only-lonely-stars · 2 months
Where Are You?
Oneshot – (FFN) (AO3)
After the Crystal King's defeat, Vania thought everything was supposed to be peaceful. Then the Merge came, throwing Shintaro into chaos. To make it even worse, she hasn't heard from Cole since it happened…
It wasn’t long ago when Vania, Queen of Shintaro, thought everything really was going to work out. 
Now that hope was only in her daydreams and memories.
The fierce battle against the Crystal King had tested everyone, from greatest to least. When Vania heard of the battle, she marshalled her forces as fast as she could– of course, a militia was hard to muster quickly, and the royal guard was small. As soon as her men were gathered, and supplies were prepared, they set out at full tilt to Ninjago City, the center of the battle.
They arrived not a moment too soon, sweeping through the enemy forces, crushing Vengestone soldiers to dust beneath their feet. Vania spearheaded the attack, with Chompy, Hailmar, and the Upply at her side.
She would never forget her dear Cole’s face when he saw her, grinning from ear to ear, flushed from fighting. What a sight! The light in his eyes, the hope they shared, the moment when they knew all was not yet lost.
The Ninja took on their dragon forms, the ultimate form of Spinjitzu, and the battle was all but won in that moment. Too bright to look at, too powerful to stop. Vania barely knew what had happened; a moment later, everything was in motion.
Spinning, whirling motion.
The battled raged on, and she heard distant snippets of Cole’s fight against her father:
“You turned my people against me, turned my own daughter against me!”
“Oh, that! Yeah, kinda brought that on yourself.”
There was a horrible thud , shaking the buildings nearby, and Vania jumped into action to spur Chompy forward. They swooped in, just as she heard her father’s last horrible taunt.
“The Crystal King wanted you for himself. Lucky for me, he isn’t here to see this.”
Panic flooded her vision. In retrospect, Vania didn’t know what she’d done, but her father was lying prone on the ground and Cole had gone to rendezvous with his team…
Only the last stand remained.
Just before the end of it all, Cole had swept down on his dragon wings (she didn’t know where they’d come from) and given her a tight, warm hug that she wished had been just a little bit longer.
It was momentary, before he swept away on his dragon wings once again, and left her to deal with the army. He headed for the Crystal King, the Overlord– it was the greatest battle of their lifetimes– the Ninja prepared to strike down their hated foe–
–and they won!
Vania recalled again, how they had celebrated the defeat of the Crystal King. How everyone had come together to rebuild the city and the Monastery of Spinjitzu. How Cole had told her all about his adventure, from saving Nya’s life to his brief stint in prison to the battle they had just fought.
She remembered how it felt to press a kiss to his cheek before she left, hoping that he would accept it.
She knew with certainty that his bewildered smile was enough to sustain her heart. No matter the distance between them, no matter how long they were apart. 
She was wrong.
When Vania returned home with her victorious army, with gifts from the people of Ninjago City, something was wrong in a small, subtle way. 
An odd trinket appeared here or there that didn’t belong. 
There were some strange weather patterns and odd lights in the sky.
Vania swore she’d seen magenta light in the corner of her room… surely it was just more of those tiny crystals even her best laundresses couldn’t get out of the fibers of her battle dress. She’d shed them for weeks after the battle.
Then it got worse. 
Shintaro had always had earthquakes. They were a consequence of the extensive cave system, plus the instability of recent years. Plus, the city was built near one of the largest faultlines in Ninjago! Minor quakes were common, and their only real consequences were the rockslides which blocked some of the mountain passes. This was normal. Expected, even.
They ignored the little earthquakes which shook Shintaro until three struck within the same week, each of them strong enough to topple already unstable buildings.
Unfamiliar storms raged. 
Rain poured and then suddenly stopped. 
Crops failed. 
Everything became unstable.
The Merge came, and none of it mattered much anymore. A great tear formed in the sky, magenta and shining brighter than the sun over the city of Shintaro. The Mergequakes began, and Vania watched as her people struggled to find safety as their mountain home seemed to fuse into something else– somewhere else–  anything but their old, familiar landscape.
The Merged Lands formed, with Shintaro suddenly bordered by a strange, wild land that had a large floating island hovering above it. The whole place was teeming with blue light and filled with strange, bipedal animals! Lions, birds, reptiles, and more…
Helpless to stop the chaos, Queen Vania directed her people, desperate to protect them. She ordered her soldiers to help evacuate the citizens, and the people did their best to prevent their city from crumbling to the very foundations. The Munce and Geckles surfaced to help, with their superior knowledge of stonecraft contributing greatly to the effort.
The aftershocks died away after a time, eternity yet only a moment.
Slowly, so slowly, everything started coming back together.
Eventually, a tense peace came back.
Queen Vania sighed heavily, leaning back in her throne. Holding court had been a low priority for so long that now there were more petitions and emergencies than ever before. She’d never been so sleepless before. 
She took a moment to summon the energy to deal with at least one more matter. “Hailmar, is there anyone left to meet with?”
The Captain of the Royal Guard shook his head. “No, your Highness. Just a report from the scouts.”
“Oh, thank the Master!” She closed her eyes, slumping tiredly against one of the armrests on her tall white throne. “What do they have to say?”
Hailmar cleared his throat, rustling through papers until he found the right one. “Mugwort says that they have come to the end of the changed landscape to the north. However, they’ve noticed very few Shintaran Ridgebacks, and several empty nests.”
Vania hummed, unable to stir up more energy. “More?”
“Yes, ma’am. This makes seven empty nests between all the scouting parties.”
“It’s not mating season. Why are they gone so early?”
“I’m afraid we don’t know. However, Steele said he noticed signs of some kind of struggle, and scorch marks on the walls of the cave where they found one of the nests. They seem to be from the strange drones we noticed the other week. He suggested that perhaps the dragons are not leaving willingly, but are being… dragon-napped, as it were.”
Vania opened her eyes, frowning deeply. She looked over at Hailmar, noting his grave expression. “What about our letter to the Ninja? Have they responded yet?”
He shook his head. “No, ma’am. No response of any kind to any of the letters we’ve sent. There’s been no sightings of them anywhere.”
Vania watched him for a moment, then sighed. “...I see. What else did Mugwort say?”
“Nothing else of importance. Just samples and reports about the strange plants and animals they’ve seen. I have forwarded those reports to the royal botanists, zoologists, and geologists for continued study.”
“Very good.” She nodded. “If that’s all, then… I think I’ll retire to my rooms.”
“As you wish.” Hailmar offered her a smile. “Would you care for an escort?”
“Thank you, but no. I want to be alone.” She smiled in return, but she knew it was unconvincing. “Let’s talk about this more over supper.”
With those parting remarks, she rose from her throne. The golden wings mounted on her back lifted her up, and she descended the stairs, coming to rest on the ground at the base of the dais. She walked out of the throne room, a small contingent of guards following her, and wearily made her way to her rooms.
When she was finally alone (as alone as a queen could be, considering how strange their world had become), she fell forward onto her bed with a heavy sigh.
No answer.
With a heavy heart, she strained her arms behind her to unclip her wing harness, unwilling to get up. Once they were off and pushed to the foot of her bed, she reached under her pillows to pull out a framed picture. It was one of herself and Cole, long before any of her current worries had existed.
Just looking at it made her frown, exhausted tears coming to her eyes, heart aching. 
“There’s been no sightings of them anywhere.”
Where are you?
There were no answers. What had happened to the Ninja in the Merge? Even now, she was only hearing the most vague rumors about the Green Ninja re-appearing, or perhaps just some impostor, running around with a baby dragon and children dressed in orange and pink. It was so hard to get news from Ninjago City, and now that they’d renamed themselves The Crossroads, it was even more confusing.
It didn’t matter. They weren’t her Cole.
She let herself rest face-down on the bed, weak tears running down her cheeks, dripping off the tip of her nose to wet the duvet. 
She couldn’t make herself believe he was dead. If he were dead, there would be proof of it! 
She laid there wondering, thinking of when she’d last seen him: banged-up, victorious, slowly relaxing after the last threat to the balance was eradicated. Smiling, working hard, celebrating with his family in a way she just couldn’t interrupt.
She'd made a promise to herself then:
Next time. Next time, I'll tell him how I feel. I can't spoil this moment. 
Now there might never be a next time. Cole might never be coming back to her, or to anyone .
Nothing was okay anymore.
Framed photo in hand, Vania cried herself to sleep.
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weekend-whip · 11 months
Ninjago Fic Rec Week: Day 3
Prompts: Angst / Kai Recs! *aka the best combo ahahaaaa*
Angst Recs (get ready for a lot of Wu being sad):
The Tale of the Teacher: BASICALLY a look at Wu's very tragic life through the eyes of Wu himself, and my personal inspiration for all things, well, Wu and tragic (and you do need to be logged into an Ao3 account for this one). A must-read for all Wu fans, and especially for those who are not~
Photographs: Wu reminiscences on all he's lost in the midst of Season 11 through pictures of times gone by~
No Eye For These: Wu reflects on losing his brother, right after just banishing him ;w;
It Will Rain Again Someday: Not necessarily angst but fills me with enough emotional damage to feel like it is, Wu adores his older brother so so so so much, even when they butt heads, even when they have opposing but equal opinions, even when they're on opposite sides of the battle field...probably the most potent Spinjitzu Brothers thing I've ever read. Changed my brain chemistry, man.
for want (for nothing): the staff corrupted!kai story that speaks to me very specifically snksnksnk Reading the gradually (or not so gradually) descent into enveloping himself in all that power is maddening and awesome and so very painful
Cry Me a River: Kai Post-Seabound; short, bitter, visceral, and powerful in the deliverance of emotions~
Married to the Sea: In case anyone wanted to relieve the pain that is Seabound's ending again, but with a Jay-colored coat of paint <3
half hearted-boy, maybe we'll have more connection: GUT-WRENCHING thing on parallels b/w Lloyd and Harumi. I am not the same person i was before. Tragedy does not have an age limit.
Kai Recs:
All I've Ever Known: One of the best kind of fics- Kai having to cope with team bonding during the events of the pilots <3(I have very obvious tastes). But! Has a lot of introspective Kai moments and outrospective (?) moments with him and the future team he's one day never going to imagine a time without.
Spice, and Everything Nice: Kai, in both a show of brotherly love and brotherly pride, attempts to outdo his siblings in a test of all things spice and chocolate. It's just so cute aaaaaaa!!!!
Bonfire: Lloyd wants to make a fire, Zane tries to offer suggestions, and Kai makes it personal. Slice of Life fic that would have made for a nice little episode during Season 2, honestly! And a nice look at the characters outside of their normally hectic settings~
Flicker: A story about Kai and the warmth he brings to himself and others, doesn't seem like much at first but you will be gutpunched by love and softness by the end~
Bucket List: In the category of angst and Kai with probably a guilty pleasure fic of mine, Kai strikes a deal with Morro and a horrifying journey of self-discovery ensues. It get a little dark but it's funny, gripping, heart-wrenching, and will probably have you looking at Kai in a new light by the end of it.
N Stands for Neutral: Kai teaches Lloyd to drive, chaos ensues, nuff said
Why Birds Fly: Probably not for the squeamish around eggs, insects, or ear-related agony (it's not nearly as bad as I'm making it sound I promise just being cautious) BUT another non-life-threatening crisis story that has an amazing dynamic between Kai, Cole and Jay, and their tendency to be both the best brothers you could ask for and the absolute worst.
The Process of Making Amends: Kai and Garmadon butting head and it's goes about as well as you'd expect....but, there is one thing they can reach a consensus on.
Going, Going, Gone: Vintage Classic on kai's take on Skylor throughout Season 4. Definitely Kailor, but also not exactly "shippy". It really is more of a character examination in the form of lil snippets and it lives in my mind rent-free.
From What It Was: Kai reflects on all the changes in the team post-s7. It makes me misty-eyed every time ;w;
Kai and the Futile Fist Fight: Anyone wanna see Kai and Jay have a real fight during Crystalized, with 50% more awesome fight moves and 50% more raw emotion and 100% more Kai being distressed over his sister in his own way? Here ya go!
"Mr. Smith" At Your Service: Kai pretends to be Nya's father. Nya gets far too much of a kick out of it, and it goes about a well as you'd expect snksnksnk
broken pieces: More Pilots!ninja bonding, short and sweet and ofc with a special focus on Kai! Left a very big impression on me, haha
this isn't how it's supposed to be: MOAR PILOT BONDINGGGGGGG and UNGH it's so BEAUTIFUL, especially love the character dialogue in this one!
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blu3cl0v3rs · 5 months
Day 2: Confession | Movie-verse | Sick
Warning(s): death, mourning (?), caesar cipher, possibly bad characterization
“E?? E!” The word echoed down the brick lined street. Quick tapping of steel toed boots accompanied the repeated yells.
Morro hurriedly rushed down each backstreet, and checked over each pile of junk. His bottom lip was red from worrying it.
“FSM-damnit, ECHO?!” he shouted, and heard his voice repeat, although quieter each time.
A quiet whir of recognition returned his call.
The wind master darted towards the sound; his boots kicked up some caked dirt on the ground.
“E?! Where are yo-”
There, curled up against the graffitied wall and splayed in broken parts, laid Mr. E.
“Wh- y-” the dark haired boy stumbled over words as his fleshy disgusting solid hands hovered over the frayed wires and cracked plating.
“Damnit, I told you not to go! I- I told you, I-” his voice was as shattered as the 18 pieces the droid was left in. Vision blurred as wet wet wet tears bloomed in his eyes.
“Please- please I can’t do this without you.” Tears dripped onto Mr. E’s leather-covered finger, which had wires exposed where it should connect to the hand.
“Al oadd tw sdjayzl. Al sdosqk ak.”
As the red and white eye lights flickered into darkness, the only thing left in the sullen, grimy alleyway was the whisper of the wind, and near silent sobbing.
@ataraxixx =]
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firesofdainix · 2 years
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oh look, a wip!
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falling angels | jay w.
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[Jay is kidnapped by a dark experimentation agency, run by alleyway scientists and funded by the quiet government, determined to find out what literally lets his energy run. The only question now is, will the team be able to reach him before it's too late?]
A/N: day seven we are a wEEK in and the prompt is experimentation dammit okay fINE I will – i’m behind i’m behind by a day oh help geez i may be a cole simp 
• • •
Jay wakes up a few times in between the pain. 
There's times where he doesn't feel anything, just floats with the stars in the sky. They litter his vision, small white pinpoints of brightness within the dark. 
There's something holding him down, but he only gets pain if he tries to tug away, so he doesn't.
When he does feel the hurt, it always bites too deep into his wrists and ankles, suffocating him painfully tight. He hates it, but his head is always too fuzzy, too full of blurry thoughts and outlines for him to properly think through the numbness. 
It comes in all shapes and forms, like the lack of air, clear oxygen bubbling from his lips as he desperately tries to suck a breath in, only to be met with cold water. Someone screams questions at him over and over, about hideouts and powers, and names he can't quite remember. 
Every syllable feels like a knife driven into his mind.
Blades and needles are sliced and dug into him, surgically placed for the only reason of taking apart his insides. Sometimes he's sticky wet with dark crimson red, spilling from a new place every time he's shook awake.  His blood is stolen, too much every time, and he always finds the periods of darkness a little longer after those. 
He can't really feel his lightning now. It's always there, but he can't reach it. It buzzes through his veins uselessly, jumping and snapping helplessly, with no outlet to empty itself through. 
He fades into the clouds of darkness perpetually lingering at the edge of his vision, in fits of restlessness and uncontrollable twitching. 
He's the Master of Lighting, Jay thinks one day, when the pain isn't bad enough to clear out all of his thoughts. He's not meant to be still. 
One day, it's louder than usual. The blank white room is usually quiet, clinking of glinting metals and quiet whispers the only repeating sound.
This time, there's more. There's screams and shouts that aren't his, faint dull thumps and echoing footsteps sounding down the hall. 
The door slams open, a shattering crash ringing through his ears, and Jay distantly wonders if this is the day he dies. 
Then there's warm hands around his face, soft sweet whispers making their way through his constant messy thoughts. Tight bonds fall away from his limbs, accompanied with the rush of stabbing hurt spread through his body again. Jay doesn't say anything, though. He's used to much more and his lungs feel like all sound has been scraped from them bit by bit. 
His eyelids flutter open and he winces quietly, trying to force himself to look at the painfully familiar faces in front of him. 
“Jay?” Deep pools of brown blink down at him, filled with worry, and Jay reaches up, only to have his hand pushed back down softly. “No, no, don’t move.” Cole murmurs, preoccupied with the trying task of removing the IVs. Normally it hurts like hell, but Jay’s too distracted with the person in front of him to feel the metal sting. 
“Yeah, it’s us, bud. Sorry it took us so long.” 
“S’kay. You came.”
“Always, Jay.”
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Ninjago Angst Week 2020
Day 6-Sickness
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enavstars · 1 year
Random angst idea
So there is a new big villain in Ninjago that wants to cause chaos and destroy the city (really original) but, after a lot of failed atempts and strategies, the ninja realize they can't defeat them before they've already started the chaos and destruction. But the ninja have some time before that happens.
Wu then finds outs that a strange maze has reappeared after 100 years. It is said that the person who reaches the end of the maze will be granted a wish, any wish, and exactly what you want (no misinterpretations); and after the wish is granted, the maze will dissappear for another 100 years.
The ninja decide to go in the maze to use the wish to save ninjago before the destruction starts. The maze is of course really difficult to complete and filled with traps as well as having to compete with other people trying to get to the end at the same time.
As they travel the maze, some of the ninja stay behind to make sure at least one of them reaches the end and others go back home because of injuries. On the other hand, Lloyd slowly starts to get more obsessed with the idea of the wish and how he can use it to help ninjago (this caused by the idea of "being the hero" that's engraved in his head), despite the others warning him about how the maze punishes people's greed, thinking it's not greed because it's for a good cause.
When they reach the end of the maze there's only Lloyd and Kai. Lloyd gets blinded by the obsession and lets his guard down, activating accidentally a trap. Kai quickly pushes him away and recieves a fully blown explosion, ending up really badly injured.
Lloyd tries to treat his wounds while panicking before they both realize that Kai won't make it to safety alive. Kai accepts that it's his turn to sacrifice himself and says goodbye to Lloyd and that he loves him and everyone else, and begs him not to "waste" the wish on him. Lloyd doesn't say anything and watches as Kai closes his eyes and dies.
Lloyd then turns to the end and gets ready to make the wish, thinking he's the hero and his duty is to save the people; but, as his family (mostly Kai and Nya) remind him, before being the green ninja, he's Lloyd and he's not losing another brother so he choses to save Kai, meaning he and the others will have to spend the next weeks saving the city and a lot of people will die and get injured.
When they return, Kai doesn't remember much about what happened and Lloyd refuses to say what wish he made and just listens to everyone lecturing him and complaining about the work.
Three days later Kai remembers everything and gets really angry at Lloyd for doing the one think he ask him not to do because he can't process the idea of his life being as important as the city. He faces Lloyd and punches him but Lloyd doesn't move and states that he didn't save his life for Kai but because he still needed him and couldn't lose one of the people he loves the most, his reason and wish were completely selfish and he doesn't regret it at all.
As Kai walks away to calm down, Lloyd tells him to look him in the eyes and tell him that if the roles were reversed he wouldn't have done the same. Kai doesn't turn around because he knows he can't deny it.
Once they know the truth the rest of the team is understanding and some of them (mostly Nya) agree with him and are grateful he made that choice.
That's it. This is just a random idea, feel free to use it for fanfics or other stuff :)
Also should I draw the dying scene?
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Just a Little Something about how long Zane was dead for in Ninjago between Season 3 and 4
In Ninjago Decoded Zane said that he downloaded all 74 episodes plus the holiday special of Jay's game show, 'The Ultimate Ninja Challenge' (a.k.a 75 episodes)
Taking in the schedules for American Ninja Warrior and Wipeout, which appear to be the inspiration for Jay's game show.
American Ninja Warrior is a half hour long show that airs four episodes in a day and another four the following week as a full season (at least when it first came out, IDK about now).
Wipeout is an hour long show (with commercials) that airs a new episode, once a week.
Understanding these two details:
At Most - eight episodes per season, at one season per year with 75 episodes total equals a little more then 9 years (to be precise, 9 complete seasons with 3 episodes of the tenth being aired)
At Least - one episode per week with 75 episodes total equals almost 18 months a.k.a. a year and a half (to be precise, 1 year, 5 months and 3 weeks)
In Compromise for the two shows with a leaning towards the Wipeout influence: Let's say, two episodes per week with 75 episodes total equals 9 months and 2 weeks (this is on the idea of Jay leaving before the filming of the 76th episode).
So obviously we don't get a ten year time skip between Seasons 3 and 4 and I clearly haven't factored in how long it took to set up Jay's game show in the first place, however, I don't think it's that far outside the realm of possibility that the time skip was at least somewhere between 9 and a half months and 18 months. This certainly gives enough time for moss to grow on Zane's statue and for angst among the Ninja Team (<- Including Nya, Pixal and Skylor).
Enough time for Jay to get his own game show.
Enough time for Nya to gather what she needs to fix the Bounty.
Enough time for Cole to get a job without people knowing who he is.
Enough time for Lloyd to be with his father before Garmadon's Season 4 self-sacrifice.
Enough time for Zane to rebuild himself only to be kidnapped by Ronin and sold to Master Chen.
Enough time for Pixal to be kidnapped as well and held in Chen's dungeon where the Mechanic pried her open and took her apart piece by piece.
Enough time where Skylor's training was put into overdrive as she had to watch her father put every last detail into place for the Elemental Masters, like a spider preparing its web for the flys.
Enough time for Kai to get his own apartment where he exists alone with thoughts that are far to loud and condemning for a protector who lost his brother, to craft a place for himself in an underground fighting ring that won't ask questions, where he can fight and forget, only to be constantly plagued by his every waking moment asking, 'why wasn't it me', and thinking, 'it should have been me'.
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impulsivefanwriter · 11 months
Ninjago Fic Rec Week — Day 1: Canon &/or Lloyd
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1441819 — The Grass is Always Greener (Series)
A fantastic series by the extremely talented @sunnylighter (go shower their blog in love) featuring a crossover between the show and movie with many amazing instalments (and a great Monkie Kid crossover fic too) that includes elements from S2-S4 and a ton of great head canons, jokes, moments to laugh or cry, and an overall great time
https://archiveofourown.org/series/2178393 — Green Empathy (Series)
Love movieverse Lloyd and think he's a sad little meow meow? Then this series featuring him with empathy powers is perfect for you!
https://archiveofourown.org/works/20742584 — Oh, haven't you heard?
A fantastically hilarious movieverse fic featuring our beloved (secretly) son of a warlord vs. the crack of Buzzfeed Unsolved
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29490180 — Home Is Where You Are
Movieverse Lloyd gets stabbed and his cousin Morro wants to stab people as a result
https://archiveofourown.org/works/30888539 — Who’s the New Guy? He Looks Awfully Green
Even more Movieverse Lloyd being a sad little meow meow, this time with him finally finding friends and hoping to his grandfather they don't find out he's the Lloyd Garmadon
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26722576 — Kind
A bawler in the most wholesome way; a movieverse fic featuring the "words people think about you appear on your skin" AU, staring Lloyd Garmadon, AKA the second most hated person in the city. Seriously, this one shot fic is amazing and is so worth the read
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13626984/1/The-Idiots-Guide-to-Not-Despising-Your-Cousin — The Idiots’ Guide to Not Despising Your Cousin
Lloyd takes his reformed 'cousin' Morro on a road trip of hell to recreate the scene from Sharknado. Hilarious shenanigans and begrudging cousin bonding ensues, complete with an emotional shouting match, a rocket launcher, and a stolen shark
Lloyd & Canon
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41654502 — Let's Dye This World
Lloyd wants to dye his hair pink. What could go wrong? (Nothing. Nothing at all)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/36502231 — And the Vocab Word of the Day Is...
Someone's taught Zane a word he shouldn't know, and thus we have this hilarious one-shot
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26238865 — An Impromptu Little Brother
You want RG siblings fluff? You've got it! This adorable fic showcases the sweet bonding of S1 Kai and Lloyd
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44929669/chapters/113050273 — On the Outside
You want even more "Lloyd gets adopted by his siblings and finds a family" fluff? Well, this one also includes some angst, but in a hurt/comfort way, and includes bonding with the entire team
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13837338/chapters/31823022 — All I Want for Christmas is You
Lloyd has never celebrated Christmas before, and is desperately trying to hide it
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13548435/1/Warning-Fire-Hazard — Warning: Fire Hazard
As the favourite great-grandson of Firstborne, she decides to teach him a fun dragon trick... fire-breathing. Obviously Lloyd uses this new trick responsibly
https://archiveofourown.org/works/25916767 — Cool Down
A fantastic fic about Zane's element as a counterbalance to Kai's in stressful situations, and how a hug can go a long way
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43938129 — Cold Hands, Warm Heart
Zane's never been in a snowball fight before, and Kai & the others decide this will not stand. Fluff ensues in this beautifully written adorable found family fic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28433430/chapters/69674970 — Nature vs. Nurture
S2 Megaweapon shenanigans with the OG4 getting turned into kids again after Child's Play... but this time, without their memories
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32716111/chapters/81165256 — Habits of Home(lessness)
A "5 times + 1" fic about Jay being incredibly concerned and confused by the mysterious habits of his team
https://archiveofourown.org/works/27700081/chapters/67792351 — Your Mistakes Are Yours to Keep (BEING REWRITTEN)
Post Skybound angst my beloved <3
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28467426 — For When You Need Love
So many platonic kisses; an amazing collection of small 1-on-1 bonding moments between every member of this team of found family ninja. This is one of my comfort fics
https://archiveofourown.org/works/15544857/chapters/36085881 — powersurge
What would an outburst of elemental power look like? A fantastic collection of short stories featuring each of the ninja in a stressful situation and a boatload of interesting headcanons, that's what
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35446993/chapters/88356208 — *Wu voice* "Ah, gotta get my kids."
A great fic (and amazing prequel/summary animatic by the very talented @a-big-chicken-nerd) featuring Sensei Wu helping his students after each lose control of their elemental powers on what should have been normal patrols across Ninjago
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39091860/chapters/97792278 — Walk a Mile
A fun bodyswap fic featuring Kai & Jay learning to tolerate each other
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47781802/chapters/120452491 — Real Life (Dragons Rising S1 spoilers) 
Can't really say what it's about for spoilers but it's a new character bonding with an old one and it's sweet <3
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12407508/chapters/28232733 — Chips and Salsa
Good ol' Glacier shipping at its finest in this wonderful fic; a secretly pining Cole brings his crush Zane to his house while trying to get over said crush. Lou knows his son's attempts won't be sucessful. Shenanigans, dancing, pining, and apology pancakes follow
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28905537/chapters/70915611 — Between the Scenes
A collection of great stories between episodes and pre-pilots to 'fill the gaps' the show doesn't cover
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13520844/1/There-s-Insurance-For-That — There's Insurance For That
A hilarious fic about Skylor learning all the places the ninja are banned from and the reasons for said bans
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deadmilogecko · 1 year
So I'm probably not the first person to talk about this but Ninjago: Dragons Rising takes place a few years after the merge, we know that Lloyd and Kai found each other after a few weeks and Zane was shutdown the entire time but Nya would have been alone for years before finding anyone else.
On top of that Jay and Cole still haven't been found so while the other ninja know that at least some of them are still alive, Jay and Cole probably think that the others are dead and I hate that so much.
Nya and Jay are ENGAGED and they haven't seen each other in years. I swear to god Dragons Rising is going to be the death of me there is way to much angst.
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oshawottarchive · 9 months
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Welcome to Ninjago Rarepair Week!
No Lloyd x Harumi/ninja/Morro
No incest, predatory relationships, weird age gaps, or anything uncomfortable
It’s completely fine if your entries are a bit late
Both drawing and writing is allowed
Angst is allowed
10th - Date night
11th - Nicknames
12th - Sickness
13th - Roleswap
14th - Song inspired
15th - Future
16th - Free day
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mairitess · 22 days
ebbs and flows pt. 2 // jaya
a/n: i wrote this bc i got back into ninjago and i needed to write something for them bc i'm not caught up enough to be able to read the current fics + also on ao3 in caps
words: 1.5k, part one here
tags: angst, fluff, post-skybound, post s10 ninjago: masters of spinjitzu, jaya, no beta we die like kings, they r so traumatized after nadakhan, minor violence mentions from skybound, kiss kiss rated t just in case
she might’ve missed it, if she weren’t so keyed up already. “you’re my yang, nya.”
the ninjas returned to the temple absolutely beaten. they’d defeated the latest ninjago city menace, but it took more effort than usual. their entire way home, jay was tapping his foot incessantly.
“can you stop that?” cole said, irritated. “you sound like a walking time bomb.”
jay started to apologize. “i’m sorry! i can’t help it. i’m…”
“nervous? anxious? stressed?” the suggestions came in a popcorn chorus from zane, pixal, and kai.
jay put his head in his hands. “yes,” he sighed, defeated.
cole put his hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “what happened…?” to you and nya?
“i have no idea.”
everyone was quiet until they got to the temple. they knew jay was doing his best, and they knew how stubborn and guarded nya could be, too — much like her brother. when they landed, jay filed out last, worry troubling his stomach.
“you got it, jay,” lloyd said, clapping jay on the shoulder. “it’ll be okay.” he turned from jay to look at cole, also unsure. they’d known nya had been different recently, as much as she tried to hide it. but they didn’t know what they could do, especially if jay wasn’t able to fix it.
with heavy heart and steps, jay made his way to nya’s room in the early morning hours. misako and wu were standing just outside her door, making jay even more nervous. he rushed over.
“what happened? is she okay? where is she?” he couldn’t keep his voice down, his lightning energy rushing into his veins again.
“she’s fine,” misako said, placing her hands on his shoulders. “she’s okay. but…” she trailed off, as nya’s door started to open.
it was the first time she’d really looked at him in weeks, and jay’s heart dropped as he saw her bloodshot eyes and dark circles. as much as he was exhausted from their fight in the city, she had been draining for far longer.
“hi, jay.”
he followed her into her room, gently closing the door behind them. when she sat on the edge of her bed, he sat a foot away, careful to keep some distance. he didn’t want to make things worse.
“i missed you,” he said, unable to keep it in. “i miss you. i love you. i…” jay suddenly felt too loud, too brash, and worried he’d scare her away again.
“i love you too,” nya replied, tears brimming again. “and i think i’m ready to tell you what happened — or, what’s been happening, and i’ve been so worried to tell you before because i’m scared you’ll hate me and want to leave me but i love you and if that’s how i make you feel then i just want you to be happy and safe and secure and i’m scared when i tell you this you’ll —“ nya cut herself off, too scared to speak into reality one of her biggest fears. “you make me feel more special and confident and myself than anyone i’ve ever known,” she whispered. “and i’m scared you’ll throw me away when i tell you.”
sometimes, even when jay wasn’t talking, nya could still hear the lightning coursing through him. this time, she couldn’t. she was scared to break the silence. she needed to know if he even wanted to hear what she had to say.
and she might’ve missed it, if she weren’t so keyed up already. the quietest he’s ever been, the most hesitant yet gentle and kind.
“you’re my yang, nya. nothing you could say could ever change that.”
jay knew nya well enough to know she was struggling with not feeling like she was doing their relationship “right”. a perfectionist through and through, as soon as things started to dissolve, so did she. but jay needed her the way the moon needs the tides, the skies reaching for the waters beneath. she knew ebbs and flows, but so did he, because he yearned for her throughout.
nya told him of her nightmares, and how she thought she was dying that day. she drew in a deep breath, before she told him that his hold felt the same way. she thought she was angry he wasn’t upset like she was. she wasn’t angry anymore.
he was quiet, processing, until he asked, “do you really think i’m not upset like you?” nya stilled.
“all our friends died. i had just seen you in a wedding dress, and you were about to marry someone else, even if not by choice. and then you started to die in my arms, by a tactical choice i made. it would’ve been all my fault, if you…” he paused. “you’re the love of my life, nya. and i held you as i cried because i don’t know what life there is without you.
“i made my last wish holding you. and everything was good again when we went back and you took my hand. i know that right now my touch feels like… death, but i need you to know that to me, touching you gave us a new chance at life.”
nya was stunned; all she could do was sit there, his words ringing over and over again in her head.
“i love you, nya. i just… need some time to think about it, too. okay?” jay said, standing up. he smiled, but it was small and somber. nya couldn’t help feeling like she’d hurt him, that she’d thought so little of his actions. she nodded, and it wasn’t until her door closed again that she was able to mumble, “i love you.”
nya didn’t leave her room all day. she was feeling better, but she didn’t want to step out. kai brought her dinner and they sat side by side as she ate.
“how’s jay?” she asked, and kai shrugged. “he’s been in his room ever since we got back. so i don’t know. but it was a pretty bad fight, so maybe he’s just resting. though normally he’d rest by playing some video games,” kai joked, nudging nya lightly with his shoulder. she quieted again, looking down at her food.
“i think i messed up,” nya said, swirling her spoon in her congee.
“i don’t think you could with jay, sis. he loves you.”
“i know. but that doesn’t mean… that doesn’t mean things will always be okay.”
“sure. but it also doesn’t mean you two can’t be okay, either.” kai paused. “uh, let me say that again. you guys will get through it. that’s what love is. love is about getting through things together, not keeping things perfect all the time.”
nya smiled, genuinely, for the first time in awhile. “when did you get to be wu number two?”
kai laughed. “probably when i realized how much you and jay love each other.”
nya understood it was time to stop fighting the flow. it took the master of water long enough.
it was just after 10, and nya needed to see jay. but as soon as she opened her door, there he was, hand poised to knock. he jumped back. “gosh, nya! you’re quiet.”
they stood in her doorway, just looking at each other, not quite sure what to do next. they started speaking over each other in a flurry.
“jay, i—“
nya laughed, and jay could feel everything start to lighten. “come in.”
they lay down on nya’s bed next to each other, closer than they’d been in weeks past.
“i’m sorry, jay,” nya mumbled, drawing circles with her finger into her pillowcase.
“no, i’m sorry, nya. i shouldn’t have left the way i did earlier.”
“it’s okay.” jay raised an eyebrow and nya nodded. “i promise. i’ve… been thinking about it longer than you have. it’s only fair.”
he smiled, and nya kept looking between the freckles across his face and his brilliant blue eyes. how could she have ever been so afraid of what he would say?
“so…” she started. “what now?”
“i don’t want to rush you into anything,” jay said. “i love holding you, and you know how much that means to me, but we don’t have to touch or anything until you’re ready. but i do think it could help,” he offered.
nya shook her head as he talked. “you could never rush me. and i want to fix things. so maybe… we start here?”
she gently grabbed his hand, and placed it on the side of her face, holding him there. nya nudged closer to jay until they were a breath apart. she tilted her head up and gazed at him, waiting.
“i missed you,” nya said, and jay met her halfway, their lips melding into each other where they belonged. softly, first, then as nya grew more incessant, jay matched her, and it was like breathing and drowning in confessions of love all at once.
jay was careful not to move his hand from her cheek, but as they kissed, she moved his hand down to her back, and he pulled her ever closer. nya broke their kiss first to breathe.
“i missed you too,” jay said, one arm behind her back, the other under her neck, cradling the back of her head. they laid there for hours, and just as nya was starting to doze off, jay asked, “nya… what do want me to do if you have another nightmare again?”
she thought about it before, but wasn’t sure what would work until they tried. “just don’t let go,” she mumbled into his chest, and he held her tighter.
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blackypanther9 · 1 month
Masterlist to all the Masterlists of mine
I do not write:
Incest, Stepcest, etc.
fucked up shit like that.
What I might not write:
Some kinks. (I don't know all of them but there might be some I feel not comfy with)
What I write (Sexual orientation wise):
HETERO (Man x Woman)
GAY (Man x Man) OR (Woman x Woman)
INTERSEXUAL (People with BOTH genders)
GENDERFLUID (Might be horribly explained, I ain't Genderfluid, but practically that is when you feel like a man one day and in five weeks you feel like a woman and dress and behave as such how you feel)
TRANSGENDER (Man in a Woman's body or the other way around, Don't hate me I try to keep this short and simple here !!)
ASEXUAL (Repulsed by the bare mention of the S word OR isn't repulsed by it, but isn't really interested in it (I think it is called Gray Ace...?)
GENDERNEUTRAL/NON - BINARY (Which mostly means no Gender so They/Them I CAN'T USE THAT IN SMUT THOUGH IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME A SEX ON THE BODY !!! So tell me which they have !)
What I usually write:
Dom!Reader x Sub!Character (But you CAN also ask the other way around)
Character ships I will write for:
Any Character x Reader (Name a Gender though !)
Also write Character x Character ( Like...Alastor x Rosie where they just gossip or Charlie and Vaggie with romance or smut)
(I also don't mind to Genderswap. So instead of Charlie being a Female, she is a Male or a different gender. You give me your thoughts and I will try to turn it into a Oneshot !)
Characters I will NOT write for:
The Vees (Hazbin Hotel) Adam (Hazbin Hotel) Lute (Hazbin Hotel) Sera (Hazbin Hotel) They can be mentioned or play a role but I don't do ANY ships with them and the Reader. They can be shipped with each other though, I suppose. And Vox can be friends with Reader, but no romantic shtick. (Still needs to be added)
What I allow to write as Relationship stuff:
PLATONIC RELATIONSHIPS (Friends, friends turning to Family, like Siblings and stuff...Surrogate Brother/Sister if I am not mistaken we call such, right ?)
FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS (Nothing perverted ! Just you know Father - Son relationship, Brother x Brother Relationship and all that stuff, Family relationships are NOT allowed to be SMUT !!!)
What I will write:
I am usually open minded about a lot, but still I am setting some ground rules. This is all in case I open requests, so keep the page in your line of sight at all times !!
DISCLAIMER !: I do NOT support rape, abuse and other bad behavior ! This is pure fanfiction and fantasy ONLY ! People who can get easily triggered by it, DON'T FUCKING READ IT ! Warnings are at the very top of the beginning smut shot, so READ THEM BEFORE you read the fic !
Reblogging is ALLOWED, but REPOSTING is NOT allowed !!!
Let me tell you a story…Loki x Reader ? (MASTERLIST)
Loki x Reader Smut Masterlist 2 !
Masterlist of Loki x Reader Oneshots x little stories
Friends (Loki x Fem!Reader) Masterlist (COMPLETED !!)
The mischievous one (Loki x Fem!Reader) Masterlist
Loki x Reader -> Killer Love MASTERLIST ! (Discontinued)
Loki Laufeyson/Odinson x Reader with another Fandom Crossover
  "The Spook - Loki x Reader (Marvel x Fnaf Crossover)"  MASTERLIST
Halloween Masterlist (2020,2021,2022...)
Lokius (Mobius x Loki) Masterlist
Christmas Masterlist (Loki x Reader)
Marvel x Reader smut masterlist
Lego Ninjago x Reader
Secrets... Morro x Reader (Ninjago) MASTERLIST COMPLETED !!!
Ninjago Masterlist Uncle x Father!MaleReader
Sleepy Hollow 1999 x Reader
Headless Horseman (Sleepy Hollow 1999) x Reader MASTERLIST
Mr. Hopp’s Playhouse x Reader
Mr. Hopp x Reader MASTERLIST
Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader
Bendy (and the Ink Machine) x Reader
William Afton x Reader
William Afton x Reader Oneshots
(Movie) William Afton x Reader Oneshots
How to turn a Killer into a Bunny – (FNaF Movie)William Afton x Male!Reader
Hazbin Hotel x Reader
Father!Alastor x Son!Reader MASTERLIST
Alastor x Reader Oneshots Masterlist
Scream Movie 1996 MASTERLIST
Other Characters without Reader input
Marvel Ships (No Reader input)
Other characters x Reader (With another Fandom crossover)
Masterlist Bruno Madrigal x Male!Reader with another Fandom Crossover
Funny doodles
Sites where you can also find me
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iobsesswaytoomuch · 2 months
Numbing The Pain (or: everyone gets knocked unconscious :D) [Ninjago] 
Soooo.... I kinda wrote a oneshot based on a headcannon by @jinxed-ninjago. I haven't really ever shown my writing to others, so we'll see how it goes. >:)
Cw: injuries, numbness, electrical injury and violence, uhhhhh... Overall angst?
In Jay’s opinion, being injured was less than preferable, for a number of reasons. Being stuck on bedrest every second of every day. Not being able to join the others for dinner as he listened to the laughter and joking echoing down the hall while he stared at the tray of food resting in his lap. 
It wasn’t the other ninja’s fault he was lonely, he just really wished he didn’t have to stay in bed all the time. On the bright side though, he got to play video games all day, and he got out of the usual work to maintain the monastery. After all, nothing like the power of positive thinking!
It was a stupid injury. Why were legs so breakable?
They’d been training, like usual. He didn’t remember much, but he recalled being hit by something, then waking up to his leg in a cast and Cole apologizing profusely. 
Apparently, Cole had accidentally lost control of his powers, and hit Jay with a boulder, causing him to land on top of Kai, unconscious. 
He didn’t blame Cole though. He knew as well as anyone what it was like to lose control. It made him think of when they used to fight over Nya, as Cole had apologized. It was strange how far they’d come from that.
A sudden crash startled him out of his thoughts. More followed after that, banging and thudding and shouting. He heard the others rushing to meet the cacophony, and resisted the urge to leap out of bed and join them. They could handle it without him, and he’d (grudgingly) promised to stay put. 
The sounds of fighting resounded through the room, and he grit his teeth. They’d be fine. He wondered what the heck was attacking them this time. The serpentine again? Nindroids? Maybe Garmadon had somehow come back again and was attacking? Some other random villain they’d never even heard of before? The questions raced through his mind like a river as he listened to the combat growing closer. 
Abruptly, his thoughts were once again interrupted as Cole was thrown through the air, crashing against the wall beside him and crumpling as his yell broke off upon impact.
“COLE!!” Jay screamed as he slumped to the floor. “Hey, I already passed out this week! Don’t tell me you’re stealing my thunder,” he tried to mask his wrangled nerves with humor, but Cole didn’t answer. 
“Oookay, so this is bad,” he mumbled to himself shakily as he considered his options. He could sit here and listen as the rest of his family was potentially defeated and/or hurt. He could try to help Cole (who hadn’t stirred yet but that was fine it’d be fine) somehow, without injuring himself more. Or, he could ignore his stupid broken leg and the pain that would undoubtedly follow, and go help them fight. 
As he debated, Zane decided to join the party and hurtled into the room, landing on top of Cole. As his motion stilled, Jay gasped and held back a second scream as he took in the damage. 
Half of Zane’s face looked as if it had been chewed on by a large, feral dog, ripped apart and unveiling the robotic parts underneath. One of his arms was missing, and there were open gouges displaying sparking circuits and wires, making sharp buzzing sounds. His eyes flickered as he spoke.
“S-system-m mal- mal-function- circuits-s ove-er loadd-ded-” his voice glitched before his eyes went dark and his body still. 
Jay stared, open-mouthed, before he made a decision. Jolting upright, he leapt to his feet. Or at least tried to. As soon as any tension was put onto his foot, instant agony engulfed him, and he collapsed back onto the bed. Clenching his jaw tightly, he breathed through the pain as it slowly subsided the tiniest bit. 
“C’mon Jay… You can do this!” he said, voice wavering, before trying again.
The pain was worse this time. His teeth grated against each other as his breathing became labored, but he managed to keep his footing this time. White hot knives felt like they were slicing up his leg, eventually getting so bad that it went numb.
“Well. That’s not good,” he said to the empty air as his voice quivered more. It still hurt, but now more like pins and needles gently poking him. Within a few more seconds, a lot of the feeling in his leg subsided, but he couldn’t stand any longer. Sagging against the bed, he slid to the floor. Now that he was off his foot, it started throbbing, making spots cloud his vision for a moment. 
As he looked across the room at Zane and Cole (both still unresponsive, but at least Cole’s chest was rising and falling), an idea struck him.
“Huh… circuits… nerve circuits,” he said out loud as the idea developed. Sure, it was a very very stupid idea and could very well lead to bad results. But desperate times called for desperate measures, and by the First Master he wasn’t going to stand by! The shouting had intensified in volume, and he could make out the panicked voices of the other ninja. Besides, he and the others joked that his second elemental power was stupid ideas. That was his thing!
Mind still fuzzy from the aching torture he’d experienced moments before, he remembered Zane once infodumping about how nerves operated on electrical signals from the brain, and that when overloaded, could be numbed to pain (wow, he’d actually remembered that! See, he did pay attention, Kai).
Well. He was the master of lightning and therefore electricity after all. 
“Oh boy. I’m definitely getting yelled at later for this,” he said under his breath as he closed his eyes and focused.
How was he going to do this? Could he even do this? Was it possible to shock himself? He’d never tried before, but had been shocked by other lightning on occasion.
He thought about it as he concentrated on his power. Using his element was like sneezing; almost instinctual, quick, and slightly jarring, pushing it outside of himself. So… he’d have to reverse that. Ignoring the feeling in his gut that this was going to be very terrible, he shoved the growing anxiety down.
Taking a slow, deep breath, he imagined he was inhaling electricity as well as oxygen, and it being distributed through his nerves. 
A slight tingling sensation started circulating throughout his body, and he tried it again.
A blue glow emanated from him for a second behind his eyelids, sparking.
Then everything stopped.
The throbbing hadn’t just faded away. It was completely gone. Abruptly and instantly. And it wasn’t just the throbbing either; all feeling was absent. As he opened his eyes, he discovered that he couldn’t feel his clothes rubbing against his skin, the cold floor he was sitting on, the air stirring around him; it was all gone.
“Was this how Cole felt when he was a ghost?” Jay wondered, marveling at the numbness (and slightly panicking. He desperately hoped this could be reversed later).
Getting to his feet, this time without the agony part of it, he glanced back at his unconscious brothers one last time, then sprinted out the door and down the hallway, ignoring the way his foot crunched with every footfall. Doors blurred past him as he followed the sound of voices, now reduced to an alarmingly quiet level. There was no commotion anymore, sound just as absent as sensation. He drew nearer, then skidded around a corner and out into the training yard to observe the devastation that had transpired.   
Wooden practice dummies had been splintered and broken apart, scattered everywhere. Sparring targets and weapons had been mutilated, somehow embedded into the walls and ground like shrapnel. Burn and scorch marks littered the scene, a part of the monastery wall crumbling. The sky was a deep gray, casting long shadows.
About thirty enemies were scattered around, standing at attention with their backs to Jay and seemingly waiting for something. Or someone. They wore dark, blood red kasas that cast their faces into shadow, obscuring them. White robes accented with blacks and oranges flowed around them, with brass cuffs wrapped around their wrists. Glowing gold fire designs engraved into the cuffs were arranged artistically to resemble flames wrapping around each other. Sleek black, braided hair fell down to their waists, with vivid, fiery ribbons interwoven into them. He guessed they were all female warriors. They stared straight ahead, toward the gate and eerily motionless. The voices he had followed were whispers, drifting and tangling with each other in the air and incomprehensible. It made the hair stand up on the back of his neck, but he shook it off. 
Frantically, he cast his gaze around the yard, until he finally spotted the others. They were all dumped over in the corner, bodies splayed across the ground and faces contorted with pain, yet their eyes were closed and they all lay inert. After studying them for a moment, he noted with relief that they were all breathing.
Rage boiled inside of him, and his face hardened. 
No one. Did. That. To the people he loved. 
He turned back to the warriors spaced around the yard that still had not moved, hardly noticing the electricity starting to spark around his hands.
His emotions felt amplified. Stronger. His fury grew, consuming every other thought in his mind. 
He started vibrating as the neon static spread from his hands to circulate and jerk around his body, intertwining ropes of blinding blues and whites.
Lightning flashed around his feet as he took slow, deliberate steps.
Finally, the enemies turned, and instantly and simultaneously crouched into fighting stances, raising various weapons.
Too bad for them, that did nothing but amplify the surge he finally let loose. 
Sharp, blue-white cords arced toward each opponent, turning the air white and scorching. No sound escaped them as one by one, the strands of lightning hit them, causing their bodies to convulse. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw movement from the direction of the others, but paid no heed.
He ignored the way his body was steaming, and searched deeper as the unfortunate warriors still spasmed, unable to move and leave the current that he was feeding. There was no way he could stop now. He’d opened a door, and a thousand-pound waterfall had come gushing out. 
He searched deeper still, disregarding the horrifying scene as he tapped into the energy stored within himself that he had put there in the first place.
Instinctively, hardly acknowledging what he was doing, he wrapped it into a twisted, contorted ball, then pushed everything out.
When it finally ran out, satiated, the air returned to normal.
Thuds echoed around the now-silent training yard, as each female warrior crumpled and hit the ground, steam spiraling from their clothes and skin.
Everything was bleached white, except for a small circle around the other ninja, where they lay untouched.
Nya was propped up on her arms, head lifted to gaze at Jay. He couldn’t tell what emotion it portrayed. There was admiration, and affection. But fear and horror was also painted across her face, and it pained him to know that he was the reason for it. She started to stand up, but Jay couldn’t think anymore.
Feeling had come back.
Everywhere was in excruciating anguish. His hands and arms were burned, with protruding raised zigzags of scorched skin beginning to turn red. He stumbled, wincing as he was suddenly very aware of his leg again.
“Nya. I-I’m sorryh…” he trailed off as his knees gave out.
“JAY!” she yelled as she dashed over to him, catching him before his head could hit the ground.
The last thing he remembered was being encircled by her arms as muffled shouts rose up around him. Trusting Nya to take care of him, his eyes shut, and he drifted off into oblivion, chasing away the agony.
Don’t worry, he’ll be fine. Just unconscious :)
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21st-century-ninja · 1 year
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ayo let’s go!  Here are our official, as voted by you, prompts for this week of celebrating ninjago fanfictions.  Click the read more to find a more in-depth breakdown of each day’s prompts and ways to interact with the event :D
Ninjago Fic Rec Week Prompts:
Besides each day’s community-voted prompt, there is also a ninja-specific prompt for each day that reccers can use in addition to or as an alternative to the main prompt.  You don’t need to follow the guidelines or post on each day either; these are just prompts to help you out!
July 16 - Canon/Lloyd
July 17 - AU and/or movieverse/Jay
July 18 - Angst/Kai
July 19 - Fluff/Cole
July 20 - Multichaps/Nya
July 21 - Dynamic Duos/Zane
July 22 - Gen fic/Team
Canon: Fics that could theoretically take place within the main story of Ninjago.
AU and/or movieverse: Fics that shake up the setting the characters find themselves in; the Lego Ninjago Movie counts as an alternate universe for purposes of the rec week.
Multichaps: Fics with multiple chapters.  Can be completed or not.
Dynamic duos: Fics that focus on a pair of characters specifically.
Gen fic: Fics without a shipping focus. 
Ways to participate in rec week:
like and reblog rec posts!
read the fics being recommended by others!
promote your favorite fics!
Promote your own fics!
create art for your favorite fics!
engage with fic authors!
comment on fics!
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taddymason · 5 months
Holiday fluff One Shot of Jay and Kaida!
I was supposed to post it last week but things happened (cough writer's block cough)
I hope you enjoy it because it's pure fluff to compensate for the angst I have put them through in the last months
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