#not a choice between male and female that still assumes you're a man anyway???
illiaccrest · 2 months
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Ms. Vertin....save us Ms. Vertin....
My friend has introduced me to Reverse: 1999 and its very interesting so far. I'm most impressed that my favorite character is the protagonist, Ms. Vertin! She's so interesting!!
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Bi people have a lot of jokes about being unicorns - "rare" creatures that some people, gay and straight, swear don't actually exist. We don't have the hottest-button issues in the LGBTQ+ community...but there are still a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings when it comes to what it means to be bisexual.
So what's the best thing to do when you don't know or understand something? Ask someone who does!
To wrap up Pride Month 2022, we asked bisexual people on Reddit what they wished more people knew about the B in LGBTQ+ - Here are the eight responses that appeared over and over.
First of all: Yes, we do exist.
"We exist. Even when you tell someone you're bi, they tend to just see you as gay or straight (depending on their preconceived notions, the gender of your partner, etc.)
"Bisexuals exist and we are actually bisexual. Really."
From the drop, bisexual people have a difficult time even making people remember that the B is in LGBT for a reason - bi erasure, which is what happens when people look at who a person is dating or attracted to in one instance and assumes their sexuality to be either gay or straight.
"I feel people still need to know bisexuality exists and it's not a choice. Yes from the outside bisexuals appear to be "choosing " between being gay or straight. But that's not how it works.
"Sometimes I wish it did work like that."
And it's not a phase. We're not "confused."
"My (45f) pet peeve is hearing "Bi for now, gay for later". Just NO. Bisexuals are always Bi. I understand some homosexuals say they're Bi on their journey to being gay, but I wish it would stop. Because now I have to constantly "prove" I'm bi, and not gay or straight, to people who just "know" I'm in the discovery phase of my sexuality.
"Hell no I'm not - I've known I'm bi for 30 years, I'm not changing."
That narrative - that there are no bisexuals, just confused people who don't yet know whether they're gay or straight, also gets tossed around a lot, and it's frustrating how people will willfully misinterpret an experience that so many people have in common, simply because they don't understand it.
"Bisexual people are not less allowed than straight and gays to make mistakes or change their mind. Leaving you for a man (if you're a f) or the opposite does NOT mean your ex was "gay/straight all along". (There's exceptions, but that's not the rule.)"
"I'm sure it's been said here multiple times but I'll say it again anyway: Bisexuality is not a phase. We aren't "really closeted." We aren't experimenting. We are human and we are valid just like every other person in the world."
"We're all looking for the right someone, we're just lucky that we get to look past gender. People don't understand...they think I'm one or the other and will eventually "figure it out." Well I eventually will figure it out but it's not that I'm gay or straight, it's that I've found the right person."
Bisexuality is a spectrum; it's not always 50/50.
"Bisexual doesn't mean only attracted to two genders - look up the Robyn Ochs definition for a better idea of how many of us define it."
We won't make you look it up - here it is:
"For me, the bi in bisexual refers to the potential for attraction to people with genders similar to and different from my own."
-Robin Ochs
That quotation is an excellent starting point - and it's also an important distinction to make, because there are many people who have the mistaken belief that people who are bi won't date trans or nonbinary people because of the whole "two genders" thing..
But notice, that definition doesn't say "male and female;" it doesn't even say "two genders;" it says "genders similar to and different from my own." That distinction in no way excludes trans or nonbinary people. It also doesn't limit how many genders you can be attracted to - and that's different for everyone.
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These comments can offer even more clarification on what being bisexual can mean on an individual level:
"Bisexuality isn't "between" gay and straight. It's a whole orientation of its own."
"Bisexuality is NOT 50/50 and is NOT necessarily constant."
"It's an incredibly wide spectrum of attraction that can ebb and flow throughout your life, while for others the amount they are attracted to either sex stays the same. Even someone with an attraction split of 99/1 is still bisexual. "
If you'd like to learn more about this concept, there's something called the Kinsey Scale that many people learn about first as a jumping off point for their understanding. The community has since largely concluded that the Kinsey scale is an oversimplified concept, however, because it implies that your level of attraction to different genders stays constant - which is not true to the experience of most bisexual people.
Now people are more likely to reccommend a different one:
"The thing I would want people to understand is the Bi-cycle. It's the thing I wish I had known about when I was younger. Because I didn't know about it, I would dismiss a lot of my homoromantic emotions, attempting to explain them away or ignore them completely because "it's just a phase."
"An understanding of the Bi-cycle could be especially useful for someone who repeatedly finds themself questioning their sexuality. It would also be useful knowledge for those trying to provide support for someone who was either questioning their sexuality or who just came out as Bi."
To put it in simple terms, the "bi-cycle" referrs to the fluidity of sexual attraction when you're bisexual; many bi people report that they have different levels of attraction to males, females, and nonbinary people at different times, and not always in tandem with one another.
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It's a concept that confuses many kids who are questioning, because it can mean that on some days, you feel solely attracted to the opposite sex, but then on others, you feel attracted to only the same sex but still a TINY bit attracted to the opposite (and on others, you experience attraction to almost all of them, even genders you had never considered before.)
If you would like to read a more in-depth article on what it's like to experience the bi-cycle, you can find one here.
No, we're NOT more likely to cheat on you.
"Attraction has nothing to do with commitment. A straight main is still sexually attracted to women even if he's in a committed relationship with a woman already. The fact that women still attract him does not equal a likelihood for infidelity.
"In the same way, being attracted to more than one gender doesn't equal a likelihood for infidelity.
"Cheating is an individual thing. Some people suck, and it has nothing to do with sexual attraction."
Bisexuality does not equal promiscuity, and frankly, none of us are really sure where that stereotype came from. A bi person is no more likely to cheat than a straight or gay person.
"Something I've seen partners worry about with me is the insecurity that one gender will never satisfy me enough and that I'll end up cheating on my partner with whatever gender they aren't."
I guess that's where the stereotype came from, but it's nonsense.
Also, similarly:
"A threesome isn't the first thing that comes to my mind."
Look, some of bi people might be interested in a threesome, but it's very, very annoying when people make that assumption right out of the gate. Please don't bring it up on the first date. We're begging. It's so awkward.
Just because we CAN be attracted to anyone doesn't mean we're attracted to EVERYONE
"We're not all promiscuous and polyamorous.
but some of us are, and it's just not a "bi thing", it's another type of preference."
Polyamory refers to the practice of having more than one partner at a time. It can take many forms, from an open relationship to "thruples" to groups of friends that are occasionally romantic and have occasional casual sex with one another. It's not considered cheating if everyone in the relationship consents, and there are many happy, healthy polyamorous relationships out there.
However, not all bisexual people want them - being polyamorous is still considered relatively less common than wanting to be monogamous, and unless a person indicates such, you shouldn't assume that a person is poly just because they're bi.
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"Just because I told you I'm bi does not mean I want to bang you. Bi folk have self control.
"Also: Being bi does not mean twice as many dating partners. In fact, it often means less than straight or gay folks."
Yeah, speaking of which...
We get hate from both sides of the aisle: Gay and straight.
"There's not twice the options, there's less than half coz of biphobia."
Yeah, speaking of that, this is another big issue.
Bisexual people may have the "privelage" of occasionally experiencing less homophobia because they're often in heterosexual relationships, but they also have the disadvantage of experiencing biphobia from within the gay community - many gay people who don't swear that we're "just going through a phase" will swear that we're somehow "hurting the gay cause" by ever choosing to date someone of the opposite gender.
Others will refuse to date us because they think we'll cheat - or even just because they don't like the idea of being with someone who's been with a gender that isn't theirs.
"Put simply - I'm not a threat to you.
"I've had previously interested lesbians immediately act insecure and ask a battery of gatekeeping questions once they hear that I'm bi rather than another lesbian ('what if you lose interest and cheat with a guy?' 'have you ever dated a girl before??' 'Okay, but how recently?')
"I've also heard the 'oh haha cool but don't get a crush on me!' stuff from straight women I've never had an inkling of interest in.
We're normal people. I am the same person I was before you found out what my sexuality is."
Oh yeah, forgot to mention the other part, where straight people of our own gender will be uncomfortable being our friends because they assume we're attracted to them. That's also not fun.
"None acceptance!! Straight community thinks I'm too gay, gay community thinks I'm too straight. I'm a man with no country. It's very lonely and hurtful."
YES, bi guys exist too.
For some reason (probably sexism), when people DO assume that we're "going through a phase" bi girls usually hear something to the effect of "you just haven't met the right man yet," while bi guys are far more likely to hear something more along the lines of, "just a stop on the way to gaytown."
(Notice how everyone assumes you'll eventually end up wanting to be with a man?)
But bi guys are also far more likely to simply give into the pressure and "pick a side," hiding their true sexuality due to the stigma. It's the same brand of toxic masculinity that decided that women could wear pants back in the 50s, but men are STILL gonna get weird looks for wearing a skirt.
"As a bi guy from the baby boomer generation, I want everyone to know that there really are bi guys from the Dark Ages still walking among you! While I'm thrilled to meet (online) so many great bi+ humans from the later gens, it's very difficult to connect with those in my age group. A lot of us didn't/couldn't/gave up on the fight to be bi in either straight or gay ASSUMED relationships. What we do/did should not be called "passing" but rather "surviving."
"64M here, been out as bi since 1980...I was with the same straight woman for 28 years til cancer took her. I was lucky in that she was cool with the fact of my being bi, right from the get-go - she never fell into that nonsense of worrying that I might cheat on her with men - but it was incredible how quickly old friends (who'd known I was bi for years) just forgot the fact of my sexuality after she and I had been together a while. I got fed up of having to remind them that being with her hadn't 'cured' me! :D "
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It's also the same brand of toxic masculinity that decided lesbians were okay, but only in porn for dudes (which...ew.)
"How hard it can be witnessing women's bisexuality celebrated and encouraged as a result of it being fetishized whereas the experience can be quite the opposite for men.
"I've had women (potential partners) distance themselves from me after I opened up and disclosed that I've had experiences with men. Some women I've managed to have an open discourse with and they have been honest that the thought of being with a guy who has messed about with another guy evoked feelings of disgust. Most of the time they wasn't really even sure why and felt guilty upon reflection as some of those women were bisexual themselves."
"Then alongside that over the years through the platonic relationships I've had with females I've heard phrases far too often that are homophobic in nature, pertaining to the fact that they couldn't imagine being dominated by a man who's [had sex with a man] and saying they're into more "manly men." There seems to be a perpetuation of men's sexuality being rigid, either gay or straight and if he's "bi" then also be careful because he's probably just a closet gay."
We wish we had more clear representation
A lot of our issues with stigma against bi men does, ironically, have to do with that whole porn thing - because straight men in board rooms think it's hot, they're more likely to say yes to a female character being bisexual than a male character, and thus, you don't SEE a lot of male characters who are bi, and therefore when you actually meet one, you might be more surprised.
This is also true for the bisexual community as a whole in relation to the rest of the LGBTQ+ community - because we're heard less often (thanks to the dual-sided stigma) and have a sexuality that can be more difficult to explain (see whole article above), people in media often simply won't bother trying - which only perpetuates the cycle of stigma and misunderstanding.
"When I was a kid I developed crushes on both genders and didn't realize something was "wrong" with me until society pointed it out."
One of the ways society points that out is by NOT pointing out bisexuality when it occurs - because it's true that you can't SEE someone being bisexual in most relationships. If a kid is unaware that being bisexual is a thing, they might have an incredibly long and unnecessary existential crisis wondering if they're gay or straight every other week (you know, because of the whole bi-cycle thing) until they find out.
I'm speaking from experience there. I KNEW I was bi by the time I was thirteen, but I did not UNDERSTAND that I was bi until I was nineteen, because I had no idea what it looked like. If bisexual people had been allowed to be honest about their expereinces in media when I was younger, I would have eventually seen myself in one of those characters and figured it out much quicker.
And on top of that, other people would understand it much quicker too - and there might be less call for articles like these.
"Not having enough representation hurts...People don't understand that when I'm with a man I'm not gay or that when I'm with a woman I'm not straight.
"Whether we talk about it or not, being part of the LGBTQIA+ community affects every single part of our lives. Our society is just so aggressively straight and cis that to be anything else automatically makes you an outsider/other."
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nayialovecat · 2 years
SATIM's B-day - Day 5 - Ink People
Today Theme: Ink People - division and way of functioning.
Bonus: Searchers from Cover.
I know that this topic in my comic and all AUs to BATIM that I create is the most controversial and confusing. What does the ink people look like in SATIM? Well, first of all, there is no division known from game here, which seemed terribly artificial to me when I started creating SATIM. Because if we assume that all inky entities - these are former Joey Drew Studios employees - why do we separate them into Lost Ones who look like humans and Searchers that we chase with an ax? I mean, this segregation is only by they physical traits. I didn't like it very much.
That's why the first thing I did in my AU - I obliterated all divisions based on appearance. My inky breed doesn't care about looks. Do you have glowing eyes or not? What does it matter? You have a jaw, a smooth face, or dangling inky tabs - nobody cares. How many fingers do you have? Five or four? Or maybe even less? Do you have legs or are you an ink blot from the waist down? It doesn't matter either. You're an inky human anyway, you belong to the same race as everyone else.
When it comes to gender… there is no gender in SATIM. They are all asexual, but in the comic you can see a division between female and male individuals. Well, many people remember some details of their human life and build their identity on that. Some, however, simply decide on their own name or gender - 'cause they want to be male or female. When Sammy or another character refers to someone as he/she, it means that knows the person or asked for gender second ago. However, there is quite a large group of inky people who have not made such a choice. And anticipating possible questions... I would like to remind you that the action takes place at a time when many of the concepts we use today did not exist or were not popularized.
Then I divided this whole race not by appearance, but by lifestyle and mental state - people who lost hope, lost faith, plunged into endless depression, i.e. the Lost Ones group known from chapter 4. The second group are those who still have a purpose, who believe that they will get out of the Workshop or simply don't care about their past lifes and try to live a pleasant life in new conditions, looking for things that will allow them to have fun in Bendyland in every cycle. Or they just want to survive a little longer. These are generally called Searchers - and include all the ink characters in the comic that aren't in the Lost Ones' Hideout. In addition to them, there is finally a small group of people who do not belong to any of these groups - those who are not in despair, but also do not need to look for anything. People who have found their goal, their purpose, their place in the Workshop and feel completely fulfilled. Such people are: Barman the Bartender, Brody the Shepherd and finally Sammy the Prophet! And also those associated with him - such as Jack or John Dot. This group doesn't have a name of its own, but will take offense at you if you call them Lost Ones, and Sammy will also be offended for calling him Searcher.
Finally there is another large group of inky people - but they haven't appeared in the comic story yet, so I won't talk about them... shh... secret, spoilers…
In the game, however, we have clearly neutral ink people (except chapter 5) - and aggressive blots. And, often forgotten, swollen and non-aggressive blots. It's because of them, among others, I decided to change some "Searchers" from the game into Brody's Sheep.
Coming back to the aggressive blots... I started to think about it - and that's how the concept of "Mindless" was born. Mindless Searcher, as their full name sounds, is still an inky man - but one who has lost all of their humanity as a result of the negative effects of Liquid Ink and don't quite know who they are, what they do, etc. The only thing that drives them is their need to search - but they don't know what they're looking for. They show aggression towards everything that gets in their way and it takes a lot of effort to communicate with them. As Sammy says, "You can teach a Mindless to do one thing at a time at most."
How do Ink People work? I try to present it on a regular basis in subsequent strips, but on the important issues: they don't need to eat, drink or sleep. They do get tired, yes, of course, but they only need some moments to rest to regain their full strength. Everyone (whether or not they have a mouth) is able to consume ink and sometimes other foods (mainly liquids). Everyone (whether or not they have eyes) can see equally well. The lack of legs does not interfere with movement. Being fatter or thinner does not make much of a difference to your physical performance. There are differences between them in the strength or ability of perception - but what they result from remains a mystery. Maybe the influences of their old human bodies?
Hope the above explanation clears up a bit about the ink race. If you have any questions - feel free to ask them here or on Tumblr, I'll be happy to answer them, unless the answers make too many spoilers.
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When I drew this cover, I wanted every character on it to be a hero. That is why some of the characters are heroes who already existed, some were yet to be created. There is no Jack, or Cleaner, or John Dot - 'cause they didn't exist as characters back then. Nevertheless, each of them (except for Bernard, whose debut moved to the second serie) appeared in the first serie. Sometimes they were less important, sometimes more. Let's take a look at all of them. 1. Searcher from "Predator". Not so important, but he has his own long strip. 2. Searcher from "Gears and Hearts BONUS" - also insignificant, but appeared as a background also in "Gossip". 3. Searcher from "Bitter Snack" - not very important, but he (or she) already existed when I drew the cover. 4. Sara from "Movie Night" - member of the Movie Club (or actually its president, but you don't know it yet, so - SPOILER!), who temporarily appeared in two strips: "Movie Night" and "Membership", but will appear in the first serie, and then she will play his role in the second... 5. Bernard is the one who didn't appear in the first series (even as a backdrop), but he is an important character that exist when I drew the cover. I wish I had had time to introduce him to you. 6. Number 12 from "Shepherd and his sheep" - played a large part in this strip and also appeared as a background in "Brody's Free Time". The only one who is Lost One here :3 7. Searcher from "Gift from Prophet" - apparently an insignificant character, but some gave him a name (hi there, Sur-Un-Fil), and he appeared in a total of 3 stripes: "Gift from Prophet", "Guardian Angel BONUS" and "Bar stories", where he again played a more important role. Their appearance is slightly different from the cover, but in most cases the most important elements of the appearance are preserved.
Time for your today question and task! It's all about Ink People.
QUESTION: What are the two favourite games of the Bar-goers?
QUEST: Come up with a bar game, this time about Boris.
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Oooh yeah the first time I was playing as a female mc because I wanted to romance ava and I usually go male mc if I want to romance a man and female mc if I want to romance a woman (and I think there was one book with where mc could be non-binary so I picked that one but I didn't finished the book), and Stacy's brother felt Hetero™ in a way, like Hollywood ish (? Honestly like cinematographicly bad hetero) but I ended up really loving Andy too, and Stacy felt a little flat but also I really liked her potential, like go crazy girl, and the mom issues.
Apart but holy shit you're 10000% right about that teacher like who inmediately threatens expulsion just like that for something not violent ??? And to an honor student with way too much on his plate ??? Obviously it would have been bad with any student, but you have literally the reason of why he's doing it and as a teacher HE LITERALLY COULD HAVE HELPED WITH IT ??????? Like something teachers can't really help students because it's a family thing only or is a financial struggle or etc but it was literally because of school (and his family, but the teacher could have heloed him with the school part)
(Identity thief anon (also I go by any pronouns ahhshs))
ur valid! that's lowkey what i wish i'd do (picking female MC if my fave LI is female and the other way around, i mean) but unfortunately i always go into the stories blindly having no idea what i'll find </3 so i cant really do that doiajdiosa and then i get attached for the MC i picked so i feel bad about changing their gender/name/appearance when i replay. so what i usually do is that i pick a male MC when i get the option because A- u don't always get the option, so i end up being male half the time and female half the time either way; and B- i feel slightly more comfortable with a male identity than a female one. like i'm still nonbinary and i wouldn't consider myself male aligned or within the gender of Man, but like... when i first came out i went by any pronouns but then because im afab everyone was like "cool, she/her only it is" so i was like fuck that and stopped using she/her. so i feel slightly more comfortable with a masc MC and end up going with that
there's also the fact that it always feels slightly genderfucky to have a male MC because choices is so sexist and also always writes the stories assuming ull pick a female MC, even when they give u the option not to. so when u pick a male MC he's very like not toxically masc and some things they add to make a QuiRkY MC that are very white woman and would feel annoying are actually kind of subversive for my black and brown male MCs. so like another win for queerness /j
ILITW MC in particular i feel has HUGE nonbinary vibes like no reason at all he just does <3 maybe it's just that for once the male clothes for ILITW actually fUCK. i wanna dress in that goth outfit <3 so gorgeous ugh. i love him even tho he's a fucking dumbass
also there's a book where an MC can be enby? worm? ive only ever read one book in choices with any enby characters at all (america's most elligible, books 2-3) but they weren't even a LI which is disappointing cuz they were a billion times superior to any of the LIs. sorry america's most elligible LIs fans
also oh connor IS the epitome of white cistraight man even when u play as a man tbh, like he was just so cistraight to me daouhdsaojdasij he kind of annoys me but also i forget that he even exists until he shows up onscreen and choices starts trying to push me into his lap and i'm just like, ugh, not again
and yeah i think i feel a similar way about stacy. i don't dislike her as a character and i don't feel like she as a character felt flat, her growth was very interesting and i loved seeing her start to challenge her mom like YESSS GO GIRL GIVE US EVERYTHING, she just felt flat as a LI to me ig? like idk i didn't feel chemistry between her and my MC personally, but also like, stacy girls are valid u know
right exactly. like i don't think ppl really understand that a school that doesn't drive people to cry during finals week and feel absolutely crushed by having to be there and that makes ppl feel like they're stupid, not enough, and overwhelmed IS IN FACT POSSIBLE and actually pretty easy to make when we stop treating students like statistics that will get the school more clients/funding (depending on whether it's a private or public school). and like as a teacher getting my degree in brasil it just feels completely surreal to me that anyone would see a student who's so overwhelmed by the amount of extracurriculars and responsibilities he feels like he has to take that he starts taking drugs to help his performance despite it affecting his health, and see that as like... something morally reprehensible? like it is bad that it happened but it's not the student's fault, what's morally reprehensible are the circumstances that led to his decision, not his decision
and like it is very much a systemic problem, more and more kids are taking focus pills to be able to survive the pressure of school and have a shot at a future, either on their own or because we are actually medicalizing not existing to be productive. and if it's a systemic problem then the fault is at the system?? and like holy shit i legit don't understand why choices gave us options like being like "it still isn't enough" when lucas gets rid of his pills, what do you mean it isn't enough??? enough for what??? to FORGIVE him???? for something that only hurt himself??? for something that is very much a systemic problem and therefore NOT HIS FAULT????? literally what the fuck even is this, lucas doesn't have to "make up" for a single thing, he needs to be HELPED is what he needs
like idk i know that the school system in the US is...... extremely backwards lmao which is not a term i like to use because it usually implies imperialistic views but the US is the height of world imperialism so like actually idc. brasil has a pretty progressive constitution and as a teacher my whole education was focused on being critical of the school system, particularly the productivity obsession, and drilling into us again and again that we aren't supposed to just be teaching subjects, we are also supposed to be teaching how to be a citizen, be a critical human being, work towards building a better future, and learning and growing AS A PERSON to be healthy and happy are values of the school system
like that's easier said than done when schools are under insane amounts of pressure by companies in practice to be productivity-driven, and most teachers who actually want to do a good job end up having to live at the edge of the knife and constantly fighting back outside pressure, but at least it is very much a mandatory part of our education to become teachers and also like literally part of the constitution. so i just... i can't fathom reacting the way mr cooper did? like as a teacher i felt BETRAYED, i felt like he shat all over my profession because that is the opposite of what we should be doing, this is a kid who needs help
and just like hOLY SHIT HE DID NOTHING WRONG, what are you punishing him for??? it's not even a like, stealing bread to feed your family situation, because what he did HAS NO VICTIM OTHER THAN HIMSELF, and therefore HE IS THE VICTIM NOT THE CULPRIT. he doesn't have to repent or atone or answer for a single fucking thing, he didn't victimize others, he doesn't have to apologize, there's nothing to punish him fOR??? like i don't believe in punishment anyway cuz im a prison abolitionist but doDAUSDJADASIJDAS???????????? HE DIDN'T. HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG. WHY IS THIS WHOLE GAME ACTING AS IF HE WAS IN THE WRONG. OH MY GOD
it's like saying that someone needs to be forgiven for self harming????? like how is it that someone has been hurt continuously until it led them to hurt themselves and then they have to? make up for it to a bunch of other ppl? my god it makes me so mad and i genuinely don't understand the logic, like usually when i see someone doing fucked up shit i can see the logic but i don't agree with it, but this time i genuinely DON'T SEE THE LOGIC. my USan friends said it was because he was technically doing drugs but like i legit still don't understand
anyway any school that drives a student to do something like that needs to rethink their entire curriculum and the psychological effect it's having on kids, because lucas is 1- not even the first one according to mr cooper; 2- even if he was, that'd be the only one who got CAUGHT; and 3- even if there was really only one singular student who went tHIS far, i doubt the others weren't feeling that same pressure and dealing with it in other similarly unhealthy ways
i know that's probably easier in brasil than in the US even if it's by no means easy here because here at least in public schools the curriculum and political-pedagogical plan has to be agreed on by the school community (teachers, parents, students, workers, and anyone who lives in the area of the school) and it's updated every year, so like, you have more means to do something to change the school in a deeper way, altho of course that still has to mean swinging the rest of the community, but still. but at the very least he could have looked for counseling for him? tried to find a way to take some of the workload off his shoulders? given him some more time on assignments? motioning for all the clubs he was the president of to have co-presidents so he was less overwhelmed?
like there was just daodsao he could have done so many things and he justs DIDN'T he chose to not only punish him instead but quite literally THREATEN HIM WITH DEATH because that's what calling the police on a latino student over a drug charge is. like he might've survived but the possibility that he would fucking DIE was very much there, and i know choices didn't think of that because they'd rather die than think about the racial implications of anything but holy fucking shit. and im not even getting into how mr cooper is BLACK because then ill just start biting people like thanks for putting that threat on a black character's mouth choices. if u need me ill be foaming at the mouth
anyway SORRY god why is it that i always get to the salty part within 2 seconds of joining a fandom i promise that i actually like it lives and the way they handled most of their plot, i genuinely think it's a very well written and actually worth ur time story but i just doadosaida like i said particularly as a teacher in the context where i'm being taught, plus with all my political beliefs, i just can't let it go aaaa
also ty for telling me ur pronouns! idk if i assumed them at any time, i don't think so but i might have done so without realizing and if i did im really sorry. also sorry for the gigantic salty reply daojdsaojdaisjsajdoadsaodasj rip me i never shut up
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oh my I'm not a/b/o anon but what type of details are you willing to give us about this verse?!! your giant omega credence immediately made me imagine him as a great big female shark is that the type of anatomy difference you're talking about lol
haha sharks have great junk!!!
But no, this is just based on human anatomy, with actually probably a range of presentations (as there are already a lot of ways that human junk can look). 
OBVIOUSLY THIS POST IS ME TALKING ABOUT SCIENCE FICTION REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS LMAO. Sorry there are no anatomical drawings. Maybe in the future, cause those did get drawn.
Uh, anyway, we went with female alphas having a pseudo-phallus (i mean, there’s really v little difference between the phallus and the clit anyway). In our original story there is a female alpha who knocks up a male omega through very rigorous and repeated heat-sex even though this is pretty rare because ejaculate doesn’t come from the pseudo-phallus. 
Female omegas have a pseudo-vaginal canal and then an omega one. Male omegas also have the omega canal. This opening is only accessible when an omega is in heat and/or very aroused. So fertility is less hidden than in betas, but it’s also more selective by the omega’s choice. 
Beta females got the short end of the stick here, cause omegas only go through heat every few months rather than every month and female alphas don’t get periods, only ruts.
Oh! And the “knot” in alphas is a specialized gland that aids in the production of ejaculate, cause like… why not, really? It can descend in cases when an alpha gets off a lot or is in a rut, and probably aid in guaranteeing that an alpha will be successful knocking somebody up or something
(OBVIOUSLY GRAVES USES TWENTY BILLION ANTI-CONCEPTION CHARMS EVERY TIME HE HAS EVER HAD SEX. He doesn’t want to be a parent. Credence probably does, but he can freakin’ wait. Get a puppy first, young man.)
And obviously, these are vast generalizations and person to person anatomy differs and gender is seriously not dependent on genitals. In my friend and I’s original story, there are trans and NB characters and people who aren’t strictly a, b or o. And people can’t tell by looking at you what your junk looks like. As I said, people don’t generally assume Credence is an omega. 
(In my original story, the alpha love interest thinks the guy he’s in love with is an alpha as well and is a little stressed about it — cause he’s never been with a dude, let alone another alpha. Then it turns out the guy is an omega. It’s like a rom-com, but with more porn! Also they still switch, so like... don’t think the alpha doesn’t get fucked in the ass. In fact, male alpha’s “knot” can be stimulated internally soooooooo...)
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