#o cara
mycollectionmylife · 1 month
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tyttamarzh · 1 day
Tallulah is Phil and Missa's daughter.
This will probably be very long, so if you want to read it, go grab some popcorn and get comfortable.
I have to talk about this because it's eating me up inside. I think I shouldn't give so much importance to comments coming from sewers like Twitter and much less Tiktok, but it makes me so sick (and I'm such a masochist that I even spend time looking for the shit they say to make me angrier and debate them xD).
I am very happy that it was finally made official, with papers certified by the federation, that Tallulah is the daughter of Philza and Missa, I think that was not entirely necessary for them, because they had assumed it for a long time (let's assume that Tallulah needed the pappers to end her W arc), although I suppose that more than anything it was done for those people who still cannot accept it or who deny the paternity of Phil and Missa (With Missa, although it bothers me, I can even understand it, he He hasn't been as present and many people don't know him, but god, it would be a crime to deny Tallulah's paternity to Phil, the man who has kept her alive and given everything for her throughout her life).
I'm glad that, although I have seen negative comments, the majority have been positive (even if it hurts them, it doesn't matter, it's official, screw them). Mainly, the negative comments have been from defenders of W and their arguments are so poor and weak that they are easily refuted. It is obvious that these people do not know Tallulah and have never met her, many do not even know how things turned out and say nonsense like that the current Llulah is an imposter, that it is not fair that they "rewrote" history and erased W (which It is false, Llulah's words make it clear that history was never changed, she simply moved on and that person remained in the past).
I refuted all those arguments on Twitter but screw Twitter, I hate the fucking character limit. So I'm going to expand (I have a lot of poison to get out of my skin). I have some points:
1- "That's not Tallulah" Of course it is her, those who witnessed her life and her growth during the year that passed, can realize that this was her natural evolution. She is the same girl who grew up overcoming her limitations, who suffered, who felt alone, who had abandonment problems, who everyone saw as a poor abandoned girl and who found comfort next to someone who has always loved her like a father and a brother who gave everything for her.
2- "They erased all her lore" No. Tallulah's lore is the one she built with Philza and Chayanne over the course of the year they lived together. Her relationship with W and her longing for him was only part of her story (although people made a lot of emphasis on that), but it was not the only thing that defined her, it never was and only people who never got to met her think that. They see her like an extension of that other person, as the only thing that kept him on the server, but did not see her as an individual character and definitely did not watch Phil's Vods and they never really knew her lore.
3-"How do they explain this in the lore?" Simple, there was someone in her life, someone who was her first father, but who spent very little time with her, who left a long time ago and who is currently no longer part of her life. She learned to let go of the past and focused in the family she has in the present, the family that loves her, that watched her grow up, that makes her happy and gives her security to believe in herself and that is the Death Family, Chayanne, Philza and Missa. Time passes, not all people stay, treasure those who are by your side and let go of what never brought you anything but pain.
4- "They should have created another egg and replaced her" Why replaceher? It has no sense or reason. She is a character who built her own story with her family, a story that never really involved that other person other than with one or another sporadic mention, why eliminate a character that evolved by itself? Little by little she separated herself from what she was at the beginning and that bond that she had with that first father was practically non-existent. What would be the point of eliminating it or replace her with another new character?
5- "No matter what other parents and appearance give her, she will always belong to W because she still carries the name he gave her" No. She never belonged to him. She lived with that man for 2 days and apart from leaving him the promise of a reunion, she did not contribute anything else to her life. She formed her own path, her passion for music was not because of him, it was something she already had before, her love for nature, for animals, everything was built in the days she lived with Philza (even with uncle Bad). She suffered for her first father but she moved on, she matured, she discovered her link with death and her powers as a medium, she acquired her own personality and little by little she built the Tallulah she is now.
She never belonged to anyone but herself and she always fought to prove that, but people insisted on dumping trauma on her and reminding her that she was an abandoned child waiting for someone who at a certain point was nothing more than an idealized dream, because There was never a real relationship between them, they never lived together long enough. She little by little made her decisions and chose the people she wanted to be her parents (and it's not that she had few options, Quackity, Bad and even F wanted to adopt her at the time and asked them to, but she was not a girl who was looking for parents). She could choose and she chose Philza, the person who had always been there for her and later she chose Missa, someone who despite not knowing her very well gave her his love unconditionally and gave her security when she needed it. Then she was able to feel the warmth of being part of a complete family.
6- "They should change her name because W gave her that name! That impostor is not Tallulah!" Why? Her name is not anyone's intellectual property, at the time it was given to her, it belonged to her for better or worse and yes, in some way it will always be a tie to her past, but a past she has already left behind and managed to overcome by creating new memories and dreams.
To a certain extent I understand those who became attached to her because she reminded them of that other person, but if they couldn't see her as her own character, it means that they never cared enough to make the effort to get to know her.
It would shock us all if a character we liked suddenly changed drastically and left behind what like us in the first place. But if they had really watched her, they would have realized that the change was not sudden, it was gradual.
She found in Phil a protective and understanding father who always put her and her brother before anything else, who suffered with her her pain and outbursts of frustration due to the depression caused by the absence of her first father. She found in Missa a cute and loving father who always showers her with love and helps her to have confidence in herself. She doesn't lack anything with them. She has closed a cycle of pain in her life and now she can heal.
She chose the look that makes her feel finally free to be herself, whatever the external reasons that led to that, she finally has a future ahead of her unbound by the past and prefers to be more like the people she considers her family now. If you can't see what all of this really meant to Tallulah and her evolution, it's because you never cared to see even 20% of her story. Well, since the middle of last year she began her journey to break away from a name and be herself, fighting to be seen for who she was.
If those people decide to continue supporting someone despite his shit, that is their right, but the server and the admin were also within their right to decide to kick him out and want to distance themselves from a person they consider unpleasant.
7-There were comments of another type, mainly from people who are really very lost with the lore, people who consider her the daughter of Quackity, even confusing her with Tilín (saying that Q didn't know if she was the daughter of W or Luzu and that she should get a DNA test), when we all know that from the beginning she was W's daughter as a single father and that the only reason Quackity could have become Tallulah's father was if to marry W, but that never happened, W didn't come back and Quackity was never able to develop that relationship with Llulah, she considered him a possible father because she knew W loved him, but Q always being kidnapped or something, they never really related much. There are people who, even with a certificate, continue to insist that Tallulah should have been given to Quackity to raise with Luzu (she had a tender interaction with Luzu and people were already asking him to adopt her, saying that she was alone and had no parents, I seriously hate them!) I shouldn't take seriously people who obviously haven't seen Philza even once and I know that many of those people are hispanic and are limited by the language barrier but if they don't have the slightest idea They shouldn't give their opinion… Tallulah is not an object to be passed from hand to hand, she chose and in order to do so she had to go through a very long and painful arc.
8- I firmly believe that it is a great win to now have a certificate that endorses who the people she considers her parents are, but I insist, it was not necessary, because that has been known for a long time and I am sure that if it was created it was to close the mouth mouth to all those people who are not capable of accepting that.
Tallulah is the daughter of Philza and Missa (and no one else), she is part of the Death Family, that is her story, it is not a whim, a whim is continuing to link her to something she is no longer a part of or wanting to make her a part of a lore that never happened or wanting to give her other parents different from the ones she grew up with (Quackity already had Tilín, Richas and now Pepito, I don't think she needs more children and Tallulah doesn't need any more shitty drama in her life).
Tallulah is a beautiful being, both with her old look and with the new and as Missa says "She deserves only the beautiful things in the world"
Tallulah is Phil and Missa's daughter!!! Tallulah is Phil and Missa's daughter!!! Tallulah is Phil and Missa's daughter!!! And I can shout it a thousand times because it's true and she always was, but now it's certified by the government and no amount of complaining or tantrums can change that fact.
Sorry for my bad english. See you!! jajaja ando re agresiva, pero es que nadie se mete con mi familia xD
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elbiotipo · 10 days
No podría ser presidente porque uno de mis primeros actos sería quintuplicar el presupuesto de la CONAE y si me preguntan por la "base espacial china" mi respuesta sería "deberíamos tener más" y firmo con ellos para su base lunar, mi respuesta al discurso de Menem de la estratósfera es "tenía razón y se quedó corto", mandaría un astronauta italo-argentino a la ESA a ver si puede conseguir un asientito en el Artemis de la NASA para tener un argentino en la Luna, toda mi presidencia sería básicamente una excusa para desarrollar la economía y la justicia social pero todo con el objetivo final de mandar argentinos al espacio y nada más.
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osarquivosmagnus · 10 months
funniest shit cellbit ever said was a couple days after the french got in the island, pierre (I think it was pierre) went to the favela and invited him to look at his shit farm. When he left, richarlyson said "dad, uncle took all our plants/vegetables" something like that, and cellbit saw it, laughed, and went "jesus europeans really can't come anywhere near brazil and are already stealing stuff" PLEASE
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kyuala · 1 month
eu sei que o simón é o rei do pagode, mas tive um pensamento aqui que meu deus💭💭 o pipe sem camisa todo queimadinho sentado num banquinho tocando o pandeiro e cantarolando um pagode!! juro consigo imaginar super ele bem assim 👇https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMA2VDJr/
aí vem o blas tocando o cavaquinho (ele toca violão, entãooo) e começam a tocar/cantar juntos. pra fechar vem o simón obviamente apaixonado pela música cantando com uma mão no peito e a outra com uma latinha de cerveja
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ANON EU PEGUEI A VISÃO. ele num churrasquinho com mto pagode no calor do verão, bem nessa skin aqui ó 👇🏼
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afffff só de imaginar ele tocando igual o cara do vídeo (off achei mto propício que o nome do cara é ARGENTINO anon vc entregou tudo 🛐), incrível como homem tocando pagode fica 3 mil vezes mais gostoso né.... acho mto sexy quem toca cajón (esse aqui) e acho que combina super com o pipe tbm pq ele é todo grandão, imagina ele seguindo o ritmo com a cabeça e a correntinha balançando, ele batendo aquelas mãozona gigante na madeira ave maria 💀
E O BLAS TOCANDO CAVAQUINHO MDS VOCE FOI LUZZZZZZZZ combina MUITO com ele!! e ia ficar tao fofinho 🥹 e o simón óbvio rei do pagode ia cantar TODAS olhando pra amada e dedicar as mais românticas pra ela 😭 tudo isso enquanto o matías filma tudo pra depois jogar no grupo deles e chamar o simón de gado eu tenho certeza
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sailorjisunq · 1 year
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a strange phenomenon
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humanaaa · 6 months
CARAI então, eu achei um doc do word q me salvou no enem. Como eu sei q tem gente q me segue q vai fazer o Enem vou falar um negócio que eu aprendi quando eu fiz a prova: o Enem não se importa muito com o que vc vai escrever, e sim como você vai escrever
O que eu quero dizer: ele quer que você tenha 1 parágrafo de introdução, 2 de desenvolvimento e 1 de finalização. Meus professores sempre me avisaram que era bom começar a redação com uma citação, e na última frase do último parágrafo fazer referência a essa frase (tmb colocar uma citação em um dos de desenvolvimento vai parecer q vc tem repertório.) Tipo, se eu começar com, “tinha uma pedra no meio do caminho ”, no último parágrafo falar ”medidas devem ser tomadas, pois assim conseguiremos diminuir a quantidade de pedras no caminho da população brasileira).
Eu tô fazendo esse post pq eu achei um doc q eu fiz com um monte de citação aleatória q eu peguei pra usar no Enem, so estou repassando meu conhecimento passado 🫡:
Segundo MARTIN LUTHER KING, ATIVISTA POLÍTICO, aprendemos a voar como os pássaros e a nadar como os peixes, mas não aprendemos a conviver como irmãos.
Segundo JOÃO PAULO II, PAPA, a violência destrói aquilo o que ela pretende defender: a dignidade da vida, a liberdade do ser humano.
Segundo JOHN PIPER, TEOLOGO ESTADUNIDENSE, a marca da cultura de consumo é a redução de ser para ter
Segundo GEORGE ORWELL, ESCRITOR INGLES, alguns de nós são mais iguais do que outros.
Segundo GUIMARÃES ROSA, ESCRITOR E MÉDICO BRASILEIRO, apenas quando a água de boa qualidade acabar ela será valorizada.
Segundo PABLO PICASSO, ARTISTA ESPANHOL, a arte é uma mentira que nos permite conhecer a verdade.
Segundo CONFÚNCIO, FILÓSOFO E PENSADOR CHINÊS, se quiser prever o futuro, se deve estudar o passado.
Segundo NELSON MANDELA, LÍDER NA LUTA CONTRA O APARTHEID, a educação é a arma mais poderosa que pode ser usada para mudar o mundo.
Segundo GIACOMO LEOPARDI, POETA ITALIANO, nenhuma qualidade humana é mais intolerável do que a intolerância.
Segundo MILTON SANTOS, GEOGRAFO BRASILEIRO, existem duas classes socias: a dos que não comem e a dos que não dormem com medo da revolução dos que não comem.
Segundo PAULO FREIRE, EDUCADOR E FILOSOFO BRASILEIRO, ensinar não é transferir conhecimento, mas criar as possibilidades para a sua própria produção ou a sua construção.
Segundo Barack Obama todos somos iguais e temos direito a perseguir nossa própria versão da felicidade
Segundo António Lobo Antunes, escritor e psiquiatra português, A cultura assusta muito. É uma coisa apavorante para os ditadores. Um povo que lê nunca será um povo de escravos.
Segundo um provérbio indígena, Só quando a última árvore for derrubada, o último peixe for morto e o último rio for poluído é que o homem perceberá que não pode comer dinheiro
Segundo a OMS, organização mundial da saúde, “Saúde é o estado de completo bem-estar físico, mental e social e não somente a ausência de doença.”
Segundo Manuel Castells, sociólogo espanhol, “A internet é muito mais que uma tecnologia. É um meio de comunicação, de interação e de organização social.”
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marfian · 2 months
Es tan despreciable que el tipo haga un discurso después de poner todas frases de twitter en una licuadora y tenes a sus libertontos aplaudiendo cada dos párrafos o en tw tirando cosas como NAAAAH QUE DOMADA. Pero bueno, que esperar de un burro más que una patada.
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polisena-art · 4 months
Ei então, entra no meu raciocínio maluco, eu não sei se sou só eu, mas as vezes eu sinto que o Panchito é bem orgulhoso, e até sendo meio egocêntrico, mas sempre estranhamente gentil, tipo em Ducktales 2017, o que você acha?
O Panchito ser orgulhoso e até meio metido a besta é uma das melhores coisas que eu descobri lendo as primeiras tirinhas oficiais dele. Já ouvi gente dizendo que não gosta dessas características sendo atribuídas ao Panchito mas >EU< acho o máximo na verdade. Porque pensa assim, o Donald é um babaca, o Zé Carioca também é um babaca, então É CLARO que o Panchito também tem que ser meio babaca pra se encaixar nesse grupo de amigos! Acho que por isso também eu curto a caracterização do Panchito em DT17. Porque, apesar de ser uma modernização do personagem, trouxe de volta alguns defeitos do Panchito que, sinceramente, deixaram ele mais interessante!
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idollete · 8 days
fala quais músicas vc acha que definem o Enzo. não precisa ser só música da tay
OH MY GOODNESS I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤓☝🏻 licença dona bradshawcity que você acordou um monstro adormecido hihihihi. só vou fazer um adendo aqui que vou citar músicas que não necessariamente tem a ver com a letra, mas com a vibe também
salvatore, lana del rey
maroon, taylor swift
the 1, taylor swift (obgda nina 🙏🏻)
nothing's gonna hurt you baby, cigarettes after sex
palavras no corpo, gal costa
starry eyes, cigarettes after sex
moon river, frank ocean
piledriver waltz, arctic monkeys
corcovado, elis regina e tom jobim
cherry, lana del rey
beauty school deftones
dark but just a game, lana del rey
modinha, elis regina e tom jobim
fotografia, elis regina e tom jobim
cruel summer, taylor swift
'tis the damn season, taylor swift
false god, taylor swift
music to watch boys to, lana del rey
red, taylor swift
yayo, lana del rey
million dollar man, lana del rey
let's get it on, marvin gaye
at last, etta james
don't blame me, taylow swift
lucro (descomprimido), baianasystem (pq na minha fic de enzo baiano ele escuta baiana)
fascinação, elis regina
eu te devoro, djavan
can't help falling in love, elvis presley
não olha assim pra mim, outroeu
quando a chuva passar, ivete sangalo
hoax, taylor swift
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mel-loly · 1 year
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-Ai, ai, eu amo muito eles cara🫶
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designatedramaiver · 3 months
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ustedes son demasiado yankees pero antes q Jacob elgordi y todos estuvo SANDRO DE AMERICA el hombre mas hermoso de todos los tiempos
carne argentina de exportación
you're way too yankees but before jacob elordi and everyone else there was SANDRO DE AMERICA the most beautiful man of all times
Argentinian meat.
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ireneead · 3 months
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I was thinking that Harold could look absurdly threatening and intimidating when he was serious. Those arched eyebrows, the brown eyes and even his long nose made him look like a man you did not want to mess with... not to mention the sheer size of the man.
Then he smiles... you see slightly crooked teeth and cute dimples show up on his face... and you realise he's a funny, crazy guy... and it's all good again. 😄
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ricoelpobre · 11 months
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Men don’t know where he is. Klitz
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house-of-tales · 3 months
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"Vão deixar esse gato mais gordo do que já está..."
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indgc · 2 months
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤindigo's family setting .
SONG HYE KYO as melinoe . CHO SANG WOO as emmett song .
filho de imigrantes coreanos, emmett sempre teve interesse em seguir carreira na polícia. virar investigador foi questão de oportunidade, mas trabalhar com homicídios era um chamado. a intenção de emmett era sempre dedicar seus esforços para dar às vítimas em seus casos um final digno para as suas histórias, fazendo com que os culpados fossem punidos de acordo com a lei, já que nada podia trazê-las de volta.
tamanho empenho e dedicação para com os mortos atraiu a atenção de melinoe que, entre suas atribuições, recolhe as oferendas feitas por entes queridos e as entrega às almas atribuladas, esperando que elas encontrem paz. então, era possível dizer que os dois "trabalhavam" do mesmo lado. no entanto, aos poucos, a deusa rendeu-se aos encantos que iam além do trabalho e foi assim que o relacionamento durou cerca de dois anos entre indas e vindas, até a última vez que emmett viu melinoe. quando ela apareceu no meio da noite para deixar aos cuidados do homem o fruto daquela relação.
emmett foi um pai dedicado e amoroso, mas não teve muito tempo com o filho. um câncer de intestino levou-o três anos após o nascimento do filho e seis meses depois da descoberta. indigo, sem mais nenhum familiar que pudesse cuidar dele, foi enviado a um orfanato onde ficou até os sete anos, quando fugiu. durante todo aquele tempo, esteve sob os olhos da mãe, mesmo que não tivesse ciência. e foi por isso que ela salvou sua vida quando, pouco tempo depois de sua fuga, foi atacado. e só não morreu por intervenção da deusa, que levou-o por conta própria ao acampamento, para que pudessem cuidar dele.
por ser muito pequeno quando perdeu o pai, indigo não sabe de nada dele, não tem nenhuma foto, nem qualquer lembrança. a não ser uma pulseira de ouro que usava na noite que foi recolhido pelo conselho tutelar que guarda como se fosse a jóia mais preciosa de todas.
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