#oh should i use her fanart tag on this?
katanasspirits · 4 months
"Oh my god i have so many wips and i havent posted finished art in a hot minute cause im working on so many personal projects-"
Supprise fanart for twitch streamer the PartyDemoness
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ofantediluvian · 2 months
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The littlest things give Dove euphoria
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fumifooms · 3 months
What do you think of Lamari (Laios and Namari)? Both as a ship and the relationship between the two.
I don’t like it sorry broski 😔 Seeing them interacting in ep 9 again made me see the appeal more, it’s cute how they interact, how they trust each other’s abilities and judgement! But ship wise…… I can’t. I’ve been seeing cute fanart of them around though, and I know a few people on discord that like them too. Like hmmm I guess I can see the appeal in the dynamic even if it doesn’t grab me but I can’t form a narrative for them… Usually I need both to truly get into a ship, a dynamic I find fun or interesting + some sort of progression and impact it’d leave on the characters, I don’t really see the character/relationship arc that’d happen, or at least not one eventful enough for me. When it comes to how I think their relationship is during canon, I see it as being professional and hinting at maybe friends, a neutral rather than negative thing mind you.
With Laios, well I’ve spoken about his character and arc before a bunch, but with Namari the part that interests me most is the whole exile thing, how she works hard to fit in both with keeping a good work reputation and shaving, for example, and how she’s not all that good with it because of presumably her bold personality... Because of this and more, and spoilers but I’ve planning on making a rarepair post about it for a while, I like shipping her with Toshiro mainly. I think that she balances out his doormat tendency but his cool attitude would be soothing and grounding and- Well gdbdgdg you see how it is. And to a certain extent I can see why people would want to apply the same logic to lamari, but… I don’t even think Namari and Laios would be able to bond over both being foreigners much tbh, I feel like Laios would sort of remain an odd mystery to her and though they could connect in a weird roundabout way I don’t think they’d exactly understand each other— and see this is the part of lamari appeal I get, the sort of tentative tension of "oh you actually respect me. That feels… Rare. And nice." Thouuugh like I was saying to be fair, it’s true Laios also tries and fails to fit in so that could be an interesting angle to go at it with. I think Namari wants stability and I just don’t really think it complements Laios well. I think trust’s the most important thing with Laios so on his side him liking her enough to be interested or open to a relationship I could see, though in a kinda mild and dry way imo… Like with Laios especially when defining how he and someone fall in love, there are sort of two modes right, and of course these coexist to some degree, but there’s Laios being his partner’s silly goober, and there’s Laios being very mature, more of his subdued stoic but composed self, all king-like, the more like connecting through meaningful conversations side. And idk how to put it into words but with lamari, I feel like Namari being paired with him doesn’t give a fresh spin on the former, and with the latter I feel like they’d always keep missing each other halfway communication wise, I don’t see them ever getting to that level where they deeply intuitively know and understand each other and how they work, maybe Laios -> Namari yes but Namari -> Laios I don’t see it, like I said I think it’d remain like, a mystery that nags at her and she might feel attracted if anything, but I can’t see them as more than casually dating idkk idk.
Namari has that fun ‘gets fired up about what odd things Laios is doing and reigns him back in’ dynamic but it’s something that literally so many other characters have too. I’m not knee deep into Namari yet so who knows maybe I have a wrong angle, but I did start giving her some thoughts bc I have a fic I have in mind for toshimari I wanna do. But yes it’s cute how protective she can get even if it’s shouty or tough love, like how she looks out for Laios’ equipment and for him not to get scammed, or brings in Toshiro here in the convo because she doesn’t want Toshiro to do his conflict avoidance thing and not stand up for himself & stay in the party even if it sucks hah. That bold borderline rude protective personality of hers with that awkwardness with intimacy/non-professional relationships is what’s unique to her I think, but yeah the laios & namari duo strikes me as strangely distant yet strangely interested coworkers who exhange glances over the cashier desk but personally I can’t see myself doing anything with that.
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I’m not here to say it’s a bad ship or anything obviously! It just really doesn’t call to me personally and I don’t see stuff with them that I’d find interesting to analyze, if anything it’d involve the wider party a lot. I do want to make a masterpost on Laios’ career history and the old members of his party so I might analyze how Namari and he interact in those pre-canon comics idk. But yeahh like I find nothing to dig deeper at personally, you could make cute fics of them hinting at interest between the two, if Laios went to get drinks with her at a tavern etc etc, but all I see with them is just what canon straightforwardly showed us and I don’t get the urge to explore the possibility of them at all.
Sorry to disappoint, but yeah I won’t be a good source of lamari content or thoughts. I have wayy too many drafts I actually want to get out so I’ll be storing further Laios & Namari analysis for a big maybe, one day. I feel so bad I really hate to be negative at all and as a fellow rareshipper I send u my best wishes truly, good luck y’all deserve fellow stans and content. Feel free to leave pro-lamari arguments in the comments or reblogs if you want idm but preferably not asks (and just don’t be aggressive & don’t expect me to respond/react 🫶) like truly this post isn’t meant as a diss but anon asked me about my personal thoughts so… I love youuu lamaris hope y’all thrive 🙇🙇
Trying to think of crumbs and it’s true she blushed when she saw him in his cape at the end so y’all got that W. Namari having a thing for tallmen is so real
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Edit: oh she went with him for equipment shopping… Ok that’s cute
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emile-hides · 1 year
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I’ve gotten myself very attached to my own fanon versions of Metal Mario and Gooigi, so might as well throw the rest of the Gadd family into it.
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birchisnotokay · 1 year
no way bro.........poly threat fan children..IN VALENTINES ?!
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zaptrap · 5 months
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You’ve got ships! You’ve got adopted kids! You’ve got old man snail yaoi!!! I hope you all enjoy and have a happy new year! 🩷❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜🖤🩶🤍🤎 HD version here since y’all know how tumblr is LMAO
(Tag with any ships you want! Ship hate will be blocked lmao)
Artists commentary under the cut 🩷
There wasn’t supposed to be 26 characters in this. It was just gonna be the core 6, and then I was like “what if wyldfyre was here! I should probably add sora and arin too! Oh pixal can’t forget about her! May as well add morro while I’m at it! And Geo and his kids!” And then 25 characters later my bestie @dojothegreat was like “you gotta add the snail man” and I was like “fuck I gotta add the snail man” so now there’s 26 fucking characters here!!! AND I DREW THEM ALL!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHHGHGHGH *dies*
Just tagging all the characters is gonna be awful. My heart goes out to all the people who tag just the core 4 with multiple things lmao….. let alone………..everyone else………not even including all the sub ships lmfao……… god fucking help us all :’D
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loudclan-clangen · 3 months
Hey there!
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Checking out Loudclan? That's great! Thanks so much!
Loudclan was originally planned to be drawn as I played the game like most other clangen blogs... Then I got frustrated about how slow it was moving and played ahead. Just a little bit, nothing to worry about, only about 1000 moons. So this blog should be running for A WHILE. I also take pretty big liberties with the designs and events. I think it's more interesting that way! Also it's been several real life months since I started playing and some things I just... forgot. Or lost. Either way, it's fun to stretch my creative skills.
As for the mechanics of the blog:
General Content Warnings Include:
Death, Animal Death, (Cat Death specifically), Death in Childbirth, Violence, Murder, Illness, Gore, Bad Parenting, Cheating, Affairs, Drama, Cursing, Language, Dirty Jokes, ECT. (if i missed something please let me know)
Updates are not going to be on a consistent schedule... ever. I'm a college student. I just don't have the time or energy.
The style is going to vary wildly. It's been years since I've consistently drawn cats and I wasn't ever really happy with the way I did it back then anyway. Come along for the ride with me! I'm just as surprised by what my hands create as you guys!
Loudclan is set in a fictional location that is based on South Central Alaska. A group of rogues fled up the mountains to get away from the deep snows of the valleys at the beginning of a particularly harsh winter. The clan follows three "Leaders" in the form of the Leader, the Lead Healer, and the Lead Mediator. These leaders will each pass their position on to their oldest heir, the closest related member of their direct family. Issues regarding what happens when two cats have similar claims have yet to be sorted out by the clan, and may never be fully decided... *insert mysterious foreshadowing sounds*
If you are interested in more of a deep dive into the lore check out this post: Lore, or anything tagged #loudclanlore .
Want to see a list of all of the Loudclan cats? Go here: Allegiances.
Asks are welcome! I will do my best to answer them quickly and efficiently! I am happy to talk about characters, art, process, gameplay, pretty much anything. (I probably won't be showing sprites though, just because I've played ahead so far and a not insignificant amount of them are just... gone. Lost to the ether. Sacrificed so that my laptop could keep running the game.) All asks are tagged #loudclanasks .
Also fanart/writing/edits are more than welcome! You guys are so cool and talented and I am honored that you would want to make something based on my dumb little pixel cats. Referencing or imitating my style/designs/layout is absolutely allowed, just make sure to mention me so I don't miss them! All fan contributions are tagged #loudclanfan .
I will never complain about anyone "blowing up my notifications" or spam liking. I think it's so neat to see people go through the blog liking as they go. Don't worry about it. I enjoy seeing you enjoy my work!
A little bit about me, you can call me "D"! I use any pronouns, I'm pretty ambivalent about them but the majority of people use she/her for me and I'm fine with that. I'm 20, I live most of the time in Alaska and part time on a ranch in Texas and I'm working on my BA in Elementary Education. I started reading Warriors in 2nd Grade and stopped in 6th Grade but the brain worms never die. If you know me in real life no you don't: It took me all of high school to kill the furry allegations I'm not going through that again. Oh, and my main blog is @restinginpiecesofpizza but warning, there's spoilers for Owlstar's family tree for like 8 generations posted on there.
Anyway, thanks for checking out my blog! I hope you enjoy!
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marclef · 26 days
new About Me post time!!!
hello there! i'm Marclef/Marcus/Marc/whatever you wanna call me, i'm 24 yrs. old, he/him pronouns, and welcome to my blog! here i mainly post fanart as well as dumb things i like, here's a little bit about me!
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my biggest interest right now is Pizza Tower, which is probably what most stuff i draw is gonna be, but i may end up doing more in the future! the main tag you can find all of my art here is #my art !
i also do a lot of OC art! the OC i post most about is Eyhm the Cat, who i've been mainly using for Pizza Tower art lately! here's some information/references for her though if you need them!
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feel free to draw her (and any other OCs i might post) if you want, i absolutely love seeing other people's art!!
BUT, importantly, here's some important Rules and information you'll need to know while you're here!
i'm proudly and openly Transmasc! 💙💗🤍💗💙 this means you'll probably see me reblogging a lot of silly posts and art i can relate to. if you have a problem with that, i strongly suggest you leave. ANY hate or otherwise offensive speech i see on here will result in an automatic block!
as an adult, i may also sometimes reblog/draw some raunchier content, so if you're younger, please be aware of that! i WILL allow those 17 and younger to follow me, as long as you behave and don't get upset just for the "weirder" things i might post! once again, any misbehaving here will result in a block!
on a similar note.... i will admit that i'm kinda a big Weirdo sometimes. but, if i ever draw/post something that's especially weird, i will make sure to properly warn you about it, so if you still look at it and get weirded out, that's on you!!! please do not leave any rude/weird comments on anything i post or reblog though. likewise, any disrespectful comments on any art here (mine or otherwise) will likely result in a block, so PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL!
i'm still a little shy around new people, but i do like getting messages and talking about my art! feel free to send me asks/messages about stuff, i'll do my best to respond! if i don't, either i don't want to answer, or i'm too nervous to respond right away, but i do see everything that gets sent to me! i might be a bit slow to respond to asks as well, please be patient, but i will try to answer as many of them as i can!
i'm open to art trades, but be aware that i usually only accept if you ask for characters i know! generally this means OCs or characters from stuff mentioned above, i'm more likely to respond if you're somebody i know as well. sorry, i'm still a bit socially anxious, so please don't get upset if i don't respond to you about them!
any other questions you might have though, feel free to ask!
oh, and here's some important links to look at as well!! ⬇⬇⬇
My KO-FI (please feel free to support my art if you like it!!!)
My Artfight
Pizza Towerria (Pizza Tower texture pack for Terraria)
Fake Peppino for Don't Starve Together
other than that, as long as you follow my rules and respect everything, we should be good here! have fun checking out my blog, and feel free to message me with art requests if you'd like! but... HAVE FUN!!! ✨✨✨
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eminsunnytoons123 · 3 days
@splashy900 @kxllboii @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sayuri-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @itsmyaltaccountforshiitybloglol0 @ducktoonz903707 @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @diego-r-the-artist-2009 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu @leafith @bluebird-in-a-cagedrawing @muppet-fan-frr @thegroovyskull @blo0st4r @vickymcsworld @fancytigercupcake And @muppet-fan-real And @cheezekennith
This isnt really something dangerous, but...
Y'all, we gotta give Class of 3000 some more attention!
I know I tagged y'all yesterday again in all the Melanie Martinez songs I relate to, but oh well ^/////^; And y'all gotta hear me out on this one
So, I have now gotten to deviantart again but without an account on my computer because I wanted to look at some class of 3000 fanart, And I noticed that theres mostly with The Main cast (sunny, lil' D, philly Phil, Madison, Eddie, tamika, kim And kam), And not really with other characters such as: Salieri, lil' G, Freddie, Brooklyn Bill, Addison, Bambi, jim And Jam, cheddar man "Charles", mila... Etc the characters I Drew. And lots of People in class of 3000 community fan-girl And fan-boy over Madison, And even make fetish arts out of her, not only her, but also kim And tamika. And that really bothered me... But its Nice that they made lots of funny, innocent And cute scenarios And fanart of class of 3000 Main cast, And I even saw FOUR fanarts of kaylie
But I wanna say that we all should make fanart of class of 3000 here too since muppets is mostly trending here on tumblr... And I say....
But no like, I really wanna see more fanart of class of 3000 characters, not only the Main cast, but even the characters I Drew for 'co3k: back to the SING!', im not forcing my loved ones in my tumblr family to do that tho, this is just an offer And an reminder because this is my wish too since eid Mubarak olsun is now gonna start on june 16th =^_^=
And if y'all wanna make fanart out of class of 3000 here on tumblr, y'all can use the deviantart link I now puted here on this post as inspirations, And even use 'co3k' And 'class of 3000' tag =^///^=
And! I was imagining class of 3000 in an anime style, And I have even saw two fanarts of anime styled class of 3000, one with Sunny, And one with Madison. =^/////^=
Even 'co3k: back to the SING!' will have the artstyles And movements between an cartoony And anime artstyle since I have both an 'anime-ish And cartoon-ish' artstyle, And I was thinking of giving Sunny his natural short hair, because its literal pain to draw his hair ^///^;
And from now on, I'll even use 'co3k' tag when posting class of 3000 related stuff too =^_^= but remember, my first tag of class of 3000 is still 'class of 3000'
And I really hope I'll see some class of 3000 fanarts here on tumblr too, since tumblr has always been my home since september 24th of 2022... 🤞😖🤞
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And also!
~Heres some of my wishes about class of 3000 for this month since its gonna be eid Mubarak olsun~
Number 1 - to see more class of 3000 characters fanart And even some scenarios of them, And possibly even in anime artstyle since Im planning to make them in anime artstyle
Number 2 - being asked about my class of 3000 AU's by my loved ones in my tumblr family or literally any class of 3000 fans that are curious about my class of 3000 AU's And even 'co3k: back to the SING!'
Number 3 - (before I start, if y'all wanna make class of 3000 fanarts similar to these I found on deviantart, just let me know that ya made them, either send me the post on private messages or even @ me in the post ^_^ And again, Im not forcing or anything. Just offering some love for class of 3000.) Seeing class of 3000 arts such as these from deviantart:
Crossover comics with class of 3000 And more characters y'all like ↑
Anime styled ↑
Headcanon or Canon ships ↑
Crossovers again ↑
Redraw scenes from the Show ↑ this example from ETAlternative I gave is probably from the Show or not ^^;
RP like drawn, something like "doki doki literature Club" And more anime RP games
Number 4 - Seeing fanarts of MY And even some canon class of 3000 ships here on tumblr
Number 5 - after making the Main cast of class of 4000, I wanna see some fanarts And RESPECT for my class of 4000 characters like for the moopets, whatnots, teppums And parodies
Number 6 - Seeing some class of 3000 cosplays, not only Sunny cosplays. And maybe even Seeing Salieri And his students cosplays
Number 7 - Seeing some class of 3000 fanfics And Journal stories, maybe even some from Anna @aquamarine-dream-queen
Number 8 - Seeing artworks And stories of class of 4000 characters, like, moony And his students (And dont worry, i'll draw philly phil's, tamika's, eddie's, kim And kam's whatnot Brothers And Sisters counterparts And the rest of the cast =^///^=)
I know that thats a lot of wishes And desires I want for class of 3000, but they really need some attention and love like the muppets, And again, Im not forcing any of my loved ones in my tumblr family to do it, but I would be very flattered if they do these ^////^; 💛🧡
Thats all I have to say for this topic! I may make another post like this later =^_^=
I hope y'all will like this wishes And desires I have, And thanks for listening~ =^////^= 🧡💛♥️
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fatuifucker · 2 years
People replying to heizou birthday fanart by r34 of the fanart ON THE OFFICIAL ACC, its so funny I swear to God 😭😭
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heizou x gn reader (no specific dom/sub dynamics)
SUMMARY = giving his birthday treat under the table
WARNINGS = smut, oral (reader giving), office sex, slight exhibitionism, they/them pronouns used for reader
W/C = 0.5k
A/N = I wrote this during a heavy storm, it was really nice and relaxing :) I love calming storm days
TAGS = @midnxght-sweet-time, @zen-daydreams, @edenialucas, @urcatbf, @nejibot
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Heizou quivers; quivers like a lone leaf on a branch in a blustering Inazuman storm. His cheeks are hot, a lovely rubescent red tinting his cheeks while the corner of his lips twitches.
“Soo are you hanging out with (Name) later?”
The detective stiffly nods. “Yeah, I thought it would be nice to catch up with them since I’ve– hgh, b-been busy with investigations lately. You should see the number of cases I’ve taken on this… week."
“Ohh that’s why you are acting all weird today!” the voice exclaims, snapping her fingers. “Paimon was wondering why you’re all red and shaky today. Still, Paimon didn’t think you were the type to overwork yourself like this.”
“Oh, so you’ve noticed?” He forces a laugh. “Sorry, I didn’t want to make you worry. Besides, (Name) will…ahem, take care of me so I’m in good hands.”
Oh he is in very good hands.
“Did you purposely get yourself sick so (Name) would care for you?” the Traveller spoke, dismay in their tone.
“Now, now, isn’t it perfectly normal to yearn for your lover’s attention?” The detective forces another laugh. “S-speaking of which, I should get ready. I don’t want to keep them– mmm, waiting.”
“Alright, we won’t hold you any longer! Thanks for the book, Heizou!”
The door clicks shut and the room goes quiet. Heizou flops over his table, groaning as he clings onto the edges. Underneath it, a person chuckles in amusement.
“Lying through your teeth while you’re cumming in your lover’s mouth? What a smooth talker you are, Doushin Shikanoin.”
“Hey, it’s your fault for making me cum while they were there.” The doushin playfully glares at you as he wipes the residue off the side of your mouth.
“You lent them the novel, huh?” you ask. “I’m glad, I really liked that one.”
“It’s boring.”
“Well, naturally getting blown is more exciting than any novel.” You rolled your eyes before taking Heizou’s tip in your mouth.
“Always so brazen, my (Name).”
“Says the one who asked me to give them a blowjob under the table,” you hum as you take him completely, sending the vibrations down Heizou’s dick.
His body shivers, still sensitive from his previous orgasm. You spare him no mercy, bobbing your head up and down his cock — wasn’t too big yet wasn’t small either — and batting your eyelashes at him. He feels hyperaware of the way his blood is rushing down all at once, his dick throbbing in your mouth as you drool all over it. Archons, he loves it when you put on a show.
“(Name), if you keep doing that I’m– mmm! G-gonna cum again…” he pants, stroking your head to urge you on.
Heizou clings onto the slide of the chair, arching back as he nears his limit. He blows his load in your mouth, and you moan at the salty taste on your tongue. A mixture of spit and semen surges down your throat as you swallow with loud gulps for extra effect. A pop resounds in the room as you detach from his cock, a devilish grin present as you stuck your tongue out.
“Hehe, good job,” Heizou purrs as he picks you up on his lap. “Now, why don’t we continue this at home?
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twig-tea · 4 months
Tagged by @lurkingshan and @stuffnonsenseandotherthings to dig into the vault. Friends, I have been Perpetually Online since 1995, when that meant I had to haunt my school library computer at lunchtime, so this is going to be for the fellow Olds. Sorry in advance for the HP mentions.
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Have I let any ships go? Hmm. I'll go with Mulder/Scully from X-Files. Watching now, they should definitely not end up together lol
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Sailor Mercury/Sailor Jupiter from Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon. I. Was. Obsessed. This ship hit me like a ton of bricks in I want to say 6th or 7th grade.
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I watched the show as it aired with English dubs, found out the episodes we got were censored, immediately fell into my completionist ways, went to the Asian mall (it was literally pan-Asian with stuff from Japan, China, Taiwain, Korea, etc.) and got definitely not official VCDs with Mandarin subtitles, and would sit with friends who spoke Mandarin and had them translate the subs to English for me (I say this like I forced them, but they offered because they were my friends and they also felt passionately about people seeing the uncensored show). I then learned how to Internet and would trawl for fanpages of the manga (it would take 20 minutes to load an image at the time, so rather than full scanlations I'd get walls of text describing what happened with maybe a single panel illustration). Uranus and Neptune were fantastic, but I already had Ami and Makoto aka Mercury and Jupiter long before I got to the Uranus/Neptune episodes (or the Sailor Stars manga arc).
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Definitely Sailor Moon fanfic was the first fic I read. It was an easy step from finding fan summaries of the chapters not yet out in English > finding fan sites with fanfic on them, back before we had archives or even decent search engines and you had to just find the sites you needed through links from other sites. It was like a whole new world of possibilities opening up. The first real fanfic community I was in was Harry Potter.
In terms of first fic I wrote, I am not a writer; I've only ever written a small handful of not worth mentioning ficlets featuring the Kirk/Spock ship (Star Trek TOS).
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
Oh it was likely Serena/Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon and it was in person, because I had friends who got me into anime and manga early and they were artists who drew a lot of fanart.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Friends, I had a Livejournal. It was impossible not to get into ship discourse.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
I am going to echo @stuffnonsenseandotherthings and @lurkingshan and say I was dead-set against Hermione as a ship with any of the men in Harry Potter (Hermione/Luna or Hermione/Ginny, though, we could talk), and I also really disliked Draco/Ron. I also am not here for Spock/McCoy (Star Trek), and I don't really enjoy Stucky (as in Captain America/Winter Soldier or Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes from Marvel).
OH and can I be a hater on main for a second? The first couple that I remember hating as a thing was probably Jo and Professor Bhaer from Little Women; I was SO MAD they married in the end. I felt very validated years later when I read that the author Lousia May Alcott was forced by her publisher to marry Jo off and made up the couple out of spite.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
The last fic I read was a Word of Honour modern AU pairing Wen Ke Xing/Zhou Zishu in which they rescued stray kittens.
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SInce I started this, I've also read a One Piece Luffy/Zoro fic (and that's not even my favourite ship--I've been a Zoro/Sanji girlie since the early 2000s! I'm weak for banter.)
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I have so many. SO many. Truly. I don't even know where to start with this question! I follow several AO3 tags and fanfic writers that I get regular fic updates from. Most of my OTPs are either canon (from queer/BL/GL media) or the most popular ship (I feel very lucky that my taste is so basic). There is no one couple I love the most. Just going to throw a dart at the board: From BL, the one I come back to a lot is Hira/Kiyoi in Utsukushii Kare, because their dynamic is so intense.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Hmm. That's what fandom is for, so not really? I usually get more annoyed when people do get together that I wish had stayed platonic (never forgiving Pacific Rim for that kiss, it was so unnecessary). And I'm extremely mad about censorship, i.e. couples that DID get together but we didn't get to see it for whatever reason (see e.g. Uranus and Neptune from Sailor Moon Sailor Stars; Chinese danmei novel live-action adaptations). Otherwise there are lots of these but I just read the fanfic and recover. I'll say I'm still annoyed Buffy didn't get to have with Faith what she had with Spike though. Their chemistry was off the charts.
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
This is such a hard question. I came around a little on Lan Xichen/Jiang Cheng from MDZS/the Untamed, though it's still not my fave (it's a soft no not a hard no). I'll also give you an oldie: Andie McPhee and Pacey from Dawson's Creek. I hated Andie's character back in the day but now I like her character but really dislike how she was used in the show, which isn't the same thing. And I actually really liked how she and Pacey worked together.
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I'll also give you a BL one: Kurosawa and Haruta in Ossan's Love. Ossan's Love s1 & 3 it was clear they were not OTP so that's a bit irrelevant anyway, but it's much less clear in s2 (the AU season) and the first time I watched it I wasn't sure how I felt about the way that season ended as much as I loved the season as a whole. I like it more every time I rewatch.
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11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
LOL I am with everyone else on the Brian/Justin train but since that's been said twice I'll go with something else. I was a big Harry/Draco shipper back in the day, which would now probably get me cancelled for shipping someone with his bully (though a significant part of the fun of that ship was about how Draco was such an ineffectual bully...but I digress), in addition to of course how the author's transphobia ruined the whole thing for all of us (fanfic doesn't make her any money, so I don't have a problem continuing to read it in theory, but it's left a sour note over my experience and makes any engagement in that fandom less fun).
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
I was one of those foolish people obsessed with Hawkeye/Coulson before we'd even seen them face-to-face or knew almost anything about MCU Clint Barton. I still read fanfic of that ship even though it's been fully jossed and makes no sense at all anymore. Ok one more, I really love the very small Breakfast Club fandom shipping Brian/John and Claire/Allison. I've read the few fics on AO3 for the queer pair ghost ships in that show multiple times.
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13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
Of all time, I've probably read the most Kirk/Spock fanfic. But that's due to the length of time I've been into the ship, the amount of time it's existed, and its popularity. I still read Kirk/Spock regularly.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
Honestly most can be boiled down to grumpy/sunshine pairs in which both are very competent in specific ways and both are hiding crippling self esteem issues behind their grumpy or sunshine-ness, and have strong but differing moral codes that they each respect in one another (and is usually where the feelings start). Banter is a must. I am admittedly also here for height difference in my ships. Double-plus bonus for terrible communicators who learn to understand one another's particular communication quirks.
Perfect encapsulation of this dynamic is Danny/Steve from Hawaii Five-0 (listen that show was copaganda trash but the fanfic was fun as hell).
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15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Power dynamics that remain unaddressed as part of the story. Hate to love that isn't earned over time. When the relationship makes each other worse rather than better. When they never learn to trust one another. When one of them is in it as part of a savior complex and that doesn't get challenged or worked through. When only one of them has a personality. There's very little that I'd say is a hard no in terms of dynamics or setup for me, but it has to be handled well, and sometimes I don't have the energy to give something the benefit of the doubt.
tagging: @respectthepetty @wen-kexing-apologist @so-much-yet-to-learn @ginnymoonbeam @bengiyo with as always no pressure, plus anyone who sees this who wants to fill it out, consider yourself tagged and let me know so I can see it!
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onepawproductions · 7 months
please dont put ai art in main fandom tags thank you.
Hi, I'm not sure which post or fandom you're referencing? Also not sure what you mean. I don't put random art generated by an Ai on here. I use Ai tools as part of my process to help bring what's in my head to the screen. I have a disability that severely limits the use of my hands, and Ai tools have given me back my ability to create art again. It's been such a blessing to my life, honestly. It was so depressing to spend my entire childhood learning to draw and paint and sculpt, then go to school for it, only to have EDS/MCAS/Epilepsy/detached retinas (amoung other stuff. It sucks, I know) smack me on the nose with a rolled up newspaper in my mid-twenties.
I know there's a lot of misconception about Ai Art right now. What is is, what it isn't. Like those one-shot gens pushed out by people using highly modified ai generators, putting out massive amounts of art that looks super pro but without soul. That's not what I'm doing, but I can totally understand the mixup! What I do doesn't come from a website where a descriptive sentence will give you jaw- dropping art. It's more similar to digital artists using Adobe Photoshop, and is a very involved process requiring days and sometimes weeks of work, several hours a day.
I tried for awhile tho include more about the process, so people can see how hard it is, but this doesn't seem to be the right forum for that. I think Tumblr is maybe more of a "show me the finished stuff" thing? I could be wrong, tho, for sure.
Or, am I miss-tagging? I know a lot of my art is not just fanart, but fanfic fanart. Is that it? I do wanna get my tags right... Hmm
Let me know! Since you posted anonymously, I'm not sure if you'll get a notification of my reply. Go ahead and PM me, if you like. I think I have the PMs open. :)
Meanwhile I'll tag this to the fandoms I'm tryna make inroads with. Maybe someone there will know!
Oh, right. Here are some examples:
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A Harry Potter chapter heading for the fanfiction audiobook Im recording, shown here mid-process. I can see it in my danged ole head, but its over a week in and still struggling. I had to even uninstall/reinstall my entire system when it went belly up due to a bad extension, yargh. The scene is chapter 17 of The Muddy Princess, by Colubrina.
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These are a culmination of about a month of work trying to hone in on Taylor Heberts face. I picture her as an amalgamation of about three different awesome women I've known in my life...plus Claudia Black! I think they're pretty good, but not 100%. I'm still trying to find the right place to post my art and discuss with people, but tumblr seems to be not the place for that sort of thing.
But anyway. Yeah. Where should I sort these so the people who wanna see em can see? Am I getting it right?
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prismatoxic · 9 months
i love tumblr's format at its core and it is my preferred platform for longform rambling but like. the fact that my art gets exponentially more engagement on aethy is definitely making me talk more about my characters on aethy and not here 😭
like tumblr loves fanart and that's fine! i get it, it's the majority of what i engage with on here too, but i'm not like. expecting comments or even reblogs half the time. a like would genuinely go a long way, i just want to feel like i'm not shouting into the void 😔
but maybe my perception is skewed bc i always scroll back through my dash to the last post i saw. with few exceptions i really don't miss posts people i follow are making. but i remember my ex used to follow like, thousands of blogs bc it satisfied her to always have things moving. i got upset once that she never saw a damn thing i posted and she was like, oh, lol, i don't see anything anyone posts.
so, idk. i don't think people should be engaging with my OC bullshit if they're not interested. i'm mutuals with a lot of fandom people who assuredly don't care, and that's genuinely fine. i'm not asking anyone to start caring. but if you do care, if you see my art and it makes you feel some positive emotion, maybe just like it? i promise you don't actually have to say anything or put it on your blog. i just like the reassurance that it's being seen.
i could also stand to tag my OC posts with more things but uh. idk what to use. does anyone even check "original character" or "artists of tumblr" for new content??
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likeastars · 2 years
@incorrect-nevermore your "Duke plays the drums" hc spawned this. Be responsible for your actions.
"So, Duke, why did you start playing the drums?"
"Well, I was a really loud kid and I got into some trouble down the line so... my mom put the sticks in my hand and told me to use all of my energy on the instrument. It worked. It helps me keep my poise, you know? They revoke your french card if you aren't always cool and collected"
"Pluto! You're always very vocal online about your social anxiety and the fact that people should treat it more seriously, so many fans where wondering: how can you remain so calm during your concerts?"
"Do I really have to do this? Oh god. You're filming. Umhhhhhh... I think I just really focus on the music? When I play there's just me and the bass, I guess??? That was dumb. That was so dumb can you PLEASE just cut it-"
"Last but not least, Lenore! Why do you love music so much?"
"It was a way to stick to my parents at first. I didn't want to be like them, with their boring jobs and galas and, well, general classism. But then... it became a way to express myself, an outlet of sorts.
Also, and this is very embarrassing, music  reminds me of a very special person in my life."
"Oh! This will break the heart of many listeners! And who is this special person?"
"She would feed my bones to the birds if I told you, I'm afraid."
"Hi Ada! you and the others were seen so many times with Annabel in official events that people have started to consider you a band! How do you feel about that?"
"Oh it's amazing!!! It's good that people recognise what I, as a manager, bring to the table. AND THE OTHERS TOO OF COURSE. If I'm being completely honest I don't whink that Annabel would be so succesful without us. But here we are!!"
"Prospero, why did you decide to be the financial manager of the group?"
"Because if I hadn't stepped up, Ada would have. And she wouldn't know math even if she read about it in an Instagram post.
I'm not being sexist Annabel! I know you could do this job with your eyes closed! She's just dumber than a sack of bri- ahem. Please do me a favour and cut the last part. Thank you."
"So, Morella! As the latest addiction to Annabel's entourage, tell us: what do you think about her?"
"Well, it's really great working with her, obviously. I love how much she cares about the people that work backstage! It's an honor to have been selected to style her. Whe she told me she doesn't trust anyone else to do it I almost cried!! It's kinda scary to have to coordinate such a big team now, before I worked with a more underground band and there wasn't all of this pressure, but she always has the right word and immediately makes me feel better! She's such a great friend!!!"
"And now, Annabel. We wanted to ask: what does music mean to you?"
"Oh my, what a question. To me music will always be a way to express myself. In the beginning it was just another thing that my parents forced on me, but it became so much more. I've never felt more free, more myself, than when I'm on stage.
And music also means... love, to me. I used to play with a special person, so music in my heart will always be linked to her."
"You are killing us with curiosity now Annabel! Who is the lucky lady who stole your heart?"
"And where would be the fun in revealing that, love?"
The recently crowned walking, talking, breathing lesbian thirst trap Lenore, leader of the indie rock band "the spectreless", with her button ups and low, scratchy voice and the internationally acclaimed queen of pop Annabel Lee, aka "the white lady", with her queen-like attitude and her flawless high notes; what could they ever have in common?
More than anyone could ever imagine, apparently.
An old video of the two of them singing together resurfaces, and they seem to bee quite... intimate?
The internet goes wild.
Theories, fanfiction, fanart and AMVs start popping up, while the tag #whiteraven is trending on twitter.
Ada absolutely hates this situation, and hates even more the thought of having to work with Lenore's barbarians again, hadn't she suffered enough in college??? Unfortunately, she knows good publicity when she sees it, so she takes the hard decision.
They announce a collab.
Now, faced with the hardous task of having to share a myc, will Annabel and Lenore drop their rivalry and work together or stop trying to resist the urge of kissing the other, revealing their relationship to the world?
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codylabs · 3 months
Yo I saw your Bubblegum Crisis fanart a week ago and I thought they were really cool! (yes I know they are old but whatever)
I'm not sure if you still are a fan of the series but I've got a question:
Hypothetically speaking , if BGC was going to release today as say a remake/soft reboot- 12 episodes ideally what would you add or change? (Outside of some obvious things like flashing lights)
Personally I'd make Leon a tad more likeable and give each Knight Saber a bit more development.
I would give the suits ankles.
Define the Sabers' weaponry and equipment a little more rigidly, so that combat sequences can follow a little more internal logic than their current "we've got newer upgraded suits that can punch harder than your lasers can lase" or whatever.
I would make the suits a little bulkier to allow space for internal machinery and enough... Oh heck I won't keep going on about the suits. You saw the fanart so you already know the attributes of my opinions on such matters.
Uhhhh get rid of the topless scenes; for Various Reasons I'm not a big fan of fanservice in general.
Make Mackie and Linna actual characters, with character traits and character arcs and characteristics and stuff. One of the only good things the 2040 reboot did was make Linna a sort of POV character as the only 'normal one.' I thought that worked really well. In the fanfic I wrote, that's how I use her. And Mackie... His big sister is a closeted psychopath with the fortune and propensity to fund a private army, frequently makes him drive through exploding factories in the dead of night, and in the morning he has to... Go to school? Do his friends just think he spends all his time on some obsessive hobby, so when they come over he has to pretend to be some kind of expert in building model trains just to keep up appearances? Do the Sabers go on a mission only to discover they can't fly, because Mackie had hockey practice and forgot to fuel the thermal rockets? Is Sylia on the PTA??? This is comedy gold.
As far as animation style goes, the original nailed it in terms of what I want and what I like. Yeah it would be cheaper today to CGI it, but that sounds worse to me for reasons. And yeah I know how much difficulty and baggage is added to art by costly development, but I want to have my cake and also to eat it. Pwease.
The show is usually fairly good about this next one, but I'll say it because a lot of modern stories fail at it: keep the plot small-scale. The show kind of lost me when they exploded all the Genome buildings around the planet, and the reboot REALLY lost the plot. Like, the protaganists are just one team, they should fight one-team sized threats. Just like Spiderman shouldn't face anyone bigger/badder than Doc Ock, the Sabers shouldn't ever deal with anything bigger than "somebody stole the codes to a military satellite." The codes to a military satellite is big stakes for them. That's a big deal. Their regular fair should be bagging/tagging/pacifying rampant androids or sabotaging corporate mischief. There's tons of ground to explore there. Maybe they can go biggish for a finale. Maybe. If they behave and are good. As a treat.
I like that the original was very episodic. Every episode can stand on its own as a little movie. I like that.
Sylia should appear to testify in court wearing full armor with a darth vader voice synthesizer. Nothing would be funnier than this. The show should be a little funny. It should be a little campy. The cast are all funny people with strong personalities. They should be allowed to be funny.
I disagree that Leon is currently unlikable, I think he's great. Obviously, he's a huge simp and a total tool, but he has tons of good aspects as well, and is an all-around swell dude if he weren't ever exposed to w o m e n. IMO, being a perfectly moral star child isn't what makes a good character, and if he has flaws that's opportunity for growth. But I concede that he does need to do more in the plot though. I'd give him an arc, some development or at least resolution to him and Priss, maybe he figures out Nene's secret ID and acts as their man on the inside, maybe he shows up with the calvary, maybe he's actual useful for once in his life, IDK.
Wild west episode.
Show boomers active in everyday life, I guess. We hear a lot about how useful they are in industry, but all we ever see are state-of-the-art combat models that look all scary, or weird one-offs like illegal vampire hookers. There are innumerable directions you could take domestic androids .
There's probably more I could say, but it's 2 in the morning and I'm pretty much just procedurally generating ideas like an LLM at this point. I still do like this show a lot, though maybe not as much as I once did.
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hazelthevixen · 7 months
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Scorpio Bunny
¡Feliz cumpleaños a mi, ahora tengo 24 años! ヽ(◠ヮ◠)ノ Guess what you guys! :D It's the 29th october today! And you know what that means.. ¬w¬ It's my birthday today! >w< And what better way to celebrate than with a new oc based on my zodiacs! :D This is Scorpio Bunny, she is part scorpion, based off my starsign zodiac, and she is part lionhead rabbit, based on my chinese zodiac :3 I know what rabbit she is, but what kind of scorpion do you think this new girl should be? I'll be open for species ideas on that one ^w^ Feel free to suggest names too! Cos the only name I can think of for her is Scorpio Bunny <X3 She shares the same personality traits as both the rabbit and scorpio :3 I hope you like her! I think she'll remain an oc and not a fursona UwU I am 24 as of today! ^-^ Still remaining a child at heart :3 Being a kid is way more fun anyway >w< I went to big city by train not long ago, but now today I'll be going to big town! :D Maybe I might get a McDonalds happy meal for once ^w^ It feels like forever since I had one! :o I loved the early 00's happy meals as a kid, and I will admit they were alot better and less cheap at the time. But maybe I'll see if some of the new toys are good! I hear this october they have halloween squishmallows so they sound fun ^w^
Please do not steal my character(s)! They belong to me, not you. Don't add offensive tags cos ya know, it's just unnecessary.. ­ ╮(╯-╰)╭ And please do not criticise! I refuse to be criticised so please accept that. Oh and don't steal any of my artwork in any sort of way. ‾ʌ‾ Pleease be nice when commenting! Yep, fanart is welcomed as I truly appreciate gifts! ≧◡≦ Feel free to check out my other works too! I work so hard but it's always fun :3 If you can't say something nice, don't say nothing at all. Thanks for checking out my works! meep meep! ヽ(◕ヮ◕)ノ I'm on other places too! ^-^
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