#oddy satisfying
| Derma Rolling Floral Foam by Stacy Aster
| contains: crunchy floral foam
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just-sticks-and-beats · 9 months
Repeatedly slamming my head into a wall (I can't draw Victim and feel satisfied with it)
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Thursday 8 December 1836
8 ½
12 ¾
no kiss rainy morning - downstairs at 9 20 to Mr. Washington - he has bought me the little 1D.W. filed (Mr. Harrison’s) opposite Southedge for £150 - saw there would be so many bidders, bought it by private contract - said I was well satisfied - did not expect to get it for less - he had managed it very well - I would give him £5 for his cleverness - to come again next Wednesday for a final arrangement of accounts and everything - said I should leave him to pay the servants wages, to take charge of the land, the roads making and all the out-of-doors jobs of that kind - drains making etc wished Robert Mann to have all the out-of-doors work he could undertake about the house - to tell George R- I meant him to pay £140 per annum for Lower brea and Hipperholme fields but I would throw in the little croft adjoining the mill and lay out £100 in the barn for further trade-convenience - SW- made no remark on the advance of rent - I said my uncle had let the Hipperholme fields at £40 per annum - these I should consider as remaining at the same rent - and the £100 I considered to be for Lower brea - mentioned that I should leave Mr. Harper to let the Northgate hotel - I supposed it would be let to some stranger, for as  I would not let it to Mr. Carr without security given for the rent and Godley at £2500 I supposed he would not come into these terms, and therefore that he would not have the hotel - then (after 10) breakfast - had Oddy in - settled about board wages, etc she says she is in better spirits than she was at 1st - thinks she can manage, and seems (as she well may) very well satisfied - breakfast over at 11 10 - and then till went down to Robert Mann at 11 ½ - wrote all the above of today - fair soon after 10 when A- went to H-x (to Mr. Gilmores’) for another spell at the Registers - the sun out a little and F44 ½° and a little damp and flying small drops of rain now at 11 ½ am - no! rain and wind and very rough stormy day - went with Robert M- to Mytholm quarry - plenty of stone that will do for the pool - ordered all to be for ready for bringing it on Saturday and placing in loco - then to Hipperholme quarry - Booth there - ordered about the water being brought forward to A-‘s Travellers’ Inn cottages - Robert to get it done immediately - very rough weather with the wind in our faces homewards - Robert wet through - left me at Mytholm - I looked over from the bridge into Mytholm Ing - 2 chimneys i.e. vent-pits in the Ing and one in John Oates’s 3 cornered bit - a little with Joseph Mann at Listerwick cabin - home and came in at 1 - wet - changed my dress in about ½ hour - from then till after 4 siding - looking over my travelling bag and partly packing my portmanteau - had Robert Mann about 4 ¼ - Stoney lane would take so much mending gave up the thought - the stone to come round by Hipperholme lane ends - then had Joseph Mann till 5 ½ (A- got back at 4 ½) looking over stone-notes to see what should be taken from Dodgson’s bill for carting - he promised to cart the stone himself that were buried in the Long goit and taken up again to wear the brook - Joseph M- then shewed
me the field in Sour milk hall land where they are sinking for water - had the great plan and he pointed out the various sinkings and drivings for water of Messrs. Ward and Ackroyd - said he (Joseph M-) and his brother Robert had all the coal in Sour milk hall land and grant from Mr. Emmett but there is no coal worth getting - he and Robert had sought all over - spent £70 in seeking and had got all they could perhaps 1000 loads - young Walsh quite mistaken in thinking there was anything left worth getting - sat a little while with A- - then till after 6 wrote the last 18 lines - sat with A- dinner at 6 ½ in ½ hour till 7 - A- read French - coffee - I read tonights’ paper and Travels in Switzerland by Brockedon till 10 ¼ - Letter tonight from Messrs. Gray to say I might count upon the money in April £7000 but the lady would make it £8000 if I preferred it - Messrs. G- had said they thought £7000 would suit me better and the lady had had a security offered for £1000 - ask what security I propose giving - ‘we cannot consistently with our professional duty allow the title deeds to remain in their hands but we can arrange for their being deposited with us or with a Banker so that you may refer to them at pleasure’ - Rainy rough, stormy, windy day F38° now at 10 ¼ pm and fair and wind highish - making out inventory of what to take aboard till 11 ½ pm
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thompsborn · 5 months
I have a question you don’t have to answer but I saw your open to spoilers so I am gonna try. Btw I love your fic and I LOVE friendship of gwen, Peter, Harley, and harry but are you planning to have like Ned and MJ make a cameo not become friends again cause I don’t feel that’s the direction it’s going. But will they ever cross paths or most likely not?
spoiler tag!! spoiler tag!! answer below the cut!!
okay okay hmm i’m trying to figure out how i want to answer this? the only person i’ve really like. told about future plans for the hb series outside of this spoiler tag has been oddy. and oddy doesn’t know everything but definitely more than anyone else does.
i’ll give two answers, i guess?
the short answer: yes, ned and mj will come up later in the series, outside of just flashbacks and mentions via peter’s inner monologue.
if you want a longer answer that is slightly more spoiler-y, keep reading! if you’re satisfied with just that and don’t want to know more for now, stop here! proceed with caution!!!!
okay if ur still reading i’m assuming it’s intentional. let’s talk some slightly bigger spoilers.
i have had a plan for ned and mj (and flash!!!!) ever since i started actually thinking of a plot for the fic, so around chapter 2/3 ish. i won’t go into a lot of detail and i won’t give an exact timeline because i do want it to be a surprise (even though i have definitely told oddy how and when it’s going to happen, while asking oddy for thoughts and advice while brainstorming how to handle this) but essentially, ned and mj (AND FLASH!!!!!!!!!) are going to be brought back into the series at some point, and after they are looped in, they will, in some way or another, have a somewhat consistent presence.
in my mind, the spidey squad is all of them, you know? it’s peter and it’s ned and mj and harley and gwen and harry. and in some cases some other characters as well, but i won’t go into that right now lmao. but i guess, the best way to say it without outright spoiling what i have planned is this:
ned and mj (AND!!! FLASH!!!!) have a role in this series, and it is not to just exist in flashbacks. their time is coming. i promise.
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Sunday 13 April 1834
7 50/..
12 55/..
Fine morning Fahrenheit 49 1/2˚ at 8 50/.. at which hour breakfast – read yesterday’s paper till 11 1/4 then writing out journal – Read the short prayers to my aunt and Oddy at 11 55/.., and then sermon (or lecture) 3 volume 1 Mr Knight in 1/4 hour – 
At my desk at 1 1/2 and finished writing out journal up to so far of today till 2 1/4 – Thomas brought letter from Miss Walker – 3 pages and 1st page crossed – Rather disappointed at my not going till Tuesday – if entirely on her account, will be ready by 2 p.m. or before tomorrow – wants me to set off 1/2 hour earlier than the time proposed to see Dr Belcombe 
Her cousin not come. I have not felt quite comme il faut without either much liking or being able to explain to him how I very charitably want you to bear the burden of doing it for me – 
Does not suppose she will be prevented returning with me but Dr Belcombe may wish to try change of medicine and if I am detained a day not to let them be anxious about us here – not to expect us later, at latest, than ten – 
Poor girl I fear how it is and when she complained of enlargement this day week and uncomfortableness in walking it was that something coming in which I have unfortunately given her and which [Pi- Mariana] gave me in 18 hundred and twenty two and which she would only laugh to think I had given poor Miss Walker, as she did on my giving it to Isabella. Well this will indeed set me against [Pi – Mariana] I shall say nothing but never never go near her again indeed without this added bar between my faith to Miss Walker would have been enough this punishment is come to qualify my happiness and I deserve it why had I anything to do with [Pi – Mariana] when another mans wife she has been bane enough to me – 
Writing the above till 2 1/4 p.m. and from then to 5 40/.. wrote 3 pages and ends to Mariana and 2 pages to Miss Walker, ‘Shibden Hall, Sunday evening 13 April 1834. ‘Your letter my dearest Mary, of Monday made as deep an impression upon me as I am sure you must have thought it would – I have read it again and again, and quite believe that I shall not slip too soon, and too entirely from the remembrance of one whose regard I have held so long – why should I? Our respective duties, those which you have incurred before me and without me, and those which I have incurred more recently but more advisedly, demand no new sacrifices on either part – Let each of us do all that remains in our power towards the happiness of each other, and let the world only have it to say, that friendship must be true which bears so well the test of heaped-up years, and changeful circumstance –
Mary! Since the past cannot be recalled, let us both try to make the best we can of the future – we have had experience enough – it is our own fault if we do not profit by it – we make our own fortune – Predestinarianism is absurd – Are we responsible agents? (what Christian dares deny it?) then we are free ones; for god cannot be unjust – Let us not lose ourselves in subtleties and sophistries – there is one straight forward path of right; and it is only in swerving from it, to this side or that, we become entangled – cheer up, Mary – The prospect is brighter than you think – we were both unhappy while we were both uncertain – Do you not remember telling me, the 3 most unhappy people you knew, were those (you know to whom I allude) who had every earthly reason to be most otherwise? at least one of the 3, naturally contented and cheerful, could have given some reason for the extraordinary fact you mentioned – 
I saw, while yet it was afar off, the little curl upon the wave that betokened the coming storm – I warned you from the 1st, yet every eye saw better than your own – I have often told you, your blindness was inconceivable – the trouble came; and the end of it could only be what it is – the little [basket] that held my hopes, was wrecked – But sigh not for me – The hand of Providence was by; and I am safe – my only anxiety is for you – I have none for myself – Thank God! I know not that I have need of any – but I shall still watch over your happiness with more affectionate solicitude than you think – ‘the heart that has truly loved never forgets’; and you will always find me a friend whose sincerity you may trust – 
Regret not the past – Be thankful, and be assured that heaven has ordered all things well – I hope you will find me a great, and safe, and lasting comfort – I am conscious of no feeling with which you or yours can find fault – I hope we shall all meet by and by, and that the individual happiness of each will only add to the common stock – Mary! you may live to do a world of good to me, and to us all – I will see you in the summer if I can; but I dare not count upon it; for the state of my aunt’s health, as well as other circumstances may put it out of my power – I cannot be quite so much under my own control as formerly – my days of solitude are surely drawing to a close – I am going to York Tuesday – at any rate, we shall be at home on the latter day to a late dinner – my father, and aunt, and sister, are so well satisfied, that all Shibden disagreeables are smoothed away as much as possible – Marian has really taken me by surprise – I had certainly no right to calculate upon her being half so kindly accommodating – my father’s life seems more and more uncertain; and my aunt’s state extreme suffering cannot be supported forever – But she rallies extraordinarily every now and then –
I suppose your friends are not yet on the other side of the water – Heaven prosper all your schemes of heart, and happiness, and mental improvement! I am glad Miss Cholmley is in your neighbourhood – It was very good of her to beg to be remembered to me – Do pray give my remembrance in return – I saw her to great advantage last summer, and thought of her more than once afterwards – Her being an old friend of yours, was nothing against her – I often thought, I should like to see Emma Strickland again – I did not see much of Mrs Milne in York, but thought her looking thin, and anxious – I suppose Hamlyn was off on Monday, and that Mrs Milne would return with Charlotte to Langton – But no more – my own mind is not perhaps less than theirs astray from chit chat – 
God bless you, my dearest Mary! You will find my regard affectionate and steady, and will still, I trust, live to acknowledge that, both for your happiness and my own, I have done right – Ever very especially yours AL’ 
To Miss Walker said I grieved over having put off going till Tuesday – my 1st impulse was to go tomorrow, or, to do quite as I liked this evening, but after thinking about all the afternoon, saw it would be better to keep to Tuesday now it had been fixed – she would understand all this on coming here, or on seeing me – ‘But your account of yourself puzzles me – However, not a word more just now’ – very impatient to see her – the time will seem an age – will see Dr Belcombe – he to be at Heworth Grange at one – or 12 1/2 – do not see what can prevent her returning with me ‘but we will be guided by Dr Belcombe – I can be patient, or wait, or do anything for your health’……’I cannot tell what to think’ … ‘I shall not write much more – I am too impatient etc. etc. etc. I do not pretend to care nothing at all about you….I should be off this evening if I did as I liked – Don’t go beyond the garden on Tuesday morning – Ever my dearest faithfully and affectionately yours AL’ 
Dinner at 6 and coffee in an hour having Marian with me all the while – from 7 5/.. to 7 3/4 wrote all but the 1st 4 lines of this page and sent off by Thomas my letter to ‘Miss Walker, Heworth Grange, York’ and my letter to ‘Mrs Lawton, Claremont House, Leamington, Warwickshire’ 
Musing over my letter till 8 3/4 – then with my aunt till 10 – read the paper, very fine day – Fahrenheit 55˚ at 12 1/4 tonight –
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astroyongie · 5 years
that post you just posted about jaehyun and johnny how they would be as boyfriends with a little nsfw - would you consider doing a post like that for yuta and doyoung?????? ❤️❤️❤️
Note: I really need to say thank you for all the support I have been receiving 💕💕 I hope you like it!
Warnings: explicit content
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Honestly I see Yuta as one of the best boyfriends ( I swear it’s not my pisces side talking )
Before getting into a relationship Yuta would make sure to create a bond with their crush first
He trusts his feelings and intuition so he would need to see if that crush really is something that he can develop into something more serious
There would be a lot of seduction and teasing. Yuta wants to play and see which one will fall first
Totally loses and falls for you first
Now as a boyfriend Yuta is really protective of you. He would rather die than let anyone or anything hurt you
He seeks emotional intensity. Your relationship with him is build in mutual loyalty and deep passion
He has a soft heart and his very gentle.
He respects you and your wishes above everything
Is quite jealous and will definitely become pouty and bitter. He even is Scorpio in Venus so believe me his feelings and aura are dark and powerful when he feels triggered
Yuta is also very sensitive and would cry when hurt or stressed. He is all about comforting so please do the same
Now inside four walls
Boy is a beast and you cannot change my mind
Scorpio Sun , Moon and Venus tells a lot about it
He is all about possession. As I have said before he wants to ruin his partner until they crying in pleasure
Is very open minded as well , so expect him to bring up lots of fun suggestions to try
Kinky. A lot.
Bondage, edge play, semi-public, toys. It’s all in
Yuta’s breathy moans are the most sensual thing ever.
As nudes of his partner on his phone
Did I mention he likes to make a mess?
Bites on his partner’s shoulder when he comes.
Overall, the good boyfriend material
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Again I feel that Doyoung is misunderstood
He isn’t the cold heart boy people think he is. He is actually very caring and hates oddy behaviours
So his crush develops already on someone he is friends with
He doesn’t really play the game of seduction and honestly he doesn’t need it since his Aquarius energy already gives him a holy aura
Instead Doyoung is the short of boy that would let his crush know about his feelings indirectly
By taking care of them, providing advices and help, showing soft physical affection like hugs and light touches
His mood would bright up every time his crush his around , his eyes would become very big and he would giggle more often
As a boyfriend Doyoung will love you unconditionally
He might try to use manipulation when he Is insecure but will quickly feel guilty about it
He won’t hold the truth backs and he won’t hesitate to put you on the right path if he isn’t satisfied with your behaviour
He is also all about commitment. You guys would have couple rings
He treasures alone time with you, so expect lots of affection during those times
Has sense of duty so he takes his role as a boyfriend really seriously. Will never forget about anniversary dates.
Now as a lover , Doyoung isn’t sadistic like most people picture him
He is over very clever on his domination. Which means he can manipulate you with it
Stuff like "if you don’t get on your knees, I’ll be very disappointed.. is that what you want?” “Good girls usually don’t talk back. Are you sure you want me to get upset ?”
See ? He knows how to own you and how to make you his without actually using intimidation
He can very sensual and you won’t be able to keep your hands to yourself
Open to any thing you might want to try
Would want to try extreme things with BDSM, wax play, breathing play, but he is too scared of hurting you to bring it up
Because again, intercourses with Doyoung is more a way to confirm his passion
Loves to push his fingers into your mouth when he thrusts into you
Wants to be close to your body during sex , plus the friction that comes with it is maddening
Overall he is a great lover and even more if he is in love .
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Laughter is the Best Medicine - Chapter Five
Poe Dameron/Doctor!OFC: Poe Dameron has joined the Resistance at the request of General Leia Organa, and he’s finally arrived on the Echo of Hope, the Resistance’s floating base of operations. While on board, he meets the Medical Director of the Resistance and... falls in love? We’ll see.
I’ve also posted this on AO3. Check my masterlist to see what I write for. Please only like, don’t reblog.  Hope you enjoy, let me know what you think!
No warnings! :) 1860 words.
It was a week before I found myself in the Command Center again, and this time it was because of a late night, last minute message from the General. I’d already eaten dinner and was in my office poring over new recruit physicals to sign off on when my commlink went off.
           “Director Nova speaking.”
           “Director, this is General Organa. Come down to the Command Center for a moment… I have something I’ll need your help with.”
           “Right away, General. Be there in 5.” I turned off the commlink and threw the physicals back onto my desk, heading out of the room and into the halls of the base.
           In no time at all, I was stepping into the Command Center, which was nearly empty except for the night shift staff, the General, and… Poe. What a surprise.
           “You called, General?”
           “Yes. I’ve asked Commander Dameron here to select pilots and techs for a new squadron. They’ll be going on a few specific, special missions for me, and I want you to handle the transition approval physicals for all of them.”
           “Um, sure. I’m sure I could get together a few nurses to—”
           “I want you to handle all of the physicals by yourself.”
           “I, uh – what?”
           “Since this squadron is being formed for a very specific, highly classified purpose, I want you, alone, to handle the physicals. The Commander will provide you with a list of pilots and techs he’s tapped for this squadron, and I want you to pull them from their daily duties tomorrow to run the physicals,” the General paused, “Will you be able to finish it all by tomorrow evening?”
           I stared at her. “Um, I think so, yes. But, General, if I had assistance, I could get it done earlier,” she gave me a look, “But if you insist—”
           “I insist.”
           “—then I’ll get it done.”
           “Good,” she paused once more, surveying me, “And would you object to being the only one in charge of their medical care if they get injured on a mission as a part of this squadron?”
           I stole a glance at Poe, who was watching our exchange with restrained interest. I looked back to the General. “I don’t mind – my policy has always been that pilots are handled by the more senior medical staff anyways… so it wouldn’t be a terrible adjustment, I don’t think.”
           The General nodded. “Good. Welcome to the Black Squadron then, Director.” And with that, she left the Command Center with a small bow of her head to Poe.
           I turned to Poe. “Soooo… who’s on this list of yours?”
           “Oh, you’re going straight to work already?” he teased, looking down at me.
           “Yes, Poe. Physicals are incredibly time consuming, and pilots are notoriously uncooperative—” I gave him a look, and he shrugged, “—so the sooner I start, the better.”
           “Fair enough. I’ll message it to you,” he said, reaching over to the holopad sitting on the table in front of him. He tapped a few spots on the screen, then looked up at me and smiled, spinning it around to face me, the Message Delivered! screen flashing in my face. “All done!”
           I snorted. “Thank you, Poe.” I made to head towards the exit, but stopped and turned towards him once more, “You’d better cooperate with me tomorrow, alright? And tell that to all your lovely pilots – I mean business.”
           He laughed. “Will do, Director.”
           I narrowed my eyes at him.
           “I swear, we’ll be the best squadron that ever comes through your office.”
           “You are all individually the worst pilots to come through my med-bay, so I find that very hard to believe, Dameron.”
           “Oh, come on!”
           The next day, I was in the med-bay an hour before I usually would be, holed up in my office comparing schedule after schedule – in an admittedly vain attempt to make my job easier. I huffed, throwing the last few bites of my decidedly unimpressive breakfast muffin in the compactor bin. I stood up, grabbed my holopad, and headed to the hangar. I’d decided last night that Dameron would be the first one through – I was hoping for some sort of scenario where he would set a good example for his squad mates – but I knew I was naïve to think such a thing would happen.
           I knew it was shaping up to be a long day, too, the instant I stepped inside the hangar.
           “Hey – Commander! – I bet she’s here for you!” Snap called across the hangar, a grin on his face, “Better run!”
           “Snap! Ugh, just for that – you’re second!” I hurled a rubber gasket from the table closest to me at him, hitting him in the back of the head with a satisfying, light thud.
           “Stars, woman! Poe, mate, it might be in your best interest to cooperate. She’s on the warpath today.” He called out, picking up the gasket and waving it above his head so the rest of the hangar could see it. “She threw a gasket at my head!”
           Poe stood up from his spot under the Black One and ambled over to me, BB-8 on his heels. “A gasket, huh?” he said with a grin.
           “A rubber gasket. He’s being overdramatic.”
           “Sounds like him,” he grabbed a rag off the bench by the hangar door, wiping oil off of his hands, “So, I’m up first then?”
           “Yes, you are,” I said, turning to leave, “Follow me, would you?”
           “Yes, ma’am.”
           As we walked through the halls on the way back to the med-bay, he turned to look at me, a funny look on his face.
           I glanced at him. “Something the matter?”
           “No, no. I just—well,” he paused, “I just wanted to say thank you. For doing this.” He gestured vaguely around us.
           “It’s kinda my job, isn’t it?”
           “Yeah, but you didn’t have to. You could’ve just as easily said no to the General.”
           I snorted. “The only people who say no to the General are people who don’t have their heads screwed on right, Poe,” I sighed, “And besides, this gives me a chance to hang out with some of my favorite people on base while silently judging them on their health choices.”
           He laughed, his eye twinkling. “You don’t actually do that, do you?”
           “No, I’m just teasing. Ojo does, though. Rants about everyone on base whenever he comes in my office for something.”
           He nodded, and we turned the final corner and entered the med-bay. I guided him to the first room, which was set up for physicals and other short examinations.
           “I’ve screwed up my whole med-bay schedule for this, so please don’t make it difficult.”
           He smiled, “Tell me what to do, and I’ll do it, Doc.”
           I snorted, sitting my holopad down on the table by the door. “Those are famous last words right there, Poe.” I walked over to him. “I’m going to do all the easy stuff first, and then we’ll move on to the more complicated parts.” He bobbed his head in acknowledgment.
           “So, that means I’m going to need you to undo this top part of your coveralls.”
           “Ohhh, I see how it is. Right away then, Doc.”
           I shook my head and turned to grab the things I’d need for the first part of the exam while he fiddled with the coveralls. Something told me last night’s promises weren’t going to turn out entirely true.
           It was a long day, filled by frustrating pilots. After Poe, I’d had to track down Snap (who’d conveniently hidden from me, so I made Poe find him), and then it was L’ulo L’ampar – who was the only cooperative patient of the day – and then Karé Kun, and then Oddy, and then Jessika – who’d cracked jokes the entire time and thus made it difficult to do my job. Despite all that, though, I managed to finish everything just in time for dinner. I sent the transition approvals to the General via holopad, and I opted not to spend dinner with the pilots. Instead, I spent dinner with Shana, Ilia, Ojo, and Nira – which was not entirely the change of pace I had been hoping for.
           “So, did you have fun today?”
           “Nope. Pilots are terrible.”
           “Even Commander Dameron?”
           I glared at Shana. “Not as much, but yes, even Commander Dameron.”
           Shana hummed, turning to Ilia to ask her a question about work today. I listened for a moment, before my mind drifted away, and I found myself staring at the other side of the cafeteria where Poe sat amongst his squadrons. He was laughing at something, his eyes crinkling up in the corners and his whole body shaking. He looked so happy, and I suddenly felt very glad that I knew him at all. My fingers absent-mindedly reached up to fiddle with the stone charm on the necklace he’d given me when – as if he knew I was thinking about him – Poe glanced towards me, making eye contact. He smiled, and my heart fluttered as I smiled back. He reached up to his neck, mimicking my fiddling with the necklace, and winked. I blushed and looked back down at the dinner sitting in front of me.
           When I looked back up, he was already occupied by his pilots once more, and I frowned to myself, tuning back into my friends’ conversation. Nira, however, must’ve noticed something had happened, because she made a face and me and asked:
           “You good, Hera?”
           I snapped out of my trance. “What?”
           “I asked, are you okay, Hera?”
           “Oh, uh, yea. Just lost in thought.”
           “About that Commander of hers, probably.” Shana chimed in.
           “He’s not my Commander, Shana.”
           “You didn’t deny you were thinking about him, though.” Nira giggled.
           I groaned, standing up. “The lot of you are absolutely terrible.”
           “Oh, come on, Hera. Where are you going?”
           “I’m kinda tired – it was a busy day today. I’m just going to my quarters.”
           Shana looked skeptical. “Well, have a good sleep then.”
           I nodded. “Same to you all.”
           I threw out the rest of my dinner and walked out of the cafeteria. I thought I was home free when I made it all the way out without anyone calling my name – but I wasn’t.
           “Hey, Hera!”
           I stopped, turning slowly to face the familiar voice.
           “Where are you going?” Poe asked, a shadow of concern in his eyes.
           “Oh, uh, just my quarters – I’m a bit tired.”
           He nodded. “Well, d’you want me to walk with you?”
           “If you feel so inclined.”
           He smiled, and slung his arm around my shoulder, guiding us down the hall. “Wonderful!”
           I shook my head. “You’re way too happy at this hour.”
           He shrugged, his thumb gently running back and forth over my shoulder. “Gotta make sure my favorite doctor stays cheery all the time.”
           “Your favorite doctor?”
           “Yep. My favorite doctor.”
           “You hate being in the med-bay though.”
           “But I love being with you, so. Favorite doctor.”
           “Ever the charmer, aren’t you?”
           “Guilty as charged.”
I smiled to myself as we walked down the hall. I liked where this was going.
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petalsforarrmor · 5 years
Are You Satisfied- Marina and The Diamonds
Anklebiters- Paramore
I Feel Like I’m Drowning- Two Feet
Roddy- Djo
Send me your name and I will make a playlist using the letters of you name
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didotv · 3 years
SHREDDER MACHINE! Toys Shredding Series! Relaxing, Oddy Satisfying, ASMR...
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awhilesince · 3 years
Friday, 27 February 1835
6 55/..
12 10/..
no kiss rainy windy morning – reading Sir Robert Peel’s capital speech – Fahrenheit 41° at 8 3/4 a.m. breakfast at 9 and staid downstairs with A– (Ann) (till 11) on her receipt soon after nine from Washington’s young man (surveyor) of his valuation and proposed manner of the division of the joint property – talked it over – told her how to make out a clear summary on one sheet so as shew at a glance the relative value and contents of every farm etc and wrote her copy of note to Mr Wilkinson about Mr W– (William) Priestleys ordering the Sunday school boys to stay at home from church on account of typhus fever at Priestley Green – 
Had Joseph Mann with Farrer’s bill paid for the rails I had of him – then Holt came and he and I and John and Joseph and Charles Howarth (at 11 1/4) went to Mytholm mill to see the engine pit – with a view to loose the coal there – a stream of water comes off the coal there = 1/2 the average annual quantity of water in the Red brook, at any rate = double the water from the Spiggs colliery falling into the Red brook under Well royde house and estimated at 1/4 of the annual average of the Redbrook water – Charles Howarth sight – no chance of loosing the coal at Mytholm – gave up the thought – all went to look at Mytholm damstones above the Stag’s head, and thence along Lower brea wood (Mr George R– (Robinson) who shewed us the engine pit and wheel and Thomas Pearson who happened to join us there followed us as far as Tilley-holme stile and where to put the dam in James Smith’s Ing – water wheel should be 12 feet – calculate to take up a breadth of ground to work in equal to the breadth of the rim of the wheel (not named) + 1 yard on each side – suppose the dam to be 20 yards square – the stuff of the drift from the wheel to the dam to be laid up about the wheel towards Tilley holme – the drift should be done for 4/6; a good price – but say 5/. said I for easy calculation’s sake, and not to be exceeded – Holt thinks the wheel with 2 pumps will not be put to level the ground from Mytholm damstones to Tilley holme stile and thence to the proposed site of the dam – from Mytholm dam stones to where the drift will strike in under the old road to Lower brea will not be above 20 to 30 yards of culvert which according to former calculations will cost stones and labour 10/. per yard in length – 
Suppose therefore 30 yards culvert at 10/. = £15.0.0
the 2 drifts from the water wheel to
pit to be sunk at Pump will
pay themselves by the coal gotten
Rails for the above 2 drifts supposing
1 ton to do 60 yards in length
Pump-pit sinking about 60 yards deep
Drift from damstones to wheel) =
at 5/.) =
Ditto from wheel to dam) =
at 5/.)
water wheel and setting up
Left the men to return by Charles Howarth’s and Holt and I came up the walk – a great deal has been said about the Spiggs Colliery – Stocks has bought Keighleys share – they are talking quite big about my not being able to stop the Loose – S– (Stocks) says they will get the paper I gave them stamped and it will be enough to secure the Loose for ever – I said before Manns and them all, I was quite satisfied – I laughed and I said I would put out a few handbills publishing the paper I had given them that everybody might know clearly what it was – if that was enough for the Spiggs people, I was contented – I did not wish to withhold it – Holt thinks he can manage to get Mrs Machan’s coal but not for £300 – thinks it cannot be had for less than £400 paid down – for Mr R– (Rawson) knows all about it and will bid up – tho’ he cannot get it for many years – well! said I, we must have it – cannot be settled till April – 1 son not of age till 9 April and one daughter now in York castle for debt – Rained all the while we were out more or less latterly pretty sharply – 
left Holt to go to the Manns, and I came in at 12 35/.. – wettish – changed my clothes – a little while with A– (Ann) then wrote all the above of today till 2 p.m. – fair for nearly the last hour – highish wind has blown the flags dry – at 2 wrote letter for my father to ‘Mr Freeman Brier Lodge Southowram’ containing copy of letter my father had yesterday from Mr George Higham of Brighouse addressed to him as one of the inhabitants of Southowram who signed the retainer employing Mr H– (Higham) to resist an indictment on account of road intended to be thrown upon the town – business concluded 18 months ago – bill £255.16 5 – sent in a month ago – no notice taken – Mr H– (Higham) now insists upon having calls for his money in a fortnight on 3 weeks from the date of his letter 24th instant – say my father is anxious to know what Mr F– (Freeman) and the other gentlemen who signed the retainer will think proper to do, and will be particularly obliged to Mr F– (Freeman) to call here as soon as he can as my father’s health does not at present permit his attending any public meeting – Read the above letter to my father and Marian and the latter kept me near an hour – John took the letter about 3 1/4 – 
Had Best Collector of poor rate for Northowram – my father paid 1/. for Breakneck cottage last 1/2 year from 10 October 1834 and I paid for Cowgate wood, but not pay for the cottages bought of William Green – desired the rates of these cottages and all the Staups buildings to be put in the ha[nd]s of the tenants – with A– (Ann) from 3 1/2 to 5 25/.. looking over her summary of valuation rents, etc.of the joint property – 
Snow shower and continued snow from 5 p.m. till now 5 35/.. – ground white again – dinner at 6 1/2 and coffee in about an hour – 
then had George in my study who wanted to speak to me – thought he ought to tell me what he saw not going right in the house  Matthew occasionally takes a glass of two of wine but says my aunt drinks more than anybody in the house  he helps to the meat at dinner and does not help fairly favours Eugenie and sharp  walks out with the former and plays cards with her after all the rest are gone to bed George does not like to see things go on as they do in this house thanked him warned him to take warning from all this and added much good advice – 
Just before dinner read from page 155 to 179 Philip on the Preservation of health and afterwards from 8 1/4 to 9 20/.. had Oddy up nothing more agreeable  about Eugenie and Matthew they sit on each others knee in the kitchen and all is ssad told Oddy I would try to find them out but if I could not in the course of a fortnight she really must tell me openly what was going on – and siding my writing desk till 9 20/.. –
left margin: wrote for my father
reference number: SH:7/ML/E/17/0171, SH:7/ML/E/17/0172
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benicedtea · 6 years
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After many nights of trial and failure, I finally got something that is quite satisfy for my test, Oddie in AR mode! 😎😎😎 check the full short: vimeo.com/benlamjunbin/oddie #arkit #apple #iphone #3d #unreal #ar
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ret-uk · 5 years
More Great North Wood Sessions
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November 2017
Hello! Bit belated, however I would like to share a few words about the six sessions that Coralie Oddy (who also runs Remini-sense) and I delivered in Crystal Palace Park as part of the London Wildlife Trust's continued Heritage Lottery Funded: Great North Wood Project. 
It's hard to express how delighted I am with the fact that about five years after first starting out on Crystal Palace Park heritage projects I have been able to develop my skills in terms of completing my Masters in Museums and Galleries in Education, learn about Joanna Grace's Sensory Storytelling, tour guiding and oral history techniques from the Inspired by the Subway project - and most of all meeting like minded creative people to work with. Nothing beats the feeling of sharing a passion, brainstorming, developing and delivering a project with others. So thank you Coralie and Emmie! Thank you also to Penny who works in the Crystal Palace Park Information Centre building for welcoming us and the Friends of Crystal Palace Park for having us.
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Coralie and I led six music, sensory and storytelling sessions over three days for between 6-8 adults with learning disabilities. We delivered the sessions in September 2017, a little over a year following the delivery of our initial Crystal Palace Park sessions for the London Wildlife Trust with Emmie Ward. Emmie was part of the development of these sessions. 
Coralie and I loved leading the sessions and meeting people from different homes and organisations. We varied the sessions slightly depending on the needs of the group. We had a great mix of participants and a couple of the groups had members who were predominantly sensory beings. Sensory beings is a term used by Joanna Grace to describe how this group of people largely experience the world:
Sensory Beings - people whose primary experience of the world, and meaning within it, is sensory. Joanna Grace  The Sensory-being project
We focussed on sensory activities for these groups, however sensory experiences was a primary way of communicating our theme with all groups. I (and I am aware many others) have often argued - If you make heritage activities accessible to people with as many different needs as you can -  such as in sensory ways - then the visiting experience will often be more pleasurable for all  anyway. I also believe in exploring themes that anyone would want to explore in a heritage venue. It is not purely about simplifying things it about how you develop your programme of activities: I believe one should always get to know the subject as well as you can. Even when working with nursery aged children I am not satisfied with just knowing the basics. It means I probably take longer than anyone else to prepare anything, however, it is just the way I work. I need to understand the topic as fully as I can to work out the essence of what I want to get across. Spending a lot of time in preparation means that you are able to really develop activities that: actually make sense; are meaningful to the heritage location; and link to anything/connections you know between the participants and the theme. Most of all spend time with people and have a passion for the people you are working with. This will ensure experiences are truly accessible and mean that nothing is part of the session just 'for the sake of it' or an on the surface accessibility.
I think the photos of the session materials are more useful than any explanations I will give here. These photos follow below. Our main theme was the park and it's different uses. One theme was focussed on the history of the area before the park - when the area was covered with the Great North Wood. We explored the plants, animals and people who lived there. Check out my song about Margaret Finch - famous for being called the Queen of the Gipsies and telling the fortunes of young reveller visitors to the area. For the second theme we concentrated on  The Crystal Palace and included meeting Queen Victoria at the opening ceremony of The Crystal Palace (with added harp music accompaniment that I recorded as part of my community audio trail) and an exploration of the aquarium (of which there are still some remnant walls in the park if you know where to look!) and some of the inventions on display such as Maxim's Flying Machine!
Here is some of the feedback we got:
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Friday 8 June 1838
12 ½
very fine morning F65 ½° at 8 20 am sat writing or thinking what to write to Hammersleys etc. Oddy came to ask about breakfast about near 9 – coiffeur not come – went to A- so poorly I could scarce hear her speak – ordered breakfast – the coiffeur came at 9 and A- had saw down to have her hair dressed about 10 minutes before breakfast was brought up – I saw down to breakfast, and had got about ¼ when A- was done and I had the coiffeur – A- had lain down and locked the doors – but on my 2nd going to her let me in – begged to have a room to herself and for no one to go and disturb her – sorry therefore to be obliged to get my imperial out, and poor A- went into the drawing room – this is very terrible – I scarce know what to do – so long a journey as to the Pyrenees with A-‘s nerves in this state! Qui oserait entreprendre un tel voyage dans une telle circonstance? courage? ou que faut il que je fasse ? writing my journal does me more good than anything – I must do as well as I can – L’esprit s’excite par les difficultés – had just written so far, when when Dr. Tupper called to say we could not possibly see the château at St. Germain – he sat ¼ hour or 20 minutes – very civil about A- I said she was very poorly – went in to ask her if she would see him – no ! he explained the nature of cuticular complaints – not the skin that was the seat of the disease but the corpus mucosum or reticulatum from an acid matter oozed (might be distinguished with a good microscope) and a little medicine was required – these complaints should not be neglected – no outward application would do any good – the douches would do no good – nor did he think the waters of St. Sauveur would do any good but if Miss Walker thought they would, it would be best to try – had had Madame Contant for a moment while Dr. Tupper was here – I was not dressed save in my dressing and received him i[n] the dining [room] A- being in the salon – to be at Madame C- at 1 – A- would go – took the laquais de place only and off in the carriage (which had waited since 11 ½) at 12 ½ - 1 5 hour at Madame C-‘s choosing a shawl (‘tapis, cachemire [cashmere] Français’) etc. bought 2 or 3 pair of gloves for A- in returning at Privats’ and home about 2 – put on A-‘s shawl she had just bought and left her at home Oddy gone at 2 ¼ to take her lesson in her dressing and George went out with me as far as the embassy where not wanting him, I let him go – left my passport to be sent to the prefecture, and left my card ‘Miss Lister’ for lady Granville at the porters’ – then drove off to no.5 r. de l’université – Madame de N- sortie – left no card – then to Madame Cuviers’ – she ill but Madame ----- received for her – I concluded for I did not distinctly the madame it was Mademoiselle Duvauchel and I was ushered in to the cidevant Mademoiselle D- now, as I soon found from her talk to a young gentleman tête-à-tête with her, Madame – she mentioned mon mari twice and ‘la Bretagne où j’habite habituellement’ – was in Paris by accident at the time her ‘maman’ was taken ill – had come to take her a little ‘voyage à  Bordeaux’ told the alarm she had been in but that maman was now out of danger but all this was told to the moustachioed gentleman not to me to whom she did not address one word but (on my saying I had called to inquire after Madame de Cuvier) that I was trés bonné and a kind distinct word on my coming away which I did in two minutes with sufficient dignity and civility  no servant shewed me down or even opened the outdoor I did it myself  I wondered at all this but cared not  who is she now by marriage? she looked neat and well and satisfied to be Madame at last – Inquired for M. and Madame Audoin at their door – Madame A- sortie – left my card and wrote on it my address in pencil – then to r. de Suresne no.23 bis – Long talk with Madame Figarol about the femme de chambre – It ended my saying she might come at 9am tomorrow to sew for a day or 2, and if I liked her, I would make inquiries des renseignements (her character) from her last place – home at 5, and found Dr. Double that moment come – said I was glad he had come – had thought of sending for him – A- poorly – explained – he wrote a prescription (ordonnance)  for a ‘liniment’ to rub the back along the spine for 20 minutes at night before getting into bed and for the same length of time just getting up in a morning – of huile de camerille? and ether oscitique and laudanum de Sydenham each ½ oz. to be well shaken before used – sure the waters will cure A- will come at 8 pm on
and give a written direction to A- for all she is to do – her tongue was good, her pulse good – riding and travelling very good for her – I joked afterwards and said the sight of Dr. D- had done her good – yes! she was very glad she had not see Dr. T- he would have given her medicine and thought nothing was the matter but she was hipped – dinner at 7 – the carriage waited some time left the servants at dinner took the laquais (Lefevre) and off about 8 – ordered 5lbs. roast beef at Michels’ for tomorrow at 7pm and left the prescription at Bérals r. de la paix – then drove along the boulevards to the elephant to the column that there is now to be commemorating the victims of les trios jours (Juliet 1830.) got the liniment in returning then drove to the Palace Royal and bought a bottle of crème de Noyau des Isles for A- and a small bottle of orange flavour water – then home at 9 ¾ - A- had Oddy then I – then at 10 ½ for 20 minutes rubbed A-‘s back and then wrote all the last p. and so far of this – fine day F65 ½° now at 11 50 pm  what humbug about A- and her illness and from Oddys’ manner gently it seems she thinks sso too?  I must get over this Pyrenees job as well as I can and get rid of her as ssoon as I cann poor thing what will become of her!
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 years
WOLF ALICE - YUK FOO [5.60] Bot nad...
Thomas Inskeep: Nasty dirty loud indie like only the UK can do it, on some srsly 1987 NME hype. We need more music like this, much more. [8]
Alfred Soto: A blast of credible pop punk aggression, with a couple of safe landings woven with impressive clarity and skill despite its brevity. [7]
Joshua Copperman: First reaction: When did Life Without Buildings get so aggressive? Even if it was off-putting on purpose, "Yuk Foo" is off-putting only for sounding so intense, yet initially coming across so dry. Further listens reveal little details like the way "shit" is looped, and the subversiveness of the lyrics that goes beyond cursing ("I have feelings, 'cause I'm a human/Totally self-destructive, constantly consuming"). It's surprising to find little moments in a song that's supposed to be as bratty as possible, but the details hint that Wolf Alice, who already have some solid music in their arsenal, have much more to offer. [6]
Tim de Reuse: "You bore me/You bore me to death" is an intensely satisfying thing to yell in the exact way that it's yelled here; the other refrains are comparatively staid (in particular, the line "I don't give a shit" hits with half the impact that was probably intended). Even so, its production gives it delicious bite, and it's exactly as short as it ought to be. [7]
Will Rivitz: "You bore me to death," screams the chorus, inadvertently describing this song. I'm pretty sure riot grrl is supposed to be dynamic and visceral, but this sounds less like a caterwauling punk tune from professional musicians and more like something the snotty fifteen-year-olds from down the street would make in their garage band before disbanding three months later because they realized nobody there really gave a shit about music in the first place. Ellie Rowsell yells like she's just discovered swearing, Joff Oddie plays like he's just discovered power chords, and everything comes together like Wolf Alice has just discovered punk by way of some Bikini Kill album in some alternate universe where Bikini Kill sucked. [2]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Wolf Alice continue their '90s tourism and land at what's more or less a raucous Bikini Kill cut. There's no doubt that Ellie Rowsell gives it her all but I want noisy music to be highly melodic or completely disorienting and this satisfies neither. The spoonerism tips you off though, huh. [5]
Katherine St Asaph: I still have no idea which '90s alt-rock band Wolf Alice wants to be, and given that the record apparently isn't much like this, neither do they. At least riot grrrl is almost always more promising than the Radio 2 adult contemporary "Bros" could have segued into. And since Wolf Alice are British I'll ignore the fact that "deplore me" is not the lyrical direction you want to take your punk song in 2017. [7]
Edward Okulicz: An uncompromising blast of punk fury! Oh, it's called "Yuk Foo" and its chorus asks you to deplore them. Let's call it a compromising blast of punk fury then. And it's not really much of a blast, in fact it's kind of tinny really. There's enough snot to work with, but if you took away their rhyming dictionary and told them to try again, this song would benefit greatly. [4]
Maxwell Cavaseno: Every so often I hear these poor bands and I pity them. They've been forced to endlessly eat dinners of important records, festival rock, and NME thrice-recycled factoids again and again to the point they can't tell the difference between what's lining their cages and what's getting cleaned up after they regurgitate it. It's a mess of dull ideas of punky, rocky, distortion and "wild impulses" that have all the spontaneity of a bad actor timidly kicking over a table so it doesn't accidentally break. I believe that they're bored, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're not talking about themselves. [1]
Claire Biddles: In her novel about the artifice of female social identity, "Veronica," Mary Gaitskill articulates something very specific about using songs as a kind of temporary personality: "I didn't have the ambition to be an important person or a star. My ambition was to live like music... I remember people walking around like they were wrapped in an invisible gauze of songs, one running into the next." Sometimes songs form us for a lifetime, but equally important are those that help us to define ourselves at a point in time, as we live inside them for three minutes, or three minutes on repeat for days on end. "Yuk Foo" came at a good time. I don't feel strong or capable or able to tell anyone to fuck off at the moment, but if I live like "Yuk Foo," I can at least try it on for two minutes. If I press play as I'm walking out of my bedroom with my headphones on, it's timed perfectly so Ellie Rowsell's vocals start as I push open the front door. The outside world hits as soon as the antidote kicks in. [9]
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veryfineday · 3 years
Wednesday 18 February 1835
11 1/2
V  V
no kiss
heavy shower at 7 – damp but fair at 8 Fahrenheit 44º at 8 50/.. a.m.
out at 9 for 1/2 hour with Throp and his man getting up thorns in hedge between Pearson Ing and coal pit field 3 of them planted this afternoon in the coal pit field and one in the Lower brooK Ing near the gate into my walK – and with Charles Howarth ordering about Trestles for the drift-sinKers to run upon with their stuff to the Allen Car side of the dry bridge –
breakfast at 9 1/2 – then out again with Throp till came in at 11 1/4 – A-[Ann] had mr. Adam to looK over Hinscliffe’s lease of the Newhouse coal that the holder of it mr. Chew was to have brought at 11 but as he was not come at 12 so mr. A-[Adam] went away and I returned to Throp – called bacK again in about 1/2 hour to mr. Adam and mr. S. Freeman the latter come in answer to my note of yesterday – very civil – would do as I liKed; but, were the case his own, he would drop it –
PicKells so drunK when he went for the summons, David mallinson would not grant it – a man of such character would not be attended to – said P-[Pickles] had come to me in the afternoon of the day (monday) and I certainly did not perceive that he was drunK nor did mr. Bradley perceive who had to give him orders about some walling – However, I was satisfied to take mr. Freeman’s advice – In fact, I had nothing to do with that part of the wood of which I had sold the 3500 yards stome to mr.F-[Freeman] and should be glad enough to wash my hands of the business – I saw I had been wrong to send the summons in the 1st instance – very ready to own this – and very glad to leave mr. Freeman to do whatever he thought best – he offered to try to make the men come and make an apology to me – no! said let them do it to you, and leave you to settle it with me – all which mr. A-[Adam] approved – mr. F-[Freeman] begged I would not tell P-[Pickles] what he, mr. F-[Freeman], had said – I promised I would not – but, smiled and said he shewed a white feather –
F-[Freeman] said I did not Know what it was to have people to deal with as he had – a word at a public house might do nobody Knew what mischief – he had lost £5,000 by the union (turn out of the delvers) and I did not Know what a spirit was abroad in the country – Everybody was afraid of a man liKe PicKells – I said as for that I would make no mischief but P-[Pickles] was the only man who could Keep Trespassers off the estate – it was only the hunters who had hitherto beat us; and messers P-[Parker] and A-[Adam] Knew there was no law against hunters – mr. A-[Adam] said the law was certainly deficient in that case – F-[Freeman] was surprised but of course gave way –
staid about 1/2 hour till 2 – had wine – I said he might be assured that from this time I would have nothing further to do with that part of the wood containing the stone sold to him, till such time as he had given up al claim to any right in it – | that whatever people said he might be sure I would give no further orders about it – the fact is, as I thinK to myself that, be it as it may, the fellow Gill has cut down a part of the wood, however small, and taKen away the stuff in spite of me, who can get nothing for it, and of F-[Freeman] who ought to pay me the value of the stuff however small that sum may be – But no matther – I shall learn in time – never sell stone again unless by the measured and set out plot containing so many yards or thereabouts; and when I put to let the upper Place quarry, if F-[Freeman] be the bidder I choose to take let him not have one square yard till he has given up all right and title to Yewtrees wood – Let S.W.[Samueal Washington] immediately measure and staKe off the portion sold to S.F-[Samuel Freeman] and let me Know what I now have left to myself – |
off with A-[Ann] to Cliff hill at 3 1/4 – there from 4 5/.. to 4 35/.. mrs Carter there – mrs. A.W-[Ann Walker] very civil – home at 5 20/..
then with Throp and his man 1/4 hour – and then had Jonathan mallinson and his son – the latter will take the mytholm farm but thought the rent rather too great – well then, said I, I will lessen it by reserving the buildings and Ing they stand in – and take S.W-’s[Samuel Washington’s] valuation for the rest or thereabouts for I had to the total valuation added about 20/.[shillings] odd to make up £65 per annum – they thought he had got up in his valuation – I said that made no difference – I cared little what he valued at, for I valued for myself and had made up my mind before consulting giving him any order to value the farm –
some mention made of Dewhirst – said he was not respectable enough for me as he was as present; and I would not let him the place (without land) if he would give me £100 a year for it – tho’ if he had married and become a respectable family man, he should have had the place and I would have done anything I could for him – his mother had not behaved well in putting in no ticKet at the public letting and I would not take her as tenant – Had had PicKells about wanting throughs for Staups wall before going to Cliff hill w[i]th A-[Ann] and Joseph mann about how I intended hereafter to worK the coal –
dinner at 6 3/4 coffee – Left A-[Ann] with my father and came and wrote the above of today and had longish talK to Oddy about Eugenie till 9 3/4 – 1/4 hour with my aunt till 10 10/..
[margin: very fine day Fahrenheit 45º at 10 25/.. p.m.
mr. Jubb came about 1 1/2 and rebound up my wrist – all the lump of escaped synovial fluid absorbed –]
0 notes
1836 Thursday 8 December
8 1/2
12 3/4
No kiss rainy morning – down stairs at 9 20/.. 
to Mr Washington – he has bought me the little 1 DW field Mr Harrison’s opposite Southedge for £150 – saw there would be so many bidders, bought it by private contract – said I was well satisfied – did not expect to get it for less – he had managed it very well – I would give him £5 for his cleverness – to come again next Wednesday for a final arrangement of accounts and everything – said I should leave him to pay the servants wages, to take charge of the land, the roads making and all the out of doors jobs of that kind – drains making etc. wished Robert Mann to have all the out of doors work he could under take about the house – to tell George R[?] I meant him to pay £140 per annum for Lower brea and Hipperholme fields but I would throw in the little croft adjoining the mill and lay out £100 in the barn for further trade–convenience - Samuel Washington made no remark on the advance of rent – I said my uncle had let the Hipperholme farm at £40 per annum – these I should consider as remaining at the same rent – and the £100 I considered to be for Lower brea – mentioned that I should leave Mr Harper to let the North Gate hotel – I suppose it would be let to someone stronger; for as I would not let it to Mr Carr with out security George for the rent and Godley at £2500 I supposed he would not come into these terms and there fore that he would not have the hotel –
then after 10 breakfast – had Oddy in – settled about board-wages etc. she says she is in better spirits than she was at 1st – thinks she can manage and seems as she well may, very well satisfied –
breakfast over at 11 10/.. and then till went down to Robert Mann at 11 1/2 wrote all the above of the day –
fair soon after 10 when Ann went to Halifax to Mr Gilmore’s, for another spell at the Registers – the sun out a little and Fahrenheit 41 1/2 ° and a little damp and flying drops of some rain now at 11 1/2  a.m. no rain and wind and very rough stormy day –
went with Robert Mann to Mytholm quarry – plenty of stone that will do for the pool – ordered all to be got ready for bringing it on Saturday and placing in loco – then Hipperholm quarry – Booth there – ordered about the water being brought forward to Ann’s Travelers’ Inn cottage – Robert to get it done immediately – very rough weather with the wind in our faces homewards – Robert wet through – left me at Mytholm – I looked over from the bridge into Mytholm Ing – 2 chimneys i.e. vent-pits in the Ing and one in John Oates’s 3 cornered bit – a little with Joseph Mann at Listerwick cabin –
home and came in at 1 – wet - changed my stays in about 1/2 hour – from then till after 4 siding – looking over my traveling bag and partly packing my Portmanteau – had Robert Mann about 4 1/4  - Stonylane would take so much mending gave up the thought the stone to come round by Hipperholme lane ends –
then had Joseph Mann till 5 1/2  - Ann got back at 4 1/2 looking over stave notes to see what should be taken from Dodgson’s bill for carting – he promised to cart the stone himself that were buried in the long goit and taken up again to wear the brook –
Joseph Mann then shewed me the field in Sour milk hall land where they are sinking for water – had he great plan and he pointed out the various sinkings and drivings for water of Messers Ward and Akroyd – said he (Joseph Mann) and his brother Robert had all the coal in Sour milk hall land under grant from Mr Emerst but there is no coal worth getting – he and Robert had sought all over – spent £70 in seeking and had got all they could perhaps 1000 loads – young Walsh [?] mistaken in thinking there was anything left worth getting –
sat a little while with Ann – then till after 6 wrote the last 18 lines Sat with Ann – dinner at 6 1/2 in 1/2 hour till 7 - Ann read French – coffee – I read tonight’s paper and travels in Switzerland by Brockedon till 10 1/4 - Letter tonight from Messers Gray to say I might count up the money in April £7000 but the lady would make it £8000 if I preferred it – Messers Gray had said they thought £7000 would suit me better and the lady had had a security offered for £1000 – ask what security I propose giving – ‘we can’t consistently with our ‘professional duty allow the title deeds to remain in their hands but we can arrange for them being ‘deposited with us or with a Banker so that you may refer to them at pleasure’ – rainy rough, stormy, windy day. Fahrenheit 38° now at 10 1/4 p.m. fair and wind highish – making out inventory of what to take abroad till 11 1/2 p.m.
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