#nope it was Sunday
prasemvanguardgerman · 3 months
So my first search for fossils on nearby land in this year of 2024. I live in an middle north profinz side of germany, with no close Connection to the ocean like to the Atlantik.
So i found today easy this flint echinodeas 4 - ( gamerites right ?) now 6 with an big fragmented picked fron the ground from little rubble piles nearby roads in between two hours. This trip was an haul!! Nice little shard in white & then the round ones and the flat side orange in color.
So may i find more of this little old treasures. I hope also others are now on the hunt of Fossils in your local area, beach or on vacation.
Selbst hier auf gerodeten Ackerland und Geröllhaufen findet man Fossilien. Nicht die ersten meiner Funde. Man muss nur Zeit etwas Ahnung viel Glück und Gespür mit offen Augen haben. 👀
Ich werde weiterhin einige meiner privat gesucht und gefunden Fossilien und gekaufte der Sammlung in Abständen nun posten.
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Little flint Sea Urchins - Flint Seeigel - Steinkerne - Fairyloafs
The flat is light orange grey in color under sunlight, now pretty orange. This is one is flat like an sanddollar.
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cat-cosplay · 1 year
Where the Bunny hangout at?
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hubba1892 · 1 month
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Jürgen Klopp after his last away game managing LFC
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They've both been longing for the other, one letting go, the other trying. But here we are, unable to stay away because realization hit - I can't possibly lose him! - the other heartbroken, feeling like he's lost. Both wishing everything was different. So close now! They breathe each other in, their want consuming, embracing it, remembering how good it feels, comfortable, how it makes sense. After what has felt like forever, it's inevitable. Their touches, finally a kiss! Yes! I've needed this, i've missed him, it's perfect! ❤️💜❤️💜
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librawritesstuff · 18 days
Sunday Confessional
I would break the “no touching” rule 80,000x
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hippolotamus · 5 months
Sunday Sentences
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Well, here we are then at the final not even remotely 7SS of 2023. Because I'm great at ignoring rules, I'm offering two POVs of come close (let me be home) from the same section today. Follows this snippet (all prev snippets here)
Not that Evan was specifically looking for him.   He should focus on Maddie, but he’s unable to tear his gaze away from Viscount Diaz and his, frankly, rather clumsy partner. The poor girl seems to be counting her steps under her breath, trying and failing to dance without tripping them both up. She resembles a newborn fawn using her legs for the first time. Evan chuckles to himself, noting the tight, annoyed sort of grimace on the Viscount’s face and the way he occasionally glances skyward as if some heavenly being might suddenly decide to help. His patience is admirable at least.   For one startling moment, Viscount Diaz ignores the ceiling and the fumbling girl, locking eyes with Evan across the sea of people. The expression is both spontaneous and intentional, filled with curiosity and an innate recognition. It makes his heart flutter and do something complicated in his chest, daring him to ask if he could cut in and relieve the young hopeful from making a bigger fool of herself. It makes him feel seen.  A voice in the back of his mind whispers about etiquette and rules and things that shouldn’t be meddled with. He ignores it in favor of taking a tentative step, feeling drawn toward the center of the room where honey brown irises stay trained on him as much as possible between turns and spins.
Agitation builds in his chest with each partner, filling him up until he’s not sure he can breathe properly. One by one Eddie mentally crosses them off, deeming them inadequate. Dull blue eyes, too brunette, can’t waltz properly, reminds him of his mother, stepped on his toes, doesn’t speak latin, prefers having daughters over sons.   Some time near the fifth or sixth partner is when he notices. The sensation of being tracked. A familiar prickling that crawls up his spine, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Between twirls he attempts to locate the source and finds piercing blue eyes staring at him. Flashes of a mischievous smirk, a strawberry pink mark and cool breeze against his face invade Eddie’s memory. He still doesn’t know the man’s name or what his business is. Maybe tonight he can find out.   Eddie’s daydreams are interrupted by stumbling feet and a too small hand grasping his in an attempt to stay upright.   “Oh, my! I’m so sorry,” the young woman — Miss Clark or Martin, whatever her name is — apologizes.   “No harm done," He lies. "Are you alright?” Other than needing more dance lessons?  “Yes, Viscount, thank you.”  The song ends and he gratefully takes the opportunity to excuse himself. He needs air. The crowd, and the idea of spinning around one more husband-seeking idiot, is too much for him to bear at the moment.
tagged by the always lovely and talented @your-catfish-friend (go check their update to in my head btw) @thewolvesof1998 @daffi-990 @jamespearce9-1-1 @wikiangela (posted a new Christmas fic today) @spotsandsocks @honestlydarkprincess @buckaroosheart @underwater-ninja-13 thank you loves 😘
no pressure tagging @callmenewbie (who just posted yesterday!) @malewifediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings mi amore @disasterbuckdiaz @stereopticons @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz (who posted a fic earlier today) @hoodie-buck @rmd-writes @apothecarose @welcometololaland @lizzie-bennetdarcy @jesuisici33 @giddyupbuck (who posted this fabulous 12 Days of edging fic) @exhuastedpigeon @lemonzestywrites @weewootruck @thekristen999 @loserdiaz @heartshapedvows @fortheloveofbuddie @messyhairdiaz @eowon @watchyourbuck @monsterrae1 @elvensorceress @spagheddiediaz @chaosandwolves @wildlife4life @buddierights @911onabc @the-likesofus @spaceprincessem @fionaswhvre @barbiediaz @pirrusstuff @theplaceyoustillrememberdreaming @statueinthestone and anyone else who wants to share 💖
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saydesole · 1 month
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Sunday 🫶🏽
This past weekend was all about unwinding and rejuvenating, but it also sheds light on the fact that some individuals have a negative attitude toward those who set boundaries.
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larkspurglove · 19 days
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I saw with my own eyes the Sibyl at Cumae hanging in a cage, and when the boys said to her: “Sibyl, what do you want?” she answered: “I want to die.”
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windydrawallday · 1 month
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WIP and teaser, YEAH I doodle the dinos and even finished a colored artwork-ref but-- I need to keep going slow because I got sick during the weekend orz what a way for the month to kick me AGH
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peaches-bee · 1 month
I missed the puscifer concert because I was depressed
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quicksilversquared · 3 months
the good thing about spring break is yay no classes. The bad thing about spring break is that I still have stuff to get done but my motivation to do it has dropped to like 10%.
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cdelphiki · 2 years
I’ve been slowly chipping away at the next chapter of Reclaiming Innocence over the past two weeks? I think? I have the first draft completely done, but I’ve been struggling to find the time and focus to get the polished draft done to post. I’ve got about 2/3 of it left, but here’s a cute little scene from the start of it for y’all. 
The rest of the day was just as fun as the start. They played the rest of their Monopoly game, then they had chili for dinner. Just because Alfred said he noticed how much Jason liked it the last time Alfred had made it.
Jason was ready to call it the best day ever by bedtime, when Bruce went and said something to make it seventy-million times cooler.
“What do you say about joining Batman and Robin out for a spin tonight?” Bruce asked, just before Jason usually went up for bed. 
The question was so out of left-field, Jason froze for a solid second before he sat forward in his seat on the couch and exclaimed, “Like, in the Batmobile?!” 
Was Bruce really seriously offering that? Because Jason might just die if he was. 
“If you think you’d enjoy it,” Bruce said evenly, though Jason could tell he was hiding a gigantic smile behind his faux disinterested facade. 
Jason was too excited to even call him on it. “Are you kidding?” he shouted, jumping to his feet. There was nothing on earth he’d enjoy doing more. 
“YES,” he nearly shouted, “Right now? Can we go right now?” 
Bruce finally gave into his smile then, and let out a chuckle as he said, “All right, all right. Why don’t you go see if Dick is ready to get going for the night.” 
“DICK,” Jason screamed, already running out of the room before Bruce had even finished his sentence.
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randomnameless · 11 months
Beating a dead horse but seeing a post this morning (and an earlier fanart) made me think about it -
In good or in Bad, Nopes has characters mentionning how having a crest makes them “monsters” (in good it’s when Miklan supports someone and calls them super rad, in BaD it’s when Uncle Rufus insults Dimitri).
But it’s also, more or less, the same thing happening in the Momo paralogue - we have mentions of how Momo was “turned into a beast” due to his Crest power :(
We also the biggest fuck you - if the player knows everything about the lore though, where Marianne goes :
The Wandering Beast's eviscerated body... Only human bones and this sword remaining.
This “sword” is also a bone, but not a human one so we don’t give a fuck?
Anyways, more about the inital point to make : 
Many times in the Fodlan games’ script, we see the association that Crusts or Relics make people “monsters” and not “humans”.
And while we can muse and legit angst about the crested humans who are basically “insulted” because of their blood, what about Nabateans themselves?
In a verse where Supreme Leader and the Mole People keep on calling them beasts/creatures/other beings without “humanity” or capable of “human feelings”, how do they react to someone, maybe Miklan meaning it as a praise, calling a crested peep a “monster”?
Nabateans have crests, of course, and aren’t humans. Does this automatically make them monsters? Can’t they coexist with humans or even live with them, because they are “monsters” and not “humans”?
Are they still “monsters” when they are the one who look after humans abandoned by their own kin ?
Marianne ultimately goes :
The blood of a beast no longer flows through me. I feel human for once.
But what should Flayn or Seteth (or even Billy) think about this line? What does it mean to “feel” human? Seteth is a “beast” but writes fables for children, are his feelings “human”?
They are not bio-humans, so are their feelings automatically “not human”? Or something that is removed or cannot be understood by “humanity”?
(this reminds me of something in a certain route...)
Of course a positive point can be inferred from Marianne’s paralogue, who says this last line after having put an end to Momo’s sorry life who uwu “suffered for his murderous past” (nothing about Jack the Nabatean of course, it’s not like the games give a fuck about them, nor like Marianne reacts to Rhea’s infodump about her shiny sword and Momo’s sin) - was Momo a beast because of his “murderous past” and not because of his appearance/nature ? 
I’d love to believe it...
But FE16 reminds us that Miklan “turned into a beast” after using the Relic - or at least that’s what we’re told. Miklan was still “human” when he did his thief things, pillages and, in FE16, seduced women - but the second he transformed that’s when he became “a beast”.
We know how transformation in a demonic beast happens - when a human holds a crest stone or uses a relic - but in a way, Rhea’s lies also made sense : transforming in a black beast is a sort of punishment because the human who transforms, naturally, aka not Waldified, was in both instances we see, someone who was already a “monster”, albeit not biologically, but someone who killed/pillaged/did bandit things.
Something like “you act as a monster, then your body shall reflect it”.
Tldr : in a game where there are non-humans, what does it mean to be human? When so many characters angst about not being “humans” due to crests and whatnot, why does it matter at the end of the day?
Yes, Flayn is not human, but she has more compassion than the entire cast reunited given how she “died” to heal everyone once. Is she a monster because - assuming she has one - she can enter a bestial form, even if she has “human” feelings ?
Imagine Marianne or Claude telling a Nabatean, like Seteth, Momo turned into a Monster because of over usage of his relic, and Seteth being in a better game, reacting with something like “Maurice became a monster the day he participed in the genocide of a tribe of people living in mountains, feasted on their corpses and descrated them to craft a weapon, regardless of his outer appearance”.
No wonder after 1000 years of humans angsting about “no i have a crest i am not a human i am a monster :( :( :(” Rhea was afraid Billy would reject her after knowing she is not a human, having witnessed her “other form”.
And again, sure, Dimitri, Uncle Rufus, Miklan and the student cast (save for maybe Claude but the “humanity” nonsense was added by Pat) don’t know about Nabateans or the fact there are “non-humans” living with them, but Doylist wise, we’re still playing a game where Nabateans are “othered” and treated like “abominations” for the sin of not being humans, and humans feeling like “monsters” for having nabatean blood... and Nabateans themselves are never allowed to react to this.
As cute as Flayn’s supports with Dimitri were, we don’t have something where Flayn tries to ask him - in a roundabout way - if he would still be her friend if he knew she was not human but a “beast” (and Dimitri laughing at her because come on, Flayn, being a beast/monster? and then what, she roars? Monsters are people who slaughter others and love violence, even if she was made of, say, sugar cubes, or could transform in a giant wolf, she’d never be a monster!). 
Is it because of Earl Grey, or because this question trumps everything about “we want to tell a story about a 3 way war” and makes everything else pointless?
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dramarants · 1 year
amazing, now that ep 35 ended as sweetly as it did, I no longer need to watch and will drop the show, turn to mountain life fanfic, and remain in blissful ignorance forever 😌😌
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carsonsweebabyturtles · 6 months
I've been dragging my heels with the Carson in every episode posts lately. Only because with each one we are so much closer to THAT episode. Saying that though I did do the next one so tonight is Common Ground. Excellent episode. Not so much for Carson but still fab all the same.
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ff2-soda-pop · 4 months
I'm starting to question if I should even bother with the stupid paper.... I'm probably just gonna fail anyways lmao
#ive been running around stuck on Babysitter Duty for the past three days and the teacher only gave us any instructions on thursday yet#somehow expected a full paper done and edited by sunday. even if i wasnt stuck on babysitter duty she'd get a shitty paper just due to how#little TIME that is to get things done. but because i am on babysitter duty uhhh..... well so far there's no paper#ive been spending practically full days having to take care of my sister and i cant just Ignore Her so i havent done my paper while watchin#her because again: my focus needs to be on Her. and shes incredibly loud which makes it super hard to focus. fun combo /s#so i was like 'i'll just stay up Really Late and do it then' but that hasn't worked because my sister WONT GO TO BED if im awake. i was up#until 4am last night hoping she'd fall asleep and shut up and i could work but Nope!#and then i got too tired to even care anymore#i've tried explaining this to others and they're just like 'ok well you just need to find a way to make it work :/' which is very much#easier said than done! and im scared about this paper because this teacher doesnt accept late work at all for pretty much any reason#and im sure she wont understand my situation. because shes also the teacher that didnt understand that i didnt have the textbook on time#because it was still being shipped and i dont control the rate at which book ships and she was like#'..........okay well you still need to have the book by tomorrow at least <3' when i told her the book had Just shipped and idk when i'd ge#the dumb thing. so yknow i dont have high hopes about this#also just as extra 'make stuff more difficult' i have zero accommodations because my mom cant keep track of my fucking IEPs and they wont#let me have accommodations unless i have that and idk how to get a copy anymore. so i've also been running around with no help in that area#and it's not great </3#idk im just stressed out and frustrated and i Want To Cry :)#vent
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