#oh to take a bath with capybara
winniethewife · 3 months
Just sees what he wants to see
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(Benjamin "Benny" Miller x Gn!Reader)
Words: 472
A/N: For the Triple Frontier Write-a-Thon.
“Wait what?” they asked bewildered by the statement that just came out of Ben’s mouth.
“Where’s the Capybara I adopted?” He repeated as he held a stuffed animal in his hand with a confused look on his face. He’s standing in the doorway of their shared bedroom, where they are folding the laundry. They realized in that moment he resembled a golden retriever puppy who just got tricked into chasing a ball that was still in your hand.
“You…what? I don’t understand, you adopted a Capybara?” They try to get a clarification while holding a clean t-shirt in their hands as they look inquisitively at him.
“I thought I did…But all that came in the mail was this…and some papers” Benny pouted slightly. With just the slightest shimmer of sadness in their boyfriends eyes they immediately went into “fix it” mode, tossing the t-shirt back into the laundry pile to go look into what on earth he was talking about. As they walked into the kitchen they saw the papers in question. On the top was the familiar panda bear symbol of the World Wildlife Fund, and they started to laugh.
“Whats so funny?” Benny asks and cocks his head to the side.
“Babe, this was a symbolic adoption. You donated money to a fund to save endangered animals. You didn’t actually adopt a Capybara.” They look at him with amused affection. Sometimes they wondered if Ben had been dropped as a baby, something to ask Will later. They put a hand on his shoulder for support as they nearly fall over laughing, while handing him the paper. As he reads it carefully his eyes widen in surprise and then he flushes from embarrassment.
“Oh, that makes sense…I was wondering how they could only charge 60 bucks for a whole animal.” He chuckles slightly, looking over at his partner as they started laughing harder clutching to benny for dear life.
“60 Bucks! For a capybara? Benny, baby, where would we even keep it?” They managed to say between laughs. Benny smiled his killawatt smile at them and wraps his arms around them.
“Uh, I donno, Maybe the bath tub?” He suggests with a wiggle of his eyebrows. They shake their head before taking a deep breath.
“Benny, I swear, sometimes I think your brain is off in nowhere land.” They smile. Putting their hands on his chest as they laugh together.
“Oh c’mon it can’t be that bad…” He leaves a wet kiss on their cheek, giving them that big goofy grin of his. As they look into his baby blue eyes they can’t help but agree.
“Nah, its not that bad...” They say as they look at the stuffed Capybara sitting on the counter, and find themselves grateful that Benny didn’t adopt an actual animal to live in their bath tub.
If you would like to Symbolically adopt an animal please look into the World Wildlife Fund's Website
Tag: @triplefrontier-anniversary @romanarose
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thehangeddemon · 2 months
Sweeping Romance, Cont. || Abel, MJ, & Xavier || December, 2023
MJ: Abel was swiftly and easily caught, locking his hand and wrist to swing the familiar about without accidentally flying off.
"Sweeping music?! What fuckin' movie ya think this is?!"
Abel: "I haven't seen you in ages! We've gotta do this right!" Since MJ was holding him, Abel was able to free his arms to get his phone out of his pocket.
"Or what, is your kissing game not good enough for some sweeping music?"
MJ: "Fuck you and suck my face already! Ya keep this up you're gonna get plowed, too."
Abel: Abel laughed and took MJ’s face in both hands, still smiling as he planted a long, noisy kiss on his lips.
“You say that like it’s a threat.”
MJ: Noisy! Good! He'd get some noise back, and a growl for good measure.
"It is a fuckin' threat," he grinned, finally dropping Abel back on his feet. "Merry fuckin' Christmas."
Abel: “Oh, please, you couldn’t handle me.”
Perfect, now that he was back on the ground he could hug MJ with all of his might. “Merry Christmas,” he said, voice softening just a bit. He’d missed him, dammit.
“Things good? You good?”
MJ: "Who said? You? Fuck you." But where were his arms? Around Abel's waist, and his eyes to the ground. That gentle tone was not lost on him, and made his clothes just a little too warm.
"Ya gonna believe me when I tell ya I just got back from Japan? A fae queen kidnapped me n'took me to a hot spring."
Abel: Abel just beamed. He’d missed this vampire and he’d missed teasing him so he planned to do it as much as possible.
“MJ!” Abel smacked his shoulder. “You’re lucky she didn’t drag you to the bottom of that hot spring and keep you there! You need to be careful. Which came first, going to Japan or getting kidnapped?”
MJ: "Totally gettin' kidnapped. Lucky she knows time zones or I woulda been fucked." He could do this, smile earnestly in Abel's presence. One of the few people in his life that made it effortless.
Abel: “Oh well, at least she’s a considerate kidnapper.” Abel shook his head and gave MJ another smack and hug, in that order.
“I’m glad you’re not at the bottom of a hot spring. How’d you meet a faerie queen? Did she just see you somewhere and think you were hot?”
MJ: Smacks were as welcome as hugs. At least Abel's strength didn't send him flying.
"Met her years ago when I fuckin' fell in a goddamn fairie ring. I didn't think that shit was real!" He would have told them before. Another wild, outrageous response when asked where he'd been. They were almost always the truth, but oh well.
"Yeah, she thinks I'm hot shit. Thought if I didn't bow low enough she'd take my head that first night."
Abel: Abel had to laugh. Just a little bit. “Brother, you’ve got Xavier’s luck with faeries and that ain’t saying anything good. Now you know to stay away from those things.”
He shook his head fondly and yanked MJ down to sit, plopping himself in the vampire’s lap. He was feeling clingy today. “That’s why I told you that you’re lucky you’re not at the bottom of the hot spring. Should’ve called when you were in Japan, we were there too recently. Could’ve seen each other sooner.”
MJ: "Stay away?" He scoffed. "I'm in love!" Whether true or not, that was his story and he was sticking to it, but his smile wasn't up for debate.
Yanked, but not forced. Having Abel in his lap was nothing new, but usually there was a reason. Something on Abel's mind.
"The hell were y'all doin' in Japan? He changin' places again?"
Abel: “Nuh-uh,” said Abel, shaking his head. “We just went on holiday. Devy wanted to see the capybaras that bathe in the hot springs and Xavier wanted fancy sake. Oh! And he got approached to buy a host club.”
MJ: "Sounds exactly like the kinda shit he'd be into. Just for appearances, ya know?"
Abel was finally given a good look. Felt the strength of his hands.
"Ya missed me, didn't ya?"
Abel: “You’d think so, but he turned it down. Guess he didn’t want to be going back and forth all the time to manage it. Could see him buying one in Bangkok now that the idea is in his head though.”
Abel smiled and squished MJ’s cheeks. “Of course I missed you! We live on opposite ends of the planet and you don’t call, you don’t write.”
MJ: He has nothing to say about Xavier living in Bangkok. Not out loud. Then people might have shit to say about his own lifestyle. To each their own, but boy howdy did Rohan need to be a co-owner.
But he did have one thing to say.
"I didn't put ya in Timbuktu."
Abel: He wouldn’t have taken it personally if MJ had said something. He was well aware how the move looked from the outside and that almost no one agreed with it.
The comment was case in point.
MJ’s cheeks were squished some more. “Feeling some kind of way about the living arrangement, are we?”
MJ: "Ow," he frowned. "Ya said yourself ya don't see shit."
Abel: “Yeah, I meant I don’t see you. I live in a giant city, I see lots of shit. Just not a certain vampire who’s off getting kidnapped by faerie queens and being a courier.” Part of it was on him, there was no denying that. But still!
MJ: "Ya can come with me. Travel 'round, get into trouble with me." He raised a brow, waiting for what he knew in his heart of hearts would be a refusal.
Abel: Abel’s face suddenly lit up as he remembered something. He squeezed MJ’s face with renewed vigor.
“Do you remember that clown motel we went to in the desert that one Halloween? I found something just as creepy!”
MJ: Ok, hand privilege was being taken away. Abel's wrists belonged to him now.
"Yeah? Where?"
Abel: “It’s this grocery store full of weird, creepy animatronics!”
MJ: "Why does that exist?"
Abel: “Why does Chuck E. Cheese exist? Who knows! But it does and it’s called…fuck, what was it called?”
He shook his right arm. “Let me look on my phone, I have pictures.”
MJ: "Look, I'mma take you to Chuck E. Cheese for your next birthday."
Abel: “Only if it’s abandoned and haunted. Promise?”
MJ: "What, don't want pizza?"
Abel: “Going to Chuck E. Cheese for good pizza is like washing your hair with dish soap. Sure it technically gets the job done but you’re gonna feel like crap afterward.”
MJ: "Hate to break it to you, but you missed out on the nostalgia."
Abel: “That’s purely American nostalgia, babes. I’m Thai, I feel nostalgic about things like Doraemon and fish snacks.”
MJ: "What happened to the Norwegian?"
Abel: “I didn’t grow up there. I fled there to save my own skin.”
MJ: "I think ya got some shit t'tell me. Or don't. That's fine."
Abel: Abel gave MJ a giant kiss to his cheek. “I’d be glad to. How’s about this? Come with me to Xavier’s resort when it gets dark over there. We’ll sit on the beach and talk about life.”
MJ: "Sounds..." He didn't want to say something potentially ruining, but his instinct was to make a face. So he grinned instead.
Abel: “You’ll see that it’s not so bad over there. You can even talk Xavier into letting you take his fancy racing bike for a spin.”
MJ: "Don't call a bike fancy. Come on, man."
Abel: “It is though! It’s all sleek and fast and pretty.” Abel grinned. “You should see him in a racing suit, feels like a fever dream.”
MJ: "I dunno if I should pay money or never wanna see that. Xavier in a fuckin' racin' suit."
Abel: “Trust me, you do.”
The familiar’s face and smile softened with a deep breath. “He’s smiling again, MJ. Both of them. They’re healing.”
MJ: "Who's both?"
Abel: “Him and Devy. They’re both getting better.”
MJ: "He still got the same school at least? Familiar faces?"
Abel: “The school in Colleen’s village?” Abel shook his head. “X enrolled him in school in Bangkok. We’ve gone back for visits though. Dev talks to Colleen every day.”
MJ: "He's lettin' a demon-fae kid learn the times table with a bunch of humans?"
Abel: “I know how it sounds but Dev isn’t a baby anymore. He’s learning how to use his magic and he’s old enough to know not to bust it out in the middle of class.”
MJ: "Whatever, man. When ya wanna head out?"
Abel: “What time is it?”
MJ: "I dunno." He looked out the window, hoping maybe that would give him an answer.
Abel: Although the sky was yet dark, it was late enough into the night to be called morning and dawn was approaching. On the other side of the planet, the opposite was true; day was turning into night and the sun would be setting soon.
“We should head out soon. Won’t be long until dark. Do you need to eat or anything first?”
MJ: "What, 'fore ya magic me away?" He looked off into space a moment. "Guess feed my babies."
Abel: “Oooh yes, I wanna see them! Have you gotten any more?”
MJ: "Nothin' since Bandit. Why, ya want one?"
Abel: “Come on, you know I’d never take one of your babies away. Just curious.” If anything, Abel was liable to get him more, be or another rat or a hamster or a gerbil.
MJ: "Ya find my hamster ya win a prize. S'a game we've been playin'." Abel was put back on his feet.
Abel: Abel’s face lit up. “The teeny little hamster I gave you that one Christmas with a million whiskers?”
MJ: "Yeah Lil Stuff's still alive. Bites me in my fuckin' sleep. Think that's why the bastard's still alive."
Abel: “Oh my god, did you accidentally ghoul your hamster?”
MJ: "He is... bigger. Yeah think so."
Abel: Abel had to laugh. He just had to.
MJ: "Go the fuck on." Abel was pushed towards the door. "Can't undo this shit now. Got the fucker for life."
Abel: The familiar was still laughing as he went through the door, absolutely tickled by the mental image of a petty little hamster biting MJ in his sleep.
“I think you need to have a chat with him. Or appease him with snacks.”
MJ: "Ya know he should be dead by now, right? Ain't no just puttin' him in a cage. He'll fuckin' turn t'dust."
Abel: "No, I know, but since you have a super ghoul hamster you can at least come to an arrangement where you let him bite you when you're not asleep. But even if you don't, he still deserves snacks."
MJ: "What d'ya give a ghoul rodent that ain't carrots?"
Abel: "Let's find out!" Abel took out his phone and began to search while also searching for the hamster at the same time.
"You could give him clover! Or apples. Or cabbage."
MJ: "Clover? Like four-leaf clover, clover?"
He leaned against the RV door, arms crossed, and waited for Abel to find his objective. He was a terrier after all.
Abel: The familiar nodded. “Yep. Remember that one scene in Bambi? Tiny woodland creatures love clover.”
Now where would a hamster hide? Somewhere it could burrow, like a blanket. It had also developed a habit of biting MJ in his sleep and since it would soon be dawn…
Why, MJ’s bed of course!
MJ: "Ain't seen Bambi, friend."
Ah yes, the bed. There was a lump on the bed. A rat sized lump that wasn't a rat at all. One that scurried at the feeling of movement on the covers and squeaked at being caught.
Same thousand and one whiskers, not at all the same face. A round, fat, bastardization of what was once a hamster.
"Yeahhh... wasn't fibbin'."
Abel: “Really, nev—oh hey, buddy!”
Abel kept one hand on the lump and used the other to fish out his prize, letting out a long, low whistle as he unearthed the hamster.
“Damn, look at you, little baby! The last time I saw you, you were the size of a lychee! Relax, I’m not gonna hurt you.”
He cradled the hamster in both hands and got a good look at him. So this is what happened when a hamster got ghouled. “You’re still really cute.”
MJ: "Ya think he's cute?" MJ didn't know what to think. Not consistently. He was humored, horrified, and disgusted. Just one emotion was enough, and one action; he had to end it, didn't he? But it had been months of this.
"All the others are Jrs. He's the only lil fuck doin' it."
Abel: “Sure I do. He reminds me of those medieval paintings with the giant hamsters.”
Abel stroked the not-so-little guy’s head. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined this when he’d found the hamster in that pet shop.
“Ever asked him why he started biting you?”
MJ: "His answers ain't so cute anymore. Ya know when a dog is left with his master's corpse for days? Like that. I was a tasty snack."
Abel: Abel nodded, looking thoughtfully at the little creature in his hands and wondering whether it was happy. Living beyond your years wasn’t something animals typically got to experience.
Perhaps it would be kinder to allow the hamster to reincarnate but speaking about that in front of it felt wrong at the moment.
“Go on and feed your babies,” he said to MJ. “It’ll be sunrise soon.”
MJ: "Yep." Their food was locked away. Just hearing the cabinet open got everyone stirring. Bandit Jr and all the other rats emerged from under the top pillow where they had been keeping warm. A variety of pellets, carrot, lettuce, and dried strawberries were placed at the foot of the bed.
Abel: Seeing all of MJ’s pets come out of their hiding spots made Abel smile. It reminded him of the maids finding bugs in Devlin’s pockets every laundry day and the shrieks that always ensued.
Chuckling to himself, he sent Xavier a text to let him know that he was bringing MJ for a visit so he could meet them at the resort.
“Wanna stay a day or am I bringing you back when the sun sets here again?”
MJ: He gestures to his rats. Certainly they could open the cabinet, and would make damn sure to eat themselves sick.
Lil Stuff was placed in his jacket pocket.
"Gotta feed the babies."
Abel: “Right, yes.” Couldn’t leave the babies unattended, or the RV for that matter. “I’ll have you back at dusk. Or Xavier will if I don’t have enough juice. Told him to come to the resort when he’s free.”
Abel beamed and held a hand out to MJ. “Ready for the beach?”
MJ: "He ain't even there?" MJ did a circle for one last look around. A pair of black and orange swim trunks were taken out of the bottom drawer of forgotten summer clothes.
"Yep." He took Abel's hand.
Abel: “He’s in Bangkok but he was going to come down in a couple days anyway.”
Abel didn’t know how long it had been since MJ had teleported with someone, so he gave his friend a little longer to brace himself than he normally would before whisking him away to the south of Thailand.
The resort Xavier had purchased wasn’t as large or well-known as other resorts in more popular tourist spots, but it was for that very reason that it could boast privacy as well as luxurious accommodations for its guests. It offered comfortable rooms, first rate dining and bars, a spa, a gym, a large pool, exquisite gardens, and service to match, but Xavier could show MJ all of that later if he wanted.
Abel’s only focus was the beach.
The sun had only just set, so activity was still plentiful and would continue long into the night. Music and conversation floated toward them on the balmy, salty breeze, as well as the scent of food and fragrant jasmine.
“Here we are,” Abel said with a happy sigh, letting go of MJ’s hand and spreading his arms wide. “Welcome to Thailand.”
MJ: The most recent had been the very subject some ten minutes ago. Granted, of every method ever put upon him, fae magic disturbed his body the least. He knew why, and had no intention to discuss it.
While demonic travel left him nauseous with sulfur, a familiar left him feeling a void in his stomach. Not so much unfulfilled as he was... hungry.
Any feelings he had toward Xavier for coming here, he'd keep to himself, especially when Abel looked so proud and at peace.
His arm went around his shoulders.
"Where we goin' first?"
Abel: “You tell me!” Abel said cheerfully, mirroring MJ’s gesture and leading him out of the secluded corner he’d teleported them to.
“Beach is that way, pool is that way. There’s a bar there if you wanna hang out. There’s a private pool in Xavier’s rooms if you don’t wanna be around people. If you do, we can head into town.”
He patted the vampire’s shoulder. “You’re on a mini holiday, choice is yours.”
MJ: "Mm, gonna be there when I scoop someone up n'take a bite?" Not that he ever, ever had in Abel's presence. Not that he had with anyone in the coterie other than Rohan. He didn't even know why he had said it except to be a nuisance.
MJ bit his lip and pulled Abel that much closer.
"Ya know what, I don't wanna make a decision right now. Pretend I'm blind," he closed his eyes. "Go on n'lead me around."
Abel: Abel snorted. “You do you if you’re hungry, dude. And maybe go for a tourist so they have a nice vacation memory.” Probably much nicer than a lot of the other things he’d seen tourists do.
“Your wish is my command!” Abel laughed, guiding MJ along a path that, unbeknownst to the vampire, led to the bar by the pool.
MJ would be able to hear the music and conversation growing louder as they approached, along with the clink of glass and the sound of splashing water. Abel spoke in Thai to the bartender, accepted something from her, and then led MJ away again.
If at any point MJ decided to peak, he’d see beers in Abel’s hand and notice that the familiar was leading them toward the beach.
MJ: Oh, he opened his eyes. He still had no idea where everything was. Not really. He didn't look beyond a few feet in front of himself at a time, in his own little world that was nothing more than static thoughts.
Abel could have led them anywhere and he would have trusted the familiar. It was the scent of whelming scent of salt water and the crash of waves that finally pulled him back.
"All them for you, huh?"
Abel: “For us!”
Abel pulled MJ down to sit on the sand with him and set two of the four beers aside. The two still in his hand were opened and one was offered.
“You don’t have to drink it, you can just hold it. I know what happens when you eat or drink anything.” He wanted MJ to have a good time and having to throw up did not make for a good time.
MJ: Projectile - well, it didn't make for a good evening, but his hands were cold enough to hold Abel's second beer like an insulating sleeve.
"Get drunk enough I might take a sample of ya."
Abel: Abel kicked off his shoes and leaned back on his elbow.
“Been needing to get your drunk on by proxy?” he asked, watching MJ closely.
MJ: He stared out at the ocean. He had no love affair with her waves and mysteries, but she was pretty just the same.
"Why not?" he shrugged. "It's the holidays."
Abel: “Sure is. Doing anything special? Seeing your faerie queen again maybe? Minus the kidnapping.”
MJ: "Sure. Anytime I need t'get lost."
Abel: Something about that statement piqued Abel’s curiosity. It made him feel like something was off.
“What’s she like?”
MJ: "Woman talks... like a book. Sometimes. Gotta play the part. Just wants somethin' she can't have."
Abel: Now why did that sound familiar? Had MJ said the book thing about Xavier before? It felt like he had, although Abel had yet to figure out exactly what that meant.
But one thing at a time.
“What does she want? For you to stay with her?”
MJ: The vampire scoffed, finally mirroring Abel's stance.
"A life."
Abel: Okay, that was definitely familiar. That was essentially the reason that MJ had broken up with Rohan and had entered into his friends with benefits deal with Pete.
He nodded and took a sip of his beer. “Guessing you haven’t talked to her about it since you’re having to play a part.”
MJ: "My ear's open." He wasn't going to go into detail, no matter how much he loved Abel. He could keep his secrets when he wanted to. When throwing them away would be less entertaining.
"Ya jealous?"
Abel: Abel smiled and shook his head. “Of course not. You know I just want you to be happy. Ridiculously happy.”
He reached over to pat MJ’s leg. “All I’m gonna say is that if your faerie queen is someone that makes you happy, talking to her is worth a shot. Maybe she’d be willing to go for a relationship like the one you’ve got with Pete. And if she’s not, then at least you’ll have been clear, you know?”
MJ: "Of course not, he says."
His light expression dampened, his eyes falling to Abel's hand. So, that's what this was about. Something had felt off, but he couldn't put his finger on what until now.
"I'm the sly. Don't worry 'bout it." The familiar's hand was given its own pat. The weight of each strike dead and lingering. Leave it there.
Abel: Even though MJ wasn't saying much or elaborating on anything, but what he had said plus the fact that he was nipping Abel's line of questioning in the bud was enough for Abel to know he'd touched on a sensitive spot. Whatever was going on in his head wasn't something he was willing to share, and that was fine.
The vampire knew by now that he had a sounding board whenever he was ready, if he ever was.
"Okay." Abel drank some more beer and looked out across the ocean for a while, letting the quiet settle over them for a moment before he smiled.
"Would you believe me if I told you there was a point in my life when I didn't think I'd ever get to see this view again?"
MJ: Abel had dropped the subject, gratefully, but MJ expected with every fiber of his being it would be touched on again before their departure. He knew what he would say, when the time came.
"Why wouldn't ya? Ya can be anywhere n'everywhere."
Abel: “Anywhere but here,” Abel sighed, contemplating the beer in his hand. “Here as in Thailand, but not this beach specifically. I left when I was a teenager for my own safety.”
MJ: "Someone I get to kill?" he asked, humorless. He didn't like seeing Abel bothered.
Abel: He shook his head. “Even though they deserve to die, I wouldn’t even know which direction to point you in.”
MJ: "Got some explainin' to do."
Abel: The familiar nodded and sighed again. “Remember that time I told you that I was raised by my grandma? It’s because my parents got killed when I was a little kid. Never knew who did it, but my grandma always figured it had been hunters. Dad was a witch, mom was his familiar. Makes sense for it to have been hunters.”
MJ: Abel's confession posed more questions. Ones inappropriate, for now. It had never occurred to him to wonder how a familiar was made. Like stories of dwarves being birthed from rocks in caves. Something outrageous like a fairytale. Certainly not with a witch. Certainly not a house, a car, a life like a human. Was it at all like that? He wanted to know. It burned at his curiosity, but he wouldn't. Every ounce of tact told him to wait.
Without inquisitiveness, there was only empathy. One was an itch to scratch, and the other was a cut.
"Supposed t'hunt shit like me," he sighed.
Abel: “The nuances don’t always matter,” Abel said with a shrug. “It’s like people who are homophobic. They don’t care what flavor of gay you are, just that you’re what they consider immoral and wrong. A lot of hunters and sleepers operate the same way. They don’t care about details. You’re different, you’re not human, so you have to die according to them. Doesn’t matter if you’re a kid or an adult.”
MJ: Sleepers. He'd heard that before, but not from Abel. Not that he could remember the name or face who had said it last. It was dismissed as quickly as it was thought.
"Idiots. Idiots everywhere," he sighed in solidarity.
Abel: “Murdering idiots.” More beer, more sighing, more gazing out at the ocean.
“This all happened in Phuket. After the funeral, grandma took me and we moved to Bangkok. Well, ran away to Bangkok is probably more accurate. Things were good for a few years but then one day when I was on my way back from getting food, got jumped.”
MJ: "She a uh... familiar, too?"
One biting question at a time. The one seemingly callous question, first, and then, "Did ya kill em?"
Abel: “Nope, witch. And no, I didn’t.” But god were there days when he wished he had.
“I was a skinny little eighteen year-old and there were three of them. They would’ve finished me off if it hadn’t been for the two uncles who heard all the racket and came to help me.”
MJ: So, she was the paternal grandmother, if he was following logic. He would swear he was paying attention, but - uncles? Literal or cultural phrase? The same as every woman in Spain being tía.
Again, dwelling on the inconsequential.
"Same hunters?"
Abel: “Never knew for sure but that it was hunters? No doubt. They didn’t take anything. Had a full wallet on me and they didn’t touch it. They didn’t even try. Maybe they were stalking me or happened upon me accidentally, I don’t know.”
MJ: "They hurt your grandma?"
Abel: Abel shook his head. “Never. While I was in the hospital she stayed with her friend and she moved again after she sent me away.”
MJ: "Kay."
What he wanted to say sat on the tip of his tongue for a moment, waiting to be bitten back or allowed to spill.
"We got that in common, leavin' em t'help em."
Abel: “I didn’t want to leave. She didn’t want me to either but she was terrified, she thought it was the only way to keep me safe. She’d been saving to send me to university and ended up giving me the money so I could get as far from here as possible instead.”
Abel leaned back on the sand and heaved a long sigh. “And that’s how I wound up in Norway.”
MJ: "A familiar goin' t'university." This was real life, apparently. Why had he not stopped to think about it? He associated with vampires, demons, faeries, the occasional witch and druid in denial; why was he stuck on this?
"Thought ya were fuckin' part Norwegian or some shit."
He took Abel's hand and brought it to his mouth to nibble.
Abel: Abel finally laughed. “It’s a lot more common than you think. Life isn’t all magic, still gotta pay for things. Well. Unless you’re Xavier.”
He smiled at MJ, trying to tickle his chin. “Nope, but you’re right in that I’m not full Thai. Dad was from Taiwan.”
MJ: "Only other familiar I know was born an animal. He don't want for shit, ya know, like an animal."
For a long time, that was exactly what he thought Abel was. Born as a dog, lived simply as a dog, and chose Xavier for his many comforts. A simple life of magic and neediness. Being born on the human side was a bit of a disappointment. Abel was right, not everything was magic, and the child in MJ wanted to turn his nose at it.
"Why'd ya pick Xavier?"
Abel: “Mhm, happens that way sometimes,” Abel said with a nod. “Magic can be and usually is a clusterfuck, no two people have the same experience. Same applies to familiars.”
He straightened just enough to finish his beer before laying back down. “Because he felt right to me. He was…appealing in a sort of visceral, magicky way. Choosing a companion is a gut thing for familiars. For all animals really.”
MJ: "Ya don't regret him?" he asked.
Abel: Abel smiled and shook his head. “Not once in all the years I’ve known him. He still feels right to me. He’s still appealing in that magicky way. Actually he’s probably more appealing now than he was then.”
MJ: "What changed him?"
Abel: "Devlin," he said simply. "There's a world of difference between who Xavier was before Devlin was born and who he is now. Having a kid didn't just suddenly make him know more magic or anything but...he opened up more. He let more of life in."
MJ: "I never knew the other guy," MJ sighed. "I'll take your word for it."
Abel/Xavier: "I think that's probably for the best. Other guy could be a real dick."
"Who's a dick?"
Abel sat up and looked behind him, grinning at Xavier who was standing a few feet away with his hands in his pockets, watching them with an amused look on his face.
"Took you long enough to show up!" said the familiar. "I texted you ages ago!"
"I couldn't very well leave my car in the middle of the road." Xavier smiled at MJ. "Lovely to see you, Aquaman."
MJ: MJ tilted his head between his shoulders, staring at the demon upside down. He thought if he frowned it would show as a grin, but didn't think anyone would get the joke.
"Hey there, Sulfur Boy. Grab a beer. We got too many."
Xavier: "So I see." Xavier grabbed a beer from the pile and sat on the opposite side of MJ, stretching out with a sigh. As much as he enjoyed his new car, sitting in traffic was such a chore.
"I'm glad Abel convinced you to come, it's been too long since we've seen each other. Have you been well? Still enjoying your courier job?"
MJ: His arm wrapped around Xavier's shoulders without thinking, giving a squeeze and releasing.
"Yep. Yep." He'd just leave it at that. If the demon wanted to read his mind, there was absolutely nothing he could do. Reading it wasn't manipulating it.
"Gimmie a kiss, fucker."
Xavier: Xavier had long adhered to a personal policy of not looking into supernatural minds, particularly those that belonged to the people close to him, which MJ certainly was.  As his friend he was both safe from and to Xavier, so the affection he gave was easily accepted as well.
“You really did miss me,” the demon said with a grin, kissing MJ’s cheek. “Want a new bike for Christmas?”
MJ: "That what I get for missin' ya?" Oh, but he glanced over his shoulder, as though a bike was waiting just behind.
"I don't want one of your crotch rockets."
Xavier: “I was going to give you one anyway, you just happened to come to me before I could come to you. But if you don’t want one, tell me what you do want. Pretend I’m Santa Claus.”
MJ: "Hmm." His arm draped around Xavier's shoulders; his free hand rested on Abel's stomach.
"I wanna see ya streak across this beach."
Abel/Xavier: Xavier scoffed and sipped his beer. “Absolutely I will not, not even for you.”
“Make him wear a T-shirt,” Abel said to MJ.
MJ: "We're hidin' the chest but not the dick?"
Abel: “Nah nah nah, a T-shirt and some of those elephant pants all the tourists wear. And flip flops!”
MJ: "Ahh." He looked over at Xavier. "Nah fuck the elephant pants. I want 80s shorts."
Abel: Abel’s fit of laughter at the suggestion was not at all helped by the horrified look on Xavier’s face.
“Oh my god, yes. With the shirt tucked in. Should make him wear a visor too.”
MJ: "Let's fuckin' go, X. Merry Christmas."
Abel/Xavier: “A visor?” Xavier looked positively pained. “A little bit of mercy, please. I already lived through the 80s once.”
“Nope!” Abel said cheerfully. “Come on, Santa. Are you picking out your outfit or should we? What do you think?” he added to MJ.
MJ: "He's got a blue complexion, don't he? Blues, purples." He framed Xavier between his fingers. "Yeah, maybe some orange." Gotta throw in his favorite color.
Abel/Xavier: Abel nodded excitedly. “Day-Glo orange! Should we add a fanny pack?”
Something akin to the sound a dying animal would make came out of Xavier. He downed half his beer.
MJ: "Was that a thing in the '80s? Thought that was just retired Floridians. What ya think, X?"
Xavier: “I think the two of you are enjoying this too much. But yes, they were a thing in the 80s and they should have stayed in the 80s.”
MJ: "Nah. Ya gotta have some clothes from then. Don't ya?"
Xavier: “My clothes have all been custom made for the past 70 years. I do not partake of hideous fashion trends.”
MJ: "Nanana. I call bullshit. I wanna see them high waisted shit from way back when. Let's go invade his closet."
Xavier: “Even if I did own anything—which I never did—my house burned down, remember? All my old clothes were destroyed.”
MJ: "Allllll of em? Thought y'all demons n'vampires had safe houses everywhere."
Xavier: Xavier nodded. “All of them. Clothes, art, precious things that cannot be replaced. I didn’t have multiple homes then, otherwise I would’ve been able to save some things.”
MJ: Hmm. He wasn't going to have this dim the mood. Xavier wasn't crying.
His elbow nudged Abel.
"We really gotta do this. And a suit. Some really vintage shit."
Abel: Abel had been keeping an eye on Xavier throughout this whole exchange, ready to divert the conversation if it became too much for his demon. Thankfully it hadn’t come to that, so his smile remained easy and firmly in place.
“Hell yeah, let’s go!” He finished his beer and got to his feet. “Market’s still open, it’ll have what we need. X, we’re taking your bike.”
MJ: "We all gonna be on one fuckin' bike? What is this, India?" An empty bottle of beer was picked up and jiggled at the pair. "We ain't doin' shit 'til y'all finish this shit."
Abel/Xavier: “Dude, you can’t even imagine the crazy bike shit I’ve seen since we’ve been here. Three people on a bike doesn’t even rank. Also we’re not taking X.”
Xavier held out his hand for another beer. “Why not? Don’t I get a say in this awful outfit?”
Abel opened one for him. “You’ll veto everything we pick!”
MJ: "So wait, the fuck are we doing?" MJ laughed. This back-and-forth banter was dusting off the burdens on his shoulders.
Abel: “First we’re gonna finish these beers,” Abel said as he opened a bottle for himself. “And then you and I are gonna go to the market to buy Xavier’s outfit.”
MJ: "How long's it take t'drink four beers? Let's fuckin' go! Chug! Chug!"
Abel/Xavier: Abel immediately took MJ at his word, while Xavier merely chuckled and shook his head.
“You’re not getting anywhere near my bike after this. I’ll drive the two of you to the market.”
“You’re gonna—!”
“I’ll have some dinner while you shop.”
MJ: "We gonna find everything we need here? Really?"
Xavier: Xavier nodded as he sipped his beer. “You’d be surprised. The shorts might be difficult but everything else? Entirely plausible.”
MJ: "Bruh the shorts are gonna be difficult no matter where we are. We need a fuckin' time machine."
Xavier: “The two of you might have to settle for elephant pants. Or regular shorts, I suppose.”
MJ: "Man. We're tryin' t'recreate the '80s, not the '70s." Might have been popular here, but they had a vision, dammit.
"Oh, no - I know what t'do. I got this."
Xavier: Xavier squinted. “What do you have in that mischievous mind, Aquaman?”
MJ: "Don't worry 'bout it, Sulfur Boy. I got ya."
Abel/Xavier: “That’s what worries me.” Despite what Xavier said, he was smiling.
He hadn’t even swallowed the last of his beer before Abel was handing him the other. So much for a leisurely drink on the beach. These two were dead set on their plan.
Once all the beers were finished, Abel gathered up the empty bottles and got to his feet. “Let’s go!”
MJ: "Gonna ask the girliest shit in the world. Here it comes. Ready?"
He shaped Xavier's body with both hands.
"Tell me your measurements, baby."
Abel/Xavier: Xavier snorted and pulled out his phone. “I’ll send them to you, I don’t know them off the top of my head.” Such knowledge was his tailor’s business.
“Text and walk,” said Abel, tugging Xavier to his feet. “We taking your car?”
The demon shook his head. “No, one of the resort’s cars. Mine attracts too much attention.”
MJ: "What happened t'magic?" He was already on his feet and arguing with sand in his shoe. "That thing y'all do. Pop, pop, pop. Just pop-pop us there."
Xavier: “I thought you didn’t like teleportation,” said Xavier. “But if you’re willing, by all means. Saves the trouble of retrieving the keys.”
MJ: "Might as fuckin' well. I ain't the one drinkin'. I'd bite this one, but it'd feel like cheatin'." He pointed between familiar and demon. "Homewrecker cheatin'," he smirked.
Abel/Xavier: It was Abel’s turn to snort. “Ha! Joke’s on you, you can’t wreck a home you’re a part of. Come on.”
He took MJ’s arm and led him back over to the spot where he’d initially teleported them with Xavier not far behind. After a small pit stop to get rid of all the empty bottles, of course.
“Where should we land?” he asked Xavier.
The demon took MJ’s other arm. “Hmm…the parking lot, behind the annoying vegetable lady’s van. She always parks in the corner.”
MJ: MJ wondered if that was really true. And then he wondered if Abel and Xavier had done anything remotely sexual. He'd heard the rumors. Stories from the horse's mouth. Once upon a time, the demon had no loyalties. Stuck his dick in anything pretty. Why not his familiar.
He shouldn't be thinking anything in the presence of telepaths. Just... tilt his head gently and spill his thoughts from his ear.
"Don't mind me. M'along for the ride."
Abel/Xavier: From Abel and Xavier’s perspective, it was absolutely true. MJ was part of the demon’s coterie and therefore part of his home and his family.
And he was, of course, safe from having his thoughts read. For the best in this case, unbeknownst to demon and familiar alike.
“Damn right you are.” Abel squeezed his arm. “You know the drill.”
After giving the vampire a moment to brace himself, Abel transported them across town to the market. He and Xavier had an agreement that when possible, the familiar’s magic would be used for teleportation since it was a bit gentler than Xavier’s. It was still uncomfortable for those not accustomed, but less so.
As expected, the van was parked in a dark corner of the parking lot, safe from the prying eyes of any passersby. It would be a while yet before things quieted down.
“The two of you go shop,” said Xavier. “I’m off to eat grilled pork.”
MJ: "Ya actually gonna wear this shit? Tellin' ya now, if we buy all this legit n'ya cheat us, I might actually whip your ass."
But, with enough effort and letting concerning thoughts trickle from his ear, he could manage an authentic smile. His shoulders were far from unburdened, but it was a start.
Xavier: “Yes, Aquaman, I promise I’ll wear everything the two of you buy for me. I’ll even let you take pictures.” Xavier knew MJ was going to try to anyway, so he thought he might as well embrace it.
This was MJ’s Christmas present after all.
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insecateur · 1 year
I have a very random ass question: opinion on capybaras?
i love them a lot they are very cute. i like their little mouths and the way they always look low-key bored. and it's cute when they take their yuzu hot baths... oh to be a capybara in a hot bath with lots of citrus fruits
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primordialness · 10 months
To the Next One (Or: Rodents)
Capybaras and Porcupines are two of the biggest types of rodents.
I love capybara. My first gay date with a femme-presenting person was to pet a capybara, and I freaked out. There's video. I just kept saying "oh my god" while giggling.
There were porcupines there, too, around the corner--the Old World type, I think--but of course, petting them was not recommended. I'm becoming friends with another femme-presenting person who works in a zoo and keeps porcupine quills in her purse all the time, to make friends with; my cousin stabbed herself in the hand with one. Not very pettable.
Capybaras are chill dudes. They like taking yuzu baths and being friends with every other animal--even pelicans, despite that pelicans frequently try to swallow their heads.
Porcupines... have quills.
I want to be a capybara. I like baths, though I don't get them much these days. I would like to make many different types of unique, good, chill friends.
But I am a porcupine, and I hate my quills.
They stay put most of the time these days--so much more often than they used to. I need you to know and believe that about me. I have come to realize when they've been activated a little after the fact, a little after the harm. I am responsible for my worst moments... but I know they don't define me. Someday soon, I hope I will realize it as it's happening so that I can back down, smooth my quills, soothe my body, tend to my soul. Soon after that, I hope I can realize it before my quills so much as quiver.
I want to be a capybara. I want someone to be able to stroke my hair--to revel in it, even. I want people to be excited to be my friend and chill with me.
And I can keep a few quills around. It's not good to let pelicans swallow your head, or to let the Catholic Church decide you're a fish. I still need to defend myself and others.
But not like this. Not like this.
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Hetalia: World Stars Episode #11: Spa Battle and Spain's Kitchen Transcript
This episode has Hungary and Czechia competing over spas and Spain's defense of/obsession over olives.
Hungary: Join us on your next day off for some rest and relaxation at an authentic Hungarian spa! Thanks, we’ll see you soon! Oh! Hi, Czech!
Czechia: Let’s see, blah blah blah, Hungary, the country of spas.
{Text on brochure: Let’s go to a Hungarian spa!!}
Czechia: So why is your ridiculous ad promoting sexiness over the healing power of the hot springs?!
Hungary: We’ve been a little short on funds lately and my boss thought this would help us bring in more tourists.
Czechia: That’s such an amateurish approach, and I would love it if it weren’t so tragic! Why don’t you just give up and admit that I’m the only one who should call herself the country of spas? The last resort for poor resorts.
Hungary: I understand how passionate you are.
(Czechia: Huh?)
Hungary: But do you really need to lash out at me over this?
Czechia: I kinda do. I don’t appreciate that you’re weirdly more famous for spas than I am.
Hungary: Oh, that’s mature of you.
Czechia: Between the two of us, I’m the one who established the first research into the medical efficacy of spas, and I even offer that as a subject of study in universities. It’s an integral part of my culture, you see. I am like a spa sage!
{Caption: Ta-Spa!}
Czechia: Czech should now and for all time be considered the king of spas! Ahahahahaha! Surely you understand now; I am far more worthy of being a spa country than you are. Hmhmhm!
Hungary: Ehe!
Czechia: Never mind. I see it will take yet more convincing. Why don’t we ask a perfectly neutral third party?
Hungary: I guess we can, but who?
Czechia: Slovakia, duh! He’s always had an eye for quality!
Slovakia: Ahoj.
(Ahoj: Hi → Slovak)
Czechia: Listen, sorry, don’t think, just answer: who’s got the better laznias between me and Hungary?
(Laznias: Baths → Czech)
Slovakia: Well, they’re both impressive…but I guess I gotta go with whoever’s are bigger!
Czechia: Oh, shut up, you creep; you’re throwing off the call! Uh! It’s totally fine, I didn’t just buy that phone, my life isn’t ruined. Ahahahaha…
Hungary: Why don’t we ask somebody who might take it seriously?
(Czechia: Huhehuehuhehueh…)
Hungary: I hear Japan is lousy with hot springs experts!
{Caption: Splash}
{Text on blue pool #1: Monkey}
{Text on blue pool #2: Capybaras}
{Text on blue pool #3: Hungary’s hot spring water}
Capybaras, Monkey: Ahh…it feels so good to soak my whole body like this.
{Text on pink pool #1: Pochi}
{Text on pink pool #2: Czech’s hot spring water}
Pochi, Dog: I can feel all my tension melting away in the water. Ehum…
Hungary: It’s nice to have them over, but maybe we should have invited people.
Czechia: Probably.
Germany: Und moving along; Austria, you have the floor.
(Und: And → German)
Austria: Right, I have noticed there are too many olive fields, so I move that we begin regulating them.
Spain: No! You cannot be serious!
(Belgium: Ah?)
(Portugal, Luxembourg, Greece: Hm?)
Spain: Look, I grow 40% of the world’s olives on my own, so this proposal is a matter of life and death for me! Besides, they’re great for your health and adorable to boot.
Olive: Wink!
Austria: I am aware, and it might be fine if it were only you, but the worldwide production is simply out of control.
Spain: Sí, it is a trickier issue on a global scale.
(Sí: Yes → Spanish)
Spain: But wait! I’ve got a perfect idea! We can bottle 100% olive oil as a beverage! For parties!
Dream Spain: Gulp gulp gulp! Refreshing!
{Caption #1: Refreshing!!}
{Caption #2: 100% premium olive oil from Spain!!}
Austria: I move to dismiss this stupid idea.
Italy: Snore, ah!
Spain: Well, they say the way to one’s heart is through the stomach, so if you won’t listen to reason…then why don’t you try this instead?
Germany: Auh…the smell of olive oil does indeed wet the appetite.
Spain: Really?! Then let me cast a spell to make it even tastier!
Germany: Go on.
Spain: Hmhmhmhmhmhmhm…
{Text in Germany’s speech bubble: It’s basically just olive oil…}
{Text in Spain’s speech bubble: It’s heavenly!}
Spain: Seriously, though, my olives are deeply important to me. You can’t regulate them. Please rethink this decision!
Austria: Fine. If you can explain why you’ve hitched your wagon to one single crop, then we can talk.
Spain: You see, I consider olive trees to be my dearest friends. They have been by my side since I was very small.
(Baby Spain: Hahaha!)
{Caption: Nibble, nibble, nibble…}
Baby Spain: Oh, yes, this is a good olive tree! Hahaha!
Spain: We grow together! And now I know these trees well enough to tell if they will bear good fruit by simply nibbling on their leaves.
Austria: So you want us to tank the economy just because you’re sentimental?
Spain: That would be great, gracias!
(Gracias!: Thank you! → Spanish)
Spain: Well, this is the pits; I really thought that would convince him.
France: Your impassioned pleas were truly moving, so I hope you do not give up yet. I will be happy to help you spread the good word about olives! Tell me what I can do.
Spain: Ah, gracias, amigo!
(Gracias, amigo!: Thank you, (male) friend! → Spanish)
Spain: In that case, would you help me pitch my olive oil juice?
France: I thought he thought that was a joke! Mais oui, of course.
(Mais oui: But yes → French)
France: Wow, I sure do love to drink straight, cold olive oil. Ahonhonhon! I don’t think anybody in their right…mind…eugh!
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🐁 Capybaras are friend-shaped. What shape does your OC have? For damien!
Thank you for the ask :D For this ask game.
Oh nooo, I remember in some chat someone had the perfect shape for Damien. I forgot it :(
Well currently uh... he’s crying bloody puddle on the floor shaped. Or sad like the pizza you dropped while taking it out of the oven and now it’s face down on the ground.
But once we move past that, he’ll be hedgehog-shaped!
Defenses in all directions, first response is to curl up and hide, but he is kinda cute, and once you gain his trust, you can probably pet and feed him.
I wonder if he needs a flea bath.
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taking-thyme · 3 years
Comforting Things for Bad Days
I made this list for myself, but I figured I'd share it in case anyone else may need it. It's just a simple guide of things that help when I'm upset, so if it helps you as well, I'm glad. Godspeed, everyone
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🍜 Cooking food!! I was having a really shitty day awhile back, just feeling incredibly exhausted, and even after a nap it didn't seem to be getting much better. But then I made myself some Ramen and I just felt so much nicer than before. Even just boiling some water to get it started felt so fulfilling. Food is such a soulful thing, it never fails to make me feel better, especially if it's handmade. So go pick up some cucumber and slice it into bits, then throw together a salad while you’re at it! It’ll nourish your stomach and your soul. This also applies to baking too, of course! Some banana bread or brownies sure do sound good right now!
☕ Make yourself some tea. I find that Raspberry Tea is a personal favorite of mine, so I always make some when I really need it. Warm drinks in general are proven to make a person feel warmer and more pleasant too, so hot chocolate or whatever floats your boat is probably fine too. And, of course, you can never go wrong with water. It’s the only drink that can make you feel significantly better after one sip, so pour yourself a cool glass and enjoy.
🐉 Watch some really nice Animation. Like Studio Ghibli, or Moomins, or Cartoon Saloon. Or even something like Loving Vincent if you're in the artsy, melancholic mood for it. Rewatch Spirited Away or The Cat Returns while you’re at it! I don't really have a super solid explanation for this one, except that Animation makes me happy. It inspires me. So it should be a good and kind friend in those darker moments too!
🕹️ Play some video games! Much like Animation, I love me some video games, so when I'm feeling up to it they can be a good stress relief when needed. I find that Zelda games, Kirby's epic yarn, and other games like Undertale are especially good for this. Try and pick something that's not too high-octane action. Well, unless you're mad and need to take it out on some Bokoblins, of course. Then that is perfectly acceptable. As long as it helps you, you’re doing just fine.
🧵 Re-experience some old things you used to love! Visit that Japanese Market you used to love as a kid, or pull out your old stuffed animal and cuddle with them again. Research Diplodocus like you used to as a kid, watch Peter Pan again, and accept all the emotions and nostalgia that comes with seeing these things with new eyes. Don't judge if you get a bit teary eyed, that's normal. Feed your inner child for once, they've been getting awfully hungry lately.
📕 Sit down and read. Like actually, genuinely read. Modern life always seems so fast paced and crazy, it can be hard to remember the quieter moments in there too. Reading helps us remember them. Pick up that Encyclopedia of Spirits tome you got forever ago, or one of those Art and Concept books that you love so much. It'll nourish your soul, I promise.
🕰️ Take a Nap!! Exhaustion kills, quite literally in fact. So just curl up somewhere, and doze off. Set a timer for a twenty minute power nap, or sleep for 5 hours on a Thursday afternoon! There are no rules for how much sleep you're "allowed" to get, so if your body needs it, do it!
🧹 Clean!! When you’ve got the energy for it, cleaning is a great way to clear both your room and your mind. Break it down into steps. Start with a very small section of your space and clean it thoroughly, then move on to the next. You’ll have the whole room done before you know it! A messy room may be fun, but it also creates a chaotic energy that can throw you off, so it’s good to go through and organize every once in a while to clean the space and the energy there.
🌾 Nature! For the love of god, just go outside. It doesn’t matter where it is, as long as there’s grass and trees and greenery, you’re in the right place. There’s a reason why Houseplants are so important to people; Humans need that greenery for both our physical and mental health. Go listen to the birds, take a walk that leads to nowhere, go water some plants and trees while you’re at it! Take care of the world, and it’ll care for you back. Hell, you can even build a little shrine to some nature spirits or a tree, and start leaving offerings there! Take care of your life in the most literal sense! Home is where the heart is, after all.
✏️ Draw! Something, anything, when it’s in your head, draw it out! Or look back at your old drawings and admire them sometimes. Like that drawing of Princess Peach in the heart-shaped glasses, or that Capybara eating ramen that you made a while ago. Remember how much fun you had making those? Remember the pencil lead stains on the side of your hand? Let the emotions of that drawing come back and fill you up again. Let them comfort you, feel them, and then let them go. Drawing is nourishment for the heart, so it’s important to do sometimes.
💕 Be kind and do nice things for others. Write a letter or send an email to someone you haven’t seen in forever! Give someone a compliment and strike up a friendly conversation! Make something or do a chore or errand for the ones you love! Humans are sociable creatures by nature, that’s pretty much the only reason we’ve survived this long, so give in to your compassion and do nice things! By helping others, you’ll help yourself even more.
🧼 Take a Bath or Shower! Go all fancy with it too! I’m talking your favorite playlist, some candles if it’s dark enough, maybe some bubbles or an open window to smell the fresh breeze. Really get into it, but make sure nobody’s washing dishes or anything, so you can have all that nice, hot water to yourself. Getting clean and feeling clean will help cleanse your soul as well! Oh, and make sure to pick out new clothes afterwards. You’ve probably been wearing those for awhile now, plus new clothes help drive home the cleansing feeling that comes with a bath.
⛲ Pick or schedule something to look forward to! Take a small trip to somewhere you really wanna visit, or go swimming for a bit after work! Even if it’s just something small like a nap or a meal you’re really excited for, try and find motivation to get you through until then. Having something to look forward to makes the day more bearable, so try and find something like that everyday!
📬 Make something! Put together a recommendations list of all your favorite things, with short notes about why you like them, and why others should enjoy them too. Make some memes about something you really like, or an idea that’s been stuck in your head for forever. Pick up a hobby like animation, so you can finally see your own drawings come to life, like you’ve always dreamed! A pen can’t win a battle, but the sword can’t heal the heart.
🍶 Start a Collection! Choose an item you really like, and start trying to find them everywhere you go. It helps make trips more meaningful when you’re actually looking for something at those gift shops. How about a collection of Witchy-themed Books, or Letters and Notes from meaningful people? That sounds so nice, doesn’t it?
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a story about clueless men:
After lunch, I felt the need to freshen myself up, especially being on my period, i was in the need for a shower. A scrumptious, delightful shower, sent to me by Angel Gabriel himself.
Harry left for work hours ago, he aggressively kissed my cheek goodbye - unaware I had stirred conscious from my aggressive sleep.
I stepped into the shower like a cautious wolf, still reacting to the cold bath that dried since my semen-filled boyfriend left for the studio. The steam eased my cramps like ice-cream in the sun, oooh wouldnt that be a lovely snack later! I could cronch on ice-cream all day, like a baby eagle cronching on its prey. My cravings start flowing in now.
Soon distracted by the elegant, handsome, jaw-droppingly jolly water and my thoughts, I hummed to myself, not noticing a new presence. By now most of the bleeding had stopped, the plughole still slightly tinged red for now.
I began shampooing my obedient hair until something touched my waist. "arghhhh jesus!!" I fiercely exlaimed while turning around to see my beautiful love, naked may I add, stood in front of my at the door of the shower.
"hey hey, s'just me love" he spoke softly and I turned down the pressure to hear him and feel his lips.
"why are you home so soon baby?"
"couldnt wait to see you"
"hmm, why really?"
"I kept getting frustrated with myself today, i cant hit these fucking harmonies and-"
"hey, give yourself a break for once. You are doing a little bit amazing and I am a little bit proud of you, I'm glad you chose to come home"
After a deafening moment, you were making out. As you feel something, other than arousal (tea tree oil), drip down your legs you turn the shower back up to wash everything away once again.
After a thoroughly enjoyable make out sesh that you managed to keep quite PG due
to your situation. Harry steps out of the shower and reaches to your obnoxiously white towel. The shift in weight as you climb out exerts a drop of glamorous blood onto the delicious white bath matt, you didnt notice until-
"ohh babe are you okay??"
"why wouldnt i be"
"you are bleeding like a young bear cub on a warm summers evening after being ripped apart by a ferocious capybara!! did i go too rough last night??!! im so sorry i never meant toiloveyousom-" (cerys ive got no clue what ur trying to say)
"harry calm down again, nothings wrong im just on my period. Thought you wouldnt care to know but I am so sorry I stained your matt with my satanic uterus"
There was silence. You start to fret,'does he think I'm disgusting? does he think im a cannibal? is he about to dump me? why does he look confused? is he okay? i am thinking to myself "whats one of those?" he asks innocently, like a child at nursery who draws something that adult minds can miss interpret.
"um, mestruation? Do you know about that"
yet another agressively puzzled pose.
Then he stated "y/n, I have never heard of those words in my whole 24 years of life"
a/n: this is set 2018 bc why not!
"oh okay" you wonder how this conversation will go" can i explain aomething to you?"
Harry looks intrigued this time."please do or this evening is going to end with a violent death and i can guarantee that it wont be me whos dead!!!”
You chuckle at his childish innocent excitement. "Around once a month, girls release one egg which is like the mum part of a possible baby, if the egg gets fertalized by a big fat daddy cock, it grows into a child, if not - because weve used protection, it summons lucifer the devil and he temporarily takes control of our womb and causes bucket loads of blood to plumet out of our fannys for about a week. We call this a period or 'time of the month' but scientifically its menstruation. I am currently on my period"
Harrys face was motionless yet so motionfull at the same time. I had no idea what he was thinking until he nodded slowly "ah, okayyy" and suddenly snapped to check "so you are not pregnant right?"
"correct" you giggled
“so my big fat daddy cock didnt release my sperm into your womb” harry questioned.
“no it did not” you reassured him.
"aha, phew, i don't need any kids yet"
You laughed along until he backtracked cutely.. "not that i don't want kids, or with you, just, now is not the time love" he explained. "baby, don't worry, I couldn't handle that either right now, meaning that you" you poked his chest aggressively “get to care for me and all my pains from being female" a smerk grew on your face while a frown spread on his," Does it hurt?"
You sighed in thought," the blood exiting doesn't but there are loads of symptoms to come with it, sorry if I'm a right old twat for the next 5 days" and you smacked him right across the cheek. You walked off to leave him with a giant throbbing purplish bruise forming on his face, causing him to send out the tweet, “
#domesticabuseisnotajokejim #niallyouignorantslut”
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wild-pineapple-butt · 3 years
It's Juvia's birthday, but also Saint Jordi's Day, so we know the drill - Renji gets six red and black roses, and a book, of course! A book on..? ... Well, it's a photo album. A photo album of every single dog Juvia has taken a picture of since April 23rd of last year. //there are so many dogs//
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Silly Juvia. Always so generous with her gifts and her unlimited show of affection for Renji. Even on her own birthday. Despite that, he accepts the gifts with much happiness, grateful for this lady in his life. 
“Y’know Juvia, on yer birthday, yer supposed to be the one t’be receivin’ the gifts, not givin’ em?” he chuckled softly. “Yet here ya are, spoilin’ me with these beautiful flowers and...” he pauses to take a closer look at the book.
“A BOOK OF DOG PICTURES!” he exclaims, begetting himself in this moment for he was much too excited. “Oh Juvia, yer simply the best, y’know?” Pulling her into a hug, he just sighed and dropped a kiss on the top of her head.
“Don’t think I forgot that it was yer birthday though!” From within the confines of his robes, he pulls out a box and gives it to her, grinning shyly. “Feel free t’open it now.”
Inside would be a capybara plush - but not just any normal capybara plush! It was a baby capybara on top of a bigger capybara! A two in one special! There will also be an assortment of bath products, of course and last but not least, a bouquet of flowers in return for Saint Jordi’s day.
“Happy Birthday.”
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paperficwriter · 4 years
(Vacation) All I Ever Wanted
This was a request from the wonderful @syblatortue​, who is an eternal delight. It was so much fun writing this bakudeku, especially now in this the year of our Heroes:Rising timeline. Bless.
Cut is for length AND content; Dirty Paper warning!
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Bakugou had gotten much better at restraining himself since his graduation from UA five years before. Or so he liked to think. Sure, he yelled at villains - they deserved it - but he didn’t yell at civilians or people he was rescuing or even Deku. Unless he was being particularly annoying.
But right now? He could imagine a whiteboard in his mind that said, Days without an outburst, and a hand erasing the number and putting in a zero.
He forced his voice quiet and slow. “What. Do you mean. Our shared lodging.”
“Kacchan…” Deku said softly, trying to be a source of (unwelcome) calm and comfort. They stood side-by-side in front of the check-in table at the entrance to the onsen resort that had been arranged for them by the very wealthy benefactor they saved during a robbery the week before. The woman had kindly insisted, saying how two amazing heroes deserved ‘a treat’ and ‘some time away from such harrowing work.’ Everyone deserves the chance to recharge! she cooed, like they were dogs getting a biscuit.
“Oh yes,” the older man said as he glanced through the written book of reservations. He had the head of a capybara, and there was a yuzu on top of his head that wobbled a little as he spoke. “Your reservation was for our romantic package for two. The person who booked your stay was very clear in that regard, that you were partners, and that you should be given the nicest accommodations.”
“W-we aren’t...we’re not that kind of...it isn’t like that!” Deku stuttered, cheeks going so pink that his freckles faded into the bright color.
“We just work together!” Bakugou snapped, ‘quiet and slow’ replaced by ‘angry and belligerent.’ “Do I look like his boyfriend?!”
“Well, we’ve gotten all types here!” the man said with a chuckle as he stroked the long whiskers that fell around his nose. 
That’s not the point, you senile piece of--!! Bakugou grabbed the bridge of his nose so hard he was afraid he was going to leave a bruise. His wallet slammed into the desk when he pulled it out. “What do I have to pay to get us each our own space?” he asked through gritted teeth.
“Kacchan, I can help! I have--”
“We can settle up later, dammit!” Something actually strained in his temple. “I have cash and card, whatever you take. I don’t care how much it is.”
Bakugou couldn’t see the man’s eyes under the long strands of fur, but he could definitely see the way he shook his long nose. “I sure am sorry, son, but I’m afraid there’s no other availability. You can get another shuttle back to town tomorrow, but that’s the only space we have at the moment.”
Spinning around on his heel, Bakugou looked outside, back at the long stretch of road that disappeared into the forest and away. It had taken an hour to ride from the stop at the bottom, in the village’s center, and that had been after a two-hour bullet train ride. And a ferry.
Getting home would be a pain in the ass.
“Kacchan?” Deku was at his side, giving him that fucking big-eyed stare of his, like a puppy. He wasn’t quite as short as he used to be, and his hair had grown out, bigger around his still-boyish face. There was just a little smile, and somehow the fact that it was so sweet and tiny made Bakugou sneer. “Please? We can make it work. We can move the futons apart a little, and I read the brochure, and there are several rooms, so we could each have our own space. We don’t have to spend the whole time together.”
Bakugou expelled a hard breath out of his mouth, shifting the big bag on his shoulder with a huff. “Fine, god, fuck, whatever. Let’s just go already.” Now he refused to look at him, opting instead to stare at the mural of several fish on the wall.
“Let me show you the way!” Taking a key from behind the desk, the old man shuffled out and opened a door, leading them outside. “You even have your own private outdoor bath. Isn’t that nice? Very romantic, and you don’t have to share with anyone.”
“I don’t give a shit how romantic it is!”
Deku laughed. “Come on, you have to admit it’s nice to not have to deal with other people if we don’t want to.” He gave his arm a little bump. “We can even take turns if you prefer.”
Bakugou wanted to tear his hair out. He hated this. He hated everything about this, but not for the reasons that Deku seemed to think he did. Over the past several years, he had managed to balance the perfect degree of separation from his partner: they lived on different ends of the city, worked together, and that was it. And that had been fine. Better than fine, in fact. That way, what time they did spend together was just focused on work, on saving people, on kicking villains’ asses. Maybe they would have some interview or press event to go to, but that was just a part of the job, so…
So he could go home and not think about some of the moments when Deku stood too close to him during patrol, staring at him a little too long until he snapped at him to knock it off.
Or he could go play video games and hang out with Kirishima instead of noticing how Deku literally wore his costume until it was so tight it was riding up or hugging him in ways that nobody was ignoring.
Or he could make dinner for himself and train and do anything else that did not involve staring at Deku - at fucking Deku, of all people - when he panted and brushed his thick dark green hair from his forehead after he smashed some monster into a brick wall. 
“Good job, Kacchan!”
“Kacchan, will you help me stretch out before we go?”
“Do you want some of my bento? Uraraka made it for me!”
“Kacchan, be careful!”
“Kacchan, don’t hurt yourself…”
Pain laced through Bakugou’s toe as he kicked the wooden step that led into the next building over in the ryokan. It had a small porch with two chairs, and the owner unlocked the front sliding door to usher them in. Once their shoes were off, he walked them around the premises. “This entire building is yours,” he explained, taking them from the main room with a small cushioned sitting space and television into the dining area, where a lacquered table was full of fruit that had been cut into the shape of flowers in an ornate display. “My wife and I live in the west wing of the main building where you came in, so if there is anything we can get for you, please do not hesitate to let us know.”
Bakugou followed as Deku slid the door open to what was obviously the bedroom - which was extremely small, how the fuck were they going to manage that - and then quickly shut it without commenting.
In an attempt to ignore the situation as much as humanly possible, Bakugou let himself be swallowed up in the adjacent sitting room. There were larger, more comfortable chairs, and a huge window gave a pretty gorgeous view of the trees outside, dark green except where their lime-colored bellies turned upwards.
“There may be some rain tonight, but no wind, and after that, you should have wonderful weather for the rest of the weekend. Dinner is normally at six, and breakfast is at eight. We do have some light food in the main building, if you get hungry during the day, and outside of the bathroom is a small icebox with some drinks. Is that all right?”
“Yes, thank you! This is all very nice!” Deku bowed graciously, and the man smiled. 
“I’m glad you like it. There are two baths, both inside and out, so I hope you will start your stay with a soak. It’s tradition, and there is a wonderful variety of yukata in the closet. Enjoy.” And just like that, he was gone. Leaving them completely alone.
Bakugou waited until he heard the door slide close and the latch to fall back in place before he dropped his clothes bag in the main room and gave it a vindictive kick. “Seriously? He wasn’t even going to fucking apologize for this?!”
“Kacchan!” Deku shushed him as he came back in, putting his bag beside his. “Don’t be like that, he seems very nice! I’m sure he didn’t mean for it to happen.”
“I don’t care. That ain’t the point!” He really hoped that his face wasn’t as red as it felt, and he stomped over to the closet to throw it open. Sure enough, it was full of garments for them to wear...but then he made note of a detail. “Dammit all to hell! They’re all made to match!” 
He glared at Deku when he giggled, reaching past him to slot his hands between each one. “They’re really nice, though...these are obviously hand-made…” Even though there was a variety of colors in gorgeous red, blue, white and black, there were details sewn in that made it very clear they were meant to draw similar parallels. “If I make a recommendation, do you promise not to kill me?”
“No. Never.”
Deku took out a crimson robe and held it up to Bakugou’s chest. He wasn’t looking him in the face, but rather his eyes were honed on Bakugou’s neck, the point between his pecs. “I…” He cleared his throat. “I really think this one would be good on you.”
For a second, Bakugou considered pushing it back at him and telling him to forget it, but...instead he snatched it, turning it around. A blazing sun was fiery on the back, licking outwards to the sides, arms and shoulders. “Whatever.” He found himself taking it. “So which one are you wearing, then?”
Immediately Deku’s hand reached out for a dark yukata, and at first it seemed like it was black, but when he held it up against his white t-shirt, it was obvious that it was a dark navy blue. When he held it up, he nodded. 
“What’s on the back?”
“Nothing,” Deku said, a bit too quickly. “It’s plain.”
“Liar. Let me see.” Bakugou reached out to grab it, but Deku turned away with a laugh. He was teasing him, and it made him madder. “Let me see, you irritating nerd!”
“Not yet!” How had they gotten here? Years ago, Deku would have gotten all jittery and nervous when he raised his voice, but now it was as normal as if he were talking to him like one of those losers from school. “I want it to be a surprise.”
“Tch.” Bakugou raised his nose before reaching past him to snag the sandals from the chest in the bottom of the closet. “Do what you want. I don’t care.”
And then, before he should have walked away, Deku draped the yukata on the wide sill of the window and took his shirt off.
That was another thing he had managed to get away with avoiding since UA: being in the vicinity of Deku when he was changing in or out of his hero costume. What had started as a loose jumpsuit in their high school years had gotten much tighter, not unlike what he wore himself as Ground Zero. It was what most heroes wore in some capacity, and it should have been fine but…
Those freckles spread across his shoulders, across his chest.
There were scars too, not just on his arms and hands - those he had gotten used to - but between his ribs (a slice from an asshole with a wild blade quirk), right above his belly button (a drill some madman had thrown at him), three nearly symmetrical down his side (claws). More freckles on his stomach. And his chest rose and fell softly as his hands went down to his pants and...stopped.
Stopped, because he was staring at him. Noticing him, the way Bakugou gripped the fabric in his hands, only just barely lucky enough that his fingers weren’t smoking.
“You’ll just drop trow anywhere, won’t you?!” Bakugou’s shame at being caught ignited into a frustrated anger. So fucking stupid, staring like a damn fish, the fuck… “Shameless shitty Deku…”
“Sorry! Sorry, I thought you...I mean, I thought we--!”
The sliding door closed with a decisive slap as Bakugou stood on the other side, in the bedroom where their futons had been laid out, one hand over his mouth as he breathed through his nose, trying to calm down. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Fuck. Fuck!
He had never taken his clothes off so angrily, throwing them onto the tatami floor and thrusting his arms through the sleeves of the yukata, as if the clothing were obviously to blame and not his inability to be a fucking adult and deal with how he felt. Seriously, had there ever been anything he hadn’t told Deku? Maybe not kindly but had at least said to his face?
He had apologized for...everything...hadn’t he?
And nothing could be as hard as that.
Nothing except possibly that he…
A small, rhythmic rapping came from just outside the door, and he heard Deku quietly say, “Hey. Sorry about that. I should have asked.”
How did they make it worse? Bakugou wasn’t some fucking prude. “Whatever. It’s not like you’ve got anything I haven’t seen.” He glanced back. In the light from the hallway, he could see the outline of him: wild hair, the folds of the robe going down his front, one hand up, near where Bakugou’s face hovered on the other side. 
“Can I see?” he asked, somehow in a voice that even lower. 
“It ain’t like you’ve never seen me in a yukata before, you nerd.” Swallowing, he tried to will away whatever warmth had risen in his face and slid the panel open between them. “Our folks used to take us to the summer and fall festivals all the time when we were…” 
Bakugou trailed off as he found himself staring at Deku in the dark navy yukata, his chest peeking out from underneath. Now that it was on him, he could see there were small spots of silver all over the sleeves and across the front, and when Deku turned around, there was a large moon on the back, created with swirls of white, gray and slivers of purple.
“...kids,” he finally finished, dumbly.
“You aren’t mad, are you? I can change if it’s too...you know.” Deku gestured between them, like there was a connection between his moon and Bakugou’s sun. Even just the small movement made it open up further in front, showing off his muscles, the start of his abs, and--
“I don’t give a shit what you wear as long as you’re actually going to wear it. God.” Bakugou grabbed the front of the robe and pulled it tighter together, pressing and more firmly tightening the waist. 
“Kacchan, I can do it!”
“Clearly you can’t!”
Deku didn’t snatch his arms so much as put his hands on his wrists, and when Bakugou went to glare into his face, Deku wore an expression that could only be described as...earnest? Serious. Breathing hard. Flush. If Bakugou let go, he’d look like a coward. And that wasn’t an option. He committed to the firm tugs of the fabric, the way he pressed the seams, straightening them out. When he put his hand on his middle, on his sides, he tried to deal with making everything neater and tidier instead of listening to the quiet, shuddering breaths coming from Deku’s slightly-parted lips.
“There. Now you’re halfway fucking presentable.”
Taking his hips, he turned him to the mirror and...it was supposed to save him from this entire moment, but it didn’t. Instead, it just made it all the more apparent how much they seemed to be in sync. Dark and light. Subdue and peaceful against a fiery backdrop.
An eclipse.
“Thanks, Kacchan.” Deku laughed nervously and twisted his fingers together. “D-don’t get too mad if I need your help after trying out the bath, okay?”
The bath.
But the weather had other plans. By the time they got settled in and somewhat unpacked - at least enough that their belongings weren’t strewn across the tidy, formal space - storm clouds gathered and rolled in, making the trees shiver. The thunder rolled into the mountains in a way that seemed easy-going; not causing a crashing ruckus but softly bellowing as the rain began to fall. Lightning lit up the space between the leaves and trunks, and they watched it silently when dinner was delivered. 
“I hope it’s enough,” the owner said, rain dripping from his whiskers that hung out from under the umbrella. 
Deku removed the stone lid from the platter to reveal a beautiful arrangement of nigiri and sashimi, and he sputtered an insistent, “No, no, of course not! It’s perfect! Please stay warm tonight!”
“You too! There’s some sake on the shelf. Please feel free to help yourself! It’s all included with the stay.”
The old man winked, and Bakugou pretended not to notice, nursing instead a melon soda he got from the fridge.
Once they were both satisfied with the fruit and dinner that had been brought out for them, it was time to check out the bath at last. The two were on opposite ends of the space: obviously the one outside couldn’t be used in the storm, but the one inside seemed to be much more modern, with separate showers on either side of a small room, then a door leading into a large square bath. 
“If I catch you trying to look at me while I shower, I’ll kick your ass,” Bakugou declared.
“Yeah, well, same to you,” Deku responded resolutely. “Not that we haven’t shared a shower before...or an onsen for that matter…”
“That doesn’t matter!” Bakugou’s bellow was louder than the thunder. He stomped over to the left side of the room, taking off his yukata and hanging it in the small closet with his slippers to keep them from being affected by the humidity. Then, he picked up the water bucket, dumped it over his head (forcing himself not to react to it, because no way was he going to let Deku think he was cold) and then started scrubbing himself down.
“Brrrr!” Deku wasn’t nearly as conscientious. “Cold!”
He didn’t say anything. He tried not to imagine the effect that the cold water would have on him, giving his skin a pink tint, making him shiver. He rubbed extra hard between his toes so he worked on getting clean over picturing how stupid Deku got himself cleaned up, soapy hands across his chest, on his backside…
He turned the spray on as hot as it would go, practically scalding himself as the bubbles floated down the drain. 
“Ahh!” Deku cried out, and Bakugou spun instinctively. It was...hardly a sexy sight, really, since Deku was doing a little dance, rubbing his legs together. “Are you using all the hot water right now?! Mine’s going cold!”
Deku stopped the moment he realized Bakugou was facing him. There was no way his eyes weren’t moving, scanning him, from Bakugou’s chest to his midsection and--
“What the hell do you think you’re looking at?!” Bakugou turned back around, hands instinctively going between his legs.
“Nothing! I mean, not nothing, but...don’t yell, Kacchan!”
“Just wait until I’m in the bath, got it?!” Although he made sure to double check that he was cleaned off, he hurriedly stepped through the door and into the tub. It was actually much deeper than it looked from the showers, and when Bakugou sat down, it came up to his neck. There was a green tint to the water from the salts and minerals, a slightly herbal aroma touching Bakugou’s nose.
As much as he still wanted to be annoyed, it really was relaxing. 
“Okay,” Deku called out, once his shower was turned off. “Are you ready? Can I get in?”
“Yeah, yeah. Don’t make a big deal about it.” 
Bakugou let his line of sight fall on the surface of the water rather than have it rise up at Deku’s approach. Which...didn’t actually make that much of a difference because the reflection caught everything in the few seconds before he stepped gingerly into the water. His freckled legs. His pubes and package and the curve of his ass…
“Oof, it’s deep, huh?” Deku laughed as the water rose to his chin. 
“It’s better this way. I hate shitty baths where it comes up under your arms. What’s the point?”
“Mmm…” Why did Deku have to make that noise? It made Bakugou want to shiver. “It feels so good after the trip here. I’ve never stayed at a place that had more than one bath, let alone had them both be private.”
Bakugou couldn’t disagree. That was always what kept him away from dealing with most hot springs, frankly. Not only did he hate taking time off, but also he hated sharing space with losers and extras. “I guess that lady had a lot of extra cash she could throw around…”
“We should send a thank you note!”
“Feh. I’ll leave that to you.” 
Deku rested his head against the edge of the bath. The steam did little to obfuscate his soft face, the happy little smile that seemed to stay permanent on it as he unwound. He stretched out and Bakugou felt something on his ankle in the murky green close to the bottom. He waited for a moment, figuring Deku would pull back, because seriously how would the dumbass not realize that he had hit Bakugou’s leg, but--
He didn’t. He trailed his toes up and then down.
“Deku,” Bakugou growled, low and not entirely full of rage as much as embarrassment. “The fuck are you doing?”
“That’s my leg.”
The response was immediate, profound and...wet. Because Deku leapt back onto the ledge on his side like Bakugou had told him that there was a shark or something. “Sorry! I thought it was a fixture! Or...or something!”
Bakugou watched as Deku sank back into the water from where he had been halfway out of it. He had seen almost everything, soaked and warm and dripping. And Deku could tell it too, because when he got back in, he tried to hide himself as much as humanly possible. “Just. Quit spazzing out!” Bakugou finally snarled.
The storm had eased off when they went to bed (after the futons had been dragged so far apart that Bakugou was practically pressed into the wall), but the rain provided a gentle percussion against the roof. He waited for the sound of the drops to lull him to sleep, but somehow through it, he could still make out Deku’s soft breath...in and out...in and out…
Lightning flashed for the first time in over an hour and of course it made a perfect pattern across Deku’s shoulder where he slept, the yukata opened and revealing the line of muscle from arm to neck to his face. His fingers were balled up under his cheek and he made a little noise like a cat sleeping and Bakugou became dead certain beyond any shadow of a doubt that this would be what killed him. Not a villain, but the sight of sleeping, stupid Deku.
After another period of restlessness, he kicked the futon covers away and tip-toed out of the room as quietly as possible. When he wandered into the open room overlooking the woods beyond, he made his way to one of the chairs and gazed out into the wet world beyond. Compared to the dark bedroom, it was so light, so easy to see everything.
He collapsed into one of the chairs and breathed a long sigh. Maybe he would just get exhausted enough that he could wander back in and pass out. But in the meanwhile...what the fuck was he supposed to do?
Mess with his phone? Nope. He left it in the bedroom. It was dead to him.
Read a book? If he turned on a light, Deku would immediately come sprinting out trying to find out what was going on.
Bakugou glanced down his own yukata to his spread thighs. He couldn’t do...that...could he? Well, why the hell not? He was sitting here alone...maybe it would help release some of the tension that refused to leave. And as soon as his mind asked, ‘what if Deku came out?’ the suggestion gave way to detailed fantasy.
Reaching down, he started rubbing the outline of his cock, staying over the dense garment. 
Deku, coming out, trying to talk to him, ask him what he was doing. “What the fuck does it look like?” Bakugou asks, cock already in hand. Deku wants to help, and he says so, and Bakugou juts his chin at him. “Sure. About time we find something useful to do with that mouth of yours.”
(Would he seriously say something like that? No, of course he wouldn’t. Well, maybe, but not a first time like that. Shit, what would he do? Ugh, stop thinking so much, you’re ruining it.)
He wanders over, and Bakugou reaches out to smack the other side of the yukata open so it falls down his arm. It’s hanging off him, only covering him from the waist down. “On your knees, Deku.”
Bakugou gasped, reaching in to get to his briefs so he could get a better rub. Harder this time. His cock was hard and full, rising in his hand.
Deku sinks down. Those wide eyes are on his as he tentatively give his dick a lick, dragging his lips up to the head. “Does it taste good?” Bakugou asks, and he nods weakly, nervously, and he sucks at the head softly.
He had to get it out. He had to get it into his hand. Bakugou fumbled the yukata open and guided his erection through the opening of his briefs, stroking it in a long pull and rubbing the tip with his thumb. Even with his soft fingers, it wasn’t like what Deku’s mouth would be like, sucking him, kissing him, licking him…
“Kacchan…” he moans, arms going around his middle. Bakugou allows himself the opportunity to get a hand into the mess of his hair and bring him in.
“Open. Nice and wide.”
It didn’t really sound like his voice, in his mind, but that didn’t matter. Now, Bakugou jerked and fucked himself with his hand, biting his lip to keep quiet even though he was satisfied that the steady rain would mask the sound of rubbing in the darkness.
He's got him down his throat, the perfect amount of plush lips, giving tongue and tightness. He makes a ring with his thumb and forefinger, then adds the middle one too. As he's blowing him Deku is also rubbing up and down with steady, firm touches.
"More. Faster." 
Deku chokes a little bit when he pushes down on the back of his head, not entirely meaning to but also not exactly restraining himself either.
Close. So close.
Bakugou barely had time to move the robe out of the way before he came in his hand, strings coating his fingers and down his knuckles. It dripped onto his thighs as well and he sank down into the chair to try and keep it from touching the seat.
"Deku." It was like the name was pushed out by the force of a wave of pleasure. He squeezed his cock, milking it as he pulled. "Deku…"
If not for the sudden illumination of the room as the lightning broke, he might have gone on like that and never realized that he wasn't alone. In the doorway, half behind the panel, he could now see the form of Deku that stared at him across the floor. He was holding his yukata shut, and their eyes met.
Bakugou didn't move. He didn't breathe. It was too late for any of that because surely he had seen it all. If he yelled at him, it would be an acknowledgement that he wouldn't be able to take back. There would be no pretending that this didn't actually happen, that Deku hadn't caught him with his cock in his hand and his name on his lips.
So instead he sat and waited for the quick pattern of slippered feet to return to the bedroom and go silent. Then, he cleaned up, closed his robe and returned to his own futon.
The last thing that he thought about as he drifted into unconsciousness was whether it was just his imagination, or if Deku was hard too.
Breakfast couldn't have been more awkward if they tried.
"My my, what a long storm last night!" The hot spring owner's wife came to bring them their breakfast the next morning with their baby bundled against her chest. They were capybaras too, and if not for the difference in her voice they might have confused her for him. "I do hope that you both slept well even despite the noise."
They shared a mumbled confirmation while stuffing rice, pickled vegetables, miso soup and omelets in their mouths.
"My husband was up at dawn to clean out the springs. You'll find them all ready for you as soon as you're done eating."
The only sound was a soft wheeking noise from the baby, and the open and close of the door as she let herself out.
Well. There was no point in being coy now. Without a word to Deku, Bakugou got up and walked to the undressing room, peeling his yukata off and letting it drop to the floor. If anything, this part should be easy shouldn't it? It wouldn't be any different from any other shower that they shared over the years. As long as they didn't say anything about what had happened the night before, there wouldn't be any bloodshed.
He could feel Deku behind him. That’s right. No eye contact, no talking, and definitely no physical contact.
He slid the door open to the shower and the bath beyond.
...only to find there was only one washing station and a long stool. Obviously to be shared.
“...oh,” Deku said behind him, the first thing that had actually been spoken out loud all morning. In the corner of Bakugou’s peripheral vision, he could see that the dumbass was already naked too, rubbing his chin. They couldn’t use the showers on the opposite side of the guesthouse and track water across the tatami floor. “I guess we could take turns but...um...what if we run out of hot water?”
Bakugou glared at him. “Did you just fucking say ‘what if we run out of hot water’ at a hot spring?”
“It’s a different kind of water connected to an outdoor onsen!” Deku was blushing again, waving his hands frantically. “I just mean that I wouldn’t want you to end up cold, or--”
“What makes you think I wouldn’t go first?!”
Once again, they were at an impasse: on one side of all this, Bakugou knew that if he pushed enough, Deku would just leave and wait to get a turn in the bath. But then, once more, that would be an admission of what had happened the night before, and that what had happened had meant something, and…
That wasn’t acceptable. Not at all. 
“Come on, you fucking dork.” Deku yelped as Bakugou grabbed his arm and pulled him in, pushing him down until he sat on the bench. He sank down next to him, picking up the bucket beside Deku and emptying it over his head. This time, Deku shrieked. “Don’t be a baby!”
“It’s cold!!”
“That’s the point!”
Then Deku did something he never would have done when they were younger: he laughed, reached past Bakugou, stole his bucket and splashed the whole thing on him. Not over his head, which was the appropriate way, but in a full body splash that immediately woke up every nerve on his stomach and chest. “How do you like it, huh?!”
“I’ll kill you!” 
That was it. They were supposed to be awkwardly cleaning each other, and instead, Bakugou tackled Deku off the stool, sending him falling onto the now slippery, wet floor. “Kacchan! Don’t! We’re supposed to be getting clean!”
“Don’t laugh at me! You started this!” Was Bakugou laughing? He was. He didn’t know why, he should have been pissed, that was just usually how this all went, but...maybe it was the fact that this was happening, that it had shattered through the tension, but it felt more like a relief than anything else.
“You literally started it!!” Deku howled when Bakugou grabbed at his side under his armpit, a spot he knew was ticklish. “Kacchan, stop!”
“Not until you admit I’m number one!”
“You know we’re tied in the ranks!!”
“Fuck your tie!” He was smiling so hard that his face hurt, and then Deku’s skin crackled with an energy just below the surface. That was something he wasn’t ready for, not until after Deku rolled him, pinning his wrists to the floor.
They both breathed hard, panting.
Bakugou’s hair was still mostly dry, but Deku’s was hanging in his face, a piece in his eye. The thumb of one hand rubbed the center of Bakugou’s palm, and he didn’t even slap it away.
“Don’t use your shitty quirk on me,” Bakugou growled at him.
“It’s not shitty, and you know it.”
“Hmph.” They should stop this. They were going to do something they were going to regret. Or Bakugou, for sure. And yet...looking up at Deku like this...it was such the opposite of what it was like imagining him the night before. “What’re you going to do? Just fucking stare at me?”
“Then don’t be a damn quitter.” Bakugou tipped his head up at him, narrowing his red, angry eyes. This could go two ways, and he damn well knew it. If Deku let him up, he’d probably punch him or something and go back to getting lathered up for the bath. If he didn’t, well...it would depend, right? It would probably be the former option, anyway. Deku wouldn’t--
He kissed him.
Deku kissed him. 
Hard. So hard he figured that he might joke later about how he may as well have yelled ‘smash!’ before doing it. But it didn’t suck. Far from it, in fact. It just seemed very...pent up. Held in and then released, suddenly, like something exploding.
That was something Bakugou could relate to.
Deku had gotten so into kissing him that he forgot about the hold on his hands almost entirely. It made it easy to get his hand on his face and push him back a little. “Fuck, ease up.” He did, but only for a second, nearly devouring his mouth again a second later. “Can I breathe for a second?! God, are you a fucking tween again?”
Deku pulled back, blinking as though he was just realizing what he was doing. He brought up an arm so he could push his face into the bend of it. “Oh my god, I didn’t even ask you first…”
“Uh, so?” He tried to pry the arm away, biting Deku’s nose for good measure. He completely ignored him.
“I should have! You...you might not have wanted it! Do you want it?” Bakugou had to chuckle because he was absolutely beyond distressed. 
Do you think I’m going to jerk off thinking about someone I would mind kissing me? That’s what he wanted to say, but he didn’t. He took Deku’s cheeks in his hands and glowered up at him. “If I didn’t want you to do it, I would have stopped you before you did it. You would have known. I just also need you to not smother me, you idiot.”
Deku seemed to calm down a little, so he leaned up to kiss him, trapping his lip between his for a moment and tugging it. Despite how close their faces were, he could tell he had that shaky, nervous smile on his face. “I’ve wanted to kiss you forever, Kacchan. I’ve wanted to do more than that, too, but I thought you’d freak out and kill me.”
“Still might. Undecided.”
“And...honestly I thought after last night, you wouldn’t even get near me again…”
Bakugou sighed. Well, that clearly wasn’t going to matter as much now, though the shame hit his insides the same way the cold water had hit his skin. “Fucking voyeur…”
“Kacchan! Don’t call me that!” 
“How long were you even standing there, huh?” He pushed Deku up and off of him, then immediately pulled him back to the stool. “Obviously long enough…”
“I was worried!” Deku put his hands over his lap as Bakugou turned on the water, finally wetting his hair and giving Deku a fresh wash too. Goosebumps had raised over his flesh, and he rubbed them away like dirt. “I thought you weren’t feeling well.”
  “Uh-huh.” He picked up a bottle of soap and squirted some of the rich blue liquid into his hand. As he lathered himself up, he glanced over and realized Deku hadn’t moved, so he gave him a push. “Come on. The sooner we clean off the sooner we can get in the bath.”
“I-I can’t yet.” He pressed his hands down harder, and pulled back when Bakugou grabbed his wrist. “Don’t!”
“We just made out on the floor and you caught me masturbating, you nerd! I don’t care about seeing your dick!” Bakugou pinched one of Deku’s nipples (hard, he noticed, alert), and his fingers flailed up to stop him, revealing his cock.
His. Rather hard. Cock.
“Sorry!!” Deku covered his face all over again, this time with his hands. “I’m...god, I’m really sensitive, okay?”
“Obviously, if a kiss gets you going that much.” He didn’t answer, clearly not knowing what to do about the situation. And to be fair, neither did Bakugou really. Fantasizing and kissing was one thing. And they didn’t have lube, and he certainly wasn’t going to put soap up his ass and have it get irritated, so. “C’mere.”
“W-what?” Bakugou didn’t really give Deku much choice as he scooped him up and put him in his lap. Rinsing his hand off, he reached between them and took hold of Deku’s erection, around the shaft in a firm hold. “K-Kacchan--”
“Relax.” He pulled his head down the few inches by the back of the neck, and this time he could actually pinpoint the moment Deku melted at the contact of their lips touching. He seemed to let Bakugou lead the kiss this time, and when his tongue made its way into Deku’s mouth, he noticed the perfect twitch of his cock. 
Deku whimpered. “It feels so good…”
“Yeah?” Bakugou glanced down. Deku had a pretty satisfying-looking cock, actually. It seemed like it fit him. Not too big, not too small. Just right. And his dark green pubes were cute. Not that he hadn’t seen them before, but definitely not this close. When he pulled upward, Deku moaned, a bead of pre appearing at his hole as he wrapped his arms around Bakugou’s shoulders. 
“I’m not...too heavy...right?”
“Seriously? Of course you’re not. I’m not that fucking weak.” Bakugou tipped his head to kiss Deku’s neck, and that got a fresh, new sound all its own. He chuckled again. “You really are sensitive…”
He didn’t bother arguing with him over it. Instead, Deku’s hips jumped a bit, and he inclined his throat just so. “More…”
There wasn’t any telling which he wanted more of, but Bakugou guessed that it was quite probably both, so he gave it to him. His teeth skimmed his pulse, sucking at his jaw liberally while he moved his hand quicker. Deku wiggled, toes cracking as they curled. His moans got higher, gasping eagerly. 
“Kacchan...Kacchan…” Now, Bakugou moaned as Deku gripped his hair at the roots, holding on for dear life (or so it absolutely felt). “Kacchan--!”
It was probably a good thing that Bakugou had been forced into having his face up because when Deku came, it was like a small geyser exploding. His spunk went everywhere, splashing on Bakugou’s hand and more on his chest, on Deku’s stomach, even on the underside of his chin. “Fuck, Deku…”
“Mmm…” His head fell heavily on Bakugou’s shoulder. “That was...ahhh…”
“‘Ahhh’ huh?” Bakugou frowned down at his own cock, which, although coated in come, was untouched and now angrily standing up at him. 
Deku quickly noticed too. “Oh, Kacchan, do you want me to...um...I don’t mind helping.”
“That right?” Bakugou smirked, but considered it for a moment. If Deku treated handjobs or blowjobs like he did kissing, he would probably spend more time telling him what to do than actually enjoying it. Then, when an aftershock made Deku’s legs squeeze around his thighs, he got a different idea. “On the floor. All fours, but...face the other way.”
Deku glanced up, like he was trying to see if Bakugou was serious. When he saw how he had locked his jaw - it had taken a certain degree of steeling himself to make the request, not nearly as easy as Pornstar Bakugou in his fantasy - his eyes got a bit bigger. Eager. Careful so he wouldn’t fall on his face, he lowered himself to the floor, getting on his hands and knees. He looked over his shoulder. “L-like this?”
Bakugou nodded, swallowing. Like this. Because like this he could see everything: Deku’s round cheeks, his hole, the slope of his back. And most importantly, at least for right now, his soft, full thighs. “Relax your legs, but once I move in, keep ‘em tight.”
“Uh...okay.” Deku didn’t sound particularly certain, but Bakugou had a feeling he would get the idea quickly once he took a hold of each leg, opening them just enough to where he could slot his cock between them. “Ah!”
“Okay?” Bakugou watched the warm red rise all the way up to the tips of Deku’s ears. “Deku?”
“Y-yeah. It’s fine. It’s okay. It’s good. I’m good. I’m fine,” he rambled, but as Bakugou suspected, he tightened his legs up around his dick. “Does this feel good for you?”
Bakugou nodded and started shallowly thrusting his hips, settling into a steady rhythm. He moaned at how good it felt, in fact, and it made him wonder: if Deku’s thighs felt this amazing, what would it be like to be inside of him?
“Fuck…” he groaned, grabbing Deku’s ass and kneading it with both hands. “Mmmm…”
Deku dropped his head onto his hands, panting audibly. It was like fucking him in every way except the, well, technical aspects. Bakugou shuddered when he felt small fingertips touch the head of his cock when he pressed it in deeper. 
“What? Have you wanted...ah...to do this forever, too?” Bakugou teased, giving one cheek a little slap.
“S-something like it.” Then he buried his face into his arms again, and Bakugou wondered if he had given that much thought before he said it. 
He continued to press on, thrusting. How could Deku’s legs be both so achingly soft and supple but possess the power of thousands of kicks while he had trained his legs for all those years since they were teens? Shit, even thinking about getting to press his face between them was enough to make him feel a little too heady...too excited…
Bakugou choked as he came suddenly into the cavern between Deku’s legs. It coated them easily, as well as the floor under Deku. It was a little perfect that they had opted to do this here, though, where everything could wash away down the drain. Deku looked so shaky that Bakugou scooped him back up to sit on the stool, in case he was about to collapse. “Don’t fucking pass out on me.”
“I’m not, I just...um…”
Bakugou’s eyes cut down at Deku’s cock. It was hard to explain it but it seemed to be...straining? Bobbing? “...did you just come again?” Deku went completely silent, and Bakugou couldn’t resist pressing a kiss to his mouth. “You’re going to be fucking insatiable, aren’t you?”
Once they were actually suitably washed and rinsed, they both collapsed onto the sitting stones around the bath. Bakugou couldn’t remember the last time he had needed a long, satisfying soak so badly...and he certainly never would have thought it would be shared with his hand lazily holding Deku’s beneath the surface. 
All around them, the sounds of the wind rustling the trees and the birds singing made it seem almost a little too domestic, a little too picturesque for his liking. But after what they just did, Bakugou was too tired to actually break the moment.
...except when he felt Deku staring at him from his side.
“Quit lookin’ at me like that,” he mumbled. “You’re all...gushy and stuff.”
“I’m not gushy. I just...I didn’t really see it coming, is all.” Deku took his hand back so when he dipped his hair into the warm water, he could push it out of his face. The curls still rebelled, though, springing around his face. 
“Don’t do that either.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“Ugh.” Bakugou floated away from the side of the bath, picking up one of Deku’s feet and kneading it with his fingers. “It’s gross.” How cute you’re being. I’m not used to it.
Deku groaned, leaning his head back and spreading his arm on either side of himself. Bakugou methodically found all the knots in his foot, where the heel had been pulled a little too tight, where the ball was tense. He told himself it was just because he needed something to do with his hands, that if left to his own devices he would end up doing something inappropriate. Again.
Or, worse, they would just keep cuddling and shit.
“That feels so good,” Deku asked, puffing a breath across the steaming water. “Where did you learn to do this kind of thing?”
“Do you remember our fight with All Might? During our exams?” Deku nodded. “It wasn’t the first time I felt the toll my quirk had on my muscles, but it kind of fucking drove the point home. So I did a lot of reading after that to make sure I was giving them the attention they needed. Didn’t trust anyone else to do it.”
“But-- bbllrgh .” Deku’s mouth dropped into the water as Bakugou abruptly picked up the other one and started working on it too. “But Recovery Girl was there. She could have gotten you someone to help.”
Bakugou’s eyes cut through the haze over the top of the bath. “I didn’t want someone else to help. I didn’t need to rely on someone else. And I’m glad I started then, because I still don’t.”
Deku scooted forward until he was hovering near him. In the buoyant water, he lifted his free leg and wrapped it around Bakugou’s waist, effectively putting him back into his lap. “No one at all?” he asked, kissing the curve next to Bakugou’s nose. 
With a snarl, Bakugou let go of the foot he had been massaging and yanked Deku in, fingers digging into his ass. “That’s not what this is. Don’t get the wrong idea.”
He didn’t reply, which was probably for the best. Bakugou still wasn’t sure how he felt about any of this, and as much as he could at one moment kiss Deku (or fuck his thighs, it seemed), there was still this itch below the surface that could result in him shoving him away just as quickly. 
He nipped his ear instead, making Deku wince. “Ow, Kacchan.”
“Don’t be a fucking baby.” With a soft ‘hmm’ in his throat, he planted another bite just beside his Adam’s apple. It jumped along with the gasp that passed from Deku’s lips. “See? You like it.”
Another kiss. Not as desperate this time. “You’re so mean,” Deku whispered into his open mouth.
“Clearly you like that too.”
Once they had gotten out of the bath, dried off and gotten back into those yukatas, the lack of sleep from the night before combined with the deeply relaxing warmth of the hot spring made Bakugou realize how tired he was. 
“I need a fucking nap. I’m about to pass out.”
“Drink some water first. So you stay hydrated.”
“Don’t tell me what to do, dammit.” Even as he said it, though, Bakugou grabbed the bottle of water Deku offered him from the mini fridge. They drank together, standing and looking out into the forest. Well, Deku drank. He did more staring. Staring, because as Deku took several large swallows, a trickle of water passed from the corner of his mouth and down his neck, where Bakugou had left a red spot during their...activities.
Deku blinked when he brought the bottle back down and wiped his face with his hand. “What?”
“Nothing.” He went back into the bedroom and laid down on the futon, closing his eyes and trying to get every constant image of Deku out of his mind, flipping on repeat through his brain. 
He dreamed. Of course he did. It was rare that he didn’t dream. He asked someone once why that was the case, when so many others would mention sleepless nights, and the doctor explained that the explosive quality of his quirk, when also taken into context with his high IQ, meant that his synapses could be also firing off the same way that his physical body did. 
Sometimes they were good dreams. Of him, as a hero, making the people around him proud and being told that he was Number One.
Other times, they were harder to deal with. Fights that he hadn’t won - the first one with Deku at UA, when he was captured by the League of Villains, Nabu Island - and fights that others had suffered through. All Might. Kirishima after the Overhaul mission. 
And Deku. Several times. 
And this time, too, there were images firing off of Deku breaking his body raw, breathing hard, blood dripping down his face and turning his hair darker. But instead of it making him feel the worry or stress - sometimes he woke up from the dreams on the edge of a panic attack and had to take one of the pills he kept near his bedside table - he found his dream self drawn in, and when Deku straightened himself and smiled, the last thing he remembered was his knees feeling just a little weak.
In fact, when he woke up, he thought maybe he was still dreaming. Because in the futon...he wasn’t alone. Not anymore, not like when he pulled the covers up around him. He could feel an arm around his middle, pulling him into another body behind him, and he stiffened at the realization that Deku was asleep too, steady breaths ruffling the back of his hair.
A part of him screamed, let go, let go, let go! But…
Deku didn’t just have an arm leisurely around his waist. He was clutching him, pulling him back until his spine lined up against his front. The other hand stroked his hair back, which had dried messily on his pillow. He could just barely feel his nose snuggled against the nape of his neck.
No one had ever held him like this. And it wasn’t like Bakugou had never slept with anyone else. There were definitely piles with the ‘squad’ that had happened at UA, and Kirishima slept better when he stayed the night in Bakugou’s dorm.
Deku’s fingers brushed just under the waistline of his briefs in the folds of the yukata. That certainly woke him up entirely now, even though he could tell Deku was still passed out. What was worse, it also made him extremely aware of the tightness of the material around his dick…
That was fairly common too. Unfortunately. But normally he was either alone or he could get up and go take care of it in the bathroom. Or wait it out.
Not exactly an option at the present moment.
Closing his eyes again, he tried to go back to sleep. Deku rubbed up against his back. Against his ass. 
He tried to imagine the grossest fights he faced over the years. Bad smells. Gross people too, like...Mineta and that laughing asshole from 1B. Deku hummed and nosed at his hairline. It sounded like he was smiling.
And then his hand moved further down, carding through Bakugou’s pubes in time with the hand playing with his hair. Bakugou swallowed, and it was only at the moment when he rested his fingers on Deku’s wrist did he feel him jump. The point where Deku woke up was punctuated by a gasp and blinking. The nerd was even loud when he blinked, of course he was, how could Bakugou expect anything different from how long his lashes were…
Their arms both trembled. 
“K-kacchan?” he breathed. 
He didn’t answer. He didn’t have the moisture to do it in his throat, on his tongue.
Deku shifted a bit, and there was an accompanying bulge that pressed right between Bakugou’s asscheeks. It throbbed, that became evident, and Deku pressed just slightly in. There was still all the fabric between them, but nevertheless, the sensation of it forced a moan from the center of Bakugou’s chest.
“Y-you’re awake.” He sounded relieved, and his other hand - the one not still in his fucking pants - stroked a circle between his shoulders. There was no way this position was comfortable for him, but he probably had other things on his mind. 
“Of course I am. Like I’d have much choice now not to be.” He rolled his hips, pressing back, and Deku groaned, his cheek on the side of his neck.
“D-did you want me to sto--”
“If you even finish that sentence, I’ll fucking kill you. Open your yukata, though. It’s rude to make someone else clean up your mess.”
“Right. Yeah.” It was hard for Bakugou to not go a little dizzy when Deku lifted the back of his yukata before opening his. It bunched at his waist as he listened to the sound of him clumsily tossing his own open at the front. They were both still very much clothed, but...it was out of the way, and that was what was important. “You’re so hot, Kacchan…”
“Nngh…” When Bakugou stuck his ass out, he could tell that Deku had freed his cock from his briefs. The wet tip of it soaked his underwear where it pressed, then rubbed lengthwise between his ass. 
“I...I really didn’t mean to...you were making sounds in your sleep, and I thought…”   
“I don’t care.” He grabbed Deku’s wrist and thrust it down until he had his cock and balls in his hand, and when he squeezed, his face pressed into his, clumsy and relying on instinct, a cattish gesture. Sandwiched now between Deku’s cock and his hand, playing with him, rubbing him this way and that, the last thing he wanted to do was think too much.
“It’s so good...you’re so good...Kacchan…you have the most perfect body, and I know you know that, but I just need you to know how much this means for me to get to do this, oh god, Kacchan…”
His first instinct was to tell him to shut up, but that didn’t actually come out. The way Deku was saying that, meaning it, genuine and real, it warmed him up. It felt good. Too good. It wasn’t praise the way they worded it in the magazines, or in the hero reports and profiles. There was more to it. And maybe the worst part about it was that he wanted him to tell him more but there was about as much chance of that happening as him admitting how it made his cock harder. 
So he settled for just moaning his name while he reached up blindly to grip the back of his head. “Deku…”
Everything started blurring and becoming more frantic. Deku’s whole body was wiggling and moving, his hand clearly trying to squeeze and fondle and jerk in time with his hips. There was nothing graceful to this, and Bakugou didn’t care. Because in only a minute of the craze of their bodies moving, he reached down to press his cock against his belly, to keep the mess as contained as possible.
He was still coming, cross-eyed with bliss, when Deku yanked his briefs down and spilled all over his ass. “Ahh! Fuck!” Bakugou groaned as the feeling of thick wet coated his cheeks. He couldn’t tell if he was blushing from anger or arousal, certainly because that shouldn’t have been so fucking hot...especially not when Deku just pulled them back up. “The fuck, Deku…”
“I…” Deku choked a little, pressing his face into Bakugou’s hair. “I didn’t want it to get all over the futon!”
“We can change the sheets, you dumbass!”
“But you said--”
“I was worried about the yukatas! Those have to be hand-washed, you filthy...ugh, I can feel it everywhere!” He crawled out of the bed and headed gingerly to the bathroom. Absolutely fucking shameful. He rinsed his hands and removed his underwear, and he could see the shine of fluids on his cheeks. That...really should have bothered him as much as it did.
He still had his eyes on his reflection when Deku snuck in, arm slipping around his waist. He was biting his lip as their eyes met, and then he kissed his cheek. “Do you...want some help cleaning up?” he murmured.
Bakugou broke the contact between them first, snagging Deku’s arm as he stormed down the hall toward the shower. Again. “Damn right, you’re helping!”
“Kacchan! Don’t ruin the moment!”
“Shut up!”
“Kacchan, I’m so full…”
“Quit whining!”
Bakugou was not about to say that he too had been rendered fairly stuffed by the dinner they had that evening. It was like everything that they could have possibly liked brought out in a spread to their guest house: noodles of several spicy variations, katsudon, barbeque chicken that was cooked to the point it all but melted off the sticks, chiraishi…
And maybe Bakugou had finally relaxed a bit and warmed up one of the bottles of sake. They drank it slowly, savoring it, because it was definitely the best that they had ever had. Not that either of them were huge drinkers, but…
“Come on. Let’s finish the sake and have dessert in front of the television.” Bakugou picked up the bottle in one hand and two plates containing raindrop cakes, dusted with roasted soy bean flour and accompanied with a small circle of black sugar cane syrup. Bakugou had only ever heard of these before, and never thought he would get to try them.
Maybe it was the wine. It could have been making him too relaxed, or playful, or...whatever. Regardless, once the sake, cups and desserts were on the table in the TV room, he came back and scooped Deku off the floor. “Get going, you fucking wuss.”
Deku wrapped his arms around Bakugou’s neck, crying out. “Kacchan!”
“Chill out, I’m not going to fucking drop you. God.” Deku relaxed as he shook his head. “You overreact to everything…”
“Well, a few years ago, you would have dropped me,” he mumbled, cheek rubbing his. Bakugou pressed his mouth to it in something not quite a kiss.
“Yeah, well, a few years ago I wouldn’t have done any of the shit we’ve done today, so. It’s all firsts, okay?”
Deku nodded as he set him down on the couch beside him, an arm around his shoulders as he picked up the remote controller and turned on some mindless action movie about pirates. It was one he had seen before, but since it just started, it seemed like as good a choice as any to watch. Something to keep the silence from settling too heavily on top of them.
Not that his attention was on the movie so much, because the moment Deku picked up his cake and started eating it, he made it extremely hard to ignore. The way he so careful ate a tiny bite of it, nibbling just a bit of the crumbs with it and licking a drop of syrup off his finger. He could practically hear him taking mental notes on the consistency, the flavor…
Bakugou took a much bigger bite of it, all three components mixing on his tongue. It was unlike anything he had ever eaten. 
“You just dig right in, huh?” Deku giggled. Obviously Bakugou wasn’t the only one getting distracted.
“You mean just because I’m not preparing an essay on agar agar?”
“Is that what this is?!”
“Oh my god, Deku. You bring ‘hopelessly cute’ to a fucking literal place.”
There he went, blushing again. Red and adorable, and that wasn’t a word Bakugou used for anything ever, and he cuddled up against him as they finally finished their desserts, then the sake too. The movie kept playing, but Bakugou could feel himself ignoring it, as he and Deku touched. Not in any dramatically sexual way - unlike the way they had several times that day - but...little things.
Playing with Deku’s curls between his fingers. 
How Deku would rub at the inside of his wrist. 
The way he would find his knee and trace around the bone, making Deku jerk reflexively and giggle.
When he would just barely hear Deku breathe in as he nosed his shoulder before leaning up to bump his cheek with his nose.
The credits started rolling slowly down the screen. “Do you want to watch something else?” Bakugou asked, even as he yawned.
“It sounds like you would fall asleep during it.”
He shrugged. In the end, he just turned off the television and got up. Even for him, it was a little early for bed. He could just play on his phone, read over the hero news…
But he stopped short when Deku took a hold of his sleeve. “Kacchan?”
“I’m not carrying you anywhere else, you lazy bastard,” he teased, though he did stop and look back at him. Deku’s cheeks were rosy from - from the sake? - and he chewed on his bottom lip. “What?”
“I...I want you.”
At first, he almost said that he had him. Then and there, and earlier in the day, too, in other ways, but...then Deku shrugged off half of his yukata, and it ended up down his arm, which he slid out of it, and then he pulled the sash off. So when Bakugou brought him up to his feet and he let go of his sleeve for a moment, the entire thing just fell to the floor.
“When did you take your underwear off?” Bakugou murmured into his temple as he allowed Deku to start disrobing him, untying it and letting it open to where he could move in and huddle against his chest.
“Before dinner,” he whispered. “I kept meaning to ask...while we were eating, and then after, and just now I thought that if I didn’t ask now…”
“...it wasn’t going to happen?” He trailed his mouth down the side of Deku’s cheek to his neck, then tipped his chin up to kiss him. In the dim light, he could make out how his chest rose and fell. His hands moved from the outside of his arms up to hold his face, forcing him to not to turn away.
“I just thought you wouldn’t want it or you’d get mad or it would make things weird…”
“Weirder than they already are?”
Deku gave him a little shake on the shoulders. “Kacchan, this is sex, though. And we literally just did...all the other things we did...just today. I thought you would feel like I was going too fast or something…”
“Do I seriously seem like the type who gives a shit about going fast?”
“But--eep!” Without any warning, Bakugou grabbed Deku’s waist and practically tossed him against his body, making him wrap his legs around him. “Hey!”
“Come on. We’re going to bed.” Bakugou smirked as his fingers found the crack of Deku’s ass and stroked up and down, walking to their room. Just the small touch made Deku keen. “God, you’re fucking ridiculous…”
“Don’t--mmm...don’t make fun, Kacchan…” He tightened his legs at his sides. “I haven’t really...you know.”
Once they were inside again and Deku was on his back, Bakugou hovering over him, he started looking around for something they could use. If Deku wanted to fuck, he was going to have to deal with him poking around in his bag. “You haven’t what?” he asked as he searched.
“...I mean, with a...I haven’t with a guy, so…”
Bakugou stopped and returned his attention to Deku just in time to see him covering his face with his pillow. “Wait, so then...what? You and Round Cheeks?!” There was barely a nod. Bakugou had to laugh. “Holy shit, Deku.”
“It was just a couple of times in third year!” He smacked him with the pillow. Bakugou grabbed it and threw it away. “And it’s not like I haven’t dated, I just never found anyone I really wanted to, that’s all. I’ve done...other stuff...obviously.”
“Obviously,” Bakugou teased as he finally found something that would do: a small bottle of mineral oil. He rolled it in his palm. For a moment, he wanted to ask, was it because they weren’t me? But, first of all, did he really want the answer? And how could he even say it without sounding like he had an ego the size of Japan? Despite how nervous he seemed to be, Bakugou could make out a huffiness in Deku’s face, and he leaned down to kiss his way from his navel to his lips. “Deku. It’s fine. Relax.”
Deku pulled him back down for another soft kiss, keeping his eyes closed as he whispered, “I just don’t want to suck at it.”
“You won’t. Trust me.” He smiled as he sat back up on his knees. “I’m going to be doing the hard part anyway, okay? Just stay like this.”
Nodding, it seemed like he was trying to figure out what to do with his hands, finally settling on letting one rest on his chest, the other a little under his face, which was turned and gazing down at Bakugou while he opened the oil and spread it on three fingers. Deku’s eyes followed as he brought his hand down between his legs and-- “Ahh!”
It was just one, and Bakugou wasn’t in a rush to add more. Deku’s ass was as tight as his thighs had been, and he carefully circled the inside of him with his middle finger. That alone had Deku writhing.
He was going to ask him if he was okay, but then he got his answer when a small, strangled ‘more’ passed Deku’s lips.
Okay. Fine.
Bakugou pulled his hand back and added his index finger, pressing both in now, a little deeper. Evidently, it was a damn good thing that they were doing this in this nice, private space for just the two of them, because if Deku had been vocal in the shower, he was already hollering in the bedroom in comparison. He gripped either side of the futon and the whole upper half of his body bent. “Kacchan...mmmmmohgod, Kacchan…”
“Feels good, huh?” he asked, rhetorically, enjoying the display of Deku’s body already enthralled on just two fingers. “Don’t come yet...I haven’t even really gotten into it.”
It was a lot to ask, given the stream of arousal that bounced up and down on Deku’s belly, pooling and creating a thick string around his belly button. “Please, Kacchan...please, please, please…”
“We’re seriously going to have to work on your stamina. It’s day one of training all over again.” This was fun. Not just the fingering, fantastic as it was, but also teasing Deku, making him shudder and ache for him. 
The pleading was a nice touch too, he had to admit.
“Fuck me, Kacchan...I need it!” Bakugou crooked his fingers, sending Deku into a whole new series of conniptions. “Please, I can’t stand it! Fuck, fuck--!”
Bakugou pulled back. It gave Deku a chance to breathe (gasping for air like he was going to pass out on the spot) and for him to toss off the rest of his yukata while he got a good amount of oil on his dick. Had he ever actually even heard Deku say ‘fuck’ before? Not that he was as pure as the driven snow as many of the reporters liked to believe, but...he just wasn’t as crass as Bakugou or some of the other guys from school.
But then, no one had treated him the same way as Bakugou, so…
The moment he had climbed up on top of him, Deku sat up to kiss him, hard and needy, clinging for all he was worth and wrapping his legs up high so he was angled to take him in. Bakugou pressed forward, getting just his head in before he had to pause. “Relax…”
“I...I…” Could this really count to say he was fucking Deku incoherent, if he wasn’t even really fucking him yet? “Kacchan…!”
“Just ease up so I can get in. It’ll feel a lot better. Breathe with me.”
Deku nodded and forced himself to come down a little, and for a few seconds, they did just that: breathed in time, coming off from the high. It was something they were taught in a later class, because for kids just starting to learn to be heroes, they had to soak up the adrenaline as much as possible. But as they got older, they had to learn how to curb it, control it, come back from that shaky edge of too much all at once.
When he knew that Deku had unclenched just enough, he pushed through the resistance and was in, fully and completely. Then, he started moving, a steady pace, and this time, when Deku started moaning in his ear again, he did too, thrusting forward, bodies pressed together. 
Deku scratched his back. That would be visible in the bath tomorrow…
Bakugou pulled his hair a little too much, and a few strands came out between his fingers. No one would really notice with what a mess it normally was…
They both bit each other. Bakugou probably just a little more than Deku, but he certainly got into it, especially when Bakugou made the comment about how fucking loud he was. 
In the end of it, Bakugou pulled out. Not because he didn’t want to finish in Deku, but because he didn’t know how he felt about sharing the bath the next morning with him...full of him, still leaking, still feeling it. Fuck, even considering that made Bakugou come harder, gathering Deku in tight like he was only his to have.
Like he belonged to him.
Deku let him, and they fell asleep just like that, without moving.
“I guess it’s a good thing we gave ourselves time to enjoy the bath before we left,” Deku said sheepishly at Bakugou’s side in the hot spring. He was holding his hand again, smiling dopily. 
“You should have pushed me off and I could have cleaned us up.” Fucking gross. God.
“No way!” He laughed and licked Bakugou’s cheek. “I liked it too much...and I liked how you felt on top of me, so...I didn’t want to spoil it, you know?”
Deku was quiet for a second, threading his fingers between Bakugou’s. “When we go back to the agency and we’re around everyone again, it’ll be okay, right?”
“Of course it will be.” Bakugou squeezed. “And what are they going to say, huh? They know I’ll fucking destroy any of them who try to talk shit.”
“But also...what are we, exactly?” When Bakugou turned to him, Deku’s eyebrows were knotted at the center, like his answer meant way more to him than it should have, like it was a life or death situation and this...this was the entire world on the line. “Do you know…?”
Bakugou kissed that stupid furrow first, and then his dumb cheek, and his absolutely ridiculous smile that formed on his face. “You’re my partner, you idiot,” he said softly, not quite smiling so much as smirking. “That’s what you’ve always been, and that’s how it’s going to keep being. That’s not fucking changing. Get it?”
Deku grinned, latching himself onto his arm. “Got it.”
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80sfinalgrl · 4 years
do All the horror asks !! 🖤🖤
ok bet 😼thank you sm!!! 💓
Jump Scare: What is a fear that you have?
oh my god i have a LOT like if i were in a horror movie i wouldn’t survive bc im terrified of dolls and clowns and spiders and like. all the shit thats in ur typical horror film and i’d be gone lmao
666: Do you have a lucky number?
Bloodbath: Baths or showers?
uhhh showers!!
Found Footage: Have you ever posted a video on YouTube?
Scream Queen: Are you dressing up for Halloween this year?
YES and i keep changing what i want to be but i think i got a corset and some fishnet gloves so im leaning towards like. not even a costume just dressing in an 80s tradgoth style for the night bc i won’t get weird looks lmao
Pumpkin Guts: Do you like pumpkin spice lattes?
uhhh theyre ok but the pumpkin cream cold brew at starbucks??? MUCH better imo
Grave Robber: Have you ever tried to talk to a ghost?
no no no
Claw Marks: If you could own an exotic pet, what would you choose to have?
capybara 😳idk what’s considered “exotic” necessarily but i want one so bad oh my god
Cryptid Sighting: What cryptid fascinates you the most?
mothman and the jersey devil!!!
Cult Gathering: Are you a part of any organizations?
Friday the 13th: Do you like to go out or stay in on Friday nights?
uhhhh it depends usually!! obviously with miss rona i cant do shit ❤️but generally before and especially when i was in school i liked going out after a long week tbh
Devil Horns: Are you an angel or a devil?
depends on my mood ❤️idk i feel like usually i’m generally pretty sweet though !!
Bloody Mary: Do you have any urban legends specific to where you’re from?
uhh i think there’s one thats been around for a long time that the hollywood sign has the ghost of a lady who jumped off and supposedly convinces hikers to do the same and shit. im sure theres more but i dont feel like googling them rn lmao thats just the one i thought of off the top of my head
Spooky Scary Skeletons: What’s your favorite dance craze?
none ?? idk i don’t take part in like. tik tok dances or anything like that bc i’d get bullied and rightfully so hdhxgdg
Vampire Bite: Have you ever had braces?
no i need them but my insurance doesnt cover it bc they’re not rlly that bad even though without them they WILL get worse ❤️i hate it here
Butcher Knife: Can you cook?
uhhhh yeah pretty decently!!
Possessed Doll: Are dolls creepy or cute?
bro i HATE dolls fuck annabelle fuck chucky fuck that bitch from goosebumps i dont fuck with any of those mfs lmao. there’s a whole section at one of my local thrift stores thats just all creepy old looking dolls and if i see something i like thats near there i just wont go over bc ill have like. an entire breakdown gdhxgd
Witches’ Brew: What would be put into a potion to summon you?
uhhh rose petals, dried lavender, pumpkin spice, clove gum, eyeliner, mangos and chai tea!!
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nyappyforeverbr · 5 years
Tumblr media
100 Questions&Answers: Yuuki MEMORIAL ARTIST BOOK
In addition to several photos AN CAFE Memorial Artist Book also brought an interview and a special questionnaire of 100 questions with each of the 5 members. Here is the translation of the 100 questions with Yuuki’s 100 answers.
Translate: Japanese>Portuguese by Hiyori Portuguese>English by Shiro 001 How many sushi can you eat? 15 002 Which sushi's ingredient do you like? Breaded shrimp, tuna, corn and salad 003 If you have to eat something until you die, what it would be? Mochi 004 Which kind of lamen do you think has the strongest flavor? Tenkaippin 005 What do you in like in a hot drink? Bergamot Orange by Earl Grey 006 Which mixture do you think most matches rice? Shogayaki 007 What flavor of chewing gum do you like? Blueberry 008 What flavor of candies do you like? Milk-based 009 Soba or udon? Udon NOTE: Soba is a pasta made from buckwheat and udon is made from wheat only 010 Of your whole life, what was the most painful experience you've ever faced? (referring to physical damages) When I fell in the show 011 One part of body that demonstrates more confidence? Nose 012 What do you think about old times? Sloth 013 If you had won 100.000 yen what you would make? (Around 900 dolars) Renovate the furniture of the house 014 And about 100.000.000 yen? (Around 900.000 dolars) I would buy a house for me and my family and put the rest into the savings 015 I know this is kind out of reality, but if you could have a wild animal, which would be? I would be the capybara, they are very cute 016 To Cook, wash clothes, clean the house. Which one do you do better? Cook 017 If you were going for a walk with your girlfriend, where would you go? Hot Springs 018 Where would you spend your last days of life? (If you were an old man where would you want to live?) and why? Somewhere in a countryside, I think because I would have more social contact and I would do an exchange program 019 Is there anyone you consider to be the strongest person in the world? Of course it’s the candies 020 An anime character, manga, etc. that you consider to be the strongest?Deadpool 021 If you could turn into some anime character or something like this, who would you choose? The spiderman 022 First CD you bought? The album of Morning Musume 023 Your preferred winter song? “Yuki no Hana” 024 Your preferred xmas song? Meri Kuri 025 Forgetting that you were part of a band, if you were about to start one, what would it take? And why? A bass, they play fast and I can barely hear 026 And what would be the name you would choose for the band? Sweet Sweet 027 If you went to a desert island and could only take three things, what would it take? 1. Survival Knife2. Solar battery3. Cellphone 028 Do you know how to swim? Yes 029 Something you would never want to happen? Bungee jumping 030 If you were a child, how would you like to be called? At that time I seriously wanted to change this, something like Ramune, I even thought in DQN 031 Do you speak when sleeping? If yes, talk about something already happened to you.For now there is no information to prove this 032 If it was your last day of life, what would you do? I would like to stay with the person I like 033 What was the longest time you could stay awake? I guess it was about 60 hours or less? 034 If you could become someone important in history, who would you be? I don't admire anyone in particular... 035 Do you use a lot of emoticon on LINE? Have you been using LINE lately I’ve been using! The emoticon is Tsukkomi Kuma 036 What's the biggest lie you've ever told? "Hm? This? Afro? Yes Yes! It's my natural hair!" 037 Write the kanji that you think represents 2019 and why? 探 Because I'm looking for my new “me” NOTE: kanji's meaning is: to feel around for; to fumble for; to grope for; to search for; to look for 038 The most expensive thing you bought this year? On Kanon's birthday, I bought him an automatic machine to prepare several types of egg NOTE: If you’re interested in know how this looks like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zk0dfEiiBS8 039 The most convenient thing you bought recently? A cardcover for the Suica card, I bought this year NOTE: Suica (スイカ Suika) is a rechargeable contactless smart card, electronic money used as a fare card on train lines in Japan. 040 A number from 0 to 9 that you like more than others? 04 41 Your longest finger without the middle finger, is it your index finger? Ring finger? Or are they both the same size? Ring finger 042 The word you most speak? “I don’t know, but…” 043 At what time do you think "I'm being bourgeois"? When I prepare a dish and the ingredients are all very expensive 044 If you could have powers, which one would you choose? Power to make barriers 045 If there was a magic word that said things would happen, what would it be? Oh, yes! 046 If you have to choose a follow up for the curry what would it be? Cheese 047 Some kind of punishment game you'd like to avoid? Need jump from somewhere high 048 Do you like of a specific hour? Why? The night. Because I prefer night-time habits 049 How much would you pay for a T-shirt? 2.900 yen (Around 27 dollars) 050 Tell something you would say to you 10 years ago.Are you living!? Are you happy with this!? 051 If it was 50 years ago, what would you be doing? I would be happy... I guess? It would be all right... I guess? 052 How could you imagine yourself 10,000 years ago? I think the language would be completely different... 053 What is the first impression you have of each member of An Cafe? Miku: A handsome guy; Takuya: A reserved stylish dandy; Kanon: Ha? He scares me? He scares me?; Teruki: has a high voice 054 If underwear could have another name, what would you call it? “what you wear underneath” 055 A live that you can not forget? The first live in Shinjuku 056 During those 15 years which member has changed the most? I would not say one in particular. Other than me, if it's just about them, I think their feelings have changed. 057 Do you prefer the traditional breakfast or bread? I don't eat breakfast 058 A teacher you always remember? He was a teacher who was always angry 059 The most fun song in a live? "Darling” and “Hatsumitsu + Lemon = ?” Look like happy songs to me 060 Where do you most like to do a live? Shinjuku Reny 061 A thing you most buy at a convenience store? Jasmine tea 062 If you were not an artist, which career would you choose? A confectioner ... I guess? 063 Which city goes through your head before a live? After I joined An Cafe,, the first city we come back, Kagoshima 064 A stationery item that you like? Ruler 065 An electronic device that you like? Electric oven 066 A person you think is erotic? A friend from high school age 067 What do you think of the vocaloids? Incredible. They are conquering the world, no? 068 A TV show that you like? Ame Talk 069 What's the first live you've been? Precisely in Bou's last live 070 How many pairs of shoes do you have? I think about 3 pairs 071 What is your average time in the bath? 30 minutes, I think 072 A mobile app you liked right away? LINE 073 Do you use a computer for what purpose primarily? I want to use at the same time I use my cell phone 074 What have you found funny lately? Those funny things that happen on TV 075 Who would you most like to meet? My best friends of long time ago 076 When you were a kid, who was your superhero? It was a Power Ranger (I just can't remember which one) 077 The flavor of Umaibo that you like? Mentaiko (Pollock roe) NOTE: Umaibō or "delicious stick" is a small corn cylindrical snack from Japan. 078 An entertaining artist that you like? Tokyo 030 79 First time you did a makeup? After I joined An Cafe 080 Talk a little bit about your first live. I didn't understand very well what I could do and always was standing without doing anything at all (lol) 081 Do you prefer night or day? Night! 082 When you can't sleep what do you do? I watch lives about games 083 Not counting your part in the band, which musical instrument do you like? Guitars, because they're so stylish, no? 084 The oldest memory you have? When I was a kid, I asked them to buy me a gumball machine 085 What color do you like? Black and white 086 What is your favorite mascot? Kanon 087 Where do you usually buy your clothes? GU! 088 Are there any manga or magazines that you buy frequently? One Piece 089 How long you already waited for a person who did not show up? I calculate the exact time of things, so it was about 3 hours and 24 minutes 090 How many times can you do sit-ups? Lately I'm not counting, so I don't know... 091 At this exact moment how much you have in your wallet? When I saw it was 534 yen (Around 5 dolllars) 092 Which Cocoichi curry do you think is the most spicy and the topping? Level 2 and cheese topping NOTE: Cocoichi is a Japanese restaurant franchise specialized in curry 093 Subject at school that you was better? Physical education and music 094 Subject at school that you was worst? Apart from those I’ve mentioned now... 095 What do you do before each live? I get worried about the setlist and keep reminding myself over and over again 096 What is the essential item for a live? Cell phone and recharge batteries for backup 097 Are there any objects that you can not throw away? Things that make me have memories, even just a little bit, I can't throw it away 098 What do you usually buy at McDonald's? French fries! 099 What do you use at bedtime? For over 1 year I have been wearing a jersey shirt 100 Leave a message to Caffekos. Thank you very much for your support! From now on I want us to continue living supporting each other!
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bittysvalentines · 5 years
Zoo Date
From: @eatallofthepumpkinthings
To: @secretgeniusshittyknight
Content: Ransom/Holster, established relationship, canon compliant
“Good afternoon”
“Hello there young man. How many?”
“Two, please” he responded. He glanced over at Ransom who was vibrating out of his skin. His eyes were huge, his lips pursed in concentration, and his back stretched to try and get a peek past the gates. He'd spent a month creating and refining a spreadsheet that “perfectly maximizes our animal exploration time.” Their itinerary he now clutched in his large hands. Holster couldn't help but smile at his boyfriend's excitement.
“That'll be 35.95” He handed the woman his credit card and turned towards Ransom again. When Holster had suggested this a month ago, it was before a bombardment of new customer meetings, budget realignments, new team member onboardings, and all manner of project delays and hiccups. He couldn't wait to get in the gates and put the month behind him. He smiled again as Ransom saddled up beside him.
The admissions lady passed Holster back his card and a receipt which he signed. She slid him two maps. Before he could grab them, Ransom had snatched one away and was ripping it open.
“Excited, aren't we?” the lady asked. Holster chuckled.
She began to speak again but startled a bit at Ransom's boisterous “Woo hoos” He had grabbed Holster's hand and was tugging him towards the gate.
“Well before you guys head in there, do you have any questions?”
“No I think we have everything covered. Thanks!” He let Ransom tug him about a foot.
“Have fun and welcome to Franklin Park Zoo.”
“Whats up next babe?” The first section they had gone through was the “Serengeti Crossing” where they had spotted porcupines, zebras, ostriches, and warthogs. They'd just finished the “Kalahari Kingdom” section where they got to see some lounging lions and a tiger that was bathing its cubs.
They had stopped to read every info graph and inscription by each animal, plus Ransom had shared some pretty sweet, and sometimes, sick facts about each animal they saw. Holster was endeared to Ransom when he realized that his partner had spent extra time on the zoo's website and online in general to learn facts about all the animals just to share with him. But he realized they were running about 15 minutes behind schedule and wasn't sure how Ransom would react once he realized.
Holster bit his tongue as he watched Ransom review the itinerary and then look at his watch.
“We are running behind, but that shouldn't matter much right? The plan was to be out of here before closing but if we stay til then... There wasn't something you needed to get home to do right?”
“No, nothing. I got my work done for the K&R project last night so I haven't anything to do tonight. Well except maybe you” He waggled his eyebrows at him.
Ransom laughed as color rose in his cheeks. “Well then...” he wiggled his eyebrows back at him. “Lets just stick to the plan of action, but not worry too much about the time.”
“Sounds good to me!” Ransom dropped Holster's hand and unfolded the map holding it against some siding.
“If we continue down this path, we should come to the Tropical Forest building. It's what's next on the list and it's inside so we can take a quick break to cool down and to reapply sunblock to your forehead.”
Holster guffawed “Its only been an hour and a half”
“Bro, and you're already lookin' like a lobster.”
Two hours later they sat at an empty pavilion table near the “Things Wild” gift shop, taking massive bites out of Bitty's PB&J sandwiches they had packed. Holster was thanking his stars for the forethought to pack 4 sandwiches instead of just two, and he was already daydreaming about the crock pot pork they had waiting for them at home when he looked over at Ransom who was scrolling through the SMH group chat.
They had now gone through the Tropical Forest, “Bird's World”, and the “Outback Trail”; seen what felt like hundreds of different animals; and took what felt like a million different photos. When they finally sat down for their late lunch, Ransom sent some of their better photos to the group.
Tango: Can we get an ocelot for the Haus? Its so cute!
Chowder: I agree with Tango! :D
Ollie: I also agree on the condition that its Haus trained
Wicks: Did you know that ancient Australian war lords kept trained emus in their armies?
Ford: I'm not sure you guys are cut out for taking care of an animal
Tango: C'mon!
Chowder: Aww :'[
Ford: also Wicks that is like 100% false
Ollie: Nah its totally true
Ollie: do you think a monkey could hang from our lights?
Whiskey: you mean the chandelier in your room?
Chowder: totally! But monkey's aren't heavy. And look lemurs are tiny too. They could both probably hang from it
Wicks: Swawesome
Ollie: Swawsome
Ford: NO
Bitty: good lord thats a disaster waiting to happen
Bitty: yall couldn't handle a stuffed ocelot. Let alone a live animal
Tango: I could def take care of a stuffed ocelot. It doesn't even need to eat!
Chowder: Are we talking cute stuffed or weird on the wall stuffed?
Lards: Way to talk them down Bits
Jack: Thats a great shot of the flamingo. Its very difficult to get an action photo like that on a phone.
Bitty: #masternegotiator
Whiskey: That is a good shot of the flamingos guys
Nursey: yeah yeah great shots, haus pets, blah....but did none of you notice how that red kangaroo looks like Poindexter. Its like a spitting image
Dex: sdkj;fjkdsa;kdf Nurse!
Tango: Ears
Lards: EARS
Bitty: EA RS
Chowder: eARs
Shits: that Capybara is giving me good vibes guys
Shits: good vibes
“You forgot the best one babe,” Holster brushed his hands over Ransom's and then quickly grabbed his phone.
“Hey!” Ransom laughed, and so did Holster. “Which one are you sending?”
“The one with us and the hippo!”
They had just walked into the Tropical Forest building when they came face to face with a smiling hippo. A group of school children were on the opposite side of the tank and tapping on the glass. Before the children could run up to the other side of the tank, Ransom and Holster had slid their backs against the wall, locked lips, and snapped a selfie with the hippo. Holster had thought the hippo looked like it was blowing a kiss of his own, but Ransom had cheerily admonished him for anthropomorphizing the hippo. When they had gotten to the side of the tank where the children had vacated, they found a plaque informing them that the hippos name was “Fred”. Holster held back a smug face, but winked at Ransom and his scrunched up nose.
When he sent the picture to the group chat the response was near instantaneous.
Chowder: CUTE!
Tango: OMG so adorable
Wicks: Niceeeeeeeeee
Ollie: Nice!!!!!!!!!
Dex: Noiceeee
Nurse: Why does he look like a priest at your wedding?
Shits: Is that hippo ordained?
Jack: Congratulations!
Chowder: congrats!!!!!
Bitty: <3 <3 <3 oh im gonna cry
Lards: Can't believe you got hitched without us
Whiskey: Nice
Before heading off to the last three sections of the park, Ransom guided him into the gift shop. He perused the shelves of books, knickknacks, and stuffed animals. He found a pink stuffed hippo and immediately grabbed it from the shelf. He snuck up behind Ransom and rubbed the hippos face against his cheek. “Mwuah”
Ransom jumped but turned and laughed at him. “Oh stop it you... you...”
“Cutie hippo butt face!”
“That was lame bro.” Ransom's cheeks colored more and Holster leaned over to give him a smacking wet kiss himself.
Ransom laughed and wiped his cheek. “So are we getting that?” he said pointing at the hippo.
“Hell yeah! See anything you like?”
Ransom gestured to the stuffed lemurs in front of him. “Look at this.” He grabbed the arms of the lemur that were clasped together and separated them. When he let go they snapped back together. “Magnetic”
“Oh man, the frogs are gonna love that.”
They made it through the rest of the zoo in an hour and a half. They saw goats, butterflies, prairie dogs, and even some cute fuzzy red pandas. Holster grinned as he thought about Ransom's face as one of the zookeepers brought over a llama for them to pet. When Ransom had stroked the llamas hair his eyes had lit up like stars and his shoulders had relaxed. It was one of the few moments all month where Holster had seen Ransom relax.
He looked over at Ransom now. Took in his drowsy form, cuddling his new stuffed hippo. His eyes drifted closed ever so slowly, and reopened even slower. He doubted that he would make it home before falling asleep. It had been a long exciting day and they were both exhausted. Holster gently took one of Ransom's hands and laced their fingers together. “You had fun babe?”
“Yeah. Can't wait to get home and cuddle though.”
“Me too.” He smiled.
Zoo website: https://www.zoonewengland.org/franklin-park-zoo/
Zoo map: https://www.zoonewengland.org/media/1517583/map-fzoo-winter-2018-hd.pdf
I implore you to look up images of and learn a little bit about all the animals mentioned! Red Pandas are my favorite.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Looks and Personality
What do you look like? >> I was going to just paste a selfie in here but I felt weird about having a big photo of my face just... here, like that, so here’s a link to one instead. Which is also ideal because then people can choose to look if they want to know, or not look if they don’t care. How often do you bathe? >> Three times a week (Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday). How do you wear your hair? >> I just keep it short. The longer it gets, the worse my ability to take care of it gets, so it’s way better for my sanity to just buzz it and call it a day.
What colours do you tend to wear? >> Black, mostly. At this point it’s largely just convenience (a black garment will automatically match everything else in my wardrobe), not because I don’t like other colours. Do you have any tattoos? What, where and why? >> The number 19 in Roman numerals with a spider dangling from the “I” on the inside of my wrist (Dark Tower reference, and a reference to me); a Mannaz rune on the back of my hand (it’s the Norse rune I like best); “scully, it’s me” on the inside of my elbow (I’ve been an X-Phile for literally most of my life and it really does define me at this point. Sparrow has the matching version -- “mulder, it’s me” -- but I had been planning on getting this even before we decided to do it this way).
What kind of clothes do you wear? >> A lot of band shirts and branded lounge pants and hoodies. I like to be comfortable but also advertise the things I like. What kind of jewellery do you wear? >> A few important pieces, but nothing much. Jewelry annoys me because I love the way it looks but it can be such sensory bullshit. Is there anything else you often wear? >> Not really. Would you say you had a “look”? >> I don’t think so, no. I used to, but I don’t have any of the clothes I used to have and finding new ones to match the look I like is... so fucking hard. I cannot convey to you how much of a nightmare trying to shop for clothing is for me. Another reason why I just buy a lot of t-shirts. :T When going out, do you dress up or down? >> That obviously depends on the outing. And how I feel that day. What do you wear to bed at home? >> Lounge pants and an undershirt. What do you wear to bed when your somewhere else? >> The same. Is there a place you keep any prized/secret things whilst you’re away? >> If there was, I wouldn’t tell you. What’s your favourite food? >> I don’t have one specific favourite food. What’s your favourite drink? >> Non-alcoholic? Jasmine green tea (cold). What’s your favourite desert? >> I don’t have one. What’s your favourite type of food (e.g Mexican)? >> That’s really difficult to choose. Do you have any mental problems? >> Sure. Do you have any phobias? What? Why do you think you have this/them? >> I don’t have any phobias, no. Why might somebody dislike you? >> There are a variety of reasons someone might dislike me, and I’m sure I can’t even think of them all, because I can only see myself from the inside. But everyone’s dislikeable to someone. What skill do you possess that you are most proud of? >> I think I have a way with words. I mean, I spent most of my developmental years really interested in language and story-telling, and I guess it paid off. Or maybe it’s a Gift(TM), I don’t know. Who knows, really? It’s just the only kind of charm I have, so I’m glad I have it. :p What is your greatest strength (e.g. honest, loyal, brave)? >> Resilience, adaptability, curiosity. They kind of all go hand-in-hand. What’s your greatest shortcoming or flaw (e.g. cowardly, alcoholic)? >> My tendency to treat myself harshly for even the slightest things. But whereas my greatest strengths are innate, this greatest flaw is definitely learned behaviour from how I was treated. Who do you most admire? >> *shrug* Who do you most love? >> *shrug* What three things do you look for most in a partner? >> I don’t really look for partners in the first place. Do you like crowds? >> Crowds tend to be sensory hell for me, so I avoid them whenever possible. What are your hobbies? >> Mehhhhhh. If you can’t get to sleep in the middle of the night, what do you do? >> Read, usually. What is your favourite animal? >> Otters and capybaras. What is your favourite colour? >> Gold. If you could ask God (to athiests - IF there was one) one question, what? >> Well, as neither a monotheist or an atheist, I really don’t know what to do with this question. If I have a question for a god, I usually just... ask them. Rate yourself on these traits from 0 to 10. 0 - do not possess this trait. 10 - you have great amounts of this trait. Calm temper >> Number scales are so arbitrary to me and my personality traits are dependent on situation, person, etc. None of this is set in stone like I’m some kind of character trope. Skipping. Charm Cheerfulness Confidence Courtesy Curiousity Forgiveness Generosity Greed Helpfulness Honesty Loyalty Optimism Patience Self-sacrafice Wit
Where were you born and raised? >> New Jersey. Briefly describe your family. >> I really would rather not. You must choose one - your childhood was calm/peaceful or tragic/turbulent? >> My assessment of my childhood is extremely unreliable because I really wasn’t too present for most of it. I spent most of my childhood inworld. Outworld was just this incomprehensible mess that I couldn’t make any sense of until well into adulthood. Did you have any rolemodels? >> No. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? >> Hmm. How did it affect you? >> All in all, I had a maladaptive development, still have remnants of post-traumatic behaviour, and still lack the ability to form healthy emotional bonds with other people. Have you ever had any recurring nightmares or themes in nightmares? >> I mean, maybe when I was younger, but I don’t remember. What were they? >> ---
Do you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend? >> Something like that. Do you have any close friends? >> No. Briefly describe your best friend: >> --- Any enemies? >> No. What’s even the point, really. Who? What are they like? >> --- Would you risk your life for your best friend?(not lover or family member!) >> I... can’t imagine risking my life for anyone. With who was your most important romantic relationship? >> --- Of what are you most proud? >> I don’t know. I guess the fact that I kept living, and kept fighting for a better day. Of what are you most ashamed? >> Maybe that I can’t just... fix everything wrong with me through brute force, by myself. Which is stupid, because no one can do that. But I feel like I have no other choice, so if I can’t fix me, then...????
Alignment, Ethics and Religion
What is your religion? >> I am my own religion. --Facetious answers aside, I don’t have a religion because none of them suit me. At best, I’d be a syncretist, but mostly I’m just irreverent. Where do you stand on abortion? >> I am pro-choice. Where do you stand on the death penalty? >> I really don’t see a point to it. I mean, I can see what other people regard as the point, but it doesn’t sway me personally. Where do you stand on wearing fur? >> I really don’t care. Wear all the fur you want; that’s not a hill I care to die on. Do you have a moral code that you follow? What? >> Meh, not really. My take on morality is really just... everything is situation-dependent and moral codes are always subject to revisions -- and when people refuse to revise them, messy shit tends to happen. Could you kill somebody? >> I mean, maybe. For what reason would you kill somebody? >> I don’t know. I feel like self-defense would be a pretty solid reason for me to kill someone. But if I’m honest, “curiosity” is just as solid a reason, for someone like me. (Fortunately for everyone involved, the law exists, and I like my freedom.) Would you SERIOUSLY CONSIDER killing anybody right now? >> No. Do you trust easily, or not? >> Not. What are your political beliefs (anarchy, communism, democracy etc.)? >> I have no political beliefs. I literally could not be bothered to give a fuck, and I certainly couldn’t imagine seriously arguing with someone about this shit. What, if anything, WOULD you sacrifice your life for? >> I really can’t imagine sacrificing my life for anything. My life is the most important thing to me, and it’s the only one I’ve got. Would you ever, for any reason, abandon your friends in an hour of need? >> I mean, yeah, there are certainly situations and unforeseen circumstances that would necessitate me abandoning a friend in their hour of need. But I think I would do my best to not do that unless it was extremely necessary.
What are your dreams/ambitions/goals? >> Hm. How do you plan to reach them? >> --- How would your ideal partner look? >> *insert a picture of Cenarius from World of Warcraft here*
Do you ever want to have a family someday? With children? >> Oh, I don’t know. I think a lot about what it would be like to raise a child with all my sensory issues and... unorthodox approaches to life. I’m still not entirely convinced I could do it, especially if I’m the only parent at home most of the time. I’d prefer to help raise a child, like in a communal kind of setting, and contribute to the child’s development by being someone who will encourage their creativity and curiosity and sense of wonder and sense of humour. But the real messy shit (literally) about raising children? The noise and smells and dirt and all of that? I’d do it if I could, but I’m pretty sure it’d be at least mildly disturbing for a child to see their parent or parental figure having a meltdown while trying to clean up after them. Children tend to take shit like that real personally and there’d be nothing I could do to persuade them otherwise. Who would you want to start this family with, or do you not yet know? >> --- What would stop you from reaching your goals (e.g. death, retirement fund)? >> --- What do you see yourself doing next year? >> I have no real comprehension or concept of anything past a couple of weeks into the future, at most. What do you see yourself doing in twenty years? >> See above. Would you ever have an affair? >> I’m not in a strict monogamous relationship, so that’s not even necessary. Would you ever have a one night stand? >> No, those days are over. What are your greatest fears? >> A bad death is a great fear of mine. I don’t think I’m particularly afraid of death itself, I’m just afraid of a bad death.
More information
If you had a month of nothing (no work, no obligations) what would you do? >> My life is mostly like that already. How do you relax? >> Eh, it depends. What one thing would you change in this world (free Tibet, abolish Sweden)? >> *amused look at “abolish Sweden”* I don’t have anything like that. Would you ever choose a career or job where your life was at risk? >> No. How would you like to be remembered after your death? >> I think I would just settle for being remembered for a while. I don’t like to focus too much on how I’m seen by other people, because that’s completely out of my control. Plus... I’ll be dead. It’s not like I’ll ever find out how people remember me, so what’s the point in caring?
Random questions
Where you present at any major historical events (e.g. 9/11)? >> Nope. How did they affect you? >> --- Do you have any famous relatives? >> Not that I know of. Wouldn’t really care if I did, either. Do you have to try and live up to your family’s expectations? >> --- Are you a loyal member of any organizations? >> No.
General Information
Name: >> Mordred. Age: >> 31. Date Of Birth: >> May 28. Race: >> Black. Height: >> 5′5″. Weight: >> 148lbs. Are you happy with this? >> No, but I’m trying really, really hard not to hyperfocus on it, because all it’ll lead me to do is punish myself and we’re trying to move away from that kind of behaviour. Desired weight: >> 130lbs. Sexual orientation: >> Inworlders only. First language: >> English. Second/Third/Fourth etc. languages (if any): >> --- Why did you take this survey? >> It looked interesting enough, and I hadn’t already taken it.
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writingdreamdaddy · 6 years
Oh! A new blog! Hello, im glad people are still producing ddadds content :) Id like to request maybe, like. How the dads spend a free day woth dadsona? Like. Theyre all busy and have their own things going on, but what happens when its just a random day, their kids are away for whatever reason (maybe a sleep over or something) and they suddenly find themselves with unexpected free time?
Ahhh i love this kinda stuff! I hope i did the ask some justice. (All the kids are out of it except River because she’s a baby and the best thing in the game)
               Theoverhang’s beauty never ceased to amaze you. Every season, any time of day, itwas the most beautiful spot. Usually Robert would take you here late at night whenhe couldn’t sleep or needed a distraction. Lately he took you up here just tospend time with you and recollect himself. As he recovered, you two came uphere earlier and earlier as his sleep schedule slowly started to get back in rhythm.You two hadn’t been able to spend much time together as of late with Amandacoming home for break and Robert making trips up to Val’s, but eventually youtwo found time; when you did, he took you to the overhang. Spending time withRobert was always cherished. It was simple, it was calm, and today it was 7pm.The days were shorter, and the sun was setting, covering the dying leaves in agolden hue. Many yellow and orange leaves still clung to trees, some mixed onthe ground with the brown leafs or floated in the bay below. Robert told youhis favorite season was fall because the dead wood was good for whittling andplentiful. Definitely not because he kinda liked the color yellow, thedrive up to the overhang was breathtaking with the color change, and watchingBetsy play in the leaf piles or eat them was the cutest thing in the world. Youtwo were sitting in the back of his pickup truck with an ugly thick wool red blanketcovering you two. He wanted to come up here to spend time with you, so he wasn’twhittling or broodily staring off into the distance. Instead you two had discussionsabout this, that, and the other thing, with long breaks of silence in between. Hewas healthier and happier and laughing. Nothing made you smile bigger. When thesun nearly disappeared into the bay, you scooted a little closer to him andrested your head on his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around you and pulled youthat much closer. “Sorry we haven’t spent a lot of time together,” your voicewas raspy and tired. When you looked up at Robert, he was watching thecity light up with a small smirk on his face. With that, the two of you sat in silenceonce more, enjoying the time together.
Matt –
               Matexited his kitchen with two steaming mugs and handed one to you. The roads werecovered in ice with an overnight snow storm and nearly every shop and everyschool was closed; that included the Coffee Spoon. Camensita wanted to spendher snow day playing outside with the other kids, and Mat wanted to spend hiswith you. Nothing special was planned since it was so last minute, but a Pixarmovie was picked out and he put extra marshmallows in your hot cocoa. It was aday spent on the couch wrapped in several blankets, eating left over Chinesefood, and laughing at the movies you two picked out. Spending time with you wasthe most relaxing thing Mat could do. He didn’t get many days off, and eventhough you visited him at the Coffee Spoon often, time like this was stillprecious. You couldn’t cuddle up on the couch the entire day at work. He couldn’tlaugh loudly and critique every movie that played at work, and he most definitely could not kiss you the way hedoes at home, at work.
               You andJoseph were on the dock. It was mother’s day weekend so the kids were with Marytoday. It was the first day Joseph had nothing to do in weeks. This Saturday was the only day he had off until Churchservice tomorrow. You both had your pants rolled up and your legs were hangingof the edge as you looked out into the water. He was exhausted and stressed outbeyond belief, which is why you dragged him out here. You were going to forcehim to relax damnit. Usually when youtwo had free time like this you would actually go on the boat, or go out fordinner, or just sit in his backyard and talk by a fire. Today was different. Atfirst it was nice and silent, just sitting next to each other and enjoying oneanother’s company. Then you scooted closer to him and you two exchanged a kissor two and you’d tell a fact about whales every now and then. You two startedgossiping about the neighbors and Joseph would start venting about everythingand everyone. You two talked the day away before retreating to the boat forsome drinks and much needed sleep. The free day wasn’t spent doing anythingextravagant, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t perfect.
               Springbreak was a blessing to Hugo. He had nowhere to be and nothing to grade, andthis year was his ex-husbands turn to take Ernest on vacation. That left himwith a little over a week to do whateverhe wanted, within the legal system of course. That mostly meant watching old wrestling matches he had recorded or writing like he usually does, but this time he was only in hisunderwear, and he was only in his underwear all the time. He got boredimmediately though and anxiously waited for your day off to come. When it finally did,he wanted to do everything. He justwanted to get out of the house. So you two went to the movies, the museum, shopping,and ended it with a lovely dinner. It was an exhausting day for both of you.The two of you wound up at your house since Hugo was still a little stir-crazy.You had changed into pajama pants and a t-shirt, and Hugo changed into a shirtyou lent him. The two of you laid in bed, you were playing with his hair andlaughing at the comments he made, or the facts he told. You curled up next tohim and shut your eyes but continued to talk about why The Undertaker and JohnCena were overrated with him. And this was the part of the day he remembered.Sure, the movie was fun, and the amount of useless knowledge you had aboutrandom things was entertaining in the museum, and yeah the sunglasses youbought today were absolutely ridiculous and made him laugh on the ride home when you wore them proudly. But it was watching you tiredly smileup at him, attempting to braid his hair and failing horribly, and you gentlykissing him goodnight. That’s what he took away from today.
               Tonightwas date night and Lucien had left to spend the night at some friend’s house;the stars were aligning. It had been weeks since you two had gotten together todo something stupidly romantic and he was going to make it special. He cleanedthe house, cooked your favorite meal, and set his table with the finest thingshe owned. The night went by smoothly; eating and drinking and enjoying theothers company as if no time had passed. He didn’t want it to end so quickly.Dinner was done, the dishes were done, and the closing hour of the date wascoming up. He dreaded the thought of you leaving. The animal shelter has beenbusy as of late, which is great! It just eats up any available time he has, andthe chance of your schedule lining up with his, on date night. It was a miracle that was going by too fast. You werechatting away on the couch, talking about Amanda, work, and everything thatcame into your conscious stream of thought. He missed this, missed you. So when you got up to leave, heimmediately asked if you wanted to spend the night, to which you gladlyaccepted. That’s when Damien realized he spent most of the date worrying aboutit ending rather than enjoying it, so he was going to soak in every momentforward. You two got ready for bed together and made it as extravagant aspossible. The two of you would take a bubble bath together with face-masks onand wine in hand. You laughed together and talked about life and how busy it hadgotten. When you got out the conversation would continue while laying on top ofthe bed. It was well past midnight by the time you two finally got in thecovers and went to sleep with smiles on your faces.
               Heneeded a day off. Even after the talk you guys had about him working himselftoo hard and not doing enough for himself, he was still the busy workout dadwho did everything. Just a little less than he did before. You had convincedhim to take a day off the weekend the kids were going to softball camp. Theidea of another camping trip sounded fun but needed some time to prepare for itwhich neither of you did. Nothing was packed, and finding a babysitter forRiver on such short notice would be even more stressful. He needed to dosomething other than work at his house or work at the gym. It was nice outsideso the thought of going for a walk crossed you lips, going out for dinnercrossed his, and so on and so forth. You sat on the deck chairs in Craig’s backyard trying to come up with a plan. Craig had River bouncing on his knee whileshe played with her stuffed capybara and you watched from where you wereseated. You two were always on the move, always going somewhere or doingsomething. Granted, it was fun to go to softball games, to smugly tell the momsafterwards that Craig wasn’t single anymore, going out for dinner, all of that.It was rare to get free time together, but it was rarer to get free timetogether and use it doing nothing. Soyou laid back in your seat and talked with Craig and occasionally babbled withRiver. You two lounged in the backyard well past Craig’s/River’s usual naptimeas he would tell you over and over while taking another sip of his drink but never doing anything to further the protest.Stories were told, River was played with, and time was wasted perfectly.
               Youwanted to give mini golf another shot. It was embarrassing how bad you did lasttime you went with Brian, Daisy, and Amanda. To redeem yourself, you droveBrian back to the Mini Golf Place while Daisy was at a sleepover and Amanda wasin school. The kids were the real reason you lost, they were a distraction iswhat you told Brian. You two spent hours at the golf course, you lined up everyshot you made and used extra precaution before doing anything. By the time thegame was over, Brian lost and it was definitely not because he let you win. Theride home was you reliving your highlights from the day and Brian smiling andcommenting how great you were. You were something else, but Brian wouldn’t haveit any other way. Seeing you proud of yourself was look he’d love to see youwear every day.
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notsureyetis · 2 years
time flies
its engines explode
it crashes into a mountain
there is one survivor
it is william shatner
pill yam cat nerf
fill your pockets wiw diamonds
fidget man
cat waaaaaaa
why do we write if not to pass information
what information do i share
in formation
be yon say
taking liberties
it’s clear that i do not know [most] of what i discuss
and yet  i discuss
pretty sus
sussy baka
sussy baguette
when did
i can see the trees in the forest
dumb neurotypicals are in forest but they can’t even see the trees
dumb dums
torrentila rain
tortilla brain
marbella frame
jason sta
they tham
wham’s 1994 single
wouldn’t want to be with you
busted 2004 single
it sucks to be near you
oasis 1988
why fly if you are william
cat purr
i take expensive baths in expensive jellies
i have an expensive rash from expensive jellies
my mother is in my womb
in 6 months i will birth tham
in 10 years we will be able to communicate
but by then tham may be dead
never saw that movie
black panther
in my eyeballs
why roll
why do my eyes roll
when i pull them out and put them on a marble run
fleshy gritty black rotten sediment
leaves oily marks along the tubes
i cannot see
o r c a n i n o t b e
fleas infest
dogs incest
i am berest
jesus wept
jesus wept when he saw me
not we
i wept when i saw me
how expensive is my freedom?
we take
we break
we flake
on our plans
thought disposition
my imposition
disgusting thoughts
oh the imposition
jesus moses frozes
frozen toes
arctic explorers have frozen toeses
hairy feet
bear skin
keeps them warm
life at what cost ?
who pays the price for my life
not me that’s for sure
who pays
what pays
at what cost
is my existence
i get tex mex istential every time i go to taco bell
£7 quesadilla box
i should only spend £4
but churros
dulce de lece
i buy quesadillas but who pays for them
and who pays for me?
and who pays steve?
steve connors
steve rojers?
doc martins gay
but are they?
they £120 per pair
it alienates
the queers
it’s all pretty fucked
rub a duck
rub a dick
tug a dick
take my dick off
no seriously ples
but seriously *ples*
it takes 6 hours to turn a d into a p but who does it
and who pays?
the nhs
but who pays
ironic isn’t it that all these transphobic bitches are the ones paying the taxes that pay for my pussy
jk rowling paid for my pussy
torrential brain
torrential pain
2 polar bears
bi 2 po be a bear share
care bears
but who pays?
not me that’s for fuckking sure
i don’t pay for shit
except for my pringles
and choco milk
and blueberries
and apartment
and BLT
and phone
and the hotel i’m in
cost of admission to planet earth
is a life of servitude
that’s from a song
kind of
in my brain
a brain song
a brainy shlong
brain dick
brain balls
dysphoria takes its tolllls
on my boules
it’s’ thursday my dudes
apprentice final
but when will it end?
10pm gmt
but when will it end?
when lord sugar dies
god that names so fucking stupid it makes me cringe every time i hear it
i probs shouldn’t say that unless tumblr is monitored by him
thank you for coming to my throbbing red cock
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