#not to that extent. but the same driving motivation of ''i dont like the people around me. i like machines instead''
infizero · 6 months
do we think eggman's love of machines and dislike of other living creatures comes from his family ignoring him
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hamliet · 13 days
am the guy that has sent u svirdgailov and stavrogin asks, now im back after finishing the idiot and im interested in ur thoughts on the final scene + rogohzin as a character :D, specifically if u think he felt guilt at the end. rogohzin i feel like we are left with a feeling of sympathy for him even if very slight. most of that might just be myshkins decision to stay with him throughout the night but also just some of his outbursts during the scene that to me shows that he is regretting what he did, and to compare to svirdgailov and stavrogin, we dont get any of that(well i guess stavrogin had hallucinations and couldnt ascertain whether it was a manifestation of guilt or not but i felt like he did not overall regret what he did). both of them as you said could not run from themselves and it feels like rogohzin at the end accepted his punishment, i guess as im writing this he is reminding me a lot of raskolnikov lol, but ig my question is ur thoughts on him LOL
Rogohzin is interesting for sure. He's kind of the polar opposite of Myshkin--if Myshkin represents all that is beautiful and pure in humanity, Rogozhin represents everything corrupted and toxic. But both are intrinsically very, very human.
I don't know if I think he felt remorse in the true sense. I do think he was upset she was gone and upset with himself for that. And I think a key difference between him and Raskolnikov is their motive--Rogozhin wanted to crush those already beneath him in society, the weak, which are the people Raskolnikov wanted to protect from people like Rogohzin. I do think this isn't a minor thing for Dostoyevsky; people who take advantage of women and children don't get redeemed if they do so with cruel intent. That said, Raskolnikov had to realize he wasn't ultimately much different than Rogozhin.
I do think Rogohzin loved Nastasya to whatever extent he could actually love, but his love was self-focused, and that's kind of what happens in a lot of humans. So instead of that making him bad, it's kind of key to what makes him human. He loved Nastasya in terms of what she could do for him, and he loved the idea of destroying her on a subconscious level. Why? It's not clear, but I do think there's a tendency throughout human history to, as Dostoyevsky says in "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man" :
...everyone began to love himself better than anyone else, and indeed they could not do otherwise. All became so jealous of the rights of their own personality that they did their very utmost to curtail and destroy them in others, and made that the chief thing in their lives. Slavery followed, even voluntary slavery; the weak eagerly submitted to the strong, on condition that the latter aided them to subdue the still weaker.
But once mankind has destroyed those weaker, then what do they have left?
(Actually, I think that quote sums up pretty much Rogozhin's character.)
I think that's how I see Rogohzin's ending: empty. He will go to prison, while Myshkin, the best of humanity, goes to an asylum. The corrupt world is the ultimate villain, not allowing them to heal each other, considering purity and goodness as sickness and driving it out of people with its cruelty, while at the same time punishing people for caving into this very cruelty. It's a trap, in other words, and it's impossible to navigate this world and not participate in the cruelty to a degree. Kind of like a mirror to how Nastasya was trapped: damned by the very person who was supposed to protect her, leaving her waffling between madness and salvation and cruelty and self-destruction. Because in our participation, we also sow our own destruction.
Yet I'll leave you with the ending quote of "The Dream of a Ridiculous Man":
For I have seen the truth; I have seen and I know that people can be beautiful and happy without losing the power of living on earth. I will not and cannot believe that evil is the normal condition of mankind. And it is just this faith of mine that they laugh at. But how can I help believing it? I have seen the truth--it is not as though I had invented it with my mind, I have seen it, seen it, and the living image of it has filled my soul for ever. I have seen it in such full perfection that I cannot believe that it is impossible for people to have it. And so how can I go wrong?
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k0kichiimagines · 3 years
Tumblr media
yes!! also reposted with a sc rather then answering bc the wording meant it wouldnt show A
Nagito Komaeda N$FW alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
The first few times i think he would be pretty emotional, he might even cry, but definitely clinging to you softly and thanking you, telling you he loves you so much (if you’ve already said i love to one another by that stage). It happens later on as well, but less often.
He’d usually hold you or let you hold him, soft conversation or a gentle silence for a while, perhaps a nap. And then he’d go run a bath or something, he doesn’t want to feel sticky all day.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He hates himself, but he loves your body. Your hands are so gentle, soothing and soft. He likes your hands.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
I’ll be honest if it was down to him he’d do it on the sheets everytime, he feels like it would be dirtying you if he did it inside, you’d have to reassure him.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
At first he hides all of his sexual thoughts, scared you will hate him for it. As your relationship progresses he feels more comfortable.
He has a secret praise kink. He likes being complimented, but thinks he doesnt deserve it
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
No sexual experience. He’s very messy? You can tell his movements are uncertain, and he messes up a few times, but it’s not like he knows nothing at all yknow?
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
when hes tired he prefers you on top, but he enjoys any position that allows you two to be close together to be honest
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
he might make a few jokes? but not many, not beyond a few teases
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I feel like he usually doesnt, but sometimes if he wants to make an impression he might trim or shave.
It does match the drapes, with occasional hairs the same colour as his old brown hair.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
hes always very gentle. the intimacy level depends on your personal mood,, but he can be very loving and soft at moments.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
yeah he does. I dont think he’d feel too embarrassed if you found him either
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
bondage!! being blindfolded !! he likes being degraded to an extent
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
he doesnt care LMAO hes happy enough to do it anywhere, public or private this man is down
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
he likes you coming on to him, he likes feeling wanted if that makes sense
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He wouldn’t insult you. Tease you? Call you needy? Yeah. But he can’t find it in himself to call you anything insulting
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
both. he loves pleasuring you, he loves making you happy,, but equally the first time you sucked him off he probably cried from knowing you wanted to pleasure him as well. he’ll never ask you to, never.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
At first he’s definitely slower, he’s still unwell (although recovering!). The longer he has the faster and longer he can go
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
he likes quickies! he doesnt have a preference on quickies or not either,, but his cheeks will be very red and hair tousled afterwards so most people will guess what you two where up to if you do
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
yes!! very much so
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
see the pace question,, same thing here!
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
he doesnt own any, bar perhaps one or two, but he enjoys experimenting with them. if youre into them he’ll buy a whole lot, the mans rich
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he does love to tease! moments where he’s more dom especially, he has an almost sadistic streak that comes out to play at times
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
oh hes loud. whines and loud moans, he doesnt even try to silence himself
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
he LOVES lingerie. either him wearing it or you wearing it,, if you called him your pretty boy he’d probably melt.
also a switch.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
uncircumcised, uhh roughly 7? i feel like he’s packing i wont lie
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Research on google by yours truly has stated people with Frontotemporal Dementia can get an increase in s3xual desire,, i know the implication is that the coma cured Nagito, but i think some effects may be long term / permanent. So i think he may have a fairly high sex drive,, he’s good at masking it though… kind of.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
pretty soon, he likes to be held or hold you on his chest.
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generalexcuse · 3 years
Alright. I am beating a dead horse here but taking time off of this show and fandom did not work. This will be the last time I ever say something about it but it’s upsetting to me so I need to vent. And to everyone saying “You are an adult man and this is fiction, why are you so obsessed? Weirdo. Learn to differentiate between fiction and reality.” I am going to address these notions as well as other problems I am having here. But really, Inuyasha was one of my first Anime, I have many dear memories and especially Rin was one of my all time favourite characters. Seeing her being mistreated like this upsets me. Ofc it does because if you watch something in formative years it’s not just fiction like a boring sitcom you watch now. Shows and characters are important to people and to simply dismiss it like that even if they would have been equally upset if it wouldnt have become canon, is infuriating. Really this is just therapeutic for me because even after weeks it’s still so baffling to me. Also please excuse the grammar and spelling mistakes. I am not a native speaker.
So the problem is obviously Sessrin and how it’s done because while I absolutely dont agree with this pairing, it would have been fine if it wasnt like it is. 
In the original show, Rin is an 8 yo child and her entire character reflects just that. She behaves like a child and depends on others. She has also been traumatized, doesnt speak at the beginning of the show and dies twice. Both times she is saved by or because of Sesshomaru. In many ways, while she has survival skills on her own, she depends on his presence alone to keep danger away. He also leaves her with trustworthy humans at the end but stays in her life as a protector. Now I like the original dynamic. It’s sweet, innocent and both characters grow because of it. Rin can work through her traumatic experiences, learns to trust others and Sesshomaru becomes a better person.  What happens afterwards only happens offscreen right until Rin gives birth to his children at the crippling old age of 15. 15. My lil sis is 16 now and couldnt consent to something like that. And she is mature af. It’s ridiculous. My blood boils just typing that shit out. And if you give me the ‘it’s legal in Japan’ excuse. In Germany a 14 yo can be with a 20 yo sexually. Still not okay in societies eyes and on tv it’s never shown as something positive. It’s even explicitly forbidden for authority figures like teachers or protectors to be with their protégé before the age of 18 because the chances of even unintentional grooming are too high. 
Now lets take a quick break and discuss how this kind of relationship usually plays out in other fictional pieces. A minor with an adult is something that is being portrayed at times and I dont have a problem with that. The problem is how it’s being done in Yashahime. And I dont mean the nonexisting character development but the fact that even in adult fiction this type of relationship isnt depicted positively. And this show is for young adults and teens that will exist way after all the discourse as the official sequel to Inuyasha. A cult anime. Meaning that in the future young people will watch it. Just like many still watch Inuyasha to this day. It’s on Netflix for fucks sake. Just to preface what comes next.   Some people say, “But cant you differentiate between reality and fiction?!?!?!” Adults can but younger people havent developed this ability to the same extent.   What happened to Rin was statutory r*pe in the USA, illegal even in Germany and should have been depicted as such unless the showrunners and fandom are okay with watching it without criticism or deconstruction. At best it was done with the intention to please the fanbase but really it’s neglectful to anyother part of the present and future audience. Not even most Animes do that. And I get that Sessriners arent into that shit in real life and an adult show could have gone this route because the viewers understand and add the criticism in their heads. Not ideal but whatever to me. But a YA show to go this route is so wrong on so many levels. The younger viewer who will watch this show in the following years might subconsciously internalize that this is acceptable under certain conditions when it’s not criticized properly on the show. That lowers their alertness when an adult actually starts to groom them. How dense do you have to be to assume that the lack of criticism on this YA show is a good thing?? Not everyone who will ever watch this show is an adult or capable of the same reasoning.
But another thing: for the same reason r*pe isnt depicted in a positive light, these types of relationships arent either. Because it’s not a positive thing and most people and showrunners dont want to see or create it as positive. Even in adult fiction, even in other anime, the media critizes and deconstructs what it’s showing because normally the showmakers dont approve but show it for realisitc or dramatic reasons. the same sessrin storyline would fit a fucking horror or thriller series. Just change the music and show it all. No showmakers in their right mind would go “Aye we got a r*pe scene coming up, lets put romantic music and have a pink filter over it.” “But it’s a different time and culture!” People will say and I agree but to have the audacity to assume that back then it was okay or that in todays Japan it’s okay, is fucked up. Think about it for a second. That’s so fucked up to think. Even if the society back then or in Japan thinks it’s okay, does it make it okay? 15 yo girls werent able to consent to adults and bear their children back then. They had to. They were raised with the expectations and they simply grew up thinking that it was the normal thing. But that doesnt make it right. That’s just societal grooming which did not prepare them in any way or allowed them the human dignity that they would have deserved. To now act like it’s all cool to just show the “positive” aspects or to twist it into something positive is so fucked up. Child Brides are a fucked up concept and to portray it as anything else is fucked up and also undermines the experience many girls still have to make. period.
I heard people say that it’s okay to portray it in this way because “Sesshomaru is not human!!!1″ and that’s correct. He is not. BUT, it’s not about being human but about maturity, consens, and independency. Him being a yokai makes it worse imo because there is an obvious power discrepancy. But in this particular fiction a good relationship could have been established (Kagome and Inuyasha for example) on those foundations but they did not because I can only assume they wanted Sesshomaru to smash and the show to pick up at a point where the other characters arent too old to be cool.
“What’s with Sango and Miroku, Kagome and Inuyasha?? It’s the same!” No it’s not. Rin was 8 at the beginning of the show. Kagome was 15 and Sango was 16-17 when they met their significant others. If you now tell me that you think 8 to be comparable to 15-17, I must ask you to get a reality check. Kagome’s and Sango’s relationships were slowburns starting when they already were able to have sexual and romantical feelings. Rin was a child. And Kagome did not kiss Inuyasha until they knew each other for a long ass period of time and bonded as friends and maybe more. Sesshomaru and Rin never were friends in the same way that Kagome and Inuyasha were because the maturity levels are way off. No adult is friends with a little child in the same way they are friends with their adult friends. And normally you dont grow into such a friendship but in the rare case you do, it’s not when she is 15 but maybe 20 or 25. 
Last but not least, Rin is not a character to the audience the same way Kagome or Sango are. Why? Because she was never shown as an adult or 3 Dimensional character to the audience. We know her as a child who wants to be with her trusted group. She is naive, but tough and doesnt have any motivation or drive on her own outside her group. Like every child she clung to the adults around her and her world outside of this group was nonexisting. Kagome wanted to be successful in school, Sango was a demon hunter and wanted to find her brother. Those are motivations and traits that dont circle around the love interest. Rin never had those because she was not developed to that point. Because she was a child and her entire existence was to develop Sesshomaru and to perhaps give the viewer a character to simply adore. What we see is of her: Mistreated child, -> Dead child -> Child being looked after and healing, -> Child not being homeless anymore -> ????? -> Teenager getting knocked up, pumping out main characters and then getting yeeted into a tree. 
This is not the way you treat a beloved character. There is no dignity to her character. “But she is fictional!!1″ Yes she is. But please show me a show that treats its child characters like this without criticizing it. 
I would have loved to see her grow as her own person. Go on her own adventures or learning a craft or developing meaningful bonds with other characters her age. Forming ideas that dont revolve around Sesshomaru alone. You know her being 3 Dimentional and not just there to pump out main characters. And if she then with 20 or 25 met Sesshomaru again and thought he was the hottest shit, I would have been fine with it. Not happy but fine. But in the little time we saw her as ‘not a child’, she still behaved the way she did before. 
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aawwuwu · 3 years
Unpopular wh opinion >:]
WOO i was waiting for this i have. many things. in my brain. gonna refer to myself in 3rd person for this so people who dont know im noel can understand too :> 1. Claire is criminally underrated. I feel like she kinda gets swept under the rug as apart of the "shes the boring protag" mindset and she absolutely deserved better. Also repeatedly joking abt her deaths is kinda bland. 2. Ashe and Noel are cinematic foils of eachother- they both have a motive to help someone they care about, and would go to extreme extents to help them. Noels pacifism is used to highlight ashes drive to get what he wants no matter what and vice versa. I dont think the story would be so consistent if either character didnt have the exact same personality. 3. Invective is pretty neat and rarely talked abt. 4. Wilardo is lowkey the least interesting character SO FAR (still love him doe,,) his conclusion better highlight his character more because right now hes the least elaborated upon character. Zizel and rouge also needs elaboration i think, 5. Do not.....pair the demons w noel., i cannot stress this enough it is so wrong 6. The demons r all so cool in their own rights but..... lime and charlotte r so interesting in particular
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mxm249 · 3 years
After not playing a fuckton of games till 3 am lately I've realized I've got to really restructure my life
I've been so fucking stressed lately and my physical health is taking its toll
Aches across my body
A near constant pain in my leg and my back legit hurts almost all the time
I don't eat right or take time for myself that actually helps
Being addicted to video games (and specifically FFXIV) is not something I'm happy to admit
And I really want to continue on n stuff but I need to be real with myself. Doing things that I like to an extreme extent is hurting me the same as if I was doing stuff I didn't want to do. I need to regulate all things in my life. I need to start eating legit diets with caloric counts and stuff. I need to correct and keep my sleep schedule consistent
I've got outstanding obligations, bills, and I need to book appointments for my physical health(eyes and teeth). As well as see other doctors for this pain in my leg that I have a suspsion that it could be DVT. Or about the sprawling acne across my body that I haven't take seriously and is a source of stress and anxiety. Or how about a nutritionist so I can make sure I'm getting a proper diet so I don't die of heart failure in 5 years.
I need to start forming a routine of exercise and stretches. I am definitely not in a healthy condition currently and it will over time do plenty of damage.
I've got to take proper care of my dogs and I mean actually take care not this lazy bullshit I've been doing. Take care and maintain the fish I've got and actually take care of the chickens at my house
And I need to take my faith more seriously
It's very easy to see things that I dont and push them away. That kind of desire isnt simple to address exactly. But it's infinitely harder to admit when the things you do that you really do enjoy doing are an actual source of distress and your obsession with them is doing a ton of damage without realizing it. I've got to remove my identity from the actions I take. I may have played my games my entire life but it doesn't define me as much as I'd like to think.
It's extremely hard to find the line of self compassion to take care of myself, but I can't be so lenient to thr point that I fall back into my old same habits and excuse then because "I've got to be kind to myself"
That is gonna get me no where at all. I also need to work towards building more discipline. After taking Adderall for a couple weeks and realizing to my utter horror that I'm not some super secret crazy machine locked behind adhd. I have a severe lack of motivation regardless if I've got adhd or not. Motivation is built not found and I need to start building the foundation to let it flourish.
I want to learn to do bunch stuff but really my desire to think about doing stuff
Not actually sitting down and learning from the ground up certain skills. I've thought myself a writer for a long time. You wanna know how much writing I've got done? Almost none, just a few half finished stories spread across my Google drive. I'd like to think myself a reader, the amount of books I've read from front to cover could probably be counted on my fingers and toes. It's sad honestly.
But I wont get trapped into a spiral of self loathing
I have come so extremely far from where I've started
Childhood was fucking rife with stress and fear, I see it in my everday life. My relationship with my parents is either wobbly or non-existant
I could have gone down so many worst paths but I didn't
Ive got a mostly screwed on head on a more or less capable* body
I've got friends and people who care for me. And while I think I need to actually sit down and evaluate all of my relationships, it's far better than starting from 0
I've got a relatively stable job and while my be extremely stressful job, it gives me the ability to sort of afford healtcare and it's a privilege that I cannot take for granted
I am more aware of my faults than ever but rather than want to kill myself over them I've got the chance to fix them
I still remember standing outside with my sister as a 9 year old telling her I didn't want to be alive anymore. And I remember her telling me that she was gonna tell mom and I was deathly afaird and begged her to not
She didn't, but fucking imagine that. A fucking little kid wanting to kill themselves, it's absolutely horrifying. I reflect on that and it gives me pain, how could anyone let that happen? But it gives me the strength to know how to change things for others going forward
There was a lot wrong in my life and there are so many people who have hurt me
But rather than become another faceless critic I'm gonna do my best to stand up and be the kind and compassionate person I think everyone should be.
This is just another day in the ever moving journey towards a sort of self improvement. To find the fire and strength to keep going, but to find the compassion and mindfulness to be kind to myself and others. I'm doing what I can to try and cultivate what I truly think is important to have in life.
Im still struggling to really accept and realize self love, it's something I stress out over a lot. I am extremely self conscious. I think it's literally my last post, I'm always worried I talk too much or talk over people. Im really unsure if I actually do, or if I'm overthinking everything. I know it's a lot of the latter.
I've been reading a book lately and I think it's been helping a lot. Its from a monk who's quote "Don't take your life personally" has been one I've pondered and thought about for a couple of years. And now I am finally reading the book
I'm happy I've found Buddhism, it's given me confidence in a lot of ways, and I always find refuge into the 3 jewels. I am really hoping to continue onward with my journey and have Buddhism be the guide to which I live.
I've probably been writing too long and I've got work pretty early.
If anyone sees this please take a deep breath. I appreciate really anyone who would read this. Everyone deserves to be loved and loving. I hope you know youve got the strength to take on the hardships of life, but the wisdom to not let it ruin you
Please take care everyone!
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ainchase · 4 years
very very rough translation of Elesis/LuCiel Epic Quest with Rosso
rosso: everything related to the protection of El is the masters and the priestesses' responsibility. you stay out of it.
ciel:??? dude wtf we
1. restored the el
2. fought against henir zealots
3. saved your fucking ass
rosso: yeah I can see just how ugly everything got if people like you guys were helping out
lu: !@$!@$Y#$%@#$
elesis: okay well w.e we gon go ask denif then
lu: in case you forgot we beat your ass in varnimyr
rosso: yeah it was like 13v1
elesis: Alright, let's say that even someone with a demon's blood can be come master. Why did you become one?
ciel: yeah did you become master cuz you had some ulterior motive with the el or something
rosso: are you fucking kidding me right now
elesis: yeah why do you insist on going to the demon realm all by yourself? you know, other masters had to stay behind and let us go to the demon realm cuz they had to protect the el. you dont look like you care about that
rosso: others can protect the el. I can handle the demon realm by myself.
elesis: why do you want to go alone so bad? what's your hidden agenda?
rosso: what about you guys? why do YOU want to go back to the demon realm so bad? You find me suspicious cuz Im half demon and I want to go back to the demon realm?? How's that any different from you guys
rosso: you guys have a half demon AND a full blown demon. You guys are more suspicious than me
lu: what did you say you lil shit
we went through all that shit for a reason
rosso: Im saying that we did the same for Elrios as well. We did a lot of shit to protect this world
rosso: doing shit to save the world aint a competitive sport
elesis: why are you so fucking uptight
lu: what do you mean? this fucker is just crazy
ciel: I see. if he really meant harm, then he wouldnt be this defensive against us from the start. it's better to back stab when he has our guard lowered
elesis: yeah see how hes like threatening us physically but answering every single one of our questions? its like hes doing doing his bare minimum to make us understand
elesis: you just really want to stop us from going to the demon realm, huh
rosso: gdi
rosso: what makes you think you guys have to go to the demon realm?
elesis: in order to stop the Order and fully restore the El, we need the Dark El.
ciel: You're not entirely wrong. It doesn't necessarily have to be us to find the Dark El.
ciel: but think about it logically. There's no other team that's more suitable for this mission than ESP. Isnt that true?
rosso: I...
elesis: you alone doesnt make a team. You have a ridiculously low success rate if you jump into the battlefield by yourself.
elesis: i mean sometimes you gotta make 5 teams each with 2 people but uhh
rosso: I dont give a shit
elesis: right back at ya, ESP is under the velder kingdom. we dont have to listen to you, a so-called higher up from a kingdom long gone
rosso: that place is an abyss. none of the shit like order and process work there
rosso: wasnt it enough to lose your brother to the el once?
elesis: :tears:
ciel: you talking like we're going to demon realm to die
rosso: look, if everything worked out the way you plan, then the El wouldn't have exploded in the first place
rosso: going to a world where there isnt El or the influence of the Goddess means you have to be prepared for death. You guys have way too many things to lose to do that.
rosso: you have a shit ton of precious things to protect and yet you want to drive yourselves into danger? you've gotta be kidding me
elesis: so what, are you saying youre going to sacrifice yourself in our place cuz you got nothing to lose or something?
rosso: Im just trying to do my damn job, stop making shit up
lu: wait so you been spewing shit to us just so you can--
ciel: I mean if youre that worried about us, how about you come with us?
lu: lol if it was something like that, you could've just asked honestly from the beginning. I could've pulled some strings for ya
rosso: I swear Im going to kill you
elesis: well of course I dont want Elsword to involve himself in dangerous things, honestly
rosso: and yet you...
elesis: but this is the path we chose
elesis: a path that I chose
rosso: ...
rosso: I dont give a flying fuck on what path you chose
rosso: if you insist that much on going to the demon realm, then there will come a time when you have to make a decision
rosso: whether you have conviction, act recklessly or not, at the end of the day, if you got something that you have to choose over the other, it'll definitely hold you back
rosso: you didnt want to sacrifice your brother so you dragged him out of the El. Are you trying to die for him?
lu: what
ciel: what are you trying to say
rosso: how much more do I have to explain
ciel: why are you thinking complicated things when they didnt even happen yet
rosso: what
elesis: what
ciel: so youre saying, to go to the demon realm, we have to cut all ties, get rid of all worldly possessions, and jump in there all alone? you can think however you want, but I dont agree with that
ciel: it just looks like youre threatening us, like asking if we're ready to give up our lives for someone else in hopes of stopping us but
ciel: from the moment we decided to get elsword out of el, we already made up our mind
ciel: even if someone's life is on the line like you said, then I'll survive no matter what. Knowing Lu doesn't want me to die, I can't afford to lose my life.
lu: :tears:
rosso: the fk is wrong with you guys
lu: ciel's right
rosso: what
lu: we almost wasted our time worrying about useless shit. You got viscerally upset when I said we have to return to the demon realm to keep a promise
lu: if you think trying to survive is more important than trying to keep a promise, then how come you dont practice what you preach?
lu: dont you also value promises and conviction more?
rosso: Im different. I've been given a power.
elesis: youre so fucking stubborn i cant even
lu: me and ciel are bound by a contract. I might have considered what you said if I wanted to go back to the demon realm just to exact my vengeance.
lu: if something happens to me, I might not be able to save ciel
lu: but I still have to return because someone loyal to me is still there
lu: I mean its kinda meaningless to compare him with ciel, but as long as we've made our promise, winster is my people as well
lu: I forgot, for such a long time, what it's like to lead people, to take care of those who follow you
lu: why do I want to go to the demon realm?
lu: Im returning to reclaim my stolen throne. I will save my people, fulfill their wishes and at times punish them if I must.
lu: who's to stop a lord from returning to her domain to do what is asked of her?
rosso: :glare:
elesis: we already experienced a time when we had to make our choice, like ciel said
elesis: we made up my mind to go through even the most impossible things together
rosso: :rollingeyes: Im an idiot for trying to persuade a group of idiots like you
lu: do you finally feel like explaining things now
rosso: dont get your hopes up. Im only telling you cuz I know you idiots cant use this method
ciel: I think Im slowly getting used to his abrasive tone, after listening to it for so long. Okay, we won't think you've admitted defeat after you were persuaded by us, so just tell us
rosso: listen you little shit
rosso: Alright. Remember when I said I was suppressing the fire el's power with demonic aura?
rosso: the power of fire is much more difficult to control than other elements. there are enough of those who burned to ash because they couldnt withstand its destructive power
rosso: rosso clan was always trying to produce a master of fire, and decided they'll need a new form of power to suppress the power of fire el, for example...
rosso: something completely different from the el's power. Like a demonic energy.
elesis: they did what now
rosso: it's not much of a stretch to say that no one knew anything about demons back then. from their perspective, i was just a kid with a strange power.
rosso: of course I didnt have much as an actual demon, but my intrinsic demonic power was good enough for me to be a subject of their experiments The red eye was transplanted into me, and I was able to control the power of fire.
rosso: ...it wasn't without an accident, but in any case, the power of fire and the demonic aura are constantly at a balance inside of me. When one of them disappears, the other goes rampant
rosso: on the day we all decided to imbue the el shards with our respective element, I was the most problematic one
ciel: I see... from the process of trying to transfer the power of fire into the el shard, the balance between your demonic aura and the power of fire crumbled...
rosso: chaotic continent, missing masters... if they had a rampant half-demon on top of that, Elrios would not look the way it does today
elesis: that's why you went to the demonic realm? so you wouldn't go rampant in elrios???
rosso: /shrug
rosso: as the el exploded, temporal rifts were created all over elrios, sporadically. the phenomena was worse near powerful el shards
rosso: I was able to cross into the demon realm thanks to those rifts. After creating the fire el, I jumped into one of those rifts before I completely lost my sanity
rosso: thats the end of my story. now do you see why I said you cant use this method?
lu: you...
ciel: the priestesses couldnt help you? though theyre not blessed in the combative aspect like masters, I thought theyre the same when it comes to using the power related to the el
rosso: the priestess system was still pretty new at the time. They were busy trying to learn from masters too. Creating the elemental el as inexperienced priestesses is like betting your life on it
elesis: why did you go to that extent? even you couldnt have guaranteed your safety when you jumped into the rift. Are you saying even that was part of your mission?
rosso: hmph, there's no one who can tell me to do that shit
elesis: the tower you were locked away in... didnt have an entrance or an exit, blocked off completely, enough for the power of fire which was trying to return to you could only circle around the tower itself
lu: you locked yourself in so you wouldnt hurt others
rosso: I told you everything you wanted to know, so are you happy now?
elesis: rosso, I really dont want you to go to the demon realm
rosso: are you looking down on me after hearing that sob story?
elesis: no it's not that, I just think I know how much you think its natural for you to sacrifice yourself
elesis: I think I know why Im concerned about you. You are similar to my brother.
elesis: I dont know what happened in the past, but... I think he made that decision because he thought similar things as you once did
elesis: you've sacrificed yourself enough. You banished yourself to protect Elrios. I cant even imagine what it's like to hold out in a prison made to imprison yourself for hundreds of years, but
elesis: elrios stands today thanks to the efforts you guys went through. you can leave it to us now
ciel: we're not as weak as you think we are
lu: I can see why you didnt want to tell us. It wasnt particularly helpful, but thanks anyway
rosso: youre really annoying..
lu: the sentiment is mutual
rosso: now fuck off if you're done talking. I have to do more control training
ciel: youre more diligent than you look
rosso: do you wanna die
lu: it doesnt look like you're completely healed yet
lu: you're having trouble controlling your power without the eye, are you not
elesis: so thats what ventus meant when he said youre training to overcome what you've lost
rosso: that pointy eared fucker
ciel: wait; you were having difficulty controlling? but you fought so well...
rosso: like I said, you guys cant beat me in an even fight
lu: I really hate this guy
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"But poor Scoot got murdered because Stiles refused to share his own trauma with his one true alpha & owner Scoot! It was all Stiles' fault, really!"
More ableism, double standards, victim blaming, canon erasure and Scottpocrisy 101 courtesy of delusionals https://liliaeth.tumblr.com/post/184828048616/you-really-dont-know-what-conspiring-means-do
anonymous: You really don’t know what “conspiring” means, do you?
liliaeth: Oh I definitely do, I think you guys are the ones who don’t.
Stiles wanted Theo to keep quiet about Donovan, so in exchange Stiles kept quiet about Theo killing Josh. That’s conspiring. And before you bring up ‘blackmail’, all Stiles had to do to stop that, is tell Scott the truth.
It’s not like Scott’s ever thrown Braeden or Argent out for using guns. It’s not like Scott berated Derek after he said they’d make their own deadpool of those who came after them for the money. 
The notion of Scott supposedly being against any and all killing is fanon. And Stiles should have known this. But Stiles was so caught up in his own guilt, that Stiles saw Scott’s statement that was clearly about what Kira had done, as the same as the clear obvious accident and self defense that happened with Donovan. 
Stiles was blaming himself, so he put more trust in Theo’s willingness to keep quiet, than that he dared believe that Scott would accept him.
The reality is that if Stiles had told Scott the truth, Scott would have helped him. All Stiles had to do was stop lying. 
Instead Stiles worked with Theo to hide the truth from Scott, to the point of trying to keep the pack from the Nemeton, so they wouldn’t find Donovan’s body.
And as a result, Stiles betrayed the pack, betrayed Scott. 
endraking: It looks like the anon is forgetting when Stiles being blackmailed turned into conspiracy.  
First, What did Theo do? Leverage Stiles killing Donovan to keep Josh’s death a secret, specifically from Scott. Keep that in mind. Stiles not only kept that secret, one he could’ve told earlier than that but what else did he do? He partnered with Theo to catch the body thief, which is not the wisest decision regardless of how he felt that he would catch Theo in the act. Then he proceeded to hide information from the pack even misdirecting Lydia from tracking and finding the Nemeton.  
Stiles didn’t even lie to craft a story on why he thought Donovan was dead so his dad would stop devoting resources to finding him. He could’ve easily lied to his father, by this point it was almost second nature. That plays into Theo’s agenda in neutralizing the pack and Stiles did it willingly without outside prompt. Theo was able to succeed to the level he did because Stiles helped him. I feel that statement needs repeating: He succeeded to the extent he did because of Stiles’ actions.
Ways Stiles could’ve been blackmailed that wouldn’t have been conspiracy: 
-Do Nothing; Literally go home, curl into a depressive ball and turn his back on both the pack and Theo/DDs -Toe the line in helping the pack without outing Theo to keep his secret -Tell the pack/family/friends first and steal any power Theo had over him -Leave; Theo’s power over him could only exist if he were physically present.
princeescaluswords: Something else that needs to brought in mind, as the original anon asked, is the definition of conspiracy. To conspire means, according to Webster’s, to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrong act. It doesn’t matter why a conspirator joins in that secret agreement to make it a conspiracy.
I don’t have a problem with Stiles being drawn into the conspiracy. His motivations were solid and established even if they were irrational. He didn’t want his father and his friends to look at him differently after he killed Donovan in self-defense. They were products of trauma and his own insecurity.  
Yet it was a conspiracy. Stiles helped Theo cover up Josh Diaz’s first death and Theo helped Stiles cover up Donovan’s death.  
My problem is when the fanon (and to a lesser extent, the show) somehow attempts to make Stiles’ participation in the cover-up and the conspiracy Scott’s fault. Because the truth is that even if Scott had believed Stiles from the moment he said that Theo was shifty, unless Scott straight-up murdered Theo or somehow managed to drive him from Beacon Hills, it wouldn’t have changed a damn thing. Donovan would have come after Stiles anyway, Stiles would have still killed him in self-defense, and Stiles would have still lied to Scott about it. 
The truth is that Stiles didn’t defend himself in Lies of Omission; his goal was to shift the blame for Donovan’s death to Scott, which he failed to do. First Stiles tried to make it a referendum on Scott’s nature as a True Alpha – that it was Scott’s fault that he wasn’t Stiles shadow 24/7 “Some of us are human!”. When that didn’t work, Stiles tried to make it a referendum on their friendship “Say you believe me!” – and this emotional blackmail didn’t work.  
His final shot was to try to make Scott responsible for the consequences of his actions “Tell me what you want me to do,” so Scott did, and that’s not what Stiles really wanted at all. He wanted Scott to say “Don’t worry about it” as Scott had said every time before. But they’re not the same people, and Scott was right to direct Stiles to his father. Because Stiles killed someone, lied about it, engaged in a conspiracy and got caught.  
We can talk about fanon’s huge double standard forever when it comes to characters acting under blackmail, we can talk about the show’s cowardice when it came to confronting the flaws in the Scott & Stiles relationship, but it came down to the fact that Season 5A focused on the negative consequences of Stiles behavior from Season 1 to 5 – the lying, the avoidance, and the entitlement.  
DW: Ah, then Scott conspired with Gerard, didn’t he, when he planned to force Derek to give him the bite? Doesn’t matter if he was threatened or forced, he conspired. Glad we cleared that up after all this time. 
And no, Season 5 did not focus on the consequences of Stiles’s negative behaviour. If it had all been down to Stiles, Scott still would have had the rest of his pack standing by him. Season 5 focussed on Scott’s failure to keep his own pack. Stiles was just the last piece of that puzzle, and he had nothing to do with Scott driving the others away. 
Scott dies in Season 5 because he fails, personally, to be the alpha his pack needs, not because of anything Stiles does. He fails each pack member on an individual level. Stiles is the last one who is driven away, not the first. And that’s on Scott. 
 His final shot was to try to make Scott responsible for the consequences of his actions “Tell me what you want me to do,” so Scott did, and that’s not what Stiles really wanted at all. He wanted Scott to say “Don’t worry about it” as Scott had said every time before.
No, Prince, Stiles is asking what he can do to make it right again. But thanks for the demonstration of how bias works, and how, yet again, the people on your planet don’t understand how humans operate. Or stories. 
And none of you get blackmail either, do you? Yes, the whole point of blackmail is that you could end the whole thing by telling the truth--but you believe the consequences of that truth being known are somehow worse than maintaining the lie and going along with the blackmailer. That’s not conspiracy though. Conspiracy is two or more people plotting together, hence the “con” prefix. Stiles isn’t a co-conspirer because he doesn’t come up with the plan. 
He’s a blackmail victim. 
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derekscorner · 5 years
Between KH2 and KH3, which game did you like more, both story and gameplay-wise?
Ah is this that KH2 vs 3 debate I hear is ongoing? Well if you’re in for a sit I can answer that.
From this angle I quite bluntly find KH2 Final Mix more fun. I’m not going to argue what was arguably better or worse, gameplay preference is a matter of…well preference no matter how many wish to deny this fact.
Not that you do but I”m sure some lover or hater of one will see this and try to retort. o3ob
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Anyway; I felt Kh2 final mix was more technical and “harder” if I had to describe the feeling. Like 3 KH2 is normally overly easy but when put on critical mode it’s technicalities shine.I had to learn tactics, I couldn’t spam X or △, and I learned uses for summons. Which I found ironic since the 2 summons are far more useful when you dont initiate their moves.
Like if I let Stitch wander the screen he’ll deflect projectiles and keep my MP full. Chicken Little is a great early Magnet substitute and Peter Pan+Tinker Bell gives you a Phoenix Down.This was an improvement to KH1 in which only Tinker Bell was a spell with decent combat use. 1′s other summons had more supplemental uses imo.
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KH3′s summons were nearly win buttons I felt. Simba in particular, while damn spectacle, felt broken. I never bothered to learn them as I didn’t need them. Which I’m sure they have their own uses but I’m not really fond of many control schemes for them so I opt out of it.
In terms of the magic system I felt 2 and 3 were opposites. In KH3 magic is far too powerful, something many have noted. And while you dont ‘have’ to use it that’s not an excuse for a problem. You should choose not to use it not force yourself to ignore it for challenge.
KH2 on the opposite spectrum made magic nearly useless I felt. Many enemies didn’t stun nor have elemental damage. Fire’s AOE animation was good for early Critical game and Blizzard helps that first Hollow Bastion visit but many enemies shrug the base spells off later.In contrast, KH2′s Magnet and Thunder spells can be OP. Reflect in of itself is practically the only spell you’d ever need to use due to it’s nature.
So while many have long rants on either’s magic system I dont really think one trumps the other. each one is equally flawed with issues I dont see ever being addressed.
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In terms of keyblade combat I preferred KH2′s because I felt like Sora was automated in 3. I spam X cause I’m a scrub at timing presses (DMC5 is helping me overcome that) and due to this I noticed real quick that Sora’s combos just felt really automated.
Like I’d press X for one hit and get three. In contrast, KH2′s combat is harder. Sora animates combos as fast as my lazy ass can spam X and I’m not floating around like a final fantasy god.
I’m not really sure how to put this feeling into words but I do feel Kh2 keyblades are funner or snappier to combo whereas in KH3 I’m playing a watered down FFXV with it’s hold/press X for combo string.
Both games are so similar outside this issue that I dont see no reason to list likes or dislikes. If anything, from here, KH3 had great quality of life changes. The menu system was easier on the eyes and I’d be a damned soul if I didn’t admit I like switching keyblades mid-combat.
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I also really appreciate KH3 finally using Re:Coded’s keyblade ideas. It’s been there since that DS game yet no one every expanded on making keyblades unique since. It was a very foolish step backward to me.
I love that keyblades level up, I love that each one has a preference and the only way that could’ve been better is if they adapted Coded’s system entirely and gave each keyblade (or most) it’s own unique combo.
KH2 quite frankly just falls short in a hindsight perspective since keyblades were “stat sticks” and you only ever chose weaker ones for an ability. Which, back then, was a huge step up from KH1.
So KH3 wins in this area I also dont really hate on Kh2 for it since KH2 is a product of the era. This idea of keyblades growing with you didn’t happen till Re:Coded.
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As for Shotlocks…I dont like them. I hated them in BBS and I hate them here. It’s not even a comparison to KH2 type of opinion. I hate Shotlocks, I never use shotlocks so I’m going to skip those.
I mean sure, KH2 had limits but the only limits I use are Knocksmash so I can’t exactly praise KH2′s half of that either.
And when it comes to Forms vs Transformations I think both have pros and cons the other lacks. For example, some Transformations are really cool, I love the hammer weapons or the dual pistols.
I also believe the staff transformation is what KH2′s wisdom form should’ve been in terms of how it does magic or basic attacks.
That said, I also really dislike many second forms keyblades have. I never evolve the pistols into the bazooka, I never turn the hammer into the drill, I have those second forms. It’s to the extent I prefer keyblades that have one form such as the staff.
I’m also not fond of the Kingdom Key’s 2nd form change. It’s a neat throwback and I love the outfit recolor but I dont find it fun to use.
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Between the two games my favorite forms are Valor Form, Anti-Form, and the Staff Transformation. Odds are I wont use anything else unless I feel particularly bored.
I might use others more often if KH3 forced me to rely on them for tactics but as of right now it does not. This may change with 3 gets it’s Critical Mode DLC. Similar to how KH2FM forced me to rely on forms I hate like Wisdom or Final.
As a concept I will admit that I dislike transformations. I dont like the idea of keyblades becoming magical swiss army knives. KH3 pulled the idea off better than I expected but I dont like it all the same.
The only, and I mean only, thing I felt KH2 did better was tie forms to a meter. In KH3 the commands appear randomly (and often) and I dont gain consequences for using them.
In KH2 this was tied to your Drive Gauge. You had to plan what you used and this is an issue I felt KH3 had as a whole. Rather than shotlocks, I’d have preferred that Focus Gauge to be reserved for my summons and forms so that I could have better control of what I picked and to reduce how broken they are in-game.
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The rest is miscellaneous opinions so I’ll rapid fire:
Gummi Ships: always hated them, BBS did Gummi Ships best. Point goes to KH3 here since I can at least skip most of it.
Minigames: I’ve never found a KH minigame fun. No one wins here
Worlds: KH3 wins this aspect too. World towns have actual people in them and when it uses original plots the worlds are quite good. I also appreciate the power to explore and soft platform again. It gives me a more immersive feeling than later titles ever have. (although I feel KH1 was still better than both here)(entirely because of how many small details/cameos/secrets a KH1 world had compared to sequels)
I dont really have a more technical opinion than that. I do however think Arendelle was a horrendous world and I hate to even be there. For a myriad of reasons….reasons that would be a rant post of it’s own.
Lil Chef: I never use the food. I dont care if it’s a good spot for ingredients. If I want to cook stuff I’ll do some irl or play FFXV.
Enemies: KH3 used nobodies more than KH2 did and I find that a damn crying shame. I also felt Unversed were underutilized. KH2 still takes the point here due to the combat points I mentioned above.
KH3 fodder is prettier and can be more elaborate but KH2 is funner to play and destroy them in so KH2.
The Disney Rides: I don’t use them, they break the game. I do like the choo choo though since it’s situational to specific battles. KH2 has nothing akin to these so there’s no comparison, I just wish the rides could be disabled or that they worked more like the train. (set to key fights)
KH2 vs KH3 Commands: Eh both aren’t that good. KH3 spams you commands to shift through and KH2 has so many for spectacles sake that the games get easy. There is no winner here, if anything KH2 should’ve restricted these like KH3 restricts the Train ride summon.
Final Fantasy: I dont like FF games but I consider the ones of Kh1 part of the main cast. Their alternate KH selves are important to me. The lack and fading of FF over the years is quite honestly something I dislike and 3′s total lack of them is inexcusable to me. KH2 takes this point since I got to at least meet Leon and crew again.
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Then there’s the story.
Anyone that’s followed the blog or met me knows I strongly dislike the direction of KH’s story. It’s not a matter of things others debate, I do not like it. I hate it and I’m still teetering on quitting.
I wont even go into the points cause I’ve made a whole series of posts about my story gripes. I wont link them since this isn’t a shameless plug, I just want to iterate that my issues with the story has driven me to make 20+ tangents plus the older more angry rants.
Others liking it is fine I think, I get easily annoyed if someone tries to excuse something out of nostalgia or adoration, but generally anyone that likes it while admitting faults or agreeing to disagree is fine. (you do you folks)
If I had to rank them I feel KH2 is where a lot of issues started and I feel a lot of issues got worse after since the sequels tried to “fix” that mess. If left alone KH2 would’ve been a poorly written entry and a good stopping point for any disillusioned fan.
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KH3 as a contrast tied up everything after 2 up til 3 itself. I do not consider the story good, the pacing is very jarring because it lacks a mid point, it’s weighed down by all the BS prior to it.
I do not feel attachment for the “trios” of the series, I find the repetition of them annoying. I find it a shame most have more dev time than the originals they’re cloned based on.
And I frankly dislike Xehanort as a villain. He’s not interesting, his motives seem to switch with several report entries and I dont eve get the satisfaction of ending him like I did Xemnas or Ansem.
I was entirely indifferent to the entirety of this game’s narrative as I played it. Something that worried my friend @blackosprey because I was so tired I could not even care enough to hate it.
I did fine the trios reunions well done. I dislike them for a list of reasons but they were coming back anyway, their fates sucked prior, so those were well done. I finally felt hype when the LW appeared (only to vanish, fuck you nomura) and in the final battle.
The ending was confusing to me. So many got a happy ending so I fail to see the logic of Sora vanishing. The Luxu reveal, which I found fucking hilarious, was the only sequel bait needed.To have Sora just up and die felt like a stupid decision and I’m sure many more found it insulting.
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And when mentioning Luxu I dont mean it in a sarcastic fashion. I genuinely find him funnier in retrospect due to this retroactive change. Nearly every line or scene he’s said is now funny as hell because he’s this ancient troll. I consider it the first legitimately earned twist Nomura has made in ages.
Still, KH2′s writing and story isn’t great either. I could rant why, I have ranted why, but despite it’s flaws it was an “ending” to me.So if asked 2 or 3 I will pick 2. The writing in Kh2 is bad for lots of reasons but if I ignore the Ansem reports it’s no a story about Xehanort.
Ignoring one KH2 report let’s me live this simpler story of Sora and a scientist gone mad and the journey to stop him. It had a lot of stupid things or one of the worst “twists for twists sake” moments ever in the ‘two ansems’ reveal.
But still, I can play Kh2 and be in a KHverse where Xehanorts, Keyblade Wars, Ceremonies, timelines, sleeping worlds, data world abuse, and clones upon clones dont exist.
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It’s not nostalgia so much as everything I came to dislike was post KH2. KH3 was all about these things I dont like. My favorite for key and nostalgic reasons is KH1, my pick of the question is Kh2.
KH3′s best assets that can’t be contested was it’s graphical evolution. I played KH3 three times back to back due to this, I came away from KH3 wishing KH1 or 2 looked like this. No game prior contests the look.
So all in all, as I reread this, it’s largely a mixed bag. Neither game is grand but I prefer KH2 because combat is more fun to me and it’s not tied down by a narrative and mythology I’ve come to hate.
I can play KH1, CoM, and KH2 and never be annoyed about something I loved going in a direction I hated.
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bhadpodcast · 5 years
"But poor Scoot got murdered because Stiles refused to share his own trauma with his one true alpha & owner Scoot! It was all Stiles' fault, really!"
More ableism, double standards, victim blaming, canon erasure and Scottpocrisy 101 courtesy of delusionals https://liliaeth.tumblr.com/post/184828048616/you-really-dont-know-what-conspiring-means-do
anonymous: You really don’t know what “conspiring” means, do you?
liliaeth: Oh I definitely do, I think you guys are the ones who don’t.
Stiles wanted Theo to keep quiet about Donovan, so in exchange Stiles kept quiet about Theo killing Josh. That’s conspiring. And before you bring up ‘blackmail’, all Stiles had to do to stop that, is tell Scott the truth.
It’s not like Scott’s ever thrown Braeden or Argent out for using guns. It’s not like Scott berated Derek after he said they’d make their own deadpool of those who came after them for the money. 
The notion of Scott supposedly being against any and all killing is fanon. And Stiles should have known this. But Stiles was so caught up in his own guilt, that Stiles saw Scott’s statement that was clearly about what Kira had done, as the same as the clear obvious accident and self defense that happened with Donovan. 
Stiles was blaming himself, so he put more trust in Theo’s willingness to keep quiet, than that he dared believe that Scott would accept him.
The reality is that if Stiles had told Scott the truth, Scott would have helped him. All Stiles had to do was stop lying. 
Instead Stiles worked with Theo to hide the truth from Scott, to the point of trying to keep the pack from the Nemeton, so they wouldn’t find Donovan’s body.
And as a result, Stiles betrayed the pack, betrayed Scott. 
endraking: It looks like the anon is forgetting when Stiles being blackmailed turned into conspiracy.  
First, What did Theo do? Leverage Stiles killing Donovan to keep Josh’s death a secret, specifically from Scott. Keep that in mind. Stiles not only kept that secret, one he could’ve told earlier than that but what else did he do? He partnered with Theo to catch the body thief, which is not the wisest decision regardless of how he felt that he would catch Theo in the act. Then he proceeded to hide information from the pack even misdirecting Lydia from tracking and finding the Nemeton.  
Stiles didn’t even lie to craft a story on why he thought Donovan was dead so his dad would stop devoting resources to finding him. He could’ve easily lied to his father, by this point it was almost second nature. That plays into Theo’s agenda in neutralizing the pack and Stiles did it willingly without outside prompt. Theo was able to succeed to the level he did because Stiles helped him. I feel that statement needs repeating: He succeeded to the extent he did because of Stiles’ actions.
Ways Stiles could’ve been blackmailed that wouldn’t have been conspiracy: 
-Do Nothing; Literally go home, curl into a depressive ball and turn his back on both the pack and Theo/DDs -Toe the line in helping the pack without outing Theo to keep his secret -Tell the pack/family/friends first and steal any power Theo had over him -Leave; Theo’s power over him could only exist if he were physically present.
princeescaluswords: Something else that needs to brought in mind, as the original anon asked, is the definition of conspiracy. To conspire means, according to Webster’s, to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrong act. It doesn’t matter why a conspirator joins in that secret agreement to make it a conspiracy.
I don’t have a problem with Stiles being drawn into the conspiracy. His motivations were solid and established even if they were irrational. He didn’t want his father and his friends to look at him differently after he killed Donovan in self-defense. They were products of trauma and his own insecurity.  
Yet it was a conspiracy. Stiles helped Theo cover up Josh Diaz’s first death and Theo helped Stiles cover up Donovan’s death.  
My problem is when the fanon (and to a lesser extent, the show) somehow attempts to make Stiles’ participation in the cover-up and the conspiracy Scott’s fault. Because the truth is that even if Scott had believed Stiles from the moment he said that Theo was shifty, unless Scott straight-up murdered Theo or somehow managed to drive him from Beacon Hills, it wouldn’t have changed a damn thing. Donovan would have come after Stiles anyway, Stiles would have still killed him in self-defense, and Stiles would have still lied to Scott about it. 
The truth is that Stiles didn’t defend himself in Lies of Omission; his goal was to shift the blame for Donovan’s death to Scott, which he failed to do. First Stiles tried to make it a referendum on Scott’s nature as a True Alpha – that it was Scott’s fault that he wasn’t Stiles shadow 24/7 “Some of us are human!”. When that didn’t work, Stiles tried to make it a referendum on their friendship “Say you believe me!” – and this emotional blackmail didn’t work.  
His final shot was to try to make Scott responsible for the consequences of his actions “Tell me what you want me to do,” so Scott did, and that’s not what Stiles really wanted at all. He wanted Scott to say “Don’t worry about it” as Scott had said every time before. But they’re not the same people, and Scott was right to direct Stiles to his father. Because Stiles killed someone, lied about it, engaged in a conspiracy and got caught.  
We can talk about fanon’s huge double standard forever when it comes to characters acting under blackmail, we can talk about the show’s cowardice when it came to confronting the flaws in the Scott & Stiles relationship, but it came down to the fact that Season 5A focused on the negative consequences of Stiles behavior from Season 1 to 5 – the lying, the avoidance, and the entitlement.  
I think they’ve finally done it They’ve exhausted me. They gaslight and reform canon until it fits into their rhetoric regardless of what canon so obviously shows. Lil is trying to say there are time when Scott is not against killing and yet there’s never been an instance of this shown on the show. You know what is shown? Scott telling Stiles that “we can’t kill” and “there has to be another way”. 
PEW trying to say Stiles is shifting the blame for Josh’s death onto Scott (even though it is Scott’s fault), when Stiles’ words never even intimated as much. 
Calling Stiles a liar and sneaky and entitled, continuing to dismiss the fact he was blackmailed and trying to call it conspiracy without any context and blaming it on self loathing because why not? He’s terrible and it would suck to be Stiles so they “get it”. 
They don’t get it and they never will. The thing is their arguments only work on Tumblr. As soon as people watch the show, they’ll see what they’re meant to and realize the antis are full of crap. 
Right now that’s good enough for me. 
If @athenadark @ravewulf @thisdiscontentedwinter or any of them wanna take it, feel free. 
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gg-astrology · 6 years
BTS: Namjoon’s Koya - Comfort Style (Mars) | Sleeping Cycle (Mercury/Venus)
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*Note: Not an analysis of his sleeping cycle (ya freaks) just the significance of sleep to him/how it’s a re-occurring subject when it comes to Namjoon. An appreciation for Koya/Namjoon’s creation of Koya. And a little bit on Jimin staying up super late into the night (and how it correlates to Namjoon as well)  
Virgo Boys Masterlist: JK Series | NJ Series
Not to make anyone cry but Namjoon having difficulties breathing when he sleeps (we knew he snore during debut -> until he got the surgery) and Koya’s detachable nose/body parts might be more correlated if you think harder about it 🙃 We’re NOT going to think about it since we’re NOT going to cry today! And also it’s probably just a coincidence pleaSE DONT CRY 
Anyways it’s super cute how Koya is such a relaxing color for Namjoon to sleep with. Can we talk about the color-scheme chosen for Koya for a second? I know during the behind-the-scenes/making of bt21 we didn’t get to focus so much on Namjoon’s creation of Koya (it was focused on the jokes/member dynamics) but the color blue (light/dark) seems to come up alot with Namjoon when he’s relaxing/being himself.
Whether it’s completely coincidental or not, it’s a good contrast from his ‘airport’/daytime fashion that focuses on Black, White and Khaki/Cargo pants. 
This contrast between Namjoon putting himself out there/expressing himself through fashion (Namjoon’s Fashion Sense Post) and Namjoon just relaxing/being himself is kind of distinctive. Nowadays, we see Namjoon just being himself more when he wears joggers, studio clothes/vlive at night where he’s decked out in comfy wear. Baggy/roomy clothes are good for him. Plus the gray/white seems to be much more prominent when he’s not ‘dressing up’ (Black - Scorpio Venus) 
Koya with it’s periwinkle colour and it’s main trait being ‘sleepy’/‘relaxing’ is almost like a manifestation of Namjoon’s comfort being given into a character, in order to gift/help others with this as well. 
It’s like a well-meaning gift, like saying ‘hey this is a personal part of myself. Some of the problems I deal with personally, with sleeping, and I want to give my well-wishes/solutions to you to help those out there who might suffer from this insomnia/thing as well’ It’s the best part of himself and a personal part of himself (like how he said he can’t act/let others direct his own narrative for him) being presented/given to others. That’s the core of BTS and what they’re trying to do (to an extent as well) -- and Namjoon is a manifestation of doing it in his action/motivation which is what makes it so comforting (whether he realizes this or not).
Honestly the blue colour-- I think it’s part of the inner-conscious. The manifestation of the water in his life. You don’t have to pick your favourite colours based on your element/what you feel like, but it’s interesting to see colours/favourite colours plays out as an expression of what the person isn’t expressing in their personality already. 
See Hoseok for example who’s just so airy (Aquarius) and his favourite colour is green (Taurus) -- he definitely shows the ‘groundedness’ Taurus has.  But you can think of Taurus as the plant + earth at the same time. Since he already expressing the ‘earth’ part of Taurus, the ‘green’ part is expressed through his clothing style/colour choice instead (muted colours sometimes).
Jungkook with his Leo Moon (yellow) and the abundance of black/white in his colour scheme (Virgo/Scorpio)
Jimin preferring dark blue/light blue (Scorpio/water) mixed with the air in his chart (Libra/Gemini) since he already wears quite a lot of blacks (Scorpio) the intermix/lighter side of Scorpio (water) might be mixing in with his air placements.
These are all just speculations, there’s not a lot to go on so please take this with a grain of salt. Honestly, I’ve looked a bit into colour astrology but unless it’s vedic the information is kind of limited (and I don’t have a degree in colour psychology either, so I’m really not coming from any professional authority-- I’m just speculating.) 
We’re also going to be talking about the abundance of Ryans on Namjoon’s bed as well.
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Cuddly Cancer Mars and the cluttering of Sagittarius Moon, even though he said (in the latest Hobi Vlive) that he throws the pillow out of the bed because it’s ‘clustering’ boy sure has the space/time to be surrounded by doll collections 24/7 of his life (from his bed to his studio) 
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Cancer Mars typically find comfort in people/domestic scenes, this doesn’t always have to mean their bed/personal space it can also mean their office/place they spend certain amount of time in-- alone. When they’re not being tactile with people they can find themselves customizing/intentionally designing their space to be some kind of ‘nest’ for themselves to function/work in. It’s not about moving rapidly through life and the impermanence of objects, it’s about making whether they go/reside in home. 
That’s why you can see Yoongi holding up in his room a lot of the time, but also you can see how Seokjin/Namjoon tends to collect figures/dolls (Mario figures/gaming device - Aries Moon | KAW figures + Ryan dolls ) as well. It gives a sense of comfort to them, and also just domesticate their spaces somewhat (adds familiarity to them).
Because Namjoon does have a Sagittarius Moon sometimes he can get to clutter/scatter the objects. Buys more than he needs or keeps relics in his spaces (how he customizes his desk) compared to say Seokjin who’s more about activities/fast paced-ness (Aries Moon) and that tends to focus more on devices/objects he can use that benefits him emotionally.
It’s also about the ~aesthetic~ with Namjoon, and that’s a combination of Libra and Virgo involved. Contrary to popular belief, Virgo can tend to be pretty house proud themselves. They like to show off in nondescript ways their personal possession/objects (see: Yoongi’s jersey and basketball figures, Jungkook’s speakers/gaming keyboards) It’s nothing too flashy/things to be acknowledged by others, they’re just proud of themselves like that (house-proud).    
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Oh and going back to sleeping cycles? In Saipan video where Namjoon said he ended up watching an entire series instead of one, that’s such a Scorpio Venus mood. It’s part of Libra Mercury too, usually to do with sleeping cycle/mind pursuit being too caught up on a lot of things (Jimin does tend to stay up late as well) and Scorpio enabling that obsessive factor making them possibly nocturnal (unintentionally) when something caught their mind’s attention.
Libra Mercury won’t stop until they feel like they understood something above the superficial level, if it’s something that personally interests them (like a topic/hobby they might have) it’s the same agitation when it comes to being bothered about a situation that is unjust/unfair to others, but in this case it’s just that drive/persistence that’s involved (cardinal). Their mind is constantly working, and Jimin especially with his Gemini Moon. It can be hard for him to fall asleep because he’s constantly stimulated/wanting that stimulation. 
With Namjoon it’s just a matter of distracting/exerting himself enough in his daily life that he’s drained (tired) enough to go to sleep (Sagittarius Moon). Although when they’re both caught up on something (Scorpio Venus- personal interests) they can be awfully persistent in getting to the end of it. Thus why sometimes, that might possibly eat into their daytime/night-time cycle as well.   
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astrogobo · 4 years
so anyways the point of the tag-rant is
[i dont know how to put a read more on mobile but i guess this is your read more?? this is just a rant feel free to scroll]
-dont assume "older sibling problems" only apply to the older sibling, cause hello walking exception here, ive related to basically every 'older sibling problem' post ive ever seen and im the youngest in the family
-thats partly because my relationship with my family sucks (not in an objectively Bad Person way, in a neglectful/self-inflicted by pushing them away for kinda valid reasons.. way?) (like just random example obviously we are all unable to leave the house rn & have been like this fr two months and i see family members for around 10 minutes (15 max) per day
again thats self-inflicted by me staying in my room all day, mostly because im trying to limit my interaction with them as much as possible because i am a panromantic asexual nonbinary agnostic person who really identifies with deism, and they are devout muslims who are active and in positions of power in nationwide muslim organizations and their siblings are casually homophobic pretty much all the time. but just because its self inflicted doesnt mean its fine to be happening cause in an ideal world the circumstances for the self-inflicted separation wouldnt exist.
but at the same time it isnt just the homophobia and 'we know you better than you know yourself cause youre too young to understand yourself' comments. its the way that i have always been compared to my older sister, who seems to be the perfect child: mature, never really went through a rebellious teen phase, a devout muslim just like the parents, a good cis straight girl with straight a's and the motivation and drive to do things with her life, who worked through depression without a therapist or meds, who manages to get shit done with her adhd trying to stop her at every turn. compared with me, an as-established Not-cis Not-straight disaster who can barely drag themself out of bed in the morning, who has given up on the classes they arent interested in, who is stubborn and prideful to a ridiculous extent, who is perfectly neurotypical yet is unable to do Anything with their life, who watches youtube all day while wallowing in self-pity because they cant even muster the energy to do the things they love, who has furious dedication to an activity their parents hate, whose closest friends are all not good enough because theyre gay so theyre a bad influence on them, who just wants to experience being a teen and experiment with themself without consequences and live a normal life but they cant because their sister was so mature by this time and never wanted to go to dances or date or go to concerts or swear and why cant they just be a good kid like their sister? their sister was a good muslim girl by now, why cant they? their sister calls their (homophobic) aunt nearly every day and tells her everything, why cant they? their sister cares about her family and doesnt act stupid with her friends because she doesnt have any her own age because they arent mature enough for her and contributes to society and spends time with her parents and doesnt avoid her father like the plague because shes terrified of what would happen if her father truly knew her. so why cant they?
my sister has never been a 'normal' kid. besides just the adhd wired into her brain - growing up my mother often said that when my sister was four years old, she was a teenager, and when she was 10 she was an adult, in terms of emotional maturity. she was never influenced by people her own age. to my knowledge she's only ever been properly close with one person her own age, and at they only talked for about a year. at this point, its been a long time since shes had a truly close friend. but somehow, shes the one they see as 'normal'. and im stuck being compared to a standard i am physically and mentally unable to reach, even if i wanted to.
to be fair, im not really 'normal' either, but im a hell of a lot closer to it than she is. the only time theyve thought f me as the 'normal' one is when i was a baby, because i barely cried. i just looked around with wide eyes and an open mouth, taking in the world. this was in contrast to my sister who spent every waking moment crying. then they talked to some other parents and realized that i was not the normal one.
i dont know where im going with this, i guess i just wanted to rant?
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dameanyc-blog · 5 years
How to Find the Right People
Now that we know it's in you and you're taking the proper steps to understand your teams, customers and bosses better, it's time to improve on your store personnel.
First, just because we want to improve on personnel, it doesn't mean to automatically find new people. You have to dig deep and try to understand your current team members. Let's find out what makes them tick? What motivates them? How they learn? What are their aspirations? Are they in this as much as you are? These are great starting points to understand your team members and who they truly are.
Listen, a lot of people will tell you, dont get too personal with people at work and they're right, to a certain extent. But, you will spend more time at your store than you actually do at home and you will know a lot more about your team than you could imagine. You need to find out what drives them to be successful to help indentify how to get best out of them. I'm not telling you to be invested in their life, but show genuine interest to propel them forward. Coach up, not out!
Your team is going to be an integral part of you being successful and keeping your store operating as efficiently as it should, as long as you have the right people. It's important to learn about them and what they want out of their position. This will allow you to make an educated decision on retaining them or not. This isn't just to help them, but help you understand if they can perform their job at it's minimum expecations to above and beyond efforts. Ask them if they're happy! Nobody should work for a company that doesn't make them enjoy coming to work. Would you? I wouldn't!
Remember, all of the above is great to understand your people more than you do now. But, this does not even begin to scratch the surface on how to find the right people. This takes time and patience, so please do not rush into hiring someone new or letting go of someone with a so-so track record for only a couple of months.
So where do we start? We start with YOU! Attitude reflects leadership! How you carry yourself and the expectations you set for your team need to be evident in every action you make. Every team member needs to be treated the same way, no favoritism towards anybody. You need to be as transparent with information as you can be, you need to provide them with all the tools to be successful and you need to be the one who LEADS them in the direction of your vision. Without guidance, how will they learn?
You do not want people to be clones of you, because you want your team to shine through their own personalities. As much as you would like to instill what makes you successful, every individual is different. The better way to look at these opportunities is by creating proper behaviors. (Again, it starts with YOU)
So now the question is, how do we find the right people? It's not an easy task by any stretch of the means. There are so many variables to take into account, such as the following:
• What type of retail are you in? (Furniture, Cars, Mattresses, Mobile, etc...)
• What experience are you looking for your candidate to have?
• Are they a team player? (This is huge, especially with big box retailers. The truth is, a bad apple can ruin the whole bunch)
• Will they relate well to the type of customer that shops at your store?
• Do they have initiative or will they do the minimum job requirements? (Look for people to push the envelope and try new things in a good way)
These are just a few questions you should ask yourself as you're recruiting candidates and after your interview. The interview process is a whole other ball game. (We can address those through specific questions, don't forget to ask after reading!!)
• Where do you find them?
1. Shop places you know very little to nothing about. This allows you to ask questions a normal customer will ask to see how your potential candidate treats you. Are they asking the right questions? Are they listening to understand what you need? Are they offering items that will benefit your need? Are they only selling you something they want to?
2. Job boards (indeed.com, careerbuilder.com, monster.com, etc...)
3. Career/Job Fairs (see if your company will cover the cost)
4. Conversations with customers in your store
5. LinkedIn (great for finding candidates)
Recruiting is a key component to assembling your all-star team. This isn't a task or a job for HR/Talent Agency or for your boss to find you your next team member. You should be looking for the characteristics you feel will fit your store best. What better way to assemble the best team possible then by doing it yourself? Listen, there will be mistakes made by hiring the wrong person, because they interviewed well. Experience is the best teacher, the more you practice, the better you become. Do not beat yourself up, we all have been there.
Finding the right fit is tough, but you and only you, (assuming you're at the top of your game) will be the best person to do so. You know what your store needs, you know how customers respond to different types of personalities and you know what it's going to take to grow your store.
Think of the voids you need to fill and look for specific people to fill them. You can cross train amongst your team after the fact, but you need specific members to perform specific tasks according to each position. We do not want to hire a jack of all trades, but a master of none.
You should always be looking for new team members, just in case something unexpected happens, you can reach out to potential candidates. The last thing you want to do is make a desperate higher. These can turn out to be horrendous decisions and now your team is picking up their slack and now your store is suffering.
You will not make a split second decision for anybody you hire. You want to make sure you have ample time to make the right choice. Keep in mind this takes time, so plan ahead and know your next move before anybody else. Start searching and you'll find the next diamond in the rough, the best time to start is when your store is running smoothly, as you can be a lot more picky without having to rush to fill a spot.
I look forward to seeing what moves you made and how this can help you moving forward.
Drop a comment below and share with your friends.
Damien Arboleda
Instagram - @Damien_nyc_
Twitter - @DameAnyc
Facebook - Damien Arboleda
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oursahilkhanposts · 6 years
Automatic driving lessons Wolverhampton
I have done overview on subject " utilizing the two legs while Automatic driving lessons Wolverhampton a programmed auto" in linkedin website. Lets see what master had said which isn't specifically arrange. In the event that you have any extraordinary focuses with reasons please compose on remarks.
As indicated by the remarks I have arrived at the conclusion that its hazardous to utilize the two legs while driving a programmed auto.
I have herewith connected remarks not everything except rather with those composed with reasons.
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Dez Miklos •Many years back I had a senior resident experience the front of my driving school window. He was the common two foot driver of a programmed vehicle. The shy of the story is that he made an inappropriate right turn on a red light. As he did this he got hit on the driver's side of the vehicle. 
He naturally guided to one side and braked with the left foot, however prepared himself with his right. It was over the gas pedal, in this way he quickened into my Automatic driving lessons Wolverhampton premises. When he understood what he did he put the gearshift into loves. His vehicle stalled out up on the rubble in this way kept him from hurrying pull out into activity. His foot was still on the gas pedal as the policeman came to in to the vehicle to close off the start. This time the senior's left foot was on the brake pedal, on the grounds that the brake lights were still on.
This is a shocking case of two footed driving, luckily nobody was harmed.
I locate this negative behavior pattern generally in more established individuals who initially learned on a manual transmission. They just don't comprehend what to do with the left foot. I prescribe removal beneath the knee. (Simply joking!)
I discover this marvel extremely articulated in drivers originating from Eastern Europe.
There are execution drivers who prescribe this kind of two footed technique for driving. Their thinking is one can all the more likely react in a crisis. Maybe, yet one must be a decent driver to have the capacity to do this continually and not really in a crisis circumstance.
Francine Cymbaly •It is a well established actuality through much research that for the normal driver, in a crisis circumstance, the two feet with go down. It is unsatisfactory here and dependably has been viewed as dangerous practice to utilize the two feet in a programmed vehicle. There is perhaps at the same time an issue with ABS not working and relying upon the extent of the motor and driver's weight on the pedal, the brake may not hold the vehicle. As Dez has just shown.
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Iris Greer •we urge all drivers to just utilize right foot for braking and quickening as left foot laying on brake gives anybody going behind the impression the auto is stationary,it will likewise destroy brakes snappier and should just be utilized for a grip in manual vehicles. Testing officers here dont typically pass left brake understudies, except if they are more established drivers.
William J. Traub •I see them on the interstate ordinary. Their break lights are on however they are quickening. Difficult to advise what they will do. Shouldn't something be said about the mechanical issues of apply consistent weight on the breaks?... warmth and wear?
Rudy Wiebe CDI, TDG, PDIC, LCV •It is very conceivable when u have one foot on the brake pedal and the other on the quickening agent that you might apply slight weight to the brakes without seeing it, causing unneccesary wear and warmth. All things considered, I consider it to be just a terrible practice
Rudy Wiebe CDI, TDG, PDIC, LCV •Can somebody please clarify how it is snappier to move the left foot from the floor to the brake pedal than it is to move the correct foot from the quickening agent to the brake? 
In the event that one is looking sufficiently far ahead and perusing the movement, instead of exactly at the vehicle promptly before, at that point frequently you can 'foresee' what's coming and expel your foot from the acceleratror to 'cover' the brake pedal and be prepared to brake if/when required. This obviously would necessitate that you leave satisfactory 'after separation' and obviously that you really are offering consideration regarding your driving.
Keith Lane •.
Rudy, I completely concur with you –
While there are a couple of authority vehicles, i.e. single-situate dashing autos, go-trucks, and so forth, that are intended for 2-footed activity where the left foot is for all time floating over the brake pedal,
for the common driver in a normal street auto, there will be positively NO time distinction at all between:–
lifting the correct foot from the gas pedal, moving it sideways, and squeezing the footbrake pedal,
or then again
lifting the left foot from the stool, moving it sideways, and squeezing the footbrake pedal.
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Nonetheless, everybody appears have missed 2 essential circumstances where 2-footed driving is vital –
1. Subsequent to driving through profound water, it is important to keep the auto moving with the gas pedal while all the while tenderly utilizing the footbrake to wipe, dry, and warm the brake shoes/cushions.
2. While moving on a lofty inclination with an auto transmission, it might be important to keep up revs and power with the gas pedal while at the same time controlling velocity with the footbrake.
DAVID THOMSON •on Dez story up top.
There is a case in New Zealand where a comparable case of the control of vehicle was lost and the driver unfortunately made a deadly drive through a great deal of people on foot.
Like the above story the foot was still on the quickening agent.( reason - determination of awful pressure issue - post braking)
On examination it was found that the drivers mind broke down. It was not able recognize from the increasing speed versus the deceleration.
The ensuing investigation distinguished the mind just perceives the adjustment in speed not +/ - in speed change.
You should need to request that the understudy think about this when they choose how they work it.
Kevin (KJ) Puru •As a proffesional driving teacher I call this specific propensity paddle driving with the feet and view it as a risky practice. Two reasons first with the left leg the weight connected on the pedal isn't as controlled as the correct leg a lot of sudden weight on the pedal when driving on a wet street at speed can have disasterous results or most exceedingly terrible of all reason a lethal acccident.
mick reynolds •It is a very surprising situation when on a race track to that on general society thruway , I have partners who race routinely and they utilize the left foot braking approach , anyway that is simply because they need to go from 100mph down to 40 then straight back to 100 , I dont think there is a need to do this on an open expressway . 
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Automatic driving lessons Wolverhampton I concur the response time is presumably speedier however I dont recall any article expressing that a man turned out poorly the back of another on the grounds that he was left foot braking , more like he was simply excessively close in any case . Do we truly need to over muddle driving procedures for ordinary utilize ? Brakes to ease back gas to go gets my vote extremely time and obviously dependably with the correct foot lol.
michael K. •In ireland you won't breeze through a programmed driving test except if you just utilize your correct leg for quickening and braking, There are no exemptions to this administer, This was cleared up to me as of late as I had a customer who drove with the two feet in a programmed, I was informed that in remarkable conditions for somebody with a physical incapacity and a specialy changed arrangement of pedals then it might be considered.
Joda Collins •For those that endeavor to legitimize the utilization of the left foot to brake, I say, "For all intents and purposes each driving school on the planet educates braking with the correct foot. Each driving school has their own particular clarification for doing this, however the majority of them come down to security. At the point when 100% of the expert driving schools on the planet educate braking with the correct foot it must be an entirely decent run the show. 
Since it is more secure, in light of the fact that this is my auto, in light of the fact that is it my protection and on the grounds that my wellbeing is in danger with left foot braking, I, additionally, just educate braking with the correct foot. I would be glad to give you the numerous reasons on the off chance that you need to. We can stop the auto and talk about them. Might you want to do that, or would you have the capacity to utilize your correct foot for braking basically in light of the fact that all expert Automatic driving lessons Wolverhampton say it is more secure?
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On the off chance that they say they have to hear the reasons first, at that point stop the vehicle and expend as quite a bit of their in the driver's seat time stationary as you can clarifying in extraordinary detail why right foot braking is terrible. Begin by saying, "There are a great deal of reasons. It requires a considerable amount of investment to elucidate them all. Tell me when you have enough motivations to legitimize you utilizing on the correct foot for braking."
1. All vehicle insurance agencies debilitate the utilization of the left foot for braking. They should trust it is hazardous.
2. Those that utilization left foot braking tend to ride the brakes which destroy brakes speedier and can make the brakes overheat.
3. In a crisis people tend to hammer the two feet on the plank of flooring. On the off chance that the left foot is against the firewall and the correct foot is on the brake, that is more secure than the correct foot completely squeezing the quickening agent and the left foot completely squeezing the brake.
4. The left foot has four capacities: left foot on plank of flooring gives adjust, prepare yourself for a crash, grip and utilizing stopping brake as a crisis brake if your brakes come up short. In the event that your left foot is generally utilized while braking, none of these utilizations can be utilized.
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5. Automatic driving lessons Wolverhampton  Utilizing the left foot for braking implies that a driver must move body weight so as to brake. This requires some serious energy and this additional moved spots the body reeling for enough time to be an issue in a crisis.
6. Utilizing the left foot for braking and "riding the brakes" sends false flags to those behind who will so disregard your brake lights in this manner you will probably be raise finished when you do utilize your brakes for a crisis.
7. The more established one gets, the more like the individual will encounter disarray in the driver's seat, accordingly, the more established one gets the more probable multitasking winds up hazardous. Utilizing the two feet is multitasking.
Automatic driving lessons Wolverhampton
Powerd By: Realwebidea
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viralhottopics · 7 years
How I Paid Off $31,000 Of Student Debt In Only Two Years
I carried over $31,000 in loan repayment after undergrad. Paying it off took two years, but it was barely dented for the first six months. This was when I realized I had to make some drastic adjustments to ever whittle it down. The rate was not very impressive or efficient, but it helped me differentiate between necessities and luxuries.
Life before and after loans has been pretty stark in contrast. You no longer feel guilty for traveling across the world. You can choose to engage in grown-up sounding pursuits like investing in mutual funds, ETFs, & individual stocks! Saving for a house now just became a reality! You could buy all the fair-trade coffee to your little hearts extent.
I had to get creativemany of these ideas may not be applicable to you or painfully obvious! Regardless, theyre simple in theory, yet oftentimes overlooked in practice. My first job out of college involved contractual quality assurance work for a large tech company in Cupertino. I could have chosen a position in a cheaper residential market, as in anywhere outside of the Bay Area. However, Silicon Valley was an environment where I knew I would be challenged to grow. The pay was relatively meager for the industry, so I had to get creative and quite shameless!
1. Live at the cheapest residence you can tolerate
Live at home with parents if feasible. However, for the most of us, thats boring, or not aligned with our goals. I settled down at a room of a house in San Jose, California for a year. The home was owned by a sweet, blissful lady in her 60s. She occasionally made meals for me and rent & utilities came out to only a flat $500/month. Sounds amazing, right? Of course, there was a catchno overnight guests allowed!
2. Purchase food in bulk
Growing up, I had assumed that Costco was economical only for nuclear families. Breaking it down on paper, it may be profitable for unmarried folks too! Share large consumableslike giant bags of ricewith your roommates, if feasible.
3. Cook your meals whenever possible
A staple I loved in college and early adulthood were egg & soyrizo tacos. Theyre inexpensive, delicious, stupidly easy to cook, and surprisingly healthy! Find your staple. (I make other things too, sometimes..)
Ultimate Soyrizo Tacos
Heat oil
Drop soyrizo in skillet, and cook till slightly charred
Scramble up some eggs in the same skillet
Roast up corn tortillas
Try making something new every week, its extremely therapeutic.
4. Only eat out with friends
Dont feel guilty for eating out with friends & family whenever if the occasion calls for it (celebrations, happy hours, networking, catch-up sessions). Just minimize eating out by yourself. This includes take- out/Munchery/Doordash/UberEats/Caviar, those extra expenses really consume your budget!
5. Avoid consolidation
Loan consolidation combines multiple, disparate loans into one, singular loan usually with a higher interest rate than its smaller counterparts. This may be more convenient in regards to forecasting payoff time and ease of payment. However, most borrowers end up forking more money over in the long-run.
6. Compare & stack up your individual loans
If you have multiple loans, take the annual interest rate for each one and multiply it by the amount owed to get the total yearly interest (TYI). Stack up each TYI with one another and assign your next payment to the loan with the lowest TYI. Repeat your calculations for all additional payments you make.
Loan A has 6.5% interest with $7,500 outstanding, amounting to $487.50 TYI.
Loan B has 4.5% interest with $9,800 outstanding, amounting to $441.00 TYI.
It makes sense to make a payment toward Loan A first at this time, to reduce accrued interest.
7. Leverage your local public transportation network to get around town, if available.
It may feel like a waste of time because driving around is so much more efficient, but you most likely have a phone! The bus commute is the perfect time to listen to podcasts, read e-books, and rekindle old friendships/connections over messages.
8. Embrace minimalism
This might be regarded as a trending fad amongst yuppies, but with all good reason! Minimalism can be succinctly summed into one mantra: Reflect on what you are considering to purchaseif you dont believe it will contribute to the productivity & overall quality of your life, dont buy it!
9. Leverage loan forgiveness programs
There are many loan-forgiveness programs floating around, albeit each one has a set of requirements you have to meet. One for the government & non-profit sector. Another one for nursing. Heres one for teachers!
10. Automate your budget
No one enjoys passive-aggressive notifications/emails from personal finance apps alerting that they are over-budgeting AGAIN this month. Luckily, Personal Capital has been optimized to focus on praise over guilt-tripping as a motivator. Their dynamic graphs & charts featured in the app have helped me determine which areas Ive been slacking off on maintaining thriftiness.
Credit card interest rates are usually higher than the average student loan: around 14% vs 47% respectively. Calculate the total yearly interest of your credit card debt and stack it up against your student loans.
11. Invest in yourself
How much you make can be a hard limitation on how much you can save for loan repayment. When you find some genuine passions and work towards them, youll naturally end up earning more in the long run. Most people never accomplish this in their lifetime, and I certainly am still on the journey. To try to hone in towards my passions, I consume knowledge. I pick up and read countless books of any topic that I have the slightest bit of interest in. Ive gone back community college to expand my programming knowledge. I leverage online courseware religiously. Learning new things for the sake of personal growth is always a noteworthy investment.
12. Cheaply travel on your vacation
In my opinion, travel (on a budget) is something you should never sacrifice in lieu of saving up to pay for loans. The benefits are immense to the soul and body. The Flight Deal posts travel deals, but they focus more on extreme anomalies.
For example, a buddy and I ventured off to Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Berlin, & London round-trip from Los Angeles for only $600 total. Most cities have hostels that run rooms for only $15/night (including free breakfast)! Im sure theres countless other ways to accelerate paying off your loans. Share your ideas with others struggling to crawl out of debt, and find out what works out for you!
Read more: http://tcat.tc/2j7UQAT
from How I Paid Off $31,000 Of Student Debt In Only Two Years
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