#no because mickey was right
I don't think people put much thought into the "You're not dumbing me, I'm dumping you" scene in prison. Those words had so much emotions behind them. Mickey, the guy that went against everything he was raised to believe and be in order to be with Ian, the guy that came out in front of his entire family to not lose Ian again, the guy who was there for Ian taking care of him and playing nurse when his BPD hit, got broken up with in the most heartbreaking way possible in the end of season 5. He sacrificed so much for Ian and Ian broke up with him essentially on the basis of "I'm not broken and you're trying to fix me so buh-bye". He got dumped after being the most vulnerable he had been in ages and that must have been excruciating for him. His ego must have been at an all time low. Season 7 he's reunited with Ian only to be left again, this time at border. That breakup was especially rough because Ian had made him believe that he would come with him to Mexico up until the last possible moment. Mickey must have imagined their new lives together in Mexico and built a future in his mind, only for that to, once again, be ripped out of him violently. Once again, he must have been devastated, being so open and emotional and unlike his old self and getting brutally rejected. So when they're at the prison and Ian tries to break up with him a THIRD time, he can't handle that. He's got to have some self respect and dignity left. He can't be the dumbed for the third time, he just can't. Every single time he allowed himself to be vulnerable and emotional and honest about his feelings in this relationship Ian turned him down in the most heart wrenching ways possible and a third time is just too much. So yeah. "You're not dumbing me, I'm dumping you". And my point is proven by Ian's reaction. When Mickey tells him that he will stab Chester and get thrown into solitary instead of him, Ian tries to race him for it. Why would he do that? I mean, theoretically, all he wanted was some time apart. He would have gotten his time apart plus he wouldn't have to be tortured in solitary. This was a win-win situation for Ian. But he couldn't let that happen. You know why? Cause he fucking wanted to be the "winner" of the breakup, that's why. He wanted to have the moral high ground. He wanted to be the one to break up with Mickey because if Mickey broke up with him, it would have been a massive hit to his ego, because he would have felt exactly how he made Mickey feel the last 2 times. And he didn't want that.
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thirstyvampyr · 1 month
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Shameless 10x12 "Gallavich!"
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dqbbiegallaqher · 3 months
i’ve said so many (like 4 times but shh) that gallavich is a rosekiller varient and mickey = barty and ian = evan is canon to me atp
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little-red-fool · 6 months
Brainworms but I was thinking about what if Raphael’s and Haarlep’s dynamic and relationship is something similar to an arranged marriage to fiends.
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danganronpa96 · 6 months
Ok I believe I know who is the mastermind for Danganronpa 96, so sorry for spoiling the story guys. But only an idiot wouldn’t think of this. So Monotora is a tiger like creatures. Who else have a tiger like creature logo?
It is none other than Mr. Beast himself! Make sense how the corporation is so rich, but one thing you notice is that Mr. Beast once went the Bermuda Triangle, wish is known to cause many disappearances and one of the greatest mysteries, like a conspiracy.
Which will lead us to Incognito Inc from the show Inside Jobs, this corporation control everything.
But one thing you notice is that they know who Cthulhu is and they were Yellow triangle masks.
Who else is a yellow Triangle? BILL CIPHER! CTHULHU EVEN WORK FOR HIM! Not only that the backward message leads us to the Axolotl which hints at his resurrection in a different form in a different. WHICH WILL LEAD US TO MICKEY MOUSE! It all make sense!
To some who might ask the motive. Well it is simply money. Because Disney is not doing so well because of the live actions movies and they need to make money. So this game show would be a excellent way to make money!
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please tell me you get the reference
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mrsaltieri-real · 7 months
Mickey Altieri the kinda guy who’d murder absolutely fucking anyone but be completely shit scared of spiders and full blown freak out if he sees one lurking. Tell me I’m wrong.
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 9 months
The verbal aggression towards women has been something about the show that makes me uncomfortable. Physical aggression is called out on the show, as it should be. But, verbal aggression or threatening body language is rarely shown as the abusive act that it is. There are two distinct scenes that spiked my anxiety from this. One is Ian leaning right over Fiona and hissing at her after she asked about his meds. I know he didn't mean it because he wasn't in his right mind and Fiona picked a terrible moment to ask that question. The other is Lip screaming at Fiona in s9 and that one made me mad because no one told him to chill out. He's standing directly above her and his body language looks way out of line.
i agree with this so much.
i usually sympathize with ian more when it comes to this situation, mainly because, as you said, he was really having a difficult time- but despite this, how he was acting was not acceptable and made me very uncomfortable.
as for lip, fuck him in that scene. he had no fucking right to yell at her and if you think he did, fuck you too. at least ian had a decent-ish reason; but lip was just mad because his sponsor relapsed (due to fiona, but fiona had no fucking clue who this guy was so how was that her fault) and he needed to take his anger out because somebody never learned anger management and so he needs to act like a goddamn toddler all of the fucking time (sorry i love lip but lip slander is also fun oops).
and debbie, carl, and kelly all just watching it happen really irked me. especially debbie and carl. like they’re used to this fucking grown man having temper tantrum’s and yelling at women. carl and liam will always be the most well-adjusted men in the family because they treat women like people (ian too, of course, but there is the scene i just talked about in season 8 + the scene in season 11 of him and mickey that v called them out for, but i don’t completely blame them there because everyone on that show has said bitch or something like that before- still wrong, but yk).
i think if you really want to look into why ian and lip act that way, you can just see how frank treated monica. how monica said that frank literally has physically fought her and given her scars and how frank screams at monica. they grew up in a hostile environment where men doing that wasn’t necessarily a big deal, but newsflah! you’re both adults, and that’s your sister, fucking act like it.
i really wish that verbal aggression was addressed more, as you said. or at least, i wish that it was made to seem as big of a deal as it really is because it’s not just like “men having emotions” it’s men acting unacceptable.
honorable mention to this, although it wasn’t verbal, it was physical: remember when frank hit debbie in 7x12? we (the fandom) don’t talk about that enough, and we should.
moments like ian and lip screaming at fiona really remind me that this show was in fact, written by men. i mean- yeah there’s a few women who have written some episodes or have helped but overall, it was created originally by a man (paul abbott), and it was written by a man (john wells). the show is amazing, fucking phenomenal, actually, but it is also about a white man, written by white men. it has homophobic, biphobic, and sexist undertones. it will always be fucking great, yet fucking awful.
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imalrightifyoudontask · 3 months
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Mickey appreciating Bugs in masculine wear
"Oh, you're very handsome <3"
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pollyna · 2 years
Iceman asks for the best, six or seven of them, not much more. He doesn't need much more. In moments like this, he hates himself more than he hates the job he's doing but he knows that giving them to Maverick will mean they'll get back. He doesn't trust anybody else to take the kids home, because he knows nobody would care as much.
He asks for a small group and what he gets back is twelve names and COs praying for him to take them away from them because they are the best of the best but they're expendable. Halo and Omaha's CO write these pilots are likes fungus in October, if you lose a patch you can be sure you'll find the next in a couple of steps. The murderous feelings are all bubbling in his chest and he would like to punch the fucker in the face and ruin his career but he can already feel his throat closing on itself, he needs to breathe because the work to do is a lot and he doesn't have the time to wallow. But he will take the matter into his hands, once he sorted everything out.
He adds a name after another, six becoming eight and then twelve. Bradley is there too and that makes his eyes wet to the point he has to open a window because he can barely think now. He puts Captain Pete Maverick Mitchell on the top of the list and sends out the mail to Cain and Hondo. Then he sits and stares at twelve photos and twelve people so different and so young and expendable. 
Two hours later Hondo is calling because Maverick did it again and Iceman has to take a moment to remember himself Mav is surely okay because it's what he does and who he is, prints an eight-page long debrief and signs it. Its title is The North Island detachment.
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napoleanbonafarte · 5 months
so is anyone going to make a steamboat willie smasher ride
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vioyume · 5 months
Good morning,
Steam Boat Mickey and Minnie will be free from the grasps of Disney tomorrow.
Creators be prepare to do whatever the fuck you want.
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knowlesian · 2 years
quick indulging in some stede angst while i procrastinate on finishing my piece on e5
i’m consistently fucked up over the blacked out form that used to be stede in the family portrait, and the metaphor it provides about the way stede handled his life and trauma: everything’s pretend. he’s not truly there, he’s living a story in his head in ways both lovely and inadvertently cruel.
lovely: looking at the world and demanding it bend to his delusional belief things could ever be other than they are. that it could be better.
inadvertently cruel: leaving mary and the kids (leaving ed) to wonder: was it me? if i was better, if i had been kinder or a more supportive wife, a better behaved child or a co-captain with less baggage or a better man, would he have stayed? would i have been worth staying for?
stede’s got a whole basketful of reasons he leaves without explaining why in both cases. but he does leave, and he doesn’t explain: those actions ripple out and hurt the people he leaves.
but also, we know stede’s general self-worth is under the fucking ground!!! less than zero!!! he has absolutely no inkling that his absence might affect someone just as much as his presence. he thinks: i am a burden people suffer. when i remove myself from their lives, i am ultimately making those lives easier, in heartbreaking part because he cannot imagine a world in which somebody actually wants him around.
i know i’m a big old hippie and a reconciliation will come faster than we might think truther, but goddamn i just want ed and stede to have the mutual validation moment! because ed needs to hear “it was never about not wanting you or not wanting to be with you, it was a gross cocktail of trauma and old fears and chauncey being a walking nightmare in so, so many ways” from stede and stede needs to hear “you leaving me? fucked me up real good in ways we may need to do some work to overcome, but only because you are somebody i always want to be around, even when things are not pleasant and conflict-free, all forever-like” from ed asa-fucking-p.
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ickypuppi3 · 2 years
i feel like people get confused between ‘internalised homophobia’ and ‘can’t be/isn’t openly queer because [redacted] lives in a situation where it isn’t safe for them to be openly queer’
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toddreblogslotf · 10 months
you guys if you are siding with mickey you do realise you’re taking the side of an abuser and ur probably….. in the wrong??????
for a fandom based on reading some of us sure do not know how 2 read it would seem
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look-i-love-u · 2 years
Galladrabbles - Book (2)
Sooo...I blame all the "library smut" talks I had with my Baba for this one... My second @galladrabbles this week, again inspired by N'dia's (@twinklyylights) prompt: Book.
You know you’re studying some fucked up shit when your books are hidden in the darkest corner of your college library.
Ian climbs the stairs and curses his life choices.
He turns the corner - stops walking. There’s a guy there. Picking at his fingernails, one foot propped up against the books carelessly. His beautiful profile lit up by fuzzy lighting.
Ian moves and the guy looks up. Looks at him. Eyes traveling. Lips getting licked.
“You BigGuy9?” A rough voice. Sounding hopeful?
Ian blinks.
He’s here to finish his paper but the guy’s eyes are very blue. “Yeah. I am.”
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mrsaltieri-real · 9 months
Billy, Stu and Mickey all died before Baby One More Time came out.
RIP Kings you would’ve loved it 🙏
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