#no probs the actual tl;dr is
fivekrystalpetals · 10 months
Not me making the umpteenth post about this very panel, but, bc I have only so much to go by here ;_; this panel has some funny underlying subtext because at the first glance, this seems like a very normal, very formal conversation between two people who are more or less strangers but--
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1.] Break knows her name now?
interesting that Break addresses her as Miss Lottie here, and not little miss (flirty (derogatory)) like in the Sablier arc.
so, my guess is that he really did not know her name then, because he simply followed Oz (eye of the cyclone lmao) hoping to find some Baskervilles targeting him as they did in the Lutwidge. In fact, Oz himself wanted to do the same, put himself out there as bait for the Baskervilles before deciding to venture into Sablier.
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(Funny how Break shoots down Oz's idea of meeting the Baskervilles with the excuse that they might be following absolute orders and hence, useless to negotiate with. and then..... proceeds to do the same lol)
[more under the cut cuz I can't shut up about these two lol]
Also, in the same chapter, Oz lets slip Zwei's name in their conversation which Break silently registers--
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all in all, the most names among the Baskervilles he would have known by the time of Sablier arc is Zwei's.
meaning, after returning from his meet-cute meeting with Lottie, he must have set about trying to find out her name. Since they don't have internet in those times, only way to get information is to manually dig around.
but... of course, that is not possible just like that, right? Break cannot ask around a Baskerville's name without raising a bunch of questions, facing trouble from the Pandora (which is why he even hid the Intention's desire from them), ntm, nobody even knew any of the Baskervilles, much less their names.
Well, nobody except Oz. Oz did get to meet the Baskervilles and see and hear them interacting. during which time, Fang and Doug did call out Lottie's name a bunch of times. so obvs Oz should know her name. however, it's up in the air whether he would remember, rather want to remember the name of the girl who stomped all over his chest?
so this means Break really went that extra mile to manipulate this information out of Oz without rousing his suspicions. Oz is too smart for his own good, mind you. The slightest misstep, he is going to figure out what Break was planning:
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and from this panel, it appears he didn't want anyone (including Oz and Gil) to know what he had been planning with the Baskervilles. and now even we, the readers, will never know lol
He must have asked Oz to recount his experiences from Lutwidge for him again and got him to slip up her name, the way Oz did for Zwei. Sneaky, so sneaky!
sooooo, while everyone was busy putting together two and two about the Tragedy of Sablier and whatnot, Break here was trying to squeeze out the name of the girl he met in a dungeon someday before he went fully blind (he was fated to see her just once, he can never see her again.) lmaooo what kind of shoujo manga plot was he playing out here?
2.] Lottie expected to meet him again?
This is a little more obvious but funny (to me) nevertheless. when Break puts his sword at her throat, Lottie doesn't even blink or get startled, merely sighs and goes: oh yeah I was wondering why the hell you didn't show up?
But for some reason I felt you'd show your face here.
So, I don't think she means Break making an appearance at Yura's party. That's way too obvious. Rainsworths, and by extension, Break their important valet, are invited and are going to be present here.
No, this means she had a feeling Break would slip out of there and come out here to have a tête-à-tête with her which is just... ??? How was she so sure? Was she looking forward to it? Waiting for him to write her a letter to her hiding place in Sablier or something? Waiting for him to come there just as her lion knocked down Yura? She wasn't in the least fazed! just goes, oh yeah I was waiting for you >_>
Because logically, Break surely went radio silent the whole of the month(?), right? Owing to his untimely blindness, whatever plans he might have had for her also must have cut off. Unless he got help from another person which he didn't seem to want, esp. not in this case, which, for whatever reason, he wanted to keep a complete secret. And in spite of this radio silence, Lottie doesn't think he was bluffing or stood her up at Sablier. She actually seems quite prepared to meet him here? I wonder how many times she turned the scenario over and over in her mind since they met and parted, and got more irritated what the hell did he mean and if he did mean something, why can't he contact her again?
because, the very first thing she demands of him is an explanation of what he meant by his words at Sablier
and surprisingly, this.... surprises him? at least enough to sheathe his sword and start talking properly to her??? (a huge thing bc Break never gives a straight answer; he is always talking in riddles and annoying everyone on purpose)
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
BUT YEAH NO it was Passport who was talking about that at stream and when I got to that part of the article I was like bitch you couldn't have posted this a week earlier lmaoooooooooooooo
Speaking of, what time were you thinking of starting the Gaiden stream?
RIGHT timing of the universe is all outta wack if im honest.. lol..
as for Gaiden Stream Time next friday hmmmm probably 4:30PM? my class that day usually ends at 3:20PM so it's a fair time me thinks...
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aeide-thea · 2 years
the problem with having semi-fixed my sleep schedule is that now there’s all this day i hear i’m supposed to do things with???
#the learned helplessness is SO bad i’m just like. sitting here blankly#it’s a LOVELY blue and green and breezy day#76 going up to 78#probably i should go on a bikeventure but the prospect sounds so exhausting lol#even though realistically the nice thing abt biking is like. if you get tired yr already sitting down#anyway usually i try 2 draw a bit of a veil over my total hideous uselessness#but i think like. if i can’t even admit to it anonymously on a site full of other strugglers how am i ever supposed to face or tackle it#and if you guys think poorly of me for it‚ well‚ it’s not like you’ll think anything more cutting than i’ve already thought abt myself#actually probs what i SHOULD do is finish changing over the tires on my bike#i got gatorskins last summer and swapped out one and then didn’t do the other‚ lol#and i’m pretty sure the remaining bontrager tire is like. FULLY punctured in spots at this point#could also stand to clean and relube my bike chain… might just cheat and use the combo product again lol#probs none of this would actually even take THAT long but i keep putting it off out of laziness#anyway am currently supervising feline yard exploration but like. could in theory multitask#slash eventually she WILL want to go in for lunch#but yeah tl;dr having even yr most harmless impulses hypercorrected from childhood on…#WILL eventually mean you stop trying to direct yr own life‚ or even being in touch with yr own impulses#you heard it here very not first#and when eventually the ppl controlling you either die or run out of preconceived hoops to chivvy you thru… you’re just. there. drifting#🍃
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2-wuv · 2 years
once again am considering just buying a new tablet
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copepods · 1 year
holy SHIT the dsmp real world example i. sorry idk if you like people reblogging your posts with massive additions so this is an ask.
l'manburg realistically would be a city-state since it's not big enough to be a full city, with the populace in about something the size of the Vatican (~5000-10000 people) supplied by fields and the river, which is the main source of their trade. like the new england colonies, they would have relied on water to send exports to other countries and traded with greater DSMP citizens. additionally, hewing to the new england 1770 vibe (which is p funny because of the hamilton jokes) they'd be shipmakers and craftspeople.
this also means that the dteam burning the redwood fields would have devastated their economy for at least a few years; additionally, as it's a walled city, siege tactics would have been very effective and probably devastating in terms of famine and disease if the l'manburgians could not keep river access open.
on politics - ik cc!wilbur talked about c!wilbur running the whole government but that is. impractical and also poor governance, since concentrating all power in one executive leads to a lack of accountability and transparency. ofc we didn't get to see this but i imagine c!wilbur had a cabinet of actual people running things but probably took on a Lot of engagements. if we're working with "the dteam caused an ecological catastrophe", newly independent l'manburg would have needed to import food until its reserves stabilized again. this, combined with its newness and very aggressive neighbor next door, would mean local prices skyrocket and food is. fairly expensive. if the l'manburgians had their own currency it would trade at rock bottom prices against the DSMP coin, even if c!wilbur pegged it to gold/silver. he'd probably make it fiat to stimulate the economy (assuming he Knows about the economy) which would skyrocket inflation. tl;dr l'manburg is in pretty shit shape and would be a Lot of work to get up and running.
on manburg - the coalition is unconstitutional but we're playing fast and loose with constitutionality anyway; i feel like c!quackity's candidacy would have appealed to the subset of l'manburg business interests who may have wanted freer borders and freer trade + lowering interest rates that protect domestic industry but raise prices. (early american economic policies were heavily protectionist and had high tariffs to protect the young industries as well). c!wilbur could have hit against this by calling c!quackity out of touch with the common citizen (which he was) and a carpetbagger (which he was). however, there are some legit claims of corruption that c!quackity could've made and framed himself as the young upstart clean changemaker - after all, c!wilbur was not open about the presidency.
however, c!schlatt's presidency would have been marred by suspicion and protests early on; if there were civil servants working in the white house, i can picture a bunch of them resigning in protest and writing Very Angry Op-Eds in l'manburg new york times about it. income inequality prob spikes as industrialists can trade but the cost of living jumps due to mismanagement and the manburg cabinet needs to deal with threats of terrorism (pogtopia). what's super interesting to explore is the journalism of l'manburg?
like l'manburg def had a very busy and thriving political commentary and journalism culture; c!wilbur is a wordsmith, etc. there's definitely some scathing cartoons and 'anonymous' pieces attacking all sides during the election, with increasingly bitter skits written about the manburg cabinet - schlatt, the insensate and alcoholic tyrant, and quackity, his airheaded and venal henchman. if schlatt and quackity's marriage leaked, there's a Lot of slut-shaming jokes directed at quackity, which p follow him into new l'manburg. slept his way to the top, has more experiencing bending over the resolute desk than sitting behind it.
ANYWAY that's all i have for now? this is such an interesting idea i would kill to talk about it more holy shit. l'manburg politics win
YEAHH YEAAAAAAAHH all of this i love it so much. politics and socioeconomics and how it intersects with the actions of wilbur schlatt quackity dteam everyone.... aaaaah
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coentinim · 7 months
Is there a way to be critical of gender without denying that trans men are men etc? Let me explain.
Gender dysphoria is real and trans and nonbinary people have to be respected - that's what I believe. However, I see that a lot of discource about gender and identities is focused on stereotypes - like afab people saying thay they knew they weren't a woman because of their interests, personal style and being gnc in general, while all those things can be done while being a woman. Also what I've seen get called woman vibes are mostly stuff like nail polish or a caring nature, which are stuff I actually love seing in men (and everyone tbh, we need more nice people but that's unrelated). Everyone has their own mind and autonomy and freedom to identify as they wish, and it's not my business to inquire why they choose to identify the way they do, I acknowledge that because it's just called being respectful. So if a fem presenting person told me their pronouns are he/they, I'd use that since it's not really something I should dig about. I'll use that and prob see them as transmasc or wtv label they wish to use, and I'd also be normal about that. But I'm also kinda critical of the root of this - like me thinking I was a demi girl or nb because I felt uncomfortable in my body during puberty and tiktok told me it was a sign, but I still identify as a cis girl and I feel fine. I don't think trans women are just porn addicted men or that trans men are confused women, I'm just wondering why it's so based in stereotypes, you know??
TL;DR I don't want to come off as a transphobe, I want to articulate that despite criticising the concept of gender and its stereotypes, people's choices and pronouns should be respected and acknowledged. Is it still gender critical, or is it called something else? I want to find people who think similar as me.
English isn't my first language sorry if I was unclear or used weird words or repeated myself lol
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puppiesandnightlock · 3 months
Ahem, also I would like to offer up some little scenes that I've thought about.
I was just thinking about cute shit like with Jon again forgetting what it means to hate someone lol so Jon like holding the door for Damian after they get done with their tutoring. Maybe it becoming a habit and UGH KON AND DICK WOULD HAVE SUCH SHIT EATING GRINS I KNOW IT!!! CAUSE I WAS THERE!!!
on a different note, I was thinking about what if Jon pushed too far again and Damian and Jon got into a physical fight? And maybe just before Damian can finish beating the snot out of Jon they get separated by their respective siblings.
I'm an absolute FIEND for the idea that damian used to be a little delinquent when he was younger. Mainly doing shit like skipping class and getting into fights. But also what if when Jon was younger he was actually a really sweet nice little dude but then switched up cause he saw how kon acted. Idk just a thought
ANYWAYS!!! this is just a small amount of my Neurodivergence soooo I'm if you maybe just maybe wanna be friends we could maybe talk further, just saying
TL;DR - I love your writing, your a genius
ASDFGHJKL TYSM???? 1. absolutely when they’re in the iffy frenemy stage that def happens an kin makes fun of him relentlessly
2. Jon would gain immediate respect for him and this is probs what makes them bridge the gap between friends and enemies bc what says friendship and crushes better then a punch in the face am I right
3. YES THE DEINQUENT HJING YESSS this all so happened when he was you ver and mysteriously disappear from his record as he entered high school so ;)
actually I do like the sweet kid Jon angle and I might purse that later??? But i def wanna use at least the top two ideas in the next installment of the series!!! Ty for the lovely ask ^^ and I would absolutely love to be friends!
Ps come see what we’re talking abt on ao3!
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valyrfia · 2 months
i'm sure you're probs sick of this whole thing and totally feel free to not publish this but i just want to say you fully hit the nail on the head pointing out that some of the biggest lestappen fics going deal with uniquely lgbt+ themes and the cishet people eat that up and they eat up all the cutesy mlm content but then claim to feel alienated by real gay people existing and particularly gay people who aren't men.
really grinded my gears a little bit because like max and charles are not (publicly and thus thats where this conversation ends bc boundaries) gay but i'd wager a big chunk of the fic writers and tumblr users and editors and artists probably are queer - and at least speaking for myself particularly before i was comfortable with my sexuality fandom spaces have always been where I expressed that before I could in real life so to like come into a queer space enagage with mlm content and then go "actually you real life gay person shut up about it its alienating me" is like ???
sorry this turned into a rant but as a fellow lesbian the tl;dr is basically fuck those anons (and honestly you were right, alex IS everything and charles IS just ken)
I received a lot of asks on this topic and I'm determined to publish every single one and give them answers they deserved, mostly just to show everyone that the homophobic anons are vastly outnumbered. So thank you for sharing this with us <3
I think I speak for a lot of us on here when I say that tumblr fandom space is where I discovered my queerness/that being gay was an actual thing that people did, and was probably where it was first expressed. I was reblogging this gifset like five times a day while cosplaying irl as a straight person.
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crabsnpersimmons · 3 months
Hey Crabs! I have a small question! 🦀
How do you make the pictures of your traditional art look so good!?
They are always bright and easy to see! But when I take a photo of my drawings, they always have a blue or yellow tint to them. So how do you make it look the way you do?
(Also, I want to gobble up your art it is so yummy and pretty! Sun and Moon are so precious in your style!) ❤️
Thanks! And I hope you’re having a good day! :D
no prob! there's actually a couple things i do, so here's the tl;dr:
Lighting: i use daylight or light from a neutral white lightbulb
Editing: i use my phone's built-in gallery app to lightly edit the colours so they're clear and as colour-accurate as i can get (from my screens at least)
and i'll go into a little more detail with some examples under the cut
1. Lighting
a habit of mine that i got from my IG days (ugh...) is using daylight whenever possible. daylight just lights up the whole area more evenly and relatively neutrally. this is my set up:
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basically, i put the artwork near a source of natural light and prop up a reflector (in this case, a blank page from another sketchbook) that helps distribute the light more evenly across the page, so that even the side that is furthest from the light gets some light that bounces off from the reflector. i don't always have a reflector tho, like if i'm only taking a picture of a small drawing and not an entire page, there's no need.
now, if it's dark, then i rely on my desk lamp, which uses a neutral white lightbulb. regular lightbulbs come in different temperatures, from warm to neutral to cool—so that might explain why your photos are coming out with a yellow or blue tint. warm lights are common in houses because they're cozy, while blue lights are common in working areas because, like daylight, they keep us more awake. neutral white is in between the two.
here's an example of my Moon doodle that i did recently under different lights: warm (from my bedside lamp), neutral white (from my work desk), and daylight (i don't have any cooler lights in the house, so i couldn't quite get the blue tint 😅)
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now technically, NONE of these are colour accurate. so i always follow up with some light photo editing
2. Editing
now, i have 2 personal rules when it comes to editing my photos:
1) try to make it as close to the original as possible; and 2) don't spend too long on it
these are just my personal rules because... one) i'm lazy and i don't want to spend too long fixing every thing in my drawings, and two) i feel it is dishonest for me to make dramatic changes to my traditional art and still call it traditional art. whenever i do make digital enhancements (like colouring it digitally) i will tag it so no one would mistake it as purely traditional art. that's just me tho! there are no rules when you're having fun with your art and mixed media art is a thing! so do whatever you find fun and enjoyable.
also, i will try to make it as colour-accurate as possible, but i also recognize that not everyone's screens are calibrated the same way. my phone is set to a "Natural" colour setting, but on my new laptop (which i haven't figured out how to calibrate yet) is vibrant as all heck (like oh my gosh, maybe i need to start tagging everything with bright colours now, because what if someone else's laptop is this insanely vibrant and saturated??) but either way, i try not to spend too long on it because i know i won't be able to accommodate every screen.
anyways, for what i actually DO... i kinda just play around with different settings. if i took the picture under daylight, then there's not too much i adjust, usually it's the warm colours that are desaturated, so i try to make the reds pop more without effecting the blues too much.
or for my doodles, sometimes the doodle on the other side of the page is slightly visible, i'll tweak the lights and shadows and contrast levels until the background is clear enough (as long as it doesn't disturb the doodle i'm taking a photo of)
now, if your photos are coming out too yellow or blue because of your lighting, you can adjust that by tweaking the Temperature setting. here's an example of that warm Moon doodle:
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already looking a little better, right? so don't worry if your photos aren't coming out accurate, there are work arounds!
here's the before and after of the Moon doodle by the way:
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despite having daylight, i still needed to adjust the colours. specifically i needed to brighten up the reds and yellows, and bring back the page's natural yellowness. i also tweaked the Definition setting to make less hazy (sometimes i like the haziness tho, so i'll leave it as is sometimes).
and one other reminder: it doesn't need to be perfect, it just needs to be. a big reason why i keep coming back to traditional art is the fact that i can't control everything. i can't undo lines. i can't move things around. and i can't take the perfect picture. but it doesn't need to be perfect. drawing and sharing my art is supposed to be fun! and i don't want to put any barriers around that, or else it becomes unnecessarily stressful.
all that is to say, try out these tips if you want to, but don't treat them as hard rules and don't focus on trying to achieve perfection. just go have fun!
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powwidge · 1 year
some musings about Octopath Traveler 1 and how the travelers aren't the main characters
since someone else in the tag has already addressed the issue of unfair criticism towards Octopath Traveler 1 i would like to quickly address as to why i think people judge OT1 on a very false level storytellign wise. also i'm hyperfixating on OT and need to put my thougths somewhere.
tl;dr: the 8 travelers are not the main cahracters - they just happen to be the protagonists, so judging them in terms of how non-mc they are is false
because what i mostly see criticized is the storytelling; and while to some extents that's valid (little interaction between the travelers esp as opposed to OT2 (mind u i love OT1 dearly!!)), I often see the argument of "some stories feel much less relevant than others. they're not interconnected. some of them don't seem to have much purpose or anything."
and see the thing is... I am very convicned that was wanted.
because the 8 travelers are not the main characters in Octopath 1 - that's Graham Crossford and Kit Crossford. just think about it; the entire story centers around esp Graham and then later Kit. The entire thing plays out like a story of a child searching for his father and uncovering all the things he did, finding connections to a lost parent and trying to save him. it's a classic, stereotypical story even, so much to the point that i see it reflected in multiple (esp japanese) works. Because Kit is the protagonist lookign for a father lost who once attempted to save the kingdom and his family and failed. you even get the dead mom prompt; like c'mon, everyone here who's seen fmab prob knows that one! u find it all over both western and eastern and southern media.
So, who are the travelers then?
they're just people. people who happen to be the protagonists at hand; some of them more classic than others and more directly related to the plot around Kit and Graham (Primrose (because of the Crows), Olberic (becuase of Hornburg), Therion (because of the dragonstones), Ophelia (because of Matthias)), others simply more or less loosely affected by it (Tressa (receiving Graham's diary), Alfyn (beign highly influenced by Graham), Ha'anit (affected by Graham's mistakes) and Cyurs (too interested in a book he shouldn't be interested in)). You just happen to play as these people, who, in the end, all find out that they have one thing in common - their lives have been affected by Graham and, in the end, by Kit Crossford, too, whom they have to save. only in the last fight against Galdera do they actually become the main characters, even marked by the common "fighting against a dark god" kind of jrpg stereotype which, in all fairness, is also found in western media of all kinds. they step in as main characters when Kit fails to be one - because what kind of main character has to get saved and can't save themselves (classical stereotype talking obv)?
I just feel like judging the traveler's story for having "little relevance" or anythign of the like is wrong; they're people. they're 8 different people, picked to be protagonists, who, sure, i would've loved to see more interaction between, but first and foremost they're people like me and you and that's what makes them relatable.
Octopath Traveler 1 is not a story about being a main character; it's a story about WATCHING a main character (Kit) from an outsider's perspective and that is SUCH an interesting approach that i would personally never slander it, even if execution in some bits and pieces is most certainly lacking.
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coconoct · 2 months
my whb progress 2
as of apr 7, 2024
since whb's half anni has passed, i thought i'd do a progress check to reflect on how much has happened btwn now and this post
general info
lvl: 47
status: 🤨 mostly f2p
i say mostly cause i just recently broke the f2p status and bought bp for ppyong
i refuse to buy packs and in the future i'll prob be very selective over who i pick for bp (aka i wont buy every bp), so for the most part i'll just be having the f2p experience
when i started: launch (10/03 my timezone)
ver: erolabs
team setup
i finally have levi now lmao
sometimes i'll switch out one of the levis for attacker satan but this is what i use generally
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everyone's lvls and artifacts
skill lvls (normal atk-ult-passive)
attacker mammon: 1-3-1
selfie mammon: 4-5-4
selfie satan: 4-4-1
selfie beel: 4-4-4
bloodshed levi: 3-3-1
selfie levi: 3-3-1
secret club
i only work on completing mammon's unholy board
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stuck on needing attacker mammon's sig atm :'))
too lazy to screenshot it all but im basically broke on pies, tears, pretzels (tbf i dont play the minigame whatsoever), red keys, yellow keys, and seals
everything else im either ok in supply or overflowing w it
overall thoughts / reflection
this section is for me to look back on in the future when i do progress posts. i'll break down this section into multiple parts similar to my prev post for consistency
honestly, its interesting in concept. since sadly only 1 chapter has released btwn now and my last post so thoughts havent really drastically changed
ch5 imo wasnt really a full on hades chapter. yes, it takes place in hades and yes we get some intro abt hades, but i think this was supposed to act more like a bridge to tartaros, which is prob why we didnt have any h scenes w any hades chars aside from levi. ofc we'll get back to it being hades-focused eventually, but the story for a while is most likely gonna pivot to tartaros bc of that big lore drop abt mammon at the end
i assume we'll prob be introduced to the cherubs in tartaros bc of selaphiel txting us near the end + it being mentioned at the end that theres a hub of angels in the lab, and hopefully part 2 of mammon's h scene. it was strange at first for mammon to only have 1 h scene, compared to satan or levi that had 2, but w him implying theres probably gonna be a part 2 in his h scene + we'll most likely see him again in ch6 (or however many chapters tartaros will be played out), we'll prob experience part 2 in his home country. tbh that prob just me inhaling MASSIVE hopium since mammon isnt rlly that popular but i can dream ok-
i hope us being in tartaros doesnt last for just 1 chapter. you cant condense the experiments tartaros went through to create a clone of mammon only for them to fail + bring up the fact that the seed is prob also in tartaros in just 1 chapter. well— technically you can, but not at the pace chapters are at atm. chapters have roughly 15 parts of story on the main branch, and imo that much info abt tartaros cant be condensed into 1 chapter unless if they make the story bits like WAY longer than what they normally do
tl;dr as an endgame player, its too easy 💀
working on the spreadsheet ever since the games 1st month of release and now just recently testing multiple team comps, the "meta" is so monkos HSHFJDJ
this game is INSANELY dependent on you having more than 1 dps/tank light card. light is also just an unstoppable element and i wish the game was balanced a bit more to let other elements shine
enemies are now way too easy to defeat. ik i prob shouldnt be complaining abt this but pls im a pgr and neural cloud player at heart I NEED SOME CHALLENGE
ch3 and ch4 were prob the most tedious and awful chapters, but at least they actually made me think when it comes to battles. now i just place down chars and let it play in the bg while i go do smth else. ofc this may just be bc i have a team that im comfortable w using everywhere, but id like to see at least a bit more "challenge" outside of holy coin portal
also, for weekly achievements, lvling artifacts is not a great requirement
i only pull when theres a new s rank or when mammon is moved to standard, so its very, VERY rare compared to avg users. having the artifact req is essentially forcing me to pull during those gaps just so i could fulfill a weekly req which sucks. i also dont need to lvl anymore artifacts in general for my team comp. lvl 15 is the bare minimum i need to get through all content w ease, anything after that is just a small boost tbh
on the note of daily/weekly requirements, there needs to be more of them
i mean in a sense of theres still gonna be 9 daily achievements, but you get more options on HOW you get to the 9 daily achievement req. most gachas that ive played always have more options than necessary to fulfill the overall requirement to get all rewards, so having this strict number w strict reqs is rlly not that great tbh
thoughts from last time still havent rlly changed. pies and candies especially are still rng dependent which sucks, and now there gonna revamp pancakes while also keeping the old pancakes ???? theres way too many currencies (w some even having very little to no use) atp which can and will get overwhelming for new players
i hate solomon seals. you can tell that red keys were supposed to be the main gacha currency if you ever look at old packs, but smth happened along the way and now we have seals
pity is also way too high for what we're earning atm. based off of f2p earnings, every week we get roughly 1 pull of red keys, maybe 2 pulls of yellow keys (red and yellow keys are more dependent on the key boxes which again, dependent on rng), and 1 pull of solomon seals. this doesnt include the stuff earned outside of dailies/weeklies, and i think there should be more ways to earn said currency through dailies/weeklies and not be so dependent on either paying or pulling chars
speaking of pity, i wish we had pity for both of the standard banners
i also wish theyd separate char and artifacts into their own banners. that way, if someone has a char but needs their sig, they can just pull in the artifact-only banner and try to get said sig
tl;dr in general i wish everything wasnt so strict and rng dependent, also wish numbers made sense like why do we get at least 5 red keys a week when 1 pull is 3, JUST GIVE ME 6 KEYS ATP
so yeah thats all for now lmao. im pretty sure i have a lot more to say abt this game but my minds at a blank atm, so ig thatll be saved for the next progress post which will be around 1st anni
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time222pretend · 4 months
ok i've been hype as hell for opening day but i wasn't smart enough to draft an intro so apologies bc i'm writing this as fast as i can to get it out on the dash. anyways this is yang hyein aka the yang canon and under the cut is a tl;dr (that's actually long as hell) about hyein (tho tw abuse) and please give this a like if you're interested in plotting!
ok so important part first: libra sun, aqua moon, pisces rising
now the rest: only child of yang sihyuk the current patriarch of the yang family and bc she's a girl she's the last of the yang line so like imagine growing up with that pressure
and tbh her dad like lowkey (highkey) resents her for being born a girl and like tbh bro didn't want to marry her mother anyways so like really was just another strike against her as far as her dad was concerned
and like bro also was very much in competition with park i's father so like the yang vs park competition was INCREDIBLY real in his mind so like again having a daughter by a lady he didn't even fucking want like it was like he lost in a way so like def punished hyein even tho like bro it was your sperm that determined the biological sex but anyways
so like idk growing up her dad def used the bible to enforce his will but also justify his actions and like explain away his like shitty behavior (ie cheating on his wife like abusing his family emotionally and physically bc he's frustrated with his own life)
and like tbh hyein tried very hard to be a very good girl and like present that way bc like if she did she kind of sort of gained her dad's approval but like also she was raised in a way where like ok your dad treats you like shit but also constantly reminds you that you're better than the rest so you need to act like you're better than the rest and be the girl they think you are
and tbh it was a lot easier to be that way as a kid bc she had a mother who like tbh had nothing better to do so she just fully invested into her daughter and was super overbearing
but her mom passes away when she's 12 and like idk the whole illusion kinda like starts to break apart from there bc part of it is like going from always being monitored and like having too much attention to just having none and her dad not giving a shit about her so long as she's out of sight out of mind paired with starting puberty and feeling rebellious and stuff
but like her dad is not about to be actively publicly embarrassed by a daughter he didn't want so like kinda does the whole double life thing where as like you know publicly she's still a good church girl sits in the front pew whatever and like idk outside of church though she starts hanging out with kids she shouldn't (s/o jeongbin, park ii, bae, and moon) and smoking and drinking and whatever and like a dumb part of her kinda thought like ok this is how life is gonna be and in a fucked up way she can be like her dad and present one day and have her private life be that
only like shit kinda never works out that way bc we all know what happens to jeongbin and tbh she never talks about that but like safe to say she was actually in love with jeongbin though their relationship genuinely was kind of fucked up and one of those things where like when you're raised by a bad man you seek out shitty men but she did love him
and idk after her went "missing" i think tbh part of her went missing with him like she got a lot colder and tbh she hardly ever talks about him ever again and like lmao gets engaged to his cousin and keeps it like business is moving but like idt she ever like processed the trauma she just moved on the way she did and the way she knows how to do things is pretend everything is fine and good
only she kinda girlbosses to close to the sun bc like a couple events happen simultaneously, she and park i get engaged, and like her dad has a stroke (which tbh probs from the stress of her getting engaged to the son of his rival but WHATEVER), and she starts having these honestly terrifying dreams of jeongbin being PISSED at her and they feel so real the shit is starting to scare the fuck out of her
and it all culminates bc one day like a little before the wedding she finds this dead fox on her doorstep and it's been mutilated and like tbh i think it was the straw that broke the camel's back for her and pushed her over the edge and she literally was just like "fuck it" stole some money from her dad and just skipped town
and then the subsequent 8 years as far as hyein is concerned are redacted like no one needs to know what she was up to, or what she did or why like if you ask her what went on while she was gone she's just like "huh? what are you talking about" like let me gaslight u into thinking nothing happened even tho like girl you came back even colder than you were before and like you seem more concerned with your position in life clearly something happened
and the something that happened is like a girl who got catered to her whole life had to meet the real world and it was a fucking rude awakening
but anyways she FINALLY comes back to goero in january of 2023 even though she'd been back in korea for a few months and tbh she came back bc like jeongbin's official funeral but also like tbh idk if you've been treated like shit for 8 years suddenly all the shit you went through growing up doesn't seem so bad and like it feels nice to be home
even tho home is like worse in some ways bc her dad has had a few more strokes since she's been gone and her stepmom (we don't have time to get into that girl) and aunt have been "running" the family business and by that like bro running that shit into the ground so like hyein is happy to be home but also like coming in on a fucking mess and at the end of the day it's HER inheritance they're fucking up so like she literally has just stayed in town and like took her dad's spot on the elder council and been fighting with members of her own family to like get control of shit so she can fix it
and tbh incidentally like her taking over for her family's timber business actually ends up helping a bunch of people working at the mill which cool for them she was just fixing the business bc she's been a broke loser for 8 years and she's fucking done with it adn the company was super mismanged but i guess it's nice some people benefit
but tbh like even though she's benefitting people and tbh fr stepping more into her power and the role she has people like def resent her bc girl you've been gone all this time and now you're just gonna run shit like nothing happened? and hyein who in goero was never told no is just like "yeah i am" and not apologize for it
bc if she were a man it'd be fine but she's a woman so like anyways yeah probs has a reputation for being a bitch and like judging by her actions in the past like they're def not wrong like lmao she def takes what she thinks belongs to her no questions asked but like tbh she actually means well and like what not so yeah
i could've added more but this is long as hell so hmu for plotting and i apologize for talking too much i'm just excited
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todayisafridaynight · 9 months
Loving all the Mine chat today! In a world where neither of them have Daigo to fixate on (for whatever reason) what do you think interactions between Mine and Masato/Aoki would be like? All your comics have them obv pitted against one another (always gives me a giggle gotta say!!) but I'm curious bout your thoughts on them/their potential interactions if Daigo wasn't part of the equation. I think they could be so evil together in whatever capacity. Real "I could make him worse" territory.
Sorry if this is a bit silly (I know removing Daigo removes a lot of other things too) I just love listening to you talk about guys ™️ lmao
i am a renowned Guy(TM) Talker this is a fair thing to assert
BUT honestly they'd probably like. not be friends or Sincerely get along but they'd probably use each other one way or another if given the opportunity: aoki wanting to exploit mine's skills, knowledge, and wealth, all the while mine At Least keeping an eye on aoki's influence (and if he wanted to do his homework probably keep tabs on the arakawas) and considering if it'll have potential use down the line. it's not like it's hard to imagine them having similar ideologies or morals either
mine'd absolutely loathe aoki's pride in his philosophy tho- even if it does align with his own somewhat LMAO
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zenosanalytic · 1 year
So I just found collierastro on youtube 2 days ago, she does super-approachable science communication videos centered on scifi and pop-science(her video on The Practical Problems With Silicon-Based Life is really good), and today I've been working through her video on How String Theory Made SciCom More Difficult, and I think it's a really good example of what I'm always saying about Math not being something ppl find IN nature, but rather something people invented and project ONTO nature.
It's not really the point of her essay, tho I think if you watch it with this in mind you'll prob see how her arguments support that thesis, but the tl;dr on it is this: String Theory works GREAT as math, but 1)you can't really test it with practical experimentation, and 2)while it CAN provide mathematical proofs for lots of stuff in physics, it can only do so for stuff you already have other proofs for, so even that's of limited utility. Related to all this she also touches on, in passing, that the quest for a "unified theory of everything" is really more of an aesthetic obsession with "mathematical elegance" than something the actual science actually suggests.
So here you have a theory that makes perfect sense and is super-elegant IN THE MATH, but which in 100years has produced no experimental verification, has produced hardly ANY practical experiments to test it in the first place, and which may not even BE falsifiable since its "proofs" would all be generated in other, non-observable dimensions anyway. It's literally something that "the math" says should exist, but doesn't, because reality isn't math.
ok, anyway: rant over u_u
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hyliascommonwealth · 11 days
What made you create Uli? Is he inspired by anyone or anything in particular? How long has it been since you created him? Was he your first OC?
So, Uli is actually the product of a 26 year long love affair with the Legend of Zelda. I have loved the series ever since I was old enough to hold the Nintendo 64 controllers, I adored The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time, I was 4 when it was first released in the U.S., I would play it (badly) until I was 5 or 6, this grew with every new Zelda game, I was 8 when Wind Waker released on the Gamecube and 12 when Twilight Princess released, That game would change something in my brain, and turn a childhood favorite into a permanent fixture in my life. Uli's namesake is from Twilight princess!
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Uli is the mother of Collin one of the characters I saw a lot of myself in, I wound up really liking the name Uli, and when I was naming him, Uli came to mind! And well, He's also inspired by the link from that game! as well as all of the links! He takes after Twilight Princess and BOTW link the most Design wise though.
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Uli is also a lot of recycled parts of Kimii my first real OC who has been retired for about 13 years (or more) now.
I honestly don't have any artwork of her older than the ones below from like, 2017
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Uli Is about 7 years old! the thing that pushed me into creating him was the release of Breath of the Wild, and meeting Cheese again after a bunch of years! She got me into Hetalia, and me being the goblin I am can't do anything without my comfort Zelda, Wound up making a Crossover between BOTW and Hetalia. We played with the idea of the nations winding up in Hyrule, adventuring with Link for a while, and then I started wondering what Hyrule would look like as a nation. I looked up a ton of references of what other folks thought, and after running the Original HylianCommonwealth blog I drew as many of the other Hyrule Representatives I could find!
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The original blog was deleted in a depression accident, but I recall at least one of the creators stepped forward and claimed their OC I hope they are doing well!
Thank you for this ask! It's probs waaay too long!
I love the Legend of Zelda, Dating Cheese caused his creation. He's inspired by every link and Zelda in the franchise and Uli, collin's mom Twilight princess. He's not my first OC but uses assets I liked from my First real OC! Uli is 7 years old this year!
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Alright I got kinda a bananas questions for you, but how much time do you think should be divided up between work, hobbies and people. Actually wait more specifically what do you think is a good goal to just sit down and do work, but like actually doing work. Like sitting down for 90 minutes and finishing something not working on said thing for 5 hours then finish it. Over the past couple years I kinda erm, just sorta stopped? My mental health has steadily going to shit and covid fucked that all to hell and I was spending so much time in what was essentially a state of panic(didn’t realize it at the time, but that’s essentially what was happening) that I was too exhausted to do anything and just kind of stopped. I didn’t realize it the time but now that I’m finally getting better Ive noticed how little I was doing and how doing little really negatively effects me. Its become a good marker for me to check that I’ve been actually painting, seeing friends, going for a swim but sometimes it still all goes belly up and I’m trying to figure out what is a good goal.(and whats a good marker for when fucking up) Like a realistic long term goal I can strive for and keep track of. I could real easily just say “go for a swim everyday” but that feels unrealistic. In fact I put exercise in same spot as painting so it would be more like “do hobby for an hour a day” but even that feels like a lot. The thought of that feels exhausting so at least for me it should probs be do hobby thing at least 5 times week. Big goal is to swim 3 times and paint twice or vice a versa. its just hard to do that and then I’ll feel like crap and then notice that I haven’t exercised at all for 8 days and I just don’t move around enough to do that. I’m like a dog or walking house plant that needs to go outside and move around for sunshine and blood flow otherwise I start to physically and mentally feel awful. Its just hard to notice you know? Ugh its annoying because there’s so much shit. Its not just that I need some kinda exercise I also need to do some kinda hobby thing for me and other shit that I like to do. And that isn’t even including the work I need to do. I wasn’t even working before I cannot express enough how much of “doing nothing” I was doing. I’m doing better know with meds and therapy and what not and it is helping but I’ll still get home at 7 and just look at my phone and do some combo of read fanfictin/ play sudoko till I get tired and fall asleep. Then I wake up and shocking, I’m still on bullshit. Sometimes its feels to much to shower (at least with that one I know that I can get away with one at most 2 days with out shower so if I didn’t shower the day before I can mostly just force myself into the shower) that’s what I’m trying to figure out for everything else so I can look at my self force my self to stop looking at phone and paint a shitty flower or something. I was doing pretty good but The other week I house sitter for a friend and was immediately back on bullshit. I barely left her apartment the entire time I was there I’m sure that if I actually went to class, got exercise, painted (I brought all my paints then did fuck all) I would have been able to get more work done. I think Im only actually productive when I’m actually getting up and doing crap. I’m in a contact state of “working” and doing nothing but time is moving forward. I have no idea what this anon is. Ugh whatever I’ll submit it anyway
TL;DR trying to be better at actually do stuff and not doing fuck all. Any idea on what’s a good goal to strive for and what’s a good marker for shits getting fuck go for a walk
Social time is going to be extremely variable. I'm an extrovert and thus lots of social time is no problem. I also do okay not seeing people though as long as I'm busy.
Exercise should be prioritized above most other things, much as I hate this. You should be doing something basically every day. I agree that swimming is likely not realistic on that schedule, but maybe a walk around the block? It sucks, but forcing yourself to get off your ass every day will help with the rest of it. Also, exercise that takes you out of the house, even if only briefly, requires that you put on clothes, which is also helpful.
Get off of social media. If you're having trouble managing things, now is the time to take a break from anything that involves doom scrolling and time just disappearing.
(I say from my bed where I'm wearing the dirty sweatshirt I slept in and no pants while answering asks instead of working on my next novel. Hmm...)
It's obviously important to you to prioritize painting, but I see the difficulty there: you have to get set up and clean up afterwards, and you can't leave paints sitting around or they dry out. I'd try to schedule one longer session per week for now. If you have something else like sketching, you can schedule more frequent shorter sessions because that's easier to pick up and put down without a lot of prep/cleanup.
I do find little morning rituals like making tea helpful. They pry me out of bed and add some structure to my day.
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