#obvious meme are obvious!!! im sure these have been done before but oh well!!
charlie-artlie · 1 year
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it asked nicely…
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quiet-kunoichi · 3 years
“ please….stay, just for tonight. ”
[ misc quotes meme | @suck-my-tomato | verse; post-modern ]
She had come over.
Well, that's not entirely true. Initially, Sasuke had showed up to her apartment after a missed call from her, followed by a quick [text:] im sorry about that. So; in lieu of their weird and strangled conversation the other night, where he offered his support any time she felt close to relapsing (or otherwise, but he wasn't ready to say that aloud just yet) -- Sasuke's slingshot brain thought of the worst conclusion and immediately called her back. But in fact, the call back wasn't so immediate, after all. It had been forty minutes since she had attempted initial contact. She doesn't pick up, and her awkward and uncertain voice tells him 'sorry you missed me. uh, yeah - leave a message and i'll get back to you .. eventually. probably.' The beep of her voicemail catches him off guard; a weird beat of silence begins the message before he mutters a quick, "Hey.. I hope you're alright-- Call me, okay?" Minutes pass with him staring expectantly at the screen. She doesn't call him back; he curses himself for getting caught up in his most recent painting. Unable to contain the swirl of emotions, Sasuke rises to his restless feet. He paces the room a few times, biting at the skin of his lip and glancing over to his blackened phone screen now and again. He even tried sitting back down at his canvas, picking up the brush and the palette again: just to get his mind off of it. Sasuke knew it would be pushing boundaries if he just showed up because she didn't reply in.. twelve minutes. "She's probably fine," He told the room, the drying paint, himself. But clearly he wasn't certain enough - because when his phone vibrates against the coffee table, Sasuke risks the detailed linework by nearly diving out of his seat to snatch his phone. But his once high-strung heart was now rocking heavy in his gut and making him seasick. Just a text from Naruto. He doesn't even bother to read it - instead pulling up the sporadic text conversation with Kimiko and rereading her short message as if he could read between the lines. Fuck it. In cases of recovering addicts, sometimes boundaries would have to be pushed; he was personally familiar. So, Sasuke snatched his car keys from their place beside the door and heads for her apartment. His hands were clammy and stuck to the steering wheel with an iron grip the whole time. What was he going to walk in on? Would this behavior bring up old, bruised memories - would it roll their hesitant friendship back a few steps? Maybe she truly didn't mean to call; maybe she was not even home. Or she was home, but had someone else over. That thought tightened his throat. But nothing compared to the nagging gnat of trauma whispering something much more foul in his ear: perhaps he didn't come soon enough, and the apartment would already be empty. Worse yet - a repeat of the scene he came across a few months ago. No. Sasuke refused to let his brain run down that beaten path: instead, he barely made it through a yellow light and parked on the street across from her apartment building. The next time he blinked, Sasuke was standing in front of her door, fist hanging in the air. Had he already knocked? He can't remember. Kimiko hadn't even the time to quickly soak up the leftover water from her hair and wrap up decently when the second knock came. It sends a zip of fear up her spine; her mouth is gummy, so she cannot even reply. She just wraps the nearest towel tightly around herself and quickly ( and carefully ) pads over to the front door of her rather.. 'minimalistic' apartment. No, she hadn't unpacked fully, yet. It wasn't that she was expecting to pick up and disappear at the drop of a hat; it was just too hard a task, truthfully. Opening the door a crack (seeing as this apartment didn't have the foresight to install peepholes) Kimiko peers through a sliver, a single dull yellow eye landing upon his face. Oh --
Blinking a few times, Kimiko's death grip on her door is slackened in surprise. The door comes open a few more inches, and reveals that she indeed just got out of the bath. "..Sasuke?" She questions, as though the man before her might chameleon into someone else with her next blink. He stammers a reply; an apology - and she tells herself that the color of his cheeks was likely due to the strangeness of his voice, because she could not picture any other reason why he'd feel embarrassed. "H-hey. Uh, I'm sorry. I was just --" He's struggling to figure out how to express his thoughts coherently while she's standing there with her hair dripping and a towel tucked tightly around her slender frame. "You didn't answer, so.. I'm just checking in on you." Was it more awkward to look at her while she was sorta-kinda indecent, or more glaringly awkward to obviously not look at her at all? Her neighbor's door opens; Sasuke is ogled at from across the hall. Kimiko's stare slides over and the decision is made for her: she opens the door and gingerly takes his wrist, beckoning him inside. Closing the door behind him and locking ( the knob, the dead bolt, the chain, the swing-bar guard ) it, Kimiko turns to him and draws his attention back from where it wandered about her empty apartment. Well - mostly empty. Suppose the issue of not having any clutter or decorations was that a lone bottle of whiskey appeared like a glaring centerpiece on her coffee table. She'll behave as though it didn't exist. "Sorry. It's nothing personal; she stares at me, too." Kimiko murmurs, catching that telltale look of concern hardly concealed in his stare as he turns back to her. "Kimiko.." His voice is careful, as though they stood on thin ice and he was chancing the very real possibility that whatever he would say next could make them fall through and catch hypothermia. "I should get dressed," She'd reply, dipping her head and passing him by on her way back to the bathroom. Despite her hope that he would ignore the obvious, too - Kimiko returns to the front room once dressed, and Sasuke is leaning his weight into the arm of her couch rather than sitting upon it. She catches him in a staring contest with the bottle of liquor. Arms tucked across her midsection, she stands adjacent to him and awaits the backfire from being caught -- even if she hadn't indulged in it (yet). "I'm sorry I didn't pick up." Instead of scolding her, Sasuke apologizes. It's.. strange, but quietly welcomed in the stead of worse repercussions. She doesn't respond, because she doesn't know quite how to. So, with fingers steepled and head dipped to the floor between them, he speaks up again; but it's not without strain. "I know I said I'd be available for support if you needed it-" She's expecting him to follow this sentence with a 'but I said it too soon' or a 'but I changed my mind', and she doesn't want the heartache that would follow hearing that kind of statement, so Kimiko cuts him off. "It's fine, Sasuke. Really.. I'm fine." She shouldn't lie like that, but old habits die painfully slow. At last, his gaze lifts and they share a look; one that's hard to place. She knows that he knows she's lying, and she swallows the guilt and shame that comes with that. "I didn't have any. The cap is sealed, if you want to check." She offers the olive branch, and Sasuke truly considers it: but decides against it, in an attempt to show his trust in her claim. Even still, a short sigh escapes her; fingers come up to rub at her eye. Now having a proper look at her, Sasuke recognizes an old shirt she used to wear in high school. It draws attention to how much she's thinned down since then, the fabric now loose in places that it used to hold onto her curves. Dark crescents are worn like ghosts under her eyes, her cheekbones are taut and pronounced in a way he hasn't noticed before. Kimiko speaks up before he has the chance. "I did think about it," She admits, sounding tired. "And I did call," Another admittance, this one with a twinge more shame behind it. He gives a little wince. "But I walked away from it." A half-hearted shrug follows. Actually, she had tossed her phone on the couch and fled to the bathroom, mid-panic attack and desperate to scald and then simmer in a soup of flashbulb memories: just so she could watch them wash down the drain with the soapy bathwater. But a knock on the door interrupted that sequence, and now here they both were.
"It's okay that you didn't answer. I know that .." She hesitates, the fingers at her side starting to pluck at the edge of her shirt. "I know you're busy, with stuff." Ah, real smooth, Kimiko. That totally wasn't obvious. Her lips press firm, and she can no longer bear to hold his gaze, so she drops her own while slowly curling her grip over opposite arm. "And I'm fine to handle it on my own. I've done it before." Yeah, that probably wasn't the best thing to add in, either. "I was working on a painting." Sasuke replies, then turns over his palms to expose the flecks and streaks of paint that litter his pale skin. He's not sure why he felt like she needed the visual proof; but she had offered some tactile evidence with the sealed cap to her bottle of whiskey, earlier - and he wanted to extend the same offering in exchange. To make it a two-lane street, like his therapist had mentioned last week. Before her.. self-inflicted incident - Kimiko had been the only one expressing her efforts to make amends. He wasn't proud of the result; so now, in light of the aftermath: Sasuke wanted to try, too. "Oh." She replies, dumbly. "Um," Umber hues roam around the room, but he continues to look up at her. "..Sorry you came all the way out here to check on me. I didn't have my phone, I was in the bath, and-" Her fingers are plucked from her side and engulfed by the dual caress of both of his palms. He holds her small hand in his own, and places his other hand on top. It strikes her heart, giving it a kickstart as she looks between their clasped hands and back up to him. "Don't apologize." He begins, "I came to check on you because I wanted to." A thumb runs over the top of her hand, trying to soothe. Instead it just gets her heart in a weird flutter; unused to this intimacy, even after all this time. Or, perhaps especially after all this time. "I see." Is her quiet reply. Parting his lips, Sasuke realizes that she's transfixed on her hand sandwiched between his own. He returns it, but admittedly, it isn't without some reluctance: like pulling apart two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle after finally connecting their uneven ends. "..Have you eaten?" He asks, and she appears dumbfounded by the question. "What?" It comes from her mouth laced in confusion. "Have you had dinner? I parked by a sushi restaurant and I was thinking of ordering takeout." He looks up at her expectantly: Kimiko clearly hasn't been eating well enough, and he wouldn't let that slide by him. So, without an answer - Sasuke is already pulling up the menu on his phone, swiping a finger down the menu. "Do you still like salmon, and eel?" He gives her an upward glance; she's getting obviously flustered. "Sasuke.." Now it was her turn to lace her voice with the careful and wary tone of warning. It dawns on him, then -- He'd just invited himself to stay in her space. Casually, too: as if it were commonality. It hadn't been, not in a long time. The realization ( and deflation ) must have been rather obviously etched upon his features, because Kimi is quick to the draw and apologizing. "I'm sorry, it's just- I don't mean-" His hand comes up, and she quiets down. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have jumped the gun like that." He rises to his feet, stuffing his phone back into his pocket. "It's not like that,.." She trails off, and without transparency, Sasuke decides to play it safe. "It's okay to be uncomfortable, Kimiko. You've done well to respect my boundaries, and I don't want to push you. I'm glad you didn't relapse." They stand there for a few beats more - until he can't take it anymore, all the things left unsaid hanging between them; he heads for the door. "Sasuke, wait." Kimiko's voice is pressed with a twinge of urgency; she's gone as far as to take a few strides and grasp for his wrist. When he stops and looks down at her over his shoulder, Kimiko reflects the little girl at the playground all those years ago: doe-eyed, perpetually a tad afraid, knowing what she wanted but not yet certain on how to ask for it. She lets go of his wrist and returns her hands to herself, one arm still tucked around her center as the now free hand comes up to collect a strand of her hair. Sasuke turns to face her properly.
"It's not that I don't want to spend time with you," She begins to explain, pressing the knuckle of her finger ( wrapped with a coil of dark hair ) into her cheek. "I really appreciate the offer of sushi, and.. your time." A little inaudible gulp, and a stolen glance back up at him. "I just don't want to be here, really." At last, she's admitted the true hang-up to this entire situation. Slowly, his eyebrows raise -- he understands where her reluctance is coming from, almost immediately. "Kimiko, did he send-?" His concerned question is cut off with a quick toss of her head: No. Or, more likely: No, I don't want to talk about this right now. With a nod of acknowledgement, Sasuke folds his lips before proposing a solution. "Do you want to take the sushi to my place, then? We could watch a movie." His offer is received with a hopeful look on her part: like he had offered a child if they'd like to get ice-cream instead of doing their homework. "..Are you sure?" She has to ask, and it brings a little smile from him, exhaling through his nose. "Yeah, I'm sure." ------------- So their night together had officially begun; ( Kimiko did in fact still like salmon and eel ) - sushi was secured, the drive to his place was shared in amicable silence with the background of music, and the movie was picked effortlessly. Of course, she had perked up after that first ( and hesitant ) bite - and also to nobody's surprise, Kimiko had easily agreed to the movie he suggested; for it was a movie that she was planning to watch, anyway. The night played on without a single scratch or trip in the record, and conversations flowed back and forth without a hitch. They were truly getting along without so much as a hiccup or awkward pause along the way. Now satisfied and lulled, Kimiko was starting to drift upon his couch, curled against the pillow between them. The TV screen washed in red, and Sasuke hums in amusement, dipping his ear towards his shoulder and murmuring, "I guess you were right, Brenda didn't last longer than Stacy. Still, I don't think there's going to be a Final Girl." Kimiko hums something nonsensical, half-muffled by the pillow she'd nuzzled down into. Properly looking over now, Sasuke double-takes the scene beside him; and his heart swells. She was ..well, undoubtedly cute, curled up and dozing off in the smack-middle of a slasher movie. In the moment of privacy, Sasuke unfolds into an unseen smile. A few moments pass as he studies her sleep-slackened face, peaceful and unmarred from bruises or tears. Picturesque from their early highschool years. A little sigh escapes his nostrils, the familiar sense of nostalgia clutching him. Reaching forward, Sasuke plucks the remote from the coffee table and turns down the movie a notch or two before rising to his feet and taking care of the takeout boxes. She's done well to eat most of her food; he's proud that she made the effort. Returning to the couch, Sasuke brings with him a clean blanket from his storage closet. Gingerly, it's draped over the slumbering girl. He returns to her side, arms stretching into his wingspan across the back of the couch. His weight pressing into the cushions beside her causes Kimiko to stir; she tucks herself closer to him, nose following his familiar scent and notching against his shoulder. Sasuke stills in his spot as his old flame stitches slowly back into his side, the familiarity in such an action eliciting a similar response from him. His arm lifts from the back of the couch; it hovers just over her shoulders before slowly settling upon her. A hand cups her arm, sinking down into his seat on the couch and feeling his heart hammer in his chest: God, how he felt like a teenager, again. Those first few instances of intimate physical contact with his best friend whom he had an enthralling crush on: it came rushing back in, now. That twist of excitement tightening his chest in all the right ways, a weird warm flutter in his gut.
Thumb slowly begins to slide up and down over her bicep, Sasuke looking right through the TV screen as he dares let his cheek lower, one centimeter at a time, until it brushes just over the top of her head. He could just close his eyes and be content like this, turn into a statue forever in this position that he didn't realize how much he truly missed. But a shrill shriek from the movie is enough to pull Kimiko from her dreams; eyes slowly blink open before she realizes the circumstance and quickly retreats from the intimate embrace. Kimiko's heart is thunderous in her ears as she reels from the comedown of her otherwise peaceful slumber - eyes rounded into full moons that blink at him while she tries to collect her surroundings. "I- God, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- I just; I fell asleep." She's tripping over apologies and excuses for her 'inappropriate' behavior, and Sasuke's face is burning with the childish shame of being caught. Now he's flustered, too. "No- It's fine, really -uh, I didn't mind; you were just sleeping- I know." Their awkward dance stifled down into an even worse silence. His fingers twitched at the back of the couch, wanting to reach out and grip her arm so gently, to just quietly pull her in and tuck her under his chin, like the old times. But he doesn't, and her unforgiving grip on the pillow clutched to her chest slowly comes undone. Sasuke watches her, but again, she's receded back into her shell, unable to look over at him while coming down from the level of embarrassment she'd catapulted herself into. On the table between them, Sasuke's phone lights up with a text. Neither of them can see who its from, but Kimiko catches the time before the screen goes dark. "It's late.." She trails off; and he doesn't pick up on what she was insinuating. It was one in the morning, and he’d received a text. She could’ve read the name if she really tried, but she already had a good guess; and it made her stomach curdle. So, with a small swallow, Kimiko rubs her arm and starts to stand up. "I should get going." Suddenly, Sasuke understands - and he cannot bear the thought at this moment, not after all that's transpired: even if given the option this morning, he would've likely not felt any one particular way. Or maybe he would have - thoughts and feelings are scattered all over the place. But one thing was for certain, it was screaming in his head as she collected her things and tucked hair behind her ear, lingering; as though she were waiting for him to say something, anything, god damnit-- "Um, well. Thank you for dinner, and.. sorry I couldn't stay awake through the movie. Guess I'm aging fast," Her attempt at a little laugh breaks his heart. He feels like such an idiot, his tongue tangled into knots and sitting useless in his mouth, his body sewn into the couch. She must think he was just sitting there, waiting for her to excuse herself from his apartment on her own. Fuck. So much time has dragged by, when in reality it was only a single beat of silence before she cleared her throat softly and dropped her arms down. "Don't worry about driving me back, I know the bus routes." Her voice falters at the end, and suddenly, she's turned on her heel and heading with purpose towards his door - like ripping off a band aid. "Kimiko, wait-" Finally, words choke from his throat with his sheer desperation to keep her from leaving. Not again. Up on his feet now, Sasuke made it a whole three feet before realizing with subdued surprise that she had in fact ..waited. Almost as though she were hesitant to actually leave, in the first place. So, she stalls facing the front door and clutching her phone to her chest, lingering - waiting to hear him out. A single golden beam rolls over her shoulder and drinks him in, eyebrow dipped up in an expression of both uncertainty and hope. “ please... stay, just for tonight. ”
Slowly, quietly, Kimiko turns. They share a encapsulating moment, holding a tender stare from across the room. She recognizes the fear etched into his face - that telltale look of expectant abandonment, the childish shrinking away from his own vulnerability. Kimiko won’t leave him; not like she had, before. Before she weighed the fear of entangling him into her corrupted life against the knowledge that every time she slipped away and into the night, a little piece of his heart broke loose. So, as long as he would ask her to -- Kimiko would stay. He holds his heart in the base of his throat - truly expecting that she would turn back around and leave him here, alone. Maybe laugh at him for the inflated hope that she would stay for the night; be there when he woke up in the morning. Instead, Kimi breaks his expectations and approaches with careful, practiced steps - returning to his side. Without a hint of hesitation this time, Sasuke reaches out and scoops her into his embrace. His body was moving of its own accord, playing out the complicated desires of his heart. Kimiko doesn't fight it, nor does she still into ice. In fact, the girl just melts against him; doing what came naturally. It was second nature to tuck her head into the crook of his collarbone, to delicately slip her arms beneath his and hook her fingers into the fabric just over his shoulder blades. His chin rests atop her head, fingers gingerly running large, comforting circles over her back. Everything fell back into place; as natural and second-nature as breathing. There was no effort involved, in this moment of soft re-collision. Only a wish, on both of their parts - that this connection would have happened sooner. That their selfish games of head vs. heart would have been silenced and put out well before this night. Accompanying that desire was the hope that things would really be okay, this time: he would ask her to stay, and she would - he wouldn't mind, and it wouldn't be just for tonight. So, Kimiko had come over; and in the end, she wouldn’t leave his side unless he had asked her to.
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innittowinit · 3 years
Abandoned amusement parks are the best place for young children (Chapter 19)
Fic summary: 
Techno, Tommy, Wilbur and Phil have been hanging out at the abandoned amusement park in the woods since they moved in. Techno likes knowing he's definitely alone with his brothers Tommy likes climbing on the old rides Wilbur likes having a place to play his music Phil likes spending time with his younger brothers
That is, until a group of brothers calling themselves the 'dream team' move in down the road. Will the sleepy boys give in and share the park or will they succeed in scaring the new kids off?
Chapter summary:
Eret's been acting...strange Techno senses somethings definitely off
Chapter word count: 1726
Friendships were a complex thing. Techno had known that as long as he could remember. People come and people go, it was nothing, especially not to him or Wilbur. Inherently, they knew all they had was each other, maybe their other brothers would also always be with them but what they had together was a special bond. Neither Phil nor Tommy would ever be able to understand them the way they understood each other and that was fine, they had lived every day side by side, they shared almost all their core memories and so their rationality was incredibly similar because of it, meaning they could very easily understand each other. 
Never had they asked for a friend that would feel the same way as the friendship they had with each other, and yet they always seemed to be asking for too much. That’s the part that confused Techno. 
Never had they needed to be understood. Never had they needed something complex. All they needed was someone to accept them so why did it feel like everyone always ended up leaving? Were they the problem? It always felt like they were trying so hard so why did it feel like they were pushing people away? 
You see, recently Eret had been acting….off. 
He had been stumbling over words, fidgeting, leaving quickly with the excuse of ‘being late for something’, and taking hours to reply to any kind of message. Each of these things would be fine on their own but with them all together, they felt a little strange. 
It didn’t seem like Wilbur had noticed the recent shift in behaviour yet so Techno didn’t dare bring it up, it wasn’t uncommon that he was overly cautious and he didn’t want to risk upsetting his brother over something that might not even be a big deal, especially when he had just started to get over the incident with the ticket booth. 
“So....He’s been busy a lot lately” Wilbur sighed, draping himself across the couch and clutching his phone in one hand. Niki had insisted they add some stickers onto it since letting them live off a ‘boring flip phone’ (as she had called it) was apparently not okay.
“Do you think he’s okay? Maybe something’s going on at home..”
Oh. Techno was positive everything was okay at home. Of course there was a possibility that he was just being protective of Wilbur because he didn’t want anyone hurting his brother but seriously! In his opinion, if you had enough money to eat fucking burger king as a school lunch you were doing fine financially, and really, that’s all that mattered right? Money had always been the reason why their parents were never around.
It was probably just his jealousy talking but he had always had a bit of an underlying anger for people with a big disposable income, how was it fair that their parents had to work so much at minimum wage jobs that they could hardly see them just to keep them warm and fed and yet other families could have their parents around by the time they were home from school /and/ have extra money for treats.
“Wil, don’t worry about him.” Techno sighed, trying to choose his words carefully. He knew Wilbur was always more sensitive to rejection than him.
“He’s more..social than we are, he probably just has other friends that he doesn’t want to ignore or something”
“Maybe.. I wish he’d tell us though, I don’t like being left on read” 
With a sigh and a gentle prod for him to sit up a bit more, Techno wrapped an arm around Wilbur, feeling how he melted into the contact straight away. Of course it hurt Techno too to be ignored by the one person they thought actually could be a good friend but he needed to put on a brave face for Wilbur. Of course it felt like a stab in the gut to have trusted someone so much to be able to start talking to them and then they just disappear but Wilbur needed him right now, it was obvious to anyone that he was the one with the bigger connection issues. 
“Wil, trusting people is a part of being friends. We can talk to him tomorrow alright? And we can explain that it would make you feel better if he said his plans before disappearing”
It was Tuesday night and other than a few memes she had screenshotted off of instagram and sent them, they hadn’t really heard much at all from Eret. She hadn’t hung around them long enough at school for either of them to really bring it up with her and honestly, Techno was getting incredibly worried about what was going on. He’d never had a real friend like this before, of course Skeppy always made him laugh but he was family so he didn’t count, if he messed up with family he knew as long as they weren’t adults they’d still love him afterwards, friends worked differently though. He had his Hypixel friends too but they didn’t count either since they were online and he could type to them on days when he was struggling more. By now he’d known them so long they were basically family, they’d all taken hours out of their own time to research Techno’s problems to try and be as accommodating as possible- all in all he really couldn't compare them with Eret.
It was tricky and he knew communication was one of the more important parts, which was ironically what he struggled with the most. Maybe on one of his worse-off days, where he normally would have had Wilbur doing most of the talking for him, Eret had assumed he was angry with her or giving her the silent treatment, maybe she had taken offence to the fact that Wilbur and Techno were very obviously closer than she was with each one of them. The thought that somehow they might have made her feel left out made him feel a little sick, had they not explained well enough what had led to this point? Maybe it was selfish for them to relish in the fact that she rarely bugged them for explanations.
All in all, Techno was sure they had done something for the sudden shift in attitude and, not wanting to make Wilbur feel worse than he already did, he wasn’t sure who could help him. 
Maybe he could wait up until his parents got home? People on TV were always getting advice from them but then again.. His family wasn’t really like those on tv, if he was being honest he was half sure he’d be yelled at for being awake before he could have a chance to ask for help. 
He could also ask Phil, but then again Phil was already beyond stressed trying to make sure they were all okay, he really didn’t want to bother him. Niki was closer to Wilbur than she was with him and he was sure his hypixel friends were all still at school because of the time zone difference. 
The only other person he could really think of talking to about this was Skeppy, and so, hopping out of bed, trying his hardest not to make too much noise and wake up Wilbur, he made his way to the PC. 
From what he knew, Skeppy usually stayed up late and slept so late he often missed his bus anyway so he probably was still up.
Clicking onto discord, he breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the green dot next to his cousin's icon, immediately messaging him. 
11:36 OrphanDestroyer: Hey nerd
11:36 OrphanDestroyer: U awake?
It took a few minutes for him to answer, Techno was just about ready to give up and accept he had just chosen the one night he may have gone to bed on time to try and message him.
11:42 japanesesymbolforbeginner: 1 sec ina call wiv bbh 
Writing ‘bbh’ off as one of Skeppy’s friends he had forgotten to tell them about, Techno waited patiently for Skeppy to say he was free. 
11:46 japanesesymbolforbeginner: ok im done, what you need
11:46 OrphanDestroyer: SO
11:46 OrphanDestroyer: Do you remember Eret?
11:48 OrphanDestroyer: Okay well basically for like the past few days he’s been ignoring me and Wilbs and I’m really really worried we offended him or something like maybe we hurt him or he’s mad or maybe he decided he's too good to be friends with us which tbh I don't blame him for because we kinda are losers and maybe people won't be friends with him because he's friends with us or something? Idk idk I just really wish he’d tell us something because like Wil is freaking out and idk what to tell him, he really struggles with this kinda stuff and I wanna help but idk how. 
11:48 japanesesymbolforbeginner: Ok...fuck
11:48 japanesesymbolforbeginner: Has he replied to any messages or anything? Maybe he’s busy?
11:48 OrphanDestroyer: Not really 
11:49 japanesesymbolforbeginner: Okay okay so here’s what I think you should do
11:49 japanesesymbolforbeginner: If he’s ignoring you you're gonna need to confront him next time you see him and don’t just agree when he makes an excuse to leave, like say you NEED to talk
11:50 japanesesymbolforbeginner: If u think he’s offended bc sometimes you don't speak a lot maybe just message him some resources or whatever on the type of mutism you deal with, even if he doesn’t reply he’ll probably still open it.
11:50 japanesesymbolforbeginner: like he might just be in the position where he’s nervous he’ll offend you if he asks something about it? Like maybe he doesn't understand fully and he just needs one of you to open the discussion 
11:50 OrphanDestroyer: okay you're probably right
11:50 OrphanDestroyer: There’s a link I have to one I normally email teachers whenever we have a new one so i'll probably send him that
11:50 OrphanDestroyer: Tomorrow though, my dads gonna be home soon and he’ll kill me if im still awake 
11:51 japanesesymbolforbeginner: aight, night Techno, good luck and btw you're all always welcome to come over if things get tense over there with ur parents
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up 🌅
Hello! I hope you’re doing well during these uncertain times ^^ I found this blog after my tumblr break and I’m always hungry for ikemen content so here we are. I’m also happy to see more fans of harry potter, the arcana, castlevania, and black butler!! But intros aside, may I request for an ikemen series matchup?? (any boy from the three games im okay) Thank you!!!
I’m gonna break this down into categories so I wont get confused as I write it and I hope it’ll be easier on your part too ^^
About me: she/her, Aries sun/Gemini moon, intp-a, Slytherin, enneagram 5, love language touch
Interests: writing, drawing, watching cartoons/anime/musicals/stageplays, history, culture, philosophy, fandoms in general ^^
Personality: I see myself as an aloof type of person until you become a close person to me, then I’ll never shut up about my interests that can go from fluff to nsfw to angst in a snap. Basically a mess inside and out. I also have quite the temper once you reach the end of my patience so I try my best to keep a cool head (keyword: try) ^^ I also dont have a filter when it comes to swearing and can be apathetic at times so I try not to be around children too much. However if you ask me for advice or just plain comfort I don’t mind and will do my best.
It’s probably obvious from my previous description but I’m very awkward around people and I find it hard to connect, but once I do find people who I can relate to I try my best to keep the friendship ^^
I do value the opinions of people who matter to me and try to learn from it. As for dealing with problems I fluctuate from taking them head on or just outright ignoring them. I also have this tendency to bottle up my emotions until I can’t anymore and it all comes flowing out… I’m also not easily grossed out by things unless its bugs then pls get me out of here. Good food is a surefire way to lift my mood!!
Fun facts abt me ig
1. I dream to be a diplomat once I graduate
2. I get way too engrossed in analyzing politics
3. Im just a nerd for languages (know a lot of words but cant speak)
4. I have a sweet tooth, but I cant stand too sweet sweets (dark chocolate all the way)
Hi love! Thank you so much for the request <3<3! I hope you enjoy it and have a super good day! And soz for making you wait soooooo long for this O.O! Also i hope this satisfies your thirst for more ikesen content <3<3
Content warning: swearing or should i rather say one swear word lol
So I match you with……………….. Nobunaga
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So I was definitely between three bois that being Nobunaga, Shingen and Yoshimoto
The first time Nobunaga meets you after you rescued him from the flames of the burning building, he is in awe. He is amazed at how a mere woman was able to pull a man x2 her size from a burning building. He was even more intrigued with your aloof personality and at the fact that you had no interest in receiving any reward or compensation for saving his life. He at that moment decided that you must be some sort of lucky charm sent from the heavens to protect him. He took you back to Azuchi Castle with him and named you as the Oda princess. Mamabear was incredibly suspicious of you, of course, no shocker there given your cold, distant unapproachable exterior. It didn’t help that you slapped Nobunaga’s hand away after he tried to make an unwanted advance, causing mama bear to fume at you. Your patience was wearing thin with the man who now held a sword at your throat, threatening you. Luckily Nobungaga defused the situation before you could complexly loose your temper.
You work incredibly hard for the castle and its people, you took pride in your work, and it definitely showed. Even Nobunaga was impressed with the excellent work you were doing and has noticed that since your arrival things around the castle has been running much smoother. He summons you to his room to thank you and to give you the opportunity to *ahem* warm his bed. To which you just replied “No fucken chance in hell”. He narrowed his eyes and asked why not, to which you just answered, that you had only just met a week ago and that you weren’t that type of girl. Nobunaga was shook he had never been refused before, he also found your lack of filter genuinely amusing. The way you would just swear and just say whatever was on your mind.
You looked around his room and couldn’t help, but notice is vast collections of historical artefacts. Your eyes lit up in curiosity at all the fantastic pieces. Nobunaga couldn’t help but smile at his lil lucky charm who seems to have made herself at home in his room now looking at all his collection of art and trinkets. He would walk up behind you and explain the origin and backstory of each of the pieces. The two of you actually spent the whole night talking about history and different cultures. And that is when you accidentally let it slip that you were from the future. This definitely caught Nobunaga’s attention. At first, he didn’t believe you, but after you showed him the contents of your handbag, he was convinced. 
You found yourself slowly but surely opening up to the man as time progressed. You nightly visits to drink tea in his room and chat for hours had become somewhat of a regular occurrence. Nobunaga absolutely loved the way your eyes lit up whenever you would talk about topics that interested you. He also loved how open-minded you were, listening and valuing his opinion. And you loved how open-minded he was, the two of you learned a lot from each other, through these regular tea dates.
Nobunaga had found out that you loved stageplays/musical so he would often find you randomly in the middle of the afternoon and drag you with him to one of his random nearby territories. He wouldn’t tell you where you were going, just simply put you onto of the horse and ride. He loved the way your eyes lit up as you neared the stage and figured out his plan. He would always reserve the best seat for the two of you and ensure that Masa had made the two of you the best snacks to munch on during the show. You count help but smile a bright, radiant smile at the sweet raven-haired man. 
You looked over at him, devouring the sweets that Masamune had managed to sneak into the basket. Both of you loved these trips away cause it meant that the two of you could indulge in sweet sugary candies away from the watchful gaze of Mother dearest. After the show, the two of you would spend hours discussing it over even more sweets, at one of the nearby tea houses. Needless to say, the two of you had spent so much time together its no wonder that you were head over heel for each other. 
Your relationship with the devil king started off a little rocky cause of your crazy awkwardness, but luckily Nobunaga actually found it really cute and lived for those moments when you would say or do something super awkward and turn a deep shade of red.  For you see, this feared ruler is also a bit awkward and clumsy when it comes to love. For example, when he asked you to become his one and only queen, he did so in the cutest way possible. While the two of you were having tea after a show, he started to doodle a little picture on a napkin, at first the two of you were drawing the equivalent to memes and giving it to each other for a good laugh, but then he gave you something you never expected. A clumsy doodle of himself confessing his love for you, you couldn’t help but smile and kiss him right then and there. After all, you can go from fluffy to NSFW in 0,2 seconds, luckily the two of you kept things PG in the teahouse.
Nobunaga loved how diplomatic you were and after you told him about your dream of becoming a diplomat, he was right there by your side supporting you. You had found out about the conflict between him and Shingen and of course you just had to do something. You at this point had Nobunaga wrapped around your little finger, so when you requested that he share custody of the Kai with Shingen, he agreed as long as you act as diplomate between the two.
One day a powerful daimyo and his daughter came to visit. To say that you didn’t like the pair would be an understatement. The woman would constantly pine for Nobunaga’s affection and make your life a living hell. You couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous, sad and frustrated as since they came to visit you hadn’t seen Nobunaga at all. Of course, you bottled up all these emotions and put on a smile, pretending like everything was okay, but honestly, you were ready to bust. You reached your tipping point at the banquet. You hadn’t seen Nobunaga all week as he has been in and out of councils. You waled into the hall to see the woman all over Nobunaga. You went to take your seat beside Nobunaga like you had done for countless banquets and that’s when this woman made the rudest comment towards you “Um excuse me you filthy maid, the servants quarters are back there, and if you don’t leave Nobunaga and me alone I will have to call a guard over to escort you to the dungeons”. Honestly, you were shook, even if you were just a maid, that didn’t give her the right to act so rudely, just because she has some fake ass title. You slammed your fists on the table finally losing your temper and boy oh boy did the insults fly.  TBH you even threw in a few insults from their home language, just to prove that you aren’t just some daft woman. 
Needless to say, the woman was looking around to the fellow warlords to help her out of back her up, but they were all way to busy howling in laughter at their princesses foul language. Finally, the woman looked to your lover for aid. He simply chuckled and started to speak. “It seems there has been some misunderstanding as to who this woman beside me is” He looked down at the daimyo’s daughter giving her the cockiest grin. She was now looking at you with a devious smile, thinking that Nobu was about to summon you away. 
“For those who do not know, I will make my intentions clear and known. This woman beside me is my dearest fireball, the love of my life, my equal and my queen, she is and will be the only woman in history fit to rule the world by my side.” He took your hand in his and gently tugged you to fall into his lap, he then kissed your temple and continued “To her, I give my heart, body and soul” He then pulled out a beautiful ring and asked, “Will you marry me, my dearest love”. To say the daimyo’s daughter was shook would be an understatement. You simply nodded, while wrapping your arms around your fiance’s neck to meet his lips in a passionate kiss.
Other potential matches……………..Shingen
Hope you enjoyed it dear ^_^ ❤🥰@hilarythemermaid
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palmviolet · 5 years
season 3: my thoughts
so. we’ve got the good and we’ve got the bad. starting off with what i liked:
joyce. she was so powerful and strong this season. they didn’t diminish her trauma from bob or even s1, showing she has ptsd. they also allowed her to be the one who saved them all and i’m so proud of my tiny wife :’)
jancy. i loved jancy’s storyline. probably the only storyline i didn’t have any issues with. i loved how they discussed the different issues facing them - sexism and classism respectively - and managed to come to an understanding. it was good to have another explicit recognition of the class issue with the byers family as well, rather than just subtext. but like, them as an investigative duo, ‘you’re relentless, you know that?’ like GAHHH
robin. now this was something i really didn’t expect. i was very apprehensive about the scoops troop because of the four of them only one was an original main - but turns out i didn’t need to be. i actually really enjoyed these scenes and they didn’t pander to the meme too much. and robin’s coming out scene?? poetic cinema. i actually felt so understood and while it’s likely not very realistic (especially from steve, who has been homophobic in the past) steve’s immediate acceptance felt so warm and nice.
erica. at first i was worried because they were going with the sassy black girl stereotype, but then- THEN- they fleshed her out, they made her a ‘nerd’ too, and honestly it was really good. she could have been annoying but she managed not to be. (congrats to priah, she did a good job).
elmax. i did enjoy elmax this season, though only tentatively (see below). finally we got some good solid female bonding. the mall scene was great. i also loved the scene when el came down the street to meet her with the skateboard. iconic.
mike and will’s fight. ‘it’s not my fault you don’t like girls.’ phew i got whiplash from that line - will’s face- i really wish they’d actually had will coming out this season or having any plot at all but i actually got chills with this. and then will destroying the castle???? i was crying.
jopper, murray, and alexei. i really liked this storyline. hopper being a smug bastard, murray playing freud again, idk i loved it. im glad jopper didn’t get together directly after murray psychoanalysed them like jancy did tho, because it felt a bit more mature which was right :) and alexei was so cute lol
hopper-byers family (ish). i am so goddamn happy that el ends up with the byers. it’s the only sensible place for her to end up after hopper dies. i just wish it was foreshadowed a bit more with joyce having a more obvious role in her life as a co-parent.
now, onto the dislikes. yikes.
hopper’s character for 80% of the season. i’ve talked about this already but honestly?? they screwed him up so much. horrifically overbearing parenting, drunkenness, and snark that was less sarcastic and funny than cruel. i didn’t like him half the time which honestly sucks, especially since this season they should have been building him up to make his death more tragic. so-
hopper’s death. it was done well, with his final acceptance and everything, giving joyce permission to flip the switch, but holy shit. joyce has been through so. goddamn. much now. the duffers are actually making their own jobs harder, because you can’t keep on piling your characters with trauma upon trauma without them suffering the consequences. they will have to be very careful next season with their handling of joyce. especially since this season the grief for his death was mainly focused on el, when it was joyce who spent all season with him. they should have grieved together, as the two who loved him most, but instead even when joyce does get her moment el has to come and interrupt it and make it all about her again. which leads me onto-
female bonding. sure, we got elmax. but it was placed in direct opposition to mileven. idk i got a lot of vibes that el could either be friends with max or date mike, which was not a great message to send - the whole elmax friendship seemed to be based on ideas about the boys. (does it pass the bechdel test? barely, probably.) and then the only other female bonding we get (aside from erica and robin, which was minor) is nancy and karen. they share a lovely scene, but it’s completely out of the blue. karen has been so absent and problematic these last few seasons and now she’s suddenly mom of the year again? it was a good scene, but personally i actually think it would have worked better with nancy and joyce. they have so much in common, they’ve been through a lot of the same things, and yet all we get is a silent hug at the very end. hmm. or even better, we keep the nancy & karen scene and get lots more female bonding scenes too. but i guess that would be too difficult.
will. oh my god, will. why the hell did they do him so dirty? his entire arc was ‘can we play d&d now, oh girls are stupid and gross, oh my friends treated me like shit but it’s all cool now.’ he had so much potential, even if we didn’t go with the will has powers storyline, even if we didn’t go with the coming out storyline like- ugh. noah is such a talent and they’re squandering him. like.. what??
m*leven. ugh i’m sorry i just... don’t care about m*leven. they’re cute?? i guess?? but so much time was spent on them. and they’re literally 14, i really don’t think they’re old enough to say they’re in love.
b*lly’s death. i guess he redeemed himself?? but ugh i didn’t want him to. didn’t shed a single tear ngl. and why was max so upset? he’s treated her like shit the entire time they’ve known each other.
the epilogue. the entire thing was awful in my opinion. the hopper voiceover was done well and i had tears streaming down my face the entire time but the context of it, and the scenes surrounding it- ugh. so we start off with a steve & robin scene that feels so incongruous i got whiplash. it’s really long, as well, and i just couldn’t concentrate on it because it lacked all the emotional weight of the scenes before. it was not good. and then we go through all the other characters’ reactions to the byers moving before we finally get to el and joyce, the two most affected by hopper’s death. el gets a very, very long scene. which is fine, because she needs to grieve her father figure. but throughout the season the el & hopper bond was so lacking that it felt odd for it to be so laboured at the end. meanwhile joyce gets little more than a sad look - an excellent look, winona deserves all the awards - but just a look. it lacked the emotional payoff we needed. and them all leaving? i get that joyce desperately needs a fresh start after hopper’s death, of course, but el needs her friends. and how the hell is s4 going to work? tbh i’m wondering if they’re just going to end it there. i hope they don’t, but they’re going to have to work very hard to make s4 succeed.
byers family. where the hell were my family interactions? joyce was apart from her sons all season (which in some ways was good, because she could grow beyond just being a mother) but the byers are what make this show so special. jonathan and will barely spoke to each other despite being in loads of scenes together. will should’ve been allowed to talk to jonathan or joyce about what he was going through with his friends. there should have been some bonding, goddamnit. maybe if they’d cut that karen and b*lly bullshit at the beginning, which, by the way, served absolutely no purpose?? at all? it didn’t advance the storyline in any way, shape or form?? wtf
anyway i’m sure there’s stuff i’ve missed, but here’s my preliminary thoughts. i actually did really enjoy this season, but i obviously have a lot of issues with it lol. it also didn’t really feel?? like stranger things?? like the vibes were completely different idk. feel free to drop me an ask telling me what you thought!
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popatochisssp · 5 years
Fur a Good Time, Call... 3/15
Series: Undertale, Horrortale Relationship(s): HT!Sans/Reader, HT!Papyrus & Reader Chapter Warnings: none
You work at an animal shelter. You love all your fuzzy buddies and can’t imagine a better job for yourself than looking after cats and dogs all day, even when the work is hard and often gross. What can you say? You’ve got a lot of love to give!
You’re just not quite sure yet how you feel about the new monster who’s been helping out these days, and this riddle wrapped up in an enigma is something you just can’t resist investigating…
AO3 Link
Sometimes, you kept weird hours at night.
You had a bad habit of coming home from work and immediately passing out, only to wake up around ten or eleven at night and have some space to fill until you could get back to sleep again.
Occasionally you made do with the slim pickings of nighttime TV or made yourself some food that you probably shouldn’t be eating so late, but mostly you resorted to screwing around on the internet with your phone.
That was how you found out that Sans kept weird hours, too.
You had stumbled across one of those unfortunate neon sign burnouts—one ‘Elmhurst Emergency & Trauma Center’ that became the ‘ Im hur t Emergency & Trauma Center’— and immediately thought of somebody who would appreciate it.
Before you could reason with yourself that it was after midnight and you had literally never sent Sans a text before and this was a hell of an opener with no context, you’d sent off the photo.
A response came not ten minutes later.
PUNbelievable: lol thanks for that, Pap just yelled at me to keep it down.
You: Sorry, not sorry!
And that was the humble beginning of your textual friendship with Sans.
You texted back and forth about a lot of things. Most of it was silly stuff you found online (you’d been right, Sans did appreciate memes) but you were surprised by how many topics could arise from that kind of thing.
You: No way you have that many.
PUNbelievable: you doubt my hoarding ability? [IMG-1]
You: Holy shit, so that’s what 86 rocks looks like. Congrats?
PUNbelievable: and those are just the pretty ones. i got some more in shoeboxes and stuff.
You: You have shoes?!
PUNbelievable: hey hey hey what do you take me for, some kind of fancypants? no shoes, just the boxes.
You’d even started to go a little out of your usual way to find things Sans might get a kick out of. You started following a couple geology-themed blogs just so you’d occasionally find something nerdy to share.
You: [IMG-24]
PUNbelievable: whoa, perfect cleavage, thanks. yours?
You: Not mine. Perfect, though? Really? I just thought it was gneiss.
PUNbelievable: calcite, actually.
You: LOL!
Completely by accident, you’d also discovered his love of cat photos. He sent them to you often as reaction images, some he probably just found online but a lot you recognized as cats from the shelter.
He admitted to you that pretty much whenever he got a free moment at work, he was in the cat room, picking up or poking or otherwise gently harassing somebody.
PUNbelievable: most of them are just chill little dudes, they’re great. i love it when they get happy and start vibrating, that’s the best.
You: You don’t have to convince me, I love every one of those fuzzbutts, especially when they purr! I think I just might be more of a dog-person.
PUNbelievable: really? i thought you were a human-person.
You: Hilarious, spoken like a true cat-person. I should’ve put you as Good@Cats in my phone.
PUNbelievable: what am i now?
You: PUNbelievable.
PUNbelievable: what that’s great!
PUNbelievable: keep it!
PUNbelievable: it’s perfect!
A triple-text and the first time you’d ever seen him use exclamation points: how could you say no to that?
It didn’t take long before you caught yourself thinking of Sans as a friend—not just a work-friend, an actual friend—and you weren’t positive, but you were pretty sure he thought of you the same way.
For one thing, when you talked to him at the shelter, he actually talked back. It was a little thing, but it was so unlike the clipped and stiff replies he gave when other people tried to make conversation that it was a noticeable difference.
Sans’ silence had seemed so antisocial and mysterious back before you knew him. Now that you did, it seemed infinitely obvious that the man was just an awkward dork who wasn’t sure what to say and didn’t want to bug anybody so he split the difference by saying as little as possible.
He smiled a little wider when he saw you, though, and mostly came to you now when he’d finished a task and wasn’t sure what else needed doing. He was always available when you were about ready to go to lunch and happily gushed to you over how well his brother’s schooling was going, and he listened attentively when you talked about your own life, even when it couldn’t have been very interesting to hear about.
Sans had to be a friend: you couldn’t think of anybody else you’d rather send videos at three in the morning, and that was the truest measure of friendship you could think of.
Speaking of which…
You: [LINK: Sad Cat Diary]
PUNbelievable: oh big mood.
You snicker a little at the mental image of Sans, huge and spooky-looking, trying to sneak up on a tiny thumbtack in the wall.
You’re glad you went for it that day when you asked Sans to lunch. It was impulsive and a little nerve-wracking to put yourself out there like that, but it netted you a really good friend.
You couldn’t regret that, not even a little bit.
Buddy was with you again, which seemed superfluous to say at this point, but there he was.
His clicker training had gone incredibly well—the food-motivated little gremlin that he was—and you’d gotten him to pick up all the basic commands that people expected out of their dogs and didn’t want to have to teach them.
He knew sit, stay, drop it (though he was stubborn and sometimes pretended he didn’t), and even shake! He’d also pretty quickly picked up when and where he was supposed to do his business, and after all the socialization you’d been doing with him he didn’t flinch or shy away from being touched by people anymore.
With all that and his clean bill of health from the vet, Buddy was almost ready to go up for adoption.
There was just one small formality left on the list to check off, and it was how Buddy interacted with other animals. Since he spent so much time in the dog room, around other dogs, you already had a pretty good idea of how he was with his own species, so you’d gotten your boy leashed up, asked Sans to snag a couple cats for you, and met in the playroom.
Based on Buddy’s walk awhile back, you had a feeling you knew how this would go, but better to get it all done according to the shelter’s protocols.
Sans was standing there waiting for you when you and Buddy walked in. At your advice, he’d grabbed Snickers and Button, two of the more easygoing cats you currently had with a history of not batting the shit out of curious dog noses.
You had to cover a laugh at the sight of Sans, though. Button was fully latched onto Sans’ arm, all four limbs wrapped around it while she chewed at the cuff of his sleeve, and Snickers had perched herself up on his shoulder to paw at his face while he ineffectively tried to lean away.
“You good over there?” you asked, just to cover your bases.
“yep. as you can see, i’m a ladies man.”
You bent down, undoing Buddy’s leash and giving him a quick pat. “Would you be offended if I made the obvious ‘drowning in pussy’ joke?”
“yes, i would,” Sans said. “that’s just vulgar. low-brow. have some class, wouldja?”
You laughed, which had clearly been Sans’ intention. He grinned proudly even as he knelt and tried to shoo the cats off his body, a little easier to do now that there was something else for them to focus on.
Buddy, for his part, was reacting pretty much exactly how you’d expected. He was alert and very obviously curious…but also extremely unsure about these small bendy-looking dogs that were fearlessly trotting up to him.
“you think he’ll be alright?”
You shrugged. “I think so,” you decided, “more or less. I wouldn’t put him down as a great choice for homes with other pets, but if they’re friendly like the girls here, I don’t think he’d be in trouble.”
Buddy had mustered enough courage to give Snickers a good sniff…only to recoil a little as she sniffed him, something that was obviously uncalled for and totally unpredictable.
“that’s what this is for, yeah?” Sans asked, and you turned to face him. “you’re seein’ what kinda place he’d be a good fit for?”
“Yeah. I mean, that’s pretty much what we’ve been doing the whole time he’s been here. Adoption’s the goal: we don’t have as many rules and procedures as a rescue, but we still want everybody to end up somewhere good.”
Sans’ red eye moved from you to the animals. Button was trying to loop around Buddy’s feet, which Buddy was not sure he was totally cool with.
“so…what’s ‘somewhere good’ for buddy?”
The question made you consider it. “Well… he’d probably need somebody a little patient. He’s still nervous around new stuff and needs awhile to get used to it.”
“Ideally an only-pet situation,” you added. You gestured to where Snickers was playfully trying to catch Buddy’s tail while Buddy hastily tucked it and scrambled around to keep her in his line of sight. “Can you imagine him having to deal with that all day? Or worse, a territorial cat?”
“nah, he’s a lover, not a fighter.”
“Exactly! Big ol’ marshmallow.” You smiled fondly. “Buddy just needs a place where somebody can be his best friend.”
“so…you, right?”
Cue the mental record-scratch.
Sans clearly didn’t think he’d said anything unusual. “everything you just described is you. you’re patient, no pets, you’re already his best pal. why can’t you take ‘im?”
“I…” You frowned. “I can’t.”
Sans didn’t say anything, but you felt his eye on you so you turned to watch Buddy again. He’d laid down to keep his underside protected, and the cats were rubbing up against him on either side.
It was adorable.
“I can’t,” you said again. “I…work way too much. I’m always here, y’know? I’d feel awful leaving…a dog,” you pointedly don’t say Buddy’s name, “alone in the house all day long. And then half the time when I get home, I just go straight to bed, so I wouldn’t even be able to play with him or give him the attention he should get.”
You chanced a look at Sans. His expression…wasn’t judgmental. Maybe a little…sad? But he wasn’t judging you.
You sighed. “It just wouldn’t be fair to him,” you say finally. “I’ve always believed you shouldn’t get a pet if you can’t take care of it. Buddy’s a good boy, he’ll go to a good home real fast. I wouldn’t worry about it.”
“……if you say so,” Sans replied eventually. “guess i just always wondered why ya didn’t have your own pet when ya take care of ‘em all day. i know i thought havin’ a pet was pretty cool.”
Was? Oh, no.
“Did you…did you lose a pet, Sans?”
You shouldn’t be so surprised. The monsters went through hell underground, it should follow that no one was exempt from it, not even pets… but the thought still hurt your heart.
“yeah,” Sans said, and you ached with sympathy. You reached out to put a comforting hand on his arm when he continued, “Pap and i used to have a pet rock.”
Your expression flattened. “What do you mean, ‘used to’?” you demanded. “You’ve got like a hundred pet rocks.”
“nah, those are just rocks, they’re not pets,” Sans insisted. “not like rocky was.”
“……His name was Rocky.” Sans nodded. “I am…ninety percent sure you’re fucking with me.”
Sans put a hand to his chest, like an affronted southern belle. “would i do that?”
“i’m hurt,” Sans said. “really. cut deep. rocky was a very important part of our family, i mourn his loss every day.”
“Okay, so what happened to him?” you wondered, suspicion evident.
“ran away.”
“Pap blamed me for it,” Sans continued, shaking his head. “he was probably right to. i never fed him his sprinkles on time. didn’t appreciate him the way i should’ve, he was my rock and i just wasn’t there for him…”
“I’m a hundred percent now,” you said. “You’re fucking with me.”
Sans laughed, loudly and unabashedly. It made you laugh a little too, even though you shoved him in the arm right after.
“You’re such a jerk!”
“seriously, though,” he said. “if you ever meet Papyrus, ask ‘im about rocky, he’ll tell ya’.”
“Oh, I’m sure,” you said, tone dripping with sarcasm. You went over to rescue Buddy from his wannabe feline friends and added, “You better hope I don’t meet Papyrus because I’m gonna remember this and ask him and you’re gonna be exposed as a total liar!”
It wasn’t until you’d gotten Buddy’s leash back on and body-blocked your poor dog friend a little from Button and Snickers that you realized your designated cat-wrangler hadn’t answered you.
He had his phone out and a serious expression on his skull as he penned something in. You’d learned only a week back that he kept a lot of reminders in his phone. He said it had been a major lifesaver to have something with him that could remember important dates and times for him, even when he couldn’t.
“Did you forget something?” you ask him gently.
Sans took a second to reply. “nah, just…remembered something i wanna do later. don’t wanna forget about it.”
“Okay.” You didn’t dwell on it. “Can you get Heckle and Jeckle here for me? I think Buddy’s had enough friendship for today.”
“yeah, sure.”
Sans scooped up the cats for you with only minimal mewing as protest, and you gave Buddy a scratch at his neck.
“Good boy,” you reassured him, leading him back to his kennel.
You were a little distracted, trying to decide how his adoption description should go.
You’d post it on the shelter website before you left work today.
The next day had you feeling…a little annoyed.
A new employee started today, somebody else’s young relative if his last name and obvious resemblance to your coworker were any indication, and no one had ever made you hate nepotism so much in your life.
You tried to rein it in: he was young and it was literally his first day, probably his first ever job and you knew there was always a learning curve. You wanted to respect that!
But… you might feel a little more forgiving if it seemed like he even sorta cared about the shelter and what you all did here.
You couldn’t speak to anyone else’s experience with him, but every time so far you’d tried to show him where something was or what the procedure is for such-and-such, he was looking off into the middle distance and nodding his head when he thought you were looking for an answer.
His phone buzzed once while you were talking and he broke direct eye-contact with you to respond to it.
You knew right then that he was somebody only in it for the paycheck. You didn’t think there was anything wrong with that, a job was a job, but he could at least have some decorum and try to look like he wasn’t bored of being there right in front of the person training him!
It was even worse because today was a day Sans wasn’t working. You couldn’t even complain to him about the new guy, or ask him to cover all the stuff he probably wasn’t doing that you’d have to go do yourself later.
Needless to say, you were already in a not-so-great mood when he came up to you in the middle of litterbox emptying around mid-afternoon asking for your attention—by the wrong name.
You didn’t bother to correct him. “Yeah, I can take a minute. What’s up?”
“The front desk girl called back. She said a guy wants to see a dog?”
…helpful. “Did she say anything else?” you prompted. “We got a lot of dogs here.”
He squinted, seeming to think about it. “Uhhh… I think it was Buddy? Or something like that.”
You weren’t quite prepared for the way your stomach dropped when he said the name. To cover it you spoke quickly, “Okay, thank you, I’ll go handle that. Can you finish cleaning the litterboxes for me?”
He sighed deeply, muttering, “I guess,” but you were already shucking off your gloves and heading to the sink to wash your hands. You could comfort yourself later with the knowledge that this guy couldn’t possibly last long here with an attitude like that. For now…
Oh, god.
You knew this was coming. You’d written up a great description for the website, and Buddy sat for his picture like a professional model: one ear flopped and the other pointed up with his pretty blue eyes and his tongue lolling happily out of his mouth.
He was a good boy and a beautiful dog, you knew he’d get adopted quick.
You just…hadn’t thought it would be so soon.
It’s not like you hadn’t gotten attached to dogs before. It happened a lot, actually, and it hurt a little each time watching them walk out the shelter door, but it had always been a light sting, easily soothed by the knowledge that they were going to a good home with people who’d love them.
But you had a terrible feeling that Buddy was going to hurt a lot more.
“How come you’re different, you little stinker?” you asked him, opening up his kennel and stepping in.
Buddy seemed oblivious to your sudden distress. He all but hopped off his cot when he saw you and the leash in your hand, his tail wagging while he sniffed at your pant leg in greeting and oh stars, this was going to be the last time he ever did that.
You got down on your knees to put his leash on. “C’mon, you gotta be a good boy. We’re gonna go meet your new dad.”
Because really, there wasn’t a question of if. It was like you’d told Sans, there wasn’t really a screening process or applications needed to take home a pet from here.
If you liked a dog, filled out the single sheet of paperwork, and paid the fee, that was your dog—and who wouldn’t like a sweetheart like Buddy once they met him?
You took a deep breath and got back to your feet. “Alright,” you said, mostly to yourself. “Alright. Let’s go, Buddy.”
The walk over to the lobby seemed shorter than it had ever been. You had to force yourself not to stop right before the doorway for ‘just a minute,’ knowing damn well that it wouldn’t be just a minute.
When you got there, there was only one person waiting in the lobby…and the sight of him nearly made you drop the leash.
He was a skeleton.
If you’d thought Sans was a big guy, the sight of this man scrunched into the almost comically small waiting chairs had instantly disabused you of the notion. It was hard to get a bead on exactly how tall he must be, since he was seated so politely with folded hands, but you’d guess he might be actually double your height, if not taller. He at least wasn’t built as broadly as your friend, but his overall length of limb seemed to make up for it and if it weren’t for his obvious good manners the sheer size of him might’ve been enough to make you a little nervous.
Well…his manners, the cobalt-blue squares of his (really cute) braces, and his matching glasses frames that were actually taped to the sides of his skull.
He spotted you almost the moment you walked in and rose to greet you.
“Hello!” he said cheerfully, offering one massive, spindly hand for you to shake. “I’m Papyrus! It’s A Pleasure To Meet You.”
It was…interesting trying to figure out how to shake his hand in return with the obvious size difference, but he took pity on you and helped you make it work. You introduced yourself right back.
“Ah, Of Course,” he said when you told him your name, “Sans’ Human. He’s Told Me A Lot About You, All Good Things, Naturally!”
You laughed a little, feeling just a tiny bit nervous all of a sudden at the thought of Sans talking about you—and at being called ‘Sans’ human.’ “Likewise. Uh, congratulations on acing that test last week!”
Papyrus scoffed, but you couldn’t help but notice the sudden hint of denim-blue on his cheekbones. “Thank You, But Really, I Have No Idea Why Sans Would Brag About That To Anyone! Did He Tell You The Exam Was On The Human Skeletal System?”
“Pfft… No, he left that part out, I think.”
“I Didn’t Even Study, For Obvious Reasons,” he told you, gesturing broadly to himself. You suddenly noticed the vibrant rainbow tie-dye crop-top he was wearing, and the black jacket he had over it with intricately embroidered flowers stitched into the leather.
Sans had been so right: Papyrus was insanely cool.
“We’re Getting Off-Topic,” he declared, bending further from his already hunched position to look at the dog beside you. “This Must Be Buddy. Hello!”
Buddy’s nose went straight into the hand Papyrus reached out to him, sniffing with vigor as always.
“Ah, You Smell My Bone Cologne! You Must Be A Dog Of Excellent Taste, A Connoisseur Of Fine Smells!”
You couldn’t help your smile. “Buddy certainly is that,” you agreed. The cold dread that had pooled in your gut at the thought of Buddy being adopted today had curiously disappeared and it left you feeling lighter than air. “Why don’t we all head to the playroom for a bit? You can interact with him a little better in there than in the lobby.”
“Excellent Suggestion!” Papyrus said. “I Would Be Delighted!”
The skeleton followed you further into the shelter, ducking under door frames blatantly not built with his height in mind. You were glad that the playroom had a high ceiling so everyone would be comfortable there.
As soon as you were all through the door, you unclipped Buddy’s leash and wrapped it up around your hand. “Papyrus, you can go ahead and ask Buddy to bring you a ‘t-o-y,’ he knows what that word means and he’s good at fetch.”
“Oh, So Am I!”
“Yes, Unrivaled At Fetch In All Of Snowdin,” he said proudly before pausing and looking a tad hesitant. You noticed he had the same nervous gesture Sans had, of looking down and to the left, and you found it unspeakably endearing. “Well, I Was, Anyway, For A Time. I, Erm…Worked Quite Closely With The Canine Unit And My Fetch Time Was Always The Best Out Of All Of Them! My Training Regimen Hasn’t Been…As Rigorous As It Was Back Then, Though, So I Suppose I Can’t Say With Certainty That It’s The Same. I’ve Been Busy Lately, Even By My Own Standards!”
“I know the feeling,” you empathized. “Adding Buddy into the mix won’t be too much, will it?”
Papyrus laughed, a bright and booming ‘NYEH-HEH-HEH’ that totally disarmed you.
“I Don’t See How It Could Be,” Papyrus assured you. “Buddy,” the dog focused on him instantly, “Can You Bring Me A Toy?”
Buddy perked right up when he heard the word of fun-times and happily bounced off to pick his favorite, a spiky rubber hedgehog that had seen better days, but its squeaker still worked so it was The Golden Toy to many of the dogs here.
Papyrus seemed pleased to have the slimy thing dropped into his hand and he gave it a gentle lob across the room. Buddy went after it like a shot. Almost as if he knew his performance was being judged, he even jumped a little to snatch it right out of the air.
Papyrus gave a suitably impressed noise and patted Buddy on the head when he returned the hedgehog. “Well,” he said, giving the toy another toss, “He’s Smart And Fast And A Very Handsome Dog—He’s Already Met All My Standards!”
“I can’t say I’m surprised, I’m pretty fond of Buddy myself. I, uh, I have to admit, though, I am curious why…” You frowned, wondering if the thing you were about to ask was presumptive. “Did…Sans tell you? About Buddy?”
“Yes, Of Course!” Buddy brought the hedgehog back again and Papyrus put it to the side, abandoning the play in favor of scratching through Buddy’s black and white fur. “We Don’t Really Keep Secrets. I’ve Known About Buddy For Quite Awhile!”
“Oh. Right.” You cleared your throat. “Then, I guess I don’t have to give you the disclaimer about his one unfortunate biting incident? Which hasn’t been repeated!” you quickly added.
Papyrus didn’t seem concerned. “The Only Thing Unfortunate About That Incident Is That Sans Still Wears That Old Hoodie!” Buddy had rolled over onto his back and if his windmill of a tail was any indication, his new skeleton friend was very good at belly rubs. “It Speaks To Buddy’s Tenacity! I Admire A Dog Who’ll Protect Himself When He’s In Trouble!”
Not many people saw it that way—an aggressive dog was just an aggressive dog, even with extenuating circumstances. Papyrus’ perspective was…refreshing.
“Well… he’s not exactly a guard dog, if that’s what you’re looking for,” you cautioned. “Mostly, he runs away if he’s in trouble, so…”
“That’s Even Better! Unnecessary Conflict Is So…Unnecessary!” Papyrus grinned broadly at you. Even with his braces, it was a totally winning smile. “I Think Buddy Will Fit Right In At Our House!”
“That’s…that’s great!” you said and you sincerely meant it. “If you’re ready to take him home today, we can go back to the front and get everything settled.”
Papyrus agreed immediately.
On the way there, he seemed compelled to assure you that he was well-prepared for Buddy’s arrival. He’d read through as much dog-ownership literature as he could find online last night and purchased all the essentials as soon as the stores had opened this morning: kibble, a bed, a leash and collar set with bones on them—and how fashion-forward was it of dog-accessories to include bones in their designs? Papyrus was very impressed!
“…And Of Course, He’ll Get Plenty Of Exercise, I’ve Been Looking For A Jogging Buddy And He Already Has The Right Name For It!”
You laughed. “Papyrus, I can’t tell you how great that is to hear. I love knowing my dogs are going somewhere good for them. You know half the people who adopt don’t even fill out the form all the way?”
Papyrus looked at the piece of paper you handed to him. He flipped it over to see the blank backside and frowned. “What, Seriously???”
“Seriously. It's not technically required, mostly for record-keeping, so people just don't do it or leave a bunch of blanks. You wouldn’t believe how many of those have no addresses because people couldn’t be bothered to remember what street they lived on.”
“………” Papyrus started snickering. “Oh My God, How Embarrassing… Nyeh-Heh-Heh, I Really Shouldn’t Laugh,” he said, grabbing a pen and jotting down his information. “That Sounds Like Exactly The Kind of Thing Sans Would Do.”
“Does it really?”
“Sadly, Yes. If I’d Left This Up To Him, It Would All Be Blank Except For Maybe His Name. And Then He Wouldn’t Turn It In. And I’d Find It Three Weeks Later Crumpled Up In His Trash-Tornado.”
“That sounds…exactly right, actually.” Sorry, Sans, can’t defend you against completely true accusations!
The lobby was quiet for a few moments, filled only by the sound of Buddy’s panting and the scratching of the pen.
Then Papyrus spoke up again. “Actually… Is…. Feel Free Not To Answer, If It’s Something You Don’t Feel Comfortable Discussing, But… Sans.”
You waited for him to finish his thought, but he didn’t. “Yes?” you prompted.
“He’s Not… Is He Like That Here?” Papyrus asked you, looking concerned. “I Know He’s Not Technically ‘Employed,’ But… He Does Things Here, Right? He Doesn’t Just… I Don’t Know, Sit In The Break Room All Day And Look Busy When Someone Important Walks By?”
You blinked, startled by the thought. “No, he doesn’t do that. He’s a big help around here. Actually,” you added, sheepish and a little quiet in case your voice carried, “I was kind of upset he wasn’t in today, ‘cause I don’t think I’m gonna get as much done without him around to lend a hand.”
You may as well have told Papyrus it was his birthday and every other holiday combined into one.
“Really? Oh, That’s Great!” He pressed a hand to his chest and heaved out a relieved sigh. You weren’t quite sure how that worked with a skeleton, but there it was. “I’m So Glad He’s Being Productive. I Knew This Place Would Be Good For Him! He’s Even Made Two Wonderful Friends!”
Oh, that meant you and Buddy, didn’t it? You think you might be flushing a little, but try to play it cool.
You and Papyrus get the adoption fee and all the other logistical stuff taken care of and soon enough, “That’s it, Buddy’s all yours, free and clear!”
“Thank You So Much For Your Assistance! And Obviously, Call Me Anytime!”
You paused. “Call you?”
“Yes, Of Course! My Number Is On The Form.” Papyrus seemed to notice you were still confused. “Sans Mentioned You May Want To Come Visit Buddy From Time To Time. You Seem Almost As Busy As I Am, We’d Probably Need To Align Schedules At Some Point To Make It Work.”
Sans mentioned…?
You put a pin in your train of thought. Hesitantly, you got out your phone and pulled the piece of paper closer. “Are you sure that’s alright?” you asked, just to make sure. “I, uh… I can’t say I don’t want to see Buddy again sometime, but….”
“Nonsense, Any Friend Of Sans Is Welcome Over Whenever.” Papyrus gave another quick pat to Buddy’s head. “And Any Friend Of Buddy Is Doubly Welcome!”
Good enough for you! You put his number in your contacts, just under ‘Papyrus’ for now. “You know,” you said as you did so, “we could be friends, too. If you wanted.”
When you looked up from your phone, you found Papyrus staring at you like…well, like he didn’t know what to say.
“Sure?” Offering to be friends with somebody shouldn’t have been able to put a look of such touched elation on their face, but there was Papyrus looking like you’d just offered him the moon in a few short words.
“Oh! Well, That’s! That’s Fantastic! I Accept!” He was blushing blue again even as he laughed that cute laugh of his. “A Friend, Wowie!” He seemed to remember Buddy at his feet. “Two Friends! What A Day! I’m Sorry To Leave So Suddenly, But I Think I Have Some Energy to Run Off Right Now, Do You Mind?”
“Not at all,” you promised. “Go bond with your new dog.”
“I Will, And Thank You Again! Come Along, Buddy!”
Buddy spared a glance at you, seeming to wonder why you weren’t coming with, but he wasn’t concerned enough to hesitate more than a second before trotting after Papyrus out the door.
Buddy didn’t need to worry about never seeing you again, after all. Neither did you, for that matter.
All thanks to a certain meddling skeleton.
A skeleton that you called the second you went off the clock for lunch.
“y’ello?” he answered after a couple rings, sounding a little like you’d just woken him up.
You didn’t waste time feeling guilty about it. “Hey, did you tell your brother to adopt Buddy?”
“heheh, what? no.”
“Really? Because he said—”
“look, i don’t tell Papyrus to do anything,” Sans said flatly. “…but maybe i did mention that the cool dog was up for adoption, the one who tried to eat my terrible jacket that Pap hates. and that my pal at the shelter might be a little, uh… sad if he went real far away and they couldn’t see ‘im anymore. if he decided to go pick buddy up after that, that’s just serendipity, y’know?”
You huffed out an incredulous breath. “I can’t believe you did that.”
“did what?”
“You adopted a dog for me!”
“he’s a good dog. Papyrus can tire ‘im out when he’s not at work or studying and i’m not at the shelter every day, so i got ‘im the rest of the time. that’s what you were worried about, right? buddy gettin’ left alone too much?”
“so, problem solved, right? plus you can have visitation an’ stuff. long as you pay child support.”
You snorted loudly. “Child support?”
“yeah, child support. he was your son first.”
“He’s not my— what even is ‘child support’ in this scenario?”
Sans sounded like he was thinking it over. “mmm…lunch for a month?”
“…you’re kidding.”
“you’re right, two months.”
“That’s not how haggling works!”
“drivin’ a hard bargain, huh? okay, a week.”
You finally broke down giggling. “Fine,” you laugh, “fine, a week.”
“oh, nice, i didn’t think that would actually work.”
What a goober.
“Oh my god. Okay, sorry to bug you on your day off, you can go back to bed now, I guess.”
“bold of you to assume i ever left it.”
“And Sans?”
“Thanks.” It seemed weak. Not enough of a word to convey the warm gratitude you felt bubbling up in your chest when you thought about what he’d just done for you—him and his brother both.
It was weak, but it was all you could think to say.
“forget about it,” Sans said simply.
And that was that.
You got on with your day, going to lunch, coming back and dealing with your duties and that damn new guy, but the whole time, in the back of your mind, you were thinking, He adopted a dog for me. He sent Papyrus to adopt Buddy so I wouldn’t be sad.
You were starting to think that maybe you were in trouble here.
Your relationship with your ‘pretty good friend’ was starting to feel an awful lot like a crush.
Later that night, Sans texted you first.
PUNbelievable: hey, sounds like you made my bro real happy today. thanks, he deserves to have more good stuff in his life.
So do you, was your first thought, but something told you Sans might not see it your way.
You: Sure, he’s as cool as you said he was, but don’t think you’re off the hook about that Rocky thing because I forgot earlier. I’m gonna ask him next time and then you’re busted!
PUNbelievable: lol
You had almost mustered enough irritation to be playfully annoyed at him when he sent another message.
PUNbelievable: [IMG-13]
It was picture of Buddy curled up on a bare mattress in a dark room—Sans’ room—with a big bony hand settled on his withers mid-fur-ruffle.
PUNbelievable: somebody’s making himself right at home, guess life over here ain’t so ruff.
…Okay, yep. You were crushing.
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krakenator · 5 years
Chapter 11 aka “Welcome to Chili’s”
SPOILERS are sprinkled around extremely liberally for The Property of Hate
Masterpost here
Oh damn alright that answers my earlier question of “what will cause RGB to make like a cuttlefish”. He can fiddle with his colors at any time, but he’ll fritz and settle on colors after power surges as well
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And he DODGES the black button question. Look at that anxious cane fiddling!
White knob handles color, black knob brightness, he’s just shown that the white panel opens to adjust brightness/saturation/color… is the black button just plain off?
“I lose you I leave you” is such a damned lie lmao
Let’s see what kind of Stuff people trade here!
Moments manifest as clocks, har-har
I’m in love with the borzoi vender bc I love borzois they’re such ridiculously ethereal dogs
Don’t like your current eye? Trade it for a better eye!
or you dont care about eyes, just revenge-feelings
Kisses of varying flavors, all shaped like X’s
STOP RIGHT THERE crimincal scum. RGB stole a farewell kiss (HAR HAR). But seriously, does the Market have law enforcement for this kind of thing?
I’m sorry but my shit fandom brain see’s discussion about trading body parts and my mind immediately goes to Skulduggery “lost his original skull when sleeping and replaced it by winning another one in a poker game” Pleasant
Incidentally ALSO a story about a standoffish dapper non-human taking a young girl on Adventures
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uh oh
Lmao he ends up dropping his cane in panic
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I love the movement in this panel. RGB just scooping her up with one arm
Goodbye New Suit we barely knew ye
RGB’s able to fine tune his pallet extremely specifically for just 3 sliders
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This might be my favorite interaction in the entire damn comic
I love how RGB decided “you know what i like what that quick camouflage did for my trousers, I’m going to coordinate my upper half to match it”
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Interesting visual and sound effect- we saw a character swap out heads earlier without that CRACK. Considering Assok’s had trouble twice now with static cling to RGB’s face, is this an electric spark of sorts?
I like the detail that Watcher only speaks in one word sentences
God but that cane is convenient. What I wouldn’t give to have possessions that are impossible to lose
I love RGB quietly, actually checking in with Assok after accidentally knocking them off Hero’s head
And now for something completely different!
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RGB’s starting to poke her towards her epiphany about the Make Believe
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As a someone who spent a long time being a short person that’s such short people talk RGB
Dude I skimmed over Dial’s dialogue this page last time because, really. Look at it. So lets actually read this sucker
Oh shit Dial actually mentions the Elastic Valley way before we get there ourselves
He’s got to what now. TOby is there on a JOB? Someone put him here on PURPOSE? I thought he just ended up there and was so surly to every fucking thing and everyone passing by was like “ok u can stay there rudepants”. What’s he on watch for?? Unless it’s far more punishment than it is useful assignment
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Bad puns, go to jail
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Oh shit does Watcher have another pair of eyes on his wings? Damn! For a guy with 4 eyes he sure is not very helpful at his job later on!!
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Hooo does his boss make Dial nervous. Lookit that stutter and devolution to muttering
When Dial says TOby took his eye off things, is he referring to letting RGB+Hero pass by (how would he stop them)? Is it that the wind blew him over and blocked his vision (THAT IS LITERALLY NOT HIS FAULT)?
And what the hell has TOBy done to defy Hate previously? What does he have opinions that Hate/Dial would have him change his mind about?
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See you space cowboy…
And because I can’t make up my mind on what to meme here: “mm whatcha saaay”
A thought on Dial’s design… his head says “ON AIR”. Later we know that Hate can listen in on him. D’you figure he ever makes himself “OFF AIR” other than when he sleeps?
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Now this little here combined textbox gives me some thoughts…
I haven’t paid attention to the color of character text beyond Hero’s voice getting eroded by sand, but… boxes can be any color and shape, its not uncommon for characters to have separate fonts, but words themselves? Only ever black and white. Now this could be for the sake of no eyestrain against backgrounds, but... consider the dichotomy TPoH is building up over its story
white in this comic is associated with bad things quite often. Lies, [-----], Hate’s realm. The blinding, scorching, destructive light of the unmasked Sun. meanwhile, darkness hides the Market from danger, and nighttime is tied intrinsically with dreaming. in fact, we JUST had an entire chapter dedicated to framing the Dark as good, protective, and aligned with trees and water, other positive entities
For a minute I got all excited because Dial and the Butterfly both have white text, thinking “oh, my god. do all Hate-aligned characters have white text?” this gets jossed pretty hard by Julienne’s white text, as well as Cell and Tailor.
but while THINKING on that, I jumped back to Storytime in chapter 10 and check this out: the moment RGB starts his story, text is suddenly white. Most of it continues to be in white… except for these two sentences
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… y’know, the only character to have a white bubble color for their speech is RGB, who speaks in black
He’s both. He’s NEUTRAL.
Considering my talent for creating OCs but chronic deficiency in building coherent and decisive stories for them, they’re all probably wandering this Market and world right now. at the very least most of them have spent a DAMN long time here before becoming realized (im so sorry guys im trying)
The ones that are complete as themselves but their stories are unstarted/uncertain? That’s like. most of them. whoops. maybe this will be the kick in the pants i need
But on a brighter note: Fosters Home for Unfinished OCs
BUT by the rules of this world, RGB doesn’t have a story… yet this is his story.
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Assok’s newest position of travel is adorable and im dying
Y’know… Hero and RGB have very different ways of solving things. A little obvious, but- RGB’s solutions are always convoluted, require multiple steps, and are a little ridiculous. Or, he at least FRAMES them as complex. See: Click escape, train escape, entire scheme to find a Hero to right the world. Hero’s far more straightforward but her solutions are also more, like… sensible than RGB’s if that makes sense. If it was just RGB up on the burning heart his plan would have probably involved more "im very intelligent” and pizzaz, while Hero went for the comparatively simple “lets zipline” (versus RGB’s upcoming Click escape clusterfuck)
All of which to say, I got thinking on that with RGB being like “it’s a very complex topic I can’t possibly boil it down to anything smaller” and Hero describing what the Make Believe acts as in one word
So if this worlds objects come from the sea, the sea is connected to other worlds? And it was confirmed early on that ‘stuff’ and ‘thought’ are basically synonyms- these foreign objects can exist in the Make Believe because they’re infused with enough Stuff!
Hero and presumably all of the other Heroes came from outside the Make Believe… they are not unrealized characters, or they didn’t start out as such. To exist here like this, they must then be imbued with enough Stuff/Thought… if we specify Stuff as equivalent to creative thought… by jove! I’ve hit on (another) theory!
Haven’t all past Heroes been artists? Julienne is a dancer, Melody a musician, Dial works radio, Ticker is a craftsman, and Tailor works with textiles. TOby and Assok don’t have anything obvious, but if I was Hate, I’d turn puppeteers into motionless dolls and empty-voiced sock puppets.
oh yeah, and Click. betcha he was a toymaker
I wonder what kind of artist Hero would grow up to be? She clearly draws, we saw her work taped to her bedroom wall
Of note… RGB is also an artist. It looked like that alternate human-self we glimpse later was involved with TV production, or perhaps script writing.
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Tfw your ex walks past and doesn’t even hesitate like wow Magnus be a stone cold bitch like that
also like how his speech tail loops around his neck like a noose upon seeing Maggie
ALSO, that conveniently timed mention of hands when giving examples of what makes Stuff valuable in the Market- the nostalgia and undertones of regret are strong in this one
(watches this character die) oh jesus Christ. (looks at list of decommissioned ocs) ... oops
So this is what it looks like when a character dies… what does it look like when one is realized
do you like puns? want some more quality RGB roasting? like clothes shopping? the next chapter is for you
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huangfilms · 6 years
School Pres!Donghyuck & Secretary!You
summary: you and i work as a team and before our last year of high school we didnt really talk much outside of our meetings and preparation plans but now that we have i think i have a big crush on you
requested by: this lovely anon!! <3
(A/N) here it is bubs ! im sorry i made you wait so long :( BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING ! this trope really pulls at my heart strings cause i really b in my feels LMAOO but i hope you enjoy ! <3 (ps,,, she is unedited)
school pres!donghyuck
thats cute wow i love this already although idk how its going to turn uout because i always: wing it HAHAKDJSF
okay well!!! donghyuck being the school president would be a shocker to most because he doesnt seem like the person to go for a position like that
but hes actually really good at what he does
and thats scheduling all of the student council meetings, planning fundraisers, school dances, all the Great Stuff
but he honestly couldnt do it without his trusty secretary
which is you
youre his secretary
you write down all of his ideas cause he trusts you like that also cause he has no physical stability to do it himself smh
even though you guys are like,,,, attached to the hip in student council, outside of it you guys barely talk LMAO
but people seem to ship you guys
youve been the secretary for 3 years of high school and donghyuck was the pres for 2!
so you guys have a good dynamic
it was kind of awkward at first because you admired him from afar,, so like a crush,,, and you didnt really know how to act around him
 and you were used to the old school pres ,,, it was weird to just have a shift and a big change so quickly
but it was okay cause donghyuck had a great work ethic
before you two became the secretary and president, donghyuck had a lowkey crush on you too
i think thats why he has been just a bit awkward with you at first as well but both of u are oblivious
but then he got used to having you around and used to having 1 on 1 meetings with just the two of you guys
he saw it as an opportunity to get to know you but you??? you didn’t really talk much about your personal life
all he knew was that you hung out with that one sophmore and one junior, jisung and chenle
oh and one person from your grade, jaemin
donghyuck never really bothered with you after your first encounter LOL
like !! youre nice and all but you just talk to him for work purposes! but thats okay! cause its better than not talking at all no?
so you guys have one of those 1 on 1 meetings at the library about an upcoming fundraiser to fund prom (cause its a new year and u need to think quicc abt ideas so people can vote on the theme)
you guys talk for hours on end about preparations and what you guys want to sell
you guys decide on doing a bake sale because who doesnt like baked goods !!
so you and donghyuck set out a date to bake EVERYTHING 
and after the meeting hes just like, ‘its lunch now, do you wanna go somewhere with me to eat?’ and he smiles so sweetly 
this is the first time youre really looking at him too
he looks,,,, really good
and his smile? the sun cant compete n e x t
and youre like wow this boy handsome
but you agree on getting lunch with him because youre pretty hungry and idkmaybeyoucouldgettoknowthisfineman
SO you guys walk to a nearby food joint and on the way you guys are just chatting away and youre finally opening up to him
!! wow hyuck: head over heels his headass prolly in love by now LMAOOO
and then you get into the topic of how you guys came to be the secretary and president
hyuck says ‘i wanted to prove everyone wrong,,, they always say im a trouble maker or whatever so honestly i started out of spite but i love being the school president’
all you said was ‘oh’ but you nodded up at him cause its cool that he likes being it but its badass that he proved everyone wrong and Still Loves What He Does
so you guys get to the food place and you guys just joke around th e majority of the time
it feels like you guys have been actual friends since forever
when you guys go back to the library u guys forget about what u 2 were supposed to b doing
and then you open up your notebook and then-- oh yeah Prom Preparations and Fundraising
so then you and hyuck plan ahead that every other sunday you guys are going to mass bake a lot of sweets so you can try and sell them all on monday
and everyone has tasted your baking before,,, so they usually sell a l o t
so the following sunday, you meet hyuck at his friends cafe,,, cause it has a big kitchen
and then you guys get cracking cause you have a l o t to do 
half of the time you guys are throwing ingredients at each other but you guys Get Shit Done
you get to know hyuck more and you now understand why a lot of people have a crush on him
hes the sun!!! hes charismatic!! hes funny!!! hes got everything omg
his only flaw? he can’t frost a cupcake to save his life
youre just laughing at all his attempts but anywho
its the next day! so the first monday to sell sweets
you and hyuck made a schedule of who would be selling the cupcakes during what lunch period
you assigned jeno, jaemin, and mark for 1st lunch, then you, hyuck, and chenle, for the second lunch, and then for anyone who wanted to buy after school would buy from renjun and jisung
interesting that u guys would be selling together and have poor chonlu third wheeling 
the whole bake sale was a success,,, you sold every cupcake and chenle was honestly just gagging the whole time when he was with you guys cause you two sat really close to each other and being r e a l l y friendly
chenle swore he could see u guys heart eyeing each other but whatever
‘just friends,,, okay y/n’ ‘shut up chinlin’ ‘hello??? yes, can i get some new friends’
so over the course of id say a few months??? you and hyuck are literally everywhere together
you guys plan together, you guys eat together, you guys do everythin g together
people are starting to think that you guys are dating cause,,, yall sure act like it
and i dont know maybeyoulikehimalotnowthatyouvegottoknowhimmore
but you guys are just pining over each other and the dreamies are so s i ck of it
so they tell you guys that hey!! emergency council meeting in five lets all meet in the board room!!
you guys are just laughing on the way there about a stupid meme or something and when you walk in the dreamies are quiet and Looking At You Guys
‘what?????’ ‘nothing. absolutely nothing.’
you and hyuck are just like,,, well whats this meeting about???
so the dreamies are just quiet for a second, they all look at each other and nod their heads like they have some secret code
and they all stand up and renjun says, ‘we know u like each other,,, so we’regoingtolockyoutwointhisroomuntilyouconfessyourloveforeachother BYE’ and they all run out
you hear a click,,, you couldnt comprehend what the heck renjun said but now you did and youre both just frozen
so you just clear your throat and then you say, ‘i mean we might as well get some work done’ and you sit down
and hyuck just deflates a bit cause?? do u not like him??
and then he goes, ‘haha right.’
and you could hear the shift in his voice cause hes a bit upset
and then you stop what youre doing and go,
‘listen hyuck, i like you more than a friend,, but i thought it was obvious? we were pretty much acting like a couple already so i didnt realy understand why i have to spell it out for you? i mean i understand if you dont like me like--’
and he kisses you
right on the lips
what a dream amirite kids
you could say that you just got,,,, sunkissed LMAOOOO IM SO LAMEKJGFJHSG
but you kiss him back cause you like him so much this means he likes you too!!!
when you guys pull back hyuck is just shyly grinning up at you and its??? adorable wow
and the dreamies all have their ears up against the door
so they hear everything
and chenle says ‘my parents!! finally!! are!! together!!’ and hes just so l o u d omg
and you and hyuck just burst out laughing and then it dies down after a bit an d hes just like,, ‘will you be mine : )’
‘course i will !! : )’
and so you guys just walk out of the room hand in hand
okay but your 1 on 1 meetings?? not a lot gets done
you know why?? hyuck is always staring at your face and is trying to kiss you 25/8
‘hYuck we need to actually do work thi-- Will You Stop Throwing French Fries At Me.’
and he just l a u g h s
‘oh yeah?? youre laughing now but how about when i say no kisses for a Week.’
and he just stops and sits up straight cause you give him The Look
‘suddenly i love doing work lets talk about our next fundraiser’
and you just chuckle and hold his hand
‘i think im in love with you.’
and hyuck freezes
he squeezes your hand and then he says, ‘im in love with you, too.’ and you guys just break out into big smiles
oof okay wow uwus: officially gone
school pres!donghyuck is a whole ass hard working sweetheart
im going oto end it here before my uwus spill out some more
hyuck! existing! in this trope! sign me up.
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Trial Captain Headcanons
ah. fuckin hell. i made this a few days ago but my dad walked in and said he needed to use my computer and i freaked the fuck out so i had to delete my history in 0000.1 seconds. um. not sure how seconds work.
- THIS boi is rich af. but sometimes he forces his parents to donate some of their money to some random charity at least every few weeks because he wants to have a good reputation. he is a trial captain, after all. 
- is kind of a clean freak, and hates germs. so whenever he comes into the classroom, and a bunch of tiny germy disgusting toddlers crowd around his legs trying to get his attention he cringes deeply. never says anything tho.
- in the anime, its canon that he has fangirls. that should be canon in every version of llima tbh. but!!! consider this!!!! a GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY and PROUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD llima!!!
- its canon that he’s been to kalos before, so i imagine that llima fucking LOVES kalos. like, he really REALLY loves kalos. he feels emotionally connected to that place. that’s the region he’s moving to when he gets older. no exceptions
- visits all of the different islands of alola to check in on everybody. he tries to be nice like that. llima is a good neighbor. but let me tell you---
- surprise surprise children. llima. he makes mistakes too. and whenever he does make a mistake he cringes again.
- honestly? i like to think that llima tries his best to act nice and shit, but really he’s hiding a more rude interior inside him. do u even know who llima is? hes a little sassy. but also a little TOO perfect. i think he’s hiding something tbh.
- is super best friends with mallow. they live in konikoni city together, so they’ve been friends since they were toddlers. and i mean. best best friends! they have sleepovers literally almost every day.
- lana is the second shortest trial captain. she used to feel a little insecure about being short.... until she saw wittle babby sophocles.
- so in ultra pokemon sun/moon, there were wishiwashi... but instead a shitty araquanid came out of nowhere. what if lana had actually no idea that would even happen. it just happened randomly. and she went with it. wow. that’s lana for you!
-even so, lana is the best big sister. her little twin sisters, harper and sarah, love her. for good reason, too. she takes care of them all the time and takes them everywhere.
- so in the english anime she has a super soft and sweet voice. ummmmm.... no bitches. lana has a kinda deep/somewhat dead inside voice that’s somehow calming. punch me. i won’t stop talking about this.
- takes morning swims, evening swims, mid-afternoon swims, midnight swims, has days where she just swims and fishes and that’s all she does.
- In the anime kiawe has a little sister. And he IS protective of her. He IS a good brother. Omg. imagine kiawe seeing his little sister play with one of his fire-type pokemon, and he’s low-key scared the pokemon will burn her to ashes. Poor bby
- prefers dancing over any exercise ever, that’s a fact! but!!!! Kiawe plays “just dance” and he gets a perfect score ever gotdamn time i swear he does and he gets the best workout from it.
- What if kiawe is somewhat scared of lana because of her awesome as shit water types. Oh no. he knows he could never win-
- Y’know the hiker bitch??? Yeah him and kiawe are good friends. I can see them hanging out together. Like what if hiker bitch is lonely and kiawe is lonely too. So they are best friends. (but guys, you notice how lana and mallow live in one city? But kiawe is just in paniola town alone? There’s probs not many people in paniola town tbh)
- Kiawe is a dork and uses thousands of hair gel bottles to get his hair lookin so good.
- So you see those teeth on his necklace? they’re teeth from charizard. a charizard willingly gave kiawe some teeth so he could have a badass af necklace. Kiawe is good with pokemon especially big and dangerous ones
- Really loves those moments where he hangs out with the other trial captains, he loves the meetings. He has gone to every. Single. Meeting. Not even shitting you right now he has. It’s also because he’s responsible and shit  
- So! I feel like mallow really likes both the pokemon tsareena and the pokemon lurantis. She loves them both. I know in the anime she has a steenee, and in the games she gets a tsareena, so yeah its canon i guess. But you know what??? She loves lurantis as well, she knows it’s badass and she likes it as the totem pokemon.
- Loves trying all different hairstyles and she has a new hairstyle every day. Idfk if we never see it in the anime or the games or anywhere else. If i canon it its true bitches im a the fucking god of pokemon u assholes
- Has always had a taste for exotic flavors. As even a smol babby, she didn’t like “normal” food. It was bland to her. All of it was bland. So she made her picky tastes into food!!!
- …. Not everybody likes her food though. Right now she hasn’t learned to actually take criticism. She blocks it out whenever someone tries to criticize her food. She’ll learn when she’s older.
- Is kind of indecisive. She has trouble making decisions sometimes. “Hhmmm!!! Should i go to today’s meeting or not??? Well, gotta be responsible!!! Oh wait a sec! WHAT IF?? I JUST DIDNT GO? UH-”
- Her most big decision she will never fully decide on? Well, the question that i even ask myself everyday! Are boys cute… or are girls CUTER?! (yeah she will never decide on her sexuality)
Sophocles: (okay but i really like sophocles and i think if he existed me and him would be like best buds tbh)
- Okay, so i saw a headcanon on tumblr talking about how sophocles could possibly be autistic, because he’s extremely smart but can’t talk with people without having some kind of anxiety, and i think that might actually make sense! It’s obvious he has some kind of anxiety disorder or something, but i cant say whether he’s autistic or just anxious, since i haven’t done much research on autism. But! I hear it’s actually a very interesting subject, so maybe after some research i’ll make some headcanons on autistic! sophocles.
- Has always loved video games, and molayne was probably the one who got him into them.
- Not sure how to feel about his body. Like he knows he’s short and pale and he looks like a fucking baby. A lot of rude people have probably pointed it out to them before (most likely on the internet, or even ON FESTIVAL PLAZA THAT PLACE IS NOT FOR CHILDREN) and he hates it, but molayne (the pure man) has told him that being short has a lot of advantages and he actually looks a little cute with his baby face.
- togedemaru (togemaru) helps sophocles with his anxiety by letting sophocles pet him whenever he’s anxious and needs to calm down. Molayne was the one who got sophocles that pokemon in case molayne wasn’t around and sophocles had a panic attack and needed comfort
- He does love his food he’ll admit. (yes i like the anime shut up) he also loves mallow’s food!!! And her restaurant!!! And he goes there all the time. It’s like… his favorite place. Sometimes he stress eats but he tries not to do that ( t r i e s )
- He likes fidget spinners bitches and YOU CANT DO SHIT ABOUT IT
- He has a tumblr account. And nobody knows about but him. He posts memes on there and is shameless about it. kick me in the stomach nothing is changing my mind about this
- So yeah, she’s got parents. But she likes hanging out with uncle nanu more. Why? Because she knows he has too much alone time for himself and she knows it’s not healthy to be alone too much. ALSO SHE LOVES CATS AND NANU HAS PLENTY OF THOSE FURBALLS
- Speaking of uncle nanu, he was the one who taught her how to be such a good pokemon trainer. (she’s in the league for goodness sakes) nanu genuinely loves her. He’s never told her that, but acerola knows she’s charming <3
- Also she loves candles. they are spoopy. She likes spoopy purple candles yep
- Is really good friends with sophocles!! She’s surprisingly good with panic attacks and in their conversations she usually does the talking, much to sophocles relief.
- Can sew like a boss. Yes!!! She made her own dress!!! Well i mean… she doesn’t have many materials to work with. she only uses shitty rags or old clothes but still pulls it off. she is fabulous isn’t she
- The reason why she uses the thrifty megamart as her trial site? So she can steal the plushies they have there. I mean the plushies are old… but acerola isnt picky.
- Has a mimikyu for a pet but never uses it for battle
- Has 100% dyed her hair before. Like imagine mina’s hair changing every few days and nobody notices beccause they’re used to it
- Art and pokemon battling aren’t her ONLY hobbies. I mean. Uh. wait lemme rethink this-
- She’s not the sterotypical depressed artist. She’s the sterotypical type of artist who doesn’t like their art most of the time but thinks everybody else’s art is amazing and deserves to be in a museum
- Her and hapu? Friends for life, man. There’s not too many people on poni island. Sometimes it can seem like NOBODY is on that island… like a ghost town tbh. Much less kids. Hapu and mina are most likely the only youngsters on poni island so they had to bond pretty quickly.
- She IS friends with llima tho, since llima likes to visit all the islands on alola they see each other sometimes. they probs dated for a while before llima discovered he was gay.
- Has paint on her clothes, her shoes, her bed, her room in general, her bag, her pokeballs, her pokemon-
- Has only gone to like… one trial captain meeting. Has never been to another one in her life. And she never will.
Dear god. I’ve been working on this for almost a fucking week. Something is wrong with me.
I think
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rearadmiralanarchy · 6 years
Have a Gio/Mis Oneshot
Because I don’t know how vacations work :)
Some good old meme-inspired family fun
Giorno loved his father.
Honestly, he really did, in mostly complete disregard to the multitude of what he would consider grievous shortcomings. His father was selfishly ambitious, ruthlessly cunning, heartlessly driven, and was overall charismatic and way too smart for his own good. But Dio Brando was his father and Giorno loved him regardless, as sons often do. However, he really needed his father to back off from doing that thing he always did.
The controlling and manipulative thing where he said it was for 'your own good GioGio, honest,' but it was kind of an obvious ploy to get you to do what he wanted. Signing him up for rugby (rugby!) without his knowledge was the last straw. It had taken thirty-five minutes to get his name removed from the roster and the coach was still sending him desperate emails, hopeful he would be a star just like his dear old dad and like his father. The only sport he had been interested in was tennis, scoffed at by his father, which would have been enough spiteful fuel to keep at it if only it weren't so much effort.
He was old enough now, with a stable income, almost finished with his degree, and was tired of his father trying to control every aspect of his life like he was a miniature version of himself.
Which is why Giorno was on Craigslist.
He needed something... dramatic, something shocking that would- well it would be impossible to break his father's will- but at least make him chalk him up as a lost cause (like his other three half-brothers).
The best case scenario would be causing his father to give up on trying to live vicariously through him, the worst case would be Dio pouring all of his considerable resources into a reclamation effort. Giorno had a plan though, requiring just a single last cog in the wheel. Thanksgiving was a week away, and with the holiday came a traditional family meal.
'Family' in the Brando household included all four children, Dio, Uncle Diego, a few business associates, and Dio's two lovers/companions: a priest and whoever Vanilla was. This would be the perfect time to make a debacle of things, which wasn't really something he did, but if his father brought up arranged marriages one more time- this plan had to work.
He just needed to find the right person to do it with.
Hence, his excursion to the personals section, to find the right dinner guest. He'd already told his father he'd be bringing his fiance and had come up with a whole list of things sure to get his father out of his hair. After several hours of reading through posts one finally caught his eye:
"Hi my name is Mista here to offer my services this thanksgiving holiday. Do you have a family member you want to annoy? Maybe you need to come out to a parent or you just want to fuck around with your family. Whatever the reason Im your guy! For the price of one homecooked meal and twenty bucks I can:
*pick a fight with one or more family members
*beat the shit out of one or more family members indoors or outdoors
*get into a political debate (I know nothing about politics but will try)
*pretend to get smashed or pretend like Im high
*pretend we are married/engaged/pregnant
*hit on other members of your family in front of your parents
*propose in front of everyone
I am a 28 year old convicted felon with several years of jail time who can benchpress 145kg. I have nothing above a ged I got in jail and drive a loud as hell motorcycle that will make your dad both nostalgic and pull out a shotgun. I am open to both genders and am covered in tattoos and piercings. So if you need an entirely platonic person to ruin your nice family dinner Im your guy!"
He was perfect.
Giorno immediately sent an email briefly expressing his situation and requirements. As well as the kicker. Dio Brando had maybe an inkling of his persuasion towards the same sex, but still held firm that he would find a nice woman or few, maybe settle down with one for a time, and crank out a few grandchildren for him to influence since his other three actual kids didn't even inherit his hair color let alone anything else of note.
So Giorno was going to come out during the family dinner and maybe even break out the f(iance)-word to really mess with his father and his irrational fear of intimacy. He hoped the man from the posting was cute or handsome, but supposed a burly type of person would be more suitable anyway.
He didn't receive a reply until twenty minutes into his lecture the next day, surreptitiously checking his phone while the professors back was turned, to the delight of it not being spam. He requested a picture to make sure the offer wasn't a fake, which was easy and fair enough, a more detailed list of requests as well as what would be allowable in terms of what he could say and do. It was surprisingly thoughtful, Giorno assumed maybe he had done this before. As for the limitations... he really just needed his father to step back from his life, so shock value and commitment was key, he had to make his father believe he was beyond help and reason.
A picture and no limitations sent out and Giorno eagerly awaited Thanksgiving. Mista's appearance was still a mystery but he at least gleaned some semblance of what his personality was like through e-mail correspondence. He seemed like a very laid back and open sort of person, taking everything in stride.
The day before Thanksgiving, Giorno finalized his plans by buying a cheap fake engagement ring and helping Mista chose an outfit (how one man could own so much animal print was beyond him). It was exciting and nerve-wrecking all at once, and by the time the family dinner started he was ready to explode with curiosity.
Mista arrived right on schedule fifteen minutes late, a brief trio of knocks at the door and a text with 'showtime ;)'. Giorno was the one to open the door to... a tanned skin, muscled man his height and unlike anything his imagination had worked up the past week or so.
He did indeed have a few piercings along his earlobes, eyebrows, snakebites on his lips, the peeking image of a tattoo under a leather jacket and... the most gaudy clothing. A leather jacket and white and blue diamond sweater-vest over a bright orange polo, with tiger stripe pants and high white boots.
But he was handsome in a very masculine way; hard muscles and broad shoulders, short and styled hair as dark as his eyes, high cheekbones and a chiseled jaw...
He was a fashion disaster.
He was exactly Giorno's type.
Giorno was awestruck- fortunately Mista picked up the slack in time for Dio to come down the hallway in time for a "sorry I'm late babe," and for the no-longer mysterious guest with the gorgeous voice to tilt his head and plant a kiss right on the blond's lips.
Giorno could hear a faint 'wry' in the background but was able to collect himself with the kiss. Bringing his hands up to thread through surprisingly soft hair, Giorno deepened the kiss, getting a hum of approval and a higher octave 'wry'.
"I'm glad you could make it, Mista," stealthily sliding the ring box into a pocket of the leather jacket with a wink- earning a smirk in response.
Giorno turned to his father, arm wrapped around his guest, who threw an arm over his shoulder, "father, this is my fiance, Mista."
"I can see where he gets his good looks," Mista winked, unabashedly eyeing Dio up and down, "Guido Mista, you got a nice place here, pops."
He was good, Dio looked caught in a cornucopia of emotions ranging from murderous, disgusted, furious, disappointed, with a little bit of hope thrown in- he probably had a few ideas on how to split them apart. That certainly wouldn't do, and wouldn't happen, not if he had any say in it.
"Now that Mista is here, we should move on with dinner, right father?"
Dio's face twisted in a look that screamed how much he'd rather not, "yes. Let's."
As soon as Dio had turned the corner, Mista dropped his arm and quietly asked "was that all okay?"
It was so sweet, "it was perfectly fine. You are very good at this."
"Really? This is the first time I've done something like this," lightly blushing as he scratched the back of his neck.
Cute, but unfortunately he collected himself and asked "you have anything special in mind for me to do at dinner?"
"How terrible of a conversationalist can you be?"
"I've been told I range from disgusting to disturbing."
Giorno and Mista sat side by side much to the annoyed eyebrow twitch of Dio and collective looks of confusion from everyone else. Father Pucci looked visibly disturbed, but it was clearly a front. Vanilla's face was unchanging.
True to his word, Mista was a force to be reckoned with at the dinner table: shamelessly flirting with Giorno's half-brother's, discussing his theory of cannibalism loudly and enthusiastically, making embarrassing noises as he fed Giorno spoonfuls of various sides (whatever matched his plate).
A part of him was caught in the sick satisfaction of watching Dio's face, the other part was relishing the attention Mista was giving him. He was incredibly observant, having quickly picked up on his facial expressions- faster than some of his family had- and able to read the room and conversation with ease. Although his topics were exaggerated and purposefully off-putting, Giorno actually found himself joining in and interjecting his own unabashed opinions, earning a pierced smile every time.
He really liked his guest, liked the way he talked and thought, liked the danger and intrigue, liked how different he was. Giorno's life was a rigid series of routines under Dio's thumb and Mista was an alluring spark that had Giorno flushing every time he was spoon-fed and cooed at, with every smile and name-drop.
He kind of really liked Mista.
He- oh right, this was platonic, wasn't it? It was all too easy and very appealing to forget that they weren't really engaged, but he might as well indulge while he could, right? So he fed Mista sometimes too, nudged his feet, held his hand, called him sweet names he'd probably never call- had never called anyone before. He was met with such positive reactions that it made him a little braver than normal, glimmers of things that made him think that maybe Mista wanted this to be real too.
As soon as dessert was served, Mista gave him a subtle wink before sliding the ring box out of his pocket.
"Giorno I- I have something to ask you," he was good, "I know I'm uneducated," Dio knew something was wrong, "and an ex-convict," but he was too desensitized, "but I... will you marry me?"
He had gotten out of his chair, on one knee, offering the ring up as everyone gaped and stared.
"Guido," smiling at the warmth in his chest and cheeks," I would love to."
Dio immediately spluttered, appalled and appealing to Giorno's rationality, Pucci loudly invoking the name of God, Diego cackling like a madman as the brother panicked. Vanilla was un-moving but seemed ready to toss Mista out on the street. If he wasn't already smitten maybe it would have worked. His pretend-fiance inhaled the dessert as Dio raged on, before eventually being escorted to the door. Giorno followed, closing the door in Vanilla's impassive face to turn to Mista.
"How'd I do? Pretty good, huh?"
Giorno couldn't help smiling, "you were the best. Absolutely perfect."
His former guest was standing very close, sliding the ring box into the blond's hands, "I really enjoyed it, doing that for you."
This was his chance, pushing the box back to tan hands (it did have his money in it after all), "would you be willing to do it again? For real this time?"
Mista looked surprised, cheeks flushing a bit, "you wanna... go on a date with me? Like, an actual date- with me?"
Giorno frowned lightly, "do you not want to?"
"No, no-I mean I- yes, I really, really want to, I just can't believe you'd want me?"
So sweet, "Mista, I'd been thinking about it all night."
"Oh... you really uh-?"
"Yes, so will you go out with me?"
"Hell yeah, uh, same time next week?"
"It's a date."
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anotherler · 6 years
Ask Meme Part 2: LQ-ler
My faviest fave who I ever faved!! Low Quality Once-ler! Lets do this.
Why I like them: More like, why I LOVE them okay? Uh…where do I begin. I think his initial and prevailing appeal was his aesthetic. I love old technology, low quality footage, foggy audio and static. I love the sound of a VCR’s mechanics turning. And the reason for all of this is suitingly, nostalgia. Which is what LQ is all about. He’s so carefully thought up and his themes fit together so nicely. His concept had me hooked from the start; a Once-ler who comes from lowquality footage of the movie. But then it just gets even deeper and examines the regrets of a Once-ler and a character that knew about his fate and destiny from the start and it’s just so fucking fascinating and well thought out. LQ himself has this charm to his personality and he’s positively endearing and adorable it’s not hard to understand why so many people flocked to him and showed him love. But if he was just that and that alone it would make for a flat character. LQ has other sides to himself that come out from time to time and it becomes obvious that in some cases he’s putting up a façade. He tends to brush the fact that he’s upset or angry under the rug to keep up his image and it’s something that anyone reading can really understand. It’s a great study of identity and how adults present themselves to each other in the business world and just generally to the public and how sometimes we aren’t really true to ourselves because we don’t like things about ourselves. I know this got super analytical so im going to go back to his characterization for a sec. He is such a lively person. Each gesture and reply and his eccentricity are wonderful to witness. I love his design a LOT. Those big grey-blue eyes with the long lashes and his glasses and his messy brown hair. He has a really unique look to him. He’s a good guy and I’d love to talk with him about old tech and stuff. He comes off as caring a lot about other people and Im sure he wants the best for others.
     Why I don’t: He has made some really dumb mistakes and been so self destructive that he has impacted those around him. He needs to practice true self love beyond any sort of merits he has and just believe that he can do good things even if he’s done bad things in the past. He’s really REALLY got to stop beating himself up. It’s okay for him to make mistakes in the past but he’s got to seek improvement and any time that he does you can feel really happy for him. He’s come a long way but he’s got some ways to go and can’t give up just yet.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Probably when HQ first showed up. That whole part had me screaming. Actually, I have a LOT of favorite scenes and chapters from his blog. Type louder and his drawing party are some old favorites. The buildup to the GRAND reveal and LQ’s valley times are also incredibly great and Swone’s visit was hilarious and sweet. I also love the more recent chapters where LQ continues to have conflict with HQ and we some other sides of him.
Favorite season/movie: Ahhh…it’s hard to pick one. I love his entire blog :” ) I already talked about a lot of stuff it’s hard sjkgslsddsh I’d just sit here and list everything LOL but if I had to pick one both the events leading up to the GRAND REVEAL and HQ showing up.
Favorite line(s): “Even though the tag might say “low-quality”, I think that those old gifs had their own charm to them. Nostalgia, if you will. “ “Honesty is the best policy, after all.” “I AM N-NOT A BUTT P-PERVERT!!!!!!!!!!!”
Favorite outfit: I’m honestly a sucker for his business suit and bandaged arms(though, poor LQ for being so badly injured). I also really love his thneed and that REDICULOUS cape he had from his business times.
OTP: LQxHQ. Gotta have that self love, amiright? It’s a really good exploration of LQ’s relationship with himself and HQ is frankly hilarious. I know it isn’t the healthiest for LQ but im hoping things can improve for him in the future. Also, Bawstin-luh or Brandon O’ Shea from the the Thneedville High AU because LQ and Brandon are just really happy together :” ) Brotp: LQ and Swone. And my guilty pleasure: LQ and Swone and Onag. I always did want to see those two meet. Also LQ and Thneednight, LQ and Corv and LQ and Winter when they finally work things out a bit heh. While we’re on the topic of folks I wish LQ could have met I just gotta say…Cheap. Thrift buddies. Just picture it. Cheap had a chance to meet LQ by punching him in the face for 10 whole dollars but he PASSED IT UP!! For SHAME, Cheap. (To be fair IDK if they’d get along well haha)
Head Canon: At one point in the blog it’s mentioned that LQ used to watch the 1972 TV special and he said his Mom caught him watching it and turned it off. I think that she turned it off during the Once-ler’s successful points and before he chopped the last tree. Since then, LQ has never watched past that point on the VHS tape and in his youth it gave him only positive ideas about being a Once-ler and impacted him a lot in the long run. It’s kind of ironic because his Mom tried to discourage him but only really made him more interested.
Unpopular opinion: Y’all probably don’t want to face this fact, but LQ can be really nasty and temperamental sometimes. He’s spoken outright insults at people when he’s speaking honestly so he’s not purely “an innocent and sweet uwu baby” . He’s also very introspective and intelligent though he’s made a number of stupid descisions. Some things he’s said and thought are downright philosophical. That being said, those aspects make me like him even more as a character.
A wish: I want to see LQ continue to improve and move on in his life. He might need to break the mold he’s in to make that happen but he’s already established that he’s been doing things his own way so it’s not hard to imagine. It’s hard to move on but I believe in him.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: I don’t want LQ to die or give up :” )
5 words to best describe them: Nostalgic, Mysterious, Adorable, Charming, Bright
My nickname for them: I love the nickname ‘Lowqual’. It’s not a nickname I coined but…yeah. Uhm…Staticky Boi, My Favorite Onceler,
@residentcryptid And now onto Cheap!
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riskeith · 3 years
HEY, <3
oh word? there is a lot of different artists yeah, i just kind of named the most famous ones hehe. there’s also a lot of dark academia-esque music that doesn’t have lyrics, just vibes. noooo don’t feel insecure, just do it if you wanna. do you have a concept in mind? (now that you mention it i feel like most of class 1a can be sorted into gryffindor.. except for a few odd ones) hufflepuff suits you so well! do you like being one? and i’m a ravenclaw myself (i think that’s pretty obvious hehe)
UM?????? SOULMATE THINGS INDEED? wtf? even if it’s a pretty common tattoo what are the odd holy shit kshdjdksjsk. if it’s still on your mind you should!!! i wouldn’t trade mine for the world i’ve wanted them since i knew what tattoos were tbh.
mood is how i’ve been playing this game for almost two months now practically every single day yet i still don’t know all of their names. they are just not worthy my attention *flips hair* STOP everytime i think about you fighting for me i remember that pickles meme and laugh. and dude bc i’ve been rushing with this game so much did you know i havent had a single ‘impromptu’ battle? i literally have 3 damaged masks only. it’s bc i don’t explore like one usually should hskshdkd.
THOSE SOUND SO SEXY AND DELICIOUS. coconut literally makes my knees feel like jelly i love it sm. ughh where did you get that? is it not near you? toppings? like in the boba drink? i have never heard of that before.. what kind of toppings are there?
oh absolutely ! i’m not that dark skinned but i find it so difficult to find a shade that matches bc either the undertone is wrong or it’s too dark/light. super crazy. but thankfully there has a change these few years so i’m hopefully that things will get better..
let me know what you think of the trailer! i’m starting my new semester tomorrow so idk how busy i’ll get but if i find time i’m def gonna watch it. i’m weak for blue/red gays simple as that.
and finally, i reached ar 16 just moments ago so i’ll send you another ask with the code aaaah <3
i care You, m.a. 🥥
it doesss like all the classical music ones? i don’t like those oops HKFJDSHKFHSDFSDHKSD when i click a playlist w dark aca in its name and then it’s purely instrumental i just get out hfsdkjfhskd. i don’t!! ngl i don’t even really want to make it a hp AU for the world, just like the vibes? lmfaooo. but maybe quidditch. i like quidditich. and ofc the triwizard tournament 🤪 OH WAIT IVE SEEN SOMETHINGS THAT HAVE MADE ME THINK..... omg wait hear me out what if. beauxbatons tdrk and durmstrang bkg. but!! japan literally has its own wizarding school so why must all AUs and stuff take place in the european ones.. (we know why lmao)
oooh you think so? when i got the result i was not too happy HAHAHA but i feel like they don’t make the best impression in the movies like what. cedric. and that’s it? lmao. omg yasss ravenclaw queen we love the blue colours 😩
i honestly haven’t thought about that in forveer but now i am.... LOL we shall see!!! im also like.. paranoid about getting it done also bc i don’t trust anyone LOL how tf am i meant to find a reputable tattooist (i’m sure it’s really easy but the thought is daunting lmao)
AHAHH who said you need to know names just “that big dude guarding tree” is enough :p FDSHFKSDFJSD omg noooooooo okay that’s our date plan then we’re gonna get you those masks fhskfjds
nah i think we got it from someone who went to thailand!!! ugh i think about it all the time... i’m sure once again i could find it easily if i looked, but cbs lol. yeah! like custard, aloe, foam, seeds, etc all that stuff. grass foam. i don’t really know all of them bc i literally never get any hfskdhfsd. but it’s just stuff you can add into your drink! for the extra cost of like 20c here LMAO 
ugh rippp. and yeah i hope so too! i’ve def been seeing some change too
will do! and oh no... good luck with the new sem!! you’ve got this 💪💪
received!!! i’ll add you asap hehe. (also we probs need to work out a time otherwise we’ll never be on at the same time fhjskfds)
I care YOU!!! c.r. ☕
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prompt-master · 7 years
Michael, Your Gay Is Showing
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queenieships · 7 years
im not super familiar with your ships, soo... number 1 (things you said at 1 am) from the mini fic meme with the ship you're most favouring right now?
Hey anon uhh so like this took me forever to do simply for the fact that I ended up turning what was meant to be a minific into a 4 and a half thousand word fic :> SO UH YEAH ENJOY THAT. I’d really appreciate it if people could read and give some feedback, I’m going to put most of it under a readmore since it’s just so long!! Warning for talks on mental health, an abusive father and just insane amounts of romantic and sexual tension :3c
things you said at 1 am – Queenie and Davey
Black clouds swirled angrily, the moon a feint smudge of light against the Manhattan night sky. Rain tumbled from above, clattering loudly against the pavement and the rooftops, soaking anyone who dared roam the streets at such an ungodly hour.
Queenie was one of those daring people, shuffling as quickly as her bare and battered feet would take her. She’d never been out this late by herself, every noise frightened her to the core but she had come too far to turn back. Her hair was slick and plastered to her face, the delicate fabric of her nightgown soaked through and clinging to her body. Never had she felt so vulnerable, her feet were so bruised from running down the rough streets she wasn’t sure if they could carry her for much longer. She hated to think what would happen if the wrong person saw her, a soaked and vulnerable girl stumbling through the streets of lower Manhattan.
Queenie kept her arms wrapped around her middle, trying to keep herself warm – raindrops clung to her eyelashes, making it hard to see where she was. Her entire body ached, a cold, dull throbbing emitting through every limb. Water ran down her face, pooling over the curves of her lips and streaming down her chin. This was the craziest thing she had done and if not for the circumstances at home she would’ve regretted it – but standing there, thinking of her father’s face and how he feigned worry for her mental well-being, her feelings were only solidified. She had to be away from him, away from her home or Queenie didn’t know what she would do to herself. Her father’s comments were ringing through her ears and she reluctantly wondered if she truly was going mad.
She stopped for a moment and looked around, trying to recall the route they had taken on one occasion when Davey’s mother had invited some of the Newsies to their apartment for dinner. Though Queenie had gone with them she had never actually managed to step inside so even if her memory was good enough to get her there she had no clue which level they’d be on or which room would be his. She had been tempted to join them, wanting nothing more than to dine with her friends and be introduced to Davey’s family but a feeling of guilt had washed over her; she felt terrible intruding on his family and eating their food when they were struggling, especially as someone who had never known the strain of financial troubles.
She cursed her guilt for a moment before noticing a street sign that seemed far too familiar for it to be a coincidence. Her first steps were hesitant before she began almost jogging in the signs direction, her gut feeling telling her she was close. Surely enough, within minutes Queenie had stumbled upon the complex that she knew to be Davey’s home. It was a tenement, a series of very small apartments where families would be clustered together – those living here were certainly better off than kids like the Newsies but the living conditions still weren’t amazing, mostly from a hygienic standpoint. Each building looked almost the exact same, insanely tall with rows upon rows of tiny windows, some of which had washing lines strung up between them.
She could so easily identify Davey’s home because she remembered Race had put out multiple cigars on the outside walls and, whilst having to squint insanely hard due to the dark, she could see circular scorch marks on the wall and small clumps of ash. Queenie made her way to the back of the building, knowing there to be a fire escape that climbed up its length. Standing in front of the ladder she took a moment to remind herself how crazy this was, how she had no idea which floor or room would be Davey’s before gripping onto the slippery metal in front of her and beginning to climb, almost falling off once or twice with her feet struggling to support her weight against the pressure of metal bars. Queenie would get to a platform and peer through each window, hoping for some telltale sign or clue to let her know which room was the right one. She had climbed for multiple levels when she looked into a room that just felt right. Her eyes had adjusted to the darkness by now and looking in she could see it was a small room with a desk, a set of drawers and a double bed that took up almost half the room. Her heart was thumping rapidly in her chest as her eyes set on a figure laying on the bed in a T position, legs dangling off the side with the back of their hands resting over their face. Queenie felt a pang in her heart, she knew it was him though small details in the back of her mind made her hesitate. Yes, this person seemed to be the correct height and build to be Davey but she also knew that he and his younger brother, Les, shared a room and yet the younger boy was no where to be seen.
Holding back her fear, Queenie rapped a knuckle against the glass, letting out a quiet gasp as the figure sharply sat upright. Their eyes met and her hand slowly dropped away from the window, feeling almost embarrassed. It was Davey. Despite her circumstances she couldn’t help but drink in the sight of him, vest and button-up removed leaving him in just his under-shirt and trousers which for reasons unknown was a look that made her heart flip. Confusion flashed across his face but it quickly changed to worry as he rushed over and pulled up the window, holding it open with one hand and leaning out of it slightly, face close to hers.
“What are you doin’ here?” He whispered, voice low but dripping with confusion. Queenie took a moment to respond, heart practically stopping now he was up close. Seeing him without his cap felt blasphemous, though his hair was dark and wavy and insanely cute to her. She could even see stubble forming across his jaw and she trailed her eyes downwards to get a better look of him in his state of undress, small curls of chest hair even poking out from the deep neckline of his under shirt. Truth be told, Queenie was reeling.
“I-I uh…” She stuttered dumbly, blinking rapidly in response to his attentive stare. Davey at first seemed like an awkward, withdrawn person but over time Queenie learnt how wrong that was – he could be passionate and angry, confident and intimidating at times and insanely intense – just like right now. His eyes bore into hers, waiting for her answer. “… Can I come in? It’s raining.”
Davey’s eyes widened instantly as he realised the situation and the weather outside. His thoughts were practically playing across his face – what was she doing here? Why was she sneaking up to his room in the middle of the night, especially a night as bad as that one?
“God, I’m sorry, of course! Get in here!” He pushed the window up further, gripping supportively onto her forearm as she climbed into the room, having some trouble with her balance not only because of her sore feet but also due to simply being soaked.
Once Davey had managed to help pull her in, he reached up and slid the window down, leaning over her slightly. He let out a breath once they were both standing there, just looking at one another. He wiped a hand down his face, trying to clear away his tiredness. “W-what are you doin’ here?” he repeated the question, waving his hand in gesture to his bedroom. His expression was tired, eyebrows crinkled together.
Queenie’s chest tightened for a moment, feeling guilty to trouble him and afraid that he was annoyed with her but a moment later a small smile played on his lips and his eyes, for the first time, fell from her face and took in the sight of her.
“Oh my gosh! Queenie, look at you!” One hand quickly flew up to cover his eyes, the other gesturing towards her torso. In one quick motion he turned his back to her and slapped the other hand over his face, adamant not to look at her.
“I know, Davey, I’m sorry but this wasn’t exactly a planned visit.” She spoke softly, almost cooing at his behaviour. His blushing face was obvious, even his ears and neck were slightly pink. He didn’t respond to her so Queenie tip toed over to him, gently placing a hand on his forearm, trying to peak up at him through his fingers. “David~?” she quietly sang his name, shaking his arm a little.
Davey widened the gap between his fingers, looking down at her with shocked eyes. “N-nope, no, I’m sorry.” He stuttered before closing the gaps again. “I can’t deal with this.” Still covering his eyes he walked away from her, blindly walking towards the set of drawers. Once there he crouched down, removing his hands from his face and began to rummage through clothing before pulling out a long, white button-up shirt. He held it in his hands for a few seconds before holding his arm out behind him, towards her.
“Just… put this on, please? You’ll catch a cold if you stay in that for long.” He said, his voice strained.
Queenie could tell from this tone of voice and his behaviour that that wasn’t the only reason he wanted her to change clothes – Her nightgown was made of thin, white material which had soaked through and clung relentlessly to her skin. If not for the fact that she had roamed the streets in the same state for God knows how long Queenie would be insanely embarrassed – plus Davey’s shyness was insanely cute to her, acting as a distraction from her own timidness.
She took the shirt from his hand, finding the material surprisingly soft. It hit her, the fact she was going to be wearing nothing but Davey’s shirt.  The thought excited her immensely, checking to see that he was facing the other way before turning her back on him, peeling the nightgown from her skin and shifting it over her head. She looked over her shoulder for a moment, feeling more vulnerable standing there naked, wondering if he was peaking – he wasn’t. He was shifting his weight from his heels to his toes, shoulders squared and tense.
Queenie bit her lip and smiled, quickly unbuttoning the shirt before slipping her arms into the sleeves, the feel of fresh, dry clothing setting her mind at ease. She buttoned the shirt back up again with precision, standing there and relishing in how amazing his shirt felt on her body. The sleeves were far too long, material going far past her fingertips, the length of the shirt reaching down to her knees. Her legs being bare was a little discomforting but whatever could be seen then could probably have been seen through the material of her nightgown anyway.
“Alright Davey, you can turn around now.” She spoke quietly, playing with the long sleeves, flapping them around at her sides.
He peeked over his shoulder, almost mimicking her from moments ago. Clearly he was being cautious after her teasing earlier. She heard him let out a heavy breath before he turned to face her, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. His eyes were wider than she’d ever seen them, flickering over the sight of her.
“… Are you alright?” Queenie said, running her hands down her hips and looking down at herself, checking to make sure she hadn’t missed a button.
Davey scoffed, running a hand through his hair and stopping at the crown of his head. “Yeah, yeah I’m fine – just not used to having pretty, half-naked girls in my room.” His arm fell down limply to his side, Davey letting out a huff. Clearly the situation was a little frustrating for him.
She smiled and squeaked quietly, cheeks growing warm. He thought she was pretty? The statement alone made her terrible day immensely better. Clearing her throat, Queenie tucked her bangs behind her ear. “I’m sorry, David. I didn’t mean to cause you trouble, it’s just… I had to get away from home and this is the first place I thought to go.” His demeanour changed almost immediately, back straightening and eyes sharpened. “What do you mean? Why’d you have to get away?” his voice was soft but stern, wanting to show support for her but from the way his jaw tensed she could tell something in what she said had angered him.
“I-I um-”
“Queenie, if he hurt you, I swear to God-” Davey stopped himself once he heard his own raised voice. It was the middle of the night and his family were sleeping, Queenie would die if any one of them were to see them together in such a questionable state.
She watched him for a moment, not sure what to say. Davey stood with his hands on his hips, face pensive as he frustratedly bit his bottom lip. Sighing, he shook his head and plopped down onto the corner of the bed, slumping forward and resting his elbows on his knees and his chin on his hands. He looked up at her, patting the space beside him.
Queenie could feel that the atmosphere had changed, her mouth suddenly feeling dry. Her legs felt heavy as she slowly lowered herself down next to him, hands in her lap as she switched between looking at him and at the floor.
Davey let out a sigh. “Now, I’m gonna repeat myself again. Did he hurt you?” he asked, his voice quiet. His hand was placed gently on the small of her back, something Queenie noticed he did often but never mentioned – it was his way of being present for her, showing that he had her back without saying anything and they both knew the other appreciated the slight touching without having said it.
“… He wanted to send me away.” She started, eyes flicking up to look him in the face. “He does this thing sometimes where the words he uses sound nice and supportive but it’s all lies – the way he says it… you know it’s a threat.” she sighed, clasping her hands together. “He said that I was struggling. He thought I was hysterical and crazy and that maybe he should send me away for my own good.” she said the last few words mockingly. “Do you know what they do to women in asylums? I hear they lock them up in cages with no food or water, they’re not cared for they’re treated like rabid dogs and that’s what my father wants for me – so to answer your question David, no, he didn’t physically hurt me – not this time.” By the end of her rant Queenie’s voice had darkened and her eyes were half-closed as her heart stung.
“Well, are you?” Davey asked, scooting a little closer to her to wrap his arm around her waist and give her a reassuring squeeze. “Crazy, I mean.” He smiled at her, eyes bright and eyebrows furrowed with worry. “Cuz if you are then I must be crazy too because… you make more sense to me than any person I have ever met.”
Queenie stared up into his eyes, taken aback. She choked out a bitter laugh, closing her eyes and pushing her hand on his chest. “Oh, shut up!” she giggled lowly, gripping onto his shirt.
Davey chuckled and placed his hand over hers and holding it tightly. “No, I mean it. I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with someone so much in my life – and for me? Agreeing with someone is a lot. All of your beliefs and the way you fight for them, it’s… it’s admirable and inspiring.” He exhaled deeply, looking down at their hands pressed together on his chest. “And I cannot lie to you. If I ever see you father face-to-face I will sock ‘im right in the jaw because I don’t know if I’ve ever hated a man more than I hate your father. He flat out is a villain and he treats you like you’re nothing and I am not about to stand for that.”
Her giggles subsided as he spoke, his words having so much feeling behind them – even Queenie, someone who struggled with immense self loathing, felt so important and… safe. She smiled, though her lower lip quivered slightly as her eyes began to water. Queenie leant forward, burying her face in the crook of Davey’s neck, her shoulders shook as she sobbed quietly, her free hand clutching onto his waist.  Immediately he moved his arm from her back, sliding it up to around her shoulders and pulling her further into him. “I’m sorry, my emotions are all over the place tonight.” She mumbled into his shoulder, trying to focus on his presence – they’d never touched like this before and Queenie couldn’t help but feel like her hopes were being met, all the times she’d thought of Davey holding her in his arms and there she sat, enveloped in him; granted she was weeping into his shoulder but there had to be a downside somewhere.
“It’s fine. It pains me to admit it but I’d probably be crying too if my father did that to me.” Davey absent-mindedly played with the kinks of her chin-length hair, hesitating for a moment before placing a soft kiss on her head.
Queenie laughed quietly again into his shoulder, squeezing his waist. She found his attempts at upholding his masculinity funny, especially since she believed his behaviour throughout the night had been pretty manly, if not a little boyish at times. Her cheeks were burning after his kiss, butterflies in her stomach. There was a warm throbbing in her chest and she couldn’t help but smile at everything he said, just his presence made her feel safe and cared for.
She pulled away from his shoulder, hand still clutched tightly to his chest. She looked at their hands clenched together for a moment and nodded lightly to herself, courage bubbling through her chest. Her eyes flickered up to his, giving him a small smile before leaning up and softly pressing her lips against his.
For a second she could think of nothing else but Davey, all the trauma of the evening falling out of her mind as it was instead filled with images of him, his voice and his eyes and how she could feel the warmth emitting from his face and…
… He wasn’t kissing back?
Queenie pulled away from him, retracting her hand from his grasp. Her chest felt heavy like an anchor was dragging down her heart. Dread was washing over her, eyes stinging. Her hands started to shake nervously, she had never cared for someone as strongly as she cared for Davey and so many of her positive feelings and emotions were invested in him, in pining for him – if he didn’t want her…
“I-I shouldn’t have done that.” She stuttered, voice cracking. He didn’t like her back, didn’t want to kiss her and he probably didn’t want her there at all, probably lied when he said she was pretty. “I’m so sorry, David, I-”
In an instant his lips were smothered against hers, his hands clasping the sides of her face, fingers tangling in her damp hair. The force of his kiss almost pushing her over and, frantically, she grabbed onto the material of his shirt and pulled him closer to her, heart feeling like it was ready to explode.
Breaking the kiss for barely a second, Queenie climbed over his legs, knees on either side of him as she sat up straight in his lap, for once being higher up than him. Their lips meshed together once again, Queenie this time clutching his face as Davey pulled her body flush against his, both arms wrapped around her tightly. Her heart was beating rapidly in her chest, body tingling and warm. His fervorousness shocked her, though she had imagined kissing him so many times her fantasies had never managed to capture just how passionate he would be and how his kisses would make a knot form in her stomach.
Davey pulled back, eyes still closed, panting for breath. He was flushed, face warm under her touch. She ran her thumbs over his cheek bones, always taken aback by how handsome he was. From his brown eyes to his dark, tousled hair, from his hooked nose to his angular jaw. His tall, lean frame and long, pianist fingers fascinated her. His body language, his voice and not even to mention his personality, intelligent and witty, dominant and determined, surprisingly strong but caring in every way. When it came to David Jacobs her head and heart had never felt lighter and yet so full, thinking about him flustered her and impacted her capability to properly think and to have him there, blushing and panting underneath her? Queenie felt like the world was hers.
“I adore you, y’know that?” His eyes fluttered open, giving her a small grin. His hands were caressing her lower back, pinching the fabric of his white shirt between his fingers.
“Davey, stop it you’re going to make me cry again.” She laughed, using humour as she often did to hide the degree of her feelings. She was often embarrassed when it came to sweet moments like this, finding it difficult to say what she wanted.
Davey groaned and laid his head against her shoulder, kissing her neck. “I want you to be mine. I wanna protect you and care for you and fight for you – with you – and I just want to keep kissing you forever.” His words were breathy as he rushed them out. “I… I want you to be my girl.” his voice was so soft she would’ve struggled to hear it if not for him talking so close to her ear; his hand had found hers and their fingers interlocked.
Her lower lip quivered again but this time she didn’t laugh. She clenched her jaw as tears slid down her face, tickling her skin. Mimicking his actions from earlier, she buried her face in his hair for a moment before placing a kiss atop his head.
“I care about you so much, David. I don’t know if I want to bring you into my personal life, not with my family, not now. God knows what my father would do to you, or to me because I was with you. I-I don’t know.”
Davey raised his head slowly, brown eyes piercing hers defiantly. His mouth was open slightly, the bridge of his nose crinkling slightly as his features scrunched together in a baffled expression. The look in his eyes told her that he wanted to argue, to deny everything she said and to reassure her he could deal with it but he let the expression drop. He nodded his head slowly, kissing his teeth.
“Alright, well, an ‘I don’t know’ is better than a flat out refusal. You don’t have to give me a straight answer right away, you can sleep on it and take as much time as you want. You just gotta know that I care about you and I am willing to deal with your father if it means I can be with you.” He raised her hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles before patting her on the hip. “C’mon, you’re obviously not going home tonight and we should get some sleep.”
Her eyes were still watery but she gave him a fox-like smile. “You want me to stay the night, Davey~?”
He instantly scoffed and blushed at her words. “Hey! You are not allowed to get all flirtatious, not after kind of turning me down.” He gave her a smile, though she could tell he was dissatisfied.
She worked her way off of him, holding onto the bottom of the shirt to stop it riding up. At the same time Davey pulled himself out from underneath her, standing and stretching his long legs for a moment and letting out a sigh. The night had been crazy, full of developments and wild emotions and both of them were drained.
In one quick move, he reached back and pulled his under shirt off, over his head and onto the floor. He straightened out his shoulders and stretched his arms above his head, turning and watching her as she settled into his bed, pulling the covers up to her chin. “Was taking that off really necessary?” She asked, though she couldn’t keep her eyes off him, fascinated by his slim and pale body. Though she had always found him insanely attractive she couldn’t help but plan to bake him as many pies as he could eat, just to put a little more meat on his bones so his ribs and hips weren’t quite so defined. Their class difference would always be obvious, even down to a physical level. Her body was plump and soft whereas his was thin and harsh, simply down to the availability of food. On the outside, they couldn’t be more different and their outward contrast was something that Queenie found wonderful and it was one of the things that had initially attracted her to Davey.
He slid in next to her with a smile. “I just wanted to show you what you’d be missing out on if you turned me down.” He half-heartedly flexed an arm, clearly a little insecure in his own physique. Queenie let out a sympathetic ‘aww’, running her hand down his arm before grabbing his wrist and pulling it as she turned to lay on her side. Davey scooted closer and spooned her from behind, his arm around her waist like she wanted. He kissed her ear, the two quickly saying goodnight before settling down to sleep. It was insane, the boundaries they had both passed that night and how much closer they had grown. She felt comfortable with him, though his confession nipped at the back of her brain with an urgency.
Queenie could never deny her feelings for him, which is why she wanted the best for him and she just didn’t know if that was her.
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groundramon · 7 years
Do you have a list of like top 5 tv shows? (Cartoons and anime included)
!!! Yes I do, actually!
I’ve actually thought about doing a YouTube video about this in the past, and while I do want to do list-like videos (and I already have at least one in mind) in the future, I put off doing this one because it actually…depends greatly on where certain shows I currently like are headed because some currently-airing shows would be on this list if they hit their full potential, but who knows if they’ll hit their full potential. Also I always split anime and cartoons into two categories because I always had a hard time picking otherwise xD But I do have some semblance of a list, and I adore talking about this kind of stuff, sooo:
5. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
This spot is kind of a three-way tie between Voltron, Bojack Horseman, and FMAB, all for extremely different reasons. So consider Voltron and Bojack my honorable mentions. But while I believe Bojack’s best is honestly some of the (if not the) best out there, and if Voltron promises through on what they’ve promised it will easily skyrocket up this list, Bojack’s worst is everything I hate about Hollywood and Voltron just has too many holes at the moment.  FMAB has the best of both worlds because it has great animation like Voltron, doesn’t have any of Bojack’s bad kind of moments, and doesn’t have many holes in it.  (Another honorable mention goes to BNHA, but like Voltron, I just don’t think it has had enough time to develop all the way. Unlike Voltron, it doesn’t really have any holes, but I do have a problem with how strictly it adheres to cheesy super heroes of the past.)
BUT onto FMAB itself. God cmon, its FMAB, do I really need to elaborate why its so great? The characters are compelling, their motivations are powerful and interesting. I could write an essay examining Ed’s character alone, because he has so many interesting motivations and morals that seemingly conflict with his angry disposition, and I don’t even like Ed that much. The story is exciting - there’s basically no filler, and it almost moves too fast at points. I do have problems with the show - as I said, it goes too fast. The only two deaths in the season happen in the first 12-15 episodes of the series, and although I think that’s because the original FMA animated those scenes already, it still fucks with the pacing of this show. Additionally, despite Lust, Gluttony, and Envy all being revealed before, the show introduces a completely new villain - Greed - to introduce the homunculi. And then they kill Lust - the presumed leader of the first three introduced homunculi?? Idk man, the show barrels in a completely different direction way too quickly. But other than that, its a great show. The only reason it isn’t higher is because I’m a biased shit towards other good shows.
4. Teen Titans
Speaking of being a biased shit, idk if it shows or not, but I have a HUGE soft spot for corny kids shows that try to give kids bad laughs and dark/relatable storylines, or rather, have a heart while doing so. Its not so much that I like a balance of comedy and darkness in my shows - although that’s a good thing, I eat pure angst up and I’m all-for pure comedy shows that have the aforementioned heart (ie we bare bears, another good show not on this list) - its just specifically corny pun-ridden teen/tweeny-feeling shows/games that actually have a decent story underneath that get me. (Also my sense of humor aligns much more with shitty teen lingo and puns than modern cartoon humor that’s considered “good”. Like I find Teen Titans 10x funnier than I’ve ever found Steven Universe. I’m a 90s kid at heart even tho I wasn’t alive in the 90s)
But the biggest impact of this show for me was the heart and the plot. The silly moments made me laugh, sometimes iromically and sometimes unironically and sometimes I wasn’t sure how, but it was the story that really gripped me. The first season’s overarching plot for Robin is honestly one of the most compelling things I’ve seen in kids cartoons…period. Its dark, its unique, its a subversion of such a simble and broad trope. Sure it had a nice cheesy ending but Robin actually saves the day through INTELLIGENCE, something he always had. No other Teen Titans ending did that, but I digress.
And god, do not even get me started on Terra’s arc. Just because Robin’s was the most well-structured arc doesn’t mean his was the most emotional. I was fucking distraught after Terra’s season. Those memes weren’t a joke, I legitimately cried right in front of my mom. IT WAS SO OBVIOUS, BUT IN MY BLIND LOVE, I MISSED ALL THE SIGNS… and god, even when she comes back, even when she’s given a happy ending, she manages to make me cry AGAIN. I never, ever thought I could cry over a character like Beast Boy, but she made me do it. I didn’t even cry when Sokka’s girlfriend died, but this really, really got to me. Once for personal attachment, and the second time because…the finale is so good. Literally its Bojack levels of deep, emotional, and realistic, and this was the ending of a fucking kids show. What the fuck. To this day I still get emotional whenever something reminds me of her arc. Which brings me to my next series…
3. Cybersix
Hi so did I mention Cybersix is really good? Because Cybersix is really good.  I’m not even done with it but yeah, I love this show.  It’s got an amazing art style, great animation, an intriguing story…I have a feeling I’m gonna be really disappointed when it ends because I’ll want to know what happens next so badly.  I like the characters, I like the aesthetic, I like the old-timey music that dates this cartoon so wonderfully, I even like the romance between Lucas and Cybersix/Adrian!  How’d you make me do that.  Oh yeah, because it’s not hard to get me to care about a mutually rewarding relationship that’s gradually built up through a friendship, then an aesthetic attraction, then presumably a relationship but idk yet, where both parties care about one another and their boundaries and have gotten along well since the start.  I forgot.  (I could nitpick that Lucas doesnt have the same buildup for the relationship as Cybersix [its complicated, basically he’s friends with Cybersix’s alternate persona Adrian but he’s in a relationship with Cybersix, and he doesnt know theyre the same person] but I’m not gonna.)  It’s just…a good show man.  @ hollywood, reboot THIS you cowards.  Stop rebooting shit nobody wanted a new version of and reboot shows that were ended to quickly.  Actually dont reboot Cybersix because the only animation studios that would be able to do it any justice are Studio Mir and anime studios, and whoever owns the current copyright to Cybersix would probably be okay using flash for it
2. Digimon Adventure (with a honorable mention to Digimon Tamers)
You can rip my love for the entire Digimon franchise from my cold, dead hands.  I’m sincerely surprised any show passed up my love for this show.  If/when the currently airing series in Japan gets brought over here, I’ll watch it, even though Digimon has kind of abandoned what made it so great in the first place.  But hell, even Fusion was enjoyable - the second arc, from what I remember, was pretty dark and interesting (im still mad they got rid of the two best characters tho) - and the only reason I disliked Data Squad so much is because of Marcus (that and it doesnt have anything else that’s absolutely stunning, in fact from a technical standpoint Marcus is the best thing about the show).
But there’s a reason I put Digimon Adventure here and not the entirety of the Digimon franchise.  Digimon Adventure is what started it all.  No Digimon season has as much heart in it as the original.  Sure the animation improves each season, sure Tamers is probably better story-wise on a technical level, but I dont think any season matches the raw charm of the original.  It was so charming, in fact, that what was supposed to be a 13-episode miniseries evolved into a massive franchise that’s still beloved to this day.  Hell, there’s still content being released for the 8 Digidestined of this season!  It’s right alongside Pokemon, Invader Zim, Hey Arnold, and all these other beloved 90s/early 2000s cartoons that are being revived in recent years, and I think that says a lot.
I wasn’t even alive when Digimon Adventure was airing, but I loved the Digimon games I had played so much that I went out of my way to watch it.  And I…loved it.  Sad as it may be, it was the greatest TV show I had seen at the time.  Growing up in the late 2000s watching only Nickelodeon and CN was not a good period to grow up in, and I never saw Avatar as a kid.  By the time the 2010s had rolled around, I had mostly given up on cartoons, and besides, they were all fugly.  I still tried to watch some, but just…the humor didn’t grip me, they seemed dumb, and they weren’t pleasant to look at.  (Okay the main shows I’m vaguing about are Adventure Time and Regular Show, as well as whatever Nickelodeon was doing but I begrudgingly put up with Nickelodeon for the most part because I preferred Nick and I never knew what else to watch)  Then Digimon came around, and hol-y-shit.  The characters were like nothing I had ever seen before, the storylines engaging and interesting.  Sure it was cheesy, but there was 95% less fart jokes than the average cartoon, a good story, and actually relatable characters that actually go through hardships and actually change for the better!
Digimon Adventure has been and always will be proof to me that no matter what you are, no matter what your show is, you can make a good show out of it.  If you get people who care, who can make relatable characters, who can come up with an interesting story, you can make a good show.  Digimon Adventure is basically a big long toy commercial, and yet its better than lots of shows that dont even have merchandise - and its also better than a lot of shows that have merchandise now, but weren’t created to sell toys in the first place.  I just.  Love it a lot.
Also, the reason I specifically chose Digimon Adventure, outside of having a personal attachment to it since it was always my favorite, is because Tamers hecking scared me as a kid and I’ve never gotten over how creepy the last arc is.  Like it’s good, but it still scared me.
Honorable mentions: Bojack Horseman, Voltron: Legendary Defender, We Bare Bears, Gravity Falls (thats a big one, it would definitely be on this list if I had 10 spots, and will gladly take the 6th spot if Voltron doesnt follow through or Bojack goes south), Over the Garden Wall,  the aforementioned Digimon Tamers ,and Infinity Train might be #2 or at least #3 if it wasnt just a single episode l m a o
1. A tie between Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra
HI SO YEAH if you didnt expect this then you dont know me //BRICKED
Before I explain both, I want to be very clear that I’m not counting them as a single entity.  No, I just cant pick between them.  They’re two extremely different shows, and I actually agree with people who say ATLA is overall a more-rounded show.  Problem is, I watched both during a period of my life where politics and darkness make an extremely interesting show for me (aka the current period of my life) and thus its a very biased and “nostalgic” pick, just like Digimon Adventure.  Had I watched these shows when they were airing, I dont know if LOK would even be on this list.  Heck Digimon adventure probably wouldnt be on this list since ATLA would’ve held the crown for my favorite show for all those years.
They both have amazing animation and solid writing, but that’s about all they have in common in my eyes - even though they share the same world.
Avatar: The Last Airbender is a kids show.  Through and through, its a kids show.  That’s not an insult in the slightest though; no, the fact that they can make something so sophisticated and enjoyable that still clearly appeals to children is really a testament to their skills.  Many kids shows that try to take on heavier/darker stories feel like completely different shows when they try to do that - shows that arent intended for kids.  Voltron and SU are the most notable examples of that, but even LOK has a little bit of that (but in LOK’s case, its the entire show, so I kinda give them a pass lol)  Other shows do it okay (Gravity Falls) but really the only show I’ve ever seen match Avatar’s perfect balance of comedy and seriousness is Bojack, which isn’t a kids show so it has an advantage over Avatar.
Avatar’s world is fanciful and larger than life.  I’m so sad that I watched Avatar and LOK after my fanfiction days; I would’ve loved to spend nights thinking about a potential Avatar story, complete with my own Avatar and original cast.  I could put it before Avatar, after LOK, who knows? but it would’ve been so much fun.  Hell I HAVE thought about Avatar stories, but I obviously dont have much thought up on any of my potential ideas.
The pacing of Avatar is golden.  How a show wish such good pacing got through Nickelodeon, I dont know, but whatever deal allowed Avatar to go on for three seasons and then end was a once-in-a-life-time deal (as evident by what happened to Korra).  Somehow this show came out almost completely perfect, with few or no flaws.
This is the pinnacle of children’s entertainment, in my opinion.  This is proof that there’s no excuse for the garbage that makes up 90% of children’s entertainment.  The standard doesn’t have to be this, since this is the best, but this show is proof that we need to raise the standard.  I wish executives actually gave a shit about quality; if they did, maybe we could get mostly good shows instead of mostly bad shows.
If most shows were half as good as Avatar, the average show would be gorgeously-animated, smartly-written, and really good, even if it had a flaw here and there.  If most shows were half as good as Avatar, Steven Universe would be the average instead of a godsend.
If I someday, somehow make a show that’s 2/3rds as good as Avatar, I’ll officially be a good writer.  I’d love to make tons of shows just as good as Avatar, but hey, I cant get TOO cocky now lol
Now for The Legend of Korra.  Korra has slightly better animation (god i love studio mir) and different but still intriguing worldbuilding.  I know a lot of people found the political bs to be annoying, but I actually found it quite intriguing.  Avatar did a little bit of exploring moral gray areas and playing with politics, but Korra just goes all-out.  I wish the first season’s morality could’ve been a little grayer, but even then, the politics were still interesting.  And god, that one scene in the first season finale, the murder-suicide…that’s still a really powerful scene.  The entire finale would’ve been super powerful were it not for everything resetting by the end of it, but hey, they basically did the same thing in season 3!
Holy shit though, season 3.  An on-screen strangling.  Someone exploding themselves to death.  And then the finale’s fight.  The finale’s fight. The finale of season 3 is one of the most intense things I’ve seen…ever.  The atmosphere in that fight is just…so good - combined with the animation and choreography, its just amazing.  You can almost feel every hit, you actually feel concern for Korra, you’re legitimately concerned for her life.  And you know what?  You should’ve been!  Because she almost dies, and she has to suffer the consequences of that.  The fourth season has a time gap in-between, but even then, she spends episodes trying to fully recover.
In my opinion, the only thing making Korra a kids show is Milo.  I’m certain they put him in there because otherwise, it wouldn’t have been allowed to be called a kids show.  It’s dark, its intelligent, its beautiful, and it’s going to go right over most kid’s heads.  As a kids show it does kind of fail; it just doesn’t really appeal enough to them.  Once you’re old enough to understand, say, Naruto or Dragon Ball you should be okay, but ATLA appeals to all ages while Korra really needs a certain maturity in its audience to be understood and to not scare its audience.
They’re just both. so good
(thanks for the ask!!!)
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s-nnyd · 7 years
hey. all of the qs from the ask meme that apply to you. have fun
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
oh boy well with my dad most certainly not theres a lot situations where its been made obvious that im not the son he wanted but he’ll still use me as an example to show to my lil bro and also like theres a lot of cockiness too and with my mom i love her and i know she loves and supports me but a lot of that is because im her daughter  and id say id have a decent relationship with my mom and i do love her
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
lmao it was you
03: Do you regret anything?
oooooooooooooooooo boi man i been thinking and like ive thought about if ive regretted ever being friends with angie and id like to say that i dont cause shes done a lot and shes given a lot to me whether it be good or bad and ive grown a lot from it and i think that if i completely erased that then i wouldnt be able to work through the things i have and like in other aspects i regret not saying “i think youre cute” to movie girl and knott’s info boy like my goodness they were both so damn cute and i really shoulda said something
04: Are you insecure?
hell yeah i am
05: What is your relationship status?
single right now and i do want to eventually date someone and have that sort of closeness and that sort of relationship where i can feel at peace and rely on someone but i honest to goodness don’t think there’s anyone for me just yet and i don’t think im in a place really to be dating anyone cause i need to resolve things before i try to start something new
06: How do you want to die?
oh man duuude okay so when we read granny weatherall i legit like had a breakdown and i started panicking cause i started thinking about death all of a sudden and like there are situations where ive considered suicide and all but like there are also the times where it feels like its looming over me so much and like i get so so scared like im scared to walk down the pier at the beach at night because it so dark and the point where you look out onto the horizon and the horizon no longer exists and and its just a void and its so dark and like i think thats how i wanna die just im walking out on the pier at midnight and just im swallowed up because i think in the last moments i think i should just confront it
07: What did you last eat?
i had these hawaiian shortbread cookies that are so dang good like mmmmmmmmmmmm
08: Played any sports?
man i used to do tennis and swimming and i would love to go back to it
09: Do you bite your nails?
10: When was your last physical fight?
like one where someone was genuinely hurt? like an hour ago and it was with the ground cause i got flung off my skateboard but for real i think my last physical fight was like kinder
11: Do you like someone?
skdjashjdkashd i doooo and i should noottttt and theres a lot of things i already know that its kinda like the crush is coming from the fact that there was a lot of support and general niceness and a whooollle lot of other reasons why i should not and im looking forward to the day when this goes away
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
my goodness i have and i died
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
hmm i do but i forgot who it was
14: Do you miss someone?
yeah i kinda miss my old self but for real i really miss my cousin lynnette like i havent seen her for like two years and i really needa hang out with her eventually
15: Have any pets?
dang i wish
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
at the moment? p distressed and very in my own head like i really need a break from a lot of other things but i also need a break from myself oh! ill show you my art project that were doing later when i finish it cause like we ended up havign to do an extreme emotion self portrait of how we feel at this point in time and like its hilarious cause ppl pass by it and theyre like “dude are you okay like just looking at that makes me feel bad”
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
dkjasdh i have not but i lowkey wanna just cause
18: Are you scared of spiders?
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
i would i would and if it was to relive a memory definitely if it was to redo something over differently most definitely if it was to reexperience something wihtout changing something then uh no
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
hhhhhhh oh my goodness lowkey embarrassed to say it cause weve talked about places to snog a while ago and like the last time i did was like in the bushes in the sculpture garden
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
maybe working on the death of a salesman project maybe just getting some rest im really not sure im literally living day to day at this point
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
pfft man i do not wanna have any kids like at all
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
i got two but theyve closed up already since i dont use em
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
art, a bit of dabbling in math, and then also psych like i lvoed the fuck outta that class
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
oh yeah definitely and i think about her a lot i definitely miss meleana and sometimes ill go out and theres a souvenir shop and ill look at the best friend necklaces cause she always got one for us and like i have a box just full of all the halved best friend necklaces and i wonder a lot what would have happened had we still kept contact she was a big gateway to a lot of things in my life 
26: What are you craving right now?
mmm some damn relief but for real tho i want someone to run their hands through my hair and pet it and all like any of the daydreams i have are usually centered around my new haircut
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
i? dont? think? so? theres like only one of two people i know of who like ever liked me and that was jolin (the other one is this sophomore from my art class last year)
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
lol no
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
wish i could even get a date
30: What’s irritating you right now?
well i brought up the other ones in our chat and those are the main ones currently so
31: Does somebody love you?
yeah and i think in a lot of situations whether theyre friends or fam im being put on the weird pedestal
32: What is your favourite color?
33: Do you have trust issues?
lol yeah and in the process ive lied a lot and ive gotten so good at lying that sometimes i forget i am lying and the lines between whats truth or not get all blurry (i legit did not mean for that to come off as tumblr-esque as it did)
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
it was me just kinda floating in random space and then i was in a white room with no walls no doors no windows and i just walked around in this open blank space
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
hhhh mrs quiggle
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
sometimes i think i do
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
haH hAH HAH haaa.......no
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
uh i believe 13 oh wait no scratch that i was like 8
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
i needed to get the laundry so...
51: Favourite food?
prolly ramen oh or loco moco cause its so good
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
mmm i think id say i do
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
i was working on my entry for the lawyer firm art contest
54: Is cheating ever okay?
hell no
55: Are you mean?
i think so cruel even just cause i know so much and i think people who know and understand and think so much are in general dangerous cause they calculate their actions and sometimes that scares me cause i cant tell if im doing it on purpose or not but just in general yeah im mean like too many shits are just not given
56: How many people have you fist fought?
like? uh? i think maybe two and both times were when i was like 8 or 9
57: Do you believe in true love?
mmm i do i do and i think a lot of that true love stems from a relationship based on communication, honesty, trust, and a really good friendship as a foundation
58: Favourite weather?
oooOOOOOO okay so do you remember that one time it was raining hard as fuck like sophomore year like i know its real vague but it was legit pouring and like it was actually so bad that everyone adn i mean everyone went into the library to get some form of shelter and there were people who were soaked to the bone and peoples umbrellas were getting broken cause it was so cold rainy and windy like that that kinda weather is my fave
59: Do you like the snow?
uh i think i do?
60: Do you wanna get married?
hell yeah
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
mmmm i get a lil weird on that but i think some of my favorite ones are like being called “love” like “whats going on love” or “you look good today love” like mmm i eat that shit up
62: What makes you happy?
man legend of zelda is makign me so damn happy rn like it legit means so damn much to me adn like theres so much i lvoe about it and i just lvoe talking about it and anything about it in general and like also skateboarding has been making me real happy lately like ive never loved getting hurt more and like that sounds really bad and like my left knee’s nerves are totally shot cause i fell straight on it and messed it up cause i was skating but like theres just soemthing about feeling more within my own body because im gettin some form of physical activity adn im getting hurt adn its like its a reality in its own way and like i really love it and i super love when i get to cruise like it feels so damn esp with my hair now and also what makes me happy is the ppl i find cute every now and then like its genuinely such a nice experience and oh oh i just wanted to talk about it jsut cause but like whenever i get a crush i get real excited and real happy cause like i love getting them gifts and seeing the surprise and the happiness on their faces cause its like oh you thought of me and oh its somehting i really love and like it makes them happy for that glimpse of a moment and like i love talking to them and like when they tell me about things they like or their passionate about its so nice to hear cause its like yes yes yes i support you and i love you i love seeing you happy and like just seeing your brightens my day and like even if i do confess and i do get rejected ive been mroe than lucky cause its like the people i have confessed to have been so gentle with the rejection and so kind with it and its like oh no!! like yes im sad that we couldnt be more but like thank you!!! thank you so much for letting me love you adn letting me give you so much thank you for brightening my days up and lettign me see your smiles and hear your laughs like thank you so much im so glad i could crush on you and like thats another thing that makes me happy and like theres probably a lot more that i could talk about but i think ill leave at that for now
63: Would you change your name?
i been actually thinking about it for a while adn in the times that i have considered it i usually use a game with the customizable name to try it out and like at some point i used Elle and then i tried Lynn and like i dunno im really not too sure and maybe if other names come in the future ill test those out cause truly it doesnt feel like my name is my own
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
mm yeah id think so cause theres stuff we were supposed to talk about that we didnt and uhh yeah
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
say “thanks im really flattered but i really dont think im in a place right now where i should get into a relationship”
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
lmao no
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
uhh the guy at the receptionist desk when i went in to submit my entry for the art contest
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
lol if what we talked about wasnt deep and it wasnt you then itd be mrs quiggle
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
fuck yeah
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
i dont think so like i wouldnt even die for myself
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