stubberudsgirl · 4 months
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Euronymous and Occultus
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lords-of-mayhem · 2 months
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girl-2004 · 9 months
𝐤𝐞𝐲: ✩=𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 ✧=𝟏𝟖+ 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘!! ✯=𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
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𝐨𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 ’𝐞𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬’ 𝐚𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐭𝐡
New dye job ✩
𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 ’𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝’ 𝐨𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐧
My baby ✩
𝐯𝐚𝐫𝐠 𝐯𝐢𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐬
more to come…
𝐛𝐚̊𝐫𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐭
Movies ✩
more to come…
more to come…
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souslar · 1 month
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Lucian Collier in Lord of Chaos (Occultus)
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didanawisgi · 2 years
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“Turning to the symbolism of the beast and the number 666, we find that 666 is the Greek and Cabbalistic equivalent of the human reason. The beast, consequently, is the human mind, the false ruler of the life, the uninspired mind which is opposed to the inspired or Divine Mind.
Thus again we have the mystery of Lucifer, the fallen star, the rebel angel, the liberator. He is the one who brings reason and intelligence for by bringing the mind, he inaugurates every form of intellectual speculation. Man has no enemy equal to the unenlightened mind; no power will lead him so quickly to destruction as perverted thought.
It is this unenlightened mind that has built up this vast structure of terrestrial selfishness, discord and greed. This is the mind that slaves and sacrifices for worldly attainment, that underlies bigotry, intolerance and ignorance. All these belong to the sphere of human reason. So when Lucifer, the Light Bearer, brought man mind, he brought discord and endless sorrow. So the false light or the lower mind is the value of the number 666, the emblem of the beast.
The lower mind is the murderer, the Titan, the demonical Cyclop, the thousand armed Gyges of the ancient Greeks. This monster of the lower mind, this leviathan that swallows Jonah, this creature that comes out of the sea of illusion, this beast with the crown upon its head -- all this symbolism refers to the unenlightened human intellect.”
- Manly P. Hall, Think on these things
Art by William Blake
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zonambulo616 · 3 months
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bbl-drizzy · 11 months
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Occultus - Cosmos [1997]
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essektheylyss · 18 days
If anyone was genuinely curious why I ended up at "by the same logic that early c2 viewers used to argue Caleb was a werewolf, so is Essek," it was because I went to check if the etymology of Thalamus (in Occultus Thalamus) was different from its use in anatomy, and it is, in that the original Greek use is more akin to "inner chamber," which is similar but distinct in concept, particular when considering the Genesis Ward, from the anatomical usage, which is for the nerve center of the brain. So the Occultus Thalamus is either a central control for Aeor or some kind of hidden chamber or vault, which could feasibly hold anything.
The related terms included, in order: "thalame: 'den, lair'; tholos: 'vault'," and the combination of 'den' followed by 'tholos' made me wonder if there was actually an etymology for Thelyss, given a lot of other pointed origins. I don't necessarily think there is, but getting down to PIE with "*del" (variably written with the [th], though I couldn't find a ton of confirmation on it, but it is the origin of the word "tale" so it's somewhere in between) meaning, roughly, "to count, calculate, aim, reckon" and either "*lewk" meaning 'to shine' or "*wĺ̥kʷos" meaning 'wolf'. All of this is irrelevant because it's probably a coincidence because who the fuck besides me is going back to PIE for fantasy etymology, but it is fun as hell.
But most importantly I did somehow also manage to actually get the homework I was trying to finish done, which means I have virtually finished two of my three current courses, which means I will shortly be released from my torment (spring quarter) and get to unleash this absolute bullshit investigative energy on fic again instead of going down this line of absurd rabbit hole.
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rebellingreality · 1 year
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Slow and eternal - Occultus x fem!reader
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warning : slowburn (as good as it can be in a One-shot), the dark circle being the dark circle, friends to lovers kinda
Summary : A poser or a true demon in the end, the group didn't know yet. But no matter what they knew, Occultust and Faust couldn't get her out of their heads.
Info : So a request for @sweetest-catha I hope you like it and sorry for the longer wait I really had not the most time. But again have fun reading ;)
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
Helvete. She had heard about the infamous store in the scene. Had been shown photos by her friends and the press. Had heard her fans talking about it on her own tours and concerts. The new band that had emerged was "Mayhem".
But she didn't see it as a threat to her music, she saw it as a way to make the best out of all the shit in the world. There needed to be more darkness in this overly wholesome world if you asked her.
But wasn't that the answer any satanist would give? But when she finally stood in front of it, it was something she hadn't expected. Although there were a few customers in the store, it seemed like everything.
Actually, even if she had wanted to come here, she had to admit that it was more her orientation, she wanted to go to the city recording studio for a new song and not here. But what did that mean, maybe it was fate and in the end she would find her destination. A dark satanic world of her own.
Where she liked to be herself. Still wondering if they would have that one thing. That one particular cover. But as soon as she entered, the smell of cigarettes and beer hit her, not unfamiliar but almost too much on a morning when she had enough oxygen and wasn't about to pass out.
Looking around, she had to admit that she felt a certain comfort but with a naive charm. She knew that she wasn't necessarily significantly older than Euronymous and yet the group seemed so much more bursting with energy it impressed her a little. Because she herself knew that the world had turned against her from the beginning, and not just because of her choice of musician and genre.
With a small grin on her lips, she began to go through the shelves. She saw one or two familiar albums before stopping at the one that made her smile. ,,What are you smiling about, sweetie?" she heard an almost cheerful voice and looked next to her.
A young man no older than her was standing next to her, a wide grin on his lips and broad sunglasses hanging from his black sweater. ,,Hi, I was just looking at the plates, you've got some good ones," she replied, pointing to a few of them and hearing the long-haired man giggle, which he found more than amusing. ,,What do you mean, darling? Euronymous the owner" another one came up to her, stood next to the guy and put a hand on his hip.
She looked into his blue eyes and saw that he was sizing her up, judging whether she was good enough for your store or just a poser. ,,Sweetheart or poser girl?" asked another and she recognized the tall one as Faust had seen his picture from the police station after being questioned about the murder of a man.
But no one could really ask if it was true, at least not yet. ,,I like poser girls," the shorter one commented, introducing himself as Occultus and simply grabbing her hand and shaking it, but the grin didn't leave his lips.
Something that also made her smile slightly the energy of the group was so different individually that it was almost ironic how they all belonged together. ,,If you have no idea, get out!" she heard Varg shout from behind the cash register. She knew the album he had made well but it wasn't necessarily her favorite.
Looking back at Euronymous, he had folded his arms and was pointing to the door, ,,Get out or something will happen," he threatened, but something told her he wouldn't dare. It seemed to be either the over-interest of his two friends or the slight flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.
He was bluffing. ,,Well then, the poser girl is leaving now...but I'd have a look at one of the records, maybe you'll find something nice," she countered with a smile, turning on her heel and disappearing from the store with a wave. She left the boys slightly puzzled, but it was mainly Occultus and Faust whose grins only widened.
Because what at least she couldn't know was that when she gave the next concert, Occultus and Faust would be there as well as the whole circle. Everything about her was impressive, even if she wasn't the main singer, the boys recognized her despite the demonic masks.
The masks, which seemed to come from hell itself, covered the faces of the band and yet they recognized the young woman behind the mask. ,,She's epic," Faust heard his friend say as they both took another sip of beer and watched the demonic guitar solo they were about to witness. It was impressive how she could use her fingers to create such a beat for the band, it was as if Satan himself had taken over.
Even if she didn't notice the group in her frenzy, she put a lot of effort into this concert and it was well worth it. Because only a year later the band's new album was released and she wanted to see how well it was received. Or whether the boys had done their homework and now knew who they were or perhaps had a little more respect.
They had developed into decent Satanists and not thirteen-year-olds. When the door opened again and her arrival was announced, a small smile stole onto her lips. ,,That's right it's her" she heard the band founder murmur and the others scrambled out from behind the curtain. Not letting on, she went to the same shelf as a year ago, looked at the album and couldn't help but smile.
,,You...you...you were incredible," stammered the two friends who had dared to come to her, seeing Occultus trying to hide behind Faust and the other one the other way around. The two of them seemed too dazzled by her power on the guitar, at least from the outside.
,,Yes... really incredible," the two mumbled again and she couldn't help but giggle - the two of them were kind of cute and even if she didn't want to admit it at first, they were somehow adorable. ,,Thank you both," she began and held out her hands to them, which they shook and pulled into her arms with a surprised noise.
,,Tell me...would you like to be invited for a pizza?" she asked, gesturing with her head in the direction of the pizzeria opposite. Shabby and old and yet the best pizzas in town, as they all knew. Their hearts beat faster, it almost seemed like a date.
But even she couldn't deny the beating of her heart, they were already somehow in love. ,,You bet!" they exclaimed and she suddenly felt the two of them stand next to her, put their hands around her and the three of them smiled as they left the store. Feeling the fast but sweet kiss on her cheeks as the two kissed her as a thank you.
Not knowing that after the pizza date there would only be more opportunities to find out that their hearts beat for her and her heart beat for them. But above all, the black-haired Occultus would never forget this satanic goddess.
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wishbonemotel · 4 months
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quick sketch up of Agustín's vigilante costume for the daredevil/marvel timeline
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kill-arts · 4 months
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a couple of the doodle pages ive done recently for character hub
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lords-of-mayhem · 1 month
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"Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: Norwegian black metal!"
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satyrmagos · 7 months
As I'm winding up for National Novel Writing Month, I'd just like to remind you that patreon supporters at the $7 Jovial Patron and above get chapters and commentary as they're finished.
Here's a link to a post about the projects I am most likely to embark on. The Muses have minds of their own, though, so none of us will be sure until that first post goes live somewhere between the first and the fourth of november.
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wishing4nuclearwinter · 11 months
laying face down on the floor as I finally accept I’m going to have to change Agustin’s title again
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didanawisgi · 1 year
Since it is Good Friday, let us examine and appreciate some of the symbolic aspects of the crucifixion, regardless of your faith. The story goes that Jesus the Nazorean and Jesus Barabbas were on trial, and one could go free and one had to be crucified. "Nazorean" means "one whose Nazor is open", and the word "Nazor" means "brow" in Aramaic, and is usually associated with the third eye, or the Anja Chakra. Whereas "Barabbas" literally comes from "bar", meaning "son of", and "abba"- meaning "father", so it is "son of the Father", implying "son of God". Rather than literally being two different people, some have interpreted this as meaning that Jesus' consciousness was shifting from perception for preservation of the self to perception of connection with God. After this episode, he is crucified on a cross- something that dozens of Messiah figures in the past were also associated with- to include: Mithras, Krishna, Bachus, Dionysius, Pythagoras, Tammuz, Mitra, Zoroaster, Tuat, Odin, Quezalcoatl, Indra, Atys, Thulis, Osiris, and Baal- (just to name a few of them). Symbolically they died to attachment to physical forms, or some have interpretted it as death to the lower nature. It is even for this reason why, it could be argued, that in Islam, the Quran teaches that Jesus "did not really die", and that people were "taken in by an appearance". Whether you believe in an actual death or not, in Hebrew and Phoenician, the 22nd and last letter of their Aleph-Beth, or alphabets, is the letter Tav. This letter actually means "cross ", and it's letter form is composed of three of the letter Vau- which means "nail". Therefore, for centuries prior to Jesus, we have alphabets that have a last letter form that means cross and it is composed of three nails. This symbolism is also found in the Jesus story of the crucifixion. He is crucified at "Golgotha", which means "skull", and the human skull likewise has 22 bones in it. Appreciate the symbolism as related to yourself!
Timothy Hogan
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