#octavia and loona as (step) sisters!
hazbinbossbrainrot · 11 months
Loona: *to Octavia, clearly referring to both Stolas & Blitz* “Sometimes... sometimes it's not as simple as that.
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This kind of shit gets messy, and everybody's got issues, especially dads.
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And sometimes they fuck up -- well, all the time.
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But, that doesn't mean they don't care…”
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anthurak · 2 years
Loona and Octavia: It’s not ALWAYS about the Found Family trope...
I’ve never really talked about Helluva Boss here before, but it’s actually one of my favorite shows at the moment and this latest episode had some interactions between two characters that I’ve been waiting a long time for, and the results have set up a very interesting potential relationship dynamic and I really want to discuss it.
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So let’s talk about Loona and Octavia. And a take that I imagine might get me a bit of flak: I don’t think the relationship between these two is the ‘wholesome sisterly dynamic’ that much of the fandom seems to have latched onto. However, I also don’t really see this pair’s dynamic as necessarily being romantic either. Rather, I think there is something else quite a bit more interesting going on here.
I think the main the reason why the idea of the story treating Loona and Octavia as some explicitly ‘sisterly’ relationship hasn’t really felt right to me, particularly after this latest episode, is the fact that Loona and Octavia simply aren’t kids.
Loona is just entering her twenties, and Octavia is just about out of her teens. One detail about the whole ‘Octavia is 17!’ thing that I think most people have overlooked is when we actually learned this information. Specifically, the info about Octavia being 17 was released around the same time or even before her first proper appearance in the show in S1E2. Now consider the fact that Season 1 of Helluva Boss seems to take place over the better part of a year at least, with just the stretch between episodes three (Spring Break=March) and five (Harvest Moon=September) alone being six-to-seven months. So if Octavia is 17 in ‘Loo-Loo Land’, then by now she is almost certainly 18, or at least very close to her birthday.
My point to all this is that I think the entire ‘wholesome sisterly dynamic’ interpretation of Loona’s and Octavia’s relationship is actually quite a bit off-base. A lot of the fandom seems to view the dynamic between these two as two kids or a younger kid and an older teen brought together as part of a family because their dads became a couple.
But particularly after this latest episode, I think it’s clear that the narrative of Helluva Boss is NOT treating either Loona or Octavia as ‘kids’ but rather as two young adults figuring out their place in the world and working through and coming to grips with some very complicated issues relating to their dads and families. So instead of their relationship being some ‘adoptive step-sisters’ dynamic that is simply some byproduct of the relationship between their dads, I think Loona’s and Octavia’s bond is going to be much more of a close, intimate friendship that exists largely independently of whatever their dads may have going on.
And I think we can already get a pretty good guess as to what this friendship is going to represent for the story.
During Loona’s and Octavia’s scene together, there’s this really interesting bit of duel symbolism going on that I haven’t seen anyone bring up.
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Remember Loona’s finicky I.M.P. lighter? Now a lot of people have already pointed out the symbolism of the lighter representing Blitzo and Loona’s relationship with her father: The lighter doesn’t always work, and even rarely works, but it is trying. And eventually it does work, just like Blitzo’s efforts to be a good father.
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However, now let’s keep this symbolism in mind and dial the scene back to the start when Loona is trying to light her cigarette. She tries to use the lighter, but can’t get it to work. But then Octavia lights Loona’s cigarette. Think about the symbolism there for a moment.
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If the lighter in this scene represents Blitzo’s genuine and earnest but still very flawed and unreliable relationship with Loona, then I think this could very well symbolize that a friendship with Octavia is something much more stable and trusting for Loona.
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And the same is true the other way around. At the end of the scene when the smog clears just a bit to give Octavia and Loona a view of the night sky, Octavia does get a view of the stars, which symbolize her father, but else what is shining down on her even brighter? The moon. Which is the point where Loona offers her a hand and the moment where they share a hug before returning to Blizo and Stolas. All under the light of the full moon.
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Again, the symbolism here isn’t particularly subtle. While the stars are something Octavia struggles to find, just like her relationship with her father, it is the moon which shines down on her even brighter. Again symbolizing that Loona is someone Octavia can trust and rely on far more than her father.
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It really feels like this scene is showing us Loona and Octavia recognizing and coming to grips with the fact that both their fathers are colossal fuckups as parents, yet also love and care for their respective daughters dearly, while ALSO showing Loona and Octavia forming this close bond with someone who both deeply understands what they are going through, and is someone they really can trust and rely on.
One of the big recurring themes about Blitzo’s and Stolas’s arc as fathers that really gets highlighted this episode is that one can have entirely genuine, unconditional love for their child and want the absolute best for them, while ALSO being a complete and utter disaster of a parent.
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Like Blitzo clearly adores Loona and wants nothing but the best for his daughter, and he also just as clearly SUCKS at being a parent. As we learn in this episode, the whole reason he even adopted Loona in the first place was because her situation hit one of his repressed trauma buttons HARD and ever since he’s been doing nothing but enabling Loona’s unhealthy coping mechanisms to her own trauma because he is clearly terrified of being ANYTHING like his own father. Again, that’s not to say Blitzo doesn’t love his daughter completely and unconditionally. It’s just that as a functioning parent, Blitzo is a complete fucking MESS.
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And Stolas isn’t much better himself. Yes, he used to be a legitimately pretty good dad to Octavia, but it’s pretty clear that years of verbal/psychological abuse from Stella and a LOT of repression have seriously messed Stolas up. And he’s really only become more of a mess since he started up his affair with Blitzo. With Octavia being the one caught up in the middle of that mess.
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Again, it’s clear that Octavia still means the world to Stolas and he would never knowingly do anything to hurt her. It’s just that he’s also a complete fucking WRECK of unraveling repressed trauma in the midst of an imploding marriage AND caught up in childhood-friend-romance-feelings that even he doesn’t fully understand. All of which clearly has a tendency to override/short-out any ‘good-parenting’ instincts. Just this episode shows us in several cases of Stolas either getting caught up in her divorce from Stella or getting caught up in his love for Blitzo and wanting to have fun with him that he ends up unknowingly leaving Octavia by the wayside. It’s not that Stolas doesn’t love his daughter, it’s that his mess of psychological and emotional issues have left him fairly unreliable to Octavia.
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Which is precisely what makes Loona so important. Throughout the entire episode, she’s the one who puts in all the actual legwork to help Octavia. Loona is the one to figure out that Octavia went to Los Angeles while Blitzo and Stolas had no idea where she was. Loona is the one to actually track down Octavia in LA while Blitzo, Stolas and the M&Ms get caught up in various shenanigans. And it’s Loona who gives Octavia the emotional heart-to-heart and closure that she needs.
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It all seems to point to Loona being exactly the kind of close, reliable friend that Octavia desperately needs in her life right now. And going by the symbolism with the lighter we covered earlier, it seems like Octavia will likewise end up being the same kind of close friend that Loona needs in her life too.
This is ultimately a big reason why I think the whole ‘adoptive sisterly’ interpretation of Loona and Octavia doesn’t really fit with what the show is actually giving us. This doesn’t feel like two kids being brought together simply because their parents have started a serious relationship. This feels like two young adults with similar interests and issues striking up a close friendship that is largely independent of their parents.
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Yes, Loona and Octavia technically meet through their dads, but let’s not forget that Blitzo’s and Stolas’s relationship can still be best described as ‘an extremely vaguely-defined fling’. Yes, Blitzo and Stolas have certainly caught major feelings for each other, but they are clearly still a LONG way off from any kind of serious, committed relationship, let alone something that would end up classifying Loona and Octavia as ‘sisters’.
And any blossoming friendship between Loona and Octavia is clearly going to be their own thing, based on their shared likes and interests and what is clearly a deep, mutual understanding of their very similar problems, rather than anything tied to whatever their dads have going on. For one thing, I kinda doubt either Loona or Octavia see each other as any kind of ‘sister’ after their first meeting in Star Seekers, rather than simply a girl with a lot of similar interests who really understands what they’re going through. A friendship feels more like mutually supportive relationship that they both Loona and Octavia know they can trust and rely on more than their uncertain and tumultuous relationships with their dads.
Like I can totally imagine a situation down the line where Blitzo and Stolas have some big dramatic ‘breakup’ for a while where Stolas tries to break-off his ‘contract’ with Blitzo by giving him one of the Asmodean Crystals that the previous episode hinted that would allow Blitzo and his company to access the human world without Stolas’s Grimoire. And it’s all big and dramatic and both are going ‘Yep. It’s really over between us now.’
And then it turns out Loona and Octavia are still hanging out and having fun together because this doesn’t actually change anything for them and if either of their dads gave even the slightest insinuation that they should stop being friends, they would IMMEDIATELY go ‘Fuck you dad/Blitzo! She’s my best friend!’ And probably immediately steal the Grimoire/kick Blitzo’s ass simply out of spite.
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After this episode, it really feels like whatever relationship Loona and Octavia are going to have is something largely independent of what their dads have going on, just as Loona and Octavia will likely be growing more independent of their fathers as individuals as they grow up. So whenever Blitzo and Stolas finally figure their shit out and commit to a real relationship, I think Loona and Octavia will very much have their own separate thing going on. They’ll certainly still be a ‘family’, but I seriously doubt it will be the kind of straightforward, homogenous ‘two fathers raising two daughters’ type of thing that a lot of the fandom seems to be expecting.
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fizzy0bloom · 10 months
how to fix s2ep 2:
well that ep was something for sure
My grip with it is that Loona and Octavia barely had any time together till the end, and it felt bland for me, and the plot lines are just all over the place.
and, of course, blitz and stolas.
1: Just Loona and via having fun no need for the other plot lines :
Just like the title said, it just intrudes on Loona and Octavia's having quality step-sibling time and getting to know each other better. simple and short 
2: Same thing, but loona and via get more time but -:
So a fight ensued between loona and moxxie  loona is lazy; m&m are calssit again, and then showing blitz trying to fix it but ending up with him trying to groud her, so she storms off because her father sided with them then her (she doesn't hit him but just screems and hits the door), which left blitz rethinking what he did and what m&m did. (Loona isn't incoont, but she felt bad because her father sided with Calsist.)
Meanwhile, octavia is trying to talk to her mother and father, but they are busy bitching with each other. and Barly told her anything or take her to her magic lessons (I couldn't think of a better step up, sorry), she felt neglectful again. after they promised to care for her again 
So she ran off—not to the earth yet. (Loona and Via follow each other on Instagram or whatever they call it there.)
Loona is outside, smoking or drinking. and open her account and see a new post by via venting, or maybe she's online and posted something, idk. So loona thinks to herself that she didn't immediately know her future sister and that she and her may share the same interests. Maybe she wants a new friend. So she messages her and asks her to meet and have fun.
via agree, since she doesn't have anything to do. 
They both start to talk sh*t about their situation. and other stuff; they are both on the same page. Loona then asks her if she has ever seen Earth. and was surprised. She didn't go 
yk what happens next :) Let's say they are having a blast there hehe with a cute montage of Loona being a big sister to her 
Meanwhile, Blitz got worried because his daughter did not answer his calls after talking with m&m about their classism and promising them that he would work on Loona's behavior.
He then notices that the book is gone! then called stolas 
They both agreed to ignore what happened before and focus on finding their kids while m&m stayed in the office or helped, but they didn't get much screen time.
They found them with Stolas magic later on. because Blitz called him late (Loona is an adult too, so he wasn't that worried).
They have an awkward time, but then Loona expresses her feelings to her dad, and they begin to talk 
For Via and Stolas, Via only said sorry for going out and got home fast, leaving her dad confused.
Stolas Look at Blitz and tell him to be more careful. next time 
(Btw, they all have their human disguises too, just to remind you )
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buzz-in-your-veins · 2 months
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There’s a reason Blitzø’s not allowed to cast the portal spell.
Warning: Possibly slightly out of character.
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Loona had popped out for coffee. She’d been gone for five minutes.
Yet somehow, fucking Blitzø had screwed up.
The Grimuor was on the table, surrounded by three prone bodies.
Loona heard Blitzø’s phone from his office, and, paying no mind to the coffee staining her fur, she sprinted to the door, yanked it open, snatched Blitzø’s phone and slammed her claw onto the answer button so hard it cracked.
There was pure silence on the other line, and for a moment, Loona worried she’d answered the phone to the wrong person.
“Loona? What happened?”
Loona was shaking, she couldn’t think. She’d only just found her family, she couldn’t lose them.
“Loona? It’s me, I need you to breathe, okay? Are they breathing?”
Her soul-sisters voice helped to soothe her. As she walked back into the reception, she worked on getting even, measured breaths.
Stepping over the coffee she’d dropped earlier, she listened, four heartbeats, slow breathes she’d come to associate with the imps, and gently moving chests.
Loona felt pure relief flood through her, they weren’t dead.
Octavia’s voice sounded again, and Loona felt absolute embarrassment flood her, she’d screamed at Stolas for what happened, she’d been stupid and rash, convinced they were dead.
“Yea, yea, they’re breathing.”
“There are two spells on that page, most likely they just used the sleep spell, they’ll be okay. They’ll just sleep for a while.”
“Okay, I’ll get them home. We’re still going to goth-topic later.”
Loona heard Octavia’s faint chuckles, and smiled. She knew how much Octavia was healing.
“Bye Lu.”
Ending the call, Loona grimaced when she saw what she’d done to Blitzø’s phone. She’ll need to get him a new one, fuck.
She opened a portal to M&M’s place, going through to put Moxxie and Millie into bed, promising internally to text them once she got Blitzø home.
Stepping back and closing the portal, she picked Blitzø up, getting the van to drive them home. Once they got home, Loona gently placed Blitzø in bed, tucking the covers over him. She smiled.
Her family was okay, and she was happy.
She took a picture, purely for blackmail purposes
She felt a tug on her fur as she made to leave, and realised Blitzø was holding on to her.
Grabbing a pillow, Loona sat on the floor.
She was only sitting there till Blitzø let go.
No-one noticed Stolas texting Blitzø.
‘Loona called you dad.’
She never did text M&M.
So three hours later, when they bust through Blitzø’s door, that was how they found their boss and the hellhound.
Millie placed a blanket around Loona, and took a photo before they made their leave. Four hours later, when Blitzø woke up to Millie’s message, Loona’d left a note and gone out.
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Feedback is always appreciated <3
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g-on-ef · 1 year
Some more Striker adopts Octavia Headcanons cause I've been rereading my old posts and got inspired
The first night with Striker Octavia can't sleep she's not use to a quiet house normally there would be screaming or her mother shouting how useless her father is instead it's quiet and Octavia finds the quiet scary
Striker notices she's not sleeping so he does what his mother use to do sing to him
He's heard a song that a sinner he met and loved it
Octavia loves it and slowly falls asleep
Striker teaches Octavia how to hunt and it doesn't go well at first
She doesn't want to kill any animals and wants to let them go
At first Striker does it than he explains to her why they hunt and why they need to eat
Striker shows her how to make traps and forege berries
He teaches her how to play the guitar at first it wad a struggle but she got the hang of it
Octavia learns to sing and play the guitar
Her favorite times are when she and Striker are playing together
Also when he plays music on the radio for them to dance to
She loves how she can step on his toes and the two dance around giggling and laughing
Her favorite is when they go camping and Striker shows her the stars
As a Goeisha she knew about the stars but she loves how he tells her stories and legends that he made up or was told by his mother
Striker teaches Octavia how to cook {listen I'm headcanoning that Striker is half mexican and no one is taking that away} tacos, mole, carnitas the works
Octavia loves when he cooks and loves it more when he makes tres Leche cake which is always on her birthday
Octavia makes flower crowns for Striker and the cowboy loves them
He doesn't date many people freak out when they see his daughter and he settled for sleeping around then bring anyone who doesn't care for his baby bird
Octavia is home schooled
Striker is a good teacher and while he's not book smart he's smart in other areas that helped Octavia in the long run
She's more open to Striker and is always going to him when she needs it
Her and Vortex are good friends
They met when Striker was higher to protect Verosika
Striker was worried they'd end up dating
Turns out they see each other more as brother and sister and he's okay with that
Octavia loves dia de Los Muertos especially since it's the one day of the year where demons and spirits can cross over
Not to mention she loves the flowers the human realm has
Octavia learning spanish
Striker meeting IMP
Blitz and Striker flirting
Loona and Octavia being weirded out
Octavia supporting her dad and Blitz when she finds out they are dating
Loona and Octavia hanging out together and building a bond
Octavia gaining a sister and father
Que Stolas finding his missing daughter and wanting her back
Lilith hearing this and refuses to let Stolas hurt her son and granddaughter
Lilith letting all of Hell know Striker and her family are under her protection
Striker finding out and getting angry
Not at Lilith but at Goieta thinking he can come for HIS daughter
Octavia being grateful to the queen
Lilith and Charlie meeting IMP along with Octavia
Striker trying to get along wit his mother and half sister
Octavia having a normal childhood before Stolas comes and ruins it
And that's it for now let me know what you guys think ^^
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silverwolfstuff · 10 days
CHAPTER TWO (Stolitz)An Unexpected Twist
18:00 pm
Goetia Mansion
Meanwhile at the Goetia Mansion, Stolas was cooking for his family. With Stella finally out of the way; he didn’t have to care about her or his status, granted he was a Goetia, he wasn’t big on keeping up with his reputation. He was cooking lamb meat as well as a few other things that were in the pan. Octavia, his daughter, walked in and sat at the counter. The prince looked over his shoulder, using magic to keep cooking and not set anything on fire. 
“Is everything alright, my owlette?” he asked, seeing her look of discomfort. The young avian looked at her dad and then at the doorway where Loona walked through, panting. 
“Too many- damn- steps,” she panted, leaning against the doorway of the kitchen. The two avians looked at her, confused. Well, Stolas was confused. He looked at his biological daughter and adopted daughter. 
“Will either of you tell me what is going on, please?” he asked, raising a brow at the two girls. Loon held up a paw, answering a quick text from Millie. 
“You know how Blitz had a mission today?” Via said to her father, glancing up at him with a subtle look to her sister. 
“Yes? What happened?” The two sisters looked at each other. Via sighed, deciding to just get it done and over with. 
“Dad got hurt… Worse than you did with Striker,” she said, watching her dad. Stolas blinked before he opened a portal to the hospital, immediately going to his husband’s room. He gasped softly, going to his bedside. 
“Blitzy,” he whispered and delicately touched his horns. Blitz opened his eyes a little bit and smiled at the owl, hissing in pain. 
“Hey, birdbrain. I’m fine, just a little banged up,” he chuckled softly, leaning into his husband’s touch and smiled softly. Millie and Moxxie ran into the room, panting. Moxie rambled off an apology to his boss and sat down beside his wife and the two sisters. The two lovers basked in one another’s warmth. Blitz moved over and let Stolas sit beside him, curling up into the prince’s arms. Eventually the small family, including M&M, were fast asleep in the small hospital room. 
8:00 am
By dawn when the sun of Hell’s rays bled through the window, Blitz woke up and found himself in a more comfortable bed rather than what he was sleeping in last night. He sat up in bed, rubbing his head with his hands and hissed in pain when he felt his horns. Oh yeah. He forgot that happened. He slowly stood up and used the bedpost to lean against. 
“Fuck,” he mumbled, rubbing his head. He had a headache and he didn’t know why. He looked at his tail… Well, that explained why it was hurting. He couldn’t remember what happened other than they were interfered with during a mission and it hadn’t ended well, at all. He groaned softly, using the wall as he walked to the ensuite connecting to the bedroom, washing his face with a cloth, well, as good as he could with one good hand. He touched his horns. Acid rain. Lovely. He splashed cold water on the burns before getting dressed, sliding his overcoat on and headed downstairs, only then to get embraced into a hug from his husband.  
“Ow, ow. Ribs, babe,” he squawked out to his owl lover. He took a deep breath when he was let go and used the counter as leverage to keep himself up right. Stolas frowned and picked him up bridal style, setting him on the counter, softly preening him and kissed his cheek. 
“Are you alright, darling?” the prince asked gently, stroking his arm softly. Blitz shrugged, leaning into his touch and sighed softly. 
“Yeah. Just banged up. I’m fine,” he promised, looking at his daughters and gave a small smile, rolling his eyes and let the wolf and the young owl to hug him tightly, as well as his husband. He sighed softly, curling into the embrace, laying his head on Stolas’ fluffy chest, wrapping his tail around the owl’s, resting his head against his and leaned up for a small kiss when the teenagers pulled away from their parents. Loona and Via gave each other a look before they left the room, deciding to give the two a moment to themselves. Blitz leaned into Stolas, staring into his red eyes happily and adoringly. Stolas smiled, cupping the imp’s face with a feathered hand. 
“I’m sorry,” Blitz mumbled, closing his eyes and let the owl preen him softly. 
“What ever for, darling?”
“For screwing up.”
“Blitz… Sweetheart, you did nothing wrong,” the owl assured, rubbing his back softly and kissed his forehead gently, holding the imp close to his chest, allowing the smaller demon to feel small and wrap himself around his larger form. Blitz nodded and sighed heavily as he leaned into the owl’s arms and melted into his touch. Stolas held him in his arms, picking him up from the counter and walked back upstairs with him to their bedroom, setting him on the sink’s counter in their shared bathroom. 
“Stols, I have to work…” Blitz mumbled, glancing up at his feathery husband, raising a brow when he noticed that the owl was turning the water taps on, starting a bath. The owl hooted, looking over his shoulder and smiled at his husband, pressing a small kiss to his forehead and stroked his arm gently. The imp knew that there wasn’t any use in trying to argue with the avian prince. He sighed softly and wrapped his tail around his waist, glancing out the window that was in the large ensuite. He looked at his husband adoringly, and reminded himself that things were okay, he was okay. He could trust Stolas, Via… The rest of the ragtag family. He perked up when Via stuck her feathered hand in through the door, peaking into the room. 
“Is everything alright, starfire?” Stolas looked over his shoulder, tone gentle and light as he asked his daughter. 
“Erm…” She stepped into her parents bathroom and shut the door a little, her arms crossed over her chest with a small sigh. 
“Mum’s here… And she wants to talk to you,” she said and looked anywhere except her parents' eyes. The imp and the avian prince looked at one another. The owl placed a charm on the water in the tub to keep it warm before he put on his cloak and walked with his daughter hurriedly to the mansion doors. Blitz followed closely behind his husband and daughters. Loona looked at her dad, worried and concerned written on her face. 
“Blitzy,” Stolas looked at his husband gently, kneeling to kiss him with a small smile. The imp swung his knife in his hands with the same menacing smile. Via looked worried.
“She wants me to go with her for the weekend… Dad, I don’t want to anymore,” she told him honestly and truthfully, sighing softly before opening the door when Stolas told her to. Stella glared at her ex. 
“What the fuck, Stolas? We had an agreement! Octavia would be with me on the weekends and with you and the imp on the weekdays,” she shouted. Stolas held his head high and looked past her shoulder, brows furrowed a little. He must be seeing things. He wasn’t. There was something… Someone in the bushes. Ash, twin brother of Alastor, was keeping an eye on… His brother’s ….prey while he rested since he’d just gotten done with his season. The younger demon glared at Stella, eyes red before disappearing into the void. 
“And Via has her own opinion in this agreement, Stella. If she wishes not to go, she does not have to. I suggest you leave before Blitz-,” he said, glaring at his ex wife. However, he was cut off by Stella screeching. 
“That… Pathetic imp? Really?”
“Hey. You’re talking to a guy who kills people for a living,” the demon piped up, looking at his husband’s ex, spinning his knife faster. 
“You married him?! What did your father think that you married an imp? You and I both know well-.”
“I don’t care! I don’t care about my status or my reputation, Stella! I married Blitz, yes and I did it out of love. The only reason we married was because we were forced to. I don’t give a damn what my father thinks. He’s already as neglectful as it is. I don’t need you harping down on me and making it any worse. It’s bad enough my own mother isn’t here to see any of this… Any of what I have done to be this far in my own life. The only thankful thing about my father that I can think of is when I was younger; we went to Loo Loo Land… And there I met Blitz. From there on out; I knew he was the one and not just with a friendship. So, no Stella. I don’t care what my father thinks,” he said, eyes glowing red as he neared his demon form. Stella was taken back, having not expected that at all. She huffed, lost at words before leaving the mansion. Blitz looked at his husband and came to his side when the avian prince sank to his knees. Via closed the door, kneeling beside her dad before hugging him tightly. Blitz and Loona followed and hugged the owl. Blitz knew that feeling. He knew the pros and cons of having daddy issues. He burrowed his nose into the owl’s feathers, wrapping his tail with Stolas’, hugging him tightly as the owl silently cried into the arms of his loving and supporting family.
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angeldemonartist999 · 9 months
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Nickname: Tallie
Date of birth: June 21
Hight: 5,13
Species: Imp [ in the lmk universe she be considered a new species of demon by the people and other demons ]
Personality: Cheerful, Bubbly, Generous, Kind-Hearted, Sweet,(Sometimes Oblivious), Smart, Protective, Serious, Clam-Tempered (except when people or demons do or say things about her or her friends/family that enrages her)
Powers:{Gluttony}( given by "bee" beelzebub ) the ability so summon food and drinks of any kind and enlarge them she can also command, control 🐝bees🐝 As their 👑queen👑,makes peach🍑honey🍯with magic, extremely strong as a demon royal
Occupation: 👑🐝Princess of Bees🐝👑 owner/C.E.O of 🍑🍯peachy honey🍯🍑 drink, farmer fresh angelic honey, freelance singer, dancer, cook
Family: Blitz-ø🐴❤️, Barbie Wire🖤❤️(Older Brother & Sister), Loona🌙🐺(Adoptive niece), Stolas👑🦉(Future Brother-In-Law), Octavia💫🦉❤️(Future Step-niece)
Friends: MK, Mei, Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Mo, Redson, Scorpion Queen, Macaque(sort of), Monkey King(Sun Wukong), Charlie & Vaggie, Angel Dust, Cherri bomb
Pet: Pure white bunny💙🐇💙Opal (Her Baby){she a bunny mommy}
Possession: 🐝gluttony grimoire🐝 given by the queen bee herself, lifetime supply of Varosika Mayday Suc-4-Life Cosmetics💄
Favorite food: Peaches🍑, Honey🍯 Roasted peach macadamia nuts 🥜,Vegetable chow main🍜, Peach Chips🍑, Baked honey glazed salmon 🍣
Favorite beverages: Honey🍯Peach🍑 drinks, Tropical peach paradise juice, Frozen coconut🥥 coffee☕️boba🧋
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angrycloudloud · 4 months
Today is my crying Helluva Boss day
So now you will crying with me, bitches, cause i'm as emotionally constipated as Blitzo and i refuse to cry alone.
So... Has anyone point out yet how my baby Stolas has three fucking songs about feelings for people important for him and in two of them he has moons?... But in the first one the Moon is destroyed and fell apart under him as he protects Octavia and takes care of her, while the Moon falls apart and burns against a star... As he sings to little Octavia to make her sleep, reasuring his daughter he'll be there for her.
i'm completely normal about the fact that probably while Stolas was singing to baby Octavia, is when Blitzo was losing his mom, best friend, and sister in a fire that everyone (including himself) blames him for it... He fell apart and burned alone... But then he pick himself up keep moving with his life, getting distant of everyone that gets too close and at the same time uncomfortably invasive with the privacy of those he loves like family (like the M&M and Loona) To the point that when someone tries to love him (the Verosika and Stolas) or points out someone else might love him (like Fizz did about Stolas loving Blitzo), Blitzo thinks all that is an elavorated lie to control him, because he thinks he can't be loved or doesn't deserve to be loved.
So Blitzo literally is the FUCKING MOON that Stolas is seen while he fucking sings in both of his songs, not just in "look my way". In the first one Blitzo like the Moon is destroyed and in the second one he is trapped inside his own armor making it impossible for Stolas to reach him.
So i think the "Full Moon" episode is GOING TO DESTROY my soul... because if i'm right, that episode could be the end of Stolas and Blitzo as a couple or the start of a new step in their relationship where there are no more "full moon pacts" and Blitzo HAS to face his feelings and Stolas feelings.
I'm not crying and screaming, i'm completely fine with this... It's not like i'm scared of hurt someone like Blitzo hurted Stolas because i have the fucking same problems, but with other traumas... Noooooo... I'm fine...
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So! On the topic of Octavia/Loona:
'Octavia is 17, that makes her underage!' Ok. She's literally less than a year from 18, and no one said she had to start dating before then or that Loona would hypothetically have feelings for her before then. And before you pull the grooming card, it is ONE YEAR and I doubt they'd be seeing each other frequently in that time, outside of maybe texting. Oh no the horror.
'They're going to become step-sisters/They ARE step-sisters!' There is no confirmation of that. Yeah, probably. Most likely. But you know what could also happen? Stolitz could break up. Either of them could die. They could just.... decide to stay as a casual relationship and not tie the knot. Are those likely? No, but they're possible. Nothing is confirmed, and future possibilities that may not even happen aren't good ground to stand on (also assuming every relationship has to end in a traditional marriage is super tradhet). As for already being sisters.... one, no, two - Stolitz aren't even dating, you know that right? They're fuck-buddies. They meet to have sex and that's it. Yeah, obvious feelings, but neither have confessed and their one date attempt blew up. If you consider fucking a good enough basis for family then you do you, but most people don't go by that definition.
'That scene gave me super sibling energy!' Good for you. Genuinely. I am happy for you. I'm sure that made you very happy. To me that scene was INCREDIBLY romantic from the lighting to the framing to the shots to the actions, but that's me and you're you. I have a sibling and we sure as hell do not act even in the same universe as that, so I'm operating off my personal experience here. The way you saw the scene doesn't dictate anything. Sorry.
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murderluv23 · 2 years
Literally the only "good" thing about Stolitz is Loona getting the possible chance to be a big sister. But even then, we'd just be exposing poor Octavia to another toxic marriage (and one that already ruined her first family mind you), and then Loona having to now put up the whole step parent drama. Them being honorary sisters separate from this mess would work much better.
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nightmaree-eyess · 2 years
I wanna ship loona x Octavia soooo bad but if blitzo and stolas end up together (which is a possibility) would that make loona and Octavia step sisters? That would be weird. And gross. Also would it still be weird to ship them knowing their dads fuck each other? Idk mannnnn.
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 7 months
Older - Sasha Alex Sloan
Who: Octavia of the Ars Goetia
I used to shut my door while my mother screamed in the kitchen
I'd turn the music up, get high and try not to listen
To every little fight, 'cause neither one was right
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I swore I'd never be like them
But I was just a kid back then
The older I get the more that I see
My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me
And loving is hard, it don't always work
You just try your best not to get hurt
I used to be mad but now I know
Sometimes it's better to let someone go
It just hadn't hit me yet
The older I get
I used to wonder why, why they could never be happy
I used to close my eyes and pray for a whole 'nother family
Where everything was fine, one that felt like mine
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I swore I'd never be like them
But I was just a kid back then
The older I get the more that I see
My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me
And loving is hard, it don't always work
You just try your best not to get hurt
I used to be mad but now I know
Sometimes it's better to let someone go
It just hadn't hit me yet
The older I get
The older I get the more that I see
My parents aren't heroes, they're just like me
And loving is hard, it don't always work
You just try your best not to get hurt
I used to be mad but now I know
Sometimes it's better to let someone go
It just hadn't hit me yet
The older I get
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skiplo-wave · 2 years
Loona and Octavia boning :')
steps sisters
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ambrial-blog · 2 years
After the confrontation with the sisters, Blitz is turned into a black cat Like Thackery Binx.  Fizzorolli,  betrayed Blitz. going to a voodoo priest  he learnt the dark arts of voodoo/hoodoo magic. He uses these new abilities to lure Blitzo’s sister into the woods so the Sanderson sister’s could drain her lifeforce. .  Fizzorolli, is the one who gives Winifred Sanderson her book of spells and curses bound in the flesh of a deadman.   It would be he, who would keep the immortal black cat for himself as payment of helping the Sanderson sisters. Blitzo, the bombastic imp like child, turned into a black furball- detested the jester. Often hiding from the charismatic warlock. who had a hand in turning him into the form a little black cat. A curse: to live with his guilt for eternity Three Thousand years pass, like a blink of an eye.  both immortal sinners are pinned against each other-.  Blitz does his best to remain vigilant keeping an eye on Winnie’s book and guarding the black flame candle.
*Suddenly with a new arrival of a new family: The Savitar’s:  a royal prestigious family  of Ares Goetic demons.  moved into the Sleep Hollows of Salem Massachusetts. Prince Stolas of the Ares Goeita  was caught up in a vicious divorce with his cold hearted, bitch of a wife. Stella.  Together they a brought their beloved daughter Octavia into this world, unfortunately their marriage fell apart soon after.   Stolas had went to hellhound adoption agency. Adopting Loona.  Octavia had talked the hellhound into breaking into the Sanderson sister’s cottage house. on one dark, cold and rainy night. ”Are you sure about this Via” Loona asks. stepping through the threshold of the house. “it looks lived in” says Loona.  batting a cobweb from her face. ”It been calling to me again,  I can’t explain it” Octavia answers.  “there is something here wanting to be found-” ”Please Loona, it won’t take long” ”You’ve heard the stories A Warlock is said to be living here, he could be down in the basement right now- working on an experiment. ”You’ve been watching those late night horror movies again.
As Octavia searches for anything  that she could steal and sell on the black market for a small profit.  A pair of amber eyes watches her from the shadows. ”Gross!, Via get away from that thing!” Loona barks  eyeing a small malnourished kitten. with a green ribbon tied around his neck. and a small chain link leash attached to the wall. His eyes were golden amber and their was a small heart-Shaped tattoo.  The right side of his face was matted with blood and it appeared he had his paw stuck in a bear trap. The Warlock’s most valued treasure.  Fizz would often torture him, using him in spells and hexes. the feline wouldn’t die. Once Fizz bashed his head in to collect some blood. Blitz would be fine the next morning. Fizzorolli would leave saucers of milk, three fat rats and if he was feeling generous  he would leave a small line of catnip. But the milk would sour, the putrid stench of rotting corpses of those plague infested rodents would go untouched. But the line of catnip would be smudged.
Via noticed, that the kitten’s head was bandaged over one eye. Blitz feels betrayed by Fizz. his disdain growing each day. the ribbon shone: emerald in the dim lighting. Resembling a choker with a small skull attached to it. Octavia wrinkled his nose at the sour smell of spoiled cream. Via rubs the side of his face noticing the bloodstained bandages. ”There, there little one your safe now” ”Loona! she whispers “come here, come look what I found” ”Kind of weak ain’t he Via” Loona answers. “He look like he’ll kill over anytime are you sure you won’t to take him home, shouldn’t we put him out of his misery?” ”Loona! Octavia scolded. narrowing her eyes hand me that match I’ll show you, I’ll take care of him, just like I take care of you or do you want to go live with my mother?” ”Fine, but he’s your responsibility and if you mom finds him don’t come crying to me” Loona hands her a match and Octavia lights the black flame candle. Illuminating the room.  the book began to blink the sleep from his eyes as Blitzo mewled in disapproval as Octavia worked hastily believing the owner of the house would return in a haste. .  She frees Blitz: from the bear trap  ripping the chain out from the wall. and gently places him in her bag. ”He’s going to bleed everywhere” Loona warns her.  But the owlet ignores her and dashes for the door. as the ground began to rumble. Flashes of Red, green and Indigo temporarily blind the girls. Loona grabs Octavia’s wrist and hauls ass dragging the princess behind her, she didn’t stop until she was sure they weren’t being followed*
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kookies2000 · 2 years
Just watched the newest Helluva boss episode.
First, yay! Octavia and Loona got to meet! They have that sisterly bond I imagined, thank goodness. Already shows they'll be great step sisters in the futuer. Loona already gives off big sisters vibes and Octavia the little sister. I just love it.
Second, Millie and Moxie being wholesome, as always. And it's absolutely adorable how Moxie 100% supports amateur artists. Just seems like something he would do.
Third, Stolas disguise. Love how he kept his impossible height. 🤣
And finally, the father and daughter moments. Too cute, too sweet, too everything. From Loonas back story to how sweetly protective the dads were.
"YOU CAN'T HAVE MY BABY B!@CH! I'LL NEVER GET RID OF HER!!!" *causes a shooting while calling the man a pervert.*
Best thing I've ever heard a cartoon dad say. 🤣
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daisytwist · 3 months
Octavia and Loona are literally me and my step sister.
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