#now I just need to obtain an audiobook so that I can listen to it approximately 6 times
thisbluespirit · 2 hours
How To Find Your (British Actor) Blorbo On The Radio: A Brief Guide
(Disclaimer: British, because the main tool I'm using is the BBC's Genome.)
If you want more of your fave actor, or you love full-cast drama podcasts/audios (and audiobooks/NF content too) here's a guide on how to get your hands on BBC Radio broadcasts.
The BBC have a great free resource called Genome, which has all the Radio Times listings from 1922 to the present day (plus some of the actual articles), and it's searchable. Up until its arrival, it was really hard to do that, so \o/
Not all actors do radio and not everything you find will be obtainable, but it's always worth a try! It's especially likely for actor-blorbos who do other audio work, or theatre (theatre tends not to pay so well, and radio is a handy extra thing that can be more easily slotted in between performances than TV/film.)
Go to Genome, and put your blorbo's name into the search box:
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Press search, which will bring back a bunch of results from both radio and TV listings from 1922 up to the current year:
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2. Filter down to "radio only" on the sidebar to avoid scrolling through all the TV. At the top of the page you can change the display order to First broadcast (or Availability, if you want it only to bring things currently available to stream on the BBC website), among other options.
I can also cut down on extraneous results by selecting a date range that only covers when my guy was active.
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I scroll down until I find something that looks interesting, in this case a proper audio drama, called The Hornblower Story. It's from 1980 and is an adaptation of a well known book. The details give me enough info to search the wider internet, and see if I get lucky...
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3. Search the internet and listen to your blorbo act in radio drama!
There are several ways to obtain radio drama online. If you use streaming sites like Audible and Spotify, it may be there, although usually only if it's had a commercial release.
The BBC still broadcast old programmes on the radio, so it might be currently available on their website to stream - and unlike TV, you can listen to BBC Radio anywhere in the world! (If you are in the UK, you can also download and use the BBC Sounds app.) The Genome will usually provide a link for you to go straight there, if that's the case.
However, obviously, most BBC Radio from past decades is not available commercially or being broadcast by the BBC now and some doesn't exist in the archives, or was never recorded (as with TV), but as methods of recording audio at home have been widely available since the 1950s and 60s, there are loads of off-air recordings of radio made by listeners/collectors, and some have freely shared their copies online. Some are in closed forums etc., but three good sites to try first are YouTube, RadioEchoes & the Internet Archive.
I usually start with a Google search - e.g. '"Title" radio' or radio bbc and if that doesn't give me anything add on first "Radio Echoes" and then "Internet archive" to the search.
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And I'm in luck! Radio Echoes appear to have the adaptation I'm after. I need to check the broadcast dates to see if they match up & then I can stream or download for free - and hear my blorbo play a stern Admiral for 5 minutes or less, hurrah!
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Clicking on the links takes you to a screen where you can press play to stream or right click on the play bar to download the mp3 file to your device. (Click the "Save audio as..." option).
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These are archive off-air recordings, so the quality can vary, especially for older programmes.
4. Rinse and repeat with each new likely Genome discovery.
If you find a copy of what you're looking for on the Internet Archive instead, you'll get up a page with a play bar (like the one above), with episodes listed plus details (to varying degrees) below. If you want to stream, just click play and enjoy. If you want to download it, then click on the MP3 files line on the right-hand sidebar, which will then give you an "X no of files" button to click and you can download them to keep.
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(You can download all the files, but I usually cut straight to the chase and just nab the MP3s.)
Sometimes the BBC have released a commercial audiobook. In those cases, if you already use audio/music streaming subscription sites like Audible or Spotify, you should be able to find it there.
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If you don't, or you want to buy a download, I've found the best option (weirdly!) (for UK users, at any rate) is to get the audiobook up at Penguin Books, which links to various paid subscription streaming and download options, so you can find the best one for you (and you know it's been recced by a hopefully reputable source.)
Last year, I wanted to buy Vivat Rex, the BBC's landmark dramatisation of all the English history plays rolled into one giant starry-cast Jacobean audio serial, and successfully used this route. (I'm very old by internet terms and still like listening via MP3 files on my MP3 player, as long as it survives.)
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Pretty much the only affordable download option I've found so far I got courtesy of Penguin's links to Hive. (But this may be a UK only option.)
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If what you're looking for seems likely to exist even if you can't find it by any of these methods - keep trying! New things are being added daily to all these websites, and the BBC cycle round old shows all the time.
And if you want to go deeper, there are closed forums etc. for radio enthusiasts where you need to make an account, but you may then be able to torrent or download an even wider variety of things.
Of course, whether or not your blorbo has been in anything good or any radio at all will depend on them, but I hope this guide will help enable you to find out!
YouTube, Radio Echoes, the Internet Archive and Old Time Radio all have radio from other countries too. So while the BBC Genome can't help you with anywhere outside the UK, the other links here can be good places to look around and browse for things you might be interested in.
You can of course use the same methods to search for things like a favourite author, or particular plays, to see if the BBC have done any radio adaptations - BBC Radio have done heaps of things that have never been adapted on screen, so it's always worth a look for anything you'd be into.
Radio Echoes is browsable as well as searchable, and while Internet Archive is a bit less so, there are some excellent collections you can look through, like the Saturday Night Theatre collection, and the BBC Radio Shows listings.
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call-me-mad · 7 months
So I just finished system collapse, and while I needed about 400% more of three onscreen, I am delighted about many things, not least of which is this pissing match between ART and holism
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dduane · 3 months
In the Young Wizards 'verse, how would the universe handle two wizard-potentials going for the same manual at the same time, like reaching for the same book at the library? Would it somehow magically duplicate itself? Would it avoid the question entirely by waiting to choose the potentials until later? Would either (or both) of them get a notification of the manual installing itself as an app on their phones, thus distracting them from grabbing the book? (So many options!)
The Young Wizards series is one of my all-time favorites, by the way. Thank you for putting it into the world ❤️❤️ I need to reread it again soon!
First of all: thanks for the nice words! Delighted that the books were there for you. 😊
As to your question: I'm not sure this is a problem that's likely to come up, for an array of reasons that have to do with the basic nature of YW-'verse wizardry.
Basically, though: every wizard (like every other human, and every other sentient being) occupies a unique temporospatial position that doesn't just involve where they are, and when they are, but who they are; as well as where they've been, and what they've experienced. Different people, born in different places and raised in different ways by other different people, are inevitably going to have different personalities and different worldviews... and therefore, also, different preferred ways to engage with wizardry.* The chances that a given instrumentality offered to a given person is going to be an exact or even near-exact duplicate of the one offered to another person are pretty small. I don't think we need to worry too much about the two-hands-reaching-for-the-same-Manual-at-the-same-time paradigm.
Bear in mind also that there are a lot of different ways to get at Speech-based wizardly info besides books. Offered instrumentalities can vary wildly due not just to cultural norms, but personal preferences. Someone who likes stories but doesn't care for reading physical books might have their Manual turn up as an (apparent) audiobook. (Or maybe a podcast: or a videoblog: who am I to judge?) After all, we've already had wizards who manage spells or otherwise engage with wizardry by listening to the Sea, acquiring the Speech through sentient laptops, hearing it as in-mind speech which they manage by (probably somewhat Speech-enhanced) memory; by direct communications with the Powers that Be via an (apparent) little magical light source they carry around with them, and numerous other methods. (And don't forget the slightly unusual instrumentality that turns up in the YW 30-Day OTP sequence, in which one new probationary wizard obtains his Manual access via what appears to be Tuxedo Mask's rose from Sailor Moon.) ...Additionally, I have a vague memory of one wizard carrying around a Manual access that seems to be the one and only Magic 8-Ball featuring answers that are not hazy. Don't ask me which book it's in, though. Might be Games Wizards Play, but that's a guess.
As for app installations—no reason that Manual access might not turn up as an app update. Also, in terms of dedicated devices, wizPads and wizPhones (formerly wizPods) have been around for a while now, and both have become canonical over time: Darryl McAllister's using one of the wizPhone-based Manual versions in A Wizard of Mars. (Though these may occasionally present problems for practitioners testing out a new paradigm.) As a wizard grows into their practice of the Art, it's not at all unusual to change instrumentalities as one finds something that works better for them than what the Powers sent them the first time out.
Anyway: hope this helps! 😀
*As for the probably inevitable question, "But what if they're twins?" To quote a well-known authority, "It's never twins." :) (And that said: starting with Wizards at War, we see that occasionally, it is twins... and I'm pretty sure they acquired their delivery instrumentalities separately, though I can't recall whether this gets dealt with in canon.)
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gigidragonbbxxx · 3 months
a personal struggle + an education
this is all just gigi's opinions + thoughts
Reader, I'm struggling with empathy right now.
Don't worry, I'm not suffering from a personality pathology, I promise I am quite sympathetic and empathetic. It's just battling the feeling of wanting to be kind but also seeing a major problem and knowing I need to get it off my chest.
Let me give it to yall straight (with tweaked/paraphrased details to protect privacy and not to out anyone):
I saw a favorite loass coach/twt account/subliminal creator make fun of an "old timey" English sentence either from Neville Goddard or Edward Art. They proceeded to say that they "hate" it and "why can't they just say it simpler". and then someone else commented "they're talking bullshit fr".
The convo thread on twt devolved into an echo chamber that essentially boiled down to the old fool's adage "If I don't understand it, it must be stupid and not worth it."
This really triggered me because
The phrase quoted was not that hard to understand.
It was clear these women were not educated
Why am I judging or mad at people for their ignorance? (this is why I kept quiet on twt and went here to vent. I acknowledge that two things can be true, I can be kind and still be honest.)
I was and currently am still wrestling with these things within me.
On one hand I don't want to judge. I want to be inclusive and welcoming and supportive.
On the other hand - yall don't look educated, yall wind up looking dumb.
I'll say a harsh truth yall and you can go argue with a damn wall but I know I'm right: stupidity is not cute.
My Hot Take (not so hot when you think about it)
The Law of Assumption rewards those who feed their mind with knowledge
Before you argue with me, think about it. Seriously.
I don't want to seem ableist if someone suffers from dyslexia or if someone struggles in school. It's totally okay to have different paths to learning. The importance is still obtaining the information. You can read or listen to the audiobook, etc. The paths to knowledge are varied but in the end the result is the same - THE KNOWING.
The "old timey" sentence that the creator complained about COULD BE READ BY NINTH GRADERS BECAUSE OF SHAKESPEARE EXPOSURE.
That's why I was exasperated. They were complaining about English (the only language in which they are fluent) that is regularly taught to 14 year olds.
Guys. Stand up. Please stand the fuck up.
Who in this world is gonna take you seriously without BASIC COMPETENCY in literature or math?
Lemme roast some of yall if you want to disagree:
Yall wanna be master manifesters and claim to understand the double slit experiment but can't even name the fundamental laws of science or explain them.
Yall wanna be successful in your businesses and don't know how to calculate your profits.
Yall wanna be seen as intellectuals who "understand" more than the majority of the population and yall can't even fucking read Descartes or Shakespeare.
Yall wanna be content creators and don't know how to proofread.
One time I bought an affirmation tape that came with a pdf with all the affirmations listed. The tape itself was excellent but the pdf was riddled with errors! It makes me sad because something that can help change your life, like a sleep tape to saturate, "cheapens" in its authenticity at the price of minor errors. Sigh.
Let me tell you that 100% you can be successful in this world just by going to the end and claiming it.
and if you don't like any of it and just wanna watch sammy ingram and manifest like that THEN GO AHEAD BUT DONT CLAIM TO NOT UNDERSTAND A SENTENCE AND THEN CALL IT BULLSHIT.
just be honest and own it!
be honest that you don't wanna read, that you don't wanna be academic and that's 100% okay and you're still beautiful and worth everything but
do not put down the value of what is being said just because you don't understand it
That's why I am frustrated, reader.
I am educated enough to recognize when someone's ignorance is just that - ignorance.
But I am human enough to be annoyed.
So please give yourselves some grace and take the time to appreciate knowledge. Without the knowledge of the law of assumption, we wouldn't all be here interacting with one another.
xx, gigi
p.s. for those of you who are more familiar with reading the Bible via the law of assumption lens - I beg you to think of Solomon. He was asked by God what he would like and Solomon chose wisdom over material things. Why is that? Because through wisdom comes the ability to know how to obtain all one's desires. Food for thought.
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mstudi0s · 8 months
Sorry! I didn’t make that clear, I am currently getting treatment of course, but my body isn’t responding well. I wanted to turn to loa and manifesting getting my health into great shape. I’ve never manifested anything “big” like this so I just wanted to know how to approach this. Sorry I didn’t clarify that!
Hi, I hear you now. I am very happy that you are getting treatment for your condition and you are consulting with a doctor on this. Definitely continue to do that. 🌿
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"Big" Manifestations vs "Small" Manifestations :
The concept of big and small manifestations is definitely not something I have not heard, but I want to address some of the issues with phrasing it this way. I have noticed that when people bring up manifesting something big, it can imply that the desire is difficult or not easy to obtain. The opposite applies when we address small desires because this can be seen as easy or realistic. 🌿
Try to take your desired goal and treat it like a math problem. You don't solve an equation in one giant step it happens in small steps. The same is true here. Take your desired goal and break it down into small desires/steps that are more manageable and feel easier for you to achieve. Not only will it make things less overwhelming, but you will feel a sense of accomplishment each time you complete a step to your desire. 🌿
I also recommend trying to use affirmations that intertwine a positive mindset as well as cater to your situation. You can create these or find ones online that you like. In my experience, I found sleeping with affirmation tapes to be the most effective and helpful. Lastly, I encourage you to listen to the following videos. I've watched countless videos by these channels, and they are what pioneered my LOA journey and helped me even to this day. 🌿
Once again, I hope you have a very lovely day and that all only goes well for you. I believe in you. 🤎
The End
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Recommended Videos + Audiobooks :
The Power of The Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy
Dr. Joe Dispenza Rewire Your Thoughts and Heal
Living in Survival vs. Living in Creation by Dr Joe Dispenza
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessa Van Der Kolk Part 1
Healing With SATS
Manifest Physical Healing
Can the Body Heal Itself
The Most Powerful Way to Heal Yourself
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autevi · 1 year
time for another comfort re-read of the Imperial Radch books
starting with Ancillary Justice!
(also because after reading the Translation State ARC I have THINGS I must revisit and THINK about)
the more I read (rather, listen to, because I have the audiobooks until I can obtain a pretty box set of the series) Ann Leckie's books, the more I delight in how she writes abrasive characters who are also liked and loved.
You don’t have to be good and pleasant to be loved You don't have to fawn to be loved You can be stubborn and sulky and selfish and bitter and unhappy and still be loved You can be messed up and still be loved You can be someone that is barely considered a person and still be loved
also god. every time i get to the part where Awn goes to Var deck my heart clenches. that anaander has such "mad king" vibes, she straddles the line between unhinged and probably very close to correct so intensely!!!
i keep thinking about gender inside and outside the radch and this description breq gives of the crowds of people she sees on omaugh station, chefs kiss!!
"An eddying crowd of unnervingly, ambiguously gendered people. I saw all the features that would mark gender for non-radchaai. never, to my annoyance and inconvenience, the same way in each place. short hair or long, worn unbound, trailing down a back, or thick curled nimbus, or bound, braided, pinned, tied. thick bodied, or thin. faces delicate featured or coarse, with cosmetics or none. a profusion of colors that would have been gender-marked in other places. all of this matched randomly with bodies curving at breast and hip, or not. bodies that one moment moved in ways various non-radchaai would call feminine, the next moment, masculine."
also the slow reveal of how seivarden actually cares about breq beyond just ensuring the provider of seivarden’s basic needs won’t suddenly drop her.... like she comes back from her appointment having been set up with clothes, food, and lodging, and immediately notices that breq looks uncomfortable in her meeting with skaaiat and bitches breq out for neglecting her own needs and insisting she’ll be fine [on her own now that she’s registered with the station], she'll see breq tomorrow (willingly! Not out of need anymore!) and breq should rest her injured leg!!!! seivarden.... best worst girl!!! "you don't have to take care of me now, see, please look after yourself!!" (and soon we'll start seeing seivarden more and more forcefully trying to take care of breq!!!)
breq on watching musicals for entertainment: "It was mindless, but the songs were nice and improved my mood considerably" SAME, BREQ, SAME
seivarden, "everything that happens on my watch is my fault", echoing awn unknowingly, and breq does not make even the tiniest internal monologue PEEP while getting visibly more and more uncomfortable!!!
and then seivarden goes off on/about the snooty conservatives!! The Radicalization of Seivarden Vendaai!!!! we're watching her go slowly from "I am important because of my bloodline" to "I am important not because of the circumstances of my birth but because this person has made it eminently clear that my bloodline is irrelevant and I matter to them anyway"
god i would love a seivarden POV from Justice. what she thinks is going on with Breq and what she notices and realizes before things are made clear!!
AND i am once again pining for Anaander backstory. Breq muses "the Radch had used ancillaries long before Anaander Mianaai had made herself into what she was, there just hadn't been quite so many of them." i wanna know what ancillaries in pre-anaander radch were like and i wanna watch anaander's transformation from individual to lord of the radch!!!
"Ancillaries were notorious for their expressionless faces. I could easily keep from smiling." Sure, Breq.
Seivarden standing up to Omaugh Anaander because she's more loyal to Breq than the Lord of the Radch….. god. I love Seivarden
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Finally got home and unpacked after spending a few weeks with my parents over Christmas. As with the last two Christmases, some of the post-Christmas unpacking involves things that are relevant to my British comedy blog. For example, I’ve added the CD I got for Christmas on top of my DVD collection (not knowing where else to put it because I don’t have a physical CD collection anymore, but I’m not just going to throw it out, so I put it with my other copies of physical media that I keep only for their sentimental value because I have digitized versions of all of them on my hard drive):
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I now have physical media by three different Chocolate Milk Gang members at the top of the pile (four if you count Flight of the Conchords as two people), and I think that’s enough to constitute a collection. An extremely small collection, but still. A collection of physical CMG media.
Not sure how I could add to that. David O’Doherty’s website has a link to where you can buy his physical CDs, and it leads to an error page. Which is metaphorically apt and adds a certain on-brand DO’D charm to the website, but it’s not all that useful on a practical level. That bothered me when I first bought all his Bandcamp albums because his first CD isn’t on there, but since then I worked out that his whole first album is on YouTube, so there’s nothing I need from him in physical CD form anymore. Which is even more metaphorically apt, but I sort of like having that physical Chocolate Milk Gang collection. Gavin Osborn has a lyric that says: “I trust anyone who’s still buying CDs,” which hits at a strong point in a very good song and I find it a beautiful line, but I do listen to it in a file I bought off Bandcamp, along with the rest of that album.
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On the subject of the new Kitson CD, I took the stickers off the packaging and put them on my bookshelf with the Taskmaster seal sticker and the one of Nish Kumar with a coconut on his head. They’re not in great shape, because obviously, unlike what anyone else would do, Daniel Kitson put those stickers directly on the paper and cardboard so you can’t get them off without a fair amount of effort that also damages them (anyone else would have put them on a surface that let you easily take them off and re-use them). There’s a whole story  behind them, that he had to register as a company even though it’s just him doing everything, so he leaned into it and gave his company a silly name and logo and printed stickers with that on them, and now they’re on my bookshelf. I will keep things whether Daniel Kitson wants me to or not.
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And finally, the Mark Watson and Frankie Boyle novels got added to the bookshelf for the first time. Not because I just got them over Christmas, but because I just finished reading them over Christmas, and I can’t put books on my shelf before I’ve read them or else I’ll forget to read them. My Britcom bookshelf section is also made smaller by the fact that a lot of my favourites are on my hard drive in audiobook form.
I do think that in reality, digitized media is better than physical media; it’s easier to obtain, easier to organize, easier to preserve, and easier to use. And I really like obtaining, organizing, preserving, and using media files; it’s one of my favourite things to do. But I also like having a few stickers on my bookshelf.
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megan-loves-surveys · 3 months
Haven't used this in forever but I miss Bzoink so here I am instead xD
What are some of your favorite cities you’ve been to?  Hmm, I loved New Orleans, NYC and Boston a lot. Also Melbourne!!
Would you allow your children to date prior to 16? I'm not having kids, but if I did, I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't, cos I started dating at 14 lol.
Did you ever go through a phase where you thought guys in bands were ‘hot?’ Of course, still do!
What’s something about adult life you were never warned of or prepared for? How difficult it would be to find work, they acted like we'd all just waltz into jobs the moment we left school.
Did your parents teach you proper table manners when you were growing up? Yes, but they didn't go overboard.
What was the last thing you baked? I don't bake.
Do you live more than 5 hours away from the nearest international border? I live on an island, so there is no 'border' really to speak of. But if you count the edge of the land going to the water as the border, then no, it's much closer than 5 hours.
Does your town have a farmer’s market? Not that I know of.
What’s the westernmost point you’ve been to? Dunno tbh, I'm not even sure where NZ is when it comes to east/west, cos we're in a weird position xD
What was the last restaurant you made a reservation at? Myself personally? My bf Will got me to make a reservation the other week cos he was busy at work and couldn't do it.
When did you last feel lonely? Hmm, not sure.
Can you easily tell when others are masking their true emotions? It depends.
How often do you wash your car? I don't have a car.
When did you last lend money to a friend? I don't lend friends money as a rule, it's a slippery slope. If they need something, I'll buy it for them.
Which app on your phone do you tend to get the most notifications from?  Facebook probably, or Messenger when I'm chatting to someone. Also, Discord too.
Do you own a Dutch oven? If so, what was the last thing you cooked in it? I don't even know what that is.
What is currently on your kitchen table?  A few decorative things cos we didn't have dinner tonight, we had a huge lunch so we just had toast lol.
What is your favorite time period in history to learn about? History is boring to me.
How old were you when you met your current best friend? I was... 14 cos we met at the start of 2002 before my birthday.
Have you ever kissed a smoker? Most likely.
What is the minimum age to obtain a driver’s license in your state/country? Do you think this is an appropriate age? It's 16, it used to be 15 when I was a teenager. And yes it's appropriate.
If you won the lottery, do you think any of your family members would ask you to give them some of your money? I wouldn't tell them. Only trustworthy people I would give some money would know - like my Mum & Dad, my stepmum, Will and a few of my friends.
What is the craziest thing you’ve seen happen at your workplace? I work at a divorce lawyer's, so I see a lot of extremely angry people. I've had people go into screaming fits, both in person and on the phone, one woman had a meltdown and was throwing a tantrum, one guy punched a wall. It's insane, we have a security officer now.
Do you own any home automation gadgets like wifi thermostats or wifi bulbs? No.
What is something you gave up on after many failed attempts? Driving. I'm too scared to take my practical test lol.
How old were you when you started to seriously think about what career path you wanted to pursue? High school. I kept changing my mind before that.
Have you ever disliked a book so much that you didn’t finish it? Oh yeah, loads. Thankfully most of them were library books so it didn't cost me anything.
Would you rather read a book, or listen to the audiobook? Read. I don't have the attention span for audiobooks, I'd get distracted and my mind would wander.
Do you think tomorrow will be a better day than today? Today's been great, but tomorrow will be even better cos I'm seeing my favourite band live and meeting them!!! <3
Spell your name without any R’s, I’s, G’s, or E’s: My name would hilariously be... Man. I had to get rid of the G and E xD
Is there anyone on your mind? Yep.
Describe your bra: Haha it's a bright purple shade and it's a push up one xD
Do you ever want kids? No thank you. I've never wanted them, and my boyfriend has adult kids and doesn't want any more xD
What are you looking forward to this summer? Summer literally just ended for us haha.
How are you doing in school? -
What color do you like most today? Purple.
Rain or sunny? Sunny. Rain sucks, it rained most of today.
Live close to a beach? Loads, but I never really go to the beach.
What does your hair look like, normally? Depends - the day I wash it, it's quite straight. But by the next day, it's gone wavy and then starts to curl up.
What are your thoughts on marijuana? I don't smoke it, and probably never will. But I don't care if other people smoke it whatsoever, you do you. I also voted for it to become legal when they did the referendum for it in NZ.
When was the last time you spent the night with someone? Last night I stayed at my boyfriend's house.
What song are you listening to, if any? The roaming legendary Pokémon battle theme from the B&W soundtrack.
Pretend that you are five years older, what would you be doing right now? The thought of that scares me, lol.
What subjects are you good in? I was always good at Computers/IT, Legal Studies and English.
Ever kissed someone whose name started with an X? Not that I can think of.
Any complaints? I hope the rain stops before tomorrow cos waiting outside the venue to go in for the concert won't be fun in the rain cos there's no shelter lol.
What’s your favorite alcoholic beverage? Jim Beam, Malibu or Long Island iced teas.
Do you miss anyone? Sure.
What's the highlight of your morning routine that sets a positive tone for your day? Doing my hair.
Are there any new podcasts or audiobooks that have been accompanying your commutes? I don't have the patience for podcasts.
How do you wind down and relax after a long day? Any particular activities or rituals? I play video games, listen to music and watch YouTube videos.
Have you discovered any hidden gems in your local neighborhood recently? Maybe a new cafe or park? Not really.
What's your go-to way of staying organized and managing your tasks right now? Write them on my calendar or in my phone.
Is there a specific dish you've been cooking or enjoying frequently in your current meal rotation? My meals have been all over the place lately tbh haha. I didn't have dinner today or on Saturday, and I won't have dinner tomorrow either.
Have you made any changes to your exercise routine lately? New workouts or activities? I go to the gym 3 times a week, but this week I'm only going twice cos I was super busy today and I also don't have time tomorrow.
What's a recent small achievement or milestone that you're proud of? Going longer on the treadmill when I do go to the gym, lol.
Are there any movies or TV shows you're re-watching and finding new details in? I've been rewatching Big Bang Theory a lot lately, it's hilarious, I don't care what people say.
How do you stay inspired and creative during your work or free time these days? Dunno tbh.
Have you come across any interesting articles, websites, or online communities recently? I've been reading a lot of TVTropes.
What's the latest hobby or interest you've picked up, and what drew you to it? All my hobbies are the same as usual.
What's the most memorable interaction you've had with someone today? I had lunch with my Mum for her birthday and while we were eating, the waitress came to ask how our food was - my Mum couldn't answer cos she was eating her steak, I said it was good. After she'd moved on, my Mum said "I couldn't reply cos I had my mouth full of meat" xDDDDDDDDDD I just stared at her and then we both just broke down laughing xD It was so funny.
How do you inject moments of positivity into your daily routine, no matter how busy it gets? Oh, loads of things.
Are there any personal projects you're working on right now that bring you joy? Eh...
What's a current goal that's shaping the choices you make on a daily basis? Just losing weight.
Have you visited any local events or markets that have given your weekends a unique flavor? Does wrestling events count xD
How do you stay connected with friends and family despite your busy schedule? I talk to most of my friends and my boyfriend via Facebook messenger or text, and my online friends via Discord. I'm allowed to use Discord at work when it's quiet xD
What's the most interesting thing you've learned recently, whether intentionally or by chance? Dunno.
How do you maintain a balance between screen time and other activities in your day? Hahaha, funny. My weekly average of screen time on my phone is 4 and a half hours a day lol.
Have you experimented with any new methods of relaxation or mindfulness lately? No.
What's your strategy for making the most of your weekends and recharging for the week ahead? Um.
Have you been dedicating time to any DIY projects or crafts that reflect your creativity? No.
How do you incorporate learning and personal growth into your everyday life? I read Reddit a lot, and I love looking at random Wikipedia articles xD
What's a unique tradition or habit that you've cultivated recently, making each day special? Uh....
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hillbillyoracle · 2 years
Rural Accessibility Matters
We really do not talk enough about how the move to streaming and banning local copies absolutely screws over rural folks so much. 
It’s one of the reasons that for the things I make available for free, why I do not make them read only copies. I always try to make it so you can save it to your personal collection. It’s part of why I provide the vast majority of my writing for free because I know it’s expensive as hell to develop and maintain a library of local copies. It’s part of why I prefer to work in mediums that don’t require special knowledge to copy and save - written and visual. 
For years I did that as someone who had grown up rural but moved to a city out of consideration for the strong ties I still had in the country. 
But now I’m looking at having to move back. 
One of the first things my parents mentioned when we discussed moving in with them was that the internet is generally very poor. There are times when there are none and even when they have it, the ability to stream media is incredibly limited.
At first, I wasn’t that concerned. I thought well I’ll just go back to what I used to do - store local copies. But it turns out, that it’s not only incredibly hard by virtue of there being very few and very limited store fronts to purchase them but most work arounds are illegal. So people who are denied access to good internet by monopolies that use the “there’s not enough people living here to merit the upgrades” excuse are also denied of media generally. 
Are there some options? Yes. But they’re nearly all expensive or toeing the line legally. 
I think what’s more frustrating than anything is that when I try to talk to people about this issue they act as if it’s natural. It is not. 
Other countries with similar economies have better internet speeds across the board and with far better rural internet access. This is a manufactured issue that providers depend on convincing you is “natural”. 
Why this is a rural specific issue is that when I’ve gone without internet in cities, it was pretty easy to walk or take a short drive into a place with internet and the libraries were close + well stocked. I could easily get to a place with free wifi, download stuff to my phone, and delete it to make space for more. Many apps would auto clear things I’d already listened to or watched but it wasn’t an issue because daily I’d walk down to the dentist office or the creepy strip mall or whatever I was near and grab more. 
It’s not as easy when you’re rural. With gas prices rising it’s expensive just to drive to get internet somewhere. Local copies provide a more stable turnover and are able to be stored in long term formats like external hard drives or local servers that don’t need to be cleared out to make room for new stuff nearly as often. Yes it’s nice that when I actually can get to a library I can download ebooks and audiobooks - but when they disappear after 2 weeks and there are more barriers to me getting back to the library - that impacts my access to books. A local copy can be read again and again in the meantime. 
What’s been especially frustrating to see is primarily metropolitan based artists who make providing no download options (paid or free) for their work the norm based on the argument that artists deserve control over their work. While yes, that’s true that artists deserve control, to not even provide a method for those who need local copies to get one, you’re ensuring your work will only ever be consumed by people who are also in areas that were deemed important enough for good internet and pushing people toward criminalized methods of obtaining that media - which artists love to shit on. 
You can call it stealing all you want, but if you make ads or small streaming kickbacks your only revenue stream and don’t even provide a way for people who need local copies to pay you...to me at least there’s always going to be an undercurrent of saying “sucks to suck” to rural folks especially. 
This mentality is always especially egregious to me from people in cities who are making work informed by folk traditions that originated in rural areas still deprived of internet access. Indie bluegrass/folk musicians are a great example of this. I don’t want to slam this artist by name but I was looking to see if I could pick up a CD or digital download of an older album by a indie folk artist I like and just could not find it. I don’t think it’s available. Unsurprisingly, when I checked, they live in NYC and are from a city in their home state. 
Compare that to folk musicians still living in Appalachia or the South - Appalshop works with so many musicians to not only help the record, mix, and master their music but makes local copies available for purchase for every artist I’ve seen them work with.
This goes for writing too. So many folks currently making work in genres with DIY histories have no DIY ethos anymore. If you’re blogging and putting your thoughts directly into the hands of readers, you are, to some degree at least, participating in a culture influenced by zine and DIY punk movements generally. 
It’s worth thinking about how those people thought of media - as something they wanted to get into as many hands as possible for as cheaply - both to producer and consumer - as possible. 
Read about anticopyright and copyright alternatives. Get familiar with critiques of permission culture. Consider what hard copies and digital local copies you’ll make available. 
You have decisions to make. Will you plaster your works with “DO NOT SAVE, DO NOT STEAL” disclaimers or will you openly let people know they’re welcome to save a local copy of your work? Will you depend on ads or will you make your videos + music + podcast available to saving locally (and let people know how to pay you)? It’s not simple or straightforward and it requires a certain level of knowledge folks who’ve grown up in the streaming era may not have. I know I’m still in the process of figuring it all out and I grew up in the era of ripping any and all CDs you could get your hands on. 
But how you answer these questions will directly impact rural access to your materials so it’s worth taking the time to consider.
And if you’re someone living in a “developed” area and you need a personal reason to care about this shift - the internet is no where near the given it’s being treated as right now. Governments around the world have effectively shut down or majorly limited internet at the drop of a hat. Natural disasters are not only more common but are taking longer to bounce back from when they occur in areas they historically haven’t (Texas Ice Storm 2021). Cyberattacks are escalating in what they target. 
These are issues that impact all of us and really we all should be looking at what we can do to build out our local file collection no matter where we live. It’s just that rural access tends to be the canary in the coal mine on these issues and it’s high time more folks started paying attention. 
All of this is to say that while I know there’s not such thing as universally accessibility, folks need to at least consider the needs of rural folks a whole lot more. 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What are some of your favorite cities you've been to? Locally, I loved Sagada, Vigan, and Basco. Outside of the country, I really enjoyed Bali and Shanghai. Would you allow your children to date prior to 16? (assuming you want any) I wouldn’t stop them but I suppose I’d watch over them more and have more rules while they’re still under 16, like no overnights at their SO’s place or that they have to be home by a certain time. Did you ever go through a phase where you thought guys in bands were 'hot?' Hah yep. I grew up during the pop punk/alternative rock era man, where most prepubescent girls were gaga over people like Stephen Gomez from The Summer Set or Jack Barakat of All Time Low. What's something about adult life you were never warned of or prepared for? The extent of being independent, like the sheer amount of bills to pay, how to check if the gas in your kitchen is doing fine, etc. I panic ever so slightly more day by day because I still don’t know how to cook anything and that’s literally Basic Adult Life Skill #1. Did your parents teach you proper table manners when you were growing up? Yes. They both work in hospitality management so stuff like that has been taught to me from a very young age. I can still vividly remember my mom teaching me how to eat pasta and soup properly or when she told me what it means when a bunch of spoons and forks of different sizes are laid out in front of me.
What was the last thing you baked? Chocolate chip cookies, but that was nearly two years ago.  Do you live more than 5 hours away from the nearest international border? Yeah, if you swam all the way there lmao. Kidding but uhhh I don’t – at least I don’t think so. The countries nearest us are pretty...nearby and if you took a boat you’ll probably get there in a couple of hours. Does your town have a farmer's market? No. I think the ones in Cubao are the closest one. What's the westernmost point you've been to? I’m not so sure, I’ve only been around Southeast and East Asia. Strictly speaking I think it has to be Malaysia, but that’s nowhere near the west haha. What was the last restaurant you made a reservation at? Gab and I never really get to have dates as fancy as this. We tried to book a reservation at Barcino once for Valentine’s Day, but they told us no precisely because they weren’t taking reservations for that day. When did you last feel lonely? This afternoon. I always start feeling a tad bit lonely during the afternoons which a nap can often fix. Can you easily tell when others are masking their true emotions? Not always. Some people are good at masking. How often do you wash your car? I don’t. My mom is so particular about how every single item in the house must be cleaned a certain way, and no matter how hard I try to imitate her methods they’re almost always wrong in her eyes so I didn’t even try with my car anymore. I don’t think I wanna hear “you didn’t scrub right” “you missed a spot” “did you even clean the car?” especially after trying my best. When did you last lend money to a friend? It was years ago when I’d lend money to Gab so she can put gas in her car or book a Grab/Uber. Now it’s the other way around, hahaha. Which app on your phone do you tend to get the most notifications from? Facebook. Messenger is almost always active since it’s the most popular chat app where I live. Do you own a Dutch oven? If so, what was the last thing you cooked in it? We probably do but it’s most likely one of my mom’s prized kitchenware that’s always hidden away and never used unless we have important visitors lol. Do you find it easy to put yourself in somebody else's shoes? No, I don’t think you can truly understand what someone with difficulties is exactly going through. What I am prone to be though is feeling sensitive and when someone is having a tough time, I do usually feel sad for them. Sometimes I’ll simply cry thinking about what they’re going through. What is currently on your kitchen table? We have one main counter and on it are my parents’ coffee maker, the water dispenser, the rack for our plates and glasses, mug hanger, and utensil holder. What is your favorite time period in history to learn about? Ooooh I really like history though. I don’t think I’ve ever found myself bored reading about a certain era. How old were you when you met your current best friend? I was 7 when I met the first one, and 13 when I met the other. Have you ever kissed a smoker? Yep but I’ve never liked kissing her after smoking. What is the minimum age to obtain a driver's license in your state/country? 18. ^ Do you think this is an appropriate age, or should it be higher/lower? It’s appropriate. I got mine at 18 and it worked out fine, and the only reason I got into accidents early on is because I was always driving very carefully but was unfortunately surrounded by dumbass drivers who liked to bully my much smaller car around.   If you won the lottery, do you think any of your family members would ask you to give them some of your money? I honestly don’t think so but maybe I just don’t know their true colors just yet HAHAHA. What is the craziest thing you've seen happen at your workplace? Thankfully I didn’t see it happen in person as it would’ve broken me completely, but it was when the Shopping Center at campus burned down. That was the first place I went to after I officially enrolled in my school (I had lunch with my dad and bought a UP car sticker) and it was also the first place my block dropped by to hang out together when we all met each other for the first time, so a lot of memories were in that place and I’m sure this was the case for all students too. That was a really sad day and I almost didn’t want to go to class when I saw the videos of the fire. Do you own any home automation gadgets like wifi thermostats or wifi bulbs? My parents have a wifi bulb. What is something you gave up on after many failed attempts? Instagram. I’ve always tried hyping myself up to finally make an account but egh, it just screams fakeiness to me. How old were you when you started to seriously think about what career path you wanted to pursue? When I was 19 or 20 as that was the age when I started having friends who graduated college and went on to have Real Life Jobs. Have you ever disliked a book so much that you didn't finish it? Yeah I got a random book once when my mom let me pick out whatever book I felt like getting when I was like 11 or 12. I don’t even remember the title anymore hahah but it was such a bore. I don’t know if I threw it out or if it’s buried somewhere in my room. Would you rather read a book, or listen to the audiobook? Read the book. I’m bad at listening to accents and have always needed subtitles, but if I needed subtitles for an audiobook then I might as well have just picked the book hahaha. Do you think tomorrow will be a better day than today? I don’t know. All days are the same now.
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Does PGC even post anymore or is that all the cute animals? So this is to NAC. First off. Do you vote? And if so what do you vote for? And second of all, what is your purpose on this site? You rip people a new one if they don't lick your boots and then block them. You've created a soapbox in an echo chamber. What the hell makes you think you're conservative? And why the hell do you think we have time to read the Mueller report. U read it, tell us why the President should be impeached?
Yes, shows you don’t pay much attention, but we’ll get back to that...but most of those animals are NAC.
Yes I vote.  And sadly it’s for a lot of third party candidates who don’t stand a chance because the two main parties are only offering me a choice of fascism and socialism.
“what is your purpose on this site?“ To express my opinion.  For whatever reasons I may have.  The same as any tumblr page.  You act as if I have to justify having a tumblr page.  The fuck?  Better question given that you admit to never actually wanting to learn what is you purpose in existence?  Because whatever it is you’re failing. Once long ago I had hopes that maybe tumblr would expose me to arguments more traditional outlets didn’t...boy was I wrong (just as I was wrong that the majority of Republicans weren’t racist, just as I was wrong once long ago that the FAIR tax was better than a flat tax, and certainly that before reading Federalist 42 and seeing that the Constitution gives no power to regulate immigration I thought for all it’s short coming on economics immigration rules should be followed because rule of law should be upheld and efforts should be pragmatically made to reduce them over time...but once I saw that it was unconstitutional I realized they have to go right now...we could go on for a long time on things I’ve learned I’m wrong about, but that would involve discussion what is I’m sure a foreign concept to you, learning).
“You rip people a new one if they don't lick your boots and then block them.“ I rip people a new one if they waste my time.  If you came into my house and started yelling at me I’d be well withing my rights to send you to hell you so richly deserve.  If you come to my tumblr page to spout drivel I will throw you out as well. 
“You've created a soapbox in an echo chamber. “ Soapbox, certainly.  Echo chamber.  It is presenting an opinion certainly, one biased by reason, facts, logic, and ethics.  But I don’t exist in an echo chamber.  Every day I keep up with CNN and Fox, Washington Times and Washington Post, AEI and Brookings, CATO and The Dipatch, The Bulwark and the Atlantic, National Review and Ricochet.  From the Far Right to the Far Left to the Far Libertarian.  I track down primary documents and I post some of the more interesting stuff I find. Not to mention hundreds of books from a variety of sources. So I’m not in an echo chamber.  And I don’t require that anyone else be in an echo chamber.  Please go find other sources than me.  But if you’re going to waste my time by commenting on my post with the intellectual equivalent of diarrhea don’t expect me to want to bother with you.  You and I both have the right to speak, and we both have the right to not listen.  You have a problem with my right to speak and my right to not listen, I am fully in support of both of yours. 
“What the hell makes you think you're conservative?“ A desire for small, limited government (unlike both parties at present).  A desire for free market capitalism (unlike both parties right now).  A desire for following the Constitution (both parties fail, but the democrats are vaguely in line with impeaching Trump, but I wouldn’t begin to fool myself that they suddenly believe in the Constitution...which is the documents benefits, it doesn’t always have to be believed in just followed to work).  I believe in low taxes and free trade like the Founding Fathers.  I believe in doing what works by that I mean things that in one example after another show pragmatic results that benefit everyone (capitalism, open border, free speech, freedom of religion, the right to bear arms).  I believe in personal responsibility, in defending liberty at home and abroad, at opposing tyranny at every turn.
  Can Trump or any of his supporters say the same?  No. Not on a single point.
So how do you claim I’m not a conservative?
“And why the hell do you think we have time to read the Mueller report.“ Because you as a voting citizen have a civic duty to hold your elected representatives to account and to do that you have stay informed.  It’s available for FREE at audible https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Mueller-Report-Audiobook/B07PXN468K It’s 19 hours.  Playing it at double speed or higher (Audible can get up to 3.5x speed, which is how I can get through more than 200 books a year...when was the last time you read even one?) means you’d only need about 10 hours.  Most commutes are 4.3 hours a week...so even if you only listened on your drive to work you’d be done in two and a half weeks. If you don’t have 19 hours to spare, what are you doing?  You never do chores (which can be done while listening to audiobooks?)  or is catching up on the Mandalorian so much more important than the fate of a real Republic...or perhaps given that well over half the pro-Trump blogs I have to block are mostly porn is it that you have other things that capture your attention. 
“tell us why the President should be impeached? “ You see this is why you get blocked.  There are literally hundreds of posts that are much shorter than a 19 hour read that I have posted which do that.  But you didn’t bother to read any of them.  You just attack, blindly, like the brainless twit you are.  But you don’t have to read my posts...but don’t then complain when I don’t have any respect for the filth you call an opinion.
But since you missed why Trump should be impeached, removed, convicted, tried, sentenced and imprisioned for the rest of his life.  Let’s go over it again.
There is the massive tax fraud he and his family were involved in
He is a money launder for the cartels
He has violated the emoluments clause from the first day
He has obstructed justice in the Mueller investigation:
“Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment, we did not draw ultimate  conclusions  about  the  President’s  conduct.  The  evidence  we  obtained  about  the President’s actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgment.  At the same time,if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state.”  I.e. Barr won’t let us charge him.  If we thought he wasn’t guilty of obstruction we’d say so.  We’re not saying so.  (I.e. he’s guilty of obstruction his handpicked Goering wannabe Barr just won’t let us charge him with the crimes he committed).
Conclusion from the Mueller Report.  https://www.justice.gov/storage/report.pdf
Is one paragraph short enough for you?
He attempted extortion of a foreign nation (I read the summary of the transcript where he said “do me a favor”, can’t read the transcript as he keep repeating because it has been illegally classified)
He did said extortion to help himself win an election a violation of his oath of office and to help his friends in Russia.  Both crimes.
And then he committed obstruction of justice/Congress by not allowing his people to testify. 
I notice also that you tried to take this back to the Mueller report because his crimes that the Democrats actually had the balls to impeach him on (a mere fraction of the crimes he is guilty of) are such an open and shut case that you prefer to take things back the Mueller Report which does requires above an elementary level of reading (which I’m guessing you, like your God-King Trump, lack). 
Now please, fascist cocksucker run along.  Don’t bother me again.  I will never concern myself with your meaningless drivel but you can shout your filth as much as you want.  I just don’t care.  Just don’t bother me unless you want to come and deal with real facts (I realize such a thing is so foreign a concept to you that you probably stopped reading long ago to go back to the porn blogs that are more you level, but still, I have to put in the request, Don Quixote that I am--that’s a reference to a book by the way, you’re supposed to read them not burn them...again I’m sure it’s a concept that goes too far for you). 
“ U read it,“ There are always of course unintentional typos and only a fool points those out on a format such as tumblr.  But “U”?  In a political argument you treat this like a high school girl texting her bffjill? And you wonder why my contempt knows no bounds.
As for me, PGC, I post once in a blue moon. Occassionally I post about my history podcast, which is only one of the many projects I’m working on that have made tumblr so very low on my priority list. Politics is no longer my main sector of interest and that was 90% of what I used tumblr for.
So yeah, I’m busy. I keep up with the news and post on twitter fairly often (@MeredithAncret aned @history_wtf, if anyone is desperate to know) but I’m starting grad school in 6 weeks (meaning my reading assignments already started), writing my podcast, and working on at least two novels and a short story series intermittantly. If someone wants my opinion they can address an ask to me and I’ll see it eventually or NAC will let me know it’s there.
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josefhorst92-blog · 5 years
Coverting Audio Information ToCda?
Are you aware you'll refine a search by telling Yahoo to search for certain forms of content material materials? To upload WV songs, music, and audios to video sharing web pages like YouTube, CBS, Fb, that you must convert WV to the universal file format MP3, WAV. Make sure so as to add a WAV in an HD video (720p and higher will encode your audio at 384kbps) in any other case your viewers could be stuck listening to low high quality 128kbps streaming. Once more inside the day when Home windows and IBM have been intently linked, WAV supplied a method of breaking audio into chunks laptop programs may work with. Music makes the life higher, cda to aiff converter free download for windows 10 a beautiful music is consisted of the audio codec whic is common in our life, there are various audio codecs obtainable, some are supported by speical devices, some are supported by most devices. FLAC is a audio format like MP3 which is a Open supply audio codec, regardless that FLAC take up smaller audio dimension, most LAPTOP users are nonetheless serching for a good FLAC Converter and convert FLAC to other video codecs. because Windows10 users can play FLAC information natively by way of the onboard Groove participant. For older Windows variations, you need to download a Windows Media Player plug-in, then you possibly can play the FLAC audio information. Following will suggest you top 5 best and free FLAC Converter on COMPUTER, hope it is helpful for you. Step three: Click on "Convert Now!" button to start conversion. Just anticipate some time to let the changing course of achieved. After which the output files will likely be listed in the "Conversion Outcomes" section. Click on the download icon to show file QR code or save file to online storage providers (Google Drive or Dropbox). Query: Q: learn how to convert a CD in AIFF-C to "Audio CD" to burn common copies.
Let's find out what DJ gamers assist WAV for certain. To do so, just go over to the PioneerDJ official website and take a look at every model's specs. All the existent languages are now included in main distribution kit. But if you download 4Musics Multiformat Converter before your language appeared on our site, you can download language file by itself, save it to the program folder (by default: "C:\Program Files\4Musics Multiformat Converter") and then restart program. Within the settings of the convert dialog field, solely change the Profile part. Choose the audio format that you'd prefer to convert to. By default, the formats present in the drop down are Audio - MP3, Vorbig (OGG), MP3 (MP4), FLAC, CD. Choose the format you're changing to. A CD made on a computer needs to be an AUDIO CD and FINALIZED to play properly on most audio CD gamers. Convert Any Video to Over 1,000 Formats. 5, One key to play the transformed mp3 music file. This text introduces a preferred and professional CDA Converter for Windows 8 and a step-by-step information to transform CDA to MP3, WMA, WAV, WMA lossless, FLAC, OGG, M4A, AC3, and many others on Windows eight. It doesn't matter what system they wish to play them on. CD player, computer, no matter. I need a universal file format that may play on something that may play audio recordsdata on a CD. Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper lets you convert your favourite music tracks from one format to a different without any quality loss (such as WAV to MP3, MP3 to WMA, MP3 to OGG, MP3 to WAV, and so on.). visit this site system supports all fashionable formats, comparable to MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG, FLAC, Monkey's Audio APE, MusePack MPC, WavPack WV, SPX, AIFF and AC3. Even better, joyful iPod owners will be delighted with Apple format help for AAC, MP4 and M4A (iPod audiobooks). With Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper, you'll be able to convert your complete music collection to a different audio format while conserving the original folder construction (including subfolders and preserving the original folder construction options). And you can make certain all audio tag information will stay unchanged after conversion. FLAC to Apple Lossless Converter is powerful audio file converter for FLAC conversion. It may possibly convert FLAC to Apple Lossless ALAC and Apple loss M4A, convert FLAC to different lossless audio like AIFF and WAV, convert FLAC to another audio codecs, in addition to convert between all common audio formats. I have been utilizing your product for a couple years now. I just wanted to let you know folks how much I prefer it. It is completely my goto software program for any media conversion. I haven't got any cash to contribute, however I wished you guys to know how a lot I respect your software program. Thanks very a lot.MP3 and WAV information are generally used with CDs. three. Choose MP3 because the output format underneath the option of "Output Setting" and click on "Top of the range" to regulate the parameters of pattern cost, bit cost and quantity. You can also click "Save As" to name the transformed file. CDA to MP3 Converter converts CDA to MP3 rapidly. The software program is an MULTI PURPOSEFUL audio converter that converts greater than 90 audio and video formats to MP3, WMA, OGG, WAV, AAC, M4A, M4B, and AMR.Stellar is among the most cost-effective conversion applications we tested. It has a straightforward-to-use interface and batch converts and exports in most of the popular codecs, like MP3, WAV, ACC and FLAC. You may straight convert one lossless format to another, without intermediate conversion. For example, you may flip FLAC to Apple Lossless supported by most Apple gadgets.
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How To Convert AC3 Dolby 48000HZ 6 Channels To MP3
Whenever you import MP3 audiobooks into iTunes or iPod, they will be categorized within the Music part, and not audiobook section. This M4A audio converter converts from over 50 supply formats together with MP3 to M4A, WAV to M4A, RAM to M4A, AC3 to M4A, AMR to M4A, OGG to M4A, FLV to M4A and more. M4A is often utilized by Apple gadgets just like the iPod or iPhone. I take advantage of the iphone(VLC app) and I created a config file to override the standard settings. The completely different adjustments to the configurations do something. That means I know that modifications have an impact. Nevertheless. I all the time get the "AC3 aka A52" not supported message. Lastly, click "Begin" to convert AC3 to MP3. In an MP4 file, you possibly can store MPEG-4 video created by ffmpeg or convert facebook video to mp3 mac x264. The encoder works very quick, and you will find yourself with am4a audio file of the same name in the identical folder because the supply video. Open the file to deliver it into the iTunes library for taking part in and syncing to an iPod or iPhone. We analyzed and found that it has an impressively excessive Alexa rank which means that this site attracts a massively intense site visitors, at the same time, its Google PR remains at a basic stage which most certainly identifies an absence of credible websites linking to Convertio. Its reputation is ideal as it is composed of excellent youngster safety and good trustworthiness while privateness indicator reveals 87 status points and vendor trust score is 87 factors. Choose the profile with the desired file format from Convert". The default setting is Common, videos for Home windows MediaPlayer" which supports all MP3 gamers, however different predefined profiles are additionally accessible, for example: WMA or AAC. That is an example of a Windows command line which extracts the audio content material of an arbitrary file, to a FLAC audio file. "C:\Consumer\Admin\Desktop" is the vacation spot of your file, and "C:\Person\Admin\Desktop\yourVideo.mp4\#zero:01-three:38" is the placement of your unique video, followed by arbitrary beginning and ending occasions.
The above instance command strains brought about VLC to extract audio for a single Chapter of a single Title right into a single audio file. It's attainable on Home windows, Mac OS X, and Linux command lines to write a script that loops via the Chapters of a Title and calls VLC for each. Such a script can run unnattended for the tens of minutes it might take to extract a couple of hours of audio content, in dozens of tracks.
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Yes, the default output is in AC3 format, that's the problem. I attempted to search for a setting to vary it, however there's none. You can now obtain YouTube videos as MP3 information with HD audio quality. Our leading YouTube to MP3 Converter is also compatible with many different on-line video websites such as Vimeo, Dailymotion and Liveleak. Word that when opening these Word paperwork on your pc, you may get a message in Word stating that it's from the Web and modifying has been disabled. That's perfectly OK because Word does not trust documents from the Web and you actually do not need to enable modifying in the event you just wish to view the document. Just click on the file size worth shown in the output info. Within the dialog box that opens, set the desired measurement, quality, and bitrate by moving the suitable slider. Click convert facebook video to mp3 mac Sample to see how a file fragment will seem like after conversion. Right-click the generated information. Choose "Present in Windows Explorer" choice to search out it in your computer. Make a duplicate of them4a file. Then rename the suffix of the copy file fromm4a tom4b by your self.AAC - Stands for Advanced Audio Coding. It's a type of digital audio file and has been promoted as the successor of mp3. AAC usually gives higher-quality sound than an MP3 while using the same amount of disk house. But generally your participant may not help the protected AAC files. And also you would like to convert aac file to other widespread format.A: It is a good question, however sadly, the brief answer is SURE. Since MP3 is a lossy audio format, converting any audio formats (e.g. AC3) to MP3 is a high quality-loss course of, however with the build-in Lame MP3 encoder, the encoded MP3 information sound like a devoted copy of the unique AC3 music collections to most listeners. Click on "Add Files" to choose MP3 recordsdata after which add them to conversion list.Take convert your audio to MP3 or convert MP4 to MP3 for example. Click on on Profile" drop-down. In the Normal Audio" class choose MP3 - MPEG Layer-three Audio (.mp3)" because the output format. The trial version of AMR MP3 WAV WMA M4A AC3 Audio Converter will be downloaded at no cost. The paid version costs $19.95. Add the DTS files. It is so handy and time-saving for us to batch drag files and batch convert movies and audios.
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MP3 Cutter — Cut Audio Information Online
To use the WV conversion characteristic merely add the information you wish to convert to WV. Then click combo-field to choose "WV" because the output format. As soon as your file have been uploaded, you may see them within the window. Drag the handles to select the part you want to get as a new audio file. Present a new filename and format for the output audio, then click on "Minimize and Convert" to complete the process. convert ape files to wav files WAVE to MP3. Merge MP3 fixed each set of low bit price audiobooks 32 kbps and also sixteen kbps, over 600 information thus far. APE has some hardware support however not all devices recognise it and those who do do not recognise sure components of it. For higher compatibility, converting APE to MP3 may be a good suggestion. Reserve all ID3 tags in the unique information after converting audio to MP3. Monkey's Audio is a lossless audio codec. Lossless means that in case you encode uncompressed (PCM) information into Monkey's Audio format and then decode the resulting ape file, the decoded file can be exactly the same as the original PCM file.
winLAME is an encoder for many generally used audio formats, together with extraction from CDs. This system permits you to set up the encoding process with an easy-to-use wizard-fashion person interface and helps both batch processing and multiple audio recordsdata. Supported Enter Codecs: 3GA, AMR, APE, CDA, GSM, FLAC, PLS, VOX, UNCOOKED, VOX, WAV, WMA, OGG, MP3, M4A, AIFF, CAF. The device supports conversion of more than one hundred fifty audio and video file formats. Some of the supported formats embody APE, FLAC, OGG, MP3, AAC, WMA, MOV, VOB, MP4, MKV, MPG, MWV, ape to wav converter free download cnet MPEG, 3GP and others. If you wouldn't prefer to download any extra programs and happen to put in iTunes in your Home windows or Mac OS together with the latest Mac OS X El Capitan, it can be used as an MP3 to WAV converter.MediaHuman Audio Converter is brilliant. It's so good to seek out rather well developed software - so intuitive and subsequently a pleasure to make use of. I have been taking a look at audio converters for a while now and not found something that comes even close to your great product. I've been involved in software growth all my life and barely see software that will get the consumer's expertise 'just right' Audio Converter does exactly that. Congratulations.Download and run HD Video Converter Manufacturing unit Pro, click on on Add Information" button or you possibly can just drag and drop your APE information into this program. Choose a number of APE files you need to convert. Supports customizable audio format for APE, VOX, G723, G726 together with channel, sampling frequency and bitrate. yes firebeard, the standard detail aboutwav i understand. so if i take advantage of WMP to rip a monitor towav, and then i take advantage of audiograbber to tear a monitor towav, each of thosewav files could be precisely identical (apart from audio quality)? i wish to know this.MP3 CD Ripper provides a fast and easy approach for you to set and manage conversion parameters with "Conversion Quality". Choose one conversion high quality from the record, or simply set any encoding parameters you would like. Obtain and install Video Converter , you're going to get the respectable person interface as below. You are solely 3 steps away from high quality MP3 files for Google Music.Convert all APE from any source to WAV for enjoying APE on Windows, Home windows Media Player, Home windows Film Maker and different WAV-supported media gamers, moveable units, and so on. Supports numerous formats. MP3 Toolkit is committed to being inclusive of customers who have varying preferences when it comes to the formats they wish to convert. Thus, this system presents greater than 20 enter codecs and more than 10 output codecs. You may download the MP3 Toolkit software program and check out it immediately.The principle cause is that: APE audio file employs a symmetric algorithm, meaning the decoding takes comparable resources to encoding, which makes it unsuitable for all however the fastest transportable gamers (by way of Rockbox firmware). One more reason is that: it has limited support on software program platforms other than Windows; on different platforms only decoding is formally supported by third-celebration packages. Although the unique source code is freely out there, the license will not be thought of to be an open source one.If you are searching for extra advanced options, you might need to try File Blender which helps audio conversion, video conversion and plenty of different file conversion and processing capabilities. Helps to download movies from 300+sites. Also supported, MP3 to MP3 - to transform to a different bitrate. The online audio converter lets you convert APE to MP3, WAV, WMA, AAC, AC3, FLAC, OGG and RA, and so forth. You're allowed to adjust the audio birate, channel and pattern price for the output MP3 audio to get the perfect music listening to enjoyment.
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How Can I Convert M4b To Mp3?
I must convert audio recordsdata to mp3 using ffmpeg. Along with convert FLAC, this ideal FLAC Converter Mac app is also a wonderful FLAC Encoder Mac. It may convert to FLAC from all well-liked video and audio codecs together with MP4, MOV, WMV, MKV, MP3, ilafoye1842820.wikidot.com AIFF, WAV and extra. Ideas: Before the conversion, choose "Preferences" to go to "Advanced" tab to set the location of the transformed M4A file. Now you possibly can sync your device with iTunes to ship the M4B file to your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Open the Video Converter and click Add Files in the upper left corner of the interface. Select one or a number of information to convert to M4B, or simply drag your Video recordsdata and drop them into the program. Not all the audiobooks on Scribl are free, some of them are available at a cost, regardless, the web site presents a few of the greatest audiobooks the internet has to supply. If you would like, the location lets you donate to your favorite creator. Free M4a to MP3 Converter can convert AAC to MP3, M4a to MP3 and MP4 to MP3. Recorded memorable voices with your iPhone, iPad and need to stream them to MP3? It is completely easy with the sensible M4A Converter. Choose a number of M4B file(s) you wish to convert and then click on "Open". Obtain and run the Movavi Video Converter set up file, and comply with the on-screen instructions to arrange the app. Cloud Converter isn't simply an audio converter, both. It could actually convert pretty much the whole lot, including paperwork, movies, photographs, ebooks, and a laundry list of other types of content. Luckily, the service can simply handle FLAC and MP3 files. It even works along with Google Drive, allowing you to pull information from the service and store them online when you're finished, rendering it one other great choice for Chromebook users. Though there are free software program options, like iTunes, that may extract audio from a CD and convert it to smaller and more manageable file dimension, we found by means of our testing course of that you can spend less than $40 on an excellent audio converter software program and future-proof your skill to gather, archive and share music effectively. We additionally recognize that you might have a temporary have to convert just a few information, so we examined one of the best free audio converters so we could suggest a product that will not introduce adware and spyware in your laptop. iSkysoft iMedia Converter Deluxe is one of the best software to convert FLAC audio recordsdata to MP3. You'll be able to simply convert any audio file with out iTunes with this Multimedia Converter. You too can use the optimized presets to play the MP3 files in any machine you want. What's more, it has an in-built Media Participant the place you'll be able to play music information or extract audio information from a video if needed. You'll be able to customise FLAC audio settings earlier than conversion. The M4A audio format is principally equivalent to M4B except that those varieties of recordsdata are used for music as a substitute of audio books. Zamzar Professional Tip: You should utilize VideoLANs VLC player to open FLAC recordsdata. You'll discover enjoyment in upper class of converted sound thanks to built-in quantity adjuster and audio effects. Volume adjuster amplifies the amount of too quiet audio or its components like speech and voices. Audio effects embrace fade-in and fade-out, trimming of silence at the start and finish of tracks. Enabling of fade-in and fade-out audio effects ensures the flawless transition between the songs. Using FLAC to compress an audio file to approximately 50% of its authentic measurement. The main benefits of a FLAC file in addition to it being lossless is that it may be used for streaming, and decoding is fast, allowing for actual time decoding to happen. A FLAC file additionally comprises a number of data integrity checks in the header file. The metadata related to the audio has been future proofed additionally to allow new fields to be outlined without impacting existing decoders.
Audio conversion from one format to another is nearly vital these days for easy portability and playback between multiple platforms. An audio converter is used to convert one kind of audio file onto one other. To get pleasure from music in formats that your media participant would not help, it is advisable to discover a converter to transform your file to the supported format. Every format is provided with a profile package and a preset editor. You'll be able to create new presets, delete and edit the outdated ones, and modify the audio converter settings and parameters. It's not cheap, but in case you merely should free your audiobooks from the clutches of the M4B format, then it needs to be cash nicely spent. Now that you recognize some of the best ways to show M4B to MP3, you'll be able to simply convert your favorite audiobooks and take heed to them using any your devices anytime anyplace with little limit. Do you find these methods useful? Hopefully they are of some help to you. If you get the detailed information about changing M4B to MP3 with professional converting tool will endow you the ability to convert different codecs of audio recordsdata. To provide a feast to your ears, download AnyMP4 Video Converter and convert M4B to MP3 to play on MP3 participant right now. Merely download the proper version of the M4B to MP3 Converter after which follow the tutorial beneath to begin convert iTunes M4B Audiobooks to MP3. all2lame (utilizing lame mp3 m4b converter freeware encoder) will convert most well known audio types (like wav) into mp3 format. I haven't got a selected record of what it is going to and won't do though, so you'll have to test it your self to see what is going to work and what won't. Click on "Add Recordsdata" to choose M4B recordsdata and add them to conversion record. Hamster is a free audio converter that installs rapidly, has a minimal interface, and is not laborious to make use of. Freemake Audio Converter is one other free M4A to MP3 converter that you could convert your audio in M4A to MP3 format. What's extra, it allows users to transform their audio file between varied audio codecs, together with WMA, WAV, AAC, OGG, MP3, M4A, etc. In contrast to Apowersoft Free Online Audio Converter, you must download and install it before utilizing it. M4B is a file extension for audiobooks based mostly on the MPEG-four Part 14 normal. In contrast to M4A, one other common audiobook format, the M4B audiobooks help chapter markers which make it straightforward for listeners to leap to the beginning of any chapter whereas playing. Currently, most M4B audiobooks are sold from the online digital content material stores, equivalent to iTunes.
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How To Convert Apple Music To FLAC Lossless Format
MP4, an abbreviation for MPEG-four, for audio or video recordsdata used for web streaming and excessive tech cell phones. You can also set the MP4 to FLAC Converter to delete a supply file after conversion and protect the the original folder construction, when doing batch conversion. There are lots of conversions that can be done with MP3 just like the Free Lossless Audio Codec; FLAC. NOW YOU POSSIBLY CAN CLICK ON TO DOWNLOAD VIDEO OR AUDIO FORMATS. Our tools help a variety of video, audio, and picture codecs corresponding to MP4, MP3, free online music file converter mp4 to flac WAV, M4A, FLAC, OGG, MOV, and plenty of more. Our Superfast YouTube to MP3 Converter instrument can also be compatible with many other online video sites such as Facebook, Vimeo, Dailymotion, VK, Instagram, Metacafe, Soundcloud, AOL, and Vevo for now.
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This free YouTube to MP3 converter also provides a downloadable browser add-on. is among the high best free YouTube FLV to MP3 Converter on-line website, which may also help you easy to transform any streaming video to MP3 with super high quality and fast pace. We strongly recommend using the downloadable audio converter applications in our comparability, like Change or Audials Tunebite , to ensure your files aren't in danger. Click Audio" tab > select FLAC" as the desired output format. Any Video Converter takes movies out of your computer or downloaded from the Web and converts them into just about any format you would like. It also helps batch conversion, which can save you tons of time if in case you have multiple movies to convert. To retrieve details about video files, this system uses the library ( ). Sure, with the help of an audio converter AAC might be converted into FLAC. Free Video To Audio Converter is a free piece of software program developed for the Windows operating system. If you want to use lossless files with iTunes, it is a lot simpler to only convert them. The Converter additionally offers the customers some customizable options, corresponding to video enhancing functions and audio conversion preferences. Fre:ac will convert your files to what it deems standard" quality, but if you happen to listen to music on nice gear and want to get as a lot quality as you may out of your mp3s, you'll wish to fiddle with the encoding settings. I set it at 320, then selected the file and transformed, and it reverted again to 192. Launch the professional MP4 to FLAC converter, you may import your MP4 movies to the program with 2 easy strategies. By default To MP3 Converter applies automatic settings for output MP3 recordsdata Computerized bit price, sample frequency, and channels guarantee the best possible high quality of MP3 sound and save arduous drive space by avoiding of useless up-sampling. 2Click "Output format" to pick out the converted file format, like MP3, WAV, AIFF, and so on. You need to use FLAC to AAC Converter to transform FLAC to AAC with fast speed and high quality. This text will tell you 9 effective MP4 to MP3 converters to simply convert MP4 to MP3 free online music file converter mp4 to flac in a quick course of and with none quality loss. You possibly can add audio (in mp3 format) to a video file (avi, mp4, mov, wmv). Thousands of FLAC recordsdata are available at no cost (and legally) on the internet, for fans from all over the world to download, listen and archive. is your free video downloader and converter! FLAC is the format that gives a pleasant compromise between the "massive size but wonderful quality" of uncompressed music files and "small however lower than wonderful" compressed MP3 or AAC files. provides the choice to transform MP4 to MP3 very easily with simply few steps that features importing URL or files to the site, choosing an output format and then clicking on the button Convert" and the file will get formatted into the desired format. Then proceed to add the MP4 information to this system by clicking Add Information". You may simply enter the file and hit the convert button. Koyote Free Video Converter. Once the conversion is full, it is possible for you to to search out the converted information in the location folder you've gotten set or the default original folder. Notice: For YouTube movies, the software provides an possibility the place you can directly download YouTube to MP3. Abbey:I download a online flac tune and I need to make it for my iPhone 6s ringtone (m4r), this any flac converter helps me a lot. Here you'll be able to see MP3 is commonplace high quality, WAV CD high quality, iPhone ringtone good high quality. That may not appear to be an enormous deal if in case you have only a couple files to convert, however if you are converting a large library of music, it's going to take much longer. It may convert more than forty import formats to eleven output formats. Utilizing , it is simple to convert FLAC information to quite a lot of other codecs. Choose change format to WMA to transform audio on high pace and quality. Nevertheless, online converter at all times have some drawbacks. Zamzar is one other on-line video converter service that supports most typical video formats. Batch Mode - Convert TONS OF of FLAC Songs to MP3 audio at One Time. I also like its conversion FLAC to WAV, M4A, MP3, AIFF, DTS or convert video or audio information to FLAC. Beneath we'll present you how you can convert MP4 to MP3 with ease. But it surely's not true that the knowledge is pointless, as the majority of individuals wanting to play FLAC files on iTunes are looking for FLAC-high quality music on iTunes, and do not care about the actual extension. Tip 4: Should you solely want to extract one clip of the lengthy music from MP4 video, you may click "Edit" icon.
It occurs very often primarily because MP3 audio format is supposed to be the preferred encoding format and it is nonetheless widespread. Free M4a to MP3 Converter is an audio converter that has been especially developed to transform AAC, M4a, MP4, M4b (audiobooks) and different comparable codecs to the extra normal formats MP3 and WAV. is one other on-line audio converter, which suggests although you don't have to download any software to make use of it, you do should upload and obtain your files to make it work.
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