#meeting Athera
bellzu29 · 6 months
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Drawn by my friend @/ZeoSilver. Showcasing another OC of mine, meet Kurai the Ibex. He's the king of demycron and a war general, who's been at war with Athera's kingdom for a while now, he's a big bad out of my oc's.
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nightwingshero · 9 months
Ships as Tarot Cards
I was tagged by @alexxmason @sstewyhosseini @simonxriley @jillvalentinesday @marivenah to take this uquiz for my ships. Thank you lovelies!
Tagging: @ghastlyrider @pen-in-hand @oathofoaksart @water-writings @voidika @inafieldofdaisies @madparadoxum @shegetsburned @chazz-anova @marivenah @glowwormsmith @playstationmademe @deputyash @poisonedtruth @aceghosts @braveonionknight @jinfromyarikawa @anonymousmalkavian @pheedraws and anyone else who wishes to participate. I apologize if you've already been tagged, I'm a little late to the game.
Wren x Leon
the two of cups + the star
your romance is a wish granted. finally, finally, they're here. finally, *it's* here! the time where you don't have to feel lonely anymore - you'll never feel that way ever again. laughter, joy, sweetness, kisses - be at ease. all of these are things you have found someone to share with. your love is a dreamy fantasy of love and devotion and miracles. at first, your chest gets too tight when they're around - until they become as natural as the air in your lungs. deck: ethereal visions tarot.
Athera x Solas
knight of pentacles + the magician
if there's something you want, you will GET IT. nothing escapes your fingertips. after all, you're the power couple. your pairing sparks pure cosmic energy. you're fiercely driven to your goals - whether that be status, fortune, or power. you're also fiercely protective of one another. with the knight's earthy energy, you both prefer to purposefully make your way towards your ambitions, rather than playing cards too early or acting too loosely. meanwhile, the magician's half makes gives you a little fire. if they get too close, onlookers and threats to your relationship may get burned. deck: modern witch tarot.
Evune x Cullen
the tower + the lovers
meeting this person shook your whole world. crumbling down is everything you thought you knew about life and love. their warmth, their generosity, their naivete, their knowing...! you don't know how anything made sense before them. all you know is that nothing will make sense afterwards. deck: the tarot of the divine by yoshi yoshitani.
Imogen x Chris
the tower + the lovers
meeting this person shook your whole world. crumbling down is everything you thought you knew about life and love. their warmth, their generosity, their naivete, their knowing...! you don't know how anything made sense before them. all you know is that nothing will make sense afterwards. deck: the tarot of the divine by yoshi yoshitani.
Adrasteia x Bayek
the devil + the emperor
there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise. deck: the tarot of vampyres.
Alessandra and Ezio
ace of cups + ten of cups
your romance is the love story that seems only possible in movies. it starts from a youthful first meeting, innocent. and from what may seem like a lifetime later, you both end up happily in union, perhaps even married! your coupling is the epitome of emotional fulfillment and devotion. neither of you thought you'd end up here, but damn if you aren't glad you did. deck: thelema tarot.
Wren x John
the devil + the emperor
there's only one religion for the two of you, and that religion is the other. you two are very nearly unhealthily obsessed with one another, and that's just how you like it. when they touch you, they can feel the blood pumping under the surface of your skin. your hearts beat for one another. when the day comes that one stops, the other will soon after. until then, you both will live out your lives in perfect, gothy paradise. deck: the tarot of vampyres.
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We made it to the blue zone! We’re staying in Atheras Hotel which prides itself on relexation and amusement! Its name is derived from the highest mountain of Ikaria, found close by the city of Evdilos. Close by is the village port of Evdilos which serves as a great means of transportation alongside many places to grab coffee and drinks and even taste traditional meals with incredible views overlooking the water.
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Aside from getting a chance to see the beautiful city of Evdilos, we also had the opportunity to visit Ikaria’s capital city of Agios Kirykos, or just Agios to the locals. Due to the distance between cities and the vast majority of people coming into Agios, most public services, schools, and the hospital are concentrated in this one area. It’s one of the two main ports and houses roughly 3,000 people. All the villages of the island form the municipality of Ikaria.
The capital was formed in the 16th or 17th century. Its patron saint is Saint Kirykos and its beautiful, blue-domed church stands tall just above the harbour. Walking towards the harbor, you could see the modernist metal statue depicting Icarus with his wings, the Ikariada.
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A folklore museum depicts everyday life, relics of wars and events from ancient times until now. All exhibits are islander-donated. The other museum, the archaeological museum, used to be a high school building, but is now a staple for the city.
Houses are located in close to each other, following the traditional island architecture, with tall blue or red window frames. The structure of the town could be described as dense, amphitheatrical, with narrow cobbled alleys. The town square consists of a marble monument to Ikarian heroes, with a fountain at its base. The hot spring of Asclepious, once referred to as Moustafa, is near the central square. People from all around the world seek this bathouse and Ikaria's other springs to meet their therapeutic needs. Asclepious Spring emerges from the sea and people swim nearby it to take advantage of its radium content without having to take a traditional bath.
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Looking out into the horizon, individuals can see the Ikarian Sea, the islands of Patmos, Fourni, and Samos, and on occasion, even the coast line of Turkey. In addition to the view, visitors and locals alike can enjoy shops, taverns, coffee shops and bars all surrounded by a gorgeous view.
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baygreys · 2 years
Clan lord status
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The disgruntled Senators however were not about to let a Frostbeard so easily take the throne of Urguan. Upon arriving, Kerwyr planted himself on the Senate room throne and declared himself King, with the Frostbeards there surrounding and backing him. After some talks, the plan was made and the Frostbeards left for Kal'Omith. Word of Grand King Bastion's death spread, and the remaining Urguanite official, Grand Marshal Oyvind Frostbeard, left Kal'Omith and traveled to Jornheim where he proposed that he should take the throne with the backing of the Legion. With every passing day there were less Dwarves in it, until the despair finally got to the Grand King who committed suicide by jumping from the Senate room balcony. As a result of this, Kal'Omith lost the status it once held as a bustling city. As word of Kerwyr's separation from the Grand Kingdom of Urguan spread, more and more Frostbeards left Kal'Omith and moved to Jornheim. Jornheim was a mere Hold in it's first days and served as the official home of all Frostbeards. Within a few short years, Jornheim was complete. In a historic meeting, Ostromir granted Kerwyr and his Frostbeards land in the nearby mountains in exchange for military aide. In an attempt to find land to settle, Kerwyr alongside Gorum Frostbeard and Barradin Frostbeard sought out Ostromir Ivanovich, lord of the land where St. After years of this abuse, Clan Lord Kerwyr Frostbeard took his clan and formally left the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. As a result, many clans viewed the Frostbeard clan as a dangerous group of Dwarves and often insulted them. However, due to their size and expansionist ideals, they were frowned upon by the other Dwarf clans who preferred a less competitive environment. In every battle, the Frostbeards made up a large portion of the Dwarven force and they were never hesitant to come to a fight. Immediately after announcing the creation of the Kingdom, Garrond stepped down from his position as Clan Father and offered the crown to Verthaik II Frostbeard, son of Kerwyr Frostbeard.ĭuring Axios, the Frostbeard clan established itself as one of the most powerful and valuable of all Dwarf clans. The Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah was founded in 1626 by Clan Lord Garrond Frostbeard in the city of New Jornheim during a city meeting. This idea came to fruition in the form of the Mountain Monarchy, a short lived Dwarven Kingdom in Vailor, which laid the foundation for the creation of Kaz'Ulrah, over a hundred years later. The idea of a Frostbeard led kingdom arose back in Athera when the Frostbeard Clan was being led by Verthaik Frostbeard. As a result, his descendants believed it would only be fair to honor a Dwarf of his status by naming the Kingdom after him. Kaz'Ulrah was known to be a cunning, charismatic and competent Dwarf, and led one of the largest Clans. The Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah received its name from the son of Urguan, Kaz'Ulrah Frostbeard.
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heyscience · 6 years
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you send the greatest asks and they make me so happy and I’ll have to send you more!!
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pikapeppa · 2 years
Solavellan smut: Distractions
Solas and @elbenherzart​‘s Nare Lavellan are back with another sexy romp! 😂 This time in the modern-day university AU of Inadvisable. 
Context for those who haven’t read Inadvisable: Solas and Nare were having an affair while he was her thesis supervisor, but at the time of this fic, he’s not her supervisor anymore and their relationship is no longer a secret. However, the professor kink remains... 😉
Almost 10k words -- read here on AO3 instead.
Solas couldn’t find the stylus for his digital tablet.
He shifted a pile of papers on his desk, then replaced the pile and peered behind his laptop. He shuffled aimlessly through the other items on his desk — books and open journals and even a paint-smudged rag that either he or Nare had left there at some point — all to no avail: the stylus appeared to be lost.
‘Appeared’ being the operative term, he thought ruefully. Just because he couldn’t see the stylus amidst the habitual disorder of his desk did not mean the stylus wasn’t somewhere here. 
An obvious solution would be to actually tidy his desk so he could know for sure whether the stylus was truly missing. He was considering this drastic course of action when his phone vibrated in the pocket of his slacks.
He took out his phone and accepted the call. “Hello.”
“On dhea,” Abelas said. “I hope this is an appropriate time?”
“Of course,” Solas said. “I’m glad you don’t mind that I decided to work from home today.” He tucked the phone between his shoulder and his ear and began half-heartedly organizing the papers on his desk into a tidier pile.
“We had no meetings scheduled for today, so it is not a problem,” Abelas said. “The main topic I had hoped to discuss was Merrill’s thesis format.”
“All right,” Solas said. “What is the issue?”
“As you know, she now has the option of submitting either a traditional thesis, or submitting three or more original research articles, published in peer-reviewed journals, where she is the first author,” Abelas said. “Until recently, she was undecided about which option to take.”
“I thought she had decided to submit a traditional thesis after speaking to you,” Solas said.
“She had,” Abelas said. “But I worry now that my advice has been a disservice to her.”
Solas paused in his paper-shuffling. “You are worried about that?”
“Yes,” Abelas said. “I am admittedly fond of the traditional thesis format, as I feel that it pulls together one’s body of work in a cohesive manner. Furthermore, she can use the chapter she has written for our textbook as a backbone for the thesis, so part of her work will be done.”
“Those are sound reasons for the traditional thesis format,” Solas said. 
“Yes, they are,” Abelas said. “But is this thinking too old-fashioned?”
Solas smiled and continued organizing his desk. “Have you been speaking to Athera about this?”
“Perhaps,” Abelas said suspiciously. “Why do you ask?”
Solas was amused, but he kept this to himself. “Simple curiosity,” he said. “In any case, I’d like to know why you’re concerned about the format being old-fashioned.” He gazed balefully at the myriad open journals on his desk, then began marking his place in each journal with sticky notes so he could close and file them away for later. 
Then he realized that he hadn’t even looked in the drawers of his desk for the stylus. 
Of course, he thought in exasperation, and he began searching through the drawers. 
Over the phone, Abelas sighed. “Despite the utility of a traditional thesis for summarizing one’s body of work, the publication method of thesis submission is admittedly more practical. It encourages the student to format and structure their work for publication and to get accustomed to the publication process. The submission of a traditional thesis has less of a practical application in this way.”
“Mm, yes,” Solas said as he rifled through the top drawer. “That’s true. It sounds as though you have talked yourself through the dilemma, then.” He pursed his lips in annoyance, then closed the top drawer and opened the second one.
“It seems so,” Abelas said. “Are you even listening to me?”
“Pardon?” Solas said distractedly. “I — yes, of course I’m listening.”
Abelas tsked, and Solas sighed and sat in his desk chair. “I apologize, Abelas. I don’t mean to be distracted. I think I’ve mislaid my stylus.”
“Your stylus?” Abelas said. “Why do you have a stylus?”
Solas smiled. He knew what Abelas was imagining: the type of stylus that was used in ancient times for etching on wet clay. “It’s a stylus for my digital tablet. I told you that Nare convinced me to try digital forms of sketching and painting?”
“Ah,” Abelas said. “I remember, yes. And Felassan was irritated that you are trying digital art for Nare when he’s been attempting to talk you into it for years.”
Solas chuckled. “Yes, he was irritated, but he quickly forgave me. He’s been sending me brush sets for various art programs since I bought the tablet. Truth be told, I haven’t found the time to try them out, but I don’t have the heart to tell him so.”
“Brush sets?” Abelas said. “What are those?”
“In painting, there are various techniques that you can use to achieve certain effects on your canvas or paper, or whatever medium you happen to be painting upon,” Solas explained. “The brush sets in these digital art programs allow you to replicate those various effects.” He paused with his hand in the drawer, then frowned and rubbed his chin. “I wonder if Fenor stole it.”
“I beg your pardon?” Abelas said.
Solas huffed. “I apologize. I’m thinking about my stylus still. I believe Fenor may have taken it as a toy.”
“An unanticipated burden of owning a cat, I suppose?” Abelas drawled.
“So it seems,” Solas said drolly.
Abelas grunted, and Solas chuckled. “Let’s return to the topic at hand. The reasoning for Merrill’s thesis, then: what side of the argument do you fall on now?”
“It is as you said,” Abelas said. “I believe I just talked myself around with my own reasoning. I will speak with Merrill about it this afternoon.”
“Excellent,” Solas said. “Was there anything else you wanted to discuss?” He rose from his desk chair and wandered around the living room, vaguely scanning the floor around the coffee table and the couch to see if Fenor had batted the stylus onto the floor. 
“Yes, actually,” Abelas said. “Although… hm. Perhaps it should wait until tomorrow.”
Solas cocked his head curiously. It was unlike Abelas to sound so uncertain. “Is there a problem?” he said. “We can discuss it now.”
Abelas hesitated for a moment before replying. “I have been working on translating one of my short stories into the common tongue, and I am not convinced that the tone of the piece is carrying over. Athera is usually able to provide sound judgment on this, but she does not feel qualified to do so with this piece.”
“She does not feel qualified?” Solas said in surprise. “Why not?”
“This piece is of a more poetic nature, and Elvhen is not her native language,” he said. “She feels that I should get the opinion of another native Arlathani speaker to ensure that the cadence and subtleties of the piece are properly conveyed, since the poetic structures of our languages are vastly different.”
“Ah, I see,” Solas said. “In that case, I would be happy to provide a native ear.” He settled on the couch with a sigh, resigned to the fact that he likely wouldn’t be finding his stylus today. Perhaps Nare would lend him her tablet to practice on, particularly since she was working with her oils today. 
Almost as though she’d heard his thought, Nare emerged from the studio at the other end of the apartment and approached him with a smile. 
He smiled back at her. Through the phone, Abelas subtly cleared his throat. “All right, I will begin,” he said. “‘Night had fallen once more. The Herald’s Rest lay in silence, and it was a silence of three parts…’”
Solas wasn’t listening. He was distracted by Nare — or rather, by the coveted item she was holding in her hand: his stylus. Where did you find it? he mouthed. 
“In Fenor’s basket-bed in the studio,” she said quietly.
Solas huffed in amusement, and Abelas’s voice faltered in his ear. “What’s the matter? Is something amiss with the prose?” 
“No,” Solas said with a grimace. “Forgive me, Abelas, but could you start over? I was distracted.” 
“Fenor?” Abelas said flatly.
Solas fondly eyed Nare, who was placing the stylus on his desk. “Not quite.” 
Abelas harrumphed. “Should we do this at another time? It is not urgent.” 
“No,” Solas said, a bit sheepishly. “This is a good time. I’m focused now.”
“All right,” Abelas muttered. He cleared his throat and started again. “‘Night had fallen once more…’”
Solas settled back on the couch to listen. Then Nare came over and sat on the floor between his feet.
He raised his eyebrows quizzically, and she smiled. “Taking a break,” she whispered, and she rested her head against his knee. 
A warm protective feeling bloomed to life in his abdomen. His body was attuned now to seeing Nare in such submissive poses, like a conditioned carnal response to the sight of her sitting so sweetly at his feet, even if her intentions were innocent as they were now.
He tenderly traced his fingers along her hairline, then tucked an errant lock of hair behind her ear. She dreamily closed her eyes, and Solas lightly ran his fingers through her hair as he listened to Abelas’s reading.
“‘Inside the Herald’s Rest, a pair of men huddled together at one corner of the bar,’” Abelas read. “‘They drank with quiet determination, avoiding serious discussions of troubling news. In doing this, they added a small sullen silence to the larger hollow one. It made an alloy of sorts: a counterpoint.’” 
“I might pause you there,” Solas said. “That last sentence: the phrasing could be adjusted slightly.” 
Abelas hummed an acknowledgement. “What about… perhaps ‘fusion’ instead of ‘alloy’. Would that be more fitting?” 
“Mm…” Solas idly twisted a lock of Nare’s hair around his fingers as he rolled the words through his mind. “Perhaps. But… no, the original phrasing may have been better. Can you read it again?” He combed Nare’s hair back into place, and she opened her eyes briefly to smile at him before closing them again and nestling her cheek against his thigh. 
Abelas obliged Solas’s request. “‘It made an alloy of sorts: a counterpoint.’ And with the new phrasing, it is like this: ‘It made a fusion of sorts: a counterpoint.’ Which is better?”
“Um…” Solas trailed off. Nare was slowly rubbing her cheek against his inner thigh.
She opened her eyes and looked at him, and the warm feeling in his abdomen swelled and spread to his groin. Her expression was sweet but coy, and clearly not as innocent as he’d assumed.
Without breaking from his gaze, she shifted her position so she was sitting back on her heels, then nuzzled his inner thigh like a cat, and Solas shifted restlessly on the couch. His cock was growing hard and swelling in his slacks—
“Solas?” Abelas said.
Solas clenched his jaw before replying. “My apologies. It… the, um, the first phrasing.”
“Are you certain?” Abelas said. “I find myself second-guessing the phrasing now, as well.”
“Yes, I’m—” He broke off and cleared his throat. Nare was resting her palm on his thigh now, just casually resting her palm there while she continued to nuzzle his leg, and the stillness of her hand was like an intentional tease. 
“Are you all right?” Abelas said. 
“Yes,” Solas said, as calmly as he could manage. “I… yes, I’m fine. Perhaps you should keep reading and the flow of the entire piece will become clearer.”
“All right,” Abelas said. “‘The third silence was not an easy thing to notice…’”
Solas hit the ‘mute’ function on his phone, then took hold of Nare’s hand, which was slowly travelling up his thigh toward his groin. “What are you doing?” he said.
She lifted her cheek from his thigh. “I’m helping you relax,” she said.
He gave her a censorious look. “You’re distracting me while I’m working.”
Her eyes went wide — innocently wide. “No I’m not! I’m helping you relax so you can focus better.” 
He gazed at her big blue eyes with a combination of amusement and annoyance. She was so obviously trying to provoke him that he would laugh if he weren’t in the middle of a work-related call. “This is your idea of helping me to focus?” he said. “Truly?”
She smiled impishly. Then Abelas’s sharp voice jarred him back to reality. “Solas, are you still there?” 
“Yes, I—” Ah, he was still muted. He released Nare’s hand and quickly tapped the ‘mute’ icon. “Yes, I’m here. I apologize. I accidentally hit the mute button.” 
“If this is a bad time for you, it can wait until tomorrow,” Abelas said stiffly.
Nare swiftly shuffled closer to him and rubbed her cheek against his inner thigh right beside his groin, and his cock jumped at the closeness of her mouth. “N-no,” he blurted. “That is, er… Abelas, I apologize. I — my mind is admittedly scattered. If—”
His phone vibrated: he was getting another call. He exhaled sharply. “I’m sorry, there’s another call incoming. If you can hold on for a moment?”
Abelas grunted his assent, and Solas lowered the phone to check his screen. Then Nare nuzzled his cock through his pants. 
A shock of pleasure zipped through his body, and he almost gasped — almost. Instead, entirely by accident, he answered the secondary call on his phone, and realized a split second later that the caller was Felassan. 
“Fenedhis,” he hissed, and he lifted the phone to his ear. “Felassan?”
“Yes, it’s me,” Felassan said cheerfully. “Before you die of shock at the fact that I’m calling you instead of texting you, let me assure you that no one has died.”
Nare pressed her lips to the ridge of his cock, and Solas jerked his hips toward her and managed a stilted laugh. “Ha, yes. Actually, I can’t—”
Felassan interrupted him. “This will be quick, I promise. Are you at the office?” 
Nare reached up and started unbuttoning his slacks, and Solas gave her a reproving look as he replied. “No, I’m not. I am working from home, and Abelas is on the other line.”
“Excellent,” Felassan said. “I meant to ask him something too. I’ll hang up so you can add me in.”
“No—” It was too late: Felassan had hung up. Nare, meanwhile, was unzipping Solas’s fly, and her expression was so eager that it was making his cock pulse with need. 
“Solas, are you there?” Abelas said irritably. 
Nare freed his cock from his pants and stroked him. A hot rush of pleasure rose flooded his body and warmed his cheeks, but he heroically forced himself not to react. “Yes,” he said calmly. “But that was Felassan on the other line. He—”
“He wants to join this call, I know,” Abelas said irritably. “I will add him. Just a moment.”
Nare licked her palm and stroked him again, and he flexed instinctively into her hand. “Abelas, wait,” he said breathlessly. “If I can — truly, this isn’t a good time—” He broke off abruptly. Nare was suckling him, and he was forced to press his lips together to stop himself from moaning with pleasure at the hot slick pressure of her mouth. 
A second later, Felassan’s cheerful voice was in his ear. “On dhea. So only Abelas is in the office at the moment?” 
“Yes, Solas is not here,” Abelas said. “Why do you ask?”
“I’m looking for one of my books,” Felassan said. “I wanted to use one of the images as a reference, but it’s not here. I must have lent it to Solas — I can’t imagine where else it would be. Can you look in his office to see if it’s there?”
Abelas sighed. “Fine. What is the book called?”
“It’s called ‘Tech Noir’,” Felassan said. “It’s an anthology of James Cameron’s work. A big hardcover with a white cover — it should be easy to spot.”
“James Cameron?” Abelas said. “Is he not a film director?”
“Yes, but he’s also an incredible artist,” Felassan said. “Fun fact: before he became famous, he actually used to work as a truck driver…”
Felassan kept talking, but Solas had stopped paying any semblance of attention. He was entirely captivated by Nare, and not just by the torrid pleasure of her lips sliding up and down his cock. She was staring at him as she sucked him, her aquamarine eyes fixed on his face, and the angle of her head and her submissive pose made her look both eager and innocent at the same time. It was like she was waiting for his approval, waiting for him to indicate that she was pleasuring him correctly, and the juxtaposition of her lips on his cock and her big hopeful eyes was making his whole body throb with desire.
His heart was pounding, and he couldn’t tell if it was due to panic at receiving a blowjob at such an untimely moment, or perverse excitement for the very same reason. He reached down and smoothed his palm over her hair, and when she moaned softly around his length, his cock twitched in her throat, like the first quake of a climax beginning to build. 
“Solas, did you hear me?” Felassan said loudly. 
Solas jolted and inhaled sharply through his nose. “What? No,” he said. “I — can you repeat that?”
Abelas grunted. “His attention has been wandering today.”
“That’s unfortunate,” Felassan said. “I can bring you a coffee if you need one.”
“Bring — what?” Solas said in confusion. “Why would you bring—?” He broke off and clenched his jaw: Nare had angled her head to take him deeper, and the pressure of her throat squeezing his cock was almost unbearably good.
He slid his fingers through her hair to cradle her nape and pressed his hips toward her. Felassan, meanwhile, was still speaking. “I was saying that I can come to your place to grab the book if you have it.”
Solas drew a careful silent breath through his lips. “Why would you think I have it here?” he said.
“Because it’s not in your office, as Abelas just said,” Felassan replied. “You really are distracted today, aren’t you?”
Nare lifted her lips from his cock to shoot him a grin — she was obviously hearing the conversation through the phone. Solas shot her a dirty look as he replied. “I am, and I apologize. I’m… not feeling well.”
“Ah,” Abelas said in a softer tone. “You should have said so. You should not be working if you’re unwell.”
“It’s good to hear you saying that,” Felassan remarked. “Athera’s been a good influence on you.”
“I agree, but what makes you say so?” Abelas said. 
“Come on, don’t act like you don’t remember that time you insisted on marking essays when you had the flu,” Felassan said. “Actually, maybe you don’t remember. You were pretty feverish at the time. But I’m sure Solas remembers.”
“Yes,” Solas said, “I, er… I remember that, yes.” He swallowed hard: Nare was swirling her tongue around the tip of his cock. She shot him another coy look before taking his length into her mouth again, and his eyes fluttered shut with pleasure. 
In a clear counterpoint to the dreamlike pleasure of Nare’s mouth on his cock, Abelas and Felassan continued to bicker in his ear. “That was many years ago,” Abelas said defensively.
“Yes, it was,” Felassan said. “And such is my point. You wouldn’t dare do something so stupid now, or Athera would chain you to the bed to stop you from working.”
“There is no need to be crass,” Abelas scolded.
Felassan laughed. “I’m not being crass! But now I want to know why you think I’m being crass. Is there something you want to tell us about chains and beds?”
“Absolutely not,” Abelas snapped. “That is none of your business!”
“So there is something to tell, but it’s just none of our business?” Felassan said slyly. “That’s interesting.”
Abelas clicked his tongue. “Did you want something else, or will you be leaving this phone call now?”
“I’ll leave you in peace as soon as Solas answers my question,” Felassan said. “Solas?”
“Yes?” Solas gritted. 
“Can I come over to get that book or not?”
“Ye— I mean, no,” Solas blurted. “I’m… I told you, I’m unwell.” He squeezed the back of Nare’s neck and pumped his hips toward her, and she began suckling him more quickly — ah, fenedhis, this was perfect, the perfect rhythm and rate of her perfect heated mouth… 
“Can you at least check if the book is at your place?” Felassan said. “You know I wouldn’t have called if I didn’t really need it.” 
“I can’t look right now,” Solas said sharply. “I’m in the middle of… I’m occupied.” He accidentally drew a sharp breath, unable to help himself: his orgasm was rising in time with the rise and fall of Nare’s lips, the tense coil of pleasure rising perversely and with no regard to the inopportune circumstances of its rise, and Solas was utterly torn between how good it felt and how mortifying it was to be feeling the rise of his own rapture at such a terrible time. 
Felassan sighed. “Really? That’s…” He trailed off. A moment later when he spoke again, his voice was curled with humour. “Hang on a second. Is Nare there?”
Nare angled her head to look Solas in the eye. Her expression was blatantly mischievous, and it made something wild and hot burst to life in his chest. He stared intently at her, his eyes boring into hers as she continued to suck his cock, and when her cheeks started turning pink, the hot and feral feeling swelled more strongly in his chest and between his legs.
Felassan started to laugh. “She is there, isn’t she? Tamaris mentioned that she stayed the night at your place.”
Solas couldn’t reply. He couldn’t. His cock was throbbing, the beautiful tension of his climax pushing itself closer to the surface of his skin, and he didn’t dare open his mouth lest the wrong sort of sound emerge. 
Abelas’s reply was annoyed. “Why does that matter? Why is this conversation devolving from work-related matters into gossip?”
“Oh, it’s devolving all right,” Felassan snickered. “I’m hanging up now. Goodbye.” He left the call.
Abelas sighed. “Solas, please call me when you’re feeling better.”
“All right,” Solas managed. “I will.” Fenedhis lasa, he was going to come any second now… 
“There is no need for thanks,” Abelas said. “Get some rest. Farewell for now.” He hung up, and a split second later, Solas came. 
He groaned loudly and dropped the phone on the couch, then fisted his fingers in Nare’s hair and thrust into her mouth. She gripped his thighs and angled her head to take him deep, and Solas fucked her throat with total abandon, gasping and groaning and staring avidly at her rosy lips as his cock slid between them. He fucked her mouth until he was spent, then carefully released her hair and let out a heavy exhale. 
Nare lifted her mouth from his cock and dabbed her lips on the back of her hand, then smiled cheekily. “Did that help—”
He sat forward and gripped her chin. “Don’t speak,” he snarled. “Not a word.” 
Her spine straightened and her eyes became huge, and Solas studied the signs of her excitement with a vindictive sort of satisfaction. Nare might have made him climax — and an excellent climax it was, too — but her intentions had clearly been to distract and embarrass him while he was on the phone, and such intentions required dire punishment. 
He ruthlessly lifted her chin. “You knew exactly what you were doing when you kneeled at my feet just now, didn’t you?”
She swallowed visibly. “I just wanted to help you focus—”
“Do not lie to me, Nare,” he said menacingly. “Were you truly trying to help, or were you hoping to distract me from my work?”
She dragged in a shaky breath, then lowered her eyes. “I was trying to distract you.”
“I know you were,” he said. “Worse yet, you abandoned your own work in the studio to distract me.” He released her chin, then trailed his knuckle along her jawline. “Tell me, does this strike you as the behaviour of a good student?”
She shook her head. “No, professor.”
Professor. As always, just as it had every time she had ever called him by his title, a possessive sort of warmth reared its head in the depths of his gut. He surveyed her in a predatory way, taking in her slightly-parted lips and her big blue eyes and the delicately-pinkened tips of her ears. Then, slowly and carefully, he wrapped his fingers around her throat. 
She swallowed nervously, her throat moving sinuously against his palm, and Solas tilted his head. “This kind of impertinent behaviour speaks of a particular virtue that you seem to be lacking. What virtue am I talking about, Nare?”
He tightened his fingers around her throat. “Tell me.”
“Discipline!” she blurted. “I’m lacking discipline.”
“That’s right,” he said. “Despite the hours we’ve spent working on your discipline, on teaching you patience and focus, I find you here on your knees, stroking and sucking my cock instead of working on your art as you should be.”
She whimpered and stroked his knee. “Solas—”
“Do not touch me again until I instruct you to do so,” he snapped.
She immediately withdrew her hand, and Solas lifted his chin. “Now, I will admit that I appreciated your focus and determination when you were pleasuring me. But I wonder if you’re capable of a similar focus when it comes to tolerating the punishment you deserve.”
“I can,” she said eagerly. “I can take it.”
He narrowed his eyes. “It sounds as though you’re hoping to be punished. Is that the case?”
“No, it’s not that,” she breathed. “It’s — I just want you to teach me how to be a better student with better discipline. If you think I need to be punished, then I’ll — I’ll take the punishment, professor, I promise.” 
Her eyes were demurely lowered, and it was amusing. To see her pretending to be obedient and demure when he knew this was a ploy on her part to get the exact kind of punishment she wanted? She truly was a vixen of the worst kind. 
He released her throat and rested his elbows on his knees as he surveyed her. “And if your punishment involves being sent back to the studio to continue your painting until I say you’re free to leave? Will you accept that punishment without complaint?” 
Her eyes darted up to his face, and he almost smiled at the obvious disappointment in her face. Then she lowered her gaze once more. “Yes, professor. I’ll… I won’t complain.” 
He hummed thoughtfully, then reached out and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “All right. I’ve thought of an appropriate punishment. Move the coffee table out of the way.” 
“The coffee table?” she said.
“We will need the space,” he said, and he dropped his gaze to the carpet-padded floor.
Her face lit up. She quickly rose to her feet and pushed the coffee table aside to make space on the floor in front of the couch, then turned back to face him. “What should I do now?”
“Take off your clothing.”
She beamed at him and began stripping, and he leaned back on the couch to watch her. She pulled off her paint-spattered shirt and pushed back her long red hair, shooting him an excited smile as she did, then swiftly shoved down her leggings and her panties at the same time, and Solas surveyed her with a cool sort of amusement. Her stripping was too eager to be seductive, and as endearing as her eagerness was, it simply highlighted her need to practice her discipline. 
She unhooked her bralette and placed it on the coffee table, then looked at him. “What should I do next?” she said breathlessly. 
For a long moment, he didn’t reply: he simply took the time to admire her nude body. The late morning light slanting through the floor-to-ceiling windows was like a spotlight painting her skin with a peachy glow. Her nipples were pearling already even though they hadn’t been touched, and the curving lines of her waist and hips were practically begging to be outlined by the touch of his hands.
He stared at her with a shameless mixture of admiration and masculine pride. Nare was perfect in his eyes, just as perfect as she’d always been since the first time she’d laid herself bare right here in his apartment, and Solas was proud that she’d chosen him to be the man she gave herself to. She’d trusted Solas with her body and her difficult sexual history and her heart, trusting him to handle her carefully and to give her the discipline and the tenderness that they both needed so badly. As he admired Nare’s perfect naked form, a familiar and beloved warmth swelled in his chest: a hot feeling of adoration laced with a smug sort of satisfaction that this perfect woman belonged to him.
She shifted restlessly from foot to foot and gave him a pleading look, and Solas gave her a chiding look. “Your impatience does you a disservice, Nare.”
She lowered her eyes. “I know, I’m sorry…”
“Do not apologize,” he said. “Apologies will serve neither of us. Focus instead on fixing your behaviour.”
She nodded meekly. “How should I do that?”
“Kneel for me.”
She immediately lowered herself to her knees and gazed expectantly at him, and he nodded his approval. “Now tie up your hair.”
She scooped her hair back and began tying it into a loose bun, arching her spine as though to show off her body, and Solas admired her breasts and the subtle planes of her belly as she tied up her hair. When her hair was bound, she gave him another bright-eyed look. “What should I do next?”
“Do not speak, and don’t move,” he said. Then he stood up. 
She opened her mouth, then immediately closed it, and Solas lifted an eyebrow as he tucked his cock back into his pants. “Did you stop yourself from asking where I am going?”
She nodded, and Solas nodded as well. “That is an excellent start to showing me how disciplined you are.” He fastened his slacks, then reached down and gently cradled her chin.
She swallowed hard but didn’t speak or move, and Solas smiled faintly. “Good girl,” he murmured. Then, as a tiny reward for her stillness, he bent down and kissed her.
Her lips parted instantly, and he took advantage to seal his lips over hers. He kissed her firmly, savouring the softness of her lips and the heat of her mouth as he stroked her tongue with his own, and when she whimpered and began melting toward him, he carefully pulled away from her. 
He brushed his thumb over her kiss-plumped lower lip. “I am going to the studio. I will inspect your work thus far,” he told her. “Remember, you are not to move until I return.”
Nare nodded, and Solas released her chin and walked away, marvelling as he did that his cock was growing hard again already despite the delicious-yet-illicit blowjob that Nare had just given him. He was careful not to show his growing eagerness as he walked away, however; he kept his pace casual and relaxed as he made his way to the studio. He had to present himself as a good example of discipline, after all.
He stepped into the studio to inspect her work. She had been working on another hair study to prepare for the portraits of Tamaris she would be painting for her thesis project, and today she was challenging herself to capture the way light interacted with Tamaris’s ebony curls.
Solas was briefly distracted from his desire by his appreciation for how far she’d gotten in a single morning. Considering that she’d only been painting for about two hours, she already had the primary areas of contrast and illumination blocked out, and Solas was quite impressed. 
He purposely spent a few long minutes in the studio, straightening the ever-growing pile of his own sketches on the shelf and tidying some of the painting supplies before leaving the room. When he returned to the living room, he was pleased to find Nare still on her knees on the floor.
Her eyes were closed, and her fists were clenched on her knees. When Solas approached, she opened her eyes and looked at him, and his cock swelled in his slacks. Her ears were flushed and her lips were parted with lust, and her eyes — fenedhis, her eyes: they were bright and blazing with need, an unspoken need that she was so carefully keeping to herself, and Solas was visited by the vertiginous feeling that he could happily drown in her oceanic eyes. 
Not yet, he reminded himself. He couldn’t give in to his own desire yet. Nare had to be properly punished for her atrocious behaviour. The discipline she’d shown in remaining here on her knees was an excellent start, but it was not enough to make up for how provocative she’d been while he was on the phone.
He sat on the couch in front of her and casually draped one arm along the back of the couch. “You made good progress in your study,” he said. “Are you happy with what you did so far?”
She darted him a cautious look, and he smiled faintly. “You may speak, Nare.” 
She smiled and tucked a tendril of hair over her ear. “I’m… well, I know what I’m going to work on next. Now that the main blocks of colour are there, I’ll—” 
Solas interrupted her. “I didn’t ask what your next steps will be. I asked whether you’re pleased with your progress.” 
She hesitated, and Solas admired her naked and kneeling body while she considered her answer. Finally she replied. “I’m happy that I know what to do next. I feel confident about where the study is going and how to get it there. That makes me happy.”
He gazed at her approvingly. “That is excellent. I’m glad to hear that your confidence is growing.”
She made a little face. “I don’t know if I’d go that far.”
He quirked an eyebrow. “Are you doubting my judgment?”
Her eyes went wide. “Wha— no! No, that’s not what I meant.”
He gave her a chiding look, and she shook her head slightly. “I mean — no, professor, I’m not doubting you. I’m just, um… my confidence might be growing, but it’s, um, slow.”
“I would not expect you to outgrow your doubts overnight,” he said gently. “Progress and confidence come one step at a time, and you are advancing well on both fronts.”
She shot him a tiny smile. “Thank you, professor.”
He nodded. “You’re welcome. And now I believe it’s time that you received your punishment for your… impertinence earlier.”
She wilted slightly. “I thought that waiting here for you was the punishment.”
He raised his eyebrows. She was challenging him now? After that sordid carnal display where she’d nearly made him embarrass himself on the phone with Abelas and Felassan, she was daring to challenge him now? 
She could clearly gauge his thoughts from the look on his face: the flush of her cheeks deepened slightly and her spine straightened a little more, and Solas couldn’t decide whether to be pleased or disgruntled by her eagerness. It was a pleasure to see Nare looking so lustful for him, but the forced time-out on her knees clearly hadn’t taught her a lesson, and her punishment was going to have to be strict indeed if he wanted to make her truly obey. 
He sat forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “You thought that waiting silently and showing a little patience was punishment? Is that truly what you thought?”
She nibbled her lower lip but didn’t reply, and Solas tilted his head. “Tell me, Nare. Is that what you thought? During all this time that I’ve been teaching you, all this time that I’ve been training your discipline and control, you thought that merely kneeling for your professor was sufficient punishment for acting in such a disgraceful way?”
She dropped his gaze and pressed her lips together hard, and Solas could tell that she was trying not to laugh. When she looked him in the eye once more, though, her expression was appropriately contrite. “No, professor. I’m sorry, you’re right. It wasn’t enough of a punishment.”
“It really wasn’t,” he confirmed. He sat back once more and began rolling up his sleeves.
Her reaction was instantaneous: she sat up straight like a meerkat, her eyes locking onto his forearms as they were revealed by the rolling-back of his sleeves, and something hot and prideful stirred in his chest in response to her avid gaze. He carefully maintained a smooth and stern expression as he rolled up his sleeves, and by the time his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, she was shifting her hips with eagerness, and her face was alight with anticipation. 
He settled back on the couch, then met her eye once more. “Come, Nare,” he said, and he patted his thigh.
She swiftly stood upright. Solas’s gaze dropped shamelessly to her sex, and a roar of lust unfurled through his veins. She was wet already, so wet that he could already see the glistening shine of desire painting her pussy — that delicious glistening desire that tasted so raw and sweet…
His mouth was suddenly flooded with saliva. Nare took a step toward him, and he stopped her with a hand on her hip. “A moment,” he said, and he slipped one finger between her legs. 
She gasped and grabbed his shoulders, and he breathed slowly to control himself. The feel of her on his fingers, the heat of her, the slickness: he would never get enough of this. Never would there come a time when this would fail to rouse the possessive and protective wildness in his chest — this hot and wild feeling that was compelling him to stroke her folds until she was bucking her hips and mewling his name…
She tightened her fingers in the fabric of his shirt. “Solas,” she whimpered. 
He withdrew his fingers from her feminine heat and sat back to look her in the eye. “Come now, Nare,” he said calmly. “You know what you must do.” Without breaking from her gaze, he licked her slickness from his fingers, then patted his thigh again.
Her face went tense with desperation, but she didn’t complain; she kneeled on the couch beside him, then stretched out across his lap, and when she was settled, Solas smoothed his palm along the length of her back. 
With a slow and hedonistic sort of enjoyment, Solas stroked Nare’s smooth-skinned back. He studied the delicate arches of her shoulder blades and the dip of her spine, and he enjoyed the fact that he could admire her so easily when her hair was tied up. He could admire every inch of her naked skin, from her nape down to the valley of her spine and back up over the divine curves of her bottom — ah, fenedhis, her lush and rounded bottom, bare and raised like it was waiting for his hand…
Lovingly, tenderly, he smoothed his palm over her buttock. Then he spanked her. 
She yelped and arched her spine. Solas spanked her again, and she let out another breathless cry. “Please!”
He curled his fingers around her throat. “Do not beg,” he snapped, and he spanked her harder than before.
She let out another mewling cry and dug her fingers into the couch, and the hot and feral feeling in his chest stretched and reared its head. The sharp sound of her cries, these exquisite cries of pleasure and pain: these cries of Nare’s never failed to rile him, to bring the dark and feral side of his desire from dormancy to roaring life, and with every spank he delivered to her bottom, his hungry wolflike side felt like it was pushing its way closer to the surface of his skin. 
He smoothed his palm over her spanked buttock and drew a slow breath to calm himself. “Your behaviour was atrocious, Nare,” he said coolly. “Distracting me purposely while I was on a work-related call? That was quite the cunning move.” He punctuated his words with a spank.
“Yes!” she gasped. “Yes, it was — I was really bad.”
“Yes, you were,” he said. Then he lowered his voice. “You purposely made me hard, then sucked my cock while I was trying to focus.”
She dragged in a shaky breath and arched her spine, pushing her bottom up toward his hand. “Yes, I did,” she whined. “That’s what I did, and it was — I was so bad, professor.”
“You were bad, yes,” he said, and he spanked her hard on her other buttock. 
She yelped again, spurring that feral heat to swell in his chest and limbs, and Solas tightened his grip on her throat as he caressed her butt. “You were an incredibly disobedient student who purposely tried to provoke me,” he said. “For that reason, you do not have the right to beg.” He bent closer to her ear and spoke in a very low and threatening tone. “You do not have the right to say anything except ‘yes, professor’. Is that understood?”
She whimpered and nodded, and Solas narrowed his eyes. “What was that?” he said, and he spanked her again. 
“Yes, professor!” she blurted.
“Excellent,” he said. “Spread your knees.”
She obeyed him and parted her knees on the couch, and Solas spanked her again. He spanked her twice more on each buttock, savouring the jiggle of her bottom beneath his palm and the sharp snap of skin-on-skin. By the time he was smoothing his palm over her buttock once more to soothe her stinging skin, Nare was mewling and gasping and writhing helplessly on his lap, and his whole body was throbbing with a dark and wild lust.
Be patient, he coached himself, and he smoothed his palm over her hair. “Your compliance is truly admirable,” he told her, and he reached between her legs and pressed his fingers to her clit.
She jolted and moaned loudly, but she didn’t beg, and Solas smiled as he caressed the slippery little bud. “Good girl,” he said, and without warning, he slid one finger inside of her. 
She burst out a wild cry, arching her spine and wiggling her hips as though to take his finger deeper, and Solas hissed in a breath through his clenched teeth. He could feel her pussy bearing down around his finger, like her body was trying to take him deep, and it was almost enough to make him abandon his sense of control. His control was tenuous as it was, like trying to keep a leash on a hungry wolf, but Solas forced himself to stay disciplined as he slid his finger smoothly in and out of her tight depths.
She sobbed and bucked back to meet his hand. “Sola— professor, I…” She trailed off and moaned, thrusting back against his hand like a little wanton, and despite his thinly-veiled lust, he smiled. 
“You stopped yourself from begging,” he remarked. “That is very good.”
“Yes,” she whimpered. “Yes, professor, ye— aah!” Her words faded into a loud moan. He was curling his finger inside of her and twisting his wrist in a subtle way that he knew she particularly liked, and for a glorious moment, he just listened to the symphony of her desperate moans.
Then he pulled his finger free and spanked her again. 
“Please!” she gasped. “I — mm, fuck, oh n-no…”
“I told you not to beg,” he said roughly, and he spanked her once more. 
“I’m sorry!” she cried. “I’m sorry, professor, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, I — ah!” Another sharp cry exploded from her lips as his palm came down to meet her ass.
“I told you that you could say only two words,” he said in a hard voice. “What words did I permit you to say?” 
“Yes, professor,” she sobbed. 
“That’s correct,” he said. “Will you obey me and speak only those two words?”
“Yes, professor!” she wailed. 
“Good,” he said coolly. “Now lie back on the floor and spread your legs.”
She nodded, then shakily lifted herself off of his lap and crawled onto the floor, and Solas shifted forward on the couch so he could better look at her. She rested back on her elbows, then placed her feet on the floor and opened her knees, and Solas shamelessly eyed her pussy… ah, fenedhis, she was so slick with the juices of her desire that he could practically taste her at the back of his tongue.
His cock throbbed in his slacks. He let out a slow breath and smoothed his palm over the ridge of his cock, and Nare’s eyes dropped to his hand. Her expression was twisting into a picture of desperate desire, but she didn’t beg, and Solas had to admire her restraint in the face of how obviously needy she was. 
He stroked himself slowly through his pants. Nare let out a little sob before clamping her lips together, and Solas smiled faintly. “You’re a very good girl for holding your tongue. Now touch yourself.”
She laid back on the carpet and slid her fingers through her slick folds. She breathed hard as she caressed herself, then began carefully teasing her clit with the tip of her finger, and Solas stared at her in wonder. She was truly like a work of art, and one that tempted his every sense: the aesthetic delicacy of her rounded breasts contrasted with the jutting angle of her hips as she thrust toward her own hand, the melodic huskiness of her mewling cries as she stroked her swollen little clit, the unique and precious taste of her desire that he had yet to savour during this particular tryst. She was a physical manifestation of desire coming to life, a vivid and symphonic representation of everything that the word ‘passion’ encompassed, and as Solas watched her writhing and whimpering in wanton abandon on his living room floor, he felt his own wanton side surging to life as well, surging from the depths of his chest to unfurl hotly through his limbs and to rear its prideful head as he watched Nare’s delicate hand moving with greater desperation between her legs. 
He squeezed the hard shaft of his cock — not yet, not just yet, he reminded himself —  then released his cock and began unbuttoning his shirt, and Nare’s lips fell open in a gasp. “Mm,” she whimpered, her eyes falling to the open collar of his shirt. “Mm, yes professor, y-yes…” 
He smirked as he laid open his shirt, and Nare’s face became even more tense with lust as she stared at his now-bared chest. She stared at him avidly, her eyes darting from his chest to his purposely-neutral face, and Solas watched with an arrogant sort of satisfaction as her breathing became erratic and short. 
Then he lifted his chin. “Beg,” he commanded.
“Please!” she burst out, and she arched her spine viciously and spread her legs. “Please, professor, please lick me! Please, please lick me, I want your mouth on me, I—”
Solas wasted no time. Her voice was tense and her thighs were slick, and her whole body was calling to the hot and feral need that was howling in his chest, and the next thing he knew, he was kneeling between her open legs and pushing her hand aside and slanting his mouth over her sex.
He kissed her pussy before lapping ravenously at her slick and shining folds, and she jolted and pushed her hips toward his face. “Please!” she sobbed, and she stroked his scalp. “Please Solas, you f-feel so—”
He gripped her thighs to hold her wide and lapped delicately at her clit before sealing his lips over her pussy in a hot wet kiss. She let out another breathless sob and arched toward his mouth, and Solas watched her with the hungry instincts of a predator, licking her in just the right way to elicit the most powerful reactions from her beautiful naked body. He trailed his tongue around her clit in a slow circle to make her moan and sob, then lapped lightly at the swollen little bud until she was gasping and pressing her fingers into his scalp, and when her thighs began to tremble with tension beneath his palms, he forced himself not to smile at the obviousness of her impending climax.
He caressed her inner thighs with his thumbs and lapped at her pussy before teasing her clit with the sort of careful little licks and kisses that he knew would drive her climax to its height, and in the space of a few more sharp and shallow breaths, Nare gasped loudly and cried out. She shuddered and arched viciously toward Solas’s lips, but he didn’t break the rhythm of his mouth: he continued to lap at her clit and to kiss her sensitive folds, treating her with the exact teasing pressure that he knew she loved, and with her every whimper and shudder and moan, he felt more and more bolstered, like that starving feral side of him was being fed and fostered by the sounds of her lustful abandon.
She sobbed out a last pleasured breath and settled onto the carpet, then trailed her fingers over his cheekbone. “Please, professor,” she whimpered. “Please fuck me, please? I need you…”
He finally lifted his mouth from her pussy, then settled between her legs and planted his palms on either side of her head. “Kiss me first,” he commanded. 
She curled her fingers around his nape and pulled him closer, and then they were kissing in a hard and hungry tempest of lust. She was licking his musk-scented lips and he was nipping her tongue, and then their mouths were slanting together as she moaned and bucked her hips to rub herself against his still-clothed groin, and the kiss was so ravenous and messy and scented with sex that it finally broke Solas’s control.
He nipped her lower lip, prompting her to let out a breathy gasp of pain, then sat back on his knees and palmed her breast. “Get on your knees,” he snarled, and he rolled her nipple between his fingers. “You will place your cheek on the floor and lift your bottom for my pleasure. Do you understand?”
She whimpered and nodded, then repositioned herself as Solas had asked. When she was properly positioned on her elbows and knees, she glanced over her shoulder at him. “Please come inside me, professor,” she begged.
Ah, her words, her base and beautiful words… “You can be certain that I will,” he said harshly, and he began opening his slacks. “But first, you will come with my cock filling you up. Is that understood?”
“Yes,” she blurted. “I mean — yes professor, yes!”
“Good,” he said. He freed his cock from his slacks and slid his rock-hard shaft through her folds. 
She gasped and bucked back, spreading her fragrant slickness along the length of his cock, and a bloom of anticipation rippled through his abdomen. The way she felt, her heat, the velvety smoothness of her pussy against his cock—
“Please!” she wailed. “Please, Solas, please—”
He filled her up with one hard smooth stroke, and the sound she made was… fenedhis, it was so visceral and enraptured that it made his cock thump hotly within her depths. Her face was twisted with pleasure already and she was clenching her fingers on the carpeted floor, and Solas could tell from the tension of her pussy and the tension in her face that she was barely a few thrusts from her climax — a few thrusts, a few careful deep thrusts, and she would be coming around his cock. And if he did one additional thing to help bring her there…
He slowly withdrew from her body until just the tip of his cock was inside of her, and she sobbed and bucked back to try and take him. “Please!” she begged. “Please, Solas, please make me come, please…” 
He stroked her scalp and the nape of her neck, then slid his hand slowly around her neck to grip her throat, and her lips fell open. “Yes!” she mewled. “Oh fuck, yes—”
He squeezed her throat and thrust into her, a firm and relentless thrust, and she cried out. “Yes! Yes please, I need—”
He didn’t wait for her to finish her thought. He kept fucking her with slow but careful thrusts, driving into her thoroughly as though to stroke every inch of her inner heat with his cock. He hungrily watched her face as he fucked her, watching the twisting tension draw her face into an exquisite mask of tension and need—
“Solas, please!” she screamed, and suddenly her pussy was clenching around him. She was shuddering and sobbing and arching her spine, and her pussy was so fucking hot and tight, and Solas finally snapped.
He squeezed her throat and thrust into her hard, and her answering wail of pleasure made him dizzy. And then he was fucking her, fucking her hard and fast with his teeth bared and his fingers gripping her hips, and the growling sound he was making — was that him making that growling sound, it had to be him, his own breath rasping through his clenched teeth as he claimed her. That had to be his own feral snarling sounds as his hips slammed into the softness of her ass, and he was dimly aware of how ravenous and animalistic he sounded, but his pleasure was rising too sharply and deliciously for him to care. 
He released her throat and placed his palm on the nape of her neck instead. “You are mine,” he snarled. “My veraisa, my — my g-good girl, ah...” He shuddered and slammed into her once more, and his climax tore through his abdomen and his thighs in a blinding rush.
He groaned and squeezed her nape, shuddering and pressing his hips firmly against her ass as the rapture rode its way through his body in pulsing waves of pleasure. When his climax finally abated, he slowly and carefully pulled himself free from her depths.
Just as he had hoped, a drop of his creamy seed escaped her to trail down the back of her thigh, and Solas studied the evidence of his pleasure with no small sense of satisfaction. No matter how many times he took possession of Nare, no matter how often he got to enjoy the sight of his semen marking her body, it never failed to bring him a prideful sort of joy to see her painted with his pleasure in this way.
He gently caressed her buttock, then looked up at her face — her serene and broadly-smiling face, he was happy to note. “How do you feel?” he said gently. 
“Amazing,” she said. She carefully shifted onto her back, then stretched out on the carpet like a cat before curling on her side and propping her cheek on her fist. “So, are you going to call Abelas back now?”
He blinked at her. Had she just…? She had not just said something so cheeky. Was she really tempting his ire again?
She grinned mischievously at him. He scoffed a disbelieving laugh and spanked her hip, and Nare burst into laughter. “I’m teasing, I’m teasing — professor, please don’t punish me, eek!” She squealed with laughter as Solas rolled her onto her belly and spanked her bottom.
He straddled her hips to trap her on the floor, then planted his palms on either side of her head and lowered himself over her to speak into her ear. “You haven’t learned your lesson at all, have you?” he growled.
“I did, I did!” she giggled. “I learned, I promise, I’m just—” 
He cut her off with a kiss, delving his tongue into her mouth to stop her cheeky words, and Nare moaned into his mouth and passively accepted his kiss. When he peeled away from her lips, he was vindictively satisfied to find her cheeks and ears once more flushed with desire.
She smiled coyly at him and rested her cheek on the floor. “Am I a very bad student?”
“You’re fairly atrocious, yes,” he confirmed. “Yet somehow I am charmed by you.” He kissed her cheek, then stood up and fastened his pants once more before offering her his hand. 
She took his hand so he could help her to her feet, then brushed back a few stray tendrils of hair. “Well, I should probably—” 
He didn’t give her a chance to finish her sentence. Instead, he swept her into his arms, then began carrying her through the living room.
She gasped and grabbed his shoulders. “Solas! What are you — where are we going?”
“To take a bath,” he said.
“A bath?” she said. “But I — shouldn’t I work on my painting some more?” 
“Certainly,” he said. “But I’m not convinced you have the discipline for such focused work.”
She grinned at him and draped her arms around his neck. “Are you going to clean me up and then punish me some more?”
He cocked an eyebrow at her. “You shouldn’t be sounding so thrilled about being punished, Nare.”
“But I love when you teach me,” she said. “Even when you have to punish me first.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “You really are trying my patience today.”
“I know,” she said. “Will you teach and punish me anyway, professor?”
He eyed her with an affectionate sort of exasperation. He truly hadn’t intended to spend this much time trysting with Nare today; he really did have work that needed doing, and Nare had work of her own to do as well. But her smile was sweet and her ocean-blue eyes were full of hope, and when faced with this hopeful look on Nare’s beloved face, he was powerless to say no. 
As had always been the case from the moment they’d met, when faced with Nare’s beloved and beautiful face, Solas was powerless to say anything but yes.  
He sighed. “Of course I’ll teach you,” he said. “But first, a bath.”
“Yes, professor,” she said sweetly, and she snuggled her head against his neck.
He smiled faintly as he stepped into the master bathroom with Nare in his arms. Perhaps they were being irresponsible by allowing themselves to be distracted by each other when they were meant to be working, but in truth, Solas was too happy to care.
He set her on the bathroom counter and returned her impish smile, then padded over to the door. As far as distractions go, this is an excellent one, he thought wryly, and he closed the bathroom door.
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thesunempire · 2 years
Meet the writer
After basically moving all my purposes and life to another city blog like every mainstream YA protagonist, I think I should introduce myself, shouldn’t I?
Hello, I am May (she/her), a 22yo aspiriring writer and failed artists with the wildest love for foreign languages (my field of study, although it gets harder when you get older), fantasy and history -and a consistent fear of the blank page.
But I love writing, so maybe let’s be friends? I can bake cupcakes :3
My WIP(s)
The Fall of the Sun Empire (title-in-progress): (new) adult | political? fantasy | thrilogy | queer romance | inspired by Ottoman Empire in matters of climate, cold steel, fashion and minor political details | 2/4 of the first draft ready
Avni is the bastard brother of the Sultana of Ghesh-any, and he is a living contraddiction -in spite of his controlled behaviour, he is a single father to his own bastard daughter, he is barely able to hold himself together in front of his sister, and he is haunted by his own guilt and shame, for a person he loved and their people died because of Avni’s own family. 
Charged with the government of Athera, the capital city, Avni is forced to face the threats sewing their nets through Ghesh-any, and when the Turncloak’s rebellion is crushed, Avni seems to be the first (if not the only) one to see the decay past the propaganda and the frail wealth of the Sultanate -a truth of conflicts, religious dangers and political conspiracies he never asked to be involved in to begin with. 
Main characters (and povs): 
Avni (27yo, he/him, human), protagonist
Selan (29yo, they/them, Vashty), deuteragonist
Yujen (25yo, she/her, human)
Nezmiye (39yo, she/her, human)
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honeywhee · 3 years
tagged by @hightensixn thank you!!
why did you choose your url? wheein’s honey voice. 4nsfw is a weak connection to 4 with sun
any sideblogs? this, @4nsfw and an unused art blog
how long have you been on tumblr? since 2012 i think, tho this blog is only about two years old
do you have a queue tag? no, i tried to be organized when i started this but it didnt last long
why did you start your blog in the first place? wanting a sideblog for more nsfw-lean content and meet more queer/wlw creators on the nsfw scene. i wanted to do nsfw art and writing as well but the tumblr ban came about two weeks after i made it 😭
why did you choose your icon/pfp? wheein hot
why did you choose your header? it was a placeholder and i forgot about it heh
what’s your post with the most notes? my wheesun drabble
how many mutuals do you have? 13 i think?
how many followers do you have? 62 / 293
how many people do you follow? 179
have you ever made a shitpost? i mostly just reblog, between every titty post is a shitpost
how often do you use tumblr each day? once a day, but i dont check my nsfw ones as often
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? nope
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts? i dont reblog guilt trip posts
do you like tag games? yes!!!! i love them
do you like ask games? yes
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? i dont know my mutuals enough ;__;
do you have a crush on a mutual? they all seem very sweet
im not super close with anyone here so ill just tag a few mutuals if you wanna do this! feel free to ignore if its not your thing @lildyke @wheefuture @temptresslolita @hangukoooo @athera @sapphicateme @giantgreenbean
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loyalservants · 5 years
rules. tag people you’d like to get to know better tagged by. @gezelligheiid ( <3 ! ) tagging. @burkhanlig || @simplywalks || @jihoney || @bastxrdofwinterfell || @scldsouls || @necrowrm || @dragetunge || @ardabuilt && everyone else I tag below
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favorite color. i really fucking love pastel colours, it’s ridiculous. I also love every shade of red and green. Rose gold is lit, as well. Ooh, you can also never go wrong with brown, black, white and grey. top 3 favorite ships. 01)     BITCH BITCH BITCH i love Magayon and Farion ( @merciaranger ) so much????? Their love for each other is legit just asdfghjkgfdsa. I cannot put it into words so well without having to write you all the 31st chapter for my novel, I shit you not. Their relationship is similar to Beren and Lúthien except Magayon could not choose a mortal life because she’s a Maia. These two got this sweet-ass love that is just fucking asdfghds. The plot Luna and I conjured together is sweet and even when Farion dies of old age, the ending isn’t tragic at all. They’re gonna meet again in Dagor Dagorath, it’s fine. After Dagor Dagorath, she asked Vána if she could name a flower after him, I’m sobbing aaaAAAAAAH.
02)     Another ship I love is between Haldir and Legolas ( @edhelgund ), I am willing to give my soul for my bois. Just... Haldir is so ready to fite Mordor alone if Thranduil’s gonna fucking tell him to go toss the Ring into Mount Doom. Haldir is ready to give up anything for Legolas. 
03)     Not a romantic ship but I am digging siblings!Mairon with ( @taintedfirelight ). Our Saurons give me life. We portray them differently and we have different headcanons but, along with their similarities, really helped threading them together. We talk about them almost everyday and I am in love just how well they work together that it became canon in my mind that there’s two Saurons in Tolkien’s universe ( i mean, it’s possible, amirite )
Special mentions of ships I love them sm: A platonic ship between Athera && Jon Snow ( bastxrdofwinterfell ) Sauron && Boromir ( simplywalks ) Thranduil && Sauron ( @purestarlxght ) Celebrimbor && Sauron ( @gronthosargureos ) Maedhros && Sauron ( gezelligheiid && @warriorswithin ) Maglor && Sauron ( @sorrowssinger ) Eönwë && Sasha ( @sashaofravenlock )
lipstick or chapstick. both ;) Lipstick when I’m tryna be Fancy(TM) and chapstick for everyday usage. last song. Barns Courtney - Glitter && Gold  last movie. How to Train Your Dragon 3 currently reading. The Making of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
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sashaofravenlock · 5 years
Myths meeting Legends ~ Closed starter for loyalservents
@loyalservants for Athera
Changlings were a myths, made up stories to worry parents ages ago. That is what every teacher said when asked about faeries and their tricky natures and habits. Myths were used to reconcile the fact that there were things that could not be understood and create meaning to occurrences which only modern science could explain. But what of things that science could not explain, she wished she could’ve asked, what of things that I can do which science says I should not?
These questions are what drove her to study myths and lore, a vain hope to gain an inkling of understanding about herself, a desperate need to learn why she is what she is. After years of studying countless myths and legends from various different cultures, tired eyes had finally found what they were looking for, the glimmer of hope in finding some answers. 
It took days to pack, weeks to find it, but now she stood before the only thing she coveted, the mouth to the cavern of answers which sat atop a mountain further from home than she had ever been. Cautiously she sent a spark within the cave, waiting a moment to see if any wild animal came forth only then did she call in, a desperate plea to hear an answer from the one she sought.
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batsintheshadows · 6 years
Athera the Companion
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Inquisitor’s Name: Athera Lavellan Race / Class / Specialisation: Rogue Elf Assassin Gender Identity: Female
Varric’s Nickname for them: Antlers
Short bio: As a typical da’len hunter nearing the time she could recieve her vallaslin, Athera was taken by slavers while away from the camp with her younger brother. Her sacrifice allowed the clan to escape, but lead to a grueling ordeal before she escaped and found her way back home. Now she is a respected hunter and occasionally travels to visit the elves that live in human cities, so they may know more of their history should they be interested. She also assists with problems that the human guards tend to ignore.
What would their companion card look like? I actually commissioned one of these! it hasnt quite been finished yet tho.
Athera aiming her bow high above her head with a victorious smile as the sun rises, a halla head with three arrows in the horns formed from the clouds behind her and a green bird perched on her shoulder, coat billowing in the wind.
More under the cut, because theres gonna be a LOT here.
Recruitment mission: Athera approaches the Inquisition in Val Royeaux, quietly and from a side street. She wears a hood to hide her face and when asked about it she says that she may be making a poor choice, and if she is it would be better to have the option to hide. Athera tells the Inquisitor that she is visiting family in the city, and has discovered that elves have been vanishing. She says she wants to see what’s going on, but has a feeling that whatever is happening is too much for one person to handle. If pressed about her identity, Athera stays vague, saying that she could get in trouble for looking into this at all, and wouldn’t want that to affect anyone she cares about.
If the Inquisitor agrees to investigate she tells them to meet her at a certain location at midnight, and not to worry about her too much. She has enough martial training to help in any fights there might be.
When you meet up with her, Athera is nervous, checking her arrows and pulling her hood down further over her face. If you ask her about it she says she hasnt ever done “anything quite like this” before.
When you enter the building, you discover a slaver ring and some captured elves. Athera strikes first, no matter what you say, and in the ensuing fight her hood comes off, revealing her vallaslin. when everything is said and done Athera very pointedly ignores the party in favour of freeing the captured elves, who are very grateful for her arrival. She asks if they will be able to get back to the alienage safely and one of them says that they can get them there, leaving Athera free to look for letters and talk to the party.
She picks up some letters and folds her arms, and asks the Inquisitor if they are going to take any sort of action now that they know a Dalish elf is meddling in the city. There is an option to tell her that if she joins The Inquisition then the Inquisitor will stay quiet. Athera is silently furious, but says she would prefer this to end without bloodshed if possible. Athera Greatly Disapproves if you pick this option. You can also ask about her lying to the group. Athera claims she never lied and points out the ways that everything she said was technically true.
Otherwise you can attempt to turn her in, which causes her to flee and become unrecruitable. or you can say that you won’t alert the guards. In the latter case, she is grateful and asks to join The Inquisition. When asked why she says:
“I’m not stupid. A big hole in the sky? Demons around every corner? This could be the end of the world. My clan can’t outrun that. You’re the only ones I’ve seen even trying to make a difference. If theres any way out of this, its with the people that arent caught up in petty squabbles. So yes, I won’t like being away from my clan for so long, but I’ll like it even less if the world dies.”
She agrees to meet the Inquisitor back in Haven, and pulls her hood back up, heading off into the night.
Where they would be in Skyhold / Haven: In Skyhold she would probably hang around in the gardens, but move to somewhere around the stables if it was converted into a chantry garden. In Haven she would be on the docks by the frozen lake.
Personal quests: 
Quest 1: After arriving in Skyhold and gaining some approval, Athera will go over what she found in the slavers letters. She says that the slavers were reporting to a merchant called Vivicus, and that she suspects that theyre related to the Venatori. Athera has followed a trail that has ended in Redcliffe, and asks the Inquisitor to go with her as backup. If the Inquisitor tries to bring Dorian, the cutscene will not trigger and Athera will suggest trying again with “company better suited to the operation. Like people that never owned slaves maybe.” Once the cutscene triggers, Athera give you what she knows about the slaver. A small and pretty easy fight with demons ensues as you enter the building, and the party makes it up the stairs to a room with a man in fine clothes sitting on a chair facing away from the group. As the group approaches, the man falls sideways when touched, revealing he is very dead and has a note stapled to his chest that simply says “your move Inquisition -V”. Athera is upset by this, and tells the Inquisitor that they need to be sure the body gets proper death rites. Back at Skyhold Athera thanks the Inquisitor for their help and apologises for dragging them into her mess. She says that itll probably last a while as well, if this guys as much of an asshole as he seems to be.
Quest 2: Occurs after either The Fade or The Winter Palace. Athera is reading a letter, and claims that its information on Vivicus. If asked about where the letter came from, Athera says she’s been tracking weird courier orders and got lucky with this one. Athera says the letter reveals that Vivicus has somehow discovered her identity and is using it against her. She doubts her clan will be targeted, but asks permission to grant them safe passage through the surrounding lands and trading rights at Skyhold. She admits that in spite of what her clan could bring in, its really just a favour to her. If the Inquisitor agrees, you get the option to open a new area on the war table, but cannot select Dorian for the mission. When you arrive, you run into an ambush of slavers who seem to be expecting you. The fight is really difficult, but you only need to defeat half the slavers to trigger a rescue by Athera’s clan. As the last of the slavers fall, Athera gets the attention of one of the hunters and gives him a big hug, introducing him as her younger brother Elgadir. Elgadir is overjoyed to see his sister again and says the clan has been worried since she stopped writing. Athera replies she has been writing weekly and getting letters back as well. After a bit of confusion, they figure out something weird is going on, and tells the other hunters to check if any of the slavers are still alive. One is, and they get to them before the throat cutters do. Elgadir says that he doesnt much like the idea of bringing a slaver back to any of the clans camps, but if this problem is gonna get solved then they’ll probably have to. one of the other hunters goes ahead to warn the clan to prepare for a captive and some guests. Elgadir gives the Inquisition members a warning that if they do anything foolish, they will pay with their lives, but if they approach in good faith, then the clan will be happy to do business with them. The party is introduced to the clan and Athera goes off to talk with her brother and the Keeper, leaving the team free to explore. There are a few quests to help the clan or act like a dick, Athera gets approval or disapproval for them even though she isnt in the active party. To advance the quest, you enter the Keeper’s aravel. Athera sits with her brother hugging her, clearly distressed. The Keeper tells the Inquisitor that they have all come to a consensus that it would be a lot easier to deal with the situation with all the facts, and asks Athera if she would be willing to tell the story herself. Athera then tells the Inquisitor that she was taken from her clan by slavers around six years ago, and though she managed to fake her death and escape, Vivicus has discovered her identity and has been intercepting her letters for a while. The letter that sent her running back to her clan was to be sent to the person that owned her, and she intercepted a similar one at Skyhold intended to sow some discord. Athera says that its probably a game to Vivicus now, and that he will go to any lengths to win. She fears for her clan, as she fears for those she has become close with outside of it. At the prompting of the other two elves, Athera also admits to being very stressed out, since the Inquisitor unknowingly hired someone from the family that used to own her. “Theres a reason I don’t get along with Dorian, I’m scared to death of him.” The Inquisitor can tell Athera to stay with her clan for safety, offer to expel Dorian from the Inquisition (Athera will reject this idea because she knows the Inquisitor wouldnt have let Dorian stay if they didnt like him or need his help.), or keep to the plan of allowing the clan safety in the lands around Skyhold. Back at Skyhold, Athera thanks the Inquisitor for listening to her, saying she feels far more at ease now that someone knows, but begs the Inquisitor not to tell anyone her secret and to make tracking down Vivicus as much of a priority as possible, otherwise she doesnt know what could happen to her.
Quest 3: Takes place after the second main quest you complete after unlocking Skyhold. Athera and Dorian are arguing as the Inquisitor approaches them, though most of the shouting seems to be coming from Athera’s side with a lot of what is obviously swearing in elvish. When pressed, Athera accuses Dorian of going through her letters, and Dorian denies the accusation. “If you would listen before you started screaming at me, you would know that this is my letter. That I was trying to give to you quietly. But if you insist on discussing this in the courtyard...” Athera snatches the letter and runs away, leaving Dorian to ask the Inquisitor to go after her, saying that Athera probably wouldn’t want to see him right around now. When the Inquisitor finds Athera she is incredibly upset, and lets them know that this letter has been opened and Dorian knows who she is now. The Inquisitor can comfort her or be awful, and after theyre done talking Dorian knocks on the door, asking to come in. Athera tells him to keep his distance, and he agrees. Trying to lighten the tension, Dorian makes a joke about how Vivicus is really an idiot if he thinks sending Dorian a letter is going to do anything, what with the whole pariah thing. No one laughs. Athera asks Dorian what he’s going to do, and Dorian suggests using the note to lure Vivicus out. “We’ve been playing cat and mouse for months. I’ll be glad to see it end.” Athera tells Dorian that she doesn’t trust him, and will only go if the Inquisitor comes too. Dorian agrees, and they begin to make a plan, through the door because Athera can’t face him yet. After this, a war table mission to smuggle a letter to Vivicus opens up, and once it is completed a mission on the storm coast opens up called “Trigger Venatori Trap”. Once there the party fights off some Venatori, and Athera slowly breaks ranks with the group, making herself an easier target and leading to Vivicus showing himself at last. The rest of the party sets up a good flanking position and a boss battle against Vivicus, who is a blood mage and ACTUALLY DOES BLOOD MAGE STUFF WHY DID THEY LEAVE THIS OUT OF DAI???, begins as Dorian makes a snappy “oh what an idiot” type remark at Vivicus. The party are victorious, and they return to Skyhold where Athera tells the Inquisitor that she has no idea what to do now, since she has no way of knowing who Vivicus sent letters to. If you did a war table mission to stop the letters, you are able to reassure her that the Inquisition has the situation under control. Athera says that she likes the Inquisition, and whatever comes she would like to stay until the end as long as her and Dorian are kept separate. Preferably on opposite sides of the castle. At this point Dorian wanders past because a little light humour won’t kill anyone and begins yammering on about their victory a little too nervously. He admits that he’s been feeling a bit nervous since finding out about Athera’s past, but has done some deep soul searching and wants to apologise for how the relationship between the two of them has been. He promises to try and do better in the future, to which Athera replies “You’d better! Your family put me through hell! The least you can do is try and make it better.” Dorian doesnt make eye contact, and promises to keep her words in mind. He also says that they don’t need to speak again if Athera needs space. Athera says that would be for the best, but she won’t complain if they end up working together since stopping the end of the world is more important than the hurt one person carries. As Dorian turns to leave, she lets him know that once corypheus is dead all bets are off, and that she’ll probably throw him out the window, but the comment doesnt have much bite to it.
How to get their approval: helping elves and mages, respecting artifacts, killing venatori, freeing slaves, and generally not being an ass.
How to get their disapproval: Cruelty to elves and elven relics, slavery in any form, chantry and templar supporting, being an ass to mages, and victim blaming anyone.
Are they romanceable? Y/N Can you have sex with them? Y/N Are they open to polyamoury? Y/N If they can be romanced and are not, will they begin a relationship / relationships with other character(s)? If so, who? Sera already gets with Dagna, so odds are Athera wouldn’t get with anyone if unromanced.
Who are they friendly with? Vivienne and Sera (after a while).
Who do they dislike? Cassandra, Dorian, and Solas.
Companion card changes: (use a text descrip. if you have no images)
Loyalty:  Athera stands in the middle of a dark forest, her bow ready to draw and a smile on her face as she moves. the trees are gnarled and twisted, something could be hiding in them. but she is armed, and the forest is her home.
Romance: (if any) The bow and arrows have been put aside, and Athera sits cross legged by a campfire. there are trees all around and Athera has a serene smile on her lips and a look of total peace in her eyes.
Side Missions: (eg: fetch / gather / kill quests) None because fuck those. Ok maybe destroying monuments to the Exalted March on the Dales. Thatd be pretty satisfying. Also a war table mission to ensure that no letters get to the Pavus family that unlocks a dialogue option at the end of Athera’s last quest.
Opinions on mages / templars / how the world is going to shit? Templars fuck shit up, mages have been friends and guides to the clan and the Templars always try to take them away and people get hurt. She would rather just leave the Templars alone entirely. And of course mages can be trusted with their own lives! Everyone else does it what makes them so bloody different?
She has more nuanced opinions on the Chantry and how it relates to the oppression of mages and elves, and how its all a bid for power, but she’ll only talk abt it with an Inquisitor she likes.
Something guaranteed to make them leave the party: defiling the graves at the elven burial site in the exalted plains, killing the golden halla, or straight up betraying her.
Special Events:
Imprisoned at Redcliffe: How is your Inquisitor holding up in Redcliffe, being slowly infected with red lyrium over the course of a year?
Athera is almost unable to speak at all after a year in Redcliffe. She talks in fragments, and when she first sees the Inquisitor she just stares at them for a long time with a blank look on her face, waiting for them to either do something or vanish. Whenever Dorian speaks she glares at him. After all, this guy from Tevinter shows up and then everything fails and the world dies? She’s been blaming him. The Inquisitor has to talk her down.
She puts all her remaining energy into the fight ahead, wordless, expressionless, and merciless. When it comes time to hold off the horde she says in the flattest voice possible “Going out. Hold them off. Do not fail. Dareth Shiral.”
At the Winter Palace: Does your Inquisitor enjoy the party, any special events with them at the Palace?
Athera spends most of the party doing things to mildly offend the Orlesian elite, talking with the elves, and quietly smashing expensive vases when no ones looking. She likes being in Halamshiral, hates what it is now, and corners more than a few nobles and gives them a “history lesson.” She will do the same to the Inquisitor if they ask, but will be less passive aggressive about it. She also complains about the outfits, saying she hates red but Josephine wanted everyone to “present a unified front” and she couldnt wriggle out of it.
She also takes joy in being announced as “Athera Lavellan, Hunter of Clan Lavellan and Emissary to the Cities.” since she’s betting he’s never had to introduce an elf before, let alone introduce one with a few titles.
When asked about it later, Athera says the only good thing at Halamshiral was Briala, with various comments depending on what happened.
In the Fade: Your Inquisitor’s reaction upon entering the Fade? Archdemon’s taunt, and Inquisitor’s response? Epitaph on their grave?
Athera does not understand any of this. She shoots arrows, mainly at wolves and terrible people. now there are demons here because its their home that theyre the ones invading and what with recent events theres pretty strong evidence that this sort of thing doesnt end well. Athera isnt mindlessly terrified, but she. wants. OUT.
Nightmare: “What’s this now? Valeria, pretending to be a wild elf? You looked much better in red.”
Athera: “Say that name one more time and I’ll rip you in half.”
Nightmare: “Dont worry about Marcus hating you for leaving him. He died a month later, his thieving ways finally discovered and punished.”
Athera: “You-you’re lying! Theres no possible way for you to know that!”
Nightmare: “That you know of.”
Athera’s grave says “Losing Herself” 
Trespasser: What is your Inquisitor up to two years after Corypheus’ defeat? Any special events with them over the events of Trespasser?
Athera spent the past two years using the influence gained during her time in the Inquisition to help elves in both the cities and the wilds. she has busted up a few more slaver rings and is one of sera’s contacts. she has traded information with the Inquisition out of respect for her place in it and so leliana can send her some useful stuff back. she’s been using her clan as a safe place, and looks forward to returning every second she is away.
Other Major Events: Any other major events that happen with them over the course of the main game?
She becomes friends with Sera, who she likes for not taking things too seriously when everyone else is so grim.
She also has a Talk with a human Inquisitor romancing Sera that more or less amounts to “I know ur cool so this whole thing is probably legit, but if u ever hurt sera i’ll cut off your arm and hit u with it ok good talk kiddo love u bye!”
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu this took a long time and a lot of thought, but i had LOADS of fun doing it! I always like working on Athera’s backstory, though nothing is quite 100% set in stone yet sooooo... dont quote me on any of this.
I was tagged by @heyscience and i am throwing this tag right back at you! Do it!
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ironbullsmissingeye · 6 years
💖 for Athera, as always! ~ why do you have to make Shok so perfect btw, he's ruining real men for me
He just wants to love and be loved. Continuing from their cuddles-
The sun finally rose up, shining down onto the sleeping pair. They both stirred at the rays shone onto their faces. Shokrakar opened one eye and smiled as he saw Athera smiling at him. That was the first time he had slept in the dark for 27 years, and gotten a comfortable night sleep. He felt refreshed, this was the first time he had woken up not feeling tired.
“Good morning, beautiful.” He whispered, his voice horse and lazy.
“Good morning, did you sleep well?” Athera asked, nuzzling her nose against his playfully.
“Best sleep I’ve had in years, thank you.” He smiled as he felt Athera’s nose on his, lazily running his fingers through her hair. “Maker, I love you.“
“You love me?” Athera asked, running her hand over his chest.
“Of course I do…look at you. Who wouldn’t love you?”
“Shok…I love you too.”
With nothing more to say, Shokrakar rolled on top of Athera. His hands wrapped around her waist, his chest pressed against hers and he kissed her. It was lazy, and a little sloppy, they were both still tired. Athera’s hands rested on his shoulder blades, her legs wrapped around his waist. She smiled into the kiss, his soft beard tickled her chin.
They were going to be late to the meeting in the War Room.
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nightwingshero · 9 months
Belated WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @madparadoxum, thank you! Sorry its late!
Tagging: @oathofoaksart @jillvalentinesday @sstewyhosseini @alexxmason @marivenah @jinfromyarikawa @glowwormsmith @voidika @chazz-anova @simonxriley @playstationmademe @anonymousmalkavian @inafieldofdaisies @deputyash @ghastlyrider @pheedraws @shegetsburned @aceghosts and anyone else who wishes to share!
Kinda in my Dragon Age phase again...
“So you are here to join the Inquisition then?” Cassandra asked condescendingly, anger making her accent more noticeable. Athera shifted uncomfortably as her eyes darted to me, and I couldn’t help but curl my lip at the Seeker.
“I am here for my cousin.” I replied icily, my fingers twitching just a moment, eager for the daggers I had strapped to my thigh. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see the male’s grip on his sword tighten slightly. “The one you wrongfully took prisoner.”
“Evune.” Athera called lightly—pleading—from behind me, her hand resting gently upon the grand, wooden table they had placed in the middle of the room—a war room, I had realized. But I stood between the Seeker—Cassandra, Athera had called her—and my cousin as a few others stood on the other side, including the commander I had threatened not an hour ago. Athera wanted peace, her heart was kind, but mine was not—mine had hardened long ago and I had no faith I could afford to hand out to the people in this room. Not after what I had heard, not after what I had experienced.
Ignoring my cousin entirely, Cassandra and I eyed each other, her glare becoming more prominent as the woman in yellow looked more and more nervous. “I made a decision in the moment, and it was a mistake. The Inquisition wishes nothing more than to fix the Breach and to bring Divine Justinia’s true killer to justice. The capabilities—”
“I am well aware of the capabilities your kind possess.” I held my head higher as Fen’an bared his teeth, his body trying to wrap itself around my legs out of the need to protect. “You call my cousin the ‘Herald of Andraste’, claiming she was sent by your Maker with blatant disregard to the honorary markings upon her face—that is the least of your capabilities, I’m sure.” Athera said nothing at that, the truth of it loud enough to echo in the room. “I have spent time in alienages before I found my family in the Lavellan clan, finally grasping the freedom the Dalish provided. I know what happens to those elves, I know what happened with your Empress of Fire.” Cassandra bunched her fists as she took a step forward, the light from the torches around us making her expression far deadlier.
“That has nothing to do with this!” The scar on her face became more prominent as she frowned, her rage coming off her in waves. “You do your kind no favors bursting in here and holding a blade to our Commander��s throat like some deviant! Instead of approaching peacefully—”
“My cousin is an apostate.” I cut her off quietly, but not softly. “An elven apostate, who you accused of murdering your precious Divine. As if the Chantry was not a danger to her as is, as if the Templars and mages are not at war with each as we speak. Your precious Commander was in no real danger, if he earned his title than he could have easily defended himself without true repercussions. But what of my cousin? Her name smeared despite what good standing our clan has held with the humans we trade with—she would have never recovered from the accusation regardless of her innocence and you want to cry to me about how I was able press my dagger to his throat and let him free?”
“Evune!” Athera hissed as she stepped closer, her grip tight on my arm as she grabbed me. But I didn’t hesitate to turn to her, silver-grey eyes meeting the icy turquoise of my cousin—one that I saw more as a sister.
“Our Keeper sent you to keep an eye on the peace talks, and when we heard of the explosion, we feared for you.” I whispered as I worked hard to keep my voice even, to keep my vision clear, though I felt the threat of tears burn in my throat. “And of course, when it became common knowledge that it was no mere accident, that it was perhaps a murder of the Divine, we feared more. Can you imagine, then, our reaction when we heard it was you that stood accused? With a risk of being shipped off to Val Royeaux? When fear runs high, rumors fly faster, cousin. And your mother became sick with worry over whether you were safe, and she pleaded Deshanna to allow me to hunt you down, and I came here to see for myself that you were in no danger, and to pull you from it if need be.”
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Teho: Sleepy sounds much cuter than tired. People need to start saying sleepy instead of tired
Athera, at the next meeting: I am sleepy of your shit
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pikapeppa · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
[singing] FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER...🎶😂 I am participating in a WIP meme! Thanks to those who have kept on tagging me despite my Dumblr inactivity - most recently @little-lightning-lavellan @elveny @ashalle-art @varric-tethras-editor @in-arlathan. I love and admire every single one of you! 
A couple of WIP bits to share today. From the chapter of Inadvisable (professor Solas AU) that I just posted today -- Abelas and Athera being adorkable:
Abelas sidled into the kitchen. “Do you find older men attractive?” 
Athera’s heart jammed itself in her throat. “What?” she squeaked.
He frowned. “I apologize. That was blunt. There was… a remark made during the evening that I have been thinking about. So I wondered whether you find older men to be attractive.”
Spirits save her, her face felt like it was melting. She swallowed nervously before replying. “N-not like as a rule or a fetish or anything. But, um, there are some older men who are attractive. Like you!” she said brightly. “But you’re not attractive because you’re older, you’re just attractive because you’re, um, attractive.” 
“I see,” he said slowly. His expression was thoughtful now instead of being so focused on her, and she exhaled slowly, relieved at having gotten through that minefield of a question. 
She placed a clean dish into the second sink and picked up another one, then shot Abelas a sideways look. “What was the remark? The one that made you think?”
“Tamaris commented that some women find older men to be attractive, and that some couples take advantage of their age differences to enhance their sex lives.”
Tamaris, Athera thought darkly. I am going to murder her tomorrow.
And from Until We Meet Again, my Geralt of Rivia x Reader fic: Geralt brooding about having to go to a formal party.
“Where are you going tomorrow night?” you ask.
Geralt sighs. “A masquerade out at the Vegelbud place.”
“A masquerade?” you say in surprise. “Like a masquerade ball?”
“Mhm,” he grunts. “My favourite.”
You smile. “Oh yes. I forgot how much you love the bragging and the small talk with pretentious noblemen.”
“Mm,” he grumbles. “Don’t forget wearing a doublet. Really looking forward to dressing up like a trained monkey.”
His voice is utterly flat with sarcasm, and you can’t help but laugh. “Oh, Geralt. I’m sorry. I wish I could help.”
“You could pretend to be a witcher and go for me,” he suggests.
You laugh again at the thought of trying to impersonate someone so unique as Geralt. “I’m not quite sure I can pull off your charming scowl.”
“Charming scowl, huh?” he drawls. “What happened to me smiling like sunshine?”
Funnily enough, he is smiling now, and your heart is feeling warmed as though by the sun. You giggle and fondly pat his arm. “That too. There’s no imitating that smile.”
Tagging back to all the loves who tagged me, and forward to @crackinglamb @johaeryslavellan @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @mrscullensrutherford @mythicaitt @mogwaei @charlatron @alyssalenko @kittynomsdeplume @hollyand-writes @musetta3 @lethendralis-paints and anyone else who sees this and is in the mood to share!! ❤🥰
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asterismcollapse · 7 years
"Blade girl!" That's Elias' nickname for Athera for now, he never bothered to learn her name. "There are a lot of those murder clowns, yes? Do you know where I can find more?"
If Athera hadn’t already noticed him before he walked up, she probably wouldn’t have responded to Elias. “Oh, heya!” she greeted, putting away her bag. “Uh. Yes...? And no...?” How to answer this correctly.. “Not all of the clowns arrrre bad...? Sometimes they have meetings I go to learrrrn stuff about them, but you can’t know wherrrre they stand on things at face value.”
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