#oc: athera lavellan
nightwingshero · 8 months
Belated WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @madparadoxum, thank you! Sorry its late!
Tagging: @oathofoaksart @jillvalentinesday @sstewyhosseini @alexxmason @marivenah @jinfromyarikawa @glowwormsmith @voidika @chazz-anova @simonxriley @playstationmademe @anonymousmalkavian @inafieldofdaisies @deputyash @ghastlyrider @pheedraws @shegetsburned @aceghosts and anyone else who wishes to share!
Kinda in my Dragon Age phase again...
“So you are here to join the Inquisition then?” Cassandra asked condescendingly, anger making her accent more noticeable. Athera shifted uncomfortably as her eyes darted to me, and I couldn’t help but curl my lip at the Seeker.
“I am here for my cousin.” I replied icily, my fingers twitching just a moment, eager for the daggers I had strapped to my thigh. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the male’s grip on his sword tighten slightly. “The one you wrongfully took prisoner.”
“Evune.” Athera called lightly—pleading—from behind me, her hand resting gently upon the grand, wooden table they had placed in the middle of the room—a war room, I had realized. But I stood between the Seeker—Cassandra, Athera had called her—and my cousin as a few others stood on the other side, including the commander I had threatened not an hour ago. Athera wanted peace, her heart was kind, but mine was not—mine had hardened long ago and I had no faith I could afford to hand out to the people in this room. Not after what I had heard, not after what I had experienced.
Ignoring my cousin entirely, Cassandra and I eyed each other, her glare becoming more prominent as the woman in yellow looked more and more nervous. “I made a decision in the moment, and it was a mistake. The Inquisition wishes nothing more than to fix the Breach and to bring Divine Justinia’s true killer to justice. The capabilities—”
“I am well aware of the capabilities your kind possess.” I held my head higher as Fen’an bared his teeth, his body trying to wrap itself around my legs out of the need to protect. “You call my cousin the ‘Herald of Andraste’, claiming she was sent by your Maker with blatant disregard to the honorary markings upon her face—that is the least of your capabilities, I’m sure.” Athera said nothing at that, the truth of it loud enough to echo in the room. “I have spent time in alienages before I found my family in the Lavellan clan, finally grasping the freedom the Dalish provided. I know what happens to those elves, I know what happened with your Empress of Fire.” Cassandra bunched her fists as she took a step forward, the light from the torches around us making her expression far deadlier.
“That has nothing to do with this!” The scar on her face became more prominent as she frowned, her rage coming off her in waves. “You do your kind no favors bursting in here and holding a blade to our Commander’s throat like some deviant! Instead of approaching peacefully—”
“My cousin is an apostate.” I cut her off quietly, but not softly. “An elven apostate, who you accused of murdering your precious Divine. As if the Chantry was not a danger to her as is, as if the Templars and mages are not at war with each as we speak. Your precious Commander was in no real danger, if he earned his title than he could have easily defended himself without true repercussions. But what of my cousin? Her name smeared despite what good standing our clan has held with the humans we trade with—she would have never recovered from the accusation regardless of her innocence and you want to cry to me about how I was able press my dagger to his throat and let him free?”
“Evune!” Athera hissed as she stepped closer, her grip tight on my arm as she grabbed me. But I didn’t hesitate to turn to her, silver-grey eyes meeting the icy turquoise of my cousin—one that I saw more as a sister.
“Our Keeper sent you to keep an eye on the peace talks, and when we heard of the explosion, we feared for you.” I whispered as I worked hard to keep my voice even, to keep my vision clear, though I felt the threat of tears burn in my throat. “And of course, when it became common knowledge that it was no mere accident, that it was perhaps a murder of the Divine, we feared more. Can you imagine, then, our reaction when we heard it was you that stood accused? With a risk of being shipped off to Val Royeaux? When fear runs high, rumors fly faster, cousin. And your mother became sick with worry over whether you were safe, and she pleaded Deshanna to allow me to hunt you down, and I came here to see for myself that you were in no danger, and to pull you from it if need be.”
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shannaraisles · 2 years
A Snip In Time - Chapter 2
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Callie learned all about the Breach and the Inquisition in school; who didn’t? Shame she didn’t pay closer attention … Time and magic went wibbly wobbly, and now she’s a modern hairdresser in Dragon Age Thedas. So how did that story go again?
Read on AO3
“You know, I’m really not enjoying all the implications that this is going to go horribly wrong.” Callie said, hugging her arms about herself as she rose to walk slightly behind the Seeker. “No one’s told me what happens if it works, either.”
“If this is successful, we will require you to tell us all you know of the history of this time,” Cassandra said, leading the way up the long flight of stairs that would take them to the sunlit courtyard of Skyhold Fortress. “I do not suggest lying to us.”
“What good would it do me to lie about it?” Callie rolled her eyes. “If I lie, you might do things differently and then I’m not born, which means that I never drop out of my own timeline, which means you never get that future knowledge, which means that you don’t do things any differently, and then I am born, and that’s just a whole lot of paradoxical looping my brain can’t cope with. I can’t even watch Magister Whom without getting a headache, so the real life stuff is just not happening with me.”
“I ...” This seemed to have wrong-footed Cassandra somewhat, turning the Seeker’s habitual scowl into a frown of genuine concern and confusion as she glanced at the woman by her side. “I had not considered this. A true concern, certainly.”
“Whom is Magister Whom?” Dorian asked from barely two steps behind them.
“Oh, it’s a T.V show,” Callie said without thinking. “About a time travelling magister from Ancient Tevinter who drops into different time periods in history and messes around with them until they go the way they’re supposed to. It’s pretty good.”
“Tee vee show?”
Callie blinked, looking over her shoulder at him with a guilty smile. 
“Oh.” She shrugged. “Technology that means people can watch moving pictures - like plays, but on a screen in their own home, and recorded so they can watch it over and over again if they want.”
“How marvellously dreadful. We should talk more about this terrifying advancement in future.”
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pikapeppa · 1 month
OC Name Meanings
Thank you so much for the tag @elveny! Your answers were so good and thoughtful that I feel like mine are going to be so dumb in comparison LMAO.
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OC’s name (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! bonus if you can find something for their last name too.
All right [cracks knuckles] I'll start from the top.
Mass Effect (original trilogy): Commander Adriana Shepard. I named her after my husband because he introduced me to the game. NOT VERY ORIGINAL, but named with love? 🤣
Mass Effect Andromeda: Mara Ryder. I honestly cannot remember why I chose this name for her. Vibes, probably? I often just pick a name that "feels" right...
Dragon Age Inquisition: okay, I made up sooo many fucking Lavellans, and when I first started writing, most of them were just named after Game of Thrones characters. This includes Elia, Arya, and Lyanna.
(By now, you may have noticed that all my OCs have names ending in "a". I do like names ending in "a." I am consistent that way. 😂)
Athera Lavellan is the DA:I OC whose name is the most thought-out. I borrowed it from FenxShiral's Elvhen book of names, and it means 'part of a dream', which thematically tied into her romance with Abelas.
But then there's Tamaris, which is another name that I chose because of vibes (it "felt right"). I will admit that I know someone named Tamaris and I love the name, but I was also surprised to find that this is coincidentally a name from FenxShiral's name dictionary - a fact that I used in my fic of her and Felassan.
Dragon Age 2: Rynne Hawke. Her name was also chosen for vibes; 'Rynne' struck me as a kind of fun, playful name. I think in-world, she is named after a great-aunt. (It's been a while since I revisited her, I think this is the lore. 🤣)
Baldur's Gate 3: my main Tav is Eilaena Valderol, aka Brynn Bladetongue. THIS WAS THE NAME I THOUGHT ABOUT THE MOST. Her birth name, Eilaena, is a drow name broadly inspired by the goddess Eilistraee. Her last name is her mother's name, which I used a D&D name generator to come up with. Her criminal alias, Brynn , was borrowed from an adventurer she admired who was a regular at the theater-tavern where she grew up. 'Bladetongue' is a stagename-like surname that she came up with; in her words, it's masturbatory (flattering herself for her silver tongue), and she likes the alliteration. She's half-wood elf/half-drow, and she purposely gave herself a human-sounding alias to fuck with people LOL.
My other BG3 OC is Tavanah. I liked the idea of using the default "non-special" name of 'Tav', but making it special by having her romance, Rolan, be the only one who calls her by her full name.
Tagging forward: once again, to genuinely anyone who wants to play!!! But let's start with @seabirdsong @iamcayc @novarunestone @elinorbard @crackinglamb @johaerys-writes @alyssalenko @vorchagirl @hollyand-writes
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hawkeshep · 2 years
Yo i (my da blog is apostate-chic) need to know more about your ocs please. Would your marian wear dresses? what part of a body or of her lover does she think most erotic? and what are your lavellan's hobbies? Thanks 😊
Hello! 💜
Hawke is more of an everyday pants wearer, I'd say. She does love to dress up though! Unless she's going to some stuffy noble party and is required to. The part of Fenris's body she finds most erotic would probably be his back, wielding a giant sword and carrying it around all day would give you some pretty well sculpted muscles, perfect for latching onto 😉 and Athera! Her hobbies include but are not limited to herbology/botany, sparring (is using a spirit blade cheating?), reading (specifically any bit of history she can get her hands on), sometimes wood carving with Blackwall, she does it all 🤣
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historioitsija · 6 years
Athera Lavellan
I think she is one of my favourites. Maybe because I don’t have that many OC’s to begin with.
I do wish I had DAI on pc... then I could use mods and alter her appearance even more. Athera should wear her hair on a long braid instead of that ponytail.
If someone ever wants to chat about our OC’s, please contact me! I would love it 👀
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helblazer · 4 years
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“ you’re going to have to trust me [ ... ] it’s my life on the line. ” — ATHERA LAVELLAN.
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drithamen-a · 4 years
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hey look it’s a bunch of wild elf inquisitors.
hae’ra, athera, linnae, enfenim, sarel (called dinan before), galena (mafalda before)
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faderogue · 5 years
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From the Ashes
I took these mostly to get used to using the freecam and also to figure out some filters/effects and stuff.
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heyscience · 6 years
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you send the greatest asks and they make me so happy and I’ll have to send you more!!
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Lavellan doesn’t really like green
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nightwingshero · 1 year
Fic authors self-rec! ✨ When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers 🖤
Awww thank you for the ask! 😭😭😭
- I guess the first one would be my Call of Duty fic, mostly because despite all the flaws (because there are MANY), it was my first official fic and I love my ocs and ships. It’s probably one of my bigger universes in terms of tying things together because I combined the old Modern Warfare series and Black Ops 1 and 2 together. The characters are still hella fun.
- So obviously I can’t go into this list without mentioning my Far Cry fic. Mostly because I love my ocs and I love how they all tie together in one way or another. It’s gonna be a lot of fun jumping perspectives and tell the story of Wren’s fall from grace and how the ramifications of that affect other people or how other people’s actions brought it to be.
- My Dragon Age fic. You’ll probably see a trend now as I start to explain, but again, it’s the tie ins and the characters. But honestly, I love working with the lore and how deep that goes for Athera and Evune Lavellan, and the other ocs I have. Plus I like playing with the romances. It’s another big world I have.
- I haven’t even started this yet on paper, but my plans for my RDR2 fic. Because I love the story, I love the characters, and while the main canon will fall into the plot of my fic, I will also work magic with putting together an au so that things can be different and that happily ever after can be a bit happier.
- Last one…I wanna say Succession because I’ve been building that, or maybe my Batman one because I’ve worked on that for YEARS, but I think I’m gonna go with my Peaky Blinders fic. I had a lot of fun with it and I love writing for a Shelby oc. Grey characters are so fun to write. Dahlia is so well-rounded, I can’t help but be obsessed with her.
- Okay, I cheated, honorable mentions would be: my Witcher fic and my ACOTAR fic. Because they’re fun and bring me joy. ACOTAR was a book that got me through a lot, and so making ocs for it was definitely self-indulgent, but I don’t mind. And then Thela…my girl, I love her so much. I’m still building for her but I love complicated will they or won’t they enemies to lovers situations. And of course piggybacking off that last statement brings me to the True Blood fic I have because honestly, vampires are my faves and I will always enjoy writing about them.
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shannaraisles · 2 years
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The three known heroes of Thedas as of 9:41 Dragon.
Gisela Cousland-Therin - one of two survivors of the Howe attack on the Cousland family, the woman who ended the Fifth Blight almost before it began, beloved Queen of King Alistair Theirin.
Left her home in Denerim mid-summer of 9:40 Dragon to seek out a cure for the Wardens who willingly inflict the Blight upon themselves to protect Thedas from what will come. A cure that may also save the life of her only child ...
Robert Hawke - a survivor of Lothering, and the reluctant Champion of Kirkwall. Brother to both a Warden and a mage, who has lost as much as he has gained. Was once closely associated with the Prince of Starkhaven, but events in Kirkwall appear to have ended that association.
Left Kirkwall in the wake of the destruction of the Chantry to prevent the threatened Exalted March. Last known location was somewhere in mid-Ferelden, before the explosion at the Conclave; appears to be investigating the proliferation of red lyrium ...
Athera Lavellan - the only known survivor of the explosion at the Divine Conclave, declared Herald of Andraste, and accepted leader of the Inquisition.
Seeking answers to her own mysteries as much as to the mysteries plaguing the Inquisition. Has proven her loyalty to the Inquisition many times over thus far. May be the only one who can stop Corypheus ...
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pikapeppa · 4 years
Character Interview: Athera Lavellan
Tagged by @faerieavalon​​ @serial-chillr​​ @elveny​​ recently! I did this before for Rynne Hawke, so maybe I’ll try it with one of my lesser-known OCs?
Meet Athera Lavellan, Inquisitor and unfortunate romancer of Abelas. Art by @froschkuss​​!
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[The interviewer is ushered into the rotunda at Skyhold, where the Inquisitor can be found sitting cross-legged on the couch and eating roasted peanuts while listening to two tall male elves discussing magic. One of the elves is bald and kind-looking; the other wears a hood and looks quite forbidding. As the interviewer approaches, the Inquisitor pops up from the couch and hastily puts the peanuts aside before holding out a hand to the interviewer.]
Thanks for coming! Well, actually, you asked me to talk to you, so maybe you should be thanking me.
[The bald elf coughs quietly, and the angry hooded one smirks. The Inquisitor grimaces at the interviewer.] 
Sorry. Sometimes I put my foot in it. They’re here to make sure I don’t make a complete idiot of myself.
name ➔ Athera Lavellan! It’s nice to meet you. Er, who are you?
are you single ➔ [her face turns bright red] Oh. Ha. Hahaha. Right into it, huh? 
[She glances at the hooded elf, who is watching her very intently. A moment later, she looks at the interviewer again, and her voice is confident.] 
No. I’m not single.  
are you happy ➔ Um, yes! I’m going to go with yes. 
are you angry ➔ No, of course not! This is just what I look like when I’m hungry.
[The hooded elf speaks: “Should I bring you some cake?”]
Would you? That would be amazing. Oh, you’re being sarcastic. [laughs] Can you bring me some cake anyway? Please? 
[He sighs, then bows his head and turns away. The Inquisitor reaches out and grabs his hand.]
Wait, I was kidding! I’m not some Orlesian noble, you don’t have to fetch me cake.
[The bald elf speaks: “I will go find some cake.” The Inquisitor laughs.]
Oh please, Solas, we all know that’s just an excuse for you to eat all the cake by yourself. 
are your parents still married ➔ yes, actually! And happily so. I... fenedhis, I should probably write to them. It’s been a whole week since the last letter.
birthplace ➔ I was born in a forest a small ways outside of Markham.
hair color ➔ It’s brown and full of spirits. 
[The hooded elf silently runs his hand over her hair, and she leans into his shoulder.]
eye color ➔ Grey!
birthday ➔ Haring 10. I’m a winter child. 
mood ➔ Hungry. 
[She smiles mischievously at Solas, who lifts his eyes to the ceiling before leaving the rotunda. The hooded elf snorts softly before speaking: “I am surprised he is taking your request seriously.”]
Well, I am the Inquisitor. He has to listen to me. [laughs] Gods, what a terrible thing to say. Don’t publish that. Oh, I guess I still have some peanuts here. Maybe he didn’t have to leave to get the cake... 
[She slowly sidles over to the couch and picks up the peanuts, then slowly and guiltily starts munching them. The hooded elf clears his throat.]
gender ➔ Female.
summer or winter ➔ Winter. I just love a layer of crisp cold snow like a blanket on everything. It’s like the whole world becomes new again. 
morning or afternoon ➔ Mornings! They’re a fresh new start.
are you in love ➔ [Her face turns bright red again. She starts to laugh. The hooded elf watches her with a very serious look on his face.]
Gods, what is taking Solas so long with that cake?
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ Oh thank Mythal, an easy question. No. That’s always just your trousers talking. 
who ended your last relationship ➔ [sigh] He did. But it was for the best. I was too young to know what I was doing. [Looks at the hooded elf.] I know what I’m doing now. 
[He studies her in silence. His face remains very serious. He tucks a strand of hair over her ear.]
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ Me? Ha! No. I’ve been dumped on my ear every time. Varric should write a farce about me. 
are you afraid of commitments ➔ No. Commitments are what give our lives their meaning.
[The hooded elf bows his head slightly.]
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Of course! Here’s some proof. [She hugs the hooded elf around the waist, and after a moment’s hesitation, he hugs her in turn.]
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Not that I know of. That’s why it’s called a secret, isn’t it?
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ [She freezes for a split second, then laughs lightly.] Not yet. 
love or lust ➔ I’ve never had one without the other, so... love?
lemonade or iced tea ➔ Iced tea! No one ever makes the lemonade sweet enough for my liking.
cats or dogs ➔ Dogs. They’re very loyal and steadfast. And they make me think of the old stories of the Emerald Knights and their guardian wolves. 
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ [tilts head thoughtfully] A few good friends. A few who know you well are better than a bunch who know you only a little.
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ [smiles at the hooded elf] A night in, for sure.
day or night ➔ day! I’m a sunshine sort of girl. 
been caught sneaking out ➔ Mmm, I don’t think.... well, not unless you count -- um... [She looks at the hooded elf with a sheepish smile.] The kitchen? When, er, Solas, um...
[The hooded elf looks briefly discomfited. The Inquisitor turns to the interviewer with a sickly smile and reddened cheeks.]
Let’s move on, maybe?
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Oh gods, yes. Especially in this tower. I’d probably be better off flinging myself from the rookery into the Solas’s office rather than taking the stairs.
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ [The Inquisitor freezes. The hooded elf’s expression becomes intimidatingly blank. The Inquisitor looks up, and her smile is gone.]
wanted to disappear ➔ [She's quiet for a moment. The hooded elf frowns slightly.] 
It... I can’t disappear. I’m needed here.
smile or eyes ➔ [She looks up at the hooded elf and studies his face for a minute] Eyes. You smile with your eyes more than your mouth.
[The hooded elf smirks very faintly. The Inquisitor chuckles.]
If that’s your attempt to prove that you can smile with your mouth, you didn’t prove it very well. 
shorter or taller ➔ Taller!
intelligence or attraction ➔ Intelligence, for sure.
hook-up or relationship ➔ Relationship. I’ve always been a relationship sort of girl. Even when... well, never mind. [She shifts closer to the hooded elf and leans against his side.]
do you and your family get along ➔ Yes! I really miss them, actually. 
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ Um... [She shoves a handful of peanuts into her mouth and mumbles something incomprehensible while shrugging.]
have you ever run away from home ➔ No. I wouldn’t have left my clan at all if they hadn’t wanted someone to come here and keep an eye on the Conclave. But honestly, now that I’ve been away, I think... I’m... I’m not glad, exactly, but I’m... it’s been an important experience. 
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ No.
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ No, not at all! 
[The hooded elf speaks: “What about that shem who-”]
Abelas! [clears her throat] Friends and colleagues aren’t the same thing. You don’t have to like everyone you work with. [pokes Abelas with her elbow] You didn’t like me at first. 
[Abelas speaks again: “At first, no.” His tone has softened, and he runs a hand over her hair. She smiles and wraps an arm around his waist.]
Not the smoothest answer, but I’ll forgive it.
do you consider all of your friends to be good friends ➔ Yes!
who is your best friend ➔ Varric, for sure. Oh but wait, there’s Solas... 
[Solas calls out from the doorway: “Did you call for me?” He’s carrying a small platter of Orlesian petit fours, and the Inquisitor brightens up as she spots him.]
You actually brought cake! And you didn’t eat them all! Oh, you’re definitely my best friend, then.
who knows everything about you ➔ Does anyone really know everything about anyone? I don’t think it’s possible. So the answer to this one would have to be... no one. 
[Solas offers the platter of petit fours to her. She picks one and pops it in her mouth whole. Solas and Abelas each select a cake and take a small bite, and the Inquisitor grimaces.]
You two know that they make those cakes small on purpose so you can eat them all in one bite, right?
[Solas replies: “Unfortunately, that’s not the case. The diminutive size of these cakes is purely aesthetic.” Abelas chimes in: “They also taste better if you take the time to savour them.” The Inquisitor laughs and loops her hands companionably through their elbows.]
Oh, please. Nobody has time for that.
Athera and Abelas’s smutty and romantic but ultimately tragic adventures can be read here on AO3. 
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zevzevarainai · 2 years
do you have ocs? i'd love to hear about them!!
i have so many ocs i cant hold them all
currently the ones i am fixated on (because the pandemic made me regress) are literally revamped versions of my ocs when i was like, 9, based on toys i had... but that's information you gotta beg me for
The more Relatable ocs I have include the ones from video games with character creation. Some of them have tags on my blog. I will focus on the big ones and leave the others in the dust. just like my sketchbook.
Dragon Age: (if youve never played da i apologize)
my hero of ferelden Opal Tabris who i have had since early high school and if you couldn't tell from my url, she loves zevran. seems cold on the outside but is super caring and kind on the inside
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my blue hawke Jade Hawke she loves fenris... i dont have any da2 gifs of her bc i dont have in on pc
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and then I have multiple inquisitors i actually care about my most fleshed out is Bade Lavellan who was originally created for Dorian back in 2014 but has then evolved into being in love with my friend's da oc, Mahonan, an angry and traumatized dalish elf. I like their dynamic better because in summary, Bade is kind to everyone and puts others before himself even though the world is constantly dragging him through the dirt. They balance each other out. He also doesnt think hes fit to be a leader but tries because he thinks he has to. I also REALLY care about his best friendship with Sera they both help each other be better people
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Next up is Athera Lavellan, aka necromancer barbie. She's a Dalish mage who cares about her people before all else and feels like she's betraying her clan by being inquisitor, but she knows she can do good in the inquisition. She LOVES Blackwall they are very codependent on each other and like grossly in love
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I also have Amber Trevelyan which i usually dont like playing humans if I have another choice but I decided to make a backstory for her to make her more interesting. Her noble family disowned her when her magic was discovered so she found family in the circle (but shes not necessarily pro-circle. she hates templars and her eye scar is from a templar). Vivienne is her new mom and she's in love with Sera
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Mass Effect:  I only have one and it’s Evangeline Shepard she’s a paragon because i cant be mean she loves Thane and hates Earth because of her Tragic Backstory
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Stardew Valley:
This is Jude i love him he’s nice and gay and could probably be a lumberjack if he put on plaid. he likes nerdy junk and is stoked when he learns magic is real. he quickly becomes close with sebastian and wants to experience the magic with him :’’’)     (im not very good at art but the only other picture i have is his little in-game pixels)
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I also have another farmer named Lorna. I dont have a good picture of her but she’s a goofball and has a big ol’ crush on Penny
I like your courier so I’ll put mine here too! Her name is Rapunzel. Why? I don’t know. That’s just what I put in the character creator all those years ago. Maybe after getting shot in the head since she had memory loss she forgot her name but remembered liking the fairy tale? your guess is as good as mine. Bisexual disaster. Would be dead if it wasn’t for boone&arcade and her high speech skill.  She acts bubbly and sarcastic which she is but its partly bc shes using it to hide the fact that she doesnt think of herself as anything more than a “deadbeat mailman” and thinks she has no place having such influence over new vegas and the mojave. She has a big school girl crush on Boone which may or may not be unrequited but she’s like his best friend and instead she sees herself as clingy and annoying and an inconvenience.
I do not have a good picture of her I apologize but shes basically just like blonde with green eyes
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hawkeshep · 2 years
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Scarlett Shepard (Mass Effect), Marian Hawke (DA2), Athera Lavellan (DAI)
Thank you for the tag @thefathersbride & @vhenan-solas! I used this picrew to make my OCs! Tagging whoever sees this and wants to join in 💜
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midnightprelude · 3 years
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Written by @oftachancer​ as part of our as yet unpublished Modern!AU OC playground with @johaeryslavellan​ for the @14daysdalovers​ prompt event! <3
Prompt: Wildflowers Pairing: Eshalintarasylnin Lavellan x Olivier Leblanc (OC x OC) Rating: G Read on AO3 Summary: Eshalintarasylnin Lavellan on why some people marry and others do not. 
The house was full of people rushing. Upstairs and downstairs. Inside and out. Flowers needed to be transported from one room to another with alarming speed, apparently. 
He sat on the floor with the children. Children in suits and dresses. What was the world coming to? “Everyone’s eaten?”
“Mama says no snacks until after the sermon-y,” one of the twins informed him. Wide blue eyes and dark red hair falling in lazy curls to gather against the frilly collar. Sylvas gasped in a manner befitting an Orlesian horror film as his sister snagged one of the flowers from his basket and ate it. “You can't eat them!”
“Can, too!” Athera was flame-haired and sharp chinned as her mother, sticking her tongue out to reveal the chomped petals. 
“Those are for the fairies,” Tula chirped, her blond hair caught up with flowers in a cheerful crown around her head. 
“They’re for decoration,” Athera crunched.
“They’re for the fairies,” Tula repeated blithely. “My papa said.” She spoke of them so easily: her papa and her father. A year ago, she’d been a hollow-eyed and nervous slip of a thing, but the months Rilienus had taken burrowing into his Orlesian life and writing from home had helped the little girl blossom into a confident, cheerful little munchkin. 
He was happy for her. For all of them. He was. Little birds and comfortable nests. And now they were all gathered to sprinkle flower petals for another wedding. 
Weddings and weddings and weddings.
“We’ll have to give flowers to the fairies at your wedding, too,” Tula was saying, coloring the butterfly in her coloring book a striking purple.
Esha blinked twice. “Sorry?”
“When you marry their papa.” 
Esha stared at her. “What gave you that idea?”
“Papa says you marry people when you love them. That’s why he married my father, and why Aunt Lyanna married Aunt Cassandra, and why Uncle Aran married Uncle Tristan, and why Aunt Tilly is marrying Uncle Anthony, and why-“
“It sounds like the dryads are getting plenty of flowers,” Esha laughed. “I think they’ll be stuffed after today.”
“Do you not love our papa?” Sylvas crossed his arms over the basket to protect it from his sister. 
Esha glanced out the window towards the waiting Chantry. “I do,” he scruffed the boy’s hair. “Very much.”
“So you’ll marry him,” Tula asserted.
“You can love people without marrying them.” Esha pulled a little cloth bag of nuts and dried fruit from his pocket, offering the snack to Athera in lieu of the precious blooms. “Marrying’s just one way of showing you care. Not the only.”
“But it’s how you let everyone know that you love them,” Tula said, wrinkling her nose. 
“Look. Marriage- Marriage is like-“ Esha leaned back against the seat of the fancy couch, letting Athera crawl into his lap. “Marriage is like a nice manicured garden. Some people are like roses, eh? They need nice rows and tending and placards that say their names and that’s what keeps them happy and healthy. And some people are like wildflowers. Sometimes wildflowers grow in gardens, but they’re best out in the forests and the plains where they can stretch their roots and muck about.”
“So you and papa are wildflowers?” Sylvas asked, watching him with Olivier’s wise eyes. 
“Your mother’s looking for you.”
Esha glanced up to find Olivier leaning against the doorframe. He was elegant as a silver spoon, metallic embroidery through the dark blue of his suit, casting blossoming petals in patterned relief across his shoulders and down his back. Little wonder he’d been thinking of flora all day. “Off you go to feed the fairies,” he shifted Athera from his lap and retrieved the bag of treats, winking. “Have fun.”
“Wildflowers?” Olivier murmured against his ear as the children ran down the stairs towards the foyer. 
“I love that we’re not getting married today.”
The Orlesian laughed, wrapping an arm around him. “I said that last time.”
“I’m saying it this time.” Esha kissed his cheek. “Ar lath ma, da’sulahn.”
“Je t’aime aussi, tempête."
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