#now she's got her god boyfriends and her mortals-that-think-shes-a-murderer friends and everything is complicated
selenelavellan · 6 years
Elder God Tattoos
(based loosely on this post and Feys and my tags on it.)
Dirthamen, Falon’din, Glory, Squish, and Vena are @feynites​
Ana(mentioned) is @lycheemilkart​s
TW for mentioned Abuse, Blood, and vague allusions to off-screen rape
Selene takes a deep breath, staring at the golden room number in front of her.
She's been in this buildings hallway for too long, she thinks. Security will be here soon, and then it's all over for her.
Her tattoos sting on her skin; Des's burns and tingles on her thigh, imbued with his magic to help her complete her task, while Dirthamen's is still tender and healing where he had placed it on her back.
Selene isn't sure what to expect on the other side of the apartment door.
Dirthamen had made vague mentions of mistreatment, of powers being taken and misused and onslaughts of verbal abuse. Some small part of her is still hoping she can just talk to the guy though. That she can just explain 'hey, you're doing a shitty job with your god, let's just get your tattoo removed and everything can go back to normal, and I won't have to kill you under the orders of my own god'.
Her first god, anyways. Guess she's 'high priestess'-ing for two now.
Like Des wasn't enough of a headache on his own.
They had warned her, before she left. Of tricks and violence and a thirst for blood that ran so deeply it had nearly corrupted Dirthamen. She knew that part, of course; had accepted the bond and the contract strictly to save him, to give him an anchor that hadn't conflicted so violently with his own so that he could survive the terrible things Falon'din was doing with his name, his power and his essence.
Selene had hoped, right up until she opened the door, that they were wrong. That Falon'din was the sort of man who could be reasoned with, could be spoken back down from his pedestal, could be convinced to come to a peaceful resolution.
But as the door clicks open beneath her touch, swinging open silently and revealing the goings on inside, she realizes the futility of her hopes.
She sees the golden hair, and the broken blue eyes, and the bloodied skin, and she knows.
She knows instantly, exactly what sort of a man Falon'din is.
“Who are-”
He never finishes the sentence.
Selenes own magics rise, elevated and escalated from her contract with Des as the power he had gifted to her courses through her veins and out through the palm of her hand, a blinding white fury of flames that engulfs him in an instant. She feels him pull at Dirthamen, tries to claw his way into his own contract-and it only requires a thought for her to sever it. To deem him unworthy of the bond, and to strip it from him. His mouth opens and his soul screams and for a moment she feels dangerously vindicated. Judgment and fury and the power to punish, the power to save, her power. 
Her domain.
No more victims.
The light fades and the remaining ash falls to the ground.
Two blue eyes look up at her from beneath long golden locks. Silent and still and radiating fight or flight.
Selene sighs, and holds out a hand to help them stand.
“I...m sorry?” She tries, not very good at the consolation thing these days. “If you loved him or something. I know it can be a shock but-”
“I hated him.” They interrupt with a sureness that nearly startles her.
Well. That makes things easier, right?
“Cool,” Selene says with a slow nod. “Good. I guess uh...I guess I don't really need to worry about you like...reporting this, then? Like to cops, or templars, or anything like that?”
“And tell them what? An angel pulled me out of hell?” They snort, tears falling down the sides of their face that they don't seem to notice.
That’s shock, she thinks. Probably not a great sign.
“I'm not-Don't say that. That's not-I mean I definitely just killed a guy, please don't-don't say that.”
“He was a monster.”
“Yeah, that's what I heard,” Selene admits. “But like-probably murder isn't a great thing to idolize? Definitely a last resort.”
“Says the murderer.”
Selene winces. “I'm not-listen, I had strict orders from not one but two gods to do this, it's not my fault-You ever argued with a god? They don't have to stop for breath, ok? And there were two of them, I was double teamed, and then they distracted me with their-” She stops herself before she gets into any details about the previous nights events, clearing her throat and staring up at the ceiling for a moment.
She finally lets go of their hand.
“Do you have somewhere you can go?” She tries instead.
They stare out the window for a minute, before their face splits into a grin.
There's still blood on their teeth.
“Yeah,” They nearly laugh. “Yeah, I do.”
“Great,” Selene says with great relief; the last thing she needs right now is another house guest. “You should go there.”
“Where will you go?” They ask.
Selene blinks, pointing vaguely over her shoulder. “I was uh...I was just gonna go back home.”
“How can I find you again?”
Selene scrunches up her face, head shaking fervently  “You shouldn't. Like you really-it'd be better if you just...didn't.”
“You saved my life.”
“That's a little dramatic...” Selene trails off, watching the blood trickle down the inside of their leg and trying to force herself to stay in the moment.
Don't go back there. Don't go back that way, back where they can't follow.
She runs her fingers through her hair, and curses under her breath while they continue staring at her in anticipation. There's a flyer for some local band sitting on the kitchen counter, and Selene scribbles her number on the back of it before holding it out for them.
They reach out, and she snags it back before they can grab it, holding their eye contact for a solid minute before finally warning.
“Don't need me. But if things get really bad...call this number.”
She lowers it back down, and lets them take the paper from her this time.
Selene gestures towards the door with her head. “You go out first. I'm going to do a little clean up in here.”
The elf holds her gaze for a moment before nodding and heading for the door. Their hand is still on the doorknob when they finally speak again.
“He deserved it, you know. He deserved worse.”
Selene bites down on her bottom lip, staring down at the pile of ash.
News of the apartment fire is playing on low volume over Selenes television while she drinks her coffee. The fire she had used to burn any lingering evidence didn't spread to the other apartments, and her wards had been generic enough they seem to be assuming they were placed there by the apartment managers.
Nothing to link her to it.
Nothing but some golden haired elf wandering somewhere with her number in their pocket.
“You did well,” Des purrs, appearing on the arm of her couch. His tail curls over her thigh, siphoning his lingering magics back into himself while he watches the news report play.
“Thanks,” She mutters quietly, still unnerved and uncomfortable from the scene she had walked in on earlier.
“I am sorry for the trouble it caused,” Dirthamen adds, appearing beside her to lean his head on her shoulder.
“It saved someone, so...it worked out. They seemed to agree it was for the best, anyways.”
“You let them go?” Des perks. “I thought you were all worried about being caught by templars and such. Someone who could identify you seems rather...messy.”
“It's fine,” Selene says without further explanation.
They know, anyways. They can pry through her memories at will, prod at her magics, tie her up in whatever matters they see fit. There's no secrets between them; there's no room for it. She's the only thing tethering them to this world right now, the only one left who believes in them.
The only one left who loves them.
But they love her in return, and she enjoys the knowledge and the lost stories, and the companionship they give to her so freely.
“We need a way to generate an income,” She muses aloud. “Something less obvious than 'local elven woman wins lottery for third time in three years'.”
“You certainly weren't complaining before,” Des mumbles.
Selene glances up at him and frowns. “What sort of skills do you have?”
“I am a God,” Des preens. “I have all of them.”
“Uh-huh,” Selene deadpans “What does the little squiggly red line under words on the computer mean when I'm typing?”
Des purses his lips. “It means mortals have a different definition of 'skill' than I do.”
“Uh-huh,” Selene repeats, taking a small sip of her drink.
Selene considers her options, leaning her head on top of Dirthamens. What could she do that would help? What could she do that would make a difference, could actually improve things?
She looks down at Dirthamen, and glances back up at Des.
“...Are there other gods like you that are looking for people to bond to?”
It takes the better part of six months to finally open the shop.
Elder God Tattoos.
Not exactly subtle, but...it works.
Mostly she just does regular tattoos; flowers, stars, dolphins. Non-enchantment work. Builds up her portfolio, and keeps an ear out for good people having bad times. She's very careful about her selections; tries her best to make sure the people match the gods, that they're compatible, that there's no risk of corruption on either side.
The first year she's open, she only does the one.
A young elven woman comes in, suffering from the loss of a recent close family member and hoping to bring some semblance of order and joy back to her life. Selene has Venavismi follow her for a week, to see if he would be interested.
“I like her,” Vena grins, twirling around her ceiling and bursting with bright blooms of flowers and fruits. “Little Banana-Ana.”
Selene gives the woman his tattoo, after explaining the situation.
She leaves out the part where 'sometimes you might have to kill somebody for him', in hopes that maybe she'll just be a little luckier than she was.
But it has been six months now, and they have adjusted to each other wonderfully.
Selene nearly breathes a sigh of relief, before a too familiar elf wanders into her shop.
“I heard they do good work here, and I was-” Squish, a nice young woman that Des favors is saying before the elf who had walked in beside her freezes.
Ah, shit.
“Welcome to Elder God Tattoos!” Selene interrupts before they can say anything. “Here for another browse through Squish? Or have you finally decided on a design?”
“Still browsing, though I think I've narrowed it down,” Squish grins. “I brought my signif Glory with me. Thought they'd get a kick out of the place, and I wanted their input. You don't mind, do you Selene?”
“Nope,” She lies, smiling right back and doing her best to pretend she isn't panicking internally. “Take your time.”
Squish plops down onto the plush waiting rooms couches and starts browsing through the thick binders of past work Selene has done, and Selene excuses herself to the back room.
And that's when she finally lets herself panic.
Dirthamen feels it first, popping into being in front of her, todays talons resting carefully on her shoulders.
“What is the matter?”
“The elf-the elf is here. The one who knows. The one who saw me.”
“...Lots of elves have seen you.”
“The one who saw me obliterate Falon'din,” Selene hisses. “Shit, shit, we should've moved before we did this, I'm such an idiot, shit-”
“It is alright,” Dirthamen assures her, pulling her into him as his arms and wings wrap around her. The feathers covering his chest should be uncomfortable, probably, but mostly they just smell like him and it's reassuring. Grounding. Keeps her in the moment.
“I've got this,” Des says, appearing in a solid form behind her and striding into the waiting room before she can escape Dirthamen's grip to stop him.
Selene struggles, but Dirthamen holds her tighter until she relents. Nothing is exploding and no one is yelling so that's...that's good, right? That's a good sign? Things aren't a total disaster in her shop right now, maybe?
Des comes back into the room a few minutes later, Squish and Glory in tow.
“They're cool,” He announces.
Selene lets out a loud groan.
“You're the one who killed Falon'din?” Squish asks, and Selene has to resist the urge to glare at Des or Glory, still bound up in Dirthamens arms as she squirms enough to be able to see them.
“I...that's a complicated question, really. Were you...friends?”
Squish snorts. “No.”
Selene nods silently.
It's awkward.
Des apparently explained the whole situation to them, which Selene could really have lived without.
But they start coming by more often after that.
Like friends might.
They bring in clients and potential clients, apparently running some sort of elven aid/vengeance program on their own that Selene figures she's better off not knowing the details about. She runs a strange business of her own, finding followers for Gods that are fading from existence. It makes her grateful for her own situation, in a strange way.
Grateful for that drunken night when she ended up with Des. Grateful that they found Dirthamen when they did, and grateful that he wanted to stick around.
And when she crawls into bed at night and feels them wrap around her, she finally feels calm. Happy.
They make the moments worth being present for.
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petertingle-yipyip · 5 years
Sometimes It Rains In L.A. - Kol Mikaelson
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//Requested:  Your stories Cheater and Detective (Pt.1 Pt.2), inspired this idea. Readers 4th year dating Kol and got a degree in Criminal Justice. She got a offer as a Federal Agent in LA. She wants to talk to Kol first. She then finds him in bed with Davina. She’s heartbroken when Kol tells her he’s been with Davina for a while now and they break up. She takes the job and moves to LA, leaving everyone a letter. As she’s on the plane, she gets several calls from Kol and the whole family to come back, but she refuses.//
//Pairings: Kolvina, Kol x Reader. Warnings: cheating, language, angst. Tag List: @akshi8278 //
//Part Two//
New Orleans. A city of booze, beads, and blood. Not everyone saw all three stories, but you did. You knew the nightlife, the constant inflow of tourists and spring breakers. Girls and guys that were freshly twenty one or the friend group that just had to spend Mardi Gras in NOLA. It was nice, constant chatter. The city truly never slept... And neither did it’s villains.
You had been in this beautifully historic city for about six years now, and were entering you fourth year of a committed relationship with a textbook sadistic psychopath. But it wasn’t as bad as it sounded.
He was clinically insane, you never doubted or argued that because you saw it. It was part of your job to notice and understand these behaviors. And quite frankly, your boyfriend was probably the prime example of a lot of those behaviors. Of course, he had his own trauma and experiences that contributed to it but he was just a lunatic, if you were being honest. And he knew that. He reveled in it more often than not but it was fun for you too. Well, at least he used to. Hes calmed down a lot since you two got together, at least that’s what his family tells you.
Now his family was a whole other can of worms. There were so many toxic traits between them all that you were honest to God shocked that they managed to stay together and not murder each other for the thousand plus years. Granted, that might have due to the fact that none of his family could really die but that was besides the point.
But, your relationship wasn’t your sole purpose in New Orleans. You moved to the city after you got your Master’s in Criminal Justice. With a minor in criminal psychology, which is how you noticed and knew how to handle the various personalities within the Mikaelson family. But your relationship did complicate the job, considering half of your cases were because of the Mikaelsons or their enemies. It was quite a sticky situation more often than not. That was, until you got the job offer in Los Angeles, the offer of a lifetime.
Los Angeles was a dream. Celebrities lived around every corner, premieres were every weekend. The clubs were fantastic, the concerts were unforgettable. And the pay would be a lot higher. The only thing was, you were in love. So, you thought you could ask him to come with you. Leaving his family would be healthy for him, a little space to be himself. But they were all so dependent on each other...
“Hey, Nik. Is Kol home?” You asked his brother as you skipped into the compound. Only Klaus and his daughter seemed to be home.
You liked Hope. You hadn’t known Klaus before but from the stories you knew, he was a maniac. An unstoppable force that no one could survive. A hurricane at it’s peak. But once Hope entered his life, he softened completely. The myth became just that, a myth. Every now and then, he could be a tornado, destruction following in his wake. Klaus Mikaelson had gone soft, all because he had his ‘littlest wolf’.
“Well, someone’s very excited.” Klaus laughed slightly. “What’s so great?”
“I just got offered a job in Los Angeles.” You gushed in excitement, unable to contain the news you wanted to first tell your boyfriend. “It’s a federal agent position and they need an answer tonight. I guess all that schooling really did pay off. Who’s laughing now, Klaus? Ha ha!” You joked.
“So you’re going to break up with Uncle Kol?” Hope asked from her dad’s side. She sounded almost... hopeful. She paused for a second after receiving a look from her father. “I mean... You don’t wanna do long distance, do you? I heard it’s really stressful. Plus a new job, a new federal agent job, that sounds stressful enough.”
“Um, no, I’m not. I mean. I hope not.” You laughed slightly. “I’m actually kinda hoping he’ll come with me. I already thought about the long distance and with how unpredictable Kol is, there’s no point in long distance, I guess...” You said somewhat awkwardly, not getting the response from the family you had wanted. “Okay! So, I’m just gonna go find him. We’ll do goodbyes later!”
“Wait!” Hope called as you headed towards his room. “So you’re taking the job either way, right?” She clarified. “Opportunity of a lifetime... A man can’t dictate what you do with your life... You have to do what’s best for you, even if it hurts...” She tried to convince you.
“Yeah, most likely.” You answered in slow confusion. “I can’t miss this opportunity. You know, I’ve wanted this since I was younger than you. Catch you later.” You winked and turned to see if Kol was in his room.
That’s when you heard it. Heard her. The dor was nearly shut, cracked about an inch. Your arm was raised to knock but you were frozen in your place. Your heart felt like it had literally stopped beating, if only for a second.
“Kol, she’s going to find out. I’m tired of sneaking around.” She said to him. “It’s been months. How much longer do you need?”
“I know, Darling. I just need to figure out how to tell her.” Kol’s voice answered.”I need you to understand that I do still love Y/N. I’ll always love her.”
‘Always love me, my ass’ You thought as you reacted silently, falling against the closest wall and staying away from the slightly open doorway. Your hand covered your mouth, the other clutching your suddenly painful stomach.
“Yeah, well, I love you, Kol. I’m not going to keep sneaking in and out when she’s not here. I hid in that attic for long enough.” She said plainly.
“It all makes sense now...” You sighed as you made your presence known, throwing the door open as you paraded in. Davina sat up quickly, pulling the covers up to her chest. Kol swung his legs to the floor and sprinted to your side. “This is why Hope wanted to make sure I would leave...”
“Leave?” Kol asked frantically. “You can’t go, Y/N.”
“I have to..” You said numbly. All of Hope’s convincing was making sense. ...what’s best for you, even if it hurts.... “I got a job offer, federal agent. I was going to ask you to come with me to- Actually, don’t worry about it. He’s all yours, Davina. Have fun.” You turned on your heel to leave before adding one final comment over your shoulder. “Oh, and by the way, if you want him to be putty in your hands, wear something maroon with an open back. He’ll be drooling all night.”
You kept your head down as you marched out of the room and out of the compound. You knew you couldn’t stop to talk to Klaus and Hope. Stopping gave Kol a chance to catch up with you which gave him a chance to talk to you. Stopping also meant all your emotions could catch up with you. You ran until you got home.
You locked the front door and leaned against it, letting a few tears fall as your head hit the wood. You slowly slid down until you were on the floor, knees pulled up to your chest and head hanging low. A few knocks sounded soon, followed by a strained, familiar voice calling out for you. Judging by his voice, it sounded like Kol had shed a few tears as well but you knew that was it. The final straw.
You had told Kol from the beginning that you knew his life was complicated and you understood that he would have to do things that any mundane would never consider. You knew he had a dark past. His current status was nearly as dark. But he said you were his light, you were his inspiration to be better. Through everything, you asked him to just never cheat. And he swore he would never. But it looked like four years changed things. And with Davina fucking Claire of all people.
Once to knocking had stopped, you had managed to compose yourself enough to call the agency and tell them you were accepting the job. They said they would have you on the first flight tomorrow and to watch your email for the flight information. Goodbye New Orleans, hello Los Angeles.
You knew you weren’t going to be able to sleep so you stayed awake packing your bags, cleaning your apartment, making lists of things to be cancelled and transferred. Most importantly, you wrote letters to the people you wouldn’t be able to say any last words to.
‘Hope, I don’t think you truly understand what you’ve done for your family. You were the one to change your father. You’ve heard the stories about the infamous Klaus Mikaelson, the first hybrid. But around you, he’s soft and loving. You have such a powerful, warming presence. I know you’re going to kick ass at whatever you choose to do with your life. You could rule the whole world blindfolded with your hands tied behind your back. I know I’m only a mortal and you’ll outlive me by God knows how long but I know for a fact that your impact on this world will never fade. I wish for you to grow into an even more powerful, stronger, smarter, kinder, and more beautiful version of yourself. Through whatever your future holds, never lose track of who you are or where you came from. You were right after all, Little One. I have to do what’s best for me... even if it hurts like hell. Much love. Xx’
‘Klaus, you made my life hell when I got here and I still think you did it on purpose. You were the suspect of nearly every case I had, but how I was supposed to arrest my (now ex) boyfriend’s brother? How was I supposed to arrest the man, the myth, the legend Klaus Mikaelson? Despite all of that, you were my closest confidant. I could trust you with anything, especially my life. I didn’t know you before your daughter, and maybe that’s for the best. I don’t know if I would’ve been as much of a friend to you if I had... But then again I fell in love with your equally sadistic brother so who knows? Look out for him, Klaus. He may not say it but you’re his brother and he needs you. He loves you. I know he can be the biggest asshole in the world, but he does have a heart... And his family takes up most of the space in that heart. So don’t let him go too long without knowing that you care about him... Have fun, be safe, and I’ll talk to you soon. Much love. Xx’
And that was it. The sun was rising and the airport was your next destination. You folded the papers and placed them in their own envelopes. You addressed them and on your way to the airport, you dropped them off at the post office. That was the last task you had left in New Orleans. Nothing was holding you there anymore.
With a heavy heart, you went through the usual checkpoints at the airport. Numbly, you checked your bags, boarded, and took off. You stared blankly out your window as the beautiful city of New Orleans that you called home for the past handful of years disappeared.
Your phone buzzed in your lap repeatedly. Flipping it over, you saw Kol’s name, along with his contact photo lighting up your screen. You were debating whether you should let it ring or decline it. Instead, you ended up accepting the call. You pressed it to your ear and listened silently.
“Who am I kidding?” He said sadly. “You’ll never answer. You’ll never forgive me. I don’t deserve your forgiveness, not by a long shot. I swore to you-”
“I’m sorry, ma’am.” The flight attendant said kindly. “But you’ll have to turn off your cell phone. It’s airline policy.”
You smiled kindly and shook your head, lowering the phone and ending the call. “Not a problem.” You said and she smiled in thanks as she walked away. You turned on your airplane mode setting before dropping your head onto the headrest. You couldn’t help but wonder what Kol was going to say. Had he realized you picked up? Did he think it was your voicemail?
Before you knew it you were in Los Angeles and a whole new life was going to begin for you.
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lordshaxxion · 5 years
All that apply for Edix!!
oh boy this is gonna be a LOT under a cut bc tbh I’m just gonna do all of them >.>
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01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
“It’s better now with my dad. We hit a rough patch during the Red War after he ran away to Titan and left me practically in charge of everyone, since they recognised me as the Commander’s son and all. It wasn’t a good time for a while between us, but we got better and now we have a better understanding of one another too. My Pa? He’s long since dead, before I was resurrected too, so I don’t have a relationship with him.”
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to?
“..... I’m not sure. I feel awkward saying it sometimes, like it’s reserved for romantic relationships only. Though I say it to dad sometimes, and to Artie too.”
03: Do you regret anything?
“A lot. Not being able to save my Fireteam in the Hellmouth being one, not being able to save Cayde being another. Lots of things.”
04: Are you insecure?
“.... Yes. Though it’s not so bad anymore, not like it used to be at least.”
05: What is your relationship status?
“Complicated. I like Asher, but sometimes I think he just sees right through me. Though I’ve taken to actually going out into the City more at night with some friends. That’s led to a loooot of kissing various Guardians.”
06: How do you want to die?
“I’d prefer not to, to be honest. Though I’d like to avoid death by Hive at least. I’m not sure, I’ve never particularly thought about a final death kind of scenario.”
07: What did you last eat?
“I don’t remember.”
“You had cookies Zavala made you, because you forget to eat.”
“Oh yeah. Dad makes great cookies.”
08: Played any sports?
“Does running around Io for Asher, collecting samples and fighting Vex count?”
09: Do you bite your nails?
“Only when I’m nervous, but even then I’m more likely to just fiddle with loose threads or bounce my leg.”
10: When was your last physical fight?
“Two days ago when I needed to gather samples of Radiolaria and Phaseglass for Asher. I’m still finding bruises from that.”
11: Do you like someone?
“Asher. But he doesn’t see me, not really. At least, not outside of being his assistant, I don’t think.”
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
“Yes, and I don’t remember any of it. I try not to do it too much, Spiro is forever telling me off and so is Dad.”
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment?
“Since I don’t count, no I suppose not.”
14: Do you miss someone?
“Yes. I worry for Artemis when she’s out on Hive murder-sprees and I... often miss her greatly. Cayde too.”
15: Have any pets?
“Too many! I have three cockatiels, two cats and an Ahamkara!”
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment?
“Weary and very tired.”
“Well that all-nighter you pulled in your greenhouse didn’t exactly help.”
17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
“Probably? I know that I made out with a Titan on my first night out when I was very much wasted, but whether it was in a bathroom or not I couldn’t tell you.”
18: Are you scared of spiders?
“He stands there like he’s rooted and cries if it’s a big one. He’s that scared of them.”
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
“Yes. I know it’s never a good idea, but... I know I could save Cayde, if I could go back in time. I know I could get to him on time.”
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone?
“In the corner of some club in the City, I think.”
21: What are your plans for this weekend?
“Studying my plants and tending to my garden.”
22: Do you want to have kids? How many?
“God no, never. It’s hard enough just taking care of Kilgharrah and myself, let alone anyone else.”
23: Do you have piercings? How many?
“I’m tempted to get some, at least some in my ear.”
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)?
“I don’t really know. I’m good at botany and horticulture, and I’m learning more about the Light in-depth but other than that I don’t know.”
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
“My Pa. I didn’t know him, I was killed as a toddler and at the same time as him, so I don’t have any memories. Dad showed me pictures of him, though, and he looks nice. I wish I did know him better.”
26: What are you craving right now?
“Peace and quiet. A partner. I dunno.”
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
“I don’t know. I’m more likely to break my own half the time with how attached to things or people I get.”
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
“Hah, no.”
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
“At time of answering, I don’t have one, so no.”
30: What’s irritating you right now?
“Being so god damn cold. I have a sweater on and the heating on and my own Solar Light and I’m STILL COLD!”
31: Does somebody love you?
“My dad does. I don’t like speaking for anyone else I know, though.”
32: What is your favourite color?
“Largely any of the Io shaders. Blue’s good too, and green.”
33: Do you have trust issues?
“Depends who’s asking me to trust them. I trust my dad, Artemis and Dad with my life. Plus Othion and his husband Izel. Oh, and Vigil, since he guards the Speaker. Ikora, too. But the likes of the Drifter? It’s getting harder to say.”
“Long story short, sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn’t.”
34: Who/what was your last dream about?
“I dreamt of a throne world that belonged to Crota, and it was filled with warped versions of the plants in my garden. Everything was a sickly Hive green and there was a broken throne with vines snaking all around it. I was sat in it, and there were hordes of Hive knelt around me like I was royalty.... I think it’s just a scrambled memory, after getting that shard of Crota’s soul crystal in my eye.”
“Yeah, that’s all it was. Don’t think on it too much, Edix.”
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of?
“My Ghost. It feels weird to be crying around anyone else sometimes.”
36: Do you give out second chances too easily?
“Yes. Sometimes I’m too kind for my own good.”
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
“I think it’s easier to forgive. That way you can move past it and carry on, rather than forgetting about it and then it coming back to haunt you at inopportune times.”
38: Is this year the best year of your life?
“I doubt it. Cayde died, Dad and Ikora have been arguing, the Drifter moved into the Tower Annex, the Black Armory opened its shady doors, the Spider is very interested in even more shady things, the Nine have rocked up with their Emissary and even with Mara gone, she’s up to no good as usual and I don’t like it.”
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
“In mortal terms, around 24 or 25? As a Guardian, no idea. I don’t count the years so much.”
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
“Oh my god no. I’d rather die than do that.”
51: Favourite food?
“Not sure I have one, to be honest with you.”
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
“Sometimes. Not everything can be attributed to that logic, given the nature of this bastard existence some things are just at random and have no or little reason to them.”
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
“Worked on some more jellyfish to give to families in the City. They lost more than we did during the Red War, so I try to give something nice back to them when I can.”
54: Is cheating ever okay?
“No. If you can’t do it on your own merit, then you don’t deserve to reap the rewards through cheating.”
55: Are you mean?
“I can be, but I don’t like to.”
56: How many people have you fist fought?
“Not that many. I’m not all that strong, physically.”
57: Do you believe in true love?
“I’d like to, but sometimes it just doesn’t seem possible.”
58: Favourite weather?
“When it’s raining on an autumn day, because at least I’m not too cold. But also I can just sit by the window, wrapped up in blankets and listen to the rain while I crochet or read.”
59: Do you like the snow?
“Yes! It’s so much fun to roll around in it and throw snowballs at other Guardians!”
60: Do you wanna get married?
“I don’t think so. It’s bold to assume a relationship would last that long.”
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
“Depends who’s calling me that and the circumstance of the name. If they’re taking the piss, and I don’t know them, then I’m not happy about it.”
62: What makes you happy?
“Little things. Looking after my plants, helping Asher, my crochet projects, being able to spend time with my friends.”
63: Would you change your name?
“No. I like it how it is.”
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
“Probably, since I don’t know who they were, their name or what they looked like. I was... very drunk.”
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
“Well that’s literally never gonna happen, so I’m not even engaging in this hypothetical.”
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around?
“Yes. Artemis is very dear to me and we have an understanding of one another. Even with our differences, I still feel comfortable around her.”
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
“Artemis, duh. Well, maybe Ikora.”
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
“Probably Artie again. We talk about the Hive a lot, given our dispositions.”
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
“I’d like to, just not in my own case.”
70: Is there anyone you would die for?
“My dad, Artemis. I’d die for Asher and, in fact, have. Many times. Curse you, Pyramidion.”
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aresaphrodites · 6 years
Hey but sorry to bother u but could give me those book recs? Relying on u girl
of course!! sorry bout the long wait, dear x
you said you preferred trilogies or series’ (which i don’t read much of tbh) so here are a few of my favorites: (( some of these will have full on summaries and some… not so much, i got lazy lol ))
The Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout : Meet Katy and Daemon! Katy is a funny, down-to-earth book blogger who has just moved to West Virginia. And Daemon? Well, he’s her hot and arrogant next-door neighbor. He’s also an alien. This one is cheesy, yeah, but it’s so FUN! Follow along as Katy and Daemon try to figure out what they mean to each other while trying not to get killed by the Arum; the Lumen’s enemy. In this world, the DOD is well aware that aliens exist and that they live on Earth. However, they are unaware that the aliens known as Luxen actually possess powers that make them.. well… powerful beyond means. This isn’t just a romance story; it focuses on family and friendships and it has a bunch of kick ass action and the entire plot with the DOD is so interesting. 
The Pine Deep Series by Jonathan Maberry ; I’m only on the first book but this one is a bit more mature in terms of horror and things like that. If you like scary books or feel like being spooky in time for Halloween, you should definitely check this one out! 
The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare : I’m sure you know about this one, but if you don’t! Angels, demons, warlocks, vampires, faeries, werewolves? What more could you want? When Clary Fray discovers she’s actually a Shadowhunter; an appointed warrior of the Angel Raziel and has angel blood coursing through her veins, her life is about to change forever. Join her and the rest of the Shadowhunter gang (and even a few others) as they team up to rescue her mom and stop an all out war from happening. 
The Darkest Minds Series by Alexandra Bracken ; I’m only on the first book but I absolutely love it! It’s an intense read that has me on the edge of my seat constantly. I adore Ruby and she’s easily become one of my favorite female characters of all time. 
Dorothy Must Die Series by Danielle Paige ; Okay. I know, I know. Really? Dorothy Must Die? Hear me out! This book is FUN. Trashy? Perhaps, but fun! The first book is really fast paced and honestly? I am living for a world where Dorothy is evil. So basically our main character is named Amy and she is the other girl from Kansas. She’s sent to Oz to save it from Dorothy Gale who has become power hungry and is now pure evil along with the Tin-Man, the Lion, and the Scarecrow. The rest of the series doesn’t really live up to the first book, but I would say you should read the first one anyway. It’s a lot of fun. 
Did I Mention I Love You Series by Estelle Maskame: Sixteen-year-old Eden Munro decides to spend the summer with her father in Santa Monica as her parents are divorced now. Once there, she meets her father’s new family and that includes Tyler Bruce; her new asshole step brother with a short temper and a huge ego but as she gets to learn more about him, she finds herself falling for him. This trope isn’t for everyone and I know the whole step sibling thing is super taboo but this series is awesome and I read it during a huge reading slump and it really helped me get though it. 
Perfect Chemistry Series by Simone Elkeles: When Brittany Ellis walks into chemistry class on the first day of senior year, she has no clue that her carefully created “perfect” life is about to unravel before her eyes. She’s forced to be lab partners with Alex Fuentes, a gang member from the other side of town, and he is about to threaten everything she’s worked so hard for―her flawless reputation, her relationship with her boyfriend, and the secret that her home life is anything but perfect. Alex is a bad boy and he knows it. So when he makes a bet with his friends to lure Brittany into his life, he thinks nothing of it. But soon Alex realizes Brittany is a real person with real problems, and suddenly the bet he made in arrogance turns into something much more. (Each book in this series focuses on a different Fuentes brother.)
Fighting to Be Free Series by Kirsty Moseley: Jamie Cole has just been released from juvenile detention. Determined to go straight, he tries to cut ties with crime boss Brett Reyes - but Brett has no intention of letting him go. Jamie’s life is already more complicated than it needs to be, yet it’s when he meets a beautiful stranger at a bar that Jamie knows he’s really in over his head. Ellie Pearce has just come out of a terrible relationship and isn’t looking for anything serious; until she meets Jamie. Their attraction is overwhelming and intense - she can’t seem to shake her growing feelings for him, even though she’s trying to keep it casual. But when fate goes horribly wrong and Jamie’s family is faced with ruin, he’s forced to strike a deal with Brett. Despite his struggles, he wants nothing more than a future with Ellie. That’s until Ellie finds out that he’s been hiding more from her than she could ever imagine. 
Mind if I drop in a few stand alone’s? I’m trying to read more series’ but I’ve always been more of a stand alone kind of girl, so here are some of my current favs: 
#MurderTrending by Gretchen McNeil : WELCOME TO THE NEAR FUTURE, where good and honest citizens can enjoy watching the executions of society’s most infamous convicted felons, streaming live on The Postman app from the suburbanized prison island Alcatraz 2.0. When seventeen-year-old Dee Guerrera wakes up in a haze, lying on the ground of a dimly lit warehouse, she realizes she’s about to be the next victim of the app. Knowing hardened criminals are getting a taste of their own medicine in this place is one thing, but Dee refuses to roll over and die for a heinous crime she didn’t commit. Can Dee and her newly formed posse, the Death Row Breakfast Club, prove she’s innocent before she ends up wrongfully murdered for the world to see? Or will The Postman’s cast of executioners kill them off one by one?
One Small Thing by Erin Watt : Meet Beth and Chase. Beth is entering her senior year and is still trying to move on from the death of her older sister three years ago. In a small town with parents who have suddenly become her wardens; that seems nearly impossible. And then she meets the mysterious and hot Chase who immediately draws her in. Their attraction is instant and he’s the first person who makes her feel like Beth Jones and not Lizzie; the young girl who lost a sister and is somehow broken by it. But as she falls harder for Chase, she’s hit with the reality of the part he played in her sister’s death. It’s about forgiveness, love, and moving on. It’s sad and sweet and such a fun, quick read. Definitely good for trying to get out of a slump! 
Autoboyography by Christina Lauren :  Fangirl meets Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda in this funny and poignant coming-of-age novel from New York Times bestselling author Christina Lauren about two boys who fall in love in a writing class—one from a progressive family and the other from a conservative religious community. If you read one book off of this list, PLEASE let it be this one. This book is so… amazing. It’s been months and I still think about it constantly. 
Fault Line by C. Desir : Trigger WARNING: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A RAPE. It is not shown, but it’s the main conflict in the book. Over the years I have struggled with if I liked this book because it was good or if I liked it because of how much it fucked me up. I read this book in one sitting and when I finished, I sat in my bed for a good hour and just…. didn’t move or do anything. You will NOT be rooting for the main couple. The narrator is unlikable and you will HATE all the characters in this book. The ending is NOT happy and I don’t know why I’m recommending this but GOD. This book, after so many years, just stuck with me because of how fucked up it was. It deals with the whole “recovery” process in such a dark way that we normally don’t see in YA fiction and I think that’s what makes it stand out so much. If you want something darker, read this. But read it with caution. If this isn’t something you like then please, don’t bother reading it. It’s not happy and it’s sure as shit not fluffy. Summary : Ben could date anyone he wants, but he only has eyes for the new girl—sarcastic free-spirit Ani. Luckily for Ben, Ani wants him too. She’s everything Ben could ever imagine. Everything he could ever want. But that all changes after the party. The one Ben misses. The one Ani goes to alone. Now Ani isn’t the girl she used to be, and Ben can’t sort out the truth from the lies. What really happened, and who is to blame? Ben wants to help her, but she refuses to be helped. The more she pushes Ben away, the more he wonders if there’s anything he can do to save the girl he loves.
Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero : If you like Scooby-Doo or Archie’s Weird Mysteries this book is probably for you. 1990. The teen detectives once known as the Blyton Summer Detective Club are all grown up and haven’t seen each other since their fateful, final case in 1977. Andy, the tomboy, is twenty-five and on the run, wanted in at least two states. Kerri, one-time kid genius and budding biologist, is bartending in New York, working on a serious drinking problem. At least she’s got Tim, an excitable Weimaraner descended from the original canine member of the team. Nate, the horror nerd, has spent the last thirteen years in and out of mental health institutions, and currently resides in an asylum in Arhkam, Massachusetts. The only friend he still sees is Peter, the handsome jock turned movie star. The problem is, Peter’s been dead for years.The time has come to uncover the source of their nightmares and return to where it all began in 1977. This time, it better not be a man in a mask. The real monsters are waiting. 
Fatal Throne by Candace Fleming ; A book about Henry VIII and his six wives. If you like historical fiction then this book might be for you! It’s told through the perspective of his six wives (and even Henry himself) and it’s a really fascinating read. 
Okay, I think I’m going to stop here. Let me know if none of these speak to you and I’ll give you some more recs! I didn’t know what kind of genres you liked, so I tried to throw in a little bit of everything.
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tea-and-cardigans · 7 years
Master List - Bughead Fanfiction - GellsBellsHead
Hi Guys. This is my master list of everything I have written for Bughead, so far. Thank you to all my followers, readers and other fanfic writers who have encouraged me along the way. I feel so supported in this fandom and I think that is something that we should be proud of.
Read Fics on Ao3
Read Fics on FanFiction.net
That Pesky Car - my first fiction for Bughead. Expanding on their first kissing scene.
I Thought You Wanted to Talk - Betty and Jughead meet to discuss their kiss.
Ships Lost at Sea - A moment between the two on the couch at the Blue and Gold office.
Dinner at Betty’s. - Betty invites Jughead over to dinner at her house.
The After Party Part one, two, three. - An alternative take on ‘Seven minutes in heaven” game at Cheryl’s party.
After the After Party: A continuation of the After Party, warning NSFW
Grandiose Gestures. - Jughead goes to new lengths to apologise to Betty.
I Know Your Dirty Little Secret. One, Two, Three. - Cheryl notices Betty with a hickey and the gang try to figure out who her secret boyfriend is.
Happy Birthday to Me - Dark Betty resurfaces at Jughead’s birthday party, following an encounter with Chuck.
Uncovered - Betty’s obsession with Jughead’s hair.
The Boy Next Door - Jughead and Betty’s daughter is pregnant to the boy next door.
We Have History - FP and Alice are chaperoning the Homecoming dance. Past FP/Alice (Snakeparents)
In Your Hands - Jughead’s POV on the diner scene in The Lost Weekend.
Hold Me - A scene after the diner scene in The Lost Weekend.
It’s a Girl …and a Boy - Jughead and Betty help to deliver Polly’s twins during a snow storm.
Almost Invisible - An AU where Betty is a popular cheerleader having a secret relationship with the town outside Jughead Jones.
Snow Day - A future fic, based on a prompt as a sequel to “It’s a Girl …. and a Boy.” Betty, Jughead and Jellybean have a snow fight.
Trembling Hands - A song fic set as an alternate scene for episode 12 where Betty meets Jughead at Pop’s, alone.
Don’t Leave Me - While investigating Jason’s murder, Jughead is shot and Betty has to imagine a world without him.
The Kitchen Encounter : An alternate take on the make out scene in the trailer where they are not interrupted by the Serpents arriving. NSFW
Crush : Betty goes to meet Jughead at the construction site and has an unexpected reaction to seeing FP at work, Jughead is jealous and Veronica tries to reassure him.
Wrong Place, Right Time: Betty Cooper goes to the White Wyrm to confront Jughead and finds herself in hot water. Enter her knight in a black leather jacket. NSFW
Coming Home: Jughead goes to pick up his girl Betty Cooper from the airport. They have a very fluffy reunion.
What Fools These Mortals Be: Multi chapter AU, Riverdale community theatre company performs a Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Chapter One, Chapter Two , Chapter Three , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 ,
Chapter 7 , Chapter 8 , Chapter 9 , Chapter 10 , Chapter 11 , Chapter 12 , Chapter 13 , Chapter 14
Have I Got Your Attention Now? - A prompt fill request of jealous Jughead and Betty Cooper knowing how to get her own way.
New Beginnings - Future AU, Betty and Jughead are two single parents who meet at the park. Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
The Playground - Betty swoons when she sees Jughead in big brother/protective mode with Jellybean.
Meeting Time - Betty and Jughead are two social workers stuck in a weekly team meeting. Jughead is snarky and Betty is trying to contain her laughter.
Can I Have A Volunteer - Continuation of ‘Meeting Time’ Betty and Jughead find themselves in a unique situation as Weatherbee searches for a volunteer.
Complicate Matters - Third part in the Social Workers AU series. Jughead and Betty deal, or rather don’t deal, with the aftermath of the closet incident.
The Dinner Date - The fourth and final part in the Social Workers AU series. Jughead and Betty go on their dinner date and make a surprising discovery.
Your Secret Valentine - A coda to the social workers AU series. Betty arrives at the office after the morning from hell and sees a special gift waiting for her from her secret valentine.
Movie Night - College AU - Based on the following prompt: You’re the only other one who voted for my favorite movie on movie night so do you just want to watch it in my room au  Part Two
Crash Into You - Modern AU - Betty and Jughead are involved in a multi vehicle collision and Jughead is taken to hospital with a broken leg from the accident. Jughead has reluctantly just moved to Riverdale and Betty, out of guilt for her role in the collision offers to help him out at home while he recovers.
Let It Burn - Pre Canon/ Canon Divergent - You know how Jughead was sent to the delinquent center because of playing with matches? Could you do a fic where it was Betty playing with the matches and Jughead took the blame because he knew she would get in trouble?                
Do You Notice Me - Canon divergent - What if Jughead wasn’t the one who initiated their first kiss? What if it were Betty? Write me a story exploring Betty’s growing feelings for Juggie and her deciding what to do with those feelings.
You Can Let Go Now - A fix it fic (pre episode 6) which is now canon divergent based on the picture RAS posted on twitter of Bughead fixing up the car for the race in 2x06.
All I Want For Christmas: A fluff fest just for in time for Christmas. Jughead would do anything for Betty, even if it involves dressing up as Santa Claus for the littlest Cooper-Blossom twins.
Lose My Mind: Riverdale Holiday Exchange 2017 - After leaving Penny at Greendale, Jughead can’t escape the nights events and finds himself losing himself in the memories of a certain Hitchcock Blonde he pushed away.
More Than You Know - Bughead Secret Santa 2017 - Jughead and Betty are participating in a new annual Christmas tradition for the Southside Serpents, a toy drive. Betty confronts Jughead about the break up and Jughead is forced to examine his own motivations for pushing Betty away. Also, FP meddles.
Just a Little Longer - Tiny Fic - This is a missing scene of sorts from 2x04, which tries to explain how the two amateur sleuths ended up waking up in each others arms.
Imagine Me and You - A collection of short fics based on AUs sent to my inbox.
Writer/Editor AU - Terminal Illness AU - Secret Relationship/Pretending to Hate Each Other AU - Prostitute/Client AU - In Love with Their Best Friend’s Partner AU - Best Friend’s Sibling AU - Teacher/Single Parent AU - Assassins Playing Spin The Bottle AU - Modern Greek Gods AU
OTP Important Questions: These are little ficlets/drabbles that are each based on a prompt from a list of questions. I basically just write whatever comes to mind when read the question. Some are a little more risque than others.
OTP Questions -  Part One
OTP Questions - Part Two - slight NSFW for some answers
OTP Questions - Part Three
OTP Questions - Part Four
OTP Questions - Part Five
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patheticphallacy · 4 years
I want to disclose before I even start this post that the day I started writing this, BookTube came out with a whole load of videos inspired by Jin’s birthday that follows the exact same concept. I promise I’m not trying to plagiarise any of their ideas behind the videos, I’ve been planning this series of posts for months! This is a link to a whole playlist of those videos that meltotheany created, I highly recommend watching. 
If you haven’t been around the past year, I have fallen very deep into the BTS rabbit hole. I was always aware of BTS, because I’ve listened to K-Pop for a few years alongside my other music interests, but it was only once I got into BTS in April this year that I fully dedicated invested myself to actually listening to their music as a whole.
With music obsessions comes associating random things with the people in the group, and, as a result, I came up with a whole load of books that remind me of the members of BTS, as well as individual songs/albums/concepts/etc., so I’m… starting another blog series!
Starting off: BOOKS TO READ BASED ON YOUR BIAS. I love all of them, but I always think of my favourite as the one who, if they are in teams, I always hope they will be the one to win the challenge. I’ve done this for pretty much everything I enjoy.
For me, the person I always want to win is Jin, so I’m going to go eldest to youngest, recommending books that remind me of them.
Sadie by Courtney Summers: While Jin is very down to Earth and willing to dick around with the younger members of the group, he is very protective and has his serious moments. Sadie is a dual narrative following teenager Sadie as she hunts for the man that she believes murdered her younger sister. It’s a very difficult read– content warnings for pedophilia, sexual abuse, and violence– but I feel like it hits hard when you’re the eldest sibling, which Jin technically is. 
The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins by the McElroy’s and Carey Pietsch: Okay, so this is a very different approach to Jin, but Taako… really reminds me of him? I can’t shake the vibes. My original notes for this post literally just say ‘look: jin and taako have the same energy’, I am adamant. 
The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin: Another sad pick unfortunately! The Immortalists follows four siblings who all learn the dates they’re going to die, and the book follows them in order. It’s kind of a tragic read, but the exploration of mortality and fate is great. The familial relationships are complicated and layered, with people drifting apart, and as an older sister, it’s quite terrifying to look into the future and realise I’ve got my whole life ahead of me with these people I’ve grown up with. And that, again, reminds me of Jin.
Scott Pilgrim VS The World Series by Bryan Lee O’Malley: Finish off on a happy one! Jin likes video games, and Scott Pilgrim reads a lot like a video game, if that’s possible. It’s about a guy in his twenties who is kind of a loser and has to beat his new girlfriend’s evil exes. Quite a popular read, and the movie is solid, but the graphic novels are just better. They have more Wallace Wells, and Wallace is a character I could see Jin appreciating.
Alice Isn’t Dead by Joseph Fink: If it’s possible for a book about a woman searching for her dead wife and accidentally uncovering a world of horror to be quiet, Alice Isn’t Dead accomplishes that. Keisha Taylor, our main character, openly struggles with her anxiety throughout, and Yoongi is very open about mental health and struggling to carry on. The book is about finding your strength and refusing to accept apologies until you’re ready to accept them, and I think Yoongi would like the messages this book sends.
I Want to Eat Your Pancreas by Yoru Sumino: Another one I struggle to explain. A teenage boy finds the diary of his classmate, who is suffering from a pancreatic disease and isn’t certain she’ll live through it. A boundary-crossing friendship blooms between the two, and there are so many unexpected moments. It’s a real tearjerker, I’ll tell you that. Something about how real the narrative is makes me think of Yoongi.
Radio Silence/I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman: Yoongi is, again, very open about struggling with his mental health, and mental health is quite a big theme in both of these books. Radio Silence is focused on the pursuit of what makes you happy in a world telling you to focus on academics instead of being creative, a very Yoongi theme; and I Was Born For This has a POV of a frontman of a boy band who struggles with anxiety and is disillusioned with fame.
The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo: Just now realising all of my choices for Yoongi are super serious, which is going to be the direct opposite of the next member. The Poet X is written in verse– a great introduction to the form– and follows a young girl who struggles and attempts to understand her mother’s religion through the poetry she writes. Xiomara’s passion for the form is so beautiful and she flourishes in writing, truly feeling herself when she’s performing, and I think that’s something I see in Yoongi, too.
The Monster of Elendhaven by Jennifer Giesbrecht: This is a very strange choice, but let me explain. Personality wise, Hoseok is a Gemini: very happy and hopeful, but his mood switches can be scary as heck. The Monster of Elendhaven made me laugh out loud, but it’s really dark– the narrator is a serial killer in a miserable fantasy world, and the main relationship is toxic but entirely consensual. It’s bizarre, and the contradictions remind me of Hoseok. Also, if you search up Hoseok’s Cypher 4 Live outfit where he looks like a Victorian aristocrat about to do nefarious science, he’s exactly how I picture Herr Leikenbloom.
Lumberjanes written by various: Lumberjanes is a series I’ve read for literal years, and it’s the right balance of lighthearted and heartfelt that it reminds me of Hoseok. Ripley, one of the main girls, is so energetic and passionate that I can’t help but think of Hoseok! Lumberjanes is set at a camp where our characters go on fantastical adventures and have to save the day, even if nobody else knows the day is being saved.
Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne: Don’t @ me, Winnie the Pooh is everything to me and I won’t be shamed for my passion. So many of the stories turn into ones of hope and friendship, literally the core of Pooh’s character, and Hoseok is like that for me. Him and Jimin, honestly, but Jimin isn’t until later! No getting ahead of myself!
Bravest Warriors by various: You can tell I love my comedies, can’t you? Bravest Warriors constantly edges on ridiculous, reminiscent of Adventure Time, and I love it for how scatter brained and funny it is. It’s just fun, plain and simple, and I think that’s good for us sometimes. Remembering to enjoy yourself, even when the going gets tough, which Hoseok shows.
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan: Namjoon, as the leader, has to be very in control and can sometimes seem like he’s drawing himself out of the fun in interviews to focus, but is very driven to change things for the better. In Other Lands focuses on Elliott, a boy who finds himself at a magical school and, against the expectations of magical society, begins to change it from the inside out using pacifism, quick wit and a reluctance to do anything energetic, but finds himself ostracised for it. I think Elliott staying true to his own nature and finding happiness even when it’s difficult is admirable, and also very much a Namjoon thing to do.
Aquicorn Cove by Katie O’Neill: After losing her mother, Lana moves to an island and begins to uncover a hidden magical world that’s at risk because of over-fishing. It’s a soft take on a wider issue, but Katie O’Neill is very good at handling themes like this and making them explicit without losing direction. I think Namjoon would really enjoy O’Neill’s work, but this especially is a very current issue.
No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference by Greta Thunberg: Speak yourself! Express your passions! Greta Thunberg is the embodiment of ‘speaking yourself’ and changing the world for the better, no matter who tries to knock you down.
Taproot by Keezy Young: I don’t know what it is about this that reminds me of Namjoon. In Taproot, Blue is a ghost, and haunting Hamal, his best friend whom he is in love with. There’s a focus on natural colours because Hamal works as a gardener, but it can be quite dark at times, looking at loss and fear of moving on. It just yells ‘Namjoon’ to me. I’ve definitely focused on more environment-focused writing for him.
Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson: I like to describe Jimin as being sweet, but the most likely to commit a crime and get away with it, especially amongst the other members of BTS. So many of Stevie’s actions in this book as she investigates an unsolved crime remind me of Jimin, just because only he could get away with it. He’s been voted as one of the top idols like, 50 times, he’s very intimidating. If I caught him sneaking through my belongings, I’d be too scared to say anything.
Check, Please! by Ngozi Ukazu: Yes, Jimin is intimidating, but I also said he’s sweet, and Eric Bittle is the exact same. Bitty becomes a hockey player after years of competing as a professional figure skater, and finds himself making a home amongst men a lot bigger and a lot physically tougher than him. He overcomes a lot of hardships and works hard, and that’s something you see in Jimin’s dancing and own behaviours in being a part of BTS.
Neverworld Wake by Marisha Pessl: God, this is the exact same reasoning as Truly Devious, I’m sorry. I just really do think Jimin could be sneaky and get away with what these characters do! Neverworld Wake follows a young woman who reunites with her highschool friends and finds herself in a Groundhog Day scenario, repeating the same day over and over again as they attempt to uncover who murdered her boyfriend the year before. It’s very dark and atmospheric, I adore it.
Lovely Complex by Aya Nakahara: I’ll be honest, I’m mostly saying this series because Jimin is short. Lovely Complex follows Risa, an incredibly tall girl, and Atsushi, a boy well below expected height, who become reluctant friends in their pursuit to find romance. It’s very light and cute, probably one of the easiest manga series I’ve ever read.
Animals by Emma Jane Unsworth: This is almost a joint pick with Jimin. Animals follows a young woman in her twenties who parties more than she probably should with her American roommate. Her life slowly begins to unravel as she notices more faults in her relationships, and begins to question if this is what she actually wants from life. There’s something about people in their mid-to-late-twenties partying and making terrible decisions as they have a crisis that reminds me of Taehyung, just because him and the rest of the group have been so open with how much he’s changed and attempted to make himself into a more in-control person.
Snotgirl by Bryan Lee O’Malley: Look. Taehyung is very bougie, and Snotgirl follows socialite and fashion blogger Lottie as she tries to combat her chronic allergies and not get sent to prison for murder. It’s a very exciting series, the characters are self-centred and awful, and I think Taehyung would love it. They are all rich and dress impeccably.
If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio: Taehyung is an actor, we all know this, and If We Were Villains follows several actors at a prestigious (and fictional) conservatory specialising in Shakespearean acting who end up embroiled in a murder plot. It’s dark academia a la The Secret History, but its focus on Shakespeare means it’s much suited to Taehyung. Dark, dangerous and dramatic.
I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson: I couldn’t not have a book on art in here when I’m talking about Taehyung, and it was only going through shelves upon shelves that made me realise I have read so few books on art. I’ll Give You the Sun is a dual narrative novel, following artist twins Jude (in the present) and Noah (3 years in the past) as they tackle romance, art and loss. There are so many twists and turns, and the writing is beautiful.
A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay: Ah, the book that started it all. This is the one I’m most confident in. We follow eight year old Merry, who finds herself and her family exploited in a reality TV show based on the assumed demonic possession of her older sister, Marjorie. It’s a very difficult read. Even though it’s not clear cut, Merry clearly loves her older sister and wants her to be okay, and that’s something that reminds me of Jungkook. He’s said more than once that watching the older members of the band struggle has impacted him most throughout their career, and that’s really embedded in the narrative of this novel.
The Avant-Guards by Carly Usdin: I had to pick at least one athletic narrative for Jungkook, okay. In this series we follow former sports star Charlie, who ends up being recruited by the basketball team at her new College, and begins to carve a place for herself where she belongs. It’s an easy story and all of the characters are likeable, balancing out the competitive nature of the characters. Jungkook is someone who works out a lot but also comes across as very happy, and that’s what these characters are like!
The Magnus Chase Trilogy by Rick Riordan: One of the things I love about Jungkook is how much he cares about the other members of BTS, and Magnus Chase is exactly the same. He almost becomes a background character in the later books in order to help his friends succeed, and it’s that trait that saves their lives in the end. This is actually my favourite Rick Riordan series, so do with that what you will!
Heavy Vinyl by Carly Usdin: I literally only just realised I’ve recommended two Carly Usdin comic series’s for Jungkook, so that must mean she just writes very Jungkook-esque comics. Heavy Vinyl is set in the late 90’s and follows Chris, who has just got a job working at her favourite record store. Only there’s a bit more to the store than first meets the eye, and she’s about to be embroiled in something far larger than she ever expected. I think the active qualities of Carly Usdin’s characters remind me of Jungkook, very willing to involve themselves and do what’s right.
And those are all my recommendations!
I would love to know if you agree with any of my choices, and if you have any you’d suggest. It was so fun working on this post and I cannot wait to work on future posts in the series.
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BTS and Books #1: Books to Read Based on Your Bias I want to disclose before I even start this post that the day I started writing this, BookTube came out with a whole load of videos inspired by Jin's birthday that follows the exact same concept.
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