#oh gmmtv
peachandpinwheel · 10 months
delightfully feral scheduling choices by gmmtv at the moment. on saturday half their stable of men fuck each other while vibrating at 97 bad choices per minute. on sunday they gently rotate joongdunk as they ride bikes and discuss healthy boundary setting. exceptional.
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
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not me 🤝🏻 only friends
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moonkhao · 22 days
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Whose is it?
23.5 DEGREES | EP10
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sollucets · 1 month
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first & khaotung in the heart killers trailer
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benzatthanin · 8 months
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WE ARE (2024)
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khaopybara · 12 days
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And later he goes, I mean with all of you here, as if that would fool anyone.
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patovpran · 8 months
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canon bi Sand
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The cutest bunch of ninja assassins (the boys cosplaying as Akatsuki from Naruto)
(I think what’s even funnier is the boys clearly just threw the clock on top of their pajamas/sleep wear 😬)
Then you have the other boys all playing version of angels 😂
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Source: P’Somsomzz IG, Joong and Force IG
GMMTV Outing 2024
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itwoodbeprefect · 8 days
i think the positive spin here is that 23.5 fumbling the ball quite a bit in its last three episodes is great, actually, because it's incontrovertible proof gmmtv's first GL is on the same level as nearly all their BLs. they dropped that ball for feminism <3
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respectthepetty · 2 months
Rose's Day of Asks
Top 5 "it's cannon to me" couples.
Have a great Day💜
No. NO! NOOOOOO!!!!!! I will not pick between my beloveds! No. I can't! I won't! I shan't! No! I have too many and all of them are special to me. NO! But I will give you something because this is a good ask!
Top 5 "It's Canon to Me" Couples of 2023
and as usual, I will finesse my way into more!
Let me begin with the couples who cannot be considered for various reasons:
ToddBlack - Not Me
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The reason they are being excluded isn't because they weren't in 2023. No! The reason they cannot be included is because THEY ARE CANON! Not just to me, but in the show. They. Are. Canon. They love each other in their warped way. They have fucked and will continue to fuck. And even on this day of marriage equality in Thailand, they still wouldn't get married because Black doesn't believe in the institution of marriage since the government is too involved in it and it's a capitalist tool used to push a heteronormative agenda, and Todd has a team of lawyers there to make sure Black gets everything he wants from Todd including the right to pull the plug on him, which he won't do BECAUSE THEY CAN'T KILL THE OTHER!
Guang Yan x Yi Yong - Oh No! Here Comes Trouble!
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It's canon. Once again, it's not just canon to me. It's canon in the show and if people don't want to believe it, they can argue with the ghosts, but the ghosts also know it's canon because they witnessed these two fall in love with each other, so those negative people will still lose! When Yi Yong fell, Guang Yan ran to Yi Yong like his entire world was being destroyed right in front of him, and as a future doctor, he was losing his shit trying to keep Yi Yong alive. Then he stood in front of Yi Yong's mom, god, and ghost grandpa and stated directly into the microphone without any hesitation that Yi Yong was his heart and he needed him to come back to him. And if I ever get a second season, I know they'll still be sleeping in that bed, together. They. Are. Canon.
Peach x Home - Peaceful Property
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This show hasn't been released yet, and the word on the streets is that it won't be a BL, but . . . it's canon to me. It's Tay and New. They are always down to kiss a homie. The pilot trailer was color coded, and although color coded boys don't have to be in love, they ARE in love. Therefore, they are canon. I don't make the rules.
Now for the actual list:
#5 - Saifah x Name - Dangerous Romance
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They knew each other in high school, and when they met again as adults, there was chemistry. Name should've shot Saifah. Name should've been harsher to Saifah, yet he was granting leniency to Saifah. Then Saifah wanted Name out of the business. He wanted him to be safer and happier. Even though that didn't happen, Saifah still showed up in that jail to let Name know he would be waiting for him, no matter how long it took.
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They are canon.
#4 - Oab x Guy - Bake Me Please
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They were best friends. They started a business together with their other (bitchass) friend who Oab was in love with. They hired another baker to help their (bitchass) friend and Guy developed feelings for him. But . . . they actually loved each other! This isn't me being delusional either! When the dust settled, Guy and Oab sat down at a bar in the final episode, and Guy made it clear that not only was he far removed from his previous crush on someone else, but that he was there for Oab to help him get over his broken heart, in any way Oab needed him *wink*
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They are canon.
#3 - Hyun Jae x Simeon - Jun & Jun
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Simeon is an experienced idol. Hyun Jae was his manager, but Hyun Jae quit with no notice to go take care of the main character. The conversation when Simeon confronted Hyun Jae after he found out was thick with tension, and I do mean the physical kind. Simeon schemed his way into seeing the main character years later, but I truly believe it was a guise so he could see Hyun Jae because everything he did was to draw more attention from Hyun Jae. After that first encounter, they argued in cars, on rooftops, in dressing rooms, and standing on city streets, and I fully believed they fucked in all those places too!
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They are canon.
#2 - Dome and Khatha - Midnight Museum
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Dome is a god. Khatha is immortal. And they traveled through time and space to be together. The show labeled them as "brothers" but I don't know if it's because Gun and Tor could have chemistry with a broomstick, but THEY WERE IN LOVE! What convinces me even more is that Dome wasn't actually Khatha's "brother" Chan but looked like him. Khatha even confronted Chan AND KILLED HIM so he could be with Dome. Khatha made a decision to kill what we had been told was the most important part of him just so Dome could be safe. Then he ran through time to find Dome in the middle of a war with bullets flying and bombs dropping all so he could save him again just like he had the first time they met, and if I ever get that second season (MIDNIGHT MUSEUM 2 WHEN?!), GMMTV better let Gun kiss another man who isn't Off.
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They are canon.
#1 - Yui x Soichiro - I Cannot Reach You
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These two were just chilling in the background of every scene. TOGETHER! On a school trip? Together. At a festival? Together. Looking at books in the library? TOGETHER! Even though we never saw them kiss, their taiyaki kissed, so that's good enough for me! They were color coded (pink x green), which I think is one of the best color-coded pairs to ever exist, and Yui was giving advice to the main couple to get their shit together, probably because he was already in a loving and long-term relationship with his boyfriend!
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They. Are. Canon.
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save him! (the homosexual in a sporting environment)
[Episode 11, Cherry Magic (Thailand, 2023)]
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confoodles · 29 days
Does anyone else feel like Aylinluna was horribly out of character this episode?? I've heard that apparently some things were cut, so that might be the reason but it still felt weird. Like ur telling me Luna, who has literally been so respectful of Aylin's boundaries literally even last episode, is suddenly forcing her to go out of her comfort zone?? Okay, fine, I understand the concept of wanting ur gf to get along with ur friends, but ur telling me Luna wouldn't stand up for Aylin when someone is clearly getting in her face and making her uncomfortable?? That she would call her an ALIEN??!!!
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gunsatthaphan · 7 months
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heretherebedork · 2 days
It's how they first decided to make Q jealous and got him to kiss Toey and then end with both him and Toey miserable and crying and then Q's slow return to their basic friendship and now they're just gonna do the same thing again apparently hoping for different results?!
We know Q is jealous! We know he loves Toey! The problem on his end isn't not having enough jealousy, it's about not having enough confidence to keep going. It's about everyone standing behind Toey and comforting him when Q left. It's about him having ghosted Toey in the past and feeling like he left his heart with him when he did.
Q does not need jealousy. Q does not need all his friends working to get them together. Q needs his friends to talk to him and reassure him and ensure that he knows he is part of their group, that he is important as well, that Toey wants to keep moving forward in their relationship... not to see Chain flirting with Toey and thinking that they moved on and that the original confession was just manipulation like the rest of it was.
He has to feel like he can't really trust anything, like he's worried about what he might lose and what he's risking.
Toey is, to him, his entire heart. Toey is the person he loved who eh was so scared of losing that he fled and now he'd back but he's lying, he's flirting with Chain, he's using all of his friends to manipulate Q and how can Q know where to go from there?
(Will the resolution of this be about Q giving Chain permission to date Toey and the rest of them realizing how he's taking this or will it be just more of this? Will the jealousy act work or will it truly fail the way I want?)
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waitmyturtles · 3 months
OMFG. In the World Cup of Cherry Magic, Thailand vs. Japan, WHEW, YESTERDAY'S EPISODE, AN EPISODE 11 (!!!!!), Thailand went deep into double overtime territory to pull out this GOAL, BABY:
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If I may continue with the sports metaphors, this was like the sickest bat flip out of Korean baseball that anyone's ever seen, Karan just hammering Achi's magical power over the metaphorical Green Monster:
I have so much more to say about this episode, including thoughts on the beach scene from earlier in this episode -- I have a whole list of CMT meta that I've been dying to write. But I just need to applaud:
1) X Nuttapong and the CMT writers for continuing to allow Achi and Karan to be so direct in their communication, and,
2) Tay Tawan. This was Tay Tawan's best episode by far. He's been playing Karan perfectly, a deeply simped-out dude for his man Achi, but especially on the beach, I felt like we saw the kind of depth of connection, wonderment, honesty, and emotional connection that Tay demonstrated as Shin in 3 Will Be Free, and even during many moments of emotional confusion as his Pete in Dark Blue Kiss.
I had been wondering to myself, during this series, if this series had allowed Tay to demonstrate his best acting: because Karan is so locked into simp mode, that mindset that Tay would have to click into seemed almost a touch one-dimensional for his talents (not that that's a bad thing, I think he's clocked into it wonderfully).
It was a different set-up, obviously, in Cherry Magic Japan, particularly when Kurosawa sat in Adachi's apartment after Adachi’s hospital scare. Kurosawa was scared shitless — he and Adachi both were concerned for Kurosawa’s stability in that moment.
My drama friends and I have commended CMT for a different kind of equity in communication and emotional connection between Karan and Achi vs. Kurosawa and Adachi. I don't fault CMJ at all -- both Adachi and Kurosawa are drawn more internally into themselves as opposed to Karan's and Achi's outward and empathic presentations, and that's just by way of different interpretations of these couples and the Cherry Magic framework among nations.
Karan’s tack of both remaining utterly calm at Achi's bedside after his fainting spell, and his physical demonstrativeness towards Achi on the beach and in the bedroom -- these are moments where we see a lot more nuance from Karan, as opposed to Kurosawa, in Karan's controlling and then letting go of his desire, and I'm just a little obsessed right now that GMMTV had Tay Tawan be able to act all of this out, and Tay is just eating it.
I have SOOOOOO MUCH MORE to say and think on regarding comparisons to Karanachi and Kurodachi, all good stuff, nuanced stuff that I'm just OBSESSING OVER between Thailand and Japan, but for now, I am giving Tay all my flowers and Korean baseball fan dances, because this episode 11 was just FUCKING AMAZING.
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miss0atae · 25 days
Secondary characters who felt like they were expressing viewers' thoughts.
This cutie, the café owner, Oh:
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He is the number one shipper of the couple Q and Toey. Don't tell me he hasn't actively participate in them getting closer.
Fai, the girl friend who knows what you're trying to hide:
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She can read through Phum and Peem. They haven't put a label to their relationship, but my girl knows what is going on.
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