#no clue what this film is tho
cannibal-of-god · 1 month
Standing here making macklecheese and there's some horror movies on cuz my mom keeps the Screambox channel on and some girls just be dancing all sexy like to Le Perv by Carpenter Brut
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alaynestcnes · 1 month
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she is taking the older sansa fc title for me. like this might just be sansa stark first of her name queen in the north
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
y'all are not ready for my november 5th destiel art honestly... i think i may have peaked lol
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nancywheeeler · 2 years
paxton hall-yoshida really looked like a Grown Ass Man this season. he was giving Grease levels of “how do you do fellow kids?”
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*watching a film, the credtis are rolling*dad: oh, that idiot was this actor?dad: it's the same actor that played the us president in independence day, by the waydad: he's come a long way. made it from moron to presidentdad: ....dad: then again, so did trump
*a minute later*
dad, looking at me: you can stop laughing now
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I am torn between laughing and... more laughing at those headlines.
Let's start with my favourite:
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And then here we also have:
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Who are those viewers? I get that the scene in question can make people uncomfortable and maybe even that they are 'grossed out'. I get that. But honestly: what did they expect? I've never been to the cinema without having at least a clue what the film is about that I am going to watch in a bit. I don't read spoilers, but at least a summary of what the film is about.
The movie is rated R (for sexual content, language throughout, some teen smoking and drinking). And it's about a teacher and his student. I mean, the sexual content surely would not happen between the janitor and the school nurse? If you don't want to see that- don't watch the movie! That's on the viewer, not the movie.
Also, there was absolutely nothing explicit about the scene. No sex happened! (It was implied, yes- but nothing happened.)
All this makes me believe that most of the mentioned viewers are 13-year-olds who totally missed the point of the entire film (granted, it wasn't a very strong point) and just like to complain on social media. And of course that's were the tabloids come in and produce those memorable headlines. (Still laughing at the Hobbit one.)
I've said it before: Miller's Girl isn't a very good movie, but it also isn't a very bad one. It's somewhere in between, imho. But there is nothing surprising about it. There was nothing misleading in the trailer or the synopsis. We always knew there was a big age gap between the main characters (even tho it was a bit smaller in the screenplay). We knew that!
I've been following this movie since it was announced and I read many, many times something like: 'I like Martin, but I am going to pass on that one. It's not my cup of tea.' And that's absolutely 100% ok. That's how it should be. If something makes you uncomfortable: do not watch it. I don't like horror movies, so I don't watch them (yes, even when Martin is in it. 😉)
You don't like movies that contain a teacher/student- relationship or a big age gap? Do not watch it! You watched it anyway and it grossed you out? Well, who do you blame? Yeah, I thought so. Shame on you if you blame the movie or the director or the actors.
PS: I am not mad or anything, just mostly amused. (Still laughing at the Hobbit headline!!)
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spiderbussy · 1 year
The Hating Game
Dylan O’Brien x Reader
WARNINGS: mentions of sex, steamy moments (but no smut), swearing, lots of anger/hatred, i think that’s all??
i wrote this a whole year ago and dug it up from deep in the drafts and it’s not entirely awful so i figured i might as well publish??? also edited whilst watching some killer shark movie LMFAOO so it might be a lot worse than i think jshsjs,, quick PSA tho: i dont rlly feel comfy writing for real people anymore, and i don’t like writing smut, so whilst this is relatively steamy there’s no actual smut in it :) hopefully someone enjoys lmfao
there is also a high likelihood that i will be deleting this soon bc i am Embarrassed
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Being mortal fucking enemies with your co-worker is not exactly what you envisioned your first serious acting job to entail, but no one can have everything, you suppose. Like, it makes sense, from a realistic (OK, pessimistic) standpoint that getting hired to be a main character on a popular teen TV show with little to no acting experience and the only thing to your name being an apartment you’re about to get evicted out of for not paying your bills is exceedingly lucky. Like, come on, what are the fucking odds? And everyone knows that something so good is bound to be followed by something bad. In your case, something you consider the worst thing that could possibly happen to a person, and his name is Dylan O’Brien.
First off, you know. Dylan O’Brien. Every teenage girls wet dream. He’s a conventionally attractive white guy who respects women because he doesn’t actively spit on them! (You’re not saying he’s sexist, because you’re pretty sure that’s not why he hates you, it’s just because he’s tasteless and a dick.)
Here’s the thing, though. Ever since you started this job, he’s had it out for you. Like, genuinely, he’s fucking evil and is trying to ruin your life. Why is this? You have no clue, only that you hate him back equally as much, if not more.
What really sucks, though, is that this is the guy who’s playing your love interest. At first, this wasn’t even really a problem for you (only to your controlling ex-boyfriend — good fucking riddance, by the way), but it became one when you overheard Dylan actively begging the shows head writer and producer, Jeff, to cancel that plot and then storming off like a complete and utter wankstain when he was denied.
Your character's first kiss scene has had to be filmed at least a million times by now, and the crew is starting to really get pissed off by it, which, like, fair enough, you are too, but it’s not your fault you and Dylan can’t even pretend to be romantically interested in each other for five minutes! The scene itself isn’t even the problem, you’ve nailed that, it’s the kiss. The gentle, loving kiss your characters are supposed to share, and Jeff is an asshole and every time he’d yell at you and Dylan you’d both just get more and more pissed at each other, and the kiss would get progressively more and more heated and angry with every retake.
That’s where you’re at now, bordering on eating each other’s faces (excuse you while you yack!) as Jeff yells “cut!” for the fifty-millionth time. You and Dylan instantly spring apart, awkwardly avoiding eye contact as Jeff sighs. Using the back of your hand, you wipe your mouth, only to pull it back to find blood. Literal fucking blood.
“Did you bite me, you fucking pervert?” you whisper-yell at Dylan so that the crew aren’t prone to any more unprofessional behavior you exhibit. The stinging in your lip grows more profound, and you scoff. “Oh my fucking God, you bit me.”
Dylan smirks, shrugging his shoulders as he glares back at you tenfold. He’s oozing this nonchalant smugness, and you feel more pissed at him than ever.
“How the hell was that ‘gentle’ or ‘loving’!?” you continue quietly yelling at him as Jeff talks with the rest of the crew, his hands rubbing over the creases on his forehead.
Dylan’s smirk falls, as he glares at you with incredulity, “How was pulling my hair like, five minutes ago, any more ‘gentle’ or ‘loving’?!” he spits back.
Part of you wants to admit that that was genuinely an accident, but, like, whatever. Dylan would probably take it the wrong way, interpreting it as you being kinky and attracted to him. “OK,” you say instead, “act like you didn’t moan when I did that, you freak.”
“I moaned in pain,” he argues, eyebrows scrunched and a fire in his eyes as he unconsciously steps towards you.
You open your mouth, ready to retort with another remark with the intent to insult him, but Jeff’s voice quickly cuts the two of you off. “OK, guys, it’s been a long day but we’re gonna try it again,” he breathes out, rubbing his hands together before he suddenly stops, eyes narrowing in on your lip. “Jesus, OK, what the hell, your lip is bleeding Y/N.”
“Sorry about that,” Dylan smirks, poorly feigning being apologetic. And this guy’s supposed to be an actor, Jesus Christ.
“Right,” Jeff sighs, so obviously done with the both of you as you glare daggers at Dylan, which only seems to widen his smirk. “Um, OK, so this time… Dylan, try not to eat Y/N, OK? And, guys, try not to step on each other’s feet… or kick each other… the camera may not be able to see down there, but it shows, and we cab. Um, so, both of you…. just… gentle and loving, OK? This is supposed to be a sweet moment, your characters are comforting each other…. God, OK, let’s just try and get this over with.”
Admittingly, when Jeff speaks, you aren’t even really listening. You’re trying your best to hide the fact that you’re elbowing Dylan behind your back, and he’s aggressively standing on your toes. The both of you are glaring at each other from the corners of your eyes, paying Jeff little attention.
“And, reset!” Jeff calls, the both of you getting back into position. Dylan seemingly can’t help himself, though, because he steps on your heel as you walk away from him. Fucking asshole. You curse him out in your head as you try to hide your wince and sit on Stiles’ bed. He just always has to have the last word. It’s fucking childish.
You’re not paying attention as Jeff continues to call to the crew, ready for a retake. Instead, you’re glaring straight ahead, and Dylan is glaring back. The tension between the two of you dissipates quickly as Jeff yells “Action!” though, and you pretend to be upset as tears fill your eyes. You sniffle and Dylan walks over, slowly sinking himself down next to you. There’s a palpable distance between the two of you, one that’s closing slowly as Dylan, in character, awkwardly shuffles towards you, fidgeting all the while.
“What are you doing?” your character asks, looking at Dylan (Stiles) with soft, furrowed brows.
“Uhhh,” he stutters, “I just—trying to comfort you?”
“Oh,” your character says. “Right. I’m OK, though. Sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize. It’s alright.”
There’s silence for a moment, enough to be considered a moment too long, one that makes the air awkward. You aren’t looking at Jeff but you assume he’s relatively pleased, although this isn’t the part you and Dylan have been struggling with. It’s coming up, though.
Your breath audibly halters as Dylan’s tender fingers brush your hair out of your face, tucking it behind you ear. His character is closer than you thought, as you turn to face him. His fingers are lingering in your hair, coming to hesitantly cup the side of your face as you meet his gaze. There’s barely even three centimeters between your faces, and your character's eyes are flicking down to his lips constantly, as though she can’t help herself.
“Can I…” Dylan‘s charachter trails off, gulping. “Can I—is it alright if I kiss—?”
You cut him off, quickly leaning in to place a peck on his lips.
“…You,” he breathes out, his eyes widened as he looks thoroughly perplexed.
Your character bites her lip, looking down at her hands before shooting up. “Sorry. I’m—I probably shouldn’t have done that. Sorry. I’ll go.” As quickly as you stand up, though, Dylan grabs your hand.
“Don’t be sorry,” he says, and when you turn around to face him his hands are cupping your cheeks again and you’re kissing. It’s gentle and soft until his finger tugs a strand of your hair, and then all of a sudden your hands are in Dylan’s hair roaming through them and tugging and, next thing you know, you’re tonguing and Dylan’s hand is wrapped around your throat.
“OK, cut!” Jeff screeches, and the two of you practically scramble away from each other. “What the hell, guys? You were doing so well until then. I just… Let’s take another five, I guess. No, actually, screw it, we’ll pick this back up tomorrow.”
Jeff storms off, and not only are you pissed at Dylan now, you’re ashamed. The both of you have been acting unprofessional all day, just because Dylan is a fucking child. If he gets you fired… You’re gonna kill him. Fucking murder him. Shit on his mutilated corpse.
Glaring at him, you shove his side as you storm off to go back to your trailer and calm down. You need to sleep because tomorrow is an early shoot and it’s already late, and now you probably won’t be able to because you’re pissed and stressed and worried.
Unfortunately for you, there’s a pattern of thudding footsteps on the ground before Dylan catches up to you. “Jesus, can you slow down?” he rasps. “What the hell did I even do now?”
“Are you fucking serious, O’Brien?” you whirl around, only to be met with him much closer than you anticipated. “I could get fired ‘cause of your immature ass.”
“Oh, my immature ass?” he scoffs. “Do you even hear yourself?”
With a roll of your eyes, you turn around and continue on your merry way to your trailer. You want to get away from Dylan, desperately, before you end up punching him, but he doesn’t seem to be getting the hint and is hot on your heels.
“You’re the one always calling me a dick and shit, insulting me, starting stuff. I mean, I have bruises on my back from you elbowing me just a minute ago.” You’re at your trailer now, after blocking out Dylan’s ranting in your ear, but you only just open the door before he continues, “What, you mad ‘cause no one else ever dishes back what you put out? Sorry not everyone just accepts your word as gospel, princess.”
“First of all, fuck you,” you spit. You’re giving him the attention and reaction he wants, but you don’t even care. You’re that pissed off. “Second of all, me, the princess? Holy shit, O’Brien, you’re delusional. You had a go at me today because I ate the last mac ‘n cheese, even though your name wasn’t on it. You think everything belongs to you because everybody loves you. News flash, it doesn’t, and they don’t. They just suck up to you because you’re a rich white guy with an army of teenage girls behind you.”
“Sounds like you’re just jealous to me,” Dylan shrugs, trying to pretend he’s unaffected but the stiffness in his shoulders is entirely obvious. “I mean, come on, let’s be honest here, you’re used to getting everything, to being the favourite, but the moment someone else gets attention you go fucking haywire. Or maybe you’re just in love with me. You say you hate me but, come on, everyone knows there’s a thin line between love and hate.”
“Me? Love you?” You scoff, laughing aggressively. “Only one of us choked the other as they shoved their tongue down their throat today.”
“Choked you?” Dylan snorts. “You wish. I merely placed my hand in the wrong place. It was an accident, Y/L/N. You know, like you.”
“Oh, good one. You really got me there, Dyl.” The sarcasm is practically oozing out of your every pore at this point. “And your hand was around my neck. How do you accidentally do that?”
“I was aiming for your other cheek, but you were tugging on my hair so much I could barely fucking see,” he retorts.
“Oh, sure. You were aiming for my cheek and you just accidentally slipped your hand right like this,” you say, sliding your hand around Dylan’s throat to demonstrate, lightly pushing him against the wall.
“Yeah, maybe like how you accidentally kept going like this,” Dylan says, his eyes narrowed into slits as he stares straight into yours, his fingers sliding through your hair before gripping and yanking.
“I hate you,” you breathe, your gazes re-aligning. The distance between the two of you is minimal at this point, and there’s an angry hornets nest in your stomach that you blame on your insatiable anger and hatred of this man in front of you.
“Fight me,” he spits, eyes boring into yours and not breaking contact for even a second.
“Oh, you wanna fight?” You challenge, mocking him.
“Fuck you,” he spits again, violently frustrated.
“Oh, you wanna fuck?” You were supposed to say it with a laugh, but the distance between the two of you is so small, and your voice sounds so quiet, and his eyes are looking at yours like that, and it suddenly sounds so reasonable… The two of you are kissing, but it doesn’t feel like kissing. It feels like more. It doesn’t start gentle and slow, like the ones you were doing for the camera earlier, it starts violent and angry as you communicate every ounce of hatred from one body to another.
Dylan’s foot juts out, his hands sliding down your body as he kicks the door to the trailer shut. Immediately, you push him up against the closed door, hands sliding into his hair as his hands come up to cup your cheeks with vigor.
“I knew you were into that,” he groans, smirking.
“Shut the fuck up,” you retort, forcing his head back down to yours so your lips can re-meet. His laugh cuts off into a moan as you pull his hair, and he suddenly flips the two of you around, parting your legs with his foot as his hands cup your ass.
The next day, you drag yourself into hair and makeup, ashamed. You know Sam, your makeup artist, is gonna want to kill you for all the goddamn hickies on your neck. Honest to god, it looks like you’ve just crawled out a leech-infested lake.
“Jesus Christ, girl,” Sam gasps as you take your usual seat. “You get mauled or something?”
The woman lifts your hair as she peers at your marked-up neck, assessing the damage. She seems more amused than pissed off, thankfully, but it does nothing to quell your embarrassment. You just hope you didn’t mark Dylan up as much as he did you, or else someone might just put the pieces together. You do not want people thinking your standards are low enough to sleep with him—they might think you’re some sex-crazed satanist if they know you fucked the devil last night.
“Yeah, something like that,” you sigh, irritation lining your tone. It just so happens that, at that moment, the trailer door opens and in comes Dylan. Your eyes meet immediately, just as they always have done when the two of you have found yourselves in the same room. You glare, but you find it’s half-hearted and, unlike usual, he looks away and goes over to his own seat, seemingly searching for something.
“You gotta tell me who did this to you,” Sam whistles, still in shock, apparently. “Slip ‘em my number, maybe.”
You can’t see Dylan entirely, his back half-turned to you, but you see the corner of his lips turn up as he tries to suppress a smirk.
“You know what they say about guys who put on a show,” you shrug, eyes narrowed in Dylan’s direction. He’s pretending to search for his phone still, but you saw him slip it into his pocket already. Nosey fucker. “It’s a little somethin’ called overcompensation.”
Sam lets out a loud cackle, turning to grab something out of her bag, and Dylan, done with pretending to look for his phone, whirls his head around to give you a subtle glare and a raised eyebrow, a smug look on his face like he knows you’re lying. (Which you, very begrudgingly, have to admit to yourself that you are.)
You hate Dylan. Despise him, even. More than you’ve ever hated anyone; you can rationalize why last night happened easily enough. The amount of hatred and tension and the pressure from Jeff to get that scene right all blew up. That much emotion had to be exhausted somewhere, and, well, it was. It was a blip in the timeline, some kind of glitch in the matrix, but it happened and there’s an easy explanation. What there’s not an easy explanation for, however, is why you liked it so much. Why you’re lying, trying to pretend it wasn’t nearly as good as it was, trying to pretend you’re not still thinking about how it felt to kiss him and kiss him and kiss him… There is no logical explanation for that.
In fact, it’s entirely illogical, the mushy way you feel inside when you met his eyes, covered with a glare that you wish had half the hate in it that it normally does. It’s weird and it’s wrong, because you’re not supposed to have butterflies when you think of the way his hand had caressed your face, the way he ran his fingers through your hair, the way his arms felt, wrapped around you. You’re supposed to be revolted.
He’s smug and he’s pompous and you cannot stand him, let alone stand the thought of kissing him. And yet, although you hate the fact that the thought exists, you yearn for it. You find yourself excited, even, to go to set and get yelled at by Jeff because you simply cannot help yourselves when it comes to one another. You hate it, every second of it, every second of him. You think you hate him so much you might actually love him. And with the wink he sends over his shoulder as he leaves the trailer, eyes dark as they peer at the hickies Sam is frantically trying to cover up, you think he does, too.
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
year-end sugar rush round up 🍭
it’s time for the last round up of 2023. we have made it through another year filled with clownery and love for the boys! as per my tradition in posting year end candy recaps, i am releasing early 31st cause i am gonna be busy with nye shows. i hope you enjoy looking through all the happiness the final month gave us. have a great new year’s eve everyone!!!
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if you wanna look through the past months or year/s then go to this link. 🔗
i’m adding a little exercise to this post tho and ask you, what are your top 5 cpns of the year? please comment or reblog with your answers!
• The tattoo rumor resurfaces ( new clue? )
• Bowing to the crowd as thank you
• 13 fake rumors - from the vault
• potential wedding photoshoot and “superman can’t fly”
• not really cpn but a media account on tiktok posted a video of xz’s appearance in MBS. they used the tags related to xiao zhan for more views, but they included one that has wang yibo’s name on it. 😂 i know that they might have just chosen an already existing tag with xz and wyb name on it and forgot to edit it. but it’s still a funny incident.
• 12/3 ZSWW Fake Rumor ( pre singapore timeline )
• 12/4 fake story contribution ( wolf mates for life )
• Washing candies only make it sweeter
• An example of bjyx being an open secret ( sort of )
photos were going around of a yibo vcr played in a chanel annual meeting in china. we were all happy to see wyb lookin so good and fresh faced, but what we noticed is his top.
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the style of top he was wearing (p1) is very similar to that of GG’s (p2) at the airport when he was flying back to Beijing. it’s probably because the weather is getting colder so they wear this instead of their usual esspensive t-shirts?
the point is it’s kind of like the same-style in a close timeframe from each other. so it seems like their tastes in casual clothes are still very close.
• 12/7/23 Candies ( GQ MOTY + XZS Singapore vlog)
• The GQ MOTY hat was a gift from XZ 🤍 // Part two : I have to say that this has become a favorite one among cpns and has become notorious since so/os from both sides are trying so desperately to wash it. those on xz’s side using rocco’s 227 kadian to dispute everything even if it was their fault they were called out while xz was busy working his ass of shooting LOCH. this is just a reminder that the celebrity is not equal to their fans. whatever drama both sides do to each other, has nothing to do with us and does not reflect the boy’s relationship. 🤍
• Coffee from Singapore CPN ☕️
• All the things that happened Monday Morning of 12/11 which includes the magazine covers, pants, xz going online for a moment etc.
• xiao zhan’s snowman ⛄️
• The fact that WYB was wearing the bone necklace tho hidden during his BAZAAR photoshoot. The ones in focus were of course Chanel, but those who pay attention will see it. A proof of how special it is. Imagine WYB being bare faced and only had stuff that he actually needs, and he decided to keep the necklace on.
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• Not exactly CPN but more of a similarity i love to see. cause Shandong Satellite TV decided to air BAH right after SBMS! We love to see their works not only be shown in online platforms, but also in satellite TV stations.
• Candy Throwback : Alexander Mcqueen shoes, Nike off white & WYB’s missing mole
• 12/15 double attack of stock photos from XZS and YBO. The black and white theme! Anytime these two decide to give us some update is a happy day!
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• Du Hua describes WYB’s looks as that of a rabbit
• Tencent Video All Star Night CPNs 💛
• 12/19 they both went back to Beijing. ZZ was in Shanghai to film and WYB also filmed CCTV stage. The thing is WYB started filming at 2:00 AM and then he was back at the airport to leave at 10:00 AM. They both arrived to BJ so close to each other. CPN is they tried really hard to be back home & be together that day ♥️
• throwback cpn : wyb prepares xz’s room in hengdian (2021)
• their studios posting so close together for winter solstice! tho wyb’s is a preview for his new single, ybo still greeted people.
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• Winter solstice CPNs ( WYB’s song preview and GG’s photoset )
• Clowning about a possible secret message from a 9key code
• “Everything is lovely” similarity from xzs caption and yibo’s new single and more clues like a possible connection to an lrlg post & what looks like a rabbit and character for ox.
• black and yellow similarity!
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• 12/26 WYB EP cpn post ( teaser lyrics )
• FAE : Free and Easy sweater
• Same style of editing between XZS and YBO who we all know are dating ☺️☺️☺️
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• 12/28 candies
• Marie Claire x Xiao Zhan issue 🍭🍬
• Yibo’s new singles : Bystander & Everything is Lovely
• LRLG 12/30 translation and short commentaries
• LRLG responding to cpf comments
• Wang Wang Xianbei 😂😂😂😂
• Similar clothes and Participating in the same single for a nye song
That’s all for now, See you next year!!!! ❤️💛💚
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Neteyam x reader - without you I’d be nothing
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Could you do at Neteyam x mate!reader? Where instead of him getting shot reader does. (She doesn't have to die tho what ever you comfortable with ) sorry I love angst 🖤 - Anon💜
A/N: to avoid spoilers I’m not going to specify anything for those who haven’t watched the film
You had no clue what happened, on minute you were stood behind your mate, pushing his brother and Spider down the hallway, the next you were pulling him after you.
“Ma Neteyam! Come!”
He flicked his gaze to you before tossing the gun aside, you wrapped your tail around his and grabbed his hand, pulling him after you.
You guys managed to get away, and as everyone rushed to the IIu waiting, you found yourself unable to swim, your breath was hard to come by.
You could barely keep your face afloat, and you slowly gasped.
“(Y/N)?” Tsireya asked.
Neteyam whipped his head towards you and dived back into the water.
He looked at you, pulling one of your arms over his shoulder, he checked you over and when he placed his hand on your chest that’s when he felt it.
The warmth mixing with the cold water.
“Lo’ak! We need dad!”
Spider swam over and helped Neteyam pull you into his IIu, and he wrapped his arms around you.
“I’ve got her! I’ve got her!”
They rushed you to the nearest bit of land, and Jake and Neytiri helped them all gently pull you up.
“Watch her head! Watch her head!” Lo’ak panicked.
They laid you down, Jake gently setting your head against the rocks and he rolled you over slightly, seeing an exit wound he drew a quiet breath.
Neteyam crouched next to you, holding your hand in his while your eyes gazed up at the stars in the sky.
“Keep pressure! Keep pressure!”
Jake grabbed Lo’ak’s hands, placing them over the wound, holding his hands against them.
“She’s going to be okay right…?” Spider asked weakly.
“Ma (Y/N)…” Neteyam whispered.
You turned your head slowly towards him, offering him a small smile, taking your hand from his to brush your fingers against the skin of his cheek.
Hearing soft cries, you looked at Neytiri.
“Don’t.. don’t cry…”
You reached your arm out, letting your mates mother embrace you and you held her softly.
You drew a shaky breath, trying to avoid the pain that was spreading across the body.
You tuned out the conversation that was going on, your eyes glued to the eclipse as you deeply breathed in and out.
“(Y/N)…?” Lo’ak asked weakly.
You turned your eyes to him, looking at the tears in his eyes as he turned to you then back to where his parents were going.
“Stay with her!” He yelled.
“Lo’ak!” Tsireya yelled.
Before she could stop him he was gone, Neteyam was still by your side, running his thumb along the backs of your knuckles.
You drew another shaky breath, and gently gripped his hand, making him look at you as tears ran down his face.
“H..hold me…?”
“Of course.” He whispered.
Neteyam got up and disappeared from your sight, but you felt yourself gently being lifted and your back was pressed against his chest, one of his hands holding over the bullet wound as the other held your hand around your waist.
You smiled a little, resting your head in the crook of his neck as you gazed up at the stars.
Neteyam placed his head on yours, closing his eyes as he held tightly in his arms.
“You’re going to be okay…” he whispered.
He had no idea what he would do without you. You grew up together in the Omatikaya clan, sure, you weren’t technically mates yet, you were too young for that.
Yet, you always called each other your mate, you loved each other so deeply you were sure that Eywa could feel your love.
You were his whole world, he wanted to be with you until you both returned home to Eywa, and after that he wanted to be born again just to be yours once again.
“I.. I don’t want to go…”
“You’re not going anywhere… okay..? I’m not going to leave you. You’re going to stay here with me, just like Eywa destined okay? Just a little longer…”
You slowly nodded your head, but you didn’t believe it.
You heard stories of the sky people and what their weapons could do from Norm, and you knew something like this would be the end.
You didn’t want to leave Neteyam, you loved him.
“Ma (Y/N)…?”
He smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“Keep talking to me, okay? Promise me you’ll never stop.”
“I.. I promise…”
So that’s what you did, you talked, sometimes stopping to breathe.
You kept talking, and he just listened, burning the sound of your voice into his memory so he would never forget it.
You talked about when you were children, when you first laid eyes on him you couldn’t take them away.
“When did you realise you loved me?” He asked softly.
He loved hearing this story, he loved hearing you tell him about when you fell in love with him for the first time.
It wasn’t like love at first sight, in fact at first you hated him and found him annoying.
You cracked a small smile, stretching your legs over his, both of you gazing up at the stars.
“I first… I first fell in love with you.. when.. when I saw you helping Tuk climb a tree… you.. you always acted so tough… but you were.. were so happy.. so caring..”
Neteyam smiled and nuzzled into you a little further.
“I saw your smile when we were in the tree, I loved seeing that smile and I still do. I loved when you smiled when I brought you flowers, or left you little gifts when you weren’t look.”
You smiled to yourself, and you took a deep breath.
“I… I want to look at you…”
Neteyam gently laid you on his legs, letting you look up at him, and you raised your hands, brushing your fingers over his face, through his hair.
You admired his face, the way the little dots glowed in the darkness, the softness of his eyes.
“I… I can’t.. not seeing you like this…”
Neteyam looked at your pleading eyes, and he sighed, closing his eyes he pictured his favourite memory of you.
You admired his smiled, burning it into your memory, you took a shallow breath and placed your hand on the back of his head, pulling him down to gently kiss him.
“I… I love you..”
Neteyam opened his eyes.
“I love you too ma (Y/N)…”
He wanted to beg you to fight, scream, shout. He wanted to plead with Eywa to take him instead but he couldn’t he didn’t know what to do.
Tears feel from his eyes and he placed his forehead on your chest.
He could feel your faint heartbeat, your shallow breathing but he didn’t know what to do.
Everything happened so fast, his family came back, Jake took you from him, no matter how much he begged and pleaded for his father to give you back.
Everyone was rushed to the village, Norm and Max were called to help while the reef people did what they could to keep you stable.
“She’s going to be okay bro.” Lo’ak said softly.
Neteyam said nothing, he just sat by your side looking down at you, like he did every day since you were brought back to the village.
“We need to ask Eywa to help her…” Neytiri whispered.
Jake nodded his head.
“We can’t take her away from him again, it’ll destroy him. He practically killed Lo’ak when he got back.” Kiri said.
She was right, Neteyam was so blinding with rage he couldn’t see straight and he beat Lo’ak, hitting him again and again in a blinded rage.
“Take Spider, get Ronal.”
Kiri nodded and the two left.
“Go talk to him…”
Jake nodded and walked over to his eldest son, kneeling down, he placed a hand on Tuk’s head as she slept on your chest, the rise and fall the only thing that was able to soothe her.
“Son… we’ve done everything we can. Let us take her to Eywa…”
Neteyam snapped his head up.
“No! She’s not gone! She’s still breathing! Her heart is still beating! If you put her in that water she’ll die!”
“We don’t have any other choice! It’s been weeks Neteyam.”
Neteyam stood up, tears burning his eyes as he shook his head in anger.
“No! She’s not gone! She’s not!”
With that, he barged past his little brother and their friends, calling his IIu and yours came swimming up as well.
They were so used to swimming together that whenever he called his, yours always came over looking lost.
Neteyam and the two animals same out to beyond the reef and just sat there watching the gentle ripples of the water.
Your IIu, blue, made a small sad noise and he reached out, gently touching her head.
“I know… I miss her too Blue…”
Ronal said this was the only time they could act, Neytiri picked Tuk up, and Jake picked you up in his arms, brushing some hair from your face as he looked down at you.
“I hope this works…”
They got everything ready as fast as they could, they needed to ask Eywa for help, and Neteyam wasn’t letting anyone anywhere near you.
They got everything ready, and when Neteyam noticed Blue was swimming away.
“Hey! Wait!”
He quickly followed Blue, all the way back to the reef trying to figure out what was going on.
They placed the mask on your face, and Norm made sure it was operational before nodding his head, giving the all clear.
Jake and his family pushed you out into the water, and Ronal gestured for them to follow her as they pushed your body under towards the tree.
Neytiri and Jake gently laid your body at the bottom and they began.
Neteyam didn’t find anyone at the village, but Blue didn’t stop, she kept going and Neteyam realised what was happening.
As he approached, he jumped down, diving into the water, swimming as fast as he could down to try and get to you.
Jake quickly grabbed him and stopped him, swimming them both to the surface where Neteyam pushed himself away from his father.
“How could you?!” He yelled.
“We’re doing this for both you and (Y/N)!” Jake yelled back.
Neteyam hissed.
“You’re trying to take her away!”
Neteyam dived back down, and Neytiri and Ronal let him past to get to you.
Neteyam planted himself next to you by the tree, running his fingers through your hair as he tried to contain himself from crying.
Above everyone tried to contain their tears.
“May she rest with Eywa…” someone whispered.
Neteyam held your body closed to him, arms wrapped tightly around you burying his face into your shoulder.
He didn’t want Ewya to take you. She couldn’t.
Lo’ak and Jake swam down, prying you from Neteyam. Lo’ak gently laid your body back down.
They pulled your mate back up to the surface where he let out a ear shattering yell, burying his face into his fathers shoulder.
The family all crowded around, sharing their tears at the loss of you.
“She’s with Eywa now…” Kiri whispered.
“I… I don’t want her to go…” Tuk sniffled.
Neteyam held his little sister tightly, letting her cry into him as he tried to contain his emotions.
They all climbed onto their IIu, gazing down into the glowing water where your soul laid to rest.
“Give him time.” Neytiri whispered.
They all left, leaving Neteyam there knowing he needed this, and he simply just climbed from his IIu laying with his back in the water as he gazed at the sky.
He could see your face and it made him smile a little, tears falling from his eyes.
The water rippled against his skin, and he closed his eyes.
“Ma Neteyam…?”
His eyes shot open, and he quickly spun around, watching you as you took away the mask around your face.
You swam forward in front of him, bringing your hands to his face.
Neteyam was sure he went mad, but when your skin touched his, he knew it was real, and he quickly pulled you into him.
He cried into your shoulder and you held him tightly.
“I don’t ever want loose you…” he cried.
Kissing his shoulder, you rested your forehead on it.
“You won’t, okay? You’ll never loose me, I’ll always be with you.”
He pulled away, running his finger along your face before pulling you in for a deep kiss, trying to savour the moment for as long as he could before you pulled away.
“Can we go home…?”
Neteyam lifted you on to his IIu before climbing on behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you slowly made your way back.
Neteyam wasn’t letting you go every again, he was never going to let you go, weather it was holding your hand, your tail wrapped up with his. He wasn’t going to let you go, and he was never going to take his eye of you.
He was so close to loosing you and he felt like he lost a bit of his soul, if he lost you for good? He wouldn’t know what he would do with himself because he didn’t just want you, he needed you
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linomilkers · 10 months
summary: Minho thinks Y/N hates him because she doesn't treat him like the others. warnings: there's a blowjob lol, but it isn't too graphic and is between y/n and Felix, also honestly this is kind of a polyfic not officially tho
Minho had a lot of conflicting emotions; they scrimmage in his head, combative and aggressive, like a cartoon cat chasing a particularly violent and intelligent mouse. Normally this was something he could easily ignore, or at least pretend like he was ignoring it, and the others would be none the wiser. He'd been blessed with the most phenomenal poker face, so nobody could tell how he was really feeling ever.
But jealousy was an ugly feeling, that clawed at his skull and weighed heavily on his mouth and brows, tugging them into a deep frown.
It was stupid really, his reasoning, but he just couldn't ignore it anymore. The weight of it he'd been shouldering for far too long, and now he was feeling distressed. Enough so that his poker face had cracked in front of the one person he really didn't want it to crack in front of.
It started like this: Y/N was Seungmin's friend first. Minho couldn't remember how the hell they met, he just knew that one day he had no clue who Y/N was, and the next day she was introducing herself with a smile on her face and muffins in a tin -- store bought muffins, but an offering nonetheless. Then it felt like he was seeing her all the time. Obviously, because he lives in the same place as Seungmin, and if she came over a lot then he'd at least bump into her sometimes, even if he rarely lingered out of his room.
But somehow he wasn't just seeing her in their dorm, but he was seeing her at the other dorm too. And he was seeing her in their practice rooms, flopped over the couch in Chan's studio, taking up a chair when they were out for dinner, on the outskirts of the cameras when they were filming vlogs. The crazy part is, it seems like Minho is the only one to notice -- she had seamlessly slid her way into their lives and nobody seemed all too concerned about it.
He didn't mind it -- didn't mind her. She was funny, and she was kind; if he hadn't been sold on her before, seeing how she'd comforted a distraught Felix (over a performance, or something, Minho couldn't remember now) had shown him what he needed to. How she'd listened to his worries, connected to him emotionally, been the support he needed in a group with seven other men who could be (not on purpose) slightly emotionally constipated. It was comforting, is how Felix had described it, sometimes an outside perspective was a benefit.
Then the others started going to her too, because she was always around, so she saw all of them -- their ups and their downs. When Chan forgets meals, when Jeongin is too strict with his diet, when Seungmin is feeling sad but unable to properly express it in a way that doesn't seem like he's being mean -- she was great. Minho had never gone to her for anything, because he didn't want to throw his problems onto her, but it wasn't like she'd not offered. . .sometimes she notices he's in a bad mood, even before the others.
And she's big on skinship, almost as much (if not more) than Felix. The first time he'd realized it was when he'd walked in to Jisung snug between her thighs, his back to her torso while she threaded delicate fingers through his hair. Minho had paused, brows raised, but nobody else in the room had seemed to question it. Jisung prattled on about whatever show he was watching, Y/N hummed while she scrolled through her phone, and they were cuddled close like nothing was out of the ordinary.
Maybe Jisung had been the one to pioneer it, because then he notices everyone is snuggling up with her. Chan snuggles up close to her during movies with his arm thrown over her shoulders, being annoying and clingy and shoving his cheeks against her cheeks until she's squealing. Changbin pouts and whines and shoves his head in her lap so she'll pet at him just how she had for Jisung that first time. Felix is all over her, overjoyed by the fact someone seems to love it as much as he does, so he's all snuggled close, koala'd to her in bed while they window-shop together.
Her cuddling with them makes sense, all of them are big fans of skinship, but even the ones who swear that they loathe it -- are joining in. Hyunjin is all long limbs tangled with hers on the floor while they order food, and Jeongin is lying his head on her shoulder after dinner when he's full, soft and sleepy. Even Seungmin curls his arms around her waist, pressed closed to her and seeming content and asleep.
She's cuddled with all of them. . .all of them except Minho.
At first, he figured it was because he'd never initiated it. He'd seen firsthand that all of the boys come to her to cuddle, she doesn't go to them. Maybe she just hadn't snuggled up with him. because Minho hadn't made the plunge first. . .
. . .or at least that's what he thought, until he saw her waddle on over to Chan, half awake, her arms outstretched and he received her on the sofa. She buried into his side and closed her eyes again, and Minho sat and watched and realized that it wasn't because he'd not initiated it. Y/N must just not want to.
Which is fair, he guesses. . .she doesn't have to want to cuddle with everyone. It's not like it hurts his feelings that she seemingly wants to cuddle up with everyone but him (it totally hurts his feelings) its just something he's noticed. And he's good at looking impassive and unaffected, so maybe she hasn't noticed that he's noticed it.
He can't dislike her for it, or even resent her. She's so sweet otherwise, it almost makes up for it.
Almost, until Minho has had a horrible day. His feet ache from practice, and his mind is reeling with lyrics that he's having trouble with, and he's hungry and hot and tired. Sleep felt heavy in his bones, like his body had never fully woken up with his mind, so it made learning the new choreography more difficult than it should have been. It was his fault for staying up so late, knowing that he had his own schedules to follow before practice, but he'd gotten really into a show and the time flew by before he'd realized.
So he was feeling grouchy and a little overstimulated, and he'd sat down on the couch in the practice room right beside Felix. Felix who is always up for a cuddle, and Minho just needed the contact, he thinks, and the comfort. It would be nice and maybe it would quiet his head a little. Maybe he'd even catch a little sleep while Chan, Changbin, and Jisung figured out whatever they were figuring out right then.
And he thinks he's probably going to get that cuddle, from the way Felix body automatically turns to him, like he's about to press up into his side. For just a second, he lets the tension melt away from his bones.
But when Y/N comes back into the practice room, with only 8 coffees, and Felix leaves his side to go retrieve his, and Minho is realizing that she didn't even bother to get him one. . .well, the tension returns. And also an evil pit in his stomach that thinks maybe Y/N just doesn't like him at all.
He hopes him storming out doesn't look as dramatic as it feels, and on a normal day he might just tease that she was going to have to share hers with him, but today wasn't a normal day. Today, Minho felt like he was the odd one out and he had never really cared about that before in his life up until now. He wasn't just the odd one out, he was being left out, and for some reason that was worse.
Minho finds a quiet, abandoned room, pressing the door open and sighing with relief when he sees there's a small couch there. At least he could lay back and close his eyes and pretend like he wasn't miserable.
The peace only lasts so long, however, because there's a perfunctory knock on the door before it's opening with a slow creak, "Minnie?" Y/N's voice rings through the quiet, and he finds himself frowning, "Are you okay?"
"What do you care?" He spits and Y/N's eyebrows raise slightly, before a sympathetic pout pulls at her mouth.
"You've just seemed off all day today," she noted, walking further into the room and Minho doesn't know if he wants her to stay or leave, and he doesn't know if the warm bubbling in his chest is because she seemed to notice. Then he sees the coffee in her hand and feels a lot less warm, and much more cold, "Then you ran out of the room. I just wanted to see if you were alright."
"It's not polite to follow people," he grumbled, pulling out his phone so he could pretend to ignore her, "Go enjoy your drink with the others, I just didn't feel like watching everyone drink one."
". . .but you forgot to take yours?"
Minho pauses. His eyes shift to her hand, where she shakes the unopened cup and blinks at him. "What?"
She took another step forward, "I said you forgot to take yours," she held it out to him, the ice is loud knocking against itself, "I was about to bring it over to you when you left."
"But there was only 8?" He said lamely, "You -- you got me one?"
Her eyebrows furrowed, "Of course I got you one? Why wouldn't I get you one?"
". . .oh."
He takes the cup from Y/N's hand, feeling silly, and dramatic, and so fucking dumb, "Y'know how Seungmin never finishes his?" she reminded him, "And I never finish mine, so we just share." And then, instead of leaving, she plops down beside him, turning her body to face him, "Why wouldn't I get you one, hm?"
"Well you hadn't -- you didn't ask me what I wanted." He shrunk into himself, feeling uncharacteristically sheepish, "I just figured --"
"You always get the same thing," she told him, "And I didn't ask anyone else either, they take too long just to choose from the same three drinks. So I just went and got some."
Honestly, it was probably the smartest route to take. And Minho is feeling extra stupid for not realizing that Y/N wouldn't do something so malicious as to not get him a drink.
"I know we might not be as close as the others, but I would never leave you out," she tells him, a reminder that it looks like she didn't know he would need, "And I'd like to get closer if you would."
"That's -- I thought you didn't like me." He blurts out, and Y/N's eyes go wide once again.
Minho pauses, regretting letting the words slip from his mouth. Y/N's face warps into one of absolute confusion and horror, shaking her head, "What would make you ever, ever think that?"
"It's just --" he feels so stupid, "It's, you know. . .you don't treat me like the others. . .you don't cuddle up on me or. . .or any of that, like how you do with them. Maybe I don't mean you don't like me, but you definitely. . .you definitely don't like me in the same way."
Y/N blinks at him, and now that he's said it, he realizes how stupid it sounds. He's opening his mouth to take every single thing back and tell her to forget it -- his legs even twitch, eager to flee the scene, to leave Y/N confused and leave the boys in the practice room and just go home and hide in his bed.
But Y/N scoots closer to him -- closer than he thinks she's ever been to him, her body turned to face his, so her leg was pushed right up to his thigh, while the other dangled off the couch, "Minnie," she sounds like she's pouting but Minho is trying to look anywhere but her eyes, "I didn't think you wanted me to touch you."
"Why would you think that?" He knows it's a stupid question as soon as it leaves his mouth, because why wouldn't she think that? Minho and how he feels about touch is very unclear and confusing to even the guys who have been in his life for years now -- sometimes he's all over them, sometimes if they touch him he stiffens and shuffles away. It just depends on the day, how he's feeling, what mood he's in -- the only two who can get away with touching him no matter what would be Jisung and Felix, maybe Jeongin because he's not big on skinship either so Minho would be stunned and let him do whatever.
So how was Y/N, who was relatively new to their dynamic, supposed to figure that out?
Still, she humors him, shrugging, the look of distress on her face makes his chest squeeze, "I -- I don't know! Every time I got close to you at the start you just -- it seemed like you didn't want me around you physically, so I tried to respect your boundaries. And you never seemed like you wanted a hug or a cuddle or any of that."
"I'm practically staring daggers into you every time you're snuggled up with someone and you thought I didn't want it too?"
"I thought you really didn't like me!" She admitted, "I thought you just tolerated me because of the others. . ."
"Well that's stupid."
He knows he's being difficult, and Y/N knows it too, but she breathes out a heavy breath and then throws herself into him. "You're stupid," she sighs against him, and Minho is rearranging his crossed arms so that they slide around her body. She's warm, and her skin is soft where their bodies meet. For a moment, he gets self conscious about what he might smell like, or if he was still sweaty, but Y/N doesn't seem to mind. She only stays pressed close to him, so tightly like she might be trying to absorb him into her body.
And Minho just revels in it. He'd known he wanted it but he hadn't realized how badly he wanted it until he was finally getting it. Was this what the others had been getting the whole time? If he wasn't feeling so satiated and relieved then he would probably be getting upset again. This was good -- holding onto her was nice, and when she started to trace designs into his shoulder how she does for Felix. . .god, it was just unreasonable how great this felt.
Because he'd wanted this -- he wanted this so badly. Why had he wanted it so badly? He couldn't figure it out exactly, just knew that this was good. . .this was so, so, so good.
"Did you want other things too?" She inquired suddenly, and Minho hums in his throat, but makes no move to part from her.
"What do you mean?"
Y/N wiggled back, withdrawing from his throat, "Like kisses and all that?"
Minho blinks at her again.
"Kissing?" Had they all been kissing too? And he wasn't involved? It almost makes him upset all over again! He feels the frown pull at his mouth before he can stop it, "You've been kissing them all." He doesn't say it as a question, he says it as a statement, and Y/N shrugged her shoulders a bit.
"I. . .not everyone," she told him, "Just the ones who want it."
"Who wants it?"
Y/N holds up her hand, counting on her fingers, "Um, Jisungie likes them sometimes, Felix does, Changbin likes them, Chan gets shy about it but he likes them too."
"Seungmin?" Minho presses but Y/N scrunched her nose.
"Nooo, not yet," she tells him, "He's nervous about it or something, I dunno'. I told him if he ever wants to we will."
"And you just kissed them? Or did they kiss you?"
Y/N pushes her hair from her face, "They kissed me first," she explained, "I told them it was okay first though, so. . ."
And he doesn't know. . .he isn't sure if he's ready for that. Ready to feel her like that, in his lap, with her lips on his that might just be. . .he thinks that might be too much. Doesn't know if he could be normal about it, or if he would get stiff and awkward and unsure, because really he hasn't kissed that many people before.
"Maybe not. . .maybe not now? I don't know," but he feels jealousy coil deep in his belly; he hates feeling left out of something.
"Okay," she nods, her smile is gentle, "Whatever you want."
He isn't sure what this means for him, or for them as a group, or even for Y/N -- what does she get out of this? Maybe she was just as touch-starved and needy as he felt sometimes and this was a way to combat that. Or maybe she was like Chan, self-sacrificing in a way that leads her to situations where she's used for cuddles and kissing and all those warm fuzzy relationship things without actually having to be in a relationship.
But whatever it is, he doesn't want to dwell on it. This feels good, just how it feels good cuddling with the boys. It's just different though -- a different good; where they are sinewy and sturdy, she's soft, moldable. She moves how he wants her to easily, like Felix does, and she's not as fidgety as Jisung, and she smells as good as Hyunjin (honestly she smells like him, and Minho wonders if she'd just been snuggling with him earlier today) but she's a solid, reassuring weight like Chan and she nuzzles how Changbin does. Her fingers dance along the fabric of his shirt, plucking and pulling at it like she was trying to busy her hands and it reminds him of Seungmin. And she's just as ticklish as Jeongin is, when she curls toward his hand after he shifts it toward her waist, a giggle at her mouth.
So no kisses for now, but cuddles for sure. And when she said "kisses and all that", Minho wondered what all that was.
He guesses he'll find out sooner or later.
. . .
He found out sooner rather than later, and probably not in the way that he would have liked.
Minho is big on knocking on doors, that's how he's always been because he was raised to be polite and courteous above all. And he usually follows that in their dorm, and expects the others to do the same, unless they really needed something or he was asleep. It just helps, for privacy reasons, and he thinks it helps them avoid embarrassing situations.
But Felix had his door cracked, and if the door is cracked then it's fair game. So Minho didn't bother knocking, just pressed his palm to the door and let it swing open, his intent to ask Felix if he wanted to eat what Minho was cooking tonight. He expected Felix to be at his gaming set up, sure, so that wasn't a surprise. What he wasn't expecting was for Y/N to be nestled between his legs, her mouth full of him.
Neither even look concerned about him seeing it. Felix had his headphones on so he doesn't hear him but Y/N does, startles with a small jump before pulling away. When she looks to the door, a smile stretches over her mouth, "Hi Minnie," she said sweetly -- sweet enough that Minho would second guess anything had been going on before he walked in.
"Fuck, sorry," he darted his gaze elsewhere, but the image of her with her lips are swollen and red would haunt his (wet) dreams forever, "I was just -- I came to ask about dinner."
She turned to Felix, nudging his thigh to grab his attention and he looks down at her first, then cranes his neck when she points to the door, "Minnie-hyung," his smile matches hers, and really, nobody was embarrassed about being caught? "Sorry I didn't hear you come in, I'm like deep into this game," he pulls one headphone off his ear, "Is everything okay?"
"Um, yes," don't look at his lap, don't look at his lap, don't look at his lap, "Just came to see if you were -- if you were going to order or if you wanted the jajangmyeon I was cooking."
"Mm, I love your meals best, you know," normally this sentiment warms him, but he really can't focus at all, "Y/N and I were supposed to order, but is it okay if she eats your meal as well? Do you have enough?"
Minho glances at her again, she smiles when they make eye contact again, and Minho is nodding, his gaze darting away, "Yeah, yes, of course."
"Yayyy," she cheers, her voice is gruff and a little raspy, and Minho's mind spins, "I'm excited. I've never gotten to have your cooking before."
"Really?" Felix looks down toward her, removing one of his hands from the controller and petting over the top of her head, "It's so good, you'll love it."
Minho wonders if he's actually hallucinating the situation, and Y/N isn't actually on her knees in front of Felix. But when he nods, bids his farewell and lets the door click close behind him, he can hear the sharp inhale and breathy moan Felix lets out. She must have sunk right back onto him as soon as he'd left.
"Ah-ah that's it, you're so good with your mouth."
He feels dizzy -- he makes the rest of the food in a daze and tries desperately not to think about it but only is able to think about it. That night he falls asleep after he fixed his hand around his dick, twisting and squeezing until he cums pitifully over his hands, biting on a pillow to muffle his own noises.
Breathless and panting, he tries not to consider what she must be doing with everyone else. And he tries to ignore the jealousy that bubbles beneath his skin.
. . .
When Minho sees Seungmin pucker his lips and Y/N meet his mouth, he's just about had it. It's finally the straw that breaks the camels back, forcing him into action, or at least forces him to do something. . . to bring it up. He knows that Y/N will sometimes linger in the living room after everyone retires to their own room. Half the time it's where she falls asleep, if not with Seungmin or Felix (who always seem to have extra space in their twin size for her), so he waits a little while, until he knows everyone is shut in for the night.
And, low and behold, there she was laying on the couch like it was her dorm. The lamp is the only light on in the room, casting a familiar yellow glow over her. She's got a blanket pulled loosely up to her stomach, her head on what looks like one of Jeongin's pillows (he always has a spare to give out) with her hands above her head, looking at her phone. She's got an earbud in, and she's grinning at something, giggling a little through a puff of air from her nose -- she must be planning on spending the night here.
It only takes her a second to notice him hovering and staring, she startles and smiles a little, "Oh, hi Min," she murmured, always with a nickname, her voice low and quiet, "What's wrong? You can't sleep?"
Honestly, he thinks Y/N probably belongs on at the 3RACHA (+Hyunjin) dorm more often than she belonged here. She was a night owl through and through, so while all of them in this dorm were turning in around 9 to 10PM, she was still awake for a couple of hours. Which is why she would think he's trailed his way out to the living room at 10:06PM, because find sleep -- she probably imagined he was cutting through to get to the kitchen.
Instead, he's here because, "I saw you kiss Seungminnie," he walks closer to her, lingering still, "He finally wanted to?"
Y/N blinks at him, and Minho blinks back. They are both quiet for a little while, and Minho is regretting this -- thinking maybe he should go back to his room and smother himself with his pillow -- but she finally speaks, "So we aren't going to talk about it?"
His eyebrows furrow, "About what?"
"About the fact that you haven't been able to look me in the eyes since you walked into Felix's room the other day and the first time you've really spoken to me since is because I kissed Seungmin?"
He pauses. Y/N had never been shy about bringing things up but she wasn't necessarily confrontational either, so he wasn't expecting this. Honestly, he'd thought she might have forgotten that he walked in on her and Felix, because she really didn't change how she spoke to him at all, or how she acted around him. He was the one being weird, not her.
But she'd noticed -- so clearly had she noticed, and now his ears feel like they're burning and he wants to walk back into his room and pretend like he never came out here to begin with.
Y/N seems distressed though, at least the way her face pulls into a frown, lips pouted down and her brows pinched toward the center, "Listen, I know you must -- you think I'm a whore, right? That's why you're being so weird," she accused him, and Minho's eyes widen, mouth opening to deny her but she keeps going, "And I get that this is. . .it isn't conventional, but I - you guys are always so stressed out and I want to help in anyway I can so --"
"I don't think that!" He cuts her off, shaking his head, "I don't think that at all."
She doesn't seem satisfied, "You don't have to lie to me to make me feel better," her shoulders sink, "Why else would you be acting like this toward me?"
Minho hadn't realized he'd been that obvious about it. Maybe he was avoiding eye contact with her every time she tried to search for his gaze, but it was kind of normal for him to look away really quick when he locked eyes with anyone. And maybe he would make his presence light if Y/N was lingering and looming around the halls of their dorm like a friendly ghost, moving to where she's needed, but he's always kind of been distant. Maybe he hasn't cashed in that cuddle he'd whined about either, and maybe Y/N thought that was a little weird because he'd finally been getting a little more touchy with her before he walked in on her with Felix.
And maybe he gave Y/N every reason to believe that he would think something so ugly. Guilt gnaws at his throat, while he desperately tries to find the right thing to say.
"Will you -- can you come with me? Please -- I think this would be better to speak about in my room."
She doesn't hesitate when she follows him, which makes Minho feel a little better. He guides them to his room and shuts the door behind them, and Y/N lingers before he offers her to sit on his bed. She places herself gingerly, looking a little nervous, and Minho sits down beside her.
"I want those things with you," he finally speaks up, deciding it wouldn't be fair to keep wasting her time, or making her think that he had any vile thoughts toward her, "I really do, I just. . .am bad, at asking for them. And then when I don't ask, and I don't get them, then I get. . .jealous, when someone else does." He winces at himself, "I -- it's convoluted, and doesn't make sense but it's the truth. I'm just -- you know the others just eventually knew when I wanted to cuddle and when I didn't, or when I want attention and when I don't, but that was after years together. And even then, sometimes they aren't sure, so it wasn't fair of me to assume you'd know."
Y/N stares at him, she sighs, then she kicks off her slippers and crawls further into his bed. She sits up against the mountain of pillows, holds her arms out for him, and motions him over, "You don't make a lot of sense," she remarks, but it doesn't sound like she's chastising him, and Minho is called to the opening of her arms. He follows her, lets himself melt into her body, sighing when his cheek meets her stomach and he nuzzles himself close. Y/N's hands bury themselves in his hair (he finds himself hoping its soft) and she tangles her fingers up in it. Rubbing gently at his scalp, she hums a little sound, "You're gonna make me work my brain aren't you? I'll just have to get really good at reading you then, until you're comfortable coming to me yourself."
Minho nods, as he slips his arms around her body and holds her closely. Why does he deny himself of things that he likes so much? Y/N might be the easiest person to ask for things like this, yet her fumbles so bad. What was his deal? Why had he never cared so much that he was bad at asking for things like this before?
"Stop thinking, I can hear you," she pinched his shoulders and he hisses, but buries himself deeper against her, "You're so silly sometimes."
Yeah, he really is.
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loopeyfluff · 1 year
Spiderman across the spiderverse thoughts and spoilers underneath read more. it's all just gushing, do not expect a proper review.
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That. Was. Fucking. Insane. That was the best movie I’ve watched. Literally captivated from start to finish. WHAT AN EXPLOSIVE INTRODUCTION?! with gwen stacey and her drums? Such powerful animated movements, in fact ALL THE ACTION SCENES carried SUCH GOOD WEIGHT, made SUCH GOOD USE OF THEIR ENVIRONMENT, and were just generally so well choreographed! The first villain was just so visually stunning and animated, I LOVED his style. And the humour from the very start was just, on point. This entire movie WAS SOOOO FUNNY. IT WAS HILARIOUS! Hahaha the lego spiderman scene? How miguel was like, “you’re one of the best of us” XDDD. And omg the MAIN ANTOGNIST IS THE BAGEL GUY. I CANNOT. THATS SO HECKING FUNNY. HAHAHHWYWHAJABWHAJJAHAHAHAH.
Such a visually stunning movie man. Like the first one was amazing, but this somehow topped that. The ENVIRONMENTS AND WORLDS THAT WE EXPLORED WERE SOOOO BEAUTIFULLY CONSTRUCTED? Indian spiderman- just everything about him was hilarious- had such an amazing universe, just the layered upon layers of buildings and roads EVERYWHERE. omg HOBY??? I LOVE HOBY MAN. How earlier he was like, miles u gotta use ur palms too not just ur fingers, and then he was also very established to be an against capitalism and institution type man, AND OMG MY GUY AAAAAA HELPING MILES OUT!!!! WHEN NO ONE ELSE WAS DOING ANYTHING FOR HIM??? HOBY’S A REAL ONE GUYS I LOVE HIM.
MAYDAY WAS ADORABLE! Peter being such a doting father was so adorable and EVERYTHING. Like that sequence of him showing all the baby pictures to miles and gwen, and then when he told miles that he should HOLD THE BABY IT’LL MAKE YOU FEEL BETTTER!!!! And ofc it did XD THAT TRAIN FIGHT SCENE??? SO MANY MOVIES HAVE TRIED IT BEFORE, BUT THIS WAS THE ABSOLUTE SICKEST TRAIN FIGHT SCENE IVE EVER SEEN. Just the train BULLETING UPWARDS, and then the call back to the leap of faith?
AHHHH but also! So many wonderful computer screen background worthy shots within this film. I absolutely adored the way they kept having the spider people sit and hang upside down. It made so many visually stunning scenes! Like when they were going up the elevator,,, AND THEY WERE ALL UPSIDE DOWN!!! AARHEGEH SOOO COOOL!!!!
Oh man but that brief appearance of peni parker! SHE LOOKED SO TIRED :(!!! URGEGWHW WE GOT TO SEE SPIDERHAM AND SPIDERNOIR AT THE END BUT MAN I RLLY WISH I CUDA SEEN MORE OF THOSE GUYS WYHWHAHWUIAKjahauai!!1!1!?1!1!1 I was so happy when they finally appeared with gwens group of spider allies tho ; - ;!!!!!
Okay back to bagel guy, what a fun and hilarious opening and introduction? Hahaha trying to steal the atm machine and their whole banter, it was just so funny. Amazing introduction. I loved miles’ roommate too! I wish we got to see more of him haha.
Oh oh oh, I loved all of the impact frames in this movie, and also the speech bubbles and sound effects and other fun comic style things, but the glossary squares that kept appearing on screen??? AMAZING!!!! I would love to go through this movie again and just pause and read over everything! THE COLOURS WERE SOOOO GOOD IN THIS MOVIE??? THIS MOVIE REALLY STOOD OUT FOR ME IN IT’S PALETTES! SOME SCENES WERE JUST COMPOSED SO BEAUTIFULLY I JUST AYWHAHAHWUJAHAHAHAH!!!!
The plot twist at the end was so good. It was so well built up too, there were so many hints and what not but it only hit me when aaron showed up… the mom’s eyes being different, her not knowing who spiderman is,,, earlier when the screen got the WRONG DNA,,, and also just the different colour palette? So many good clues. I’m over here laughing at how anticlimactic the mom is taking the news, and then AARON SHOWS UP. And the revelation HIT ME LIKE A TRUCK MAN. IT WASN’T A JOKE.
can we talk about the amazing sound track and sound design for this movie??? I watched this in VMAX which is a cinema which had a larger screen and louder speakers, and wow, I WAS SOOO IMMERSED MAN. Not only does the music SLAP and match each new place so well, but it just adds so much to the viewing experience!!!!
This movie was an absolute masterpiece. Wow. Jesus. The first movie was like my favourite movie. But this somehow TOPPED THAT???? Insane.
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forecast0ctopus · 6 months
i haven't a clue what reanimator is but your art makes it look interesting
:D tysm!!!
re-animator is a 1985 cult classic horror film haha i think it’s great but if you’d like to watch it i would highly suggest making yourself aware of the applicable content warnings. theres a lot of gore amongst other things that may steer you away.
its really funny tho and has a lot of interesting character dynamics :] fun to draw for sure
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there’s also a sequel called bride of re-animator! which is a cool movie as well
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campfam4lyfe · 7 days
So good to meet another Brookji/Kenlynn fan! What do you think that will happen between them in JWCT season 2 (or later seasons)?
okay so, honestly, i have like. zero clue. of what i think will actually happen, because there could be so many different roads for them to take. i know what i want though, and that is a kenlynn endgame. i understand why they broke up, i do. but to see their faces as it happened. the devastation--neither of them wanted it. but kenji had to do it, and i dont blame him.
but guys! brooklynn loves the camp fam--she keeps their picture up on her mystery board. she kept it as her lockscreen. she loves them. i also have to say, that brooklynn loves kenji. as a boyfriend, as a lover--as her person. darius says she was real broken up about the breakup, and she clearly had regrets. she told darius about how and where it happened. she kept that video with the "brokwie bear" and "kenji wenji." she has that video because she couldn't help but film him bc she thought he was being cute. it was one of the first things they saw when they decided to look through her phone! she loves him!
and kenji loves her--his grief over her death, his anger at the people he suspected of being involved in her death--the constant "where were you's" to darius--he needed to know why he wasnt there. that bit where he says "be honest with me. if you loved brooklynn, and mean, really loved her, why werent you there?" broke me, absolutely, cause goddamn ouch. like. he loves her, so he couldnt imagine not showing up if she called him. to the extent where he needs to know why darius wasnt and its like. does he, somehow, blame himself a lot? is that a veiled, *i* could have been there, why didnt she want me there?? devastating stuff.
but. thats all s1 stuff. youre asking about season 2 and onwards! so. what i think will happen--okay, so, you remember how in the end of s1 cc they showed ben was alive? and then we got a ben&bumpy episode that spanned the near-month he was alone. im wondering if they'll do that with brooklynn at some point. truly, i dont know. its possible, but maybe there going to reveal it in pieces, like flashbacks.
i want to know how brooklynn survived. the extent of her realtionship with ronnie, and about all the stuff she'd uncovered abt the dino smugglers since she started till now.
but also, i want a reunion so so bad, and since CT was handling everything else so well, i think theyll do a reunion justice too. and that means i think they will give some of the characters space to be angry. obviously i think there will be relief--who wouldnt be, to find out your friend is alive? but then i think there might also be betrayal, or anger or both.
and maybe also a little horror. brooklynn lost her HAND. and those moments leading up to it must have been terrifying.
i want the fact that she has lost a hand to be addressed. for instance, she can't drive her motorcycle anymore, at least not without a proper prosthesis. and its clearly something she liked doing--her helmets! one for her and one for kenji. just. AHHHHHH you know???
i want kenji to be wooed, let brooklynn woo kenji CT writers, let them woo each other.
i realize i keep meandering and never properly answering your question. im so sorry! okay--i think things will be tense, probably, with relief mixed in, but also a lot of hurt, and some anger. i think brooklynn will have her reasons, its a matter of whether or not the camp fam can accept those reasons or not, after all, we cannot force anyone to accept our apologies. i think they will however, though it may be at different stages for different characters. i think kenlynn will be able to reconcile, and im hoping for a "i knew youd come around/dont ruin it" call back. (my biggest hope is for that ghost line callback tho) but i also think brooklynn will have to show kenji that she does value his time and being with him, and just, him. which, i think its clear she does, but she got a little too consumed with her mystery for a hot sec.
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wildernezz · 3 months
dead poets society scene that cannot be slept on any longer (im just rambling and analyzing the sillies and pretending to be smart. also spoilers loll)
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every single actor in this scene does such an amazing job. they genuinely all feel like such real and complex characters it's insane.
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i don't care if you hate cameron's character but you cannot deny that his scene was amazingly pathetic. his actor did such a perfect job at portraying him almost like a rat backed into a corner. he's doing everything he can to save himself, telling himself he's the one in the right, the one with common sense, when he knows he's faking it. all his dominance is such a pathetic lie and it's genuinely impressive to watch it be portrayed so accurately. it is exactly what it's like to watch someone desperately claw for an ounce of respect. cameron was always a desperate character, and the moment he got the chance to drop his friends and come out "higher" than them, it just made him even sadder to watch.
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and meanwhile charlie's the perfect example of failed justice and passion being outpoured all at once. he has so much determination and desire to stand up for what he believes, but it's all pouring out at once. he doesn't know how to handle all of it. he knows he's done for but he can't give up for the life of him, and it all comes out in a solid swing to cameron's face. that single punch probably sums up everything about charlie, and honestly everything i love about him as a character. he seems like a menace-y little bastard, but at the end of the day he just genuinely wants to do what he thinks is right. he's fiercely protective of the people he looks up to but he'll never admit it. that little shit has ZERO clue how to handle his emotions rationally and it's honestly respectable. he doesn't know exactly who he is, but his values are so strong that he's unknowingly guided by them. basically he's just a silly little guy and i hope he punches people more often :3
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AND TODD THE BELOVED <33 he is so underrated in this scene it's insane. every word feels like it's falling out of him. he's lost his best friend and he's lost all control over himself. it's powerful seeing such quiet and reserved character unwillingly transform into everything they've been trying to keep down. i will forever be in love with how his character completely breaks down after neil's death. this is kinda just me projecting but he fr feels like a representation of all of my own thoughts when breaking down, except he's actually voicing them. todd supremacy for-fucking-ever.
i absolutely adore how knox acts in this scene. especially his lines of "don't touch him charlie, you do and you're out," and then for that to be followed by "you don't know that" after charlie's little "i'm out anyway"?????? knox's entire personality in this movie might be about trying to rizz up girls (and it's a little concerning now but it was a different time guys please he's silly guys i swear), but he's honestly SOO sweet when he's not focused on that. he's just as protective of his friends and it's so nice seeing him be the voice of reason. like did u guys not see how quickly he reached for charlie when he was about to kick cameron's ass????? he genuinely wants the best for his friends and he knows them well enough to try and stop them from doing any irrational shit (even tho it failed later but shshsh). love knox for that.
meeks and pitts don't say anything in this scene, but their looks alone give off so much. you can just SEE how much meeks feels betrayed by cameron, and then pitts looks like he's still trying to process the fact that cameron would even do something like that. it's honestly so sad but god it's so amazing to watch.
anyways thank u for coming to my ted talk plspls ask me about films or drop ur random analyzations to me im so desperate to analyze my favorite little guys :33
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callsign-bunnie · 2 years
One-shot prompt or HCs, you choose: Alejandro & Ghost and Rudy & Soap (&Gaz?) friendships, or old married husbands parenting their Cowboy children lol
Ah, so I'm pretty bad with children, myself, anon. I got no clue how they work, so I'll settle with the friend ships. (Personally, I think both would have children in a different universe, tho.)
Ghost and Alejandro:
Ghost and Alejandro are those best friends who act like brothers in that they fight at the drop of a hat but would kill for each other. They’re not quite as close as Alejandro and Rodolfo, but Alejandro considers Ghost his second best friend.
They frequently go to bars, together, and also make sure to stay in touch when the other is on a mission
Alejandro has to duck when he walks by Ghost if he’s wearing a hat because Ghost will knock it off
Ghost regularly just silently walks into a room and stands behind Alejandro until he notices to scare the shit out of him
Alejandro is teaching Ghost Spanish
Both are lowkey bad at cooking on their own so they always go out when they have “bro” nights
Ghost told Alejandro most of his backstory when he was drunk one night and Alejandro did the same
Wrestle quite a bit for dumb reasons
Alejandro matches Ghost in physical combat skills, weapon free, as long as Alejandro knocks Ghost off guard.
Ghost has a hard time using his tactics on Alejandro because if Alejandro isn’t fighting for his life, he doesn’t bother to strategize, so Ghost can’t counter strategize
Play Uno. Both are bad at it, their games last for hours.
Alejandro and Ghost both use chess to keep their minds sharp. Alejandro picked it up from a mentor and Ghost read somewhere that it helps with critical thinking skills. They frequently play against each other since no one else will play with them because they’ll win.
Alejandro is really good at trapping in Tik Tac Toe, and Ghost cusses him out every time.
Ghost regularly gets on top of tall things to scare Alejandro when he walks into a room. (Look, Soap has gotten too used to him to scare and Ghost refuses to scare Rodolfo. And Price threatened to kick his ass if he kept scaring Gaz.)
Alejandro gets revenge by playing spooky music very quietly in the hallways so Ghost loses his mind trying to find it.
Dressed up for the batman premier and went. They’re taking that secret to their graves.
Has been told off by Rodolfo for arguing at bad times. (Soap thinks it’s funny and riles them up)
Constantly scheming together to do dumb shit. Occasionally Soap joins in.
Price and Laswell frequently stop them from fighting by grabbing them by the backs of their collars and dragging them apart like cats
Rodolfo and Soap:
Soap and Rodolfo regularly hang out together
Soap helps Rodolfo have fun when he’s too mission brained and Rodolfo helps Soap stay calm when he can’t be hyperactive
Definition of ADHD friend meets Autism Friend
Soap is chronically late and Rodolfo is chronically early. This stresses Rodolfo out quite a bit
Soap buys Rodolfo stuff for Rodolfo’s hyperfixations whenever he sees it.
Rodolfo is usually in charge of the money when they hang out, because Soap is an impulse buyer
Rodolfo keeps energy drinks in his quarters in case Soap needs to self medicate
They play board games a lot, usually with Soap making at least one remark of “they call it a board game because you’re bored” He secretly enjoys them a lot
They watch telenovelas together and Rodolfo usually has to explain everything to Soap, or remind him
Actually secretly went to a live filming of one, together. Rodolfo had to give Soap a crash course of Spanish, which is actually where Soap learned most of what he knows.
Soap is actually almost completely fluent in Spanish because of telenovelas
They watch TV with subtitles on because neither can understand a word without it. They’re Spanish subtitles.
Have fallen asleep on the couch together and had to be separated by respective boyfriends.
Just really good healthy friendship, save for when they’re arguing over who should pick who in their shows.
Bonus Soap and Rodolfo and Gaz:
Gaz usually only hangs out with them when Price or Farah are busy but he enjoys spending time with them
They all have deep conversations on their perspectives of growing up lgbt (you can pry trans Gaz from my cold dead hands) in their respective cultures.
Soap drags them both out to bars every other Saturday, though
Gaz’s tolerance is horrible, Rodolfo’s is average, and Soap’s is sky high (genetics, not due to being scottish. He’s low key super mad about it) so Soap is DD and usually drinks soda since he’s not gonna get drunk anyway and it’s cheaper
Gaz and Rodolfo share an interest in poisonous mushrooms.
Gaz pretends not to like the telenovelas but when he’s hanging out and they put them on, he sits and watches and asks questions.
He once came in in the middle of an episode, and he asked so many questions that they just restarted the episode
Gaz has a soft spot for fantasy shows, so they watch them with him
They also frequently go to the shooting range
Soap has the best stationary aim at a distance, but Gaz is more accurate with moving targets. Rodolfo is faster at hitting targets during stealth drills
Everyone expects Soap to be the one out of the three to get in fights at bars but it’s usually because someone decided they could push Gaz around and Rodolfo knocked them flat on their ass
Soap has definitely thrown both Gaz and Rodolfo over his shoulders to get out of a bar before they started a huge fight.
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modelbus · 1 year
Tommyinnit x masc nb reader where they don't try to hide their relationship from the internet, but at the same time refuse to confirm nor deny it.
Like...they have pictures online of them on dates, wearing each others clothes, in each other's background during stream, etc, etc. The evidence is right there??? But they don't confirm it. Matter of fact, they don't even "know who that ugly mug in the picture is".
Wilbur is the first one to leak their relationship tho, woops.
”whoops” killed me. Also, look at my funny little guy in the photo! It felt fitting.
Pairing: CC!Tommyinnit x Nb!Reader (romantic)
Evading Evidence
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Tommy’s streaming when you get tired of scrolling through Twitter. Normally you’re able to sit on his bed, just out of sight of his camera, and catch up on all the drama. It’s been a quiet few days though, so you’re already bored.
“I’m going to run to the store real quick.” You say, getting up.
Tommy turns, neither of you acknowledging the stream. Chat’s going crazy about the fact you were there the entire thirty minutes Tommy’s been live for, and possibly longer.
Despite the fact you and Tommy were dating, neither of you had let the internet know yet. Sure, there were pictures and Tweets and remarks basically confirming it, but both of you were careful never to say it outright. At this point it was almost a game.
“Oh, can you get me twin gummy snakes?” Tommy asks, practically begging you with his eyes.
“Why would I do that?”
“Because I need fuel and you love me?”
You consider it for a second before giving in. “Fine. I’ll be back in, like, ten minutes.”
“Thanks! Don’t get run over!”
“Why would I- never mind.”
Tommy doesn’t turn back towards the stream until after he hears you leave, shutting the door behind you. It’s only then that he takes notice of the chat freaking out over his words.
“Chat, what the fuck are you talking about? They don’t love me. Actually, I don’t have a clue who the fuck that was!” He exclaims. “Back to Minecraft.”
“Hey, is this okay to post?” Jack Manifold asks, practically shoving his phone into your face.
You take it, examining the Twitter draft. It’s a selfie he took before the filming of the latest Tom Simons vlog. Behind him you can barely see you and Tommy curled up on the couch together, looking at something. The photo is captioned “Tom Simons vlog done.”
“Sure. Tommy?” You ask, handing the phone over to him.
He barely takes a look at it. “Yeah.”
“Thanks!” Jack says cheerfully, immediately posting.
“Time to fight the stans like our lives depend on it.” You joke, already opening Twitter and navigating to Jack’s profile.
“It’s fucking funny.” Tommy laughs.
“Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss. What’re you tweeting?”
“I’ll reply to yours.” He leans over to watch you type out your reply, reading it aloud. “'Not Jack photoshopping the background'.”
“Are you two ever going to tell the internet?” Jack asks, laughing a little.
“Oh, the internet definitely knows. They just chose to believe us when we lie to their faces.” You answer.
“I’m replying ‘incredibly disrespectful.’” Tommy announces. You get the notification of his reply right after he says it.
“Don’t get me canceled.” Jack sighs.
“No promises.”
"Why are you talking about Tommy so much?" A donation asks.
You were doing a just chatting stream, spilling some fun stories. A few of them had been dates with Tommy, but you didn't call them dates. Chat still had their suspicions though.
"Because I hate him." You deadpan, staring into your camera. "Worst person ever, kill all Tommyinnits."
It barely takes a second for the chat to react to your words, thousands of people calling you a liar. As your eyes flick through messages, one catches your eye.
"Why are you wearing his hoodie then, hm?" Gets read aloud. "Well, you see, it simply isn't his. This very clearly branded Tommyinnit hoodie? Mine."
It's merch of his that hadn't shipped yet, his name displayed across your chest. The only possible way for you to have some would be him giving you some or you stealing his. One guess as to what you did.
Yeah, you took his.
"I have the fastest shipping in the world guys, you have to believe me."
Nobody believes you. It's not even the first time you've worn his clothes, just the first you've worn them on stream. Maybe you should've been a little more careful, but oh well. Who really cares anyways? The game was fun, but not too serious.
"Besides, as if I'd ever wear something Tom fucking Simons tainted with his gremlin hands." It's a fun little jab, one you know he'll hear about later. Probably from Twitter.
"Hey!" Tommy yells from somewhere in the flat.
Or maybe he'll hear about it right that second. He must be watching your stream, making you smile.
"Sorry." You say it in a way that clearly shows you don't mean the apology, laughing to yourself a little. After running a hand through your hair, you speak again. "Did I tell you guys about how I almost killed a person by riding a bike the other day?"
Of course, all jokes eventually end. This one just happens to meet its death in Wilbur's hands, live on stream.
“We’re out, we’ll see you tomorrow for the vlog.” Tommy says, pulling you to your feet.
It’s been over an hour of being on Wilbur’s stream, stuck in his little cramped office. One person was fine, two could fit, but three was just too much. Besides, you knew Tommy’s limit was an hour.
“Have a good stream!” You tell Wilbur cheerfully, shutting the door before he gets the chance to say goodbye. To make up for it, he waves.
“And there go the lovers.” Wilbur jokes to his stream, putting himself back into the middle of the frame now you and Tommy are gone. “Off to do whatever they do.”
It barely takes a minute for chat to explode, making Wilbur realize exactly what he just did. His face drains of color as he sits up.
“Shit- fuck. It was a joke, guys. A joke.”
Like a dog with a bone, chat’s already taken his words and ran with them. Wilbur’s fuck up is beyond repair. Instead of digging himself a deeper grave, he just messages you and Tommy.
You’re both back in his office in a matter of seconds, having sprinted back down the corridor. It wasn’t that you were upset, more just panicked. This definitely wasn’t how you meant to confirm it.
“Well… shit.” Tommy finally speaks, just off camera. “You’ve leaked it Wil.”
“I didn’t fucking mean to!”
“We should leak something about you in return.” You joke.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to!” Wilbur quickly defends himself.
Tommy pokes his head into the camera frame to address chat, grinning to show he isn’t pissed at Wilbur at all. You laugh, waiting to see what he’ll say.
“Oi, chat, you’re all fucking dumb. Took you lot long enough.”
Wilbur sags with visible relief, glad neither of you are going to kill him for his slip-up. Now that it’s established he didn’t ruin everything, it’s a lot funnier.
“We’re going to miss the movie showing.” You announce, checking your phone for the time.
“Fuck. Bye again.” Tommy laughs as you drag him out the door.
When the door shuts, Wilbur laughs and shakes his head. “Whoops?”
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