jakei95 · 2 months
Undertale Yellow - Guns Blazing
Metal remix by NyxTheShield
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xtaleunderverse · 5 months
Who We Are
XTALE OST by NyxTheShield
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fandomsoda · 7 months
The information in that portion of the video has been debunked by Jakei and Nyx in videos they posted to their Twitter. She apparently also made her own post about this on her Tumblr
I wish I could upload more than one video so I could just put them all here (especially since I went through the trouble of downloading them) but all I can do is link to those threads and maybe I’ll make a reblog chain with the videos later.
[6:12 AM]https://twitter.com/jaelarteo/status/1712749039551168638?t=Z8msgbyarT3rkhdLyaMGnw&s=19
[6:12 AM]https://twitter.com/jaelarteo/status/1712749965951324161?t=Z8msgbyarT3rkhdLyaMGnw&s=19
[6:13 AM]https://twitter.com/jaelarteo/status/1712751215648391311?t=Z8msgbyarT3rkhdLyaMGnw&s=19
[6:13 AM]https://twitter.com/jaelarteo/status/1712751737298194812?t=Z8msgbyarT3rkhdLyaMGnw&s=19
[6:13 AM]https://twitter.com/jaelarteo/status/1712752859366686873?t=Z8msgbyarT3rkhdLyaMGnw&s=19
[6:13 AM]https://twitter.com/jaelarteo/status/1712753551141736829?t=Z8msgbyarT3rkhdLyaMGnw&s=19
@sketchingstars03 I think you in particular should see this since you made a separate post about it
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lisa972kdlz · 4 months
(Il y a une version française juste en dessous: Bonne lecture !)
Have you noticed it too?
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That soul, there...
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TheeeeeEEEEre !
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Have you ever wondered who it might belong to?
When I was listening to the song "Broken Truce", my eyes glided over this soul without lingering on it. I told myself it was just a slightly strange heart like so many others you find with the different OC's the Creators come up with... But the day my brain finally twiged that it wasn't normal, it made me wonder...
Huh, that's strange... A weird soul covered in black in an image illustrating a song in a web series that has a habit of playing on words and images to imply clues... shown directly in the foreground, blurred what's more, interesting, isn't it? I've checked the series and I've never found in Error's cables any souls other than the normal ones; monster souls and red Determination souls. Not even human souls like Kindness, Patience, Justice, etc. Jakei is a person who pays attention to detail. Given that she animates her series on her own and that it's a mammoth task, she's got into the habit of not cluttering up her plans with unnecessary details. So why would she stick a random soul in there?
That's when I said to myself: no. This soul has a meaning. But whose could it be? And why would it be in Error's possession?
There are lots of characters whose souls are gloomy and a bit odd... Error, X-Gaster, Fatal Error, Fresh, Nightmare...
Firstly, even if it looks like one, it can't be Nightmare's because his soul is an apple. Anyway, Error's cables have no effect on him, and then, well... It simply wouldn't make any sense or be of any interest to the story.
Error's then? After all, he's a corrupt being in a way, and we're talking about an appearance in a song about his relationship with Ink. But even if he had one... It would be glitchy and certainly not that different from basic monster souls. Same goes for Fatal.
Gaster has his soul in his possession and it doesn't look like that anyway...
Fresh, his soul is directly the parasite...
Gee, who could that be?
Ink 🤔?
No, I'm such an idiot! It can't be Ink's soul because Ink has no soul ^^ !
INK HAS NO SOUL (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ !!!!!!
Here's my theory: the soul in Error's threads is Ink's soul. Let's look at it: it's covered in a kind of blackish liquid with bluish tints. Black liquid is often associated with hatred or suffering. And if not, it's simply covered with ink. And blue, whether in general or in Underverse 0.7's context, is associated with sadness. So: sadness and suffering, in a concentration so strong that it had an impact on the very appearance of the soul... The emotions Ink must have been feeling when he was stripped of his essence! Ink suffers from severe denial in relation to the emotion represented by the blue, since it's the only one that's always full, so it coincides. And whose soul would it be otherwise? Why would Jakei have drawn it in THIS video specifically? A song about Ink and Error? Why in the foreground, showing that it's important, and blurred, showing that it's a hidden element that will be revealed in the near future?
And why would the soul have ended up in Error's threads? It's not hard to imagine, Error has a whole gallery of souls in his Anti-Void. He'd clearly be able to wander into an empty AU at random and find it on the floor, going, "Oh, that's a pretty one, why don't I add it to my collection?"
But what I like most about this theory is everything it would involve:
It would mean that Ink could get his soul back at the end of Underverse, bringing to a close his character development. See him finally come to terms with his feelings and get his soul back so that he can feel for himself, freely, accepting what that involve and facing once and for all the suffering he has ostensibly been running away from...
It would mean that finally, there's a reason why Ink live even without a soul in his body, because well, that's something I've always wondered about his character! His soul has been extracted from his body, but his body is still moving, and lives only on the emotions provided by the ink in his vials, like Kris in Deltarune when he rips out his soul.
It would mean that, come on, he might be able to recover a viable memory?
And above all... It would mean that Error had the opprtunity to kill Ink for good FROM THE BEGINNING and that he was incapable of doing it just because he didn't know it was his 🤣 !!!! And THAT is handsome!
Error at this moment:
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An hilarious polt twist–
Unless he'd simply forgotten he had it, which is... Clearly possible coming from Error.
The only problem with this theory is that, in Ink's comic, he doesn't just rip it off his body... He's tearing it apart. The soul completely crumbles to dust. So canonically speaking, it's impossible.
That said, it's a detail that can easily be overlooked if you're keen to incorporate the idea into a story, especially as Underverse never set out to make complete canon.
So why not?
In any case, if this theory is wrong in Underverse, I think it's still a great Headcanon ^^
Vous aussi vous l'avez remarquée ?
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Cette âme, là...
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LÀ !
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Vous ne vous êtes jamais demandé a qui elle pouvait appartenir ?
Quand j'écoutais la chanson "Broken Truce" mon regard avait glissé sur cette âme sans m'y attarder. Je me disais que c'était juste un cœur un peu bizarre comme tant d'autres qu'on trouve avec les différents OC's qu'imaginent les Créateurs... Mais le jour où mon cerveau à enfin tilté que c'était pas normal, elle m'a beaucoup interrogée...
Primo : tiens, c'est bizarre... Une âme étrange recouverte de noir dans une image illustrant une chanson dans une websérie qui a l'habitude de jouer sur les mots et les images pour sous-entendre des indices... montrée direct au premier plan, floue qui plus est, intéressant, non ?
Segundo : j'ai vérifié dans la série et je n'ai jamais trouvé dans les fils d'Error d'autres âmes que les normales, des âmes de monstres et des âmes rouge de Détermination. Même pas des âmes d'humain comme Gentillesse, Patience, Justice, etc.
Tertio : Jakei est une personne qui fait attention aux détails. Étant donnée qu'elle anime toute seule sa série et que c'est un travail de titan, elle a pris l'habitude de ne pas encombrer ses plans de détails inutiles. Alors pourquoi elle fouterait une âme bizarre LÀ ?
C'est là que je me suis dit : non. Cette âme a un sens. Mais à qui pourrait-elle être ? Et pourquoi serait-elle en possession d'Error ?
Il existe plein de personnages dont l'âme est sombre et un peu bizarre... Error, X-Gaster, Fatal!Error, Fresh, Nightmare...
Premièrement, même si elle y ressemble, ça ne peut pas être celle de Nightmare vu que son âme est une pomme. De toute manière les câbles d'Error n'ont aucun effet sur lui, et puis surtout bah... Ça n'aurait aucun sens ni aucun intérêt scénaristique qu'elle serait là.
L'âme d'Error alors ? Après tout c'est un être corrompu d'un certain côté, et puis on parle tout de même d'une apparition dans une chanson parlant de sa relation avec Ink. Mais en admettant qu'il en aie une... Elle serait glitchée et très certainement pas si différente des âmes de monstres basique. Pareil pour Fatal.
X-Gaster a son âme en sa possession et de toute manière elle ne ressemble pas à ça...
Fresh, son âme est directement le parasite...
Mince, qui ça peut être ?
Ink 🤔?
Bah nan, qu'elle idiote je fais ! Ça peut pas être l'âme de Ink vu que Ink n'a pas d'âme ^^ !
INK N'A PAS D'ÂME (⁠┛⁠◉⁠Д⁠◉⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻ !!!!
Voilà ma théorie : l'âme qui est dans les fils d'Error est celle de Ink. Observons la : elle est couverte d'une sorte de liquide noirâtre aux reflets bleuté. Le liquide noir est très souvent associé à la haine, ou la souffrance. Et sinon, à l'encre tout simplement. Tandis que le bleu, que ce soit de manière générale ou dans Underverse 0.7, est plutôt associé à la tristesse. Tristesse et souffrance, en un concentré tellement fort que ça a eu un impact sur l'apparence même de l'âme. À savoir les émotions que devait ressentir Ink au moment où il s'est destitué de son essence... Ink qui souffre d'un gros déni par rapport à cette émotion représentée par le bleu vu que c'est la seule qui est toujours pleine, donc ça coïncide. Et à qui serait cette âme sinon ? Pourquoi Jakei l'aurait-elle dessinée dans CETTE vidéo spécifiquement ? Une chanson qui parle justement de Ink et d'Error ? Pourquoi en premier plan, montrant que cela a de l'importance, et floutée, montrant que c'est un élément caché qui sera révélé dans un futur proche ?
Pourquoi l'âme se serait retrouvée dans les fils d'Error ? Pas compliqué à imaginer, Error possède une galerie entière d'âmes dans son Anti-Void. Il serait clairement capable de se balader dans un AU vide au hasard et la trouver par terre en mode : «Oh, tiens, elle est jolie celle-là, et si je l'ajoutais à ma collection ?»
Mais ce qui me plaît le plus avec cette théorie, c'est tout ce que cela impliquerait :
Ça voudrait dire que Ink pourrait récupérer son âme à la fin de la série, concluant en beauté son développement de personnage qui le poussait à assumer enfin ses sentiments et récupérer son âme pour ressentir par lui-même, librement, en acceptant ce que ça implique et en affrontant une bonne fois pour toute la souffrance qu'il a ostensiblement fuie...
Ça voudrait dire que finalement, il y a une raison pour laquelle Ink est encore vivant même sans âme dans son enveloppe corporelle, parce que bon, c'est quand même quelque chose que je me suis toujours demandée sur son personnage ! Il a son âme extraite de son corps mais son corps est encore en mouvement, et ne vit que par les émotions procurées par l'encre de ses fioles. Ça s'est déjà vu dans des éléments canons, quand Kris de Deltarune il s'arrache l'âme.
Ça voudrait dire que, allez, si ça se trouve, il pourrait récupérer une mémoire viable ?
Et surtout... Ça voudrait dire qu'Error avait DEPUIS LE DÉBUT l'occasion de tuer Ink pour de bon et qu'il était pas fichu de le faire parce qu'il était pas au courant que c'était la sienne 🤣 !!! Et ÇA, c'est trop fort !
Error :
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Un retournement de situation hilarant xD
À moins qu'il aurait tout simplement oublié qu'il l'avait en sa possession, ce qui est clairement possible venant d'Error.
Le seul problème qui vient à l'encontre de cette théorie, c'est que dans le Comic de Ink, il ne fait pas que se l'arracher à son corps... Il se la déchire. L'âme tombe complètement en poussière. Donc canoniquement parlant, c'est impossible.
Cela dit, c'est un détail qui peut être facilement négligé si on a envie d'intégrer cette idée à une histoire, surtout qu'Underverse n'a jamais eu la prétention de faire du canon complet.
Donc après tout pourquoi pas ?
Dans tous les cas, si cette théorie est fausse dans Underverse, je trouve que ça reste un super Headcanon ^^
Ink belongs to @comyet
Error!Sans belongs to @loverofpiggies
Underverse belongs to @jakei95
"Broken Truce" belongs to @nyxtheshield
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chenanaarts · 7 months
I will not be supporting @/camilaart, @/jakei95, and @/nyxtheshield any longer.
I highly advise you to see all of these videos as to why.
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colorfulpaintspills · 6 months
Genuine question...did anyone watch the live stream HopelessPeaches made in response to Jakei's Twitter thread and also Nyx's response??
I currently cannot watch it rn as it is, over two hours long but...I wanna know what y'all think about it.
Did she actually bring out more evidence to debunk that it was faked? Did she just double down? Or anything else?
I'm curious since...I'm still scared about the situation/srs/nf
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bunzeezilla · 7 months
This is going to be the last post I make before completely discarding this account. I know I haven't been active since a good long while ago and that is cus I've moved to a more mature blog/blogs that fit my interests a bit more then this one. I only come back here to let the people who follow me and are mutuals with me that I will leave this blog unactive, for a few reasons. One of them is just that I'm not as connected to this blog as I use to be the other one is what I'll get into. This information is already on place like youtube and twitter, and somewhat on here. But regardless I still feel the need to talk about it. These are videos that should help explain why I'm not only leaveing hti s blog but also why I'll be taking a small step back from the undertale and undertale au community. [pt1, pt2] I am disgusted that this is a norm here. Because not only do the big top dogs do this kind of shit, but the smaller ones as well. And I won't blame the game or the aus for it, but please can this community get it's act together? There are too many grown adults going around here talking to CHILDREN in the most vile ways. I have been a mod in an utau server and had to deal with adults being disgusting towards me and my friends [all minors at the time]. Why is this so common and why is swept under the rug allowed to keep going? 1 person supposrting these ppl still, is too many, but 50-100+? 100 people who would rather children be prayed upon then even dare go a day without their percious au animations? And I can no longer comfortable saying that I'm apart of this fandom anymore. It sickens me to my core that there are still ppl defending and supporting, Camila, Nyx, Jaki. So I'm leaving this blog and taking a break from the fandom. If you are a minor in this fandom or any, and you see this, please stay safe. If an adult flirts or talks sexual to you, if you can, screenshot, record, tell another adult, report them, block them, get away from them. They are not your friend. They are an adult that does not need to be speaking that way to you. And if they try to guilt you, rather that be with getting their friends/followers to bully you or with taking ur own life, just get you evidence and don't bother contacting them anymore. There are adults and groups of people who can help you and support you and give you more saftey tips. One of those people being a youtuber by the name Lio convoy and the small group he works with. There are other groups like him that you can go to and they can help you file a report or at the very least, make sure that person isn't allowed to show their face on any platform. I feel now but heartache for the victims of this disgusting situation and wish them nothing but peace of mind and justice . And as harsh as it may sound, I hope that Veir, Artty-chan, Camile, Nyx, Jaki, and all the other scum who partook and/or kept quite about this rot and burn. This is absolutly disgusting and I hope that something like this dosen't happen again.
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the-names-quinn · 2 months
I am a very productive person! Soooo productive, in fact, that instead of starting on one of 2 essays I have due by the end of the week, I have written part of a piano arrangement for Cross's theme from Xtale/Underverse. Also Respite, Tangled, Lost Girl...
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ink-sans0fficial · 5 months
Guys I don't think I'm healthy
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But Uhm hey atleast my artists aren't that bad
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velconx15 · 7 months
25:38 to see what Camila did to Jakei
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jade-island-lives · 1 year
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jakei95 · 4 months
SNES demake by NyxTheShield
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xtaleunderverse · 6 months
Hollowed (Geno's theme) 2023 REMASTER
By NyxTheShield
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zukiart20 · 10 months
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From me and with the great inspiration of my idols
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thatonelazyghost · 1 year
ok but why does the underverse soundtrack go so hard
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atwas-meme-ing · 2 years
Nyx is plaguing our lives with incidental music again.
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