#niiyama high
shoyowo · 2 years
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monstrsball · 1 year
also thinking about. kanoka and iwaizumi friendship. she's part of his legion of lesbians.
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flyingwargle · 2 months
“coach! i brought my sister with me today!”
natsu squeaks and hides behind her brother as his teammates approach. she feels small against such professional players, but relaxes when bokuto catches her eye with a grin and raises his fists in the air. “hey, hey, hey, natsu-chan! long time no see!”
she gives a timid nod. miya leans forward, a finger wrapped around his chin. “followin’ in yer brother’s footsteps, eh? i bet ya also have an impressive spring in yer step.”
hinata grins. “of course, but her jump isn’t as high as mine!”
“given that she’s almost the same height as you despite being younger,” sakusa comments, “i wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case.”
“omi-san, you don’t have to be so blunt!”
coach joins them, his voice is warm. “it’s nice to meet you, natsu. we always welcome friends and family to our court.” when his eyes cut to meian and barnes, they turn away, whistling innocently. “your brother mentioned that you also play volleyball?”
“yes! i’m a wing spiker at niiyama girls’ high school.”
“natsu-chan,” miya pipes up, “lemme toss to ya later!”
meian claps his hands together. “let’s get back to work. natsu, feel free to watch from the sidelines. if you have questions, i’m sure our coaches can help.”
she nods and bows. “thank you for letting me watch!”
the players return to their warm-ups, and hinata leads her to the bench. foster calls for a huddle, and hinata pats her shoulder on his way over. “watch what your brother is made of!”
she barely has time to relax before a manager slides next to her, eyes shining. “we’ve seen a few family members come by, but you’re the first that also plays volleyball. are you here to get the inside scoop?”
“oh…i just wanted to visit and…” natsu trails off. “i guess i do want to see what it’s like, and if it’s something that i want to do.” despite being in her second year, the future remains at the forefront of her mind. she enjoys volleyball, the thrill of competition, the results of hard work, but she can’t help but wonder: what if her future lies beyond the court?
her brother knew that volleyball would remain central to his life when he was her age. natsu, though, doesn’t feel the same, although her coaches said she has a future as a pro. she likes studying too, and has briefly looked at universities with a good volleyball team. she knows some of hinata’s teammates went to university first, like sakusa and bokuto. some entered the v. league straightaway, like miya and kageyama. either way, they’ve gathered here at the top, wholeheartedly dedicated to the sport.
the players practice their serves. miya works on his jump floater-spike serve combo, and hinata also works on his jump floaters, along with meian. barnes, bokuto, sakusa, and adriah stick with jump serves, the ball traveling across the court with frightening speed. it’s impressive that inunaki can pick them up at all.
afterwards, they move to spikes. natsu has always been enraptured by spikers seemingly able to float in mid-air. when it’s her brother’s turn, he makes his approach and jumps, easily reaching the top of the net. his ball lands just before the end line.
practice ends all too soon, and as some players shuffle toward the locker room, her brother bounces toward her, ball in hand. “natsu! let’s play together! that’s okay, right, coach?”
he nods, warning not to overdo it. hinata grins at her, and she smiles back, taking her jacket off, reaching into her bag for kneepads and a hair tie. she joins him, along with miya, sakusa, and bokuto.
“natsu-chan!” miya calls out. “lemme toss to ya! if yer better than shoyo, i’m gonna ask coach to replace him with ya.”
“atsumu-san!” hinata yells indignantly. natsu laughs, squeezes the ball tighter in her hands. she stands away from him, already positioned at the net. does one of the best setters in japan really want to set for her?
“go for it, natsu-chan!” bokuto cheers.
she lets out her breath and focuses. tossing the ball in the air, she makes her approach. miya raises his hands, watches her out of the corner of his eye. then, he sets it. she jumps.
it’s not too high, nor too low. not too far from the net, not too close. it’s just…perfect. her arm swings down, the ball slamming to the floor. she lands with thundering applause from behind. “yep, both ya and yer brother are monsters,” miya comments, shaking his head.
“natsu! nice kill!” hinata has his hands up for a high-five. she slams her palms against his. “let’s play some 2-on-2! team hinata is here to beat all of you!”
“i’d like to see you try.” sakusa slinks under the net, along with bokuto. “miya, you can sit out first.”
“fine, but don’t cry ta me when ya get smoked by the sibs,” miya scoffs, moving off the court. natsu glances at her brother, who only gives her a reassuring thumbs-up.
for the rest of the afternoon, she feels like she’s in a daze. her brother sets to her, and although they aren’t like miya’s, it’s enough to get the ball from one side of the court to the other. her receives aren’t great, so sakusa often targets her, and hinata berates him for it. she manages to receive one of miya’s jump floaters though, but his spike serves go untouched, except when hinata receives them.
by the end of the session, they’re all drenched in sweat, heaving for air. natsu braces her hands on her knees, feels an arm slide around her. “how was it?” hinata asks.
“it was fun.” natsu straightens, watching miya stop bokuto from taking his shirt off, sakusa already halfway toward the locker room. “i could tell they were all holding back.”
“just a bit! atsumu-san never holds back with his serves though, and omi-san is always serious about his spikes. bokuto-san, though…you’re too young to receive his spikes at full power. your arms might fall off,” hinata says, half-serious. natsu still remembers the story of an unfortunate opponent that got hit in the face with one of his spikes. it dislocated his nose. “natsu, it’s okay if you don’t continue with volleyball.”
she jumps, caught by surprise by his words. her brother’s eyes are soft, hunched over slightly so they’re eye level with each other. “mom told me that you weren’t sure what to do after high school. you don’t have to go pro; there’re lots of teams you can join and play for fun! you could do what omi-san or bokuto-san did and go to university first and play there. or you could be like me and go halfway across the world. i’ll support you!”
“thanks, nii-chan.” natsu lifts her head, eyes scanning the stands that line the gym. if she retires her court shoes, would she miss the roar of applause, the sweet thrill of victory? if she surrenders her books, would she regret not having gone to university, not having something to fall back on? “i guess i’ll need to think about it more. but…”
her eyes drift to miya and bokuto, closer to the locker room entrance now. miya turns and shouts at them, telling them to hurry so they can get dinner. “i’m happy that you picked the jackals. everyone is so nice.”
“right? i’m sure wherever you go, you’ll also have people that’ll support you.” he points a thumb to himself. “that includes me, too!”
she laughs, turning to give him a hug. no matter what path she picks, she knows that volleyball will always connect them.
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keruimi · 1 month
The Role We Uphold
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Pairing: Kita Shinsuke x Reader
Warning: Fluff
Note: I'm not even sure if a romantic feeling blooms between both of them but screw it. I want to write one about him.
Sobs and cries are the only thing I can hear from the locker room.
It was found that our team violated a rule and that was the doping rule.
One of the rules that can get us  disqualified for how many years and can even get our first place taken away from us.
How the hell did this happen?
"What should we do?" Our Ace cried out as I heard the reporters outside the locker room that made me take a deep breath.
Our situation is one of the biggest fears of an athlete. The fact that the team I'm leading is the one experiencing it.
Anger burst through my chest as my mind went off to our coach.
That woman can be so competitive that sometimes she acts impulsively.
I don't know what I'm going to do with her if I got to know she is one of the people behind this.
"Captain?" I heard a first year beside me that made me properly look at my teammates.
Their fear is clearly expressed.
The health test taken on our regular players came out positive for using erythropoietin drugs which helps an athlete's performance.
"Everyone listens" I finally stood in the middle of the room and all of the players immediately directed their attention to me.
"I will have this situation investigated to protect our image as athletes. In the meantime, don't interact with the reporters." I continued as they all listened while the others were wiping their tears.
"And if a rematch is needed, we will give it to prove our innocence. I hope you will all agree to this" I stated and they immediately agree even if it means losing the first place we celebrated.
It is painful but it was for the best.
I'm sure this news hoarded many haters until our reputation was brought to the dirt.
It was one of the responsibilities that I have to manage. I need to keep my team stable.
For our passion in this sport.
"I'll talk to the reporters"
"But what if the organizers don't give a second chance?" One of our regular wing spikers, Miwa, spoke up in hiccups.
I approach her and ruffle her hair in assurance.
"I'm you Captain. I wouldn't let us get ruined like this. So please lean on me"
"Thank you, Captain"
I took a deep breath before finally opening the door and was immediately bombarded with camera flashes and microphone.
"Everyone, space please" Those were the first words I uttered as I closed the door behind me and started to walk away from the room.
"Miss Niyoko, is the doping violation confirmed?"
"Yes, the test of our regular members came out positive" I admitted as I faced them while reminding them to give me space since I will answer all of their questions.
"Why did they take such drugs in a national tournament where rules and regulations is really strict?"
I held my head high from that question as I lifted a small smile from my lips.
"I'm confident that my team would win without any use of it. We are not even aware that we are already consuming such drugs like those"
"So are you saying that someone is behind this?"
"Further investigations will be taken just to prove my team's innocence. We are prefecture representatives, we don't dare violate a rule like doping"
"Are you confident that your team is really innocent"
"Without any doubt, my members are innocent. Our team is innocent"
Even I, slowly, ease my mind because of the words I'm speaking.
Because I'm really confident that we are innocent.
And I should fear situations like this.
"If the tournament is willing to give us a second chance. We will gladly take a rematch against Niiyama high in high security from them to avoid situations like this" I spoke up as I pulled away from the many microphones towards me.
"Even if you lose the first place because of this?"
I chuckled from a reporter's question.
"For this to be the evidence of our skills and talent. And to prove our team's innocence"
"But if you lose, wouldn't that prove that consuming those drugs really helps you win?"
"Every match has different results. I can't guarantee winning this time. But I'm protecting my team's passion for this sport and I hope this incident won't ruin their love for this sport"
"Do you have any idea who slips the drugs to your team's food and drinks if its really confirm that someone else is behind this?" A different reporter ask.
"I do. And I would take legal actions once it confirms. Right now, I'm pleading for consideration"
"A second chance to prove our abilities to the people. That we are deserving of the place we got without the use of any drugs"
After answering the questions, I immediately contacted the school's principal to let out an investigation.
Because if they didn't, the reputation of the school will also get dragged into this.
So asking for an investigation is a guarantee.
And I found myself walking in front of the team as we headed to the court of the scheduled rematch.
The rematch is scheduled after a week to completely remove the drugs in our body as standing in the main court already feels intimidating with everyone's eyes on us.
It was pressuring.
I greeted the Captain of Niiyama high again with a smile and she mirrored mine.
"Goodluck" she exclaimed as I nod in understanding.
Goodluck indeed.
"Everyone" I took the attention of my teammates and they immediately walked up to me.
"This is our chance to redeem ourselves. Whether we are deserving to be reign champions or cheaters. It will be up to our performance today" I started as they nod.
And the match finally began.
Whether this will be our last chance to stand in the main court.
I would make sure we would leave with our head held up high.
I took the water bottle of the team as I asked one of the tournament staff to replace the drinks on it.
"For extra measurements" I lend it to her with a smile as she nod before leaving to refill its contents.
As the first set is ongoing, I finally have the courage to approach our intimidating coach who is not really happy about this.
"I didn't call you here" she muttered in gritted teeth that made me let a snickering smile.
"I'm just going to remind you Coach. I'm in control of this match" this made her finally put her focus on me as she stood up to face me.
"What do you mean?"
"The team's poor performance is under your teaching. I can't trust someone who didn't prove their worth to us yet other than overworking us" she clenched her fist shut as I stood in my ground while directly looking at her eyes.
"If I got to know that you are the one behind this. I'll meet you in a different court"
That is a warning.
From the team's captain.
I wouldn't let her ruin my players spirit again.
I will remove her spot immediately once I get to know she is the one behind this.
After all, she didn't bother defending our team.
What kind of coach is this?
After a gruesome hour of fighting for the highest position, we manage to maintain our title as the Champions of the female volleyball team.
We completely prove ourselves again.
"Thank you for playing with us again" I shook hands with the captain of Niiyama Girls.
"It opened a fresh wound for us but it's better to settle our minds that we didn't lose against cheaters. Congratulations for proving your abilities once again"
I hugged her in appreciation as she did the same to me.
"Your team is thankful to have a captain like you. You really deserve that position" she exclaimed as I let out a small smile.
"It was really pressuring though. I'm just thankful for the second chance. Without it, we wouldn't be able to play again" my eyes turn glossy with just the thought of it as she pat my back in comfort.
"Well if it weren't for you standing up with confidence, the organizers would really think of banning your team"
And I'm thankful I stepped up.
My players were tested again to be sure and their results are clear, finally awarding us of the title 'Champions'.
My team hugged me in happiness that I almost suffocated until I finally managed to get away from the eyes of the others.
I leaned on the nearby wall until I finally slid down when the pressure finally overwhelmed me.
This is the responsibility of the Captain.
It was really scary going against the world just to protect the players I'm leading.
Right now, is the only time I finally got to breath without the feeling of responsibility.
I was sitting in a crouched position as I rested my head on top of my knees.
It's really peaceful.
"Niyoko Y/n, right?" I heard a monotone in front of me that made me raise my head up and saw one of the players from the Inarizaki male volleyball team.
"Hi" I was greeted with a smile as he bent on his knees to be the same height as me.
"You're an admirable captain"
A man who first approached me even we haven't totally clear our team's name.
It was a new feeling, hearing a compliment from a captain of one of the best male volleyball teams in the country.
"Would you mind me teaching your ways
That odd request was the reason I met Kita Shinsuke.
The Captain of the Inarizaki Team.
"It was my first time leading a team. Especially if our second years is hard to manage"
He spoke beside me as I chuckled. "A team always has a bunch of crazy players. But having twins is like a hurricane itself."
"Indeed. Especially if they are one of the key players on the team. You always need to remind them"
What does it feel like to be a captain, yet a shadow of the team? But a person like him still carries pride within him.
"I can't imagine a collected captain like you handle them" I exclaim until the ringing of my phone disturbs the peace around us.
I answered my phone when it was about the investigation into the doping incident.
"I need to go now. It's nice talking to you Kita-san"
That was the first moment I got to share with someone about my experience as a captain.
One of the people who made me proud that I became a captain.
Kita Shinsuke, a man who is in the same position as me.
Their team has one of the top 5 ace, and the best setter in the country.
Yet all those star players are under him.
He's very admirable on that part.
He has something that I haven't known yet, and I'm willing to learn it.
And the next time we meet, he is now a respected captain while I became part of the audience.
I can't even explain the way he looks at me in my decent attire.
I waved at his teammates before I focused my attention on him.
"You're not in your uniform" he stated the obvious as I giggle.
"I already retired. I need to focus on my final exams"
I heard the slight whispers from his teammate as Atsumu peaked behind his captain to confirm if the captain is really talking to me.
"All of you start heading to the bus, I just need to talk to someone"
His teammates walked past me upon hearing his instruction but I can't help but chuckle when they are not even trying to hide their surprise.
What's wrong?
I kept my smile as he stood in front of me.
"Why didn't you stay?" He asked me as I shrugged my shoulders on his question.
"I want to watch. And it's for the best so our first and second years can form a team at this time" I stop from my words when I notice how close he was to me.
I can't even deny the warm feeling in my chest
"Do you have anything to say to me?"
"Can I court you?"
Now that really throws me off.
"So suddenly?", I can't but chuckle more on the giddy feeling I'm experiencing right now.
It seems like the first interaction really put him into thinking these past few months.
"Of course"
I'm already in my third year, soon entering college.
If I decline this one time where someone decided to court me, I might end up as a single woman.
That was my concern that time, yet the more time I spent with him, the more I started to like him.
A man that every parent dreams.
A gentleman, logical, and an academic achiever.
Who wouldn't want him?
And that man fell in love with a person like me.
I didn't dare ask because I already knew my worth ever since that day.
But it really feels great to be loved by somebody like him.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 9 months
The Autistic Anime Girls Tournament Bracket!
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Here are the matchups. The winners of each group will compete in a three-way finale. Full matchups below the cut! I typed all of this by hand, so if you spot an error PLEASE let me know. My brain was simply Not There after a certain point.
I have the poll visuals for the first half of group one done, I just need to make posts for them. I'll try to finish them up by the end of tonight. I'll be releasing halves a day or two apart, but wait for one group to finish up before releasing matches for the next group. Without further ado...
(Side A)
Tome Kurata (Mob Psycho 100) VS Emu Ootori (Project Sekai)
Yuki Nagato (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) VS Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)
Maria Ushiromiya (Umineko When They Cry) VS Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon)
Tomoko Kuroki (WataMote) VS Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Shouko Komi (Komi Can’t Communicate) VS Mayaya (Princess Jellyfish)
Manami Okuda (Assassination Classroom) VS Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney)
Rina Tennouji (Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club) VS Mizuki Date (AI: The Somnium Files)
Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) VS Rin Shima (Laid-Back Camp)
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) VS Kaoruko Moeta/Kaos (Comic Girls)
Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger (Little Witch Academia) VS Tomoyo Daidouji (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Suletta Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury) VS Nezuko Kamado (Demon Slayer)
Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi) VS Mashiro Shiina (The Pet Girl of Sakurasou)
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena) VS Kanade Yoisaki (Project Sekai)
Sakaki (Azumanga Daioh) VS Penny Polendina (RWBY)
Tae Yamada (Zombie Land Saga) VS Tomori Takamatsu (BanG Dream: It's MyGO!!!!!)
Midori Asakusa (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!) VS Jiji (Princess Jellyfish)
(Side B)
Asa Mitaka (Chainsaw Man) VS Shijima Tsukishima (Shimeji Simulation)
Patty Thompson (Soul Eater) VS Minori Ichinose/Cure Papaya (Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure)
Mako Mankanshoku (Kill la Kill) VS Nami (One Piece)
Ayumu Kasuga/Osaka (Azumanga Daioh) VS Rena Ryuugu (Higurashi When They Cry)
Mitsumi Iwakura (Skip and Loafer) VS Hina Hikawa (BanG Dream! Girls Band Party)
Sawako Kuronuma/Sadako (Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You) VS Maomao (The Apothecary Diaries)
Hikaru Hoshina/Cure Star (Star Twinkle Pretty Cure) VS Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Lain Iwakura (Serials Experiments Lain) VS Banba (Princess Jellyfish)
Himari Arisugawa/Cure Custard (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode) VS Maki Aikawa (Air Master)
Honoka Yukishiro/Cure White (Futari wa Pretty Cure) VS Milly Thompson (Trigun)
Atsuko Kagari/Akko (Little Witch Academia) VS Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa)
Hitori Gotoh/Bocchi (Bocchi the Rock!) VS Ryou Yamada (Bocchi the Rock!)
Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess Jellyfish) VS Victorique de Blois (Gosick)
Clara Valac (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun) VS Nagi Usui (NEO: The World Ends With You)
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV (Cowboy Bebop) VS Nene Kusanagi (Project Sekai)
Tsuyu Asui (My Hero Academia) VS Chieko (Princess Jellyfish)
(Side A)
Nico Niiyama (Kiznaiver) VS Ajimi Kiki (PriPara)
Nagisa Furukawa (Clannad) VS Fuuko Ibuki (Clannad)
Kushina Uzumaki (Naruto) VS Nagisa Momoe (Madoka Magica: Rebellion)
Hinata Hyuuga (Naruto) VS Yellow (Pokémon Adventures)
Cibo (Blame!) VS Kuriko Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Vanilla H (Galaxy Angel) VS Himiko Yumeno (Danganronpa)
Nejire Hadou (My Hero Academia) VS Yuuko Aioi (Nichijou)
Tsubomi Takane (Mob Psycho 100) VS Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort (Genshin Impact)
Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) VS Reina Aharen (Aharen is Indecipherable)
Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) VS Orihime Inoue (Bleach)
Don Quixote (Limbus Company) VS Chizuru Hishiro (ReLIFE)
Io Nitta (Devil Survivor 2) VS Miho Nosaka (Yugioh)
Ringo Andou (Puyo Puyo) VS Aoi Akane (Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun)
Mei Hatsume (My Hero Academia) VS Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Gin Akutagawa (Bungou Stray Dog) VS Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi)
Sorawo Kamikoshi (Otherside Picnic) VS Three (Drakengard 3)
(Side B)
Satsuki Minazuki (Liar Satsuki Can See Death) VS Yuki Shirakaba (Catulus Syndrome)
Anri Sonohara (Durarara!!) VS Kotomi Ichinose (Clannad)
Nico Yazawa (Love Live!) VS Bocchi Hitori (Hitori Bocchi no Marumaru Seikatsu)
Ahiru Arima/Duck (Princess Tutu) VS Kanao Tsuyuri (Demon Slayer)
Miriel (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Anzu (Ensemble Stars!)
Rinku Aimoto (Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ) VS Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Mako Wakamiya (Do Chokkyuu Kareshi x Kanojo) VS Biscuit Krueger/Bisky (Hunter x Hunter)
Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail) VS Maria Inomata (School Babysitters)
Akane Kurashiki (Zero Escape) VS Sayo Yasuda (Umineko When They Cry)
Sonia Nevermind (Danganronpa) VS Mai Minakami (Nichijou)
Miki Naoki (School-Live!) VS Ai Mie (The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses)
Nausicaä (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind) VS Lynne (Ghost Trick)
Sumireko Usami (Touhou Project) VS Lucina (Fire Emblem Awakening)
Shouko Sano (Colorful) VS Shizuku Murasaki (Hunter x Hunter)
Kon Ishimori (Kemono Jihen) VS Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi)
Anisphia Wynn Palletia (The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess and The Genius Young Lady) VS Hayate Tendo (Dig Delight Direct Drive DJ)
(Side A)
Ai Enma (Hell Girl) VS Kaoru Seta (BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!)
Jun Naruse (Anthem of the Heart) VS Kanna Makino (Tamako Market)
Eve Wakamiya (BanG Dream!) VS Chouko Shizuhata (Oddman 11)
Hikari Kagura (Revue Starlight) VS Croix Meridies (Little Witch Academia)
Miko Iino (Kaguya-sama: Love is War) VS Nafra Ampsey (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Sana Futaba (Magia Record) VS Momoko Hanasaki (Wedding Peach)
Mei Misaki (Another) VS Valerie (Pokémon)
Kanade Tachibana/Angel (Angel Beats!) VS Akashi (The Tatami Galaxy)
Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid) VS Manatsu Natsuumi/Cure Summer (Tropical-Rouge! Pretty Cure)
Katarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!) VS Sayaka Kanamori (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Hana Tabata (A Bouquet for an Ugly Girl) VS Richeh (Witch Hat Atelier)
Saki Hanajima (Fruits Basket) VS Myne (Ascendance of a Bookworm)
Tohru Honda (Fruits Basket) VS Konata Izumi (Lucky Star)
Shizuku Mizutani (My Little Monster) VS Ran-Mao (Black Butler)
Miyuki Hoshizora/Cure Happy (Smiley Pretty Cure!) VS Tsubame Mizusaki (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Kyouka Izumi (Bungou Stray Dogs) VS Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)
(Side B)
Nico Robin (One Piece) VS Tsubasa Katsuki (Comic Girls)
Penny (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet) VS Alice Carroll (Aria)
Sora Kajiwara (Sketchbook: Full Color’s) VS A.K.I. (Street Fighter 6)
Maya Yamato (BanG Dream!: Girls Band Party) VS Sucy Manbavaran (Little Witch Academia)
Kiyoko Shimizu (Haikyuu!!) VS Sen (Hakumei and Mikochi)
Arle Nadja (Puyo Puyo) VS Mai Mishou/Cure Egret/Cure Windy (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star)
Omoharu Nakanaka (Komi Can’t Communicate) VS Sora Naegino (Kaleido Star)
Yor Forger (Spy x Family) VS Li Tianxi (Link Click)
Maho Hiyajo (Steins;Gate 0) VS Kirie Motoba (Himouto! Umaru-chan)
Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Eula Lawrence (Genshin Impact)
Miae Hwang (After School Lessons For Unripe Apples) VS Ruby Rose (RWBY)
Nanami Hiromachi (BanG Dream!: Girls Band Party) VS Lotte Jansson (Little Witch Academia)
Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia) VS Bulma (Dragon Ball)
Witch (Puyo Puyo) VS Power (Chainsaw Man)
Kanna Kamui (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid) VS Tooru Taki (Natsume's Book of Friends)
Suzuno Kamazuki/Crestia Bell (The Devil is a Part-Timer!) VS Yoo Iseol (Return of the Mount Hua Sect/Return of the Blossoming Blade)
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
anyways. do you guys think natsu told the rest of niiyama who her big bro is or do they just think it's an absolute crazy coincidence that natsu has the same last name, hair, jumping power, and sunshine smile as THE hinata shouyou beloved #10 on japan's national volleyball team who for some reason keeps mentioning niiyama as the high school team to look out for on television???
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heich0e · 2 years
MSBY shoyo surprising natsu at a niiyama girl's high volleyball practice and immediately falling in love with the team's faculty advisor
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melhive · 1 year
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To his classmates Sugawara Kouharu is the cool kendo and language studies club member who always scores really high at exams and has that small but comfortable smile that makes everyone want to befriend him. But to Sugawara Koushi, his younger brother is a grumpy child he loves to pester with humour and affection, to Haru's disgust.
Haru is a competitive overachiever, wanting to be taken seriously and doesn't like to have to ask or admit help. He's a picky eater (unless it's his mother's food), and to Koushi, a weirdo one (but they accuse the other of being the weirdo of the family). Won't do anything at home that he isn't being graded for or won't help him get higher grades. Unless it's piano, the thing he has been playing ever since Elementary School and couldn't fit as a third club activity in his schedule, having to continue to study for himself. Koushi says he's spoiled, Haru says he just won't accept anything less than what he deserves (he is very much spoiled). Fiercely overprotective of his family despite always acting like Koushi is an annoyance to him, he's ready to weaponize his large vocabulary and sarcasm skills in order to keep the creeps away from his brother and mother. To him, they're both too cheerful and kind to a fault, easy to be tricked and used in malicious ways.
Koushi knows in the end Haru wants to bring joy to his family, somehow feeling responsible for everyone, and worries the extent this protectiveness can be productive for him. At the end of the day it doesn't matter how independent his younger brother really is, he's still a child that needs to be loved.
When Haru heard that Koushi wouldn't be the starter setter anymore, he held a high spite against Daichi, accusing him of having not standed for his brother on the thing he loved and trained hard for.
Twitter post Sawamura Family Sawamura siblings character sheets Sawamura siblings comic Niiyama Sawamura Fuyumi
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fartingkitty07 · 9 months
@springstarfangirl and I have posted the latest chapter of Solar eclipse! A bit of angst for the soul lol
"Easier? Shoyo's never made anything easier for me."
Niiyama High, once revered as the queens of girls' volleyball in Miyagi Prefecture, has slowly been slipping into ruin in the orange courts.
Stacked with broken friendships and a list of problems a mile long, Natsu Hinata, outshone by her brother for years and years, has so much to wish for- and so much to achieve.
Move over, Shoyo Hinata and Tobio Kageyama; the Kijo Generation is about to rise up.
New Paths to Victory. Rule the Court.
A Natsu Hinata-centric fic that follows Natsu in her journey to Niiyama and beyond.
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loveephia · 1 year
OOOOHHHH U have a drawing of ur oc?? Im super curious to see her 👀👀👀
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her name is sumire yahagi (純鈴 矢作), and she's a middle blocker for niiyama all-girls high. it makes me a bit sad that furudate didn't give the niiyama girls more content because they seem like such a fun group. 😭 also, if you'd like more information on her, i'd be happy to tell you!! :D
update: i changed her hairstyle. ^^
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lazyflakes · 2 years
Y/N’s journey of volleyball
Chapter 1, Introduction 1.0
Waking up in the morning of the bright sun as it calls you, you groggily wake up from your nice, comfortable bed.
Stretching your limbs, you turn off your alarm clock as you yawn.
'Second sleep is a must' you think as you resleep again.
Spoilers alert:
You're poor excuse of an alarm clock woke you up before you could sleep again.
You internally sigh as you turn your alarm clock for real this time before heading downstairs.
You slowly make your way to the fridge but upon seeing a tiny note reading quote, unquote, "Hey, breakfasts inside the fridge, hurry up and go to school. -Mum" "Gee, thanks for reminding me." You say to the note as you open the fridge seeing a bowl of salad as you take it.
You set up the hot water as you begin with instant miso soup.
To your unfortunate events, you were still in your pajamas as you realized you need to change ASAP.
As you head upstairs to grab your newly bought uniform from your mum.
For your first day of your girls high school of course.
I mean you originally wanted to go Shiratorizawa for its academics but safe to say, your academic skill wasn't enough adding with that their volleyball team is no where as strong as the current school you're about to go.
The school you're going to attend is
Niiyama Jyoshi high school.
Yes its a private girls high school. Sad life isn't it? I mean you tried to apply for Seijyoh but the place itself was way too far from home. Adding with Karasuno, good but you were ambitious.
Frankly said, maybe you should have applied Karasuno then it wouldn't be that miserable but the uniform here is cuter but-
No time to waste, you must wear your uniform, eat breakfast, brush teeth and go.
Your uniform is described as the most cute uniform in the prefecture I mean, other prefectures agree its even as cute as that ono gakuen jyoshi school in Tokyo!
It consists of a blue tie with a camel blazer set. Adding a blue checkered skirt that many love. So many people have always loved the uniform of Niiyama Jyoshi!
As you wear and finished eating breakfast, don't forget brushing your teeth!
You bring your school bag as you lock the door.
The trip there was quite quiet, I mean there were people you don't know going to the same school as you. It sort of makes you nervous to the heart.
'Sheesh' you think while deep in thought.
At least you have yourself, that's one bright side isn't it?
Crossing a green light, you see your school as students your age enter with their new made friends while you calmly walk ahead of them.
Upon seeing the gates, everything passes by a blur as the orientation finishes, you head to your first class.
As you opened the door to your class, you saw some of your classmates already in their friend groups while you felt, alone…
It's normal honestly, although at least in junior high, you had some friends with you.
Shaking your negative thoughts off, you were approached by a short, brown haired girl.
She introduces herself as Maiko Yonezawa.
While you introduce yourself as Y/N L/N.
As you sat next to her, the homeroom teacher arrives as she introduces herself as,
Mrs. Takeyama.
Upon the class introducing themselves, you're left with a thought that this will be a long, long year.
. . .
Now its recess, but as you were heading towards the bathroom for some alone time, you were called by Maiko herself.
"Hey Y/N! I've heard that this school is known for their volleyball skills. I'm going to try out for their volleyball club but what are you going to apply?" Maiko asks as you reply, "I'll try out the volleyball club as well." Maiko made an o shape with her mouth before smiling.
"Yay!" Maiko says as she raises her hands in excitement.
"I've actually played as a libero during junior high but we weren't strong." Maiko says as she laughs. "Really? I also played volleyball during junior high as well." Y/N adds to which Maiko immediately asks which position Y/N played.
"I played as a setter. Nothing special." You say.
"Wait, did you go to Kitagawa Daiichi by chance?" Maiko asks in curiosity to which you reluctantly nod.
"I knew it! You were that girl that practically had the scariest serves during that competition!" Maiko remarks as she tries to recall more.
You internally sigh as you recall that moment in time.
Cue the flashback to last year when you were facing off a very tough school named, Kousen academy. A private school in Miyagi known for their spectacular offence. Frankly said, it was annoying having to block as your arms screamed in pain as their ace spikes the hardest and it goes out of bounds which means its their point.
Now it was your turn to be the serving person as your classmates cheered.
"Let's go, let's go Kitagawa Daiichi!" They cheered as they clapped the moment you threw the ball the highest you could as you run towards the net stopping exactly at the point you imagined yourself as you jumped highest you could with your arms swinging to literally spike the ball hardest you can.
The ball literally swooshed past the opponents libero as your teammates literally screamed, "Y/N!!!!" As they literally ran towards you and hugged you as you made a service ace.
Little did you know, that moment will be the height of those pesky rumors and over exaggerations.
End of flashback.
"T-that wasn't that much of a big deal!" You say as you flail your arms in an attempt to be modest. Which fails by a -100.
"Liar." Maiko says as she laughs in amusement.
"Wow to think I would be teammates with the scariest server in junior high." Maiko says as she looks at the clock on top of the whiteboard.
"Well, would you look at the time? Recess is about to end soon huh?" Maiko comments as she heads to her seat to collect her stuff for her next class while you do the same as well.
Repost from my Ao3 acc: AcuteTry162
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eurydicees · 2 years
Omg what did you learn I need to know I NEED to
ok ok ok ok i am completely deranged over all of this information so bear w me bc this is might be incomprehensible !!!
first, just to clarify, i didn't actually get the book and i don't know japanese. i'm getting all this info from translators on twitter who do have it and actually know what's happening. the main threads i was following are by @/palaboras , @/soukatsu_ and @/TrianaNero ! (links go to the threads)
(also this is obvious, but manga spoilers ahead)
anyways!! my main takeaways!!!!! holy shit there is SO much !!!! ok ok
bokuto went to university and graduated, but furudate does not have a reason why ( i am frothing at the mouth i NEED more information about this)
kiyoomi being on the jackals was literally decided on a coin flip between jackals and adlers (a coin toss literally created 10k fics. i hate it here [affectionate])
oikawa was created bc the editor was like "we need a hot character" and then furudate proceeded to create one of the most significant and hard hitting character arcs in the entire manga
oikawa uses nicknames as either a form of affection (iwa-chan) or as a way to distance himself (ushiwaka, tobio-chan)
this being said, apparently iwaizumi's name was a later decision and that's how the nickname iwa-chan came about, but if his name was decided earlier on then oikawa might have used a different nickname
udai quitting volleyball was always planned, but his appearance in the manga was only bc the editor encouraged it
atsumu went pro right after high school! stan
kuroo and oikawa had never interacted before the all-star match (can u hear me screaming at the fact that kuroo fucking flew to argentina to talk up this man he had NEVER met😭😭)
kuroo and kenma could have been the protagonists !!
match ups in tournaments weren't planned in advance (getting the vibe that. a lot of little things were conceived as they went along, which feels insane to me bc it all comes together SO good)
natsu captain of niiyama !!!!!!!!! she rly did that !!!!!!
apparently furudate is working on something new? i am shaking
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pridewon · 2 years
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NAME . Agnès Ozu. NICKNAME . Her siblings call her Annie - some of her teammates and friends have picked up on it too.  AGE .  17 (in 2012) / 27 (in 2022). PROFESSION . 2nd year highschool student at Niiyama Girls High (2012) / independent documentary filmmaker (2022).
MORALITY .  LAWFUL / chaotic / good / NEUTRAL / evil / true . RELIGION .  Atheist. SINS .  greed / gluttony / SLOTH / lust / PRIDE / envy / wrath . VIRTUES .  chastity / charity / DILIGENCE / humility / kindness / patience / JUSTICE . KNOWN LANGUAGES . Japanese, some French, some English. SECRETS . She contemplated quitting volleyball after her best friend injured herself and had to leave the team ( she blamed herself for the whole ordeal, until her coach talked her out of it ) // She still hasn’t seen Citizen Kane, but has already had full on conversations about the movie because nobody in film school can shut up about it, so she feels like she has watched it three times over already. //  When she was a little girl, she thought that if she talked to trees, they could understand and respond by ruffling their leaves. She still talks to one massive oak in her parents’ backgarden, and she would bury herself under it if anyone were to find out. 
BUILD .  scrawny / bony / SLENDER / FIT / athletic / curvy / herculean / pudgy / average . HEIGHT . 175cm / 177.1cm.
SCARS  /  BIRTHMARKS . Busted and chipped skin at her thumbs and wrists from badly receiving powerful spikes (they disappear after she stops playing at university). A very old cut on the inside of her palm from playing with one of her father’s dollmaking tools when she was a child. Stretch marks on her thighs. 
ABILITIES  /  POWERS . Fearless receiver in volleyball, particularly persistent and consistent - the kind of libero hitters try to avoid. Excellent ball control, generally keeps her cool and quickly adapts, anticipates, and reacts. Ground coverag and following up after a block is where she stands out the most, allowing her hitters and setter to push for attacks without worrying too much about defense. Passionate filmmaker, creative and a risk-taker with form and experimentation. Analytical, curious, and open-minded. Likes to use her job as an excuse to learn about different things. Knows a fair bit about arts and crafts, and photography. Good driver. RESTRICTIONS . Tall for a libero. Has to bend her knees more, runs out of stamina faster and is more prompt to cramps and joint pains. In her films, tends to avoid inputting her own opinions or feelings, and to give her subjects the entire stage - her early films can err on the side of feeling impersonal. Poor public speaker. Not the greatest project management skills - hence prefers to work alone and do as much as she can herself. Has one (1) producer and one (1) editor she works with as much as possible because they have found a good rhythm together - panics if she has to change teams. 
FOOD . Taiyaki. DRINK .  Gin tonic. PIZZA TOPPING . Mushrooms and chicken. COLOR . Grey, white, red.. MUSIC GENRE . Indie pop, funk, blues. BOOK GENRE . Thrillers, adventure. MOVIE GENRE . Documentaries, silent movies. CURSE WORD .  ‘Damn’. SCENTS . Pine wood, popcorn.
BOTTOM OR TOP . A slight preference for topping, but doesn’t mind switching. SINGS IN THE SHOWER . ...... no. LIKES PUNS . ....................... no.
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 8 months
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Each group will last for one week.
List below the cut:
Tome Kurata (Mob Psycho 100) VS Haruhi Fujioka (Ouran High School Host Club)
Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury (Sailor Moon) VS Homura Akemi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Shouko Komi (Komi Can’t Communicate) VS Athena Cykes (Ace Attorney)
Rina Tennouji (Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club) VS Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) VS Constanze Amalie von Braunschbank-Albrechtsberger (Little Witch Academia)
Suletta Mercury (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury) VS Falin Touden (Dungeon Meshi)
Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena) VS Sakaki (Azumanga Daioh)
Tomori Takamatsu (BanG Dream: It’s MyGO!!!!!) VS Midori Asakusa (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Asa Mitaka (Chainsaw Man) VS Patty Thompson (Soul Eater)
Mako Mankanshoku (Kill la Kill) VS Ayumu Kasuga/Osaka (Azumanga Daioh)
Mitsumi Iwakura (Skip and Loafer) VS Sawako Kuronuma/Sadako (Kimi ni Todoke: From Me to You)
Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist) VS Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
Himari Arisugawa/Cure Custard (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode) VS Milly Thompson (Trigun)
Atsuko Kagari/Akko (Little Witch Academia) VS Hitori Gotoh/Bocchi (Bocchi the Rock!)
Tsukimi Kurashita (Princess Jellyfish) VS Clara Valac (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun)
Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV (Cowboy Bebop) VS Chieko (Princess Jellyfish)
Nico Niiyama (Kiznaiver) VS Nagisa Furukawa (Clannad)
Nagisa Momoe (Madoka Magica: Rebellion) VS Yellow (Pokémon Adventures)
Kuriko Saiki (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) VS Himiko Yumeno (Danganronpa)
Yuuko Aioi (Nichijou) VS Tsubomi Takane (Mob Psycho 100)
Maya Fey (Ace Attorney) VS Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon)
Don Quixote (Limbus Company) VS Miho Nosaka (Yugioh)
Ringo Andou (Puyo Puyo) VS Alluka Zoldyck (Hunter x Hunter)
Izutsumi (Dungeon Meshi) VS Sorawo Kamikoshi (Otherside Picnic)
Satsuki Minazuki (Liar Satsuki Can See Death) VS Anri Sonohara (Durarara!!)
Nico Yazawa (Love Live!) VS Ahiru Arima/Duck (Princess Tutu)
Miriel (Fire Emblem Awakening) VS Yuri (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Biscuit Krueger/Bisky (Hunter x Hunter) VS Maria Inomata (School Babysitters)
Sayo Yasuda (Umineko When They Cry) VS Mai Minakami (Nichijou)
Ai Mie (The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses) VS Nausicaä (Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind)
Sumireko Usami (Touhou Project) VS Shizuku Murasaki (Hunter x Hunter)
Marcille Donato (Dungeon Meshi) VS Anisphia Wynn Palletia (The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess and The Genius Young Lady)
Kaoru Seta (BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!) VS Kanna Makino (Tamako Market)
Chouko Shizuhata (Oddman 11) VS Hikari Kagura (Revue Starlight)
Nafra Ampsey (Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun) VS Sana Futaba (Magia Record)
Valerie (Pokémon) VS Akashi (The Tatami Galaxy)
Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid) VS Sayaka Kanamori (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!)
Richeh (Witch Hat Atelier) VS Saki Hanajima (Fruits Basket)
Konata Izumi (Lucky Star) VS Ran-Mao (Black Butler)
Tsubame Mizusaki (Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!) VS Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)
Nico Robin (One Piece) VS Penny (Pokémon Scarlet and Violet)
Sora Kajiwara (Sketchbook: Full Color’s) VS Sucy Manbavaran (Little Witch Academia)
Kiyoko Shimizu (Haikyuu!!) VS Mai Mishou/Cure Egret/Cure Windy (Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash Star)
Omoharu Nakanaka (Komi Can’t Communicate) VS Yor Forger (Spy x Family)
Kirie Motoba (Himouto! Umaru-chan) VS Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Miae Hwang (After School Lessons For Unripe Apples) VS Lotte Jansson (Little Witch Academia)
Bulma (Dragon Ball) VS Power (Chainsaw Man)
Tooru Taki (Natsume’s Book of Friends) VS Suzuno Kamazuki/Crestia Bell (The Devil is a Part-Timer!)
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the-strongest-decoy · 5 years
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hazwqste · 3 years
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