#nolan team
zu-is-here · 11 months
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coming soon ♪
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blackandwhlteaesthetlc · 11 months
I mean…
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Do I even have to say it?
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hauntedppgpaints · 7 months
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on the inherent impermanence of friendships in the nhl.
( x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. x. )
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jocelynscrazyideas · 21 days
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God I miss them.
Team 100-101 just hit different. The air, the energy, the life was just sm better.
BOT SAYIBG ITEAM 102 ISNT!! just saying I miss the old teams sm!! Team 102 just doesn’t make me giggle as much as last year did 🥲
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flyerskay · 1 year
Happy four year anniversary to this moment I think about at least once a week 🥲
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aliavian · 7 months
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New ChibiCFVY comic! Starring Team SSSN(N) again! 🥰
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astars-things · 5 days
"Why won't you just leave me alone!" With nolan moyle please. Nolan is visiting Blanks and his sister is obviously home for the summer. Nolan and Blanks throw a party and someone sets y/n off and Nolan see's her upset and won't leave her alone.
pairing Nolan Moyle x Reader
The party had started off great. Blanks and Nolan had invited everyone they knew, filling our house with laughter and music. I mingled, trying to ignore the stress of the past semester, but then someone made a snide comment about my recent breakup, and it felt like a punch to the gut. The words cut deeper than I wanted to admit, and before I knew it, the anger and hurt boiled over.
Nolan stepped closer, his voice gentle but firm. "Y/N, what happened? Are you okay?"
I glared at him, my fists clenched at my sides. "Just go away, Nolan. I don't need you hovering over me."
He didn’t budge. "I’m not hovering. I’m just worried about you."
His persistence only fueled my frustration. I spun on my heel and headed towards the back door, needing to escape the prying eyes and the oppressive concern. Nolan followed, undeterred. I could hear his footsteps behind me as I stepped into the cool night air.
"Y/N, talk to me," he called out, his tone more pleading now.
I whirled around to face him. "Why can't you just leave me alone? Why do you always have to be the hero?"
He stopped a few feet away, his expression softening. "I'm not trying to be a hero. I just care about you. And seeing you upset like this... I can't just ignore it."
I crossed my arms over my chest, my anger waning as the pain seeped back in. "It's just... everything’s a mess, Nolan. And tonight was supposed to be an escape, not a reminder of how broken I feel."
Nolan’s eyes held mine, and for a moment, the rest of the world faded away. He stepped closer, his voice low. "You don't have to go through this alone, Y/N. I'm here for you. Always."
His sincerity disarmed me, and I felt the tears welling up. I turned away, not wanting him to see me break down. But he gently placed a hand on my shoulder, his touch grounding me.
"Let me help," he whispered.
I took a shaky breath, the tears now flowing freely. "I don’t even know where to start."
He pulled me into a hug, his arms wrapping around me protectively. "You don’t have to have all the answers right now. Just let it out. I’m here."
I buried my face in his chest, the sobs coming uncontrollably. For the first time in weeks, I allowed myself to feel the pain, the sadness, and the frustration. And Nolan held me through it all, his presence a steady comfort.
As the tears subsided, I pulled back slightly, looking up at him. "Thank you," I whispered.
He brushed a strand of hair from my face, his touch gentle. "Anytime, Y/N. You’re not alone in this."
I nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. Maybe things weren’t as hopeless as they seemed. With Nolan by my side, I felt a strength I hadn’t realized I possessed.
We stood there for a while, the sounds of the party distant now, replaced by the soothing rhythm of our breathing. In that moment, I knew I didn’t have to face my struggles alone. Nolan wouldn’t let me.
As we walked back inside, I glanced at him, a small smile tugging at my lips. "You’re really stubborn, you know that?"
He chuckled, his arm draped around my shoulders. "And you’re really hard to get rid of. But I wouldn’t have it any other way."
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useless-englandfacts · 2 months
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how is this not from a parody twitter account
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fatum679 · 6 months
How about a magic trick?
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This is perfect and genius!
You will look at this forever like me 100%
Okay, now I'm not only cast Ewan for the role of the Joker, but also Tom <3
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america's hat decided it can fit just as many narratives on its team as the U S of A can, thank you very much.
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cinderthefallenmaiden · 2 months
RWBY Beyond Predictions: Emerald
So, having not made a RWBY post in some time and wanting to get some thoughts down before RWBY Beyond air, I have decided to make a prediction post series. This is going to be focused more toward what loose ends/set up I think need to be addressed before V10.
Spoiler Warning: This post contains spoilers for volume 8-9, the full RWBY V9 Animatic and the two Team CVFY novels
1.) Setting up Emerald's Personnel Arc in the Vacuo Arc
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The Full RWBY V9 Animatic did a really nice job I feel of setting up the stakes and personal arcs of key characters. However, one omission I'd like to see addressed before V10 is what is Emerald's personal arc going to be like.
Now I think it's pretty safe to say that there is going to be some friction between Emerald and characters who haven't seen her since V3. I do not think it is a stretch to think Team CVFY has some strong opinions about Emerald and winning their trust is going to take time. There is also a case to be made that Emerald share blame in Nolan being the Sole survivor of Team BRNZ so there is going to be tension there as well.
There are two other possible Emerald plot point I am keeping on eye out for. The first is who she is without/beyond Cinder. So much of Emerald's identity is wrapped up around Cinder and it pairs well with how Nora is going through something similar.
The other plot point is how much if any processing has Emerald done regarding her decision to effectively defect has she done? Now I imagine in the time since V8 ended there has been multiple schools of thought regarding this. Did Emerald defect because of Cinder, Salem or a combination of the two? What does Emerald think about Cinder now?
These are thing Emerald is going to have to sort through that I don't think we as the audience have an answer for yet.
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rocknroll7575 · 7 days
CFVY and Nolan joining them on the beach at Vacuo? What made them decide on that?
CFVY is close to ARCZ and somewhat tolerant of PAYS, so they tagged along because they thought it would be fun (Also because Weiss is paying).
And yes I did mean Nolan (but don't worry Neon was going to be in the beach episode).
Nolan was there on a small mission and stopped by when he heard Jaune and May were there and decided to hang out with his "little sister" and his possible brother-in-law and respected underclassmen.
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the boyssssss
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offside-the-lines · 2 months
let’s throw it back a little shall we?
One might say theres something wrong with me in the way that I can't just write something light and fun and happy, eh? Let's not explore that though. Bone apple teeth
Nico lets his eyes drift back over to Nolan sitting next to him; in the soft golden light cast by the sunset, he looks even more striking than usual. Well, by all accounts, he shouldn't look striking at all, with his salt crusted hair, and sand stuck to the remnants of sunscreen Nico made him apply (not enough it would seem from the flush of his shoulders and forehead). It's just— he looks relaxed— happy.
Nico looks back at the waves lapping at the shore, relentless. He thinks about how the waves can't help but crash against the beach, over and over again forever. And the sand always remains, just as unyielding.
"Did you know that most sand's like pooped out by parrotfish?" he says, listing to the side to feel Nolan's soft skin against his arm.
"Hmm?" Nolan raises an eyebrow when he looks over at Nico, the corner of his mouth tugging up in amusement.
He feels his chest tighten a little; this Nolan is so rare: jaw unclenched, brows unfurrowed, smile unsuppressed. This Nolan is just for him; he exists in these fleeting moments, little fragile bubbles they make for themselves.
This is the Nolan who he shared the hotel room with ahead of their Draft. The same Nolan who pressed him into the couch for the first time halfway through their rookie year, while they were wrestling for the Playstation controller in his Hoboken apartment. A Nolan he had gotten used to seeing before—
Well, it's a Nolan he hasn't seen in a long time. He forces himself to breath through it and smile back. He doesn't ask the question that's been on the tip of his tongue all week.
"Sand," he says, "It's made by a fish eating rocks or whatever and pooping it out. Don't you think that's kinda, I don't know, weird?"
"I guess," Nolan indulges him.
Nico falls back onto the beach towel; he's pleasantly surprised when Nolan nudges into his space, laying half on top of him, blocking his view of the sky. He forces himself to stay still as Nolan runs his fingers, agonizing and light, over his chest and stomach.
"Can I help you? I was admiring the view."
Nolan snorts, "Yeah, well, you should be admiring this view."
"Really?" Nico tries for deadpan— he's not sure he's successful— "You're kinda gross, bud."
"Bud? I'll show you 'bud'," Nolan grumbles before leaning down and pressing a firm kiss to his lips.
Nico hums into it, his hands once again finding soft skin as he pulls Nolan closer. He's happy to just be in this bubble for now. The future is for Future Nico to deal with.
Send me a player or pairing + a word, and I’ll write a mini fic about it. (I am running on quite a backlog right now so it might take me a while to get to your request).
Read other prompt mini fics!
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hockeylovee12 · 1 year
My Captains Sister-Adam Fantilli
Chapter Two
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Warnings: controlling and toxic behavior, cursing and Nolan being incredibly overprotective and kinda a dick
Lucy sat in her room, her stomach twisting with guilt. She knew she needed to apologize to Adam and set things right between them. She picked up her phone and dialed his number, but as soon as he answered, Nolan burst into the room.
"What are you doing?" he demanded, grabbing the phone from her hand.
"I need to talk to Adam," Lucy replied, trying to keep her voice steady.
Nolan shook his head. "No way. You're not seeing him again. End of story."
Lucy felt her anger rising. "I'm an adult, Nolan. You can't control my life like this."
Nolan just glared at her "While you're living under my roof, I can damn well control who you see." He told her leaving the room before she could respond.
Lucy waited until Nolan had left for hockey practice before sneaking out of the house. She wandered around campus, trying to kill time until practice was over. Finally, she made her way to Adam's dorm, heart pounding in her chest.
Adam answered the door, looking surprised to see her. "What are you doing here?" he asked, frowning.
"I had to apologize," Lucy said simply.
Adam hesitated for a moment before stepping aside to let her in. 
Meanwhile Luca was finishing dinner with a few of the freshmen when Nolan walks into the restaurant. 
"Hey Nolan!" Gavin says excited to see his captain and friend but soon realizes Nolan is not in a cheerful mood.
"Luca I need you to get me into your dorm" Nolan orders 
"Uh ya sure why?" Luca asks taking out his wallet 
"Lucy's there with Adam" Nolan says clearly displeased with the situation 
Luca sighs, setting a $20 down on the table to cover his meal before grabbing his keys and saying a quick goodbye to his friends, leaving the restaurant with Nolan.
Adam and Lucy were starting to relax in each other's company when Nolan and Luca burst into the room.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Nolan barked, grabbing Lucy's arm and yanking her towards the door.
Adam stood up, ready to defend her. "It's not her fault," he said, voice low and dangerous.
But Nolan wasn't listening. "Stay away from my sister," he growled before dragging Lucy out of the room.
Lucy's heart was breaking as she stumbled out onto the street, tears streaming down her face. She felt embarrassed and angry, as Nolan practically dragged her the whole way home. She knew she felt something for Adam, something she hadn't felt before, something that kept her up all night long.
Over the next few days Nolan’s overprotective behavior only got worse, and Lucy got more and more frustrated. She couldn't believe he would interfere with her personal life like she’s some sort of child. Even worse treat his own teammate like shit. She gave him the silent treatment and avoided him at all costs.
Nolan was equally mad at Lucy and Adam. He couldn't believe they would betray his trust like that. Adam knew Lucy was off limits and if he didn't respect it Nolan decided he was going to make his life a living hell until he did.
During the following practice, He singled out Adam during a drill in front of the whole team, criticizing his every move and berating him in front of everyone. Adam could feel the eyes of his teammates on him, and he felt his anger rising.
"Are you even listening to me, Fantilli?" Nolan barked. "You're not even trying. This is unacceptable."
A few of their teammates exchanged worried glances as they watched the tense exchange between Adam and Nolan. A few of the freshmen looked uncomfortable, and a few seniors looked bored. 
Adam gritted his teeth. He knew Nolan was just trying to show him who was boss, but he couldn't help but feel singled out and humiliated.
"I am trying," Adam said through gritted teeth. "Maybe if you stopped yelling at me and gave me a chance, I could actually do something."
Nolan's face turned red with anger. "Don't you dare talk back to me, rookie," he growled. "I am your captain, and you will do as I say."
Adam felt his blood boil. He hated being talked down to, especially by someone who he felt was being unfair. He took a deep breath and tried to compose himself. He tried.
"You know what, Nolan? Go fuck yourself! Run your stupid drills with your stupid fucking self" he said, ripping off his gloves. "I'm not going to put up with your crap anymore." Adam turns to leave the ice when he gets knocked down from behind. 
Adam looks up to see that Nolan had just pushed him. Adam quickly gets himself up and takes a swing at Nolan, and soon the two of them were grappling on the ice surrounded by their stunned teammates. It took Grano, Portillo and Keato to pull the two apart before it got seriously out of hand. 
Grano held Adam back as he attempted to clock Nolan once more in the jaw leaving his attempt unsuccessful then proceeding to somewhat usher Adam off of the ice and towards the dressing room, where he began taking his gear off. 
Once Adam had changed he found his phone and he decided he needed to talk to Lucy. He sent her a quick message before gathering his things and leaving the rink unnoticed. 
Nolan stormed into the house, slamming the door shut behind him. Lucy could hear him muttering under his breath as he threw his hockey bag in the corner of the living room. She could see a huge red mark on his cheek, and she couldn't help but ask what had happened.
"It's nothing, Lucy," Nolan muttered, refusing to meet her eyes.
"It doesn't look like nothing," Lucy said, annoyance growing in her voice
Nolan took a deep breath, not sure how to explain what had gone down between him and Adam. "We got into a fight," he finally said.
Lucy's eyes widened. "A fight? Why?"
Nolan had the audacity to scoff at this question, “Why? What do you fucking think we got into a fight?! Seriously Lucy maybe if you weren’t out here whoring yourself out to my fucking teammates, I wouldn’t be punching them.” 
Lucy’s mouth drops wide open hearing the words her brother just said, “Go fuck yourself Nolan!” Lucy yelled clenching her fist “You don’t know what the fuck your talking about and seriously thank god Adam punched you. I just wished he could’ve done it a little fucking harder maybe then some fucking sense could’ve been knocked into your head!” Lucy lets out a slightly dramatic scream before walking to her room and slamming the door hard enough to make the walls shake. 
As she was thinking about what to do next, her phone buzzed. It was a text from Adam.
"Can we talk?"
A small smile appeared on Lucy’s face as she texted back “See you soon :)” before tossing her phone on the bed and walking to her bathroom. Lucy spends a few minutes touching up her hair and makeup before changing into some jeans and grabbing a purse.
Just as she was about to leave she heard a loud click from her door. She turned the doorknob but it wouldn’t budge. “Damn it, Nolan!” Lucy yelled banging on the door. “Let me out! 
There was no response. Lucy sat down frustrated on her bed, she picked up a pillow and held it to her face muffling a loud scream, before throwing the pillow to the side of her landing by her window. Lucy quickly picked up her phone and texted Adam she might be a few minutes late. 
Lucy opened her window, pushed aside the screen, and climbed onto the roof. The sun was still setting as she made her way across the shingles, careful not to slip or make too much noise.
When she finally reached Adam’s dorm, he was waiting outside for her. He grinned when he saw her, pulling her into a tight embrace.
After a few hours of hanging out with Adam, Lucy snuck back into her house, trying to be as quiet as possible she tiptoed up the stairs and unlocked her door before slowly twisting the doorknob to her bedroom. As she pushed the door open, she heard the sound of her brother Nolan’s heavy footsteps behind her.
“Where the hell did you go Lucy?” Nolan demanded, his face contorted with anger 
Lucy absolutely exhausted lets out a yawn while shaking her head “Fuck off Nolan, I’m not fucking doing this with you right now” 
“Doing what owning up to your fucking actions! Ya that’s so tough for you Lucy” Nolan raises his voice 
Lucy turns around to face him “You want me to own up to my actions” Lucy starts in a low voice “Ok I just went out with Adam and I had a great fucking time I really fucking did and I truly don’t give one fuck what you have to say about it and I’m going to continue to talk to Adam”
Lucy walks into her room before slamming the door in her brother's face. 
A/N all images are from Pinterest
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jefferythejelly · 4 months
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