Sneasler she won’t let you leave.
After you emptied his container, he carefully lays you back down and leaves. You need medicine, some soup, and a steady supply of water.
“Professor! It’s good to see you out here, I was hoping I’d run into you.”
Laventon looks like he didn’t sleep much last night, he’s a very caring man, and he has bonded to you a lot, it makes sense he’d be distraught at your ‘disappearance.’
“Hello warden, what did you need?” Even the professor’s voice sounds as rough as he looks.
“I’ve found the hero.”
“You have!? Why didn’t you start with that! Are they okay?” Laventon’s energy takes a complete turn.
“They aren’t physically injured, but they have come down with a nasty cold. Sneasler won’t let them leave her den until they’re better.”
Laventon sighs “I’m relived they weren’t attacked, but I knew I should’ve put up more of a fight, it was only a matter of time before their cold got this bad.”
The warden tilts his head “they’ve had it? And you still allowed them on missions?”
The professor cringes “Kamado.”
“Ah, terribly sorry. However we need medicine, food, water, fire wood, and a pot.”
“I’ll pet the medicine, Pesselle will have something to help, food, and a few things from their room, can you handle the rest?”
Ingo nods and the two men set off for their supplies.
“Rei, grab a pillow and a blanket from the hero’s room.”
Rei was confused by the first words the professors says to him, jogging passed him in a hurry.
“So you found them?” The boy calls out, running after him.
“Ingo did!”
The two part ways after that.
With supplies packed Laventon checks everything over before deeming it all good.
“We will meet up with Ingo at the summit camp site, I believe that’s closest to Lady Sneasler’s den.”
“Okay!” With a determined nod they trek up the coronet highlands to the summit.
An hour after making it Ingo joins them.
“This is going to be a dangerous climb.” Ingo warns
“We can’t use Sneasler?” Rei looks between the two men, worried.
“I’m afraid not, Sneasler refuses to leave the den and the hero. It seems she only left to get me.” The warden tilts his hat down “I’ve tried to call her several times but each time she refuses.”
The three of them make their way towards the den, Ingo is careful to make sure none of them fall on the way.
“Oh my poor dear!” Laventon moves to rush towards your sleeping form, but is quickly cut off by a growling Sneasler.
“I was going to warn you, Sneasler is protective of her kits.” He walks passed the frozen professor “it’s okay, they have brought things to help the hero.”
Another growl and Ingo’s shoulders sag “they have brought things to help the sick kit, things they will make them heal faster.”
Sneasler keeps her stance for a moment before moving out of their way.
“Come on, we are probably on a time limit with her.”
The three rush around, Ingo sets up a mini cooking station near the entrance and begins a fire to cook with, Laventon hands him the ingredients before joining Rei, who was placing the blanket and pillow down for you, moving your limp body to rest on it properly.
Laventon tucks the blanket in around you.
“All this commotion and they haven’t stirred at all.” Your little brother worries.
“Did you bring a water type?”
“I did, Spheal also knows ice beam.”
“Good, fill up that bucket with water, then after we dampen the cloth, freeze it.”
“Yes sir!” Rei gets right to it.
Laventon stays say by your side. He wants to wake you to take the medicine he brought you, but sleep is also important.
“Hey Ingo, I’ll leave this with you, give it to them as soon as they wake up.”
Ingo looks at the herbs and little pill he was given.
“That pill is from Pesselle, it’s not a cure, but it should help ease the pain.”
The warden nods “if all else fails I’ll call for Calaba.”
“That would be best.”
It wasn’t long before Sneasler started hissing and growling again. With one last worried glance your way, the two left.
Ingo made sure they at least got half way safely before tending to you.
With soup made and a constant check on you it was all but a waiting game now.
Ingo sat down near the wall of the cave, leaning against it fading in and out of sleep, every sound seemed to keep him awake.
He could afford to, what if you woke up while he was asleep? What if you needed him? There is only so much Sneasler can do for you.
You awoke with a pained groan, you felt so dizzy, your mouth felt dry, the room was a little blurry, but you felt cozy.
“Glad to see you’re awake.”
You don’t think you’ve heard Ingo speak so softly.
He could barely hear you but it’s a start. Ingo moves closer, partially raising your head up in his lap.
“I have some medicine from Pesselle here for you, and some water, though if you’re also hungry I can heat up some soup.”
Your mouth moves but he couldn’t hear anything.
You blink a little more rapidly before another pained sound escapes you.
“Alright, take it easy.” He places in the pill in your mouth and tilts the water container for you.
His expression softens at your content sounds, so much better than the pained ones, he can’t stand to see you so hurt.
“Thank you.” You huff out.
“Of course, are you hungry? Or better question, do you think you can handle eating?”
You hum “yeah, maybe a little.”
Ingo gently sets you back against you pillow and goes to heat up the soup. After having some cool water you’re a little more alert, you stretch, cracking your joints and trying to relive your stiff muscles. Just how long have you been laying for?
When Ingo comes back you expected him to hand you the bowl, but he sets it down next to you, lifting you up once more, but with him fully behind you and you sat up against his lap.
He grabs the cloth from your forehead and dips it into the melting ice bucket near you.
His upside down to you, but none of that matters as he lets the cloth soak. Grabbing the bowl of warm soup, he rests it on your stomach and holds the spoon to your lips.
“Here, you need to save your strength.”
You stare at him for a moment more, turning your attention to the soup filled spoon in front or you, you allow him to feed you.
The warden was happy you ate through most of the bowl, but understood when you said you couldn’t eat anymore. He repeats his process of sitting the bowl to the side and laying you back down.
He wrings out most of the cold water from the soaking cloth and places it back on your forehead.
“If you need anything else let me know, I will not leave this den without you.” He takes the bowl over to his cooking set up, to keep it out of the way.
The warmth of the soup helped your sore throat, but made you drowsy.
“Hey Ingo?”
“How may I be of service?” He was right next to you the moment you called.
“Thank you.”
His silver eyes are locked onto you, he gives a firm nod “it’s not problem, I’m more than happy to help you. Now rest, you need it.”
He tenderly strokes the top of your head to sooth you.
The kits around you move closer, pushing up against you and purr. Sneasler moves in too, knowing you won’t leave again, she curls around her kits, blocking them from the entrance.
You fell asleep in no time, a few kits getting on top of you and laying on your chest and stomach.
Ingo can feel a smile making its way onto his face, unlike earlier, you look more content, as do the kits on and around you. He moves, to get comfortable on the den floor, sticking close by just in case you need to wake him. With one last glance to you he falls asleep.
The den fills with the sound of purring like a white noise.
Epilogue : slander.
Kamado however never thought he’d be getting tore a new asshole by both Cyllene and Laventon.
“Had Lady Sneasler not been there who knows what could’ve happened to them!”
“What of that fever of theirs made them faint? Wild Pokémon aren’t exactly friendly, sir!”
“We told you in the first place the hero shouldn’t go on mission until the rest up, but did you listen? No! You didn’t, and now look, not only will everything be delayed for longer, but you endangered the one person who actively does missions.”
Rei stood beside the two nodding along.
Kamado didn’t know what to do.
“Would both of your quiet down and get out of my office. The hero is safe, that’s all that matters.”
Cyllene bites her tongue, she doesn’t want to continue yelling anymore. Laventon rolls his eyes.
“Oh yes, it’s great that a Pokémon cares more for them than you, they are in a noble’s den instead of in one of Pesselle’s bed being taken care of.”
The commander glares “Professor that is enough out of you.”
Laventon huffs and walks out with Cyllene and Rei right along with him.
He didn’t think a simple cold could take you out like that, if he wants to avoid yet another round of their aggression he will have to take notes.
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 years
Ok, Double Down made me sad...
At the darkest moment in this whole thing...Ingo is hurt, Sneasler is upset, hopefully the baby will be fine, they can't trust anyone... She is on the verge of a complete breakdown, as this is so much *worse* than anything she went through in Hisui...
Akari hears a voice.
It's faint, she can't make out any words, but it stops her cold.
She hears that voice again, a bit louder.
Ingo and Sneasler are worried why she suddenly stopped, but Akari takes no notice...
Because her heart is beating out of her chest, tears are coming to her eyes, she is *trembling*...
"Dawn!" The voice calls again...louder...closer!
"...Mama...?" She whispers, to her friend's shock...
"MAMA!" She bursts, tears flowing, rushing towards the voice as many memories flood her mind, confusing her...but that doesn't matter!
Ingo and Sneasler rush after her, only to find Akari and a woman who looks *a lot* like an older her, hugging and crying and refusing to let go...
Oh! Oh my heart! 💖🥹🌈
I love this!! I’m so going to use this. It’s just too perfect!
I love Johanna joining up with the group and being the hopeful light for them. Mama is here and she’s not letting go of her baby again, or her kind new friends.
It’ll definitely be later in the story, but I got to figure out where.
Ok, so I’m thinking after Ingo escaped out the back of the Poke-center with the Nurses and Emmet help, they all regroup, think they’re in the clear, and then are ambushed! Emmet, who’s still dressed as Ingo due to the plan to escape the poke-center, is kidnapped while Ingo is badly injured. Akari finally manages to get away from her attackers and then finds Ingo injured and unconscious, Emmet missing, and more attackers moving in. It would be then that her Mask comes off, her eyes glow, and her Zorua evolves into the Zoroark and attacks the people.
What follows would be the darkest hour, cause for one brief second they thought they had a win, they thought they found a connection to their past, and it’s all snatched away.
They escape and try to figure out their next move. Emmet has been taken and they need to save him but they are hurt and out of potions and low on food. They don’t know where he was taken and they can’t track them right now until they can revive/heal their Pokémon.
Akari’s identity might be revealed before this, or at least figured out by a few folks who then informed her mother. So Johanna is already out and searching for her daughter and then hears from Barry where Emmet had gone to meet up with them after the escape from the Poke-Center. She sets out to look around there, calling out to her lost daughter, and then, for the first time in almost a year, she hears her babies voice.
Also. I’ve decided Instead of having a Togetic in her champion team which Dawn would have gotten from the Togepi egg Cynthia gave her in Pokemon Platinum, for plot reasons I’m gonna let her have a Blissy instead. This being from the Happiny egg she got from the traveler in Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl.
Because at this point the group needs a medic! Especially someone who will be as stubborn and Akari’s Blissy will be. They are all going to SIT and HEAL and anyone who tries to get between her and her patients will Regret It.
Like as Akari is sobbing into her mothers arms, her champion team burst free from her moms bag and are now joining in on the hugging and the crying. All except for the Blissy. Who slowly turns in her heel and locks eyes with a limping Ingo. Target acquired.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
Warning: Breeding kink, hybrids being horny (aegean) but with a twist, being sacrificed
Ok so you've heard of hybrid Ingo and Emmet going into heat, now imagine that, but they are both alphas. As we know an alpha pokemon is bigger and stronger than the regular pokemon inhabiting their habitat, which means that they would have plenty of stamina to wreck your guts for hours on end. And considering that there's two of them then expect to not be able to walk for at least two weeks if you're lucky, but they do make it up to you by being there at your every beck and call.
If you're a materialistic person and you love these boys but are disappointed at the lack of jewelry or respect then I've got an idea for you. Let me set the scene for you, you are a poor peasant that's down on their luck. No matter how much you pray life just kicks you to the curb and right now was one of those moments as your name was called out over the seas of anxious people. Your fate was set, you were chosen as this year's sacrifice for the two monstrous deities that terrorized the forest.
The luxurious sandals you had been given clearly weren't made to withstand the terrain that you found yourself in. Despite the hot rays of the sun beaming down on you it was rather cold, could be from the thin whit silky robe they clad you with. It was part of the ritual to appease them and ensure that no harm came to the rest of the village they would say. Although you understood their worry you couldn't help but be petty, they could at least let you keep your undergarments. The air was deathly still, you stood there in the thick forest wondering how your life came to this, and when you listened to your surroundings something hit you. The birds stopped singing a while ago, all life seemed to cease, that's when you knew that you were in their territory, and they were on the hunt.
What happens next is up to you but I like to think that at first you form a friendship with them but not without struggle of course, i mean all your life you've been afraid of them but after a while that blooms into something more. I think it's fun to imagine this small bean scolding Emmet for frightening the villagers after agreeing to visit it because you're homesick. The mayor of the town gawks at the twins' presence, not only because he's afraid but because he genuinely didn't believe that they existed and only used them as an excuse to get rid of people he deemed unworthy. And one of those people was you, and to say that the twins were outraged would be an understatement. They demanded that he personally give the three of you riches and food and if they found out that it was ripped from the hands of people he deemed unworthy as he put it then he can kiss his life goodbye.
😳😳😳 🔞18+🔞
I want Alpha hybrids Ingo and Emmet to wreck my guts for hours on end are you kidding me 😩😩😳😳 Alpha hybrid Ingo and Emmet taking turns fucking you for hours, but making sure to take care of you between each turn. Giving you food and water when needed. They know they are a handful, so they try to take care of you whenever they can. And it's true. If you fuck just one of them, expect not to walk for several days. If both, you won't be walking for AT LEAST a week. Also, what kind of hybrids are we talking?? Is Ingo a Chandalure and Emmet an Eelektross?? Or is Emmet a Galvantula? Are they BOTH Galvantula?? Or are they Legendary hybrids? Either way, they must have a long lifespan if the local town is this terrified of them, and made this tradition, even if it was a more recent one in the last decade. Long enough for the heads of the town to capitalize off of this. I'm just imagining though both are HUGE, just in general as alphas. Like,, im thinking at LEAST 8 feet, if not just,,, straight up 10 feet tall. Not to mention how big their cocks would be... You'll slowly have to get used to their sizes over time. I hope you are prepared for a lot of sex if you ever plan to take their whole cocks in the future. Especially if you ever plan to take both at the same time... I'd imagine they both would cum buckets too... 👉👈 In just one orgasm you'd be COMPLETELY filled. Both would probably lose their minds with how full you look, making them even more horny. I hope you're prepared. Like FUCK do I wanna be filled. I'm down bad. You bring up the sacrifice thing, but it just reminds me of that one comic where like, a werewolf finds a girl chained to a stone slab in a dainty sacrificial dress, and the wolf guy is disgusted, and breaks her chains, and says she's free. Instead she gets all mad, "Do you have ANY idea how long it took to tie myself up." BUT ANYWAY I'd imagine they would be annoyed at first, not wanting strangers wandering their territory. Why are you here? Do you have some sort of death wish? Meanwhile you are in AWE. Sure, you are rightfully terrified. These are the alpha hybrids that will be killing and eating you after all. But they are so stunning. You had never seen anyone more gorgeous than these two. Those piercing silver eyes basically has you shaking. You hoped those heavenly faces would at least be merciful when killing you, and not eat you alive. Their huge forms tower over you, and you silently squirm as they stare you down. When they question why you are in their territory, you feel stunned. You were here for them, were you not? Thankfully, they give you time to answer, relatively patient compared to the ruthless monsters you had grown up hearing about. You explain you are here for them. You were the yearly sacrifice to them. You were here to be killed, or eaten. Or... Whatever else they wanted. You were their toy. Much to your surprise, the two look horrified. Like sure, they are alpha hybrids, and very dangerous and territorial. But they never just hurt people. They don't even eat humans! They explain as such to you, wondering why your town thought as such. How did this happen? Why did your town do this? You blink at them, your whole world practically crashing down. They... weren't going to kill you? Eat you? Use you as a sex toy?
You swallow thickly, before beginning to explain the tradition that started a few decades back. The town is fully aware of the two hybrids. They fear them both, and avoid this part of the forest. The stories go the two will kill and eat anyone who gets close, and have even started demanding yearly sacrifices. The townsfolk are told that if they don't comply with the sacrifices, the two will destroy the town. Whoever isn't initially killed will either be eaten, or taken as a toy. So every year, a bunch of names are put into a box, and someone is 'randomly' chosen. You tell them you've noticed it's always the poor folks, or the people who seem to have made enemies of those in charge that get sent away. If anyone tries to fight back, run away, or come back to the town, they usually are arrested, shunned, and disappear. Presumably sent here in chains. After all, shouldn't the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few? How could anyone be so selfish to try and get the town destroyed? Those who are chosen are dressed in these sacrificial robes, with ornate jewelry and sandals. That's all you are given. Not even underwear. After you explain this to them. They are silent for a moment, and you grow nervous at their piercing gazes. It isn't until Ingo starts growling that your stomach drops. Were they upset with you? Were they going to kill you now? Emmet and Ingo's heads snap to you, and you take a step back. In an instant, they stop, and relax, though they are still tense. "We never had any plans or intentions of hurting your town or its people. We only wanted our home to ourselves." Emmet explained, his chilling grin extra tight. Ingo nodded. "We don't even eat humans! Sure, we don't want them around needlessly on our land, but we would never go around hurting them!" Ingo assured you. You blinked. "So... What happened to the last sacrifices?" you asked, more confused than ever. Both twins shared a look, before looking back at you. "We don't know." Turns out they aren't the only ones in the forest. They are the strongest in the forest, sure, and have the most territory, but they are far from the only ones calling it a home. It was entirely possible the last sacrifices either ran away, became lost and died, or were found by wild pokemon or other hybrids. You swallowed. So you had just gotten lucky to have found them first. You looked down, and clenched your fists. What now? You obviously couldn't return to the town. Since these two weren't killing humans, you didn't want to think what would happen to you if you went back. You could try running away, you supposed, but the idea of something happening to you like the other sacrifices popped in your mind, and you felt sick. You were still going to die, even if these two weren't going to kill you. You felt tears begin to prick, and you looked away. You had to leave. You weren't welcome anyway, seeing as they didn't want humans on their land.
"I... I guess I'll be leaving then. Thank you for not killing me." You said with a bow, and turned to walk away. "Where will you go?" You heard the white twin ask. You stopped, and fought to keep the tears from falling. "I don't know." you responded. You felt a clawed hand land on your shoulder, and you flinched. Looking back, the dark twin was towering over you. You could have sworn that despite his frowning face, he looked concerned. "Please, allow us to help you." You gazed at him, shock and confusion prominent on your features. "You have no where else to go. If you leave our territory, you will no doubt be killed." The truth stung, but you let him continue. "You have been done a great disservice! Your town intended to kill you! We don't normally want strangers on our land, but please, let us help you." The tears in your eyes began to fall. They wanted to help you? "Yes! Let us take care of you." The smiling one said, and you stared at both of them in awe. After that, you agreed to let them take you in, though you weren't sure if this was a dream or not. Meanwhile, Ingo and Emmet were feeling lots of things. Anger and disgust for one. How could the small town in the forest do something so horrific? In their name? And then there was you. You. You were, by their standards, incredibly cute. You were so small! Emmet just wanted to scoop you up and twirl you around! Ingo wanted to hold you tight, protect you from danger. The moment they laid eyes on you, their instincts were screaming at them. You would be an amazing mate. You were gorgeous, and that robe and jewelry made you look amazing. Not to mention your scent... It was intoxicating. It made their instinct to claim you difficult to ignore. You mentioned not even being given undergarments, and Emmet nearly went feral at the thought. They just had to do something about that town of yours... Perhaps since they were seen as deities, then maybe they can use such authority on your former home. They looked over you fondly as they showed you their cabin they had build years ago, and showed you a room you could stay in. You looked so adorable... Now all they had to do was wait for you to get comfortable, before beginning to court you. Perhaps they could do something about that town as their first gift towards you...
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tragictrainmen · 2 years
Hello. I don't post in fandom often but I've gotta put in my two cents. Yes. It is me. The Ingo Hisui team headcanon dude. I made a whole ass side blog. 😔
Ngl I think that Emmet reaching the 'he's dead' closure is a compelling path to take, and one I think a lot of people are just- avoiding because of a fear of grief. But listen ok lemme explain.
Tw: I'm going to talk about real trauma now. Including death (albeit vaguely)
Like- ok. What if it has been 10 years? Let's look at this based on reality. Not some 'Emmet has to hold on!' 'Emmet would go crazy looking everywhere!!' bullshit. Like. Let me put this plainly for those who have been lucky enough not to lose someone you love.
I have lost loved ones. And not just because of death. I don't talk about this. But I relate to the Submas twins because I have personally been separated- abruptly- from my siblings with very little contact. I literally didn't see or talk to one of them for 2 straight years (she still lives in another state miles away to this day.) On top of this, I just watched my mom's best friend lose her husband 6 months ago. I've watched this woman's journey through that grief and trauma. Hell, I lost my grandfather 5 years ago. I'm lucky to still have my grandma in my life at 29.
So...Yes. The pain of losing the person you care about is horrific. The pain of having the world come between you and someone you thought you'd never lose? My sister isn't even dead. But the 8 years of separation have been a permanent and unchanging part of our lives. It hurt. We mourned her like she died. There are 5 of us and I only introduce 4. The 5th one isn't here. She will never be here. I am not exaggerating when I say I know for a fact she will never come back home.
And listen- I'm saying this as someone who's had Eight years to grieve. The truth is.. after that second year... You move on. Whether you want to or not.
Your brain adjusts to the fact that something that big in your life is no longer there. You have a paradigm shift, and the repetivity of the days in which you must exist without them become your new normal. Year 3 and memories are rarer. They don't hurt like they used to. You don't wince anymore. 5 years and the memories are something you hold fondly, but no longer occur without prompt. 10 years? You've reached a new normal. No matter how painful it was. It's old news now. The hurt just. Isn't there.
Like. I can talk about my sister being separated comfortably because I have had 8 years to reach this point. I literally forget she exists. And I'm only ashamed to say this because there are people out there who just. Don't know that this is normal. Who would read that sentence and call me a monster. My grandpa only died 5 years ago and. I just don't even feel anything painful when I say it. It's a fact I've moved past. A benchmark in my life.
So what I want to say is- Imagine it's been 10 years now. An Emmet that's moved through this. Gone to therapy even. Because fuck. I did. Losing a close sibling is traumatic. But he's an adult. He has a job and a life. Maybe this curt, polite, maybe even a little peppy veteran trainer even trained the next successors for the battle subway and has retired. He's talked about fondly and is hugely respected.
(Talk about Ingo adopting Akari what about Emmet being the cool older sensei dude in every coming of age 90's training montage. Hello kinda strict but soft-hearted weird new dad)
An Emmet that's accepted that there's only one now. And he has to be okay with that. He is okay with that. He has learned to be Emmet without Ingo and still be a whole person.
I know it hurts to think about. That for many people, moving on is it's own form of pain. From Ingo? terrifying. But... Can you Imagine that Emmet.... Seeing Ingo again? As two older men who have had 10 years to learn to be themselves confidently without the other for wildly different reasons, finally getting to fill a hole they both accepted was behind a closed door. Locked for good?
Ok like. So for me? That's a concept worth rotating in my head. That has so much potential. For fresh grief, but even better.. imagine the utter disbelief, the joy. There's so much to unpack after 10 years, and they still have the next 40 years of their lives together. Together. Having someone bury the word alone after 10 years of carrying it on your shoulders. The sweet relief of being two halves of a whole after thinking there really was only one. Emmet being emotionally mature about Ingo's memory and having a new goal after all these years of retirement...
I could go on.
Think about it.
Disclaimer: I know about the XX explanation and I don't even personally headcanon Ingo has been gone this long. I just think... It's worth approaching. It's worth letting your brain chew on. Don't shy away from it. Grief can be ok actually. Moving on from grief is not bad. It is a part of life.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Oh, it's angst time? Ok! How about Ingo or Emmet being in love with their brother's s/o, but refusing to ever do anything because their twin and their love are so happy together. They spend their whole life pining away for the love they can never have instead.
Omg anon that's so sad :(( I'll do it. I'll take the bullet and date them both!!
He hates himself for it. The way he stares at you, his brother wrapped around you as you pepper his cheeks in kisses, longing for a chance to have that. He doesn't want to be envious, he doesn't want to make things weird for you or for Emmet. But he can't help himself. You're easy to fall in love with
You always bring lunch by the office when you can, kissing Emmet as you press a home cooked meal into his hands. Then you pad up to him, and press a similar dish into his hands, asking him questions about if he's working too hard or if Emmet's giving him a hard time. You'll set him straight if he is (Emmet blows a raspberry at you)
Ingo fights a blush and promises you that everything is fine. He's okay, and Emmet's not being that much of a pain. You cock a brow and turn to tease your boyfriend, while Ingo watches on in envy
Should you try to spend time with him, Ingo is stiff and awkward, scared to reveal his feelings and ruin things for you and Emmet. He'd never forgive himself for doing such a thing, so he takes to avoiding you if he can. Even if it makes you upset and makes his heart hurt, he can't risk it.
He loves Emmet, and he loves you. He loves you both more than he hates the pain of seeing you together.
Emmet doesn't know what's gotten into him. He doesn't know when teasing you and Ingo for being sappy lovebirds in public turned into him stewing in envy, wishing he was the one you peppered into kisses whenever you saw him. Sure, you kissed Emmet's cheek, but he wanted to kiss you. But you were with Ingo.
He can't seem to sit still whenever you come by, the office or their home. You cook for them, banter with Emmet, love Ingo until his brother is a blushing mess, then join forces with Emmet to tease him over it. He never wants your fun to end. He has to sit on his hands so they won't reach out and grab you, pull you towards him for a kiss he so desperately wants
Emmet watches on with his signature smile. He doesn't stop hanging out with you, no matter how much it hurts. He's desperate for contact with you, since he can't have the affection he truly wants. So he hangs out with you as much as he can, holding himself back from tackling you in a hug whenever you laugh at his jokes or present him with a gift
He loves Ingo, and he knows Ingo has longed for the relationship he now has with you. Domestic, loving, perfect. He won't do anything to risk that, as much as he wants you for himself. He'll bite his tongue and sit on his hands as much as it takes to make sure his brother is happy
Anyway I would date both at the same time if given the option. Twice the fun! But yeah, hope you enjoyed it!! <3<3
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lordtraco-fanfics · 2 years
For your soul eater AU, I rly just wanna see Elesa have a breakdown. She’s trying to stay strong and happy for Emmet and Ingo but having Ingo suddenly leave and then reappear… repressed emotions-
Ace you're brilliant!!! One Elesa breakdown (and some comfort) coming right up!
Elesa prided herself on being resilient. She never compromised on her dreams, no matter how impossible they looked. A full-time model that's also a gym leader? Yes. A meister of not just one, but two weapons? That was her! Doing the impossible!
The thing was, it never felt impossible. It took meticulous planning and a lot of safety nets behind the scenes. It took saying no to things she wanted to do and disappointing those she loved.
Most of all, it took a lot of reassurance when the doubt tried to take hold. When the pressure of it all set in and the idea of not putting out her best work threatened to consume her whole…
It wasn't hard to have two weapons, it was all but necessary! She could go to Ingo for reassurance and puns or she could go to Emmet to get bonked on the head for bad thoughts and lose to him at a game or three. Her brothers were only a piece of her support network, but they were the closest and strongest.
When one was torn away, she couldn't let herself fall. Emmet would have followed. It hurt, but she stayed strong, positive, hopeful. For him. For herself. For Ingo.
Yes, Elesa managed it well. That was, until Ingo came back. Suddenly she didn't have to be that unbreakable pillar of strength and hope. Suddenly Emmet wasn't putting all his weight on her.
Elesa missed it. Oh Arceus, she curled inwardly, hating, burying that traitorous feeling. But it only kept surfacing ever stronger. A jealousy, she thought that's what it was at first. Jealousy that Ingo was getting attention? No, that wasn't right.
All she knew was that it hurt, and slowly but surely she was crumbling.
It all broke apart when she awoke in a clinic, patched up but alone. Alone. Right, Emmet was hurt again. Alone. Of course Ingo was by his side somewhere else. Alone. Her minor injuries-alone. Alone. Alone.
A sob tore out of her throat as pressure built behind her eyes. Her breaths had to fight past involuntary stutters as her heart cried out in agony. She crumbled alone.
Colors shifted in her blurred vision, a caring yet unfamiliar voice tried to comfort her. She tried to find that strength to pretend again, to pretend she was ok. But it wasn't there. It was broken and she was swept up by the current.
Alone. She hadn't awoken without being able to sense her partners since- since the day Ingo vanished. What if they'd both vanished? What if they both left? What if they tired of her puns? What if they blamed her?
Alone. She was never this alone. She was swarmed every waking moment by calls or friends or obligations. Elesa could barely count the worried nurse before her as company. Where was the crowd? Where were the sounds? Where was the chaos?
"-Emmet-" Elesa turned when she heard the word, not catching anything else. The hand outstretched told her enough, though.
Taking the nurse's hand, Elesa was at least able to quiet the sobs that continued as they walked. It was hard to keep blinking away the endless tears, so she opted to just keep her eyes closed as she followed the nurse.
"Elesa!" The loud sound broke past the fog of her agony, but only made her retreat inwardly. Retracting her hand from the nurse, she felt another grab hers only to be shocked away.
The tip of her fingers stung from the jolt she'd given, so she hugged it close, stepping back until she hit a wall.
A familiar warmth and light approached her soul, only to meet the same fate as his hand. Her soul was in full defense mode, crackling with electricity she usually kept in check.
She hurt him. His voice sounded hurt. She'd gotten them both hurt now! Maybe she should just be alone.
A part of her recognized the spiral she was entering. It was as familiar as the one she so often fought to keep Emmet away from. It hurt, but it was stable. It was lonely, but it felt deserved. It was-
She felt another shock lash out as the other soul unsuccessfully tried to resonate with her. No, she couldn't share this with him. She couldn't let Ingo know all this. Couldn't let him feel this.
The shocks continued. Different angles, different tactics, different tones of voice demanding or pleading with her. She couldn't be reached. Elesa was alone. Alone, alone, alone-
When a pillow smacked into her almost painfully, she jolted up in shock, blinking away tears to know where it had come from.
For the first time, she studied the room. Ingo was there a little ways in front of her, seeming as surprised as she was.just beyond him was Emmet, covered in bandages and sitting up painfully. He had no pillow on the bed he was stuck in.
Emmet's eyes burned through her as he scowled. "Stop it."
Distracted, she felt the familiar soul cautiously reach out to her. In moments it was two. She didn't have the energy or desire to fight them off, even if she was afraid what their resonance would uncover.
Gloved hands that smelled like an electrical fire wiped her tears away as a kiss was pressed to her forehead. "It's ok, Elesa, you're not alone."
"And we're not going anywhere!" Emmet called from his bed.
Insecurity, that's the word. It danced along her thoughts as their resonance carefully and wordlessly questioned the state of her soul, finding answers here and there. Crying quietly into Ingo's embrace, she couldn't find any reason to push them away. These arms, this resonance, she was home.
"Lean on us."
"We've got you."
She wasn't certain who had said which line, but she felt Ingo scoop her up and move them both closer to Emmet's bed. In her mind's eye, she saw him as a mess of IV tubes and bandages and wires. The way he had when he'd taken that terrible attack for her. When she thought he'd-
Yet her fears were dispelled upon going closer. He had some bandages, sure, but otherwise looked fairly healthy. He felt healthy, if his soul's strong wavelength were to be believed.
Elesa was set down on the bed so both brothers could hug her tight. They let her crumble once more, fighting back her fears with their undeniable presence. She let herself finally feel the doubts and fears she'd held in so long. The reassurance pushed them off her shoulders one by one, leaving her almost weightless if not grounded by their heavy embraces.
"Seems you really cottonee-ded this. Tell us sooner next time." Emmet whispered. She could feel how embarrassed he was of the pun through the link, and that only made it more heartfelt.
"I'll be meinfool of that."
"You're the worst." Emmet said, his hug tightening around her and his soul flaring out like a calming shadow.
The spotlights were no longer on her. The crowds were back home. She could finally just… rest. Elesa fell asleep to them beginning to bicker with each other good-naturedly. Home. She was home.
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kris-side · 2 years
ok im gonna
yell abt this stuff about Ingo and Volo to the best of my ability
do like i dont really have much of a connection to the pokemon game's protags, personally. so after i played through most of pla, i thought. i like ingo, i like volo, lets intertwine their stories some more.
so Ingo is taken to the past on accident and in the process his memories get scrambled. he spends however long in hisui before Volo came along, and he was immediately intrigued. I mean, after all, Ingo is very skilled and unafraid of pokemon unlike everyone else. he has become warden to a very picky Sneasler. he also, y'know, fell out of the sky and almost died in the snowy mountains.
So they chat. they become friends. Volo convinces Ingo to come help him gather the plates, instead of what would be the protag. So Ingo kind of takes that role, doing all the base pla story. i dont know whether or not i care for adding the original protag, but thats ok! this is just my version of this idea.
and my version is admittedly. very mean to ingo :-)
because Volo, is sly and clever and a wonderful actor. and it helps that Ingo is trusting to a fault, so long as Volo appears nice. they journy, they camp together, eat meals and listen to each others stories. it becomes comfortable, routine, intimate.
Volo, one day, pries on Ingo with a Zorua. Those sneaky foxes have been known to find something deep within your subconscious to use against you. It was a surprise to both of them when it took the form of what looked like Ingo, but dressed in white with a big smile on his face. And it was a surprise to both when Ingo ran to the figure, ready to barrel over it into a hug. Startling the Zorua in disguise, and before he knew it there was pain in his ribs as he lay crumpled on his side, gasping in pain.
Volo silently dismissed the Zorua and tended to Ingo. He was jumpy for days after, and they had to take a break from their mission.
A long break that Ingo would prefer not to have ended.
But it did, and they continued. It was ok, if it was for him.
They trained together, too. Pokemon battles and mock sparring. Exerciding together. Ingo didnt mind it, though he didnt know why Volo trained so much as well. Their relationship had become clear to him now: Ingo would protect Volo. At all costs. Nothing else mattered.
His heart had swelled the first time he realized, and later vocalized to Volo. That was the feeling, right? Maybe. His heart had beat so fast, and so hard, it felt like he was going to pass out. It felt like he had started freezing from the inside out, tiny needles prickling his skin.
But, that was fine. It was normal, even. It had to be, if Volo said ot was. And, besides, he had so many holes in his memories. Every day its so painfully apparent that he's forgotten so many things. Basic, simple things even.
Volo helps him remember, though. He's very kind like that. Ingo loves that about him.
ok im done for now
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