#officer gomez is a real g
fruithoughts · 2 months
⪩⪨ Family Adams!Ateez ♡ GirlyPop!Reader ⪩⪨
cw: multiple possessive and slightly derogatory pet names, smut? probably?, VERY suggestive <- like real suggestive, jealousy, possessive behaviour, pathetic behaviour, they're losers in love, creepy behaviour? in the very end of yunho's segment, complicated feelings, poly relationship
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— Gomez!Hongjoong who gets so angry whenever his brother Wednesday!Wooyoung keeps leaving his sweetheart's neck full of angry, possessive purple marks, his princess is HIS, and whoever else has the privilege of being allowed to do so much as touch her should treat her as what she is, someone else’s most precious possession which ultimately doesn't belong to them.
— Gomez!Hongjoong who only allows his boys to touch her at all because his many centuries of living within this dark mansion has proved to him that they’re the only men in this world, other than himself, who are deserving of being around his angel.
— Gomez!Hongjoong who sometimes gets too jealous and considers taking away the boy’s "touching the princess" privileges, but as soon as he thinks of how much she likes them he stops entertaining that idea immediately because he would rather force himself to ignore his possessive tendencies than to see his sweet girl upset over something he did.
— Gomez!Hongjoong who only allows his pup into his office so he can keep an eye on her somewhere he knows nobody else in the house would dare to come in, they know better. Who bought a fluffy white rug and a vintage pink armchair to put in the middle of his big office, right in front of his desk, so he could watch his lovely petal wasting the afternoon away watching things on her phone or reading a novel the whole day, all his to watch, all his to use and break, all his to keep on his lap while he’s working late at night, all his.
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— Morticia!Hwa who woke up in tears in the middle of the night because he had a nightmare about God herself coming down to take their angel away from them and back to heaven, claiming that it was a mistake that she fell on earth and now she's taking her back.
— Poor Morticia!Hwa was in such distress he didn't even think before pounding his pretty puppy into oblivion, leaving scratches, bites, bruises and handprints all over her beautiful body as a desperate attempt to make her unholy, if there was anything about his girl that made her deserving of ever witnessing the golden gates, there wouldn't be anymore, not after he was done with her.
— Morticia!Hwa who pays for a whole new closet to be built and added to the master bedroom(which belongs to him, his princess and Gomez!HJ) all because he loves to dress her in pretty goth gowns that won't fit in just one closet, so he makes another.
— Morticia!Hwa who clicks his tongue in fake disgust when he holds his angel’s chin and judges her bright and cute makeup, who tells her that she should ask him for help to do darker makeup instead of ruining the family’s aesthetic. Who smiles to himself when his bratty doll sticks her little red tongue out at him and calls him a “toxic goth” for bothering her about her makeup.
— Morticia!Hwa who secretly adores her cute makeup and even gets off to the fact that she’s so different from everyone in the house but will keep bothering her about her looks until she ultimately goes to him to ask for help on doing a darker makeup look, then he’ll be able to sit his princess in his lap and look at her adorable face features while doing the very same makeup he wears everyday on her instead, his own little twisted way of making her his, even if she doesn’t even realize.
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— Gomez’s Brother!Yunho who was so cautious about the family’s new “pet”(who was only the pet until G!Hongjoong and M!Hwa decided to claim her as their girl, less than a week after she got into the mansion) and was so sure that her personality was all for show and it wouldn’t take more than a month for her to lose her mind with the dynamics of their home, ultimately letting her true self shine through. Who was so bitter about not being correct on his assumptions of her as soon as he got his first taste of her, god, how he needed that.
— G. Brother!Yunho who is intoxicated with affection for this girl to the point he keeps traveling around for no specific reason, the real motive being to prevent him from becoming as dependent of her as the others in the house, he misses her a lot when he’s away, but knowing his and G!Hongjoong’s temper, it’s for the best that he doesn’t get too attached to her, sick possessiveness runs on the family.
— G. Brother!Yunho who buys her cute trinkets in all of his travels, who goes to every single vintage shop in and out of sight to get her unique things from everywhere around the world, everything she couldn’t have gotten from anyone else, anyone else other than him. Who gets all warm and fuzzy when he comes home and hears his girl’s quick footsteps coming down stairs to see him.
— G. Brother!Yunho who messages her on a daily basis, most of the old souls of his family refuse to use phones regularly, especially to talk to people inside their own house, he knows she is always free when it comes to messaging him, no matter who is actually with her physically, so he takes advantage of that.
— G. Brother!Yunho who gets not-so-innocently excited when she texts him “yeah!! I’m free to call :D” so cute, he could destroy her, but unfortunately his girl isn’t truly his to break. Who tells her his phone’s camera isn’t working properly and that’s why he won’t turn it on, while he gets off to her sweet voice in the most silent manner he can manage.
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— Pet Servant!Yeosang who was not expecting to see a person coming home with his bosses after they told the whole house that they would go out on a mission to find the perfect family pet. Who was not disappointed or appalled by it either. Of course he had many actual animals to care for, The Adams have snakes, cats, dogs, fishes, just about any little thing that can show some sort of life in the house since they’re all so dead, but the girl was sure a fun new addition to his daily routine.
— Pet Servant!Yeosang who takes full advantage of the fact she loves animals to easily scoop her away all for him for the whole day whenever he starts the morning taking care of the snakes, she loves them but no one other than M!Seonghwa is allowed in the snake’s area, no one other than PS!Yeosang, who feeds them, cleans their spaces and makes sure they stay healthy. Who breaks one of his very few rules by bringing her into the snake area because she likes them, and he likes her.
— Pet Servant!Yeosang who allows her to change the pet’s collars to pretty bows just long enough for her to take cute pictures of them, then he changes it back to their black leather collars with spikes. Who sits in the garden with her the whole day while saying that he’s “watching out for the dogs”, he isn’t, he barely looks at them while she’s there. Who has decided that his favorite part of the day is the sweet kisses he gets to have with his kitty as soon as the sun starts fading out and the night arrives.
— Pet Servant!Yeosang who spends the rainy days with her lounging in The Adam's big living room, him slouched on the couch, hands massaging her soft(and often sore) thighs resting above his own while she reads a book, both enjoying comfortable silence.
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+ thing!san has a normal body, his hand is just detachable +
— Thing!San who was already very excited about his new toy as soon as G!Hongjoong and M!Hwa walked into the house, only to be pleasantly surprised by the sight of a beautiful girl in a pretty skirt instead of a smelly animal. Who as soon as he realized how sweet and pure said girl was, decided to become her living nightmare.
— Thing!San who did it all, said all kinds of vulgar things to tease her out of nowhere, all of the things that made his pretty marionette snap her, usually all marked, neck at him in dangerous speeds. Who always laughed at her big reactions, who found it hilarious she behaved so innocently even after all of the filthy things they’ve done with her, to her.
— Thing!San who once overheard G!Hongjoong calling her “his marionette” and decided that’s the only nickname he would ever call her, shamelessly stealing her actual owner’s little pet name, just like he would shamelessly steal his girl the second he had a chance of doing so, the chance would never come, he knew it, but a man can be delusional every once in a century.
— Thing!San who sneaked his detached hand on her multiple times a day just to scare her, his hand came right back to him successfully every single time. Who everytime she complained about him scaring her made sure to remind his dear marionette just how much she loved his hand whenever he and Wednesday!Wooyoung played with her.
— Thing!San who fantasies daily about the possibility of using his special hand to touch his pretty girl while she’s with someone entirely, the idea of him not even being in the same room as her but still being the reason behind her sweet little sounds just makes him go a little bit insane, he hasn’t had the courage to talk with her or his house members about it yet, he will eventually, it's bound to happen.
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— Manservant!Mingi who was just so, so, so shy as soon as her pretty face showed up in the door, he was so scared of her. Who never thought of himself as presentable or handsome, and was so embarrassed of doing so much as being in the same room as her, when he noticed that despite his distant behavior she continuously kept trying to talk to him, he gave up on hiding and faced the scary monster that was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.
— Manservant!Mingi who went out his way to start reading books so he would have something to talk about with the pretty girl instead of just listening to her rambles, as much as he enjoyed them, he wanted nothing more than for her to find him interesting, cool even, it was his dream.
— Manservant!Mingi who opened up about feeling unattractive and insecure in comparison to the other men in the house and listened very carefully as she explained to him that he was just as handsome as them, the only difference was that they had a very specific style wich fit them well, and they took advantage of it.
— Manservant!Mingi who went all smiley with his precious girl to the mall to search for things he liked, who was confident enough to joke with her and was just so giddy when she laughed. Who has trouble falling asleep because his brain keeps replaying all of their sweet moments together. Who after a while starts having trouble falling asleep because his mind keeps replaying all of their sinful moments that make his mouth water and his body shake.
— Manservant!Mingi who years after the arrival of his dear girl looked unrecognizable, multiple piercings and some tattoos here and there, who started dressing with clothes he liked instead of the work clothes he used to, so much more talkative, much more of a goofball, a proud goofball, who actually had conversations with the people of the house and felt like a part of their family. And about her, God, he loves her. His sweet little thing, who he leans down to multiple times a day so she can hold his face with her pretty hands and place a thousand kisses on his cheeks.
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— Wednesday!Wooyoung who was convinced upon first sight that he would have to ignore her constantly and was so sure she would be nothing but a pain in his ass with her pink clothes and her shiny hair that looked so soft and smelled so good. She smelled good all the time, it annoyed him, spending such a long time inside meant he was pretty much used to the same 8 smells for such a long time. Then this lil kitten turned human shows up with her pretty kissable face and plush red lips and long sparkly nails and the sugary tone of her voice and… Oh, oh no. He likes her.
— Wednesday!Wooyoung who kept telling her to stop following him everywhere after he started showing up in all of her favorite places in the mansion, who dreamed that at some point she would like him enough to follow him around like she did with his older brother.
— Wednesday!Wooyoung who discovers a new side of himself while he teases her alongside Thing!San. Him who was always the reserved, quiet one of their friendship, most reserved and quiet one of the whole house, had seemed to have found a new passion in bothering their favorite girl, as time went on he became louder and louder and the boys seemed to be amused watching him change into someone else right in front of their eyes, that was, until he started bothering them as well.
— Wednesday!Wooyoung who somehow always ends up as her little toy that she walks around with through the whole mansion the entire day because once they hold hands for some reason in the morning, he simply doesn’t have the heart to let go and just allows her to drag him like a ragdoll while pretending to be annoyed, he secretly loves it. Who keeps telling her every single scary story that comes to his mind(or he makes up at the spot) only to not-so-discreetly offer his companion to protect her when the night comes around.
— Wednesday!Wooyoung who gets pathetically addicted to her, her scent, her voice, the feeling of her hand on his, the feeling of her lips on his, the feeling of her body on his, he’s long gone. Who takes far too much pride in being the person G!Hongjoong and M!Hwa allow to sleep with their precious doll on the all too rare occasions that they aren’t home. He spends these glorious days teasing her about experimenting with group intimacy, said experiment would be kept as their little secret. Nothing actually happens, he knows that their girl is far too obedient and would be telling her owners about everything as soon as they arrived back home, but a boy can dream.
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— Bodyguard!Jongho who was, at the very least, really confused when he arrived to pick up M!Hwa to his monthly trip to the town’s most fancy mall and said man walked out of his mansion not only with his husband, but also with someone else, someone new. His bosses didn’t give him much information about her, they have always been secretive so it came as no surprise, they only told him that she was a new addiction to the family, therefore, outside of the mansion; she was under his protection too.
— Bodyguard!Jongho who found all too amusing just how gentle yet undeniably obsessed his bosses managed to act around their new found passion over this girl, he wondered what was it about her that would make these well put together men act like feral dogs protecting their territory. Who just after his second ever encounter with The Adam’s girl, got his answer, he, who barely spoke to his bosses during all these years of serving them, found himself laughing comfortably and even engaging in her never stopping rambles.
— Bodyguard!Jongho who allows her to doll him up while they hang out in his parked car, ready to go home, not wanting to just yet. Who lets her put sparkly makeup all over his face and test different lip combos with her newly bought makeup, who plans on letting his hair grow a little bit so she can play with his hair like she does with PS!Yeosang or W!Wooyoung, he’s sure that she does it with M!Seonghwa as well but he’s never seen it.
— Bodyguard!Jongho who shoves information about silly things she likes in the boy’s group chat, any movies she mentions, any new style she’s looking into, any new interests at all, they all do it but he does it the most selflessly for sure, while the others hide most of the information they pick from her to use to their own advantage.
— Bodyguard!Jongho who doesn’t allow himself to be delusional when it comes to The Adams’s girl. He knows that at the end of the day his little shot of a expresso of a person isn’t truly his, nor will she ever be, he’s fine with that, as long as he keeps his head in place and doesn’t let himself fall into the dreamland, which she proves time and time again to be quite the challenge, he’ll be fine and she’ll be safe, and that’s what matter the most for all of them.
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notbabysittingclub · 1 year
Secret Double Life
When a fashion designer/writer goes to Iceland to learn about a suspected superhero named Sportacus, she is finding herself to be falling for the person who is suspected to be him, Magnús Scheving.
Her manager, Kim, sent her to Iceland with specific instructions to find the story, write about it, and publish it so the Loop Design would be on the top list of popular studios.
Gemma Gomez's goal was to not have Magnús fall for her in fears she would actually find something. But will everything go south real quick? Or will things go right in her favor?
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Chapter 1
Annoyance crossed over Gemma’s face as she watched one of her most hated coworkers get the job raise she’s been after for 3 years of working at the fashion studio in New York. The applause was light and whispers were heard as Kim shook the CEO’s hand with a big smile.
“Thank you so much, sir,” she said.
“Of course. You deserve this raise,” Roger said, smiling widely.
With her nose in the air, Kim nodded. “I know.”
Gemma rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. She refused to show support for this woman whom a lot of people didn’t like. If only Roger knew how Kim really was. She bullied a lot of the employees and targeted Gemma more every day.
After gloating, Kim walked over to Gemma with a smirk. “Looks like I beat you again, Gemma. So sad for you.”
“It’s… Gemma…” she said as Kim was walking away. “I really dislike that woman.”
“You said it,” Taylor, a coworker and close friend of Gemma, agreed, crossing his arms and looking Kim up and down with annoyance. “She’s pure evil. You deserved that raise, not her.”
“Taylor is right, G,” Kirsten nodded, watching Kim walking around gloating. “You’re better at fashion and writing about it than she is. I mean, she doesn’t even do anything except boss everyone around and tell you to fetch her coffee.”
Gemma rolled her eyes. We can’t really do anything now. Roger chose her and now we have to listen to her without complaining to her face. Sad, I know…”
“We should knock her out and ship her to another country,” Taylor said, snapping his fingers.
Gemma and Kirsten shared looks and stared at him. He shrugged with a smirk.
“Beats feeding her to tigers?” He laughed.
“Oh, Deanna,” Kim addressed Gemma from the other side of the room. “Come here a sec, would you, dear?”
“Here we go,” Gemma mumbled, but faked a smile and made her way over while her two friends rolled their eyes.
“I need you to do me a huge favor. Follow me to my office and I’ll explain,” Kim said, walking toward her new office with a sliding glass door.
There was an awkward silence as the two walked into the room and Kim closed the door behind Gemma. Kim had a smile on her face that made Gemma uncomfortable.
“So, manager position, huh? Big deal there,” Gemma nervously laughed.
Kim took her seat behind the desk and grasped her hands together, making Gemma jump.
“I have a very important task for you, Miss Gomez,” Kim smiled from behind her hands. “As an amazing writer here at the Loop, there is someone I have for you to write about. Not only that, but to get the latest scoop on.”
Gemma raised an eyebrow. “Kim, we’re a fashion studio, not the press.”
“I know, but if we get this story, we’ll be big! The business will grow… maybe.” Kim waved her hand and stared out the window into the city. “Do you want the job or not? It pays well and I’ll even put in a good word for you, Roger.”
“Go on…” Gemma said, slightly interested.
“I know you probably don’t believe in superheroes and all that junk,” Kim continued. “But there’s word going around about a superhero with strange powers in a town in Iceland.”
“You want me to go to Iceland?” Gemma interrupted.
“Let me finish,” Kim said, annoyed. “Anyway, in a town in Iceland there’s said to be a superhero named Sportacus. My sources tell me it’s a man named Magnús Scheving who is this superhero.”
“Is he?” Gemma raised an eyebrow and leaned forward.
Kim shrugged. “That’s where you come in, my dear. I need you to go and befriend Magnús. Make him fall for you or something, whatever works for you, to put his guard down. Maybe if you’re lucky, get into trouble so this Sportacus character can save you.”
“If I’m lucky? I would rather not be in danger for a story, Kim,” Gemma said, a little frustrated. “And making someone fall for me for a story, then breaking their heart? That’s low, even for you.”
As Gemma stood up, Kim rushed to grab her by the wrist before she could open the door.
“Please, Gemma,” Kim said with desperation in her voice. “The company needs this. I’m not supposed to say anything, but we’re going under. No one is working with us and if we get this story, we could shoot right to the top! Besides, I recommended you to Roger for this job.”
“Is that so? What did you say exactly?” Gemma asked, crossing her arms and tapping her foot.
“Believe it or not, I told him you were a talented writer/fashionista. You would be perfect for this job. And maybe it will be easy for you to get an answer and find things out,” Kim said, leaning on her desk. “Please. Don’t do this for me, do it for the Loop.”
Gemma squinted her eyes at Kim, as if trying to look into her soul. Looking past the fact she called her by her name, Kim seemed genuine about this.
“I’ll only do it if you cover my travel and hotel expenses,” Gemma caved with a sigh.
Kim squealed with delight and awkwardly hugged her. “You got it! Pack your bags Tina, you’re going to Iceland in a couple of days!”
“It’s G… never mind,” shaking her head as she walked out the office.
“Well, what did the wicked witch want?” Taylor asked, sipping on something in a mug.
Gemma explained everything, and Kirsten and Taylor gasped in shock.
“I wonder how much of that is actually true. Sounds like bull to me,” Kirsten stated. “Maybe you should look this up. There’s no such thing as superheroes. If there were, I need to find Batman and get his number.”
Gemma giggled. “I’ll research it when I get home tonight. It seemed a bit far fetched. But then again, she seemed serious.”
“Well, if this Magnús guy is this person and they’re both fake, this could be a good thing for you, G,” Taylor said, waving a pencil in the air.
“I just don’t want to make anyone fall in love with me to only break their heart in the end,” Gemma said with a shrug. “Not that anyone would fall for me, anyway.”
“Stop it,” Taylor playfully hit Gemma on the arm. “You’re gorgeous, girl.”
With a small smile, Gemma returned to her daily tasks. She wondered what awaited her in Iceland.
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lesbian-in-leather · 1 year
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I posted 1,361 times in 2022
That's 630 more posts than 2021!
308 posts created (23%)
1,053 posts reblogged (77%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,257 of my posts in 2022
Only 8% of my posts had no tags
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#asoue - 42 posts
#mon cher - 21 posts
#wwdits - 21 posts
#tag games - 17 posts
#send help - 17 posts
#oh worm - 15 posts
#>:( - 15 posts
#thanks for the ask!! - 15 posts
#vaguely-functional-directions - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i've always fixated on things but my parents were pretty strict about internet usage when i was younger so i couldn't really interact much
My Top Posts in 2022:
“A Private Exchange”?
Send me a made-up fic title and I'll tell you what I would write to go with it
So I was just going to write a little snippet of like, a few hundred words, and then... I didn't stop writing. It's going to be a whole multichapter now, that I will hopefully finish and post in the near future. You did this. Anyway, in the interest of not waiting til then to answer this, here's the snippet that the actual title made me think of
Fandom: School for Good and Evil
Summary: Clarissa summons Lady Lesso to her office after classes for a private meeting. Purely in the interest of discussing the students, of course
Rating: G
See the full post
58 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Hot take on the addams family casting debate: Gomez is Correct but Morticia is Wrong
67 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
So I've been rewatching the tinkerbell films (which are so fucking good and absolutely stand up over time btw) but like... despite my childhood gay crush on Vidia (and Silvermist lmao, the two icons of every sapphic childhood) I never realised how genuinely gay-coded she is???
Especially in the third one, The Great Fairy Rescue is ABSOLUTELY the story of how Vidia and Tink became gfs and I will hear nothing else
84 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
You know what does lowkey make me laugh about the hunger games
District Twelve has only ever had four victors, right? And it’s widely accepted that 18-year-olds are obviously at an advantage, as are the Careers by virtue of just... being the Careers. And yet every single victor from Twelve was 16??? Like. Four separate inexperienced and malnourished 16-year-olds - three of which were from the fuckin Seam of all places - won the wholeass Games. They beat the Careers, they beat jacked as fuck lumber guys and ‘I’m desensitised to blood’ livestock gals, and they won the entire thing - and exclusively with only one real ally - THE OTHER PERSON FROM THEIR OWN DISTRICT. Everyone hates on District Twelve as being the worst one, but if I was to bet on the hunger games and I heard they’d picked a 16-year-old from Twelve, I would simply bet on them. I don’t care how ~feral~ and ~untrained~ they are babe, Twelve’s 16-year-olds are fuckin winners
125 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Autumn this-or-that game!!
Thanks for the tag @omghost 💕
tea or hot chocolate | cosy books or halloween movies | plaid or corduroy | foggy mornings or twinkly nights | orange or black | pumpkin or apple pie | wool or velvet | picking fruit or carving pumpkins | libraries or coffee shops | cinnamon or peanut butter | spooky or cosy halloween | candles or fairy lights
Tagging: @swanqueensalad @downton-not-downtown-smh @vaguely-functional-directions @volunteerfelinedetectives @just-an-enby-lemon @accidentallylita @ghostlyheart and anyone else who wants to do it!!
207 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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chocobothis · 2 years
Someone help me; I've got too many WIPs
I was tagged by @aceghosts and @whateverthefuckyouwantiguess ! Thank you!
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
tagging: @thebisexualmandalorian @thuriweaver @whoeverelsewantsin
These are without a doubt a mess and if the titles look like descriptions or bland that’s because it wasn’t titled. I just let things marinate in my notes like nameless sea monkeys. When it becomes a Real, Finished Idea it earns its name and usually not a second sooner. I’m also only using resident evil things because that’s all I’m writing. If we got into ever draft on my phone it’d go back literal years.
Cult Madness (Chapter Fic)
Chapter Fragments
Talk Isn’t Cheap (Chapter Fic)
Chapter Fragments
Nikolai Zinoveiv Died (Oneshot; One Off BSAA OCs)
Nico Survives Her Outbreak at 16 (Chapter Fic)
Ethan Moves Back to America (Oneshot)
Kijuju (Chapter Fic)
Chapter Fragments
Omega Verse AU (Oneshots)
Let’s Have A Baby; Nico/Claire/Jill/Carlos (Oneshots)
Rebecca Fusses Over Her Omega Idiots
Supernatural Things AU (Oneshots)
Javi and Nico Powers Outline
Nico, Wesker, Mastermind (Oneshot)
Nico Works for Wesker; 16+ (Oneshots)
Nico Wants To Make Efficient Plant Zombies (Oneshot)
Wesker Finds Nico Amusing (Oneshot)
Nico Fails Spectacularly At Attacking Wesker (Oneshot)
Nico Works for Wesker; 14+ (Oneshots)
Science Competition
HUNK Collects Nico
Nico Bitches About The Plaga
G-Virus Is Actually Vaguely Improved
Ada Feels Morals
Xavia Moon Meets Nico in Seoul (Oneshot)
Nikolai Kidnaps Nico (Oneshot Collection)
Smut Things (Oneshot Collection)
Nico/Claire - First Time Together
Carlos/Nico - Carlos Centric; Sexy Sparring Trope
Leon/Nico - First Time Together, Snowed In Trope
Carlos/Nico - Random, Blowjob 
Nico/Leon - Sexting
Mercenary AU
Nico Meets Nikolai
Jill and Carlos Discuss Dating Nico (Oneshot)
Stacey Gains Nico as a Ward (Oneshot)
Maria Gomez & Lorelai Wesker versus Nico (Oneshot)
Claire and Nico Hang Out; Claire Realizes Feelings (Oneshot)
Nico Meets Simmons (Oneshot; Dead Dove)
Claire Collects Nico from Chris’ Office & Cares for her (Oneshot)
Carlos Collects Nico from Chris’ Office; Post-Cult (Oneshot)
Chris Tidies Up Nico’s Panic Cut Hair (Oneshot)
She Had Me At Head’s Carolina Song Fic (Oneshot; one off Character)
Nico Survived First Outbreak Damage Assessment (Oneshot)
Jill Teases Carlos About Nico; Spicy-ish (Oneshot)
Riddler Shit (Oneshot)
Practice Knife (Oneshot)
High School Era Nico Diary Entries (Chapter Fic)
Various Fragments
Jake Muller’s Aunt Ideas (Scribbles)
Jill and Her Neighbor, 1998
“Actually, fuck you and your ex-boyfriend who burned this city down.”
Various Dialogue Fragments of Their Messy Relationship
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cranetreegang · 4 years
4) 7 Day Fallout Writing Challenge: Coming Home
Day 4!!! This one was way too much fun to write. Decided to do present tense, and nearly wanted to die. Present tense sucks. It’s a bit on the longer side too. It’s like 1,400 words. 
Fallout 3 again! I remember the first time I did Trouble on the Home-front, and I nearly blew the whole place up after I ‘saved’ them. Vault 101 is literally the breeding ground of assholes. EXCEPT for my main man Officer Gomez. He’s a real G.
Enjoy! Let me know what you think!
Warnings: one curse word and mentions of dead people
Some dialogue (specifically at first with Amata) I did take straight from the game. So credit to Fallout 3 for that.
Amata gives me a smile of relief. The dark circles under her hazel eyes really aged her and her raven black hair is dull and tangled into a messy bun. With the conflict over, I can tell a weight is lifted from her. We move closer together, filling me with a certain nostalgia. I’m finally back with my best friend and I can’t wait to tell her everything that’s happened. To finally catch up without chaos ensuing. The stories I have will stomp anything we ever read in the Grognak Comics. I’m already forming plans on who we can go to for supplies. How I can help protect our people from the Wastes.
“I… I can’t believe it.” Amata whispers, pulling me from my grand plans. “My father… I can’t believe he’s stepping down. I can’t believe you got through to him.” 
“We talked. I think for the first time, he actually listened. He… he didn’t even realize how wrong he was.” I take in the disarray state of the medical room. A place I saw as a sanctuary growing up. I could still see Jim laying stiffly against the wall when I first arrived. Or even Beatrice’s mangled corpse in the next room. A shake of my head returns me to the present. “But I set him straight.” 
“Well, thanks for keeping your cool. Violence would only lead to more problems in the future.” She puts her hands on her hips with a prideful smirk. “It’s time for our dusty old Vault to have a new beginning and it’ll start by opening it up again, and this time for good. It’s a bright new day for the Vault…,” Her pause takes me off guard. She looks at me sheepishly. The same look she gave me when I first got here. “But I’m afraid there’s one thing that has to change.”
“Whatever it is, I’m happy to help.” I reassure her. 
“I know you are and, on behalf of the Vault, I thank you for all you’ve done.” She places her hand on my shoulder and gives a gentle squeeze. She sounds too much like an Overseer already. “But there are still many who blame you for everything that happened. So I have to ask you to leave. I’m sorry, but the situation is just... too delicate for you to stay.” 
My stomach feels like it’s in a knot; like I had been punched in the gut. I know I’m making a face as Amata continues, “Please. If you want to help the Vault, you need to leave.” 
The sting of tears began and my throat’s tight. I stare her down with a bitter smile. “Just like that, huh? After everything I’ve done, you’re kicking me out.” I laugh a bit as I realize that was her plan all along. She knew I would come, she knew I would help, and she knew I wasn’t allowed to stay.
“No, it’s not like that.” Amata grabs my hands to bring my attention back to her. Her hands are so soft compared to mine. “But if you stay, it’ll just keep causing more problems. The Vault can’t take any more in-fighting. It’s just what has to be.” Her explanation only makes my blood boil. I swear, I knew raiders that were less cold-blooded than her. “It’ll be awhile before we’re ready to really go outside. But once the Vault is stable again, maybe we’ll see you out there.” She smiles sweetly at me, which feeds my disgust toward her. I let the silence fester before I rip my hands from hers. She frowns, but switches back to a sweet smile.
“I guess this is goodbye for now.” She reaches behind her and hands me a dirty utility suit. “It’s not much, but take this with you, to remember us by. With luck, we’ll meet again.” 
I look at the grimy suit for a moment in a state of absolute shock. This is it? All that she sees me worthy of is some piece of shit suit? 
“Goodbye, Amata. I have a feeling you’ll do just fine as Overseer.” The ice in my tone causes her to flinch. I give a parting glance to the room that was my whole life with my dad. Him teaching me how to treat cuts, bruises, sprains, and numerous other ailments. The trash and overturn tables made the bile crawl further up my throat. Freddie and Mr. Brotch walk over to me just before I turn away. 
“Goodbye. We’ll miss ya.” Freddie says. His ‘Tunnel Snake’ leather jacket slipping off his slim frame. 
“I never thought you would be back. I’m sorry you have to go. You were always a pleasure to have in class.” Mr. Brotch adds with his warm brown eyes giving me pity. But he does nothing to object to my banishment. 
I almost roll my eyes at their pathetic attempts at a goodbye. “Good luck out there. You’ll need it.” I walk through the familiar yet ruined hallways of my home… former home. I pass by my room. My heart nearly shatters upon seeing Dad’s old bed, but I force myself to keep going. Residents line the hallways as their whispers and glares follow me.
“Good riddance.”
“Get out.” 
“You don’t belong here.” 
“This is all your fault!” The voices say as I pass by.
I hold my head up high despite wanting to yell and scream at them. They’re supposed to be my family, yet here I am leaving with my tail between my legs. I’m at the security room when a familiar guard brings me out of my haze. 
“Officer Gomez?” 
He looks at me with sorrowful eyes. “You aren’t leaving already, are you? Goodness, you just got here.” 
I curse my growing bad luck. He’s always been so kind to me. His salt and pepper hair made me think of a time long before that. The fondest memory being when he got onto Butch for stealing my sweet roll. I thought of him as my hero from that moment forward. I find it hard to look at him now.
“Yeah. It’s… for the best. Or so I’m told.” I mumble. 
He places his hands on my shoulders. “I’m sorry about your daddy. And I’m sorry that… I wish you could stay.” I meet his gaze and he looks more upset than I am. “Good golly, I don’t know what’s happened to you out there, but you’re different now. I can see it in your eyes. You’re not... ,” He laughs a bit before giving me a beaming grin. “You’re not a kid anymore. I’m real proud of ya. I know you’re gonna do great things, kiddo. Always have. I hope we get to see you one day. Out there. Maybe you’ll be the one giving us the big tour of the place.” 
I bite my lip to keep a sob at bay before hugging him as tightly as I can. “Thank you, Mr. Gomez. I’m gonna miss you.” My voice cracks and a few tears stream down my cheek.
He chuckles a bit, but hugs me back. “Stay safe.” 
I nod my head and smile. “You too.” 
He pats me on the back as I walk towards the exit. I spare him one last look. He waves with a warm parting smile. I walk outside and open the wooden slat door. The ground shudders from the vault closing. The breeze rifles through my hair and the dust fills my nostrils. The heat of the waning sun warms my skin. I hear the metal screeching of the vault sealing. My breath leaves my chest and a choked cry follows. It’s done. 
I stare at the scorched landscape around me. Echoes of the past are all that’s left. Megaton catches my eye against the evening sun. I suppose that’s not entirely true, I realize. I think of Gob, and Lucas, and even Moriarty. I start to think of the Brotherhood, and the people of Rivet City. So many people that I’ve met, helped, or killed. I notice a furry blob heading towards me. A wide grin forms on my face when I realize who it is.
Dogmeat barrels up to me with yips of excitement. I pat his head while scratching behind his large ears. His rough fur feels great against my near numb fingers. His brown and blue eyes fill me with a comforting warmth. 
“I missed ya, too. Ya mangy mutt.” I tease.
He nudges my wet cheek then takes off down the hill. I look back at the Vault. I feel over the utility suit in my hands. The 101 is a faded yellow against the dingy navy. I hang the suit on the wooden door and re-shoulder my rifle. I meet up with the enthusiastic pooch at the bottom who huffs at my lack of rush. He spins in place a few times before taking charge towards Megaton. Our home.
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discotreque · 3 years
LwD 2.10: First First Contact
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I haven’t been able to do notes for the past few weeks, but that’s not much of a loss: I’ve been having too much fun to get analytical even if I could. All you “missed” would’ve been a lot of yelling about how much I love these characters and this show, and a list of jokes I thought were funny, which is pretty close to “all of them.”
Nor do I have much analysis of the finale. Yelling, though? I’ve got yelling. And a list of jokes I especially liked? Absolutely. Right behind this spoiler cut:
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Hmmm, we haven’t checked in on Mariner’s abandonment issues in a little while, how’s that g-OH MY GOD NO
Okay I knew Mariner had a crush on Jennifer, I KNEW IT, I even started writing a fic about it a few weeks ago and just left it 90% done like an IDIOT
Huge fan of Rutherford and Tendi having an intimate moment where they confess their love for… the ship. Tendiforritos OT3!!!
Mike McMahan, if you kill Sonja Gomez I will revoke at least three of the beers I owe you, I swear to god
Characters blurting out the (obvious) emotional subtext of a scene always gets a laugh from me, and Rutherford chirping, “We have to drop our defenses, like Mariner has to do with people!” got a BIG laugh.
Removing the ship’s hull is exactly the wild shit you can only do—and therefore must do, imho—in a Star Trek cartoon. Even Disco doesn’t have the VFX budget for that kind of ridiculousness.
The thing with Rutherford saving all his memories of Tendi in triplicate, just in case he forgot her again? Hit me right in the feels 😭️
“Nothing explodes around here unless I’m blowing it up!” I’m so glad Shaxs can never, ever die. Ever.
“But in seven hours, we’ll be dea—oh, I see what you did there.”
This was a great episode for Billups! Hilariously losing his shit at even implied criticism of the warp core; has a sweet fatherly moment with Rutherford and gives him legitimately good advice; totally saves a lady’s life out of nowhere; says “dragon’s blood!” as a curse. What a legend.
Ransom finally gets his hands on the Riker joystick (not like that)
CETACEAN OPS, these mad bastards finally delivered, and of COURSE the beluga whales are wearing little Starfleet uniforms, and of course they’re sex pests omg
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Wait uh didn’t Barnes and her pals invite Rutherford to “go swimming in Cetacean Ops” earlier this season? In retrospect that’s starting to sound kind of kinky for a first date…
Get you a friend like Tendi who can eventually have ENOUGH of your shit and tell you to shape up, tbh.
God, those exteriors of the thrusters firing are sexy as hell
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This entire episode is gorgeous as FUCK, actually????
J E N N I F E R 💙️ 💙️ 💙️ 💙️ 💙️ Saving Mariner!! (And I think Mariner’s into it?)
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Didn’t catch the name of Capt. Gomez’s first officer, but I really liked him.
Cerritos to the rescue!!! HELL yes!!!!
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Are they going to just completely fuck up the ship in every season finale?
Promotion for Tendi, which she absolutely deserves, hell yeah
“Who the fuck is that? I don’t know who that is. I mean like Spock!” We don’t see that much of Dr. T’Ana, but Gillian Vigman crushes it in every scene she gets.
Tipsy Captain Freeman is adorable omg MORE OF THIS PLEASE
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Carol Freeman is absolutely one of my favourite Trek captains ever and I will be devastated if/when Dawnn Lewis actually leaves the show, even though she probably has to at some point. (Not yet, though...!)
Sooooo when Boimler “almost drowned in whale pee,” was that during the mission or the celebratory skinny-dipping…?
That episode was so good I forgot they hadn’t paid off Chekhov’s Varuvian Bomb until they REALLY paid it off, like holy shit, Pakled Planet (heh) is just gone
…holy SHIT, what??? They’re arresting Captain Freeman????
My full-body CHILLS when “To be continued” came up in the TNG font, though...
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What an excellent episode of Star Trek. What an excellent season of Star Trek. I’m honestly kind of emotional about how many things this show has given me that I’ve wanted for like 30 years, since I was a feral little nerd sitting way too close to the TV before dinner, or even 10 years, since I started dipping a toe back into online Trek fandom.
Only two (short) seasons is still too soon for me to definitively say that Lower Decks is my favourite Star Trek series ever—but the facts are, I’ve ended both of those seasons with tears in my eyes because I love Star Trek so fucking much (as you maybe have noticed)… and so, obviously, does Lower Decks.
See you in a couple of weeks for Prodigy! I’m sure this fandom won’t be intolerably weird about a kids’ show...
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papermoonloveslucy · 4 years
JULY 4, 1949
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Sorrowful Jones is a remake of the 1934 Shirley Temple film, Little Miss Marker. In the film, a young girl is left with the notoriously cheap Sorrowful Jones (Bob Hope) as a marker for a bet. When her father does not return, he learns that taking care of a child interferes with his free-wheeling lifestyle. Lucille Ball plays a nightclub singer who is dating Sorrowful's boss. 
Although the official opening night in Hollywood took place on Independence Day 1949, it was premiered in New York City a month earlier, and seen in Australia on June 24, 1949. 
Directed by Sidney Lanfield Produced by Robert L. Welch Written by Edmund Hartmann and Melville Shavelson based on a story by Damon Runyon 
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Lucille Ball (Gladys) was born on August 6, 1911 in Jamestown, New York. She began her screen career in 1933 and was known in Hollywood as ‘Queen of the B’s’ due to her many appearances in ‘B’ movies. With Richard Denning, she starred in a radio program titled “My Favorite Husband” which eventually led to the creation of “I Love Lucy,” a television situation comedy in which she co-starred with her real-life husband, Latin bandleader Desi Arnaz. The program was phenomenally successful, allowing the couple to purchase what was once RKO Studios, re-naming it Desilu. When the show ended in 1960 (in an hour-long format known as “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour”) so did Lucy and Desi’s marriage. In 1962, hoping to keep Desilu financially solvent, Lucy returned to the sitcom format with “The Lucy Show,” which lasted six seasons. She followed that with a similar sitcom “Here’s Lucy” co-starring with her real-life children, Lucie and Desi Jr., as well as Gale Gordon, who had joined the cast of “The Lucy Show” during season two. Before her death in April 1989, Lucy made one more attempt at a sitcom with “Life With Lucy,” also with Gordon, which was not a success and was canceled after just 13 episodes. She died on April 26, 1989 at the age of 77. 
Ball's singing voice is provided by Annette Warren, who also sang for her in Fancy Pants and later provided the singing voice for Ava Gardner in Show Boat.  Her first screen dubbing was for Lured featuring Lucille Ball, although Warren did not dub Lucy’s voice. She provided the singing voice for Pepper (Iris Adrian) in the Bob Hope film The Paleface (1947). 
Bob Hope (Sorrowful Jones) was born Lesley Townes Hope in England in 1903. During his extensive career in virtually all forms of media he received five honorary Academy Awards. In 1945, Desi Arnaz was the orchestra leader on Bob Hope’s radio show. Ball and Hope did three other films together. He appeared as himself on the season 6 opener of “I Love Lucy.” He did a brief cameo in a 1964 episode of “The Lucy Show.”  He died in 2003 at age 100.
Mary Jane Saunders (Martha Jane) makes her film debut. She went on to do a season of TV’s “Tales of the Welles Fargo” (1960-61) and made two appearances on “My Three Sons”: one with William Frawley and one with William Demarest. 
William Demarest (Regret) is best remembered as Uncle Charlie on “My Three Sons,” a role created after the death of William Frawley. Demarest and Frawley appeared together on screen in The Farmer’s Daughter (1940). He was nominated for an Academy Award in the biography, The Jolson Story (1946). Demarest did two other films with Lucille Ball: Fugitive Lady (1934) and Don’t Tell The Wife (1937). He died in 1983 at age 91. 
Bruce Cabot (Big Steve) appeared with Lucille Ball in 1934′s Men of the Night. In 1950, he joined Hope and Ball once again in Fancy Pants.  His main claim to fame is rescuing Fay Wray from King Kong (1933).
Tom Pedi (Once Over Sam) did one season of the short-lived sitcom “Arnie” (1970-71).  He was in the 1980 remake of Little Miss Marker, upon which Sorrowful Jones is based. 
Paul Lees (Orville Smith) was blinded by enemy artillery during his service in World War II. He received 32 military decorations and ribbons, including the Legion of Merit. Despite his lack of vision, Lees learned to act and signed a contract with Paramount. He would memorize script dialog by having someone read it to him twice.
Houseley Stevenson (Doc Chesley) was a British-born character actor who had just finished doing The Paleface with Bob Hope. 
Ben Weldon (Big Steve’s Bodyguard) appeared on “I Love Lucy” as the thief who breaks in to the Ricardo apartment to steal “The Fur Coat” (ILL S1;E9).  He was seen in a season one episode of “The Lucy Show.” 
Emmett Vogan (Psychiatrist) did four movies with Lucille Ball previous to this one. In 1954 he played Mr. Bolton in The Long, Long Trailer. 
Thomas Gomez (Reardon) was an Oscar nominee for Ride the Pink Horse the previous year. In 1953 he was seen as Pasquale #2 on CBS’s “Life With Luigi”.  He did a 1964 episode of “My Three Sons” with William Demarest.
UNCREDITED CAST (with connections to Lucille Ball)
Ethel Bryant (Nurse) was also seen with Lucille Ball in Broadway Bill (1934), another film involving a racehorse.  John Butler (Jack - Bettor on Green Diamond) was also seen with Lucille Ball in The Affairs of Annabel (1938). 
Bill Cartledge (First Jockey) was also seen with Lucille Ball in The Joy of Living (1938). 
Maurice Cass (Psychiatrist) was also seen with Lucille Ball (and John Butler) in The Affairs of Annabel (1938).
Michael Cirillo (Horse Player) joined Bob Hope in Paleface and Son of Paleface as well as Critic’s Choice with Hope and Ball in 1963. 
Charles Cooley (Shorty) was seen with Hope and Ball in Fancy Pants (1950) as well as a dozen other Bob Hope films. He also was a regular on “The Bob Hope Show” on television. 
James Dearing (Spectator) was in eight other Lucille Ball films between 1936 and 1954. 
Jay Eaton (Horse Player) was in eight other Lucille Ball films between 1937 and 1946.
Chuck Hamilton (Police Officer) was seen in the background of eight other Lucille Ball films from 1937 to 1950.
Selmer Jackson (Doctor) was in six other Lucille Ball films between 1933 and 1949. 
Kenner G. Kemp (Bookmaker) was in seven other Lucille Ball films between 1936 and 1960 as well as doing background work on a 1965 episode of “The Lucy Show.” 
Bob Kortman (Horse Player) was in four other Lucille Ball films between 1934 and 1950. 
George Magrill (Horse Player) makes the last of his nine film appearances with Lucille Ball. He started in 1933 with Broadway Thru A Keyhole. 
John Mallon (Horse Player) was also seen with Hope and Ball in Fancy Pants (1950). 
John ‘Skins’ Miller (Jockey) was also seen with Hope and Ball in Fancy Pants (1950) and previously with Ball in The Big Street (1942). 
Frank Mills (Horse Player) makes the last of his ten film appearances with Lucille Ball. He started in 1933 with The Bowery.
Ralph Montgomery (Horse Player) was one of the policeman on the scene in “Lucy Goes To The Hospital” (ILL S2;E16) in 1953. 
Ralph Peters (Taxi Driver) was also seen with Lucille Ball in The Big Street (1942). 
Suzanne Ridgeway (Nightclub Patron) was also seen with Lucille Ball in That’s Right - You’re Wrong (1939) and The Magic Carpet (1951). 
Arthur Space (Plainclothes Policeman) was in four other films with Lucille Ball between 1945 and 1950. 
Bert Stevens (Nightclub Patron) was a background player in four Lucille Ball films as well as one episode of “I Love Lucy,” and many of “The Lucy Show.”
Sid Tomack (Waiter at Steve’s Place) was also seen in The Fuller Brush Girl (1950) with Lucille Ball. 
Harry Tyler (Blinky) did three other films with Lucille Ball between 1937 and 1950. 
Walter Winchell (Himself, Voice Over) was a journalist and radio host who was the narrator of Desilu’s “The Untouchables.”  He also joined the cast in their satire of the series on “Lucy The Gun Moll” (TLS S4;E25). 
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The film was made at Paramount Studios in Hollywood, with location shooting in New York City. This was Lucille Ball’s 70th film! 
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The New York Times, August 16, 1947.  Note that Lucille Ball is not mentioned.  (Thanks to @ericthelibrarian​ for the scan)
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Sorrowful Jones (Bob Hope) is a New York bookie who keeps his operation hidden behind a trap door in a Broadway barber shop. He suffers a financial setback when a horse named Dreamy Joe, owned by gangster Big Steve Holloway (Bruce Cabot), unexpectedly wins a race and Jones has to pay all the bettors.
Jones learns that the race was fixed by Big Steve, who tells him about giving the horse a "speedball." It turns out Big Steve has informed all the bookies in his circle of friends about the fixed race, and demands a sum of $1,000 from each one of them in exchange for this information.
Before the next race, Jones learns Dreamy Joe will lose, but still takes bets on the horse from his customers. He even takes a bet from gambler Orville Smith (Paul Lees), who leaves his four-year-old daughter Martha Jane (Mary Jane Saunders) as collateral. Orville overhears a phone call where Big Steve reveals that the race is fixed, so he is killed by one of Big Steve's goons, Once Over Sam (Tom Pedi). Jones is forced to take care of Martha Jane and brings her home with him. 
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The next day Jones gets help from his ex-girlfriend, burlesque performer Gladys O'Neill (Lucille Ball).
Big Steve tells Jones he is being investigated by the racing commission so he is quitting the race-fixing business. Big Steve plans to make one final race before he gets out of the game, where he is fixing it so that Dreamy Joe will win. He also transfers the ownership of the horse to Martha Jane, unaware that she is Orville's daughter. After the race, Big Steve will kill the horse by giving it a high dose of "speedball."
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Jones tries to find Martha Jane's mother, but discovers she is dead. Gladys suggests that Jones give all of Dreamy Joe's winnings to Martha Jane to help her survive, or she will contact the police and tell them about Jones' operation. She has no knowledge of Big Steve's plan to fix the race.
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Big Steve finds out that Martha Jane is Orville's daughter, so Jones must hide her to protect her from being killed. When hiding on a fire escape's landing, Martha Jane falls down and is seriously injured. In a coma, the little girl calls out for Dreamy Joe.
In order to save Martha Jane and wake her up, Jones and his partner Regret (William Demarest) steal the horse from Big Steve at the race track. They take it into the hospital room where Martha Jane lies. Martha Jane wakes up and the police find out that Big Steve is responsible for Orville's murder.
After Big Steve is arrested, Jones proposes to Gladys. The police want Martha Jane to be placed in an orphanage, but Jones and Gladys, who have married, decide to adopt the girl. They go away on their honeymoon together with their newly adopted daughter.
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“Little Miss Marker” (1932), a short story by Damon Runyon, inspired the film Sorrowful Jones.
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Damon Runyon’s 1940 short story “Little Pinks” served as the basis for the Lucille Ball / Henry Fonda film The Big Street (1942). 
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Little Miss Marker (1934) starring Adolphe Menjou as Sorrowful Jones and Dorothy Dell as Bangles Carson. Shirley Temple as Marthy Jane. The film was directed by Alexander Hall, Lucille Ball’s one-time fiance. 
Sorrowful Jones (1947) starring Bob Hope as Sorrowful Jones and Lucille Ball as Gladys O’Neill. Mary Jane Saunders as Martha Jane. 
40 Pounds of Trouble (1962) starring Tony Curtis as Steve McCluskey and Suzanne Pleshette as Chris Lockwood. Claire Wilcox as Penelope Piper.
Little Miss Marker (1980) starring Walter Matthau as Sorrowful Jones and Julie Andrews as Amanda Worthington. Sarah Stimson as the Kid.
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"Lux Radio Theater" broadcast a 60 minute radio adaptation of the movie on November 21, 1949 with Bob Hope and Lucille Ball reprising their film roles. 
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“Havin' a Wonderful Wish (Time You Were Here)” by Jay Livingston with lyrics by Ray Evans is sung by Lucille Ball (dubbed by Annette Warren).  
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“Miss Beverley Hills of Hollywood” comic book issue #6, January / February 1947 promoted the film. Lucille Ball still is purporting to have been born in Butte, Montana. Here her birth date is also incorrect: August 6, not August 8. Note how much the Drama Teacher resembles Lucy’s mother, Dede Ball.
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Lucille Ball advertising both Armstrong Tires and Sorrowful Jones. 
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Lucille Ball advertising Sealright Sanitary Containers using Sorrowful Jones.
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In “The Bob Hope Christmas Special” (1973) Lucy opens a small wooden box and removes a lock of Hope’s hair she says she snipped from his head when they were making Sorrowful Jones together.
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The film was mentioned when Lucille Ball and Bob Hope guested on “Dinah!” in 1977. 
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In 1989, after Ball’s passing, a clip from the film was incorporated into “Bob Hope’s Love Affair With Lucy.” 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Star Trek Just Made This Deep-Cut TNG Character Into a Captain
This Star Trek: Lower Decks article contains spoilers for Season 2, Episode 10, “First First Contact.”
In the surprisingly epic, and emotionally affecting Season 2 finale of Star Trek: Lower Decks — “First First Contact” — writer and creator Mike McMahan pulls us back to another era of Trek history and reveals what happened to a character who, in some ways, qualifies as the first The Next Generation Lower Decker, well before the actual TNG episode “Lower Decks” ever aired. At the start of “First First Contact,” Captain Freeman reveals the USS Cerritos will be going on a joint mission with the USS Archimedes commanded by her “old friend” Captain Sonya Gomez.
But who is Sonya Gomez? Here’s why the return of this awesome TNG character is perfect for Lower Decks, and how it proves that in the Trek universe, anyone can, eventually, become a badass.
Who is Sonya Gomez?
In Lower Decks, Captain Soyna Gomez is voiced by Lycia Naff, the same actress who first played Sonya in The Next Generation episode, “Q, Who.” Although this TNG second season episode “Q, Who” is famous for many things — the first appearance of the Borg, Guinan, and Q squaring off in Ten Forward, Riker stumbling across some Borg babies, etc.  —  everyone tends to forget that it sports a cold-open with a junior officer named Sonya Gomez, chattering nervously at warp speed to Geordi, while gesticulating with a cup of hot chocolate in engineering. Geordi tries to get her to calm down a little bit, and, more importantly, puts her cup of hot chocolate somewhere else. This results in Soyna running directly into Captain Picard, spilling hot chocolate all over his uniform. That was 2365. Lower Decks Season 2 takes place in roughly 238, so, 16 years later, during which time Gomez has risen through the ranks and is now a captain herself. Lower Decks references her awkward hot chocolate collision in this episode in a way that is either very subtle or super on-the-nose, depending on how well you remember “Q, Who.” Early in the episode, an ensign trips and falls on the bridge of the Archimedes. Captain Gomez comforts the younger officer, telling her, “Don’t worry, I’ve done way worse, in front of much more intimidating captains.”
Obviously, Gomez is referring to the hot chocolate incident in TNG, but were there other captains she embarrassed herself in front of?
Why Gomez was one of the first “Lower Deckers”
As hardcore fans already know, the animated comedy series Lower Decks takes its name from the Season 7 TNG episode “Lower Decks,” which shifts the focus away from the bridge crew, and onto the day-to-day lives of four junior officers. While the original “Lower Decks” isn’t a comedy, it was the first time an entire episode of Star Trek was devoted to characters who were not the “heroes” of the story. Of course, the tradition of “Lower Deckers” extends back to The Original Series, in which various redshirts, or possibly even Ensign Chekov himself could all be classified as belonging to the same tradition: Scrappy underdogs who don’t always get all the glory. But, Gomez is unique because she was a junior officer who appeared in just two episodes, spilled chocolate on Picard, helped Geordi with the Pakleds in “Samaritan Snare,” and was never seen in the series ever again. True, some Star Trek novels and comics picked up her story later, but for fans of the shows, she was one of the first scrappy underdogs, who simply disappeared.
In real life, there are, of course, various reasons why guest characters don’t stick around on TV shows. But what Lower Decks embraces, is the idea that “background characters” have lives, too. Just because Gomez didn’t appear in TNG again after “Samaritan Snare,” doesn’t mean she didn’t live a full and interesting life. Someone who was a goofy junior officer spilling hot chocolate on Picard in one episode can be a Starfleet Captain, less than two decades later. This notion is not only cool for canon-obsessed Easter egg hunters but also gently reinforces the themes of Lower Decks; the idea that everybody in Starfleet matters.
What’s up with Captain Gomez’s ship?
The USS Archimedes is also its own kind of Trekkie Easter egg. Although it looks like an Excelsior-class ship, showrunner Mike McMahan tweeted that it’s a larger Obena-class starship, which is “inspired by the Excelsior-class.” Interestingly, elsewhere in the episode, Mariner worries about getting a new captain on the Cerritos who could be “some weirdo with a riding crop.” This almost certainly references Captain Styles (James B. Sikking) from Star Trek III: The Search For Spock. Styles was the first captain of the USS Excelsior, and indeed, seemed to carry some weird riding crop under his arm. Of course, later, Sulu became the captain of the Excelsior in The Undiscovered Country, proving, again, that supporting characters often become the star of their own story. 
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Star Trek: Lower Deck Season 2 is streaming now. Season 3 is expected in 2022.
The post Star Trek Just Made This Deep-Cut TNG Character Into a Captain appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3lDBjKI
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Samples of Vengeance
Sunday Evening Thoughts
Samples of Vengeance
September 29, 2019
Dear Paul and Rachel,
Then Samson called to the Lord and said, ‘Lord God, … with this one act of revenge I may pay back the Philistines… And Samson grasped the two middle pillars… Then ... said, ‘Let me die with the Philistines.’ … and the house fell on … all the people who were in it. So those he killed at his death were more than those he had killed during his life. Judges 16:28-30.
I have a theory: People are generally the same throughout all of history. We are no more moral today, then 3,000 years ago. Or 300 years ago. Thomas Jefferson knew slavery was wrong. Yet ole T.J. had more slaves at the end of his life than when he wrote the original draft of the Declaration of Independence that included freedom for slaves. In my book, Jefferson gets off-the-hook for his actionable racism too easily in American historical public opinion. Ditto for George Washington. Ole G.W. hardly saw an Indian he didn’t want dead, except when it benefitted him during the Revolutionary War. 
To Major General John Sullivan
[Middlebrook, 31 May 1779]
The expedition you are appointed to command is to be directed against the hostile tribes of the six nations of Indians, with their associates and adherents. The immediate objects are the total destruction and devastation of their settlements and the capture of as many prisoners of every age and sex as possible. It will be essential to ruin their crops now in the ground and prevent their planting more… G Washington
And Sullivan’s men did just that, selling scalps of dead Native Americans to the government in Pennsylvania, and stripping the flesh off their bodies for leg-wrappings around their boots. As noted when on April 8, 1756, Lt. Governor Robert Morris enacted the Scalp Act: “Anyone who brought in a male scalp above age of 12 would be given 150 pieces of eight, ($150), for females above age of 12, they would be paid $130.”
The stories of Joshua and the Judges are not for little kids to emulate at vacation bible school. They are violent stories of failed, terribly flawed people who think they hear the voice of God. As a literary genre, the Books of Joshua and Judges are stories of Tragic Literature with anti-heroes that win your support. They are the Tony Sopranos, the Corleones of ancient Israel with flawed, psychotic personalities like Walter White of Breaking Bad. 
So why are they in the Bible? I’m not satisfied with the traditional view that they were simply following the voice of Yahweh. I don’t believe Yahweh said, “Kill these tens of thousands of Caananites or Amorites or Gazains.” If anything, these are examples of “How not to get along with your neighbors?”
What do I really think? I think the Books of Josua and Judges are ancient religious tales used by later wealthy religious writers (the Deuteronomists) to justify their own violent procurement of wealth by waging war and suffering on “foreigners,” all-the-while using the rise of monotheism (Yahwism) for nationalism as a pretense to justify their violence and wealth. 
What’s the difference between Sampson when he committed suicide and violence against the Philistines (“And Samson grasped the two middle pillars on which the house rested, and he leaned his weight against them, his right hand on the one and his left hand on the other. Then Samson said, ‘Let me die with the Philistines.’ He strained with all his might; and the house fell on the lords and all the people who were in it ...” Judges 16:28-29) and the ISIS suicide bomber who detonated a powerful bomb in his vest after dancing with children at a wedding in Kabul, Afghanistan a few months ago that killed 63 and injured 182, many of them children?
I see no difference. Violence: All in the name of their God. 
Christians are not immune to violence in their God’s name. Think crusaders killing thousands of Jews along the Rhine River and Muslims in Palestine by us Catholics. Think hanging young women accused of sorcery in Salem, Massachusetts by us Protestants. Think quoting Romans 13 about our laws in the U.S. being “Divine Law,” then stripping babies and children from scared immigrant mothers allowing some children — such as Felipe Gomez Alonzoto — to die in cages, and this behavior accepted by us Evangelicals. 
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Violence: All in the name of the Lord.
I think we Christians fail to see the “real” gospel of Jesus; that nonviolence is always the right answer; that the real gospel is a just society of egalitarian principles; that the example of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is the radical example by which we should live, because the violence of imperial Rome causing Jesus’ death is overcome by his resurrection — his up-raising. His uprising!
Nonviolence trumps violence — every time.
Have a good week…
P.S. “Killing in the Name” by Rage Against the Machine at PinkPop 1993 is a song of protest against racism and militarism, “Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses,”  written mainly by Tom Morello, though the whole band collaborated, after a white police officer killed four black teenagers in L.A. during riots protesting the beating of Rodney King by four different white police officers. (Note: Contains graphic lyrics.)
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onestowatch · 5 years
Coachella 2019: The 10 Best Surprises We Saw at Weekend One
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Weekend one of Coachella 2019 is a wrap, and what a weekend it was. From the premiere of Childish Gambino’s Guava Island to nearly losing all our friends in the new and improved Sahara tent, this year’s Coachella will undoubtedly go down in the books as one of the festival's best years yet. And even after making a list of the not-to-miss happenings at Coachella this year, we were still shocked at all the surprises the festival had to offer.
So, while we come down from our festival high and attempt to stave off those post-Coachella blues (which we may just have to head to Weekend two to cure), we wanted to take a moment to look back at ten of the best surprises we witnessed at weekend one of Coachella 2019.
The Lasting Impact of Beychella
.@Beyonce’s #Coachella stage from last year is on display 🐝! Are you excited to watch #BeyonceHomecoming 🎥? #BeyChella #Beyonce pic.twitter.com/iL8KdnBrBN
— 102.7 KIIS-FM (@1027KIISFM) April 13, 2019
Beyonce’s 2018 Coachella performance is one that will live in infamy. A beautiful celebration of the black college experience and black artistic expression, it is more than deserving of its own Netflix documentary and likely its own museum gallery. While the date for that Beyoncé exhibit is still to be announced (although you can catch the Netflix documentary come April 17), Coachella attendees were lucky enough to get up close and personal with Queen Bey’s stage, which was displayed on the festival grounds like the piece of art it is.
Moving Tributes to Nipsey Hussle and Mac Miller
Childish Gambino breaks down a little talking about Nipsey Hussle, Mac Miller, & his late father 🥺😢🙏🏽 pic.twitter.com/gxQW99wA7y
— Party at the Rooftop (@AtRooftop)
April 13, 2019
This past year saw the loss of two of hip-hop’s greats, Nipsey Hussle and Mac Miller. It would be no understatement to say that the loss of these two impactful human beings and figures in music was felt throughout Coachella, as a number of artists used their time on stage to pay tribute to the late rappers.
Kid Cudi dedicated his final song, “Pursuit of Happiness,” to Hussle and Miller. Wiz Khalifa dedicated his performance to the two rappers. YG, one of Hussle’s close friends and an honorary pallbearer at the funeral, asked the crowd for a moment of silence while an animation of Hussle ascending to Heaven played out across the Sahara tent screens. And Childish Gambino, who headlined Saturday night, broke down while reflecting on the life and loss of Hussle, Miller, and his late father.
J Balvin’s Surreal Set
— Dee (@hxneydee)
April 14, 2019
From up-and-coming Latinx band CHON bringing out both Kenny G and Cuco during their set to ROSALÍA’s spellbinding performance, Latin acts undoubtedly dominated this year’s Coachella. And while DJ Snake bringing out Cardi B, Ozuna, and Selena Gomez certainly ranks high amongst our list of surprise moments, it was J Balvin’s surreal set that stole the show this year. Like a Takashi Murakami piece come to life, the Colombian superstar did everything from bringing ROSALÍA back out on stage to perform “Con Altura,” enlisting fellow superstar Sean Paul for their collaborative smash hit “Contra La Pared,”  to performing classic reggaetón hits like Daddy Yankee’s “Gasolina.”
Janelle Monáe Bringing out Lizzo and Tierra Whack
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A post shared by Lizzo (@lizzobeeating) on Apr 13, 2019 at 10:06am PDT
There was no question that we would not be missing out Janelle Monáe’s set; come on, have you even listened to Dirty Computer? However, what we did not expect was to see surprise guest performances from two of our favorite up-and-coming rappers. Monáe invited Tierra Whack and Lizzo to the stage during her performance of “I Got the Juice,” where Lizzo did indeed confirm to an ecstatic crowd that she did indeed have the juice.
Weezer as the Best Cover Band in the World
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Amazing night with @weezer at @coachella, spreadin’ the No Scrubs message, cause girls (and boys!) still need to hear it 🙅🏾‍♀️ Photo credit: Kevin Winter, Getty Images
A post shared by TLC (@officialtlc) on Apr 14, 2019 at 12:09am PDT
When Weezer released the Teal Album earlier this year, an album comprised solely of the sort of covers you would expect to be a hit at karaoke parties, we half-joked amongst the Ones To Watch office how amazing it would be to witness any of these covers live. Well, by no means, did we actually expect Weezer to do what they did this past weekend. Not content to merely play their cover of TLC’s “No Scrubs” or Tears For Fears’ “Everybody Wants To Rule The World,” Weezer went full cool dad and brought out Chili of TLC and Tear For Fears to join in on the fun.  
Do LaB Surprise Guests
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do lab
A post shared by MAJOR LAZER (@majorlazer) on Apr 14, 2019 at 11:47am PDT
Surprise guests were at no shortage at this year’s Coachella, but attendees who made their way to the Do LaB were treated to some of the best surprises all weekend. Featuring a different surprise performance each night, fans and lovers of electronic music alike got to experience relatively intimate performances by some of the biggest names in dance music. With surprise sets from Major Lazer SoundSystem, Bob Moses, Guy Gerber, and RÜFÜS DU SOL, the Do LaB was the place to be. 
Tame Impala featuring Confetti and Lasers
Tame Impala @coachella 2019... this where I belong. pic.twitter.com/gIye8ehTJm
— ♡ lєѕѕlу ♡ (@princessjatz)
April 14, 2019
Tame Impala could play Currents front to back and that would be more than enough to land the Australian psychedelic rock band amongst this year’s top performances. Yet, it was their grand finale which left a lasting impression and filled our Instagram feeds. Closing their set with “New Person, Same Old Mistakes,” Tame Impala shot a flurry of confetti into the crowd and let the lasers run wild. It was a surprising closing moment that felt akin to a spiritual awakening.
The Insanity of Jauz’s Set
Los Angeles–based producer Jauz easily had one of the most hilarious and genuinely impressive surprises of Coachella this year. Remixing the universal hit children’s song “Baby Shark” before transitioning into Darude’s “Sandstorm,” Jauz effectively transformed what could be thought of as nothing more than a viral joke into one of the Sahara tent’s wildest moments.  
The Return of Poetic Kinetics
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#thenandnow: I first escaped velocity in 2014, and I’ve come back home to #coachella to spread a message of ♥️. The #overvieweffect is real. We are all crew members on this spaceship we call #earth. 🌎 #poetickinetics #5yearchallenge
A post shared by Poetic Kinetics (@poetickinetics) on Apr 14, 2019 at 3:54pm PDT
Coachella would not be Coachella without its large-scale art installations. And this year saw the return of one the festival’s best larger-than-life art creators, Poetic Kinetics. The Los Angeles–based art creators and producers, who have been responsible for the likes of Coachella’s giant moving snail and metamorphizing caterpillar, returned to the festival for the first time since 2015 to unveil their latest project, and it certainly did not disappoint. Reimagining their 2014 installation, “Escape Velocity,” “Overview Effect” was an out of this world sight to behold.   
Ariana Grande x *NSYNC
*NSYNC and Ariana singing Tearin’ Up My Heart 😭 #NSYNC #ARICHELLA #COACHELLA @NSYNC @ArianaGrande pic.twitter.com/ZRAbg2v9rn
— 👸🏻 (@leikela_joy)
April 15, 2019
The return of the Poetic Kinetics’ astronaut was not the only out of the world surprise at this year’s Coachella. Quite possibly one of the biggest surprises this year was Ariana Grande fulfilling all of our ‘90s dreams by bringing back *NSYNC, well at least most of *NSYNC. Following Justin Timberlake dropping out of the festival, rumors of an *NSYNC reunion were quickly dashed, at least until Grande sparked those rumors up yet again before delivering a moment we still cannot believe happened.
“I’ve been rehearsing my entire motherfucking life for this moment. Coachella, *NSYNC!,” Grande shouted out to the crowd, which quickly broke into a nostalgia-induced fervor. Bringing out the prolific boy band, minus one JT, the new crossover pop sensation performed “break up with your girlfriend, i’m bored,” which features a sample of *NSYNC’s “It Makes Me Ill.” However, it was the Grande and *NSYNC rendition of “Tearin’ Up My Heart” that was the show-stopping moment.
Going to weekend two of Coachella and still not sure who to see? No need to worry, we have your Ones To Watch–approved cheat sheet right here.
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uss-edsall · 7 years
Threading our way through this fairyland, we came that afternoon to our first real city—Makassar, Lanikai’s dignity having been enhanced by the presence of a pilot who had boarded us on our approach. The first visit ashore, to make official calls, confirmed that if possible, Makassar was even more beautiful than the sea through which we had just passed. Spotless wide, straight streets ran between impressive, balconied, pastel buildings. Enormous, stately palms lined roads and dotted lawns. A tropic sun in a cloudless sky accentuated the brilliant colors of masses of flowers that filled yards, parks and public squares. It was a piece of Hollywood’s “Wizard of Oz” in living color and slow motion. We apologized for the informality of shorts and open-necked shirts as our only available uniform. The names and titles of the dignitaries who received us rolled from the tongue like those of participants in a royal levee: the Governor of the Eastern Islands, His Excellency G. A. W. Ch. de Haze Winkleman; His Excellency the Resident of the Celebes, Dr. B. Y. Burger; the Colonel Commanding, H. Vooren; the Senior Naval Officer, Commander A. S. de Bats. It was de Bats who a month earlier had jumped in the open two-seater biplane and scouted out the approaching armada to determine its nationality—Allied or Japanese. If he failed to return it could be deduced they were enemy. Mme. de Bats was a Javanese princess, very dark and very beautiful. There was wide tolerance for racial intermingling in the Indies. A recent commander in chief of the land forces had been of mixed blood, although outright marriage to a Javanese was not considered good for promotion. The hospitality ashore was overwhelming; something approaching state dinners at the opulent Societé Harmonie the two nights in port, cocktails, tours of the city, and liberty for the crew ashore to walk the streets and gape at shops in a tropical heaven the like of which none of us had seen before. Aboard Lanikai, in modest return, Velarmino and Gomez conjured up a marvelous lunch with delicacies found ashore. The guest list was limited by available accommodations and from among those we felt such relative juniors as ourselves could appropriately invite: British Consul George Nimmins, KPM Steamship Line’s D. W. van Amsdel, British-American Tobacco’s McShane, de Bats, and our old Donggala friend, the skipper of Snellius. After the near approach of those Japanese destroyers, he had made an agonizing reappraisal of the situation and steamed south.
Cruise of the Lanikai, by Kemp Tilley
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frontproofmedia · 6 years
The World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Quarterfinals Media Day in Chicago
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By Steven Weinberg | Contributing Writer and Photographer
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Published: November 09, 2018
On Saturday, November 10, at Chicago’s UIC Pavilion, two quarter final fights will take place as part of season two of the World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Tournament. Krzysztof Glowacki (30-1, 19 KO), from Walcz, Poland, will face Maksim Vlasov (42-2, 25 KO) of Samara, Russia, in a 12-round battle for the Interim WBO World Championship.  Additionally, Mairis Briedis (24-1, 18 KO) from Riga, Latvia, will take on Hamburg, Germany’s Noel Mikaelian (23-1, 10 KO) for the WBC World Diamond Belt Championship. 
Ahead of the fights, Frontproof Media was able to speak with three of the fighters along with Leon Margules, President of Warriors Boxing Promotions, the United States promotional partner for the World Boxing Super Series.
Leon Margules – President of Warriors Boxing Promotions
FP: We’re here with Leon Margules, the head of Warriors Boxing.  First, welcome back to Chicago.
LM: Thank you. It’s good to be back.
FP:  It’s been about a year and half since you last put a show on here.
LM: Has it been that long?
FP: I believe it was – June 2017 – I think.
LM:  I don’t remember.  Too many places, too many shows.
FP:  So you guys have been busy, just outside of Chicago?
LM: Yes.
FP: Is there a reason you haven’t been in Chicago in a year and half?
LM: Just business and opportunities.  No reason not, or to, be in Chicago.
FP:  How did you get involved with the World Boxing Super Series? 
LM:  They came to me and asked to come on as their legal counsel and also as a boxing consultant when they decided to get involved in the Cruiserweight division, as I was heavily invested in Cruiserweights.   
FP:  Cruiserweights aren’t exactly popular in America.
LM: No, but they should be.  They’re big, fast, strong athletes.
FP:  And there are a lot of men between 175 and 200 pounds.
LM: And they’re the same fighters that had us all excited about the heavyweight division when Joe Louis was heavyweight champion at 185 or Ali fought Frazier at 203, you know . . . they were cruiserweights. 
FP:  Are you mostly involved with cruiserweights overseas?
LM: No.  I started with the Polish community, as you know. I have Wlodarczyk who was two time world champion at cruiserweight, same stable was Glowacki.  Then I got involved with Gassiev who did very well the first season [of the WBSS], and just from there... but mostly because of my Polish business. 
FP: Junior Wright, from Evanston, is the cruiserweight I remember from two of your cards.
LM: You know, it’s funny, I tried to sign Junior Wright, but he made a deal with Dmitry Salita instead.  His option.
FP:  Is he still boxing?
LM:  Yeah, he was supposed to fight . . . he made a deal to fight in Orlando, October 20th against Keith Tapia, as an alternate fight in the World Boxing Super Series, and he pulled out and we went with Mike Perez instead. 
FP:  How do you think the cruiserweights in the World Boxing Super Series are going to be received here in America?
LM: I think well, because they’re great fights. They’re well matched. They’re exciting. I think the fight between Masternak and Dorticos a couple of good, very good competitive fight. I think the two fights Saturday night are good competitive fights and world titles are involved. It’s always good when world titles are involved.
FP:  Do you think from a fan’s perspective this cruiserweight tournament being so close to the last cruiserweight tournament poses any issues?
LM: Would I rather have Gassiev and Usyk back in the tournament? The answer is yes.   Does it pose any issues? No. It’s as good as we can give the public for a third tournament, we think.   And these are the top eight cruiserweights in the world not named Gassiev and Usyk. 
FP:  Let’s talk about Chicago fighters.  You had Shawn Simpson on some cards, you had Jessica McCaskill on some cards, who just won a world championship . . .
LM:  I still have Jessica McCaskill, I still promote her.
FP:  Were you at the show a couple of weeks ago when she won her championship? 
LM:  No, I couldn’t make it. I made the deal, but I couldn’t make the show.   My son, who works in our office, went over to England when she fought Katie Taylor.
FP:  Was Josh Greer ever under your banner or just on a couple of your shows?
LM:  No, he was just on our shows.  Andrew Zack manages him and made us financial deals to put him on our shows.   
FP:  Is Jessica the only Chicago fighter you’re currently promoting?
LM:  That’s a good question.. . I think so.  I have contracts that I’m not enforcing or I’ve released certain fighters like Josh Hernandez . . . but I think she is at the moment.  Unless you consider the Polish fighters Chicago fighters. 
FP:  Well, Chicago does have the second largest Polish community outside of Warsaw, so let’s call them Chicago guys. 
LM:  Well [Krzysztof] Glowacki but he’s never fought here.
FP:  Do you have anything planned for Jessica in the future?
LM:  Yeah, something very big, but I’m not at liberty to say.  In the next week or so there will be a big announcement.   
FP:  What are you expecting on Saturday night, other than a giant Polish crowd?
LM: I hope – they’re always late showing up – they haven’t showed up yet!  The answer is I expect two very good fights.  [Mairis] Briedis who was the only guy to give [Oleksandr] Usyk trouble in the first tournament is the number one seed, and he’s fighting [Noel] Gevor who is a very solid technical fighter who gave  [Krzysztof] Wlodarczyk trouble in an elimination bout a couple of years back.  A lot people say Briedis had that one night where he was super and not that good and a lot of other people say he’s the second best guy in the world at cruiserweight.  So, we’ll see how he does, it’s a real test for him.  And, [Maksim] Vlasov has been hot and is well thought of as any cruiserweight the last couple of years and Glowacki, who won a world title when he knocked out [Marco] Huck is trying win a second world title  - I think that’s a “pick ‘em” fight.  So, I think it’s going to be a great night. And then you have a third fight, you have undefeated German Artur Mann against Alexey Zubov who’s a ranked guy. So you have three good cruiserweight fights, two tournament fights. 
FP: How did you get into promoting – going back over 30 years?
LM:  Ha! That’s a story to itself.  My partner of 30 years is a guy named Louie Decubas, a well known boxing guy. He managed guys like Alfredo Gomez, Roberto Duran.  So, the first Cuban defector, Jorge Luis Gonzalez, a big, Cuban giant heavyweight, defected to the United States.  And I was a trial lawyer in North Miami Beach, and I was retained to represent him in a contract dispute.  I was successful.  Louie and I, who was my client, formed a small promotional syndicate called Team Freedom Promotions for all the Cuban defectors, that’s how I got into promotions.
FP: Through the Cuban community?
LM: Through the Cuban community.  So I had Joel Casamayor, Gonzalez, Diobelys Hurtado,
FP:  Do you speak Spanish? 
LM:  No, not a word.
Mairis Briedis
 FP: This is your second WBSS tournament.  What are your thoughts on participating in your second tournament?
MB:  I think it is more sensational, for a fighter because I fight for WBC Diamond belt, for me, this very important. 
FP:  How long have you been in Chicago?
MB:  From 1st of November.
FP:  How are you acclimating to the time change?
MB:  First four days very hard because we train two times per day, and, um, the food is different but thanks G-d, now everything, now everything is like at home.   
FP:  What have you been eating here in Chicago while training? 
MB:  Oh, this is a secret.  (Laughing.)
FP:  Have you done anything different this training camp versus any of the other training camps? 
MB:  No. But at lunch we always eat Mexican food.  (Laughing.) 
FP:  (Laughing) There are a lot of good Mexican restaurants here in Chicago.  Do you have a favorite Mexican dish?
MB:  No, we change every time.  Now we have two good Mexican foods because when we eat Mexican our stomach don’t pain like before. But now, no pain.
FP:  How is your weight for this fight so far? 
MB:  Weight is perfect.  Weight is no problem.  Too small (laughing).
FP:  You don’t have any weight to lose before the weigh in?
MB:  No, maybe 1 kg, 2.2 pounds.
FP:  In your training, do you have any cheat foods, any food that you like to sneak, that you’re not supposed to eat? 
MB:  No. I think if my wife make some different foods, no this is helpful. 
FP:  What are you doing to relax in your downtime? 
MB: Sleep, rest, physical rest.  Now I train very hard for two and half months. Now we don’t have to think about rest, I need to think about fight.  
FP:  Tell us a little bit about your opponent [Noel Gevor] and what you expect Saturday night?
MB:  He’s a very tough opponent. I think everyone is a tough opponent because everybody want . . .you know in the cruiserweight division there are 1,000 boxers.  And two things: there are the best fighters and lucky fighters. Because there are only eight fighters [in the tournament] and there is a big motivation for everyone.   
Maksim Vlasov
FP: Tell us about your opponent, Krzystof Glowacki, on Saturday night. 
MV:  I saw a lot of fights of him. I know he’s a strong guy.  Mentally and strong physical condition.  And I think it will be a great fight. 
FP: Where did you train for this fight?
MV:  At home, in Samara (Russia). We have a good gym, good sparing partners, everything good for preparation. 
FP: Glowacki is a southpaw, did you have lefties as sparring partners?
MV: Of course. I have some guys who are southpaws, and a lot of sparring for this fight.
FP:  How do you feel being part of the World Boxing Super Series?
MV: I’m excited.  It’s a great show, great fights, and I’m happy to be here. 
FP:  How did you get involved in the tournament? 
MV:  I was rated number 1 and 2 by the organizations, so of course I should fight the best the fighters in this tournament. That is the idea of the tournament, that the best fighters at the moment fight each other. 
FP: When did you arrive in Chicago? 
MV: Four days ago. 
FP:  Have you adjusted to the time?
MV: Yes, of course. And I continued to train, one time per day.   
FP:  What have been doing to relax since you got here in Chicago?
MV:  Just standard practice, just relaxing, sleeping, going to the sauna, some massages, and walking on the river (in downtown Chicago).
FP: How is your weight so far?
MV:  I don’t have to make weight. I fight at my natural weight, 200lbs.
FP:      What are you expecting from your opponent on Saturday night? 
MV:    I think Glowacki will try to knock me out. He’s a puncher.  Glowacki should understand technically I am better, my boxing IQ is higher, and Glowacki’s only chance is to try and knock me out. 
Krzysztof Glowacki
FP:  How did you get involved in this tournament? 
KG: I’m very happy to be participating. I think it was because I was very high in the rankings.  And I’m really happy that I’ll be able to show what I can do in the ring.
FP:  Tell us about your opponent [Maksim Vlasov] on Saturday night.
KG:  He’s a very good boxer, he’s very inconvenient, and I’m really hoping for a really good fight to watch for our fans. 
FP:  Is this your first time in Chicago? 
KG: That’s right.  This is my first time in Chicago. I’ve only boxed in Newark and New York.   
FP:  Are you aware that this is the second largest Polish community outside of Warsaw?  
KG:  Of course, I know, I’ve heard a lot about Polish Americans and I’m hoping there will be a lot of fans that come and cheer for me.
FP:  I’m guessing that 90% of the people there will be cheering for you.
KG:  I’m really happy because it motivates me and I’m really sure this is going to be a really good fight. 
FP:  How is your weight going into the weigh in on Friday? 
KG:  As far as weight, I have no problem whatsoever.  I can stand on the weight today. 
FP:  When you’re training, do you have any cheat food, anything you like to sneak that you’re not supposed to?
KG: After the fight, after training, of course I eat things I shouldn’t. But during the training and preparation I stick to my diet.
FP: How did this training camp go?
KG:  It was a very a heavy duty camp but we did everything we wanted to so that will show itself in the ring.
FP: When did you arrive in Chicago? 
KG: I came one and half weeks ago, exactly.   
FP:  So you’re used to the time change?
KG: That’s right.  As far as time change goes, I sleep normally so everything is the way it’s supposed to be.
FP: What are you doing to relax ahead of the fight?
KG: The standard, pretty much, is we stay at the hotel and we don’t really go out much. I listen to a lot of music, and I play cards. I spend a lot of time with my brother because we communicate together very well.
FP:  Is your brother here in town?
KG: He comes tomorrow.   
The World Boxing Super Series Cruiserweight Quarter Finals will be available on DAZN and will feature 2 world championship fights plus six additional fights.
(Featured Photo: World Boxing Super Series)
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samuelpboswell · 6 years
Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About
Every year, close to 4,000 marketers from across the globe make a pilgrimage to Cleveland, OH for the annual Content Marketing World extravaganza — the largest content marketing conference in the world. And this year will be no different. We’ve been attending CMWorld since the inaugural event back in 2011 — and we still get butterflies each and every year. The week’s schedule is filled to the brim with sessions and workshops from the industry’s leading marketers and experts, making it impossible not to look forward to what the conference has in store. But with so many great speakers and a packed schedule, which sessions are a must-see? As CMWorld veterans, we want to help you plan ahead and get a front-row seat to the sessions that help you reach your marketing goals. Check out our list of can’t-miss sessions and things we’re excited for down below.
Helping You Win the Content Marketing Game
Since the original CMWorld, TopRank Marketing and its team members have been presenting at the conference to provide our expertise and help you drive better results for your business. And this year, we have not one, not two, but three crucial sessions and workshops for you to attend.
Lee Odden
CEO, TopRank Marketing Rocket Science Simplified: How to Optimize, Socialize and Publicize B2B Content Ninety-one percent of B2B companies use content marketing, but 50% of content gets 8 shares or less. What good is your out-of-this-world content if no one experiences it? In this space-themed workshop, you’ll join our fearless leader and Content Marketing Commander Lee Odden for an interstellar experience on how to effectively build content amplification into the before, during and after of the content creation process (rocket fuel not included). He’ll share the tips, tricks and tactics he’s learned over 17 years of working with content payloads of all shapes and sizes that have rocketed B2B brands to success. Location: Room 3 Date: Tuesday, Sept. 4 Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. The Confluence Equation: How Content and Influencers Drive B2B Marketing Success What’s the secret formula to scalable, quality content? In this session from Lee, learn about how B2B brands, both big and small like SAP, Dell, Cherwell and DivvyHQ, are able to create more awareness, engagement, and pipeline with the confluence equation. As an influencer marketing pro, Lee offers a framework, formula, and plenty of tools for content and influencer marketing success. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Ashley Zeckman
Digital Strategy Director, TopRank Marketing Influencer Marketing Is Only for B2C Brands (& Other Lies Your Parents Told You) When we think of influencer marketing, it’s hard not to think of popular influencers like Selena Gomez, Jake Paul, the Kardashian clan, and others. However, the problem is that those influencers primarily work with B2C brands. But, as Ashley Zeckman will tell you, influencers marketing isn’t only for the B2C marketplace — it also holds enormous opportunity for B2B brands. During Ashley’s session, you can expect real-life B2B influencer marketing case studies, influencer collaboration ideas, formulas for creating influencer content, and more. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
7 More Can’t-Miss #CMWorld18 Sessions
1. Andrew Davis
Keynote Speaker & Best-Selling Author, Monumental Shift Curiosity Factor: The Psychological Phenomenon Creative Content Marketers Employ to Earn and Own Attention in a Noisy World With the rise of adblocker and dwindling attention spans, it’s harder than ever to capture and hold on to your audience’s attention. But, then again, people also spend hours upon hours binge-watching their favorite TV shows. So, why is our attention captured in one place, but not the other? Andrew Davis is coming to CMWorld with the answer. Location: Exhibit Hall B Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 8:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
2. Dave Charest
Director of Content Marketing, Constant Contact Breaking Down Content Silos: How to Create a Unified Customer Experience and Efficiencies in Content Creation One of the top challenges content marketers face is producing content consistently and efficiently. Luckily, Dave Charest’s session promises to offer a new content framework that gets buy-in and alignment from the entire organization. As a result, content marketers can expect to create a more unified content experience for their audience and reduce content creation inefficiencies. Location: Room 1 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 11:20 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
3. Allen Gannett
CEO, TrackMaven How to: 0 to 1 Million LinkedIn Video Views in 6 months Video marketing represents massive opportunity for content marketers with over one-third of online activity being spent watching video. To help marketers take advantage of this opportunity, LinkedIn launched native video back in 2017 and Allen Gannett was one of its early adopters to much success. Now, Allen is sharing how he reached one million views in just under six months and how you can do it as well. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 11:20 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
4. Ashley Ward
Digital Marketing Strategist, SEMrush Does Your Content Work: The Art of Measuring Content Marketing Succes As the Digital Marketing Strategist for one of our favorite tools SEMrush, Ashley Ward’s session already got our attention. But the fact that she’s addressing content marketing success and how to measure content ROI, has us hooked. So, if you’re one of the 45% of marketers that are unsuccessful in tracking content marketing ROI, this session is a must-attend. Location: Room 20 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 12:20 p.m. - 1:05 p.m.
5. Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs What Gives? How a Reader Challenge Kicked Me in the Patootie (and What We Can Learn From It)! As content marketers, it can be easy to just crank out content and become writing machines. But in focusing on the mechanical production of content, we often forget why we’re creating it in the first place. Ann Handley’s keynote promises to remind us of that purpose and show us how asking critical questions can lead us in the right direction. Location: Exhibit Hall B Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 4:35 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
6. Megan Golden
Head of Global Content Marketing, LinkedIn The Secret Sauce: How LinkedIn Uses LinkedIn for Content Marketing Research has found that over 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn. Talk about impressive. If you haven’t mastered the lead generating power that LinkedIn can offer, there is no one better to learn from than the platform itself. In this session, Megan Golden shares how LinkedIn uses their own platform for marketing, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at their secrets to success. Location: Room 26ABC Date: Thursday, Sept. 6 Time: 11:05 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. *LinkedIn is a client of TopRank Marketing
7. G David Cunningham
Director of Demand Generation, SnapApp Quality, Not Quantity: Spark a Real-Life Content & Demand Gen Love Story With Content That Converts Content plays a key role in nurturing leads and turning them into quality prospects or converting them into won opportunities. In order to do that, however, G David Cunningham suggests focusing on quality, not quantity content. If lead generation is your top content marketing goal, he'll offer solutions to your conversion problems, including a proven approach to creating quality content, examples of high-quality content, and more. Location: Room 25ABC Date: Thursday, Sept. 6 Time: 2:35 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
What We’re Looking Forward to the Most
This will be my eighth consecutive year speaking at CMWorld and I’m looking forward to everything, from meeting with other marketing professionals to catching up with friends and influencers that are too numerous to list to connecting with many of our clients, including teams from LinkedIn and DivvyHQ. I’m also looking forward to seeing Ashley Zeckman give her first solo presentation at the conference and my team from TopRank Marketing having an incredible learning and networking experience. Last of all, I’m looking forward to connecting with the 50-plus people registered for my B2B Content Promotion workshop and those who will be attending my B2B influencer marketing presentation.
This is my fourth Content Marketing World and I swear it just keeps getting better! I’m really looking forward to connecting with old friends and making new connections with talented marketers from around the globe. And I’m sure it goes without saying, but the opportunity to see Ann Handley and Tina Fey at the same conference is a dream come true.  
Since TopRank Marketing clients hail from all over the globe, I'm especially excited for some in-person quality time with our friends at DivvyHQ and LinkedIn. The Content Marketing World schedule is packed with opportunities to learn from content marketers with fresh perspectives and insights, and I’ll be vying for a front-row seat to as many sessions as I can.  
I've never been to Content Marketing World, or Cleveland, so I'm just generally looking forward to the experience as a whole. I love video games, so the theme of this year's conference is particularly appealing to my inner geek. Tons of sessions on the agenda have caught my eye, and I can't wait to hear some of the top pros in the industry share their insights. I'm also excited to finally meet a number of our agency's clients face-to-face after many email exchanges and video conferences. And last but not least: Tina freakin' Fey. #LizLemon4Life
Personally, I’m most looking forward to Ann Handley’s keynote. I had the chance to see her keynote last year’s Digital Marketing Summit in Minneapolis and was blown away. She made me laugh. She made me cry. She made me feel empowered. Her speech was a great reminder that our marketing needs to tell a story and evoke emotion from our audience. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for CMWorld.
The Countdown Is On
Content Marketing World 2018 is less than two weeks away. And that means it’s crunch time. Make sure you have your schedule all mapped out so you don’t miss out on the speakers you want to see the most. In fact, you might want to download the CMWorld mobile app to start organizing your schedule and save the sessions listed above. Stay tuned to TopRank blog and follow @TopRank on Twitter for daily updates from the event.
The post Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
from The SEO Advantages https://www.toprankblog.com/2018/08/cmworld18-must-attend-sessions/
0 notes
unixcommerce · 6 years
Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About
Every year, close to 4,000 marketers from across the globe make a pilgrimage to Cleveland, OH for the annual Content Marketing World extravaganza — the largest content marketing conference in the world. And this year will be no different. We’ve been attending CMWorld since the inaugural event back in 2011 — and we still get butterflies each and every year. The week’s schedule is filled to the brim with sessions and workshops from the industry’s leading marketers and experts, making it impossible not to look forward to what the conference has in store. But with so many great speakers and a packed schedule, which sessions are a must-see? As CMWorld veterans, we want to help you plan ahead and get a front-row seat to the sessions that help you reach your marketing goals. Check out our list of can’t-miss sessions and things we’re excited for down below.
Helping You Win the Content Marketing Game
Since the original CMWorld, TopRank Marketing and its team members have been presenting at the conference to provide our expertise and help you drive better results for your business. And this year, we have not one, not two, but three crucial sessions and workshops for you to attend.
Lee Odden
CEO, TopRank Marketing Rocket Science Simplified: How to Optimize, Socialize and Publicize B2B Content Ninety-one percent of B2B companies use content marketing, but 50% of content gets 8 shares or less. What good is your out-of-this-world content if no one experiences it? In this space-themed workshop, you’ll join our fearless leader and Content Marketing Commander Lee Odden for an interstellar experience on how to effectively build content amplification into the before, during and after of the content creation process (rocket fuel not included). He’ll share the tips, tricks and tactics he’s learned over 17 years of working with content payloads of all shapes and sizes that have rocketed B2B brands to success. Location: Room 3 Date: Tuesday, Sept. 4 Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. The Confluence Equation: How Content and Influencers Drive B2B Marketing Success What’s the secret formula to scalable, quality content? In this session from Lee, learn about how B2B brands, both big and small like SAP, Dell, Cherwell and DivvyHQ, are able to create more awareness, engagement, and pipeline with the confluence equation. As an influencer marketing pro, Lee offers a framework, formula, and plenty of tools for content and influencer marketing success. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Ashley Zeckman
Digital Strategy Director, TopRank Marketing Influencer Marketing Is Only for B2C Brands (& Other Lies Your Parents Told You) When we think of influencer marketing, it’s hard not to think of popular influencers like Selena Gomez, Jake Paul, the Kardashian clan, and others. However, the problem is that those influencers primarily work with B2C brands. But, as Ashley Zeckman will tell you, influencers marketing isn’t only for the B2C marketplace — it also holds enormous opportunity for B2B brands. During Ashley’s session, you can expect real-life B2B influencer marketing case studies, influencer collaboration ideas, formulas for creating influencer content, and more. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 1:45 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.
7 More Can’t-Miss #CMWorld18 Sessions
1. Andrew Davis
Keynote Speaker & Best-Selling Author, Monumental Shift Curiosity Factor: The Psychological Phenomenon Creative Content Marketers Employ to Earn and Own Attention in a Noisy World With the rise of adblocker and dwindling attention spans, it’s harder than ever to capture and hold on to your audience’s attention. But, then again, people also spend hours upon hours binge-watching their favorite TV shows. So, why is our attention captured in one place, but not the other? Andrew Davis is coming to CMWorld with the answer. Location: Exhibit Hall B Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 8:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
2. Dave Charest
Director of Content Marketing, Constant Contact Breaking Down Content Silos: How to Create a Unified Customer Experience and Efficiencies in Content Creation One of the top challenges content marketers face is producing content consistently and efficiently. Luckily, Dave Charest’s session promises to offer a new content framework that gets buy-in and alignment from the entire organization. As a result, content marketers can expect to create a more unified content experience for their audience and reduce content creation inefficiencies. Location: Room 1 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 11:20 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.
3. Allen Gannett
CEO, TrackMaven How to: 0 to 1 Million LinkedIn Video Views in 6 months Video marketing represents massive opportunity for content marketers with over one-third of online activity being spent watching video. To help marketers take advantage of this opportunity, LinkedIn launched native video back in 2017 and Allen Gannett was one of its early adopters to much success. Now, Allen is sharing how he reached one million views in just under six months and how you can do it as well. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 11:20 a.m. – 12:05 p.m.
4. Ashley Ward
Digital Marketing Strategist, SEMrush Does Your Content Work: The Art of Measuring Content Marketing Succes As the Digital Marketing Strategist for one of our favorite tools SEMrush, Ashley Ward’s session already got our attention. But the fact that she’s addressing content marketing success and how to measure content ROI, has us hooked. So, if you’re one of the 45% of marketers that are unsuccessful in tracking content marketing ROI, this session is a must-attend. Location: Room 20 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 12:20 p.m. – 1:05 p.m.
5. Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs What Gives? How a Reader Challenge Kicked Me in the Patootie (and What We Can Learn From It)! As content marketers, it can be easy to just crank out content and become writing machines. But in focusing on the mechanical production of content, we often forget why we’re creating it in the first place. Ann Handley’s keynote promises to remind us of that purpose and show us how asking critical questions can lead us in the right direction. Location: Exhibit Hall B Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 4:35 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
6. Megan Golden
Head of Global Content Marketing, LinkedIn The Secret Sauce: How LinkedIn Uses LinkedIn for Content Marketing Research has found that over 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn. Talk about impressive. If you haven’t mastered the lead generating power that LinkedIn can offer, there is no one better to learn from than the platform itself. In this session, Megan Golden shares how LinkedIn uses their own platform for marketing, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at their secrets to success. Location: Room 26ABC Date: Thursday, Sept. 6 Time: 11:05 a.m. – 11:50 a.m. *LinkedIn is a client of TopRank Marketing
7. G David Cunningham
Director of Demand Generation, SnapApp Quality, Not Quantity: Spark a Real-Life Content & Demand Gen Love Story With Content That Converts Content plays a key role in nurturing leads and turning them into quality prospects or converting them into won opportunities. In order to do that, however, G David Cunningham suggests focusing on quality, not quantity content. If lead generation is your top content marketing goal, he’ll offer solutions to your conversion problems, including a proven approach to creating quality content, examples of high-quality content, and more. Location: Room 25ABC Date: Thursday, Sept. 6 Time: 2:35 p.m. – 3:20 p.m.
What We’re Looking Forward to the Most
This will be my eighth consecutive year speaking at CMWorld and I’m looking forward to everything, from meeting with other marketing professionals to catching up with friends and influencers that are too numerous to list to connecting with many of our clients, including teams from LinkedIn and DivvyHQ. I’m also looking forward to seeing Ashley Zeckman give her first solo presentation at the conference and my team from TopRank Marketing having an incredible learning and networking experience. Last of all, I’m looking forward to connecting with the 50-plus people registered for my B2B Content Promotion workshop and those who will be attending my B2B influencer marketing presentation.
This is my fourth Content Marketing World and I swear it just keeps getting better! I’m really looking forward to connecting with old friends and making new connections with talented marketers from around the globe. And I’m sure it goes without saying, but the opportunity to see Ann Handley and Tina Fey at the same conference is a dream come true.  
Since TopRank Marketing clients hail from all over the globe, I’m especially excited for some in-person quality time with our friends at DivvyHQ and LinkedIn. The Content Marketing World schedule is packed with opportunities to learn from content marketers with fresh perspectives and insights, and I’ll be vying for a front-row seat to as many sessions as I can.  
I’ve never been to Content Marketing World, or Cleveland, so I’m just generally looking forward to the experience as a whole. I love video games, so the theme of this year’s conference is particularly appealing to my inner geek. Tons of sessions on the agenda have caught my eye, and I can’t wait to hear some of the top pros in the industry share their insights. I’m also excited to finally meet a number of our agency’s clients face-to-face after many email exchanges and video conferences. And last but not least: Tina freakin’ Fey. #LizLemon4Life
Personally, I’m most looking forward to Ann Handley’s keynote. I had the chance to see her keynote last year’s Digital Marketing Summit in Minneapolis and was blown away. She made me laugh. She made me cry. She made me feel empowered. Her speech was a great reminder that our marketing needs to tell a story and evoke emotion from our audience. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for CMWorld.
The Countdown Is On
Content Marketing World 2018 is less than two weeks away. And that means it’s crunch time. Make sure you have your schedule all mapped out so you don’t miss out on the speakers you want to see the most. In fact, you might want to download the CMWorld mobile app to start organizing your schedule and save the sessions listed above. Stay tuned to TopRank blog and follow @TopRank on Twitter for daily updates from the event.
The post Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank®.
The post Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About appeared first on Unix Commerce.
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2w3FQvK via IFTTT
0 notes
Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About
Every year, close to 4,000 marketers from across the globe make a pilgrimage to Cleveland, OH for the annual Content Marketing World extravaganza — the largest content marketing conference in the world. And this year will be no different. We’ve been attending CMWorld since the inaugural event back in 2011 — and we still get butterflies each and every year. The week’s schedule is filled to the brim with sessions and workshops from the industry’s leading marketers and experts, making it impossible not to look forward to what the conference has in store. But with so many great speakers and a packed schedule, which sessions are a must-see? As CMWorld veterans, we want to help you plan ahead and get a front-row seat to the sessions that help you reach your marketing goals. Check out our list of can’t-miss sessions and things we’re excited for down below.
Helping You Win the Content Marketing Game
Since the original CMWorld, TopRank Marketing and its team members have been presenting at the conference to provide our expertise and help you drive better results for your business. And this year, we have not one, not two, but three crucial sessions and workshops for you to attend.
Lee Odden
CEO, TopRank Marketing Rocket Science Simplified: How to Optimize, Socialize and Publicize B2B Content Ninety-one percent of B2B companies use content marketing, but 50% of content gets 8 shares or less. What good is your out-of-this-world content if no one experiences it? In this space-themed workshop, you’ll join our fearless leader and Content Marketing Commander Lee Odden for an interstellar experience on how to effectively build content amplification into the before, during and after of the content creation process (rocket fuel not included). He’ll share the tips, tricks and tactics he’s learned over 17 years of working with content payloads of all shapes and sizes that have rocketed B2B brands to success. Location: Room 3 Date: Tuesday, Sept. 4 Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. The Confluence Equation: How Content and Influencers Drive B2B Marketing Success What’s the secret formula to scalable, quality content? In this session from Lee, learn about how B2B brands, both big and small like SAP, Dell, Cherwell and DivvyHQ, are able to create more awareness, engagement, and pipeline with the confluence equation. As an influencer marketing pro, Lee offers a framework, formula, and plenty of tools for content and influencer marketing success. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Ashley Zeckman
Digital Strategy Director, TopRank Marketing Influencer Marketing Is Only for B2C Brands (& Other Lies Your Parents Told You) When we think of influencer marketing, it’s hard not to think of popular influencers like Selena Gomez, Jake Paul, the Kardashian clan, and others. However, the problem is that those influencers primarily work with B2C brands. But, as Ashley Zeckman will tell you, influencers marketing isn’t only for the B2C marketplace — it also holds enormous opportunity for B2B brands. During Ashley’s session, you can expect real-life B2B influencer marketing case studies, influencer collaboration ideas, formulas for creating influencer content, and more. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
7 More Can’t-Miss #CMWorld18 Sessions
1. Andrew Davis
Keynote Speaker & Best-Selling Author, Monumental Shift Curiosity Factor: The Psychological Phenomenon Creative Content Marketers Employ to Earn and Own Attention in a Noisy World With the rise of adblocker and dwindling attention spans, it’s harder than ever to capture and hold on to your audience’s attention. But, then again, people also spend hours upon hours binge-watching their favorite TV shows. So, why is our attention captured in one place, but not the other? Andrew Davis is coming to CMWorld with the answer. Location: Exhibit Hall B Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 8:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
2. Dave Charest
Director of Content Marketing, Constant Contact Breaking Down Content Silos: How to Create a Unified Customer Experience and Efficiencies in Content Creation One of the top challenges content marketers face is producing content consistently and efficiently. Luckily, Dave Charest’s session promises to offer a new content framework that gets buy-in and alignment from the entire organization. As a result, content marketers can expect to create a more unified content experience for their audience and reduce content creation inefficiencies. Location: Room 1 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 11:20 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
3. Allen Gannett
CEO, TrackMaven How to: 0 to 1 Million LinkedIn Video Views in 6 months Video marketing represents massive opportunity for content marketers with over one-third of online activity being spent watching video. To help marketers take advantage of this opportunity, LinkedIn launched native video back in 2017 and Allen Gannett was one of its early adopters to much success. Now, Allen is sharing how he reached one million views in just under six months and how you can do it as well. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 11:20 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
4. Ashley Ward
Digital Marketing Strategist, SEMrush Does Your Content Work: The Art of Measuring Content Marketing Succes As the Digital Marketing Strategist for one of our favorite tools SEMrush, Ashley Ward’s session already got our attention. But the fact that she’s addressing content marketing success and how to measure content ROI, has us hooked. So, if you’re one of the 45% of marketers that are unsuccessful in tracking content marketing ROI, this session is a must-attend. Location: Room 20 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 12:20 p.m. - 1:05 p.m.
5. Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs What Gives? How a Reader Challenge Kicked Me in the Patootie (and What We Can Learn From It)! As content marketers, it can be easy to just crank out content and become writing machines. But in focusing on the mechanical production of content, we often forget why we’re creating it in the first place. Ann Handley’s keynote promises to remind us of that purpose and show us how asking critical questions can lead us in the right direction. Location: Exhibit Hall B Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 4:35 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
6. Megan Golden
Head of Global Content Marketing, LinkedIn The Secret Sauce: How LinkedIn Uses LinkedIn for Content Marketing Research has found that over 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn. Talk about impressive. If you haven’t mastered the lead generating power that LinkedIn can offer, there is no one better to learn from than the platform itself. In this session, Megan Golden shares how LinkedIn uses their own platform for marketing, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at their secrets to success. Location: Room 26ABC Date: Thursday, Sept. 6 Time: 11:05 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. *LinkedIn is a client of TopRank Marketing
7. G David Cunningham
Director of Demand Generation, SnapApp Quality, Not Quantity: Spark a Real-Life Content & Demand Gen Love Story With Content That Converts Content plays a key role in nurturing leads and turning them into quality prospects or converting them into won opportunities. In order to do that, however, G David Cunningham suggests focusing on quality, not quantity content. If lead generation is your top content marketing goal, he'll offer solutions to your conversion problems, including a proven approach to creating quality content, examples of high-quality content, and more. Location: Room 25ABC Date: Thursday, Sept. 6 Time: 2:35 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
What We’re Looking Forward to the Most
This will be my eighth consecutive year speaking at CMWorld and I’m looking forward to everything, from meeting with other marketing professionals to catching up with friends and influencers that are too numerous to list to connecting with many of our clients, including teams from LinkedIn and DivvyHQ. I’m also looking forward to seeing Ashley Zeckman give her first solo presentation at the conference and my team from TopRank Marketing having an incredible learning and networking experience. Last of all, I’m looking forward to connecting with the 50-plus people registered for my B2B Content Promotion workshop and those who will be attending my B2B influencer marketing presentation.
This is my fourth Content Marketing World and I swear it just keeps getting better! I’m really looking forward to connecting with old friends and making new connections with talented marketers from around the globe. And I’m sure it goes without saying, but the opportunity to see Ann Handley and Tina Fey at the same conference is a dream come true.  
Since TopRank Marketing clients hail from all over the globe, I'm especially excited for some in-person quality time with our friends at DivvyHQ and LinkedIn. The Content Marketing World schedule is packed with opportunities to learn from content marketers with fresh perspectives and insights, and I’ll be vying for a front-row seat to as many sessions as I can.  
I've never been to Content Marketing World, or Cleveland, so I'm just generally looking forward to the experience as a whole. I love video games, so the theme of this year's conference is particularly appealing to my inner geek. Tons of sessions on the agenda have caught my eye, and I can't wait to hear some of the top pros in the industry share their insights. I'm also excited to finally meet a number of our agency's clients face-to-face after many email exchanges and video conferences. And last but not least: Tina freakin' Fey. #LizLemon4Life
Personally, I’m most looking forward to Ann Handley’s keynote. I had the chance to see her keynote last year’s Digital Marketing Summit in Minneapolis and was blown away. She made me laugh. She made me cry. She made me feel empowered. Her speech was a great reminder that our marketing needs to tell a story and evoke emotion from our audience. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for CMWorld.
The Countdown Is On
Content Marketing World 2018 is less than two weeks away. And that means it’s crunch time. Make sure you have your schedule all mapped out so you don’t miss out on the speakers you want to see the most. In fact, you might want to download the CMWorld mobile app to start organizing your schedule and save the sessions listed above. Stay tuned to TopRank blog and follow @TopRank on Twitter for daily updates from the event.
The post Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About posted first on http://www.toprankblog.com/
0 notes
christopheruearle · 6 years
Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About
Every year, close to 4,000 marketers from across the globe make a pilgrimage to Cleveland, OH for the annual Content Marketing World extravaganza — the largest content marketing conference in the world. And this year will be no different. We’ve been attending CMWorld since the inaugural event back in 2011 — and we still get butterflies each and every year. The week’s schedule is filled to the brim with sessions and workshops from the industry’s leading marketers and experts, making it impossible not to look forward to what the conference has in store. But with so many great speakers and a packed schedule, which sessions are a must-see? As CMWorld veterans, we want to help you plan ahead and get a front-row seat to the sessions that help you reach your marketing goals. Check out our list of can’t-miss sessions and things we’re excited for down below.
Helping You Win the Content Marketing Game
Since the original CMWorld, TopRank Marketing and its team members have been presenting at the conference to provide our expertise and help you drive better results for your business. And this year, we have not one, not two, but three crucial sessions and workshops for you to attend.
Lee Odden
CEO, TopRank Marketing Rocket Science Simplified: How to Optimize, Socialize and Publicize B2B Content Ninety-one percent of B2B companies use content marketing, but 50% of content gets 8 shares or less. What good is your out-of-this-world content if no one experiences it? In this space-themed workshop, you’ll join our fearless leader and Content Marketing Commander Lee Odden for an interstellar experience on how to effectively build content amplification into the before, during and after of the content creation process (rocket fuel not included). He’ll share the tips, tricks and tactics he’s learned over 17 years of working with content payloads of all shapes and sizes that have rocketed B2B brands to success. Location: Room 3 Date: Tuesday, Sept. 4 Time: 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. The Confluence Equation: How Content and Influencers Drive B2B Marketing Success What’s the secret formula to scalable, quality content? In this session from Lee, learn about how B2B brands, both big and small like SAP, Dell, Cherwell and DivvyHQ, are able to create more awareness, engagement, and pipeline with the confluence equation. As an influencer marketing pro, Lee offers a framework, formula, and plenty of tools for content and influencer marketing success. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Ashley Zeckman
Digital Strategy Director, TopRank Marketing Influencer Marketing Is Only for B2C Brands (& Other Lies Your Parents Told You) When we think of influencer marketing, it’s hard not to think of popular influencers like Selena Gomez, Jake Paul, the Kardashian clan, and others. However, the problem is that those influencers primarily work with B2C brands. But, as Ashley Zeckman will tell you, influencers marketing isn’t only for the B2C marketplace — it also holds enormous opportunity for B2B brands. During Ashley’s session, you can expect real-life B2B influencer marketing case studies, influencer collaboration ideas, formulas for creating influencer content, and more. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 1:45 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
7 More Can’t-Miss #CMWorld18 Sessions
1. Andrew Davis
Keynote Speaker & Best-Selling Author, Monumental Shift Curiosity Factor: The Psychological Phenomenon Creative Content Marketers Employ to Earn and Own Attention in a Noisy World With the rise of adblocker and dwindling attention spans, it’s harder than ever to capture and hold on to your audience’s attention. But, then again, people also spend hours upon hours binge-watching their favorite TV shows. So, why is our attention captured in one place, but not the other? Andrew Davis is coming to CMWorld with the answer. Location: Exhibit Hall B Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 8:45 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
2. Dave Charest
Director of Content Marketing, Constant Contact Breaking Down Content Silos: How to Create a Unified Customer Experience and Efficiencies in Content Creation One of the top challenges content marketers face is producing content consistently and efficiently. Luckily, Dave Charest’s session promises to offer a new content framework that gets buy-in and alignment from the entire organization. As a result, content marketers can expect to create a more unified content experience for their audience and reduce content creation inefficiencies. Location: Room 1 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 11:20 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
3. Allen Gannett
CEO, TrackMaven How to: 0 to 1 Million LinkedIn Video Views in 6 months Video marketing represents massive opportunity for content marketers with over one-third of online activity being spent watching video. To help marketers take advantage of this opportunity, LinkedIn launched native video back in 2017 and Allen Gannett was one of its early adopters to much success. Now, Allen is sharing how he reached one million views in just under six months and how you can do it as well. Location: Room 3 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 11:20 a.m. - 12:05 p.m.
4. Ashley Ward
Digital Marketing Strategist, SEMrush Does Your Content Work: The Art of Measuring Content Marketing Succes As the Digital Marketing Strategist for one of our favorite tools SEMrush, Ashley Ward’s session already got our attention. But the fact that she’s addressing content marketing success and how to measure content ROI, has us hooked. So, if you’re one of the 45% of marketers that are unsuccessful in tracking content marketing ROI, this session is a must-attend. Location: Room 20 Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 12:20 p.m. - 1:05 p.m.
5. Ann Handley
Chief Content Officer, MarketingProfs What Gives? How a Reader Challenge Kicked Me in the Patootie (and What We Can Learn From It)! As content marketers, it can be easy to just crank out content and become writing machines. But in focusing on the mechanical production of content, we often forget why we’re creating it in the first place. Ann Handley’s keynote promises to remind us of that purpose and show us how asking critical questions can lead us in the right direction. Location: Exhibit Hall B Date: Wednesday, Sept. 5 Time: 4:35 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
6. Megan Golden
Head of Global Content Marketing, LinkedIn The Secret Sauce: How LinkedIn Uses LinkedIn for Content Marketing Research has found that over 80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn. Talk about impressive. If you haven’t mastered the lead generating power that LinkedIn can offer, there is no one better to learn from than the platform itself. In this session, Megan Golden shares how LinkedIn uses their own platform for marketing, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at their secrets to success. Location: Room 26ABC Date: Thursday, Sept. 6 Time: 11:05 a.m. - 11:50 a.m. *LinkedIn is a client of TopRank Marketing
7. G David Cunningham
Director of Demand Generation, SnapApp Quality, Not Quantity: Spark a Real-Life Content & Demand Gen Love Story With Content That Converts Content plays a key role in nurturing leads and turning them into quality prospects or converting them into won opportunities. In order to do that, however, G David Cunningham suggests focusing on quality, not quantity content. If lead generation is your top content marketing goal, he'll offer solutions to your conversion problems, including a proven approach to creating quality content, examples of high-quality content, and more. Location: Room 25ABC Date: Thursday, Sept. 6 Time: 2:35 p.m. - 3:20 p.m.
What We’re Looking Forward to the Most
This will be my eighth consecutive year speaking at CMWorld and I’m looking forward to everything, from meeting with other marketing professionals to catching up with friends and influencers that are too numerous to list to connecting with many of our clients, including teams from LinkedIn and DivvyHQ. I’m also looking forward to seeing Ashley Zeckman give her first solo presentation at the conference and my team from TopRank Marketing having an incredible learning and networking experience. Last of all, I’m looking forward to connecting with the 50-plus people registered for my B2B Content Promotion workshop and those who will be attending my B2B influencer marketing presentation.
This is my fourth Content Marketing World and I swear it just keeps getting better! I’m really looking forward to connecting with old friends and making new connections with talented marketers from around the globe. And I’m sure it goes without saying, but the opportunity to see Ann Handley and Tina Fey at the same conference is a dream come true.  
Since TopRank Marketing clients hail from all over the globe, I'm especially excited for some in-person quality time with our friends at DivvyHQ and LinkedIn. The Content Marketing World schedule is packed with opportunities to learn from content marketers with fresh perspectives and insights, and I’ll be vying for a front-row seat to as many sessions as I can.  
I've never been to Content Marketing World, or Cleveland, so I'm just generally looking forward to the experience as a whole. I love video games, so the theme of this year's conference is particularly appealing to my inner geek. Tons of sessions on the agenda have caught my eye, and I can't wait to hear some of the top pros in the industry share their insights. I'm also excited to finally meet a number of our agency's clients face-to-face after many email exchanges and video conferences. And last but not least: Tina freakin' Fey. #LizLemon4Life
Personally, I’m most looking forward to Ann Handley’s keynote. I had the chance to see her keynote last year’s Digital Marketing Summit in Minneapolis and was blown away. She made me laugh. She made me cry. She made me feel empowered. Her speech was a great reminder that our marketing needs to tell a story and evoke emotion from our audience. I can’t wait to see what she has in store for CMWorld.
The Countdown Is On
Content Marketing World 2018 is less than two weeks away. And that means it’s crunch time. Make sure you have your schedule all mapped out so you don’t miss out on the speakers you want to see the most. In fact, you might want to download the CMWorld mobile app to start organizing your schedule and save the sessions listed above. Stay tuned to TopRank blog and follow @TopRank on Twitter for daily updates from the event.
The post Content Marketing World 2018: What We’re Most Excited About appeared first on Online Marketing Blog - TopRank®.
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