#oh noooooo i wonder who ed could be
wingedquill · 11 months
notes on survival (a preview)
so i blacked out and wrote like 4K words of a new fic concept. I don't think I'll be posting it on ao3 until it's entirely done (really do not need another currently-updating WIP) but wanted to share the first little bit on here with y'all (CW: kidnapping, violence against children) ---
Here’s how it starts, for Steve:
He’s ten.
He’s riding his bike. It’s a bit late in the day, but not that late, not nearly his curfew. The sun is still high in the sky, and he can hear kids shrieking with laughter a few streets over. They’d invited him to play with them, but he’d turned them down cause he wanted to check on the tadpoles he’d found in the pond last weekend.
He gets to a stop sign. A car pulls up next to him: old, gray, forgettable. The windows are down, but it’s summer. It’s normal. He wouldn’t have thought twice about it.
A bang. A scream. 
“Help!” a voice shouts from the trunk. “Someone help!”
The driver looks over. Makes direct eye contact with Steve.
He knows, even as he starts pedaling, that he’s not gonna be fast enough.
Steve can’t really remember a time when he’d been un-messed-up. Not clearly, at least. He has the vague, stretched-summer memories of baking cookies with his mom, of somersaulting off the diving board at the public pool and getting yelled at by a lifeguard, of hiding in the woods simply because it was the best way to avoid his chores.
They’re nice memories, he thinks. Part of him wants to put them in a box and never touch them again. But they’re nice.
He’s good at pretending they’re all he’s made of.
But now he’s here. Walking through the woods. He’s not avoiding his chores but he’s also not hiding, and that’s probably the only reason why he’s not vomiting into the underbrush. Nancy’s hand is cold in his, and it’s enough of an anchor.
He’s not alone.
“Will!” he yells, his lungs burning with the force of the yell. “Will!”
He wonders if he got a search party like this.
They’re bumping down a road that’s more potholes than asphalt. The other boy won’t stop hyperventilating.
“I’m sorry,” he sobs. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, if I hadn’t—”
“It’s okay,” Steve says, because that’s what you’re supposed to do when someone apologizes. You’re supposed to accept it. 
He doesn’t even know what the boy is apologizing for, not really. He isn’t a kidnapper. He hadn’t tied Steve up and stuffed him in the trunk. He had only screamed for help. That’s what you’re supposed to do.
“I’m Steve,” he says. It’s important that the other boy knows his name. Vitally so. The man who took them isn’t gonna care, and he needs one person here who cares about him.
The other boy sniffles against Steve’s shirt.
“Ed,” he chokes. “I’m Ed.”
He’s cold. He’s tired. He’s gasping for air and his sides are on fire. 
Second verse, same as the first.
“We gotta get your shirt off,” Robin’s telling him. “We need to, Steve, your dirty, lake-gunk sweater is embedded in those wounds, I don’t want you getting a massive infection on top of rabies. That’s like, for sure definite dead.”
He drags himself out of the hunting shack and into the Upside Down. Eddie and Nancy are huddled together by a fallen tree, Nancy giving him a quick rundown of how the hivemind works. Neither of them are looking.
“I can’t,” he chokes anyway. “They’ll see–they’ll know.”
Cross your heart and hope to die.
She bites her lip. She looks like his mom had, when she’d told him he wouldn’t be seeing Ed again. Like she’s cutting off one of his limbs to save the rest of him.
“Steve, they won’t care,” she lies.
He shakes his head.
“I’ll chance the infection,” he says. “I mean it Robin.”
She closes her eyes. Scoots around to the other side of him, putting herself between him and Eddie-and-Nancy.
“I’ll dress the wounds quick,” she says. “And give you my overshirt. That okay?”
He takes a deep breath. Hunches in on himself. He’s always been a bit too good at making himself unseen. A bit better than he would like.
“Okay,” he agrees.
“They’re looking for us,” he whispers. 
He tucks his face into Ed’s shoulder, wishes they could hug. A hug would make this better, he thinks, if he could just get his arms around to the front. If he could just hug, and be hugged, he’d wake up. They’d both wake up.
They’d both be at home in their beds. They’d be safe. Mom would make him hot chocolate like she always does after nightmares, and he’d check to see if the robin’s eggs outside his window had hatched, and he’d be okay.
“Yeah,” Ed whispers back. “Yeah, they are.”
Around them, the car’s engine roars.
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splendidshinobi · 3 years
episode 11: the other brothers elric part 1
yeet this thing edward
ok who r these so called other brothers
this girl’s uncle is sus. he’s now known as uncle lemons.
oh shit they got kicked to the curb
i bet “alphonse” is the taller one
never mind
this twink is annoying
on your knees???????????????????????
ed plz
oh twink doesnt need a circle but doubtful he’s opened a portal of truth
he’s got philosopher’s juice instead i suppose!!
wheres mugear or whoever
oh found him
girly looks hot 
oh its uncle lemons
these townspeople are annoying as shit
wow what a parallel tragic backstory
operation mole hole
what is the cough sub plot
i have questions
hmm there we go thx fletcher
ugh the twink is back 
and now he’s an attempted murderer
great going twink your brother is gonna die
his villain origin story 
uhhh what? part 2 i guess
episode 12: the other brothers elric part 2
fletcher is a homie
ed’s window dive was so dramatic
i literally cannot tell you what the twink’s name is
he is just twink
mugear is suspicious 
he’s not even an alchemist??? bro
who is nash tringham
is he important other than in this specific episode arc
nash tringham and uncle lemons definitely got naughty back in the day
to be fair what is uncle lemons’ name? i do not know
like i cant be expected to remember every one bit character’s name? especially when i have all this other fma knowledge floating around in my head
why is ed sitting in the tree like that
ed: “google earth...always taking pics”
what is this stone making process with pregnant ladies who thought of this
lets all throw mugear in a septic tank
edward is so unimpressed by this mans
HAHA yes edward my son
“it’s been a good while since i killed anyone. i kinda miss it.” EDWARD YOU KILL ME LMAOOO
uh oh he’s got a red water gun or somethin
so fletcher is the plant alchemist i see
twink’s name is RUSSELL????? how did i miss that
wooooooof sucks to suck mugear
thats A LOT of red water
fletcher’s alchemy is so weird
from the redwood forest to the gulf stream waterssss
what in tarnation is this boy doing
i guess we have another prodigy on our hands okayyyy
why do i feel like we’ll see the tringhams again
uncle lemons strikes again with LEMONS
whats in the letter????
from russell??? why r u so embarrassed edward
thats mighty homosexual of you good sir
episode 13: fullmetal vs flame
so this one is called fullmetal vs flame which makes me think theyre animating that bonus chapter??!!!??!!! yes!!!!!
colonel sarcasm?? nice ed
i too enjoy mocking roy toy
al found a cat
he definitely did
um who’s yelling
probably mustang that dumpster fire of a man
black hayate!!!!!!! baby!!!!!!!
FUERY!!!!! he’s so small
breda is a mess omg
havoc is a mess too
kitty! “he called to me” precious al
these boys are a trainwreck 
oh sad kitty flashback
mustang is such a freak 
yeaH i wondER if mustang knows marcoh hmmmmmm HMMM
“names not familiar” yeah sure baby all yall ishval war criminals know each other
ARMSTRONG!!! hey!!!
ummm wtf fuhrer bradley 
hughes is a mESS
ed’s gremlin face gives me life
roy with hayate...im scared
take that dog away from him
yayayay bonus chapter fight scene!
shut up miniskirt man 
oh no take the mic away from hughes
“you just want a promotion!!!” “give back my girlfriend!!!” im dying
i too would love to put a fist in mustang’s face
“too slow” damn idk that was kinda hot
but no im still gonna kill him
he’s so stupid
this is so chaotic
oooh cut the glove yessss
ope never mind
oh great he’s getting flashbacks... well shit happens when you commit war crimes
oh hmm theyre saying ishBal in this one instead of ishVal
ill probably still write ishval im more used to that
oh no black hayate she’s gonna pop a cap ive seen this clip before
she did it
“strict mommy” oh um ok
poor kitty cat
scar IS heather
episode 14: destruction’s right hand
back in liore with some more amestrian war crimes on the docket for today
ayyy envy our favorite morally corrupt they/them
gluttony’s snack time
new op lets gooooo
im not vibing as much but hey its kinda poppin
oh hey armstrong what up baby
to be fair ed did meet marcoh with armstrong in manga canon so
hahaha no thats not the fullmetal alchemist...thats alphonse!!!
marcoh’s voice sounds different hold on 
yep different VA
dr marcoh’s alchemical oobleck 
oh hey basque grand u sexy mustachioed bootlicker you shouldnt be here
what the FUCK he’s a weapon of mass destruction
i wish so hard netflix let you screenshot so i could add pics for added value!!!
if philosophers stones fall under grand’s jurisdiction then he is VERY SUS
he aint it
ope hey scar 
this is an odd amalgamation of plot points
oops boy bye
ive always enjoyed scar’s CLEARLY adidas brand track pants
ummmm why did scar’s brother have BROWN hair
i- ok
i miss j michael tatum
ooooooh armstrong baby i was wondering where you were!
rose!!!! tell him!!! fuck u hakuro!!!!
trying to help?? dont make me laugh you’re a general in the amestrian military
episode 15: the ishbal massacre
kinda early for the ishval talk imo?? wonder what we’ll learn
armstrong is literally the buff rasputin trope on tiktok rn
“accidentally” shot an ishvalan child. hmm yeah no
envy just sneezed
kimblee looks like christmas came early
they gave roy a stone??????? sounds noncanonical but ok
basque grand is literally wildin out fuck that guy
yuriy and sara’s skeletal remains just sneezed in the ground
wait a damn minute
wait a fucking minute
did roy
yuriy and sara
and now hes gonna shoot himself
im taking a lap around my apartment OH MY GOD WHAT IN THE HELLLLLLLL
im texting my sister about it right now and just SCREAMING
oh good he ran away
i literally CANNOT handle them finding out about this
ahaha roy shoots the gun in the air again
roy take that glove off its raining
riza’s leg sweep was way less funny this time
i mean hes no idiot he knew
what did marcoh just do to scar im confused
nothing will ever make sense to me again after what ive just witnessed
feral al lets gooo
so this episode’s events were pretty similar. other than marcoh.
episode 15 said hey bitch lets watch your world come CRASHING The FUCK DOWN
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queseraone · 5 years
From a Tumblr prompt: "Jay is a doctor and Erin is a nurse. They are married but nobody knows they are in a relationship and their coworkers find out." I put my own spin on this idea, hopefully you like it!
Thanks to my lovely ladies @suttonbradyy and @halsteadpd for putting up my millions of questions and all of their input.
Obviously I know nothing about medicine, sooooooo…
(Also thanks to Grey’s Anatomy for lots of inspiration - you might recognize a few things I borrowed from that show! And some Med characters too!)
Jay sighed, flopping back on the mattress and staring up at the ceiling. “I just don’t understand why you don’t want to tell people?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to tell people. I just… it’s different for me.” Noting the look of confusion on his face, Erin continued. “Okay look, if people find out that you’re sleeping with a nurse, they’ll high five you or think you’re a stud or some other sexist bullshit. But if people find out that I’m sleeping with a doctor? I can already hear the whispers—Lindsay is screwing a doctor to get ahead. That’s why Lindsay got that promotion. Lindsay is cheating the system. I just want people to see me for me, to respect what I bring to the table.”
“I can appreciate that,” Jay stood up, reaching for her and taking her hands in his own. “And I know how important your job is to you. It’s just going to be really, really hard for me to see you in the cafeteria or pass you in the halls and not be able to touch you…” Jay’s fingertips danced along her skin, trailing up her arms before settling on her face, drawing her ever closer. “…or kiss you senseless…”
Erin smiled against his lips, savouring the moment before reluctantly pulling back. “I know. I feel the same way, but—”
“It’s okay babe, I get it.” He pressed his lips against hers one more time before taking a step back and sitting on the edge of the bed, watching as she got ready for work. His girl in scrubs might just be his favourite sight. She looked strong and powerful and so damn sexy. He would never get tired of that sight, thanking his lucky stars that their paths had crossed in the first place.
It was a total fluke that they even met. He was fresh from Afghanistan, completing his residency in trauma surgery at Chicago Lakeshore Hospital, and she was on loan there from Gaffney Chicago Med, helping to cover when most of their nursing staff was sidelined by a particularly brutal bout of food poisoning. Jay still liked to joke that a bad pot of chili was the best thing to ever happen to him, because it brought her into his life.
They were assigned to the same case—a woman was brought in with life-threatening injuries after being impaled by a falling icicle—and later found themselves seated side-by-side at a nearby bar after shift. After unpacking the intensity of the day, their conversations shifted to more personal topics as they laughed and drank together. It was no surprise that the night ended back at her place, and they had more or less been waking up together ever since.
There had always been an element of competition between them, playfully arguing about whose hospital was better. Sure, Lakeshore got high-profile cases and tons of publicity, but Gaffney had a state-of-the-art emergency department that rivaled some of the best hospitals in the country. And now that Jay was starting his fellowship at her hospital, Erin was excited for him to admit that she’d been right all along.
Jay was just looking forward to seeing more of his girlfriend. Working at different hospitals—often on opposite shifts—sometimes meant going days without seeing each other. So even though he agreed to keep their relationship a secret at work, he was still thrilled to be closer to her.
“You know,” he began, his face lighting up with a mischievous grin. “This whole sneaking around thing could be kind of fun.”
Erin laughed as he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, crossing the room to playfully swat his arm. “I’ll see ya.” She pressed a quick kiss to his lips before grabbing her bag and heading out the door.
Collapsing into an empty seat at the nurses’ station, Erin was thankful to finally have a few minutes to update her patient files and hopefully wolf down a granola bar. She noticed that a couple of the other nurses were deep in conversation, throwing furtive glances across the ED. “What are you guys whispering about?”
“Have you seen the new trauma surgeon?” Doris asked, her voice hushed as she leaned closer to Erin.
Knowing full well who they were talking about, Erin pretended to be engrossed in a chart, casually shrugging her shoulders in response.
“Oh my god Erin, look at him! He’s so hot!” Monique gushed.
Erin stole a quick look across the ED, chewing on her bottom lip as she tried to hide her reaction to the sight of Jay. ‘Hot’ did not do her man justice. She watched the fabric of his scrubs straining against his biceps as he worked on a patient, and if she listened close enough, she could just make out the sound of his voice as he gave orders to an intern.
Trying to remain calm—her plan to hide their relationship wouldn’t exactly be successful if she ran across the ED and jumped his bones in the middle of shift—she just shrugged again. After taking a long swig from her water bottle, she continued, her tone much more relaxed than she felt. “Yeah, I guess he’s kind of cute.”
“Kind of cute?” A wide-eyed April chimed in incredulously. “Erin, you need to get your eyes checked or something. That man is fine as hell!”
Fighting the overwhelming urge to roll her eyes—Jay’s ego was already big enough, she could only imagine how that kind of comment would go straight to his head—Erin continued, “Whatever, I have a boyfriend. So it doesn’t really matter if I think the new guy is cute.” She stood up abruptly, more than ready for the conversation to be over. “Anyway, don’t you guys have work to do?”
“I have been wanting to do that allllllll day,” Jay murmured against Erin’s lips after pulling her into an empty exam room.
Erin sighed blissfully, her eyes fluttering shut as his lips moved lower, kissing a trail down the column of her neck. Before she even had time to fully appreciate the feeling of her boyfriend’s muscular body pinning her against the wall or his strong hands roaming her body, they were interrupted by an obnoxious beeping.
“Son of a bitch,” Jay cursed under his breath as they both fumbled around for their pagers.
She groaned, knowing their moment was over before it even started. “You or me?”
“Me,” he grumbled, pausing as he read the message. “Incoming trauma.”
Erin wrapped her arms even tighter around his torso, burying her face in his chest and inhaling his familiar scent. “Noooooo.”
“Gotta save lives babe,” he grinned, leaning in for one last kiss. “Love you.”
“I think I’m going to go for it,” Monique proclaimed out of the blue a few days later.
They were gathered around the nurses’ station, taking advantage of a rare moment of quiet to load up on coffee. After all, five quiet minutes usually meant five hours of crazy was on the way.
April’s eyes grew wide with surprise. “Ooooh, really?”
“Go for what?” Erin’s brows quirked up in confusion. Clearly she was out of the loop on something. “What are you guys talking about?”
“Monique is going to ask Dr. Halstead out.” And then, somehow mistaking the look of sheer horror on Erin’s face for misunderstanding, April continued, “Dr. Halstead is the new trauma surgeon.”
“The hot one!” Monique added with a wide grin. Grabbing a compact from the pocket of her scrubs, the young blonde nurse quickly surveyed her appearance in the mirror. Apparently satisfied with her reflection, she immediately popped it back into her pocket and faced her colleagues again. “Wish me luck!”
And then it was like a car accident—try as she might, Erin just couldn’t look away. Her eyes were trained on Monique, watching as the younger woman crossed the ED to where Jay was standing, reading through a patient file and jotting down some notes.
He looked up when Monique stopped in front of him, offering her a small smile. “Hey, did you need me for a consult?”
“Um, actually,” Monique began, nervously tucking her hair behind her ears. “I was sort of wondering if maybe you might want to… go out with me some time?”
Jay was completely silent, his mouth hanging slightly open as he tried to find a way to respond.
Erin swore she could feel his eyes on her, practically burning through her skin from across the ED. It took every ounce of self-control she had to stop herself from making eye contact with him. She focused on keeping her head down, feigning interest in whatever was on the computer screen in front of her.
She couldn’t react. She couldn’t say a word. Not without giving everything away.
It had been over a week, and despite a couple of close calls—like the time Erin instinctively reached out for Jay’s hand after a particularly emotional case, only remembering at the last second and awkwardly covering by knocking over a stack of files, pissing off the charge nurse in the process—they had been doing a pretty good job of keeping things under wraps.
But in that moment, standing there watching as her colleague hit on her boyfriend? All Erin could do was wonder what the hell she was thinking wanting to hide their relationship.
Still refusing to look up, she could hear Jay clear his throat loudly, and in her peripheral vision she watched as his hand moved up to rub along the back of his neck—a nervous tic of his. Even from a distance she could faintly hear him hemming and hawing, tripping on words as he tried to apologize and find a way to let Monique down easy.
After another minute staring at the computer screen, Erin saw Monique dejectedly plunk herself back down in an empty chair.
“He turned me down,” she explained sadly. “Apparently he has a girlfriend.”
Word about Jay’s relationship status spread quickly around the hospital—not that it mattered. It seemed like the entire nursing staff was infatuated with him, regardless of the fact that he was off the market.
And it was driving Erin absolutely crazy.
She knew it would be a challenge to work so closely with him while keeping their relationship a secret. But she never could have anticipated that it would this hard.
When she wasn’t being driven mad with lust—seriously, could he stop looking so damn sexy all the time?—she just wanted to scream for her colleagues to back the fuck off and stop ogling her boyfriend.
It was getting out of hand. She had never been the jealous type before, but there was just something about having to stand there and listen to everyone talk about how attractive Jay was (as if she didn’t know that already) that was making her lose her mind. One of these days she honestly thought she might smack someone.
She came awfully close to actually smacking someone a few nights later. Working overnight always brought out an interesting set of characters, and that night was no exception. After treating a sweet little boy who had fallen out of his new bunk bed, Erin headed into the next exam room, cringing inwardly at the smell of cheap alcohol and cigarettes filling her nostrils.
The middle-aged man waiting there was beyond drunk—it smelled like he’d bathed in booze—and he was practically falling off of the hospital bed. He glanced up at the sound of the curtain opening, looking her up and down.
Figures she’d get the creepy drunk again.
She’d only been in this man’s proximity for a few seconds, and Erin already felt like she needed to shower. Doing her best to hold her breath—his stench brought back memories from her childhood that she had no interest in thinking about—she approached him, plastering a fake smile on her face as she tried to ignore him leering at her.
“Hi there Mr.,” she paused, scanning the intake form for his name, “…Lowery. Is says here that you were found passed out on a park bench? Little too much to drink tonight sir?”
He managed to tear his eyes away from her body, looking up at her with a sleazy grin. “I’m fiiiiiiine,” he slurred. “Better now that you’re here sweetheart.”
Erin bit her tongue, fighting the urge to give him an earful. ���Mr. Lowery, I see there’s a note here that you were bleeding when you came in, that you might have hit your head? I’m going to need to take a look and make sure you don’t need stitches, okay?”
She reluctantly took a step closer to him, pushing his greasy hair aside to examine the nasty gash across his forehead. He was definitely going to need stitches. She was just about to step away when she felt his hand reach around and grab her ass.
“Get your hands off of me!” she hissed, ready to deck the guy as she tried to wriggle out of his grasp.
“Hey!” A male voice shouted, loud enough to startle Mr. Lowery.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he spit out, a look of blind rage on his face. “You’re here to be treated, not to manhandle our nursing staff!” Taking a deep breath—which Erin knew was in an effort to calm himself down—Jay turned to her, his face immediately softening. “You okay?”
She nodded quickly. It wasn’t the first time a patient had gotten handsy with her, and unfortunately it probably wouldn’t be the last. “I’m fine, Ja—um, Dr. Halstead, nothing I can’t handle.”
Jay knew she could handle it; he just didn’t think she should have to. “I don’t have anything right now. I can take him from here.”
Erin nodded again. “Thanks,” she added quietly as she ducked out of the room, leaving Jay to stich him up.
“Hey babe,” Jay smiled feebly at her when they met at the L station around the corner from the hospital an hour later. It had been a long night, and they were both eager to get home and rest.
“Hey.” Erin was silent, keeping her head down as she fell into step alongside her boyfriend. Neither said a word as they climbed the stairs leading to the tracks.
When they reached the top—the train wouldn’t arrive for fifteen more minutes—Jay sighed, grabbing Erin’s hand and pulling her closer to him. “I’m sorry about before. I know you can take care of yourself, but the security guard was off doing who knows what and I just couldn’t stand there while that asshole put his hands on you.”
“I know.”
“But you’re still mad.”
“No, it’s not that,” she began, pausing as she pulled Jay with her to sit on an empty bench. “I just—wasn’t that kind of… I don’t know… making things—us—a little bit… obvious?”
“Fuck. I didn’t even think of that.” He leaned back against the bench, feeling foolish for not realizing how his actions may be interpreted. Despite wanted to shout from the rooftops that Erin was his girlfriend, he respected her desire to keep their personal life separate from work. He hated to think he might have compromised that. “I’m so sorry babe. But you know, I honestly would have done the same thing if it was April or Monique or Doris or any of the other nurses in there. It’s such bullshit that scumbags like that think they can manhandle you guys.”
Erin nodded. It was true, Jay was one of the good ones. There was no doubt in her mind that he would have intervened for anyone, it just so happened that she’d been stuck on that case. She smiled softly as she rested her head against his shoulder. “Thank you.”
“We okay?” When he felt her nod again, Jay leaned down to kiss her forehead.
When Erin returned to the hospital for her next shift, she discovered that her concerns were in vain. Sure, the ED was definitely abuzz with talk of Jay stepping in with a bad patient, but miraculously there was no mention of her name.
Of course, Jay’s heroic behaviour only made the nursing staff that much more infatuated with him.
Frankly if she heard another word about ‘Hero Halstead’ she thought she might throw up.
“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” Erin cursed under her breath, slamming the refrigerator door.
It had been the shift from hell—scratch that, the week from hell—and as far as she was concerned it could not be over soon enough.
A terrible late-night car accident had brought in a slew of victims, overwhelming the ED. Within a few hours, most had either been treated and released, or admitted and sent upstairs, so things were finally starting to quiet down a little—at least enough for Erin to get something to eat and catch up on her charting.
At least that’s what she had thought two hours earlier.
But instead of getting off her feet, she’d been running around like a madwoman. Apparently every single patient had banded together to drive her absolutely crazy. She had just cleaned up vomit for what was probably the twelfth time, only to get to the nurses’ station to discover that someone had eaten her turkey sandwich.
She just wanted to scream. Or throw something. Preferably at the asshole who stole her lunch.
Normally she wouldn’t get that upset about someone eating her food, but she and Jay had been on opposite shifts, which meant they had spent all of about five minutes together all week.
She was tired and cranky and missed her boyfriend.
And then right on cue, the elevator doors chimed and she looked up to see said boyfriend striding into the ED in his street clothes, looking happy and well-rested and sexy as all hell.
He smiled and said hello to a few people before glancing over to the nurses’ station, no doubt looking for her. They made eye contact for a split second—just long enough to say I love you, I miss you without words—and then he turned the corner toward the doctors’ lounge and was out of sight again.
Erin sighed dramatically as she headed for the vending machine. She leaned her forehead against the machine for a minute—internally debating between Doritos and a Hershey bar—before jabbing her finger at the buttons. The chocolate fell with a satisfying plunk, and she quickly snatched it up, taking a big bite as she made her way back to the nurses’ station.
When she glanced out the window on the way, she was appalled to see flakes of snowing falling from the sky. It was October. Some days she really fucking hated Chicago.
By the time she returned to the desk she had managed to rally a bit. She kept reminding herself that she only had to get through one more hour. Just one hour until she could go home and hibernate under her fluffy duvet for two whole days.
Her moderately good mood—if you could even call it that—disappeared immediately. There were a few other nurses at the station, and every single one of them was openly gawking at her boyfriend. Again.
He was chatting with his attending as they updated the OR board, and those bitches—bad mood was back in full swing—were drooling over him like he was a piece of meat.
Erin couldn’t deny that he looked damn good in his scrubs. He always did. But that day was like a whole other level of hot. Maybe it was just because it had been a while—damn the long hours and opposite schedules—but whatever the reason, she could already feel her blood pressure spiking at the sight of him.
Yanking her phone out of her pocket, she stormed down the hall in a huff.
Erin was pacing around the on-call room when there was a gentle rapping at the door. Before she had a chance to respond, the door creaked open and Jay poked his head around it.
“Hey,” he greeted, carefully closing the door behind himself. “You paged me? What’s wrong?”
“I need you.”
“Babe, you paged 911—do you need a consult or something?”
If she wasn’t so wound up, she probably would have laughed at his question. “No, I need you,” she breathed out, her voice husky with desire as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed her lips against his. Her hands moved lower, grabbing the drawstring of his scrubs to pull him closer, her fingers quickly slipping beneath the waistband.
Jay grabbed her wrists, removing her hands from his pants and taking a deep breath as he stepped back. “Erin, we’re at work.”
“So? Haven’t you seen Grey’s Anatomy? People fuck in on-call rooms all the time. It’s practically what they’re for.”
Any hesitation on Jay’s part went out the window as soon as her hands found their way back, stroking him through the fabric. “Fuck,” he groaned as she pushed him down onto the bed, throwing her leg over him and straddling his waist.
The bedsprings creaked obnoxiously as they moved together, so when Erin climbed off of him to strip out of her scrubs, Jay took the opportunity to pick her up and push her back against the wall. As he thrust into her, he kissed her deeply, swallowing the cries of pleasure spilling from her lips. She wrapped her legs tightly around him, locking her ankles against his lower back, driving him to go harder, faster, deeper.
She came with a wild moan that sent Jay over the edge right along with her. Her body went lax in his arms as they both struggled to catch their breath.
“You’re going to kill me,” Jay panted, peppering soft kisses across her bare shoulder. “But wow, what a way to go.”
They were almost dressed by the time Jay’s pager started beeping incessantly. He straightened his shirt as he looked at the screen. “Shit, this really is 911!” He crouched down to tie his shoelaces before jumping up to kiss her quickly. “I’m sorry, I’ve gotta run babe. I’ll see you at home.”
They had developed a pretty perfect system to keep their personal and professional lives separate. When they worked the same shifts, they rode the L to and from the hospital together—usually with Erin half asleep and resting her head against Jay’s shoulder—then held hands until they were a block away from the hospital. She took the elevator; he took the stairs.
So despite the occasional close call or near miss, they had managed to keep their secret pretty well.
Until that day.
Jay had been in surgery for hours—the way bullets flew around in Chicago, he might as well be back in Afghanistan—and was just getting ready to close when an intern burst into the operating room. “What’s going on Schmitt?”
“Dr. Halstead, they need you in the ED,” the intern explained, unable to hide the shakiness in his voice.
“I’m kind of in the middle of something here.”
“Yes, I know, but… shots were fired.”
Jay’s blood ran cold at Schmitt’s words—Erin was on shift. “Was anyone hit?”
“I’m not sure. It’s locked down.”
Jay turned to the junior resident who had been working alongside him. “You okay to close up?” Before the young woman could even finishing nodding her head, he was already rushing out of the OR, yanking off his gloves and mask and running toward the ED.
Even though he knew it was on lockdown, he was still taken aback by the police presence. The halls were filled with officers, most dressed in full tactical gear as they gathered together to hatch out a plan of action.
He whipped his phone out of his pocket, scrolling through countless messages and notifications, desperately looking for any word from Erin. His heart pounded in his chest as he read her messages—she was in there. He didn’t know if she’d be able to answer, but he quickly typed a response asking if she was okay. He needed her to be okay.
When his phone vibrated in his hand a few seconds later, relief washed over him.
I’m fine, but Monique was hit. She’s losing a lot of blood, Jay.
Jay rushed forward, pushing past the throngs of people to where the police had blocked off the ED. “You need to let me in there!”
“Halstead,” Goodwin piped in, holding up a hand to stop him from going any closer, “you need to take a step back and let the police do their jobs.”
“I’m sorry Ms. Goodwin, but I can’t do that.” He turned to address the officer in charge, trying to keep his voice steady. “I need to go in there. There are innocent people back there—patients, nurses. And at least one of them is down.”
“Dr. Halstead, I assure you we have the situation under control,” the sergeant explained.
And then another round of gunshots rang out.
While most of the other people gathered in the hallway ducked or screamed, Jay pressed on. “With all due respect, it doesn’t seem like you have anything under control! There’s at least one person in there who’s bleeding out right now. I’m a trauma surgeon, I can help.”
“Sir, this is more than just a medical emergency. We can’t just put a civilian into a live and clearly dangerous situation. It’s against CPD protocol.”
“Fuck your protocol, my girlfriend is in there!” Jay bellowed, no longer caring who knew about their relationship. He just need her to be okay. He’d transfer to another hospital if he had to. Or flip burgers at a fucking McDonalds. He’d do anything, he just couldn’t lose her. “I’m not a civilian, I was in the military. I’ve been trained for these types of situations—and for worse ones. Now let me through!”
Maybe it was the desperation in Jay’s voice, or maybe it was just because they didn’t have any other options, but the police managed to negotiate with the shooter. He was just a scared kid, no more than fifteen years old, desperate to get treatment for his sick mother. Knowing he didn’t want anyone to die, they convinced him to let a doctor—Jay—come in.
“You sure about this?” The sergeant asked as he fastened a bulletproof vest over Jay’s scrubs.
Jay nodded resolutely as they held the door for him. He had never been more sure about anything in his life.
He entered the ED slowly, his hands held up in front of him, showing the shooter that he was not a threat. His eyes quickly scanned the room, taking in every detail of his surroundings. Most of the exam room doors were shut with the curtains closed, as was standard practice in a volatile situation. But he saw a few patients and staff members sitting in the waiting area, visibly trembling in fear.
But there was no sign of Erin or Monique anywhere.
“Where…?” Jay asked the shooter.
The boy didn’t speak; he just waved his gun at the desk.
When Jay finally saw Erin, he wanted take her in his arms and never let her go. But she was otherwise occupied, her hands busy pressing against Monique’s abdomen, applying pressure to stop her colleague from bleeding out. Falling to his knees beside them, Jay lifted Erin’s hand from the wound, squeezing it in his own as he assessed the injury.
She definitely needed surgery. And soon.
Knowing that time was of the essence, Jay quickly explained to Erin what they needed to do to stabilize Monique. When his girlfriend nodded in understanding and began following his instructions, he turned his attention to the shooter, his hands once again held in the air as he spoke. “Hey buddy, my name’s Jay.”
“Shut up!” The kid yelled across the ED, waving the gun around.
Jay wasn’t phased by the weapon in front of him, he just continued, figuring that as long as the kid was talking, he wouldn’t be shooting anyone else. “Listen, I know you’re worried about your mom, but this isn’t the way.”
“She’s going to die!” He cried, tears flowing down his cheeks. “They couldn’t help her! It’s not fair!”
“I know. I lost my mom when I was about your age, and it sucks. But buddy, trust me when I say she wouldn’t want this for you. I know you’re scared, but I really need you to put down your gun and let me to get this woman into surgery.”
“No, no one goes anywhere!”
“If we don’t operate soon, she’s going to die. Killing this woman doesn’t help you or your mom. It doesn’t make things any better.” Jay could see the boy’s resolve breaking. “Please.”
Jay watched as they wheeled Monique to the OR.
He had managed to convince the kid to drop his weapon, and the police breached the ED seconds later, cuffing the kid as hospital staff checked on the other patients. Fortunately, no one else had been hurt.
Jay knew he needed to get down to the OR too, but before he followed Monique’s gurney, he turned to Erin, pulling her into his arms and holding her tightly as he captured her lips with his own. It was the kind of kiss that said more than any words ever could—how much he loved her, how scared he was of losing her, how relieved he felt that she was unharmed.
And in that moment, even Erin didn’t care who saw.
“So you’re the girlfriend,” Monique stated, smiling sheepishly as Erin entered her hospital room the next morning. She had only been awake from surgery for a couple of hours, and news of Erin and Jay’s relationship had already spread around the hospital.
Erin nodded her head as she settled into the chair beside Monique’s bed, taking the younger nurse’s hand in her own. “I’m sorry I didn’t say anything before.”
“Well I’m sorry I hit on your boyfriend,” Monique joked, wincing as pain shot through her side. “You’re a lucky woman.”
Erin nodded again, smiling as she glanced out the room and into the hallway where Jay was hard at work reviewing a chart with an intern. “I really am.”
As nice as it was to finally stop worrying about hiding their relationship, they did find themselves missing the added layer of privacy. It had been nice to have one thing that was just theirs.
So when Jay got down on one knee and asked Erin to be his girl forever, it was in the comfort of their own home, dressed in sweatpants on a quiet Sunday evening.
And when they got married a few months later, it was a quiet ceremony at city hall, with just their families present. Rings would get in the way at work anyway, so they wore them on chains around their necks, keeping their love for each other close to their hearts, safely hidden away under their scrubs.
Their little secret.
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mikauzoran · 5 years
Adrienette Drabble Thirty: Sleep
“You should eat something,” Plagg advised as he jumped around on the piano, picking out the notes to O Mio Babbino Caro.
“I’m sleeping,” Adrien grumbled, rolling over onto his stomach.
“You’re moping,” Plagg snorted.
“I have every right to mope. Last night was one of the worst nights of my life. …Do you have to play that song?” Adrien groaned. “It’s depressing.”
“It’s a beautiful song,” Plagg countered. “What’s wrong with it?”
Adrien sat up and sang along, “…ma per buttarmi in Arno.”
Plagg stopped playing. “…Are those the lyrics?”
“Yep,” Adrien snorted. “A little ironic, don’t you think? Especially considering your concerns about me throwing myself into the Seine just last night over a broken heart. The Seine, the Arno. Same difference, really. Keep playing. I’ll sing you the rest.”
Plagg reluctantly obliged.
“Mi struggo e mi tormento!” Adrien crooned, dropping the notes down into the tenor range.
Even in the lower register, the sharpness of the pain and torment was visceral. Plagg could tell Adrien felt every word.
“O Dio, vorrei morir,” Adrien sang so that the notes wept.
“Okay, no.” Plagg quit abruptly, flying over to nuzzle Adrien for all he was worth. “Stop that. Stop wishing you could die. Bad song choice. Bad song choice.” He zipped down to tickle Adrien’s ribs.
Adrien burst out laughing and fell over backwards in bed. “S-St-Stop!” he shrieked as he tried to roll away from the onslaught. “Mer-cy!” he cackled.
Eventually, Plagg stopped and floated up to look Adrien right in the eye. “Kid, I love you so much. You know that, right?”
A touched smile curled onto Adrien’s lips, succeeding in making it all the way to his eyes. “Yeah.” He reached up to scratch underneath Plagg’s chin. “I know, Plagg. I love you too.”
Plagg landed on Adrien’s cheek and gave it a sloppy lick, ignoring the salty taste of dried tears. “Good. Glad that that’s settled. Now, let’s play something happy!” He soared back over to the piano. “What do you want to hear?”
“Whatever you want to play, Plagg, I’m sure it will be wonderful,” Adrien assured, settling back under the covers.
“Come on. Let’s have a request,” Plagg prompted, trying to keep the boy engaged so that he didn’t slip back into his melancholy.
“Habanera from Carmen,” Adrien mumbled into his pillow.
Plagg pursed his lips. “…That’s not a happy song.”
“Hooked on a Feeling,” Adrien proposed instead, having no skin in the game.
“…No. No love songs,” Plagg sighed, sinking down to sit on middle C.
“Javert’s Soliloquy from Les Misérables.” Adrien returned the sigh with interest.
Plagg banged his head against the keys. “Aaaaand we’re back to jumping into rivers. Tell you what. How about we put your sound system to use and go back to listening to Shake It on repeat until you’re fed up enough to get out of bed and eat?”
“Noooooo!” Adrien whined, picking up Plagg’s pillow and tossing it indiscriminately. “I’d rather jump into the Seine than listen to Metro Station.”
“Then you had better—”
Plagg was cut off by a knock at the window.
There was a beat.
“…Was that a bird running into my window?” Adrien wondered, coming out from underneath the covers.
“…A turtle,” Plagg observed.
“The hell?” Adrien sat up to find Carapace waving at him from the other side of the glass.
“The hell?” Adrien repeated as Carapace found the window pane that Adrien kept unlocked for Chat and hopped down into Adrien’s room.
“Detransformation,” Carapace muttered, leaving Nino to dart across the room to Adrien’s side. “Hey. Mec.” Nino kicked off his shoes and crawled across the bed to tackle Adrien. “I’m sorry,” he whispered into Adrien’s hair, squeezing Adrien tight. “Adrien, I’m so sorry. That never should have happened.”
Despite himself, Adrien melted into the embrace and let his hand come to rest between Nino’s shoulder blades.
After a minute, Nino pulled back, letting Adrien sit up so that Nino could study him. “How are you doing?”
Adrien shook his head. “Since when does Maître Fu let you borrow Wayzz to sneak into people’s bedrooms?”
“Since I expressed frantic concern that Chat Noir was vulnerable to akumatization and since your father told me I wasn’t allowed to see you and that I was to leave the premises before he had security escort me. He said you didn’t want to see me,” Nino snorted.
“I told him to tell you that I wasn’t home,” Adrien sighed, crossing his arms over his chest. “You are currently on the list of people I will always love but don’t particularly like right now.”
Nino bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. “That’s fair.”
Adrien waited, but no further excuses or pleas for forgiveness followed.
Adrien arched an eyebrow. “Aren’t you going to list all sorts of reasons why I should forgive you and why you were in the right?”
Nino shook his head. “No. You have every right to be mad at me. I’m not so sure myself that I got it right this time. I mean, I knew fallout from this was probably going to be bad, but… Look, Mec, I’m just here to make sure you’re all right. Us being all right comes second, so… What can I do? What do you need?”
Adrien pursed his lips and considered momentarily. “Could you please go get that pillow that I threw?”
Nino glanced about until he spotted it on the floor under the piano. “Sure.” With a shrug, he went to fetch it. On his way back to the bed, he noticed the pile of grey ash over by Adrien’s computer.
Nino stopped mid-step to gawk. “Dude. What happened to your desk chair? Did you Cataclysm it?”
Adrien smiled sheepishly. “Uh…accidentally, yes. The desk chair was collateral damage.”
Nino’s frown intensified. “What happened?”
Adrien rubbed at the back of his neck, shrugging and averting his eyes. “I may have been in the middle of Cataclysm-ing Ladybug in effigy in the form of all of my Ladybug merchandise when my father walked in and startled me, and I got the desk chair too.”
Nino’s mouth dropped open. “Holy crap. What did Gabe do when he found Chat Noir in your room?”
“Oh…” Adrien bit his lip. “So…about two months ago I might have actually…told my dad about the whole Chat Noir thing?”
Adrien could feel Nino’s eyes boring into him.
Adrien met Nino’s gaze and rushed to explain, “It made sense at the time, and it’s worked out pretty well so far. I was kind of having an identity crisis moment, and having that conversation with my father is what led to us finally working on fixing our relationship. Maybe some of us have the luxury of not telling anyone, but I really needed my dad at that point, so I don’t regret telling him. If Ladybug has a problem with that, she’ll just have to get over it.”
Nino raised his hands in a placating gesture as he slowly drew nearer. “Mec, it’s okay, so calm down, all right? I think…I mean…She’d be a hypocrite for faulting you on this. I think you’re the only one who didn’t have someone who knew. Alya and I found out about each other when Ladybug didn’t have time to get us apart to deliver our Miraculouses separately, and I figured Ladybug out shortly after I became Carapace, so… I mean, Ladybug didn’t tell anybody, I don’t think—she still hasn’t told Alya, for crying out loud—but I was able to be there for her because I knew. It’s only fair that you finally have people that know and can support you too.”
Adrien looked away, mumbling, “Nathalie totally figured me out a couple years ago, but…”
Nino sat back down on the bed and handed over the pillow. “So you accidentally Cataclysm-ed your desk chair?”
“Yeah,” Adrien sighed, taking the pillow and smacking Nino lightly with it before tossing it once more. “Could you go get that please?”
Nino smiled wanly, getting back up. “Sure, Mec.”
“Last night, I was pretty sure I was going to get akumatized, so I gave my dad the ring to hold onto for me. Apparently, he could feel it through the ring when I transformed to take out my frustrations on inanimate objects, and he came to check on me, disturbing me in the middle of my destructive spree.”
Nino stooped to pick up the pillow a second time. He paused halfway up as something occurred to him. “How did you transform if your dad had your ring?”
“I didn’t relinquish ownership of the ring. I just gave him the physical ring to protect,” Adrien explained, accepting the pillow back from Nino. He gently hit Nino with said pillow before tossing it again. “One more time, please?” He smiled winningly.
Nino nodded. “As many times as we need to do this, Mec,” he assured, starting off after the pillow once more.
“You probably don’t know since you don’t get to keep your Miraculous for any real length of time, but there’s an instruction manual. If you read the manual, it talks about advanced techniques and stuff. It takes a lot of practice and concentration, but Black Cat holders can learn to Cataclysm multiple objects in one go or use Cataclysm multiple times before they have to detransform and recharge.”
Nino stopped at the foot of the bed to cock an eyebrow at Adrien. “How many Cataclysms can you do?”
Adrien looked away. “Only two or three. I’m still working on that. I poured most of my time and energy into mastering remote transformation and not necessarily needing to keep the ring physically on me to maintain transformation.”
“You can do that?” Nino breathed in awe.
Adrien nodded, a proud grin slipping onto his face.
“Can Ladybug do that?” Nino wondered.
Adrien shrugged. “Yeah, but she doesn’t seem to be any good at it. I guess she’s working on other things? I mean, remote transformation was my first priority, but…I haven’t read her instruction manual, so I don’t know what all she can do. Maybe she’s working on something that she deems more important, but…”
Nino’s brow creased. “Have you two talked about this?”
Adrien shook his head. “Oddly enough, it’s difficult to have complex conversations while you’re in the middle of a fight, and it’s not like she ever sticks around to talk to me long afterwards because of her timer. We chat sometimes when we meet up by chance while we’re both out in costume, but…when we do meet up, strategy isn’t the first thing on my mind, honestly.”
Nino made a mental note to ask Marinette if she had ever read her instruction manual.
He sat back down on the bed and handed over the pillow, prepared to be pummeled.
The third blow was as gentle as the others had been.
“I’m mad at you,” Adrien announced.
Nino nodded. “Okay.”
Adrien smacked him with the pillow again. “Like, what the hell? Are we or are we not best friends?”
“We are,” Nino confirmed.
“And yet you just let me walk right into that?” Adrien snorted, shoving the pillow into Nino’s hands as he picked up the other pillow for himself.
“I did,” Nino sighed.
“You suck,” Adrien pouted.
“Yeah,” Nino mumbled.
Adrien’s eyes narrowed into a glare as he raised his pillow over his head. “Fight back,” he commanded, bringing his pillow down.
For the next four minutes, a pillow fight ensued, eventually deteriorating into a wrestling match.
Adrien got the upper hand, pinning Nino and trapping his arms above his head. “You still let me win,” he grumbled, letting Nino’s arms go.
“You underestimate your own strength,” Nino laughed a little breathlessly.
Adrien sat back on his haunches, gazing sullenly down at his friend. “I’m not very good at staying mad at people. I mean, it even took me a little bit to decide that I was mad at you in the first place, and then you come here with your grand gesture, breaking into my room with your Romeo balcony act, and…I don’t want to be mad at you, Nino. I’m so freaking tired.”
“Hey,” Nino sighed, taking Adrien by the hips and gently flipping him over so that they were lying side by side. Nino propped himself up on his elbow and frowned lightly in concern down at Adrien. “You’re okay. Just…feel whatever you’re feeling, and that’s okay. Don’t try to make yourself feel any differently.”
“I’m disappointed in myself because my therapist is always telling me how important it is not to let people walk all over me, and yet…” Adrien closed his eyes. “Honestly, the most I can manage to feel is hurt.”
“Because your dad taught you that you weren’t allowed to get angry, so instead of blowing up at others, you turn whatever you’re feeling in on yourself.” Nino gingerly began to rub slow, soothing circles along Adrien’s scalp. “It’s okay, Mec.”
“It doesn’t feel okay,” Adrien mumbled. “You should have told me. If there have to be sides like this, you’re supposed to be on mine. You shouldn’t have let me go out there blind and make a fool of myself in front of Luka. He probably thinks I’m a total spazz now.” Adrien opened his eyes to pout at Nino. “There’s no way he’s going to want to be my friend after this.”
Nino blinked as he tried to wrap his head around Adrien’s words. “We don’t…hate Luka now?”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “No. I mean…” A rosy blush crept up into the apples of his cheeks. “Luka’s really cool. I was kind of a little drunk last night after Kim verbally roughed me up, and Luka took care of me. He was sweet, and I had a good time talking with him, and we danced, and he said…he said a lot of things, but…”
Adrien shook his head ruefully. “But none of that matters because he probably hates me now that someone’s told him about me and Marinette, so…so whatever. It’s fine. Whatever.”
Deep trenches formed in Nino’s brow. “Luka called me last night.”
Adrien studied Nino’s face for some kind of indication of where his friend was going with this information. “Oh?”
Nino nodded. “He sounded really stressed. He was worried about you.”
Adrien’s eyes widened in interest. “O-Oh?”
“He was pretty anxious to know whether you’d made it home okay, and he sounded pretty miffed that no one had told you about Marinette dating him,” Nino continued, studying Adrien’s face intently for the smallest muscle twitch. “I don’t think he hates you, Mec.”
A pleased blush made itself at home on Adrien’s face, and a shy smile followed. “He doesn’t?”
“Didn’t seem like it,” Nino confirmed, pursing his lips. “…This isn’t the conversation I thought we’d be having.”
Adrien sat up, looking away. “This isn’t a thing. I just… He was nice. I’d like to be friends. It’s a platonic crush. That happens, right? With people you look up to?”
Nino pushed himself up to sitting and nodded. “Yeah. Sure, Mec. Of course…. But…it would be okay if it was a thing. You know, other than the fact that he’s got a girlfriend. It would be okay.”
“It’s not a thing,” Adrien repeated. “It’s just like how Chloé admires Ladybug and Kagami. How you admired Chat Noir.”
Nino bypassed speculation on Chloé’s sexuality to skip to Adrien’s second point. “Dude, there’s no need to use past tense. I still do admire Chat Noir. I admire him even more now that I know it’s you. I’ve admired you, Adrien Agreste, for a long time.”
Adrien turned a puzzled stare on his friend. “Me? As in…me me?”
“Adrien,” Nino chuckled, shaking his head. “You, you, you, you, you. You are awesome, Mec. There’s a lot that I admire about you both in and out of costume, okay?”
Adrien nodded, his shy smile making a comeback. “You’re pretty cool yourself.”
“I know. Thanks.” Nino preened.
Adrien rolled his eyes, giving Nino a shove. “Stop. I’m trying to be mad at you.”
“Sorry. Should I do something douchebaggy to make it easier?” Nino proposed with a serious expression.
Adrien shoved him again. “…Could you not tell Marinette about my platonic crush on Luka? I mean, I know she already knows because I told her myself the other day when she mentioned she’d been hanging out with him lately, but…like…just don’t bring it up, okay? Don’t remind her.”
“…Dude?” Nino raised an eyebrow uncertainly.
“It’s not a thing,” Adrien insisted. “I just… People can flirt platonically, can’t they? Like…you and I do that, don’t we? And Alya flirts platonically with me, and I used to think Marinette and I flirted like that, but…but people do flirt just for fun, just kind of teasing each other, not really meaning anything serious by it…right?” Adrien’s eyes searched Nino’s frantically. “Luka and I could flirt platonically without that necessarily being cheating on Marinette, right?”
Nino pursed his lips. “Okay, so…yeah, people do flirt without actual romantic intent. You in particular are a huge flirt, so, yes, it is possible just to flirt for fun. Whether or not you and Luka can platonically flirt…I don’t know, Mec. I’d have to see you two together before I could say for sure, and, honestly, I think Marinette would have to be the judge of what should be considered cheating. My advice is to not even go there if you’re questioning whether something is okay. Just don’t flirt with him period if you’re unsure of where the line is. And if you can’t not flirt with him, steer clear of him in general. I mean, I think we’re jumping the gun a little because it’s not like you and Luka are in regular contact anyway, so…”
Adrien nodded, lying back down to absorb what Nino had said.
“…How’s Marinette?” he inquired after several minutes.
Nino gave a halfhearted shrug. “Hurting. Regretting a lot of things. Trying to keep a grin pasted on so no one will worry.”
Adrien hummed thoughtfully. “…Why didn’t you really tell me about Marinette and Luka? Marinette said you two were trying to figure out the best way and the best time. She said she didn’t want to mess up the end of high school for me, but…that all reeks of bull. Why did everyone actually wait more than two weeks to tell me?”
Nino blew out a slow sigh. “The truth?”
Adrien nodded.
“She told you the truth,” Nino confessed. “She was uncertain and trying to figure things out. It was the end of the school year, and we were all busy with other things on top of that. We knew there was no avoiding this hurting you. I was supposed to tell you this week now that we’re on vacation with nowhere to be so that you could have time and space to process and come to terms with it.”
Adrien rolled his eyes.
“Seriously,” Nino insisted. “Adrien, you’re a bit overdramatic. You overreact and take things harshly. I thought so even before I knew about Chat Noir, and now that I do know that that’s you… You really didn’t need to have an ‘end of the world’ breakdown at the end of the school year.”
Adrien rolled over so that his back was to Nino. “Stop patronizing me. I’m not a child.”
“Sorry,” Nino sighed. “I know you’re not. It’s just that sometimes you’re the most mature, grownup person I know and other times…Bro, you throw fits.”
“Do not,” Adrien grumbled.
“Dude,” Nino replied pointedly.
“Dude,” Adrien returned sharply, accusatorially.
“…Dude,” Nino sighed, suddenly sounding beyond the limits of exhaustion. “You know what? You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Adrien rolled back over to look up at Nino. “…How much sleep did you get last night?”
Nino shook his head. “After the party, I ran halfway over here to check on you, but then I got a text from one of your parentals saying that you’d gone to bed, so I knew you’d made it home safe. Then I ran over to the bakery and relieved Alya of Marinette duty. We were up for a couple hours talking. It was almost dawn by the time we crashed. We were both so out of it. We kind of just fell asleep on top of the covers for a couple hours. I left her house at eight, dropped by my house to shower, change, and grab something quick before trekking over here to make sure you were okay, but then your dad told me you didn’t want to see me and threatened to have me forcibly removed, so I hiked over to Fu’s for the Miraculous, roof-ran back here, and here we are now. So, yeah. Not much sleep.”
Adrien sat up and grabbed the discarded pillows, arranging them once more at the top of the bed. He straightened the sheets, pulling them up over both Nino and himself.
“Take off your pants,” he instructed his friend.
Nino arched a curious eyebrow but began to do as asked. “Adrien Agreste, are you trying to seduce me right now? Because I have to say that it’s working.”
Adrien rolled his eyes, smacking Nino’s arm. “Sure, Bro. Marinette has wrecked me so completely that I’m now into guys—particularly guys with girlfriends who they’re crazy about. Your jeans don’t look too comfortable to sleep in.”
“Am I sleeping?” Nino chuckled, tossing his pants to the floor.
“Yep.” Adrien grabbed the remote control from his nightstand and hit two buttons.
The lights turned off, and enormous blinds slowly lowered, covering the floor to ceiling windows.
“Nap time. You sound wiped.” He pushed Nino down on the bed beside him.
Nino stared quizzically as Adrien settled back under the covers. “Don’t you need to talk about stuff or something?”
Adrien shook his head, eyes closed. “I’ve done enough talking. I’ll talk to my therapist on Tuesday. Right now I’m moping and sleeping.”
“You’re sure?” Nino pressed, trying not to catalogue all the ways in which Adrien’s pillow was far more comfortable than his at home.
“Mmhm. Go to sleep. You’re off duty.”
“—Hush.” Adrien’s eyes snapped open to fix Nino with an intent gaze. “You’ve been running yourself ragged these past few months trying to be everybody else’s emotional support. You think I don’t realize how needy I am? I can’t even imagine Marinette’s crap on top of that. And then there’s your own stuff and probably Alya’s. Nino, go to sleep, okay? You’re going to make yourself sick.”
“…I thought you were mad at me.”
Adrien rolled his eyes. “I suck at being mad at people. Even if I am mad, I still care about you. Like I told Marinette, love and hate aren’t mutually exclusive. I’d love to smother you with this pillow, but I’d regret it as soon as I was done. Don’t you and Alya ever get like that?”
Nino sighed. “Yeah. There are times I want to strangle her with my bare hands, but…”
“All right then,” Adrien announced. “Go to sleep. I promise not to smother you.”
“Much appreciated,” Nino mumbled, letting his eyes slip closed.
 Adrien came to consciousness feeling much too warm. He tried to move away from the heat, but someone was holding him in place. Had he been captured?!
He jerked awake to find himself wrapped up in Nino’s arms with his face buried in his friend’s shirt.
Nino inhaled sharply but then snuggled back into Adrien’s hair, pressing a kiss to the top of his head as he mumbled, “Shh, Al.”
“If we’re gonna do pet names, I prefer ‘Dri’,” Adrien chuckled, causing Nino to give a jolt of surprise.
Nino pulled back, blinking uncomprehendingly at Adrien, trying to remember what he was doing in bed with the blonde.
“First time calling your partner by the wrong name?” Adrien teased, sitting up and stretching.
Nino rolled his eyes, flopping back over. “What time is it?”
Adrien reached for his phone on the nightstand only to remember that he had entrusted his mobile to his father the night before. “Good question,” he mumbled, grabbing the remote control instead, turning on the lights and opening the blinds with the push of a button.
The sun was still shining brightly, but that didn’t reveal much in the middle of the summer.
“Plagg, what time is it?” Adrien called out, hoping his kwami hadn’t gone far.
“Time for you to get a watch,” Plagg snickered.
“It is two-twenty-three,” Wayzz responded as he floated over to land on Nino’s knee.
“Wow. Thank you, Wayzz. That was incredibly helpful. I appreciate that,” Adrien remarked pointedly at Plagg before turning to Wayzz with a sincere smile. “Seriously. Thank you. Tell me, did I get stuck with the smart-aleck? Are the rest of you more accommodating and cooperative?”
Wayzz chuckled softly. “Adrien, you could have done a lot worse than Plagg. He cares about you a great deal.”
“Don’t I know it,” Adrien sighed, holding out a hand to his kwami. “I care about him too.”
“Brat,” Plagg snorted, landing on Adrien’s hand and hugging his thumb. “When are you gonna eat something?”
“Not hungry,” Adrien sighed, lying back down, resting the hand with Plagg in it palm up on his stomach.
“When was the last time you ate?” Nino side-eyed his friend suspiciously.
Adrien shrugged.
“He had some snacks at the party,” Plagg ratted his chosen out remorselessly.
Nino sat up to glare down at Adrien. “Mec, we’re getting you something to eat. I will feed you myself if I have to. Going on a hunger strike will not make your problems go away.”
Adrien shrugged once more. “What time is Marinette’s party? You’re not missing it, are you?”
Nino rolled his eyes. “I’m not going. I’m pestering the tar out of you until you get up, put on actual clothes, eat, and then play foosball or something with me. I don’t care what we actually do, but you’re getting up out of bed.”
Adrien shook his head, a deep sadness settling onto his features. “I don’t know if I’m ready to get out of bed.”
Nino arched an eyebrow but didn’t press, letting Adrien talk in his own time.
“This past month, since Marinette broke up with me, I’ve been getting up and working on getting better because I thought that was the only way she was going to take me back. I could only be with her and be happy if I put the work in, but last night she told me that she’s not going to be waiting for me on the other side of this. If I get out of bed today, it will be because I’ve decided that I am worth getting out of bed and putting the work in for. Just me. No true love. No happily ever after. Just…Adrien Agreste.”
Adrien looked at Nino nervously. “I don’t know if I care enough about him to commit to this. Like, seriously. I don’t know if he’s worth putting myself through all this.”
“I think he is,” Nino replied gently, running a hand through Adrien’s hair. “But, Adrien…even if you get out of bed today, that doesn’t mean you have to get out of bed tomorrow. I would like for you to, but you don’t have to. Don’t think of this as an all or nothing situation. Somedays you’ll get out of bed; somedays you won’t. That’s fine. The important thing is that you get out of bed more days than you don’t. Maybe it won’t be like that right away, but that’s the goal to work towards right now. Once you meet the goal of getting out of bed four days out of every seven, try for five out of seven, then six. This is a long-haul kind of thing. You don’t have to be perfect off the bat.”
Adrien took a deep breath and let it out thoughtfully. “Are you hungry?”
Nino nodded.
Adrien pointed. “There’s a landline on my desk. Dial three-six-five to reach the kitchen staff and ask them to bring whatever you want to my room.”
Nino got up and went over to the desk, mindful of the ash pile that used to be a desk chair and Ladybug merchandise. He dialed as instructed and waited for someone to pick up on the other line. “Uh…hello? Um…could you please bring two large salads with grilled salmon and some kind of vinaigrette dressing along with a mug of mint tea to Adrien’s room? …Okay. Sounds good. Thank you so much.”
Nino looked back to find Adrien propping himself up on his elbow, staring at Nino in wide-mouthed surprise. “They said it would be about fifteen/twenty minutes. What’s up with the fish face?”
“You remembered,” Adrien breathed.
Nino frowned. “Remembered?”
“What I said. A couple years ago. About salads and mint tea,” Adrien clarified.
Nino chuckled, making his way back to the bed, climbing over Adrien. “About how when you or your mom had a bad day she’d kick the kitchen staff out and make you guys a big salad and some mint tea to share? Of course I remember. I mean, salad and mint tea are about the weirdest comfort foods I’ve ever heard of.”
“Marinette’s mom makes her orange jasmine green tea,” Adrien muttered sullenly.
“But her dad makes her crème brûlée to go with it,” Nino countered. “Most people eat fat and sugar when they’re feeling crappy. You just eat health food. Your whole family is weird.”
“I’m sure you mean that in the most loving way possible,” Adrien sniffed indignantly.
“Of course, Mec,” Nino snickered.
There was a long silence.
“…Hey,” Nino called nervously. “Just tell me if you want to drop it, but…can I apologize for the whole Luka thing again? You were right. I’ve been doing a lot of emotional support stuff lately, and I feel like I’m juggling a bunch of balls, right? But I’m a sucky juggler, so I’m trying really hard not to drop them all, but it’s hard cause I don’t know exactly what I’m doing. And I think I dropped one. I think I might have dropped one of the most important ones, and I’m really sorry, Mec. I don’t want to make excuses because I did screw up, and I know I screwed up. You have every right to be mad, but I just want you to understand why. Don’t think of this as an excuse. It’s only an explanation. Some context for my massive failing as a friend…. Can I tell you the story of how I met Marinette?”
Adrien considered for a minute before nodding his assent.
Nino exhaled slowly and began, “I was about five when my family moved to Paris for my mom’s job. It was kind of rough settling in because Paris was so different from the little town I was from. It was kind of overwhelming. I had a hard time fitting in with all the new people. I’ve always been a bit of a social recluse—at least, before you and Alya—I mean, I liked music still, and I was a huge movie buff even then, but those are hobbies you do by yourself. I didn’t have a whole lot to relate to other kids with.
“When I started school, all the other kids in my class were white—well, Marinette’s half white, but—and most of them had lived in Paris their whole lives, and they’d known each other from the previous year, so…I was feeling super out of place. One day, during break, some of the kids were playing I don’t even remember what, but it looked like fun, so I asked if I could play too, but then Chloé, bless her heart, repeated some crap she’d probably heard from her dad about brown people’s place being in the servants’ quarters.”
Adrien full-body winced. “She didn’t.”
Nino snorted. “Maybe those weren’t her exact words, but that was the gist of it.”
“Oh my God, Nino. I am so sorry she said that.” Adrien’s entire face heated up in shame.
Nino shook his head. “You don’t need to apologize, Mec. Just have a bunch of brats of your own someday and teach them to act better.”
“Hey, you’ll get no complaints from me if you can talk Marinette into it,” Adrien joked, only not really. “But what did you say to that? What did you do?”
Nino smiled sheepishly. “I was, like, five. I started to cry, Dude, but then Marinette came over and took my hand and told Chloé that she was mean. Marinette said that she thought my skin was a beautiful color, and she asked me if I wanted to come play with crayons with her.”
“Of course she did,” Adrien chuckled, smiling affectionately.
“Of course she did,” Nino echoed. “And we were fast friends. She was my first ‘bro’. For a couple years, we were nigh inseparable. We made an actual blood pact when we were eight. We used one of her sewing needles to prick our fingers. We kind of drifted apart around the time we were eleven or twelve. We still hung out and everything, but…we weren’t as close as we used to be until after you and Alya came and the four of us started hanging out as a group. We were both kind of outcasts before you and Alya. Marinette didn’t hang out with the other girls in our year besides when the whole class was doing something together, and I was off doing my own thing—listening to music, watching foreign films. Marinette and I used to sit with Nathaniel at the losers’ table in the lunchroom. We weren’t the people you know now. Alya really drew the both of us out of our shells. Well…I guess Marinette had the whole Ladybug thing going on too, but…”
Nino took a deep breath and rested his hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “Do you kind of get where I’m coming from? You and I are best friends now, yes, and you are irreplaceable to me, Adrien…but Marinette and I have a lot of history together. I know as your bro I’m supposed to be on your ‘side’ first and foremost, but…”
“You can’t do that because Marinette is an irreplaceable friend to you too, so you keep getting caught between us,” Adrien finished with a sigh.
Nino nodded. “I’m sorry, Adrien.”
Adrien shook his head slowly. “It’s okay. I understand.” Suddenly, an impish glimmer lit up his eyes. “But that doesn’t mean I have to like it, does it?”
Nino shrugged. “No.”
“So…it would be okay for me to, even though I understand where you’re coming from, still get all childish and pouty and want you to choose me anyway?” Adrien wondered.
Nino smiled wearily. “Yep. That is definitely something you could do.”
“Good,” Adrien proclaimed with a triumphant smile. “Then I’m still mad about the Luka thing.” He picked up one of the pillows and tossed it over by the piano. “Fetch?”
Nino groaned in resignation, getting to his feet. “Okay. If this is the worst I get, I’ll take it and be grateful.”
(The following are questions I asked the AO3 readers in response to some of their comments. I’ll ask you guys too in case you would like to give some feedback on the direction of the story. If you’d rather comment on AO3 because the formatting is easier, you can do so here.
Show of hands: Who wants to see Nooroo and Adrien? Who wants to see more of Luka? Who wants to see less of Luka? Who wants me to stop expanding the story and just wrap it up already?
I feel like some of you want me to stop writing already and just skip ahead to when Marinette and Adrien are okay to date, but I was planning smaller time skips to show how they get there instead of the large timeskip that some of you have mentioned. Are you interested in seeing how they get there, or do you really want me to end the story already? My plan was for Adrien to learn that it doesn’t have to be Marinette through a crush on Luka (no, not a relationship but an attraction that teaches Adrien that he actually can develop feelings for someone else and he isn’t doomed to be alone if Marinette doesn’t return his feelings). I was also going to show Adrien and Marinette slowly learning how to be around one another and repair their relationship before finally coming to a place where they can be together.
So who wants the story to timeskip and wrap up already? Who wants to see the longer version showing the reparation of the relationship and character growth? I think what you guys are tired of is the drama and the angst and the hurt. The good news is that we’re pretty much done with that at this point. Thirteen and Twenty-Seven were the big blowups. Now we’re working on rebuilding.
Thoughts? Thanks for reading!)
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el-dibidibidorado1 · 6 years
Untamed Pt.7
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x plus size MASTERLIST
A/n: sorry for the late update! I hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
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Noooooo it's my day off! Pulling the blankets over my head and rolled over.
"Y/N?!" Noooooooo.
"Y/N!" Angrily I sit up and bring the blanket down. My eyes open and....... What the fuck? There is a Christmas tree in the middle of my room?! Oh my god there is a real pine tree in the middle of my room!
Slowly, I crawl out of my bed and sit In front of the tree. The smell filled my nose heavenly and the ornaments.......looked familiar. Except for this one, a turtle dove? My fingers softly touch the dove. Who put this here? All of this.
"Y/N" Mom and Ed open my door with scared and angry expressions.
"Someone broke i-" mom looked at the Christmas tree and looked back at me then back at the tree.
"Ta-ta da" I nervously say and extend my arms out.
"I don't know if I should ask how this got here?" Ed pointed at the tree.
"Good. Cause I don't know how either" they both came in and sat next to me looking at the tree. It's beautiful. Whoever placed it here is amazing. Creepy, but amazing.
"It smells amazing" all of us take a deep breath, taking in the wonderful smell. Who knows how long we sat there just looking at the tree.
"Who wants pancakes?" I asked.
"Me" Mom said touching the turtle dove
"This is new" I nod my head and take it down.
"Usually there is two. One for a friend and one to keep, but here we have one."
"Should we freak out about all of this?" Ed questioned. I feel like if I should, but I don't. Why? Why can't I freak out about this?
"Oooh these are nice!" I look at Ed playing with some sunglasses. The sunglasses! I forgot to give them to Bucky! Aw man!
"Take those off! They are a gift to someone!" I get up and take them off his huge head.
"WHO?" He asked childish, putting his hands to the side.
"Someone special" I place them in the desk.
"Well I'm going to make the pancakes, get ready we're going to grandma's" we all got up and went out separate ways. Getting my clothes ready I head to the shower. The marks are gone but now there is a scar left behind, make up will do.
With no care I put my music on and get in the shower. I have gone back to showering once a one or twice times a day and it is fine, still feel dirty, but I can't let it get to me.
I let the music take over me and begin singing while washing my hair.
~send you my love on a wire~
~lift you up every time~
~everyone oooooooooo~
The thought of someone breaking in kinda scared me, and the thought of someone placing it in my room while I was sleeping made it worst. Holy shit! I mean the tree is beautiful, but who could have put it in there it's super heavy, and so quietly too. Rosie and Caroline know that I wanted a really tree for Christmas! Them bitches will give me socks or something they dont want. They are out.
A real Christmas tree is all I wanted! But who did I also mentioned that I wanted one. Then the realization hit me like a bowling ball hitting a pin.
"BUCKY!" I yell and open my eyes making soap get in. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck that stings. I hurry and get the soap off and finish my shower in a speedy.
Quickly I dry my body and comb my hair. I should have known from the beginning that it was him. My stomach began to get butterflies as I thought about Bucky bringing a pine tree into my house quietly. He gave me a real Christmas tree for Christmas!
"Mom! I need to go somewhere can I get the car?!" I yelled running down the stairs.
"Is 12:37 we need to be at grandmas at 2" she was still making pancakes.
"I'll be back super duper fast!" She gave me her serious look. Come on, please.
"Please I need to go" I gave her my best puppy eyes. Fall for them, fall for them! She threw me the keys, happily I gave her a kiss and ran out. As i raced to Bucky's place I began trying to wrap the sunglasses. That's it! Is that all I am going to really give him! NO! I need to buy him something else! Should I just wait? Or give him the sunglasses?
"Nope! I'm waiting!" Getting out of the car I slip on ice but manage to get a hold of the car door. Getting myself together I go and knock on his door.
Knock knock knock!
I wait for 10 minutes but he doesn't answer. Ugh he's not home! I hit my head against the door. After a couple of seconds I get in the car and head straight home. What did I expect? he has family, duh. Getting home I literally flop myself on the couch.
"Where were you?" Ed asked me.
"Hukmmmmmm" my face was squished against the pillow.
"I know who gave meee the tree!!!!" Shouted into the pillow. He sat next to me and put a hand on my back.
"His name is Bucky Barnes." He just hummed.
"Ed say something?"
"What do I say?"
"I dont know?! Something?!"
"Is he different?" I nod
"Is he like the other guys?" I shake my head
"Have you....you know?" I shake my head again. I lift my head and look at the destroyed artificial tree. A little chuckle escaped me thinking about Bucky just trying to get all the ornaments.
"How did you guys meet?"
"Work" I sit up trying to fix my hair. He didn't ask anything else. We ate and went to grandma's. We did the same thing over and over again, eat dinner, sit In front of the t.v. or look at the stupid fake tree, then open presents and asking where my boyfriend is, then we eat more. Same. Shit. Over. And. Over. Again.
"Hey Bucko" Tony sat next to me while drinking his spiked eggnog.
"Hey" he gave me one and I gladly drank it. Alcohol didn't affect Steve or I. Super solder serum.
"Ready for presents?" I nod my head and look at the tree. Damn, Tony goes all out! The thing is almost touching the ceiling.
"You know I didn't buy anything for you guys......i thought I wasn't going to come."
"Hey. Your presence is better than anything" he puts his head on my shoulder and finishes his eggnog.
"Tony what are you doing?" Nat asked amused.
"Don't ruin the moment!" Tony yelled and began digging into his pocket.
"Here take a picture. And post it on my Twitter account. Saying something nice" he put his head back on my shoulder and his hand on my chest like a couple.
"Smile honey"
"No" i deadpan.
"Come On sweetheart" I try moving away but he pulls me back down.
"COME ON. LOVE MEEEEE" I manage to get up and Tony falls to the floor getting a hold of my leg.
"3......2......1!" Nat takes the picture. She showed us the picture cracking up.
"Ohh Oh this is perfect" Tony let's me go and grabs his phone and process to upload the picture.
"Come and open presents!" Steve yells. Once we where all in the room Sam had a Santa hat while giving out the presents. Everyone got a bunch of presents! I got one but it didn't matter I felt good. Bunch of clothes and video games where scattered across the room it was amazing! It felt like home, I just missed someone.
"I know......Buck" Steve caught my attention from Peter teaching me how to use my new phone.
"Hm?" Both Steve and Tony give me a heavy box.
"This is from all of us." Tony said with a huge smile on his face. I began ripping the paper. Man, I felt so excited! I don't care if i just got two presents they ment something important. A record player!
"Look inside" clint said.
A bunch of old records that I enjoyed from the past. I got up and hugged Steve for the wonderful memory before war.
"Hey Bucko" I felt overwhelmed by the gift that a lump formed in my throat.
"There is something else Buck" I look at them and they had huge smiles.
"We might have gotten Tony to make you a mp3 player and put new music in there. It's the songs we think you might like. Some of our favorites too" Clint said as I open the small box inside the case.
"Thank you" I mumbled. I feel overwhelmed with comfort and care.
" Mr. Bucky sir are you crYING? " slowly I wipe my cheek. I guess I am. I try to hid the little tears but I guess I failed.
"I guess I am kid" I lightly chuckled and Peter gave me a bone crushing hug.
"DoN' t cRY" I...
"Peter..." can't...
"Peter........" breath..
"Yes Mr.Stark?"
"Let him go. He can't breath!" Soon as he let go I felt myself take a large amount of air.
"Damn kid you got a strong hold" my voice came out raspy. Laughter filled the room.
"Here we are Buck" Steve turned on the truck. He wanted to drive to my studio. 3 hour drive just talking and singing like old times.
"Thanks Steve and Sam"
"Yeah whatever. But next time can we hear music from this era! I wanna hear some Kanye West man!" Sam kept on blabbing and blabbing. Ignoring Sam I got out and walked to my door with my stuff.
"Hey" I whip my head to the side and see Y/n.
"Hey. What are you doing here?" I open the door and let her in first.
"Thanks. Umm I wanted to th-thank you for the tree. It's beautiful" her cheeks turned pink. "Welcome" I mumbled and placed my stuff on the bed.
"I got you something.." she gave me a Christmas bag. "It's not like your gift sadly. I wish I could give you something better" I open the bag and see the sunglasses that i wanted and a DVD movie. Dumbo.
"We can finally see the movie. If you want." She was nervous, I can tell. All I need is her presence, she made this Christmas better.
"Y/n, you watching the film with me will make my Christmas perfect"
Tags: @tnupsweetpie
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boomdawg-blog1 · 5 years
I am very excited that I got tagged by @wonduhhwoman!!! (who is an excellent writer. I absolutely love everything I've ever read by wonduhhwoman, so if you’re looking for more stuff, that’s a good direction to go my friends.)
Rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 people you want to get to know better.
Nickname: I don’t really have a solid one. It fluctuates depending on who I'm with. My friends from high school used to call me Hobo, I had a friend who called me Chief, one who called me Megatron, one who called me Master Hurricane, and I've been called Apocalypse as well as Dance Master Supreme (that one is entirely inaccurate, I assure you).
Zodiac: I heard they changed it, so, if you take that as truth, then I'm Capricorn, if not, then I'm Aquarius 
Height: 5′ 4.5′‘ says the sassy nurse I had last time I went to the doctors. She did not like that I told her I was 5′ 5′’, accuracy is key
Last movie I saw: Wreck-It Ralph 2 and, let me tell you, the movie is a trap man. I thought it was going to be all fun and games, them trying to find a steering wheel, but noooooo, then they gotta go and try to make me cry. Evil. (It was good, I loved it.)
Last thing I googled: The lyrics for Sister Cities by The Wonder Years
Favorite musician: Oh man that’s rough. WALK THE MOON, The Oh Hello’s, Autoheart, Secret Weapons, The Strike, A Day To Remember, Get Set Go, Kids In Glass Houses, AWOLNATION, and probably at least 20 more, lol. 
Song stuck in my head: Face My Fears from Kingdom Hearts 3
Other blogs: None, I hate constantly adhering to other formats. Change maketh me angry. 
Do I get asks: Every once in a blue moon. I like them though :)
Following: 158. I think I was following more, but then tumblr decided to eat itself. 
Amount of sleep: It’s gotta be 8 hours. I can sleep for way, way longer, but then I wake up like an old lady with a thousand little aches and pains in places I didn’t know could get achey. And, if it’s any less, my soul gets ejected from my body and I get possessed by a rabid grizzly bear spirit. It is a merciless beast and, when I am under 8 hours, I am a strong vessel for its bloodlust.  
Lucky number: 8, 4, 3, 11, in that order.
What am I wearing: Sweats and a baggy t-shirt. I am all about the comfort my friends.
Dream trip: Godzilla hotel in Japan, or the film locations from Lord of the Rings (those places were beautiful).
Dream job: Writing. For sure. 
Play an instrument: Lol, I can copy other people when I see what they’re doing on the piano, does that count? Also, I play a mean kazoo.
Language: Just English.
Favorite songs: Oh buddy, this is tough. I come back to these songs a lot, so I guess these are my favorites? Jenny by WALK THE MOON, Candycane Jane by WALK THE MOON, Mr. FEAR by SIAMES, Volcanos by Get Set Go, Pyramids of Salt by The Wonder Years, Don’t Tell Me What To Do by Cerebral Ballzy, Lay Me Down by Dirty Heads, Faux by Novo Amor and Ed Tullet, Manta Rays by Ludo, and The Outfield by The Night Game, though there’s a truck load more.
Random fact: A random fact, eh? Hmm... that’s tough. OH WAIT--YOU KNOW WHAT? Here ya go: anytime I find some weird thing to like (food/drink-wise) it gets discontinued. I LOVED berries n’cream Dr. Pepper, even more than I like regular Dr. Pepper (and that’s saying something) but they discontinued it. I had these chips I liked that were super organic and coated in what I swear was cocaine, and they were amazing--discontinued. Everything I love to eat/drink gets discontinued. It makes me so mad. 
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: Hmm, honestly, don’t really know how to do this one. A snow flurry seems about right. Cold night in the middle of nowhere, your breath blocking the stars. The forest floor in the middle of fall. A pond as it’s beginning to freeze over. “Is that a gator or a log?” A room that is all hanging fixtures, no dressers and drawers. Clouds that are charged with lightning. Ducking when a flashlight sweeps the field, trying to snag you--
And now I've officially lost control. 
Since I don’t do what I'm told and since I am painfully shy, I will tag just a few. 
And, if y’all don’t want to do it, no sweat. I won’t be offended :)
@jaydpuppycat @debby-san @echo-106
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Rewatching “Gotham” S3E14
On this blog, we stan one kickass butler.  And how much he loves his boy
As said before, the rest of these reaction posts I’ll be uploading are not chronological order.  They’re like that because A) college and B) more college.
My sister watched it with me (as well as the other episodes left in my epic “Gotham” reaction series) so my comments will be in bold, and hers will be in regular font.  Author’s notes courtesy of me will be bolded and italicized.
AN:   I managed to record our reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post. 
*gasps as a grenade gets thrown into the precinct*
Jesus God!
Ohhhhh my gosh!
*both freak out over the opening titles*
Molotov cocktails- bet you can’t have just one.
Meanwhile Jeremiah’s like “Eh.  Bazooka.”  *chuckles*
You are walking straight into a trap, Oswald.
*Ed walks in*  I bet you’re wondering why I’ve brought you all here today...
Oswald has like freaking umbrella cufflinks, did you notice that?
“Oh, you [Ed] escaped.”  Nooo....
*jaw drops as Ed shoots Oswald’s men*
“Just wondering if I [Ed] was gonna have to reload.”  Jesus God.
“...what’s happening...”  ‘What’s happening?’  He’s been playing you for a sap!
...Like the cheap kazoo you are.
*starts pretending to play “Amazing Grace” on the kazoo*
*claps hands for each word*  JUSTICE FOR ISABELLA, I swear!
*claps hands*  Yes!
“Isabella was my everything, and you [Oswald] took her from me.”  [Ed] YOU MET HER [Isabella] LIKE A DAY AGO!
*laughs*  You met her in like a span of a day!
*claps hands*  She still deserves better!
I know!  I still think she’s a useless character though.
I don’t care!  She deserved better!
“You [Oswald] still have your life.  But that ends tonight!”  *starts singing “Tonight” from “West Side Story” without trying to giggle*
*chuckles*  You weren’t kidding about the random songs.
Seriously, I do it all the time!
Court of Owls!
The only thing I will never find plausible about the Court of Owls is this idea of “Oh, they’ve been ruling over Gotham from the shadows this whole time,” bullshit.
*both do rising spooky hands*
OK though, I don’t know her name, they don’t give her a name, but she’s like the best.  You see her in previous episodes, she’s like the secretary.  Girl, you rule!
 *puts hands together*  Well, I’m gonna give her a name.  Because in the 66 series, Gordon’s secretary is named Bonnie.
Bonnie!  Ooh, I like that name.
You never actually see Bonnie, you just hear her on the intercom.
“Meanwhile, Cobblepot’s MIA.  You call down to City Hall, and literally no one’s in charge.  Although that might actually be good news.”  *both laugh*
*giggles*  They capitalized “dumpster” on the [close captioning on Netflix]
*waves hands in air in imaginary rainbow*  DUMPster!
“He’s [Jerome] not one to miss out on the fun, so what does he want?”  “A puppy?!?”  *laughs*
“[Oswald] You saw a man that I [Ed] met in Indian Hill that does killer impersonations [Clayface].”  *both end up nodding in agreement*
That’s one way to put it.
I mean, yeah...
“But my father’s remains... you stole them from his grave?”  WHAT NAH WHAT?!?
When did that happen?
I don’t know....
“I [Ed] gently placed his [Elijahs’] remains inside a dumpster behind a Chinese restaurant.”  Oh that’s just mean!
That’s awfuuulll!
That’s meeeaannn!
“You were angry.  I [Oswald] understand.  I even forgive you.”  I love how Ed’s like “Son of a bitch...” and he adjusts his glasses before he turns back.
“So you [Oswald] admit you killed Isabella?”  “Fine.  Is that what you want?”  “Yes.”  *groans in frustration*
“You [Ed] should thank me [Oswald] because we both know what would have happened if I hadn’t!”  *bug eyes in alarm*
“I [Ed] could have lived a life with the woman I loved!”  *both clap hands and aggressively point fingers at screen in agreement*
See see see see?!?  Yes!  God!  Thank you!
“No, Ed.  You would have killed her!”  *leans back*  NOOOOOOOOO!!!
“Just like you did the other one!”  NOOOOOO!!!
Justice for Kristen Kringle too because I’m still pissed about that.
Yeah, I know, I know!  Yeah, I hated what happened to her.
“I did it for love.”  “What?!?”  What?
“I did it because I love you.”  *laughs in frustration*
“Love is about sacrifice!  It’s about putting someone else’s needs before your own!”  *splays hand towards screen in agreement*
“'Cause the truth is, Oswald, you would sacrifice anyone to save your own neck.”  *silently nods in agreement*
“Even me.”  Uh Ed, you’d do it too.  *laughs*
I was gonna say, how does the guy who literally strangled his last girlfriend to death know more about love than [Oswald]?!?
“Now, if you'll look above us, you will see a cauldron of highly corrosive acid, which is currently being held in place by this chain.  When the ice melts, the chain comes loose, the vat of acid tips... you get the idea.”  This is such a Batman 66 trap.
I was gonna say Professor Ratigan but that works too.
*in unison*  Snap!  Boom!  Twang!  Thunk!  Splat!
I mean, if you look really closely at the 66 Riddler, dude was like freaking Jigsaw.
He wasn’t in a wheelchair though.
*in best Jigsaw voice*  Hello, Oswald.
Suck a dick, Oswald,  Though not his dick- you might get mange.
*buries face in elbow*  OH MY GODDDDDD!!
I’m surprised too.
“I mentioned that you [Jim] killed my husband on our wedding night,and he [Jerome] thought that was hilarious, so that’s something the two of you can bond over when you find him.”  Lee’s just amazing.
Lee deserves better.
Though later, Lee’s like “Mmm, I’m still like extremely angry about this.  Tetch Virus!”  and I’m like “WHY?!?!?!?”
Tetch Virus AKA Dumb Plot Device.
“I’ll’’ [Alfred] nip downstairs and see if there’s any life left in that old generator.”  Does he have like no other- did the Waynes have any other staff besides Alfred?
I don’t know...
I’ve always wondered that.
I don’t know.  They never really bring it up.
“Alfred....”  Don’t do it!
*both freak out when Alfred gets jumped by cult followers*
Ohhhh shit!
*Jerome walks in, pretending to be a ghost*  Pfffttt...
Seriously like, where did he get that outfit?
It’s a straitjacket!  He nicked it out of Arkham, I’m sure.
Or it’s like “Oh I’m sorry, gotta find my old friend Bruce.  Oh SYKE!  Outfit change!”
He’s extra enough to do that.
The Valeska twins are just extra to the core.  They’re from the circus, they’re judgy.
*chuckles*  It comes with the territory.
“Teenagers, am I [Jerome] right?”  You are one!
If I recall, he’s like a couple years older than Bruce.
*shakes head*
I would say he’s about [my sister’s] age.
Ohhh OK.
*The owl statue doesn’t break when Jerome drops it*  It stuck!
*groans in frustration when Jerome ends up breaking the owl statue*
“Right.  Sorry.  The old noodle’s still a little al dente post-thaw.”  *laughs*  Al dente?  Is that a pasta?
Don’t know....  I mean, I imagine, waking up from the dead, your brain would feel a little bit like spaghetti.
AN:  Yeah, al dente describes pasta or rice that’s supposed to firm when you eat it. 
“It’s been nagging at me since I [Jerome] woke up.  The idea of slitting that pretty, pink throat of yours...”  Don’t ever refer to Bruce as pretty pink anything.
*imitates the way Jerome twirls his knife in the air before pointing it at Bruce*
“And you’re [Jerome] just going to kill me here?  That’s kinda disappointing.”  You have got balls of steel, Bruce.
*mouths along with Jerome as he says “Flair?  Hmmm?  Style?  Panache?!?”*
He’s like Alex from “A Clockwork Orange”
“I’m Bruce Wayne.”  “I’m aware.”  *both wheeze in laughter*
“My [Bruce’s] company is the machine that keeps the cogs of Gotham running.”  OH MY GOD, you badass!
“You’re saying I [Jerome] need an audience?”  Took you long enough to get it!
*tries not to laugh when Jerome suddenly dips into a British accent in front of Alfred*
“I [Bruce] will see you [Alfred] again.”  *pats chest*  God, I love their relationship in this shoooow!
That was like straight out of “Arkham Origins,” I swear...
I know....
*Oswald still tries to get out of Ed’s trap*  Couldn’t you just like slide up though?  Just shimmy up?
He can’t go far...
“I happen to be the mayor of Gotham...”  *ends up cracking up at the delivery of that line*
“What did you do?”  *scoffs in hilarity*
*Oswald gets out of the trap just in time*  SHIIIT!!
*Jerome’s followers trash the manor in front of Alfred*  Damn!
“And how ‘bout you, Mr. Machete?  Come on in, sunshine. Don’t be shy. Your mother wasn’t. Chop-chop.”  *BOTH JAWS DROP IN SHOCK*
*ends up wheezing*
He snuck in!  That’s why Alfred was saying all that stuff.  He was letting Jim know where everybody was.
Ohhhhhhh.... OK.
*on verge of losing voice*  HE [Alfred] JUST STABBED HIM [the follower] WITH A MACHETE!
*reels back*  OH ALFRED, YOU BADASS!
Holy shit!
That was awesome!
Oh my God!
*Bruce arrives at the cult circus*  Amusement Mile... I swear this is Amusement Mile..
I think so.  It’s one of the few permanent landmarks Gotham has across incarnations.
*ends up wincing at half of the games the cult plays*
This is like a mix between “The Purge” and “Hell Fest”
Oh God.
That’s literally what this is.
“What do you say, Bruce?  Wanna have some fun before the main event?”  That’s a cool shot [of Jerome].
Hooo hooo...
*dives across room to put on hat for rest of episode*
Alfred’s like “I don’t care, I’m not police, I’m goin’ in!”
Oh my God...
Yess!  Like the badass you are, Alfred!
*winces when Jerome stabs a follower beside him*
*both groan in horror when Jerome uses the blood to paint a frown on Bruce’s face*
*freezes when Tabitha snags her whip around Oswald’s neck*
Oh shit!
“Now, where’s Nygma?”  “I [Oswald] don’t know.”  If he’d knew, he’d murder his ass.
“[Butch] Stop pretending that you are anything but muscle!  Yes, you used to be someone in Gotham, but those days are in the past!”  You stop pretending that you have any pull in this situation, Oswald.  You’re the one who has a whip around your neck!
“Remember when I [Tabitha] put a knife in your mom’s back?”  Oh yeah, she’s the one that killed the mom.  And it SUCKED!
“You [Oswald] never did anything about it.”  *cups hands with mouth*  S4 finale!
*proceeds to smack laptop with hat*
*bug eyes when Butch knocks out Oswald*
“You [Butch] realize you have to carry him now.”  *both chuckle*
C’mon, he weighs like 120 pounds tops.
Soaking wet.
“A few dozen brainwashed maniacs can’t keep the city hostage forever.”  “Well, duh...”  Pffttt...
“The point is that all these people out here, looting, robbing, killing, they're the people who wash your car, who pour your coffee, who take out your trash.  And what happened the moment the lights went out?  They showed their true faces.  They showed how quickly they want to open up your rich boy veins and bathe in your blue blood.”  *very softly*  Oooh, that’s a good line.
“There are good people in Gotham.”  This is the Killing Joke.  ‘All it takes is one bad day.’
“Face it, kid:  Gotham has no heroes.”  Yeah, but the people who crawl under their beds and lock their doors are the ones that are biding their time.
*Bruce pushes Jerome so that he messes up his shot*  Ooohhh!
“Foul!  He pushed me!  Did you see that?!?”  Genesis of Batman and Joker’s relationship:  a shove!
*softly*  Jesus Christ....
*The “punk” ends up being dropped anyway*  Oh my God...
*both yell in disgust when Jerome has to re-staple part of his face*
“Did that hurt?”  *z-snaps in shock*
*Jerome puts a staple in Bruce’s arm*  Did he [Bruce] just No-Sell-
Ohhh!  Ohhh!  YES!  YES HE DID!  Yes he did!
*both yell when Jerome does it again*
Aaahhh!  Aahh, that was on the wrist too!
“Stop!”  He took two!  He took two of those!
Over the wrist too!  God, that’s a major vein!
Did you see Jerome there?!?  He’s like “Well, wait a minute...”
*imitates the dramatic way Jerome puts his hat back on*
“Where the hell is our back up?”  Still two minutes out.”  Alfred is your back up!
*chuckles*  All you need is Alfred!
“All right, so we [Jim, Harvey, and Alfred] go in, find Bruce, get him to safety, then we go after Jerome.  Ready?”  “Not really.”  *chuckles*
*Jerome comes out in his ringmaster costume* AAAAHHHH THE SUIT!!
Oh, that’s so cool.
*Jerome slaps his butt*  Did he-
Yes he did.
“The show is about toooo...begin!”  He [Jerome] was doing a Mark Hamill voice there for a second!
I know!  He does the Mark Hamill laugh sometimes.
Ohhh that’s badass!
*both try to laugh at the stock crowd gasp when Jerome shoots a rowdy audience member*
Y’know what, he [Jerome] would be the guy that would carry around canned sound effects like that.
“So, how to thank the best darn cult of fanatics a messiah like myself [Jerome] could ask for?”  *chuckles*  Oh my God...
“I give you-”  *does small verbal keyboard smash when the ta-da fanfare stock sound goes off*
“QUEUE!”  *laughs*
*Bruce gets carted out*  Oh my God.
*mouths along with Jerome saying “Or better yet.... a boom?,” dramatic hand gesture included*
*The cannon gets rolled out*  They’re gonna shoot his ass out of a cannon?!?
*laughs*  Yeah, like Jerome’s gonna fly out of a cannon!
NO, Y’KNOW WHAT?!?  I would pay good money to see that though!
*legitimately trying not to cry laughing*  I can just see Cameron Monaghan going *makes flying sound effect*
No, like they’re gonna bada bing bada boom [shoot Bruce with the cannon]
Oh OK.
OK, y’know what, I would have bought it either way!
*keels over laughing*  I’m just imagining Cameron Monaghan.... WHHHEEEEEUUUU!!!
AN:  Please God someone draw this, I’m begging you.
*both yell in horror at Jerome pouring various kitchen knifes into the cannon*
“Whatever you do, please, definitely try this at home.  Preferably on a family member.”  *wheezes*
“WHOOO!  DOGGIE!”  Somebody saw “Dr. Strangelove.”
Cameron’s like “Yes, I’m getting PAID!”
“Ready, partner?”  *hits desk with hat*
*Alfred starts beating up cult members*  Go Alfred!
Go Alfred!
*mutters*  You magnificent boss, you...
*both laugh when Jerome’s hat gets shot off*
*Jerome sets off the cannon fuse*  Oooooooooohhhhhhh!!
*Bruce starts to pick the handcuffs off*  C’mon, Bruuuuuuucceee.... c’mon, Bruuuuucccceee...
C’mon, last handcuff.  You got this.
*Bruce loses one of the staples*  Oooohhhhhhh!!!
Knock the thing [the stand that Bruce is on] over!  Knock the thing over!  Knock it over so at least you’re out of range!
Well he has one more [staple] though in his wrist.  Or does he?  Yeah, he has one more!
*in unison*  C’mon, c’mon c’mon c’mon c’mon c’mon c’mon!
*jaws drop when Jim and Alfred discover the remnants of the staff that Bruce barely escaped from*
He broke it?!?
I guess...
Oh no, we gotta back to this [Ed and Oswald drama]!  *hits leg with hat*  Nooooo!!
“I [Oswald] I underestimated you, Barbara.”  *sarcastically*  NAAAHHH, really?!?
I hate that dress [the striped one Barbara wears].  I hate that dress so much.
Holy crap,  ooooohhhh... that’s from Tabitha’s whip [the mark on Oswald’s neck]!
Ooooohhhh... euugghhh...
“So I [Oswald] help you [Barbara] find Ed... things go better for me... I don’t know, you kill me?  That about it?”  That’s just about the sound of it.
“Yeah.”  Yeah.
*Bruce runs into the Mirror Maze*  Oohhhhhhhhh...
Oooohhhhh here we go.
“Bruce, darling.”  *points excitedly at screen*
This is the scene!
This is the one “Dark Knight Returns” homage I will ever accept.
*Jerome in front of the mirrors*  OH MY GOOOOSSSHHH!  Look at that!
That’s awesome.
That is amazing!
That is the coolest damn thing.
*Bruce comes into the frame*  Whooooo hoo hooo hooooo!!
*shocked*  Oh shit!
“You’re [Jerome] going to pay for what you’ve done.”  *snaps fingers excitedly*
Daaamn, son!
“What’s going on?  [Oswald] You have a weird look on your face.   Like, weirder than normal.”  *scoffs in hilarity*
“Oswald, you loved him, and he [Ed] betrayed you.”  Kill him!  Kill the love you feel!  Prove that death is stronger than love!  And you can have your own life again!
Yes, I quoted “Once on This Island,“ what of it?
“But I killed Isabella... because I wouldn’t share him.”  Yeah, no shit, eh?
“Ed said love is sacrifice.”  *buries face in hat*
“I shoudl have been able to sacrifice my happiness for his.”  It took you this long?!?
*both shook when Ed walks in*
[Oswald] You are so dead now...
“You’re [Ed and Barbara] in this together.”  Yeah, no shit, eh?
“I [Ed] wanted you [Oswald] to die knowing that you were incapable of loving another person.”  “But I can.  I just proved that, right?!?”  No, you didn’t.
You notice that Bruce is like right beside him [Jerome]!
“Let’s do this mano y mano.... my little conquistador [Bruce].”  Ahhhhh, don’t call him that.
*gasps when Bruce tackles Jerome from behind*
“What kind of hero tackles someone from behind?!?”  *chuckles in shock*
*gasps when Bruce beats Jerome to the ground and starts the beatdown*
Keep going!
*Bruce picks up a piece of glass to stab Jerome with*  Oh shit!
*both too much in the moment to say anything when Bruce decides not to kill Jerome*
*out of breath*  Go Alfred...
C’mon, Alfred!
*both raise our hands and cheer when Bruce runs to hug Alfred*
*Jerome stumbles out toward Bruce and Alfred*  OoOOhhhhh!!  Ohhhh boy...
Take his ass out!  He’s not gonna last much longer!
*yells in shock when Jim runs up and punches Jerome*
*both yell and reel back in horror/disgust when Jerome’s face gets punched off*
*trying not to laugh*  His face is back off!
His face...
*in unison, with fancy hand gesture*  Off!
*giggles*  Had to lighten the mood somehow.
*laughs*  How often can you literally say that?
“[Harvey] You wish I [Jim] would’ve shot him [Jerome]?”  “Eh, he’d probably just come back from the dead again.”  “Probably.”  *both stifle a laugh*
“At least you [Jim] get to say you punched a man’s face off.”  Exactly!
*grumbles and hits desk with hat*  But Jeremiah dies in the next season.
*keels over*  SON OF A-
*evil laugh*
There’s twins!  Shut up!
“Well, got to say the clown makeup was way more terrifying than the damage underneath, Master Bruce.”  Pfft.
“Did I [Alfred] ever tell you that I don’t like clowns?”  *bug eyes in horror*
*whispers*  You’re not gonna like Jeremiah then.
He’s less clownish than [Jerome]
I love this orange lighting
“Shall I [Alfred] tell you [Bruce] what I thought?  I thought how proud I was of you.”  *puts hands to chest*
“Of the man you’ve become.”  *smiles*
“I almost killed him, Alfred.”  But you didn’t.
“But if you [Bruce] keep going, you’re gonna need rules.”  Vengeance blackens the soul, Master Bruce.  You walk the edge of that abyss every night, but you haven’t fallen over, and I thank heaven for that.
*softly*  This is that scene!
“I will not kill.”  *both raise our hands in anticipation*
“Say it again.”  Say it, c’mon...
“I will not kill.”  *both clap hands toward screen*
My sweet badass bab!
*in dramatic Batman voice*  Sad Boy... is now... Vengeful Boy!
*about falls out of chair reeling back*  OH SNAP THE CLONE!
*bug eyes*
*throws hat at screen*
“I [Five] still don’t understand how I can help save Gotham.”  His voice is different!
That’s the doppleganger theme!
Oh shit, son!
*Someone knocks on Jim’s door.”  Have a drink first.  No wait, you’re gonna need that.
*softly*  God damn, this freaking pier...
“Ed...I love you.”  *both so done*
“I... don’t... love you.”  *snaps fingers in agreement*
“You need me, Edward Nygma!”  No he doesn’t!
“When I [Oswald] met you [Ed], you were a nervous, jittery, loser!”  :[
“I created Edward Nygma!”  You’re full of shit
AN:  Oswald kinda has a point though.  Just sayin’...
You see him [Oswald] spitting up foam?!?
“You can’t do this...”  Yes he damn well can.
“Ed, are you listening to me?”  “...I’m listening...“  NO!  Don’t listen to him!
*both raise our eyebrows in shock when Ed shoots Oswald*
Push him in!  Push him in!
*Ed pushes Oswald into the river*  YEEEEEEESSSS...
*slow jams to Penguin’s theme playing as Oswald sinks to the bottom*
Go to hell, Oswald.  I know he lives but let me have this.
*jams the crap out to the ending theme*
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comicteaparty · 5 years
May 2nd, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on May 2nd, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PDT.  The chat focused on Moonlight Apparition by Janaka Davis (Darkhalo4321).
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Featured Comment:
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Moonlight Apparition by Janaka Davis (Darkhalo4321)~! (http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
Hello~! Yay Dark! :D Honestly -- my favorite scene is probably the scene where Ker starts teaching Jason a smidge more nicely, rather than just being a jerk about things. I feel like we're starting to get past his gruff exterior a bit... Wonder why he's such a grump? http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2572727/6-4/ Also, his witch eye is super badass, and I am really curious to learn more about it, bleeding and all.
I'd have to say near the beginning, when Jason defeats the....thing (i forget what it was called exactly i'm so sorry ) by calmly sending it on its way instead of defeating it with violence
When Robbie jumps on the well. Because it's hysterical. (I am a simple creature)
a shade monster
i need to reread
It likes to throw shade
So, it's a shade monster -- you mean it's just telling Jason all the failings of his friends right there?
toby has an expired library boooook
Made it o/
Toby no
"Yeah, you think it's real good idea to go jumping on well covers... Just you wait, one of you guys is gonna fall through and I'm gonna laugh my ass off."
the worst crime of them all
Oh yeah I liked the early scene too
and here i thought toby was the one we could trust
Robbie's antics at that point make me laugh
-kick- oh shit
Robbie no
Letter Bee
My favorite scene is when Jason protected Lark.
The first scene introduced me into what genre this story was and the monsters these good kiddos would face, but how jason handled it made me realize what kind of story it would be
Discord blocked my doodle....
discord play nice
[image: Shade monster: You guys think you're hot shit, eh? Too bad Sunny-boy isn't here to enlighten you! Jason: stop](edited)
meanwhile Lark sneezing off screen not wanting to be involved
haha (and hello I made it )
my favorite scene is the one where antonio fights the spying hunters and is basically like "im cooler than you now gtfo my property"
yay! thank you! ovo/
that is a GREAT scene
that was probably my favorite scene to draw
Antonio: Get off my lawn!(edited)
his SMILE as he makes his weapon appear
all he's missing is a cane to wave around threateningly
he's not THAT old yet-
the face of a man who hasn't been in a fight for a long time and is looking FORWARD to it
ya'll f-ed up
hey you dont need to be old for a cane. you can get one for the aesthetic.
also it can be used for blunt force trauma
and for beating people!
see Rebel gets me
using canes is a Legit martial art form you know
The only thing that hurts worse than getting cut by Antonio would be the emotional wounds he can inflict.
>_O ooof yeah.
or the emotional wounds you'd get just from the fact that you forced him to hit you
wait if the shade monsters throw shade, is this how antonio fought them? he just learned to throw even more intense shade?
Not only can he kick your ass, but he will make you feel bad about making him kick your ass.
I mean ... look at how well Crow does later on
might not be the BEST example X'D
I love crow
(yes, I'm teasing crow shhhh)
Honestly, looking at this scene, Crow is lucky that Antonio didn't just maim him right there.
I really liked when Jason sparred with Toby, it's still one of my favs
kabo coming in clutch with those links
I imagine 40 tabs open on kabos computer
when Jason rolled with his niece to keep her safe
this was such a fun page to draw :D
Later that week, Antonio looks at his socks and has a moment of "like the old days" and "dammit we're out of bleach"
grass staaaaaaaaaains
just make ker do the laundry
jason sparring with toby was cute but also made me more curious about toby. like jason makes sense for why hes have secret fight knowledge, but why did toby feel compelled to learn.
((then he'd get sad because that would be the moment Adelaide would tell him "use vinegar and water))
i feel if ker did the laundry hed mix bleach with all the chemicals youre not supposed to mix bleach with
fill the house with poison
I just figured that was an activity toby learned when he was younger. my hubby did taekwon do as a kid (did I spell that right xD)
Probably mixes his red socks with his white shirts...
ker would look dashing in pink probably
It's really blue'd up, but in the scene after the contact with lark, his shirt is more on the magenta/pink side.
a nice pink button-up with a navy blue tie? Very nice
[Image: Antonio saying, "Hey Ker, did you see that chore list I left for ya, eh?"]
just a guy, making dinner... I'm sure...
hey my dad makes tacos and cuts fruit with his bowie knife, I'm sure Antonio would do the same
insert Jason handing Ker some form of cross because- he gon' need it for the grave
better find a saint to save ya
You know, Ker sure mouths off a lot to Antonio... I can't wait to see some form of terror pop up at some point. XD
St Jude? XD
(patron of lost causes)
it turns out we were the shade monsters all along.
Dark -- serious question though. This... Terraphate massacre mentioned in chapter 4... How many people were killed?! http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2300366/4-14/
Tenor | Shinavar
“1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?” Lark's introduction because he's my baby anD HE'S DOING SO WELL I'M SO PROUD. :DD (Also I just deeply enjoy like, a lot?? of?? he scenes but Lark's intro had me immediatly adopt him so- )
more than 7
Lark is very intriguing
it was more of a serial murder case
Lark's a troubled sunshine child
Tenor | Shinavar
(Also HI EVERYONE + I will be limited in typing, bound to my left had today )
ah so one of those massacres where they pulled out a thesaurus to make it sound cooler
OH i get the "more than 7" reference now
Wait, more than 7 reference?
more than 7 killed
also, you know... if it's a small number like that... Sounds like ................................... A conspiracy.
Boston "massacre" had only 7 people killed
((or was it 5 oh no i'm getting rusty))
But was it random or a set group of people at the same time? hmm
o_o I have no idea
it was across town- but like...yanno.... it happened all on the same night so... suspicious still
Culprit was apprehended- or were they? dun dun dun >:#c
Theory: all the people killed were Apparition users
how big is the town?
And that's how Jason got his magic
Uhm... I'd estimate around the 12-17k range. ish
It is literally murder magic
big enough to have a hospital at.
but like Bandon Oregon has a hospital, so like. Eh, if there's a need people will have a hospital.
Cause you know... death is a thing
I did try thinking in terms of "would a city of this size have this or this?" and did some comparisons for research
@Tenor | Shinavar [Image: Lark -- "This boy needs to be happy" Ker -- "This one needs to get over his grudge"](edited)
he's an AXE Murderer
oh come on we haven't seen him kill anybody yet
you know, honestly, the first time I saw Ker and Lark interacting, I could have sworn that Lark was like, some trickster asshole. And that he'd done something awful to Ker to make him THAT angry and grumpy.
ya know i was going to say that is a bigger town than i thought itd be but then i looked up comparable towns near me and have now changes my thoughts that 12k is a tiny town
Maybe he ran into Ker one morning, on the way in to town, and made Ker spill coffee all over his nice, clean shirt.
It's big- but small. Big enough to have a few draws- but not BIG enough for some stuff.
Wow I sure as heck don't remember seeing that lmao
I thought it was only me who got that impression
The town i grew up in is 32k - 12k is TINY XD
30k isn't that small...
See- Roseburg is like 26k population- and I was doing a sized down version of THAT
....I mean, the town I grew up in had that many people, and it was kinda busy but we only had like, 3 blocks... ...of actual city...
you wouldn't believe it but BEND Oregon is now... like 80K
I think in terms of crime it really depends on many factors and the type of crime. Where I come from we have a lot of people technically, but when I was younger certain...crime that happened was not exactly heard of for our location..
We've had three serial killers now and it still isn't something that would have normally happened..
Tenor | Shinavar
12k ain't big but it ain't small. Town next to me is 4k.
lark probably did piss off ker, we just don't know what he did yet
Also worth considering: When we were younger, the news didn't like to cover small towns all that much.(edited)
my town was super small up until a few years before I was born, so it really isn't that city-like
Tenor | Shinavar
Kabo: u funny
Ey, remember, only 20 years ago, the internet was thought of as a fad
Tenor | Shinavar
Oh I'm refrencing something else, no worrie slol
QUESTION 2. Of course, our main protagonist Jason is drenched in mysteries. How exactly do you think Jason’s mother was murdered, and why did the event cause so many changes in the world? Why doesn’t Jason’s dad want to explain the event to him? Who exactly sealed Jason’s memories and for what purpose? Additionally, why are the memories now starting to unravel after all this time? Overall, do you think Jason will learn to control his powers? Does he have a contract as Ker suggests might be possible, or will he have to make one to protect himself? Even if Jason gains control of his powers, how will that change his course in life? Lastly, how will Jason’s experiences with Phates in the future affect his choices?
“ How exactly do you think Jason’s mother was murdered”
She was stabbed.
Tenor | Shinavar
Dibs on eaten
you know whatever you guys suggest im gonna assume its just all of it
so stabbed, maybe burned, then eaten
Tenor | Shinavar
What? I'd go into a complete amnesiac trauma experience seeing my mom get eaten in front of me
hold on I have an awful idea
Letter Bee
I feel that the Leader of the Hunters slashed Adelaide to death as part of a plan to demoralize Antonio and keep him from fighting the corruption in the Hunters.
And if you're very lucky, in that order?
It definately involved Jason somehow, but I don't think he was directly responsible
Tenor | Shinavar
If Jason was responsible I'm chalking it up to "Phrophetic" reasons and mom tried to protect him
Jason was a witness at the very least, for sure
Letter Bee
And the Leader of the Hunters also cursed Jason as a further hold on Antonio.
Jason has a hard life
[Image: Crossover joke](edited)
but her hair was LONG
Okay okay okay geez uh(edited)
I think she was slashed, not exactly just stabbed? Jason witnessed it so his memories were sealed to protect him from that trauma, but I think that if he remembers who it is, it will put him in Danger. (my guess..)
Well, we really don't have any clues as to who did it or why
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2341615/4-23/ I've always wondered if Adalaide is the "she" Lark is talking about.
Is she really dead?
i think it was caused by something magic-y he wasn't supposed to see/know about
Is she really? Like, dude, maybe she's not dead, but... Disappeared.
And Lark and Jason share a sort of bond because of it (brothers, maybe???)
Tenor | Shinavar
/Insert Brother Bear Meme for Lark + Adalaide?
If it's disney rules...
Sometimes I can STILL hear his voice
i support this head canon just so lark and jason can be brothers
please don't start another twin theory here
They can't be twins, Lark's older. But maybe Adalaide had a secret child with someone.
I love twins...but I'd have to agree xD
Tenor | Shinavar
Fine I'll up a twin Theory: They're the same person split.
No thank you..
jason just didn't leave for a year. nbd
Two halves of a whole?
Tenor | Shinavar
Actually, y'know what
Lark is the memories, Jason is the power?
a yin or yang theory
I see your twin theory and raise you Lark and Robbie are related(edited)
dat curly hair
Tenor | Shinavar
Tenor | Shinavar
You'd never see it coming their personalities are so different :D
they are the same age too
OR...they are related but time travel or au is involved
Robbie is the rogue path
A doppelganger from the phate side of the world?
(Lark, that is)
I mean, Lark is a bird, and Oregon is home to Portland, and if y'all haven't seen Portlandia
OR he's a robot that thinks he's not and he was given fake memories
Oh nooo
So a doll hm?
Oh yeah, regarding the contract part of the question
There was that trippy dream Jason had
Where he looked kinda....corrupted? And someone gave him a cross
I dunno, the timing of that seemed kind of contracty to me
Ah ha, this bit: http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2637351/6-18/(edited)
Who's the other person there?
We don't know O:
I think
in regards to the contract thing, im gonna point out it was suspicious metaphysical contracts were brought up, nobody knows how they work, and it potentially kills ppl
I mean
Well, people, there's two, but I figure the guy's probably someone like Ker
you'd have to be pretty desperate to agree to it then?
what doesn't kill you makes you stronger?
Halo boo
- adviec from Ker... probably
.........That's how he got those scars.
that does sound like ker advice
"I'm clearly not dead, so it's okay!"
seems legit
Oh derp hi like right in the next page from that it shows Jason dreaming about his mom getting slashed(edited)
his dreams suck
Ker sure isn't the prettiest face you'll see for a motivational spokesperson, but he sure is the one that'll make you say "YIKES"
I did have a lot of fun with that dream sequence. I both loved it and regretted it instantly.
The true suffering
It's interesting that Jason sees himself as cursed in the dream, though.
maybe the dream sequence is how jason made a contract to try and save his mom but between that and her dying it was too overwhelming
Unless the curse just sits on top of any self-representational form of himself in his dreams.
ooof indeedly
It's like it's becoming more and more clearer?
Ker observed the curse triggers when Jason's thinking about his mom (or, I guess, what happened to his mom), and he was dreaming about his mom at the time
I believe he does make that inference
(is inference the right word?)
Yeah, I think so
But Dark knows all the answers so clearly can't tell us THE TRUTH
yes it is I feel smart
The truth is out there
Okay, more seriously though
I c o u l d
I'm not sure Ker wasn't involved in the murder.
I dunno.
no... :C
he did skip town
Antonio would kill Ker if he was 8V
yeah i agree with res
ker would not be alive right now
or staying in the house
but antonio needs SOMEONE to clean the bathrooms
Ker probably can't take antonio, honestly
ker doesnt need to live in the house for that. get a dog house and make ker sleep outside
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2455383/2-9-5/ I feel like Antonio might have suspected Ker's involvement, intentional or not, at one point tho
and clearly Ker has no problems killing rogue apparitions
okay yes he does, but only because Lark's a kid
i got more the impression that antonio called ker cause he thought ker would actually give him straight answers about certain things going on that he wasnt made privy too. versus necessarily think ker was directly involved
Hm, true.
ker secretly has lark's bday marked on a calendar so the minute lark turns 18 he can kill lerk with no qualms cause lark is an adult
Okay, revision to the theory then. Ker may have known who was sent out that night to deal with the new Moonlight Apparition. Ker may not have known why someone was sent out, or to where they were sent... But had info, somehow. and then... When he realized what happened, he couldn't face Antonio for 5 years.
that sounds more like ker
at the very least i dont buy ker saying "i vaguely remember"
that is a conversation you would remember XD
Ker probably doesn't want to remember.
Maybe he made himself forget?(edited)
Unless Ker was secretly in some sort of love/hate relationship with Adalaide, and then was in a state of shock when he heard she'd died. (Although it really seems more hate/hate)
ker got himself one of those jason curses
(so, yanno, no unrequited love shenanigans there, but we can dream)
Well, there is memory magic
...Is Ker a puppet?
Is that what you're getting at Res
I mean, Dark saying Ker may have made himself forget
Was Ker made to forget so he could easily carry out orders, and being near Antonio is bad news bc it jogs his memory
I'm just saying there's a way to do that
don't stop me from making up crazy conspiracy theories!
Although here's a question: Why only Adelaide?
Jason was there
Because Antonio.
Why only jason?
I mean like, if Jason was there, why wasn't he killed too?
Jason's dream/memory of the event cuts off right at the moment he's threatened by him mom's killer(edited)
Instead, he just got the curse on him
im assuming either they didnt get a chance to get at jason cause he did apparition things or because adelaide was super duper special and therefore had to die(edited)
.....What if someone's using Jason
I feel like the killer was interrupted before he could finish the job.
Oh no...
Someone needed him alive? :3c
if i had to pick someone to blame for the murders im gonna pick belial cause belial is one suspicious mofo
Also his magic and eyes are purple.
A royal color
I know that logic doesn't make much sense when stated out loud like that, but -- I figure an easy visual hint someone would use (or well, a way to distinguish who cast what) is to tie the magic color back to the magic user.
...UNLESS Purple is just a cursed color.
In which case, Belial is toxic.
And if you're going to code someone as having "evil magic", you use red or purple
Or green
The danger colors
green is my favorite color. It will never be toxic to meeee
totally toxic
but purple IS the color of Jason's curse
purple IS cursed because that's my favorite color
...So, I guess we need to find out if Belial also knows how to use a sword.
It is also my favorite color! But cursed...? I never thought about it.
TBH it's weird that the hunters are working with him or his brother at all.
He seems like the type
I dunno, Belial seems more the type to use a magic sword and use it for blood magic.
Would that be why the murders happened?
His brother now... thats a fun character >:3c
Some sort of horrific ritual involving the town?
We haven't seen other places enough to know if this is an oddly concentrated population of magic shit.
But... I wonder.
Real quick before the next question: re: how powers will affect Jason's life: Hope you weren't plannin' on college, kiddo. Super powers and college don't mix well
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2637354/6-20/ maybe not jason because i was looking at this page again and the writing that can be read is saying wake up. and while you could argue its a subconscious thing telling jason to wake up from the dream, you could also interpret it as something he heard cause the murderer wanted jason's apparition powers to awaken.
super powered jason cant be any worse at college than the thought of robbie at college XD
QUESTION 3. Besides the characters, there seems to be a lot going on in regards to the world. Who do you think Jason can trust: the Hunters or Lark? For what reason do you pick that side? Why do you think the other side can’t be trusted? Overall, do you agree with the Hunters’ stance that Phates should be kept secret? In contrast, do you sympathize with Lark’s goals? What crime do you think he’s being hunted for, and why is it secret? Also, what do you think happened to the people Lark is looking for? Finally, what do you think is going on with the Behem Realm in regards to the corruption and can it be fixed? What role might Jason have in regards to that?
Honestly? I think Lark's the more trustworthy. The more I talk this out with made-up theories, the less I am really trusting the hunters.
this whole situation with hidden information and magican shenanagins is stressing me out
I will say Lark because that sweet child would never hurt my beloved Jason.
I'm sorry, Crow, you poor child, I really can't trust you until you get an anger management class.
trust no one
jason shouldnt trust anyone. that is the answer. dont trust ppl who have secrets
I tend to think both sides are right and wrong :V The Hunters probably didn't explain things well and are probably doing some shady stuff, but Lark proooooobably reacted poorly and got himself in too deep
Also yes
Trust no one lol
@RebelVampire gets it
I don't think phates should be kept secret from the general population
If there are no secrets...
Then the only person we can trust is Robbie.
Lark seems to have good intentions, but probably doesn't have the full story
@Respheal gets it too yes
I'm sorry, it's TRUE though.
It is true and it hurts
robbie is NOT the person you should trust
robbie is the murderer confirmed
because he's Lark's brother
Y'all are saying don't trust people with secrets, and where does that leave us? EVERYONE but Robbie has secrets.
Toby is a good kid- no secrets
with a fire cracker? absolutely not but with the TRUTH????
y e t
im gonna trust antonio. antonio is just a great dad, great businessman, and great taker carer of ker
I trust no one. not even myself... ESPECIALLY myself
But even Antonio's keepin' secrets :(
If we're going to trust Antonio, it's only because if I don't, he'll kill me if I walk in his yard.
Presumably for good (or so he thinks) reason, but....
I'm sure he HAS his reasons
just because there are reasons doesn't mean they're GOOD reasons
Antonio's a parent. Jason is a teenager. In most stories, you can't trust the parents because they're keeping grown-up secrets from their kids.
Like, the truth about that college you really wanna go to... It's not happening. I'm sorry. MIT doesn't offer a full ride, Jason. ...Or does it now
anyway point is
You can't even trust JASON
jason sucks at math, what makes you thik he'd get into MIT XD
because he's keeping secrets!
The one secret I wanna know is how he gets his hair to stand up like that
Ghibli effect
The wind styles it FOR him
antigravity hair gel
He hangs upside down for an hour every morning (actually no this is more of a Robbie thing)(edited)
Jason's never at 100% power because he's using 10% of it to do his hair.
maybe he showers before bed and just
lets it dry however it wants
he needs to get it cut. chop chop chop
bye bye fluff
So birds don't style his hair?
And then he'll look like a tiny Antonio
he's a regular snow white that kid
no i already weeped when robbie cut his hair
Crim, are you suggesting that Jason's a disney princess?
wait until he cuts it SHORTER
... Let's count the qualifications
there needs to be like 1000% more floof for everyone's hair
You mean he's not?
He has a bird friend He has a dead mom But can he SING?
when jason cuts his hair will he do it in a comb-over(edited)
he can sing very well
oh no- I made a disney princess
Disney princess confirmed
He's like BELLE because... he loves reading though!
he doesh't get trapped in a castle. but. like...
I want adventure in the great wide somewhere~
but not this apparition haaaair
idk jason isnt really singing about he wants more than his provincial life
Jason, when Robbie comes by. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INDnS3vIKCU
He's more like... Tiana
Oh because... restaurant, right?
and hard worker... stubborn.... oblivious
robbie probably DID ask Jason to marry him HONESTLY
three times at the very least(edited)
But wait....maybe he's hercules since Ker is training him??
he DID propose to like... 5 nurses
i wonder what robbie wouldve done if one of the nurses said yes
I'm into the Hercules version of Jason. If only because it means Cathy and Melodie are probably muses
Heck yeah!
Melodie has the moves for that!
So The Behem realm
Will there be a musical chapter?
its probably fine. corruption always fixes itself O_O
how would I comic that?... a musical chapter? When the anime happens, I'll have one made!
I still can't help but think that Crow's some sort of shapeshifter or werewolf... Behem... Behemoth... Plus Crow's propensity to growl like some sort of very angry dog...
if crow isnt a werewolf i will be surprised
I am 100% on board with that theory
cause theres been enough refs to imply it is so
I mean... He takes commands rather well when threatened- so-
dog training?
Crow doesn't listen to Julie real well tho
he tries
i think how the behem realm is being dealt with is a major reason jason shouldnt trust the hunters. cause while i dont think the hunters are evil persay, i think in their pursuit to do the good they bend ethics waaaaaay too far(edited)
Julie needs to talk louder-
He is basically a puppy
be loud and RIGHT THERE, then he'll pay attention
yeaaaah- wonder why they have a phate trapped in a glass jar in a makeshift lab
.... Do the stooges know about that
they might
they might not
@RebelVampire -- d'ya think the state of Behem might be related to Jason?
what if Jason's unintentionally an avatar of destruction?
why... did that make me giggle so much?!
i mean id believe it. sorry jason.
This tiny cinnamon roll of a child -- really there because he's a sign of end times.
you are destined to destroy all that you love
except antonio
With Antonio as his dad, I'd really believe it.
Yeah, I've been forbidden by many to NOT kill antonio
which means I probably should kill him, right?
Jason can become a razor-sharp weapon of death... But when it comes to his father, they walk side-by-side into the end.
I did threaten to fly over there and shoot you with something. Do I have to again?(edited)
it means you should NOT
no dark this means the opposite. this means antonio needs 10 layers of plot armor
fine fine he's safe... for now
and when you pretend to kill him it turns out antonio faked his death and it was his plan all along
I have MULTIPLE Nerf guns Halo...(edited)
oh noooo
He'll eat a potato chip and go just as planned
Live footage of Dark, plotting out the story https://tenor.com/6zEs.gif
you forgot to add in the part where I plot as horrible implications are made known to me
>:3c fu fu fu
. . . So uh.
i do think jason is tied to the corruption in all seriousness
Anyone got new horrible implications to point out?
I'd agree with you on that, Rebel.... Hold on, I feel like there's visual evidence
Oh, no nevermind
I was like, "I remember that shot of the blocked off Behem realm being foresty," and linked it to Jason's dream where he got the Rosary... But they don't look similar at all.
But what seems to be a gate(????) to the realm has the same kind of creeping blackness as was surrounding Jason and the corrupted shade
as far as im concerned the only evidence we need is that jason has amnesia and all the events tie back to the massacre
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2663394/6-32-chapter-end/ http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2637351/6-18/ But I'm not sure if that's just Dark's visual shorthand for "dark magic"
So file this under "more evidence needed, but I'm choosing to believe they're tied together somehow"
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2017341/2-10/ Also, apparently the Jason = Apparition user has been hidden from the hunters for a while... So, I wonder if Jason changed that night, corrupted the Behem realm with his awakening (somehow -- maybe it was just some sort of casting in place from the previous apparition user), and then got home after horrific things happened, only to have his mother murdered
The problem with this is, we don't know how casting this sort of stuff works yet, so I don't know if Jason's been in proximity TO the Behem realm if it requires that he physically be there to affect it.
He's a wot? He's an apparition antonio-
So, I think until shown otherwise, if Jason's power is linked to Behem's state... Jason's probably a symptom of the problem, more than the cause??
to be fair though we cant say for sure the corruption even started in the behem realm can we?
cause it couldve started elsewhere and thats just the first notable place it hit in its spread
true -- it could have been Belial starting shit, and it spread like a wildfire.
belial please, observe proper fire control procedures at least(edited)
a forest fire to burn all the... evidence...
blame it on teens using the beehive burner as a party spot
just as planned
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2663394/6-32-chapter-end/ Also, I wonder why Julie cares so much about the Behem realm? I know you don't need to have a link to a place to care, but... I feel like she has more than just Crow.
QUESTION 4. Jason isn’t the only character in the comic with secrets. Do you think there are any significant things that Toby might know from the past that are sealed from Jason? If so, what and how will that affect his and Jason’s relationship? What do you think the story is with Robbie and how Jason ended up his friend? Why won’t Jason tell Toby the circumstances, and why is Robbie’s situation with Jason significant? Also, will the relationship between Jason and Melodie develop, or is it doomed to the status quo? Moving to other characters, how do you think Ker came upon his eye and the ability to use Fae magic? How might this event be influencing his choices and position with the Hunters? Last, what is going on with Belial, and what do you think this means for the story?
To be honest, when we found out that Robbie just kind of appeared in their friend group one day, I half expected that Robbie would be part of Jason? Like, that whole part of Jason that got separated out when he developed amnesia, but then the curse was introduced, and it was like... "nah"
Eh- but you have to think back to Annette and Jason's conversation on the back porch-
I've had a theory for a while that Robbie may have attempted suicide.... Mostly fueled by "Are you suicidal?!" "Yes?" and the references to Robbie being in a hospital
And that's probably how they met? 'cuz Jason's sister is a nurse?
itd make sense cause theres a lot of rumors surrounding robbie and well...rumors lead to bullying >_>
And that conversation between Jason and his sister was very......real
"is he okay?"
Robbie's a good egg who decided if he was going to be talked about, he may as well give them something to talk about
and itd actually explain robbie's sort of cavalier attitude. cause if hes actually depressed than he doesnt care about his safety
thus jumps on well covers
when Inspector Toby says "lets not stand on this-"
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2222484/1-17/ Toby's pretty cavalier about risking Robbie for Jason's sake tho
And why Jason, being the good kid he is, doesn't drop Robbie like a brick when he's consistently crass
if he don't care about his safety, why should he?
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2222492/1-21/ Because Jason cares
well yeah, why would toby pick robbie over his best friend? XD
I'm still mad at Robbie about the cafeteria scene lol
in the redraw I think I made it worse, but less directed...
if that's possible...even
Toby seemed to join in on it in those pages tho
Toby, why are you so mean to Mel. XD
what did she do to you
Toby-... t o b y
sighs Toby- He's such a complicated nooooodle
i just assumed robbie acted that way because thats how he handles socially awkward situations he doesnt want to be a part of. and his go to mode is "be a jackass"
.... Mel tried to be friendly, Toby didn't take her being friendly very well because it was a bad day, Mel continued to pester A grudge began
for the cafeteria scene that is
Well, no, I mean, that could be their history XD
But yes, Robbie being a jackass is default, I think
"I don't know what to do, so go away" only he can't say those words
because then he looks weak
toby is a complicated noodle tho. i cant decide if he can be trusted or not. cause he seems honest but then at the same time he feels like he has a secret skeleton closet of secrets
but, Toby Melodie and Jason have been friends for a while now-
his room DOES have a closet Hmmmm
When Jason mentioned he had started remembering things, Toby looked like he was ready to whack Jason upside the head if it'd bring on the amnesia again
A definite "nope nope nope bad don't remember" sort of expression
yeah, bad things happen when that... happened...
Maybe Toby has a secret he needs to hide.
What are you hiding?
cue law and order theme
Or at least, that was my impression during that first time, but when it was mentioned that Jason gets hospitalized...
It was like, hm, okay. Toby's not suspicious I guess.
f o r n o w
Unless he was that other figure in the bg of that dream
is Toby the contracteee?
Part of the contract, maybe XD
I gotta leave the chat guys, sorry! (gotta make dinner) Thank you for including me!
bye! thanks for joining us!!
thank you for comin @crimsonangeltears ~!
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2637351/6-18/ <- this page, first panel, 3 figures, just fyi
Thanks for coming Crimson! makes yummy food for your family!
Have a good night Crim~!
ok so it wasnt just me. i tots thought toby's reaction to jason's memories returning was super suspicious
and like he was ready to flee the country
well, if Jason is linked to the destruction of realms
wouldn't you?
there is a lot about the APPARITIONS the hunters DONT KNOW sooo
that's why they want Lark
to counteract Jason.
why only get one when you can have both tho?
They don't want him dead, but captured if possible. Because even if he dies, that power will reappear, yeah? but Lark's like, "Yeah, nah, I'm fine with the world ending."
I'm surprised no one has brought up the lab... with lark...
It's still new-ish information
We don't know who had the forest lab under their control yet, or am I forgetting something
maybe they had all those kids to test corruption on
Test subjects for Belial's brother~
'cause eventually, you need human subjects.
I mean- they are keeping phates in jars so-
Nari was sacrificed for the sake of the Behem realm!
shes a homuraaaa
or a madoka?
she's Sayaka
THERE we go
i dont have enough info to theorize on the lab. cause i got more the impression the kids were at a training facility for the hunters than a lab and that the lab came later.
But uh... There were theories on Dark's server about Mr. Grimr...
maybe theyre pulling an fma and when lark finds nari shes gonna be fused with a phate
Ahahaha oh no
Don't give Dark ideas!
... l- lark?
We have found the limit, and it is Nina jokes.
I can't take nina jokes in two servers gosh darn it
that will ALWYAS be the limit
this will be the hill I die on
Okay, but seriously, Mr. Grimr has purple eyes.
Is he Belial's bro
he might be
purple, and purple makes a connection-
nothing but pain
I mean
we have yet to see ... What was her name?
he knows stuff
So, I guess we're going to have a scene of this comic in a strip club.
d... did you not
oh dear
Dark, if you skimp out on the bright colored lights, I'll be sad.
my google search history is going to ask questions kabo
Just look up sterotypical pictures from Vegas
it'll be fine
Or watch Showgirls (don't watch showgirls, it's not really good)
vegas is basically one big strip club
That's WHO
I uh
I actually meant who's the 'her' Grimr is referring to
I felt very clever about the name.
i assume the her was nari but now that res brings up that page...lark, did you...did you make a metaphysical contract?
o h
"her" -- probably Nari. Or Adalaide. XD
o h n o
If Nari's not fully dead, she will be soon.
A victim of corruption...
r i p
I mean, you kind of sealed her fate with the whole friggin blood shots followed by tears
how else do you interpret that
he just... misses her and regrets his bloody murdering ness or... something
http://moonlightapparition.smackjeeves.com/comics/2685206/7-5/ Lark is fine if the world ends because Nari isn't in it.
The red was actually his hair dye
That's why he wants Jason.
lark please. what you do is be the distraction and have jason sneak in. cause they wont be expecting jason and thus jason has the element of surprise to wreck their stuff
Jason can barely transform guys, he'd just go in and start screaming XD
might as well SEND ROBBIOE
actually... That would work.He can seduce the guards see.
that works too. send robbie and jason.
ultimate tag team
[image: Return Nari... Or suffer his curse...](edited)
Jason would have to remind lark that... he's no idea what he's talking about XD curse? What curse? I'm F I N E
narrators voice He was NOT fine
See, I was imagining it to be more like King Ramses...
oh yah?
Yah Lark would try that, huh?
Yep. only Jason is the curse he shall set upon the world
because his curse is FORBIDDEN MAGICwoooooo
and much scarier for some reason
Well, it'll be okay eventually, I'm sure.
lark's plans always work out
nothing could go wrong
it'll all work out-
Nari's not doomed. Jason will be fine. And best of all, Lark will get everything he wanted.
it's fine
And Robbie will live a happy life.
the kids are okay
trust me
theyre all dead
And you're not going to do anything to Antonio.
e x a c t l y
That's it! That's the story.
Everything is FINE
MCR's I'm not okay plays in the background
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Janaka Davis (Darkhalo4321), as well, for making Moonlight Apparition. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Janaka Davis’ efforts however you’re able to~!
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taiey · 7 years
The continuing adventures of “taiey writes liveblogs that probably only make sense with a transcript of the movie to line it up with”.
no peter please don't go after him
he really does get the most dramatic lines—ooh, green reflection in the window!
wow, that's. She really does ask for validation a lot of times
:((( this whole goblin kit thing is really elaborate? like, i thought you would've failed science. there is mechanical engineering. and chemical. for bombs.
That's a really, really stable spider web that is also flexible enough to support them without clinging, at that angle
[obligatory evil meteor mention]
Surprisingly evil-looking mail delivery guy! Uuunless you're her dad and you live here or. Oh, okay.
Oh, May.
But, like, no pressure or anything.
!!! her ring.
ahh evil evil scooter. of evil.
Harry this is not a good way to have an honest conversation. Stop punching your friend. No, I don't care that you're in costume, he's not, that makes it—DON'T STAB HIM!
I guess by the time your friend is yelling at you about his father, while wearing his green goblin costume and standing on his green goblin scooty-fly, it is acceptable to tell your friend his father was the green goblin, despite said father's dying request.
Dude! Attempts at vengeance on your best friend for murder of your father are NOT an excuse for massive property damage! I hope you pay for the repairs OH AND ALSO did no one get hurt by that massive shower of bricks onto a busy street??
"I'm still here! And now I have a lightsaber!"
oh no what if your new superpowers don't cover falling from heights? (I'm sure they do, I know he dies at the end of the movie.)
I wonder, again, if Peter took him out of the goblin costume first. like. awkward.
Wait, what? I thought when that guy jumped/fell out a window he died.
There's marshland in New York? With a terribly ill-secured particle physics laboratory?
OH MY GOODNESS YOU GUYS, YOU'RE TERRIBLE! you can't even check how much mass is in the reactor? How many birds with superpowers does New York have now?
Also awkward: imagine if those cops had gotten there slightly differently and fallen into the spinny thing toooo...
Go. See. Him. and hope maybe he doesn't remember you're spiderman if he doesn't remember you saved his liiiffffe  (oh, good.)
Hey, Peter, you maybe want to. idk. Tell MJ. Some relevant facts, about her friends and his father and.
yikes that's some horrifying sand movement. like. yeeesh no.
Oh... your hand cannot pick up your daughter's locket. :( —yes! go hand, reformed hand! Woohoo! :D
Hey, nice green-ing, sand. Good job. Stripy and everything.
Yeah dude no. Don't start talking about spidey now. The other stuff was kinda okay but not, well.
Okay so when there's a large metal beam swinging about nearby your window... maybe... not? with the walking towards it?
Man, what is wrong with this crane?
you did not pick a good guy to insult peter parker to, whatsyaname. eddy. Ed. idk.
“YOU TELL MY WIFE thank you.” heh. Slight, teeny, tiny, character development, I love.
He didn't see you there, I didn't see you with a camera. Where'd you get the camera from, Pete?
Ed. Shut up. He's paying you $50 for a front page shot, he does not value anything about you.
Like, that could be a conflict for Peter, ‘i could stage that and get a steady job’ buut I already know the plot of this movie and can kinda guess how Edward gets that shot.
That is an excellent Stan Lee cameo.
...how much... exactly... has harry lost of his memory... if he doesn't know he has money...
...oh, Mary Jane.
...oh no don't you be jealous.
This'd be a really awkward parade thing if he decided to not in faaact show up oh no. Oh, no. Oh, man.
Wow, that sure is a conveniently placed "Sand & Stone" truck. Where'd you get that shovel?
Wow, bullets work surprisingly well considering he's made. of sand.
[obligatory note of happiness about the MJ&Harry bit. and. honesty.]
dude put yer mask back on
ehhhh look the thing about the humble never-asks-to-be-thanked thing is that it doesn't work when. this.
Oh my goodness he asks her? He suggests it?? Peter, no!
"No, Spider Man, no!" I relate to this kid.
like, i've seen gifs ofit, that shekissed him but i did not realise he aSKS HER TO
Yeah, same, Mary Jane!
haha but maybe this time mary jane won't be kidnapped
The sand is now driving a truck. Poorly.
Yeeeesh no, stop, no, ~sheriff~? You’re not.
tbh what if you just. Let him take the money. So much property damage going on here. So very much.
This guy... is gonna end up bringing you that ring at the worst possible moment during your inevitable argument. Isn't he. Isn't he, Peter.
You could also try telling him you got fired, MJ. He knows that feeling! Kind of.
...not that you should say that, Peter. 'cause it's kind of only kinda.
how have you not noticed how terribly your spider man/actress analogies go over. every single time.
Like in a literary sense it's kinda cool, there are parallels between their experiences, kinda... BUT NOT RIGHT nooow
shhuuuttt uppp (this is all like 5 seconds, i just keep. pausing.)
Hey, what could make Mary Jane feel worse right now? ENTER GWEN STACY.
“Who kisses Spiderman?? :D” "Me. Most days. When I'm not mad at him for beiNG TERRIBLE."
I. I'm not sure. like. what the point of that question is. There is no good answer.
No. He did not, MJ. He had idea how it would make you feel, because BOY I DUNNO.
um. usher guy. no. SHE JUST LEFT, WHY WOULD YOU SEND THE CHAMpagne in anyway, whyy
Oh, hey! I was right! That other guy did die, probably ...aand it wasn't your fault. technically.
We chased down the wrong guy?
Yeah so I think so far he really hasn't killed anyone. Not counting Norman or Ock on technicalities.
Does he feel guilty? About you or about... okay, don't say "I don't need you" to Mary Jane Watson. That's a bad idea.
The evil ooze has been hanging out in your bedroom for ?? weeks and it's only now that it attacks you? infects. thing.
"Hey, this was a lot quicker than last time I made a new costume."
Spiderman is just, like, an accepted traffic hazard by now, right?
Oh, I'm so glad he's being suspicious of the black goop.
...you're not a biologist, but you can recognise a symbiote on a molecular level in minutes when it's AN ALIEN.
dude please realise you look super evil now. even to —haha like you shouldn't smash people's cameras but also haha
"Little did Spiderman know, I have TWO cameras!"
OK I'll admit the black is legitimately good for hiding on dark ceilings
oh gosh the body horror from this sand thing—hope that pipe wasn't important--ooh, water works.
...also hope this large tank of pressurised water isn't important and won't flood annnything else.
...that's... kinda a valid point? but. I mean sure, he should fix the door, probably, just not being polite
Hey, Peter, you made a good decision! Nice! AND STAY OFF.
Aunt May isn't having any of this "murder can be good" stuff.
revenge == the symbiote ??
Waitress/Singer is a job? ...also maybe you should tell your boyfriend about thi—Harry paints? Cool!
(Does Harry know that MJ's dating Peter?)
Yell at people and they offer you oranges?
Hee Ursula! :D
He also cooks! And they dance!
M. J. Do not. Noooooo whyy
oh no. noo. different no. :((( no. Please, Harry. Keep your eyes off 'the ball' and ahhh—hey, there's that scene that wasn't in the VHS version.
Harry?? This is like 20% of the reason you wear a mask, dude!
whiiiplaaash oh my goodness ahh poor Mary Jane.
:((( see this is the kind of quality anguish you can get when you don't just discriminately kidnap, other supervillains take note
pete. pete. pe ter par ker. "I'm breaking up with you" is not. in fact. a good segue to "Let's get married"
Took them three movies but they finally made acting plot relevant. It's not! that hard!
AND THEN. YOU GO BACK TO PETER. AND PRETEND TO BE HIS AMNESIAC BEST FRIEND oh my goodness and then you use her omitive lie about the shoW AND THEN WE GO FULL SM1
“but. but she broke up with *you*, because she was in love with *me*. !!”
what. Why are. you winking?
Bright green coffee sign!
nooo. emotional anguish---->TERRIBLE LIFE CHOICES
Right, Harry, overall—because I mean high marks for ingenuity and not-kidnapping, but—you're really lacking on the follow through here, like for keeping up the act. And wow that is a lot alcohol in front of you.
Harry please notice the ominous black spidey suit. Please. Soon.
harry im not sure you've noticed but you have blades. on. ur arm.
Takes symbiote!Pete to point out the obvious: that Norman.didn't.deserve you.
Kinda funny how after all that the picture in question is not, in fact, of Peter actually doing anything wrong.
OH MY GOODNESS, IT'S PHOTOSHOPPED? IT'S not even actually symby-spidey?
Yeah, no, Ed. I can forgive a lot of things. But reposts with the watermarks edited out? Not that.
Symby-Pete likes Ursula's food?   . . .ah
*hair flick*
water doesn't kill him forever. :o
symbiote-Pete spends money recklessly.
Oh man, Gwen is so nice.
...alien meteor ooze teaches you to play jazz piano? ...and dance?
blonde hair and the black headband and their clothes and his hair and her earrings... it's a Look.
GWEN STACY IS SO NICE! ("That was all for her? I'm so sorry.")
get. out.
"Who are you?" "Well, Mary Jane, I reckon I'm the exact feeling of a church spire silhouetted against the storm clouds, as lightning crashes in the background."
okay so eddy, brocky, rock boy. don't pray to God to kill people. Don't... don't do that.
How. Exactly. Do you recognise the face of a guy you barely know, four floors up, while he's tearing an alien ooze suit off his skin.
oh no his hair's still black
Continuing adventures of That Awful Door.
I hope Aunt May knows he's Spider man, because otherwise there is just waaay too much backstory to explain here.
I think she also wants him to keep the ring so she doesn't have to wear it.
“Spiderman... didn't have those teeth last time... right?”
Maybe not? with the watching her through her window? Also considering last time your saw her in person you hit her maybe not do that first part in person, perhaps.
"On Broad-way."
...you also locked the normal one away? Or, no, that was earlier this night. You just were using the evil one, and stowed that away. ok. gotcha.
Harry! Harry, you could do. a good. ...oh no. peter don't come also what happened to his face??
OH MAN. BERNARD! i don't think this is gonna work. but. thank you. for. saying that. [it worked!:D]
what happened to your face do you still have superpowers if you're not healing.
It's the real spiderman! He stopped in front of an american flag for a sec!
this reporter overuses the word 'seemed'
you're stiiilll fallling
Listen MJ most of the webbing is really strong, you can actually move along it and even if you fall through one level you've got a decent chance of catching the next.
this reporter is so alarmist. and that one.
Goblin bomb!
"I'm not here for you~"
Burn it & smash it! :D
That kid is awesome! ("Film's extra.")
or. you could. shoot web. and not. jump. And maybe get her down somehow? Ground level would be... safer... lotta floors, elevators proabably not working...
why did that work?
ohh. noise.
oh... kay...
[tragic backstories make everything better]
i f o r g i v e y o u .. ..
i like to think he becomes also a superhero. subtler. smaller. never quite noticed, but. bit by bit.
why in the world is gwen at harry's funeral
(mj you do in fact have a job. and. a song to finish singing. um. but anyway)
"Girl at the final battle" yes. Her. Excellent.
The credit songs this time are so... gentle...
(Balance of probabilities Harry died intestate but maybe he drew up a will at some point when he liked Peter and didn’t revoke it and then they can go help Marko’s daughter, perhaps? Maybe.)
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mrsrcbinscn · 5 years
BDRPWriMo Task #16: TV Soundtrack
Task:  Jukebox Musical/TV or Movie Soundtrack - come up with a playlist of at least 10 songs, write a scene summary to go with each one.
AU: The Robinsons is a hit multigenerational Netflix show featuring an ensemble cast, chronicling the lives of main couple Franny and Cornelius Robinson from childhood all the way through their marriage, and the lives of their families. Rated TV-14 some episodes, but some have mature content rated MA.
These aren’t in chronological order, I was too lazy to fix everything because the ideas came to me out of order.
tw: violence, marijuana use, underage drinking (in the US anyway), abuse of prescription medication (ADHD meds), mentions of abortion (a side character), sexual themes, car accident
tagging my husband because lots of these involve him @nottomsellecksorry
[ooc: these events all happened, just obv not with cool background music]
Episode Title: Song
1. The Mugshot: Oh, Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison
(Inspired by the use of Istanbul in the diner fight scene in The Umbrella Academy)
Background: Since the beginning of the series, Franny Robinson has had a framed mugshot of herself throwing up the rock n’ roll hand gesture with a cut on her face on the wall of the Robinson home. This episode is where the mugshot’s origin is revealed.
Franny and Cornelius had only been married for a little over a year when they visited Franny’s parents in Georgia for her mother’s birthday. One night during their stay, they went out drinking in the city (Atlanta) with Franny’s youngest older brother (Art) and a bunch of Franny’s hometown friends. A man at one of the bars, one with a gorgeous outdoor bar, where the scene takes place, wouldn’t leave Franny alone even after she flashed her wedding ring. The situation quickly got heated and before Franny’s brother or friends could step in between them, the man shoved Franny back into a table.
[background noise is edited out in post-production, there is no sound but the sound of glasses falling and shattering on the bar’s patio as Franny looks down at her sandaled feet, now bleeding from glass cutting them a little.]
 And then;
[the first notes of Oh, Pretty Woman]
“He put his hands on me first. He shoved me first, you all saw that, right?” Franny said, holding out and index finger and pointing it at her husband, at her friends, at Art, and at strangers who had long since begun to spectate. 
“He touched me first. So this is self defense.” She said, pulling her hair back into a ponytail before launching herself at him. All five feet five inches of her came at him like a missile and absolutely knocked the crap out of this guy. Her big brother didn’t even need to throw a punch, she had this all on her own.
[Mercy!!] As Franny slams the man’s face onto a table. 
As they were both clearly fighting, both Franny and the man were arrested and taken to the police station, and while they took her mughot, Franny threw up the rock n’ roll gesture with a bored expression.
2. Payne Lake, Georgia: Blue by LeAnn Rimes
Background: Cornelius’s first EVER visit to Franny’s hometown of Payne Lake, Georgia. The first time she introduced him to her family. 
Neil and Franny join some of Franny’s friends at the little town’s bar on karaoke night, they’re hangin’ out, munching on the bar’s specialty - Irish Nachos; waffle fries with melted queso, scallions, ground beef, salsa, and black beans - with her regular hometown crew. But then her high school voice teacher (who is a bartender too because ‘Murica) is like “Franny Framagucci, it is KARAOKE night!!! Sing!!!!”
And Franny’s all like “Noooooo” because Neil’s only heard her sing in musical productions through NYU, or at showcases for jazz studies. So meticulously practiced and critiqued performances. She’d yet to invite him to any open mics she was going to or anything like that. This man thought she was perfect!! ! ! She needed to make sure he kept that myth as truth. 
So Franny was all “no, I simply CAN’T” but then her teacher started chanting ‘sing, sing, sing’ and her friends joined in, and then people around them recognized Franny - small towns, gotta love ‘em - and someone shouted out “Do Blue, Franny!”
“Haha, no way”
“Come ooooon”
“Well, if you inSIST”
When Franny was in high school, she’d learned to yodel to she could knock Blue out of the park to show up some bitch she hated at the county fair. Very South, Much Georgia, wow. So naturally, she stood on stage and rocked Blue in all her Georgia glory in front of her very Yankee boyfriend, exposing her very uncool country bumpkin side to him for the first time.
Except, it only made him think she was even MORE wonderful, he just got even bigger heart eyes than usual. 
3. Am I A Crazy Bitch?: Science vs Romance by Rilo Kiley
Background: Earlier in the episode, Franny had gone off on Cornelius because she was insulted he’d offered to pay for part of her tuition for the upcoming semester so she wouldn’t have to work as much. Because the last episode, he found out she’d been abusing Adderall on a semi-regular basis to be able to stay awake long enough to juggle school, work, a social life, and seeing him. And confronted her about it. So this episode, he was like “let me make it easier for you.” And Franny went off on him because she was A. insulted, and B. so mad at herself, because his response to his girlfriend abusing Adderall shouldn’t be ‘give her money for college.’ He should be!! Disappointed in her!! He should!! Hate her! And she felt disgusted with herself that he didn’t.
The song plays while it flips between scenes of 
A. college-aged Franny sitting on the bathroom floor of her apartment smoking weed #hating herself after she went off on Neil before he left for a business trip to Europe. She can be heard muttered “stupid bitch, he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you” as she moves to straight up laying down on the bathroom tile.
B. scenes of Neil in Berlin; in the back of a car halfheartedly listening to his assistant reading off the agenda for the day, pretending to listen to what his German nerd counterparts are saying as he’s just spaced out and sad, only picking at his food across the table from his assistant
C. Art (Franny’s youngest older brother) typing an e-mail to his parents because he’s too afraid to tell them in person he’s dropping out of university for the second time
D. Sophie (Franny��s mother) sitting alone in the kitchen of the Framagucci home after having woken up from a nightmare about her life under the Khmer Rouge, drinking hot tea 
E. Delia Weiss, one of Franny’s closest college friends and eventually lifelong friend, smoking a cigarette and standing outside of an abortion clinic that opens the next morning, after having found out earlier in the episode she was pregnant with her shitty ex’s baby, hinting to the audience she planned to come back tomorrow to terminate
4. Cambodian Independence Day: I’m A Cuckoo by Belle & Sebastian
Background: Franny, who had up until this point in her life, never cut her hair more than a few inches, was told she would need to bob her hair to star as Millie in NYU’s production of Thoroughly Modern Millie. Long hair is a cultural thing for many Cambodian women and while it didn’t carry too much significance to Franny personally, it very much mattered to her mother, Sophea (”Sophie”). The episode happens to be set on November 9th, which is the day Cambodia became independent from France.
I’m A Cuckoo plays as Franny’s standing in the kitchen of Cornelius’s NYC apartment, scissors in hand, just chopping off her hair that went down to just a couple inches above her tailbone. She keeps repeating, “I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m so dead.” Then says “Mak’s gonna skin my hide alive then use it as a lampshade, Ed Gein style.” 
When Cornelius laughs at her joke she whines, “It’s not funny, I’m serious! When my mother kills me say somethin’ nice about me at the funeral.”
Scene skips ahead to Franny examining her hair in Neil’s bathroom mirror, biting down on her lip and whimpering. He slips his arms around her waist and kisses her cheek, “I think it looks nice.” 
“I’m going to be buried. Alive, most likely.”
“Mak’s going to kill me, revive me, then kill me again.” *whines* “I look like a Boy Scout.”
*Neil turns her away from the mirror to face him. “You look beautiful.”
“You always say that.”
“It’s always true.”
Aaaaaand some more kissing later, they’re having Hot Sex against the bathroom counter.  They’re horny 20-somethings, what can ya do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
5 & 6. Am I A Manic Pixie Dream Girl?: I Held Her In My Arms by Violent Femmes // Prove My Love by Violent Femmes
Background: Franny decided to give Cornelius a glimpse into what poor people do for fun. When she couldn’t afford concert tickets, she and her friends both back home and in NYC would go to parking decks overlooking amphitheater venues to see concerts. So she took Neil to a parking deck to watch a Violent Femmes concert - and planned to, for the first time ever, open up about some parts of her life.
I Held Her In My Arms plays and Franny’s dancing, having a great time, and tbh this is sUCH a manic pixie dream girl moment, I’m ashamed. She’s ashamed. God is ashamed.
Fast forward, and she’s back to sitting down, her legs fit under the barrier between the parking deck and the drop to the concrete below, so her feet are comfortably dangling in the air as she-- know what, lemme just copy-paste a selection from our Discord DMs 
mckala 10/26/2019 Oh wow wanna know the first time Franny was Purposely vulnerable in front of him vs. he-caught-her-at-her-worst-moments
mary 10/26/2019 uuhh yes pls, i say knowing i will regret
mckala 10/26/2019 OH the good news is, it's not SUPER sad, but it's #revealing SO
She opens up about how poor her family is, and how much she'd been bullied for being Asian, biracial, having an immigrant mother and Swiss immigrant stepdad and their funny accents, and how she puts all this pressure on herself to succeed since she couldn't be smart in the "right" way (STEM), so she HAS to do well in the arts against all odds to make her parents proud, and to make enough money so that her mom and dad don't have to work past retirement age. "So my mom can enjoy her life after what she went through in Cambodia under the Khmer Rouge."
But she does it...lowkey romantically, like
Franny takes Cornelius to the parking deck overlooking a lil amphitheater concert venue to watch a Violent Femmes concert, and now Franny has like a part-time job while in school so she CAN afford tickets -- and she has a rich boyfriend -- but she purposely took him to the parking deck to listen to the music and at one point she turned to him and said "When I was in middle and high school in Atlanta, we'd do this a lot. It was the only way we could afford to go see live shows."
And then she's like "We were - /are/ poor. Really poor. Not like you." Bc she assumes he was always decently well-off once he was adopted since his mother probably made at least six figures by her estimate. 
And she's monologuing pretty much until her eyes water without her really REALIZING. Just monologues about how much pressure she puts on herself to BE perfect, to BE the best, to not make mistakes because she already made the big mistake of not "Being smart enough to be a doctor, or an engineer, or a lawyer, or half as smart as you."
mary 10/26/2019 oW, my hEART meanwhile neil is just like, "there is no right way to be smart. and you're smarter than me in a million different ways, so we're going to put an end to that line of thinking right here and now." because he didnt look at music as anything other than white noise until she came into his life
mckala 10/26/2019 OHHH MYYYY GOD
SO. They’re all snuggling and kissing for a bit, then at one point Franny’s like “We need to go to the car right now so we can ;)” and he’s not picking up what she’s putting down because he is far less sexperienced than her lmao, so he’s like “...what? Wait, but - oh. OH.”
And Prove My Love plays as Franny gets nerdy, newly sexually active Neil to have sex with her in a his car in a public parking deck, SMH. At [special favors come in thirty-one flavors] the camera pans to Franny’s face as she’s receiving oral ASDFGHJKL; and at [third verse, same as the first] the episode goes to end credits.
7.  I’m Twenty-Two Years Old: I’m Sixteen Years Old by Ros Sereysothea
I’m Sixteen is a running musical theme throughout the episode
Background: The previous episode, Franny and the rest of the cast that were NYU students have graduated from NYU. Last episode ended with Franny and Cornelius celebrating her graduation with both of their families, and plenty of nudges from both sets of parents ‘sooo, can we expect a summer wedding, orrrrrr does Franny want to take the summer to think about masters’ programs?’ A lot of Franny and Neil hissing at their mothers ‘Mak/Mom, stoooop’ but earlier that episode Franny and Neil actually talked about getting married next spring, once they figured out whether or not they were staying in New York now that Franny was done with NYU.
The episode I’m Twenty-Two Years Old begins with Franny driving at a comfortable five over the speed limit on the interstate at night. A cassette tape of Cambodian 60′s and 70′s psychedelic rock is playing in Franny’s car as she’s finishing up a phone call on her good ol’ Nokia 5190. (Remember, this was 2002.)
[I’m Sixteen begins to play in the background during the phone call when it was on Franny’s end]
“Yes ma’am, I should be at the house in about an hour.”
[camera shows Lucille Robinson in her neighborhood finishing up a night jog] 
“Franny Framagucci, you know I told you to call me Lucille. You and your manners.”
“I can’t help it, my mama would kill me if she knew I let Lucille slip sometimes.”
 “If you marry my son you can just call me mom.”
“What d’you mean if? It’s when. It’s for sure when, we just- we want to sort a couple things out post-NYU first.”
“So you’ve talked about it?”
“Mmhm. I’m going to talk to him about it again when he’s back from Beijing. I’ll tell you everything when I get to the house. Thanks again for lettin’ me crash a couple days. I dunno, I just feel kinda melancholy about graduatin’. Didn’t wanna be at the apartment all alone for a whole week.”
“You’re family, you’re welcome anytime.”
“I know. Love yoooou, see you soon!”
She tossed her phone onto the passenger seat and turned the music up. [I’m Sixteen is now playing loudly.]  Soon, a car going the wrong way comes speeding at Franny and Franny screams shrilly above the music as she’s aware there’s no avoiding impact. The scene fades to black and a countdown clock appears on screen.
9:00:00. Nine hours, zero minutes, zero seconds before the accident. 
Franny’s dancing around their apartment in one of Neil’s shirts and her underwear listening to that same cassette of Khmer 60s and 70s music. [I’m Sixteen is playing.] She’s singing along and when Cornelius steps out of the bedroom wheeling his suitcase behind him, Franny briefly interrupts her dancing to wave at him before she grabs a handful of Swedish Fish gummies (her favorite American candy) from an open bag on the countertop and pops one into her mouth while dancing.
She dances her way over to Neil and shoves a Swedish Fish in his mouth and asks him. “Got your deodorant?” He hums an affirmative. “Backup underwear and pants in case you spill stuff on your lap thrice in one day again?” 
“Must you have so little-” he’s given pause when she shoves another fish in his mouth. “-faith in me?”
Franny grins. “My love, I have all the faith in the world...in your clumsiness.” Commence some cute kissing before Franny’s like “hey, heeeey, no getting handsy. Because then I’m going to take your clothes off and you’re going to miss your flight, and Tanya [Neil’s assistant at the time] is going to kill me.”
Scenes between several of the cast of characters happen, yadda yadda.
Eventually when the clock strikes 00:00:00, Neil’s plane from his first layover at Dallas-Fort Worth touches down at LAX at the same time of Franny’s car accident. 
The scene cuts to the wreckage of the two cars, it is out of focus and shaky with occasional flashes of clarity to show important actions. Franny’s car falling into place upside down, Franny’s neck not supporting her head anymore because she’s unconscious and her head the rolling to one side, other drivers leaping out of their cars and running to the wreck.
Cut to what can be assumed to be a couple hours later, at LAX. Neil’s still waiting on his flight to China and just chilling, humming the tune of I’m Sixteen because it was in his head from this morning. He begins to mumble an approximation of the lyrics, but he’s immediately disgusted with his lack of ability to speak Khmer. He turns to Tanya.
“Do you think I should learn Khmer?”
“Khmer. I should learn it.”
“Oh, that language your girlfriend speaks? Good luck. It sounds rough. Every time she’s on the phone with her mother I think they’re fighting.”
Cornelius shook his head. “I think it’s beautiful.”
“You’d think it was beautiful if it was just high-pitched screeching because it’s to do with her.” Tanya poked affectionately.
Neil’s phone rings. Caller ID says Art, Franny’s middle brother.
[I’m Sixteen plays over the background noises of the following scenes spliced together]
Cornelius shooting out of his seat and listening with wide eyes before running to the nearest counter to find the first flight back to New York, Franny in surgery, Bud and Lucille (who were the first people Franny’s family in Georgia called to ask them to go to the hospital since they’re in New York, they’re in Georgia) scurrying out of the house, and poor Tanya looking frustrated as fuck as she realizes Cornelius is about to just throw away important investment opportunities to fly back to New York for a situation he has literally no control over.
8. Brothers and Sisters: She’s Actin’Single (I’m Drinkin’ Doubles) by Gary Stewart
Two years before Franny even met Cornelius, she was an eighteen year old high school senior and her oldest brother was Going Through Some Shit. Specifically, a breakup.
He was laying on his bedroom floor listenin’ to sad cowboy music and she was like “fuuuuuck no” so her 5′5 ass grabbed her over six foot tall big brother up off the floor and hissed “We’re going to Uncle Lemmy’s garage right the fuck now!”
In one hand was the cassette Gaston was listening to, tucked under her armpit was a bottle of Maker’s Mark she swiped from their vati’s (father’s) collection on the way out, and she had an iron grip on Gaston’s hand with her other hand.
Unlce Lemmy was a Vietnamese man actually called Tất Văn Hữu Liêm  in proper Vietnamese naming custom, but to the neighborhood kids he was Uncle Lemmy. 
“Bác Lemmy!” Franny called out in Vietnamese as she let herself in after knocking. “We need to use the garage. Gaston’s girlfriend just broke up with him.”
“Oh, dear. Do you kids need anything?”
“You wouldn’t happen to have any goi cuon laying around would you?”
“I can roll some!”
“Don’t trouble yourself, Bac Lemmy.”
“Nonsense. Gaston is in crisis!”
In Uncle Lemmy’s garage was a karaoke machine. Franny popped in the cassette of sad cowboy music and shoved the mic into Gaston’s hand. “Sing it out, you sad bastard.”
She opened the bottle of Maker’s Mark and took a swig, handing the whiskey out to Gaston, too. The songs you listen to in your sad cowboy hours? They covered them all. All My Ex’s Live In Texas. Neon Moon. Long Gone Lonesome Blues. (”Whooo, fuck that bitch!” shouted Franny at some point during Hank Williams.) Misery Loves Company. I Told You So. 
The highlight of Framagucci siblings drunk karaoke at 2:30 in the afternoon? She’s Actin’ Single.
[I've seen men look at her before And they think, I don't see] “God,” Franny slurred, very, very drunk. “How fucked is that? Fuck off, partner, that ain’t your woman.”
[I know she'll be lookin' back The minute I'm not there While she pours herself on some stranger I pour myself a drink somewhere]  “Daaaaaaamn, bitch.”
By the chorus, Franny and Gaston were just wasted scream-singing the lyrics at each other.
9. Go Ahead:  Go Ahead by Rilo Kiley 
Basically, the song the soundtrack team put over the scene where Franny took Neil’s virginity lmao. You can tell I stayed up til 6:30 am yesterday working on this task, and now it is almost 4 AM the next day and I’m still trying to finish, so I’m very much trying to stop being Extra now.
It was v soft and giggly and the most wholesome sex scene in cinema mmkay
10. That Damned Penguin Song: Papa Pingouin by Sophie & Magaly
One week when Wilbur was very small, Cornelius and Franny made the mistake of letting Franny’s Swiss Italian-French-German speaking father be the main one to watch Wilbur for a four-day period when both Franny and Neil were insanely busy. Adrien was a godsend, really. Whenever Wilbur was being fussy he would sing and dance to the 1980 absolute BOP that is Papa Pingouin.
But when Adrien Framagucci left Swynlake after his visit? 
“Muuuuummy, Daaaaaaaddy. Penguin! Sing penguin!” 
Except, neither of them knew what the actual fuck Wilbur was talking about, until Franny suddenly remembered from her childhood. When Adrien, who wasn’t her biological father, was trying to convince Franny to like him so she’d let him marry her mother, she vaguely recalled a French song relating to a penguin.
In her memory, six year old Franny had demanded Adrien do something stupid in public and he obliged by singing a French song and acting like a penguin.
Slowly, tentatively, Franny sang the first few bars
Le papa pingouin, le papa pingouin Le papa, le papa, le papa pingouin Le papa pingouin s'ennuie sur la banquise...?
“Muuuuuummy noooo, you gotta do dance! Pépère does the dance.”
Franny inhaled sharply and turned to Cornelius. “How much do you love me, dear?”
“You married me. It’s not like a Wal-mart where you can just return me if you bring the receipt, yes?” “Uh...”
“I’ll explain after the little guy is satisfied.” With that she turned to Wilbur, sighed, and did Papa Pingouin with full enthusiasm. If French wasn’t Cornelius’s best second language, it was by the time Wilbur outgrew Papa Pingouin.
The penguin song was Wilbur’s favorite until he outgrew it. For years. Years. Y E A R S, Neil and Franny were in a loop of Papa Pingouin. Cornelius is now 45 and Franny is about to be 40. Papa Pingouin still haunts their dreams.
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