#odd behavior
indigoxnoodles · 2 months
I genuinely wanna be a better woman.
Mother , daughter , friend etc.,
Even in the way I speak and move, I wish to be graceful but am naturally… what’s the word ? Callused ? Clumsy ? Scatter brained?
In every sense of the phrase “ a better woman “. I just wanna embody sacrificial love & I wanna walk in truth! We continuously grow and mature which has been a pleasure to experience & I’m not particularly hurting anything or anyone but I wanna do better. Generally. Maybe it’s because I myself am a hurt person? I long to be a well rounded and calm woman but I think my emotions and constant overthinking steer me from that. Hm. Maybe I just need to work on reacting to things ? Idk. I’m just rambling.
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stone-cold-groove · 8 months
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Don’t mind my younger sister Joanna’s behavior... she’s an ex-model.
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caoimhe-from-hoenn · 1 year
in other news, the downside of having posters set up around town means that some of my neighbors now know who I am
just had a middle aged man fistbump me in the corridor and call me “Gym Leader” and ask how i was doing
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mrsaltieri-real · 10 months
Okay but you have to admit even if you hate Jill she at least had a better motive than Mickey. His made no sense
You know what really grates my cheese? When people shit all over Mickey’s motive and praise the ever living cunt out of Jill’s.
Personally, I loved Mickey’s motive. Showed just how crazy, twisted and delusional he is which is everything I like in a man. He’s the originator of the “Fame” motive and what makes it better than Jill’s? The fact he wasn’t actively trying and failing to get away with it, he is the only Ghostface who owned his shit. Also the fact he was essentially hired as a contract killer??? Was already a serial killer before being Ghostface??? Has the highest kill count in the entire fucking franchise??? (See last point)
Jill’s dumbass not only failed to kill Sidney (which by the way, a hill I will die on is that Mickey didn’t really give a fuck if he was the one who killed Sid or not, Nancy definitely wanted to be the one to do it. Mickey got what he wanted before he was betrayed) but she failed to check her pulse before throwing herself around like a fucking voodoo doll and then proceeded to drop herself in it with Dewey at the hospital.
I’ll never understand why people say Jill is the smartest Ghostface. She isn’t. She’s stupid.
Anyway, if we wanna talk about this, Mickey was the blueprint for Jill’s motive, she’s just an extremely shitty copy and paste. Trying so hard to be like him and failing in the funniest way. I hate her, no amount of anonymous asks are ever going to change my mind. If you think Mickey’s motive made no sense you should go back and rewatch Scream 2 or hell, fucking do some googling.
Also, you’ll never catch me “admitting” anything positive about her because there’s NOTHING TO ADMIT.
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nigmos · 1 year
love the princess diaries but i always felt like it was weird when they got rid of Mia’s curly hair. even as a kid i thought it was the weirdest part of the movie.
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zealynstan · 1 year
Odd Behavior by Zealyn has reached 100k streams on Spotify
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boots-and-dagger · 2 years
so glad I’m not on Taylor stan accounts because the girls are FIGHTING over this album
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1introvertedsage · 4 months
I have always wondered why people act the way they do. Do the things they do. Language has always confused me. The way senseless words 'have to' be put together for another to 'understand'. How have we gotten so far off track in society. Obviously everything going on has been building up for quite some time, but why don't more people see what's happening? How are the shifts, not felt by more, or are they feeling them but gauging them as something else. It's well know that chronic conditions flare around the Full Moon. Learning to work with the energies, and 'how you respond' is so important. Having high sensitivity can be a blessing and hard to deal with. I chose to not say curse, because I think it is a gift that can be learned and developed. Learning to know and control your own energy can be vital for someone with high sensitivity. Seeing someone who has this gift and isn't aware is extremely sad. Thinking something is wrong with them. When it is anything but. Generally given an off the wall diagnosis when it could simply be new energies that need to be learned.
•an old write I found that seems more and more relevant everyday.
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perfectsinner · 5 months
Tumblr fan art makes me sick
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sometimes I go back through something I wrote a few days ago and uncover something like writing "get" instead of "gate" and sincerely wonder if I'm ok
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tam--lin · 2 years
The thing is, you don’t have to have a diagnoses to make simple “unmasking” changes that make your life easier. You don’t even have to self-diagnose! You are not appropriating anyone’s culture or struggles or hijacking anyone’s movement by allowing yourself to sway in line at the grocery store or buying a weighted blanket or using study or household hacks intended for people with ADHD. If you start favoring the needs that make your brain and body unique over the arbitrary norms of society, you’ll be better off, and you’ll be expanding the norms. It’s a win/win.
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girlswhosmell100000 · 2 years
people who draw the breaking bad crew as cute little anime men are so weird like actually
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Human Behavior Facts
11 Interesting Psychological Facts about Human Behavior Have you ever wondered why we think, feel, and behave in the ways
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zealynstan · 2 years
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ZEALYN - Odd Behavior (x)
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he is so fucking autistic
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