#oc: caem
levinbolts · 2 years
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𝖺𝗀𝖾 𝟤𝟥
𝖼𝗁𝗂𝗅𝖽𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗐𝗈𝗋𝗄𝖾𝗋
𝖼𝖺𝗇 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖼𝗈𝗆𝗆𝗎𝗇𝗂𝖼𝖺𝗍𝖾 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗀𝗁𝗈𝗌𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇𝗌𝗍 𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝗂𝗅𝗅
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odysseys-blood · 9 months
(wip) finally working on that gabe ask so fun thing from the left side
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from an old family photo ezekiel's kids got together when she dragged them all out to get some professional pictures done. to this day everyone clowns lazarus for just ataring down the camera (ezekiel tries to be nicer about it bc thats her baby! but also honey....)
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almighty-narrator · 1 year
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Here we go again! Here you have my OC, Caem O'Sullivan in winter outfit! He was really fun to draw!
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instantdepresso · 1 year
I just realised i never introduced myself. Sorry for being rude 😔
Hi you can call me either Luly or Hosea(he/him) and i post art here (sometimes)
My main blog is @chahosea
Main tags etc below
#shut up luly -> shitposts and co
#luly's nice little thoughts -> talking about ocs
#luly's writing -> things that i've written
#weirdo trio -> the combination of Agni, Asoka and Nux
#santa monica's coterie -> vtmb coterie composed of Jesùs, Thuan, Grace and Nikita
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Oloïsse (he/him) (born in 1325)
Born a few months prior to the Personal Story, Oloïsse was mentored by Trahearne and taught necromancy. After Claw Island, he was given the title of Commander at the expanse of other Guilds members present (Agni, Nux & Asoka). Oloïsse did a great job tho ... until HoT. After the Scarlet's events, he started to doubt himself, and loosing Trahearne to Mordremoth was the thing that broke him. Kala became Commander at his demand and Oloïsse choose to stay with Caith to watch over Aurene, who ended up choosing him as a champion. During the event of PoF, he was the one killed by Balthazar.
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Agni Siggurdottir (she/her) (born in 1301)
After the disappearance of her mother and her father joining the Sons of Svanir, Agni was raised by her maternal uncle Forgal and joined the Vigils because he was her role model. When he died on Claw Island, she spiraled and became enraged with grief. When Zaithan was defeated, she exiled herself to the woods, but her solitude didn't last long, because Eir asked her to watch over her son Braham. Agni has an unlikely friendship with Asoka and Nux that grew during their time in Orr.
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Hjalti Siggurdson (he/him) (born in 1306)
5 years younger than Agni, Hjalti is her little brother born from the same awful father. Expected to follow the same path as him, Hjalti was taken by his father for a while before he escaped and ran back to his mother. Knowing he had a sister the whole time, he spent many years looking for her until Icrebrood Saga when she gained the name "Patricide" and became known among Norns for that. She first rejected him but warmed up a bit when she realised that he wasn't giving up despite the agressivity she was showing him.
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Kala Brisedune (she/her) (born in 1306)
Cub of high ranking officers of the Blood Legion, Kala was always expected to follow the same path as her parents. While her mother was always on her back and overcritical of her progress in the Fahrar, her father on the other hand didn't want anything to do with her and kept his distance. Being one of the best in her class, she quickly got noticed by Rytlock who took her under his wing. She then formed the Dune warband with her best friend Lucretia. But duty soon knocked on her door and after HoT she left her warband and became Commander, which led the other member of her warband to either die, leave or betray the Legions by joining Bangar and the Frost Legion.
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Adria Emhra (she/her) (born in 1298)
Born in Elona to a powerful noble family, Adria was promised to the son of a allied family in Kryta and sent to Divinity's Reach as a teenager to study and marry when she would be of age. She got married indeed to August and together they had a daughter called Nela. At the beggining of Personal Story, August had accepted to take custody of a former sylvari criminal: Blodwyn. Adria fell in love with them the moment they met and divored August. She took his job as a minister too a few months later, because she knew she would be better at it.
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Caem Blodwyn (she/they) (born around ~1305 - thirdborn sylvari)
When she was in the Dream, Blodwyn was given a strange and terrifying Wyld Hunt that they didn't understood. Scared from what they had seen in the memories of previous sylvaris, she fled the Pale Tree to find answers and the Nightmares took them. Close for a while to Faolain, Blodwyn became a Countess of the Nightmares and was given her own little court. But at the beggining of Personal Story, they were captured by valiants and jailed in the Grove. Oloïsse pleaded for her to be given a second chance after recognizing each other from the Dream. She was then sent to Kryta under the care of Minister Ainsley, where they met his wife, Adria, the subject of Blodwyn's Wyld Hunt. During the events of HoT, Mordremoth's influence reached Blodwyn and she fled to the Mists so he couldn't reach them. They came back with Faolain ghost attached to her mind.
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Lucretia Fièredune (she/her) (born in 1306)
Kala and Lucretia were raised together in the Fahrar and formed the Dune warband together. But Kala left her and the band to become Cammander and her absence left them vulverable. Little by little, members of the warband either left or died and Lucretia grew to resent Kala. When they met again in Icrebood Saga, Lucretia blamed her for what happened and it led Kala to realise she sacrificed everything meaningful for her job.
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Skrittologist Nux (she/her) (born in 1305)
Nux's family was a known one and like all the other before her, she was expected to join the Static College. But after an experiment she was forbidden to continue gone wrong, she caused an explosion that injured and killed several of her colleagues and also took her left arm. She was then banned by the Arcane Council and left Rata Sum to find meaning elsewhere. After taking a job from the Priory, she became interested in Skritt culture and went to live in Skrittsburgh for a year. After publishing her thesis, the Priory recruted her as a Skritt specialist and sent her to Orr as a coordinator between the Pact and the Skritt allies.
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Solan Eadra (she/he/they) (born in 1320)
No clear backstory, but they are a Vigil.
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Nela Ainsley (she/her) (born in 1317)
Adria and August's daughter. She is a student in Queensdale academy and is a big fan of the Pact and the first Commander, to the point that it led her to become a necromancer just like him and Trahearne.
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Asoka Quin (he/him) (born in 1309)
Born from a Canthan maternal family and Krytan parternal side, Asoka was a middle child and the only boy. Having a bad relationship with his parents, he ran away from home at 15 and lived off pickpocketing and scam for a year before being recruted by the Order of Whispers and drafted in Orr as a scout. In comparison to Agni and Nux, he is way more active in the Pact and has been present in the HoT, PoF, IBS and EoD events.
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Alto Casseferraille (he/him) (born in 1276)
Lucretia's father and an engineer of the Iron Legion. He is a charr of few words and he mostly enjoy solitude.
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Captain Dexx (he/it) (born in 1308)
Dexx always had a rebellious nature and was still pretty young when he left Rata Sum to live a life of Piracy. He became a Captain at 19 and had been thriving on the sea ever since.
Archivist Luwin (he/him) #c: archivist luwin (born in 1313) (human, geograph of the Priory, mesmer, basically a self-insert)
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Valli Erribur (they/them) (born in 1310)
Valli was an apprentice to become a chaman of the Raven but was obsessed with the Mists and what they could learn from it. After straying from their Spirit, the Raven got displeased with them and cursed them with visions that they couldn't understand.
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Tiarnuin (he/him) (born around ~1305 - thirdborn sylvari)
Member of Countess Blodwyn's Court, Tiarnuin was her jester and personal executioner. When they were captured, Tiarnuin searched everwhere for her, but in vain. He stayed in the Nightmares because he thought it would be more fun than the Dream, going from Court to Court as an entertainer.
August Ainsley (he/him) (born in 1297)
Adria's ex-husband and Nela's father. He lives with his cousin Faren now.
#sofia pavel (toreador)
#jesús navarro (brujah, member of the Santa Monica's coterie)
#grace parker (malkavian, member of the Santa Monica's coterie)
#thuan (hecata & former nagaraja, member of the Santa Monica's coterie)
#nikita vasilyev (nosferatu, member of the Santa Monica's coterie)
Baldur's Gate 3
#léandre (paladin & cleric of Tor, human, acolyte background)
#amaranth naerith (bard of Lore, seldarine drow, artist background)
#ares of avernus (berserker, tiefling of zariel's bloodline, outlander background)
the witcher
#ikram of ofir (witcher from the school of viper)
#asmodée (unknown creature)
(I also post about the Yakuza games, Pentiment, One Piece and other stuff I forgot about lmao)
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jeansui · 1 year
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into “flight” or “fight”? 💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep? 🍟 FRIES - do they order food often? or they prefer to cook their own food? 🍁 MAPLE LEAF - what is their favourite season? why? 🕷️ SPIDER - what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears? 📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim? 🎤 MICROPHONE - are they good at singing? what is their go-to karaoke song? 🎷 SAXOPHONE - do they play any instruments? are they any good at it? 🎡 FERRIS WHEEL - are they someone who wants to kiss at the top of the ferris wheel? 💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
(sou mesmo muito curiosa, sorry)
😨 - Luta, ele é guerreirinho. 💤 - Precisa de ajuda pra dormir. Tem muitas coisas que ajudam: leite quente, filme chato, livro muito descritivo, programas de leilão e orgasmo. 🍟 - Se ele pudesse, ele pediria comida todos os dias, porque ele não é bom na cozinha, dificilmente acerta. 🍁 - Primavera e outono, ele gosta de cor e flores, até quando secam e caem. Tem meses específicos que ele ama e ele acha que está ligado a estação, por exemplo, março e abril em seoul. 🕷️ - Maior medo é a solidão, e o medo irracional é de relâmpagos e trovões. 📣 - A voz do jean é doce, meiga e quase sempre está em um tom mediano, quase angelical. 🎤 - Não é um cantor profissional, mas consegue cantar legal. Ele precisa da voz para o trabalho, seja contando histórias ou só cantando uma cantiga de ninar para as crianças. 🎷 - Piano, aprendeu na igreja de seus pais e já tocou em algumas missas. 🎡 - Definitivamente sim, Jean é do tipo romântico, ele acha essas coisas bem bonitas e ele gostaria de viver algo parecido. 💚 - Beijos, abraços, comida, colinho, chameguinho, qualquer coisa que faça ele ronronar que nem um gato.
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aoi2906 · 1 year
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. Phoebe. .Ela é fofa, mas eu sempre sofro com o cabelo dela, especialmente a franja. .Acho que as cores primárias caem bem nela, especialmente azul e vermelho, sempre faço ela nessas cores. . Normalmente ela está sempre com roupas que lembram um estilo marinheiro mas decidi sair um pouco do usual . .#bruxa #witch #oc #originalcharacter . . .✰#HopeStarComics . . .✰#ilustração .✰#art .✰#desenho .✰#micronpen. .✰#lapisdecor . .✰#canetinhas. .✰#fabercastelbrasil. .✰#mangaartwork. .✰#OriginalUniverse . .✰༚◍◯ʕ•̫͡•ʔ✰♡✰ʕ•̫͡•ʔ◯◍༚✰. . .ѵҽյɑ Եɑʍҍéʍ:. .➯ "Afundando em si Mesma" - Link no perfil. .➯ O perfil conjunto da Hope Star - @hopestarcomics #aoi2906 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnYgOFUuz6Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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0ssianic · 2 years
havent written much recently so im gonna talk about/summarize some of my wips because i can (this ended up as all FFXV based ones oops)
-Mermaid AU: mostly pulling from the little mermaid and various mermay fics ive read. noctis and regis are at cape caem on vacation and while playing on the shore, noctis falls into the water and is saved by mermaid!lunafreya. the two eventually keep meeting up and talking. some specific things to bond over include magic and being prince/princess. soon after, the two do some kind of spell that turns lunafreya human. noctis helps her back up to the house from the shore, but its difficult going for the two of them since a) luna doesn’t know how to use her legs yet (and for parts like this, i was thinking of incorporating og little mermaid stuff, like every step hurting) and b) helping luna aggrevates noctis’s old injury (as something i was trying to keep in line with canon).
dont really have more than this, but a possible second half of this would go like this: regis wakes up in the morning and when going to wake noctis up, also finds an unknown girl in noctis’s room. he tries to figure out who she is and whats shes doing here from noctis, but only gets the full answer from luna later. would mostly be regis trying to figure out what he’s supposed to do when he finds out she’s a mermaid princess (with magic!) who’s effectively just run away from home
-Fateswap AU: Noctis is the oracle and luna is the chosen king. main focus on noctis, ignis, and prompto. main “story” i have is noctis and ignis are plotting to escape their niflheim guards, of which prompto is one. the two put their plan into motion: noctis pretends to be sick, prompto goes to help/check out whats happening, and ignis disarms him. its right at that moment that prompto decides yes, he really does want to defect and can he go with them pretty please? ignis thinks its a bad idea, but noctis does agree. thats where i initially ended my outline, but i can see expanding it to include some roadtrip stuff, but its harder to find a solid stopping point after that
-Insomnia: started this one with “somnus couldn’t sleep” purely bc i find the irony amusing and i have fun writing hooks. then i had to work backwards with why he wasn’t able to sleep and it turned into one of my standard introspection oneshots. ends up more as a reflection on being in someone’s shadow/being expected to be like/just as good as an older sibling and deciding to do your own thing despite expectations/comparing yourself to others. this one partially arose because i was on an ardyn & somnus kick as seen in my next wip
-Somnus gets the ring: this one is a mix of gap-to-fill type of fanfic and wanting to do something with the high messengers (theres 24 messengers, but we only see a few of them. soo... [insert free real estate meme here]). I had fun coming up with a High Messenger OC for this, who i mostly based as being an opposite of gentiana in appearance and is dressed a bit like a roman soldier. i also sort of incorporate my HC that the gods/bahamut/messengers very rarely interact with the line of lucis and don’t tell them much when they do. this would be dialogue heavy which is where im getting stuck.
my current outline for the story goes like this: somnus realizes he’s in a dream and in front of him is the crystal and a soldier. somnus quickly realizes the man’s not human, but something divine. the messenger delivers what he’s supposed to say from bahamut and theres a bit of back and forth as somnus tries to pry more info out of him. somnus eventually accepts (almost a vow-ish type thing) and wakes up with the gem of the ring in his hand.
-regis, noctis, and the crystal: takes place when noctis is really little, before regis finds out he’s the chosen king. main thrust would be its cute, and a bonding moment as regis teaches noctis about the responsibility that comes with their (literal) god given powers. events would be: noctis has been slipping out of his room to sleep on the throne room steps (which i HC the throne room to be right above the crystal). regis takes this as a good opportunity to teach noctis about the crystal, their magic, and the duties the gods gave to them as the world waits for the chosen king. they go to see the crystal and noctis finds himself both drawn in and frightened by the crystal and the magic (his magic).
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taechaos · 3 years
I was totally not stalking your blog :D, and caem across this drabble of the notebook were Oc is insecure about her body ans how jk would react, and it was so ummm good?, amazing?, fantastic? and now im kinda wondering how that same situation would go but with Tae from the idea series, only if it is okay
oh thank you so much :DD ALSO I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED BC THIS IS RLY EXCITING 😫😫 love me a stalker tho
ps not proofread cuz its 5 am lOLLoL
Nights are dreadful. You've been having trouble sleeping for some time now, each day going to sleep a little later than the day before, and normally you'd be worried about your sleep schedule for when you eventually go off to college, but you're not. You dread the night because not only do you toss and turn until the sun rises, but because of the overthinking that comes with.
Your hormones are toying with you, from the self-deprecating thoughts to breaking out. If the blemishes and the scars aren't enough, you feel heavier. Normally, you wouldn't care so much for these factors because it's the cycle of life and mother nature, and usually there's no one around to judge you; but Taehyung is in your bed every night, and he sees you every day.
Now, you didn't use to care so much about Taehyung's thoughts about your appearance because he's your step-brother. That was until you began harboring some feelings for him due to a few turn of events, and well, now you're insecure and care about what he thinks. And he's around you all the time, so he's destined to judge you at some point.
These thoughts, along with the fact that you don't like yourself so much right now, are not helping. They're haunting, if anything, and you turn on your side in the dead of the night with Taehyung sleeping on the other end of the bed.
At least you thought he was until he smacked your hip over the blanket with a grumble. "Stop fucking moving, damn." He doesn't sound like he just woke up, instead his tone is alert and slightly irritated. Nights with you have been disastrous because he can't cuddle you from how many times you switch positions and the way you refuse affection. He's stopped himself from slapping you multiple times for whacking his hand away or your witty remarks. Such a bitch.
"Go to your own room then," you huff in a hushed voice and roll your eyes. Your back no longer faces him when he pulls on your shoulder, prompting you to look up at him with crossed arms. He's not impressed with his empty gaze; clearly tired after a busy day and still up at 4 AM. He props his elbow to lean his cheek on his fist.
"Are you afraid I'm going to fuck you in your sleep or something? That was a one time thing– okay, maybe more than once," he rolls his eyes when you look at him sarcastically with high brows and low lids, "but it's not like I'll do it again! I respect women and consent and all that good stuff now, so with this reassurance, let's fucking sleep already." He taps your cheek before throwing his arm over your chest and snuggling his face into your shoulder, his figure practically covering half of you. You don't move as he blows out a deep breath through his nose, clearly relaxed while you still have your eyes open.
A moment of silence passes, and Taehyung whose sense of time is greatly flawed, peeks an eye open to see if you're asleep after twenty seconds of waiting. "Are you awake?"
"No, Tae, I sleep with my eyes open," you spit and he immediately flicks your forehead with his finger. You whine at the sting. The sibling energy irks you when you think about his impact on your sleep schedule, and so on...
"No wonder you always look like a zombie nowadays," he sighs with a shake of his head before joking, "Ugly."
The only sensible reason as to why tears well up in your eyes instantly is that your period is approaching. That must be it, you convince yourself and purse your lips to stop the gradual trembling. It simply isn't the best time to joke about your appearance, because lately your heart intends to take everything so seriously. You hate your current sensitivity, but you can't exactly lower it on a scale.
So you just hold it in.
Taehyung waits for a response for a whole minute before squinting at your side profile. He can see another layer building up on your eye, and he holds himself up by his palm to get a closer look. "Are you good?"
When someone tries really hard to hold back tears, it's so easy for them to break down just by hearing the question: "Are you okay?" Taehyung isn't so empathetic in his approach, but the result is the same when you blink. It's 4 AM for God's sake, people play truth or dare after midnight for a reason. It feels just so intimate at this time, and you can't help the one sob that slips past your lips.
Your step-brother stares wide-eyed at you before bursting out in laughter. "Oh my God, don't tell me you're crying because I called you ugly?"
"Shut up," you demand with a wavering voice. Not the best time to be mocked either.
"Princess, I was kidding," he straddles you by sitting on your thighs to lean down, hands palming your flushed cheeks as he chuckles. "You cry so easily."
Taehyung is arguably either the worst or the best consolation by how he makes your sadness feel so out of place; stupid and worthless.
"I know I look like shit, okay?" you hiccup and slap his hands away to wipe your tears. "You don't have to be around me all the time if you find me so ugly. You know I'm insecure. Wh-why would you say that?"
He clicks his tongue and brushes away the hair strands sticking to your face. "Because I didn't know you'd be so offended by it. Princess, take a joke; I was just commenting on your eyebags. You look like a fucking raccoon."
Your cries get a little more heartwretching when you struggle to breathe over your hiccups and sobs. "You're so mean!" you cover the top of your face in shame. "Do you enjoy watching me cr-cry?"
"Kind of," he scratches the back of his head with a sheepish grin. Your sudden temporary silence makes him sweatdrop and avoid eye contact. "Okay, listen, no, I just don't feel bad about it. I mean I would be mad if someone else made you cry, but you're crying over a joke–"
"Just leave," you cut in with a sniffle. You stare at the ceiling as your lips fall into a hard line. Though you know you'll change your mind later, right now he's more toxic than you can bear. Every word he says cuts deep. "You're making it all worse."
"Okay, wait," he holds up his hand with a sigh. "Tell me what you're insecure about. Your body? I'm the only one who'll ever see it, so who gives a–"
"You called me ugly."
"You are gorgeous, okay?" he emphasizes each word and closes in on your face. "There is nothing I don't love about you. Ugh," he shivers, "didn't mean to sound romantic."
You're growing sleepy as the aftermaths of your breakdown, and you can only muster a chuckle at his genuine distress.
"Well, I already started, so I'll go full simp mode, your body is a temple, queen. Scratch that, you're my fucking goddess. I want to worship you, but someone's been too busy crying and staying up to notice my sexual frustration for the past week."
A laugh escapes you at his antics that you only get a glimpse of every now and then. You know he doesn't know how to comfort you or take care of you when you cry, but his humor works in his favor.
"By the way, I can't believe you didn't let me touch you," he scoffs. "I was going to start doing it in your sleep again, but you wouldn't even do that! Then you go around, bitching and whining about being ugly like a stupid girl."
"Stupid? I–"
He cuts you off by pressing his index finger on your lips. "Don't talk. You're pretty and sexy, especially when you cry. Let me do the thinking for you, stupid girl. Do one thing right and go to sleep, I'll take care of the rest."
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brosura · 7 years
for the character ask: iris?
wwoOPS! sorry for answering so late!
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS | flower daughter 
ship with: no one really! 
friendship them with:  LIKE everyone tbh. ignis for the peaceful hobby friends, prompto for the fun energetic mood-setting friends, noctis for childhood friends who know each other’s DIRT, gladio for ride-or-die siblings who are ride-or-die friends which i’m always down for
on the stretchier side, cor and iris in the world of ruin as intergenerational buddy cop demonslayers. 
aranea and iris in the world of ruin as intergenerational buddy cop demonslayers 
the three of them as an intergenerational trio of buddy cop demonslayers 
what i’m saying here is we lost so much potential for a buddy cop demonslayer dlc starring cor, aranea and iris AKA. sword guy spear lady and punchy gal
general opinions: i LOVE hER and i was devastated that the game made me split ways with her at cape caem. i love that she’s almost more of a physical fighter than her brother bc she just goes for the spine with her bare fists and that she takes the middle seat like a team player!!! i wish she was a party member or at least recruitable as a guest star party member for longer! 
thanks again! and sorry for the lateness of the response
[put a character in my ask] [my ask]
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paopukairi · 2 years
Final Fantasy XV x Kingdom Hearts Fanfic - Lucis's Reborn - Masterlist - [COMPLETE]
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Summary: How much longer will lies disguised as noble truths survive?
Everything was planned, Renae would marry Ravus and live out her days in Tenebrae, Noctis would become the True King and save the world from the Starscourge; but it isn’t what they both fully wanted. She yearned to save the world and he wanted to pursue a mysterious woman from his dreams. But that wasn't what Bahamut had in plan; Renae was never part of the plan.
Their lives and destinies are about to change; as a truth as old as time will be reborn to save the world from an eternal night.
★ Rating: Mature
❥ Pairings: Ravus Nox Fleuret x OC 1 + Noctis Lucis Caelum x OC 2
☼ Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV (mostly), Kingdom Hearts (final arc of story)
✎ Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Major Character Death, Mentions of Abuse, Trauma, Mention of Mental Health Ilnesses
⌘ Tags: Romance, Action, Adventure, Mystery
♛ Please Note: As I've mentioned, this is mostly a FFXV story. I'd say the story is a good 95% FFXV and the other 5% is KH. The story is slightly changed as well as characters. Also please note that the ending will not follow the canon of the game. I'd really appreciate it if you guys give it a read, leave a comment and if you'd like repost to share with others
I - The Beginning
Chapter 1: Renae Lucis Caelum [Published]
Chapter 2: A Dream [Published]
Chapter 3: Childhood Friend [Published]
Chapter 4: Could it be Love? [Published]
Chapter 5: An idiot [Published]
Chapter 6: Etro [Published]
Chapter 7: My Queen [Published]
Chapter 8: Believe [Published]
Chapter 9: Orphan [Published]
Chapter 10: Death [Published]
II - No Turning Back
Chapter 11: Her Dream [Published]
Chapter 12: Saviour [Published]
Chapter 13: Grief [Published]
Chapter 14: Lanterns [Published]
Chapter 15: Goodbye [Published]
Chapter 16: Reunited [Published]
Chapter 17: Royal Tomb [Published]
Chapter 18: Her Name [Published]
Chapter 19: Kiara [Published]
Chapter 20: Deal [Published]
Chapter 21: Renae vs Loqi [Published]
III - Open World
Chapter 22: Heart to Heart [Published]
Chapter 23: No Coincidence [Published]
Chapter 24: Mother of Birds [Published]
Chapter 25: Saviour of Lucis [Published]
Chapter 26: Sword in the Waterfall [Published]
IV - Living Legend
Chapter 27: Ardyn Answers [Published]
Chapter 28: Heat [Published]
V - Dark Clouds
Chapter 29: Saviours in Silver [Published]
Chapter 30: Reunion of Lovers [Published]
VI - Emergence of Rebirth
Chapter 31: Breaking Point [Published]
Chapter 32: The Truth [Published]
Chapter 33: The Phoenician and The Princess [Published]
Chapter 34: Phoenix Reborn [Published]
Chapter 35: Aulea [Published]
VII - A Way Forward
Chapter 36: PDA [Published]
Chapter 37: Passion [Published]
Chapter 38: Cape Caem [Published]
Chapter 39: Future [Published]
Chapter 40: Gift [Published]
Chapter 41: Grief and Sorrow [Published]
Chapter 42: Power of the Phoenician [Published]
VIII - Bonds Formed
Chapter 43: Alliance [Published]
Chapter 44: A New Home [Published]
Chapter 45: True Love [Mature] [Published]
Chapter 46: The Statue in Steyliff Grove [Published]
IX - Seaworthy
Chapter 47: Divinity of Eos [Published]
Chapter 48: Royal Vessel [Published]
Chapter 49: Leaving Party [Published]
Chapter 50: Nightmare and Vision [Published]
X - Callings
Chapter 51: Altissia [Published]
Chapter 52: Wedding Dress [Published]
Chapter 53: The Summit [Published]
Chapter 54: Into the Fray [Published]
Chapter 55: Engaging the Empire [Published]
Chapter 56: Sword of the Father [Published]
Chapter 57: Renae vs Leviathan [Published]
XI - The Hearts of Saviours
Chapter 58: Anguish and Loss [Published]
Chapter 59: Succarpe [Published]
Chapter 60: Threshold [Published]
XII - In the Dark
Chapter 61: Express Train for Disaster [Published]
XIII - End of Days
Chapter 62: Tenebrae in Ruin [Published]
Chapter 63: Blessing of the Glacian
XIV - Redemption
Chapter 64: Zegnautus Keep [Published]
Chapter 65: Purest of Love [Published]
Chapter 66: Saviour of Tenebrae [Published]
FINAL: Chapter 67: Renae Lucis Caelum CXV [Published] [NEW]
Epilogue: Hearts Connected [Published] [NEW]
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levinbolts · 2 years
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🍂 autumn breeze 🍂
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lablancfox · 5 years
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🎀💔💫 Milk 💫💔🎀 *+:.•°*+:.•° Eu nunca consigo tirar uma foto boa com o boneco dele QuQ tava testando um novo estilo de olhos/cílios e gostei muito UwU eu costumo equilibrar meus bonecos da mesma forma que ele está fazendo, será que é por isso que eles caem na minha cara de noite? qqq *+:.•°*+:.•° I never get a good make up with the Milk doll QuQ Well I was training a new style of eyes and eyelashes and I really liked UwU I usually balance my dolls the way Milk is doing, so why and why do they get mad at me? *+:.•°*+:.•° . . . #oc #originalcharacter #sketch #sketchbook #doodle #drawing #desenho #dibujo #watercolorpencils #watercolorart #watercolor #aquarela #cute #kawaii #kawaiiguro #guro #gore #pastelguro #pastelgore #sadboy #creppy #lowbrowartist #lowbrow #depressivechildren #lablancfox #lablancfoxoc #milk https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wPCwBhiPm/?igshid=1pgdvak3ytcdh
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almighty-narrator · 2 years
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My last traditional product! I've attempted to control my pastel marker and try a line approach... I really like the final results!
So here is my two OC, Caem O'Sullivan (the young boy) and his friend Caoihme Brennan! I play Caem in the settings of a RPG based on Mutant and Mastermind. Caoihme is supposed to be a npc.
These two kids grow up together and are best friends. Well... in other timelines... In the timeline where I play my characters, he shifts of reality during sleep and ended up in a reality where his friends does not exist. Due to his illusion ability and a part of deny of the situation, as a kid, he recreates her using his illusion skills. What I'v tried to represent with these small doodle are just casual scene between these two friends, and the farewell of Caem towards his illusionnary friends, hopping that he will be able to see her again when he grow up.
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youngrevolutionary · 5 years
HCs? Let's see... Seems Iris had NEVER seen a chocobo personally until after the fall of Insomnia but like. She soon gets REAL good at riding one that she's pretty hard to beat in the mini-game races. I'm torn between thinking that there may have been a chocobo post and racetracks in Lestallum for her to visit often and practice in (bc Wiz's post in Duscae is too far) OR she just has a natural talent racing on chocobo-back. Maybe both? How's Seifer with the big birds, though? :3c
Ahahah I think Seifer has only seen them in the wild when out on deployment. His first time riding them was... awkward. By awkward, the damn thing wouldn’t steer. 
Lestallum kind of had a tourist attraction feel -- I wonder if they did have like a ‘Chocobo trails’ area where tourists could come and ride around. They also have the Chocobo races held during the Assassins Creed Festival! 
Now SEIFER with big birds -- he’s not the worst rider, but he’s not a fan of them. He doesn’t like the way they smell and he winds up getting caught up with a bird that’s just too skittish for his comfort. He will take any mode of transportation over a bird. 
I do headcanon that he and a bunch of hunters did try to do the dumb thing most new hunters do and try to go out to train wild Mesmenirs. (This was something I think I mentioned with @meldaciomartyr, once) which is actually a piece of lore from the game I believe.) 
There’s actually an old Chocobo in Caem that he favors when he has to travel bird back. It’s a bit slower but more docile. Hardly gets spooked by daemons. 
Send me a headcanon you have about YOUR muse.
NEW GAME! I don’t care how big or little or silly or serious or self-indulgent it is, canon or oc, send me a headcanon and I’ll answer back with one of mine.
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mtraki · 6 years
Protective sentences: “Be more careful next time. I don’t want to bandage you up again.” For Female reader who is a brash fighter and Gladio who is a bit upset with her.
(I made you wait so long for this, I’m so sorry!  Here it is, though, after all its many rewrites!  I hope you like it!  Thank you for waiting!)
(As before: I use ‘Nonnie’ for .  I find it less jarring than and other formats.  You/your OC/your fav otp can be Nonnie!)
For a long time the two of you sat wordless while Gladiolus’s strong hands proved themselves capable of gentleness not oft shown as he wound the sterile bandage around your forearm.  You’d already protested that you could ‘take care of it yourself’, but he’d cut you off with that scowl and low grunt like he always did.  So now you sat docile under his hands on the bench just outside the female locker room.
“You know,” He broke the silence at last, his tone finding more of the friendliness he usually reserved for other occasions, “there’s a difference between ‘fearlessness’ and ‘recklessness’.”
Opening your mouth, you started to retort that you knew that, and that you weren’t reckless.  You’d known exactly what you were doing!  Sure, you hadn’t anticipated your rival and training partner to counter like that, but he sure as hell hadn’t expected you to throw yourself into it anyway to finally score a hit of your own!
You were always throwing yourself into things.  Into the Crownsguard, into training, into friendships, into fights, and into Gladio.  It was just the way you were, and there was really no point in doing anything other than accepting and embracing it.  Like the sea, in mighty waves, you threw yourself at every challenge, not concerning yourself with how gracelessly and painfully you might crash into the cliffside– you’d just build up momentum to try again.  Eventually, every challenge came crashing down in your wake.
In fact, the only thing you hadn’t yet thrown yourself into, was love.  But that was simply because ‘love’ didn’t look like a cliffside that could eventually be worn down, from where you were sitting.  No.  More likely, love was a deep chasm, and if you threw yourself into it, there’d be no pulling yourself back and nothing to catch you.  One day you might decide it was worth the risk… but after all, you weren’t reckless.
“Shut up.” You said instead, deciding you knew better than to try and start a pointless argument after what had happened.
“Yeah, well, be more careful next time,” Were his instructions after the bandage end was tucked away securely and taped in place, and he ruffled your hair with his large hand in a gesture that was probably supposed to be mildly affectionate, but always struck you as kind of demeaning.  You shrugged away and slapped his hand aside, causing him to laugh the rest of his words, “I don’t want to bandage you up again.”
“Nobody asked you to!” You told him in a huff, getting up and storming into the locker room, feeling some satisfaction with how the door slammed behind you.
You didn’t want him or anybody either coddling or patronizing you.  Not even Gladio, who was arguably more of a friend and ally to you than anybody else in the Crownsguard training regiment.  Your strong-willed, energetic, fearlessness in the face of every challenge often had your peers groaning and your instructors rolling their eyes with deep sighs, but Gladiolus Amicitia just sort of shrugged and gave a small smile with a gleam in his eye.  Sometimes you wondered if he was laughing at you.
His girlfriends usually were.  There seemed to be a new one every two weeks or so, and each one was as awful as the last.  You weren’t jealous, of course.  The fact that Gladio was handsome and skilled and nice to you had nothing to do with it.  He just had terrible taste in women, and you were sure to tell him so after he’d firmly said goodbye to the latest one, sending her on her way, after lunch break, when she’d decided to make a scathing comment about your training-battered appearance.  He just shrugged at you with that little smile and that gleam in his warm eyes.
You were finishing up loading the truck for your supply run to ‘New’ Lestallum–that’s what the locals of ‘Old’ Lestallum called the electricity powerhouse to the north– checking the cabin for your phone charger cable and extra batteries for the radio.  With the way comms networks all over the continent were going up and down, you could expect updates and instructions from either one.  Besides, your favorite music was on your phone, and what was a roadtrip without good tunes?
Initially, you hated the assignment.  It seemed like you were getting banished off to this little town far away from everyone and everything– like they were finally ‘getting rid’ of you.  It didn’t take long, though, for you to figure out that you had been put here on purpose: because you had the initiative to take on all the tasks that wouldn’t be assigned.  Old Lestallum was one of the westernmost outposts in Lucis, and as such, was one of the first places on the continent any troop movements from Niflheim would stop– often to resupply.  It was left up to you to assess whether or not that troop movement was reported to the rest of the resistance or stopped dead.  Nobody was here to tell you it was a bad idea, either way.  Your bosses relied on your prowess and fearlessness, alone.  It was a hard-won trust, and so you found pride in your remote assignment.  Besides those official duties, you spent a lot of time working with the hunters who congregated in the town between contracts.  The townsfolk also knew who to talk to about getting difficult-to-acquire necessities.  You kept busy and were never bored.
“You’re alive,” A familiar voice intoned breathlessly behind you, “You made it out of the city.”
Slamming the truck door closed, you looked over you your shoulder at the huge man there.  Of course you recognized Gladiolus Amicitia on sight.
“You look like shit, Amicitia.” You told him.  He didn’t, really.  He looked much the same as last time you’d seen him in the Crown City, some weeks before it fell.  His dark hair and beard were somewhat more unkempt, and his fatigues needed a good washing (as did his entire self, really), but there wasn’t much the road or wilderness could do to his rugged good looks.  The most alarming part of his appearance was that he was alone. “Where’re your friends?”
His ‘friends’ being the Crown Prince (well, the King now, you supposed.  The new King of Lucis.  Huh…) his advisor, and his crash-course-Crownsguard-trained best friend.  Gladiolus was the King’s Shield.  What was he doing away from the King?
“Cape Caem,” He said, still staring at you in shock.  It was mildly amusing, but also starting to feel offensive, “Left them there a week or so ago.  Need to do something.  But you… You really made it out.”
“Of course I made it out.” You scoffed, feeling the old anger curl in your chest, “Maybe you didn’t notice while you were doing your important Shielding, or whatever, but I happened to turn out really damn good at my job.”  Despite all the naysaying and scoffing and groaning and eye-rolling.  Maybe in spite of them, honestly.
After graduating training, your friendship faded away.  He had his important duties, and you were working on proving yourself to the Crownsguard.  You only ever met on rare occasions for refresher training, but most of the Shield’s training was in private lessons with his father, or the Marshal, anyway.  He was too important to remain in your small social circle.  Still, you’d heard and seen enough of him to know how he was growing and improving.  Except with his taste in awful girlfriends.  That apparently never changed.
“No, I know,” He said, “… That’s why I thought… I thought you might have been there.  At the Citadel.”
Softening, you shook your head, “No.  None of us were, you know.  His Majesty re-assigned us all to the city to protect the citizens.  Only the Kingsglaive and the MPs were at the Citadel.  I… I’m sorry about your dad.”
You were.  The news of each death had infuriated and wounded you on almost a personal level, because you were sure you could have done something if you had only been there.  But the news of Lord Amicitia’s death had made you think of your old friend, and you’d bled for him and his sister.
“Yeah.” He said, ruffling his hair self-consciously, “Thanks.  I’m glad you’re ok.  What are you doing in Old Lestallum?”
“Keeping busy.  Running interference, giving the Imperials hell.  Keeping the legends alive.”
“Legends, huh?”
Grinning, you leaned back against the truck, hearing the familiar groan of springs, “Sure.  This town is full of old stories of adventure and daring.  Stick around awhile and the people will be more than happy to tell you.  Even if you beg them to stop.���Gladio’s gaze seemed to turn inward, and you could almost see your words circle in his mind, “… ‘Old stories’… huh…”
“So,” You said, arching an eyebrow, “what are you doing here?  What’s this ‘something’ you need to do?”
“… I didn’t really know until… just now, I think.  Thanks.”
“You’re welcome?” Then you frowned, “Wait a minute, why are you taking advice from me?  Don’t you have that brainy four-eyes?”
“This isn’t really an ‘Ignis’ problem.  I think I like your advice better, this time around.” When he flashed that old, familiar grin, something stirred in your belly with a flutter.
“Well, you’re welcome then.  If you’re still taking advice: catch a shower and a bed before you do anything else.  I gotta go…”
“Right now?  Where to?”
“Lestallum.  Supply run.”
“Oh.” Maybe it was your imagination, but he seemed to deflate a little at this news. “Well… do you know where I can get a phone charger… or make a phone call?  I think I left mine with the guys.”
“They don’t sell stuff like that around here.  You’re better off bumming a ride with me to Lestallum if you want a spare.  Otherwise, I guess you can sweet-talk the motel front desk.  Who are you trying to call?”
“… The Marshal.” He replied dubiously, as if still debating whether or not this was a good idea.
“Oh.” You shrugged, “You could use my phone.  Or the radio.  Hard to say which he’ll answer, but he’s usually good about answering eventually.”
“You report to him?  Directly?” He gave a little laugh, “Moving up in ranks quick, huh, Nonnie?”
You scoffed, “Seriously?  No.  I report to Prairie, but he’s not shy about jumping on the line if he feels like it.”
“He’s probably not going to like you letting me use official channels for this…”
“So?  He can add it to the list of things he doesn’t like pinned under my name.”
“All right, let’s see it then.”
You passed over your phone first, noticing, strangely, the way his fingertips brushed yours when he took it.  Well all right, maybe you were kind of lonely, and you could appreciate the way he looked.  But it wasn’t anything crazy to get all worked up about.
“We’ve got the same phone,” Was the observation from the big man, “You got a charger?”
“Sure, in the truck, but I’m gonna need it…”
“Worth a try.”  He sighed and gave your phone a long look.
Putting one hand on your hip, you reached out the other to take it back from him again, “Tell you what: I don’t have to leave right away.  You go catch a shower and I’ll let your phone charge while you’re doing it.  Then you can make your call to the Marshal.”
He blinked at you, releasing your phone, then folded his arms, “You keep mentioning how I need a shower…”
“You look like shit, Amicitia.  You smell like it too.”
While he was gone, his phone on the passenger-side of the truck, charging, you gave yourself a good scolding for your behavior.  You didn’t have any business getting excited about Gladiolus Amicitia.  He’d just blown into town, and would blow right back out again like a tumbleweed, off to do some important something with the Marshal.  You didn’t want to deal with the disappointment of learning again that you didn’t measure up to be in his social circle.
When the Shield came back, his phone was still too dead to make a call, so he borrowed yours.  Cor didn’t answer after several attempts, so you suggested he call Ms. Elshett, instead.  You didn’t pay much attention to their conversation until Gladio mentioned meeting with the Marshal here in Old Lestallum.  That’s when you smacked him in the arm, getting his attention.  Scowling, you said, “First of all, he’s not going to come all the way out here.  Not even for you.  It’s too far away from his other objectives.  Second of all, what makes you think I want the Marshal here to disapprove of everything I’m doing and tell me how he’d rather see it done in person?”
Muffling the receiver with his hand, Gladio chuckled, grinning again so that the fluttering returned to your belly, “Never managed to get on his good side, huh?”
“He can keep his good side.  I don’t need him to like me as long as he keeps trusting me to do my damn job.”  Really, the moment he tried to send somebody to ‘keep watch’ on you, or something stupid like that, the Marshal would be on your bad side, and you’d make sure he would regret it.
Gladio kept grinning, apparently willing to humor you, “All right, where do you recommend, then?”
“Anywhere else further east.”
Gladio suggested Taelpar Rest Stop over the phone, then wrapped up his phone conversation, asking Monica to pass along the message and have the Marshal call him on his phone when he got it.
Taking your phone back, you announced, “All set up, then?  Guess you’ll want to catch a ride.”
“Yeah.” He sighed, “Otherwise it’ll be a long, long walk.”
He looked toward the dusty buildings and rusted cars on the quiet street, as if assessing them for the likelihood of proving useful in his endeavor.  It gave you a good view of his handsome face in profile, and despite your self-lecture earlier, you caught yourself staring.
Swallowing, then licking your lips, you said, “Get in.”
“Nobody’s going to head that way anytime soon.  I’ll drop you off on the way to Lestallum.”“Taelpar Rest Stop is several days out of your way, isn’t it?” He frowned at you.  You shrugged.
“Further out of my way if I take you on the way back from Lestallum, or when I come back to find you still here.  It’s fine.  I’ll find something to do out there, or something to pick up to make the trip worth the gas.”
It was a mistake.  It was a mistake because he made a great traveling companion, seeming to know when to initiate a conversation or when to stay quiet and let you enjoy your music and introspection.  It was a mistake because he liked listening to your stories.  It was a mistake because he made your evening stops more efficient and convenient with his camping expertise.  It was a mistake because he made your evening training all the better for having an excellent sparring partner who already knew just how to challenge you, and it shored up your ego to know you could more than keep up with the King’s Shield.  It was a mistake because you thought your campfire cooking was okay, but he insisted that it was pretty great.  It was a mistake because he had absolutely zero objections to stopping and exploring strange rock formations, caves, Imperial outposts, or dangerous-looking creatures.  It was a mistake because he made your night hunts against daemons all the more thrilling.  It was a mistake because you were becoming infatuated with his hearty laugh and that devilish grin.  It was a mistake because you were growing accustomed to his warm wit and easy-going charm.  It was a mistake because you were going to miss the way his entire being seemed to relax as he sunk into a book.  It was a mistake because the closer you got to his destination, the less you wanted to arrive.
“You’re a lot more tense than I remember,” Gladio told you thoughtfully over the lip of his bottle.  It was your last night.  Tomorrow, mid-morning, you’d arrive at the rest stop and drop him off  Cor had called on his phone the other day, and the two of them had had a long, somewhat heated discussion about something while you made a racket setting up camp so that you couldn’t eavesdrop.  You shrugged at his comment, ignoring how you’d just gotten up and moved away when he sat next to you– too unbearably close for your rattled nerves.  Ignoring how every time he looked at you, your heart would start to race.  Ignoring how every moment with him seemed to draw you inevitably closer and closer to some unknowable abyss…
You had to escape, but you didn’t want to be away from him, and for maybe the first time in your life, you didn’t know what to do, and you couldn’t decide.
Decisions were easy for you.  You just did what you thought was best, and threw yourself at it with enough force until you succeeded.  Success hardly ever brought negative consequences that couldn’t be shrugged off.  But this?  If you threw yourself toward the destination, and then your own in Lestallum, would you ever see Gladio again?  Would you forever be outside his social circle?  Would you never see that grin, or hear that laugh, or marvel up close at the way his muscles rippled like an alpha predator with every subtle movement he made?  And why did that all sound so unbearable?
But on the other hand, if you threw yourself with abandon at the abyss…  What then?  What was at the bottom?  How much would it hurt?  Would you just fall forever?  Why was this unknown so daunting?
“Hey, Nonnie.  Come sit.” He patted the ground next to him, and you found yourself frowning.
“You’re not that smooth, Amicitia.”
“We can argue that later, come on.”
It wasn’t a good idea… but you also didn’t want to look like you were concerned about being near him, so you went and sat next to him.
“So,” He said casually, leaning back on his hands so that he seemed to ease that much closer to you and slowly swallow you with his size, “I know you’re a big, tough Crownsguard now, but you remember what I said all those years ago?  You’ll take care of yourself?”
“Always do.” You snorted, “Don’t bother getting all protective now.”
“Can’t help it.  It’s what I do.  You showed up right when I needed you and… I don’t want to lose you again, y’know?”
He said it so casually, but you heart bottomed out and you were staring at him.
With a little laugh at your expression and a cheeky wink, he went on, “So take care of yourself on the way to Lestallum.  I won’t be there to patch you up.”
“Excuse you,” you heard yourself splutter in a mix of shock and rage, “but you haven’t had to ‘patch me up’ ONCE this whole trip!”
“Well that’s because I was here to watch your back–” He continued to laugh.
You slugged him in the shoulder, “EXCUSE you, I haven’t needed you or anybody to patch me up in years!”
In a blink, he had your wrist in his hand, dragged across his body so that you were sprawled against him, and his lips found yours.  Once again, you were amazed by his strength and the uncanny capacity for gentleness he possessed.  Heat suffused your face, your neck, and your entire torso seemed to almost explode with butterflies.  You were at the very brink of the chasm, and Gladio seemed to be trying to nudge you right in.
“Just say you’ll take care of yourself, okay?” He murmured quietly, smothering any desire to continue protesting by fixing your gaze with his.
“… I’ll take care of myself…” You said dumbly, before shaking your head and withdrawing, “Like I always do!”
“I distinctly remember,” Gladio raged quietly, “you saying you would take care of yourself!  If this is how you ‘always do’, then I’m impressed you’ve survived this long!”
You were admittedly in some pain.  Too much to try and defend yourself.  You had zero regrets, though.  Your maybe-crazy maneuver might have landed you right in the range of the Red Giant’s swing, but it also got you inside it’s guard to destroy it, and you were convinced that was the more important thing.
His voice was angry and rough, but his hands were still so gentle as they dumped a potion on you and then searched you for any lasting injury.
“How many times are you going to make me say it, dammit?!  Be more careful, next time!  I don’t want to patch you up again!  You’re lucky I was in the area!”
“Oh, yeah,” You shot back, “really great lecture from the guy who stomped into Taelpar Crag and the Proving Grounds.”
He blinked at you, confused, “… How do you know–”
“–It wasn’t that hard to figure out.  You’re not that mysterious, Amicitia.”
“Well… It was fine.  I hardly got–”
“–Don’t even start.  Better look in a mirror before you try and tell me you didn’t get hurt.”  You’d been angry when you found out.  So angry.
“What?  Were you worried about me?”
“You kissed me right before you left to go to the place where everybody dies!” You shoved at his chest, but all you got for your efforts was a quiet grunt, “And you call ME reckless?!”
He took your hands in his, and laughed, “Well.  Takes one to know one, I guess.”
Somehow, his laugh warmed you enough that most of your anger melted away.  Other than the scar, he was okay, you reasoned.
“Speaking of knowing one,” He said after a moment of letting this thumbs brush against your battle-roughened knuckles, “we talked about you a little.  The Marshal and I.”
“Oh great…” You groaned.
“He doesn’t dislike you.  He’s just… worried about you.  He says you remind him of a younger him.  ‘All thrust and little foresight’, he said.” Gladio continued, “… And I have it on good authority that he was probably twice as reckless as both of us.  But… look at where he is now.”
It took you a moment, but you managed to regain enough composure to raise both eyebrows and purse your lips, “And what is the motivation behind this roundabout backhanded compliment?  What are you after, Gladio?”
“Well.  Maybe another kiss?”
Huffing, you turned your face aside and told yourself you definitely weren’t blushing, “You’re not that smooth.”
You were definitely blushing.  You knew the moment his lips pressed against the apple of your cheek.  Then the curve of your jaw.  Then the corner of your mouth, and that’s where your resolve weakened at last and you let him capture your lips.
It was hopeless.  You were falling.  You were falling into the chasm, but it was okay.  Gladio was falling with you.
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lobo ocs
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH theres a few (phases are my special snowflake way of saying character arc) i have one male and thats it,,, i cant,,, handle,,, male,,, characters,,, 
Lyandra Lyanca- Its a cutie! She’s generally nice, cheery and sweet. She’s prolly gonna help you if you’re in need of it. Despite this, she’s clueless to most things. 
Meggy (Meghan) Lee - A recluse, complete pushover and basically a dog. In fear of revealing the truth, she sewed her mouth shut, only able to make barks and growls. SHES NOT A FURRY I PROMISE
Diana Fena - A deaf gal who hates Everything. She can lipread but is she gonna care? Nope! You stole her pen in year four? WELL SHE REMEMBERED THAT AND IS GONNA HOLD IT AGAINST YOU FOR FUCKING EVER.
Renara Caralen - Phase 1: Honestly just wants her family to be happy. despite this, it forced her into a line of work that was looked down upon. Because of this, she wanted to better herself and grow strong enough to help her sisters.
phase 2: COMPLETE GOD COMPLEX FUCK YOU ALL. but yeah her ego went through the Roof. 
phase 3: she fucked up... and realised that shit. back to phase 1!
Ann (Ann-Marie) Caralen - Complete hoe. will manipulate you. uses the fuck out of people and you dont like that? you’re pathetic! 
Caem Mesan - Phase 1: A sad lad. he didn’t see much in life and spent most of his days watching people and drawing. He didn’t have any family and was just a wandering artist until the gang caught up to him. 
Phase 2: completely dependent on Renara. hates being around anyone else, would die for her. When he’s not with Renara, he becomes a complete flirt. When he is with her, he becomes like a floppy noodle, just doing whatever she asks. 
Mia (Mieza) Lezena - Is probably high on sugar. bites people too often. is she Meggy’s long lost sister? maybe. is the older twin but acts like a five year old
Lia (Lieza) Lezena - sad boy hours. trails around Mia all the time. she looks twenty years older than she actually is because HAHA SLEEP WHATS THAT LOL
Shannon Greystone - follow jebus and u will get hap. was a deity of a cult, hey wanna join my cause? please i need friends 
Amelia Blacksea - good girl!! qualified doctor, will take care of you, gives you lollies after you have an apointment with her 
Madame Noires (Caroline) Black - MOM FRIEND! carries peppermints with her, honestly just wants the best, has a huge ass family, will buy you the nicest shit for christmas  
Flo (Florence) Blackgate - A tall ladi whos covered in bandages. shes 6′9 (haha 69) and stares into your soul! everythings covered apart from her left eye and her wig is fuckin tattered oops. she hates you. hates your cat. will curse your family 
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