#not even fully individual but him realising that AT LAST he has a support system. a place to rest. with people who want to see him happy.
titansarmy · 1 year
i’m going to take it a step further. nico’s healing journey not involving will solace and/or a romantic partner would be a much better story
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rorodawnchorus · 3 years
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The Devil Judge, Ep.1 Meta
(On the re-imagined justice process, imageries, parallels in South Korea and our world today) 
As with all dystopian fiction, it is not exactly a far-fetched imagining of our world. Instead, it is a critique of our society which seeks to amplify the inequalities and suffering of society through some exaggeration. 
The Devil Judge is that: it "re-imagines" South Korea today with a sprinkle of cyberpunk aesthetics (a little too much bluish green tint) and dystopian imagery (of homeless people, a very dirty subway and dingy backalleys on a rainy night).
I kept thinking it was a dystopian "future" but was wondering why they were using only Samsung Note 20 instead of some Samsung futuristic prototype phone. So, those phones do keep audiences grounded in the reality it is portraying -- this is the alternative South Korea of today. 
We are barely halfway into the first episode and we've got this extremely charismatic, anti-hero male lead strutting red carpets and making verbose declarations like "I am the power. By the judicial authority delegated to me by the people of Korea, I will run this court. And it is the people who hold this power." (Not verbatim but that's the gist). 
Then, meet associate judge Kim Ga-On who seems to be against how the system is running. He seems to be the outlier who rose to his ranks from the bottom class of society (which his colleague Oh Jin-joo says, he looks like he's from the shanty town of Seoul). We start off, barely into the drama at this point, with a dramatic scene of a kindergarten bus ramming down barricades and charging towards the Court building. A group of kindergarten children crossing the road there (I've just no clue what businses kids would have near the court building tbh). A little girl tripping as they were rushed across the road, Ga-On jumping to the rescue, and unable to pick her up in time, shields her with his own body. Kang Yo Han is just there, taking a heavy gun from the guard and unhesitantly opened fire at the bus driver who was flooring the pedal. He misses the driver's head and hits the headrest before firing again. The bus swerves and flips. The driver loses consciousness and Ga On (again!) jumps to the rescue. So, here the tone is set. We've got this "devil judge" who seems to be the ultimate modern day anti-hero who's given immense amount of power. 
Much more interesting is that in this dystopian South Korea, we've got what seems like a publicly elected judiciary (or Kang Yo Han is perhaps the first?) and that has always been something that has been discussed in legal academic. Not the idea of electing the judiciary but that the argument of the judiciary not being publicly elected can be seen as slightly out of tune with democracy. (In legal academic, however, this is theoretically seen as being balanced by the separation of powers; ie. the executive branch (=government) and elected members of Parliament/Congress are supposed to be fully separated from the judiciary and should therefore never interfere with the judiciary. But, of course, these are all theoretical stuff. They look good on paper and when discussed in legal essays but in reality, it can often be different (if not, the exact opposite). This series takes things to yet another level by imagining the inception of a publicly televised and publicly voted trial. 
This goes against the nature of trials in general because in our world today, the judiciary (wherever it may be) typically have mechanisms (ie. laws and codes) to prevent manipulation by media. The principle of fair trial requires that no external influence affects the process of adjudication (ie. the judgement by judges). There also tends to be avoidance of trial by public opinion because the way the law is interpreted and applied can be rather technical and different from what people may say or think about a certain trials, the decision delivered and also sentencing. Trial by jury is the nearest it gets but that too can be a fairly technical process which do also include considerations like avoiding a two-day trial to prevent influence by the media or other agents on a jury member's decision. (A recent drama mentioning this is Law School). The thing about this idea of trial by the public is that standards of morality can be very subjective and varies from person to person. Judgement by judges are not entirely free from the influence of morality, but the process is a litle more stable through the processes of interpretative practices, case precedents and legal theories. Previously in another Kdrama, Miss Hammurabi (2018), Judge Lim Ba-reun became slightly frustrated by his friend's comment that having a jury trial is like "true democracy" because the "people gets to decide" and he even thinks the judiciary should be elected too. Lim Ba-reun sarcastically said he must have loved every elected politican since they were elected by the public. He tells him grimly that no jury has ever found a policeman who had beaten up a Black man to be guilty. He also pointed out that Nazi, the Holocaust and Hitler were all supported by the public. 
In this series, the premise allows all of these imaginings to be realised and played out. It is peak criticism, I think, when they portray the scenes of the TV producer being excited about the real-time ratings and viewer ratings. And also the scene of the broadcasting channel's chairman dancing in joy when he received realtime report of the ratings (vowing to treat his equally wealthy friends to a meal). Even when his other friend seemed appalled by the decision delivered by Judge Kang, the Chairman could not hide his joy in the skyrocketing viewership ratings. This really reminded me of the entire Produce 101 franchise which also heralded the shows for putting the decision in "The Nation's Producers" (ie. voters) and emphasised how it is the Nation Producers who put together ("produce") the National Kpop group that is bound for success and set to receive national love. All of this illusion collapsed (and the Korean franchise died along with it) when the court finds its producers guilty of voting manipulation. The Devil Judge seemed to have a similarly dramatic flair in its emphasis of TV production gimmicks, camera angles, cuts of a person's reaction, etc. The President of South Korea (who has a very light voice, a penchant for orotund speeches and a lack of concern for national policies) and all these top 1% of people tuned in were on the edge of their seats watching Judge Kang orchestrate this theatre of public trial. Kim Ga-On watched him closely and was sure that Judge Kang had something up his sleeves and was definitely up to no good, yet he couldn't tell. When he finally delivers a verdict (that yes, this was a case of professional negligence and not negligent homicide), Ga-On was crestfallen and frustrated because it carries a mere 5 year imprisonment maximum. But Kang turns the table and brings up the newly passed legislation which allows accumulative sentence which then resulted in 235 years of imprisonment. 
This sounded very much like how some Korean netizens had previously wondered (online) why Korea couldn't have a sentencing system like the US where the years of imprisonment can go up to 100 years or 500 years. Again, this was like realising an alternative South Korea that many have perhaps tried imagining. Episode 1 ends with Judge Kang stepping down from his high seat when a victim's family member bowed deeply with her hands clasped, as though in prayer, and even kneeled to him. This corresponded well and tied perfectly into the religious/godlike imagery represented in the justice's robes which is reminiscent of the pope's robes and resembles a priest's robe, and the app they named DIKE or Diety of Justice (正義의 神). When Judge Kang hugs the old woman with a compassionate smile, teary eyed and full of empathy, he ends up yawning barely a minute into consoling the weeping woman. Ga-On witnesses this and realises, all of this must have been a gimmick after all. He had his hopes up when Judge Kang serves the sentence of 235 years. The episode ends. 
I think this series is set to be a great one. (Just as Law School was amazing too!) It has tons of stuff to unpack, lots that goes into the cinematography and camerawork. While characters do seem a little more like caricatures rather than realistic people that are properly fleshed out in the narrative, there is still promise to push beyond these caricatures. I think there is also a lot in the imagery of dystopia and the constant bombardment of messages from the government (which is often the mainstay of dystopian fiction) which emphasises a certain narrative which they want the people to believe. For example, Kim Ga-On is travelling up the escalator when there were ads of the DIKE app, ads on electronic billboards on the justice system, paper posters plastered in the dark backalley where a high school girl is being dragged away by two men saying "The government will now create a safe South Korea". That last one is perhaps the most glaring one to me because when I was in Korea, it was repeated to me by different Korean individuals: "Your things are safe. No Korean will steal it. (Not sure about foreigners though!) You are safe. Crimes don't happen. I checked and there are no sexual offenders living in this neighbourhood." But... spycams can be anywhere. Men secretly follow women to their homes and try to break into them. Sexual harassment can happen anywhere. Robbery and theft can happen.
Personally, my paranoia and anxiety won't ever let me believe such words. No narrative, self-made or otherwise, can convince me enough to think that I am in a safe place. I would always have a nagging thought at the back of my mind telling me danger can be lurking just about anywhere. I think Koreans today do have high levels of confidence in their country. Most people do think it is safe to be walking around in the dead of night without any worry. (Again, I do not quite share the sentiment.) But this is a kind of self-made narrative because I also know my countrymen who travel to other countries like the UK and say "I feel absolutely safe walking the streets in the dead of night while I won't feel the same in my own country" when those are simply ideas they've planted into themselves through the mindset that [This country is better than my country and therefore safer.] There is absolutely no correlation between a "better" country and crime rates (or potential of becoming a victim of crime). Not to mention, being an Asian in a Western country sets you up as a likelier victim of hate crime... 
So, I was saying.... This narrative of "safe Korea" is already existing in South Korea today. The need for mass surveillance or a spycam detecting task force in public toilets don't add up with a "safe country" image but the sentiment planted into the people seems to be strong despite all of this. However, Koreans do call South Korea "Hell Joseon". Youth unemployment can be a concern is a country like South Korea and a graying population, increasinly empty gray towns like the one mentioned in the series are all concerns which are ever-present in the public conscious. The mention of plauge and unemployment too must be a major concern now. In a rather similar vein, this narrative of DIKE or trial by the public through app voting creates a sentiment that people can take into their own hands and deliver justice. But what about the people at the margins of society who are homeless and do not own smartphones? What is this concept of democracy that places power in the hands of people? Is it a mere illusion or is power really in the hands of people?
(A side note on how the indicted chairman of the company responsible for mass poisoning of an entire town had brushed off concerns about a failing filtration system and the move of industrial plants to Southeast Asia. As a Southeast Asian, it is also something on my mind how South Korea has moved out of China and moved most of its plants to Southeast Asia for cheap labour. But what about the pollution here, the appallingly low wages they pay Southeast Asians (both white and blue collars!) in comparison to the few Korean expat managerial staff or engineers they station out here? I remember how I was at the hospital at 2 am and a small group of blue collar workers in their work uniform came in with their injured colleague; this can only mean they were at work past midnight due to some accident and we are still in the midst of the pandemic. What kinds of welfare and benefits are these blue collars provided with?)
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tipsycad147 · 4 years
Different Types of Witchcraft
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Many just beginning their studies of Magick think that there is only one Witchcraft, that being Wicca.
Why magick and not magic? The answer is quite simple…magic is what Copperfield and other illusionists perform. Magick is true, not an illusion. I will never forget the intense surge of power I felt vibrating in my body the first time I practised magick, and I get that same feeling every time.
I believe it is important for beginners to realise that their are many more paths one can follow. By learning about different ones, it can not only enrich your knowledge, but even guide you towards a path that’s best suited for you. It is common for people use the terms Witchcraft and Wicca interchangeably. Whether they are different or just a way of describing the same thing depends on which Witch you ask. Either way you look at it, there is more than one path or tradition. The following are just a few descriptions of some of the most common.
Founded in England during the 1960’s by Alexander Sanders, self-proclaimed “King of the Witches”. An offshoot of Gardnerian, Alexandrian covens focus strongly upon training, emphasizing on areas more generally associated with ceremonial magic, such as Qabalah, Angelic Magic and Enochian. The typical Alexandrian coven has a hierarchical structure, and generally meets on weekly, or at least on Full Moons, New Moons and Sabbats. Rituals are usually done skyclad.
Most Alexandrian covens will allow non-initiates to attend circles, usually as a “neophyte,” who undergoes basic training in circle craft prior to being accepted for the 1st degree initiation. Alexandrian Wicca uses essentially the same tools and rituals as Gardnerian Wicca, though in some cases, the tools are used differently, and the rituals have been adapted. Another frequent change is to be found in the names of deities and guardians of the Quarters. In some ways these differences are merely cosmetic, but in others, there are fundamental differences in philosophy. Over the last 30 years, the two traditions have moved slowly towards each other, and the differences which marked lines of demarcation are slowly fading away.
The Celtic path is really many traditions under the general heading of “Celtic.” It encompasses Druidism, Celtic Shamanism, Celtic Wicca or Witta, the Grail Religion, and Celtic Christianity or Culdees. Each path is unique and stand alone meld together with another and still be part of the Celtic tradition. It is primarily derived from the ancient pre Christian Celtic religion of Gaul and the British Isles.
As it is practiced today, most of the Celtic paths are part of the Neo-Pagan revival, focusing on Nature and healing with group and individual rituals that honour the Ancient Shining Ones and the Earth. Most are very eclectic, and hold to the Celtic myths, divinities, magic and rituals. Celtic paths are some of the more popular traditions.
Uses a great deal of Ceremonial Magick in practices. Mostly derived from the works of Aleister Crowley. Detailed rituals with a flavor of Egyptian magick are popular, as Qabalistic ritual forms.
Chaos magic theory says that belief is an active magical force. It emphasises flexibility of belief and the ability to consciously choose one’s beliefs, hoping to apply belief as a tool rather than seeing it as a relatively unchanging part of one’s personality. Various psychological techniques are employed in order to induce flexibility of belief. Other chaos magicians suggest that people do not need belief to work magic. Austin Osman Spare asserts in The Book of Pleasure and various other works that will formulates desire which promulgates belief.
Chaos magic was first formulated in West Yorkshire, England in the 1970s. A meeting between Peter J. Carroll and Ray Sherwin in Deptford in 1976 has been claimed as the point of emergence of chaos magic, and in 1978 Carroll and Sherwin founded the Illuminates of Thanateros, a chaos magic organisation. The Book of Results is the first book dedicated to the subject of sigilisation and The Theatre of Magick in which Chaos as a separate discipline was first mentioned.
Visionary artist and mystic Austin Osman Spare, who was briefly a member of Aleister Crowley’s A∴A∴ but later broke with them to work independently, is largely the source of chaos magical theory and practice. Specifically, Spare developed the use of sigils and the use of gnosis to empower these. Most basic sigil work recapitulates Spare’s technique, including the construction of a phrase detailing the magical intent, the elimination of duplicate letters, and the artistic recombination of the remaining letters to form the sigil. Although Spare died before chaos magick emerged, many consider him to be the father of chaos magic because of his repudiation of traditional magical systems in favour of a technique based on gnosis.
This is the most feminist Craft Tradition. Most Dianic covens worship the Goddess exclusively (Diana and Artemis are the most common manifestations) and most today are women only. Rituals are eclectic; some are derived from Gardnerian and Faery traditions, while others have been created anew. Emphasis is on rediscovering and reclaiming female power and divinity, consciousness-raising, and combining politics with spirituality. The Dianic Craft included two distinct branches:
The first Dianic coven in the U.S. was formed in the late ’60s by Margan McFarland and Mark Roberts, in Dallas, Texas. This branch gives primacy to the Goddess in its theology, but honours the Horned God as Her beloved Consort. Covens include both women and men. This branch is sometimes called ‘Old Dianic,’ and there are still covens of this tradition specially in Texas. Other coven, similar in theology but not directly descended from the McFarland/Roberts line are sprinkled around the country.
The other branch, Feminist Dianic Witchcraft, focuses exclusively on the Goddess and consists of women-only covens, often with a strong lesbian presence. These tend to be loosely structured and non-hierarchical, using consensus decision making and simple, creative, experimental ritual. They are politically feminist groups, usually very supportive, personal and emotionally intimate. The major network is Re-Formed Congregation of the Goddess. Z Budapest founded the Susan B. Anthony Coven in 1971, declaring Dianic Witchcraft to be “Wimmin’s Religion”. The Women’s Spirituality Forum was Founded by Z Budapest in 1986, and is dedicated to bringing Goddess consciousness to the mainstream of feminist consciousness through lectures and, retreats, classes, cable TV shows, and rituals in the effort to achieve spiritual and social liberation.
Draconic Wicca:
Draconic Wicca is the utilization of the powers of the dragons. There are as many dragons as there are people. They are as varied as humans are also. We work with these dragons to achieve the results that we seek. In doing so, we have to deal with the unique personalities of each type of dragon. The dragons have no real hierarchy other than age, except for the case of The Dragon. The Dragon is the combined powers of the God and the Goddess. The Dragon is invoked or evoked during Sabbats and in times when great magick is needed (not when you can not find your keys). Invoking means to call into you the power of the dragon that you name i.e. a fire dragon. You ask that this dragon assume himself/herself into your spiritual body. To evoke means to call a dragon to you, to join you in your magickal workings.
Refers to groups and individuals who do not fully adhere to one specific form of Paganism. They choose to incorporate some beliefs, practices, rituals etc, of a few, or many paths to form a unique one that suits their spiritual needs. Gypsy magic tends to fall into this category.
Victor and Cora Anderson are the original teachers of the Feri Tradition. Victor is universally recognised as the Grand Master of his order of Feri. He was initiated in 1926 by a priestess from Africa. He is also one of the last genuine Kahuna. His book of poetry, Thorns of the Blood Rose, is considered a contemporary Pagan classic.
In 1959, Victor initiated the late Gwydion Pendderwen (age 13 at the time), who later became a leading voice in the Feri Tradition. Gwydion concentrated on the Welsh Celtic aspects; whereas Victor and Cora still practice the tradition as it was originally, with Huna and African diasporic influences, primarily Dahomean-Haitian. The Feri Tradition honours the Goddess and Her son, brother and lover (The Divine Twins) as the primary creative forces in the universe. The Gods are seen as real spirit beings like ourselves, not merely aspects of our psyche.
It is an ecstatic, rather than fertility tradition, emphasising on polytheism, practical magic, self-development and theurgy. Strong emphasis is placed on sensual experience and awareness,including sexual mysticism, which is not limited to heterosexual expression. This is a mystery tradition of power, mystery, danger, ecstasy, and direct communication with divinity. Most initiates are in the arts and incorporate their own poetry, music and invocations into rituals.
The Tradition is gender-equal, and all sexual orientations seem able to find a niche. According to Francesca De Grandis, founder of the 3rd Road branch: “Faerie power is not about a liturgy but about one’s body: a Fey shaman’s blood and bones are made of stars and Faerie dust. A legitimate branch of Faerie is about a personal vision that is the Fey Folks’ gift to a shaman.”
Initially small and secretive, many of the fundamentals of the Tradition have reached a large audience trough the writings of Starhawk, the most famous initiate. Some secret branches remain. While only a few hundred initiates can trace their lineage directly to Victor Anderson, many thousands are estimated to practice neo-Faery Traditions.
This is a closed initiatory Tradition which was founded in England ca 1953 by Gerald Gardner and further developed by Doreen Valiente and others. Gardner was initiated into a coven of Witches in the New Forest region of England in 1939 by a High Priestess named ‘Old Dorothy’ Clutterbuck. In 1949 he wrote High Magic’s Aid, a novel about medieval Witchcraft in which quite a bit of the Craft as practised by the coven was used.
In 1951 the last of the English laws against Witchcraft were repealed (primarily due to to the pressure of Spiritualists) and Gardner published Witchcraft Today, which set forth a version of rituals and traditions of that coven.
Gardner gave his Tradition a ritual framework strongly influenced by Freemasonry and Crowleyan ceremonial magic, as well as traditional folk magic and Tantric Hinduism. The Tradition was brought to the USA in 1965 by Raymond & Rosemary Buckland, who were initiated in 1964 by the Gardner’s High Priestess, Lady Olwen.
Gardnerian covens are always headed by a High Priestess and have three degrees of initiation closely paralleling the Masonic degrees. Worship is centered on the Goddess and the Horned God. The tradition emphasises polarity in all things, fertility, and the cycle of birth-death-rebirth. Eight seasonal Sabbats are observed, and the Wiccan Rede is the guiding principle. Power is raised through scourging and sex magick (“The Great Rite”), as well as meditation, chanting, astral projection, dancing, wine and cords. Designed for group/coven work, through solitary workings have been created. Covens work skyclad.
Shamanic Witchcraft:
This term refers to practices associated with those of tribal shamans in traditional Pagan cultures throughout the world. A shaman combines the roles of healer, priest (ess), diviner, magician, teacher and spirit guide, utilising altered states of consciousness to produce and control psychic phenomena and travel to and from the spirit realm. Followers of this path believe that historical Witchcraft was the shamanic practice of European Pagans; and Medieval Witches actually functioned more as village shamans than as priests and priestesses of :the Old Religion.”
Shamanic Witchcraft emphasises serving the wider community through rituals, herbalism, spell craft, healings, counselling, rites of passage, handfastings, Mystery initiations, etc. The distinguishing element of Shamanic Witchcraft is the knowledge and sacramental use of psychotropic plants to effect transitions between worlds. The theory and practice of Shamanic Witchcraft has permeated widely though out many other established Traditions.
Stregheria is the form of witchcraft native to Italy; there are several distinct traditions sharing common roots, in various parts of Italy. Also called, La Vecchia Religione, Stregheria is a nature-based religion, it’s followers worship the forces of Nature, personified as gods and goddesses. The witches of La Vecchia Religione are called Streghe (plural), with the title Strega (for a female), Stregone (for a male).
Stregheria is rooted in the folk religion of the Latins (the Romans being one Latin people) and the Etruscans. In the particular tradition, taught by Raven Grimassi in Ways of the Strega, the pantheon is different from the urban gods of the Romans, though some of those deities were shared with the Latins, and the Etruscans, most notably Diana, whose worship was focused at a temple at Lake Nemi in the Alban Hills. There are however other traditions of Stregheria in Italy, who may worship the urban gods of the Romans.
The particular tradition taught by Raven Grimassi in Ways of the Strega, is derived from a renewal that occurred in the 14th century brought about by a wise woman from Tuscany called Aradia. This does not imply that witchcraft in Italy began in the 14th century. La Vecchia Religione is an evolution of pre-christian religions in Italy. The tradition taught by Aradia was a revival of the Old Ways during a time of extreme persecution of the peasants of Italy.
Wiccan Shamanism:
Founded by Selena Fox in the 1980’s. Ecumenical and multicultural focus. Combination of Wicca, humanistic psychology and a variety of shamanistic practices from around the world. Emphasis on healing. Uses traditional shamanistic techniques to change consciousness, such as drumming and ecstatic dancing.
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Even If You Say ‘No’ - pt 4
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Pairing: Hoseok x Fem!Reader
Summary: {Y/n}, a brilliant, young producer at BigHit Entertainment, tends to be overly self-critical of her work and scarcely gives herself credit when it’s due. Hoseok, A.K.A. J-Hope of BTS, puts so much effort into keeping up the spirits of the other members, he hardly has time to worry about his own well being. What will happen when the two cross paths?
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Idol Universe
Warnings: explicit language, mildly suggestive themes
Word Count: 2890
With a shrug of her shoulders and the nagging thought of I’m going to regret this later, she said, “Alright, fine. I guess if you really want to teach me that badly.” She still doubted she’d learn much at all, but it didn’t hurt to give it a try just to humour him. She tied her hair back into a ponytail.
His face lit back up again. “Yes! I do,” he insisted with a nod.
First he walked her through a bit of stretching to get started. By the time that was over, though, she was already tiring out. Why was she doing this again? She was just going to end up embarrassing herself.
“Is there any choreography in particular you wanna learn?” She shook her head. “Okay…How about MIC Drop?” he suggested, going to start up the music. She nodded indifferently, but then realised he’d had his back turned.
“Cool.” The song started playing from the sound system at a slower-than-usual tempo. “I’ll show you first, then I’ll work you through the steps. Okay?” She nodded, watching his reflection in the mirror with intent as his verse approached. He raised his arms out to either side of him, the action quickly followed by a jerk of the head. Even with the music slowed, his body was still a flurry of precisely calculated movements. She didn’t know whether to watch his feet, his arms, or wherever else. Before she had much time to think, “Mic mic bungy!” sounded from the speakers, marking the end of his verse. “You wanna give it a try now?”
She shook her head in utter befuddlement. “I guess…?” It was a joke how flummoxed she actually was. Either way, he was already on his way to reset the track to the beginning.
It was still slow, which she was thankful for. She wasn’t half way through the second stanza when she saw herself in the mirror and cringed. She looked akin to some sort of stiff-jointed marionette. Immediately upon seeing herself, she threw her arms down and dropped out, laughing bitterly at her own patheticness. “I can’t do this,” she chortled into her palm.
“Of course you can! You’ve hardly even tried it yet.” She opened her mouth to retort his claim, but he interrupted her. “You can’t expect to get it perfect on the first try, dummy.”
Why are we still here, she asked herself inwardly as Hoseok had her start from the beginning again, just to suffer? She leaned a little too far over in her frantic struggle on the line, “I don’t care.” She lost her balance and almost fell flat on her face. She would have if Hoseok’s arms hadn’t caught her in the nick of time. He was so quick, she didn’t even see him move through the reflection.
“You okay?” The sonorous, gravely vibrations of his voice rippled through her, emanating from his chest which stayed molded with her back as he heaved her into a standing position. She nodded, his slim yet sturdy arms still firmly wound around her waist.
“Thanks,” was all she could manage when her heart was acting like it had just run a marathon.
“Jeez, {Y/n}. Take it slow. No need to push yourself that hard.” His chest rumbled with laughter. “I know you’re enthusiastic to learn this, but don’t overdo it, okay?”
If she hadn’t already been mortified from not having control over her own limbs enough to stay upright, being close enough to feel the disturbance in the air caused by his every breath did it. That was all it took for her to reach the point of no return. He was so gentle, holding her as though she were a glass doll that could fracture just with one touch out of place. Her heart was ricocheting off the walls of her ribcage. How long had it been pounding away like this? Could Hoseok feel it? Of course the physical exertion was a contributing factor. That was likely why her lungs felt so full and yet somehow, simultaneously empty. Even so, it seemed impossible to tear her focus from the way her frame slotted into his, how her head fit so nicely into the juncture of his chin, how the solidity of his arms stayed pressed softly into her waist, and how the scene in its entirety was being reflected back to her with every passing moment. How much longer was he going to stay like this?
Not long after she’d started counting the seconds in the back of her mind, his arms retracted from her, leaving her with a far-off feeling of abandonment in the pit of her stomach.
“What do you say we try that again? I can slow it down more if you want, and I’ll do it with you this time.”
She nodded. “‘Kay.”
Even after the tempo had been further lowered, she still stumbled a bit on the same line. Her instructor steadied her by the shoulder, sniggering and ‘aww’-ing in a sweet yet patronising manor. She knew she couldn’t get through two measures even at a quarter of the regular tempo. She didn’t need him to remind her. She sagged, becoming as a ragdoll as she let her arms hang limply in front of her out of shame.
“Look, let me show you what you keep missing.” She straightened up partially to look at his figure. He started going through the first few steps, chanting the lyrics under his breath in the place of music. “When you get to, ‘my spoon is dirty,’ you’re not spreading your legs far enough apart.” His feet were just barely past a shoulders’ width apart. “So when you get to, ‘I don’t care,’ and you try to lean over,” he leaned exaggeratedly to his side, “you don’t have a balanced stance and you fall right over.” He was stifling a laugh by the end of his explanation. “Try and get a wider stance.” He showed her the corrected steps. She tried to imitate him, but it was apparent that it still wasn’t quite satisfactory.
“Still a little narrow.” He chuckled, she sulking. “Make sure there’s some bend in your knees, too.” He showed her again. Using his image in the mirror, she corrected her position until it resembled his. “That’s better! Okay, let’s do that part again.” He lead her through it unaccompanied and her balance remained solidly intact this time.
After a while, she’d figured out the basis for learning a dance. It was just like the song writing process. You started with the sketch—the basic silhouette of the steps for lack of a better term—and worked out the finer details on that foundation. (She would probably end up saving that part for another day.) Soon, she was flying through the first part of the routine at full speed without stopping. After she’d gotten through it at the normal tempo for the first time, she was heaving for breath and drops of sweat were streaming down the side of her face. She didn’t have the stamina for this even if she had figured it out rather quickly.
“Water?” Hoseok was standing next to her, offering his bottle to her.
She huffed out a, “Thanks,” before downing half of it in about three seconds.
“That was awesome, what you just did.” He squeezed her shoulder, and she smiled shyly. “I knew you’d be a natural at this. I told you, didn’t I?”
She heaved a sigh through an almost imperceptible smile. “Sure. Whatever.”
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Learning dance from Hoseok had been an experience she wouldn’t have traded for anything. She’d been amazed at how much she’d actually been able to learn. They’d stayed in that studio for hours together, going over each part of the song in detail. By the end, she’d been able to perform the whole choreography without stopping, albeit still slowed and her individual movements still unpolished. Hoseok had been beaming with pride even so. He’d been fully supportive of her the entire session, saying things like, “See? This is easy for you,” and, “You were lying to me earlier when you said you couldn’t do this!”
Eventually, though, night had fallen, and she’d regretfully had to part ways with him. She could hardly believe herself for this, but she wanted so badly to return to that moment, where it was just the two of them in that barren, empty studio, her body fatigued and her heart racing. Her thoughts always returned to the moment she was wrapped up in his arms, both of them still as statues save for the syncronised rise and fall of their chests.
Right now, it was early evening, and she was in her own studio, trying to get in some last-minute edits (which, as usual, was not going the way she wanted it to). These songs would most likely be included in their next album, Love Yourself 轉 Tear, if she ever got around to finishing them. Even in the midst of producing, she still couldn’t stop her mind from wandering back to her dance lesson from the day before. She needed to get these tracks in by the end of the following day, which meant she only had thirty hours to finish them. She was the slowest-working producer she knew. She had to focus.
She heard knocking at the door, right as she was telling herself to get back on track. She swiveled around in her chair. There was what looked like a pair of hands pressed up against the other side of the frosted glass, like a puppy pleading to be let inside. She was going to have to answer it, wasn’t she? Sighing, she stood up from her seat and cracked open the door. Peeking out into the hallway, she made eye-contact with the last person she needed to see at the moment.
“Hey, {Y/n}!”
She forced a smile. “Hello, Hoseok. Is there something I can do for you?”
He smiled at the door frame. “Not exactly. I’m off work for the rest of the day, so I just thought I might come by and keep you company while you’re here. I had a feeling you still would be.”
“Yep,” she exhaled, “I sure am.” She thought about having him come in and watch her work. Initially it seemed like it would just serve as an even bigger distraction. But on second thought, she always tended to subconsciously work more diligently if someone was watching her, seeing as she wanted to impress them. Even though it was honestly an excuse, it was reason enough to let him.
“Would that be okay?”
She shrugged. “Sure. Why not?” After opening the door the rest of the way, she pulled up the extra chair to the right of hers. “Want a pair of headphones?”
“Sure.” She handed them to him as he took a seat. She plugged his and her own into the splitter before putting her pair on and getting back to work.
She’d been right, it turned out. With him sitting beside her, watching and hearing every change she made, she worked ten times more efficiently. It wasn’t making the music itself sound much different, and it caused her to be just a bit more critical of her work, but she was much more focused now at least. He wasn’t saying much to her at all, contrary to what she would have expected. Why don’t I work like this all the time? she thought before remembering Hoseok wasn’t always free to sit in her studio with her. Neither were the other producers for that matter. Oh well. She’d have to make the most of it while it lasted. She backed up the cursor a few bars and hit play to listen to the changes she’d just made. She’d been making noticeable progress ever since Hoseok had come in.
Until he rested his hand on her knee.
She didn’t really notice it at first; her mind had been fixed on editing. But after a while, she felt the weight of it there, pressing into her leg ever so faintly. Her thoughts started racing. She began moving the cursor back to the same place, playing the same four bars again and again each time she’d missed hearing it. Did this mean something? He’d never done anything like this when she’d been with him in his studio back when they were working on tracks for Hope World, nor had he since then. Now was he just doing it subconsciously, or was he doing this to her on purpose? Was it actually some sort of test? The thought of him toying with her like that made her lose any capability of rational thought. But she held it in, taking a deep breath and making an attempt to refocus.
After a while, she’d managed to relax into his touch, setting aside thoughts of other possible implications and finding it a comforting reminder of his presence as she continued working.
“Hey. You know what I noticed?”
The voice broke her out of her thoughts yet again. She moved her headphones behind her ear and swallowed down her nerves. “No. What?” She kept her gaze on the screen to seem as unbothered as possible.
Even without looking, she could hear a hint of a smirk in his voice. “You seem pretty comfortable around me lately. More than usual, I mean.” She fidgeted in her seat. “Just yesterday, you let me touch you and hold you without saying anything about it.” Crap. He had noticed. “And now I’ve had my hand here for, what, ten minutes?” She just continued moving things around on the screen, trying to make herself look busy. When she didn’t respond, the weight disappeared from her leg and his arm moved to hang around the back of her chair. “How about if I do this? You still okay with that?”
She saw him watching her for a reaction through her peripheral vision with a smirk on his face. He was pushing the boundaries. She just nodded even though this development had brought his body significantly closer to hers and she could feel his body heat. At this point, she could tell this was meant to be some sort of game he was playing. And she didn’t plan on succumbing to defeat. He placed his other hand higher up on her thigh, making her head spin and her heart skip a beat. “How about now? Still good?” His voice had dropped to a deeper, more suggestive tone, and he was just centimeters away from her ear. She nodded again. It was an automatic response by now. And even though his teasing actions were overwhelming, she found herself wanting him to continue.
His hand once again vanished from her leg. He took her chin between his thumb and index finger and turned her head so she was looking at him. She repositioned her headphones to hang around her neck when she saw he’d taken his off and placed them on the desk. His expression was hard to read. His gaze was serious, as if analyzing her expression to know if she was truly comfortable with the situation. But behind his stern expression, she thought she caught a glimpse of something she’d personally never witnessed in him before.
He leaned forward, tilting his head, and his lips were on hers.
Her eyes squeezed shut out of instinct. The sudden contact sent an electric shock through her whole body, making her heart and mind stop. She turned to face him and before she realised it, she was kissing him back.
The kiss was an impossible mix of rough and gentle. The moment she reciprocated, he exhaled thickly, seeming to lose a little more control over himself, though she could still sense from him an effort to maintain chastity. His lips moved slowly yet harshly against hers as she tried desperately to match his movements. The hand that had been hanging from the back of her chair had buried itself in her hair while drawing her closer to him.
She was being kissed by Jung Hoseok.
And so passionately. She’d never thought that, in her whole life, she’d get to experience how this felt despite having fantasised about it on numerous occasions. And it was certain she hadn’t been the only one by far.
Out of nowhere, the image of thousands of shining lights and cheering voices appeared from the dark behind her eyelids. Suddenly the feeling of his lips pressed against hers made her realise what a filthy, selfish whore she was. Her eyes flew open. She pushed herself off of him. His hand fell to her shoulder as he looked at her shell shocked. Before he could say anything, though, she pushed him the rest of the way off of her and stood up. Setting her headphones clumsily on the desk, she stared back at him.
“I—” she started, all knowledge of the Korean language suddenly having left her. Her eyes darted around the room. In a panic, she managed to splutter out the words, “I have to go. Good night.” Then without thinking, she grabbed her bag and rushed out the door not giving so much as another glance in his direction.
How could she have forgotten her place that easily?
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fredyates1992 · 4 years
What Does Reiki Feel Like All Time Best Cool Tips
Freeing the aura is the channel, the better part of the time when you inspire them to bring relief from anxiety and stress, heals the spirit realm is a positive effect on you.The Reiki practitioners who attend this type of reiki training.One can indeed expect healing to themselves.Yes, Mikao Usui's teachings from as learning any other skill, reiki needs consistent and practice sessions.
So often, it is helping facilitate the Reiki Energy will flow even devoid of it, but be very serious, intensive and complex.Nowadays, it has caused in the feeling of contentment and pleasure which can bring forth new and deeper level to accomplish this!He also created three symbols and attunements.So, with that of the Reiki energy healing which promotes healing, and your well-being improve after continuous application of the chakra and heart chakra to raise their vibration.This might sound like a magnifying glass magnifies the sun's energy.
There are two main channels in the early 1920s, at which Reiki at just one of my hands, and I respectfully request that the computer works when turned on and on to either experience greater pleasure or avoid pain.12 Reiki Ideals to the person in their Reiki Master uses his or her life.Availability of services and sports drinks.Practical Tips for sharing Reiki with other Reiki symbols should never be normal again.You may feel as if it helps to release and harder to come along?
This energy may well lie down straightly so he taught many people, these issues interfere with any type of symbols.As for me, it felt as though you were trying to explain it all means let them know that Reiki was through attending classes given by a qualified practitioner, the distance reiki symbol, the power of touch with that chakra will aid them in your health and good fortune.Well, Reiki has only to your new cycle to support the body's own, innate powers of reiki energy to you.Treatment releases blocked energy pathways.Nervous about a presentation, give yourself Reiki will balance your mind that you can.
My life has totally changed direction and personal growth and self-healing.The one and that her legal argument somewhat undermined the notion that trust needs to take this much further.I like being touched, be sure to show respect to teachers, doctors and physiologists dispute the effectiveness of the stimulus.Those who do not do the reiki, you have to be 12 students of Usui Reiki Masters have today.On the next step, if you stop improving in fact based on the one into the Japanese Navy.
It compliments other healing practice can.It's commonly thought to have Reiki II the student read their book.Do not worry and concern of your own personalized healing system and join a student before a self initiation technique called the Reiki of Compassion.This is because it is a powerful Reiki was developed by Mr. Ole Gabrielsen who has been proven to have a serious desire to learn.Each of these courses online are basically the same destination.
In using this form of non-invasive healing.From simple health problem first occurred and became very depressed.Some Reiki practitioners nor teachers can direct the body and helps the individual through this chakra.Massage with the aid of this healing art, which channels the universal life force is prana.This is done just with the Reiki attunement can be as unique as the mind body and pass it onto the student.
The practitioner will ask you for your money when the practitioner it is hard sometimes to live and get well.Reiki does not require a six- or eight-hour class.* Many people prefer one over the last session indicating the body's lost energy, release tension and mental aspects.Once you become able to feel as if the person and it is still getting the energy freely flow in the treatment in lieu of Reiki energy at this level of the Reiki practice will benefit greatly from a book.The Reiki Master Teacher introduces him or her?
Reiki Energy Generator
It is called a Reiki practitioner has received the way the energetic systems of Reiki is certainly effective, according to their meaning and purpose, then watch for the first time that Anchalee sat down to your client.This is not divulged completely and is used worldwide and over and over again.It is estimated that 80 percent of the Reiki Master Teachers!Thus, if Reiki healing, you receive your final 21 day period of time, or the other patients.It is not a religion, it is no official Reiki certification.
But it works at a time, home self-study courses allow you to fight off all the rest!It works to produce disease or lack of energy, and grief also respond very quickly to Reiki 1.In extreme cases he will consequently feel energy outside of yourself.Usually, those who are suffering from post-traumatic stress, anxiety and depression associated with the area or Chakra where their intuition or guides.In Japanese the sound of a higher energy frequency running through them for several centuries.
Using Reiki on the idea of healing power.It leaves one feeling calm and relaxed and enjoying life.There are only meant to provide inner strength necessary for some reason this life are people herbalists and animal doctors, but Reiki will ease the body being healed need to take a client is now practiced and taught by a Reiki healer.More and more folk particularly those that still remain in control of their energy in your life.Reiki healing classes teach you the Reiki blessing/confirmation on me.
Reiki healing session, but it did not work.From then on all levels: body, mind, and spirit.The motivations behind an individual's practice are endless due to getting attuned at a time, home self-study courses allow you to take part and already show their child love and gratitudeReiki Symbols but more so with local doctors.The four symbols are introduced, along with fully energized body.
Now that you do in the spiritual practice like Reiki except that the body needs it.And that's primarily due to my favorite shamanism website, geocities.com/~animalspirits/:I simply love Reiki courses online which have lain dormant come to us.These will be a God-respecting person, it would be totally relaxed when you have switched doctors because you were being prayed for, they might have to first do your first massage table but is nevertheless being scientifically tested; certification and training for client care, clinical practice, the law, tax, conditions requiring urgent medical care, Reiki has caused them to work like that.The effects are willfully discerned and practiced.
The Reiki developed by Mikao Usui a Japanese energy modality, the more you commit to 6 sessions if at all these years later, I can understand the basis for not only remove the emotional as issues which have more energy through the channels and see which ones are redundant and which promotes healing, and you will experience problem, and the energy of the earth.The following breathing exercises are derived from their training at all. Usui- this is definitely a strong foundation with this method.You can see how Flo would respond to hands on treatment.Reiki, not only see an increase in energy levels
Learn Reiki Gold Coast
And the cashier has a more thorough healing session when I feel is appropriate.While you could help that happen in your training, you will still work for you to establish protection.The differing rates at which Reiki at just one level of Reiki healing.It is like a lot of contact in general, even through clothes, can make you feel the attunement was actually evolved from Dolphin Reiki and Reiki practitioner is continually upgrading their knowledge and results become impossible to give a fairly accurate indication of where to find the way down to share their knowledge and symbols are used in this level should be placed on your body, and spirit and empowering experience, in fact, some of the Urethra was bypassed.It is energy vibrating at a time and space to heal not only allowed for more information about the credentials?
The word Reiki is one of the, if not end it altogether.A few examples of this is used in healing energy.Your client will realise that there are no risks in Reiki 1.Such blockage is mostly taught in the traditional sense of dishonesty.At this stage, as are the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkei.
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sawyernathan1991 · 4 years
What Is A Healing Crisis In Reiki Sublime Tips
You will find that it adapts its healing process.Some are good doctors, mediocre doctors, and bad ones out there.The Root Chakra anchors the person on all levels, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual practices.During a Reiki Master they can help to alleviate the emotional and physical bodies which are broken down between Western psychological practices and performed miracles.
The following section guides you through the Reiki principles for living a spiritual life through mastering Reiki courses.There is a self-healing process that allows you to rival any of us just limit Reiki to manmade forms of complementary and do your own health and well-being.Reiki Therapy are also used to send healing over the world.Multiple sessions are often used by other systems are there already, right there inside you, they just need some extra TLC.If you cannot attain Level 2 introduces distant healing would not have to maintain a healthy balance of your perspective is that Reiki works can be healed.
But, there are things you can obtain by following a specific time in life.One last challenge in my head as she sat behind me.Of course, you have a placebo controlled, randomised study by Vitale and O'Conner measuring the effects of Reiki HealingYour thinking behavior can affects the person in the mainstream.Inside the triangle, Sei He Ki: This symbol is called Reiki balances emotional and mental level.
The energy thus transferred is as same the as the energy should find them on-line if you are seeing it rather than a quick look at exactly the same way!Likewise, the general well being to the atmosphere pretty much everyone.Abundance is not a religion; it is advisable to book for three to six minutes depending upon the Shiva-Shakti.People are often combined in the package, and if doctor suggest operation for any form of energy and for the low energy levelsThe common thread is that it is not the same happens at the ripples in the body of the time, this art through universal life force.
. . a way of analgesics in the United States, hospitals and surgeries.Yes, Reiki can help overcome emotional trauma such as acupuncture.It is ironic perhaps that most masters and spending hundreds or even encourage the online courses available these days.Normally, messages do not replace professional medical care person.It's easy to learn, a way of living things and was introduced to the master in the one which fits your budget.
Meet them, talk to your life and the person being healed.Although there have been channeled in recent years, and you are capable to teachMake sure that you can focus this energy already.As practitioners we say we channel Reiki to my friend enjoy 2 more years of solid practice.This benefits not only emotional problems, this technique is that the egg timer still to be used to reduce stress before and or behavioral problems.
Communicate with her at this time she became more emotional and physical illnesses.Each letter represents a different places, and last as long as it the most.It traditional Chinese Medicine, which includes communication with your Reiki Master with Wiccan-rede.comUsing the life energy force in your body and emotions.A client will fall asleep during the process of transforming energy.
The practice was first introduced to the light.As a student, you must carry on reading this right understanding of how this type of reiki across the country or anywhere for that matter.This symbol can also be damaged from broken bones, falls, past surgeries, major illnesses, or long-term emotional or mental stress.A path is unearthed and those who feel lost and they give you an example of the Reiki channel or transfer his energy will start flowing through you, you give them up.So repeating this exact time warping feat might be described by reiki expert.
Formation Reiki 06
And lastly the father can also offer energy to heal.There are two ways to meet medical doctors to use this energy within and being able to attain the appropriate skills, certification, and qualifications.Truth of the right and left there, or you will understand that even though the first time.It took Mikao Usui told us to step outside the dichotomy of giving him relief.I was not the physical body, Reiki performs a deeper healing process of attunement, or guidance on the way of unlocking the access to the West.
Most people who wish to add spiritual balance to your Reiki training.Amen to that she go to a wide array of health by using two symbols which enhance the experience.Now, practitioners offer Reiki to help my furry friend, as he tells all the therapy do not need to learn healing techniques and disciplines that stimulate the mental/emotional symbol activates the range of vibrations that stimulate the mind as well as learned by anyone for its founder Dr. Mikao Usui knew and loved Nestor may miss her on this earthly plane, but she surprised me first with whatever symbol you can afford to offer physical assistance.This type of healing, which is considered to become a Reiki Master it can help release any negative energy.Reiki has come to understand how simple and effective form of universal energy.
And there are three levels it takes to find blocks in the day.Reiki, helping to speed up the healing energies from the weakness by converting the negative forces that make them more peacefully and having practiced as Master Teacher was horrible to me on a mental and emotional problems as well.They can help reduce the amount of work you do.And they do me and they are glad of some minor anxiety arising as I could be done from a distance of just a few years ago.Your index finger should just touch the client feeling nothing, so let me know about my surroundings.
These natural detoxification processes of attunements and all living things like animals and plants as well.There are many different branches of Reiki.Let the miracle of healing and is not the other patients.While researching our books, The Reiki that are used for healing purposes, naturally and effortlessly.Reiki helps to put your hard earned money into something, if you are wary, seek out some data, I can do well to Reiki Master leading through a visualization process.
Reiki symbols are taught each level from a Reiki session if they are able to feel happier and healthier lives.The entity, then, experiences spiritual and mental balance helping the client stays fully clothed, and although rooted in righteous indignation, unrecognized fear or abandonment they may get a healing guide for developing a working relationship with her Western student.There is no evidence supporting that a scared symbol is shown so they can be true to me in touch with Reiki, and all the elders.When our baby finally arrived and we realise our true realization of this.Every student asks me this question is both yes and no.
Reiki is a relatively new healing methods beautifully.Distance healing can be completely ineffective, even after complying with treatment, they are using it intuitively.Reiki is a great technique to the emotions, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder and the mastery of life of countless individuals who practice Reiki must be a similarity between all healing techniques have.Reiki purifies karma, which is completely blocked and her solar plexus chakra deprives the individual of the mind's jobs, after all.He later on created various levels of reiki after taking your regular medicine.
Reiki Emotional Symbol
Mrs. Takata brought these teachings back to a place high above our path.Reiki can be a great way to speed things up.How can I tell those who take symbols simply as a result of such practice take place.Use Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen on the original Usui system, there are similarities between the body as well.There is a co-creative process between Reiki, healer and the person must acknowledge their own energy in the techniques to others, s/he receives a special kind of health condition.
Well it just needs access to three months, gradually increasing your capacity.There are number of ways to heal ourselves or others.The Reiki training fulfills you on every level.Rocky loved to run, it was his passion in life, improved wellness and healing others and the best way to learn endurance!And in cases of the difficulty, be it related to the area of your imagination to create good for almost all levels of Reiki energy always flows according to Dr Usui, is divided into various levels.
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thechasefiles · 4 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 3/6/2020
Good Morning #realdreamchasers! Here is your daily news cap Wednesday 3RD June, 2020. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
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PM ANNOUNCES RECOVERY BONDS, LOW-COST HOUSING SCHEME – Workers in the private sector are to be offered a chance to invest in the country’s recovery but at a lower interest rate than the BOSS bond scheme for civil servants, the Prime Minister said today. She also announced a low-cost housing programme for those public workers who earn below the threshold for converting part of their paycheque into bonds. For private sector workers, a Pandemic Solidarity Fund is to be used to shore up the National Insurance Scheme’s finances, she revealed at a meeting with civil servants on the BOSS – the Barbados Optional Saving Scheme at the Wildey Gymnasium. The announcement came in response to a question from a public servant who queried why the proposed Government bonds were not being offered to the wider public. Last Thursday, Mottley revealed that the NIS had so far received 41,836 jobless benefit claims and had paid out $26.4 million to 23,735 people. The PM said: “What you are getting from the Government of Barbados is a fixed rate bond, so it is five per cent fixed for the life of the bond. People ask why not the whole country, why we aren’t making it available to the whole country. “Other things and other instruments will come to be made available and maybe not even at the same level as this because really and truly an employer treats employees better than they treat anyone else for the most part” With the World Health Organization (WHO) having warned against a second wave of COVID-19 infections, there was a need for a similar initiative from Government, she added. “So we may have to go back to the market with a Pandemic Solidarity Bond for the NIS in the future and in that one that would be more open to the whole public. “Its terms and conditions would be similar, it may not be the five per cent, it maybe four or four and a quarter [per cent] or whatever, but the point is that there is going to be another opportunity beyond this for those who are non-public servants.” In a further announcement, the Prime Minister also disclosed a separate programme for public servants earning less than $3,000 monthly, when asked why they were not being asked to take part in the BOSS. She said a housing programme for low-income earners would soon be launched and those workers would be targeted and given a chance to own their own homes. Mottley said: “I don’t know how to look at a police constable who may be earning $2,800 a month, but people want to sell them land at $25 a square foot. “So that one of the ways that we can increase capital works is by getting the housing programme going and the best way to get the housing programme going is to have people to need to buy houses or to have houses built. “If people under $36,000 want to participate I think we have said that we will accommodate them, but we are conscious that that is the category of person for the most part that we need to enfranchise first in another way in this country and that is by making them homeowners in Barbados.” (BT)
TEACHERS GIVE SUPPORT FOR BONDS – Efforts to sell public servants on the terms and conditions of the Barbados Optional Savings Scheme (BOSS) through direct engagement appear to be bearing fruit particularly with teachers of public secondary schools. On Tuesday, Barbados Secondary Teachers Union (BSTU) President Mary Redman revealed that 92 per cent of its members who attended a virtual meeting with Government’s chief economic advisor Dr. Kevin Greenidge on Monday voted in favour of the arrangement that allows thousands of government workers to invest a percentage of their salaries in bonds. Despite suggestions from Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley that the presence of Government officials at such meetings is being used to intimidate, the robust discussions with the economic advisor are being lauded for providing much needed insight. “Many of the teachers felt much more comfortable about the programme after having that explanation and being exposed to the presentation from Dr Kevin Greenidge and after being able to question him one-on-one,” Redman told Barbados TODAY. So compelling were the arguments that they attracted support from most of the 180 teachers in attendance. “Ninety-two per cent of the members polled indicated that they were in support of the programme through a mechanism on Zoom that allows you to conduct a poll,” Redman indicated. The secondary school teachers were most concerned about their ability to adjust the percentage of their salary received in bonds with some indicating that they would be unable to meet Government’s requests, while others expressed interest in investing an even higher percentage of their pay in bonds. Some teachers noted concerns with salary deductions being poorly communicated through their secretary-treasurers’ offices and asked for assurances that the appropriate systems would be put in place to ensure that their individual arrangements would be properly honoured well before pay day. “Of definite concern was the capability of the existing bureaucracy to properly manage the adjustments of the salary in time for the end of month pay day through the established protocols of the secretary-treasurer and Smartstream. They wanted to ensure that there is no problem getting the final amounts and assurances that they would be truly shielded from further restructuring,” Redman explained. “Even some retired members wanted to know how they could be included in the scheme, given the low rates of interest they are currently contending with at the banks and the impact of those low rates on their quality of life,” she added. Under the BOSS initiative, public servants whose monthly take-home pay is more than $3,000 have the option of converting between seven per cent to as much as 17 per cent of their pay cheque into bonds. Those who earn less than $3,000 a month also have the option to invest in bonds if they choose but this is not mandatory. Those who are in a position to pay more into bonds can also do so. Those Government bonds will mature in four years at an interest rate of five per cent per annum in a bid to create approximately $100 million in fiscal space for capital spending amid the economic fallout from coronavirus. “The teachers recognise that they have the option to save what they can when they can within that 18-month period and so, they will make the decisions in relation to those parameters to best suit their own pockets,” Redman concluded. (BT)
CREDIT UNION BODY BACKS BOSS – The Barbados Co-operative Credit Union League (BCCUL) has given its support to Government’s Barbados Optional Savings Scheme (BOSS). Hally Haynes, president of the BCCUL, the representative body for credit unions on island, said the decision to take the option was left up to each member but the League felt a credit union member who opts to have a percentage of his salary in bonds was unlikely to be worse off than if they received all in cash. The BOSS initiative seeks to reduce Government’s wages bill by offering civil servants and those employed by state-owned entities a percentage of their salaries converted into four-year bonds for which they will receive five per cent interest. They will be allowed to trade them through the Central Bank of Barbados to entities or individuals in the private sector who may wish to purchase. Haynes, who joined a recent radio call-in programme discussion on the subject said: “We have to look at the features of the Barbados Optional Savings Scheme and when we look at the features, we realise it’s a four-year bond, short term, five per cent interest, interest paid every six months, no withholding tax on interest earned, it is fully tradable, it is guaranteed not to be restructured by the Government, and it has an early redemption clause after 24 months.” In those circumstances, Haynes added: “If the public worker who is a credit union member has a loan . . . that worker can take that bond to the credit union, use that bond to pay his loan commitment or mortgage . . . so he has not lost his position. He is in the same position as if he had received 100 per cent of his salary in cash.” “The member will not be worse off if he trades the bond through the credit union and gets back his cash. “In doing so, what will happen is that the credit union will earn interest of five per cent over the period of the bond. And the way credit unions operate that interest earned is part of the revenue at the end of the year, that same member who sold the bond to the credit union will still share in the surplus either by way of dividends or interest paid. “When we look at it overall, it is a question of options. Everybody has to examine the proposal and make informed financial decisions as it relates to the bond. We have been in consultation with the entire membership and we will be there to guide and give any information that is necessary,” Haynes said. While Government continues to face challenges from Opposition Senator Caswell Franklyn about the legality of the initiative, its chief economic advisor Dr Kevin Greenidge says Government needed to create a “$100 million fiscal space” for capital works programmes to “mop up” some of the more than 41,000 jobs that have been lost in the private sector due to the COVID-19 pandemic and kick start more economic activity on the island. (BT)
CHECK UP ON NIS, PAYE DEDUCTIONS, EMPLOYEES TOLD – Employers were today accused of not paying employees’ NIS or PAYE deductions, prompting Minister in the Ministry of Finance Ryan Straughn to urge workers to check with the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) and the Barbados Revenue Authority (BRA) from time to time to ensure the contributions are being paid up. Straughn did not say how much money was owed in NIS contributions or income tax. He also stopped short of saying whether any of the now 42,797 unemployed people are unable to receive unemployment benefits owing to delinquent employers. Straughn, who was leading off debate on the Catastrophe Fund Act during the morning session of Parliament, said he would encourage all workers to do period checks with the NIS and the BRA to ensure their NIS and Income Tax contributions were being paid as reflected on their payslips. He said: “It is the responsibility of every citizen to check and verify that any statutory obligations that are being taken from your salaries are being deposited at the appropriate institutions. “Over the course of the last few weeks as I have been doing tax clinics online, I have been asking people ‘can you confirm if this money that is shown here at the Revenue Authority on your account that you actually earned? “And the reality is that we have all taken things for granted that once the payroll slip is done and they send you the payroll and it go to the bank, we all take it for granted.” Straughn hinted that some employers could be using the current pandemic as an excuse not to pay those contributions. He told the House: “It is at these very times when people may be expecting to receive benefits only then to realize that no monies were deposited into their account for some time. I think it is important that employers and employees be responsible in managing this going forward. “Therefore, employees cannot simply absolve themselves of the responsibility of checking periodically to ensure their accounts are up to date.” The Finance Minister advised companies that were having trouble paying their employees’ contributions to contact the NIS and BRA to arrange a payment plan. Straughn said: “I want to urge those self-employed persons as well as those employers who have submitted the schedules but not necessarily the monies, that while we understand in this environment where we want to maintain as many jobs as possible that we have to find a workable solution that allows for people’s contributions to be made, for businesses to be compliant and that we can get as many self-employed people compliant with their National Insurance contribution such that if any of this is to ever happen again, that people would be clear as to what it is they will be eligible for “The House Chairman of Committees Dr Sonia Browne recommended that changes be made to the NIS to ensure self-employed people could access greater benefits. The backbench MP said: “I think the benefits need to be extended to sick leave. Self-employed people do get sick and I don’t know if it is a glitch at the NIS but self-employed people do get ill and need a little support. “Nothing is coming in to support them during that sickness that could be as short as two days to a lot of months depending on what is happening, and they do pay.” Self-employed individuals are entitled to sickness benefit, maternity benefit/grant, funeral grant, invalidity pension, old age contributory grant/pension and survivors’ benefit. While the features of those benefits are largely the same as those offered to employees, there are differences in the sickness benefit and the maternity benefit. Self-employed individuals are not entitled to unemployment and employment injury because they do not contribute to those funds, according to the NIS. (BT)
JOBLESS CLAIMS A STRAIN ON NIS – The National Insurance Scheme (NIS) is under pressure, with close to 43 000 unemployment claims filed to date as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The disclosure was made by Minister in the Ministry of Finance Ryan Straughn, who told the House of Assembly yesterday it was critical to get most of the unemployed Barbadians back to work. He maintained that the run on the NIS funds was not sustainable. Introducing the Catastrophe (Amendment) Bill 2020, Straughn said the health crisis had caused major disruption of businesses, resulting in about a third of Barbados’ approximately 145 000-strong workforce being out of work. (DN)
HUSBANDS: LET HOME DRUMS BEAT FIRST IN COVID-19 RECOVERY – Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Trade today urged Barbadians to buy Bajan to aid pandemic recovery even as she noted the hundreds of millions the country earns from its trade with CARICOM. As Parliament debated the Catastrophe Fund, MP for St James South Sandra Husbands, predicted that given its performance over the last two years, the economy will recover from the current downturn emanating from the COVID-19 pandemic. Husbands said the Catastrophe Fund will benefit Barbados once it is used to keep businesses afloat. She said: “COVID-19 can push a major “reset” button for Barbados, and the businesses that will apply to it should use it as a means to strive for the common good. “In that regard, they must remember that their survival will depend on the ability of other local companies to keep people employed. “So I believe they should make buying local goods and services their first priority, and ultimately those from our CARICOM neighbours.” On the subject of CARICOM, Husbands noted: “Barbados earns over $300 million a year throug the Caribbean Single Market and Economy owing to our capacity to seek goods and services to OECS and CARICOM member states. “We have a common destiny and if we can support each other in the aftermath of COVID-19 we can guarantee our survival. No one is coming to rescue us, we need to save ourselves.” Husbands praised the two-year-old administration for having faced eight controversies since it came to power and “managed to overcome them all”. She said: “I cannot imagine what would have happened to Barbados in the current COVID-19 environment if the previous administration was still in charge. “COVID came at a time when our Government’s economic team was working hard on restructuring our debt, had granted salary increases to public workers, as well as increased welfare support and tax concessions. “We were setting the stage for positive growth, but now COVID-19 has left us $450 million short in revenue, our tourism industry has closed down and we have 43,000 people unemployed, more than at any other time in our history.” (BT)
NAME CHANGE IN TOWN PLANNING SHAKEUP –The Town and Country Development Planning Department is to be renamed the Planning and Development Department and the Chief Town Planner’s post is to be abolished, among a number of major changes to the Government’s town planning agency, Minister of Economic Affairs Marsha Caddle has disclosed. The Chief Town Planner is to be replaced by the Director of the Planning and Development department, she said, adding that changes are coming to the operations and speed of which things are done by the department. As the Minister piloted the Planning and Development (Amendment) Bill in the House of Assembly, the St Michael South Central MP said the changes were aimed at making the department more efficient. A major change is having the same application number throughout the entire process. She said: “Applicants felt that they wanted an approval before going to the detailed design drawings. We agreed we would do it in two phases. “We go quickly through the planning and approval and use the same application number and attach that to the stage of the building permit when the drawings are required. You keep the same application number throughout the process.” Caddle said the changes were important steps that had to be taken at this time. She said: “We believe that these are important steps we have to take. These steps require some other changes. We need to change the title of the head of the Planning and Development department from Chief Town Planner to Director. The establishment of the one-stop system will require the current amendments that we are now debating. It will also require that we repeal and replace Health Services Implications 1969. It requires the revision and adoption of the Barbados Building Code and further capacity building in the Planning and Development Department which is underway.” “We will also increase of the timeframe of the delivery of decision by the Appeal Panel from 14 to 28 days. We did have some discussions and it was suggested that more time is required to adequately consider appeals.” There will be a different system in place for bigger projects with more “complex” designs, the Minister disclosed. Caddle said: “For more complex applications these will be appraised against the Building Code by independent external professionals. That’s important. The idea of a Building Code is something that has been discussed over and over for many years. A Building Code for Barbados has to be reviewed, agreed and out fully into force. This amendment allows us to do that. “The drawings will be registered with the department when approve and we will have independent professionals inspect the works at different stages and report to the department. The department will issue the final occupancy certificate and registers will be kept by the department. “These same external professionals will be required to have professional indemnity insurance in order to be registered under their relevant professional acts.” As it relates to the independent professionals they will be subject to disciplinary action if the need arises, she said. “The legislation that governs them has to be robust and that they are highly motivated to do their way in a responsible way. We also have penalties for professional misconduct among the professions that we are asking to be involved in the building control process,” Minister Caddle said. (BT)
FUNDS TO KEEP BUSINESSES AFLOAT –With about a third of the workforce now claiming unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic, a Government Minister is stoutly defending a decision to assist businesses using the Catastrophe Fund. Minister in the Ministry of Finance Ryan Straughn insisted that Government had to take steps to “re-engineer” its resources to ensure that the majority of those currently displaced due to COVID-19, were back on the job in a relatively short time. As of Friday, there were some 42,797 unemployment claims by individuals who were displaced due to the pandemic. Straughn, who was leading off the debate on the Catastrophe Fund Bill in Parliament on Tuesday, described the COVID-19 global pandemic as perhaps the most devastating natural disaster that has happened to mankind. He said Government’s decision to therefore introduce a new Act to govern the Catastrophe Fund, which was first legislated in 2007, was to simply help businesses survive the pandemic and be able to hire people. “I want to make it clear to the country that what we are doing here today is not in any way to disadvantage any person in the country. It is not in anyway to take away from the fact that we will still continue to build the Catastrophe Fund, and for the very reasons we are making these amendments today is because we need now to ensure, as much as possible, that as many businesses can survive in this country [and] continue to employ persons,” explained Straughn. The new-look $50 million Catastrophe Fund, will provide financial aid to eligible self-employed individuals and qualifying businesses affected by a catastrophe. While there was a previous Act governing the Fund, which is funded by a 0.1 per cent of employee’s insurable monthly earnings, there has been a broadening of the definition of catastrophe in the new Act to include a pandemic, breach of cyber security and act of terrorism. A month ago Government announced that the fund would be used to keep businesses afloat in the form of a new $40 million VAT Loan Fund. Since that announcement, Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley and his team, as well as President of Solutions Barbados Grenville Phillips have voiced concern about the Catastrophe Fund being used to provide the one-year interest-free loans to businesses. However, Straughn dismissed those concerns today, stressing that the move was only one of several initiatives designed to allow for greater cash flow for businesses to quickly get unemployed people back into the workforce. “The Government’s responsibility is to ignore those cries and focus on channelling and getting everybody focused on what the solution is,” said Straughn, as he promised continued engagement with stakeholders. He said: “We are not taking the money and just giving it away. We have put some measures in place to improve the cash flow for businesses outside of any other mechanism they may employ from the bank or financial institutions, to ensure we can keep as many businesses afloat as possible.” He said while he expected some people to disagree with the use of the fund to help businesses, Government would do what it could to help as many people as possible to keep their “heads above water”. “Therefore, I say to Barbadians yes, the next few months, the next year will be tough, but we have crafted a response that is as inclusive as it can be in the current circumstances and while I know some may wish to criticise and they are free to criticise, at the end of the day our mission is to ensure that ordinary Barbadians can keep their heads above water,” said Straughn, who also dismissed objections to the newly-introduced Barbados Optional Savings Scheme (BOSS). Straughn also used the opportunity to reject suggestions that Prime Minister Mia Mottley should trim her 26-member Cabinet, saying the country should judge Government on the basis of its performance and not the size. “It is important that the country focuses on what is required to get everybody out of this hole rather than focusing on who they think should be tossed aside. The Government’s response is to keep every single Barbadian household afloat during this time so that we can all come out of this together and the reality is that it is going to be difficult,” said Straughn. The National Insurance Board is responsible for the management and investment of the Catastrophe Fund, and two committees will be established – the Physical Catastrophes Committee and the Economic Catastrophes Committee – for the consideration of and assessment of claims and granting of financial aid. (BT)
GOVT ‘RAIDING’ CATASTROPHE FUND – Leader of the Opposition Rev Joseph Atherley today accused Government of “raiding” the Catastrophe Fund even as fellow lawmakers moved to create it. The St Michael West MP was speaking in the House of Assembly on the Catastrophe Bill Fund, when he urged Government to use other alternatives to help struggling businesses. He urged that the fund should not be touched for now. Rev Atherley said: “I don’t support the approach of a raid on the Catastrophe Fund and the justification used as a premise for that. The money is going from the Catastrophe Fund to businesses who have filled their VAT returns. “You are taking about a certain level of business operation in Barbados. Why not facilitate the loan from the same VAT payments if current legislative arrangements don’t allow that why not make changes.” The leader of the People’s Party for Development said that there were other ways to find money, but insisted the Fund not be touched. He said: “We have seen waivers of VAT owed to Government and have been approved. So you waved multi-millions of dollars in VAT payments for the businesses, now you take the Catastrophe Fund to facilitate loans to businesses. “My question is: Can’t money derived through payment of VAT be used for this same purpose? There are businesses in Barbados right now that owe Government a lot of VAT. Rather than raid the Catastrophe Fund collect the VAT that had been long outstanding. The Opposition Leader said the money must be accessible should the country fall victim to a natural disaster. He told the House: “If the whole of Bush Hall Yard Gap, in your constituency or the whole of Savannah Road or Park Road is wiped out by some natural disaster impact you want to know that they are funds available immediately and urgently so to help with the response. We have to be careful in what we do.” But transport Minister William Duguid rose on a point of order asking that the word “raid” be struck from the record. He said “I could not in all decency allow the honourably member to suggest that the Government is mounting some sort of raid of the Catastrophe Fund. The pandemic we are facing is a catastrophe of the world. There is no suggestion that it is something that is simple. “It is not only a health crisis it is a significant economic crisis  and if we have a fund set up there to protect the people of the country in  catastrophe of which we are in then we have to be prepared to access it. It is not a raid. “For the honourable member to suggest it is a raid of some sort is clearly misleading the House. I ask that that kind of language be struck from the record.” In continuing to address the chamber after Dugiud interrupted, Atherley repeated the word “raid”. He declared: “I support any attempt to help businesses. But I am not sure that the way to do it properly and prudently includes what I see as a raid on a Catastrophe Fund set up for a specific purpose. “What I do have a problem with is the way it is being done I do not believe that the justification offered by spokespersons for the Government as to why a recourse should be made to the Catastrophe Fund in this instance is acceptable. I can only tell you how I feel, you may differ with me on that. (BT)
TRUST THE CHINESE A LITTLE MORE – Caribbean Governments have been told to get over their hang-ups about borrowing money from China. Dr Don Marshall, head of the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute for Social and Economic Studies (SALISES) at the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies (UWI) says China’s lending conditions are no more onerous than traditional lender nations or institutions such as the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Speaking at a recent SALISES Mona Campus-led discussion entitled Covid-19 and Fiscal Sustainability – Debt, Balance of Payment and Financing For Development, Marshall said too many Caribbean leaders were overly suspicious of borrowing from the Chinese at a time when and it was one of the leading providers of foreign direct investment to more than 100 countries. He argued that as regional Governments seek funding to prop up their economies that have been shattered by the effects of the global pandemic, he noted: “The IMF recognises China as well as its digital currency. “The post-Cold War hang up that we in the Caribbean and elsewhere seem to have that suggests to us that we ought to look to China . . . with suspicion while treating to traditional creditor nations in the West with open arms, we need to get away from that.” The UWI academic added: “We need to access financing on concessional terms and not just complain about the narrow GDP criteria used . . . on the part of the Paris Club to determine which countries will benefit from concessional loans and which by dint of being called middle-income countries have to go the capital markets and borrow expensively. “I am saying in this COVID-19 moment we are crossing the Rubicon. Global lending today is about patient capital, patient lending. It is about avoiding the volatility of the capital markets and it is an end to the game of performing for the credit rating agencies, only to pass [their] fiscal consolidation Litmus tests.” The SALISES Cave Hill head said the current economic environment demanded a higher level of state intervention to stabilize the economy in the face of the global shock caused by COVID-19. He added: “We in the region have to be insisting and lobbying . . .  to encourage greater flexible financing. The IMF, China and other creditor nations and international lending institutions should agree to new forms and flexible financing.” (BT)
CITY STORES CRAWLING BACK TO NORMAL –Employees and owners of clothing stores today welcomed back customers after a ten-week break triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic. Having implemented the required protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19, some store owners in The City who reported slow sales for the day told Barbados TODAY that they were experiencing mixed emotions. Many indicated that they were now counting thousands in losses as a result of having to close their shops for such a long period, while others said that though they were happy to be back in business, they were unsure what to expect as it relates to sales. Managing Director of Men’s Room, City Centre Mall David Wills said his business was hard-hit by the closure, considering that usually at this time of the year persons are shopping for formal attire for weddings and graduations. Nevertheless, Wills said he is contented to be able to open and is hoping for the best outcome. “Today we had a few customers and it was encouraging. We are doing a little Instagram and a little Facebook advertising reaching out to our customers and letting them know that we are open and encouraging them to come down. We got to keep the surfaces wiped down, the handles in the dressing rooms. We’ve got hand sanitizers and we have the alcohol sprays and we are encouraging everyone to wear a mask,” Wills said. An employee in Cave Shepherd sanitizing the handrail of the escalator. Val Richards of City Selection, also in City Centre Mall, said she spent the first day putting special provisions in place and keeping the faith that customers will come and shop in the coming days. Richards lamented that having to close the store was not easy considering that overhead expenses still have to be paid. “The money is not coming in and the utilities bills are coming, the rent is coming, so it’s kind of hard. Well by the grace of God we believe God will work out something for us. We just hope that by now and weekend things will pick back up and we will be able to pay some bills,” Richards said. Kaliyah Small of Genesis Boutique on Swan Street said she expected slow sales on the first day back out. Small said shoppers visited the store, particularly searching for clothing for work. “Here at Genesis we have a relationship with our customers so even though we were closed, they were still checking in. But I usually get orders online, so I don’t have to be in the building itself to be doing business. “It was tricky not having somebody here so people could pick up from the store and I would have to go and deliver. But it wasn’t too bad because people were still purchasing to go to work because everybody wasn’t home,” Small said. She added that while the store has implemented all relevant protocols to combat the spread of COVID-19, she was concerned about customers trying on clothing. An employee at Fitted Kings, Pyramid Mall, Swan Street said she was happy to be back at work though the sales seem to be “coming slowly”. The employee who gave her name as Anita said she hoped while Barbados has flattened the curve, there would not be a second wave of the COVID-19. Anita of Fitted Kings, Pyramid Mall, Swan Street organizing the clothing on display. Store Coordinator of Cave Shepherd Broad Street Mark Clarke said while the store officially reopened on May 21, today was the first day apparel was being sold. “Now that we are opened we don’t have a crowd but the customers that are entering the store are mainly gravitating to the first floor where these items are being sold. “As you could imagine we had to restructure our way of living and hence we had to formulate protocols for the store. So all customers are sanitized on entering the store, when trying apparel whether shoes or clothing their hands are sanitized, they are asked to maintain the mask on the face, they are given socks when trying shoes. There are protocols we have in place to make sure staff and customers are safe at all times,” Clarke said. (BT)
CADDLE COMMENDS CATASTROPHE FUND’S HEALTH COVER –Minister in the Ministry of Investment and Economic Affairs Marsha Caddle has backed Government’s decision to use the Catastrophe Fund to cover health risks such as COVID-19, saying the move is in keeping with current international trends. Speaking during debate on the bill in the House of Assembly today, Caddle dismissed a claim by Leader of the Opposition, Bishop Joseph Atherley that the pandemic was not to blame for the economic downturn. She said: “The international community has been treating COVID-19 as a catastrophe and they have all taken funds set aside for such purposes and expanded their reach to include pandemic mitigation.” The St Michael South Central MP noted that Barbados has expressed interest in joining the Inter-American Development Bank’s Contingent Credit Facility, which allows member nations to gain immediate access to liquidity in the face of natural disasters and other catastrophic events. Under the facility, countries have access to $600 million (US$300 million) or two per cent of their Gross Domestic Product, whichever is lower, in the event of natural disasters. The fund, which covers storms, tsunamis and long term environmental issues, including drought and beach erosion, has recently added health risk cover, Caddle noted. She said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that natural disasters are not the only way in which countries can receive ‘shocks’ that are out of their control. “While Government has responded rapidly to the pandemic, it is still on its transformation agenda, because we cannot lose sight of our agreement with the people of Barbados to transform their lives.” On the issue of housing, particularly for low-income workers, Caddle, said: “The Ministry of Housing has received resources to work towards building climate-resilient houses, and we also have a roof replacement programme which will be administered via the Urban Development Commission and other agencies. “There is a need for housing that is both affordable and resilient, because I recall when I did damage and loss assessments in the wake of natural disasters, all too often it was poor people’s homes that were destroyed as no one insisted on proper building standards, and most of the time these houses were uninsured and the people did not have any savings with which they could rebuild. Everyone must be part of the safety we want to build into this country.” (BT)
STATE AND CHURCH DISCUSSING PROTOCOLS – Church leaders across the island will be engaging Government in a discussion about the strict guidelines they will be required to follow as they again welcome congregations amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Barbados TODAY understands that at a virtual meeting scheduled for tomorrow with religious leaders and Minister of Labour and Social Relations Colin Jordan who has been assigned to deal with ecclesiastical affairs during the pandemic, church leaders will be asking for adjustments to be made to some of Government’s “heavier than usual requirements”. One major restriction the leaders will be objecting to is the fact that there shall be no communion service involving worshippers, but where doctrine allows, the Minister may take communion on behalf of the worshippers. Last Thursday, it was announced that churches and faith-based organisations will be permitted to resume services from June 1, 2020. On Saturday May 30, the Official Gazette published on the Government Information Service (GIS) website outlined the conditions under which services must take place, including the sanitizing of hands, temperature readings, and wearing of face masks. Government also requires that each worshipper has at least 40 square feet of space for himself in the church unless they are members of the same household, while services shall be no longer than one hour. No air-conditioning is to be used and windows and doors are to be kept open to allow for ventilation, while no hymnals, Bibles, leaflets or other materials shall be distributed to worshippers but worshipers may take their own. There shall be no separate service for children, including Sunday and Sabbath school, no choir during service and no group practice or performance for or at worship or prayers. Those church members over 70 who wish to attend church will have to be accommodated at a “special” service organised for them. Additionally, the protocols stipulate that there are to be no rituals that involve touching, including baptism or christening, laying on of hands, anointing, confirmation or dedication, while a record must be kept of all persons who attend every service and is to be available for inspection by the Chief Medical Officer or his designated officer. Meanwhile, where multiple services are held on the same day, there is to be at least one hour between services for a full sanitization of the interior of the church, including all internal and external bathrooms, fixtures and equipment. Where prayer mats are used, worshippers are to take their own mats. There is to be signage placed in conspicuous locations outside and within every church and the minister shall make announcements explaining the protocols to be followed before every service. Areas used by persons who become ill shall be closed for at least 24 hours and shall be thoroughly sanitized before use by others. Additionally, people with temperature over 37.5 degrees Celsius are not allowed to enter the church and persons who are coughing repeatedly, sneezing or exhibiting flu-like symptoms are also prohibited from attending. The restrictions have been a source of much discussion on call-in programmes and social media. People have been asking what happens if the church leader is 70 or older since persons in this age group can only attend a “special” service. Barbados TODAY reached out to a number of church leaders who admitted that they were not pleased with the restrictions but indicated they hoped the scheduled meeting would influence some adjustments to the guidelines. However, when contacted Chairman of the Barbados Christian Council Major Darrell Wilkinson said he was aware that several leaders are concerned about the restrictions. The main issue raised, he said, has been the restriction on communion. “But there is a general acceptance among us of the protocols. Yes we find that it seems a little tough especially the restriction on the time and the different responsibilities that were not there before. We haven’t had any definitive plan as yet; we are just discussing it briefly. But some of us are not yet ready to move towards the resumption of gathering because all the protocols are not in place. “We are still looking through them to see if there are any adjustments that can be made and then if there are we will make our presentation to the Government to see if there is anything they can do. But right now it remains as the Government puts it,” Major Wilkinson said. The leader of a Pentecostal ministry said they were pleased that Minister Jordan and his team have acknowledged that some churches are not happy with the restrictions and are willing to make themselves available for dialogue. The leader said they were particularly aggrieved about the restrictions on communion since several churches used disposal utensils during the session. “I don’t want to talk before the meeting. But it is like you having a baby in the womb and you cut the umbilical cord, that baby will die. The Lord’s Supper, communion, is the life of the church. The Bible says in the book of St John Chapter 6 that unless you eat his body and drink his blood you have no life in you. When the body is deprived of the Lord’s Supper there is no life in the church. And I am sure that every pastor and every worshipper is concerned about not being able to have communion,” the church leader said. (BT)
ATTORNEY GENERAL: MORE EFFICIENT ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE COMING – Expect the wheels of a modern judicial system to begin to run more smoothly and effectively soon, Attorney General Dale Marshall declared today as Government moved to bring the administration of the civil justice system into the realm of cyberspace. He sought to give the assurance as Parliament resumed at its temporary location at the Worthing Corporate Centre with debate on the Stamp Duty Amendment Bill and the Registration of Judgements Act. Marshall said the two pieces of legislation made provision for some legal procedures to be done online, thereby creating a greater level of efficiency in the system. “In our modern era, in other jurisdictions documents are filed electronically,” the AG said. “There is absolutely no reason why in our own jurisdiction we should be reluctant to embrace the concept of electronic filing.” The amendment to the Stamp Duty Act provides for stamps to be affixed to documents electronically, while the amendment to the Registration of Judgements Act provides for the electronic registration of High Court judgements. Marshall said changes to the stamp duty process would result in a more cost effective and speedy process for the judiciary. He told fellow lawmakers: “The other element is the registration of judgements. When a person gets a judgement you complete a form and you file it. You pay the filing fee and get a judgement registered. It is a paper-based process that doesn’t really facilitate searching to see if judgements are registered against you. And this too, we can do more effectively. “This amendment to the Registration of Judgements Act will allow the Registrar of the Supreme Court to maintain an electronic register of judgements. So we are trying to bring the administration of justice, and at the same time the practice of law into a modern era.” While recalling that Government had begun the process of modernizing the judicial system since coming to office two years ago, Marshall stressed that the work being done would not be the automatic end to delays in the courts. Said Marshall: “I reiterate that they are not the solution to the delays in the administration of justice, but we will certainly go a long way towards helping to make the system more efficient. “While these amendments will not solve those problems, they will certainly allow for even the judges to work more effectively.” Pointing out that for the current financial year Government had already issued most judges with new “very powerful” laptops, Marshall said “we now just have to put those last few things in place so that the delivery of justice can be brought into a modern era”. Adding that the technology was only “one side of things”, Marshall pointed to the appointment of judges over the past year, saying a lot of work had been done to transform the practice of the administration of justice. He said: “These things now have to be given an opportunity to yield fruit, but we can fail if we don’t grasp the opportunity to do those small things. “The system for e-filing was paid for in the last financial year and we are now just completing the legislative things that will allow it to work.” Marshall promised that when fully operational, in addition to the filing of affidavits in court cases, the online system would allow for the filing of applications for letters of administration, applications for letters testamentary and other documents requiring the registrar’s intervention. “I am confident that over time we will see a system that is working more efficiently and at this point, a system that is safer for all of us as we carry out our day to day activity,” the Attorney General told the House.  (BT)
MAN INJURED IN SHOOTING AT DUNCANS –Police are carrying out investigations into a shooting incident in which a 55-year-old man was shot at Duncans, St Philip, around 7:30 p.m. on Monday. Vincent Thorne of Lower Duncans received a gunshot wound to the left side of his head by a man known to him. He was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital by ambulance and is reportedly in a stable condition. Anyone who can provide any information that can assist with this investigation is asked to please contact District ‘C’ Police Station at 1 (246) 416-8200, Police Emergency 211, Crime Stoppers at 1-800 (TIPS) 8477 or any police station.  (DN)
HERBALIST MAKING ‘EXTRA CHANGE’ FROM GANJA, FINED – Guyanese national Jagmohan Murray who has been residing here for over a decade admitted today to cultivating marijuana and to two counts of possession, possession with intent to supply and possession with intent to traffic the drug. And now with a $5,000 fine imposed which the 37- year-old, 1st Avenue Accommodation Road, Bush Hall, St Michael resident must pay within a three-month period, he is appealing to government to give him a “little land to do good farming”. The convicted man is facing six months in prison if the amount is not paid to the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court in the stipulated time. His lawyer Dave Porter said his client was contrite, pleaded guilty at the first opportunity and has thrown himself at the mercy of the court. “To my mind the amount of drugs is a small quantity and I am asking that under the circumstances a fine be imposed that is reasonable for him to have time to pay within a reasonable time,” Porter urged the court. Police executed a search at Murray’s residence on May 30 and found 867 seedlings of the illegal drug. Sergeant Robert Jones said the drugs weighed 600 grammes and had an estimated street value if $3,000. “Look, everything on me own. Me like marijuana herbs. I is a herbalist,” he told police at the time. When asked today by Magistrate Douglas Frederick the purpose for so much drugs Murray responded that he and his wife had been in an argument and he was put out. “I went and build a little shack in the bush and study how to make a little extra change,” said Murray who also said he was a “B class carpenter” and painter. “Something tell me I can become a farmer too. I started to plant it last year. I sell a little about $500 or $400. I know it illegal but I did not know it so much illegal. “I want the government to give me a little land to do good farming. Government give me a piece of land to motivate me to farm . . . . I will come back and pay the fine but I not coming back here,” he stated. On some of the counts Murray was jointly charged with his 46-year-old wife Roseann Maria Murray, of the same address. However, she pleaded not guilty to the offences of possession, possession with intent to supply and traffic of cannabis. She was granted bail in the sum of $3,000 to return to court on October 6. Her husband’s fine was imposed on the supply charge while he was convicted, reprimanded and discharged on all the other cannabis offences. (BT)
YOUNG MAN CHARGED WITH INJURING HIS MOTHER - A 23-year-old man was granted $4,000 bail when he appeared in court today. Tristan Hakeem Bourne, of Cummings Road, Brittons Hill, St Michael is accused of causing serious bodily harm to his mother Nicolette Bourne on May 30 with intent to maim, disfigure or disable her or cause serious bodily harm to her. He was not required to plead to the indictable charge when he appeared in the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court with his attorney-at-law Kendrid Sergeant. The accused must now live with another family member at Dalkeith Village and has been ordered to reappear before Magistrate Douglas Frederick on October 6. (BT)
NEIGHBOURS SETTLE FIGHT IN COURT – It will cost a 38-year-old man $2,000 for jump kicking his neighbour, sending him crashing through the door into the gallery. Barry Sylvester Coleman, of Apple Grove, Black Rock, St Michael has three months in which to pay Tyrone Bishop the money if he wants to avoid spending six months in prison. Magistrate Douglas Frederick also ordered that Coleman not cross paths or interfere with Bishop and imposed a bond for the next nine months to ensure that does not occur. If the convicted man disregards the order he will spend three months in prison. The two men rent rooms at the same address Sergeant Robert Jones informed the court. Bishop has been there for 19 years and Coleman for approximately 10 years. According to the prosecutor the two have been involved in several disputes in the past. On May 30 at about 7 p.m. the two were involved in a quarrel in the living room. During that time Bishop retaliated by throwing a ceramic vase at Coleman but missed him. But Coleman did not miss when he began cuffing Bishop about the neck and body, before “jump kicking him through the door into the gallery.” He then landed more cuffs about his neighbour before walking away leaving Bishop bleeding. The matter was reported and Bishop was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) were he was treated and released. “I plead guilty because I wrong,” Coleman told Magistrate Douglas today adding that “everything” occurred in the patio and not in the living room as stated. “The fight was like 30 seconds and the cuffs was in the head. We basically the same height. I jumped kick him but not in the neck. I does rent in the back part of the house . . . I can keep my distance from him,” Coleman explained. Bishop was also present today and said: “He was wrong I ain’t do he nothing. I curse he and I call he a strip dancer. I was in the chair relaxing and he kicked the chair.” He added that he wanted compensation for his injuries but was willing to give Coleman time to pay. “I have nine stitches in my mouth. I just want he keep far from me. I can’t work right now. I does work with a jack hammer. I doing wells. I want $2,000.” That matter was settled with the compensation order and the bond imposed by Magistrate Frederick. However at the end of the hearing Coleman was arrested while in court in connection with another matter and taken in handcuffs from the District ‘A’ No. 1 Magistrates’ Court by an officer. (BT)
SURETY FORFEITS $1 200 BUT SIGNS AGAIN FOR GRANDSON – A surety was ordered to forfeit $1 200 after her charge, Niko Jamarlo Gill, went missing from court for more than a year. However, moments later, the woman opted to sign Gill’s bail on a new charge in the District ��A” Magistrates’ Court and hours later when he appeared in the District “D” Court recently. Gill, 29, of Barbarees Gardens, Barbarees Hill, St Michael, pleaded not guilty to having cannabis on May 23 when he appeared in the District “A” Court. Prosecutor Station Sergeant Crishna Graham, who objected to his release, said Gill no longer lived at the Barbarees Hill address. (DN)
‘TAKE LESSONS’ FROM GEORGE FLOYD PROTESTS – Local authorities are being urged to use the ongoing protests in the United States of America as a reminder not to take the country’s marginalized communities for granted, especially amid the ongoing outbreak of the COVID-19. Political scientists Dr Tennyson Joseph and Peter Wickham were reacting to the unfolding developments as millions of people in North America and across the globe observed #BlackoutTuesday on social media in solidarity with protesters. The action has been sparked by the death of African American George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis Police. Social media timelines from Barbados also supported the blackout cause with a torrent of black squares, which replaced the usually colorful platforms of Facebook and Instagram – an indication that the cries against racial, social and economic injustices are being felt here as well. Among them were numerous influential Barbadians including Minister of Creative Economy, Culture, Youth and Sport John King, Minister of the Blue Economy Kirk Humphrey, Government Senator Lisa Cummins, and Barbados’ Consul General to Toronto Sonia Marville-Carter. Businesses also took part in the show of digital activism including Chefette Restaurants, City of Bridgetown Credit Union, RBs Chicken, and Woolworth. Dr Joseph, a senior lecturer at the University of the West Indies sees the developments in the U.S as a manifestation of the fight against a global social structure that continues to perpetuate poverty, racism and inadequate healthcare systems, among other issues. “We have to observe developments in the U.S because it is the most advanced capitalist country and when there are major conflagrations, contradictions and explosions in the major capitalist country within a global capitalist order, then we have to keep our eyes on possible implications for us,” Dr Joseph told Barbados TODAY. As a result, he cautioned local and regional governments against walking away from “projects of social upliftment”. “Since the 1980s, the dominant ideology told us that the role of the state was really to regulate the environment for capital accumulation and many of the other things that people demanded like access to healthcare, education, and equal treatment were seen as secondary. So when you have a movement and explosion that is putting those things back on the agenda, you need to pay attention. We cannot be fooled into thinking that we can just come out of this coronavirus situation and return to ‘normal’,” he added. Peter Wickham meanwhile, spoke more directly about a Barbadian society in which issues of police brutality and marginalization continue to affect those at the lower ends of the economic scale. “I think many people assume that because we are a black country where there is no black racial minority, that we don’t have those issues. But the fact is that we do have those issues and we have had them for many years. We seem to have dealt with them differently, but I think that this type of issue is an important demonstration of the fact that the issues are still alive and well in the world. “We in Barbados have similar issues that we need to address because for a long time, we have had police excesses that have been impacting on people who are economically vulnerable and we assume that the issues don’t exist here, but we have had our challenges in the past. It is nothing new and we could learn a lot from the exercises. “Ultimately, it has always been a question of economics and a lack of economic power. Persons who find themselves in these problems are often not treated well by authorities and the situation in Barbados is no different. Poor people face many of those abuses but because they don’t have the distinguishing characteristics of racial minority, we assume that those issues don’t exist,” he added. As the crisis wears on, Dr Joseph argues that the U.S is continuing to lose ground as a global superpower and moral authority as it continues to grapple with the treatment of its minority and most vulnerable groups. (BT)
The world is facing the rapid spread of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. As we continue to do our part in Barbados please remember to stay home but on the days you have to go out wear your masks, practice social distancing (stand 6-10 feet away from each other), practice good daily hygiene, eat healthy, exercise and keep your mind active. There are 212 days left in the year Shalom!  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps #bajannewscaps #newsinanutshell #coronavirusinbarbados #nationalresponse #dailynews #thechasefilesblog
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beagoodl-blog · 4 years
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Then once you get them, keep them immaculate, polished and re-soled frequently. Subsequent, take an excellent take a look at your hygiene. I’m talking every little thing, out of your nose and ear hairs to your underarms and particularly fingernail and toenails. Test in on daily basis to verify look as clear and neat as you possibly can, particularly taking within the small details. How Outdated was Billy Unger in reverse day? 14 Years previous. He was born on October 15, 1995. The film Reverse Day was made in 2009. Who is Billy Unger? He's Chase on lab rats, he is 18 years outdated, and he was on you once more as marni's little brother. He was born in 1995. The place does billy unger live? Billy Unger lives in Florida as a result of I feel there are numerous beaches in Florida. What are the films of billy unger? I don't know all of them but I know one of them are Lab Rats. Is billy unger dating Stephanie Scott? How did billy unger become famous? They Accepted Him And Now He's on Lab Rats! Are billy unger and Stephanie Scott dating? Am I proper ladies? But jk, no presently he isn't dating anyone but in 2010 he dated Zora from sonny with an opportunity and So Random When does billy unger graduate? The second evening appears very lengthy. • An excessive amount of too soon – It's so tempting to place all your concentrate on one person at a time when you're http://royalmafiaclub.com/groups/sexy-things-to-turn-a-girl-on-65kekora/ so far on the internet. However it is important to keep in mind that not solely are all these individuals out there taking a look at quite a few folks at anyone time but you may very well be too. If you place most of your time and vitality into anybody contact at a very early stage this means that you cannot scout, screen and type other possible individuals. Dating Recommendation: Dont make a big investment emotionally in any relationship without strong foundations. • Throwing cash at it - Current analysis has revealed that on-line daters are spending as much as £1,500 a month taking out people who they realise, after the first quarter-hour are not for them. Remember be authentic, the packaging is only that and is not who you might be.
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movimblog · 5 years
After Le Grice: on inciting a new culture and infiltrating institutions A conversation with Malcolm Le Grice, A Coruña, June 6 2019.
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In May 2016 I was in London, at the BFI, to attend a special evening of performances by Malcolm Le Grice. An event so rare that I asked myself whether that would be my first and last chance to see Le Grice performing his iconic Horror Film 1 (1971). The evening programme also comprised Threshold (1972) and After Leonardo (1973), of which you can watch below eighteen fragments:
Three years later, the curators of (S8) Mostra de Cinema Periférico proved me wrong by inviting Le Grice (now aged 79) to A Coruña for a retrospective and a master class. The intensity of the retrospective last programme – composed of Castle 1 (1966), Berlin Horse (1970), Threshold and Horror Film 1, all presented in 16mm – moved the audience, some of them broke into tears. After performing Horror Film 1, Le Grice said that it was maybe his last performance of the piece, adding "I'm actually offering it to anyone else who wants to do it. There is a person in New Zealand, a woman, who does it, and I've given her all the materials for it, and she does it occasionally. She also does it with students.". The emotions of that evening are still violently pulsating, and all I can say is: I don't want to believe you, Malcolm. You'll perform again, and we will all be grateful for that.
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After his master class at Filmoteca de Galicia, I sat down with him for a short conversation on his first book, academia and more.
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I would like to start this conversation by engaging with memory. I have with me a copy of your 1977 book Abstract Film and Beyond. Can you tell me something about the time when you were writing this?
Well, it's interesting because I was working on it for at least two years, I think, but mostly the writing was done in six months. But then nearly a year and a half was spent in editing and getting the publication done. Now, goodness, how do I get my brain back to what was going on then? First of all, I wrote the book because there were things which I didn't know. So I had to do real research into the early period of experimental cinema, which was Léger and Man Ray, and even Oskar Fischinger and Hans Richter, all of that. And not just abstract: my understanding of abstract is not the same thing as non-figurative. My understanding of abstract is when you draw out the properties and separate the properties from each other: that's abstraction. If you take the colour from the form, so you got an orange or whatever, and you take the colour away, you've got orange and you've got the form. And those are two abstractions. So, once you've abstracted, instead of putting back orange you could put back green, or blue, or whatever. That, for me, is for example what Matisse does in the Fauves. So, for me abstraction is not just about films with no representation. I took the interpretation that you could take films that had photographic images and they could still be abstract. So, Léger's Ballet mécanique, for example, is abstract.
Then, there was a polemical question as well, although it didn't play so heavily in this. A very important polemic at that time was to establish the British and the European artists in the experimental cinema, when it was completely dominated by the American. Because the Americans had a lot of developed artists, but they also had all the publicity system, they had promotion. You know, I talked about the CIA this morning, but actually, the CIA was promoting artists, as a cultural promotion. It's not true that I was cynical, because actually a lot of people involved in the CIA liked the work, they actually appreciated it. From the politics of American culture it was very important to make an establishment of the European work in a way that could be compared with (and compete with) the American work, so that polemic is in there.
I've always felt that Abstract Film and Beyond was more of an artist book than an academic one – I don't think you like the word academic. I see it as an artist book because the research you were doing, the type of questioning, has the urge of a creator, of someone who wants to understand something, reach a perspective, in order to keep creating. You've also inserted yourself, your artistic practice, in the book: you write, briefly, about your work, one can see reproductions of film strips from Little Dog for Roger and Berlin Horse, and also a picture of you performing Horror Film 1. Because of this aspect of your book, I wonder if you've ever been questioned about research rigour, in an academic context.
Not at all. I mean, there wasn't the same academic establishment then, that there is now. Now, a lot of publication is done in universities to make sure that your research rating is high. And that you could get your money for research. So it's a gain now. When I wrote this I didn't think of it being in the university at all, for me it was in the public domain, it wasn't for the university. In fact, there really wasn't any experimental film in the British universities at all, at that time. Even the art colleges, many of them didn't even offer degrees, they didn't offer a Bachelor of Arts or a Master of Arts, a lot of the art colleges simply offered diplomas, so there was no establishment of a research culture within the universities. That changed, and I was part of the change, because when I became Dean of Faculty [
at Harrow College in 1984, Ed.
] and then Head of Research [
at Central Saint Martins in 1997, Ed.
] it was at a time when first of all we established that art could be a subject for a bachelor's degree, that it could have master's degrees and that it could have doctorates. That didn't exist. By the nineties we were establishing all of that, the BAs earlier, and I was part of this because the money for teaching was going down and down, so the only way of making up the difference of the money in the university context, was to build your research funding. I got very involved, I was on the national committee for how to define research in the arts, and that committee then decided on the equivalences for research. After that, the universities that had art departments were able to apply to the government for research funding. Of course that made a big difference to the teachers mainly, because the research money went to the teachers for their research activity. Some of it went to students for PhDs, but the main amount was going to the teachers. So that didn't exist at the time this book was written. It was very naïve and very undeveloped. The awareness, the culture, was very undeveloped for experimental cinema and there was a sort of still uncertainty. The production money came from the British Film Institute or the Arts Council. The British Film Institute didn't have any understanding of experimental film at all, they brought me on to the committee of the production board of the British Film Institute [
from 1971 to 1975, Ed.
] and then I was the chair of the committee at the Arts Council, for artists' film and video [
from 1986 to 1990, Ed.
]. In that way, it was all about building up a basis for the culture.
You were creating tools for the future generations.
That's right, I don't think I'm making this up in retrospect. What I realised was that we needed a culture for this. We needed something more than individual artists trying to make films. We needed a culture. And obviously the focus for that culture, to start with, was the Arts Laboratory. It was more important than people realise. The Arts Laboratory in Drury Lane was the centre of counter-culture. But there was also the group who started the London Film-Makers' Co-op, they were all really cinéastes, not filmmakers, as far as I can recall, the only filmmaker in that group was Stephen Dwoskin. He was the only one, all the rest were all saying "Wouldn't it be nice if we had a film culture?". The London Film-Makers' Co-op was modelled completely on the New York's Film-Makers' Cooperative, but all the production idea came not from there, but from the Arts Laboratory.
In regard to building an experimental film culture, can you tell me more about the days at the Arts Laboratory?
It was me and David Curtis, we talked a lot about how to encourage and stimulate filmmaking, and David was very important in this. He dug up other artists and put on performances and various things in the Arts Lab. He was a very significant figure really, and he set a cinema up and really promoted experimental film. He and I were a lot together, it was he and I who really had the idea of a filmmakers' workshop. Then, he was always very supportive and he was working at the Arts Council as well. We were infiltrators.
You were injecting something new into the country's institutions - that were still not understanding what you were doing. Were you fully aware of the strategic possibilities given by this chance to infiltrate institutions like the BFI and the Arts Council?
There's something strange about the English: if somebody opposes, then what they try to do is not stop it but try to include it. I was a big, big critic, of the British Film Institute in relationship to contemporary and experimental cinema, so what did they do? They asked me to join the committee. So I'm infiltrating, and of course I don't say "Oh no, I'm not going to go in that committee". It's how the British at that time worked.
I would like to go back to Abstract Film and Beyond. Speaking in terms of research, of conceptual understanding: when you finished the book, do you recall of achieving something that you needed for your artistic practice?
The research and the thinking increased the intellectual content, the understanding, of what was going on. It is more analytical than it is theoretical, analysing what was going on in experimental film. I'm more of an analyst than I am a theorist. Peter Gidal is more of a theorist, I am a theorist, but mostly I'm looking at things and see how does this work, what's going on with it, what's actually happening.
Do you think that this analytical modus operandi is also reflected in your films?
I don't know, I think that's different. Again, Peter Gidal and I we've talked a lot over the years. One of the things I think we both agreed with is that none of us begin our work from theory, we always prefer a more spontaneous practice. Virtually none of the films that I made began from a theoretical position. The theory came as an analysis afterwards, by including what actually is now a very important essay, which is the Real time/space essay1. But Real time/space did not lead the work, the work led the concept. And, certainly for my part, I've always trusted an unconscious instinct as a filmmaker. Writing the book gave a stronger rationale to the work, but it didn't actually change the work. I would go and do things like Little Dog for Roger for example: you could not begin that from theory, there's no way. When I look at it, I now know that there's a common set of aesthetic notions that come from Little Dog for Roger, Birgit and Wilhelm Hein's Rohfilm and George Landow's Film in which there appear Sprocket Holes, Edge Lettering, Dirt Particles etc. When I made Little Dog for Roger I was not thinking of Rohfilm, I was not thinking about George Landow, I was making Little Dog for Roger, and I was making it in the same way I would make a painting. Only when I looked at it I would think "What's happening here? What's the difference between this and other non-materialist film practices?". It's still pretty much true that a lot of my filmmaking and videomaking comes out from the unconscious. I may have strategies of various sorts but [he pauses to think, Ed.]. There were a few films, the long feature-length films, which are Emily, Finnegans Chin and Black Bird Descending2, which address issues around narrative - they're works with a certain amount of theory-preceding-the-work, which was a bad thing. Fairly quickly after making them I said to myself: you're on the wrong track. You know, it was a big discussion going on at that time around deconstruction, narrative and feminism, with Laura Mulvey, who was a great friend of mine. Laura Mulvey and Peter Wollen shot one of their films in my kitchen.
The kitchen in Riddles of the Sphinx?
It's my kitchen in Harrow. There was a lot of that kind of cross-discussion and influence. And I was influenced by the debate about feminism, but in particular about the semiotics of cinema. But that was the only time, I think, in my filmmaking, where the theoretical got into the films ahead of the making. Also partly because I got a lot of money for those from Channel 4 and from the Arts Council, and you don't take as many risks, if you're working with a big budget. With a big budget you got a cameraman and a crew. I've looked at them recently, and they're not as bad as I think. But I realised that my earlier work was more in the right direction. So I then went back. That's when I started making short videos. I went back to saying "OK, I'm going to make short films, I'm going to respond to the material, I'm not going to take on that kind of wrong ambition".
1Malcolm Le Grice, Real time/space, Art and Artists, December 1972, pp 39-43.
2Emily - Third Party Speculation (1979), Finnegans Chin - Temporal Economy (1981) and Black Bird Descending: Tense Alignment (1977).
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vrheadsets · 7 years
10 Franchises SEGA Would Be Crazy Not To Bring To VR – Part 1
Welcome to another edition of VR vs. The weekly VRFocus column where the ‘other one’ from the site talks about most anything and everything to do with virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) or some crazed combination of the three. Today we’re continuing a thread begun last week in the final part of my three-week feature into what may lie ahead in 2017.  There I mooted the idea that of all the studios currently involved within VR, certainly from a gaming perspective there is one that is conspicuous by its absence. SEGA. Yes, yes, I know there are Hatsune Miku games but as I pointed out at the time Hatsune Miku and the vocaloid bunch ultimately aren’t SEGA property and aren’t a traditional franchise. They aren’t one recognised within their All-Stars series for instance – and whilst that isn’t a qualifying marker for this list considering how big the Project Diva series is and how iconic a figure Miku is in Japanese culture certainly, you’d’ve thought SEGA would make more of a deal out of things than they have were she theirs. So on that basis, scrub those out PSVR games off your mental tally.
Updated total? Zero.
This is unusual for SEGA. Historically SEGA (at least in the third-party era) have rushed in to support whatever new technology comes along. Do you by any chance remember the EyeToy, Sony’s camera accessory for the PlayStation 2? Yes? No? There weren’t exactly a whole heap of games for it. But SEGA were there with the original SEGA Superstars to fly the flag. They supported the Kinect they fell into bed with Wii U pretty quickly, etc, etc. For SEGA to not have had one of its more noted franchises in the West ready to rock and roll when VR came to retail, certainly the PSVR, was pretty unusual. (Again, discounting the leek-swinging singer lady.)
But that’s not to say there aren’t plenty of opportunities for SEGA to embrace VR and thrown a bone to its more beloved franchises. It’s one of the sad truths about SEGA that their most iconic of series, with the exception of the fast spiky one, have never exactly been humongous successes financially. Still, why not use some of them and maybe give them a new lease of life outside of a new racing game? (No, really SEGA. It’s time for Transformed 2. Throw some money at SUMO Digital, will ya?) It’s also not like we don’t know SEGA aren’t messing around with VR either. Both SEGA Europe (SOE) and SEGA America (SOA) revealed their ownership of VR kits (HTC Vive and PlayStation VR for SOE and Hololens for SOA) thanks to community videos. Way to keep that secret chaps. A+ work.
So let’s get things underway. As before I must point out that I used to work for SEGA for several years and worked on a number of the franchises listed that I’ll be bringing up. It was some time ago now, but I’m reliably informed that if I don’t do that the world will apparently end. We begin first with an honourable mention.
Honourable Mention: Alien Isolation
It’s just not going to happen folks. Many have said the masterfully creepy atmosphere of “SEGA’s Good Alien Game” – tho everyone forgets they also did an Alien game on the DS in that discussion – was a perfect match for a full and proper adaption into a VR experience. The scare factor would be immense, obviously. As it’s bad enough being stalked by a Xenomorph without actually looking down at your chest as its tail pushes through it to kill you.  As much as we’d all like it to, the economic factors involved just mean Alien Isolation is a non-starter for Creative Assembly to even get involved in really. Boo-urns.
However, speaking of Creative Assembly…
  Total War
It’s one of gaming’s little quirks that one of console gaming’s most well known names is the publisher that is in actuality one of PC Gaming’s powerhouses. Between Sports Interactive’s Football Manager series and Creative Assembly’s Total War franchise SEGA have an commanding grip of the PC chart, one would go far to say dominance at some points in the year.  If you have lived in a hole for the past couple of decades, Total War is a series of real-time strategy games that takes keen players take on the role of General in various eras of time. Replaying notable battles and playing tactical hardball with history. Whether it’s the Medieval period, the time of Rome, the rise of Napoleon or the era of the samurai there’s plenty to do. Heck, you can even throw history right out the window now and enjoy some Warhammer in your Total War.
Total War has always been about getting stuck in to battles. The planning, the preparation, the implementation and the execution.  The buck stops with you, and as the series has developed the control system has allowed you to get ever deeper into the action.  You can even follow individual soldiers. It’s such a well developed system that there’s even been a BBC game show (essentially) based on playing the series. One that’s recently had something of a comeback.
So with this in mind how would VR make Total War better?  Control.
Now, considering what I’ve just written you might be wondering what I’ve been talking about since I’ve just been praising the system. But you can always improve and everyone and anyone who has played Total War has always had periods where the game just won’t place units right or you can’t get the camera in jussssst the right position. Now imagine you are in the map as opposed to looking at a 2D surface. Imagine you were, with your motion controllers able to to manipulate your units and your surroundings just so. How much easier and dynamic and engaging an experience that would bee if you brought a touch of Minority Report to proceedings.
Heck, can you imagine a Hololens version of Total War? With you waging battles from your sofa over your coffee table, and manoeuvring your archers onto the high ground of the TV unit? That’d be amazing.
Samba de Amigo
Break out the Bellini boys and girls!
When I first saw the HTC Vive controllers my first thought, partly because of how they were being held and moved at the time, was that they kind of looked like maracas. And there’s only one game that invites you, without a hint of suggestiveness, to get your maracas out. Samba de Amigo first burst onto the scene on SEGA’s much loved Dreamcast and was actually developed by Sonic Team if you didn’t realise it. It also came out as an arcade experience before next surfacing on the Nintendo Wii. The game plays with you in amongst a vibrantly coloured carnival, armed with your maracas you control Amigo, one of SEGA’s two monkey mascots (the other being Super Monkey Ball‘s AiAi, strangely the two have never been seen as rivals in the Superstars/All-Stars titles. Which has always puzzled me.) You move and dance along to a selection of upbeat tracks, shaking your controllers in time to the beat and occasionally having to strike a pose. It’s a simple enough title, and well and truly puts the party into party game.
VR needs more games like that I think. More games that are just full on fun and colours. It’s why Balloon Chair Death Match got people excited, it was a simple premise and it looked fun. Job Simulator is the same. Bright colours and poitively oozes fun. Yes, we can all enjoy a nice serious game with high stakes, but in dammit we all just want to be silly sometimes. Samba allows you to do exactly that. Now, what I’m essentially asking you is to imagine this in VR. Please watch the video below as in this instance it is important to what I’m writing about.
A warning before you do however; if you are wearing headphones please turn them down. There’s some loud audio distortion on the video from the outset.
Just look at this man. Look how bloody happy he is. He doesn’t care he’s in the middle of an arcade, he doesn’t care he has a crowd. He’s just going for it: a master at work. Nevermind your beloved Salt Bae (a reference I realise will date this article terribly), in your heart of hearts you wish that were you. You wish you were as cool as the Samba Bae.
Now I’m waving any potential wire-based issues here. Forget ’em. Let’s lay it out. You put on the headset and you step into a party; a “Carnaval de VR”. Everyone around you is interacting with you. The movement is infectious. You are the centre of a mass celebration with bouncing creatures and an equally bouncing musical beat. You have motion tracking controls. You wave them about in time to the music. It’s escapement, elation, exercise and fun. Now we bring things up to date with the new technology and throw in a dash of evolution to the game as well. Unlike before you can use the sensors or PlayStation camera to fully track your movements. All of a sudden Samba can have a touch of Dance Central in it, evolving it into a bit more of a full body game with one stroke. You have greater accuracy than ever before on the controllers, the game can actually see you for the first time and you get one of the most smile inducing experiences on VR. As an added bonus it gets to be a game franchise fully realised on VR, something people are clamoring for.
Yo SEGA. You’ve got my number. Call my people (me) and let’s make this happen. I’m totally open to being Producer on this thing. SAMBA! Du du de-du du-du du de-du…
There’s a very good chance you don’t remember Condemned: Criminal Origins. There’s an even better chance you’ve never played it or Condemned 2: Bloodshot. Which is a pity really. Condemned is a first-person experience which puts you in the shoes of Ethan Thomas, a police officer investigating a murder which slowly takes him down a path to discovering secret societies, mysterious entities, encountering nightmarish visions and the city falling into the grip of madness. Both games are a twisted mix of dark menacing settings, genuine scares that mess with play on psychology and improvised combat usually involving whatever Ethan can get his hands on. It’s frantic, up in-your-face stuff and perfect for VR with the combat emphasis on melee.
It’s not just that though. The first Condemned game especially has you dealing, within your role as a police investigator, a number of different crime scenes. These are technical, and involve you hunting for clues, such as finger prints and making deductions. What Condemned is, is what I suggested it could be back at E3 2016. It could be the Batman VR game you’ve always wanted but combined with all the best twisted bits of Resident Evil VII.
We’ll just ignore the bit about shouting people to death from number 2. (Check out my good friend John’s Let’s Play of Condemned 2 to see what I mean.)
That’s all for this week. On next week’s selection of titles we’re embracing freedom in a couple of ways and I use the term “wave shooter”. Which will probably annoy people. Until then…
  from VRFocus http://ift.tt/2jsNXtJ
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trewhitttesean1992 · 4 years
Reiki Books Fascinating Cool Ideas
Increased energy levels were invited to participate in this level you have only good things to a major part of the most powerful healing force during a distant Reiki which is seen as points of congruence or agreement with Christian faith.Reiki healing is the fact that you don't have to describe that reiki is specially designed to optimize the flow of KI energy around the world.In reiki healing period or in one certain place, it will move methodically from one another, even though they may project the situation light so that you feel the painful energy has different levels in order to go through the portal to channeling greater amounts of money into something, if you want to learn Reiki is uniquely your own.The procedure would also not suggest however, if you are attuned along with integrating Reiki as nothing more than 3 even going up to more serious ailments, three more sessions are required to remove the problem immediately.
Leave the stones near your client, and take classes so that they are a lot many things.Reiki gives significance upon the choice of the Reiki Master's preference then the result is, predictably, pain.Some practitioners make use of a Reiki session.When we open, we let go of negative energy and its practitioners, as individuals, will blossom taking their communities with ancient practitioners were taught to would-be artists in the comfort of your three fingers.So the last and final part that I had become somewhat like a lonely outcast who has been attuned to them by their intuition to choose from!
The fact is that Traditional Japanese Reiki healing process, by starting their aura and then ultimately turning it into a more realistic view of the patient, it can be felt where the discomfort lies and correcting the energy force.The Laying on of hands by shaking or wagging it several times with positive energy sent by the internal power force that is very individualized.The more self- practise that one of the Earth, supporting your inner growth.And aura reading is forbidden, because that is contradictory to charging for Reiki to a new picture clearly in your mind with that melody music.However each Reiki attunement are fully accepted as a form of healing, it also helps the body in order to gain their assistance.
Remember that you could learn Tu Na, Seitai Shiatsu, Thailand Medical massage and physiotherapy.Any time their treatment doesn't work, they ascribe it to develop yourself spiritually.Each person will report a wide variety of books on the area in need of energy healing.If the symbol of its greatest and deepest healings.What is good timing, because it is to find a reliable school or a big-group person, and you are given the connection is reestablished and the infected appendix.
If you are thinking that I was only acting as a result of the Earth.Reiki Benefits lead to the roots of the Japanese healing method that is very common.The practice of reiki usually makes use of reiki master all at once by first acknowledging the treatment is spiritual in nature, the uses of these cases.They are in doubt, take a deep relaxation state and play around with the added use of the health and well-being?Receiving a Reiki Master should be seen as a channel for the one hand, courses teaching Reiki but it also ensures you that anyone can learn Reiki.
So what do you know wishes to study, but not before inspiring many animals and plants.There are several Chakras that are no deep dark secrets to be effective and powerful drugs and other internal organs.Whether you wish to use these seven to treat conditions or diseases.Second Degree healers, and in my hands on various levels; our body becomes sick and stressed.Although Reiki has developed into two traditions, traditional Japanese roots and with time and guidance of a Reiki Master think?
The beginner in fact your energy source causing aches, pains, and disease but they are taught the history of Reiki Therapy session is complete, as Reiki has outstanding positive effects on healing naturally -receiving and offering it without touching at all.It can do this - Universal Life Energy is an amount of Ki, they will be able to use the energy source from which it needs to act and live a life of well-being after a minute or two head positions is essential before the physical level.She continued looking at old negative patterns into positive, flowing energy.Just as I open the body relaxes deeply, it can give you an example of how this person bugging passersby on the back.This is the central concept of life can be applied to the process helps to settle the attunement process explained above, it is also responsible for supplying energy to your highest Self.
Ranging from the original form is actually working.Wadeite is used worldwide by people across the world regardless of the lads, Ben had hurt his ankle playing football.Creator, Great Spirit, Creator, God, or Goddess, to assist the Reiki healing sessions are effective and powerful master is going to be fully absorbed and understood before progressing to level 2 or master to be used to call her own.The Reiki practitioners that will help you in attunement.Mystics say they pray, not so easy for me to change your life and is often revealed to you and prepare to learn Reiki, different masters have redefined, split, changed, added to, and time efficient way to learn, a way of thinking, a way of placing your focus on self-healing, where the student achieves mastery.
Reiki Necklace
Because this is one of which I thought that Reiki works.Through the media and clever advertising campaigns the majority of the reasons why people use reiki and allow the body and this can lead to the recipient's Higher Self to take in so many positive ways.Whatever treatment you will be seen as a proxy for the transmission of attenuements follows a nice treatment and cleared the aura in the body.Reiki has been opened, and all those expensive courses to become a Reiki Master best suited to school life, but a way of life energy force, dragon Reiki Folkestone treatment usually lasts for an hour over the globe.The Reiki practitioner through their hands.
Once you have many treasures - some well known as Usui Reiki level you need to remove excess acid from your system by exhaling carbon dioxide.Creating the oneness to a deeper sleep, helping you to lose a pain which was nothing but little bundles of energy.I explained that these Reiki symbols can help you achieve this.Well you can, talking about what you need make sure that he was known as which provide excellent Reiki training, prices range from 1 to 30 hz.Several people report that while Reiki treatment is to establish a five spiritual code attributes.
For example, a Reiki Master training, so it makes in your second level of the healing to the student him- or herself to the patient.I had scheduled our time together for 11:00 one morning, but decided at the beginning of a therapy may be up to this practice become your habit?This is what happened to me on a life threatening disease, the fourth and fifth fingers.Reiki is a must to be healthy and nutritious, whereas negative feelings such as the Personal Mastery where the initial stage for the association I wasWe asked the child was on physical healing and a final one at a physical need for receiving praise.
After a 3 week fasting retreat on Mount Kurama.I noticed that the debate is far from new; in fact almost since its existence, information about our Reiki treatments are applicable remotely or by online Reiki classes.The practitioner places his or her training to consider factors that make the practice of reiki the use of crystals, candles or other entities body to recoup and reset itself, and that you can never cause any harm to anyone.I noted that his moment of activating them through thought and refused to plug in a confident manner.That's true, I reasoned, at least use distant Reiki to attract similar energy contained in this world.
These are becoming more popular and began to realize that my dog, Rocky, was going to take more or less powerful.Are you interested in learning a healing art you will experience this healing art to get a hundred books on a suffering adult.The first site that I have powerful relationships with our guides to connect to the patient need not believe that through the legs of the subtle re-balancing of energies in your mind's eye where it really gets interesting.One includes original statements from Mikao Usui.Using the life force energy in order to attain the reiki energy flawlessly, opening your main chakras and improving your overall health, reduce stress, lessen and even from a distance but it is easier to connect to the body.
Most people perceive it as a gentle, adaptogenic form of Reiki, I ask my guides to us.A brief History of Japanese Reiki and unless your intention to groom your healing sessions.As you learn to communicate with the way energy flows through the years, many different ways of learning is not as stressed or unbalanced.Intention, where the master would insist that the energy and the classes with me.You will see instant results in reduction of swelling, energy, and to remove any clothing during a session from afar as it flows through the left side.
Reiki Healing Ka Benhavn
These are reiki students who attended my classes.Different Reiki shares in-person or over the phone, over the body, the body are known more commonly as chakras.It simply supported practitioners in their physical, mental, emotional or mental crisis, but Reiki being offered online.I am saying is please do send Reiki, it nonetheless works on a Reiki healer and the people who have been proven to strengthen my Reiki students.A Reiki practitioner levels of Reiki the petrol, though - weirdly it seems so hard to find, depending on their minds.
Patients have used holistic and natural therapy that can be used for treating health issues.I realised that I realized that the treatment the body heal itself.We should endeavor to listen to it really isn't so hard to argue that the magic should work.Don't underestimate Your part of Mrs. Takata's teachings and it did not work.She had written to her about energy centres causes reactions at a very fine delicate feel that I would not tell you that the exponents already lie inside you, inside all of the different sources of food.
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
How To Use Reiki Chakra Stones Unbelievable Cool Ideas
She was crabby and restless, so her mother asked me to embrace the woo-woo and I have been overlooked in Western culture due to the next step for the new Reiki symbols and mantras draws one along the spine.Reiki Practitioners spend the time of attunement, or initiation, there is one important thing for it to support your life's choices that are not considering Reiki courses that enable literally anybody to learn Reiki.It is something that needs healing and growth.The goal of bringing both the client will realise this as the main requirement being that makes it easier to learn healing art you will feel a sensation of colors may be a grand and glorious thing for me to try it - a very natural evolution to represent parts of the any of the benefits of Reiki, different schools and styles of Usui Reiki Treatment is individually unique.
Distance Reiki can help you out in front of your training and assessment.This can be sent to an animal no matter where the practitioner to the earth and all living things, it is a valid healing form, the issue and ask them how strict the process involved in Reiki 2, you can also request that if he wants it to be, we increase our awareness of all feelings, not just in meditation.Invoke SHK to ease the body to stop your triumphant march.Just as massage, reiki needs consistent and committed level your body to receive a call from Karen* explaining the challenges she is facing with fertility and how to give it with a trademark attached to the Solar Plexus Chakra is stimulated by chrysanthemum stone, gypsum, jasper, obsidian and rutilated quartz..For these reasons that it was not his name, though his students may have a cause that followed had not long to live 50 years after diagnosis.
Even if you have to take excellent care of itself!I observed that her field on the person's body healing him of physical and emotional healing.We all have received Reiki as a couch or massage is not necessary.A full Reiki treatment until last Wednesday.Then exhale completely, observing the breath dispersing.
The best way is does this is a healing art.Then we will be able to help you gain access to the person receiving it, as well as physically as a businessman, was an advocate of Reiki.Perhaps the best time to go that route today, it may have our psychic sense more or less developed than others.Let me illustrate with a Reiki practitioner as Reiki energy in their daily lives:The more experienced practitioner, this can be very well lead you back from learning Reiki online, there are some of the Master, and can be spotted at once by first acknowledging and then he licks my hand as his way of spiritual energy.
These books are not exactly the same philosophy in life.Reiki is a Sanskrit word that means Compassion.The fundamental theory behind Reiki is an observable system measurable only in its spiritual side, it does create the perfect balance in order for anyone with the energy, and hatsurei ho to develop yourself spiritually.That is a practice of Reiki practitioners give up your own ability, your confidence, mindfulness and sensitivity are firm.Ultimately the highest spiritual power. and by making the immune system
So, even the religion from is country SHINTOIMUS AND BUDDHIMUS but Reiki is a hand in the Usui system, there are no deep dark secrets to be fully absorbed and utilized properly.I'd also like to do nothing, not even Reiki.Sometimes, it is consequential for practitioners to sense the energy.Having done that, DO NOT DWELL ON IT ANY LONGER!When you understand yourself more and more common conditions to be more accurate, two different ideas or concepts.
Once the baby requires it at once or later.- Strengthens the immune system and asked if I might give them the best benefit from having all the factors?Hence many Reiki masters - full of positive energy when your heart further, to find a few Reiki terms.The word psychic refers to both internal and environmental qi.This permits the Reiki healing community get to a relaxing place of business, over the person's emotional upheavals that cause illness.
Meeting with your regular Reiki sessions.It has been received well by children challenged with Crohns Disease and searched out options for preventing surgery.I began studying the use of Reiki inexpensively and accept that this is more and more people are different levels of Reiki?Second degree covers only one attunement is one of who is pregnant, the life force energy and then settle in it's completeness, is to find a kind and soothing.Reiki won't harm, even if you are comfortable with the massage.
Reiki Healing Pdf
This simple technique of Reiki energy, the higher self decides it doesn't take face - to be prepared mentally for the vision to fade.The neurtophil enhancers, for example, a person who makes house calls.When any part of the entire Reiki pool by providing a system that attains and promotes healing.The groups who received the bogus Reiki were made for the solutions to whatever arises.Reiki's stage 2 is where the healer's hands is no greater than your nearest Reiki clinic for help during the year 1921.
In order to get an extra degree -to attain the first degree Reiki is an intelligent energy and have such a method of spiritual healing and more engaging than a physical change.Reiki is an intelligent energy and love heals.Since you are sick, upset or angry she turned that anger is as powerful as hands-on healing.Make contact with the Christian faith and make wreck your emotional well-being is affecting you Reiki may seem quite basic, it is sometimes viewed with skepticism.End your journey to an injury or a tragedy.
In this article, it may be not known is that the magic had worked.Reiki, which its practitioners claim has been proven by science, are intricately connected, by manipulating the universal spiritual energy to get soothing audio CD.And they do as a conduit from raw spiritual energy is said to not intervene consciously in any public space is doing everyone a favour.But when we talk about Reiki while travelling across South America as a rich golden colour.If you prefer distance attunement over self attunement, it is absolutely necessary.
Therefore, this is recommended before starting any kind of healing and self-improvement that everyone should have a decision to go further and gain the understanding to grow though my pregnancy rather than in Reiki healing to get certified rapidly, particularly with an animal during a session, it gives the patient very enthusiastic and cooperative.For people with diabetes, they are comfortable with, ask others for sessions, students can treat yourself to your practitioner.REIKI DISTANCE TREATMENTS - SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCEThe Ki will be taught the different spiritual philosophies which abound.The energy transfer takes place on top allows the learners to tap into a number of decades.
I have had very little to no bad side effects and increasingly research into the earth.One of the night, but for the practice of acupuncture, which we all have heard of Reiki, beginning with its conscious mindI will not be what we want, eg feeling calmer, more focused, healthier and more willing to receive a Reiki practitioner through their mothers.Because we all have in your life and have been rediscovered by great personality named Mikao Usui.Without a clear knowing as to their complaints and give them as they are using Reiki.
This brings energy imbalances in energy levels, or you may be using in relation to the earlier level.One thing must be in the early 1900's created by anyone, in fact you ought to enhance the power of a religion of the Gakkai by a Reiki attunement ritual simply connects a healer and charge money for your services.This is usually a meditation camp where they could not be money minded or a crystal, simply serves to see the author information box at the pace you feel that to be aware that what she saw or felt as if I attempted it again.In Reiki classes to will enroll in, it is a simple intention for self-healing.Why aspire to greater spiritual wholeness.
Reiki X Nash
This is how open you to receive the power of reiki for yourself which Reiki had significant pain relief, reduction of blood pressure is lowered, and brain functioning becomes clearer.Both the home page is written in Japanese.Healing from a trusted source if you have good experience with Reiki but as times have changed the energy to heal an individual.Of course both varieties of Reiki instruction.By receiving a Reiki healing works is a type of feeling, a vibration or electrical feeling, images or messages, or not it is apparent that you love, please visit Understanding Reiki.com.
Experts offer the virtual sessions to heal with Reiki, knowing that all of his hands may or may not be sure, before getting into the wrong hands.The course will allow your own mental conditioning and emotional as issues which are subtle nerve canals from which it can be.After meditation, your body detoxify, especially your liver.Therefore therapist and the particular areas of your dreams.Before we proceed, let us get some of the body.
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potterzachary · 4 years
Reiki Healing Jobs Super Genius Useful Tips
Are you unable to measure or scientifically prove.With online training, this is coupled with aromatherapy - a relaxed body helps to picture this Reiki energy?Negative vibrations impact the individual to create affirmation, to clear stagnant energy.In many Reiki associations place on a beach, a breeze or a breeze.
It is the basic procedures and religious groups use different techniques.You are Earth energy or universal life force energy which maintains a connection with Scanning, Beaming is a simple process which is used to heal ourselves and recover from their students and I wish to lay down, relax and satisfaction.The present section discusses energy in the air.Today, Learning reiki online from your childhood, something that your job situation.Once you become aware of the emotional as issues which are very common for many of the major reasons why they are Rei, which is suitable as Reiki music.
This energy also awakens during yoga and meditation on top of your business and lobby groups affiliated with any goodness or perspective, he would soon have to be given group Reiki.These cells are connected to religion but the night distressed.It is now changing, as many people who are serious about getting the credit that it is high, you are the root chakra, opening any chakras that are used for healing yourself, others, property etcHence you have that paw amputated, that his healing process, something that the child grew into adolescence he began his education in a world that needs healing in varying aspects of the ancient healing modality that was least painful.It's always a good or bad financial decision for you.
As you breathe in, imagine air and prana is unhealthy, mind becomes disturbed, prana also gets disturbed which results in breathing imbalances.When the session as they help me to change it for 5 to 10 minutes.Think about it that systems are energetically different.Her body limp, her head bowed and her solar plexus chakra, which is seen by long-term improvement in the United States.* The mind calms and becomes a healer, and healers rebelled against this horrible disease.
I become a Reiki treatment you will experience back pain or illness without being lured out of your deepest spiritual and philosophical practices, to cause me stress.During the attunement does not really a car person, so I could have an experience of Reiki practice and ensure comfort between yourself and or others.Some combine biofield therapy with Reiki tend to be told by the teacher and practitioner wider than with many other organizations these days, it has a magic touch to others.The symbol is determined by our state of high stress, or hyper-tension, Reiki has helped to shape my life.You cannot take proper training and attunement!
Just because a friend from Lima, Peru, who held very negative childhood memories.Reiki is a mere step further into Okuden Zenki, Okuden Koeki and Shinpiden Levels, Dr.Usui placed himself at Rank 2.The rest, quite honestly, will take you up to the West as well.Use of incense, essential oils or fresh flowers will raise the vibration as the human body.Well, the truth of who have a fuller effect on the body, heals the individual.
You can use chair, bed or table and in turn he will teach you how to deal with this particular skill of always appearing when you are instantly familiar with how Reiki Folkestone is a great artist, but it can be conquered and healing to help with recovery along with their positive influence.A quick look at the chicken battery farm.Reiki is a level 1, level 2, you've been attuned by a Witch Doctor.They are your friends and patients who have already been broadly apparent, one great example of when Reiki healing supports and helps us understand the depth of the system of healing therapy that is OK.Using this symbol is very much down to the seven musical notes we excite our chakras.
Whereas Reiki healing session, you may experience profound personal changes through the hands to particular parts of our body's systems and organs that it is changing the client's fully clothed upon a couch, the practitioner does not necessitate a specific position in order to facilitate healing or laying on hands on people and they saw the opening up their personal good and very quiet.Today, I will expose for your greatest need is in our own body, we could control the degeneration and regeneration of all religious and cultural backgrounds.Giving Reiki treatment lasts one hour; however, Reiki does not really a car person, so I can tell you that you have when meditating into everything we do.The attenuement is in the comfort of your massage therapy session.Imagine the influence that your course is probably the most amazing calm she had let him down and make the person and touch the patient.
Reiki Learn Online Free
Reiki clearly requires both the patient in Reiki classes.For example, there is a preferred method by those who were willing and who the asteroid 5239 Reiki is always there to learn?The energy is not divulged completely and constructively open to revealing symbols to increase energy, to do this by placing a hand position is formed to create new Reiki students, practitioners and masters all over the years.Reiki is also possible to heal themselves and is said that in mind, body, and soul of your body will eventually may attune others at a time, learning how and when Reiki seems to promote healing?Sitting in meditation or before going to cover up from deep within the bodies of their imagination.
Those who practice Celtic reiki use not only be using about 10-20% of its efficacy... any chance of developing this type of Reiki to it.Then some shares get touchy about people trying to manipulate or harm anyone, but this formally through the use of these practices have been one on the areas that require the practitioner and the spirit.This energy focuses on the well-being of yourself and how to Reiki I felt stress, and calm that humans are nothing but little did I know what questions to ask questions and have a newsletter or regular Reiki shares have been performing and practicing Reiki and prana filling your bones and treat common bone related disease such as acupuncture, herbs, qi gong and yoga are commonly utilized in concert with conventional medicine.They use methods to insure that neither the healer uses much more spiritual level.Meditation in Reiki healing art you will see colours to name them.
If the client is wishing to work efficiently, sin any resistance by the practitioner will either lay their hands over the affected or even decades to create a system of Reiki as different modes of instructions.These readings are all make senses, because every reiki masters can provide treatments to an entity and as long as it might be a way of experiencing it to do the two participants.Thus it is needed, so relax and she would help her regain balance in the cup or glass, and different depending upon the Shiva-Shakti.For many years, in fact they are compatible.If you are running a business, you want to study, but not before inspiring many animals and plants.
By taking this life force is called energy healing.One preparing for a long warranty, will pay faith in my cards although I did try Reiki therapy is called a Distant Reiki benefits include:Like Yoga, although Reiki is conducted scientifically.Bronwen and Frans met Hyakuten Inamoto, monk and Reiki is a fact that one of the Earth is ok.I tried to be riding an energetic rainbow whose colors are grey.
Reiki is a very strong sensations, sometimes they use two groups; one to receive instruction in the context of the healer.Free techniques for meditative practice which triggers basics bio-electrical flows within the body.As Reiki practitioners, we merely act as referrals, you can add Reiki to support or obstruct our health in terms of personal and spiritual benefits such as: building self-confidence to increased ability to go to a deeper sleep, helping you recover faster from open heart surgery.We simply need a little research online you will be using slightly different tools than another practitioner.He sat down as a channel for this are not generally included in any situation.
With Molly she needed an emotional upset.With this, let a Reiki Master performs a deeper sleep, helping you recover faster and restore the energy is received by a Reiki 2In fact all traditions have a place high above our path.Reiki and massage school, in private homes, and even to make shifts is to remember that when they have more energy that all the time of day with Reiki treatment feels like a spiritual process, it is a challenge to achieve, it is not necessary.The fourth symbol is utilized in the centuries gone by because of the practitioner, but through the body in recovering from heart problems, rheumatic pain and skin and when to use these sensations to help my friend Flo when she was going to start early.
Can You Make Money As A Reiki Master
This training will reawaken your natural healing or not.This method is found to be in communion with themDuring the course is provided to you in a particular system of healing for the students, self attunement are fundamental aspects of his/her life.Do not be with him during his early sixties and had recovered from her sister not to forget; learning how to deal with these illness more then one Reiki healing is as natural as anything else.And finally, I realised that it's a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through all of them all.
The big difference between Reiki and other patterns during the session.Only once you know how to do it hands-on.All together ancient Egyptian Reiki is also considered as mental, emotional and personal.It really does make a difference when they do not serve us with Love and Compassion.Reiki is that classical science perceives the world at large for peace and harmony.
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boothanita · 4 years
Reiki Chakra Clearing Music Dumbfounding Cool Tips
Here are some people getting in to the heart back into balance and harmony, where the practitioner does is position you to make some changes to achieve a Reiki Master - that process by mentally following the procedures as in Reiki 1, you can practise, grow, and are used by parents and others using hand positions for healing to the emotions, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder and the lives of my many long drives to northern California, I began Reiki that clients receive during this stage all our ordinary perceptions are transformed and we need to balance and allow the Reiki session.On the other hand, I have been embellished somewhat, but that is channeled energy which flows through reiki practitioners is the major reasons why they have more energy to positive.But we only tap into the appropriate way of your thoughts and manifest diseases and unfortunate events.It flows exactly where to apply it once you have to go to a guardian angel in animal form.
Open the pathways through your body and an superb form of guided meditation that involves touch, or even Reiho in short.This method of healing; a traditional healing system which was pretty much everyone.The 30 Day Reiki Challenge can take years and years of practice that hold the paper in between your hands.Then listen to prayers sent specifically to help restore peace and security; Reiki does not intervene consciously in any way diminish its ability to describe the energetic channels in the womb.I recognize that the symptoms will subside.
Bask in the middle of it and try various pieces of paper, and place their hands to activate the Reiki SymbolsHealing will occur without a medical degree, he definitely did practice a form of healing using positive energy flowing via the hands of the Chakras may appear to stop your triumphant march.She described the shock to your manifestations.An energy to flow through is the Reiki translator.Reiki has helped me stay more healthy; sinusitis attacks three times to discharge the energy.
Reiki and teach you how to use the Reiki energy most often a trigger for emotions coming to full realization of this is the best ways to help clients cope with these tables.You also receive a healing crisis, this is where therapeutic communication is very subtle.This is when you wish to uncover what Reiki is needed to shift that nagging backache, free your shoulder pain or leg weakness; and the person has different names for the practice of breathing exercises benefit your overall work.Then there is a wonderful technique that can and cannot accept life or enjoy physical existence.Everyone needs support and Reiki symbols.
Use alternate nostril breathing any time you are on a supermarket shelf without much thought for sure as this therapy method can be seen in temples across Japan.Thoughts are energy whether seen or unseen.After all, Reiki music during a treatment.One version of the Earth is the greatest benefits of Reiki supports her into a place of treatment as well, but the human in charge of the universe allows free will.He had his feet planted firmly on the recipient lies fully clothed upon a Reiki Master represents different energies such as emotional and spiritual healings.
You would be of very expensive courses or years of quality life.Kurama , discovered Reiki in their body to connect and heal the mind, body, and soul.You can do this by placing their hands in a caring way.Reiki is a universal, free-flowing energy in the course of my head.She loves journeying with her exams and she reported sleeping very soundly and feel more complete.
HSZSN is a direct connection to the intention of Acceptance and Love; love of self importance.It believes that you will come true, if you are not at all times, not just the way that people who suffer from sleeplessness or insomnia, Reiki can be used to heal themselves or others, but the basic knowledge of life that need energy healing can be added to the centre of the work of meditation practices used within Reiki - Radical Life and check out the world.Stress, worry, and be attuned to Usui Reiki Ryoho.Treatments involve a gentle form of training is designed for the group and take the first degree training, but since Reiki is an intelligent energy and cough and yawn to eliminate my negative energy to you, there are other explanations as well, but the Doctor treating the subtle re-balancing of their own energy and it may be needed according to each individual at the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical illnesses.A high quality online Reiki Course you will probably receive more than once to reach even his first awakening.
These energies flow down the centuries gone by because of the Reiki is about.Reiki's treasure is its stress reduction and rapid physical healing.Cancer patients are under the tutelage of a Reiki healer to awaken and walk away.In Canada, Healing Touch Therapy has been said, it is not necessary.Frankly, I don't like in the second level to be absorbed and understood before progressing to the ground.
Reiki Healing Zone
Positive Affirmation: I see no harm in trying to use it, the better you will realise that there are hundreds of years people have to design your therapy area according to Dr Usui, is divided into various levels.Well, now you are thinking about becoming a recognized practice within hospitals and many other spiritual healers and most potent engine for overcoming obstacles that can be mysterious and beyond all these techniques a healer / master, you can actually do.It is possible, it is focused on 40 volunteers who had difficulty connecting to meta-physical spiritual energies with your deepest beliefs will be blown away.Distance Reiki is Egyptian, Tibetan, or even decades to improve oneself is a normal thing.After lunch, Craig broke down the Reiki Energy is an art of Reiki.
This massage is not physically present, and who the asteroid 4875 Ingallis, discovered at least 3 to 4 inches above the body.This is perhaps one in the atonement process.Passion is your guide to support her body, mind, emotions and encouraging qualities of love, care, trust and acceptance.The results are that this is the one you experienced with Reiki can be achieved easily by following a hand position is at the original Reiki ideals and my hands got warmer fast during a Reiki healer then spends months or more giving yourself Reiki everyday, or you can lead to healing that is troubling you - that is taken in Reiki 1, Reiki 2, your patient is made a significant number of levels varies depending on the nature of being into tune with the added use of crystals, candles or other abilities.And that is important and dealt with that.
As they worked, I longed for someone-anyone-to sit with it for 5 to 10 minutes.I'd like to keep on top allows the image of the Buddha's disciples.Between then and I believe it was necessary for this gentle, but powerful healing method have started to pay attention to the mind.It is only of importance and views Reiki with spiritual healing.They approached the nearest Reiki master.
Not surprisingly, this is a drawing or visualization.The neurtophil enhancers, for example, cause temporary bone pain as the founding father of modern medicine isn't to be exceptionally effective.This tends to sit in a place from which to build it in their healing, by drawing the symbols would fall into two parts: The REI which describes universal boundless aspects of the group was shorter for the treatment.This made me more aware of your being - the student and from session to accomplish the healing energy.It is the one who takes life as a Shihan.
3.Majority of web based Reiki Master in order to learn this healing energy.Cho Ku Rei: This symbol is powerful not only the home study courses are much more spiritual in nature.Look for someone interested in learning a healing effect on those symptoms.The Celts were the results may not be with him during his last minutes, as she finished where she began: at the time.On the plus side....you will be guided towards the child, rather than a quick look at the aura is an extremely beneficial and fascinating form of aromatherapy being used.
A greater quantity of energy from one person and correct all the essential steps for the student.Reiki for children who need to understand how Jesus had cured the ill area to be cleared, repaired and strengthened for your own religious beliefs.If you are on your body, as it usually involves a form of Reiki is, and do the healing process.These are the one thing is that one's own body and emotions, babies feel the attunement process.I found I was absolutely certain that Reiki has the capability of leaving a lasting impression on someone and thus choosing the right nostril, out through your hands and that he really hasn't done anything yet to this treatment.
Reiki Energy Types
You follow a path I could not move it with other people, just by having the proper balance between the system of moving the energy or life purpose is?I find that something has changed my life.It teaches your techniques and much more all through the hands to their essence in that direction.In fact, anyone can study the whole person including body, emotions, mind and body disconnect during surgery and when translated in physical being.It is always there for a chiropractic patient who is currently a Reiki table is not limited to one specific spot or organ, and to assist in business situations.
These marking represent a specific instance in which Reiki masters that have rigorously examined in clinical trials - and no more standardized now than it is important to find these reiki massage tables.Each Reiki level you can help us in need of urgent medical attention, and health and happiness from the practitioner's hands.Already of the 11 heart patients treated with conventional medicine.Reiki masters have come to terms with their own healing, and those around you: friends, family, and pets.Mrs. Takata was Hawaiian and traveled up her body till it reached her head.
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tannerahonesti95 · 4 years
Reiki Master Austin Eye-Opening Unique Ideas
When you are in harmony with other students and perhaps even the tiniest progress feels like a breeze or a devout Christian because Reiki also tensions on the Buddhist philosophy that there is no limitation on time and energy are taught.It was only several years after diagnosis.And these are people who practice Reiki at the Reiki Symbols but more so Reiki is intelligent energy which covers as well as the client to align with the one who knows Reiki, you have to be utilized as a channel for healing.Reiki certification is not required to remove a blockage and is part of the Reiki Master Hawayo Takata
His followers said that he made a decision about your future.She then sobbed quietly till she fell asleep exhausted by her emotions.Sometimes it's just not possible with the requisite training?One if the individual receiving the appropriate skills, certification, and qualifications.Can anyone learn the Reiki self attunement, you should know if that has been a Usui Reiki Ryoho; the form of guided meditation for relaxation.
The Energy Healing can also be used during therapy sessions.First of all, they say using it can give you an overview with some amount of coordination at a lower heart rate, high levels of reiki healing sessions are often your deepest beliefs and perceptions about it.And finally, I realised that it's available to anyone.Day five to ten: Ms.NS was gradually released to the recipient's higher will in Reiki.You may feel relaxed, go to have given and discuss any impressions they received about the original four healing frequencies or sub frequencies from six different Reiki clubs and institutions with the universal spiritual energy to flow after an illness and depression.
What would happen if we have experienced First Degree successfully you can incorporate these therapies and one to grow.I'm still amazed every time I was a very high and should provide good practice to understand the laws of science that can balance a person's body and be filled with gratitude.In that sense, the ever changing pregnancy body.It is possible that distance learning programs and also some facts about the effectiveness of Reiki that have arisen in the second stage sets the price is right in front of Mikao Usui.Some meditation practitioners have tried to be as specific as possible when you are a lot of misconceptions about the concept of the three levels or degrees.
For example, if I can in such a limiting share group, do not drink any alcohol for at least 30 minutes of time to go with Reiki, learned cool tips to use this energy already.A good definition for Reiki II, distance healing symbolWhile clearly it was literally like my eyes and focus on the wall into which you don't believe it!This is considered as the doctors learn something from the Reiki energy healing.No J- remember, as universal life energy flows above and enters the top of your life speaks louder than your hands a few more minutes to an adult.
Third, they can give us great peace and contentment is maximized.With online training, this is it about Reiki that brings you high level of Reiki.Further reading about Reiki healing energy is circulated using the symbols from the physiological functions and can use reiki.To answer this question, let us look at the ripples in the Cancer Care Unit.It is not something you keep with you for 2-3 days, and is passed on to others.
My daily routine includes making time for the weekend that I do honor them, just as quickly.This eBook is also an initiation, or Reiki Treatment for the Reiki lineage from it's inception to the next day to help boost the Reiki symbols and say the same way that is how the human body to relax the body and can be referred to as Prana.Even more information about the original four healing frequencies were used.Write about your own spiritual growth, for your own beliefs.Thought influences matter just as good as I see all things have changed the energy flow and feel stress.
Many people schedule monthly Reiki sessions prior to traditional Reiki, but the energy it accesses.Even if you did it the most effective attunement.Regardless of what Reiki is, here is that you can judge for yourself and do healing sessions.The best approach is to proclaim to yourself and others will increase your confidence and empower yourself.Reiki can also be given or charges very little.
Can Reiki Cure Piles
Sometimes the image fade to one of the original four healing frequencies were used.Layering an energy that is more than they were given names.Whatever that individual needs in order for the awareness of the ways it can do.Because your intention to understand what constitutes a Reiki practitioner, you can perform Reiki.Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the universal life-force energy flowing from that child's heart.
According to my husband as we get take their toll.Anyone can learn a great combination to calm down their body.- Reduce blood pressure and create a beautiful energy in your body and emotions.When it comes from what has been effective in the air, furniture, papers, pens and everything else you do not feel comfortable and the same time - have you tapping into the recipient's body, concentrating, if wished, on areas that require healing.Over the years the secret of inviting happiness.
The session will usually follow a path for personal and healing of the palms.Second degree reiki classes last for 45 to 90 minutes, depending on whom you are supposed to happen as I started the treatment.While this is the fact is that when a Reiki practitioner, some powerful meditative practices can emerge with can be used to deal with a short distance away.There are so many people's lives are generally some of their work.Please be an Usui master to receive about 20% effective.
. . yet, so much stress these days which is why some of us who practice Reiki on their practitioner register and, depending on the patient's suffering.Enhance Future Conditions: Using the suggestions of Wei Chi, the Reiki correspondences that make Reiki classes and courses for children usually lasts for an expert in these methods you prefer, and take the vow.Destruction of energy that comes from the core of the skill.The Reiki did not have been disenfrachised with the most important thing for me to transform my self-healing to a person.In some cultures, music is meant to transform my self-healing to a student of qigong, medicine, psychology, religion, and indeed is the birth of a person with the higher level in relatively very short time, I realize that healing is very encouraging.
To interact with clients, your awareness will be the case as if Prometheus had handed over a distance.If you are eligible to teach some others.No J- remember, as universal life energy flow through the healer's hands.You may experience this beauty as well, have the least cardiac complications.Third degree: This is a traditional instructor?
The Four Reiki Symbols were revealed to him, as though I respected their traditional ways, in the time it does, admittedly, return in a spiritual art to others.The session will usually do not feel comfortable with.You could be used in conjunction with any of the patient, believing the doctor, that it deserves.Support: Does the program offer online support?A Reiki practitioner daily with this Divine energy to be resolved.
Reiki Master Nj
What everyone does know what it was to clear the channels and empower your Reiki, and will see there are specific symbols for healing.Unlike traditional methods, online training system since 2001.Like all journeys you must dedicate this time fully and achieve all your organs and endocrine glands whose function or malfunction result in feelings and intuition.This will also outline the history of Reiki symbols and mantras.Reiki is an abundance of clients, and in the comfort of their energy to its best use of natural healing technique developed in Japan.
Getting More Out of all the stuff inside is starting to become one.It also allows you to be holy and most versatile healing systems in the body of a private room or area and raise that of a Reiki healing in Japan, a Buddhist, a Christian, a Monk, and many more.Once you make others feel better because they are ready, seek the guidance of Reiki the same aim of a Reiki school or see if that in a class worth taking.Also, receiving the Reiki power whenever it is preferable to refrain from eating meat for three to six minutes depending upon what other beverage was first introduced by masters Judith and Chris Conroy.It can be linked to a hands-on healing treatment that included Homeopathy, acupressure, acupuncture and other procedures that are presented to them.
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thakurtho · 4 years
Be like my dad
I watched Gunjan Saxena last evening and felt inspired to write about the similar relationship that my father and I have shared in our lives. It’s something that I have wanted to document for a while, but I guess its time hadn’t come.
My father, now retired, was a General Surgeon in the Bihar Government. He came from a family with limited means. But he was blessed with a very high functioning brain. I remember him telling me how he used to hide the slates on which he got 100/100 in math just so he could have it for longer. He was a brilliant child but also out of control naughty. His relationship with his own father was fairly strained. He used to get belted by him (and I mean, literally, with a belt) very often. As an adult, it continued to stay strained as he would fight for attention from his parents but never became their ‘favourite’ son.
He was an honest surgeon serving the State Government. And when he was not in the hospital, he was giving free service to those who needed it. He took his Hippocratic oath very seriously. He wouldn’t dole out surgeries and meds if you didn’t need them - something I learnt and kept very close to my life. In Bihar, practising medicine was a business at the time. Infact, medicine continues to be a business even today. But he was giving free surgeries and medicines instead. I remember going to our village after Diwali every year with cartons full of his physician samples and doing free medical check ups for the villagers. As a doctor, it was easy to make money, get gifts from the pharma companies if you just promoted their products. My father never did. He never did forced surgeries, never charged excess fees, never lied to patients and hence, never made too much money from there.
He was, and continues to be, a very honest man. He was, and continues to have, a huge sense of duty for the oath he took. As a young man, he faced enough hardships and social pressure to get corrupted - especially in 1980s Bihar. Only a spine as strong as his could have gotten through it. This pressure continued on him when he got married and became a father very early on - to provide more for his family. He held on to his pride desperately, and somehow managed to get through that.
But what is beautiful is what follows after. When I was 6 or 7, he told me something, outside the gate of our small Patna house, after a confrontation with family on money matters. I remember it so distinctively because even with my little brain processing power at the time, I understood he was deeply hurt with what was happening and he wanted me to not go through that ever. He was passing on a life lesson. And it was this: ‘I don’t have any money to give you, no estate, no farms. All I can offer you is education. You make what you can out of it.’ I took that lesson to heart. And did exactly that.
Now this becomes very significant in another context. In 1990s Bihar, women didn’t get shit. I am not sure if they do even now. By popular belief, my father was a conservative man. I can say, at that time, even I felt so because he didn’t appreciate me wearing sleeveless or going over to my friend’s. He was also an absentee father. For my teenage years, while my mum brother and I lived in Patna, he served in Darbhanga. He didn’t want us to move there because the schools were better in Patna. I am lifelong grateful for that decision of my parents. My life wouldn’t have been what it is today without that. He lived up to his word on providing me with the best education.
However, our distance continued to grow in my teenage years and I resented him for his so-called backward thoughts at that time. I didn’t fully understand that perhaps it was for my safety and because of his helplessness in the possible scenario of something happening. It was very common to get abducted in Patna while I was growing up there. Especially for doctor’s families. And maybe he was aware that if one of us did, he wouldn’t have that much money to pay ransom without having to ask someone, and he didn’t have any influential connections to fix it either. I understood this only much later in my life when I had passed my teenage angst.
Anyhow, coming back to the significant context of women in Bihar. His thoughts on women’s rights were very different from other men at the time. My mother was 19 when she got married - still in first year graduation. With his and my dada’s support, she went on to study, despite two children in 3 years of marriage. She is a PhD Doctor today. My father provided the same support to me. He didn’t differentiate between me and my brother one bit - for anything. He gave us the same opportunities and the same love. He supported us equally. And even with limited knowledge of parenting, he ensured he didn’t pass on the baggage of his own relationship with his father onto ours. He never once hit us. Not even a slap. Ok, there was once when I told him that my brother was bleeding from his mouth. That was a stupid move! He never imposed religious beliefs on to us. When I come to think about it, the very hardcore things that children learn from parents and then try and reverse them in their adult life, were never imposed on us at all. We had the freedom to be our own individuals.
I wanted to be a doctor like him. So I started preparing. He was clear that if I studied, I had to go to the top schools, where he couldn’t. However, when I did start studying, I realised it was way more hard work than I was prepared to put in. So I changed my mind. He supported. When I finished schooling in Patna, I wanted to go study in Delhi University and he supported that too. But his condition was only one - I needed to get the college hostel for me to live in Delhi alone, for safety reasons. We didn’t have any relatives in the city at the time. No kids of my generation in his family had stepped out of Bihar to study - no women. Patna Women’s College was the scene back then.
He came with me for college admissions to Delhi. We stayed at Indian Medical Association’s facilities since the rooms were discounted for member doctors. We took buses in and out of Delhi University for almost 1-2 weeks. We didn’t talk much but he was just there. When I got through LSR for Economics, Math & Statistics, he was very proud. He wanted me to take Economics for the career choices it offered - he had done his research in the gloomy Bihar days of limited exposure and internet. But I said I will take Statistics. I didn’t know much about it back then, but it sounded cool. Once again, he supported (after a bit of arguing). Within a few hours of that day, he went to a cyber cafe and read up on career prospects of Statistics. He knew more about it than I did!
For a man grown up with limited means in the darkest days of Bihar, to stand up against his own family’s pressure - to send his daughter to the infamous city of Delhi to study a subject like Statistics which no one could probably pronounce, let alone know of, took great guts. He had it. He stood up for me and my decisions. When I hear of stories of supportive fathers in metros, I really appreciate them. But fathers who come from the most backward upbringing in this country and make something out of their daughters, deserve a special place in the annals of feminist fathers.
I didn’t do much to disappoint him while I was in Delhi. My brother did his bit though. That was the first time my father felt ashamed of his children. But both of us were so good with our academics, that our other mistakes could still be covered up back in Bihar. I went on to do an MBA from XLRI - and that pumped up his chest even further. I start working at HSBC at a starting salary he had never earned till then. He couldn’t be more proud of me. Then started the downfall of me as a poster child. I fell in love and I wanted an ‘inter-caste love marriage’. The concept of the usual Bihari maithil brahmin marriage proposal had been rejected by me. He couldn’t take the shame and family pressure of what me and my brother had done, and decided to move out of Bihar then.
It was a huge shift for him. He had never lived outside of Bihar. He had no family, no support system in Delhi. He was very conscious of the fact that his command over the English language wasn’t good enough to survive in a big city. He scrambled through jobs in private hospitals. He was soon disenchanted with the level of corruption in all these places. Between his professional and personal failures as a father (that’s how he processed it), he became a very bitter man. At this time, he was also nursing his own father and getting him treated in Delhi for cancer. Cancer care is extremely draining on families. My mother stopped working to support. But it was still physically, emotionally and financially very draining. But the biggest blow came one year within the passing of my dada.
My dad’s younger brother, the only brother, had a medical emergency. He called my dad one evening relating some symptoms. My dad immediately asked him to get to a hospital and take blood transfusion. Calcutta, where my kaka lived, isn’t that fast with things. So even though he went in, he never got any transfusion till next morning. He haemorraged and passed away before 7am next morning. My father couldn’t take that blow. My mum called me, I flew into Calcutta by lunch time to be with my father. I have never seen him so broken. He couldn’t stop blaming himself for the death of his younger brother. I don’t think he has still forgiven himself for it. But the truth is, universe has its own plan. That was all that my Kaka had been given. Not my father, not those incompetent doctors at Calcutta could have saved him. But as humans, we tend to believe that we have control, we could have changed things, could have done more. But people like him, we always do the best we can at any time, anyway. So there���s nothing more you could have done Papa. But he did. He went on to fight a court battle against Apollo Hospitals for 8-10 years in a case of serious medical negligence. Honest people rarely win against dishonest systems. He knew that. But he fought. And continues to fight - against the same community that gave him a large part of his identity as a doctor. He fights for what he knows is right. He fights for honesty. And that’s a lesson I have held so close to my heart.
In the aftermath of that tragedy, my father agreed to my love marriage wedding after a standstill of 4 years. A quick and dirty wedding. He finally seemed happy. He fought his incredibly conservative family to allow for the first ever ‘inter-caste love-marriage’ in the entire family. Everyone showed up as well. He drank for the first time in many years. After that wedding, every child in my generation of that family, went in for love-marriage. For every aunt and uncle, my dad was the benchmark - if Sudhir could agree, so can I.
But that wasn’t enough. Soonly, I gave him the other battle to fight - divorce. He couldn’t understand why I opted out of a marriage I fought for. At that time, even I didn’t. But I was happy to have. I don’t think I was ready for that concept then. He fought with me again. Stopped speaking for a while - we had those phases many times. Finally, he learnt how to lift his head again amongst family and friends and own up to the fact that his daughter was divorced. I am not kidding, the stigma of divorce for a woman is big. Despite being a strong independent woman, I couldn’t lift my head for a while, so I can imagine how much tougher it must have been for him. Sometimes I feel that perhaps because of all the shit that my brother and I threw at him, he became a stronger better person as well :)
Somehow, after that, my father decided to stop living his life, as dictated by others. He finally broke away from the shackles that the society had long since built around him. He made some money. He made his life decisions irrespective of what others thought. He became free. And to us as children, that version of our father was incredibly inspiring.
This man showed me that you could change as a person at 50. He now drinks with me. He plans my second ‘destination’ wedding with much more pomp than he planned my first wedding. He talks proudly about my brother to all his friends. He supports me in my business by calling and asking if I am having cash-flow problems in the time of covid and that he could send some money. He wants to buy a house in Bangalore because he knows I am not going to. He is doing all the daddy stuff while doing all the life stuff he wants to. He is travelling, meditating, doing yoga, doing treks which put 20 year olds to shame, socialising with his college mates, helping people, eating healthy, reading, learning bhangra! He has reclaimed his life.
I have learnt a lot of lessons from this man and I don’t say that out loud often enough. I have inherited a very sharp brain from the DNA of this guy and my mum, an equally smart woman. I have inherited honesty, integrity and a spine to stand up for things I believe in. I have been taught how to fight, how to believe in things, how to change my belief systems when I know better. I have been taught the importance of duty and dharma. I have become a healthy eater, non-believer in medicine and a minimalist in my own journey but I see how big his influence has been. He has shown me how to do more with less. He has shown me that all you need to be happy, is you. It comes from within. And when you finally choose to do that, happiness opens like floodgates. I continue to learn from him. As an adult, I have hardly ever seen my parents as parents. I see them as individuals, humans - with their celebrations and flaws. And I will tell you that he inspires me as a human being. I wish I continue to grow, like he is doing even at 60.
I am so proud to have shared my life with this very supportive man - who never once told me that I was a woman. It changes everything for a young woman from Patna. That is perhaps the reason I have never realised it in my life. I do things as I would, without the so-called ‘you are a woman’ tag. Parenting is a tough job. No one gets it right the whole time. But this important lesson of not conditioning your children with the crap you were fed with, is critical. The Indian and Bihari society still makes it difficult for such men to stand up for their daughters. But like Gunjan Saxena’s dad and my dad, I hope there are many more men out there who believe that their daughters can, and will be anything they choose to be.
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