#no tabs open just battery drain
istandonsnowpiles · 3 months
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Accidentally left Chrome open after therapy. I have been punished. Terrible browser.
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eyeheartboobiez · 6 months
𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲!𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐜𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐧𝐞 𝐡𝐜𝐬
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-> warnings: smut mention
-> a/n: are you able to pick up other people’s tabs at a bar? what even is a tab? idk. here are some unnecessarily long bruce hcs that i wrote at 1am
(edit): fun fact, this was the first set of sugar daddy!bruce hcs i wrote but ended up “scrapping” bcs i didn’t like the direction it was going in👨🏿‍🦯
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• honestly, you don't know how either of you ended up in this situation
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The drink in your hands was starting to sweat.
One of your professors had given you the chance to attend a charity event of one of his more high society friends. Of course, while you were beyond grateful, you can easily say you'd much rather be at home binging your favorite series.
So here you were, sipping on your fourth glass of the evening without a single clue how you were gonna pay for them all. Your social battery was beyond drained as you were sitting by yourself at the bar, just about ready to call it a night.
All the other socialites in the room, however, seemed to be having a blast talking about politics or stocks or whatever it was that rich people talk about. Well, all except for one.
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• on one hand hand there was you, a broke college student just looking for someone to pay for her drinks
• on the other, there was the rich billionaire who was searching for someone worthy enough of his time
• bruce had noticed you sitting alone at the bar, lightly sipping on an amethyst martini:
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He takes the night off from his batman duties, and this is how he decides to spend it?
Bruce couldn't wrap his head around it either. Alfred was actually the one who talked him into going to this party. With him being one of the top donors, he was basically obligated to attend at this point.
While all the other party goers were standing around talking amongst each other, the billionaire found himself off in the corner, eyes sweeping the room to find all its nearest exits. In the midst off his mental scan though, he saw you.
The dress you wore was simple, yet it somehow made you glow against the warm lighting. Despite all the commotion in the room, your presence alone practically drew him in like a moth to a flame.
If Bruce was gonna be here all night, he might as well make things interesting, right?
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• you hadn't noticed him approaching until the chair next to you was being pulled out
• you were hesitant to open up to him at first
• because why in the hell was one of the richest men in gotham talking to you of all people
• but after a while, the two of you practically sprung into conversation, talking about almost anything and everything.
• after talking for what felt like hours he asks you:
"Would you perhaps like to continue this conversation back at my place?"
• with the way his index finger was gently caressing your hand, you just knew that if you left with this man, you both would be doing anything but talking
• while you usually weren't one to sleep with strangers, one night of some fun couldn’t hurt, right?
• plus you still needed to get these drinks paid for
"Only if you offer to pick up my tab."
• one thing led to another and you found yourself lying in one of the biggest beds of your life, getting fucked by one of the richest men in the world
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• you and bruce ended up spending a very long night together. by the end of it, you both were practically comatose from it all
• the next morning, you woke up fully prepared to sign some sort of NDA and head on home
• or at least you were. until you felt the hot trail of kisses leading down from your neck
"Last night was incredible," The billionaire grumbled, the low murmur of his morning voice making butterflies appear in your stomach. Open-mouthed kisses continued to trail down the valley of your breasts, "I don't suppose you wanna do that again sometime, hm?"
• you almost had to pinch yourself to make sure you weren't still dreaming
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• it was over breakfast that you both went over some of the necessary details neither of you seemed to bring up the night before
• you told him things about yourself like your age and how you typically didn't go home with strangers. you also ended up confessing how you were only at the same event as him because one of your professors gave you an invitation
• which then led to him asking what your major was
• …which led him to ask what university you attended
• ….which then led to him offering to pay off your college expenses
• like hold on. pause for a second.
• did he fr just offer to pay your whole tuition?
• was the pussy that good???
• before you could think too much about it, bruce made sure to let you know that this would be a small dip into a very big bucket for him
• all he asked for in return was to spend another night with you
• of course he didn't expect you to come to a decision right away, so after exchanging numbers, he drove you home to think it over
• to be honest though, it didn't take you very long to consider things
• i mean you were practically swimming in student loans over here
• immediately after you called to give him a confirmation, your phone pinged with a notification
bruce w. sent over $860.
‘buy something nice for yourself and meet me tomorrow at seven. don’t worry about transportation, i’ll arrange a car for you.’
• and after that the rest was history
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• being bruce’s sugar baby was honestly one of the best decisions you’ve ever made
• after your second night with him was when he wanted to make things official between you two
• “official” pretty much meant that he would volunteer to be your personal bank as long as you continued to keep him company
• even though it all sounded great, you weren’t stupid.
• if you were to really go through with this you would need it written on paper. you wanted this shit documented
• so that’s exactly what he did
• by the end of the day, bruce had his lawyers make a drafted copy of the terms and conditions your so called “relationship” would entail (a draft that you were free to make changes to, of course)
• now that everything had been officially set in stone, most days you found yourself either attending charity events or maxing out his company credit card
• now if only bruce could tell you about a certain night job of his…
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-> a/n: when i tell you these have been in my drafts for a MINUTE😭 i think imma make a fic about how their relationship develops but first i wanna write the next part to my jason smau series
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Master List Here!!
Because it has yet to be told what Zelda did or felt exactly during her time in the past, other than learning with Sonia as her mentor about her powers, spending time with Mineru for studying and what we see in flashbacks, I decided to have some fun and make a huge list of Head Canons about her time in the past. Enjoy!! (Under cuts for spoilers and not taking up your feeds space.)
1. After the initial introduction between the Past King and Queen of Hyrule, Zelda fainted. It was Sonia who was able to catch her as she fell forward and noticed the plume of Gloom eminating off of Zelda.
2. With the use of the Light Power from Rauru and some Sundelions used in their herbal medicines, Zelda was as right as rain by the next day. She would explain the events leading up to her being sent to the past and how Link took the brunt of the Gloom, but her adrenaline rush meant that she didn't notice that it got her as well, just enough for her to feel feverish and drained.
3. This had also lead her to be near inconsolable during her first few hours there as she was worried sick for the people of her home, especially for Link.
4. The only way she was able to calm down was thanks to Sonia. She promised that she would teach her to control and understand her powers, more so the Time Powers as Zelda currently has the Secret Stone in her possession.
5. Zelda had offered to give the stone back on many occasions upon learning that it bore the same etchings as Sonia's, so it must have been hers originally. But Sonia, again reiterating that she sensed her and Rauru's power within Zelda, trusted her to keep a hold of it, even making the necklace we see her wear.
6. Zelda had actually borrowed one (1) Sonia's old dresses from when she was younger, until her own outfit was ready by the Tailor Construct.
7. Zelda had felt uncomfortable with it at first as it reminded her of her time praying to the Goddess, Hylia, for her to grant Zelda her abilities that came too late to make a difference over a hundred (100) years ago.
8. Sonia understood and apologised, she understood what it meant to do such a rigourous task, as she had to do the same for her Time Powers. It was easier but still unpleasant.
9. This was when Zelda started to realise that it was nice to be understood from her point of view. The conversation even made her forget she was wearing the dress.
10. The Tailor Construct had Zelda's outfit ready within a couple of days and this is the outfit we see in the game.
11. Time with Rauru had been the same, he told stories of his youth. The difficulty he had when he learned of his light powers and his Zonai heritage and the expectations of living up to that, especially now that he was a King.
12. Now comfortable, it was time to meet Mineru, who had been keeping tabs on Zelda via Sonia and Rauru. She had done some studying on how to help the stranger who claims to be from the future. It would give her a break from creating her Golum Construct after all.
13. It didn't take very long for Mineru to believe Zelda, as seen in the her flashback. Shiekha were not commonly seen at this point in time, considered an Urban Legend. So to see the Purah Pad and their symbols on it, it was without a doubt that Zelda is telling the truth.
14. After their meeting, Mineru offered Zelda the opportunity to use her library should she ever want to. Even if it's not searching for a way back home. The door is always open. Zelda did about a week into her stay there.
15. There was no doubt now that they were related, Rauru and Sonia found them hunched over a load of books and papers as they were talking about possible attachments for the new Golum Construct.
16. "Ok hear me out, anything. You can detach what you don't want. Fans on your back for speed, rockets, gliders. And cannons for each arms!" Aaaannnnd they've been hooked on the possible combinations and what the battery consumption would be ever since and missed the evening bell for dinner.
17. They had to be dragged out. Zelda being over Rauru's shoulder as he held Mineru around the waist to drag her. Zelda was like a confused kitten at that point. Sonia had seen this many times between the Zonai siblings but now their descendant? She couldn't stop chuckling at the thought of it now.
18. When Zelda had learned about the Zonai Diving Ceremony, she had eagerly asked Mineru what it was. The answer? "That's how I found out about that I can separate my Spirit from my body, I swear!"
19. Rauru offered to take her to one (1) of the sites for the Diving Ceremony, while also backing up Mineru's claim. It had been a running joke since their childhood. She even learned that Sonia got to try it as well and that what made her eager to try it out.
20. She immediately began regretting it as soon as they were at the location. She knew it involved diving into water. But not from THOUSANDS OF FEET!!
21. Sonia, with her own sky diving outfit, did not hesitate to jump as she charged off the edge, finding it funny how Zelda yelled "WHAT IN THE NAME OF HYLIA-" before the winds cut off the rest of her sentence as she decended to the pool below at high speeds with a loud "WOOHOO!"
22. As Rauru explained more about how it was the Zonai Tradition that allowed them to prove their courage and enter adulthood, Zelda couldn't keep her gaze off of how casually Mineru walked to the edge, seeing how far down her sister in-law had gone before turning around.
23. She then proceeded to lean and fall backwards off the edge. Arms folded and everything. Zelda gasped at the sight before running to the edge to see that Mineru had turned to dive properly. But not before giving her a little wave while doing so.
24. Rauru couldn't help but laugh at the reaction, remembering his childhood as he watched the others partake in this challenge. He offered Zelda to hop onto his back so she won't be left up there since the others jumped before he did. Zelda agreed. Link does this all the time, surely she can face the challenge no problem. It's a straight down fall, no obstacles.
25. "M-move ov-over Mineru, I-I-I declare myself the new Sage of Spirit!" Zelda declared with her jittery and shaky voice as she had a death grip on the stone of the waters edge. The adrenaline rush was marvelous and she felt alive, but not eager to do it herself anytime soon. She think she lost her spirit halfway down, no idea, don't care, let's do it again.
26. She dives with everyone a few times before she decided to finally do so herself. Sonia had promised to be with her should anything happen. Zonai were built for this sort of thing, so a fellow Hylian brave enough to literally dive head first, not even seconds upon arriving might Zelda add, is comforting.
27. After confirming she knows what to do, and that Sonia's time powers can recall her if need be, they await for Zelda to jump.
28. Thirty (30) seconds. Not bad. The experienced did it in half the time but Zelda still beat the thirty-five (35) second record. This, actually made Zelda anxious.
29. The First Royalty were very concerned at this. It was then they learned that Rhoam had always expected Zelda to push herself to do things perfectly. To always out do the opponent and if you couldn't do it, it was deemed worthless and to get back to studying and unlocking her powers. She was afraid that they would scold her for not getting the record broken. That she wasn't worthy of trying again after being told how to and practiced with them so many times.
30. Well now, that wouldn't do, it took a little convincing, but the Trio assured the young Princess that it had taken them many attempts to even just jump from that height. Rauru especially because he always had Mineru to care for him. If she wasn't comfortable jumping, she doesn't have to. Or they could jump with her, they don't mind, they've done it before.
31. Zelda gathers herself for a few moments before deciding to jump with them. Eventually getting the hang of it to jump herself. The Zonai had allowed her to grip onto their backs due to their height, so now Sonia had the task of teaching her how to do it on her own. Even taking off her gear to prove a point.
32. This is when Zelda came to truly appreciate the experience. The thrill of having the wind blow through her hair, freefalling and diving towards to water below. She felt free in this moment. Whooping and cheering with pure joy as she had beaten the her own record by a couple of seconds.
33. The three (3) chuckled as Zelda didn't even wait for them after finding out that if she beat the twenty-five (25) second record, that a piece of skydiving equipment was a reward. Seeing Sonia wear the whole outfit made her determined.
34. Zelda finally completed the Courage Island Dive and got this shirt to prove it.
35. She did not do the other two (2) however cause way too many obstacles to do without a paraglider...and a few fairies...yeah she'll stick to the ground thank you very much. For now anyway.
36. Sonia mentioned how it's after the diving that's her favourite part. Zelda didn't know why until they were drying themselves off.
37. Oh Hylia, Zonai are super fluffy!! She knew that their body was all fur but it still caught her by surprise at how fluffed up they've gotten when they dried themselves. She couldn't help but reach out to Rauru's ear to feel it.
38. She quickly backed off when she realised what she was doing when the King looked at her. He just chuckled and said he didn't mind, Sonia did it all the time.
39. It was also the first time Zelda had seen Mineru with her ears going downwards. And couldn't stop laughing when she made a sassy comment and Rauru response was to shake the remaining water in his head, soaking her again.
40. All in all, it was a fun day for Zelda and made her more excited to learn their culture and language.
41. Each of the Trio had their own job when with Zelda. Sonia taught her how to control her Recall abilities. Rauru taught her the political and job part of being a royal as well as understanding more of her light powers despite hers being stronger due to her being the reincarnation of Hylia. And Mineru taught her the language of the Zonai, their history and technology.
42. They had no set timetable for this. Zelda was free to learn whichever she wishes to learn on whatever day, so long as she informs them before hand. It was no suprise that she spent just a bit more time with Mineru. It reminded her of her time with Purah, Robbie and Impah.
43. One (1) day, while they were studying more into what could help Zelda on what could return her to her time, her arm accidentally brushed against Mineru's ear while she was in a ladder to get a book. That was how she found out that on instinct, a Zonai's ear would flatten against their head. (Inspired by a gif of Zelda and Mineru I saw here but can't find anymore. If you see it, I commented on it, please let me know. 😭😅)
44. This has become a fun way to get her attention when she is mostly distracted in reading.
45. Zelda would also just place her head on top of Mineru's, similar with how Sonia does it with Rauru, cause fluffy. Mostly when she is sleeping or bored and this gets her attention, though she had to be higher up to do so.
46. Rauru had introduced Zelda to the leaders of the Zora, Rito and Goron and a Gerudo Warrior who has been working close with them since she left the Gerudo Desert years ago. She reminded Zelda an awful lot like Urbosa and Riju.
47. While still under the guise of just being a close relative staying with them, Zelda would retell stories of her companions. Often accidentally upsetting herself but thankfully most of those memories were happy ones that long made her no longer cry.
48. She even gave some advice on medicine and techniques from her time, that may have unintentionally ended up being passed down to their descendants and back to Zelda, only for this loop to happen again.
49. Sonia often walks with Zelda outside of the castle grounds, teaching her more about her Recall ability, reminiscing of how she and Rauru met as children, how Mineru was often protective of her little brother due to the fact that she mainly raised him, how to put on their body paint and wash it off, essentially the mother Zelda longed for after the death of her own and Urbosa.
50. Zelda was often found in the Library, on occasion sleeping there because she wanted a way home soon, but not as urgently as before and using this opportunity to learn more to help those in her time.
51. She and Sonia were caught mimicking the Zonai one (1) time. Mineru had left her her head piece in her office, and Zelda originally impersonated Purah, which Sonia responded by mimicking Rauru in their make belief argument about the use of a floating stone, then the Zonai walked in as Zelda mimicked Mineru in the best sounding wise voice she can, and both turned red when caught by them laughing at the door. The headpiece falling onto Zelda's face as it was a little too big for her.
52. It wouldn't be the first time that Rauru and Sonia found random plaits in their hair after sitting back to back with Zelda. Sonia and Zelda often play around with Rauru's, adding flower decoration and ribbons or helping him get knots out of it in general. Sonia even mentioned how Mineru's reminded her of a brightbloom seed, to which the latter just leaned over and said "she's not wrong."
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rainbowrocketquotes · 10 months
📱 for colress please? it's gotta be a chaotic nightmare only col understands, or completely pristine and you swear he just bought it
Colress? I hardly know... Ress... Guys, I'm running out of jokes.
His password is 1739246805. Which is a coherent pattern on the number pad, but the others see it be so long and they just kind of give up trying to break into his phone, so win/win.
His home screen is completely devoid of any apps, it's just the clock witdget and his task bar (Phone, texts, browser, camera, photos. So, default) His lockscreen is whatever he thinks is important at the time, which is usually screenshots of something he needs to remember, while his home screen rotates through of his Pokémon.
Believes in google supremacy in the android-apple war. He trades in his phone whenever the new pixel series comes out.
Always has a high battery percentage because he only really uses his phone to text people and look at memes. Usually he ends up wireless charging someone else's with his battery life.
His most used app is pinterest, because he likes looking at shitty tumblr takes, garbage tweets, and bad memes but refuses to go onto either of those sites, and there are... Interesting things on Pinterest.
Doesn't use social media, unless you could Pinterest. He doesn't want to get "corrected" by someone 10x less qualified than him. He also doesn't really play games.
Even so, he has about half of his storage used up just by the sheer amount of photos he has. Mad scientist brain. He sees a thing and goes "I must add it to my collection at once!" Whether it's a meme or a screenshot or even just a video he took of someone trying to get their keys out of a sewer drain.
Immaculate organization of his photo gallery, but, similarly to his pinterest boards, the folder names are completely incomprehensible. You'll ask him what one of them means and he'll go "Oh, so "hrreb📟" actually is my nature photos folder because that was me trying to spell "green" without my glasses on and also that timer emoji is kind of green and nature is also green, you know?" and you have to explain that no, you don't know, and he's absolutely insane for thinking that any of what he does makes sense.
He doesn't have any contacts saved except his siblings and Ghetsis, who are saved under their names, and Cyrus, who is saved under "Don't answer". Guess what muted contact he has 193 unread texts from?
He doesn't usually google things on his phone, and his only open search tab is "how to mute a contact without blocking them".
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so-much-for-subtlety · 6 months
For the last week I’ve deleted the tumblr app and using mobile web.
here’s my mini review of what’s good and what’s not so good:
the good
iPhone doesn’t overheat- there’s something seriously wrong in tumblr iOS app that’s causing it to run so hot, it drains battery faster and the heat is also bad for long term battery health
no weird timeline scrolling glitches where it jumps around (yay) and scrolling is super smooth
no ads (because I’m just using safari, and I also have multiple layers of ad blocking enabled)
tags are editable: in iOS if you make a typo in a tag you have to delete the entire tag and start again, in web you can just click into it and edit any part of the tag
less tumblr live: it’s at the top of posts, but quickly scrolls out of view, it’s also in the sidebar navigation but that’s only visible when it’s active
posting photos is fast: on iOS app it takes me a long time for photo picker to open up and load photos, and switching between albums is also slow on iOS app. Always seemed strange to me since it’s just your local photos. On mobile web it’s instant.
reblogs don’t get randomly yeeted: on iOS sometimes I’d be typing a long post and switch apps to look something up and coming back to tumblr app it would be obliterated. Sometimes it would give option to restore a draft and sometimes it wouldn’t. Web doesn’t do that.
not so good
no tab bar, so switching between posts and your activity etc is an extra step and takes longer
If you have multiple blogs it’s even more fiddly to switch between activity for your different blogs
no quick reblog/add to queue: I looooved the long press to add to queue on iOS app, and to easily choose which blog to post/queue in a single question, and miss it dearly on web
no double tap to like a post
accidental swiping between history: this is a safari thing not a tumblr thing, but sometimes safari things you want to swipe to return to a previous page when you’re just trying to scroll down. It’s annoying but not specific to tumblr and same for all web apps
Overall I miss some of the details from tumblr iOS app (including the icon refreshes) but my phone battery thanks me for not using it.
Some of the annoyances with tumblr mobile web are not having the toolbar and using the hamburger/sidebar model navigation but to avoid that you can just have multiple tabs open and switch between tabs instead of using the tumblr navigation.
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owormy · 2 months
my phone battery drains sooo quickly and I just realised it might have something to do with the 800 browser tabs I have open
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the-sleepy-archivist · 8 months
Favorite iOS Safari Extensions
On iOS (iPhones and iPads), Safari is the undisputed leader of the browsers, primarily because Apple puts very tight restrictions on other browser apps that makes it very difficult for them to offer the same features that Safari does.
Thankfully, you can install extensions to tweak Safari's behavior and customize websites, as long as your device is running iOS 15 or higher. Here are the Safari Extensions I use on a daily basis. Most are free (or at least have a free version), and all work on both iPhones and iPads.
For desktop computers, you can also check out my recommendations for Firefox addons)
Last updated Jan 2024 (added UnTrap and Vinegar)
Sink It for Reddit
This addon is free if you just want to use the built in adblocking lists. For a small yearly fee, you can pay for "Pro" features, which allows you to add any custom adblocking list to the app, as well as providing a local VPN that can block ads and trackers inside any app on your phone. I use the Safari adblocking lists 24/7 because they are so helpful, but the VPN can drain your battery faster than normal, so I only turn that on when I am using an app with a lot of ads, like Apple News or a mobile game. Between AdGuard and the two YouTube-customizing extensions below, I haven’t seen an ad on YouTube in Safari in months.
Adds a dark mode to any website. It's using heuristics (fancy guessing) to figure out which website colors need to be changed so that it's properly darking, so sometimes it can make mistakes. In that case, it has a built in way to send a bug report to the developer, who is pretty responsive in my experience. You can also turn it off for specific sites right from inside Safari.
This addon hides search engine results with specific domains. Example: you can hide images results from AI generator sites, OR if you search for tech support advice and one of those stupid auto-generated sites filled with SEO garbage but no actual information keeps popping up, you can use this addon to hide everything from that website, right from the Google/DuckDuckGo/other search results.
Allows you to install userscripts and stylesheets that customize website behavior or appearance. The addon can check for updates of your userscripts and uses iCloud to synchronize them across devices too, which is really nice. The userscripts I use are:
Bypass Paywalls Clean (removes news website paywalls)
Amazon Sponsored Products Removal (self-explanatory)
Redirect Fandom to BreezeWiki (bypasses ad-filled fandom.com domains for indie wikis or an ad-free proxy site. The link documents 2 userscripts with slightly different behavior; use whichever you prefer).
Sink It for Reddit
I switched to using Reddit in the browser only after the whole API/third party apps fiasco. AdGuard blocks the ads in the web interface, but there were still a lot of annoyances because Reddit constantly bombarded you with prompts/popups trying to get you to switch to their app so they could track you and sell you ads. Sink It for Reddit removes all of those popups and lets you customize the behavior of the Reddit website too (tapping a post can open it in a new tab, back to top buttons for long posts, and video downloads, among other things). Constantly being updated too, which is nice to see.
UnTrap (USD $1.99)
This extension cleans up the YouTube interface in the browser. You can hide Shorts, Explore, Trending, and multiple flavors of Suggestions (videos, playlists, etc.). It also has a content filter you can use to ensure you never see certain channels or even specific videos by ID, username, or keyword/regex. There are over 50 options you can tweak for the video playback page alone, so if you’re looking to remove an annoyance from YouTube in Safari on iOS, this is the addon for you. Note however that this is the first extension I’ve recommended that does NOT have a free version.
Vinegar (USD $1.99)
This extension replaces YouTube’s custom video player with a standard HTML5 one. This means that YT videos will play back using the standard iOS video player interface, including all of the accompanying benefits: better interface, Picture in Picture/popout videos work, videos continue playing in the background even if you leave Safari, etc.. I was even able to start a YouTube video in Safari, lock my phone, and then continue playing the video and hear the audio over my car’s speakers via CarPlay. These are all normally locked features reserved for YouTube Premium subscribers. You can also set a default quality that it will use so YouTube won’t use “auto” and set you to 360p just because you’re using a phone.
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werewolfbneimitzvah · 10 months
Btw so i did make a tiktok bc i wanted specifically to watch hockey videos on it and nothing else. I only go on it for hockey videos and the occasional video friends send to me and literally nothing else. And part of why i didn't go on tiktok for years was because i was like "oh no my adhd will get too sucked into it" but i wasn't thinking about how much i hate like. Noise from videos I'm not choosing to watch. Specifically loud & abrupt noise. & A quarter of the for you page is just loud, abrupt noise from videos that don't have to do with hockey or other sports (I'll engage with other sports videos, that's fine). It's terrible. The feed that's from accounts i follow is way better but i can only watch so many short videos autoplay before I'm like, ok time to go do something else. And the search is weird and bad because that also autoplays whatever fucking video it wants, like when I'm searching a hockey player to follow their account it'll start playing a video about that player or whatever and I'll be frantically clicking the "user" tab so the fucking app will stop making noise at me. I haven't found a way to disable this. Also it's a bit of a battery drain even when it's totally closed for some reason & I'm not happy about that. Anyway point is tiktok sucks, I'm still gonna use it bc i like having another way to watch hockey stuff & it's easier for my friend who's on tiktok a lot to send me stuff but it sucks & i do not recommend it & i haven't opened it in like 2 weeks lmao
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pennywaltzy · 1 year
Moments In The Life Of One Daniel "Danny" Messer (1/10)
So here's my old fic for the day! It's a 100-drabble drabble collection that I divided into ten chapters of ten drabbles (I'll post a new chapter every day along with another fic until it's done). They're all little moments in Danny Messer's life.
Moments In The Life Of One Daniel "Danny" Messer - A series of drabbles depicting moments in Daniel "Danny" Messer's life.
Read Chapter 1
Title: First Conversation Prompt: #1 - Beginnings Characters: Danny Messer & Mac Taylor
"You the guy I'm supposed to talk to?"
"Depends on what you're here to talk about."
"Job at the crime lab."
"Then I'm the man. Mac Taylor."
"Detective Messer."
"You have a first name, Detective?"
"Daniel. Everyone calls me Danny, though."
"Yeah, I'm related to the Messers with the family connections, if that's what you're thinking."
"So...why are you a cop?"
"Someone's got to take them down. Might as well be me, you know? I’m the black sheep of the family anyway."
"Because...because I actually believe in doing more than they do. I want more than they do."
Title: Hours To Go Prompt: #6 - Hours Characters: Danny Messer
He was trapped. Hours to go till he could get out, till the panic room opened up. Hours.
God, if he wasn't claustrophobic before, being trapped with a dead body overnight was more than enough to push him in that direction.
Hours. If he concentrated on the hours, kept looking at his watch, talked the hours away on his cell phone till the battery went dead, maybe he'd make it. Maybe he wouldn't lose his mind. Yeah, he just had to remember that every hour that passed was one less for him to be there. Then he’d be long gone.
Title: Bad Jokes Prompt: #11 - Red Characters: Danny Messer & Don Flack
The blood spilled across the floor, bright red on pristine white marble. Danny whistled. Lots of blood for one body. Probably meant the victim had either completely bled out before being moved or there was more than one victim...two of them, probably.
"How many vics you say there were?"
"Two," Flack answered. "One Margaret Walden and one Thomas Kettering."
He whistled again, pulled out a camera, snapped a shot of the red stuff. "Bet you they’re drained," he deadpanned, flashing a grin at Flack, who just rolled his eyes.
"Stop it with the bad jokes, Messer. You’re killing me here."
Title: Blue In My Eyes Prompt: #16 - Purple Characters: Danny Messer, Stella Bonasera & Lindsay Monroe
"Purple suits you."
He glanced down at his shirt. "You think?"
"Brings out the blue in your eyes." Stella shut her locker. "Remember I told you if you ever needed beauty tips..."
Danny grinned. "I still can't believe what waterproof mascara does to your lashes."
"Yeah, well...price we pay."
He watched her leave, then looked back at his shirt. His grin got bigger...he did look good. Not that anyone would notice his eyes, since they were behind glasses, but...
"You look nice, Danny."
He flashed a wide grin at Lindsay. "Apparently, the purple brings out the blue in my eyes."
Title: Have Been, Will Be Prompt: #21 - Friends Characters: Danny Messer & Aiden Burn
"Hey! Wait up!"
"Leave me alone."
"Hey, Aiden...look, I'd give up my job and leave for this, for what happened..."
"Someone's got to stay and look out for my case."
"You know I will. That's what friends do."
"So we're friends?"
"Have been, will be."
"So, as friends...feel like buying me a beer? Or three?"
"What, you're gonna try and out-drink me? Never."
"No, I'm going to try and forget about what just happened."
"Give me your keys and the tab's on me."
"My keys?"
"So I can make sure you get inside your apartment and not left outside. Keys?"
Title: Pick-Up Prompt: #26 - Teammates Rating: G Characters: Danny Messer & Don Flack
Danny looked at those guys at the pick-up basketball game. He didn't see Flack anywhere, and everyone else was getting impatient. "Fine. Cook."
Finally, he saw him. "When his lazy butt gets over here, Flack."
"Why do you always pick Flack for your team?" the other captain said.
"Because he's good. And I want the good guys on my team."
"Fine. Robb."
Flack bounded over. "On your team?"
Danny nodded. "Grogan," he called out.
"Let's get ready and play," tossing the ball to Flack. "Ready?"
"Ready." Flack passed the ball back, and the game was on.
Title: New Day Prompt: #31 - Sunrise Characters: Danny Messer
He hadn't been up to see the sunrise in a while. It had been a long night, trying to piece the case back together for the D.A. He was just taking a break, looking out the windows as the sun rose. It was gorgeous...the light came up gradually, chasing away the shadows, and bringing the city back to life.
He took another sip of his coffee and watched the new day coming. His day wasn't busy, not yet, but taking a moment out to see the sight woke him up and energized him a little more than he had been.
Title: Shampoo Prompt: #36 - Smell Rating: G Characters: Pre-ship Danny Messer/Lindsay Monroe
He was standing behind her again, his head near hers, and the smell of her shampoo wafted up. God, she smelled good...she always smelled good. That was how he knew she was around, by how she smelled. But he'd been left to wonder what it was exactly that she smelled like.
"What kind of shampoo do you use, Montana?"
"Just wondering."
"Um...Garnier Fructis." She shrugged. "I think it smells nice."
"Yeah." Instead, he just inched a little closer to her and took another breath. Time for him to switch shampoos...
Messer, you got it real bad for her...
Title: Fuzzy Outlines Prompt: #41 - Shapes Rating: G Characters: Danny Messer
He could see without his glasses on. He just...after a while, all the shapes seemed to blur and become fuzzy. Sometimes blinking a few times took care of the problem, sometimes he had to find his glasses and put them back on.
Now, with his glasses on, his eyes were making things fuzzy and indistinct shapes. This wasn't a good sign.
He took his glasses off, shut his eyes, and rubbed the bridge of his nose. It was time for someone else to take over computer duties for a while because if this kept up, he was gonna be pissed.
Title: King Of The Dead Prompt: #46 - King Rating: G Characters: Danny Messer & Sheldon Hawkes
"Hey, Hawkes. Tell me what it's like to be king of your domain."
Hawkes looked at him. "I'd rather be out in the field."
"What, and have us lose the best coroner we've had? No way." He laughed a bit, then saw the look on Hawkes' face. "You're serious."
Danny went across from him, one dead body between them. "And give all this up?"
"I want to help people. Before they end up here."
Danny nodded. "Then give the kingdom to someone else."
"You want the job?"
"Me? Be king of the dead? You’ve inhaled too many chemicals, Doc."
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 - Day Sixteen
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Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit (If that was not entirely clear)
Series Summary: You’re a fanfiction writer turned novelist, which was great since it was the path you wanted your writing to take you down in life. What you never thought would happen was meeting the Javier Gutierrez, who you actively write smutty fanfiction about from his film with Nic Cage, and you especially didn’t expect him to have a crush on you.
Fast forward several months of dating, with a good chunk of your relationship being distance due to his constant traveling and having to go home to Mallorca, when he surprises you with a prompt list and a vacation planned around exploring it.
You haven’t even worked up the nerve to tell him about what you write and post to Tumblr about him as a character yet.
Notes: Going to be using prompts from @ the-purity-pen for my meta as hell indulgence! There are feelings in this (I have no idea how they got there) and I may end up removing some possible chapters here and there depending on how I’m feeling, I apologize in advance if that happens because my brain is super mean sometimes.
Possible Warnings: Unintentional snooping, bath/shower sex
Bath/Shower Sex (1.6k)
Javi’s alarms woke you up, your boyfriend snoring away beside you, and it took a minute for you to realize you were in one of the guest rooms as you grabbed the device and dismissed the alarm before Javi was disturbed. You wanted to treat him to breakfast, and clean up your mess, so you took the device with you since you could play some music with it while you cooked given that your phone was dead after not getting charged the day before. One of the curses of Bluetooth tech, a sour reminder, was that your phone battery had been drained to and from the little get together.
You also kind of wanted to go back in time and tell yourself to punch Paulina, just once.
Knowing what happened to Javi, what he’d thought was okay for her to do, had only made it that much more infuriating when she’d tried to act like she was somehow better than you. With those storming thoughts floating around your head it was a bit of a surprise to see that the door and the spot in front of the door were already clean, Javi definitely had done it since Lorna used the kitchen entrance whenever she was here, and you set the device on the countertop carefully before unlocking it. Javi’s music library was pretty extensive, sure, but there were a few things you wanted to hear that he didn’t have in his Spotify library.
Instead of logging him out of the app or anything you popped open the browser to log in there and blinked for a moment as it opened the prior session tabs, you had to giggle at Javi for not closing things out properly since it was something he was notorious for doing. But as the page loaded you felt your chest tighten, felt every little muscle in your body seize up, the sight of your Spanking ficlet on Javi’s screen making you suck in a sharp breath.
It had to be a coincidence.
This was an old session, from days ago, there was no fucking way he’d figured you out.
Unless he’d known from the beginning.
But you paused when you noticed, in the bottom corner of the screen, your Tumblr icon with a little gray circle. This was someone you talked to, someone you messaged, and you paced around the kitchen to grab the ingredients for breakfast as you tried to figure out just who it was that Javi could be without invading his privacy and looking.
You nearly dropped everything you had grabbed, chest tight as you caught barely managed to throw everything on the counter and stared at the doorway for a minute. It only made sense, it made so much sense, the username and the way he spoke?
Javi was also Amigo-con-Cage.
Friend of Cage.
Friend of Nic-fucking-Cage.
A loud chime from his tablet ripped you out of the spiral of panicked thoughts, wondering how long he’d known -if he knew at all- just who you were on Tumblr, and you buried your face in your hands with a low groan. This wasn’t a bad thing, it couldn’t be a bad thing, he was so supportive of you on Tumblr itself and he hadn’t outright dismissed you being a fanfic writer.
All you had to do was find the courage to tell him who you were.
A loud call of your name made you nearly panic, opening Spotify in a new tab of the browser and turning your music on low.
“In the kitchen, Javi!”
Hurrying to get to work on food, the prep blessedly minimal, you could hear the sound of Javi’s bare feet padding along the tile floor. Your boyfriend pressed a kiss to the back of your shoulders and hugged you from behind, draping his body over yours as he hummed along to the song playing.
“I am being spoiled, a beautiful woman making me breakfast?”
“You spoiled me this morning, and cleaned up after both of us, this is the least I could do to show you how much I appreciate you Javi.”
“Cute thing.” His rapid, chaste, kisses were sweet as he peppered them along your temple and the side of your face, making you giggle as you tried to keep cooking; but Javi did relent when you reminded him you were currently in front of a stove, going to make coffee instead of trying to distract you.
Working in tandem with Javi was easy, he just made everything easy, and your mouth opened and closed a few times as you tried to make the words come out. Tried to just confess so that this twisting feeling in your tummy would go away. It wasn’t until you were sitting beside him, when Javi reached for his tablet to turn the music off, that you realized he was going to see what you had seen too if he closed the tab out.
But you watched him do what he always did, the way he pressed the pause button and just put the browser session to sleep, and instead of relief that nervousness only got worse.
“Javi I need to tell you something.”
His eyes lifted to you, both worried and curious, and you pushed your breakfast around on your plate before finally finding the nerve to risk everything.
“I uh, part of why I don’t mention my writing around you is because I… I’ve written about Joaquin. About you.”
He whispered your Tumblr username- your private one- quietly into the space between you both and you nodded since words just weren’t happening.
“Then I should confess that not only have I read your work but… but I’ve also suspected since Wednesday. When you had that meeting with Maxie, I wanted to turn on a film but you’d left your document up and when I minimized it your Tumblr page was loaded.”
The fact that his immediate reaction wasn’t outright rage had you staring at him, that he was so calm about this, and hope burned lightly in your chest at the idea that it wasn’t going to be something he tried to hold above you.
“I am sorry, for accidentally invading your privacy, Solecita, can you forgive me?”
He was apologizing, to you, even though you felt like you had more of a reason to apologize to him in this situation.
“Only if you can forgive me for still writing fanfiction about you without actually, uh, telling you first or getting your consent.”
Javi’s brows furrowed.
“Soleciata, you have said it yourself in your notes and warnings, your stories are about the character of Joaquin and not me as a person. I know that you have separated he and I, it is not a matter to forgive at all.”
Every little ounce of tension disappeared, leaving you feeling weightless and more in love than you thought possible, and Javi leaned over to capture your mouth in a kiss that both of you were smiling into. You couldn’t help the tears of relief that pooled in your eyes, that Javi kissed away, and breakfast was put away in the fridge untouched as he pulled you to the main floor lounge and just laid there with you as he told you about how he’d even found your stories on Tumblr to begin with.
About how long he’d been a fan of yours.
About how relieved he was that it was you.
By the time you’d both managed to get all the words out, all the feelings, about how convoluted your entanglement actually was you both opted to eat breakfast cold and just spend the day lying in bed together.
Javi was curled around your back and you had your laptop open, reading him excerpts from your stories and notes of research you’d done for different stories of yours, and in return he shared how accurate or far from things you actually had been.
“Even before I met you, actually met you at that workshop, it felt like you knew and understood me.”
His whispered confession made you turn around in his arms and kiss him, nothing more than just languid affection, and by the time he convinced you to shower with him you were positive that you would propose to this man yourself. You’d use a damn ring pop if you had to, but there wasn’t any way you were letting him go.
Javi groaned softly as you began shampooing his hair for him, scratching and massaging his scalp as the suds were lathered up, all while he just held your waist and pressed soapy kisses to your cheeks. He only laughed when you shoved his head under the spray after he tried to kiss you on the mouth with soapy lips before you were pressed into the heated tile walls of the shower after his hair and face were rinsed off properly.
Hands wandered, slick from the water as he played with your breasts and you began kissing the fading marks on his skin, and it didn’t take long for him to have you panting and begging him to fill you. The feeling of his cock sliding into you made you sigh and Javi groaned when your muscles fluttered around him.
“So good to me, Solecita, thank you for trusting me. For being vulnerable and open to me.”
“Thank you for loving me, Javi, for not judging me and letting me just be me.”
The softness faded to hunger, to his hips rolling against yours, it wasn’t fast or hurried but sloe and intense. The roll of his hips grinding deeper, stroking that spot that made your body ignite like wildfire, and you fell apart with him whispering how much he loved you and how he would never let you think he was against what you did.
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All Fics Taglist: @hardc0rehaylz @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @musings-of-a-rose @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @rominaszh @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry
Just Pedro Taglist: @maievdenoir @beecastle @littlemisspascal @writeforfandoms @AynsleyWalker @lovesbiggerthanpride @mswarriorbabe80
Alt Taglist: @imtryingmybeskar @fan-of-encouragement @grogusmum @sizzlingcloudmentality @deadhumourist @prostitute-robot-from-the-future
Kinktober Only: @nicolethered @katareyoudrilling
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melbrewer367 · 1 year
Reschedule Tasks In Windows
I kept experiencing a dip in FPS and I couldn't figure out why. I've followed all of isimp4sims tutorials, I use Process Lasso and ISLC, both of which did make improvements (even more noticeably on my older pc) but, occassionally, it'd sound like my computer was doing overtime and my FPS would drop to 16-20 fps when it should be 60 fps.
I finally realized it was because my computer was running scheduled tasks while I was playing and those tasks were set at high priority. I've since rescheduled all of these tasks to fall outside of my playing hours (and every now and then I find one still scheduled while I'm playing and notice the immediate difference when I fix it) and it's made a huge difference.
So, this is for people on Windows 10 (though it should be same/about the same for other versions of Windows). The first step is to open Task Scheduler. Just click your windows button, start typing the name, and it'll come right up.
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This is what you should see and, down at the bottom, you can see all your upcoming tasks.
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Do NOT completely disable any of these! Your computer needs to run these things to keep your computer up to date and protected and all that fun stuff. We're just going to change when it does that.
I play late in the evening, and then my computer stays awake for 2 hours before it puts itself to sleep so I have set all my tasks to occur after 1 am. One of the tasks that sucks up a huge amount of CPU usage is related to Windows Defender, we're going to change that one first.
On the left hand side, click the drop down arrow and navigate down to Windows Defender.
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Here you can see, I already have mine for after 1am.
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Double click on the first task in the list in the upper middle.
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Here you can see down near the bottom that this task is set to "Run with highest privileges." Since I'm having this run outside of my hours, I went ahead and left it for this particular set of tasks but insignificant things like Google Chrome updates and iTunes updates, I removed that regardless of what time they run. Now go to the "Triggers" tab.
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This is where you'll find the schedule for this task. If it's your first time doing this, there's probably going to be a lot of triggers. Things like, "at startup," "when user logs on," "daily at [time]," and things like that. In this case, Windows Defender is searching for viruses and malware, depending on whether or not you're using other software for this you may want to stick with daily. You can just highlight the triggers and click "Delete" to get rid of them. Then when you only have the one trigger left, just go ahead and click "Edit."
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Here's where you can pick the actual schedule. When you're done with that, click "Ok" and this screen will close, then go to the "Conditions" tab.
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This section is mostly important for people on a laptop. You can tell it to only start the task if the computer is on AC power, meaning only when it's plugged in, so you don't have to worry about it draining your battery. When you're done here, click "Ok" and then you can move on to the next task.
I would definitely suggest checking Windows Defender, it was a huge offender of having a ton of triggers that ran during my gameplay and you could look at Process Lasso or Task Manager and see that it was sucking up tons of my CPU power. Beyond that, I would just go back to that first screen and scroll through your upcoming tasks, and do your reschedules from there. Just keep checking it throughout the week and eventually you'll get all the pesky ones scheduled outside of your game time.
Again, don't fully disable any of these tasks. Some of them, it won't even allow you to edit, especially ones that say "custom trigger" because your computer depends on this stuff. You really just want to reschedule scans, whether it's scans for viruses or scanning for updates, to still happen on a regularly occurring basis and often, just outside of your peak hours.
Hope this helps some of you too!
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ghostsinthecellar · 1 year
well. okay. that’s never happened before just plugged in and turned on my laptop for the first time today and within 30 seconds it was fully awake with firefox up and my last tab from yesterday open I know I shut it down yesterday. and it was unplugged all night. but there’s no battery drain. what in the actual
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xtruss · 3 months
Stop Closing Your iPhone’s Background Apps
We All Perform This iPhone Maintenance Ritual, But It's a Mythical Waste of Time That's Been Around For Years.
— By Maxwell Zeff | Monday February 19th, 2024 | Gizmodo
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Photo: Mr.Mikla (Shutterstock)
Apple users seem unanimously convinced that closing background apps is a good habit, but it’s more likely a waste of time. For too long, I’ve watched friends and family orchestrate a frenzy of up-swipes from their iPhone’s multitasking screen to cleanse themselves of countless open background apps.
Perhaps this mythical ritual of iPhone maintenance will save battery, make your phone run faster, or stop social media companies from tracking you. While it’s not crazy to think so, it’s simply a lie we’ve all been living. Closing background apps does nothing because those apps aren’t actually “running.”
In 2016, Apple’s senior vice president of software engineering, Craig Federighi, confirmed that closing your background apps does nothing for your battery life, in response to a customer’s email shared with 9to5Mac. On a technical level, most of your background apps are essentially frozen, and your system just displays a screenshot of them for consistency. The impact on your battery life is negligible.
The same can be said for Android as well. In fact, closing your background apps actually uses more battery than just leaving them open. That’s because shutting down and initializing an app requires more energy than restoring it from its suspended state in your “background.”
Federighi also notes that closing background apps does nothing to improve your phone’s performance, for many of the same reasons it doesn’t affect your battery. iOS manages your iPhone’s RAM as efficiently as possible by default, and closing your background apps does not optimize anything.
In terms of privacy, force-closing apps do nothing to stop companies from tracking you, according to The Washington Post. Apps can still collect your data even if they’re closed. Contrary to popular belief, apps can still track you even if you force quit them.
The key misunderstanding here is that force quitting an app is different from turning “Background App Refresh” off. Turning off “Background App Refresh” in your settings is the most surefire way to address all these problems.
Origins of the Myth
This myth seems to have originated on community forums in the days after the first iPhone’s release. On July 5th, 2007, just a week after the iPhone’s release, one user posted about their Safari application running in the background in Apple’s community forum.
“When you click the home button after you have been using Safari, is it still running in the background and draining the battery?” said the user.
“I am pretty sure EVERYTHING is running in the background,” replied another user.
There were many other community forum posts about this same confusion at the time, including one very popular post on Stack Overflow. However, it’s clear this misconception has occurred for many users since the beginning.
Why It’s Pervasive
This myth, like others, is pervasive because it feels like it should be true. On a computer, having too many tabs or applications open can make it run slower. That much is true, but an iPhone’s operating system is fundamentally different. Apps on your iPhone are meant to permanently stay open, able to be called up in an instant at any time. This distinction was never made clear by Apple.
Apple has never claimed that closing background apps improves your phone’s performance. The company has always quietly maintained you should only force quit an application if it’s frozen.
But still, millions of people are wasting their days, and their batteries, closing their background apps. It’s one of the most pervasive myths in technology, but we need to stop performing this iPhone cleansing ritual once and for all.
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Avoiding Costly Car Repairs
When your car needs repairs, it can be hard to decide if the expense is worth it. You can help avoid costly repairs by taking care of routine maintenance.
A squealing belt can be a sign of a worn or misaligned belt tensioner or pulley. Check your owner's manual for repair instructions.
Tire Replacement
Having the right tires is one of the most important car repairs you can make to ensure your safety on the road. Even if a tire appears to be in good condition, it may need to be replaced based on age, damage and other factors that can affect the performance of your vehicle and the safety of other drivers.
In general, tires should be replaced at the age recommended by the manufacturer and when they show signs of damage or wear. In addition, tires should never be driven on if they have holes larger than 6 mm or that are located close to the sidewall of the tire. Punctures in these areas cannot be repaired and require replacement of the tire.
Air Filter Replacement
Your engine air filter keeps out dirt, dust, and debris from entering your car’s engine, protecting it and helping it perform at its best. Dirty or damaged filters reduce air flow to your engine, polluting spark plugs and causing ignition problems; increasing carbon deposits and triggering the 'Service Engine Soon' light; and reducing fuel efficiency and causing acceleration issues.
Changing your engine air filter is one of the easiest maintenance tasks that you can do yourself. You’ll find it sitting in a rectangular housing atop or near the front of your vehicle’s engine, secured with tabs or clips that can be released with a little hand strength and/or a screwdriver. The owner’s manual will give you detailed instructions for opening your vehicle’s air filter box.
Battery Jump-Start
As Americans stay home during the pandemic, they're using their vehicles less—and batteries are draining. That's why jump-start services like HONK have seen a big rise in requests.
Start with one of the functioning cars and have your helper park it close enough to touch (but not touch each other). Open the hoods and locate each battery and its terminals. (The battery terminals are the larger nubs at the top of the battery, and they should be clearly marked; you may need to wipe off grime to see them.) Attach the red (+) jumper-cable clamp to the positive terminal on the dead car's battery.
Connect the paired black clamp to the negative terminal on the working car's battery, and then find a spot on the dead car for the last black clamp (preferably an unpainted metal surface, such as the hood strut or clean engine block).
Spark Plug Replacement
Spark plugs are responsible for creating an arc of electricity that ignites the air/fuel mixture in your engine. If this doesn’t happen, your car won’t move. Luckily, changing your car’s spark plugs is relatively simple. Before you do it yourself, however, make sure to search the internet for detailed instructions or a video specific to your vehicle’s model. Be sure to wear gloves, safety glasses, and closedtoe shoes to protect yourself from hot components.
If your engine is making rattling or pinging-like noises, it’s time to replace your spark plugs. New spark plugs can help support a healthy combustion process and lead to better fuel economy and smooth, energetic starts. Plus, they’ll reduce harmful emissions. This is just one more example of how regular maintenance can prevent expensive repairs down the road.
Scratch Repair
Whether your car has minor surface scratches or deep bodywork damage, it’s important to take a proactive approach and keep them repaired. Leaving them unattended could expose the metal or paint to contaminants and cause rust or oxidation.
Light surface scratches on your vehicle’s clear coat—like the dings caused by using cheap sponges or cloths to wash your car—can often be buffed out with a product like Turtle Wax Scratch Repair & Renew. The restorative rubbing compound contains special abrasives that align themselves under pressure to smooth the surface of your vehicle’s paint without damaging it.
It’s also worth noting that if your car’s paint has deep scratches, it may need to be repainted by a professional. If so, you can use a Synchrony Car Care credit card to make those expenses more manageable.
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productsreviewings · 1 year
Whether or not the clock has modified, otherwise you've landed in a unique time zone, you might be questioning the way to change the time in your Fitbit. The excellent news is that, more often than not, your Fitbit will robotically regulate to the right time as soon as you've got synced it to your app, but when not, we have outlined the way to manually change the time in your Fitbit beneath. .These steps ought to work for many The most effective Fitbit Available on the market, although, they will be barely completely different relying on whether or not you employ Android or iOS. More often than not, in case your Fitbit is displaying the incorrect time, it is as a result of it is battery has been drained for a very long time and hasn't synced to your cellphone shortly, or in case you've been throughout a number of time zones and your cellphone is in flight mode. Both manner, there's a resolution! Methods to Change the Time on Your Fitbit Able to manually change the time zone in your Fitbit? It is not so simple as turning the palms in your analog watch - you want your cellphone useful. In the event you're touring, that is most likely a job after turning your cellphone off flight mode.Beneath, we have rounded up the way to change the time utilizing your iPhone or your Android gadget Methods to Change the Time on Your Fitbit Utilizing an iPhone Go to the Fitbit app and faucet the At the moment tabClick on in your profile imageChoose App SettingsThen time zoneFlip off the Set Routinely choiceFaucet Time Zone and choose the right time zoneSync your FitbitLearn on to see detailed directions for every step. 1. Go to the Fitbit app and faucet the At the moment tab (Photograph: © Future) At the moment's tab is rhombus formed within the decrease left nook of the Fitbit app. 2. Click on in your profile image (Photograph: © Future) have this within the higher left nook of the app and can show your picture in case you've uploaded one, or a easy blue and white particular person icon if you have not. 3. Choose App Settings (Photograph: © Future) As soon as you might be within the account part of the app, scroll down and it's best to see App Settings Click on on the choice. 4. Choose the time zone (Photograph: © Future) The time zone The choice needs to be first within the menu, click on on it to regulate your gadget's time zone 5. Flip off the Set Routinely choice (Photograph: © Future) In case your Fitbit time is inaccurate, you'll want to activate the 'Set Routinely' choice off. This lets you manually select which era zone you might be in 6. Faucet Time Zone (Photograph: © Future) This can open a menu of various time zones you might be in Scroll and Choose the right time zone. When you select, there needs to be a blue tick subsequent to the time zone. Then you may click on the again arrow within the higher left nook. 7. Sync your Fitbit (Photograph: © Future) You'll need it now Sync your Fitbit. To do that, you may both use the again button within the higher left nook to return to your account settings or click on the At the moment tab within the decrease left nook, then click on your profile picture once more. When you're again within the Accounts part of the app, click on in your Fitbit within the menu. It is best to now see your Fitbit's settings. Scroll down, and you will see Sync now Click on on the choice, and your Fitbit will sync to your cellphone, updating the time zone. Methods to Change the Time on Your Fitbit Utilizing AndroidThere's just one small distinction between the Fitbit app on iPhone and Android, here is what to do:Go to the Fitbit app and faucet the At the moment tabClick on in your profile imageChoose App SettingsFlip off the Set Routinely choiceFaucet Time Zone and choose the right time zoneSync your FitbitMethods to Change the Time Format on Your Fitbit If you wish to change the time format in your Fitbit, you are able to do so in a number of easy steps:Click
on on the At the moment tab within the decrease left nookThen click on in your profile image, then click on on App SettingsChoose Clock Show Time from right here and select between 24-hour or 12-hour format.As soon as you've got made the adjustments, you will have to sync them to seem in your FitbitOn the lookout for extra Fitbit suggestions and tips? right here Methods to decide if Fitbit Premium is price itPlus How Fitbit's Each day Health Rating Works. At the moment's Finest Fitbit Cost 5 Offers
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hadenclairee · 1 year
Social Media in 2023
Twitter:  Hope you don’t need 2FA or to PM people ever again.  Downtime?  No, think of it more like “I can’t believe it’s only down temporarily”  No, actually, it’s more like “thank God it’s down, now I can enjoy life”   Just know that Downtime will never happen when it’s your turn to get flamed and suibaited by bigots.  Or worse, by your own community.  The site will be up and running smoothly while your notifications fill with people earnestly telling you to KYS for your lukewarm take on a piece of queer terminology. 
Facebook:  You've carefully trained the algorithm to stop showing you every time your elderly Grandma comments “Amen” on one of those posts, but you can never train the ad algorithm to stop showing you ads from Daily Wire hosts (how many are there?  you’ve blocked a couple dozen of them already!)  Adblock?  Don’t make me laugh, these are merely *suggested* posts.  There’s a plugin to hide these too, but it makes the entire site utterly unusable at random times.  Speaking of utterly unusable, the mobile app once drained your phone battery from 100% in 25 minutes and you vowed to never reinstall it, and the mobile website is breaking gradually and will probably just stop working eventually.  It’s for the best, that’s one less tab to refresh every time to you go poop. 
Reddit:  Wanna see the same content over and over and over again until you finally go find a new subreddit and then see the same content over and over and over again until you finally go find a new subreddit and oh god, you’re finally in one of *those* moods and it’s 1AM and you’re 30 minutes deep into reading the discussion on a post and replying in full paragraphs and on the other side of the screen, your high school english teaacher is preparing to type his reply which is a thousand words of “well, actually...”.  Reddit *Chat* flashes.  Nobody uses Reddit *Chat*, this can only be one of two things.  Time to play “chaser or outrageously angry bigot”.  Oh, this time it’s both!
Tumblr:  You’ve had an account here forever, your main blog has ~80 followers, half of them are spambots, and of the other half, most are inactive.  You came back here when you started transitioning because you know there’s a community here but fuck all if you know how to find community here.  Usually when you post you *might* get one or two likes on a properly-tagged post in the first couple of days.  And then another like 2 or 3 years from now.  Oh, nevermind, that was a spam bot.  There’s a thriving community here somewhere, though.  You just... don’t know where.  Or what tags to use.  Or how to appeal to its members and gain access.  You’re on the cusp of 30 and this website was popular when you were a teen, right?  Suddenly you feel old.
Mastodon:  Oh, god.  Fuck.  I forgot this exists.  Let me open the app really quick.  Hmm..  Hmm, okay, yes.  I see.  So that’s why we let algorithms organize our feeds.
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