#off it goes. the tv with no power cord
spockvarietyhour · 4 months
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Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood (1988)
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natsaffection · 8 months
hey love 👋👋
could you right some nsfw were r is like a ray of sunshine, always nice, kind, joyfull and a little shy, so nat is aurorised how >>loud<< they are and what they like in bed, please 🥺🥺 also, mommy nat being very teasing.
i'd really appreciate it, thank you sm sweetie 😻💖💖
Hidden | N.R
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MINORS DNI!! (18+)!
Summary: Natasha gets to know the real you.
warnings: Mommy Kink, fingering (r receiving), Strap on use (r receiving) Rough (?) sex,
Word count: 1305 k
A/N: Thank you so much for this one <3.
How grateful Natasha was. Not the fact that she got a second chance or found a new family. No, she was grateful for you.
If someone had told her that some fire in a coffee would lead to her meeting a sweet little someone like you, she would have given that person the darkest look ever.
You talked one night about how Natasha approached you, and you were so happy because you never dared to approach her yourself.
Not only did you bring a smile to Natasha's face every time, but also to her comrades. After seven months of dating, you decided to make your relationship public, and it was time to involve your friends. Since then, the Tower has been surrounded only by laughter and joy.
Someone drops their drink? No big deal, you laugh at how Steve's face was when he could feel his cup sliding out of his hand.
The power goes out again because Tony overdid it again? Don't worry, you'll be the first one in every room with candles ready to light.
Someone is sick? You're at their sides. Someone is sad? You've got tissues and Disney movies in hand.
Natasha was really lucky...Especially behind closed doors.
Damn, you have some vocal cords. And how Natasha loved it, "Gosh Detka..Now I have to ask Tony about the soundproof walls.." she said as she shoved her knuckles deep in you pussy. "I-I'm sorry..."
God, how Horny Natasha is for you..How fragile you are, how sweetly you try to escape her pleasures.
So she never would have expected the way you try to hide that you are discreetly excited by the scenes in front of you. It was Natasha's idea to watch a certain documentary for the night.
In fact, it was, but Natasha wanted to find out how far she could take you, and so now a documentary on the background of the female orgasm is playing before you.
"What's going on, Detka?" She knows what state you are in right now and wants to take it further. Only you don't like it at all. How embarrassing. Why are you..aroused?
"N-Nothing! I'm just sitting very uncomfortable..." Oh god, you have to get out of here- "Are you sure about that Y/n? It looks to me like you're enjoying yourself here..." Was she right? Do you get off on it? No, it can't-
"Yeah, baby?" Natasha eyes widen..That look you have, she already knows from others Natasha has been with. That's why it surprises her that you, of all people, have it right now, "Um..you always said that I could..come to you, and so I wanted to ask if..you- if we-"
"You want me to be rough with you? Is that it, Malysh?" You couldn't bring yourself to say anything, so you nod frantically. You need her. Now.
And Natasha knew that too. She's on you like a gazelle, that haven't had anything to eat in a long time. With one hand she pushes you further into the bed and with the other she moves to your pants, "You don't know how much this is turning me on right now..." Fuck. You thought to yourself. Why didn't you open your mouth sooner?
As quickly as Natasha was on top of you, your clothes were on the floor and her fingers were already inside you. You groaned out and at that exact moment a groan also came from the TV you forgot to turn off, and it was followed directly by a "Mommy.."
"F-Fuck, Y/n!" You had also forgotten that Natasha's fingers were inside you and this..word tightened all your nerves in your pussy. "Mommy, huh? Do you want to call me mommy?"
"S-Stop..." You put your hands over your mouth to keep it from being more embarrassing for you, but Natasha was quick to respond and stopped you, "No, no, let me hear you. Come on, I won't hold it against you..."
Come on.. Natasha thought..She wants- no needs, to hear it. She made it her task and thus no longer held back. She rams into you full force and curled her fingers perfectly, "A-Aah, M-Moommy!!!" You both had the same reaction. Natasha had to moan out now too, "There it is..Fuck, who thought you were so dirty for me, hm?"
"Please, stop talking like that..." embarrassing, embarrassing, emb-- "N-No!!!" You were so close, so close! But Natasha pulled her fingers out and took them in her mouth. You watched her enjoy the taste of you, and when she looked back, you knew immediately that you were in for a long night.
But the spark faded when Natasha got up and went into the next room. You were puzzled and scared...Was it too much, after all? Crap, you shouldn't have-.
"I ordered this two months ago and was hoping we could use it at some point. What do you say?" She was leaning against the door with a bright pink- 9inch strap-on in her hand. You had to swallow and nodded again. "Would you turn around?" she asked and you do as she said. You now look at the wall in front of you, confused, trying to catch everything that is going on behind you.
Suddenly, you notice the bed buckling behind you and feel your lover's hands on your hips. "Tell me what you want, baby..." Natasha wants to hear you.
"Just..Fu— I-Im not gonna say this..." Natasha was already expecting an answer like that, "Okay."
You sigh out, glad that she's satisfied with that.
You take a deep breath as you suddenly feel the tip of her dildo against your folds and brace yourself, but the thrust never came. Instead, she just nudges it back and forth.
"Nat.." Natasha had to smirk. She had you where she wanted you, "What? Tell me what you want.."
"P-Put it in..." God, how sweet you sound..That's why she had to thrust in, but no more, "God, Natasha, please!!”
"You know what to do, Y/n.." she sang. Her most important person lying squirming under her and thirsty for pleasure.
And how you needed it, "Please fuck me already! Please, just- O-Ohh, yess!" Natasha was now desperate too, thrusting back and back into you with tremendous force. In, out, in, out it goes all the time and you and Natasha forgot everything. You had absolutely no backbone, "Pl-Please slow..d-down, I-" She rocks into you so hard that if she wasn't holding you by the hips, you would be constantly sliding forward,
"No..you take it, fuck..baby!"
You were starting to run out of strength in your arms, and before you fell into the pillow you suddenly noticed Natasha suddenly pull out, turn you around and fill you right back up. Her pace picked up directly, "You look so good when you're taken through..."
"PLEASE! I'm so close..so close..." You were in heaven and Natasha was close too as her thrusts become more erratic, "Look at me Y/n..I want to see you.."
You almost couldn't hear her, so fucked are you. Look at Natasha, look at Natasha, look-
"Natasha! I'm c-cumming!" She was already grunting too, "That's not my name, sweetheart.." You feel her thrusts slow down, "M-Mommy! No, don't stop, please!!"
"Then try again." She had to grit her teeth as she was about to finish as well, "Mommyyy, please let me come, please, please, please!!"
She picked up the pace again and shortly after, you both lapsed into endless release. Natasha fucked you through your orgasm, and you were sure you saw Jesus. As you both came down, Natasha laid on your chest, "That was fantastic..Who would have thought you would be so-"
"Please don't say it.." You put your hands back on your face and Natasha had to laugh,
"Oh Detka, I'm so grateful to have you.."
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watatsumiis · 1 year
Reactions to Being Ignored for Video Games (part 2)
Modern AU Genshin characters react to the reader not paying attention to them in favour of a video game! No content warnings apply. Enjoy!
Characters: Dainsleif, Diluc, Dottore, Foul Legacy, Gorou, Itto
Part 1 (Ayato, Arlecchino, Baizhu, Capitano, Childe, Cyno)
Part 3 (Heizou, Kaveh, Kazuha, Lisa, Pantalone, Pierro)
Dainsleif acts like a sad little puppy at the first hint of you not paying attention to him. He won't admit it but he can be pretty insecure and he doesn't like to have to compete for the attention of the ones he cares about. He'll only repeat himself once or twice before he just turns and leaves the room. He doesn't mind playing along if you invite him though, but he isn't very good at most games since it's just not something he does very often. You have to walk him through the controls every time and explain how to do certain things over and over, but once he's got the hang of it he's not entirely terrible. 
Diluc doesn't mind - he understands more than anyone that sometimes people need something to help them pull away from reality, something to keep their minds and hands occupied for a little while. He's perfectly content to wait until there's a lull in the gameplay to ask for your full attention. He's not afraid to stand in front of the TV or wave a hand in front of the screen if you continue to neglect him, though, and he can get kind of stern and pouty about it if he thinks you're being rude on purpose. He may occasionally ask to play games with you, but less because he actually enjoys them and more because he sees it as another way to connect with the ones he cares about. 
Dottore will not hear a word of it. If he has sought you out, he expects your full and undivided attention until he tires of it, regardless of what you were doing beforehand. If ignoring him for video games becomes a common occurrence, he just turns them off the moment he walks into the room, pulling out the power cords or pressing buttons until the screen goes black. He has very little interest in video games himself (except for the odd management simulator), but on occasion he may just sit down and observe, ask you questions about the games you're playing and document your responses carefully. He doesn't seem to realise the reason you get so flighty and pause the game when he walks in is because of his well documented history of unplugging things mid-game.
Foul Legacy can be a little unpredictable. For the most part, he's more than content to curl up next to you and simply bask in your presence as you do whatever you feel like doing (provided it doesn't disturb him too much), but if he feels like you've forgotten he's there, he may worry at your clothing or skin with clawed fingers and let out these barely audible peeeeeps as he frets for you. Usually just giving him a pat on the head or wrapping an arm around him will be enough to calm him down. Though, if he's trying to speak to you and you miss what he's saying because you're busy, he'll get all downtrodden and upset and go pout in a corner somewhere until you go over and give him your complete attention until he's wrangled the words out. 
Gorou tries to be nice about it, he really does. He tries to be patient and understanding, but he can't help the puppy-like whimpers that escape from the back of his throat in time with his breathing if you've been ignoring him for too long. His tail will hang between his legs and his ears will go flat against his head as he stands off to the side, shifting his weight between his feet as he wrings his hands. Though on a surface level he seems to be polite and nice, he can't help but fret and wonder if he's done something wrong. He'll keep an eye on your game and wait for quiet moments before he tries to speak up again, often stumbling over his words as he tries to grab your attention. He loves video games, and if you're playing one he particularly likes or wants to play with you, he makes it painfully obvious, looking over at the extra controller or between you and the television as his tail twitches. Try as he might, Gorou simply can't control his body language, so it's always easy to tell what he's pining for. 
Itto barely gives you a chance to ignore him - he's big and bold and loud, it's hard not to pay at least some semblance of attention to him when he's in the room. If you somehow manage to ignore him though, he turns into a whiny little kid, wandering in front of the TV and demanding to be allowed to play. If you ignore him for long enough, he just goes and sits in a corner with his arms crossed and that adorable pouty look on his face, glancing over at you all the time to see whether you’re paying any attention to him. If you leave him hanging for long enough, he gets frustrated and just strongarms his way into playing, whether that be by jumping in with an extra controller unannounced or just snatching yours away so that he can have a turn. He’s super competitive with multiplayer games, even if they’re supposed to be cooperative. He’ll turn every single game into a competition of some sort, then brag about ‘winning’ a challenge you weren’t even aware existed.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing! This includes posting translations to other sites (without credit + permission).
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Umm currently having a Vox and Velvette obsession do you have any headcanons for them hehe
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((Mostly for Vox, buuuuuut some for Velvette too.
Chronologically and physically the youngest of the Vees. Though physically not by much, she's still within the 30's-40's age range like they are
Was unsurprisingly a fashion influencer in life. However she unfortunately started out as one of those child influencers her parents vicariously live through/make money off of.
Eventually killed her parents to finally escape them. To this day no one in the living realm caught on that she murdered them.
Died about 2015 when an obsessive fan sent her a trap package in retaliation for getting a boyfriend. Yes, really.
Gained a big following rather quickly on Hell's social media, catching Vox's attention.
After Vox pulled her into the Vees, she's the one that brought eyes to the boys' bigger projects, and often does photography and costuming for them.
Aside from the obvious knives, Velvette also wields a selfie stick. And man can she do damage with it.
Velvette cooks as a hobby, primarily baking. Sometimes posts food aesthetic pictures. The only people she cooks for are those she's fond of. Sort of a love language for her. She stopped cooking for Valentino, however, after an incident where online he insulted the cookies she made for him. Now he can only get a taste of her food by either persuading Vox to share, or otherwise stealing the food off him. Girl holds grudges.
Chronologically the oldest of the Vees, though physically a little older than Velvette and a little younger than Valentino.
Born and raised Catholic, though admittedly didn't have the attention span for Sunday School. He was essentially agnostic until he died.
Grew up reading comics, watching TV, and in general fucking around with any electronics in the house he could find rather than playing outside. He was neglected by his parents growing up and didn't really have any friends so yeah.
Always wanted to be in the film industry. He wanted to act in and make films. Unfortunately he only got as far as commercials and infomercials before he died. He was a pretty good salesman, though, so it suited him just fine. He got progressively more and more unethical in trying to sell the products and services he was advertising. Shaped up to be a real corporate shill.
Also. Drugs. So much drugs. He's just better at hiding this habit than most people.
Died in a studio accident where a light fixture fell on his head. Yes. Really.
Goes without saying Vox isn't his real name. But it wasn't his first Hell alias either.
Not only did he start out with the old boxy tv for a head, but he couldn't communicate vocally at first. You know silent films where after the talent "says" their lines, it cuts to a frame where we have to read the dialogue? Yeah he started out having to do that.
Now more machine than man, he works differently from other sinners. Rather than respawning when he dies, he needs to be repaired to come back. Even when he's been torn to pieces, all you can do is gather him up and put him back together. The only thing setting him apart from broken machines is that he does bleed when he's been hurt.
Aside from the ability to bleed, there are other occasions where his machine body functions like it's organic. Like if he's injecting something, he can treat his wires like veins.
Theoretically, he doesn't need to eat, but he does get hunger pangs if he doesn't, and eating does provide more power for his batteries.
I could go on and on about his anatomy and his relationship with it tbh but for now the most important one; he has a tail. Very Hellborn like but a cord with a plug at the end. It's how he charges, or stays powered on when he doesn't have battery. He just hides it under his clothes and wound around his waist [like a Saiyan] because he's gotten tired of some assholes tearing it off or fucking up the prongs. Why did I give him a tail? Because I saw someone edit him with one and now I want it to be canon fite me.
Made his start in Hell as an inventor and repairman. That's when he first met Alastor. Just dumped some broken equipment on him asking him to fix it. One time became semi regularly. After a little bit of that, Vox was taken under his wing.
Yes, thanks to Alastor, he has eaten "human" flesh. [Only in quotes cuz technically no one in Hell is human anymore.] He doesn't exactly hate it, like he wouldn't refuse it if it was cooked for him, but he doesn't seek it out either.
Alastor's cooking is also the reason why his white ass can handle spicy food-
Vox looked up to Alastor back then. The relationship was far from healthy, however.
By the time they split, Vox was an Overlord in his own right
Met Valentino a few years after the split. This relationship is also unhealthy but good luck getting Vox to realize that.
Essentially provides the platforms for the other Vees, and often time helps with video editing and sometimes get involved directly with the filming. Val learned all his film tricks from Vox.
Custom made the Vees' phones and set up Valentino's online accounts. With some bombass security.
And that's about it for now. Hope you like-))
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tma-entity-song-poll · 6 months
Battle of the Fear Bands B1R2: The Spiral
Slide into the void:
"Technically this song is about control (the game) but this is an incredibly spiral coded song. It has everything - the breakdown of the mind, of reality, mazes and fractals and dreams oh my."
Where is my Mind:
"A classic. Also it's on every movie soundtrack where the characters have some sort of mental trip"
Lyrics below the cut!
Slide into the void:
You hear our words, but you forget Push your fingers through the surface to the wet We wait in the stains, we build you 'til nothing remains In the name of the sound of the name
Repeat the word. Repeat the word. Repeat the word Egg cracks and the truth will emerge A copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy You are home. You remind us. Happy. Hurt
At the edge of understanding, the border of the known The breaking point of reason, where logic is dethroned Where sense is defenceless and festers on the bone You'll find entropy's offensive is rendered in the stone
As you roam through the Oldest House Home to all that you weren't told about Trapped within a labyrinth, it goes without saying That we're praying that they don't get out
Prison for the isn't, sitting hinged within a schism Of half-reflected architecture, dark unending prisms Part objective, part conjecture, partnered with tradition Where the paperwork is worshipped and the rituals are written
When the Black Rock cracks and the Firebreak ends The Director is left as the line of defence When the Trenches have fallen to forces unknown Perhaps you should answer the phone
If you can't place the pin Where patterns end and you begin Follow the Director Else you're gonna slide into the void But if the world you knew Has cracked and fallen through Go to the Projector Load another slide into the void
There's the strangest correlation observation will present In the systems we can witness and the signals they have sent These forces yet unknowable, that ripple through cement Inscrutable intrusions. Altered World Events
Where reality cracks and impacts on the next Dimensions fragment and the Astral projects On benign, undefined, archetypal objects Until Ordinary's torn up, and normal defects
In effect, what you're left with are OoPs Objects of Power, a flying TV A light that can hijack your mind as you see A safe that's encased in a shield of debris
These frequencies are frequently the key to what's perceived to be And vis-à-vis are feeding off the reaches of the mind But recently, the sequence has repeated and repeated And it leaves me with the theory that they're trying to get inside
You hear our words, but you forget Push your fingers through the surface to the wet We wait in the stains, we build you 'til nothing remains In the name of the sound of the name (How do you say "insane"?)
Repeat the word. Repeat the word. Repeat the word Egg cracks and the truth will emerge A copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy You are home. You remind us. Happy. Hurt
If you can't place the pin Where patterns end and you begin Follow the Director Else you're gonna slide into the void But should your world collapse And fall right off the maps Go to the Projector Load another slide into the void
The Director is the Bureau's one connection to the Board Obey the mighty Bakelite and file your reports Telephony in effigy must never be ignored So if you hear a ringing, you had better pull the cord
And explore the décor of the Oceanview Where the doors only open for a chosen few Check your logic at the desk, you won't need it to progress A dream is just a test to be broken through
Like the smoke entombed in the rooms of the ashtray Furniture fractals, the carpet cascades Lost in a labyrinth of lounge chairs and lampshades Wallpaper warps into infinite pathways
There's no limit to the dangers of phenomenon we keep Or the chaos that would reign should the Panopticon be breached This never-ending edifice is perched upon the precipice Since we let in the Resonance, the future's under siege
If you can't place the pin Where patterns end and you begin Follow the Director Else you're gonna slide into the void But if you see the seams Where motels meld with dreams Go to the Projector Load another slide into the void
I've analyzed the data, I've catalogued the signs Run every simulation, every sample I can find I'd give an explanation, but we haven't got the time We're drowning in the waveforms and our minds are in the tide
Of elegant malevolence, sequestered in the Resonance Nesting in the head of every denizen Tell me, is it heaven-sent? Is the Devil even relevant? When questioning the presence of dimensional intelligence?
Thresholds unfold as a door that knocks In the ticking, in the ticking, in the ticking of the clocks We are holding the key, we just don't see the locks Paradise and parasite, in parallel, in paradox
We stand on a mantle where matter divides To abstractive fractures that tangle and writhe Through cracks in reality, trapped in a slide Such intangible sanctuary Hedron provides
Breaking the first, the second, the third The fourth wall, fifth wall, no floor, you fall Earworm humming in a dream Baby, baby, baby, yeah. Just plastic
You want to listen You want to dream You want to smile You want to hurt You don't want to be
You want to listen You want to dream You want to smile You want to hurt You don't want to be
If you can't place the pin Where patterns end and you begin Follow the Director Else you're gonna slide into the void But should your towers fall Free your mind and heed the call Go to the Projector Load another slide into the void.
Where is my Mind:
Ooh Stop
With your feet on the air And your head on the ground Try this trick and spin it, yeah Your head will collapse If there's nothing in it And you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind? Where is my mind? Where is my mind?
Way out in the water, see it swimmin'
I was swimmin' in the Caribbean Animals were hidin' behind the rocks Except the little fish, bumped into me I swear he was trying to talk to me, koi-koi
Where is my mind? Where is my mind? Where is my mind?
Way out in the water, see it swimmin'
With your feet on the air And your head on the ground Try this trick and spin it, yeah Your head will collapse If there's nothing in it And you'll ask yourself
Where is my mind? Where is my mind? Where is my mind?
Way out in the water, see it swimmin'
With your feet on the air And your head on the ground Try this trick and spin it, yeah
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caesarsaladinn · 1 year
the Irene-Nikephoros-Staurakios-Michael chunk of Byzantine history is one of my favorites for sheer drama value. it starts strong, with the first sole-ruling female emperor of Rome, who became that way by blinding and possibly executing her own son, and then almost got married to Charlemagne.
she eventually falls from power and winds up in some island convent, at which point she is replaced by her no-name administrator Nikephoros. he’s very smart and engaged, and his big ideas of government reform piss off everybody: he goes to war with the caliph from 1,001 Nights, fights Charlemagne, puts down at least two internal rebellions, (allegedly) commits some spectacular crimes against humanity in a war with the Bulgars, who then massacre him and his army in one of Rome’s most embarrassing defeats in centuries. the khan turns his skull into a drinking cup.
his son Staurakios survives the battle at the cost of his kidneys and spinal cord. it’s abundantly clear that he’s dying, but he doesn’t seem to realize it, and hangs onto power for just over two months before inevitably being deposed by his brother-in-law. he becomes a monk and dies a few months later, either of gangrene or poisoned by his sister.
Michael Rhangabe was that brother-in-law, and his reign was more or less a bellyflop. he was too nice of a dude to be an effective emperor and he continued the Empire’s losing streak on almost every front. he abdicated with the lightest possible nudging from his ministers and spent three decades living quite happily as a monk.
he was replaced by Leo the Armenian, a senior general from a good family who put the empire back into its traditional pattern: ~three generations of slippery dynastic rule before getting usurped by a meaner general.
you could make a tv show out of this!
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sirwow · 1 year
Torn Tapes; Pt 1
The wind blows softly as the start of springtime rolls in and the spruce forest buzzes with life. Grass and sticks crackle under the footsteps of 3 boys traipsing along a trail. Lazarus, Azazel and Cain chat while chewing on their own candies and Cain dragging a box.
Az: “Augh.. never liked how taffy gets stuck on my braces.”
Cain: “Then why do ya keep buying it every time we go to plums?”
Az: “Well it tastes good! Besides you eat jawbreakers and complain about your throat hurting.”
Laz: “Az that’s not how jawbreakers work..”
Az: “Throat, mouth, jaw. Same thing. Anyways, how long is that old generator supposed to work for Cain?”
Cain: “Donno.”
Az: “What do you mean you don’t know? You’re a techie!”
Cain: “I’m a mechanic not a electrician, Az.”
Az: “Like I said, same thing.”
Laz: “Well regardless we should be able to power that old tv in the treehouse with it and play some games. Besides if it’s only an hour or something I’ll just bring mine.”
Az: “Alright alright..”
The three continue through the woods with the old generator and up to a old treehouse. Trash bags of rubbish and tools surround a near cleaned treehouse. The treehouse sits with a combination of fresh planks and old untouched by rain. Cain walks behind Az and Laz with the generator but the wheels of the generator catch on something hollow in the ground and trips up Cain onto the floor.
Laz: “Woah you okay?”
Cain: “Ugh yeah.. fuckin generator got stuck on something. Sounded kinda weird too.”
Az: “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Cain: “Sounded hollow is what I mean, now shh..”
Cain goes to the dirty and dusty bump in-front of the generator and taps it with his knuckles. A wooden clicking returns and Cain stands back up with Az n Laz by his sides.
Cain: “Sounds like a box there.”
Az: “Ooh, you think it’s treasure?”
Cain: “Why don’t you find a shovel over there n figure out.”
Az: “Alright but I call dibs on whatever’s in it!”
Cain: “Hey Lazarus mind helping me get this ol thing up there while Az digs himself a hole?”
Laz: “Oh yeah, of course!”
Laz and Cain lift up the generator cord to the tree house and plug in a old box tv together. The tv beams on and sits idle with nothing inside. Along side the Tv inside the treehouse is a new small beanbag, a bookshelf filled to the brim, a rug and scattered papers of future plans and Az’s doodles.
Az: “Hereees the box!” Azazel plops down the box in the center of the rug
Cain: “That was fast.”
Az: “Well it was a lot looser then it looked. Now com’on let’s open it!”
Laz pops open the dusty box and inside sits a large book and several tapes, unnamed. The three start taking things out.
Az: “tapes and a book? What a lame treasure.”
Cain: “Oh boo hoo.“
Az: “I’ll boo hoo your face.”
Laz takes out and opens the book as Cain and Az bicker. It’s a picture book dated 6 years back. The first page immediately catches him off guard.
Laz: “Hey guys? This book has photos of our siblings.”
Az: “Wait really?”
Cain: “Huh?”
Laz lays out the book on the rug with the first picture being a fuzzy image of a younger Judas and Eve. The photo is titled with marker as “photo test” in neat hand writing.
Cain: “Well I’ll be damned. I remember eve hangin out with Judas but she never talked bout it much.”
Az: “Judas never told me anything about his friends.. something about wanting to keep it to himself.”
Laz: “I wonder who took it. Looks like most the first few are of Judas and Eve.”
Az: “Well that one’s of Magdalene.”
Cain: “It’s Maggie. But yeah that’s definitely her. Whats the other pages got.”
Laz flips the page to pictures of an in progress treehouse with a folded up blueprint in the pages.
Laz: “Guess her and whoever her friends were the ones to build this place.”
Az: “No wonder it was so shotty when we found it. A bunch of kids made it!”
Cain: “Uh-huh, we’re also kids Az.”
Az: “Teens! There’s a difference.”
Cain: “Hey. Is that Mary?”
Laz: “What?”
Cain: “Ya sister! Look!”
Cain points to the edge of a photo where a younger Bethany can be seen flying and lifting a plank up to the tree for Eve. Laz takes the book to look closer.
Laz: “..What..? But she..I..”
Laz flips quickly to the next page with Cain and Az looking over his shoulder to peek. The next few pages have multiple pictures of Beth but Laz keeps flipping until coming to a torn page with half a photo still on it. The photo obviously had Judas but Bethany’s pigtails could be seen past the tear.
Az: “Uhm.. you okay Lazarus?”
Laz: “Did you know Judas and Bethany were friends..?”
Az: “I-I thought you did..”
Laz: “No she- I was always sick in my room and she never really told me about her friends other then Maggie.. but she wouldn’t lie to me..”
Az: “mmh..”
Cain: “Well- uh- maybe if we watch these tapes we could figure some more out!”
Laz: “..Yeah. Yeah let’s do that. Besides the rest of the pages in this book look torn up, no point in trying to read torn truths, haha..”
Az: “Yeah let’s see what these old things are. What’s the first one?”
Cain: “Just called “Test”. Guess we better test it out.”
Laz: “I swear to the lord- just put the tape in you dum-dum.”
Cain and Az giggle n Cain after slides the 1st tape in to watch.
End of Pt 1
Next part will be linked once it is up
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charsawdeath · 1 year
❛ it’s not like you can stop me. ❜ - StaticMoth (Gimme-A-Thrust)
The first time I'd seen his power, blunt and on show for everyone else too, I'd told him to back off.
It was MY Studio, these dumbasses were MY issues to deal with.
But upon further investigation, I learned that Vox WASN'T a meek as he appeared!
Sadistic and feral, both a turn on and a warning!
"Back off, Voxxy, it's for the movie~" I remember saying, waving him away from the set.
A gun was pointed out, towards the camera, towards me, and Voxxy lost it!
"Back OFF, Valentino? That's a GUN!"
"It's not loaded, Baby~ Relax~"
I learned later that night when all was said and done that it was HIS mistake to believe an unloaded gun was being used.
How he came to Hell, being shot on screen by one of his game show hosts not liking that he lost!
In a second, after my 'relax' left my lips, I watch as the lights burn hot and bright overhead, some popping further off in the Studio.
Then came that feeling before a lightning strike, I could practically taste it!
It crackled through the room, making my staff cower!
I watch in stunned silence as the lights begin to flicker and energy, electric blue, snakes its way through the cords of the cameras, from the lights overhead and into the rigid body of Vox!
His eyes are blank. His face set in a line.
The antennae on his head turned a blinding white as the power seeped through him.
And in a fraction of a second, one clawed hand is thrust outwards and a blast of heat is felt by any close by.
Meaning me!
The power connects to the body with the gun and instantly begins to bake. The gun, indeed, loaded, blew off the guy's hand before throwing shrapnel into the cameras and Studio workers.
Which also intaled me!
Yanking his hand backwards, the body sails effortlessly towards the electrified TV Overlord. Palm out, the body stops mid flight, then goes one way then the other as Vox simply ragdolled it from wall to wall without effort.
The body, if I remembered anything back in school, was controlled by electricity! The heart to be correct-
The port Vox was using to throw the body around until its charred form sprinkled the floor as it flew.
The body was well and dead by the time the Overlord dumped him back onto the floor, but the horrors he sustained weren't ready to end just then.
His muscles, what remained, spasmed, his smell was over-charred flesh, smoke came off his still cooking body.
And worst yet, a hole where the current Vox had used as the port overtook the whole area of the man's heart, leaving the cavity blackened like coal!
My staff all slowly looked at the Overlord who had effortlessly taken out this Demon and began to back away.
He stood there breathing heavily but didn't look bothered by what he'd done.
He fixed his jacket, dusting it off smartly, then looked at his plain clawed hand. In fact, he made a noise akin to displeasure before he manifested those razor sharp electric blue claws over his normal ones.
I remain seated as the power returns to its rightful places, mouth agape, eyes huge.
The first time Voxxy EVER spoke as if I lay beneath him, was that very same day, at the very moment he saw me looking at him and his once normal looking self.
He smiled, a charming smile, stepped toward me in my chair and simply whispered, "It's not like you can stop me~" Then walked off into the darkness behind me, to his office, where he'd seen the whole thing transpiring and emerged like an angered deity to prove his words true!
I wouldn't be able to stop him-
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zxvtrpnljhfdb · 1 year
I reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllyyyy need to get the fuck out of here.
The apartment doesn't open till Wednesday.
So great. I fucking get to miss a day of training to get the fuck out of here as soon as actually possible. Luckily these losers seem to sleep till the middle of the afternoon--good luck getting jobs that way. Not my problem. So I should be able to get a good amount of items out of here before possibly they wake up and at the very least before they can get themselves together to investigate. Since I have absolutely nothing left to fucking lose, I am taking the computer and good fucking luck coming after me about it. Unless the police take it as they investigate your CSAM. Broke, pitiful leech loser. You don't fucking deserve to be a fucking parent and you don't fucking deserve to know you have a child, you cretinous fuck.
She came around to bully me, this time waiting till I was off work and could really give her my full attention, and make frankly empty threats against me--that I have to be out of here by the first (I don't know what the fuck the office told her, if she even spoke to them, but I just spoke to the office and they said this lease still doesn't end till the 19th), that she's going to change the locks (per the lease, she cannot until the lease changes, so I can call the office if she does and they can deal with it). She tried to take the fucking power cord for the router so that either I would be forced to run down to the internet provider or lose my job for not having internet.
All this because I took away the TV I couldn't stop her from buying when she fucking broke her laptop, even though we didn't even have the money.
She's made it sound like she's been fucking perfect at paying rent--we've been late several times, thanks to her. So I'm sitting across the desk as the gal in the office goes through what shitty tenants we've been, and I'm just fucking dying inside, because no one actually gives a shit if I wasn't personally submitting rent. No one gives a shit that previous management fucked up the paperwork. I'm going to be stuck here till they just fucking kill me.
Previous management also kinda fucked us because they somehow didn't have the cats on file, even though I swear I was forthcoming about them. Like, I want to keep the cats, I want a decent rental history, I don't want to get evicted over like, rent theft or whatever, or be forced to surrender my cats.
My ex is such a fucking coward, she couldn't even come up here alone, she had to have her brainfucked croney with her. So as she's lying to me, getting me fucking riled up, this girl is just nodding along. Like, who the fuck are you, get the fuck out of my home. "It's my home". No it fuckin-a it's not. You are a fucking guest and a fucking child. You are still wet behind the ears. Or, you could stick around and stop making croney faces and fucking listen to what is going on here, because when she's used you all up, this is your future. She says she loves you today. She loves her vision of you, the idea, the fantasy. She doesn't give a shit who you actually are or who you actually want to be.
And you're going to arrive into a future where you'll see history repeating in front of your eyes, but she's got a new plaything this time and you're the one she has stolen from.
Either that, or you're as shitty and monstrous a person as she is, in which case, best wishes. Never fucking come near me again.
I don't know what to do with myself. I feel stuck in place. I can't do anything.....
In so fucking done with this gross fucking shit of her like "I'm the good guy, I'm the victim, I'm such a nice person, prove I yeeted a box at your head ha ha ha, look I'm so fun and playful with you on your Tumblr".
Some fucking Scott Peterson, Brian Landry shit. Just fucking drag me into Yellowstone already.
Oh. Don't forget, I guess I should have gathered my own info, but it turns out I needed to give my thirty day notice that I didn't want to renew. My ex kept fucking waving a false flag in my face and I have no fucking idea why.
Apparently, I just can't fucking trust anybody in my life. Best relationship I've ever had and it ended in being gaslighted so hard, I almost committed myself, and being physically abused and attempts to remove my autonomy. Like, I don't fucking get it. Why are you trying to cripple me on my way out. It's what I want more than almost anything else at this time, and it's what you claim you want. What do you gain from crippling me? You keep claiming even now that you "love" me, you "don't want to hurt me" you're "just trying to help". But you won't fucking let. Me. Go. What the fuck is wrong with you???
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A Few of My Favorite Smart Home Things: CES
A Few of My Favorite Smart Home Things: CES
Which CES Smart Home Things Were Best?
From smart gardens to giant wiresless TV tech, find out the smart home things we want here in Texas that caught our eye at CES 2023!
Top manufacturers debut their best new products at the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES), and the 2023 show did not disappoint. Artificial intelligence, blockchain, cybersecurity, energy, and robotics are just a few of the categories where companies showcase their doohickeys, doodads, and thingamabobs. So what are some of the best electricity and smart home things from 2023 CES?   
Indoor Gardening Without The Hassle 
If your green thumb is more shriveled and brown than vibrant and healthy, the LG Tiiun can help you grow your own herbs. It looks like a large wine fridge or a small gas station beverage cooler. Its automated lighting, watering, and climate control give you a fool-proof way to enjoy fresh produce. The only thing easier than growing your garden is switching power plans at Texas Electricity Ratings. This one takes the cake for the best among smart home things.
An Artistic HVAC System
If you install a mini-split AC unit in your home, one big issue is where to put that big white box on your wall. Usually, it goes up fairly high to be as unobtrusive as possible. But it is still ugly no matter where you put it. 
LG has solved that problem with Artcool Gallery. It’s a wall-mountable, mini-split AC unit hidden behind a 27-inch digital photo frame. Remember those Samsung TVs that show a picture when the set is turned off? This is the same concept. Put your favorite photos in the display, and you can look at them instead of an appliance.  
Sure, it’ll run up your electric meter like any other mini-split system, but you don’t have to look at it! 
Smart Stand Mixer
The stand mixer has been a staple in American homes for decades. Any home baker worth his or her salt has one. But the latest version from GE has smart technology. It monitors the texture and viscosity of food using the motor’s torque. Never overmix your cupcakes again!   
Mega Wireless TV
With the video boards stretching dozens of feet across sports stadiums, a 97-inch television may seem like a snoozer among smart home things. But this one is wireless! It’ll still draw Texas electricity through a power cord, so you’ll have to hide that particular wire. But you no longer need HDMI cables! If you can’t stand having an exposed wire between your television and gaming consoles, the LG M3 Series is for you. 
Electricity For Smart Home Things
Regardless of which smart home things tickle your fancy, you need a home power plan to keep them running. Shop for your next electric plan at https://www.texaselectricityratings.com. You’ll have a smart power plan to go with your cool new devices.  
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pureavcanada · 2 years
Choosing AV Gear for Exhibit Booth Trade Show Audio Visual rental options have really expanded over the last decade. They have become visual phenomenon with lots of moving parts, live interactions and multimedia platforms. In order to create the right environment, lots of cutting-edge trade show audio visual rental services are being used in unique and innovative ways. This means that every client has push the creativity boundaries and keep up with trends that best engage audiences. In addition to the standard audio, visual, lighting and special FX needs, providing full exhibit booths requires an experience. Pure AV is well equipped to handle such demands and offer special consultations to all convention exhibiting clients.
Audio, Video & Lighting at a Trade Show Booth As experts in AV, we take great pride in keeping up with trends that bring exciting technology to trade shows. Typical trade show audio visual rental services include flat panel displays, projectors with screens, spot lighting, multimedia devices, and wireless microphones with digital sound systems. Pure AV understands that you may need us to set up a day earlier or tear down a day later. Moreover, we can make onsite changes to suit your last minute needs. For instances, our staff brings more than necessary and always has spare parts/gear. Every location provides new challenges, and this is the only way we know how to prepare for them.
Furthermore, we can accommodate clients from our office or directly from the event locations. We do so without complicated forms and calls to off-site offices. It’s something to keep in mind when looking for a perfect trade show audio visual rental services. Pure AV does not nickel and dime you on things like extension cords, power strips and network cable. If we have it handy and you are in need, then we’re just happy to help out. This goes beyond just cables or speakers, our staff helps clients every step of the way. So if you really want to REALLY impress trade show goers, below is a list of our services that will help you achieve that:
HD Laser Projectors & Screens
Projection Mapping Services
HD or 4K LED TVs
Touchscreen Displays
LED and LCD Video Walls
Audio Gear – Speakers, Microphones, Etc
Video Conferencing and Webcasting
Audio Visual & Stage Lighting
Laptops, Clickers & Other Accessories
Cameras and Recording Gear
Pipe and Drape Décor & Accessories
Custom Video Content Design
Booking Pure AV’s Trade Show Audio Visual Rental Services Together we can make all trade show projects come alive. Undoubtedly our contribution will entice people to visit your exhibit and eventually increase the bottom line. Once you experience our top of the line technology and unrelenting customer service, we know you will come back to us for all your audio visual needs. If you looking to get some more information, please fill out the contact form below or email us at [email protected] or call 1-800-929-7089. Afterwards, slide over to Pure AV social handles to see some of our previous work – Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube. We look forward to building a relationship and helping you with all trade show audio visual rental services!
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forthegothicheroine · 3 years
The King in Yellow, 1949
Much of this story is true.  Warnings in the tags.
When I had pneumonia in my early teens, my mother brought home an armful of VHS tapes from the library to alleviate my misery.  Knowing my snobbish preferences, she had grabbed copies of whatever she found in black and white.  I remember something musical that I suspect was Busby Berkeley, I remember Mildred Pierce (a bad choice, as it turned out- the plot includes a young girl dying of pneumonia), and I remember a period piece called The King.  I faded in and out of consciousness while I watched it, but it soothed me while I was awake and filled my fever dreams with sparkling images.  I could never find it at the library again, nor at Hollywood Video or even early Netflix (once my father got the subscription service where you could order practically every DVD.)  It was a bit odd that it seemed to be so obscure, given that it starred old Hollywood legend Ingrid Bergman (and, although I initially forgot it, Marlene Dietrich.)  But even big stars make films that fall by the wayside in public memory, and it seemed that this was one of them.  Google was no help, and at the time that was that.
I didn’t see the film again until I was watching Turner Classic Movies at my grandparents’ house.  I loved watching that channel with them while filling out the crossword puzzle that came in their little TCM catalogue (all of it based on movie trivia, the only kind of crossword puzzle I’ve ever been any good at.)  I recognized a certain scene where Bergman stood on a balcony, looking sadly at the moon.  Her face had an expression of unutterable melancholy, and the crescent moon reflected in each of her eyes, giving the impression of two moons in one sky.  I had very little time to catch up on what I’d missed before we had to go meet my cousins at the local Italian restaurant.  I knew logically that the movie would be long over by the time we returned, but I turned on the channel anyway.  Of course it had moved on to the lesser known Alfred Hitchcock film Stage Fright, but then I heard Marlene Dietrich sing before I could reach the remote to turn the tv off in disappointment.  I knew that I had heard her sing before, and I knew it had been in The King.
Dietrich’s singing often comes across as somewhat campy today, with its Rs pronounced as Ws and it’s up-and-down tone.  Madeline Kahn parodied it brilliantly in Blazing Saddles, such that it was a bit of a disappointment when I finally saw Dietrich’s western Destry Rides Again and found it to be lifeless and inconsistent next to the parody.  Still, we remember her voice for a reason, and when I remembered it that night, I knew that its sardonic loneliness had rung through The King and made me shiver in my dreams.
The TCM schedule didn’t list The King in its time slot, but something else.  If I had taken down the name, maybe it would have helped me find it.  Sometimes the same movie runs under multiple names.
I didn’t see the film all the way through for many years, after I graduated college.  I had found a web page that listed public domain film noir, including one called The Masked Guest.  The website described it as a costume noir, and I curiously clicked on the link.  Once I took in the credits running on the youtube window, my eyes grew wide and I did not move from my place on the bed until the movie had run its course.
The credits did indeed list it as The Masked Guest, but I recognized the strange repeating design on the title cards.  They told me that in addition to starring Dietrich and Bergman, it was directed by Fritz Lang, and a character called The King was credited to “???”  (I hadn’t seen that kind of credit since the first Karloff Frankenstein.)  When the King finally appears on screen, though, it is unmistakably Orson Welles’s voice that booms out from behind his elaborate costume.
Here are the things I understand about The King, or The Masked Guest, or The Man in Yellow, or any other title I’ve found for it on public domain archive searches.  Dietrich and Bergman play princesses named Cassilda and Camilla, respectively.  Though Dietrich’s accent is German and Bergman’s is Swedish, they blend together to give the film the impression of being set somewhere on the map that I can’t quite find.  The scenery and camera angles are very Freudian, with a great deal of archways and pillars.
The first act of The King involves frankly dull romantic plotlines, and the only thing that really saved it was the feeling that the suitors were supposed to be insipid, a suspicion lended credence by the fact that the love interests were listed so low on the credits.  Dietrich is the scandalous sister and Bergman is the responsible one, though each takes on aspects of the other as the film goes on.  Dietrich sings her song at a party, dressed in a fake 17th century gown and leaning against a piano.  Although just a moment ago she had been laughing and joking with her gentleman friends, her song takes an abruptly serious tone (not seductive, not sentimental) as she tells the story of a city lost to time and memory.  Bergman slips away from the party and onto the balcony, where we see that wonderful shot of the moon in her eyes.  Is she mourning?  Is she longing?
Dietrich cuts off the song by abruptly screaming “Not on us, King!  Not on us!”  She flees the party weeping and shaking, and from there on the film goes mad.
Though uncommon, it is not unknown for movies to switch between black and white and color, done most famously in The Wizard of Oz.  The film The King recalls here is the silent Phantom of the Opera, which had a masqued ball scene tinted in shades of red and green that tried to provide a whole spectrum of color.  The effect is even odder in the masqued ball scene in The King- the only color that appears is yellow, highlighting things like candlelight, Dietrich’s hair, a passing gown, a vase of tulips.  It also highlights one particular masked figure, whose expressionless mask was decorated with a black pattern against a sickening yellow canvas- the same pattern I had seen in the opening credits.  The color of his costume causes him to stand out from the crown even when he is far off in the background, just one head among many others.  It must have taken long and painstaking hours of work to color in every frame.
Dietrich still seems broken up days after her song, though Bergman tries to coax her into joining the dance.  Finally, at midnight, Dietrich goes out to face the party, but only to demand that every guest remove their mask.  The yellow man with a voice that once warned America about a Martian invasion tells her that he wears no mask.  Bergman reacts with disbelief, but Dietrich starts laughing like a woman unhinged.  As she laughs, the yellow hue seeps out of the King’s clothing and face- if that really is his face- and begins to color the entire ballroom crowd.  I think that what follows is bloodshed, but if there is any carnage (doubtful under the Production Code censorship), the blood must be tainted yellow and splashed across the camera like daubs of paint.  Dietrich’s laughing face is doubled and tripled on screen until it dissipates, but even when it has faded offscreen, it feels as if her ghost continues to watch the proceedings.  
By the end of the scene (filled with German Expressionist camera angles and mad violin screeching), only Bergman remains alive, cowering behind a grandfather clock.  It does not hide her for long.  The King steps towards her and extends his hand.  Reluctantly, but with a fatalistic expression, Bergman takes his hand.  They walk away together hand in hand.  The screen shifts back into black and white, and then the credits roll before we can get a good look at all the bodies in the scene.  The credits say it was based on a play called The King in Yellow, although Raymond Chandler of all people apparently had a hand in the screenplay.
As I said, that’s what I think I understand.  It’s an oddly experimental art film for the era, and it may be awaiting rediscovery by the film festival crowd.  I feel as if I alone know about it, though that obviously isn’t true.  It is my little secret; I tell myself that my husband doesn’t need me to show it to him, it would be too odd for his taste.  I’ve rewatched it many times, even if it seems like each time I search for it I have to find a different video platform or torrent.  Naturally, no subscription site has it available.  Maybe I am the last person who will ever watch it.  Maybe no one will ever think to look for it again after me, and it will be completely forgotten.
When I was hospitalized, they let me use my laptop at night before I went to sleep (no power cord, though, in case I tried to hang myself.)  I found a youtube link for The Man in Yellow, and I watched it every night.  It wasn’t a soothing sort of movie, but having it in my mind all day and then watching it in the evening allowed me to think as opposed to crying endlessly while the other patients shot me awkward looks.  I clutched the childhood stuffed animals my mother brought me when she visited, and I always held them extra tight when the masquerade scene started.
I watched the movie when I had to move away from my beloved San Francisco.  I watched the movie when I lost the last of my grandparents.  I watched the movie when a doctor unwisely took me off my medication and I couldn’t manage to eat for a month.  I watched the movie when the whole world got sick and we all locked ourselves away from each other.  I don’t mind that I don’t entirely know what it means.  I don’t mind the nightmares.  In the hospital they kept telling us about mindfulness exercises, and maybe the fact that I can focus on every aspect of the film so closely that all else falls away is the reason I keep coming back to it.  I’m being mindful.  I’m not letting any stray thoughts invade my head.  I’m just watching and waiting for the next beat of every scene, leading inexorably to that yellow-stained bloodbath.
Streaming media doesn’t last forever, and each time I find The King, I worry that it will be the last time I ever can find it.  My efforts to download it have so far been unsuccessful, odd considering that it is in the public domain.
When I watch The King, I am once again a child in my bedroom being cared for in the throes of agonizing sickness.  I am once again sitting on the couch with my grandparents in front of the tv, both of them alive and lucid again.  I am once again in the hospital, all alone except for my stuffed animals and the staff trying to keep me alive.  The film reflects in my eyes like the crescent moon in Ingrid Bergman’s gaze.  It sings to me.
I am determined to find a way to obtain The King under any name so that I never have to worry about losing it.  During some of the worst times in my life, it is the only thing that has kept me sane.
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occult-castiel · 3 years
The Same Page
This is my @destielsecretsanta2020 gift for @eclypseaf!!! The request was open, but bonus points for Miracle being present. So I wrote some post empty rescue fic!
This one honestly gave me a really hard time and I have no idea why. I hope you like it and have has an awesome christmas!
[Ao3 Link]
The portal spits them out in the dungeon.
Dean stumbles out first, a half step ahead of Cas. Human, malleable, and very much alive with one of the little dude's arms draped over Dean's shoulder.
Cas stumbles forward. Dean shoots an arm out in front of him, places a hand firmly against his chest. He maneuvers his other arms under his trenchcoat, grips his side firm.
His skins almost cool to the touch — much too cold to be safe. Not for a human, especially a brand new one.
And what if he's sick? Or gets sick and can't get better? Without his grace, there's a whole new set of worries. A bad flu that gets worse until he's gone, a hunt going wrong, fucking cancer. Heart disease kills pretty much everyone, doesn't it?
He takes a deep breath and focuses on the gentle thud of Cas' heart against his palm.
The last eight months haven't been easy. Not between the alcohol Sam eventually cut him off from, and the hunts getting sparse, and Jack being terrifying and gone until he wasn't.
Cas lulls his head to the side. His inky heart sticks to his forehead, and his blueberry-sweet eyes are unfocused but still manage to catch Dean's.
It's achingly familiar, and he smiles easy. "Hey there, sunshine."
Cas pinches his brows together as his head swims to stay upright. He slurs through some half-baked, nonsense question about coral reef bleaching, and Dean's so relieved he laughs.
Cas smiles at the sound, dazed and feather-light, but the joy is unmistakable.
It's the best thing Dean's ever seen. Fuck, he missed him. Missed him so much he didn't know what to do with himself.
Cas winces — what little help he was giving Dean in holding him up falls. He makes up the difference quick. Weak fingers curl around Dean's wrist.
"Sorry —"
"S'okay. Gonna —" he swallows hard. Tries to shove away the distinct pin-prick in his tear ducts that always means he needs to man the hell up. "Gonna get you to a bed, okay?"
Cas grunts, a pitiful noise that's mostly air and entirely feeble. "Tired."
"Rest then. It ain't far. I gotcha, buddy."
When he nods, his hair brushes Dean's neck.
It's not well thought out. The lack of work and overload of carbs haven't done Dean's muscles any favors. His joints creak and protest every step, but his room isn't far, and he'd be damned before he let's Cas feel like he has to do anything alone this time.
Miracle hops off the bed the moment the door opens.
Dean lays Cas on top of the bunched up blanket. Once he's down, Dean slowly works the trencoast and suit jacket off, his hands careful as they trail across the thin cotton of his shirt.
Cas shivers, and Dean wrestles to tug the blanket out from under him, Miracle nuzzling the side of his leg the whole time.
She's probably hungry. Or just wants attention. He hasn't exactly been available the last couple weeks, too busy with his nose in piles of research. But it all payed off.
Cas grimaces in his sleep, and it twists the cords in Dean's chest. He reaches his hand out and ghosts his fingers across the sweat-stained hair stuck to his skin, gently pushing it to the side.
He'd said it once, not more than a month ago, in the darkness of his room, Miracle tucked as close as he could get her.
He said he loved me, and I — I didn't say it back. But I do. God I do.
Dean trails his hand from his forehead to the flushed pillow of his cheeks. The other knuckles roughly at his eyes and comes back wet.
He has no god damn idea what he wouldve done without Miracle to talk to. Cause he could never get it out to Sam. Not those last moments. Not what Cas really means to him. Always too close to an edge of something larger than any apocalypse they've ever dealt with.
He traces down low enough to brush across Cas' wrist, the pained look still on his face.
Dean swallows, his heart hammers hard in his throat. Timid even though the guy is unconscious, Dean grabs his hand.
His mind blanks. Turns to complete static — a jumble of half-formed thoughts about every reason he ever told himself not to.
He's an angel. The worlds ending. Always ending. He doesn't feel that way. Can't, the equipment for it's not there. It's why he leaves, isn't it? And what the fuck could ever hope to start when it's all always falling apart? When they could fall apart.
Everyone leaves.
A flash of cold prickles down his back, and he tries to takes a deep breath. It goes down ragged. There was something he read once, about picking out a sense.
Cas' breath, slow and steady. The clink of Mircale's claws on the floor. A muted buzz from the florescent lights in the hall.
He breaths again, a little easier. His fingers curls into Cas' palm, and his finger twitch against Dean in response. The dent in his brows relax, his jaw goes slack.
"S'okay Cas." He squeezes. "Just... be okay."
When his phone rings, dumped and forgotten on the other side of the room, he isn't quite sure how to let go. Like the ligaments in his hand have cemented in place, forgotten the muscle memory to make the movements happen.
When the second call comes through, Cas mumbles something. Dean's shoulder slack, and he pulls his hands back, clammy and with a slight tremor.
It's Sam. There's a small tug of guilt — he should've called him the moment he put Cas down. He knows he would've been worried sick if Sam was the one that had to go.
Sam's relieved too, promises to buy stuff for dinner on his way back from where Dean went in the Empty about fifty miles out. And he must hear something in his voice, because he stresses to go watch a movie or something and let Cas sleep it off.
Of course he's right. They knew Cas would be out cold. But leaving the room is still hard, and he lingers in the doorway until he gets a good look at Miracle's mess of tangled fur.
He hasn't brushed her hair, since that's practically what the fur is, in weeks.
"C'mon girl."
He grabs the brush from the bedside table, casts on last look at Cas, and takes Miracle to the TV room.
She hops on the couch next to him, tail thumping with excitement.
"You wanna get pretty to meet Cas later?"
She nuzzles his hand, sticks her nose against the brush, and a little bit of the stress from today lightens up.
He flips on some netflix show about baking food, and talks to Miracle as he starts in on her snout.
It's ritualistic to touch on whatevers going on with her, at this point.
As her fur smooths, he tells her about the Empty. Its piss-poor lighting, the mind boggling way directions work, how it has this awful burnt-licorice and gasoline stench clung to the nothingness of its everything.
It kinda makes his head hurt.
Almost two full episodes in, he has all her fur neat and tidy, and his little monologue has circled back to Cas. She'd know a lot about him if she could talk.
"It's hard to believe he's really back. And — and maybe it'll be good. We could, I dunno, get you a yard?" He nods, smiles. "Yeah, I bet your spoiled ass would like that. The bunker ain't a place for pets."
Miracle leaps from the couch, and someone clears their throat from the door.
Cas stands in the doorway, hunched in on himself. Dark strands of hair twist up in random directions, and the casual clothes Dean left him fit snugly.
He looks... comfortable. Like he slipped into humanity ages ago, not this afternoon.
He tilts his lips up, tight and sheepish. "I see you have a dog now."
"Yeah. Miracle. She uh — she helped me." He motions vaguely to his head. "Might not be batting a hundred up here if not for her."
Cas glances down at her, and the tense smile softens. "I'm very grateful then."
Almost reverent, he scratches the side of her ear.
Dean shakes his head. Blinks. Two things he never thought he'd see side by side mixed with the insanity of the day make none of this seem real.
Deep breath.
"She can — she can be there for you too," Dean says. "If you need it. Dogs are great listeners. Even the Madonna types like this one."
Cas gives a contemplative hum. "They are both blonde."
He puffs a breath of air. It's easy to forget Cas actually knows what he's talking about now, sometimes. Even if he does still miss the point by a mile.
"It was your turn."
Cas raises an eyebrow.
"To, uh, pick a movie." He motions to the seat next to him. "If you want."
Cas runs his bottom lip between his teeth and doesn't look at Dean. Doesn't say anything either. Just nods, walks over, and sinks into the couch.
It's a respectable distance. Close enough Dean would be able to sense him, far enough away they won't touch.
Miracle curls up on the other side of Cas, head flopped on his lap, right next to his balled up hands.
"Is it over?" His voice is small.
Dean doesn't have to ask. "Chuck isn't aproblem anymore." Cas sighs, slinks down bonelessly into the cushions. "We figured it out, took his powers. Jack's fixing up Heaven with it. Says he's gunna do that, find a way to put Amara back together, and then come home."
"Good. I don't think I'm up to fighting standards." He rolls his head to the side. They're close enough Dean can make out each muscle in his neck when he swallows. "You didn't have to save me, Dean. I'd — made peace with that fate."
It's bullshit. It's bullshit and Cas has to know it. He almost tells him a much, but if he can't have that talk now, then he never will.
He licks his lips. It doesn't help the dryness.
"Did you mean it?"
It's a dumb question, but one he needs answered.
Cas doesn't miss a beat. "That and more." The serenity in his words is endearing as it is cutting when he adds, "But we don't have to address it. I don't want to make you uncomfortable."
It's Dean's turn to melt with relief. "Good — that's good."
Cas winces. "I understand if you'd like some space —"
He starts to stand up, and panic seizes Dean's chest like a vice grip. He grabs his wrist and Cas freezes.
"No! God no. Cas, it — it wasn't supposed to happen like that."
He looks confused, before some amount of understanding smoothes out some of the worried lines in his face. His eyes flick down to Dean's mouth for an instant. "How was it supposed to happen, then?"
"I thought, maybe on a hunt? Or — I don't know. Just... " some place I could say it back.
Its not good enough, saying it without saying it. Cas gave a speech. He saved Dean's life, saved the god damn world. All without knowing.
He shakes his head. Starts again. He had enough practice between thoughts he couldn't shove away and late night pet-therapy. "I thought you knew. Hell, I've been scared everyone knows. And if they did, you did too, right?"
"Subtly isn't always my strongest suit."
He laughs, and it's almost on the wrong side of sane. "Don't I know it."
He can do direct.
Slow enough that Cas has time to pull back, he runs his hand up his arm, cradles it against the back of Cas' neck. He leans across the small distance and kisses him.
It's clumsy and unsure, and Cas places a skittish hand on Dean's side like he's not sure what he's allowed to have even now, but their lips mesh together in a way that feels better than anything he can remember.
When they part, he's not sure either one of them are breathing. And he can't look at Cas, not when he says it. Not yet. So he presses their foreheads together, keeps his eyes fully lidded.
"I don't know how you could think you aren't worth saving. You — you're it for me."
"Dean —"
He shakes his head, and the tips of their noses brush. "I love you more than I know what to do with. You know that right?"
Bewildered, Cas says, "I didn't."
"Yean, well. Now you do."
He scoots back in place, flushed firm against the cushion. Their hands tangle together, and their knees are touching, and it's too much and not enough. But mostly not enough. Dean dares a glance over. Cas is staring at their hands, a pleased smile on his face.
And they're on the same page.
"I think you said something about a yard when I walked in?"
Instead of answering he says, "We should retire. I'm too old for this shit."
Dean shrugs. "A hunt here and there wouldn't hurt I guess."
"We'll talk about it later." He reaches over him, grabs the remote. "I think you said it was my turn?"
Dean grins, full and toothy. "Yeah, just no more romcoms, dude. I can only take so many."
Cas nods, curt and serious. "Of course."
He does anyway, and it's the best shitty movie Dean's ever seen.
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kylos · 4 years
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Finding high quality film/tv rips, saving the large files, and screencapping them are half the battle for gifmakers when setting out to make a gifset. Here’s a little guide on this process, including my advice on
Where to download stuff
Where to store your movies/shows
Screencapping programs
Making gifs as HQ as possible, including tips for picking out what to download when you have multiple options (not all 1080p rips of the same movie or tv episode are the same quality and I explain why)
Why screencaps of 4k movies can look weird and washed out and how to fix that
and more
✨ You can find my gifmaking 101 tutorial here and the rest of my tutorials here.
Where can I download movies and shows?
First off, I prefer direct downloading rather than torrenting stuff because it’s faster and with torrenting, there’s more of a risk. Other people downloading the same torrent can see your IP address. This means movie studios can find out you’re downloading their content and can send you a warning letter. The download speed also varies depending on how many other people are seeding it. I would only do it if it’s your only option and you have a VPN or something.
This is THE best guide for pirating I’ve ever seen. I use it for finding sites for books, music, you name it. The part of the guide you’d want to look at is where it says Direct Downloads Link (DDL) sites. My favorite place is Snahp. These ddl sites will have links to their movie/tv rips that are typically hosted on one of these two sites: google drive or mega.nz. You can download stuff from both of those sites for free, but with mega, they have a 5GB file download limit unless you have a premium account. I personally pay the $5 a month membership for mega because it’s worth it imo. You can buy a subscription through the mega app found on the iphone app store (so you’re billed through apple and it’s less scary than giving a random site your credit card info lmao) and as for androids I think mega has an app on there too.
So basically, if you go to http://snahp.it, they’ll have rips for different movies and shows.
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You click on the movie title and it’ll take you to a page where they have links for the video which they have uploaded on a variety of sites (including mega).
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How do I make my gifs as HQ as possible?
It’s best to gif things that are 1080p. And usually the higher the file size, the better. A really important thing to note is that not all 1080p bluray rips are the same. The piracy groups that rip these files take uncompressed .mkv rips from discs that are anywhere from 10gb to like 50gb, and then run that through video converters to compress the file down so that they’re 2-8gb. Sometimes when that happens, the video quality goes down a LOT. The same goes for TV episodes. One rip could be 800mb, the other could be 3gb and both could claim to be “1080p” but the quality would be NOTICEABLY different. Your best bet is to always pick the rip with the highest file size.
I’ll show you an example with this scene from You’ve Got Mail.
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I downloaded 2 different 1080p rip versions of the film. Both claim to be 1080p, but one is 2.41 GB and the other is 9.75 GB. After taking screencaps, it’s obvious that there’s a BIG difference in quality.
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(these pictures are best viewed on desktop tumblr)
When it comes to Blu-ray rips, download remux versions of films and shows if possible. Remux means .mkv files that are uncompressed and straight from a Blu-Ray disc. Giffing remux rips cuts down on the possibility of seeing pixel-y effects a LOT in my experience. It’ll take a bit longer to download than typical 1080p rips but it’s worth it imo.
For TV episodes, if you can’t find a Blu-Ray rip, uploads with the word AMZN in it are usually the highest quality and your best bet (unless you see another upload that’s higher in file size - again: always try to pick the highest file size). 'AMZN’ means they’re from a person that ripped the episode from Amazon Prime Video.
Also, even better than 1080p is 4k (2160p). I only really recommend this though if you know you’re going to gif something up close and crop it a lot - like if it’s a big 540x540px close-up gif of a person. You’ll REALLY see the difference if it’s a 1080p vs 4k rip in that situation. I usually don’t bother with giffing 4k files unless it’s the case above because my laptop lags when taking 4k screencaps and it takes longer to load them into photoshop (4k screencaps are usually about 60mb each!)
⭐️ Another thing that’s important is making sure that when you actually make your gifs, you set them to the correct speed (.05 for movies and most shows, and .04 sometimes for reality tv and live broadcasts). Here’s my gif speed guide. Having the right gif speed is really important for making a gifset HQ. You don’t want it to look too slow or too fast.
What’s your favorite video player to take screenshots with?
MPV player, hands down. And I’ve tried a TON of programs over the years. I’ve tried KMPlayer and found that it added duplicate frames (and even missing frames) which is horrible, and I’ve tried GomPlayer which is.....I’m just gonna say it, I’m not the biggest fan of it. It’s a little overly complicated in my opinion and it has ads. If you like these programs, more power to you! Use whatever you’re comfortable using. I just like MPV the most because it doesn’t have ads, it’s simple, you can take sequential screencaps with a keyboard shortcut, and it can play 4k movies.
Screencaps I take of 4k 2160p movies look so dull and washed out, like the colors aren’t right. Why is that?
That’s because your computer can’t handle HDR 4k video files. It probably can handle SDR 4k video files, but unfortunately, 99% of 4k rips out there are HDR.
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[picture source]
Now, HDR displays just fine on computers that have 4k-HDR capabilities, but most older computers don’t have this ability. Having said that, MPV - the video player I mentioned above can take a 4K-HDR video and fix the colors/lighting in real time so it displays correctly AND take screenshots of it with the fixed colors. If you have an older version of MPV, make sure you download the newest update for this. In my general gifmaking tutorial, there’s a portion on how to install this program on macs. I also just made a video tutorial on how to install it on pcs here!
High quality TV and Movie rips can take up a LOT of space on my computer. Where do you store your files?
I store them on external hard drives. External hard drives are like flash drives but they have a MUCH higher storage capacity. You just plug them into your computer via a usb cord when you need access to the files and it’s that easy. I have two of these Seagate 4TB hard drives in different colors so I can easily pick out whichever one I need. I have silver for my movies (because it makes me think of “silver screen” lmao and it’s easier for me to remember) and then I just have a blue for shows. Now, external hard drives of this size can be $$$$ but it’s worth it imo. Look out for when they’re on sale.
What’s the size limit for gifs now?
It’s 10mb! It used to be 3mb and then last year Tumblr upped it to 5mb. Some gifs initially had distortion because of Tumblr’s switch from the .gif to .gifv format, but they’ve fixed the problem AND increased the upload limit to 10mb.  Just make sure not to add any lossy to a gif.
Lossy is basically a grain you can add to a gif to lower the file size down. Gifmakers (including myself) used to use this as a trick to get the file size down under 3mb. However, since the .gifv update on Tumblr, any gifs with Lossy added will look distorted like it’s a gif made on a phone app or something.
That’s it for this guide! Again, feel free to check out my other tutorials on photoshop, how to center subtitles, download hq movie trailers, and more ✌️
UPDATE 6/23/20 ⚠️
I’ve gotten an ask about this problem 3 times since I’ve uploaded this tutorial, so I thought I’d add this in. If you are experiencing duplicate and/or missing frames in mpv, it is a glitch with the latest version of mpv. download an older version like 0.29.0. this happened to me on my mac and downloading an older version fixed the problem.
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cheeriecherry · 4 years
can i pls rq hcs of bakugou with a s/o with tics? they come with my adhd and i have either happy tics which happen when im excited or i enjoy something, or negative tics when im overstimulated/overwhelmed by something. this morning at 3 am i had a really bad attack because my body was shaking but i couldnt move to release tension. my most common negative tic is where i hit/ punch myself and i alwaus end up hurting after an attack. i need comfort smh :')
Oh god I relate to this, I didn’t know it was an adhd thing too though! When I’m excited, my fingers are always wiggling, but if im like, really uncomfortable or theres Too Much of something I end up pinching my arms and thighs TvT
Trying to sleep is like, the worst though right? Just laying there is Boring and it feels like my insides are crawling with TV static.
Anyways enough of my rambling, back to the show! I’m gonna use some of my tic habits in this too so just be warned lol
-So I’m expanding a little on my old post about bnha x adhd!reader
-So Baku already knows you have ADHD, and he’s somewhat accustomed to it. There’s a lot to it that he hasn’t seen yet, or that you don’t show him because you’re shy (or haven’t gotten around to).
-He notices the little things about you once you start dating, the fine details of your adhd. You’ve always had them, but as his SO he’s paying more attention to you and your habits.
-He still doesn’t get why you have tics sometimes, but that’s just because he doesn’t have adhd. The leg bobbing and pen clicking can get on his nerves sometimes, but he’s learned to keep an eye on you to watch out for when you’re getting restless.
-Usually if he sees you’re starting to get wound up, he’ll order a break from whatever you guys are doing to go for a short walk, either outside or around the dorms. Just something to get you moving, and to give you a small change in scenery. Different sets of stimuli, y’know?
-He’s done a little bit of research on what adhd is, but most of what he’s learned has come from you, so his knowledge is really catered to your specific needs.
-Lowkey thinks some of your excited tics are cute. The way your fingers wiggle when something has caught your attention, or the way you squirm in your seat when you’re excited for something. Even they way you write things in the air when you’re trying to keep track of your thoughts.
-They’re things that are very you, and he thinks all of you is cute. But he’d never say that out loud....or at least not in public. If you’re alone and he’s prompted, he’ll mumble out a quiet compliment and then turn pink in the cheeks. Try not to tease him too much, even if it’s easy. Give him a hug or something instead and thank him, or give him a quiet moment of affection. It’ll help him open up and get a bit more comfortable with relationship stuff.
-The first time he sees one of your negative tics, he doesn’t actually see it happen.
-What I mean is, he sees a bruise on your cheek, and being the concerned boyfriend he is, he wonders (abrasively) where you got it. It looks pretty fresh, but he doesn’t remember you getting hit in the face during training.
-If you’re like me, then you’ll probably try to play it off as an accident. Like ‘oh I slipped in the shower’ or ‘I got stuck and accidentally smacked myself’. He’ll give you the benefit of the doubt the first time, maybe even the second time, but he’s definitely clued in to how his simple question flustered you.
-By the third time he finds bruises on you, he’s actually starting to get worried. A little piece of him wonders if someone’s treating you badly, another student if you’re in the dorms. That’s when he’d pull you aside and ask you about it seriously. If it’s something you’re keen on hiding, he at least has the tact not to blurt it out in front of everyone.
-It’s kind of stressful telling him about your tics, like ‘you know how sometimes when I’m happy that my fingers do the Thing?’ and he’s like ‘yeah’ and you’re like ‘well it goes both ways. When something’s too much or I’m overwhelmed, the tics still happen.’
-He’s like ???? so you’ll have to explain further, how if you’re overstimulated, it can be physically painful and can send you into a panic attack. Like plugging fifty cords into one socket, something’s gonna break, the power’s gonna shut off, or a fire’s gonna start.
-It clicks for him that the bruises on your body are from your own hands. He definitely wants to scold you, or ask why, but he sees how you’re starting to close off a little and get overwhelmed now, so instead he pulls you into a hug.
-He’ll want to try and figure out something else to get the energy out of you, something less harmful. Even if it’s potentially embarrassing for either of you, it’s better than hurting yourself.
-It doesn’t really work like that Baku, but he’s trying. 
-He assures you that there’s no shame in something you have no control over, and also that he’s not ashamed of you. He’s always gonna stick up for you and fight off assholes who talk shit.
-But he does his best convince you to tell him when you’re feeling overwhelmed, so he can be there for you however you need him. Whether it’s getting you out of a place with too much stimuli, or squishing you real tight to calm your nervous system down. He’ll even offer you his arm to pluck at, instead of using your own skin.
-Which, again, isn’t really how it works, but it’s the thought that counts. (Explain to him that the plucking and punching isn’t just for the release of energy, but also to change the sensations your body is experiencing).
-He starts carrying a couple of fidget toys in his pockets for you, in case you forget yours, as well as a little teeny tub of clay for you to squish and shove your fingers into when you start getting the urge to claw and scratch.
-If sound is a big issue for you (it is for me oof) then he’s gonna invest in a really nice pair of noise cancelling headphones for you. As a boyfriend gift, from him to you. It’s probably stupid expensive, but it’s his way of saying ‘I want you to be okay and be able to cope’.
-All in all, he tries his best to notice when you’re starting to get riled up, and he’ll try to get you out of the situation or help you cope. But if you’re already in a bad way, then he’s not going to judge you for it, and he’ll help you treat any bruises or scratches you’ve obtained. And if you want to talk about it, he’s good to listen, but if you don’t, then he’s good to cuddle on your bed and let you play with his hair.
-TL;DR he tries his best and loves you a lot.
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TGF Thoughts: 5x08-- And the détente had an end...
I did not like this episode! I had many problems with it! More under the cut...
A purple line is painted on a curb and then we’re watching footage of Wackner’s show. Question: do they only wear the costumes when it’s a low profile case? It was very noticeable they didn’t have them on in the cancel culture episode, and they don’t have them on in the Julius scenes in this episode...
Also, can I pretend that the horse and cat wearing tiara are meant to be BoJack and Princess Carolyn?  
Del is remote-watching a focus group about Wackner’s show when Liz walks in. He refers to Wackner as “your guy” and Liz replies, “Must not be going well if you’re calling him my guy.” Sounds like “why is she my stripper when she does something bad?”
The focus group is in Vegas “where the real Americans live.” The clips from Wackner’s show being tested seem to be only the most ridiculous ones. Unsurprisingly, the focus group hates the show.
And here is my first question: Why are they testing a version of Wackner’s show that seems to be exclusively silliness? I know, you know, the writers know, and Del knows that that’s not funny.
Wackner Rules is not a good title.  
I love Liz being amused by the focus group going poorly.
Why don’t people like Wackner Rules? Well, the cases are stupid—fights over barking dogs, shoes that don’t fit. They’d rather see burglary or robbery. This is silly, because while I’m sure most of Wackner’s cases are silly, we've seen a fair number of cases with a little more substance (or at least zaniness that makes them less mundane), including the one with the high profile comedian that was filmed explicitly to be part of this reality show. So is Wackner Rules, despite its cases financed by David Cord, just the most boring shit possible? And if so, why? Again, everyone involved here knows better than that.
Also is this just Del’s pet project? Is that why he is producing it, testing it, and approving it?
Liz rolls her eyes at the “wisdom of the crowd” on display. Then she shuts the laptop without realizing what she’s doing and jokes around about it.
If I were Del and my partner had just disparaged my work and then shut down my laptop while I was working, I would be furious. However, this is a bad episode of a television show and I love Liz so I am amused.  
Del goes to fill Wackner in on how the focus group went. Wackner does not care about the opinions of twelve people. (This is funny, given that he has decided he is the most important person when it comes to making decisions and also that juries have twelve people too.)
No, dear god, no, please do not make me sit through tiny office jokes again. Have we transported back in time to season seven of TGW? I hated the door slamming against Eli’s desk then and I hate the sudden addition of this “joke” to Wackner’s chambers now.  
The calendar says February 2021. Is it supposed to be February?  
Apparently, the focus group likes the court, the costumes, and, mostly, Marissa. Just not the cases.  
Marissa’s all, “well what do they want, a murder case?” and Del gives her a look like, “Can you???”
Again, the cases weren’t so silly they were boring in any other episodes and we know that Del/Wackner/Cord were meeting to discuss the best test cases for TV. So, like, how did people waste their time and energy making this obviously awful episode of TV for the focus group? No one involved is that clueless and it makes me dislike this plot.
AND RIGHT AFTER LAST EPISODE WHERE THE CASE ESCALATED TO THE POINT OF PRISON? I think that’s maybe my biggest complaint about this plot, and this episode as a whole. The last episode gave the this season a lot of momentum. Prison! Stakes are raised! Will Marissa say anything!? How much power is too much power for Wackner?! And then we get this episode, and it’s like, jk, forget about all that, now Wackner’s cases are drying up and everyone involved has zero critical thinking skills and we’re going to forget the prison thing ever happened!  
“His court needs this show. Look at Trump. He wasn’t shit until The Apprentice,” Del tells Marissa after Wackner exits. Marissa does not react to the Trump reference, which may be the low point of this episode. Does Marissa Gold want to build the next Trump!? Is Marissa Gold not concerned that someone has just suggested that the goal of her show is to make someone in to Trump!? Hello?! This is not a reference you drop casually! I would be concerned about partnering with Del if I heard this! Marissa would be too! So why isn’t she?!  
Also, this line + the “real Americans” as the target audience for Wackner’s show + the USA! Chanting at the end make me think the point here is somehow supposed to be about Trump and, like, cults of personality? I don’t really see it but I’ll reserve judgement until I see where Wackner’s arc ends up.
Julius heads to Wackner’s court to meet with Cord. He pitches them on his new firm. How is Julius going to start a new firm already? Wasn’t RL the only place that would take him? And pitching Cord on a firm with the 20% of staff that was laid off is a stupid idea, too. As Cord says, hiring the people laid off means hiring the “B-Team.” I dunno if that is actually true, but I know that Cord and anyone else who knows those were the people who were laid off will see it that way. Why is this in Julius’s business pitch? Like, is Cord wondering where Julius would get employees from? Is that a question?  
Reddick & Lockhart, Julius says, is no longer eligible for no-bid government contracts. I want to know why: is this because RL is actually STR Laurie, or is this because Diane is white? If the latter, then you’d think we’d hear a little more about it...
Why is Cord calling the Copy Coop somewhere near the courthouse in a business district in Chicago “the middle of nowhere”?  
Anyway, Cord passes on the new firm because it is not innovative and it does not disrupt anything.
Then Julius pitches the firm but with known-innovator Diane Lockhart and her client list. Cord is kind of interested. Cord cares that much about Diane? Alright.  
Julius, after involving Diane, calls her to tell her what he’s done. When he gets back to his car, he is being given a ticket for parking in a purple zone. A purple zone is, apparently, court staff parking for Wackner’s court.  
Julius rips up the ticket, then gets another ticket for destroying the ticket, and another ticket for destroying that ticket.
Wackner asks Marissa to find out how he can get out of the reality show. Marissa refuses and says she’s going to find out how they’re portraying Wackner, since the show benefits him. This is because he has “fewer cases this week than the week before, and fewer than the week before that. This court goes away unless more people know you’re here.” What? Where did that come from? I’m so confused. Last week Wackner had infinite money and a prison and was dealing with cases with settlements in the millions and famous comedians. Now his audience is dwindling and I’m supposed to care about this plotline? Thanks, but I cared about the plot you already sold me on, writers!  
Hey, wasn’t there a thread at some point in this season about David Lee bugging Liz’s office? Odds we ever hear about that again?  
Diane does not like Julius’s new firm idea. “David Lee is insisting that I stay,” Diane says, as though David Lee actually has that kind of power over her.  
Julius points out that all the other partners are threatening to resign unless Diane is replaced, and “at a certain point, it won’t matter what David Lee says.” Diane says she’ll think about it.
Julius tries to talk to Cord again and finds that his car has been towed. This scene is too long, and watching Julius get confused by shifting, fake rules feels a little too much like the first Memo 618 episode. This episode only has a 40-minute run-time and we spend a lot of it on building up this plot. I don't really get why. Sure, it’s fun to watch people act incredulous, but we already know Wackner’s court is trying to put some muscle behind its authority (violence to encourage compliance, literal prison) so I don’t know why we need to spend so much time on what feels like a lower key bizarro version of a theme we are already aware of.
Just, like, do a boring ass case of the week episode if you don’t have ideas. Don’t regress the plotting and kill the momentum.
SPEAKING of killing momentum, remember how Carmen got a stellar introduction, a few episodes of development, and then pretty much disappeared for several consecutive episodes?  
Then there’s another one of these scenes where Julius tries to get his car and more and more people enforce Wackner’s fake ticket.  
I do not like “Wackner’s City of Chicago” being on the seal. I think he'd have something more clever than that on the seal.
David Lee calls Cord in to pitch him on bringing over all of his business. This scene confuses me, because you’d think Cord would be a big get for giant corporation STR Laurie. But no, David Lee wants Cord to bring his West Coast, East Coast, and Europe business to boutique firm Reddick Lockhart. Or, at least, that’s what Cord’s hesitance suggests to me.
Cord tells David Lee that Diane is leaving and that he won’t go to a firm that is breaking apart. David Lee denies it.
THIS sounds like the Hitting the Fan score.  
David Lee insists that Liz and Diane drop what they’re doing and come up to his office. They do.  
David asks Diane if she’s leaving. She says she was asked to join another firm, and that she was told that the equity partners are planning to resign unless she resigns, so she’s considering it.
“No one is threatening to resign without my permission,” David responds. Those must be some contracts if he is this powerful...
David warns Diane about poaching clients and she’s all, they’re free to leave if they want (ah, so they’re free to leave when you’re leaving but they’re your clients and can be stolen when YOU’RE losing them, I see). Liz is irritated by all of this and pre-accuses Diane of stealing clients after what she’s already done to keep her position. Fair.  
David asks Diane what her issues are. “I’m a name partner being squeezed out of the decision making process,” she says. “And why is that, Diane?” Liz asks. “Because of my race!” Diane insists. “Because no one respects your decision to stay in your position. It is not yours by right,” Liz says.
“I’ve fought as hard as anyone here to keep this firm solvent. And I didn’t inherit this firm. I was invited in, and I earned...” OOOH FINALLY WE ARE GOING TO ADDRESS THAT LIZ HAD NO EXPERIENCE RUNNING A FIRM BEFORE THIS ONE FELL INTO HER LAP. Shame it’s a throwaway line.  
STRL’s presence both adds and removes tension here. I wish they pushed this a little further. Sometimes David Lee seems to be functioning as an outside mediator; sometimes he has more power. What’s the point of all of these dilemmas and battles if at the end of the day, STRL owns and controls everything? How much can RL really mean to them? There’s even an RL in their name that doesn't stand for Reddick/Lockhart. I just don’t understand what it means to be a name partner in a black firm when that firm is actually controlled by some giant company. The way I see it, Diane should want out of RL because she’s past retirement age and being controlled by David Lee and that can’t be fun, and Madeline et al should want out because the mandate to focus on profit over social justice is not mostly coming from Diane or even Adrian’s legacy... it’s coming from the giant power and profit hungry corporation that owns you!  
David has Diane and Liz stand on opposite sides of his desk. “Are you gonna spank us?” Liz says. I love funny Liz. Funny Liz is my favorite. But you know what I wish we also got more of? Liz’s thought process in general.
David’s point with this is that David is going to “come live and work with” Diane and Liz if they don’t figure it out themselves. I know they can’t easily get out from under STRL but Adrian did it so there’s surely a way to resign... this feels so demoralizing... I can’t believe Diane just takes this.  
As they walk downstairs, Liz says, “If you’re going to leave, there’s nothing to talk about. “Liz, I don’t want to leave this firm. And you don’t want me to leave. So why don’t we hire a partner to replace Boseman?”
(1) I like that they’re acknowledging that Liz and Diane clearly want to work together and like working together and are having this fight mostly because they have to have this fight, not because they actually want to. Pretty much nothing Liz has done suggests she actually wants Diane to step down and pretty much nothing Diane has done suggests she actually wants to switch firms. So good, that’s text instead of subtext now.
(2) Weren’t they going to hire a partner to replace Boseman in the first place? Why didn’t that just... happen then and avoid all this?  
Liz says she’ll think about it, but we all know that this is what she and Diane both want. This is where they should’ve been weeks ago.  
OMG okay I knew they had talked about it before! In 5x02 Diane suggests this strategy from the start! Why does it go away!? It’s clearly the right strategy and doing it that early could’ve prevented a lot of conflict and tension. At this point, it feels almost too little, too late. What’s it going to do other than smooth things over with Diane and Liz?  
They really are keeping the cameras rolling for Julius’s dumb parking ticket thing? Guarantee this does not make Wackner look good. As trivial as parking spaces seem, this feels like the sort of issue that would really piss off a lot of people. Maybe that would make good TV, but you want people to like and trust Wackner to keep people coming back to a reality show...  
Julius, being Julius, refuses to apologize to Wackner and make the whole issue go away. I think why this rubs me—and so many others; I have seen nothing but negativity about this episode among friends and on the internet—the wrong way is that this feels like power for the sake of power. It is trivial, self-important (“Wackner’s City of Chicago”), disconnected from anything resembling reality. That’s not to say anything else about Wackner has been realistic, but the writers have been walking a very fine line between surreal, allegorical storytelling and straining credulity. This feels so mundane and unneeded that I actually have an easier time accepting that Wackner has created his own prison system than I do accepting that he’s tried to reserve parking spaces for his staff. At least with a prison, I see the larger-than-life point the writers are trying to make.
The parking attendant tells Wackner she wants to add more reserved spaces up the street and Wackner is like, oh, good! I don’t understand! Who is this lady that just wants to enforce Wackner’s rules? Does she want more spaces because it’s kind of a powertrip to give people tickets? Why do they need more reserved staff parking when cases are dwindling? Who is Wackner’s staff? Why do they need more parking?
And like, it’s one thing when Wackner’s antics affect people who are part of his little bubble, since they all have agreed to be there. How can he just reserve street parking? Wouldn’t this get shut down in a day? Julius would NOT be the only one furious.  
Then Julius decides to steal Wackner’s book of seals so he can make it look like his ticket is paid.  
So if they have footage from the cancel culture episode of Wackner Rules, why wouldn’t they have used it? We see it here, in the editing room, so why are the cases so boring again? (I’m sorry, I know I've said this like 1000 times, but it’s bothering me so much that this episode isn’t even internally consistent.)
(This whole plot is a time-filling detour tbh. I have no problem believing Wackner Rules could be an interesting TV show seeing as how I am watching it as part of an interesting TV show, so I don’t get why we need to spend all this time on how this obviously bad first draft of the show is bad and that it can be improved by fixing a non-existent problem? Also, there are zero stakes because Del owns the show and is also the one deciding whether or not to air the show.)  
(Like, there could be a version of this where the focus group really helps us get into where Wackner’s stuff does and doesn’t translate and the changes he’s asked to make and how the fact it’s television changes the court, blah blah blah. Instead, the premise seems to be that the show is capturing what Wackner’s court was like in the days before Marissa or Cord or Del became involved, which makes no sense and is also boring!)
They’re mentioning Marissa being in the IDF again. This comes up because the re-edit of Wackner Rules is all about Marissa. This is kind of fun and meta! Marissa would definitely be a favorite on a reality show!  
It turns out this re-edit is mostly about how the editor has a huge crush on Marissa.  
I know that these tv writers know the process for tv writing and production better than I possibly could. I still do not believe that this reality show has one producer (Del) and an editor who is making executive decisions about the content of the show, and that this is for some reason happening in a mobile trailer parked outside of the court. Surely there would be meetings about what direction to take, not just a vague instruction to “make it better”?  
In case I needed more evidence that the writers did not bring their A-game for this episode, we get Diane talking to RBG, again, because apparently now there are no other ways to clue us in on what Diane’s thinking. This is just lazy.
The RBG thing worked for me in 5x06 because it felt like a novel way for Diane to get to talk out loud, and that episode that wouldn’t have worked if we didn’t have a way to see what Diane was thinking. Here, it feels like the writers are doing it because they did it before and it worked and it’s thematically connected and it’s easy.  
Doesn’t this entire scene just radiate laziness????  
I know not every episode can be great but just don’t try to do something interesting and innovative if you’re going to half ass it.  
I’m not even bothered by the thought that Diane daydreams about conversations with RBG. I buy that. I just don’t need this conversation (which feels way too much like it’s supposed to be an actual conversation for my taste).
OMG please stop talking about how RBG and Scalia were friends, I beg you, if you’re going to do this device again can you at least have a different conversation.  
So much exposition. Diane knows someone named Allegra through EMILY’s List and thinks she’ll be a perfect choice for the third partner. Diane did hear she had a meltdown, though.  
Julius gets arrested for stealing Wackner’s sticker book. When he starts shouting about how it’s a fake court, the officer is like, “As real as Officer McFinely’s death?” calling back to the last episode. I do find it interesting the police would be willing to overlook Wackner’s complete disregard for the law because of a grudge involving the law firm, and I like that choice.  
Allegra is basically a slightly more toned-down version of Elsbeth. She has a messy, rented office, and trails off mid-thought. Since she’s kind of a familiar character type, I’m not overly impressed by her, but she’ll be fine to add some little bits of humor to the office drama, I think. My hope is that they use her in small doses, because I have a low tolerance for quirk.
Allegra’s office has tons of books. I can’t see what most of them are, but she has a copy of The Nix, and I liked that book! It’s the only fiction title I can spot; the rest seems like political commentary or pop sociology/business stuff.  
Diane mentioning her RBG hallucinations to Allegra is probably a very smart way to win over Allegra.  
Marissa encourages the editor, whose crush is so obvious it’s uncomfortable, to put Wackner’s outburst in the show. The one about how Del is using the show to rehabilitate the comedian!? Why would Del air that?! How does this help anything?! If the goal is to get Wackner’s court more cases, why would this make anyone choose to take their case there?
The police bring Julius to Wackner’s court, which I have a slight bit of trouble believing (not that any of this is believable, but you know what I mean—I don’t feel like it’s logical given everything else I know about this premise) but I'll roll with.
Now there’s some ridiculous, awful fake lawyer who was “devil’s advocate” with devil horns in the last episode and David Cord is prosecuting Julius and... what the actual fuck is going on in this scene? This Devil’s Advocate man would not have lasted a second in what we’ve seen of Wackner’s court before this point—he is an obvious liar and showman who Wackner would have no patience for. And if Cord has a bone to pick with Julius, this is an odd way of showing it, because it feels like Cord is there as a familiar face and not for a story reason.  
Like, does Cord actively HATE Julius? Is... that supposed to be the point of this?
Seriously though, Devil’s Advocate would get like two sentences into his story about how Julius grew up poor before Wackner would make him stop, and if he got farther than that, Julius interrupting to ask “What are you talking about?” would’ve prompted Wackner to hold up that “cut the shit” card.  
This humor is so fucking lazy. In the worst moments of this show, they take gags that have previously been successful and run with them until you can’t believe you ever found them endearing. That’s this scene.
Also it just occurred to me when I referenced the “Cut the Shit” card that we’ve seen Wackner be able to get audience responses to his cases. Seems to me like you pretty much already have your focus group results, no? You do more of the things that make the live audience excited and fewer of the things that make them get up and leave. The things that the live audience plays along with and reacts to are the catch phrases you’re going to put on merchandise. I’m not a TV producer and this is very obvious to me.  
Instead of telling this lying lawyer to stop, Wackner instead asks the court musician to play “This is Us like music.” Make it stop. I don’t know who finds this funny but it’s not me!
Can you IMAGINE the fake reality show airing any of this? I dislike it and I know all of the players and context.
There is a shot of Del looking excited to see what’s going to happen. I’m sorry, but if Del’s instincts are this bad I just do not believe he runs a streaming service. Maybe his main role is to do the business stuff, not the content stuff? (But if so, why’s he always hanging around Wackner’s court?)
This episode is full of extremely essential scenes, like Marissa and the editor having sex as they watch footage of Marissa. Good for Marissa, I guess? This could’ve really easily just been implied. And if you really want to give Marissa more material, give her an arc, not a hookup where the focus of the sex scene is the editor dude. Or, like, just let her react to the whole prison revelation from the last episode. WHY ARE WE NOT TALKING ABOUT HOW WACKNER IS SENDING PEOPLE TO PRISON?
Liz and Allegra meet. Allegra makes it sound like it is about her book but then she’s extremely (and intentionally, I think) obvious that she’s there to be the third partner and that Diane scouted her.  
What is the point of Allegra asking if Liz has a view of Willis Tower and misidentifying the building? Presumably Allegra lives in Chicago, so you’d think she’d know its most recognizable building by sight (and would probably also call it the Sears Tower).  
Liz likes Allegra.  
Now there are a ton of cops in court and Del is loving the drama. Sure, it’s dramatic, but is this really want you want to air? Some convoluted thing where a bunch of police officers intimidate a lawyer who works at a firm that was unfairly linked to a cop killing because that lawyer refused to pay a parking ticket issued by a fake court? Who... who is this for?! What’s the angle? Who is amused by this?  
Marissa sees Julius is the defendant and jumps into action. She asks Wackner why he’s prosecuting Julius and he says it’s his job. She argues that Julius is from their firm and this is bullshit. Wackner still won’t let him go.
If Julius is from the firm and Wackner employs the firm, is Julius NOT covered under the court employee banner? Why do I even care.
Wackner acts like he’s just not bending the rules, just like Marissa wanted. I’m not interested in this enough to decide whether I agree that this is consistent or think this is actually a different scenario. I just want to be done with this episode so I can forget about it.
I imagine—maybe hope is a better word—that this episode is bad because it’s hard to write five great episodes in a row without kind of phoning one in. I wish this episode didn’t kill the momentum coming out of 5x07 but I’m hoping that it is an isolated issue and not a drop in quality that will also spoil 5x09 and 5x10.
Wackner closes the door on Marissa, which I think is supposed to be meaningful, and Marissa calls Diane down to Wackner’s court to help Julius.  
Diane and Liz both go to court. “I’m about to be sent to prison for parking in a purple zone,” Julius explains. “What does that mean?” Diane asks. “If I explained it to you, it wouldn’t make any more sense,” Julius says.
Oh so now we remember that Wackner’s prison exists. When I said I wanted more about it, I didn’t mean that I wanted it looming as a threat... I meant I wanted to explore what it meant that Wackner was promoting prisons...
Diane asks if they should call the police, “the real ones.” I like that it takes her a second longer than Liz and Julius to understand the cops are real. Liz also notes that the SA’s office won’t help either because they might be happy with anything that fucks with RL. This scene is decent. Some of the themes in here are decent. It just feels poorly timed and with the emphasis in the wrong place. I imagine the goal here is to show that Wackner is now more concerned with enforcement than with the process for trials, and that enforcement brings with it a lot of uncomfortable questions. I wish that we’d spend less time on the incredulous reactions and silliness and more time reckoning with those questions.  
The next focus group likes the Wackner anger outburst, because, in Del’s mind, they want to see Wackner care about something. Does Del have the worst judgment ever? Wackner looks invested in every single thing he does—how could anyone accuse him of not seeming like he cares? His whole thing, the whole thing that got Del’s attention, is that he pays each case the kind of individualized attention it deserves. Now he only looks like he cares if he blows up? Even if the thing he’s caring about in the explosion in question is his own reputation? Is Del trying to make Wackner into a mid-2010s anti-hero? And if so... why?
Wackner’s outburst that accuses Del of corruption is apparently so good it got an unprecedented “95%” from the focus group. Sure. Why not.  
Then Del tells him to keep doing cases “just like this” and they’ll keep the court going. Does that mean just like the ALREADY HIGH PROFILE AND ALREADY HAND PICKED FOR TELEVISION cancel culture case, or cases like the Julius case? If the first, well, duh, that’s why they picked that case in the first place. If the second, again, why?
“You and your colleagues think you get to decide when and how justice is determined. You think it is your right to make and break the rules as you see fit,” Wackner says to Julius. UM, WACKNER, THAT IS LITERALLY YOUR ENTIRE DEAL???????????????????????????  
That’s the point, right????? Please tell me the point of this is that Wackner is supposed to look totally hypocritical and like an egomaniac who thinks his own judgment should not be questioned but everyone else’s should be????????????????????????? If this line isn’t meant to be supremely ironic I... I wouldn’t even know where to start.  
“The law belongs to the people,” Wackner says, and the cops start chanting, “USA!”. What?!  
And then we cut away from this and suddenly we’re welcoming Allegra to the firm and... did I miss an entire episode or something? What happened with Julius? Why are Liz and Diane smiling? How did Diane and Liz’s conversation about Allegra go? Did the other partners agree to this? Did David Lee? This is a very big development! I need more!  
Madeline seems welcoming towards Allegra. She and another partner are still suspicious of Diane because they have seen right through this strategy. So... I guess we aren’t done with this arc yet.  
Aw, Liz has a picture of herself with her son when he was a baby on her desk.  
Diane and Liz drop Wackner as a client. It takes longer than it should for Marissa’s name to come up in this conversation.  
If you were wondering about the Julius case we spent most of the episode building up, it’s resolved off screen by Wackner releasing Julius with time served. Why? Don’t know. Did it seem like it was headed that way during anything we previously saw? Nope.  
Wackner won’t let Diane and Liz back out, saying he gets to choose his representation (does it REALLY work this way?) and also, probably more importantly, that they won’t be able to get all of Cord’s business if they piss him off by dropping Wackner.  
Wackner also notes that they picked up his pilot. I’m sorry, what? Del didn’t just decide that the series he created for his streaming platform would be straight to series? That whole little “Wackner doesn’t test well” plot was resolved by showing an episode with the COTW they obviously should’ve shown from the start and then Wackner made a total of zero changes to his behavior or attitude and now the show is a huge success? What was the POINT? Why did I just watch that?!  
“Fuck,” Liz says as the episode ends.  
I’ve kinda always thought this, but it’s worth saying again: Madeline and company should resign from the firm. BOTH RL and STRL care more about profit than anything else. Liz and Diane want to work together. Liz and Diane both take the threat of losing Cord’s business seriously. If Madeline wants a firm that’s focused on social justice, it doesn’t matter if Diane is name partner or not. Liz is probably even faster than Diane to decide things based on money, and even if she weren’t, STRL owns them! Plus, I have a feeling that Diane, her clients, Liz, and Cord are probably individually worth more to STRL than Madeline and the other partners combined. If Allegra is down to pursue profit and deal with corporate overlords too, then Madeline and the others matter even less to STRL. Just cut your losses and start the firm you want to start. At this point it won’t even compete with RL.  
Don’t get me started on this absolutely idiotic title sequence for Wackner Rules. I’m sure this is someone’s idea of a joke. If I take it seriously, then I have to write about how it is even worse than all of the things I just complained about for the entirety of this recap, and honestly, I’m exhausted.  
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