#ok but like I like this headcanon so much it's basically canon in my brain
shou-jpeg · 1 year
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Random WIP I may never finish - part of a larger thing.
Headcanon: Chay finds the pick he made Kim one day when searching for something else and, frustrated (and also touched) by Kim's sentimentality and desire to keep it undamaged, he turns it into a necklace so it can get some sort of use and not sit in a drawer. Kim loves it.
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5, 14, 15, 17
More outsiders asks? Heck yeah!
5. What are your favourite ships?
a) Curly Shepard x Ponyboy Curtis- idk why other than the fact that fanon Curly seems to balance out Ponyboy perfectly, and that I read a Curly fit on ffn when I was like fifteen that fundamentally changed my brain chemistry
b) Steve Randle x Sodapop Curtis- I don’t like any other within gang ship but Soda and Steve make sense to me and ngl my closeted ass clocked them as gay when I was reading the book because of the ‘pillow fight’ scene. I genuinely answered a comprehension question in class like ‘Ponyboy’s naïveté is shown through the fact he believes soda never drinks and that Soda and Steve were having a pillow fight when they slept together’ and my teacher had to be like oh sweetie no….
c) Marcia x Two-bit Matthews- Not a HUGE fan but they had such chemistry and I wish that could’ve been explored. I’m actually working on a fit about them rn, just because I wanna explore Marcia’s psyche. She was fun :)
14. Five headcanons I basically see as canon
a) Steve is secretly SUPER protective of Ponyboy, partially because he knows Sodapop would never be ok if something ever happened to Pony and he couldn’t stand it if Soda’s spark ever went out, but also because he wants Ponyboy to have the happy childhood he never had.
b) Darry absolutely dotes on Ponyboy, even though he’s strict, he’s lenient about letting Pony go places and works overtime to make sure he can afford to get Ponyboy everything he needs (and some stuff he simply wants), especially after Windrixville.
c) Johnny Cade is scary looking. Full stop. The gang just doesn’t see him that way so it doesn’t show in Ponyboy’s narration
d) Dallas Winston had a good mom and a happy childhood and her death was the catalyst that made him into the hoodlum he was.
e) Sodapop Curtis absolutely drinks, Ponyboy just doesn’t believe he does and Soda is not anxious to correct him because he doesn’t want Ponyboy to see him differently
15. Five headcanons that are entirely self-indulgent
a) Angela Shepard and Curly Shepard have to share a room because Tim refuses to share with anyone. Neither of them actually hates it half as much as they pretend they do.
b) Part of why Curly and Ponyboy became close was because Ponyboy was struggling with getting over his concussion, and the side effects were really stressful for him (dizzy spells, blurry vision, absentmindedness) and Curly kinda helped him with it because Curly spent 90% of his childhood concussed so he knew what Pony was going through
c) Tim Shepard and Sylvia are best friends and would kill for each other but not die for each other. However, they would avenge each other’s deaths.
d) Steve Randle wishes more than anything in the world that Darry Curtis was actually his irl older brother 
e) Two-bit’s little sister HATES Ponyboy Curtis because her older brother spends more time playing older brother to him than he spends actually being an older brother to her.
17. Are there any criticisms or salt you have with the book?
My criticisms with the book lie with the author. SE Hinton has proven to be homophobic and racist, and its written into the book, which is my biggest issue. I love the story of The Outsiders but do not want to support Hinton or her harmful, bigoted ideology under any circumstances. (For anyone out there who wants a copy of the book but doesn’t want to support Hinton, you can find a free pdf online, all you gotta do is google it)
On a slightly lighter note, I would have loved to have seen more of the female characters in the book. Marcia in particular had so much potential, and I wish we’d seen one actual scene with Sandy or Sylvia.
Thanks for the ask!!!!!
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
Give me court of owls hedcanons or lore … anything court of owls send it my way please 😊
My pleasure!!! ✨💚
Ok so, I’m mostly going with headcanons and some Gotham Knights lore because my knowledge of canon is passable at best but since the moment I first saw a Talon (I’m pretty sure it was fanart of Talon!Dick) I was obsessed. Evil organization comprised of a city’s elite? Sign me tf up.
A lot of this will mostly be in line with my Owl Song verse tho so bear with me >.<
The Court is ruthless. The Court controls Gotham. There’s an entire nursery rhyme dedicated to them and their most infamous weapon; the Talon.
And, see, Talon is where it gets interesting.
The Court has always had indoctrinated assassins working for them. But simple humans with human flaws and limitations… well, there was a point where that simply wasn’t enough anymore. They needed something better. Something stronger.
So they began researching, gathering scientists into their ranks and having them work on an interesting substance they’d discovered in one of the cave systems below Gotham: Electrum.
Human experimentation wasn’t far off at that point and soon they injected the first person with it. Unsurprisingly, that person died within a day. But instead of remaining inanimate (you know, like corpses should be) the body… started moving again after continued electrum exposure. Regaining mobility and basic brain functions with the added benefit regenerative abilities, increased agility and strength, and absolutely zero pain response.
The “corpse” was intelligent enough to follow simple instructions, but it wasn’t capable of speech or intelligent thought and perished not long after they stopped injecting electrum.
Regardless, the experiment was deemed a success and research into electrum and its “resurrection” properties continued.
The Electrum got modified over the years and infused with several genetic properties of various kinds of birds (mostly owls) to encourage animalistic traits to develop and aid in missions (and also to erase as much of the Talons’ humanity). Eventually the Court succeeded in making Talons that would not immediately die without a steady supply of Electrum, but since the Court doesn’t have use of most of them 24/7 (and because they are technically still corpses) they built cryostasis chambers in which the talons would be “stored” in between missions. Only a select few talons were kept in the mines at all times as a sort of guard should any civilian become curious and try to snoop around.
Of course those mindless soldiers are nice and all, exactly what the Court needed at the time, but they lack the ability to think for themselves, gather intel, and follow more complex orders.
New experimentations began. After all there must be a way to create a Talon that’s still all of the above but also capable of intelligent thought. They simply need to indoctrinate the chosen person early enough that disloyalty would never even cross their mind.
If we’re talking Owl Song verse, Dick was the perfect candidate for it. Recently orphaned and with amazing training? Young enough to be impressionable and twist his mind? It’s like he was made for this. For the Court.
But before they could turn him into their perfect little weapon he needed more training, so they kept him in the mines with the undead Talons, injecting small doses of electrum into him every couple days and pitting him against other talons.
After surviving for several months without any human contact save the scientists that would monitor his body’s reaction to the electrum, the Court deemed him ready for his first simple mission. To kill a low ranking member of the Court.
Dick refused.
The Court stepped up their game.
What followed were several months of indoctrination and veritable brainwashing through various methods. At the end of it Dick was actively suppressing any and all memories of his old life until he eventually ended up forgetting even his own name and started to refer to himself as Takon.
The next time the Court asked him to kill for them, he complied.
(Two years and many gruesome missions later they put him into the cryostasis chamber for the first time.
Dick felt his heartbeat slow down and his muscles lock—- but he didn’t lose consciousness. He remembers ever single moment of being stuck in the cold, in the darkness, dead but at the same time not.)
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lazaruspiss · 5 months
Begging for jaydick headcanons because I'm also a Jaydick hoe 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
where do i begin. horny? horny probably.
Dick bottoms like 90% of the time but as far as any dom/sub things go those two are the switches to end all switches. both need to be told they're a Good Boy while getting the soul fucked out of em and both need to dote on the other and remind them how much they like (love) them.
i think they'd also both have a bit of a sadistic streak, but Dick is the only masochistic one. i don't think Jason would be too big on being roughed up in a sexual context, i just can't picture it. no physical roughness, no particularly intense degradation, but that just means Dick has to get creative lol. though on the subject Dick also wouldn't /like/ feeding his own sadism.
i have a fair few sadist Dick thoughts based of off the times in canon where he hurts someone, recognizes that he enjoys it, and express at least some level of disapproval towards himself for feeling that way. no one really talks about how Dick does seem to, yknow, like fighting. not bc he's some angry violent asshole or bc it's violence for the greater good, but just bc it scratches the ever persistent adrenaline need in his brain.
hmmmm. Dick getting fed up with Jason being too thoughtful. we're gonna tread a tiny bit into projection territory but stick with me. when someone spends too much time being used by people or constantly shaping themselves around what others want it can kinda fuck up their head. when someone approaches without wanting that, without wanting them to shape themself around what they want, it can be a shock. Jason so aggressively wants Dick to be independent and true to himself that it's something they fight over, bc Dick's entire life has revolved around serving others and Jason can't just uproot all that by telling him his entire life is a lie and that he should reevaluate everything about himself and everyone around him. ok yeah im having flashbacks to the jaydick thing i wrote forever ago. (x)
they can both cook and take turns planning meals, with one making sure to call/message the other if they get busy with something so that they can adjust their plans around whatevers happening. i can also see cooking being a bit personal and intimate to them. Jason sticks to eating shitty fast food most of the time and never really cared about proper meals when he was on his own, but now he has someone to come home to. someone to eat with. he cares a lot about cooking well because he wants to show without words just how much it means to him to have Dick around. Dick has been shown to cook for people when they come over, so i think it'd just feel like basic courtesy to him. some sort of standard politeness to feed and welcome his guests if he can. he wears himself thin a lot of the time and doesn't tend to make an effort to cook when it's just him, but when he does cook he enjoys it. repetitive motions, straightforward instructions, relaxing sounds and smells, cooking is fun. seeing Jason gorge himself is also very heartwarming, and more filling than any meal.
theyd have a mutual agreement to, /if/ they have kids, raise them non-religious. between Jason "possibly catholic but also died and so it's complicated" Todd and Dick "my religion is Batman" Grayson, they really don't wanna pass on any of that to any theoretical kids.
on the subject of child rearing still: i think Dick would be against sending them to any kind of private school. he had a very not good time there and thinks that if theres gonna be a chance for their kid to be picked on either way than he'd rather not waste the money. if anything he thinks private school would be worse, because all those shitty rich kids know each other and each others parents and he'd really prefer his kid not being beat up and called slurs bc of who their parents are. he'd rather homeschool if their schedules allowed it but he recognizes that would be too impractical. Jason would have more mixed feelings, bc there can be a bit of an advantage in the long run from having gone to a reputable and recognizable school, but he also isn't sure it's worth having an argument about when chances are the kids gonna learn all the important stuff from them anyways. there is a very tense conversation to be had before enrolling their baby in kindergarten.
they have a few too many conversations about theoretically having kids for guys who don't have the guts to just go for it. waiting for an orphan to drop in their laps like theyre fuckin batman. idiots.
they're a bit worried about the Titans' reaction but the worst that happens is Wally giving an exaggerated sigh as he gives Donna her well earned 50 bucks. everyone saw it coming, and you two are hopeless. Wally is excited to be Dick's best man for realsies this time, and Jason is on the receiving end of a few too many shovel talks. by the time Roy gets to him it's turned into
Roy: yeah i dont need to say it do i. blah blah hurt him and ill kill you and all that. congrats on the boyfriend.
Jason: oh cmon, i thought you would at least have some faith in me.
Roy: bros before hoes, sorry man.
Jason: ... excuse me?
Gar's version of a shovel talk is just turning into a grizzly bear and doing the "ive got my eyes on you" gesture. anyways Bruce is invited to the wedding on the condition that his assigned seat is next to the Riddler and he has to pretend that Brucie has gotten real into riddles lately. he has to laugh at Eddie's jokes under the threat of never being allowed to contact Dick or Jason again. Jason suggested it bc he thought it would be funny, Dick rolled his eyes but agreed bc it means Bruce can't corner him to berate him about his life choices.
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reamnosart · 2 months
Can you share some of your Ikabod headcanons
Ok thank u for asking because I’ve been holding onto headcanons for so long that I was afraid to share bc I didn’t know how other people would react D: I don’t engage in fandom spaces very much since I used to strictly enjoy canon, but I’m letting myself take artistic liberties with The Upturned since I like it so much!!
In my brain there are two Iks; the real one and the funky little self indulgent one that lives in my brain
“Real” Ik
-Gay and nb (he/they)
-he has adhd!! And probably some other neurodivergence. I relate a lot to how impulsive he is, and I also relate to his problem solving skills (the whole thing with him getting the historic database files)
-Ik’s dad didn’t treat him well because he acted soft (he’s such a sweetheart and a pushover I love this guy)
-I used to think Ik’s line about thanking his dad for killing him would suggest a repression of his sexuality/ associating it with him dying and wishing he was different, but I’m more convinced that he was forgiving/ thanking his father since the afterlife has been a better outlet to experience his interests without being afraid of being himself
-The reason Ik has yellow eyes is because they resemble truck headlights
-traveler isn’t the first person Ik tried to be friends with at the hotel
-the reason Ik doesn’t fight back against sob is because he’s a victim of sob’s experiments. The only things keeping him from becoming a monster are fear and his customer service skills
-I asked Zeekerss once about why souks vary so much in size. He doesn’t have a straight answer for it, but suggested it has to do with characteristics of the person’s soul. Ik was probably around 6 feet tall when he was alive, but his towering stature in the afterlife represents the lengths he goes to make others happy
-same reason he’s got his big goofy smile. He’s like a beacon of hope in such a miserable place. He’s a kind soul who chose to help others instead of wallow like sob or the artist
Self indulgent Ik (basically an OC at this point)
-so basically everything is the same except Ik and Sob are transmasc butch lesbians (just like me fr)
-in canon Ik died at 15 and met sob around 18 but my version of Ik is 21 when he dies and meets Sob (just. Like me)
-it’s easier to have creative freedom with a character when I relate them to myself let me have this
-Ik is Sob’s willing assistant and works with him to find more subjects/ victims for experiments. The suffering of Sob’s victims are a small price to pay in the search for an end to the afterlife, a concept that millions of souls could benefit from (and may even be a way to connect back to the land of the living?)
-Ik has become numb to the idea of connecting to guests after meeting millions of them and being berated/ harassed by lost and confused souls. Traveler is the first person in 40 years he’s related to, so Ik goes out of his way to keep traveler safe from Sob’s traps.
I have so many more but it’s like 5 am so I can’t remember them all rn,,,, thank you again for asking!!! I always love talking about this game.
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randomgooberness · 1 year
because i love speculative biology and i love dumb animal traits :D its 3:30 AM 
-most important to me is obviously he pins his eyes like a parrot when he’s happy but I decided he also boggles like a rat too so it means he looks like this: 
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-boggling is caused by a teeth grinding motion in rats as well as parrots also grind their beaks to soothe themselves. as well as wayne mentioned the idea of benrey being able to rattle his teeth. so he does this but he also:
-purrs. but not like a cat. he does it with his teeth. it sucks so much.
-rocks side to side and paces when he’s stressed, which he doesn’t do a lot. If he’s REALLY stressed for a prolonged period of time he’ll “pluck” AKA bite at himself. It doesn't hurt but its not a good habit 
-makes nests. this looks very very awful and messy to gordon whos bed usually gets destroyed in this process 
-speaking of gordon. he brings him dead animals as presents. when he learns how much gordon hates this he replaces it with shiny trash and trinkets. sometimes he gets him actual presents though :) 
-mirrors. he mirrors so much. tommy is his favorite to mirror. tommy is also not a good role model for “human”. 
-retractable claws/constantly changing teeth/sometimes a tail. for funsies dont worry about it 
-giraffe tongue. im sorry it sucks so much and makes me laugh. i really really hate it 
-we all know he can canonically shapeshift but i hc that its physically painful to watch the process of if you’re just a human guy and can give you nosebleeds and make you sick if you don't look away. it sucks a lot 
-sheds his skin :/
-despite the fact that theres an entire running gag telling people they arent supposed to be there and he can “let people” into black mesa, hes not territorial in the slightest. the only reason he wouldnt shrug if someone walked into the house is because he knows gordon would flip his entire lid 
-hibernates! But its not based on an internal clock, its moreso “i can stay awake for a month straight but ill need to sleep for like a week after”. So not really biologically hibernation but very close to it w the physical aspects of it(deep ass sleep with slower body)
-uhhh ive said this in my fic descriptions/other places i think but my rule of thumb for his sweet voice is warm colors: emotions and cold colors: thoughts. this is INCREDIBLY vague and makes it fun for me to work with. if you dont get it its ok i do its basically left vs right brain shit 
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devilsrecreation · 7 months
Thoughts about The Zebra Mastermind since it’s one of my favorite episodes
Honestly I only watch clips of this episode for the Outlanders
I love how this ep is basically an idiot contest
Doesn’t have the best song, but it’s cute
I swear to god Chungu and Cheezi are the hyena equivalent of Spongebob and Patrick. They share exactly one braincell and I love them
“Cheezi, did we just get an idea???”
“Yeah! Our first one!”
“WE’RE anybody!”
“Oh yeah! We are!”
Chungu how to you know exactly what someone’s talking about with such vague information you actually have a gift
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I know they had worse intentions but just the thought of the hyenas and crocodiles giving the Lion Guard flowers and belly rubs is actually kinda cute.
Get yourselves a partner who calls you cute nicknames like Goigoi does to Reirei
I love how Goigoi’s always trying to make Reirei happy
Goigoi…honey….that’s not how stripes work-
I love how this implies Kiburi has his own version of the term “furbrains”. We deserved to hear Kiburi call Tamka and Nduli “fish-for-brains”
“Speaking of fish, let’s go find something to eat!”
Same, Tamka. Same
I love to imagine Pua was the one to discover that. Like a baby Tamka was fussing and Pua, desperate to get him to calm down, took his mate’s suggestion and gently rubbed his son’s tummy with his tail. Turns out it worked
Nduli saying how they should tell Kiburi about Thurston’s advice just adds to my headcanon that they’re close
Tamka how did you know zebras were more related to donkeys than horses? I’m so proud of you!
Nduli actually acted like he wanted to straight up murder Thurston. To be fair, they were planning to eat him anyway but holy shit Nduli was ahead of everyone.
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Look at this shit. Even Tamka’s like “Oh shit dude, calm down”. He really said 👀
It’s kinda sweet of Tamka to make sure everyone gets a fair portion of zebra. Lot of other Outlanders would just take however much they wanted, but Tamka’s like “nah, if we were all tricked by the zebra, we all get out fair share of him”. Sweet boy
Anybody gonna tell Chungu zebras don’t have wings? No?
Why couldn’t we get more sassy Nduli? “Back off and hush up!” like damn ok
Stop they all look so cute when they’re annoyed. Especially Chungu. His face is the best
I love to think Nne and Tano were watching everything go down placing bets on how long they can stand before the guard kicks their fellow Outlanders’ tails
“Betcha half my lunch they won’t last a minute”
“You’re on!”
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moltengoldveins · 1 month
alright. It’s self-inset week on this illustrious hellsite, and I’m unlearning shame, so here’s a self-insert for the pseudo-MCYT universe I have meticulously constructed in my brain that had only a passing resemblance to the actual canon:
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Her Deal is that she’s an Enderian who, for various reasons, got picked up by Emduo during a midlife crisis arc after the end of the (general) events of SMP earth. She was caught in the rain, pretty badly burned, and had no local support system. Their intentions at first were to find her a place to stay while traveling, since mortals have a rough time around gods for long periods of time. However, (because I tend not to give my self inserts a lot of powers, but when I do, they’re powers I think I'd actually have) they find that, while she isn’t the most physically gifted, she has an unparalleled ability to just…. Mentally Handle Bullcrap Beyond Mortal Ken. She isn’t the kind of person to be phased by either a walrus Or a fairy at her doorstep, that kind of thing. They have few rough patches with her being too stubborn to get along well with Techno but it evens out eventually, and she’s good with Brian (the crow) so they kinda just… let her stick around as they travel.
She’s a hardcore, so her aging quits after a few years of ‘just traveling, trying to find you a home, we swear.’ She ends up a Blood God adherent later on, (I have Headcanons about the blood god that are too complicated to explain here, the gist of it is that most gods have ‘chats’ in one way or another but the BG is basically the only one to have a Chat that just Sucks That Much for their adherents. Mari’s chat is pretty dang small, and they are restrained to her pov. Techno’s the only BG adherent with an omniscient chat.) and over time, their relationship goes from ‘kinda uncles’ to ‘those are my weird parents, thanks.’ Sometimes a family can be two demigods, the Lady of death, and a funky little teleporter with severe sensory impairment. (Sucky vision, hypersensitive hearing)
She’s absent from the events of the DSMP for any number of reasons, (depends on my mood tbh. She’s fun in the DSMP, but she’s also nearly as fun when slapped randomly in another media property entirely and attempting desperately to get home, I’m a sucker for dimension hopping AUs) but pops back in at least once, enough to meet Tommy and be aware of Wilbur’s loss. Her dynamic with Will was rough, and her dynamic with Tommy distant, but she saw the potential in the bedrock bros dynamic, even when said bros are on the outs.
Post-DSMP (good ending, the people we love live and are friends) she spends the vast majority of her time doing physical labor around the family house, learning how to build with Phil, and helping Beeduo with Michael. She’s nowhere near Emduo in combat skill, but she was taught by them for a long time, which means she’s still good enough to draw even with Tommy, ten months into his training regularly with Techno. She still can’t manage to beat Tubbo in a fair fight, no teleportation. (he’s small and jacked and fast ok, she’s no good at countering that)
honestly I just like the idea that Emduo at some point in their however many hundreds of years picked up a slightly-too-neurospicy-for-their-own-good-child and couldn’t find a way to get rid of them fast enough to keep from getting attached, and I personally enjoy having enough platonic relationships with the characters I care about in that fandom to excuse any random plot point I feel like writing about XD it’s a convenient overlap that has created a pretty fun character :)
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kuuchuuburanko · 10 months
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Ok so a bit ago I was writing up some headcanons for Gremmjamin here based on some prompts. Some of which were based around things relating physical stats (ie. speed, endurance, stealth, running, jumping, dance, etc.) and I wrote,
Gremmy does not have a true physical form! His body is a construct, a creation of his imagination, as Gremmy is in fact a brain in a jar. And because he can so easily construct any form or physical version of himself as he sees fit, his physical capacity can vary drastically based on that. He could create the peak physical body, perfectly strong, fast, agile, any mix of those attributes to varying degrees. And so, it ranges based on what he desires at the moment. So In the stats such as running, jumping, swimming etc. those are set as a range. But there are limitations as well. You cannot imagine a learned skill. Or at least not to a proficient level. Vague understanding will only get you so far. For example, dancing is a learned skill. An art form, something that takes being taught, practice, study and experience to accomplish. It’s a performance and one cannot simply execute the movements either. It requires flare, emotion, etc. for it to be any good. Now if I were to tell you, for example, ‘imagine doing merengue’ and you had no idea what it was or what it looked like, how could you imagine it? Not well probably. It’s vague, it’s a guess, it’s hardly there. The same applies to Gremmy. One’s imagination can only go so far as your current knowledge. You have to know things to begin with to expand on them. I can know, generally speaking, what ‘dance’ is. As a performance art, as a concept, but if I don’t watch dancing, or learn the basics of it, how it’s constructed, how it goes with music etc. I’d be hard pressed to imagine or do a dance that’s any good, even with my imagination. Gremmy’s imagination only goes as far as that knowledge or lived experiences. And considering he’s been stuck in a box for much of his (sentient) life he hasn’t had much in the way of experiences outside of his head. (This is also why I believe his fight with Kenpachi was so simple. His imagined constructs of water and lava and guns and meteor all feel very simple and plain, especially considering the extent of his ability. In this context, imagination =/= creativity)
I am also drawing my reasoning from the novels (which aren't canon or whatever but I need my crumbs so they are canon TO ME) So...writing up that last headcanon post got me thinking… Gremmy's powers are vastly over-powered, even by bleach standards. A broad stroke of 'anything he imagines becomes reality'. Even his fellow quincy feared and were weary of him. He was considered one of the most powerful in their ranks. (There's even speculation/strong hints giving credence that Gremmy was actually an aspect of the Soul King like Pernida) But, from what was displayed in his battle with Kenpachi, the scope of that imagination seemed limited. Simple like entombed in water, floods of lava, shot into space, meteorite etc. For someone who could theoretically do and/or create anything, his methods remained very simple. Gremmy is obviously capable of creating more complex and intricate figments, seeing as he constructed live, sentient entities. I think that must have taken longer for him though, more thought and time.
In battle it's probably easier to stay simple. But I can't help but think that he was sheltered in a prison away from much social contact for more than the reason of 'he's destructive and volatile'. Imagination is limited by creativity. You can only imagine more vast possibilities if you are creative. And creativity is limited by your environment and current knowledge. If a child grew up in a home of only neutral colors, their thoughts and imagined things would be in only neutral colors. But there are more colors than grey and beige. Yhwach isn't stupid. I think he knew that Gremmy's abilities needed to be locked down at a certain point, so he purposefully sheltered him from the outside world. He made sure Gremmy only knew about grey and beige so he could be limited to only creating grey and beige things. If he knew about the entire color spectrum so to speak, he would have developed into being enormously more powerful than he was.
He's also still a kid. He's basically the gifted kid in class who stopped doing the assignments because they were too easy and he got bored. In the novels he wasn't entirely anti-social. He got along fine with Liltotto and even had a nice conversation with her when he was released from his prison. He doesn't like Yhwach and nobody treats him as a person or without fear/disdain except for Liltotto and so he felt grateful to her for that. So he's this kid with these nearly godlike abilities, and from his perspective he can do anything but that 'anything' is also not the whole picture either. He only started feeling true joy, excitement etc. when he was challenged in the battle with kenpachi, because suddenly life wasn't boring, dull and lonely. Suddenly, the world opens up to him, suddenly things are new and there's an infinite amount of possibilities. He beefs it of course, but I still think that he was basically nerfed by Yhwach so he couldn't find things like say... art, literature, cinema, anything in the human world for that matter lmao. Maybe if he had more shit to do, things to learn, time to experiment he wouldn't have been nearly as homicidal because now there's interest in life and challenges to be had.
I also think that if he were to have most of his powers stripped and was forced to build back up said power (like... say, if there was a little splat of his grey matter somewhere after his brain jar was collected and inevitably experimented on, that the little splat was able to grow and grow and grow and eventually grow enough that it could escape and hide to grow more and eventually he can materialize his body again so he decides to just chill on earth for a bit), he'd have to use what little power he has to be more detail oriented and creative with what he's able to 'imagine'. He'd just have a much better time if not everything was literally at his fingertips. Let him play minecraft and learn organically. But that's an au post for another time lol
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tyran-the-tyranical · 4 months
Hope Dream Theory Pt.2 (Just a rant tbh)
Ok, so I’ve been racking my brain thinking about the NOT CANON taming hope part 3, I’ve never been so happy to be wrong, but now I cant stop hypothesising what’s real and what’s not.
Look I understand it’s non canon but the building blocks of what it’s saying to the player is already in game, you can still kind of assume that maybe Hope wasn’t being physically tortured but just mentally, and as a result believes it 100% in her head that she looks awful ect etc. and that means it is real, or was, because its what she genuinely believes.
But, If Hope wasn’t tortured physically, what else is real? Did Raphael really kill a kid and some family in front of her? And what about the boudoir? Dream theory could explain a kid dying and a family in that they were possibly just nightmares but if it was specifically Raphael doing the deed, it seems less likely, that goes for the boudoir as well, it’s too specific to be a random nightmare. (Look, dream theory can only go so far lol)
A few people did bring up that whether is was physical torture or not, Hope believes it was 100% real so, it basically became real anyway. The only thing it really does is make Raphael or korilla feel better about what they’re doing. (I want you all to realise that I am coping so bad rn, the cope is real) I understand that if taming Hope part 3 is ever actually implemented in game it may soften Raphael’s character a lot, that is if you believe that everything he did to her wasn’t physical but mental, it’s easier to swallow, though still deplorable.
It’s my personal headcanon anyway, and look, the guy is never gonna be good but anyway to soften him up is great, I mean if his half brother Magadon can do it, so can he alright (sorta). Though I do feel like this explains alot, since Hope honestly feels like she only exists to give the player a reason to want to kill Raphael, otherwise he’s just too charming and no one would bother to kill him.
It will annoy me endlessly that there isn’t more in game information, I appreciate vagueness as it leaves room for theories but I’m dying for answers Larian 😭 because right now I’m going crazy over an entry that isn’t even in the game, just the files AHDKSJSKS LIKE- Look I would love a way to have my cake and eat it too, free my girl Hope but like, NOT KILL THE DEVIL BOY, that would be great, cause tho she’s hella under cooked and under utilised they made her too bubbly and likeable, that or I’m just weak.
This is turning into less of a new development to the theory and more of a rant lol, and though I would like an answer, I also think I would die if it’s just he is super evil like his dad and did all those things to hope, because some of the things that’s been said that he’s done to hope feels way too much like edgy evil things just to be evil (like his father has done, tho I know he hates him but still ends up being like him lol) one reason I like Raphael so much is that he’s nuanced and honest to the player (also why I have beef with how strict the DnD alignment system can be) he isn’t like Mizora that comes across as your typical devil, Raphael (purposefully) is different and yea that’s sort of his manipulation, it’s still refreshing to see, but I guess oh woe is I.
Like for instance, the boudoir dialogue that Hope hints at- WHAT DOES SHE MEAN, because yes, I think we can all guess what she means but also what does that actually mean in context? That she’s been (yknow) or she’s forced to I dunno watch ? If she has been (yknow) does Haarlep have her form? If so, why even bother trying to break her if he’s such the “hopeless romantic” (also not canon) if that’s what he was after.
look even as I’m typing this I realise how I sound, this is definitely a rant, but I can’t stop thinking about these pixel people lol, but the whole Raphael and Hope thing will never not bug me, for multiple reasons; it’s undercooked, vague, and didn’t really get the attention it kinda deserves especially since it’s probably one of the dark parts of the story (one of many to be honest) like the content matter leaves alot to the imagination.
Bleh, I love my girl Hope, especially the letter we get if we free her, and it’s actually sad to see her state in game, she’s all over the place, I just have so many questions about their entire dynamic, like I can understand how it might’ve happened, she’s a cleric who probably wanted to save her sister and didn’t know much about Raphael other than he’s a devil, and he just happened to gain a sick curiosity or obsession with her, but everything after that, after the first two entires, WHAT HAPPENS?! I’m hooked, I need to know the full context, was it just nightmares or was some of it real? Did he actually love her or did he grow to hate her? Is she actually Hope or has she just grown to believe that herself? If so, How could Korilla stand all that?
I guess for now I’m just stuck with Headcanons, but what do you think? What’s your take on it all?
Sooo, I just wanna add a few things extra here, Raphael is not rlly redeemable, and I really don’t want him to be BLEH good.. he’s is 100% lawful evil aligned, but like I said, I’m not a fan of the strict alignments in dnd, I think from a narrative perspective it’s more interesting to add nuance and maybe soften him a tiny smidge, and Raphael definitely shows that and the only time it ever tips the scales to completely abhorrent is when it’s what he’s done to Hope.
He doesn’t need to become his brother lol, but you’ve gotta admit how interesting it would be to see something other than a stereotypical devil, because he’s a devil can help you out for their own benefit, but they will never defer from their “nature” but I think It’d be cool to see him have an arc similar to the companions, breaking their cycles and change for the better (or worse)
His story wouldn’t even have to be convert him but something akin (a controversial take here) to Astarion. Astarion has a lot of reasons to why he is who is at the start of the game that Raphael really doesn’t (from what we know) but there’s so much you could do with his character, even as a non companion. I mean, he’s a sadistic asshole, (just look at his debtors) but what was it like being Mephistopheles kid? He was a child once I mean, and who was his mother? He must still have a human part of his family somewhere, unless they’re all dead.
This is all unnecessary stuff tbh, not even some of the companions get this much revealed about their history, but even just ignoring his possible past, how is he even going to take over the hells? He says that his father and Co. are coming to see him and “negotiate” or something but how’s that gonna turn out, huh? Like he says he’ll be knocking at our door but is he even gonna make it that far? Coz what I’m thinking is, he’s gonna get nerfed bro. Now a dlc could answer this but ehhhh, that’s not for awhile, if at all anyway.
This edit is going way away from dream theory but also dream theory or in Le head theory is frustrating, (for numerous reasons I know) because it’s the default explanation for anything isn’t it? Oh it was all a dream or coma or blah bleh blah, while it can explain a lot,it removes just as much, it makes Raphael soft, (YES ITS STILL TORTURE) but it’s easier for an audience to swallow. I don’t want to throw this theory out just to make him seem less villainy or whatever, I kinda just want it so Hope didn’t have to actually watch some kid or family die, or whatever happened in the boudoir, real to her but in reality no one had to die or whatever, love that girl bro, she rlly got the shit kicked outta her fr, but then again that’s why you can side with her and kill Raphael.
It’s so weird that I’d want this sorta theory for a character who is so blatantly evil aligned but hey a girl can dream, ok? 💅 like I said the coping here is real, and at this point of the rant I just seem like a crazy person, (so true) so I’m gonna end it here, STILL WOULD LOVE AN EXPLANATION LARIAN, taming hope part 3 will forever haunt me lol
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dabs-into-oblivion · 1 month
okay hoh on
stoned az dragon age thoughts
side note,
Tumblr media
[Image Description: A screenshot of a Discord message that reads, "I can't tell you how deep of a chuckle I got when I looked at my phone screen at the wall of Dragon Age lore with just "the edible might be hitting under it." Actually killed me. So on brand." End image description.]
that wall of lore was ALSO about Amelia Stannard
like i'm sorry she's actually my favourite character in the series
but. so. if you've been here long enough you know that Amelia was Meredith's (as in Knight-Commander of Kirkwall) (my autocomplete calls me out every time) older sister. i am perhaps a sucker for older & younger sister dynamics. Amelia's death—specifically the fact that she abominated and killed 70 people—was the start of Meredith's decades-long villain era. it shaped her entire relationship with magic. (side note i have an AU where Amelia survives and goes to the Circle)
a slightly niche fan theory (i think, can't remember any canon on this) posits that Meredith views herself as being similar to Andraste. visually, Meredith looks basically the same as all depictions of Andraste that we see.
AND ANDRASTE. HAD A SISTER. WHO DIED. okay a half sister but STILL
i think Meredith might have known that, too, and might have speculated that Halliserre's mysterious, violent death was because of magic (ironic to those of us who subscribe to the "Andraste was a mage" theory)
and maybe Meredith even headcanoned that Halliserre was the older sister, like Amelia
i'm picturing this ten-year-old girl sitting in the barracks in the Gallows and telling herself a story about how strong she'll become, how much she resembles the Maker's chosen prophet, in an attempt to dull the pain of her family's death
i am ON MY BULLSHIT TONIGHT LADLES because if you succumb to my All That Re-Pain-s agenda and bring Hawke's sibling without Anders to the Deep Roads, by the time Hawke and Meredith meet, they're each the only ones left of their families—and now i'm considering making a Hawke who looks similar to Meredith, similar to Andraste, and is a mage. that would fuck with Meredith so much
/clenches fists/ Meredith Stannard is someone who is so shippable—
her sister not so much, apparently. Amelia wouldn't let me ship her with Orsino or Viscount Gamlen or even the Knight-Commander in the AU. maybe it's that she's a lesbian? thought: gender-swap Orsino? oh my god i'm doing a fucking Shakespeare with Dragon Age. being high is one of the experiences of all time. i love my brain
ok to summariz/se (most cursed way to avoid having to make a decision on spelling): Meredith thinks she's Andraste, but with new context. this makes Hawkedith potentially even more angst. Amelia wlw: explore.
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lokislytherin · 1 year
ok so y'all know i love hong jaeyeol / jay and i believe he should have more canonical importance due to the role ptj-nim gave him not only as a good friend of daniel and potential love interest, but also as a strong fighter in his own right, and the son of steve hong, who seems to have more canonical importance than his son (who is part of the OG Squad) at this point.
hence i am creating my own headcanons about jaeyeol's past, present and future, some of which are definitely not going to happen in lookism but i'm just creating them for Fic Purposes.
the valid ones will probably age like cheese but hey! if it ages like cheese it means jay's back in canon so we should all celebrate that together instead! if some of the valid ones age like fine wine someone should hire to me to be their ghostwriter so i can use them as a stepladder to fame as an independent writer /j i'm already working on being an independent writer
anyway here goes nothing!
pretty boy: he has the most beautiful eyes ever, or he has heterochromia, and he's just shy / ashamed / scared of showing them which is sad because we all want to see his eyes come on ptj it's been over 8 whole years since lookism was first published i just want to know if he has eyes man
unlimited powaaaa: he'd be too powerful if he could see properly so ptj nerfed him like gojo satoru blindfold self-nerfing and booted him from the canon timeline
galaxy brain crack aus: he has no eyes that's it. he's medusa and if he looks at people they will turn to stone. he's got shojo manga female protagonist eyes and we'll all pass out immediately if we saw them because they’re too powerful (jaeyeol with gojo satoru style eyes? we’d all die fr)
potential to be legit: selective mutism + he'll talk in his own time, he's mute full stop and cannot talk
galaxy brain crack aus: past hanahaki surgery bc he’s implied gay and we all know the effect of societal norms on lookism arcs (been there doing that), he's Really Bad At Socializing so he just Doesn't (doing a komi au for that)
traumatic gay backstory: came out and didn’t get accepted by the family except joy over time bc she’s a Good Sister, steve hong was like ‘damn i can’t let the public know my son is Gay’ so basically kicked him out of the house but let him have an allowance bc he’s a c- parent (barely above the pass grade but he’s better than what we know of canonical khun eduan from tower of god who i am ranking as a failing grade, and daniel’s mom is s rank parent)
second son vs politics: first son kitae is the most important one bc he’s the one taking on the family business. only daughter joy is also important politically because she could get married off in the future for business partnerships. ideally you want to keep the power so marrying off your second son isn’t that great even if you don’t really care much about him and he doesn’t really care much about what you do, so you just keep him around and he does his thing and you get annoyed because his ‘thing’ involves smoking, driving motorcycles and almost breaking speed limits, beating people up, etc. oh yes you are steve hong.
slightly unseiso and definitely canonically impossible but potential fic material: aboverse. jay excommunicated from the family because he’s an omega born into a family of alphas. the social power scaling could be so interesting to explore because 1) the contrast between the stereotypical submissive and breedable omega who needs to be protected and kickass protector figure jay who is fully capable of taking down his own opponents and then yours as well unless he gets paired up with people like logan lee 2) i believe in switch jaeseok supremacy and i don’t see a lot of bottom jay fics on ao3 but at the same time it would be cool for omega!jay to top and overcome the social stigma attached to being an omega
med student: he quit j high to pursue a degree in medicine because he’s Serious about being a doctor and helping daniel like that, that’s why he had his 1 panel cameo. he just went back to visit his old classmates in hopes that daniel would be there
op character arc: he’s being trained like an anime protagonist rn. miss sophia trained him when he was young, maybe he went to miss sophia again or he went to another master and he’s getting even more deadly at systema and kali arnis so he can fight and protect daniel better! he’s preparing for his Main Protagonist Character Arc or he’s just doing it off screen rip
detective arc: he’s trying to figure out what happened to big daniel through sleuthing and Rich Boy Ways. will do this fix it au in the future
this is way too long. i should’ve made it a thread. but i hope yall had fun reading lmao?? feel free to expand on any of my ideas please i like Discussion if i expand on this i’ll rb too
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viv-weylin · 1 year
Bpd Kian Stone, The Essay:
BPD is characterized as: unstable moods, behaviors, and relationships. Kian fits a lot of the BPD symptoms and it's just. It fits too well and my BPD addled projecting self can't help it.
First and foremost, Kian didn't have a great childhood I mean. neglectful parents, a lack of affection or love, seems like an unhappy childhood.
Something people with BPD struggle with is an intense fear of abandonment which, especially in Becky, Kian kind of... has? Kian spends an absurd amount of time mourning his HIGH SCHOOL GIRLFRIEND and by absurd I mean over 10 years. That isn't normal behavior, and really, it gives obsession and FP behavior. What's an FP?
An FP is term that describes a person who the person with BPD is, well to put it, sort of obsessed with and Kian... listen man. I can't stress the Kianbecky relationship FITTING THIS. Kian's happiness and emotions depend solely on how Becky feels and if she's there and when she wasnt, well. Hollywood happens and what happend to Kian happens and hrrhhhfh rhe obsession, the need for Becky to be there even after all that time... I might be looking too into this but I can relate to that and this is a headcanon...
A chronic emptiness is another thing people with Bpd struggle with. They often find themselves filling this with money or other people and BPD IS BASICALLY just this chronic emptiness leading to unstable relationships and I feel like Kian throws drugs, money, alcohol and useless one night stands at that empty hole to try and fill it because nothing will make him feel whole. Even Becky was only a tarp to cover that hole, she wasn't a solution. This hole probably came from a lack of love he got as a kid but whatever.
OK next thing, splitting, or the intense switching between something or someone being good or bad (like personally i do this with people, like my brain switches from they hate me they want me dead until they text me five minutes later and im fine). we don't see this happen in canon since Kian barely got any time to progress and shit but I can. I can headcanon this okay. so in his time in hollywood he definitely struggled with "god they all fucking hate me" and "man they love me look at all the good memories we had!" he had no real connections in hollywood so all he had were those memories to be his only friends and hrrhhhh
rapid changes in identity is another thing and boy does he change! he's literally a stock broker and he can't be Kian when he's a stock broker because he'd just get fired. but I see this most in his personality in general. he's a very stereotypical Rockstar guy, especially at first glance, he never truly grew up normally and never made his own identity because he had no guidance. instead he saw things from TV and movies and books and magazines that he liked and he absorbed that into his personality and he's just. a fucked up frankenstein of things he's seen in fiction. this is also a headcanon but.
"Impulsive and risky behavior, such as gambling, reckless driving, unsafe sex, spending sprees, binge eating or drug abuse, or sabotaging success by suddenly quitting a good job or ending a positive relationship" is another one and dear God Kian babygirl you have this in LEAGUES. Reckless driving? Spending sprees? Drug abuse meaningless sex and alcohol all fit under this and he does all of them A LOT. ESPECIALLY THE RECKLESS DRIVING. DRIVIJG UNDER THE INFLUENCE. THIS ONE FITS SO WELL AND ALL THIS UNSAFE BEHAVIOR GIVES HIM THIS TEMPORARY EUPHORIA WHERE HE FEELS ALIVE AND HE CHASES THIS TO FILL HIS CHRONIC EMPTINESS ANF GIVE ME A MINUTE I NEED TO CRY.
kian is bright and flashy and reckless and fills an empty void in his heart through everything he can find and how can anyone even love him when he's perfectly crafted to BE loved by people but he's not a person. he is made to be likeable but its so fake and he knows it is and their words mean nothing because nothing is genuine and nothing will mean as much as Becky and rolan and Rand-
his relationship with Rand and rolan also interests Me too, it's less codependent than Becky but There's still Something Wrong there, and I think it's just because they were his only TRUE FRIENDS, he could be nerdy and play dnd and I like to think that around them was the only time he could be himself (besides you know. being bisexual,,,) and that's the only time he felt seen and genuine and understood and hh
okay that's my bpd Kian Ted talk thing bye
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
1) I’d love to hear more about the Brooklyn finch theory
2) Id also love to hear what you think about the “Finch stole the slingshot from Oscar and now parades around with it so Delancey knows he can and will kick his butt at any given time”
ok, ok. formally introducing: emme’s headcanon of finch being from brooklyn (also known as her most delusional hc to date, but that’s fine). there are actually a number of things that could make this possible. starting from the beginning, we have:
-the newsie info card
now, these we obviously view as canon, because they were made and distributed by disney while newsies was on broadway. finch’s card doesn’t say much, but it DOES say that he ran away from home at an early age. it doesn’t say where home was, which is interesting, but it’s safe to assume that it’s somewhere in nyc. the distance from brooklyn to manhattan is walked every day by race; it wouldn’t have been that hard for finch to cross.
-jacobi scene
when they’re assigning different areas to cover, finch isn’t immediately given a territory. but when jack’s looking for someone to get brooklyn, he picks on finch, and asks him if he’s scared of the turf. finch says no, he’s not (and he says this pretty convincingly), which makes sense if he grew up there. why would he be scared of his hometown, y’know? this affect is immediately ruined, though, when he admits that he’s scared of spot (fair).
-aversion to violence
finch is pretty damn rational, and when the newsies are first talking about striking, he’s the one who points out what happened to the trolley workers. plus, this is the guy who we all assume to be dating ALBERT, and bro is not exactly the paragon of peace. someone has to be more likely to use his brain rather than his fists, right? if he’s the one to be thinking about danger, then can’t we assume he would avoid it? and, like I said earlier, most of us agree that spot had to fight his way to the top (and let’s be real, spot didn’t exactly usher in a reign of peace either). little finch had already run once; what was another time if it was for his safety?
I already explained this one, and I’ll admit that it’s probably the biggest stretch, as it’s connecting two different versions of newsies. the oscar theory isn’t an unrealistic one. also, it’s funny.
-what if he pulled a race?
we’ve all basically decided that while, yes, racetrack higgins is jack’s second, and therefore one of the most powerful rank-wise among the manhattan newsies, he also happens to be just as good as brooklyn’s, because he’s a simp for spot conlon he likes betting at sheepshead. what if finch just saw a certain redhead one day and went yes, okay, he’s mine now? it would hardly be the first time this happened (lookin’ at you, higgins). this isn’t really as much of a reason as a possibility, but I think that’s just as important.
there’s my little rant! now, obviously, this is all speculation and just a personal headcanon, but also (maybe?) gives us more of a backstory for finch.
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tiredrobin · 1 year
ok my lil nightmare headcanons for the guys that i like. six is the most fleshed out and runaway kid is here because i have little aus in my head and i think about all of them . just not as much as i think about six
the most widely applied hc for all of them: the all of them have ptsd but most of the symptoms one might expect for ptsd dont rly express themselves because theyre all basically in survival mode Always, and for symptoms of ptsd to properly express the brain has to be like "oh, right, i'm safe. time to explode" (this is very simplified and im aware theres way more complexity and nuance. just assume literally every hc i present abt anything is more nuanced than this list offers)
adhd also
she's (mostly, circumstantially) selectively mute and/or minimally verbal, and my supporting evidence is i want her to be. my second supporting evidence is that she doesn't talk in any of the comics and she doesn't even have a whispered voiceline like "hey!" like mono does. my third supporting evidence is that that i want her to be. in more depth, she CAN be verbal, but it is (as mentioned) circumstantial and related to who she's with and how safe she feels. ie: the door raft is safe enough that she manages to tell mono her name, and in a few situations following she manages to communicate verbally, it's just not something she can do easily in… well, most cases. she's otherwise strongly communicative when she needs to be, and good at getting her point across when necessary
always whispers when she does speak
this is less a hc and more something actively supported by canon, but she WILL help people if it doesn't put her in immediate danger (and even if it does, in some cases) (supporting evidence is ln2 and vln lmao)
gets anxious when people behave vulnerable around her/quick to emotionally shut down/retreat. low empathy, high compassion. (if u think negatively abt this bite me forever and ever and ever cuz ur wrong. this is a completely neutral trait)
even after the tower, she obviously finds comfort and joy in music boxes and music in general (also mostly supported by canon content, i think)
likes to hum when she's alone
struggles with skin-picking
the noisiest she gets is when she's dreaming
physical contact is weird for her, aka it's fine if she expects it and painful/awful if she doesn't (weird exceptions apply to some degree, ie hands are ok/mono taking her hand is almost always fine)
she only hates veggies because no one's ever cooked 'em good for her. girl needs some stir fry
gets cold way easily
autism 2 electric boogaloo
it's just different from six's autism, man, idk
he scripts a lot. on the spot, he has a hard time putting sentences together, but give him a little bit/be patient and he'll manage fine. he's definitely not nonverbal (six is of the opinion that he doesn't know how to shut up, which is a bit of an exaggeration but one that mono doesn't mind), it's just that autism and trauma makes words Hard
so like not nonverbal and not fully speaking but a secret third thing
survivor's guilt in, like, every situation ever
very good at taking the lead when he has a goal and has a hard time stopping to listen to others
but he DOES make a concerted effort to listen to others because he's at least peripherally aware of this fault of his
world's softest speaking voice. it's about as soft as how he whisper-talks the word "hey", pretty much
extremely detail-oriented, which helps a lot when solving puzzle-y situations
yellow is his favorite color
runaway kid:
also autism
i don't have much for them uhhh
they/them-er. they're not picky tho
goes by runa or una. "una" was a joke at first, but it sounds a bit like "uno" and the number theme with the other two just really is too hard for me to resist
will instigate contact but dislikes reciprocation
probably the loudest speaking voice of the three, but that's not really saying much. reflex is to speak lowly or whisper
ok with words. doesn't need to script
probably struggles a lot with touch-focused sensory stuff
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plummyplums · 7 months
Hello Plummy. Free ticket to talk about your blorbos because I would like to hear about them please 👀
Ok it took me a few days to figure out how I wanted to answer this (goodness there's so much I could say about so many fellas) but I finally decided on doing a lil stream-of-consciousness about the fella you followed me for, Freakazoid! He's the one who currently is taking up the most space in my mind, after all.
I might do more posts about other blorbos later, but this one got so long that I decided to split it all up, even with the cut XD
Random Thoughts: He's my lil guy, just a lil fella! He has so much "annoying brother" energy to me, it's adorable. In my head, he and Dex become more like brothers in a month than Dex and Duncan have been in years. I'm not gonna get into it, but my biggest Blorbo Thoughts are nearly always angst and hurt/comfort, and that does apply here, though it's tough when we have so little canon info on how he works. I'm actually pretty neutral on Dexter; he's a good lad, but he doesn't give my brain the Happy Chemicals like Freak does. I have to actively remind myself to include him in stuff 😭
Not them, but our favorite blue menace has also given me the annoying habit of unconsciously sticking my tongue out, so now I have to actively stop myself from doing that.
Headcanons: I see him as like, a combo of Dexter, some garbage code from the chip, and The Internet Itself. Their existence is incredibly confusing, and I continue to curse the network for failing their show. I like fan ideas of them both having spaces in their mind and communicating through their thoughts, so I keep those in my interpretation. They have the Freakazone, the "Dexterzone" (Dex is on the fence about the name, it's essentially a recreation of his room), and a middle-ground that they can both access. Upon switching, they’ll “spawn” in their respective room and can do whatever from there, and they’ll both be in the mindscape when the body sleeps or is unconscious, no matter who was out.  They’re capable of “locking” their personal room, preventing the other from entering for a time.  No matter where they are, they’re capable of seeing/hearing what the body sees/hears, though they can choose not to.  The mindscape can only be affected by whoever is in it at a given time, and they can add spaces at will, but they’re temporary and usually go away when whoever made them goes out.
I headcanon them as both having ADHD, and having the whole of the internet stuffed in your brain makes it only that much harder to focus. I mean, imagine juggling quite literally millions of thoughts at any given time, 99.9% of which aren't yours and are just the product of what everyone on Earth is looking up. No wonder Freak is considered "crazy". The amount of global internet traffic actually affects his focus; more traffic, more thoughts, more difficulty concentrating. Dex learned binary and basic coding in a period of hyperfixation, and he is constantly starting and stopping things like coding projects, plans to upgrade his computer, transcribing things into binary, learning about various topics, etc. Rejection-sensitive dysphoria makes it hard for him to approach people, considering how he's treated by his peers, but he does his best and would really like to make friends!
They both love cats, I know they do. Mr. Chubbykins may be the family cat, sure, but he's Dexter's cat at heart. Younger Dex picked him out at the shelter, named him, and spoils him enough that his name still applies. Freak is influenced heavily by the internet, and even since the early days, the internet has always loved cats. He's more prone to trying to put poor Chubbykins in little outfits (which Dexter heavily discourages) than actually taking care of him. On that topic: Dexter is a cat person, Freak is a "it's in my vicinity and I can pet it" person.
AU Time: I've actually been poking at the idea of an AU where Freak was the human and Dex was the being created by the chip, a roleswap. Freddie Douglas (someone told his parents that they shouldn't name their second child alliteratively when the whole family is like that already) exists in Dexter's place, and he's pretty much just Freak but mellowed to a degree. He's a gymnast, wrestler, and tech enthusiast, but more generalized to all electronic devices, not just computers. He just likes working with his hands, really. It's nerdy enough for Duncan to still give him trouble, though.
The Pinnacle Chip creates Poindexter (working name), a genius mad scientist type. While Freakazoid is the fleeting, scattered, attention- and entertainment-seeking nature of the internet, Poindexter is the academically collaborative, logical, and organizational nature of it. Despite being very different, they both encompass parts of it. He's a very cerebral superhero, and he's always thinking 50 steps ahead to problem-solve and protect people. Heck, he can read 3 textbooks in an hour and absorb everything in them. He's full of fun facts that he loves to share and is more socially awkward than his counterpart. Don't get me wrong though, he still loves to have fun and is a bit of a trickster! He just has more self-control. And also telekinesis.
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