#no cannonical last name
the-witchhunter · 2 years
Phantom Punk x DC crossover: Lovebirds in Gotham
Inspired by another post that I can’t seem to find/link at the moment, and I had to make it my Punk au for Danny Phantom for reasons. Basic gist was Johnny and Kitty originally being from Gotham and having a date night
So, imagine it you will:      Punk Danny doing his thing and not playing somewhere that immediately draws the attention of one of the Bats for once (or so he thinks)
Enter Kitty and Johnny. They’re enjoying a night on the town and end up at the show Danny is playing. Considering that the two of them are teenage rebellion incarnate, they get along just fine with Punk Danny.
Danny just sees them between songs, stares right at them and says  “I’m not playing it” “Aw come on!” “... okay fine but you owe me a drink.” and proceeds to play what Johnny and Kitty refer to as “their song” some romantic ballad from when they were alive that’s more than a bit out of place for his setlist. 
Meanwhile Tim is in the crowd after Tim saw a flier for the show posted in a coffee shop. Trying to get a lead on Danny, he pretty easily figures out the three know each other and takes a picture of Johnny and Kitty. He figures that if he can follow the two’s trail back he can find out more about the mysterious musician that has yet to be Identified beyond “Danny”
Cue to the mass confusion at the Batcave when the two are Identified as Katherine “Kitty” Falcone, and Johnathan “Johnny” Sullivan, who happen to be a well known love story between a common thug from Park Row and one of the Falcone crime family’s daughters. 
Who also happened to be dead for the better part of 40 years
The chaos as now they’re trying to figure out where these two came from because they can’t be the same people. And with date night still not over, the two lead the Bats on a merry chase before disappearing 
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apollolikestodraw · 7 months
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My plan was to draw all the legacy characters but I lost motivation. Maybe one day I’ll do all of them.
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medicated-death · 28 days
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majorcharacterundeath · 5 months
after dmc 4 kyrie gets super goth. all she had to do is cut off and dye her old church dresses and paint some things. u dont see her in dmc 5 (tragic) but its there trust me
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stationk17 · 1 year
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A snake offering up a Perfectly Fresh apple from the tree of knowledge.
I intended for this to be done the same day as the Patton art as 4/13 is anniversary of the in universe wedding and it would be appropriate, but stuff happened so its finished today. Also there was like, so much more to the sketch that I cropped out because it just wasn’t working </3
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glitter-andgold · 1 month
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General Valentina Headcannons (Saw X)
Currently planning the "Valentina lives and becomes an apprentice" AU I've been wanting to write so consider this a precursor to that! (I wasn't kidding when I said I had many headcannons about her so enjoy the ramblings of a mad man <3)
Her full name is Valentina Rosa Hernández
She was 32 years old during the events of Saw X.
This makes her younger than Cecilia & Mateo and older than Diego and Gabriella
Valentina’s birthday is on the 27th of July (thus making her star sign Leo)
Let’s those close to her call her Val for short.
Is still trying to put an exact label on her sexuality but knows for a fact she isn’t straight
Valentina struggles to fully trust and open up to people as she’s been hurt by many throughout her life; she often uses her feisty, sarcastic personality as a shield. Though if you manage to break through this prickly facade, you will find a loyal woman with a lot of love to give.
Valentina loves doing her makeup and is quite the talented makeup artist. It was almost like her pre-work relaxation ritual for the night, doing her makeup while blasting some of her favourite music.
Loves heavy metal and rock music! It was quite rare but when she was able to go to concerts, she’d be in the mosh pit.
As well as having her ears pierced, she’s also got her belly button pierced.
Has a younger half-sister named Carmen who is five years younger than her. Val loves her above all else and is fiercely protective of. Aside from this has no relationship with any of her immediate family.
Growing up it was just Valentina and her father; her mother wasn’t really in the picture. She was really close with her father. However, he passed away when she was 12.
She was then sent to live with her mother, step father and Carmen. Her mother and step-father were cold and neglectful towards her, it was always clear that they didn’t want her there.
 As a result of this she grew into a trouble making teenager.
At first, she was distant from her little sister, envious of the love her mother and step father seemed to give her. However, as the pair grew older Valentina came to realise that the amount of pressure they put on her, even from a young age, was harmful within itself. They didn’t love her, they loved the idea of her and as soon as Carmen strayed from what they wanted she was punished. From that moment onwards Valentina vowed to love and protect her sister.
In fact, she started trying to change her trouble making ways so she could be a better older sister.
Valentina left home the age of 20 after a huge argument with her mother and step-father. The only person she stayed in contact with was Carmen (and she had to fight to stay in contact with her, their mother tried to prevent it but was unsuccessful).
Had little to her name when she left home and ended up couch surfing at friend’s places for a while.
Eventually saves up enough to rent a little place of her own, it was small and little bit rundown but it was hers. Carmen ended up moving in with Valentina after also having a falling out with their parents. Times could be tough but they were happy to have each other.
Valentina always wanted to provide a better life for her sister than what she was able to and this is why Cecilia was able to convince her to join the scam. She promised Valentina a life changing sum of money in exchange for pretending to be a nurse for a couple of days. Valentina had her doubts but at the end of the day, such a large sum of money to pretend to be a nurse for a short period of time??? She’d be a fool not too, after all this was for her sister. And she’d do anything for her sister.
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voxiiferous · 2 months
@melpomaen | Everyone else excuse the break from our regularly scheduled programming for some Tolkien nerdiness.
I Wanna Be In The Calvary Noldor edition (as sung prior to the Burning of the Ships)
I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before I wanna good mount when the trumpet sounds and I hear the dragon's roar I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war
I wanna horse in the volunteer force that's riding forth at dawn Please save for me some gallantry that will echo when I'm gone I beg of you sir let me lead the charge when the battle lines are drawn Lemme at least leave a good hoof beat they'll remember loud and long
I'd not a good foot soldier make, I'd be sour and slow at march And I'd be sick on a swan ship, and the Belegaer'd leave me parched But I'll be first in line if they'll let me ride, by god, you'll see my starch Lope back o'er the heath with the laurel wreath underneath that vict'ry arch
Let me earn my fleurs in the battle's blur where the day is lost or won I'll wield my lance as the ponies dance and the blackguards hit their drums A sabre keen, and a bow notched and an army at my back Where the minstrels lead with the cold, cold steel let me be a cav'lryman
Let 'em play their flutes and lace-up my boots and place them back to front For I won't be back on the Helcaraxë until I'm finished in my hunt I wanna be in the cavalry if I must go off to war I wanna be in the cavalry, but I won't ride home no more
I Wanna Be In The Cavalry: Reprise (Written sometimes in the late first age)
I wanna be in the cavalry if they send me off to war I wanna good steed under me like my forefathers before
Courageous at first we took their worst, our positions we held stout We clung to belief and we hung on the speech from our trusted leaders' mouths Overwhelming odds and a hopeless cause and our cities overrun There were them that said we was badly led and that were we outmanned
I lost count of the worthy mounts that from under me were cut My favourite mare with her head in the air took poisoned arrows in her gut In the first two weeks on the Ard-Galen my brother lost his arm Was only sixty years till all we prayed was get us home unharmed
O for the day that we changed our names and the well that we were wished The men's congrats and the pats on the backs and the ladies that we missed The band that played and the grande parade and the patriotic shouts All faded fast, didn't even last till the uniforms wore out
And there were none to replace nor to help us face the winters cold and bleak That chilled to the bone the pneumonia prone and froze our bootless feet Then the red-clad came with oath-bound fits, blood and stolen gem That proved in the end to have killed more men than the vilest enemy
We were finally forced to feed on horse and carcass we could scrounge When the wagons stopped and we'd burnt their crops to charred and barren ground With morale in doubt and our pride run out no honour did I see All I seen were a thousand dreams piled dead in front of me
I wanna be in the cavalry if the send me off to war I wanna be in the cavalry but I won't ride home no more
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70sshow-girly · 2 months
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aggressivelyaverage21 · 4 months
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art by the talented @princington
Chapter 3: Genesis 12:13 
Please say that you are my sister so that it may go well with me because of you and that I may live on account of you.
Training continues the "Drill Instructor Nun" aka Sister Gwen is pushing her hard. Beatrice is doing her best to fit in. Shannon does what she can to help. Mary teases her about it. Lilith is bitter.
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discocandles · 9 months
Sarah Phillips is the 2nd strongest MC in Liberty's Kids, or she should be at least
after almost spilling this whole headcannon to my bff who def was just humoring me, i'm telling the whole class.
By strongest I mean strongest physically. and I say second strongest bc there was no way she's outlifting Moses, who has lifted multiple people with ease in cannon. Sarah could lift Henri easily, but that's like picking up a large sack of potatoes(that boy is basically a mischievous french tree branch).
Anyway back to Sarah, bc that's what's important here. While it was debatable if she was stronger than James before Sarah left for Ohio, she wasn't the one slightly winded after doing chores for the Adams. It's just another part of their banter at this point. Who's the brain, who's the brawn, etc. etc.(Henri is the something else). they really need to find better flirting mechanisms. But post-Ohio she's absolutely won that battle, no questions asked.
I just love the idea of seeing Sarah, a proper young English lady politely turning down the offers to help her with some heavy luggage to easily hoist it up and briskly walk off to wherever she was headed. Or that she accepts and hands it over to the other person and they nearly drop it bc they didn't think it'd be that heavy.
And it's not uncommon in the continental camps to see a redheaded young lady carrying cannonballs across the grounds with the other soldiers like the thing hardly weighs more than a lunch basket. Washington has explicitly told his colonels to not question/worry about it.
I know it's not the most refined hc, but its been wafting in my brain(and drafts) for so long, I knew I needed to get it out of there.
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theitalianscribe · 9 months
How the Starlight Boss Fight Could Go
I apparently have a lot of feelings on this topic. This will just be me pasting a comment I made on the original Dreamworld video From back when it was a FNAF game concept. I really liked what I wrote so I'm posting it here.
Okay, imagine the Star fight happens later in the game after a heart to heart. Maybe seeing Glory and Rex interacting makes Star remember that he had someone like that. He can't remember the person's face, but he remembers details about him. Like how he gave the best hugs, how he would actively listen to anything you talked aboit and would ack questions. Like he was dying to know more about anything, from some story you made up in your head to how you put together a robotic fox creature for robotics class/club. How he would bring people together and was happiest when surrounded by loved ones all making each other happy.
And as he starts gushing about this person, maybe even aboit to say his name or reveal something about his own past, the bluey mask clicks into place and suddenly Star completely changes.
Maybe there are dialogue optioks and knowing more about the characters will help you pick the dialogue that makes him angry or sad. Heck, maybe on the second playthrough you unlock an option that reveals something about the player character and his motivations and it stops the boss fight by evoking the scarlet mask through bittersweet emotions or shock or something.
I freaking love the potential of an emotionally driven boss fight!
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[ID: traditional fan art of NBC’s The good place. In the center of the image is a blue couch seen in several posters for the show, painted with guash. At the center of the couch are the words “whenever you’re ready” that come from the title of the series finale. surrounding the couch is a gradient of yellow, orange, red, and green; colored with oil pastels. At the bottom of the gradient, on a white paper background, (from left to right) is a paper clip, a piece of shrimp, a book with the title “what we owe to each other”, a diamond, a Molotov cocktail, and a cactus in a pot. /end ID]
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fanficmaniatic · 10 months
Teo and Izzi’s dad is so silly, I want to be like that man. Dilf of the year.
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trashcreatyre · 2 years
I know he's canonically dead, but ignore that, what do yall think happened to Infinite after forces? cause I think he got sent to cube hell, and maybe that's just a kind of limbo, so does that count as being dead? idk. cube hell tho.
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rodent-king-buunii · 2 years
i want nothing more than for Soul Eater to have an OVA. nothing but a fight scene for ~20 minutes. where Maka + Soul’s go from the bright uniform to the piano form, Kid w/the stictched mouth, Black✰Star in the white fit + Baki in full demon wepon mode, + Crona.. in whatever the fuck they were in
i just want a showcase of them existing in those fits
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art-heap · 9 months
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