#officer jenny x nurse joy
andreadarcyart · 30 days
Alright Tumblr, I’m putting my faith in you. I’m currently raising funds for a Palestinian family trying to escape Rafah. (The border is currently closed, but it will reopen and when it does, I want all four them to be able to leave). They need $15k and they’re only at $1.3k. If you donate $10 or more, I will draw your requests (I will not be drawing backgrounds and if it's a ship drawing, please donate at least $20). All you need to do is donate, and send the receipt to [email protected] and I’ll draw your request (as long as it’s not inappropriate). They need help and can no longer apply to Operation Olive branch for aid, so I’m the only one advocating for them. Please help if you can, I would really, really appreciate it.
UPDATE: The family has had to set up a new fundraiser because their old PayPal account was blocked. They're starting from scratch again, so please help them reach their $15k goal!
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fuckyeahpokemonyuri · 10 months
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art by 性情大便
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beezonia · 1 year
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Before pride month finishes I wanted to do a part 2 of my headcannons for some of my favourites!!
Hope you like!
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azure-wolf-227 · 1 year
I am not sure what to do about Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny in the Hamefura x Pokémon AU. They are both important part of the Pokémon half, especially the Pokémon Centers.
The thing is, I’m not sure how to justify the uncanny family resemblance the Joys and Jennys have. Do I make them identical like in the anime or obviously related but you can tell they are different people.
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yamujiburo · 5 months
I'm very impressed with your Jessie x Delia work. Though I do wonder. (And hopefully nobody asked this question before but....) Are there any other Pokemon femslash ships you love/like? And why do you ship it?
this is one i was obsessed with for a while. yamushipping's a big one for me, alolan nurse joy/alolan officer jenny, and pretty much any two adult women who stand next to each other (the don't even have to stand next to each other tbh haha). i can be convinced of anything
i'm not as invested in the kid ships but i think mallow/lillie and misty/suiren is very cute
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treehuggeranonymous · 2 years
Pokeshipping Week 2022 Day 6: Mirror-verse
Having stopped watching the anime, my first thought on reading Mirror Ash x Mirror Misty was like dark versions (I had this image of Ash being groomed to take over TR). After reading Bulbapedia, here’s a bit of a redux of a pivotal pokeshipping moment with Mirror Ash and Mirror Misty.
Mirror Mirror
The day before her sixteenth birthday, Misty made a list of all the things she had never done and probably never would do at this point.
She’d never left Kanto. 
She’d never visited the Orange Islands.
She’d never visited a gym that wasn’t her own.
She’d never entered the Princess Festival Pageant.
She’d never raised a Pokemon from an egg.
She’d never been in a Pokemon battle that wasn’t for the cascade badge or training with her sisters.
She’d never met a gym leader from outside of the League.
She’d never owned a Pokemon that wasn’t a water Pokemon.
She’d never even learnt to ride a bike.
There was a time when she was eleven when she’d almost run away. She’d gotten so mad at her sisters she couldn’t even think straight. She’d packed a bag and her fishing rod and her bright red bike and left, pushing the bike beside her down the road. 
But she’d only gone about a mile before she was pushing it back towards the gym. She had nowhere to go and no one to go to. And as bad as things were at home, it was better than being lost and alone with a dumb bike she couldn’t even ride.
So she pushed the bike home and Daisy apologised and that was that. Things went back to how they’d always been and she dedicated her life to becoming the Cerulean Gym leader.
It was the closest she’d ever come to some kind of adventure.
Sixteen meant she would officially be handed the reigns of the Cerulean Gym and Daisy would go off to start her real life and her own dreams. 
And Misty would be here, in Cerulean. Never leaving Kanto. Never visiting another region. Never getting to battle just for fun. She would have the thing she’d been working towards her whole life, and nothing would change ever again.
“Well, screw that,” she muttered, ripping off the piece of paper and scrunching it up into a ball.
She had twenty-one hours before they signed the paperwork and hand it over the League for certification, and she was going cram as much life into the next twenty-one hours as possible. Starting with learning to ride a bike. 
“When you said you had an emergency, I though you meant an actual emergency,” Brock complained, looking especially grim as he glowered down at her.  
Misty had never met anyone who had mastered the dark, brooding thing as well as Brock Slate. All the girls - including her sisters and every Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny they’d ever met - ate. that. shit. up. His usual dark countenance was enhanced by the grime he’d accumulated in a hasty underground trip from Pewter to Cerulean on the back of an Onix.
“It is an emergency,” she insisted, not letting his harsh expression defeat her. “I will not turn sixteen without learning how to ride a bike.” She smiled at him sweetly, knowing if she held up her end for long enough Brock would relent. He’d always had a secret soft spot for her and rest of ‘the kids’ as he called the younger crop of gym leaders. 
“Fine,” he said, annoyance still colouring his words. “Get on the bike.”
So she did and twenty-five minutes later she had mastered riding a bike.
“Can I hitch a ride with you to the Pewter Gym?” she asked when they were done.
He eyed her suspiciously, the innocent tone she put on not fooling him in the slightest. “What for?”
She shrugged, maintaining her false innocence. “I’ve never been before. And the Viridian forrest isn’t that far. I could catch some Pokemon there.”
“It’s mostly bug and flying types,” Brock pointed out. “Hardly any water Pokemon.”
“That’s fine,” she told him. “That’s exactly what I’m after.”
The Pewter Gym was … well it was a gym wasn’t it. They all basically looked the same except for maybe a few design elements here and there that referenced the main Pokemon type. A gym was a gym, but at least now she’d seen one that wasn’t the Cerulean Gym so she could check that off her list. Now she was on her way to the Viridian Forest to attack the next item on her list.
Capturing a non-water Pokemon. 
It seemed pretty straight forward. The Viridian Forrest was basically teeming with caterpie and weedle so weak and defenceless even the most bumbling trainer could catch them.
She’d only been wandering through the Viridian Forrest for ten or so minutes when she found exactly what she was looking for - a weedle just wandered out of the bushes and stopped dead in the middle of her path on seeing her. She called out Psyduck, who could do with the experience, and called for the least damaging attack in Psyduck’s repertoire - confusion. She didn’t even wait for a volley from the weedle and threw a Pokeball.
And just like that she had captured a non-water Pokemon. 
“Why would you do that?” called a panicked voice from behind. She turned to see a dark-haired boy around her age on the path behind her with a pikachu on his shoulder and panic in his eyes.
She snorted in derision. “Don’t tell me you’re one of those Team Rocket wanna-be’s crusading for the rights of Pokemon and calling training a blood sport.”
“Of course not,” he said, matching her tone. “I’m someone who knows that if you see a weedle it means there are a bunch bedrill nearby that are going to be fucking pissed that you captured their baby.”
She glared back at him. “Do you know who you’re talking to?” she asked him in an uppity tone. “I’m not some -“ 
She cut herself off as a low buzzing noise caught her attention. A noise that could only mean one thing.
“What do we do?” she asked, lowering her voice as though that might somehow help them avoid detection.
“There’s only one thing we can do,” the boy replied. The words themselves were declarative and bold, but the way he said them did not inspire confidence. Like her, he whispered and there was something almost grim and desolate about his tone. “We have to battle.”
His words left no room for argument so she recalled Psyduck and brought out the strongest Pokemon she had on her: Starmie. The pikachu jumped from the boy’s shoulder and readied itself for battle.
“Does your starmie know any electric attacks?” the boy asked, looking straight ahead as the buzzing noise became louder. 
“Of course,” she replied, almost offended by the suggestion that she might have left her pokemon so vulnerable to a possible type advantage. 
“Okay,” he said with a small nod. “Start with a water attack and then we can combine electric attacks for maximum effect,” he said, his voice sounding confident and commanding now, like a switch had turned and he’d become a whole other person. “Ready, Pikachu?”
“Pika,” the pokemon replied. 
And then they were surrounded by bedrill on all sides. Misty called for hydropump, which did little to deter the pokemon. But then it wasn’t supposed to. The boy gave her a nod and they called the next attack simultaneously.
“Starmie, thunderbolt”
“Pikachu, thunder”
The space around them filled with light and noise, and then it was complete silent.
The ground was strewn with bedrill and debris and …
“My bike!” she exclaimed in horror, as she took in the mangled remains. “Look what you did to my bike!”
Gone was the vibrant red paint, the shiny silver rims, and black handles. All that remained was the charred skeleton of a bike she’d only just learned to ride.
Gone too, was the confident boy who’d co-ordinated their earlier onslaught. Cowering behind his raised hands, he rushed to defend himself. “It was an accident, I swear,” he all but begged. “I never meant to …”
“You’re paying me back for that,” she told him, getting right up in his face and pointing an accusing finger at him. “It was practically brand new.”
“But -“
“Don’t think you’re getting away from me,” she added, voice rising with every phrase. 
“I wasn’t - “
“I’ll follow you all over Kanto if I have to!” she all but hollered at him.
“I’ll - what did you just say?” she asked, deflating a little at the lack of resistance. 
He shrugged, looking a weaselly and nervous as he said, “I mean, it’d be nice to have the company if you’re just going to follow me anyway.”
Well that took the wind right out of her sales. “I wasn’t actually going to follow you,” she said with a frown, the righteous anger fading as quickly as it had come over her and rational thought returning. “It was an empty threat so you’d pay me to go away.”
“I don’t have any money and I don’t mind if you hang around,” he admitted. “In fact, it’d be kinda cool. You’re Misty Waterflower, right? From the Cerulean Gym?”
She nodded, confusion growing by the minute.
“My names Ash - Ash Ketchum from Pallet,” he said offering a hand which she just stared at in wonder. He paused for a second and then rambled on. “I’m a trainer - I mean obviously a trainer. And I’m on my journey and I just competed in the league and me and Pikachu were going to head back to Pallet before our next step.”
“So, yeah,” he concluded lamely, his arm coming up to scratch the back of his head. “If you wanted to come along …”
It was a ridiculous offer and one she had no intention of accepting. Still, she found herself asking, “where are you going?”
“Orange Islands, then maybe Sinnoh or Johto.”
Misty found herself thinking of the crumpled up list back in her bedroom.
“I’ve never been to the Orange Islands.”
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trainersearchsystem · 2 years
Hello National Icon Dex family. Officer Jenny here on the day of her retirement. I, Dee, have decided to step back a little from Tumblr. This is for my own personal health and for reasons I will not go into as they are not important to you. However, I am still feeling rather emotional. I have been here from the earliest days of NID. From post one to follower one. I am leaving Nurse Joy with a following of over 600 on both post and follower. It has been a pleasure to provide you all with icons. To be where you go to get all of your iconing needs in this fandom. I have enjoyed seeing my icons on the dash and should I return to Tumblr I will continue to do so. I have been Rotom Mod and Jenny Mod. Both have been constant parts of this blog. From the dex that holds the icons and the officer that makes sure the rules are followed. Thanks for the couple of years that this blog blossomed. Hopefully the blog will continue to flourish and you will continue to find your needs met. Dee out. x
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dulcesiabits · 2 years
Y'know, if a TWST x PKMN crossover existed, we'd be experiencing a whole different story. The dorm leaders can each be Gym Leaders while Divus, Trein, Vargus, and Sam or Crowley are the Elite Four (maybe Sam is a rival or something???). Grim can be the goofy Champion. Compared to regular Pokemon games, the entire experience would probably be a little darker and meaner especially for some of the Gym Leaders. Kalim would probably be a godsend and his Land of Hot Sands gym would probably be bright and colorful, but I can already tell that leaders like Leona and maybe Riddle with his rose and card-themed gym or Vil with his beautifully decorated and potentially poisonous gym would be handfuls. Not sure where their vices would go unless they simply help out at the gyms or have completely other roles.
Oh, it would be fun if Sam was a reoccurring character like Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny in the anime!! He’s the perpetual shopkeeper who sells you the items you need for your journey!!!
Yes!! Vil with a beautiful poison type team is perfect!! Leona definitely has a ground or dark type gym, and Azul has a water one. I can’t decide if Kalim or Riddle should have the fire type themed gym though… and Idia has electric and steel types (maybe with a ghost type thrown in) and Malleus has dragon and fairy…!
The vices should definitely help manage the gyms!! I imagine they’re the strongest trainers you face apart from the dorm leaders, who determine whether you’re worthy enough to face the dorm leader? Or maybe they could be (mostly) helpful side characters that help introduce the gym/drop lore and flavor text about the world haha
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For @fattest-disney-characters
(Batman 66’, BTAS/TNBA, HBOMAX) Barbara Gordon/Batgirl: 589lbs
(Young Justice/Arkham Games/Gotham Knights) Barbara Gordon/Oracle: 795lbs
(BTAS/TNBA, Suicide Squad (2016)/Birds of Prey (2020)/Suicide Squad (2021) and HBOMAX) Harlem Quinzel/Harley Quinn: 897lbs
(Wonder Woman 77’, JLU, the Brave and the bold, Justice League/Batman VS Superman/Wonder Woman (2017)/1984 (2020 movie), Doom, Super Friends, JLVSTT/Death of Superman/Bloodlines, HBO Harley Quinn) Diana Prince/Wonder Woman: 8,898lbs (she’s a Amazonian)
(JLU, the Brave and the bold, 1984 (2020 movie), doom, super friends, Batman unlimited, JLVSTT/Death of Superman/Bloodlines, HBO Harley Quinn) Barbara Gordon/Cheetah: 4 tons of hippo fat (message me if you’re confused)
(JLU, Bloodliens, Batman Brave and Bold, HBO Harley Quinn)Doris Zuel/Giganta: 397,957lbs (she’s giant woman who weights a lot, duh)
(BTAS/TNBA, and HBOMAX) Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy: 898lbs (she’s a plant person, duh)
(BTAS/TNBA, Batman Returns, HBOMAX) Selina Kyle/Catwoman: 598lbs
(Julie Newar, Eartha Kitt, Lee Meriwether) Catwomen from Batman 66’
Resident Evil:
Alcina Dimitrescu: 8,949lbs
Daughter Dimitrescu: Unknown (Bela: Belly, Daniela: Bottom, Cassandra: Top)
Disney Princesses:
1. Snow White: 957lbs
2. Cinderella: 858lbs
3. Aurora: 576lbs
4. Ariel: 958,894lbs (she’s mermaid at sea and human at land, so transform)
5. Belle: 708lbs
6. Jasmine: 498lbs
7. Pocahontas: 528lbs
8. Mulan: 747lbs
9. Tiana: 957lbs
10. Rapunzel: 869lbs
11 and 12. Elsa: 958lbs and Anna: 589lbs (Honorary Official Princesses)
13. Merida: 298lbs
14. Moana: 159lbs
15. Raya: 497lbs
Former Disney Princesses:
TinkerBell: 498,948lbs (she’s tiny fairy with human appetites)
Esmeralda: 559lbs
Forgotten Disney Princesses (or not):
Princess Eilonwy: 957lbs
Kida Nedakh: 497lbs
Not be from Disney Animation Canon:
Giselle: 935lbs
Anastasia (1997): 498lbs
Princesses Best Friends (Animals):
1. Snow White-Forest Animals
2. Cinderella-Jaq and Gus
3. Aurora-Flora, Fauna, and Merrywether
4. Ariel-Sebastian, Flounder, and Scuttle
5. Belle-Philippe
6. Jasmine-Rajah
7. Pocahontas-Meeko and Flit
8. Mulan-Mushu, Cri Kee and Khan
9. Tiana-Stella (Lotte let Tiana play with her)
10. Rapunzel-Pascal and Maximus
11 and 12. Elsa and Anna-Sven the Reindeer and Bruni (Frozen II)
13. Merida: Angus
14. Moana-Pua and Hei Hei
15. Raya-Tuk Tuk and Sisu
Sisu (Disney): 198,997,999lbs (she’s a dragon)
Redneck AU:
Redneck Elsa: 910.7lbs
Redneck Anna: 890.9lbs
Redneck Wonder Woman: 485.90lbs
Redneck Cheetah: 589.89lbs
Redneck Bud and Lou: 9,999lbs
Queen and Princess (Elsa and Anna’s pets): 8,979lbs
Real-Live girls:
Reenaye Starr: 998.98lbs
Ivy Davenport: 897.89lbs
Tammy and Amy: 1000lbs (get it)
87 April O’Neil: 1,879lbs
2012 April O’Neil: 597lbs
2012 Karai: 897lbs
Uneven left leg April: 3,979lbs
Uneven right leg Karai: 8,894lbs
Portal (kinda):
GLaDOS: 1,987,958 (she’s a robot voice with Halo’s Hologram-body type and potato as a head which is based on our RP, don’t judge)
Gloria from pokémon sword and shield (18 years old): 498lbs
Marnie from pokémon sword and shield(18 years old): 595lbs
Irida from pokémon legends arceus (18 years old): 398lbs
Akari from pokemon legends arceus (18 years old): 297lbs
Cogita from pokémon legends arceus: 495lbs
Serena from pokémon x and y(20 years old): 698lbs
Misty from pokémon (25 years): 497lbs (Misty-Hyena: 999lbs when’s transform)
Delia Ketchum: 988lbs
Daisy, Violet, Lily (Misty’s sisters): each weight 797lbs
Jessie (Pokémon): 159,948lbs (she’s immobile, Misty and other girls have to take care of her, so)
Officer Jenny: 594lbs
Nurse Joy: 958lbs
(Add more coming soon)
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andreadarcyart · 3 months
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Delia and Joy are definitely the physically strong gfs, Delia has mom strength and Joy has nurse strength, that are both forces to be reckoned with 💪 And that strength has the added bonus of sweeping their gfs off their feet ✨
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vwritesawholelothm · 2 years
bandaging/stitching up an injury with any pjo or Pokemon ship
No YOU! Give us the Officer Jenny X Nurse Joy fic of our dreams!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
Kanto's Dark Knight
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/W8NhdPt by GeneralJaguar Batman is Kidnapped by Mew to prove Arceus wrong! Now in Kanto, Bruce Wayne must travel the land without most of his memories, with his partner, Pikachu! The only way to get back his memories and go back home as to win the Indigo League, will Bruce be able to succeed while dealing with the likes of Team Rocket? [Batman x Harem] Words: 1911, Chapters: 1/45, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Totally Spies, Ever After High, My Little Pony Generation 4: Friendship Is Magic (Cartoon 2010) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Kasumi | Misty, Pikachu (Pokemon), Joui | Nurse Joy, Junsar | Officer Jenny, Sam (Totally Spies), Clover (Totally Spies), Alex (Totally Spies), Apple White, Raven Queen (Ever After High), Briar Beauty (Ever After High), Madeline "Maddie" Hatter Additional Tags: Pokemon Battles, Memory Loss, Pokemon Journey, Pokemon Trainers read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/W8NhdPt
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m4rs-ex3 · 4 months
i desperately need nurse joy x officer jenny content it better exist
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hngaxvromzu4ga · 1 year
big squirt ebony Teen sex toys orgasm Fathers Day Freakout Asian Blowjob MILF In Asia Fake Taxi Hot Asian Babe Aaeysha Rides Italian Cabbie’s Big Dick Sasha Colibri Her Sexy Asshole Fucked Up Pokemon - Nurse Joy X Futa Officer Jenny 3D Hentai Comendo a melhor amiga Sex call with indoniesa Gay jeans porn A Good Little Slut Gets It Again Big ass blonde gets fucked by trans
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y7vmhcg9x0ryl · 1 year
Asian Blowjob MILF In Asia Fake Taxi Hot Asian Babe Aaeysha Rides Italian Cabbie’s Big Dick Sasha Colibri Her Sexy Asshole Fucked Up Pokemon - Nurse Joy X Futa Officer Jenny 3D Hentai Comendo a melhor amiga Sex call with indoniesa Gay jeans porn A Good Little Slut Gets It Again Big ass blonde gets fucked by trans Siririca abrindo o cu Gay stud bonks hardcore
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goldenrodradio · 6 years
Looking for shippers of Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy like...
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