Нооруз майрамыңар менен! Happy Nooruz!
Today is the 21st of March, aka the Spring Equinox, which means that it's Nooruz! Nooruz is the Persian New Year, celebrated worldwide by different ethnic groups, but mostly in Eurasia.
My country, Kyrgyzstan (Central Asia), has celebrated Nooruz for thousands of years for the coming of spring. It's a time of rebirth and new beginnings, and a way to bring in luck for the coming year. I've never celebrated Nooruz due to living abroad, but this year I wanted to do something special, so... I wrote a fic!
It's called a very apt For the Coming of Spring and you can read pt.1 on AO3!
Suddenly, there is an exclamation behind them, and notes on a sort of lute rise in the air. “Komuz,” the man with the grey hair says. He is smiling. “Today is a happy day.”
If you want to read up on Nooruz celebrations in Kyrgyzstan, check out this article!
Wishing a happy Nooruz to everyone, especially those of you guys who celebrate. Let's try to make this year better, especially in light of all that is happening in the world. Every action counts!
Quick PS for this post: yes this was totally meant to be a one-shot, but I've been so busy I did not have time to finish it! I want to make it as good as possible so I'm taking some extra time.
That means that House of Feathers, Hall of Night should be back on its normal, vague updating schedule, and hopefully For the Coming of Spring will be wrapped up very soon! Thank you all for sticking around!
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x3dteam · 1 month
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3ternal-sl33p · 1 month
@ / sagynbekulanov on tiktok
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ebubekir-25 · 2 months
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jameszeeshan · 1 year
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International Nowruz Day Happy Nowruz to all friends celebrating around the world #Nowruz #Novruz #Navruz #Nooruz #Nevruz #Nauryz #March21 #happynowruz #instaZJ #tumblrZJ #pinterestZJ #tweetZJ #linkedinZJ #youtubeZJ #tiktokZJ #wordpressZJ #quoteZJ https://www.instagram.com/p/CqBxI6eLhTZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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peonycats · 2 months
RAMADAN MUBARAK CHEWYYYY (yes ik ive already said it i just need to Stress it) 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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El 21 de marzo se celebra el Día Internacional de Nowruz, proclamado por la ONU en el 2010 por iniciativa de varios países que han celebrado tradicionalmente esta fiesta. Concretamente, la iniciativa se hizo oficial en la Resolución A/RES/64/253 de la Asamblea General de la ONU.
Cada 21 de marzo se ha celebrado en muchas regiones del mundo el Día Internacional de Nowruz. Se trata de una festividad de tradición antigua que se conmemora en el día exacto del equinoccio de primavera, como recordatorio de que ningún invierno dura para siempre o lo que sería lo mismo, ningún mal es eterno.
¿Qué países celebran el Nowruz?
Entre los países que han celebrado tradicionalmente el Nowruz están los países de Asia Central, los Balcanes, el Cáucaso, la cuenca del Mar Negro, el Oriente Medio y otras regiones del mundo.
Esta fue una de las primeras festividades que compartieron tanto el oriente como el occidente del planeta y data de alrededor de unos 3 mil años de antigüedad. En 2009, el Nowruz fue declarado Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad, por la UNESCO.
Significado de la palabra Nowruz
En realidad, el nombre de este día cambia según la región del mundo en que te encuentres. Aunque en casi todas las lenguas suena igual y se escribe con letras similares, lo puedes ver con las siguientes variantes Nowruz, Navruz, Nooruz, Nevruz o Nauryz.
Según se sabe esta palabra proviene la lengua avéstica específicamente de la expresión nava que significa nuevo y la expresión rəzaŋh que significa día o luz. En pocas palabras la traducción de esta festividad sería "Nuevo Día". Pero el nombre también es parte de una creencia mucho más profunda que narra la lucha eterna del bien y del mal.
La pelea infinita entre el bien y el mal, la luz y la oscuridad
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Como todas las celebraciones que tienen que ver con el cambio de estación, el Nowruz celebra la fertilidad de la tierra y la llegada de la época propicia para empezar a sembrar nuevamente, porque han vuelto los días de calor.
Sin embargo, la mayoría de los rituales que contempla esta festividad provienen de zoroastriana, una religión surgida en Irán hace 3 mil años y que narra la lucha de dos fuerzas antagónicas.
En este caso es la lucha de Ahura Mazda, Dios del bien y la luz en contra de Angra Mainyu, Dios del mal y la oscuridad. Pero con el inicio de la primera ya se sabe quién ha ganado, esta es la promesa de que el bien siempre triunfará sobre el mal.
Cómo celebrar el Día Internacional de Nowruz
En varios países del mundo se está volviendo muy popular esta celebración, por lo que no es de extrañar que se inauguren exposiciones sobre la cultura persa, se presenten obras teatrales o se hagan simposios en torno al Nowruz.
Si piensas celebrar este día te recomendamos que subas fotos o vídeos sobre las tradiciones de tu familia o localidad acompañadas con el hashtag #DíaInternacionaldeNowruz, para así dar a conocer de forma más profunda la llegada del Nuevo Día.
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ektenia · 2 years
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Участницы ансамбля «Заррин япроклар» Раънохон Хаитова и Солия Рохатова готовятся к выступлению в честь праздника Навруз. Ташкентская область, 1990 год.
Ra’nokhon Khaitova and Soliya Rokhatova, members of the ‘Zarrin yaproqlar’ ensemble, prepare for a Nooruz performance. Tashkent Oblast, 1990 (source, photographer unknown)
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mehmetkosk · 6 months
OTT.7.2. Türk Halklarının Ortak Manevi Değerleri
TÜRK HALKLARININ ORTAK MANEVÎ DEĞERLERİ Türk halklarını birleştiren bir diğer unsur tarihî gelenek ve görenekleri ile ulusal bayramlarının ortak olmasıdır. Bunlar Nevruz, On İki Hayvanlı Türk Takvimi ve halk oyunlarıdır. NEVRUZ BAYRAMI Bu bayram Doğu Türkistan’dan Balkanlara kadar birçok bölgede Nevruz, Növrüz, Nauruz, Nooruz gibi adlarla bilinir. En eski bahar bayramlarından biri olan Nevruz…
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reddancer1 · 1 year
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zekiyuncuoglu · 2 years
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. 20 - 21 MART; TÜM TÜRK DÜNYAMIZIN ERGENEKON'DAN ÇIKIŞ GÜNÜ VE NEVRUZ/BAHAR BAYRAMI BÜTÜN BİR YILI GÖNENÇLE, BOL ARTIMLA, ESENLİKLE GEÇİRMELERİ ALGIŞLARI İLE KUTLU OLSUN❣️ Bu Gece Ekinoks Olarak Bilinen Akşam Saatlerine Doğru Gerçekleşecek #Gün_Eşitliği İle #İlk_Yaz, Baharın_İlk_Günü' nün Başlangıcı; #Doğa_nın Uyanışı, #Doğanın_Dirilişi, #Ulu_Kün, Türk_Takviminde Yılın_İlk_Günü; #Ulustın_Ulu, #Ergenekon, #Çağan, #Bozkurt, #Ulusun_Ulu_Günü, #Yörük_Bayramı; 🇦🇿 Azerbaycan'da: #Novruz 🇰🇿 Kazakistan'da: #Nawrız_Meyramı 🇰🇬 Kırgızistan'da: #Nooruz 🇺🇿 Özbekistan: #Naroz 🇹🇲 Türkmenistan: #Newruz 🇨🇾 K. Kıbrıs Türk C: Mart_Bozumu Kırım Türklerinde: #Navrez B. Trakya Türklerinde: #Mevris 🇦🇱 Arnavutluk: Sultan_Nevruz Naorus, Navrıs Oyıx, Nevruz Norus, Küni, Babu Marta, Kürklü Marta, İlkyaz Yortusu, #Yengi Kün, Mereke, #Nartavan, #Isıakh_Bayramı, #Altay_Ködürgeni Adı İle Bilinen, Ayrıca; (KÖK) TÜRKLERİN 400 YIL SONRA ERGENEKON'DAN ÇIKMAYA BAŞLADIKLARI TARİH'DE KABUL EDİLEN Kadim Türk Geleneklerimizin En Eski Bayramı Bütün Türk Dünyasına Kut; Dünya İnsanlığına Liyakatla Adalet ve Barış Getirsin. Algış🤲 ANCAK BU GÜN DİĞER BİR YANDAN DA TÜRKLERİN YAS GÜNÜDÜR❗ DİZE GETİRDİĞİ, KENDİSİNİ ŞÖLENE DAVET EDEN #PERS İMPARATORU TARAFINDAN YİYECEĞİNE ZEHİR KONUŞUP, SERSEMLETİLİP KAHPECE ÖLDÜRÜLEN #TOMRİS KHATUN'UN ATA DEDESİ, TÜRKLÜĞÜ, TÜRKLERİ #TURAN'A ULAŞTIRAN #HAZAR KAĞANI #ALP_ER_TUNGA' NIN DA UÇMAĞA VARIŞ GÜNÜDÜR; KUT'LU TİNİ ŞAD OLSUN. "Alp Er Tunga öldi mü Issız acun kaldı mu Ödlek öçin aldı mu Emdi yürek yırtulur" #ZEKİYÜNCÜOĞLU☣️ #KÖKTÜRÜGMANAS🌀 #KADİM_TÖRECİ_ÖZ_GELENEKÇİ_KÖKTUĞ_ATANMIŞLAR🌀 https://www.instagram.com/p/CbUwvZ_q0YV/?utm_medium=tumblr
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For the Coming of Spring, chapter 2 — 𐰃𐰤𐰋'𐰃𐱃𐰀𐱅𐰃𐰆𐰣 (the invitation) is out!!!!!
Do you guys like the cool Turkic runes I used for the title B)
“The earth is so barren! They say the natives lived there before, but I cannot afford anything more. My father is sick, you see, so I make do with what I can.” The woman sighs, mist drawing in front of her pink lips. “They must have done something. Did you not hear? They are a scary folk. One of them cursed old Natalya Viktorovna into blindness!” “Cursed?” Bilbo echoes, only half-present.
We meet Thorin in this chapter, at long last!
Recommended game to play: spot the other dwarves.
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enupnion · 6 years
Have A Happy & Healthy Nowruz! ⚡️ #Repost @unesco ・・・ 🇦🇫🇦🇿 🇮🇳 🇮🇷🇮🇶🇰🇿🇰🇬🇵🇰🇹🇯🇹🇷🇹🇲🇺🇿 For a large part of humanity, the first day of spring also marks the beginning of a new year. Today, not only in many countries in Asia and the Caucasus, but also all around the world, millions of families are celebrating Nowruz, continuing a tradition that dates back thousands of years. Discover the age old celebration of Nowruz and step into spring with a positive message! Happy Nowruz! @unite4heritage #LivingHeritage #Unite4Heritage #IntangibleHeritage #Nawrouz #Novruz #Nowrouz #Nowrouz #Nawrouz #Nauryz #Nooruz #Nowruz #Navruz #Nevruz #Nowruz #Navruz (at La Casa Rojo)
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dh1rajkapoor · 4 years
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"Happy Parsi New Year and Navroz Mubarak""May God paint the canvas of your life with the most beautiful colours, peace, luck, success & joy.Wish you and your family a very Happy Navroz!" • • • • • #navroz #persian #parsinewyear #spring #norouz #norooz #newyear #happynewyear #noruz #iranian #haftseen #music #happynowruz #persiannewyearfestival #novruz #haftsin #nevruz #navruz #nooruz #tradition #celebration #festival #nowruzmobarak #food #newroz #dance https://www.instagram.com/p/CD74o03gScm/?igshid=lac0i6mzmwrp
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jameszeeshan · 2 years
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International Nowruz Day Happy Nowruz to all friends celebrating around the world #Nowruz #Novruz #Navruz #Nooruz #Nevruz #Nauryz #March21 #happynowruz #instaZJ #tumblrZJ #pinterestZJ #tweetZJ #linkedinZJ #youtubeZJ #tiktokZJ #wordpressZJ #quoteZJ https://www.instagram.com/p/CbXOUqXOUaI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ninedoorsindia · 4 years
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#ninedoorsindia #novemforesnaturellelifestylepvtltd #happyNowruz   Hope this Nowruz brings lots of LOVE and WARMTH for you and your loved ones...Do not hate anyone as we have got the LIFE to LOVE and NOT to HATE others. Nowruz Moobarak!!! From the Team of Novem Fores Naturelle Lifestyle Private Limited.(Nine Doors) Mrs.Madhu N Matai , Mrs Aruna A Matai , Mr. Anil N Matai #Nawrouz #Novruz #Nowrouz #Nowrouz #Nawrouz #Nauryz #Nooruz #Nowruz, #Navruz #Nevruz #Nowruz #Navruz #Navroz #persiannewyear #Balkans #theBlackSeaBasin #theCaucasus #CentralAsia #theMiddleEast #India #peace #solidarity #FamilyReconciliation #forgiveness (at Chinchwad) https://www.instagram.com/p/B987NL2liKY/?igshid=1epxs7c6wod2n
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