#not just for the shippy bits xD
yukichouji · 1 year
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What can I say, this ship basically sails itself.
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hirazuki · 11 months
for that ship&kiss thing. celebrimbor/maeglin with number 8?? thank you!
…in secrecy | Celebrimbor & Maeglin
•────────────────────⋅☾ ☽⋅────────────────────•
Aman, a cottage near the border with Avathar. Fourth Age.
"You shouldn't be here," comes the response from behind the wooden door -- finely made, though he does not recognize the craftsmanship -- that has cracked open to reveal pale skin, dark hair, and enough traces of his father's favorite cousin to waken a dull ache in his chest.
Celebrimbor cocks his head to one side, in a way that always prompts others to tell him how much he resembles his grandfather; a source of pride, and irritation. "Is your return among the living meant to be a secret? Did the terms of your release from the Halls not permit for visitors? Or, is this a conclusion you have come to for yourself?"
Silence is his reply, and in it Celebrimbor can hear the snapping of fallen twigs -- the sound of wild things in retreat, scrambling deeper into the forest.
Too much, then. He takes a breath, dampens the inadvertent intensity his spirit has ever burned with, and tries again, softer. "You are not the only one who laid low a city."
"It is not the same."
Distance and disdain, coated in a kind of poisonous pride that seeks to deflect, to set apart and deny others approach lest they notice the stain of shame clinging to reborn flesh and detect the softness lying exposed at hough and wrist and throat.
Oh, this, Celebrimbor knows well; intimately, in fact. This, he can work, with all the ease of coaxing naked gold under heat.
"It seems as though someone has yet to hear the full story," he remarks with a mirthless chuckle, allowing his voice to color with the bitterness and self-derision he is always careful to keep hidden in these unblemished lands; well, almost always. "Truthfully, today marks the beginning of a week-long feast in Tirion and I find I am still ill-suited for crowds. Half of those I could think to impose upon are attending; everyone else has a forge."
Dark eyes blow wide at that last statement, akin to the inquisitive perking of coarse-haired ears or the cautious steps skulking out of the underbrush towards a proffered morsel in his uncle's hand or the curious flicking of a tongue in the presence of an unexpected thought, late at night in the smithy; an indication of interest flaring, however reluctantly -- as Celebrimbor expected. He has had long practice, after all, with courting the attention of the supposedly disinterested, and compared to his successes, the Elf before him hardly places for difficulty.
He makes to speak, and pauses. "Which name do you prefer?" he asks, instead.
"I don't," Maeglin says and turns to go inside, the hair he keeps short brushing the top of his shoulders.
The words are cutting, and the door is left open.
Celebrimbor has never met him before, this cousin of his who is half-Sindar, reared in twilight and young in death, born of the union of blinding light and deeply private darkness, but he knows his story -- no; rather, he knows what they say of the traitor of Gondolin.
He knows what they say of himself, as well.
And he may know nothing of Nan Elmoth, save its hazy reputation, nor what signs might mark Maeglin as his father's son, but, after trading a handful of words, he knows this: Maeglin -- Lómion -- is doubtlessly of the house of Finwë.
Sharp; unyielding; obsidian polished to unbearable reflection that yet remembers the fires in the earth --
Celebrimbor likes him. His manner is familiar in a way that is comforting and painful all at once, and he pointedly decides to blame it on the family resemblance; there is only so much room for specters in his heart, and he is not inclined to give ground to shadows, no matter how they may try to claw at his mind.
Fëanor's only grandson smiles, genuinely -- although there are none there to appreciate the rarity of such a moment -- and follows him indoors.
The place is quiet, dim, and sparse; entirely bare, except for the meagerest of essentials: a lamp, a table, a single chair. There are no tools of any trade or decorative items or personal effects, and the degree of dispossession is such that it can hardly be attributed to a preference of aesthetics.
The rest of the house, presumably, is the same.
It says much and, paired with Maeglin's fingers that have been ceaselessly fidgeting ever since he answered the door -- anxious creatures, ever seeking for something to distract, something to soothe -- it amounts to nothing less than an endless, silent scream.
In a display that is incredibly Fëanorian in its brashness and its intimacy, and, plainly, horrifyingly foreign to his host, Celebrimbor reaches out and takes one of Maeglin's hands in his own, turning it so as to place it against his cheek, and presses his lips into its palm.
Maeglin freezes, going still like the hares in the early morning mists of Eregion -- standing upright amidst the holly trees and rays of first light, statues poised to flee.
"If your hands long to make, cousin," Celebrimbor says, exquisitely aware of his own hypocrisy, "you should let them."
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scrawlingskribbles · 3 months
wait I'm a dingus, the Villains' Gala stuff totally counts as me having drawn Voxman stuff of my own volition lmfao
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tinknevertalks · 6 months
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Roll up! Roll up! It's that time of year again: the nights are longer, it's all feeling colder, and the shops are all trying to sell you stuff. But here in the Sanctuary side of fandom, it's the start of the festive fic exchange!
Do you like writing fic?
Do you like reading fic?
Do you like putting unnecessary stress on yourself to make a wonderful gift for someone, just to have half of the fandom turn around and say, "Aaaaaaah, that's exactly what I needed to read right now?"*
Then this is the fic exchange for you! Today's post is the sign up post. Under the cut will be a list of questions. All you have to do is send me either a DM or an ask with your completed questionnaire then wait for your match!
Sign up: 21st Nov - 5th Dec
Matches sent out by 7th Dec
Touching base post: 20th Dec**
Collection open for posting: 26th Dec
Collection reveal: 31st Dec
This is open to anyone in the Sanctuary fandom, regardless of character/shipping preferences. When it comes to fic length, the minimum is 300 words. I don't really wanna give a max (because I know how the muse can get sometimes), but if we cap it around the 2k words mark that should be cool.***
I'll be posting a link to this around the place (and reblogging again this evening for the later crew), and you are more than welcome to message/contact me with any questions, queries or concerns.
Under the cut: the questions!
Username on Tumblr/AO3: (I need a method of contacting you 😊. If you have neither, pop me your email or something? We'll figure it out.)
Things I am comfortable writing: (gen or shippy? Fluff writer or angst? Family feels?)
Things I would not want to write about: (all the things you don't wanna write - characters you dislike, pairings you don't vibe with etc. Also heads up on any triggers you might have - you don't need to explain the whys.)
What I'd like to receive: (go for gold! The more info you can give, the more tailored to you the fic will be.)
What I would not like to receive: (All the things that you do not vibe with, or squick you. Please please please again with any trigger warnings - I don't want a gift to upset you. 😊)
Any other info that doesn't fit in the other questions: (General vibes, could you be a pinch hitter, any thoughts, questions, etc)
And that's that. 😊 Thank you for joining in, and see you December 7th with your matches!
*You can answer no to this one - it's just how I am when it comes to these things. XD
**If you find you can't finish, or something comes up that means you have to pull out, please let me know so I can arrange a pinch hitter. I won't be angry or disappointed or anything because this is for fun, and your health (mental and/or physical) is more important.
**Obviously, if you find you go over a bit, don't freak out or anything. This is just for fun, after all.
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marihem · 1 month
Let me be the one to ask. How did you come up with this Queerplatonic Frans concept? What drew you into making this?
Aww thank you for asking such a delicious question, pal! Hope you're ready to listen to my 1 am rambles XD
Alright so, to be completely honest...I actually don't truly know how Romance works to execute it myself 😬
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Haha yup, sadly, the concept of Romance and Romantic Attraction didn't naturally come to me my whole life and I had a hard time understanding them. (Skill issue, amiright?) So I learned about them through fiction. And even then, my understanding of Romance was a little bit different from what it's usually is (spoiler: it wasn't actually Romance, the word I needed was "Queerplatonic").
I've drawn ship arts before I started drawing Frans and let me tell you, almost all of them were 2 characters just standing next to each other, no hugs, no kisses. Maybe they'll look at each other with fondness. And I was like "hell yeah, I've achieved Romance 😌" pfft.
My 2020 Frans works were where my ship art skills got improved. But you can still see that they aren't explicitly romantic (like, the first time I drew a Frans forehead kiss was for a request). Whatever, I was drawing stuffs about my fav lil guys and I was happy... and yet a tiny part of me wasn't feeling it, like it felt...odd to call them romantic. All these shippy art and I still felt uncomfortable to draw something extremely Romantic. (...this kinda sounds similar to a comphet kind of situation, you get what I'm saying?)
2 years later, I learned about the term "queerplatonic" and just like that, everything made sense =o Now THAT'S the kind of relationship I've been thinking about all these years and it felt magical. Suddenly, with this new knowledge, drawing shippy art felt more comfortable for me, cozy even. Cuz now, the "romance" I'm making is like something a little special for me.
And then I thought "what if I...👀" I grabbed Frisk and Sans like figurines and used them to make my own little ideas of a queerplatonic relationship as they were the perfect materials to work with for me.
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I've actually been busying myself with thinking up ideas for them a year before I revealed it to my mutuals, even long before I revealed it publicly 😅
Still, my Roommate Banter AU Frans is still classic romantic. I've only been making funny lil contents of them but I swear! They're secretly crushing on each other, there's romance underneath! I just suck at Romance 😭
So yeah, TL:DR, I don't completely understand romance so I did what I felt comfortable and did actually get the most, approach a ship with a queerplatonic lens.
Tho I'm still learning about Romance cuz there're other ships I'd love to draw shippy art for XD
Anyways, yeah thank you to anyone who read all of this and thank you dear anon for indulging me with your ask <3 Have a lovely day/night ^^
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
25 asks :00000
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@ocinstituterep (Posts in question)
The cooling suits they wear at the beach are the same ones they wear under their uniforms :00 And it doesn't necessarily reflect the sun,, its just a battery powered suit that keeps them cool :}
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I wasn't pressured into drawing the art exactly,, but all the questions about it did push me a little into looking into the series more.. That's not really a bad thing though, I did enjoy drawing those pictures soooo-
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I get this question a lot <XD When I was first designing my sona I wanted to add something to their hands. At the time my hands were covered in Band-Aids from dry skin and cat scratches. So I thought "Hey! Bandaged/bloody hands would be cool and edgy :DD" So I added them <XDD
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Oh yeah, that episode was a bit odd huh? XD I think in my version of Octonauts they didn't go all the way down to its stomach- maybe just into the mouth and got the Puffer fish out.
Now the REAL episode that I basically 100% cut is the cone snail episode. You know why? Cone snails are estimated to have poison strong enough to kill 700 people! And there's NO antidote!! NO ONE would have survived being stung. Not even the Captain. They all would have died and left Peso abandoned on a ship full of the bodies of his friends in the middle of the ocean... :x pretty dark huh-
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Thank you! :DD
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XD I was getting tired of Gregory being a little snot. In game and in the fandom. So once again I made a character good out of spite! XDD
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The basis for my Kirby Anime AU is I just found a way to add all the Metaknights to the story. You know, Axe knight, Mace night, Javelin Knight,,, etc.
This is obviously a SUPER angsty AU. For example, Axe Knight was Metaknight's first follower and best friend. But then he sacrificed himself to save Metaknight. Thinking he failed his soul was restless and he now wanders the galaxy fighting Monsters and honoring Metaknights name.. Not knowing that Metaknight survived. Its a REALLY long story that I should ramble about sometime XDD
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I would advise against it,, there are plenty of good reaction images out there to find! I should know, I have 996 of them saved! I'm almost at 1000! XDD
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Thank you! And not at the moment no- but I might draw him again someday :}}
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Noooooothingggg... :}}}
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I think its because the poor guy probably doesn't have enough free time to practice consistently. Being the Captain he likely has so much to do all the time.. and when he can finally sit down and indulge in hobbies,, he likely would just rather relax and read a book instead. :( Poor fella
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Ah, sorry. I don't know of any. <:/
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I have actually! :DD I did not sleep good that night :}}}
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Thank you so much!!!! :DD
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Thank you so much! And as for the memes.. ehh, I'd say just to be safe, don't make em. Comments are more than enough. The first thing I do when I wake up is check Tumblr and see if anyone left a comment on my posts. Literally! Comments are the best thing you can give me!
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Thank you so much!! :DD
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Heck yeah, that's the best part! <XDDD
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It definitely depends on my mood, I'm split 50/50 on which one I enjoy more :000
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:DDD Thank you so much!! That means a lot!
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@milk-powrit (Post in question)
<XD Thankfully no, Jangles is not an iPad kid. He was just playing on my phone because Bibi and I were conked out and he was bored XDD
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:DD Thank you so much!! And yeah, I don't care what's canon or not. I wont be drawing any lovey-dovey/shippy content unless its with my own original characters. Its just not my thing man, 🤷‍♂️
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Thank you! And yeah if I were you I'd ditch pinterest. Any time I have been browsing artwork on google and clicked the link, It always took me to some stolen artwork on pinterest. I'd just rather people never found me then have found me through stolen art on pinterest..
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I have not :0 sounds thrilling though! :D
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perelka-l · 2 months
(Drayton really calls Hassel danna??!) hey I've been wondering, besides the Kitakami siblings do you have any other Drayton ships particularly at the forefront of your thots recently? Like for me, I'm thinking of an AU where Drayton graduates (lol) and while interning under Raihan they naturally start hooking up. Or maybe while in Galar he also dates Bea who sorta reminds him of Kieran bc of her love of sweets and hardworking discipline.
And actually, while I'm asking, any other Kieran ships too?
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YEAH!!!! (I am a bit sad this didn't carry over to eng version... He's calling him master Hassel in my heart ;w;)
On a Drayton shippy note, let's start with that: bratty Drayton/trying to resist good teacher Hassel? But both are Dragons and Hassel kind of gives into his instincts and get to teach Drayton a lesson to not do it again (Drayton is a very bad student though and an even worse dragon).
(Drayton graduating sure is an AU xD)
Aside from Kitakami students, I like to consider that Drayton absolutely has a Thing for cute freshmen and such case is Crispin who, and that's a Drayster take, is a perfect wife material. Attentive, will cook for you, is a cute shota, what more can a guy want from life? (It's not very serious of a relationship but Drayton deeply appreciates he can just swoop in and demand comfort and get some in an instant, 10/10, Crispin would be a perfect wife.)
Back home, there is ofc Iris for sweet sweet incestuous angst plus I think they would be really cute together. Drayton definitely has plenty of unsatisfied big bro instincts (Kyoodaaaaii) so there is that.
And yeah, I did mention his massive grandpa issues. Like, you can't look me in the face and tell me he wouldn't jump Drayden given a glimpse of a chance. Like, Drayden is a hot gilf and I bet that bisexual awakening for Drayster has arrived pretty much the second he looked at his grandfather the moment he started to feel any sort of attraction. He has issues. He just wants to bury his head in those giant packs and get hugged by those strong arms (like he surely saw Drayden carry dragons arround, that would make any sane person salivate), he doesn't have normal issues, he has grandfather issues. (This one is heavily impacted by a series of comics from JP twitter on which younger Drayton sleeps around with older white-haired man and doesn't care about who they are and where they come from - if that's not Drayden, he really doesn't care.)
On that note, he'd Pay Attention around Drake (muscular dragon gilf with admirable facial hair and sweet bonus of having his tits out? Bruh.)
One more that comes to my mind is him and Benga. I feel like they are of at least similar age, so they could be buds when teens and before Drayton went to BB... I deeply enjoy the thought that they could so contrast in undertaken paths! Drayton is a slacker and went as far as he could (namely, BB Championship) and just left it at that, he's in his comfort spot. Benga always aims to go higher, to become better, things like championship of little to no meaning to him. At the same time, they have such nice contrasting visuals, Benga feeling more natural, more attuned to nature (he carries stuff to make fire on his back gdi) while Drayton is more modern. Kind of a theming matching to Unova lads, plus Benga has some Dragon theming surrounding him, he pretty much only has (and gives out) dragons when you ignore his Volcarona lol
In terms of Kieran... Crispin also comes to mind, it's the shota magic~ Plus they are classmates, so I feel like they could have plnty of excuses to come close.
Tbh nothing else comes to my mind, I blame that entirely on Drayton being a whore lol
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elvenbeard · 10 months
Then and now - shippy edition! 💜
Enabled and inspired by @pinkyjulien @humberg @arcandoria @breezypunk @kharonion and everyone else who's done something similar XD My little VP and modding journey featuring Vince and Kerry over the last few months!
So, I figure, most of you can relate to my disappointment when I realized at the end of my first playthrough that there's so little interaction possible with the main NPCs outside of their respective questlines. The text messages your LI sends you are adorable, yes. Being able to sleep in their bed and then waking up next to them? A+ game design, 100/100, every game with romances needs this. But where is my option to hug, kiss, spend time with Kerry? Rude!!
Still though, I was undeterred to create some shots for my new favourite blorbos with my vanilla game (I had never heard of AMM then (or at least was too chickenshit still to install it)).
Behold, my first attempts at creating something shippy (and I do still like these a lot) - title: Kerry meets Nibbles.
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The idea behind this is probably kinda self-explainatory XD I had these as desktop background for so long, it feels so nostalgic to look back at them now. I think I have some slightly edited versions somewhere but cannot find them for the life of me, but there's no big difference really, just some slight colour/contrast editing.
I was always a bit bummed out by the fact that Kerry's default outfit for idling at the villa is the one with sunglasses on (while over the progression of his questline he wears it less and less as he gets to know V better, as if he is letting his guard down). But oh well! Also yes, that was and still is my favourite photomode pose for V really, because it is very versatile:
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But that's... really it when it comes to opportunities for shippy moments outside of the quests.
I was yearning for more!! As you can see, these are only 3 days apart. I had done some research and learned about the "[NPC] Interactions Enhanced" mods that I highly recommend for the options to kiss and hug your LIs alone :3 And! More shippy shot opportunities, because Kerry will finally be somewhere else in his huge-ass villa besides the sofa or the bed, and take off those beloathed sunglasses:
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Hhhh.... I can't tell you how happy I was about this shot. I remember yelling to my friends on Discord about it half in tears (none of them really knowing much about the game yet apart from my occasional screaming about all the angst and plot twists). I think I described it as "Vince finally feeling some actual, real happiness, daring to imagine a future", just content and relaxed, having a late night talk with Kerry. I still like it a lot, and because of the mod enabling me to take this pic I still low-key wanna look into quest-modding some day and see if I can make something in a "romance-enhanced" direction. The "Kerry calls V and wants help with cleaning up the villa" quest we all deserve xD
Another couple of days later, and with one toe dipped into modding now, I finally installed AMM (I think, since this was around Valentine's Day, this must've been when I saw a tutorial by @pinkyjulien on how to pose your blorbos for kissing poses with AMM, and my mind was blown XD). My first attempt to even get anything accomplished was kinda frustrating though (because I wanted to do too much too quickly). In a couple of the other "then and now" posts I saw earlier that the more common approach for getting into AMM used to be "swap your characters with NPCs around the city" and I was like.... "oh, yeah, that would've made things a lot easier" 🤡 Nope, I went right in with spawning them in and trying to squish them together with poses that somewhat matched XD
The following were my first AMM-posed screenshots that worked how I wanted them to, and aösdhfdsaf I am somewhat self-conscious about them still. What is a "look at" feature? What are expressions?
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I never shared these publically before but hhhhh... this is it, this is the moment where the brainrot started. They're at Dark Matter, talking about V's childhood in Charter Hill, musing about how it's insane how they both occupied almost the same spaces for such long periods of their lives and only never ran into each other due to their age difference. I'm actually still (slooooowly) working on a little comic with this scene/story as topic, cause it is so essential and important to me (based on a random spontaneous decision I made about V's past before even knowing the Dark Matter existed... right across from V's childhood home asdöasdhfjds. Setting the whole "we were destined for each other" trope I have going on with them so much in stone ;A;). This is one of the shoots I'd also really like to redo with my current VP skills... maybe when I've finished my hand-holding poses, cause yeah... hand holding ;__;
Speaking of which:
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Five months later, still stupidly in love with each other, still regularly back at the Dark Matter because the place is so gorgeous and important to them. Kerry's getting some more outfits slowly but surely (even with sunglasses!), I have a much better understanding of AMM and the VP possibilities in general now. These two unlocked completely new ways of creative expression for me that I wouldn't even have dreamed of possessing or wanting to follow. VP has become such an amazing creative outlet, for creating all those little scenes I wish I existed in the base game, or which I'd love for them to have in their future.
Am I crying about fictional pixel men too much? Maybe. But over a short period of time they've become so important to me, and I got to meet so many cool and inspiring people in this community after not really feeling part of or even drawn to creating for a fandom for a long time anymore. Can't wait to update this post some time in the future to see where my and their journey will lead to!
I feel like my progress is kinda slow, and I wish I had more time to dedicate to them and all my creative endeavours, cause they'd deserve it for all the joy they bring me xD But alas... Fingers crossed for more spare time and better time management in my future! Thanks for reading this far and coming to my blorbo talk 💜
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aesolerin · 2 months
Did you ever hear about that digital presentation/lecture one of the Red Hook fellas gave on how they put together the game visually and inspirationally? (Fun Fact: Jester turned out the way he did because Bourassa hates the DnD Bard stereotype, lol) I'm mentioning this in particular because he went over Leper as an example in terms of symbolism incorporated into his design
(which, side tangent to that: Leper's blocky and metallic aesthetic was inspired by Iron Man! the more you know, lol)
This was put out onto YouTube before Red Hook made it fully clear DD2 was gonna be a thing, which made it all the more notable when people later realized that one of the pictures used on that slide was of Leper's DD2 character design. So, everything he was talking about here was likely with Leper's canon DD2 backstory in mind. This is important because:
One of the points Bourassa mentioned was the fact that Leper has a "broken sword for a broken man".
That by itself is already brutally sad, but rest assured! It gets worse if you think about it long enough. After all, do you remember when that happened in his backstory? If not, lemme stop being coy for a moment to help you in drawing some conclusions:
The Leper's sword broke in killing off his advisors.
It wasn't the diagnosis that got to him. Neither was it leaving his kingdom behind. It was in breaking the oath he made to himself that he would protect everyone in his kingdom. Because, treacherous or not, his advisors were still part of his kingdom. It was only a small handful of people, sure. And yes, it's true that they couldn't be trusted to take actions in good faith once he was gone. And it likely was the right thing to do, at the end of the day.
But justifications don't erase the stark truth that he murdered his own subjects in cold blood.
And THAT shattered him (and his sword) more than a simple diagnosis or self-exile ever could.
Because, the thing is: someone can believe that their actions were objectively the best possible option and justifiable, while considering those same actions subjectively horrifying and unforgivable. After all, murder is still murder no matter the motivation, and some folks deeply take that to heart.
Of course, this is only true if I remembered that presentation correctly, as I haven't tried to look it up to verify it, lol. You got any thoughts on it, yourself? Assuming you hadn't already realized that on some level, of course - for all I know, you could have drawn this conclusion a long time ago and never brought it up because you thought it was obvious! xD
Or, on the other side of it, there's no reason you should feel the need to change how you characterize our fave Leper buddy, y'know? Though, imo, it's not particularly contradictory to how we normally characterize him. This is just another angle you could look at him from if you wanted to in your writing, shippy or otherwise!
(Though speaking of shipping: this creates another interesting level to think about Leper's dynamic with Jester, no?)
(Maybe Jester needs to get his king to forgive himself by comparing their past actions. If Baldwin finds nothing wrong with what Sarmenti did, which was spurred on by a much more selfish - if entirely sympathetic - motivation, why should Baldwin go about putting his own actions on a pedestal of guilt? Unless he's implying that he's supposed to be morally better than Jester, which I'm p sure both of them would hate to draw as a conclusion.)
(Or maybe Leper sees it as another way they can understand each other that others may not grasp. That while they may be stained by their past actions, it doesn't make the two of them inherently unlovable or deserving of suffering. It's a burden they can help each other bear due to their own personal experience with it.)
(Or maybe Jester is tired of all this masturbatory self-flagellating fuckery and would much rather he and Leper get down to something a bit more literal in its sexual nature. Wouldn't put it past the Silly fella)
thank you much for providing that link to the video! which i will in turn provide in full, because it is a very fun and thought-provoking talk overall, not just the Leper stuff!!
(and, as someone who's played lots of bards, ☹ [but i will point out i've never played one of those horny bards at least])
i do very much agree that retaliating and killing his traitorous advisors was a huge turning point for Leper, and a source of at least some degree of internal conflict for him.
was it a moment of freedom and liberation, finally justified in doing something about those poison-tongued sycophants?
was it a moment of horror and regret, killing treasonous-but-still-subjects of his?
was it a moment of resignation and cold calculation, defending himself against attackers seeking to kill him?
was it a moment of inevitability and hollowness, knowing something of this magnitude was bound to happen after his diagnosis?
some bits of all four? fluctuating day-by-day, nightmare-by-nightmare?
as Bourassa said, a broken sword for a broken man. no matter the literal golden facade he puts up, Leper is still a broken man looking for something as he battles the horrors of the Hamlet/the world. at least this is an unexpected connection he shares with Jester, right?
i will admit it's not something i've commented much on in my fics, as Jester's trauma is just so much more, but i certainly have thoughts!
way back in my first DD fic, Dreams, Jester notes that royal blood on their hands is something they share, and Leper smiles as he says “Hence the beauty I see in your bloody finale. Such cruelty and abuse should be responded to in kind."
in Bow, something about the assassination attempt seems to have severely fucked up the Veiled Emperor's sense of trust.
believe me friend, when it is finally revealed, i am going to have so much fun 😊
these are some wonderful(ly painful) thoughts you've shared, and again thank you for putting this talk on my radar!!
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azure-steel · 2 months
Meet the Mun.
ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘɪᴄᴋ ᴜᴘ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴜꜱᴇ(ꜱ) ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ?
Yeesh, LOADED question xD Uhm... well I fell in love with Cloud way back in his polygon popeye arms phase when I was around 15 or 16. That moment when he trundled down the stairs on the Hardy Daytona. But like... there's elements of his character that kind of remind me of me that I don't want to go into here tbh. In short I was having a hard time at home when I first took to Cloud, I owe him a lot, and I just pray that I do him justice, you know?
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ?
Not really? I'll have a go at anything. I don't usually know if something is going to bother me or if I'm not feeling it until I'm in the moment. But if that happens I'll let you know :)
ɪꜱ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ᴀɴʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʀᴇᴀʟʟʏ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ?
Heh, probably angst tbh. I have this nasty habit of turning the most upbeat thread into a sea of misery if I don't keep myself in check. It's not like I enjoy watching my muse suffer... no... that's a lie OMG. But I love shippy things too, fluff, smut and all that stuff. But the one thing that's key to me is WORLD BUILDING. I love exploring a character's emotions, the things that surround them and how it affects them. Honestly, if I feel stifled in a thread I lose interest pretty fast.
ʜᴏᴡ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ?
Usually on the fly, as I'm writing replies. It's not something I do often for Cloud considering that his lore is already quite extensive so I don't often feel a need to elaborate on what we already know. It depends really.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇ ɪɴ ꜱɪʟᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴏʀ ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀʏ ᴍᴜꜱɪᴄ?
I prefer to have music playing and I like the music to fit the mood of the thing I'm writing. Helps me keep my flow and it blocks out everything around me. I can be easily distracted.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴘʟᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʀᴇᴘʟɪᴇꜱ ᴏʀ ᴡɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴍ?
A bit of both. Totally depends if the thread is plotted or not honestly.
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ?
Oh man I LOVE IT. A bit too much to be fair. But I'm a bit shy and I don't want to come off as pushy if I feel like my muse could ship with someone elses so it's not often I'll bring it up like that. There's so many good characters here I would love to ship Cloud with but I'm a damn coward xD
ᴡʜᴀᴛ'ꜱ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴀʟɪᴀꜱ/ɴᴀᴍᴇ?
Saphie or just Saph is fine. It's been my online alias for YEARS now.
HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm over the age of 30, so OLD
25th of March. Team Sheep!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ(ꜱ)?
I... don't think I really have one? I do art as a profession so I love all colour I guess.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴏɴɢ(ꜱ)?
Oof, I don't have one to be honest because my tastes change so sporadically. I just love music in general.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ᴍᴏᴠɪᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Uhm... I want to say Advent Children because that was a movie I specifically put on to watch about a month ago. I'm sure there's been movies on the TV that my husband has been watching and I watched by proxy since then but I couldn't tell you what they are. I have a memory like a sieve...
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱʜᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜᴇᴅ?
Everybody Loves Raymond as I was stuffing my face at breakfast this morning.
ʟᴀꜱᴛ ꜱᴏɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ʟɪꜱᴛᴇɴᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ?
I am currently listening to Who's Side Are You On by Tommee Profitt.
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜰᴏᴏᴅ?
CAKE, though if it has cheese on it I'm in!
ꜰᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ ꜱᴇᴀꜱᴏɴ?
Anything apart from winter. I hate the cold and I can't look cool walking to work in the snow when I'm slipping around on my face...
ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛᴜᴍʙʟʀ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?
I do!! @ghostofnibelheim/ @nanakithewarrior/ @roleplay-abiogenesis2 GO FOLLOW THEM!
Tagged: Yeah... I pinched it from @mezzomorendoTagging: Just steal it and say I tagged ya~
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omarandjohnny · 3 months
Tagged by @negrowhat <333333333333333333333333333333
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
I didn't really have a fixed ship to hang my hat on in those days (aka the before the internet tiemz), but Buffy and Pike (movie BTVS) were the main couple I fixated on back then (still was figuring out why movie Lestat and Louis made me feel funny in my tummy at that time, so Buffy and Pike were the easier option LOL)
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Roz and Dan from Night Court; I was 7 and I wanted them married and arguing until the end of time <3
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
(hops in the wayback machine) Pretty sure I was writing for Greg/Nick (CSI) just a bit before Ennis/Jack (Brokeback). Still so very thankful that those four introduced me to friends I'd still have in my life 20 years later!
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
I very clearly remember the Spangel fanvids that took more than day to download from our AOL dialup, yes XD
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Attempting to nail jello to a tree would be a far more productive use of my time.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Can't say anything comes to mind, really.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Had to go through my AO3 history, last time I had a clear enough head to attempt to read anything was early autumn last year (oof) and it was a modern AU of Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang that I don't think I finished because I really can't recall any of it. Ah, well.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Since I can't engage in fic it's hard for me to keep hold of the newer ships, so my brain tends to fall back on old reliables- Loustat/Loumand being at the top at this very moment because the fandom's waking up again for season 2 in May.
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Another one that I can't think of anything.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Not Really, if I hated them then I'm sure I still hate them now. (keeping your answer here, Eboni, because same)
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I'd be cancelled over any ship at any time for anything, such is the nature of this goofball puritanical mindset that has taken over fandom socmed. (I know the problem reaches so much further than that, but I'm not clearheaded enough to write a dissertation LOL)
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Can't say I've ever had one.
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
20+ years ago I was slowly killing copious amounts of trees and our at-home printer with Spangel fics that I didn't want to lose (have since lost all of the printouts, and the fics are still online in their respective webrings, yikes) So yeah, Spangel would probably still win. Ennis/Jack, and Wangxian would round out the top three, I'm sure.
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
Bastard-coated bastards, pastel/goth, grumpy/sunshine.
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Drawing a blank here. Though, I will have a harder time engaging if the source material is mainly written in 1st person POV, which is why I'd be considered a fake Vampire Chronicles fan XD (forever thankful for my friends that actually read the books and school me on what I don't know)
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dandelion-wings · 11 months
If you have the time: What HCs do you generally maintain regarding what Jean and Kaeya might want from each other in a relationship, and how that might differ (or resemble) what they'd want from a relationship as a broad concept? Thinking in more of a shippy sense (but any way is a good way :>)
An excellent question! :> Hopefully I can answer it with some degree of comprehensibility, I've had a Day on top of a Week but the thought of getting to yell about these two helped me power through, so I am going to answer it now.
"In more of a shippy sense" is actually a little bit of a hang-up because while I write it romantic now and then for the sake of specific narratives, my dominant favorite vibe/headcanon for Jean and Kaeya is "aromantic Kaeya, wlw-leaning Jean, some variant of FWBs/having sex as an extension of intimacy and comfort with each other." XD;; But even that is a relationship, if not of the traditional sort! So, some predominating headcanons that feed into most of my thoughts/AUs/narratives about them:
"Jean, Diluc, and Kaeya were childhood friends" is a fairly essential background piece for me in most contexts. Which, like, it's foundational to all my feelings about the three of them to the extent where trying to write/think of something where it's not true feels like an AU to me even though it's quite possible to derive otherwise from canon, but. Any intimacy they have, any friendship to have benefits with or any romantic feelings they might harbor, is intertwined for me with being familiar with each other in the way that you are with someone you've known a good long time.
As an extension, on Jean's side of things, I write (or at least spin up) a lot of Jean/Kaeya set close in the aftermath of Diluc leaving, because Jean seeing Kaeya as the friend who stayed with her, and supported her through the troubles with Eroch and when she became Master of the Knights and onward through the present day, also feels foundational to me. Whether or not either of them had any romantic relationship with Diluc, there's just so many upheavals there, with someone they both trust leaving and then all that treachery to root out of the Knights, that them bonding over that is another major part of their relationship to me though, again, it's not necessarily canon.
So one thing I headcanon that they want from each other is, among other things, comfort! Both the comfort of familiarity and the comfort of being banded together against the forces they had to face. Even if I wrote them getting together closer to present day, that would be a huge element of it.
And with that- I was going to say trust, but I feel very strongly that Kaeya does not want people to trust him, and Jean falls under that umbrella. I would say rather, instead of trust, knowledge of each other--which remains in tension, I think, with Kaeya's fear of being known. But I don't think that fear doesn't mean he doesn't want it, on his end. I firmly believe that part of his orbiting around Diluc is because he thinks Diluc knows and sees him and he does crave that, even believing that Diluc hates him for what he sees, and I think deep down he wants to be seen and loved (and that can apply here in a friendship sense, in a familial sense, or in a romantic sense depending on how I'm casting his relationships with people at that moment). But in the meantime, Jean knowing that he has secrets and not prying is as close as he can get! Meanwhile, Jean is presenting a front to the world that she needs to have supported, both professionally and because it's her whole life, but to have someone who can see beneath it, while annoying and inconvenient at times, is also something she craves.
In terms of similarities/contrasts: I think that this is something Jean wants from any romantic relationship, deep down, whether she's acknowledging that or not. (This song is the top entry on my Jean/Lisa playlist, but I think it is broadly applicable to her across most relationships, even if Lisa and Kaeya are the top of my list for song narrator. XD) I don't think it's something she uniquely wants from Kaeya, or that he can uniquely provide--I actually feel like the ways I ship her with him and with Lisa, in particular, are similar in a lot of broad ways, with the differences coming down to specifics.
On the note of Kaeya's wants, fears, and insecurities: I don't know if it always comes through overtly, but a thoroughline in pretty much anything I do with them is, as I've jokingly said to a couple of people, is that what I'm really shipping is Kaeya/Jean-as-representative-of-Mondstadt. Jean's position, the Gunnhildr clan's status and history, and Jean's own personality all make her... a very good symbol of Mondstadt as a whole, and/or the Ordo as a whole. Which also makes her acceptance of him, whether theoretical or actual(-in-fic), symbolic of being accepted by and a true part of Mondstadt. I've opined before that I think Kaeya's loyalties are more strongly to people than to nations or concepts (hence his divide when he's uncertain being between fathers, even if they were somewhat representative of the respective countries as well), but if he attaches his personal loyalty to Jean then it's a way of attaching it to Mondstadt by default, because, well. She would never ask him to do something that betrayed it. This isn't to say that I don't enjoy him being her friend or into her as a person, as well--obviously I do!--but it, idk, is an invisible weight in their relationship, just like Crepus is an invisible weight in his relationship with Diluc.
And that is unique, on his side, in a way that Jean's relationship desires aren't! There is no one else in Mondstadt who can be that for him, even Diluc, who represents a lot of things for him but I'm 100% sure that the nation itself is not one of them. Also, feeding in once again my presumed weight of childhood acquaintance, one-on-one no one else's acceptance matters that much, because no one else I can think of him pairing off with is someone who knew him when he was still loyal to Khaenri'ah, or even when his loyalties were divided. There's a massive difference between Jean, who trusted him from their youth, allowing him to keep his secrets and/or accepting him for what he is, and Rosaria or Albedo or Lisa or Eula or whomever, pretty much all of them people he presumably met after he at least started leaning towards Mondstadt, doing the same.
Sorry for the wall of text, bullet points made the most sense when I started out but they do not exactly. paragraph. ANYWAY it's about comfort and trust and knowing each other intimately, and everyone else they might be with having to build those up from first principles as the relationship progresses, while for Jean and Kaeya together they're already present and it's just letting them come to full flower. Thank you for entertaining my brainrot <3
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cutebutalsostabby · 3 months
Would you ever write anything shippy?
And an alternative:
Would you ever write super cracky alternative scenes for Seven Secret Disasters. I'm talking just so silly. If so, which scenes?
I like reading shippy content but I'm a bit intimidated by writing it. I do have ideas for a Ravioli arc, but the problem is that it's set AFTER Several Secret Disasters... which I WILL finish, but... uhh... *coughs blood* one of these days. Or maybe if I get stuck again it'll end up as a side story. Or just write it in advance and publish it later. I WANNA WRITE IT. And I may also write some oneshots for either that pairing or a different one at some point. Maybe as part of a prompt event?
(But also I'm an aro ace virgin whose only experience with dating is dates I didn't even realise were dates at the time, what even is romance and sex, help.)
As for crack... I mean, yeah, I love writing crack scenes xD one which does come to mind - and which I probably WILL write at some point - is the alternate universe where Wild doesn't actually manage to get through the portal at the end of IWWAMtG and instead goes on a culinary revenge tour with Flora (just as threatened in that chapter - she was NOT serious, but she WILL commit to the bit).
I do also sometimes revise scenes to make them LESS cracky, and I often keep the original snippets - none are particularly long, but here's one:
For some reason, there was a rabbit in Wild’s lap.
‘Why is there a rabbit in my lap?’ he belatedly asked aloud.
‘Because I put him there,’ Hyrule explained despondently. ‘See how much I love you?’
Wild looked down at the rabbit in question. Legend stared placidly back at him.
‘He’s really cute,’ Wild mumbled, eyes prickling with bun bun-induced brain liquification.
‘Fuck my entire life,’ muttered Legend.
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verecunda · 10 months
Last line meme
I was tagged by @chiropteracupola in this... uh... a few weeks ago now. >.> At the time, I was finishing off a couple of exchange things, which had to stay incognito. Anyway, I've no exchange stuff on the go right now, sooo:
Salgant took the harp gratefully back from him and looked it over, playing a quick little trickle of notes to satisfy himself that it was undamaged.
It's a wee ambiguously shippy Maeglin/Salgant idea I had - ambiguous in the sense that Salgant definitely has a crush, I'm not sure what's the score with Maeglin yet.
I think this is the one where I'm supposed to tag as many people as are words in the line, but screw that. XD Anyway, I tag: @di-daydreamer, @bryndeavour, @cuddlytogas, @cilil, @typingkeys-11, @themalhambird, @swanmaids, @m-madeleine, @cycas, and @nocompromise-noregrets. :)
PS. I have several memes, prompt fics, and messages to catch up on. I'll get there, slowly but surely! The last couple of weeks have just been a bit full-on. D:
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mcltiples · 14 days
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send 🚢 or ( 'SHIP' ) if you ever considered shipping our characters romantically || accepting
@countlessrealities sent; 🚢 [[ Angel & Vox || totally random idea xD and even more random if you stick Alastor into it too xD ]]
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DO I SHIP OUR CHARACTERS TOGETHER?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
WOULD I LIKE TO SHIP WITH YOU?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP I COULD SEE: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
TROPES I'D ENJOY WRITING FOR THEM: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
WOULD I RATHER PLOT FIRST OR JUMP RIGHT IN AND SEE WHERE IT GOES?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between
WHAT NOW?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
ANYTHING ELSE I WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT ME / MY CHARACTER / MY SHIPPING HABITS: So i have thought about this but I didn't think you'd be up for it tbh xD I think there could be a level of drama that Vox steals Angel from Valentino and ends up treating him a bit better 🤭 I definitely think we should plot about this, even if it's for funsies xD
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DO I SHIP OUR CHARACTERS TOGETHER?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
WOULD I LIKE TO SHIP WITH YOU?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP I COULD SEE: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
TROPES I'D ENJOY WRITING FOR THEM: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
WOULD I RATHER PLOT FIRST OR JUMP RIGHT IN AND SEE WHERE IT GOES?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between
WHAT NOW?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
ANYTHING ELSE I WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT ME / MY CHARACTER / MY SHIPPING HABITS: Yes I did another one where Alastor could be involved xD If it's the three of them, I think it would make things even more interesting. I don't know how it would be set up yet but I think Angel could develop some feelings for Alastor that could be left unrequited 👀👀
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
Alright, I thought about it last night a bit.
I may just stop forcing myself to do the usual 'male v monday' 'shippy saturday' 'thirsty thursday' 'wip wednesday' stuff (I mean I can't even manage to keep up with that either) and instead post whenever I want, like I do on Friday already when everyone is posting their gorgeous females but I (if I post) do post my boys since I do not have any female oc.
I don't know if I'll completely abandon the tags for it or not. it's gonna be more: if I manage to post on that day, I'll add it, if not, I'll reblog and then tag it with the tag or sth like that.
I will still try and take my at least 30min of time a day (mostly after work around 6pm German time) to browse tblr. Queue often makes noe sense to me, sometimes I use ib when I feel I've reblogged to much in a row already but I do not tage anything that will come from my queue so you won#t even notice that it was queued.
I've also set a few blogs on receive notifications so I do not miss any new posts. I love that feature! But sometimes I have to stop using it if a blog keeps posting like every 1h through the day which will give me 24 notes a day on my phone - forcing me to look and I can't do that. I need to find some balance somehow. Still a thing to figure out to have it healthy.
I do not want to abandon looking at content because you all create so many cool things, but in this fandom, as I already said it so many times: it is just so hard to keep up with it. So please do not be mad about me or think I do not like your stuff (anymore) because I've not liked/reblogged a thing lately of your content. I often feel very 'unmenschlich' (inhuman?) when I can't find time to give some love to others work bc I receive so much from all of you, therefore I want to give it back as well.
Idk how you manage having 4+ ocs btw. I with my 4 boys feel like I abandon at least one for too long (rn it is Vijay - and it makes me so incredibly sad, no one will probably understand). But I have to keep telling myself, he will receive a whole lot of attention and love again. However, this month is for Thyjs, because he's having his birthday soon (13th) and so I will focus on him in the first place.
I decided to slide in Jaysen for something else yesterday (because spontaneous things still happen) and I'll hopp in to take a bunch of pic of him as well once my writing here is done, bc he's modeling for some new real cool pants. And then I go back to my soldier boy doing the same (if I can manage bc taking pic … takes time xD).
What elese?
I'll just need to find a balance when I do at least answer roleplay or do story writing because this also I feel very bad about It gets neglected the most, mainly because I've never been a writer. But I find such joy in it and I feel like a bad person that my rp partner always has to wait such long time until I answer. Some days I'd just love to thorw literally everything aside and just do rp 24h nonstop (we all know this doesn't work) because I love love love this story that developed in the past year and when I think about it I'm just so hyped to share it one day but it's a lot of work to do. It's gotten something like a lifetime project by now?
And I need to stop hording my drafts. Its getting ridiculous …
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