#nico having a home at cj too. friends there too. (reyna who saves him a seat by her side for whenever he visits. frank who pulls out a
titansarmy · 1 year
i’m going to take it a step further. nico’s healing journey not involving will solace and/or a romantic partner would be a much better story
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anachronisticcrab · 3 years
I’m in such a valdangelo mood... so I’m gonna rant about them a bit
It’d be so amazing if they were canon cause they parallel each other so well. They’re literally 2 sides of the same coin
Leo and Nico both witnessed their moms die in a way that was related to their godliness (Leo started the fire, Zeus was trying to kill Nico and Bianca)
Neither of them had a steady home or a family for years, and they both lived on the streets
They both lost the most important person to them (their mother and sister respectively), and were forever changed because of their deaths
They both blame themselves for those deaths (Leo started the fire; Nico annoyed Bianca and made her feel badly enough that she stole from a god)
They both put on masks to keep people at a distance; Leo pushes people away by always smiling and cracking jokes while Nico glares and scowls
They’re both terrified to let anyone care about them because they think they’re destructive
Their trauma manifests in seemingly opposite ways, and yet it’s very similar when you think about it
They both had a crush on a friend that saved their life who then went and dated their other friend, and despised themselves for it (Jason and Percy, respectively)
They both feel excluded and left out, like they’re the third wheel, like they’re a crowd
They both use books and shows as coping mechanisms (Leo to crack jokes and avoid, Nico to escape and ignore)
They both feel left out at CHB and CJ because they feel like they’re monsters, and they have different skills than their siblings (Nico over the dead vs Hazel over riches, Leo over fire without any of his siblings having power over that)
They both dislike each other when they first meet because of snap decisions and judgements, but they end up being able to tease each other
They both refuse to talk about their past out of shame and fear
They both love Hazel so much and are always worried about her. They both become really close with Reyna. They were Jason’s best friends. They both get along with Piper. They both have a complicated relationship with Percy and Annabeth
Nico hangs onto the message Leo sent in the Hidden Oracle
Leo describes Nico as having baby bat wings for hair, and he spends an entire paragraph describing Nico in a really unique way
They both forget to watch out for themselves and instead they try to protect their friends from all of their self-destructive behaviours
They both enjoy being alone but for completely different reasons
The ADHD and autistic solidarity the two of them share
They both know Morse code (90% of people in the 30’s, especially guys in Europe, knew Morse code and Esperanza taught Leo)
They’ve both been distrusted by the Romans and the Greeks for things they didn’t mean to do (Leo getting possessed and firing on Camp Jupiter, Nico bringing Percy to the Underworld and accidentally almost getting him killed)
They both have powers over heat (Nico’s been able to summon fire as seen in ttc, and he causes the air around him to become near freezing; Leo controls fire)
They’ve both demonized themselves for powers and they’ve both been shunned for their powers (Nico by the demigods, Leo by his family and Frank)
They’ve both been in the foster system (Nico had the ‘lawyer’, but I’m assuming he was somewhere before he was sent to Maine)
Nico is perpetually cold and how Leo is essentially a space heater
Their internalized homophobia prohibits both of them from being happy, and how they both feel that they need to be in a ‘traditional’ relationship to make them whole and happy
The fact that they’re both socially awkward and don’t know how to act around other people
The fact that they both have an affinity for pirates and dragons (there’s like no way that that’s not true, right?)
Leo being a natural cuddled in his sleep and Nico needing someone to reassure him when he wakes up
Both of them being incredibly smart (in different areas as Leo’s a math/science guy and Nico’s a literature/history/art guy), but neither of them are treated as if they are as smart as they are
They both hate their fathers for shit that they’ve been through because of them (Leo’s socially awkward and his mom died because of his relation to Hephaestus. Nico’s been shunned and abused because of his relationship to Hades)
Leo shows Nico its okay to laugh and be happy, while Nico shows Leo it’s okay to be sad
This is getting really long, but I love them. They compliment each other and help each other grow and they really are great for each other. Don’t get me wrong, I love Solangelo too. Will is a gem. But valdangelo really would’ve been amazing
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iwashwindows · 4 years
PJO/HOO OPINIOS (or just bunch of random stuff)
*Also spoiler alert i suppose*
I didn't like Annabeth right away, it actually took me a long time to grow on her (sorry Annabeth)
I am fine with Piper but she can sometimes annoy me, like she was fine in tlh and then the moa happend and she annoyed me when Jason was talking about romans or Reyna, Piper was always so weird about it that Jason could clearly see that something is bothering her and than he had to constantly assure her that he is going to stay ( EVEN THOUGHT HE BASICALLY LEFT THE ONLY HOME HE EVER KNEW AND FRIENDS HE HAD FOR 12 YEARS AND THEY HAVE RIGHT TO KILL HIM ON SIGHT BECOUSE HE IS AN OUTLAW AND PIPER IS LIKE YOU ARE GOING TO LEAVE ME FOR REYNA LIKE ?????? GIRL HE ISN'T GOING ANYWHERE)
And then she was ok in hoh (she had like 4 chapters but they were good chapters) and in boo she redeemed herself i liked when she embraced her Aphrodite side as to say and was all about accepting all your feelings and being yourself and i really liked every Piper chapter in boo....and then toa happend and she moved on with speed unknown to men ( I'm fine with her having a girlfriend she seems happy but she moved on so fast )
Frank and Hazel deserved more love i really loved them, they are both cinnamon rolls that can and will kill you if they wanted to
I actually didn't mind when Percy turned down immortality or lost his Achilles curse
I like the idea of camp jupiter better then camp half- blood, i personally wouldn't go there because 1) i am procrastinator and incapable of being up early and 2) i would probably die there
Jason deserved better, my poor child didn't deserve THAT
I don't mind that Reyna is single, she is strong on her own (same for Thalia)
Also you can't blame her when she immediately offered Percy to be praetor and to help her, she was in desperate situation with Jason missing like 8 months and doing everything herself, and Octavian who probably materialised himself in her office every other day saying things like WHERE IS JASON or WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO REPLACE HIM or HE IS DEAD BY NOW I SHOULD BE PRAETOR
I don't blame her for offering it to Percy but i still didn't like that he was actually made praetor at the end of son ( i am weird i know )
I never understood the hate for Rachel and why was Annabeth so mean to her (i know it was because of Percy but still)
It doesn't make sense that at the end of boo Reyna and Piper are that close to eachother, when did they bond (btw i liked the scene becouse it showed Piper's growth)
But wouldn't it make more sense that Jason was there instead of Piper ( Jason and Reyna deserved one normal conversation i said what i said), or even better Piper can still be there talking with Reyna and then Jason approaches and sees them, then Piper just stands up and leaves and says you guys need to talk, which would still show her development becouse she knows that both Jason and Reyna need that talk and she now trusts Jason completely and respects Reyna and knows how much she secrfised for this war, and then at the end Jason is the one who offered Reyna to come to camp half-blood if she needs rest, wouldn't that be way more impactful becouse he knows how is it to be leader all the time, and how exosting cj can be and also he would be there ( they know eachother for 4 years i mean you have to invite your friend to visit you). AND THEN WHEN HE DIES SHE CAN REMEMBER THAT OFFER AND COME TO CHB AND HAVE THE REST SHE ALWAYS WANTED, I MEAN NICO IS THERE AND I AM SURE HE WOULD BE HAPPY TO SEE HER, AND SHE WOULD NOT JOIN THE HUNTERS (sorry people but i don't like that she just randomly desided do join hunters and was like YAY VACATION)
I don't know why people say they wanted Grover to be more in HOO , i love him too but he just wouldn't fit in there
I also don't want dark Percy, when he said he deserved to die for poisoning that godess in tartarus and when even Annabeth was scared of him it was too much for my heart ( i love angst like every other person but my heart just can't take it )
I still like that moment tho and all of tartarus even if it's pain to my heart
We stan Will in this household, he and Nico deserve to shine in solangelo book and their quest to tartarus
I don't want Bob to be rescued, if that voice Nico heard was even Bob ( sorry not sorry, i like Bob but if he got saved then his sacrefice wouldn't mean anything in HOO )
I want cj mini stories, we need more of romans ( i love chb but i am curious)
Ethan had the dumbest death, he worked with Kronos/Luke and somehow when he betrayed him, he forgot that Kronos/Luke has Achilles curse and just attacked him and died
It's sad that Rick forgot that Hazel knew Jason before he disappeared and was worried about him ( the bond they could have had, also Jason needs one person on argo II who doesn't think that he is too perfect, HE WAS TOLD TO BE THAT WAY FOR 12 YEARS, IT'S NOT HIS FAULT)
Also Rick Riordan and plot holes, just write down important stuff if you can't remember it all, it's not that hard
Boo wasn't that bad book i actually liked a lot of scenes from there, but it is an anticlimactic finale
I still love all pjo and hoo books ok, they are my rays of sunshine and i am currently rereading them
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thepersephonecabin · 4 years
16, 20-23, 36 ? For Riordanverse asks!
16. Where would you live in the riordanverse world (CHB, CJ, The Waystation, Valhalla, the Kane Manor, etc.)?
Camp Half-Blood! I know it’s kind of basic but I have the kind of nostalgia for CHB that most potterheads have for hogwarts. I even have a home-made CHB shirt (though i don’t know if it still fits me because I made it uhhh several weight fluctuation cycles ago)
20. Favorite ship?
It’s a suuuper small ship but i really love NicoxPercyxAnnabeth. I’m a sucker for some good healthy polyamory, and though our little group of shippers are small there are some just incredible fics. Honorable mentions: I would die for fierrochase, and when I, a non-binary, found out Riordan was doing a main character romance with a genderfluid character I uh, big cried. Also a big fan of Thalia and Reyna.
21. Least favorite ship?
So please don’t get mad, this is a personal opinion and not a judgement on anyone in the fandom who does ship this but my least favorite is actually solangelo, but hear me out. I think it’s really great that Rick gave Nico a happy ending with someone who is as kind and caring as Will! I think that’s a great message for younger queer kids reading the books who could benefit from seeing that they deserve happy endings too! So I’ll never begrudge anyone for shipping solangelo, but I have, a weird relationship with the ship personally.
For me, it’s less that I dislike the solangelo ship itself, it’s more that some solangelo shippers especially in the time right after Blood of Olympus came out got kind of nasty to people who weren’t immediately on the bandwagon. For example, I remember some people saying, “hmm I’m not sure I’m warmed up to will and nico as a couple yet” and solangelo shippers coming down and saying that they were being homophobic for it. (additionally, I made a post about this a loooooong time ago but I feel a little uncomfortable about how quickly solangelo grew in popularity with the fandom before it was confirmed canon because it felt crappy that no one had put that sort of energy behind any f/f shit in the riordan-verse. and then, almost simultaneously, people started shitting on riordan for not having any wlw in his books, but when the waystation girls were introduced it was like. radio silence in the fandom.)
so yeah. this is no shade to you if you ship solangelo, it’s more that i got burnt out on seeing the ship. I still think will and solace are cute in TOA, and i still see and reblog good art/fic of solangelo when I see it, it’s just not my cup of tea.
22. Favorite platonic ship (Brotp)?
Do Percy and Tyson count if they’re actually brothers? I love their dynamic and how in school Percy would defend Tyson even though he new it’d isolate him from others even more. Also I know I talked above about liking the nicoxpercyxannabeth ship but I also just like Nico and Annabeth bonding platonically after the books, the idea that they have to be jealous and nasty to each other just because nico had a crush on percy is so tired.
23. If you could save ONE of the people who died, who would it be (pick one, no cheating!!)?
SELENA! Her sacrifice was so poetic and I loved the parallels between her death and Patroclus’ from the Iliad but also! She and Clarisse should be married!!
36. The most controversial opinion that you have about the books (be honest, and friends/mutuals don’t kill the person who answers!!)
Oh gods I feel like I already outed myself on this one with my solangelo answer, but for the sake of fairness I will give another different controversial opinion.
I don’t even know if this is something people are still arguing about because I have weeded the whole conversation out of my dash but back in the day a lot of people on tumblr had beef about the age difference between Hazel and Frank because in physical years Hazel is younger than him. 
I can understand people’s complaints about the age difference because I get that irl even a difference of a few years can mean a significant power indifference. I saw this with a lot of my own friends in the real world and I even experienced a lot of my older brother’s friends pursuing me romantically (the people in question would have been 3-5 years older) when I was in middle school and high school and as an adult I look back at that and I’m so thankful that I dodged those bullets by standing my ground and not getting involved with those people who were older than me.
However, I think it’s also kind of convenient that people will discourse over Hazel and Frank being together, but not for example, Percy and Nico or Nico and Jason who have a similar age differences. And if I’m being honest, if you ask me why I think Hazel and Frank get so much more discourse about the age gap, the only answer that makes sense to me is the fact that there are few ships in the Riordan-verse in which BOTH SIDES of the ship are POC, and HazelxFrank is one of them.
This is something I’ve avoided putting out on my blog, I just try to ignore the whole thing tbh? but Hazel and Frank both separately got weirdly mixed reactions from the fandom and neither are particularly popular compared to some of the other characters. But when you think about it, nico has an age difference with most of the characters he’s shipped with, but I rarely see people upset about it. (not to mention there are so many other ships with significant age differences like leo and calypso, sadie and anubis, and paolo and apollo, etc who i also have not seen age discourse about). so idk. I understand why some people are made uncomfortable by it and that’s totally their right but I do still wonder if some of the frazel hate is misdirected
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